Eaton npr48 Es Telecom Rectifier en
Eaton npr48 Es Telecom Rectifier en
Eaton npr48 Es Telecom Rectifier en
The Eaton® NPR48-ES Energy Saver The high power density, short depth
Rectifier is designed for and flexible mounting options makes
communications network operators the Energy Saver Rectifier well suited to
who are striving to cut energy costs limited space applications such as ETSI
across the network, and/or to meet and road side cabinets.
aggressive carbon footprint reduction
targets. The Energy Saver Rectifier is fully
compatible with the existing Eaton
Operating with well over 96% SC200 system controller and it is one
efficiency, it produces at least 50% less of the easiest rectifiers to use, with a
waste energy than most other modern simple plug-and-go insertion. It
rectifiers, and with potentially greater operates under a wide range of AC
savings over older infrastructure. power conditions and in temperatures
at up to 70°C (158°F).
The NPR48-ES Energy Saver Rectifier
harnesses the technology of the
APR48-ES 2kW rectifier to offer a
powerful 3kW of output power.
This rectifier features intelligent digital
signal processing for enhanced control,
producing peak efficiency in excess of
96% for typical operating loads, while
also maintaining a very high minimum
operating efficiency of 95 to 96%, over
a very wide range of loads.
DC Output
Voltage Range 43.2 – 57.5V
DC Output
(maximum) 3000W, 60Amp at 50V
Temperature -40°C – +70°C [-40°F – +158°F]
Range Output power derates above 50°C [122°F]
Cooling Temperature controlled, variable speed, high reliability fan <50dBA
ambient temperature 25°C
Dimensions H,W,D 3U: 130mm [5.1”], 63mm [2.5”],
266mm [10.5”] overall
Weight 2.3kg [5.1 lb]
Europe CE
In the interests of continual product improvement all specifications are subject to change
without notice. Performance ratings are valid with all other variables at Nominal.