Lecture Ch04
Lecture Ch04
Lecture Ch04
• Unfortunately, integrals of this type can be difficult to calculate for any but the
simplest charge configurations.
• In such cases, it is fruitful to recast the problem in differential form, using Poisson’s
• Solution
The configuration is independent of z, so this is really a two-dimensional problem. In mathematical
terms, we must solve Laplace’s equation,
• Two infinitely-long grounded metal plates at y = 0 and y = a, are connected at x = ±b
by metal strips maintained at a constant potential V0, as shown in Fig (a thin layer of
insulation at each corner prevents them from shorting out). Find the potential inside
the resulting rectangular pip
• The configuration is independent of z.
V(x, y) = X(x)Y (y) .
• Thus, the Laplace’s equation ∇2 𝑉 = 0, ➔
• The solution will be
the region in question does not extend to x = ∞,
so ekx is perfectly acceptable. On the other
hand, the situation is symmetric with respect to
x, so V(−x, y) = V(x, y), and it follows that
A = B. Using
Example-2 – CONTI. …
V(x, y) = cosh kx (C sin ky + D cos ky)
Boundary conditions (i) and (ii) require, as before, that D = 0 and k = nπ/a, so
∴ the general linear combination
An infinitely long rectangular metal pipe (sides a and b)
is grounded, but one end, at x = 0, is maintained at a
specified potential V0(y,z), as indicated in the Figure
below. Find the potential inside the pipe.
Example-3 – cont. …
• suggests that C1 must be positive, C2 and C3negative. Setting C2 = −k2 and C3 = −l2,
we have C1 = k2 + l2, and hence
Example-1 … cont.
Case-1 Case-2
If Vo = V0(θ ) = k sin2 (θ/2)
where k is a constant,
Using the half-angle formula, we rewrite this as
𝑉 𝑅, 𝜃 = 𝐴𝑙 𝑅𝑙 𝑃𝑙 cos 𝜃 = 𝑉𝑜 (𝜃)
⇒ 𝐴0 𝑅 0 𝑃0 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 + 𝐴1 𝑅1 𝑃1 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
= 𝑃𝑜 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 − 𝑃1 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
𝑘 𝑘
⇒ 𝐴0 = , 𝐴1 = −
2 2𝑅
Example-1 … cont.
Exercise: Find the potential if 𝑉0 = 𝑘 sin2 ( )
1. An uncharged metal sphere of radius R is placed in an otherwise uniform electric field 𝐸 = 𝐸0 𝑧.Ƹ
The field will push positive charge to the “northern” surface of the sphere, and—symmetrically—
negative charge to the “southern” surface (Figure below). This induced charge, in turn, distorts the
field in the neighborhood of the sphere. Find the potential in the region outside the
Multipole expansion of the Electric Potential
• Multipole expansions
• Electric multipoles and their moments
• Monopole and dipole, in detail
• Quadrupole, octupole, …
• Example use of multipole expansion as an approximate solution to
potential from a charge distribution
Multipole expansion …
Multipole expansion …
Multipole expansion …
Multipole expansion …
Multipole expansion …