Geography CBD Coursework
Geography CBD Coursework
Geography CBD Coursework
CBD. It involves extensive research, analysis, and the ability to articulate your findings coherently.
The geographical central business district is a complex subject, and getting all the details right can be
a bit overwhelming.
While it's essential to put in the effort and learn, seeking assistance can sometimes be a wise
decision. If you find yourself struggling, there's no shame in reaching out for help. Platforms like ⇒ ⇔ can provide professional assistance, ensuring your coursework meets the
required standards and saves you from the stress of it all.
Remember, asking for help is a sign of wisdom, not weakness. It's all about making sure you
understand the topic thoroughly and deliver a coursework that reflects your best effort. Good luck!
This is very peculiar as you would expect there to be much less open space and no residential as the
land in the CBD is very expensive and valued very highly as so many people go there to shop.
Therefore there will be lots of pedestrians will help me in these hypotheses. However, by the time
you reach the third location the number has fallen to 3 or 4. There were groups of 3-4 people in and
there were 7 areas in total. Sources may include questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. This is
because his opinion may be different to someone else’s, and he will keep the same scoring system
throughout. Sometimes unfortunately, some sort of gathering was being held. The open space in
these areas was generally bungalows, relating back to the lower demand on land so they can afford to
spread floor space out rather than up. These results were taken to try and identify the busiest part of
the city and in finding that we thought we could also identify the CBD. See other similar resources
?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. There can
be more CCTV for the security of pedestrians. I would expect to find very little residential buildings
and any that were to be terraced as there would not be enough room, on the highly sought after land,
on the high street for a garden. The method was a suitable technique because one person did the
scoring, and because of this, he, can make his own mind without other people making their own scale
up. Progressing towards the CBD the amount of residential land use was maintained at a high
percentage, and where the occasional open space was before there are now offices and shops. In
places of high pedestrian flow, there would be more shops that sell convenience goods, and people
would throw it onto the ground if there was no litter bin around. There might also be multi-story
parking on the outside of the CBD or a park and ride system put in place. At times there could be
buildings and closed off areas where the survey point could not be used, for that reason the nearest
available point is used. The total for each location is then used as an EIV. This surprised me as I
would have thought there would have been more offices than open space. I am also going to
produce land use maps which will make my investigation easier to find the centre of the CBD of
Leeds and the height of buildings is taller near the centre of the CBD and the height will decrease as
they go away from the centre of the CBD. The investigation will take place from the centre Walsall,
which is considered to be St. I would expect more offices than shops as customers don’t really want
to climb a flight of stairs to shop, especially the old and not so mobile, so offices would take the
land. Consider improving your GCSE coursework with Google Earth and Maps This article was
written for the benefit of my. We then passed through an area of industry and railway lines with
areas of open space and low buildings. On location map 1 you will be able to notice that the High
Street, which is the main shopping area, has been pedestrianized. So it’s very safe and easy for
pedestrians to get around, so it’s an ideal location for all the shops to be if they want to attract the
maximum number of shoppers. This was because there was no demand for shops or offices on the
outskirts of a CBD and so the land would be cheaper for the likes to build a house with a garden.
One is the shop and one as the storage and offices. It was impossible to mark a CBD from the data
we collected. One is the shop and one as the storage and offices.
I think that the shop with the best position on the High Street is Debenhams as it is on the corner of
King Edward Street and the High Street giving it a larger shop frontage to attract custom. The low
class residential is near the factories as it saves commuting costs. This may have been because Perth
is a small city and only has one main street. But where we started, in the suburbs, there would be less
traffic congestion and so more freedom to park and not cause a traffic jam so there would be less
parking restrictions in the suburbs. There can be more CCTV for the security of pedestrians.
However, there was a big difference to the number of people on the High Street compared to any
other street which does not agree to the textbook CBD. I needed to collect land use data as this
would help me investigate the first of my hypotheses which is the nearer to the centre of the CBD,
the taller the buildings as I counted the heights of buildings in my area on the geography field trip
and with the groups data of the building height of the whole CBD. Sources may include books,
leaflets and information from the internet. I expected to find the vast majority of suburban area to be
residential and much of the CBD to be shops and offices. There are two main landuse models that
apply to urban areas in MEDCS (More Economically Developed Countries). The isoline map which I
drew from our results shows a very regular shape with pretty concentric boundaries between each
number barrier. There were a surprising number of empty shops, 4 in total. I expected the buildings on
the outskirts to be less tall as they would have more room to expand out the way instead of up.
Consequently, there are lots of car parks available around the area. There aren’t many services on this
side of the CBD and it is mainly offices with few parking spaces meaning there weren’t as many
people shopping or going to their cars causing a dramatic fall in the diagram. We had filled in the
land use of the buildings in a table which has all the number of the buildings. Your project will be
marked out of 100 and the total mark will then represent 25% of your final GCSE The marks will be
awarded according to three main areas. Then just outside the CBD it’s where all the disused
factories or buildings are, it is normally known as the brown field site also it is now usually in a state
of decline or transition. It is a very populated town but not everywhere is heavily populated. There
were no problems with this, but the score may be more accurate if I did it for 25 paces. On location
map 1 you will be able to notice that the High Street, which is the main shopping area, has been
pedestrianized. It incorporates appropriate models and gives a good overview of the key themes for
this project. It would only really be big chain stores that use two storeys as they can afford escalators
and lifts to transport the customers. This was the right choice, as every single point in Walsall could
not be studied practically. Stamford is a market town that is situated 100 miles north of London, just
off the main A1 road to York and Edinburgh. We walked through Park Street, Bridge Street,
Leicester Street, Hatherton Street, Cecil Street and Mellish Road. This attracts different stores to
cluster in a small area. We then collected the whole of the year’s data and have a good number of
buildings from each grid to see where the tallest buildings are also the Building Height was fairly
easy at times as you had to count the floors on the outside of the buildings, but there were problems
counting the building height as we agreed not to count the cellars, but some buildings on slopes had
cellars at the back and ground floors at the front of the buildings and we did not agree to count these
aswell. Points were totalled up to get an accurate result to examine whether shopping quality
deteriorates towards the edge of the C.B.D. The data was displayed in a table. Sources may include
questionnaires, interviews and focus groups.
This allows Perth to have many comparison shops selling high order goods. The street has mostly
banks and estate agents. 3. Leicester Street is the end of the CBD in Walsall. Looking at the bar
graph we can see that clothes shops are by far the most common shop, 23 shops in total. It was
crucial to record the land-use outside the area, which is likely to be the C.B.D in order to correctly
mark the edge of the central business district. We expected this to give us a good idea of the location
of the CBD and see if it conforms to the typical CBD as described in a textbook. This area of
Internet Geography is devoted to GCSE Coursework has been developed to assist students
completing GCSE Geography Coursework Projects. It is not that populates during the day but at
night it is really populated because that is where all the clubs and pubs are and people usually tend to
drink at night. I do not think this is like Leeds CBD as there are high, middle and low class
residential areas all over Leeds not just in a specific area. This is very peculiar as you would expect
there to be much less open space and no residential as the land in the CBD is very expensive and
valued very highly as so many people go there to shop. There is also a high concentration of council
owned housing and the furthest area from the CBD is the modern suburbs, this is where there is
private, high quality housing with large gardens and garages also they can contain a commuter zone
which is at the very edge of the city. There also would be very little in the way of industry in Perth’s
CBD as the demand for land is too high and there is not enough space to expand or for lorries to
access. Roads were followed, observed parking signs and pedestrianized streets. There were very few
people on the outskirts of the CBD, for example, on the corner of Scott and Canal Street there just
19 people passing ion the allotted time whereas on the High street there were 106 people counted
showing a greater amount of people in the centre of the suspected CBD. Sources may include
questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. I also aim to explain anomalies, which I may encounter.
As we left the CBD we returned to mainly 2 storey housing with a few loft conversions. These
comparison stores that sell high order goods need a high population threshold to thrive as a business
and as Perth can provide this it has a lot of comparison stores on the High Street. This was because
there was no demand for shops or offices on the outskirts of a CBD and so the land would be
cheaper for the likes to build a house with a garden. BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Central business district
(CBD). The other 9% was mainly used by shops, industry, and open space, these shops were all
convenience shops selling everyday items such as newspapers and milk. Juicy Geography: 10 ways
to Google-up your coursework. The sample should give an accurate interpretation of the results that
could be found all over Walsall’s Central Business District. We found also that there was 16% of the
land being used as residential and open space and only 6% used for offices. The Burgess Concentric
ring Model of Land Use shows this. Stamford is a market town that is situated 100 miles north of
London, just off the main A1 road to York and Edinburgh. One of our pair counted right to left and
the other counted left to right so we could efficiently record everyone. The open space in these areas
was generally bungalows, relating back to the lower demand on land so they can afford to spread
floor space out rather than up. Consider improving your GCSE coursework with Google Earth and
Maps This article was written for the benefit of my. The aim of this project is to delimit the CBD of
Stamford. I would expect more offices than shops as customers don’t really want to climb a flight of
stairs to shop, especially the old and not so mobile, so offices would take the land.
As I compare the parking restrictions from the outer areas of Stamford, along the Transects. The
reason that the shopping quality is so high is because the CBD of a town is very accessible to
pedestrians, all bus-routes converge on there, there are many pedestrianised streets and parking
restrictions are very tight. This was the right choice, as every single point in Walsall could not be
studied practically. Investigation - Recent housing developments have resulted in an improvement.
Consider improving your GCSE coursework with Google Earth and Maps This article was written
for the benefit of my. It could just be that Walsall is not as good of a typical CBD as mentioned.
Paper 4 is the alternative to coursework paper that is worth 27 5% of your final IGCSE As a IGCSE
geographer it is possible to carry out coursework on many. This is because his opinion may be
different to someone else’s, and he will keep the same scoring system throughout. It was the best
technique because doing the same for a minute would be too short, and doing it for just one side of
the road would be unfair. Get this resource as part of a bundle and save up to 25% A bundle is a
package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.
So it would not have mattered when the group came in the day. To find out the centre of the CBD of
Leeds I am also going to use our group data that we collected as individuals and shared with the
geography sets, to help us all map the whole CBD, As a group we recorded changes in building
height, the land use of the buildings as the centre of the CBD is more likely to be where a lot of
shops and office are found. BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Central business district (CBD). A model is used
to simplify complex, real world situations, and make them easier to explain and understand. In our
traffic count we had counted all the vehicles that came passed the road, cars, buses, taxis e.t.c. The
most amount of traffic that had come past our point (the highest number of vehicles an hour) was at
2.30 pm and there was 1524 Vehicles an hour. The CBD will join with the frame as the land value
decreases. Looking at the bar graph we can see that clothes shops are by far the most common shop,
23 shops in total. However, we did the data collection at 5:00pm so there would have been more
people leaving the High Street as they had finished their shopping and heading to their cars which
would have mainly been situated on the west of the CBD as this is where the majority of the car
parks are in Perth. I also aim to explain anomalies, which I may encounter. Leaving Cert Geography
2017 Prescribed List of Topics Leaving Cert Geography 2018 Prescribed List. One is the shop and
one as the storage and offices. We collected the data to find out what each zone of the city is used
for and ultimately delimit the CBD. This was a good technique as it was done completely randomly
and was a fair test. Find out if the general characteristics of the CBD's I have studied were pu. But
where we started, in the suburbs, there would be less traffic congestion and so more freedom to park
and not cause a traffic jam so there would be less parking restrictions in the suburbs. We did 3 traffic
counts at different times but at the same location as we wanted to see the change of the traffic flow
throughout the day. When we moved closer to what we suspected to be the CBD we found there
was a bit of industry for a period as we were passing through the Transition Zone between the
suspected CBD and the heavily residential suburban area. As a result many CBD’s contain many
high buildings e.g. Bridgewater Palace in Leeds which is in the CBD. On location map 1 you will be
able to notice that the High Street, which is the main shopping area, has been pedestrianized. As we
progressed I expected the major use would remain residential, however, with less open space and the
housing to be more terraced with a few convenience shops on some of the street corners.
It is a heavily populated area. 2. Bridge Street is also in the CBD area of Walsall. The aim of this
project is to define the boundary of the CBD of Stamford th. It is not a very populated area but it is
quiet and clean. 5. Cecil Street has terraced houses and also leather housing which have not been
knocked down and they are still in use today. On location map 1 you will be able to notice that the
High Street, which is the main shopping area, has been pedestrianized. There is also not as much
EIV’s there as there should be; it is the largest ring and should have the most EIV’s but looking at
the results table there are only eight EIV’s. Perth also has a lot of empty shops on the High Street,
this is unusual for a city with such a big population threshold as you would imagine that there was a
massive demand for the shops and they would be filled quickly. We will be looking at the own
centre, inner city and suburbs. I expected to find the vast majority of suburban area to be residential
and much of the CBD to be shops and offices. There are lots of litterbins and signs telling people
where to go. It was the best technique because doing the same for a minute would be too short, and
doing it for just one side of the road would be unfair. These points were randomly positioned in and
around what we thought was CBD and we all took the count at the same time to limit the chances of
freak results from rush hour. This enabled us to look at the different areas of the city and how they
varied in building height, building use and the type of parking on the road throughout the city. As we
left the CBD we returned to mainly 2 storey housing with a few loft conversions. I expected as we
started to leave the Inner Suburbs and into the Transitional zone we would see the land being used
for industry where there might be wholesalers or small manufacturers and a few shops and housing.
George’s Square and an hour on St.Mary’s Street. There are only two places located in the map
where a car map park at any time of the day. Progressing towards the CBD the amount of residential
land use was maintained at a high percentage, and where the occasional open space was before there
are now offices and shops. Sources may include questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. At the
border the view inside the area is taken into account from the middle of the road, we did not stand in
the middle of the road for safety reasons. On these extra floors the land should be used for shops
and offices with the rare flat amongst them. Geography Coursework - Methodology - Centre Of
Leeds' CBD. This was because there was no demand for shops or offices on the outskirts of a CBD
and so the land would be cheaper for the likes to build a house with a garden. Then as we arrived in
the CBD there would be a sudden change with most of the building being used as shops with a
couple of offices and maybe the occasional apartment on top of a shop. After the peak in the High
Street there was a steep downwards curve from then on as on the east side of the CBD is the river
which marks almost the end of the CBD. As I compare the parking restrictions from the outer areas
of Stamford, along the Transects. I expected the buildings on the outskirts to be less tall as they
would have more room to expand out the way instead of up. There aren’t many services on this side
of the CBD and it is mainly offices with few parking spaces meaning there weren’t as many people
shopping or going to their cars causing a dramatic fall in the diagram. A model is used to simplify
complex, real world situations, and make them easier to explain and understand. It is not a very
populated area but it is quiet and clean. 5. Cecil Street has terraced houses and also leather housing
which have not been knocked down and they are still in use today. I expected that the buildings
would become taller as we approached the CBD as the land would become under higher demand
closer to the CBD and as the businesses would not be able to build out they would have to build up.
Some of these houses have loft conversions as they may have needed to increase floor space to
accommodate new family.
We collected the data to find out what each zone of the city is used for and ultimately delimit the
CBD. Some of these houses have loft conversions as they may have needed to increase floor space
to accommodate new family. However, we did the data collection at 5:00pm so there would have
been more people leaving the High Street as they had finished their shopping and heading to their
cars which would have mainly been situated on the west of the CBD as this is where the majority of
the car parks are in Perth. Each group was given a transect route which started in the outskirts of
Perth, went through the area we believed to be the CBD and finished in the outskirts on the far side
of the city. Juicy Geography: 10 ways to Google-up your coursework. It is a heavily populated area.
2. Bridge Street is also in the CBD area of Walsall. It was impossible to mark a CBD from the data
we collected. This is evident in my isoline map used to display the pedestrian count. A scale of 1-5
was made, with 1 being very many trees graffiti, and 5 being an area where there is no vegetation at
all. These points were randomly positioned in and around what we thought was CBD and we all took
the count at the same time to limit the chances of freak results from rush hour. The retailers would
sell more if they locate in a place where there are many attractive surroundings. That the
environmental quality improves the further away from the CBD you g. I thought that as we closed in
on the CBD the roads would become more and more congested and therefore there would be less
room for cars to be parked at the side of the roads so there would be restrictions closer to the CBD.
Sometimes unfortunately, some sort of gathering was being held. It is not that populates during the
day but at night it is really populated because that is where all the clubs and pubs are and people
usually tend to drink at night. It is not a very populated area but it is quiet and clean. 5. Cecil Street
has terraced houses and also leather housing which have not been knocked down and they are still in
use today. Altogether throughout the transect we recorded that 55% of the ground floor was used as
housing, 27% retail, 7% open space, 4% industry, 3% offices, and 4% for other purposes such as
parking. In the CBD, however, there is more demand for floor space as it is the centre of the city
where most of the commercial retail area is so floor space is valued very highly, so the buildings tend
to be taller to accommodate these needs. I expected that there might be a bit of shop clustering
amongst the phone shops and high order goods where the customer likes to feel they have a choice
between shops as they tend to be spending a lot of money. Leaving Cert Geography 2017 Prescribed
List of Topics Leaving Cert Geography 2018 Prescribed List. I expected to find the vast majority of
suburban area to be residential and much of the CBD to be shops and offices. Perth obviously
doesn’t conform to a typical textbook CBD for this reason as I was expecting and obvious fall in the
amount of residential first floor land use in the CBD and more offices and shops. We expected this
to give us a good idea of the location of the CBD and see if it conforms to the typical CBD as
described in a textbook. Sources may include books, leaflets and information from the internet.
Dividing the rateable values by the area in square metres produced the rate indices. This surprised me
and doesn’t conform to a typical textbook CBD. My results from my pedestrian count correlate with
the bar charts in my shopping quality graph. As the land in the CBD is valued so highly the buildings
should tend to be much taller to increase their floor space which is so valuable. The peak time of
pedestrian flow times of lunch break or the people that shop there on Saturday. On location map 1
you will be able to notice that the High Street, which is the main shopping area, has been
We found also that there was 16% of the land being used as residential and open space and only 6%
used for offices. In the centre of the High Street, approximately 120 pedestrians were recorded
crossing the street over a five-minute period. This shows why there was such a gentle curve on the
left of the distance decay diagram and why the contours were larger on the left side of the map. The
seven areas are shown on the maps wit the EIV’s plotted. The first is the Concentric Model (also
known as the Burgess model). This high demand for land would also mean that it would be too
expensive to run any sort of industry and so they must find cheaper land outside the CBD. Outside
the disused factories and buildings is the old inner city area, where there is low class residential as
there are lots of council estates and this is where the factory workers used to live in the early 20 th
century. We walked through Park Street, Bridge Street, Leicester Street, Hatherton Street, Cecil
Street and Mellish Road. However, I did it in the late springtime, so the tree had its leaves etc. This
allows Perth to have many comparison shops selling high order goods. It incorporates appropriate
models and gives a good overview of the key themes for this project. This is because of the
attractions of many commercial outlets and service facilities in the C.B.D. Pedestrian count will be
extremely high in the places of higher shopping quality. We expected this to give us a good idea of
the location of the CBD and see if it conforms to the typical CBD as described in a textbook.
Sources may include books, leaflets and information from the internet. See other similar resources
?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Also with
it being on 2 streets it will have 2 entrances and more passing trade. I did 10 environmental quality
assessments and I did 2 traffic counts as they took 5 minutes each and the environmental quality
assessments were scattered around the Leeds CBD. One is the shop and one as the storage and
offices. In the CBD, however, there is more demand for floor space as it is the centre of the city
where most of the commercial retail area is so floor space is valued very highly, so the buildings tend
to be taller to accommodate these needs. Perth obviously doesn’t conform to a typical textbook CBD
for this reason as I was expecting and obvious fall in the amount of residential first floor land use in
the CBD and more offices and shops. As you edge out into the outer transects of the C.B.D less
pedestrians are present as there are only specialist shops there. The little town had a population of
around 1,000 people as it started around lower Briggate and this is still the CBD today. As we
progressed I expected the major use would remain residential, however, with less open space and the
housing to be more terraced with a few convenience shops on some of the street corners. At times
there could be buildings and closed off areas where the survey point could not be used, for that
reason the nearest available point is used. Outside the inner city area is the inter-war period and this
was when semi-detached housing was built and they normally have gardens with the housing and are
normally on large estates. I also thought that this survey was important as the centre of the CBD is
supposed to have the best quality of environment in the whole CBD of Leeds. Even on Kinnoul
Street, where al the ground floor land was used for residential means. It could just be that Walsall is
not as good of a typical CBD as mentioned. At that time trade and commerce were increasing in
England and many new towns were being founded The Lord of the Manor created a new street of
houses west of the existing village. Looking at the bar graph we can see that clothes shops are by far
the most common shop, 23 shops in total.