Varayoud Et Al 2005 ER Alfa Splicing Variants JOE
Varayoud Et Al 2005 ER Alfa Splicing Variants JOE
Varayoud Et Al 2005 ER Alfa Splicing Variants JOE
The gene for estrogen receptor (ER) has been shown a significant decrease in both ER mRNA and protein
to be under complex hormonal control and its activity can was observed in the uterus. However, when rats were
be regulated by mRNA alternative splicing. Here we treated with the low dose of E2, only the ER protein was
examined the regulation of ER transcription and trans- down-regulated; no changes were observed in ER
lation in the rat uterus by ovarian steroid hormones. We mRNA expression. In addition to the full-length ER
examined whether expression of ER mRNA splice mRNA, OVX control rat uteri expressed three shorter
isoforms is hormonally regulated in ovariectomized (OVX) transcripts: 3, 4 and 3,4 (lacking exon 3, exon 4, or
and cycling rats. Adult OVX female rats were treated daily both 3 and 4 respectively). Surprisingly, when OVX
with 17-estradiol (E2) (0·05 µg/rat or 5 µg/rat), proges- animals were treated with P4, the low dose of E2 or a
terone (P4) (1 mg/rat) or a combination of both hormones combination of both steroids, expression of the 3 isoform
for 4 days. Animals were killed 24 h after the last injection was completely abolished. During the estrous cycle, all
and uterine horns were removed. In order to determine ER mRNA splicing variants were detected at proestrus
whether ER mRNA isoforms are differentially expressed and estrus. However, in diestrus, significant low levels of
under various physiological conditions, animals were the 3 isoform were observed. In summary, our results
evaluated at proestrus, estrus and diestrus. The ER suggest a dose-dependent relationship between E2 con-
protein and mRNA were detected by immunohisto- centrations and the level of control in the ER
chemistry and comparative RT-PCR analysis respect- transcription–translation cascade. Moreover, the alterna-
ively. The presence of ER mRNA isoforms was tive splicing of the ER primary transcript is influenced by
evaluated using a nested RT-PCR assay. In OVX control the hormonal milieu, suggesting that these events could
rats, ER mRNA and protein levels were high, demon- affect the estrogen responsiveness of the rat uterus during
strating a constitutive expression of the ER gene in the the estrous cycle.
uterus. When animals received P4 or the high dose of E2, Journal of Endocrinology (2005) 186, 51–60
of ER retention by P4 are mediated by the ligand-bound the physiological plasma levels described in pregnant rats
progesterone receptor (PR) (Kraus et al. 1995). (Downing & Sherwood 1986, Luque et al. 1996). More-
A great molecular diversity of ERs is achieved by the over, a 100 times higher dose of E2 was also tested.
alternative splicing of mRNA isoforms that have been Animals were killed 24 h after the last injection and uteri
described in a variety of cells and tissues, particularly in were isolated. One uterine horn from each rat was placed
cancer cell lines and tumors (Hopp & Fuqua 1998). immediately in liquid nitrogen and stored at 80 C for
Several of the variant transcripts generated by an exon RNA extraction. The other uterine horn was fixed
skipping mechanism of the primary ER pre-mRNA by immersion in 10% buffer formalin for 6 h at 4 C,
retain the same reading frame as the full-length transcript, embedded in paraffin, and used for immunohistochemical
and the corresponding variant proteins have been detected staining.
in vivo and in vitro (Pfeffer et al. 1995, Poola et al. 2000). It Intact 12-week-old female rats were used to determine
has been shown that the ER splice variants lacking exon expression of uterine ER splice isoforms during the
3 and/or 4 (defined as 3, 4 and 3,4) are all translated normal estrous cycle. Daily vaginal cytology was examined
into proteins in vivo; moreover, their expression levels to establish different stages of the estrous cycle (Montes &
varied during rat pituitary ontogeny and also according to Luque 1988). Only rats exhibiting three consecutive
the sex of the animal (Pasqualini et al. 1999). In addition, regular estrous cycles were employed. Animals were killed
these splice variants were also observed in the rat uterus as and uteri collected between 1000 and 1100 h at proestrus,
exon-deleted transcripts (Friend et al. 1997). There is little estrus or diestrus (n=5 rats per stage of estrous cycle). The
information in the literature regarding steroid hormonal uterine horns from each rat were placed immediately in
regulation of ER mRNA isoform expression. Moreover, liquid nitrogen and stored at 80 C for RNA extraction.
it has been suggested that ER mRNA splice variants
might contribute to the deregulation of growth and
ER expression detected by immunohistochemistry
differentiation in premalignant and malignant tissues in
endocrine-related tumors (Hopp & Fuqua 1998). Serial sections (5 µm in thickness) of paraffin-embedded
In the present study, we examined the effects of E2 and uterine horns were mounted on 3-aminopropyl triethoxy-
P4 on the control of ER transcription and translation in silane (Sigma)-coated slides and dried for 24 h at 37 C.
the uterus of adult ovariectomized (OVX) rats. The same A standard immunohistochemical technique (avidin–
animal model was used to determine whether these steroid biotin-peroxidase) was used to visualize ER immuno-
hormones regulate the expression pattern of ER mRNA staining intensity and distribution. In brief, for detection
splice variants. Furthermore, we studied if these isoforms of ER, a microwave (MW) pretreatment for antigen
are differentially expressed during the rat estrous cycle. retrieval was performed following the protocol previously
described (Muñoz-de-Toro et al. 1998). After washing in
buffer (0·05 M PBS, pH 7·5), endogenous peroxidase
Materials and Methods activity and non-specific binding sites were blocked.
Sections were incubated overnight at 4 C in a humidified
Experimental design chamber with a diluted mouse monoclonal antibody raised
Sexually mature female rats of an inbred Wistar-derived to the full-length recombinant human ER (working dilu-
strain bred at the Department of Human Physiology (Santa tion 1:60; clone 6F11, Novocastra, Newcastle upon Tyne,
Fe, Argentina) were used. Animals were maintained under UK), followed by incubation with a biotinylated secondary
a controlled environment (222 C; lights on from 0600 antibody (Sigma). Negative controls were obtained by
to 2000 h) and had free access to pellet laboratory chow replacing the primary antibody with non-immune mouse
(Constantino, Córdoba, Argentina) and tap water. All rats serum (Sigma). The reaction was developed using the
were handled in accordance with the principles and pro- avidin–biotin-peroxidase method and diaminobenzidine
cedures outlined in the FRAME’s guidelines (http:// (DAB) (Sigma) as a chromogen substrate. Samples were dehydrated and mounted with permanent mounting
htm). medium (PMyR, Buenos Aires, Argentina).
For steroid treatments, female rats were OVX and then
rested for 14 days. Rats that exhibited at least 7 days of
Quantitation of ER expression by image analysis
atrophic vaginal smears (Montes & Luque 1988) were
injected s.c. daily for 4 days with vehicle (sesame oil), E2 Image analysis was performed using the Image Pro-Plus
(0·05 or 5 µg/rat), P4 (1 mg/rat) or a combination of both 4·1·0·1 system (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MA,
steroids. Rats were included in one of six experimental USA) as previously described (Ramos et al. 2002). In brief,
groups (n=7–8 rats/group): sesame oil (control), low dose images were recorded by a Sony ExwaveHAD color video
of E2 (0·05 E), high dose of E2 (5 E), P4 (P) or camera attached to an Olympus BH2 microscope (illumi-
combinations 0·05 E+P and 5 E+P. The low dose of E2 nation: 12-V halogen lamp, 100 W, equipped with a
and the dose of P4 were chosen because they reproduced stabilized light source), using a Dplan 100 objective
Journal of Endocrinology (2005) 186, 51–60
Ovarian steroid regulation of the ER 3 mRNA splicing variant · J VARAYOUD, J G RAMOS and others 53
Table 1 Positions of primers and PCR product sizes for RT-PCR experiments
(numerical aperture, 1·25). The microscope was set up Oligonucleotides primers for PCR were synthesized by
properly for Koehler illumination. Correction of unequal Invitrogen. The locations of primers on the cDNAs, the
illumination (shading correction) and calibration of the GenBank accession numbers and the size of amplified
measurement system were done with a reference slide. fragments are listed in Table 1. A pair of primers was
Using Auto-Pro macro language, an automated standard used to quantify the ER gene transcription level: sense
sequence operation was created to measure optical density primer, E1, 5 -AATTCTGACAATCGACGCCAG-3 ;
(OD). In this automated analysis process, the images from antisense primer, E2, 5 -GTGCTTCAACATTCTCCC
immunostained slides were converted to a gray scale and TCCTC-3 . In addition, as an internal control of reverse
the OD was measured as an average gray, being equal to transcription and reaction efficiency, amplification of
the sum of the gray intensity of each pixel divided by the GAPDH mRNA was carried out in parallel in each
number of pixels measured. The resolution of the images sample using the following primers: sense primer,
was set to 640480 pixels and the final screen resolution GAPDH1, 5 -CAGCCGCATCTTCTTGTG-3 ; anti-
was 0·103 µm/pixel. sense primer, GAPDH2, 5 -AGTTGTCATATTTCTC
For each uterine horn specimen, 3 sections separated at GTGGTTCA-3 . All amplifications were performed in
20 µm intervals were evaluated and 20 microscopic fields duplicate. To perform comparative PCR, aliquots of
were analyzed in each tissue compartment (luminal epi- cDNA samples equivalent to 800 ng total RNA input
thelium, glandular epithelium, subepithelial stroma and were used in each PCR amplification. Each reaction
muscular stroma). mixture contained: 2·5 U Taq-DNA polymerase
(Promega), 1·5 mM MgCl2 (Promega), 0·2 mM of the
dNTPs mix (Promega) and 20 pmol of each primer in a
ER mRNA analysis by comparative RT-PCR final volume of 25 µl of 1 PCR Taq buffer. After initial
Reverse transcription and PCR amplification were per- denaturation at 97 C for 2 min, the reaction mixture was
formed following the technique previously described by subjected to successive cycles of denaturation at 96 C for
Ramos et al. (2003) with minor modifications. Total RNA 1 min, annealing at 58 C for 45 s, and extension at 72 C
was isolated from frozen uterine tissue using Trizol reagent for 1 min. A final extension cycle at 72 C for 10 min was
(Life Technologies). The total RNA concentration was included. The optimal number of cycles for each reaction
assessed by A260 and isolated RNA was stored at 80 C was determined experimentally to yield linear relation-
until needed. Equal quantities (4 µg) of total RNA from ships between signal intensity and cycle number (see
each animal were reverse-transcribed into cDNA with Results).
avian myoblastosis virus (AMV) reverse transcriptase (12·5
U; Promega) using 200 pmol of random hexamers
(Promega) to prime the reaction; 20 U ribonuclease ER mRNA splicing variants analysis by RT-nested PCR
inhibitor (RNse OUT; Invitrogen) and 200 nmol of a In order to amplify full-length ER mRNA and the
deoxy NTP mixture were added to each reaction tube in exon-deleted splicing variants 3, 4 and 3,4 (lacking
a final volume of 30 µl of 1 AMV-RT buffer. Reverse exon 3, exon 4, or both 3 and 4 respectively), we
transcription was performed at 42 C for 90 min. Re- performed a nested-PCR with ER-specific primers
actions were terminated by heating at 97 C for 5 min. located upstream of exon 3 and downstream of exon 4
Reactions were next cooled on ice, followed by dilution of (Koike et al. 1987). We used nested-PCR to improve the
the reverse-transcribed cDNA with RNAse-free water to specificity and accuracy of the PCR amplification process
a final volume of 60 µl. RNA incubated under identical by making a second round of amplification using primers
conditions, but without reverse transcriptase served as a placed internally of the first pairs of primers (see Table 1).
negative control. Reverse transcription of total RNA and PCR reaction Journal of Endocrinology (2005) 186, 51–60
54 J VARAYOUD, J G RAMOS and others
· Ovarian steroid regulation of the ER 3 mRNA splicing variant
C 49·78·06 73·47·78 42·23·67 43·67·31
5E 18·54·40** 12·51·34** 25·44·42** 37·77·23
0·05 E 37·03·21* 45·310·3* 33·62·13* 36·96·96
5 E+P 56·97·24 79·111·9 41·03·61 36·17·41
0·05 E+P 45·712·7 64·612·6 46·511·2 29·56·94
P 10·35·89** 72·58·45 40·78·13 21·62·67*
Values are means S.E.M. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences between control and
hormone-treated grups (*P<0·05; **P<0·01). C; control group.
mixtures was performed as described above. To perform using the TA cloning kit (Invitrogen) and specificity was
the first round of amplification, the following pair of confirmed by DNA sequencing (data not shown).
primers was used: sense primer, E3, 5 -GTCTGGTCCT
GTGAAGGCTGCAA- 3 ; antisense primer, E4, 5 -AGG
Data analysis
included an initial denaturation step at 95 C for 30 s,
followed by 38 cycles of denaturation at 95 C for 30 s, The statistical analysis was performed by the Kruskal–
annealing at 55 C for 1 min and extension at 72 C for Wallis one-way ANOVA and significance between groups
2 min. At the end of the cycling program, a final extension was determined by Dunn’s post-test (Siegel 1956).
cycle at 72 C for 5 min was included. Products from
the first reaction were diluted 1/2000 and used in the
second round of amplification with the following primers: Results
sense primer, E5, 5 -CTGCAAGGCTTTCTTTAA
GAG-3 ; antisense primer, E6, 5 -TCATCAGGATCTC Cell type-expression of ER protein in the uterus of OVX
CAACC- 3 . The second round of PCR was performed rats
using the same conditions as described for the first round.
The relative ER expression level in each uterine cellular
compartment was determined by measuring the OD of
nuclei in ER-immunostained tissue sections (Table 2).
Detection and identification of PCR products
OD levels for ER in the uterus of control adult OVX
The generated cDNA fragments were resolved in 1·5% rats were high, demonstrating a constitutive expression of
agarose gels containing ethidium bromide (Sigma) and ER in epithelial, stromal and myometrial compartments
their molecular sizes determined by comparison with (Fig. 1A). In controls, glandular epithelium showed the
DNA standards (Cien Marker; Biodynamics, Buenos strongest signal, with all cell nuclei highly immunostained
Aires, Argentina). Agarose gel images were digitized (Figs 1A and 2).
using a Sony ExwaveHAM color video camera (Sony Treatment with E2 resulted in significant changes in
Electronics Inc, Sony Drive, Park Ridge, NJ, USA) and ER expression patterns (Figs 1B and 2). OVX rats treated
the Image Pro-Plus 4·1·0·1 image system analyzer (Media with E2 exhibited a dramatic decrease in the intensity of
Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD, USA). GAPDH mRNA ER staining in the luminal epithelium, glandular epi-
was selected as an internal control since expression of thelium and subepithelial stroma; in contrast, the high
GAPDH mRNA remained constant in all experimental ER level was maintained in the muscular compartment
conditions. In comparative PCR analysis, the absolute OD (Fig. 2). The E2-induced down-regulation of ER was
values for each PCR product were obtained by densitom- detected with both low and high doses of E2; however, a
etry and were normalized with GAPDH levels. Relative greater reduction in ER was observed in the high
levels of the specific mRNAs were expressed in arbitrary dose-group (Fig. 2). Addition of P4 to the E2 treatment
units. In all assays, negative controls using RNA without inhibited the down-regulation of ER observed in E2-
reverse transcription and Taq-DNA polymerase-negative treated animals (Fig. 1C). When OVX animals received
tubes were performed in order to minimize the introduc- P4 alone, the immunohistochemical results revealed a clear
tion of potential artifacts. All PCR products were cloned down-regulation of ER only in luminal epithelium and
Journal of Endocrinology (2005) 186, 51–60
Ovarian steroid regulation of the ER 3 mRNA splicing variant · J VARAYOUD, J G RAMOS and others 55
muscular stroma. No significant changes in glandular ER and GAPDH respectively, using separate reactions
epithelium and subepithelial stroma were observed follow- for each target gene.
ing P4 administration (Figs 1D and 2). Representative ethidium bromide-stained images of
ER and GADPH mRNA by RT-PCR analysis are
shown in Fig. 3. The relative expression of ER mRNA
Effects of E2 and P4 on total ER mRNA in OVX rat was determined in each uterus (n=7–8 animals/group),
uterus with the results showing a differential modulation depen-
Expression levels of ER and GAPDH mRNAs in the dent upon the hormonal treatment. An abundant ER
uterus of experimental groups were evaluated by RT- PCR product of the expected size (345 bp) was generated
PCR. Optimization of assays for semiquantitative analysis after 30 cycles from reverse-transcribed uterine mRNA
was carried out for each target by correlating the number from adult OVX rats (Fig. 3). The identity of this product
of PCR cycles with the OD of the PCR products, using was confirmed by cloning and sequencing the PCR
total RNA from a pool of control and treated rat uteri. This products (data not shown). The high dose of E2 produced
method revealed a linear relationship for amplification a significant reduction in the level of ER mRNA. In
between cycles 28–36 for ER and cycles 22–32 for contrast, the expression of ER mRNA was unaffected
GADPH. All linear correlation coefficients were greater when animals received the low dose of E2. In addition,
than 0·97. Based on these results, and in accordance with there were no significant changes in OD of ER mRNA
our previously published protocols (Ramos et al. 2003, when combining low or high doses of E2 with P4
Kass et al. 2004), we have chosen 30 and 28 cycles for compared with controls. However, when animals were Journal of Endocrinology (2005) 186, 51–60
56 J VARAYOUD, J G RAMOS and others
· Ovarian steroid regulation of the ER 3 mRNA splicing variant
Figure 2 Quantitative measurement of ER protein expression in different uterine cellular compartments following ovarian steroid
treatment. Adult OVX animals were injected with sesame oil (C group), high dose of E2 (5 E group), low dose of E2 (0·05 E group), a
combination of E2+P4 (5 E+P group and 0·05 E+P group), or P4 alone (P group). Bars represent means+S.E.M. (n=7–8 animals/group).
Asterisks indicate significant differences between control and hormone-treated rats (*P<0·05; **P<0·01).
injected with P4 alone, a significant down-regulation of high dose of E2, a down-regulation of both the full-length
ER mRNA expression was observed in comparison to ER mRNA and also of the three exon-skipping isoforms
controls. was observed. However, when rats were treated with the
high dose of E2 plus P4, no differences were observed in
comparison to controls (Fig. 4). Surprisingly, in animals
The expression of alternatively spliced receptor variants in treated with either the low dose of E2, P4 alone or the
OVX rats following steroid treatment suggests a differential combination of both hormones, the expression of the 3
hormonal control isoform was completed abolished (Fig. 4). Interestingly,
To investigate the presence of alternatively spliced nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that this isoform is an
receptor variants, we applied an RT-nested PCR pro- exon-skipping variant that lacks the coding region for the
cedure employing two pairs of specific oligonucleotides. second Zn-finger of the DNA-binding domain.
The second-round PCR products revealed the presence of
the full-length ER mRNA (552 bp) in all samples. In
Expression of ER mRNA splicing variants depends upon the
addition, three exon-skipping isoforms could be detected
estrous cycle
with this protocol, the 3 (lacking exon 3), 4 (lacking
exon 4) and the 3,4 variant (lacking exons 3 and 4). The As in the uterus of OVX control animals, the four ER
amplification products were subsequently cloned and mRNA transcripts were detectable at all stages of the
sequenced and were shown to represent splicing variants estrous cycle (Fig. 5). The pattern of expression was similar
of the entire ER mRNA which could maintain the between proestrus and estrus, with a predominant expres-
in-phase reading frame of the ER. sion of the full-length amplification product. Levels of
In the uterus of control OVX animals, we detected the the 3 isoform were highest at proestrus and estrus, while
four transcripts with a predominant signal of the full-length in diestrus, a very low expression of this isoform was
amplification product (Fig. 4). When animals received the detected. The 4 and 3,4 isoforms did not exhibit
Journal of Endocrinology (2005) 186, 51–60
Ovarian steroid regulation of the ER 3 mRNA splicing variant · J VARAYOUD, J G RAMOS and others 57
Figure 3 Expression of total ER mRNA in the uterus of OVX control rats and following
ovarian steroid treatment. Representative ethidium bromide-stained gel electrophoresis of
uterine ER mRNA from two independent samples per experimental group are presented.
(A) Very low expression of ER mRNA was exhibited by animals treated with the high
dose of E2 (5 E group) and with P4 alone (P group), when compared with controls. (B)
Parallel amplification of GADPH mRNA served as an internal control. In each gel,
representative non-RT negative controls are presented (). Abbreviations of experimental
groups are detailed in legend of Fig. 2. (C) Densitometric values of ER mRNA, expressed
in arbitrary OD units relative to GADPH mRNA levels are shown. Bars represent mean
values (+S.E.M.) of at least 7 animals/group. Asterisks indicate significant (P<0·05)
differences compared with controls.
changes in the uterus with changes in the rat estrous cycle, ingly, the levels of ER mRNA decreased only when
suggesting that expression of these isoforms is not regulated animals received the high dose of E2, indicating that
by sex hormones. this steroid can control the ER transcription–translation
cascade at different levels.
Discussion An interesting finding from this study is that luminal
and glandular epithelium display differential regulation of
The mechanisms that control ER expression remain to ER expression when OVX animals received P4 alone.
some extent poorly understood. Although the expression While E2 alone down-regulated ER protein immuno-
of ER is differentially regulated within individual cell staining in both epithelial cell types, P4 induced a selective
types, the role of individual promoters, cis-acting elements, inhibition of ER in the luminal epithelial compartment.
transcription factors, ER itself and the cellular context It should be noted that this P4-dependent down-regulation
remain to be elucidated (Reid et al. 2002). of ER expression was induced without any E2 prim-
In OVX control rats, we observed a constitutive ing, demonstrating that the OVX rat uterus is con-
expression of ER protein in the nucleus of epithelial stitutively responsive to P4. Moreover, we have shown
(glandular and luminal), stromal and myometrial uterine that P4 action maintained a high expression of ER in the
compartments. In accordance with previous studies, E2 glandular epithelium. In accordance with our results,
treatment down-regulated the expression of ER protein Katsuda et al. (1999) have found a positive correlation
in specific cellular types in the rat uterus (Manni et al. between serum P4 levels during metestrus and ER
1981, Nephew et al. 2000). The expression of ER in expression in glandular epithelial uterine cells. Moreover,
epithelium and subepithelial stroma was shown to be very they have reported that a significant increase of
sensitive to estrogen treatment, since the low dose of E2 bromodeoxyuridine-labeled cells occurred in the uterine
used in this study significantly diminished receptor expres- glands at metestrus. Therefore, it is necessary to further
sion. In contrast, the myometrial compartment maintained investigate the role of P4 in the regulation of ER in
high levels of nuclear ER immunostaining even if the glandular epithelial cells as an indirect mechanism of
animals were treated with the high dose of E2. Interest- controlling cell proliferation. Regarding the differential Journal of Endocrinology (2005) 186, 51–60
58 J VARAYOUD, J G RAMOS and others
· Ovarian steroid regulation of the ER 3 mRNA splicing variant
Figure 4 Expression of ER mRNA alternative spliced variants in rat uterus detected by RT-nested PCR in
adult OVX controls and steroid-treated animals. Abbreviations of experimental groups are detailed in the
legend of Fig. 2. (A) Schematic representation of the structure of full-length (FL) ER mRNA and splicing
variants. 3, 4 and 3,4 isoforms were created by exon-skipping mechanisms from the ER primary
transcript. The locations of primers on the cDNA for performing the first (E3, E4) and second (E5, E6) round
of nested PCR are shown according to the Materials and Methods and Table 1. (B) The existence of four
ER transcripts in the uterus of controls rats with a differential pattern of expression according to each
steroid treatment was observed. The lengths of the amplification products are indicated in the center of the
figure. Surprisingly, in rats treated with either the low dose of E2, P4 alone or the combination of both
steroids, expression of the 3 isoform was completed abolished. Assays from two independent RNA
samples per experimental group are presented (n=7–8 animals/group).
we observed that alternative splicing of ER transcripts is results, taken together, strongly support the hypothesis
influenced by the ovarian steroid hormonal milieu. that differential splicing of the ER transcripts may be
The biological relevance of the presence of ER iso- an extensive mechanism for controlling ER-mediated
forms in normal tissues is not well established. Their cellular responses.
functions may be partially predicted by the structures of In summary, this is the first time that the presence of the
those isoforms compared with that of the wild-type ER ER 3 exon-skipping variant has been shown to be
(Pasqualini et al. 1999). The isoform originating from the regulated by E2 and P4 in the rat uterus. The data
deletion of exon 3 was shown to be unable to bind to a presented here suggest that this regulation is dose depen-
canonical ERE (Wang & Miksicek 1991). In the MCF-7 dent and could be a regulatory mechanism of E2 action.
breast cancer cell line, 3 inhibits the activation of Actually, we are evaluating ER mRNA isoforms in each
estrogen-dependent transcription in a dominant negative individual cellular compartment of the rat uterus, using a
fashion when cotransfected with the full-length ER. It combination of laser capture microdissection and nested
has been suggested that 3 expression in normal tissue real time-PCR. This technology could allow us to better
may provide a means of decreasing or blocking estrogen understand the complex regulation of ER mRNA dif-
responsiveness (Pasqualini et al. 2001). ferential splicing in each individual cell type. Further
The presence of the 3 isoform may be necessary for characterization of this receptor isoform may increase the
regulating the cellular response to estrogens. In our OVX understanding of the mechanisms of action of therapeutic
model, those animals that received the high dose of E2 and environmentally relevant estrogen-like compounds.
expressed this splicing isoform, suggesting that 3 could
exhibit a ‘buffer action’ in regulating estrogen responsive-
ness. This ‘buffer action’ was observed during pituitary Acknowledgements
gland ontogeny, allowing regulation of ER activities by
differential splicing of the primary transcript (Pasqualini We are very grateful to Dr Charles E. Powell (Nova
et al. 1999). The physiological relevance of the 3 isoform Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA) for
is suggested by the fact that it is present during the normal critical reading of the manuscript and helpful discussions,
estrous cycle. Moreover, 3 isoform mRNA levels are and to Mr Juan Grant and Mr Juan C. Villarreal for
higher during proestrus and estrus when estrogenic effects technical assistance and animal care.
are maximal. These results support the hypothesis that the
3 isoform may play a significant physiological role that
is under steroidal control. A recent report indicates that Funding
endogenous estrogen differentially regulates pituitary
expression of mRNAs encoding several ER isoforms with This study was supported by grants from the
distinct functional properties (Tena-Sempere et al. 2004). Argentine National Council for Science and Technology
This, together with our current results, allows us to (CONICET) (PIP 528/98), the Argentine National
postulate that interaction of ER protein with its ligand Agency for the Promotion of Science and Technology
not only activates signaling but also turns on different (ANPCyT) (PICT-99 no. 5–7001) and the Universidad
mechanisms for the fine tuning of uterine responsiveness Nacional del Litoral (Santa Fe, Argentina). J V, L M
to estrogen. These would include repression of inhibitory and V B are Fellows and J G R and E H L are Career
isoforms, which may be essential for the full expression of Investigators of CONICET. The authors declare that
estrogen effects at the ER, as well as induction of there is no conflict of interest that would prejudice the
dominant negative isoforms, which may participate in the impartiality of this scientific work.
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