SSRN Id3271970
SSRN Id3271970
SSRN Id3271970
Joscha Beckmann∗ Gary Koop†
University of Greifswald University of Strathclyde
Kiel Institute for the World Economy
This paper considers how an investor in the foreign exchange market can exploit
predictive information by means of flexible Bayesian inference. Using a variety of
different vector autoregressive models, the investor is able, each period, to revise
past predictive mistakes and learn about important data features. The proposed
methodology is developed in order to synthesize a wide array of established approaches
for modelling exchange rate dynamics. In a thorough investigation of monthly exchange
rate predictability for ten countries, we find that an investor using the proposed
flexible methodology for dynamic asset allocation achieves significant economic gains
out of sample relative to benchmark strategies. In particular, we find strong evidence
for sparsity, fast model switching and exploiting the exchange rate cross-section.
Department of Economics, University of Greifswald, Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 70, 17489 Greifswald.
E: [email protected]
Department of Economics, University of Strathclyde, 199 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G4 0QU.
E: [email protected]
Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ.
E: [email protected]
Department of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Rostock, Ulmenstrasse 69, 18057 Rostock.
E:[email protected]
3 Data
All of our individual model configurations are VARs (or extensions thereof) which involve a
cross-section of exchange rates as dependent variables. Some models also include additional
exogenous predictors. We use the common set of G10 currencies: the Australian dollar
(AUD), the Canadian dollar (CAD), the Euro (EUR)3 , the Japanese yen (JPY), the New
Zealand dollar (NZD), the Norwegian krone (NOK), the Swedish krona (SWK), the Swiss
franc (SWF), the Great Britain pound sterling (GBP) and the US dollar (USD). All
currencies are expressed in terms of the US dollar and are end-of-month exchange rates which
enter the model as discrete returns. Thus, we have nine exchange rates, each relative to the
US dollar, entering our VAR. The sample runs from 1986:01 until 2016:12. As additional
predictors, we also include the Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP), the percentage change in
stock prices over the past 12 months (STOCK GROWTH), the difference between long and
short term interest rates (INT DIFF) and the percentage change in the nominal oil price
(OIL). UIP, STOCK GROWTH and INT DIFF have been widely used in studies such as
Wright (2008) and previous research shows that US dollar exchange rates are affected by
the price of oil (Lizardo and Mollick, 2010). With regards to the interest rates, we use
one-month LIBOR and Eurodeposit interest rates as well as 10 Year government bonds.
In the online appendix, we present empirical results with a longer sample of data going
back to 1973 and also provide results for additional established predictors, such as purchasing
power parity, the monetary model and the taylor rule approach, which are not available in
real time. These results mainly reinforce the findings presented below. We focus on the
shorter sample since it covers a period where all exchange rates are largely freely floating and
availability of predictors is not a concern. The 1970s included several periods of economic
turbulence, such as the oil price shock and changes in exchange rate arrangements for some
currencies such as Sweden or Norway. In addition, perfectly comparable interest rates are
not available.
The forecast evaluation period runs from 1996:01 to 2016:12 for a total of 252 observations.
We use German instead of Euro data prior to 1999.
4 Econometric methods
y t = xt β t + εt , εt ∼ N (0, Σt ) (1)
β0 ∼ N (0, Ω0 ) .
See, e.g., Byrne, Korobilis, and Ribeiro (2016) or Dangl and Halling (2012).
This is the most popular prior for Bayesian VARs with Banbura, Giannone and Reichlin (2010) being an
early example of its use with a large Bayesian VARs and Koop and Korobilis (2013) using it with large
s2i γ1 for intercepts
for coefficients on own lag r = 1, ..., p
γ3 s2i
r2 s2j
for coefficients on lag r of variable i 6= j for r = 1, ..., p
γ4 s2i
for coefficients on the first asset-specific exogenous variable
associated with exchange rate i
Ω0,i,jj = ... ...
γNx +3 s2i
for coefficients on the last asset-specific exogenous variable
associated with exchange rate i
γNx +4 s2i for coefficients on the first non asset-specific exogenous variable
γN +N +3 s2
for coefficients on the last non asset-specific exogenous variable
x xx i
s2i denotes the residual variance of the respective variable i. We set lag length p = 6.
The Minnesota prior is typically controlled by a single shrinkage parameter, see Bańbura,
Giannone, and Reichlin (2010) and citations therein. In order to deal with prior sensitivity
associated with selecting a particular value for this shrinkage parameter, Giannone, Lenza,
and Primiceri (2015) and Koop and Korobilis (2013) use information in the data to learn
about its value.We adopt a similar approach and allow the degree of shrinkage in the
Minnesota prior to adaptively change over time. Furthermore, by using the prior covariance
matrix specified in (3) we allow for richer shrinkage patterns. Instead of having one shrinkage
parameter for all VAR coefficients, we allow for multiple shrinkage parameters. For γ2 and
γ3 we consider values taken from the grid {0; 0.1; 0.5; 0.9}. We have an intercept, Nx = 3
asset-specific exogenous variables (UIP, STOCK GROWTH and INT DIFF) and Nxx = 1
Our empirical results fix δ and λ and consider a grid of values for each of γ1 , ..., γ7 to allow
for variable exclusion and different degrees of shrinkage intensity. If we consider every
possible combination of values taken from all of these grids we have 512 choices. We interpret
a choice as defining a model that the investor has at their disposal at each point in time
upon which they could base their portfolio allocation. In order to allow for the investor to
make an optimal choice each period t, we use the notion of dynamic model learning (DML).
Dynamic model learning involves selecting, at each point in time, the model specification
with the highest discounted joint log predictive likelihood at that time. The predictive
likelihood is a measure of out-of-sample forecasting ability that takes into account the entire
predictive distribution; see Geweke and Amisano (2012). The individual model configuration
with the highest discounted joint log predictive likelihood is used in order to obtain the
predictive mean and covariance matrix. These are a crucial input in portfolio optimization.
Our motivation for using learning based on past forecast performance is that it potentially
allows for a different model at each point in time. Such a feature is likely particularly useful
in times of abrupt change. If we were to use a single VAR, gradual parameter changes would
be accommodated if the discount factors δ and λ were below one. But this is not the same
as switching between entirely different models as dynamic model learning allows for.
In this dynamic model learning setting, the discounted joint predictive likelihood (DP L)
where pj (yt−i |y t−i−1 ) denotes the predictive likelihood of model j in period i and t|t − 1
subscripts refer to estimates made of time-t quantities given information available at time
t − 1. Hence, model j will receive a higher value at a given point in time if it has forecast
well in the recent past, using the predictive likelihood (i.e., the predictive density evaluated
at the actual outcome) as the evaluation criterion. The interpretation of “recent past”
is controlled by the the discount factor α, reflecting exponential decay. For example, if
α = 0.95, forecast performance three years ago receives approximately 15% as much weight
as the forecast performance last period. If α = 0.90, then forecast performance three years
ago receives only about 2% as much weight. The case α = 1 implies no discounting and the
discounted predictive likelihood is then proportional to the marginal likelihood. Lower values
of α are associated with more rapid switching between models. We consider a range of values
for α and, at each point in time, choose the best value for it. In this way, we can allow for
times of fast model switching and times of slow model switching.
At time τ , we choose the best value for α as the one which has produced the model with
the highest product of predictive likelihoods7 in the past from t = 1, ..., τ . We consider the
following grid of values: α ∈ {0.50; 0.70; 0.80; 0.90; 0.99; 1}.
5 Empirical results
Our most flexible approach allows for dynamic model learning over a set of 512 different
VAR models and six different values of α using the methods described in Section 4. We
use the term “DML with ALL REGRESSORS” to denote the case where DML is being
done over all specification choices including all of the exogenous predictors. “DML without
own/cross lags and NO REGRESSORS” is the (heteroskedastic) random walk. We also
consider several restricted versions of DML which involves dynamic model learning over only
some of the predictors. “DML with OIL”, for example, means that OIL is the only possible
We stress that we are not using the DP L when choosing between different values for α. The DP L is
only used to select the best model for a given value of α.
The vertical axis represents the model configurations 1, ..., 512. The red line depicts the evolution of the
selected model configuration for α = 1. The grey line shows the evolution of the selected model configuration
when α is dynamically chosen from the grid of values α ∈ {0.50; 0.70; 0.8; 0.90; 0.99; 1}.
The figure displays which blocks of variables are included at each point in time. “Included” means the
respective γi is not 0.
The previous sub-section establishes that the DML approach is picking up model change, but
we have not provided evidence whether this feature is relevant for dynamic portfolio choice.
To investigate this further, we design an international asset allocation strategy that involves
trading the US dollar and nine other currencies. We consider a US investor who builds a
portfolio by allocating their wealth between ten bonds: one domestic (US), and the nine
foreign bonds. In each period, the foreign bonds yield a riskless return in the local currency
DML with UIP 464∗ 1.12∗∗ 0.93∗∗ 22.01∗
Alternative sets of regressors
DML with OIL 199 0.89 0.70 22.03∗
DML with INT DIFF 388∗ 1.06∗ 0.88∗ 22.02∗
DML with STOCK GROWTH 368∗ 1.06∗ 0.88∗ 22.06∗
DML with ALL REGRESSORS 397∗ 1.02∗ 0.87∗ 22.04∗
DML with NO REGRESSORS 327 1.01∗ 0.82∗ 22.02∗
Type of restrictions: VAR lags
DML without own lags (γ2 = 0) and NO REGRESSORS 98 0.72 0.60 21.97
DML without cross lags (γ3 = 0) and NO REGRESSORS 200 0.86 0.79 21.78∗∗
DML without own/cross lags (γ2 = γ3 = 0) and NO REGRESSORS 5 0.54 0.53 21.72∗∗
DML without own/cross lags (γ2 = γ3 = 0) but with ALL REGRESSORS 255 0.80 0.73 22.00∗
Type of restrictions: Model selection dynamics
α=1 −427 0.34 0.11 21.69
α = 0.99 −464 0.28 0.08 21.66
α = 0.90 98 0.77 0.60 21.96∗
α = 0.80 266 0.94 0.76 22.02∗
α = 0.70 327 1.01∗ 0.82∗ 22.02∗
α = 0.50 84 0.82 0.60 21.98
The table summarizes the economic and statistical evaluation of our forecasts from different model configurations for the
period from 1996:01to 2016:12. We measure statistical significance for differences in performance fees and log scores using
the (one-sided) Diebold and Mariano (1995) t-test using heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust (HAC) standard
errors. We evaluate whether the Sharpe ratio of a model is different from that of the random walk (with constant volatility)
benchmark using the (one-sided version of the) Ledoit and Wolf (2008) bootstrap test. We compute the Ledoit and Wolf
(2008) test statistics with a serial correlation-robust variance, using the pre-whitened quadratic spectral estimator of
Andrews and Monahan (1992). One star indicates significance at 10% level; two stars significance at 5% level; and three
stars significance at 1% level. Restrictions on α correspond to the specification DML with NO REGRESSORS.
economic performance measures. But, with the exception of OIL, the other regressors
also lead to improvements. Importance of VAR lags is identified at some points in time
and neglecting own lags or cross lags (i.e., setting γ2 /γ3 = 0) is detrimental for portfolio
performance. These patterns are in line with those in Figure 2. Most of these findings are
statistically significant relative to the homoskedastic multivariate random walk benchmark.
As noted above, we also repeated this exercise using a longer sample going back to 1973.
Using the same economic and statistical criteria, results for this longer sample (reported in
the online appendix) are qualitatively similar.
In terms of economic utility gains, our DML models compare very well to results reported
in the literature. Given our long evaluation period (252 observations in the ”short” sample
used in the main text and 324 in the ”long” sample reported in the online appendix) and
robustness to alternative specifications, this is good news for an investor. However, it is
also part of the story that the multivariate models we use involve estimating additional
parameters relative to univariate approaches. Enforcing stronger sparsity, we achieve lower
In this sub-section, we present additional empirical evidence to shed more light on when our
DML methods are performing well and provide some context to the existing theories of
exchange rate behaviour. All results are for DML with UIP which is (i) the most natural
regressor choice in the context of an economic evaluation and (ii) found to perform best in
the preceding sub-section. We also note that results using DML with ALL REGRESSORS
are very similar.
Brunnermeier, Nagel, and Pedersen (2008) document characteristic features of strategies
which consider investing in high-interest-rate currencies while borrowing in low-interest-rate
currencies. This delivers negatively skewed returns since the high-interest rate currencies are
prone to crash risk. Similarly, Menkhoff, Sarno, Schmeling, and Schrimpf (2012) find that
high-interest-rate currencies are negatively related to innovations in global FX volatility, and
thus deliver low returns in times of unexpected high volatility. Inspired by papers such as
these, we divide our currencies into those from countries with (on average) high interest rates
(AUD, NZD, NOK, GBP) and those from countries with (on average) low interest rates
(JPY, EUR, CHF, USD). As shown in the online appendix, the portfolio weights for these
groups of currencies vary substantially over time. To investigate patterns in this variation,
we regress the sum of the portfolio weights in the high-interest-rate currencies (P W ) on
The message from this regression is clear cut: our DML with UIP strategy leads to portfolios
which include fewer of the high-interest-rate currencies in periods of high FX volatility thus
avoiding the crash risk associated with the carry trade strategies discussed in Brunnermeier,
Nagel, and Pedersen (2008) and Menkhoff, Sarno, Schmeling, and Schrimpf (2012).
There is also time-variation in the economic utility produced by our DML with UIP
approach relative to a random walk. If we regress the utility differences (∆U ) on FXVOL
(which relates specifically to currency markets), the VIX (which relates to stock markets)
and FXDIS (which is a measure of disagreement among professional forecasters)9 we find:
This reinforces the story that DML with UIP is producing gains in utility particularly in
times of high volatility in currency markets, rather than financial markets as a whole or in
times of uncertainty for the professional forecasters.10
It is interesting how our findings relate to the scapegoat theory for which studies such as
Fratzscher, Rime, Sarno, and Zinna (2015) and Pozzi and Sadaba (2018) find empirical
support. Given our focus on developing and applying a method for out-of-sample forecasting,
the suggested approach cannot be used as a direct test of the scapegoat theory. As Fratzscher,
Rime, Sarno, and Zinna (2015) put it, ”the theory is silent on the role of scapegoats for
forecasting.” But in the general spirit of this theory and related work on the instability of the
relationship between exchange rates and fundamentals such as Bacchetta and van Wincoop
(2006), Bacchetta and van Wincoop (2013) or Markiewicz (2012), we note that in times of
high volatility in currency markets, our DML approaches tend to include more regressors and
VAR lags which potentially reflects an intensified search for scapegoats.11 And, as noted
Exact definitions and data sources are given in the online appendix.
The pronounced out-performance of DML strategies against the random walk (as a proxy of carry trade
strategies) in the time of the subprime crisis aligns with Fratzscher (2009) who finds that currencies in which
US investors held relatively large portfolio investments, experienced substantially larger depreciations against
the US dollar around 2008.
The Spearman correlation between the number of included regressors/VAR lags and FXVOL is
6 Concluding remarks
We propose a multivariate forecasting approach for exchange rate returns which accommodates
flexible dynamic model change. Our dynamic Bayesian learning approach enables us
to quickly detect model changes and achieves computational feasibility by using decay
factors. A major conceptual advantage of our approach over univariate models is that, by
using a VAR-based approach, we obtain the input for the inherently multivariate portfolio
optimization problem in a natural manner without having to rely on additional assumptions
or ad-hoc procedures for mapping the forecast output into portfolio weights.
We evaluate the economic value of our exchange rate forecasts in a dynamic asset
allocation framework. Relying on our forecasting method, an investor achieves sizable
utility gains by exploiting time-varying predictability. We establish sparsity and fast model
switching as key features. Both align with the implications of the theoretical and empirical
exchange rate literature.
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This online supplementary appendix presents technical details of our proposed
econometric methodology, simulation results not included in the paper, and
additional results using both our benchmark data set and a data set with more
time series observations.
1 Technical Appendix 2
1.1 Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Spike-and-slab interpretation of the prior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Dynamic asset allocation and evaluation of economic utility . . . . . . . 6
1.3.1 Portfolio allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.2 Evaluation of economic utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 Fundamental exchange rate models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4.1 Fama regression/UIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4.2 Purchasing power parity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4.3 Monetary fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.4.4 Taylor rule fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Department of Economics, University of Greifswald, Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 70, 17489 Greifswald.
E: [email protected]
Department of Economics, University of Strathclyde, 199 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G4 0QU.
E: [email protected]
Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ.
E: [email protected]
Department of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Rostock, Ulmenstrasse 69, 18057
E:[email protected]
4 Empirical Appendix 13
4.1 Point and interval forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.2 Time-variation in performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2.1 Evolution of wealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2.2 Cumulative differences in log predictive likelihoods . . . . . . . . 17
4.2.3 Test statistics for Giacomini-Rossi Fluctuation test . . . . . . . . 17
4.3 Alternative sets of regressors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.4 Alternative priors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.4.1 ”Dense” prior structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.4.2 VAR with tight prior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.4.3 Treating the exogenous variables as endogenous . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.5 Time-varying coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.6 Additional results on portfolio performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.6.1 Statistics of the portfolio results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.6.2 Evolution of portfolio weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.6.3 Restrictions on portfolio weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.6.4 Global Harvest Index as benchmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.6.5 Portfolio performance when removing one currency . . . . . . . . 28
4.6.6 Results for single currencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.7 Additional robustness checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.8 Results for the long sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
References 36
1.1 Filtering
where t|t − 1 subscripts refer to estimates made of time-t quantities given information
available at time t − 1. Forecasts can be obtained using the fact that the predictive
density is multivariate t:
yt |y t−1 ∼ t ybt|t−1 , xt Ωt|t−1 xt + Qt|t−1 ,
where ybt|t−1 = xt βt|t−1 . Standard Kalman filtering and Wishart matrix discounting
formulas can be used to produce the quantities βt|t−1 , Ωt|t−1 and Qt|t−1 as follows.
Predictive step
The Kalman filter provides, beginning with β0|0 = 0 (see below), simple updating
formulas for producing βt|t−1 and βt|t for t = 1, ..., T which are standard and will not be
reproduced here. Given these we can produce point forecasts as:
ybt|t−1 = xt βt|t−1 .
E Σt|t−1 := Qt|t−1 = .
δnt−1 + M − 1
Note that this density reflects the uncertainty about Σt and thus accounts for
parameter uncertainty. Low values of δ are associated with increasingly rapid changes in
the covariance matrix. Values near one are associated with slow adaptation, while δ = 1
represents the case of a constant covariance matrix Σ.
Update step
The error et is obtained as the difference between the point forecast ybt|t−1 and the
actual observation yt
et = yt − ybt|t−1 .
Σt|t ∼ IW (nt , St )
δ (1 − M ) + M
k −1 = ,
δ (2 − M ) + M − 1
using approximation results by Triantafyllopoulos (2011) exploiting the expectation
invariance of the random walk process for Σt : E Σt|t−1 = E Σt−1|t−1 . As is common
in the literature, the scale matrix is initialized as
S0 = ,
nt = δnt−1 + 1 (nt → n = ).
n0 = .
E Σt|t := Qt|t = .
nt + M − 1
KGt = Ωt|t−1 xt xt Ωt|t−1 xt + Qt|t .
Given the Kalman gain, the coefficients and the system covariance are updated as
Ωt|t = Ωt|t−1 + KGt xt Ωt|t−1 .
Here we provide an interpretation of our proposed prior structure in the main paper as
a spike-and-slab prior. This is meant as an illustration of our prior structure from a
different angle. Note that the notation introduced in this sub-section only applies locally
and is not used elsewhere in the main text or the online appendix. Our starting point is
the same type of time-varying parameter VAR with exogenous variables we consider in
the main paper:
y t = xt β t + εt , εt ∼ N (0, Σt )
βt+1 = βt + ut , ut ∼ N (0, Ωt ) .
ki,j,t ∼ DM L,
where δ0 denotes the Dirac delta which assigns point mass at zero, and DM L denotes
dynamic model learning. Each indicator variable ki,j,t can take on a value of zero or one
in each time period. When ki,j,t = 1 the prior for β0,i,j is N (0, Vi,j ) and when ki,j,t = 0
the coefficient is exactly zero (and, hence, covariate j does not enter VAR equation i).
Whether ki,j,t is one or zero is decided probabilistically via the DML procedure.1 We make
the time-dependency of the ks explicit here, using subscript t. To streamline notation,
we do not use time-subscripts for the γs in the main text, although they are re-selected
each period.
We choose Vi,j , which contains the prior variances for the included coefficients, using
ideas from the Minnesota prior:
γ1 for intercepts
for coefficients on lag r of variable i (own lag)
r2 s2i
Vi,j = s2i × r2γs32 for coefficients on lag r of endogenous variable k, k 6= i
We design an international asset allocation strategy that involves trading the US dollar
and nine other currencies. Consider a US investor who builds a portfolio by allocating
their wealth between ten bonds: one domestic (US), and the nine foreign bonds. The US
bond return is rf . Define yt = (y1,t , ..., y9,t )0 . At each period, the foreign bonds yield a
riskless return in the local currency but a risky return due to currency fluctuations in US
dollars. The expectation of the risky return from the investment in country i0 s bonds,
ri,t , at time t − 1 is equal to Et−1 (ri,t ) = inti,t−1 + yi,t .2 The only risk the US investor
is exposed to is foreign exchange (FX) risk. Every period the investor takes two steps.
First, they use the currently selected model (i.e., the model with the highest discounted
sum of predictive likelihoods) to forecast the one-period ahead exchange rate returns
and the predictive covariance matrix. Second, using these predictions, they dynamically
rebalance their portfolio by calculating the new optimal weights. This setup is designed
to assess the economic value of exchange rate predictability and to dissect which sources
of information are valuable for asset allocation.
We evaluate our models within a dynamic mean-variance framework, implementing
a maximum expected return strategy. That is, we consider an investor who tries to find
the point on the efficient frontier with the highest possible (ex-ante) return, subject to
achieving a target conditional volatility and a given horizon of the investor (one-month
ahead for our main results). Define rt = (r1,t , ..., r9,t )0 , µt|t−1 = Et−1 (rt ) as its expectation.
The portfolio allocation problem involves choosing weights, wt = (w1,t , ..., w9,t )0 attached
to each of the 9 foreign bonds (with 1 − 9i=1 wi,t being the weight attached to the
We use yi,t , the discrete exchange rate returns, rather than log returns ∆st , as, in the context of
portfolio optimization, it is important to distinguish discrete and log returns.
where µp,t|t−1 is the conditional expected portfolio return and σp∗ the target portfolio
variance. ι is a vector of ones and the arguments of the predictive covariance matrix are
all produced by our estimation algorithm; see the Technical Appendix 1.1 for definitions.
We also here and below use notation where the portfolio return before transaction costs
Rp,t = 1 + rp,t−1 = 1 + 1 − wt−1 ι rf + wt−1 rt .
In addition, we let Rp,t denote period-t gross return after transaction costs, τ .
Our specification of the portfolio allocation problem takes into account proportional
transaction costs, τ , ex ante (i.e., at the time of the portfolio construction).3 Following
Della Corte and Tsiakas (2012), we set τ = 0.0008. For our main results, we choose
σp∗ = 10% as target portfolio volatility of the conditional portfolio returns.
Quadratic utility
Our econometric model provides forecasts of the mean vector of returns and the
covariance matrix. To assess the economic utility of the forecasts, we employ the method
proposed by West, Edison, and Cho (1993). In a mean-variance framework with quadratic
utility, we can express the investor’s realized utility in period t as
ρ 2 ρWt−1
U (Wt ) = Wt − Wt = Wt−1 Rp,t − (Rp,t )2 ,
2 2
where Wt is the investor’s wealth in t, ρ determines their risk preferences.
The investor’s degree of relative risk aversion θt = 1−ρWt
is set to a constant value
θ. We choose θ = 2 for our main results (and θ = 6 for robustness checks). Then,
Maurer and Pezzo (2018) show the importance of treating transaction costs in FX portfolios ex ante
rather than ex post. Doing so avoids unnecessary trading and reduces transaction costs.
The advantage of the representation above is that, for a fixed value of θ, the relative risk
aversion is constant and utility is linearly homogenous in wealth. In contrast, for standard
quadratic utility without restrictions on θ, relative risk aversion would be increasing in
wealth, which is not likely to represent a typical investor’s preferences. Here, having
constant relative risk aversion, we can set W0 = $1.
Performance measures Our main evaluation criterion is based on the dynamic
mean-variance framework and quadratic utility. Comparing two competing forecasting
models involves comparing the average utilities generated by the respective forecasting
models. We assess the economic value of different forecasting approaches by equating the
average utility generated by a portfolio strategy which is based on (a particular version
of) the VAR approach and the average utility achieved by a portfolio strategy relying on
a simple random walk. Φ is the the maximum (monthly) performance fee an investor is
willing to pay to switch from the random walk to the specific VAR configuration. The
estimated value of Φ ensures that the following equation holds:
T −1 T −1
X T C,∗ TC
T C,∗ TC
2 X
Rp,t+1 − Φ − Rp,t+1 − Φ = Rp,t+1 − R ,
2 (1 + θ) t=0
2 (1 + θ) p,t+1
T C,∗
where Rp,t+1 is the gross portfolio return constructed using the expected return and
covariance forecasts from the dynamically selected best model configuration and Rp,t+1
is implied by the benchmark random walk (without drift) model. The superscript TC
indicates that all quantities are computed after adjusting for transaction costs.
As a second measure of economic utility, we report the Sharpe ratio. Despite
its popularity as a risk measure, it is well known that the Sharpe ratio comes with
a few drawbacks in the context of evaluating dynamic portfolio strategies; see, for
example, Marquering and Verbeek (2004) or Han (2006). This is why we primarily
rely on performance fees as an evaluation criterion, while Sharpe ratios are reported as a
This section defines the fundamental exchange rate models which are used in the paper.
One of these (UIP) is used in the main results in the body of th paper. The remainder
are used in this online appendix.
The UIP condition is the fundamental parity condition for foreign exchange market
efficiency under risk neutrality. This condition postulates that the difference in interest
rates between two countries should equal the expected change in exchange rates between
the countries’ currencies (Engel, 2013):
where ∆st+1 ≡ st+1 − st . Et ∆st+1 denotes the expected change (at time t for t + 1)
of log exchange rates, denominated as US dollar per foreign currency. intt (int∗t ) is
the one-period nominal interest rate US (foreign) securities. The following forecasting
equation arises under the assumption that Et ∆st+1 equals ∆st+1 , where st denotes the
log of realized exchange rates:
Throughout the PPP literature, the real exchange rate is usually modelled as
qt = st − pt + p∗t ,
where qt is the log of the real exchange rate and pt (p∗t ) are the logs of the US (foreign)
price levels (Rogoff, 1996). PPP postulates a constant real exchange rate, resulting in
fP P P = (pt − p∗t )
and rely on current deviations from this exchange rate as a predictor for ∆st+1 , that is,
if PPP holds, we expect that ∆st+1 = (fP P P − st ) holds. Thus, we use fP P P − st as a
The main feature of the monetary approach is that the exchange rate between two
countries is determined via the relative development of money supply and industrial
production (Dornbusch, 1976; Bilson, 1978). The underlying idea is that an increase in
the relative money supply depreciates the US dollar, while the opposite holds for relative
industrial production. A simplified version of the monetary approach adopted in previous
studies (Mark and Sul, 2001) can be expressed as
where mt − m∗t denotes the (log) money supply and ipt − ip∗t refers to (log) industrial
production differentials. This implies ∆st+1 = fM ON − st and we use fM ON − st as a
The Taylor rule states that a central bank adjusts the short-run nominal interest rate
in order to respond to inflation (π) and the output gap (ou). Postulating such Taylor
rules for two countries and subtracting one from the other, an equation is derived with
the interest rate differential on the left-hand side and the inflation and output gap on
the right-hand side.4 Provided that at least one of the two central banks also targets the
PPP level of the exchange rate, the real exchange rate also appears on the right-hand
side of the equation. The underlying idea is that both central banks follow a Taylor-rule
The output gap is approximated as the deviation of industrial production from trend output which
is calculated based on the Hodrick-Prescott filter with smoothing parameter λ = 14, 400. For estimating
the Hodrick-Prescott trend out of sample, we only use data that would have been available at the given
point in time.
2 Data Appendix
Variable Source
Consumer prices, seasonally adjusted OECD
End-of-month dollar exchange rates Datastream
Industrial production and GDP, seasonally adjusted OCED
Money supply, seasonally adjusted OCED
LIBOR and Eurodeposit interest rates Datastream
FXDIS: Disagreement among exchange rate forecaster measured by standard deviation Consensus Economics
10 Year Government Bonds Datastream
CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) Federal Reserve
FXVOL: J.P. Morgan G10 currency volatility index Bloomberg
West Texas Intermediate Oil Price, denominated in US Dollar Federal Reserve
for t = 1, ..., T , with εt ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) , σ = 0.05, T0 = 50 and T = 100. I(z] (A) takes the
value 1 if z ∈ A and 0 otherwise. y0 = 0.25.
We apply our dynamic learning strategy to the following set of prediction models:
with εit ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) independent for i = 1, 2, 3 and assume yi0 = 0.25, i = 1, 2, 3 and
σ = 0.05. The model set is incomplete, but includes two models (M1 and M2 ) that are
equivalent versions of the true model in the two parts of the sample.
We apply our dynamic model learning strategy to the simulated data. That is, we
calculate the discounted predictive likelihood for each of the models (M1 , M2 and M3 )
and select the model (and value of the discount factor) which would have generated the
highest product of predictive likelihoods until the given point in time. As we do for our
application to exchange rate forecasting, we only consider information that would have
been available at a certain point in time. Instead of excluding dynamic learning by setting
α = 1, we choose the same range of the discount factor as we do in our application to
exchange rate forecasting: α ∈ {0.50; 0.70; 0.80; 0.90; 0.99; 1}. We simulated 1, 000 runs
and recorded how often each of the models was chosen at each point in time. Figure
1 presents the results. It shows that (i) in almost all cases the appropriate stochastic
process was selected, (ii) the structural break was recognized quickly and that (iii) model
3 rightly played no role.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The figure shows the number of simulation runs in which each of the three models was selected at each
point in time by the dynamic model learning strategy. The red line represents model 1, the grey line
model 2, and the purple line model 3.
4 Empirical Appendix
Bayesian methods provide the full predictive density, from which we can produce interval
and point forecasts as a byproduct. Although our primary interest is on exploiting density
forecasts for asset allocation, it is instructive to have a look at point and interval forecasts.
In particular, the second column of Table 1 shows the empirical coverage rates (for a
nominal coverage rate of 90%) for all currencies. These reveal good coverage properties,
albeit very slightly too conservative.
The third column of Table 1 reports the ratio of mean squared forecasting errors
relative to the simple random walk with constant volatility. Ratios below one indicate
better point forecasting performance in terms of squared loss of the DML with UIP
forecasts compared to those produced by the random walk. Our evidence on point
forecasting is ambiguous with some ratios below and some above one. This finding once
more shows how difficult it is to beat a simple random walk in terms of point forecasting
accuracy. On the other hand, our previous results show that it is more fruitful to focus
on density forecasts and exploit them for portfolio management.
Figure 2 plots point forecasts and credible intervals for each country in our sample
along with the realizations. The predictive credible intervals show good coverage. This
figure also illustrates, for every country, the importance of allowing for time-varying
0.2 0.1 0.1 EUR
0 0
-0.1 -0.1
0.2 0.2 0.1
0.1 0
0 -0.1
The figure shows the point forecast of exchange rate returns (red line) along with the 90% credibility
intervals (dark grey) of the DML with UIP strategy. The realized exchange rate returns are indicated in
light grey.
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
0.4 SWK 0.4 0.2 GBP
0 0 0
The figure shows the point forecast of annualized volatility (red line) along with the 90% credibility
intervals (dark grey) of the DML with UIP strategy.
1 1
0 -0.5
1 1
-0.5 0.2
The figure shows the point forecast of correlations (red line) along with the 90% credibility intervals (dark
grey) of the DML with UIP strategy.
The table summarizes the the coverage statistics of the interval forecasts and the relative point forecasting accuracy (MSFE
ratio) of the DML with UIP model against the random walk.
Figure 5 compares the evolution of wealth for an investor who begins with one dollar and
relies on DML with UIP to the wealth of an investor who uses a multivariate random
walk with constant covariance to construct their portfolio. As is evident from the figure,
the outperformance of DML with UIP is large, with the most striking gains around the
time of the subprime crisis.
Random walk
1996:01 2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01
The figure depicts the evolution of wealth in the DML with UIP model and in the random walk model.
Figure 6 depicts the cumulative differences in predictive log likelihoods between DML
with UIP and the random walk (with constant volatility). The out-performance of DML
with UIP is most pronounced in the time of the subprime crisis.
The MSFE ratio is a measure of the global performance. It tells us whether the DML
with UIP or the random walk have given more precise point forecasts in a mean squared
error sense. However, we do not learn from this measure how the relative forecasting
power has evolved over time. As we seek to shed some light on the evolution through
time, we also provide a measure of local forecasting performance. A useful device for
exploring time-variation in forecasting performance is the Fluctuation test by Giacomini
and Rossi (2010). Figure 7 depicts (standardized) sequences of differences between the
MSFE of the random walk and the MSFE of the DML with UIP model computed over
rolling windows of 60 observations. Positive (negative) values of such differences indicate
1996:01 2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01
The figure shows the cumulative differences in predictive log likelihoods between DML with UIP and the
random walk with constant volatility.
that DML with UIP forecasts better (worse) than the random walk. Figure 7 highlights
that the relative forecasting performance is highly unstable across currencies and over
time. This finding aligns with Rossi (2013). The standardized sequences of differences
between the MSFE of the random walk and the MSFE of the DML with UIP provide the
test statistics of the Fluctuation test. To carry out the Fluctuation test, i.e., testing the
null hypothesis that the local relative MSFE equals zero at each point in time, requires
computing critical values. Calculation of critical values in the Fluctuation test rests on
the assumption that a rolling or fixed estimation window has been used for generating
the out-of-sample forecasts. The out-of-sample forecasts in our setup were produced
using exponential discounting. Hence, we cannot compute valid critical values for our
application. This is, however, not a major concern since Figure 7 shows that the absolute
values of the test statistics are greater than two only for few currencies at very few points
in time. The null hypothesis of equal forecasting performance would thus essentially
never be rejected at conventional significance levels.
0 0
-2 -2 -2
2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01 2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01 2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01
2 2 2
0 0 0
-2 -2 -2
2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01 2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01 2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01
2 2 2
0 0 0
-2 -2 -2
2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01 2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01 2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01
The figure shows Fluctuation test statistics through time. Positive values of the Fluctuation statistic
imply that DML with UIP does better than the random walk.
For our main results we did not include some of the traditional regressors used by exchange
rate forecasters due to data revision concerns. But if we are willing to use final vintage
data (as opposed to data that forecasters would have had in real time), we can extend our
set of regressors to include purchasing power parity (PPP), the monetary model (MON)
and an asymmetric Taylor Rule (ASYTAY). The Technical Appendix 1.4 provides details
of what these are and how they are calculated.
Table 2 shows that including these fundamentals would not improve the performance
of an investor’s portfolio. Besides these conventional fundamentals, we also experimented
with yield curve factors which are commonly used to exploit the terms structure of interest
rates and the arising macroeconomic effects (Wright, 2011). This can be considered as an
extension of the simple interest rate spread. However, in line with Berge (2014) including
a level, slope and curvature factor does not improve our forecasts. The findings are
available upon request.
DML with UIP 464∗ 1.12∗ 0.94∗ 22.01∗
DML with PPP 217 0.90 0.71 22.00∗
DML with MON 251 0.94 0.75 22.03∗
DML with ASYTAY 263 0.95 0.76 22.02∗
DML with ALL REGRESSORS 332 0.98 0.80 22.01∗
DML 327 1.01∗ 0.82∗ 22.02∗
The table summarizes the economic and statistical evaluation of our forecasts from different model configurations for the
period from 1996:01to 2016:12. We measure statistical significance for differences in performance fees and log scores using
the (one-sided) Diebold and Mariano (1995) t-test using heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust (HAC) standard
errors. We evaluate whether the Sharpe ratio of a model is different from that of the random walk (with constant volatility)
benchmark using the (one-sided version of the) Ledoit and Wolf (2008) bootstrap test. We compute the Ledoit and Wolf
(2008) test statistics with a serial correlation-robust variance, using the pre-whitened quadratic spectral estimator of
Andrews and Monahan (1992). One star indicates significance at 10% level; two stars significance at 5% level; and three
stars significance at 1% level.
We have experimented with many prior specifications that lie within our DML framework
and, in particular, experimented with alternative choices of grids for the Minnesota
shrinkage parameters. Results were robust. If we use a refined grid for the values
of the hyperparameters, we find very slight forecast improvements (at the cost of
increasing the computation time). This shows that our specification of grid points for
the hyperparameters is sufficiently flexible to cover the model space. In this section, we
discuss some alternative, more restrictive, prior specifications. Overall, we find that the
rich shrinkage patterns we use pay off compared to more restrictive settings.
In this sub-section, we discuss a prior structure that represents a ”dense” rather than
a ”sparse” modelling approach. We investigate how our results change when enforcing
a ”dense” prior rather than letting the data choose between a ”dense” and a ”sparse”
structure. A dense prior is one where VAR lags and exogenous regressors cannot be
removed from the model, instead only the degree of shrinkage intensity for each of the
(blocks) of variables is selected (i.e. the prior shrinkage parameters cannot be set to be
exactly zero as we do in our approach. We specify an alternative prior that features a
DML with UIP 285 1.00 0.78 22.00∗
Type of restrictions: Model selection dynamics
DML (α = 1) −321 0.29 0.21 21.71∗
DML (α = 0.99) −163 0.53 0.34 21.72∗
DML (α = 0.90) 83 0.74 0.57 21.95∗
DML (α = 0.80) 189 0.92 0.71 22.00∗
DML (α = 0.70) 278 1.03 0.81 22.05∗
DML (α = 0.50) 231 0.96 0.74 22.03∗
The table summarizes the economic and statistical evaluation of our forecasts from the DML and restricted versions thereof
for the period from 1996:01 to 2016:12. We measure statistical significance for differences in performance fees and log
scores using the (one-sided) Diebold and Mariano (1995) t-test using heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust (HAC)
standard errors. We evaluate whether the Sharpe ratio of a model is different from that of the random walk (with constant
volatility) benchmark using the (one-sided version of the) Ledoit and Wolf (2008) bootstrap test. We compute the Ledoit
and Wolf (2008) test statistics with a serial correlation-robust variance, using the pre-whitened quadratic spectral estimator
of Andrews and Monahan (1992). One star indicates significance at 10% level; two stars significance at 5% level; and
three stars significance at 1% level.
We also explored a VAR for the nine exchange rates without any exogenous regressors and
a very tight prior for the VAR coefficients. This setting is similar to Carriero, Kapetanios,
and Marcellino (2009). For γ2 and γ3 , the shrinkage parameters for own and cross lags,
we use grids of {10−4 ; 10−5 ; 10−6 }. Although we find that for seven out of nine exchange
rates the MSFE error is slightly lower than that of the random walk, results in terms of
density forecasting accuracy and economic measures are inferior to our baseline setting:
P LL = 21.73, ΦT C = 164, SR = 0.64 and SRT C = 0.62.
We also investigate how the results change if the exogenous variables are not treated as
such. Instead they are included as endogenous variables in the VAR. That is, instead of
working with a 9 variable VAR with exogenous variables, we work with a 37 dimensional
VAR involving the 9 exchange rates, 3 asset-specific variables, UIP, INT DIFF, STOCK
GROWTH, (i.e. there are 3 such variables for each of 9 countries, hence this adds 27
variables to the VAR) and 1 non-asset specific variable, OIL. With this much larger VAR
it is computationally infeasible to do a grid search over seven different prior shrinkage
parameters. Accordingly, we employ the framework proposed by Koop and Korobilis
(2013) which involves a single shrinkage parameter. We label this the KK-Minnesota-
prior. The strategy of using a single shrinkage parameter for imposing shrinkage on all
model parameters (except the intercept) is commonly used in the large Bayesian VAR
literature; see Giannone, Lenza, and Primiceri (2015), Koop and Korobilis (2013) and
Bańbura, Giannone, and Reichlin (2010). Following Koop and Korobilis (2013), the value
of the single shrinkage parameter γ is adaptively (in each time period) selected from the
grid γ ∈ {10−5 ; 0.001; 0.005; 0.01; 0.05; 0.1} and the shrinkage parameter of the intercepts
a is set to 100 to be uninformative. The structure of this simpler version of the Minnesota
prior is
a · s2 , a = 100 for INTERCEPTS
Ω0,i,jj = .
γ , γ ∈ {10−5 ; 0.001; 0.005; 0.01; 0.05; 0.1} for r = 1, ..., 6.
Table 4 unambiguously conveys the message that the more restrictive structure of the
Koop and Korobilis (2013) framework is clearly inferior in this exchange rate forecasting
exercise compared to our proposed setting, both in statistical terms and even more so in
economic terms. This highlights that allowing for different degrees of prior shrinkage on
different blocks of parameters is empirically warranted.
In the preceding section, all of our VARs involved constant coefficients (but had time-
varying volatilities). Time-variation in VAR coefficients can easily be added, but leads to
inferior forecasting performance. To show this, we present results using a DML with
DML with UIP −96 0.42 0.36 21.84
Type of restrictions: Model selection dynamics
DML (α = 1) −201 0.33 0.30 21.63
DML (α = 0.99) −201 0.33 0.30 21.63
DML (α = 0.90) −287 0.29 0.23 21.79
DML (α = 0.80) −210 0.35 0.30 21.84
DML (α = 0.70) −116 0.43 0.38 21.86
DML (α = 0.50) −21 0.51 0.45 21.87
The table summarizes the economic and statistical evaluation of the KK-Minnesota-prior for the period from 1996:01
to 2016:12. We measure statistical significance for differences in performance fees and log scores using the (one-sided)
Diebold and Mariano (1995) t-test using heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust (HAC) standard errors. We evaluate
whether the Sharpe ratio of a model is different from that of the random walk (with constant volatility) benchmark using
the (one-sided version of the) Ledoit and Wolf (2008) bootstrap test. We compute the Ledoit and Wolf (2008) test statistics
with a serial correlation-robust variance, using the pre-whitened quadratic spectral estimator of Andrews and Monahan
(1992). One star indicates significance at 10% level; two stars significance at 5% level; and three stars significance at 1%
UIP specification identical to that used in the preceding section except that it sets
λ = 0.99. Results are presented in Table 5. In comparison to the constant parameter
case (λ = 1) in our main results, we find that using time-varying VAR coefficients is in
general detrimental for forecasting performance, particularly when evaluating forecasts
in terms of the economic performance measures. We find strong evidence that allowing
for abrupt switching between different models for handling the evolving relationship
between exchange rates and fundamentals as highlighted by Sarno and Valente (2009).
But allowing for gradual change in parameters is not a useful addition. An exception
is the specification ”DML without own/cross lags but with ALL REGRESSORS”. In
this case time-varying parameters do not turn out to be detrimental. It appears that, in
specifications that involve estimation of many parameters for the VAR lags, time-variation
in parameters leads to lower performance. This finding aligns with the econometric
literature with respect to time-varying VAR parameters in medium-size VARs (Chan
and Eisenstat, 2018; Koop and Korobilis, 2013).
In this sub-section, we explore in greater detail the portfolio performance implied by our
flexible DML with UIP model and the portfolio performance based on the random walk.
DML with UIP 189 0.85 0.70 22.00∗
Alternative sets of regressors
DML with INT DIFF 114 0.77 0.62 21.98∗
DML with STOCK GROWTH 32 0.71 0.55 21.99
DML with OIL −20 0.64 0.49 21.95
DML with ALL REGRESSORS 202 0.83 0.69 21.99∗
DML with NO REGRESSORS 42 0.71 0.55 22.00∗
Type of restrictions: VAR lags
DML without own lags (γ2 = 0) and NO REGRESSORS −111 0.45 0.38 21.89∗
DML without cross lags (γ3 = 0) and NO REGRESSORS −107 0.55 0.39 21.82∗∗
DML without own/cross lags (γ2 = γ3 = 0) and NO REGRESSORS 5 0.54 0.53 21.72∗∗
DML without own/cross lags (γ2 = γ3 = 0) but with ALL REGRESSORS 289 0.81 0.75 22.00∗
Type of restrictions: Model selection dynamics
DML (α = 1) −325 0.37 0.20 21.65
DML (α = 0.99) −247 0.44 0.27 21.67
DML (α = 0.90) 0 0.63 0.51 21.95
DML (α = 0.80) 66 0.70 0.56 21.97
DML (α = 0.70) 42 0.71 0.56 22.00∗
DML (α = 0.50) −29 0.65 0.48 21.98
The table summarizes the economic and statistical evaluation of our forecasts from the TVP-VAR for the period from
1996:01 to 2016:12. We measure statistical significance for differences in performance fees and log scores using the (one-
sided) Diebold and Mariano (1995) t-test using heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust (HAC) standard errors.
Restrictions on α correspond to the specification DML with NO REGRESSORS. We evaluate whether the Sharpe ratio of
a model is different from that of the random walk (with constant volatility) benchmark using the (one-sided version of the)
Ledoit and Wolf (2008) bootstrap test. We compute the Ledoit and Wolf (2008) test statistics with a serial correlation-
robust variance, using the pre-whitened quadratic spectral estimator of Andrews and Monahan (1992). One star indicates
significance at 10% level; two stars significance at 5% level; and three stars significance at 1% level.
Table 6 compares descriptive statistics of the portfolio performance based on the DML
with UIP model and the random walk. The mean return (measured at a monthly
frequency) is almost twice as high based on the DLM with UIP model than based on
the random walk. The annualized volatility of portfolio returns is 10.81% (3.12% × 12)
and is hence only slightly higher than the target portfolio volatility of 10%. Skewness of
portfolio returns is substantially higher based on DLM with UIP, while the kurtosis is
considerably lower than in the random walk case. Altogether, the portfolio characteristics
of the DML with UIP model are clearly superior to those of the random walk. In addition,
the characteristics of the portfolio returns based on the DML with UIP strategy are also
more favourable for risk management and diversification purposes: the correlation of
the returns to equities (proxied by S&P500 returns) is even negative and the first-order
autocorrelation of returns and squared returns is lower than in case of the portfolio returns
It is of interest how the portfolio weights have evolved through time. Figure 8 and
Figure 9 depict the evolution of portfolio weights for the bonds of the high-interest-rate
countries (NOK, NZD, AUD, GBP) and for the bonds of the low-interest-rate countries
(CHF, EUR, JPY, USD), respectively. The figures show that there is considerable
portfolio rebalancing over time. However, the implied portfolio weights are not excessive
and are hence implementable by an investor without imposing additional restrictions on
portfolio weights. Remember that our portfolio optimization exercises take into account
transaction costs ex ante and the results in Section 4.6.1 reveal that expected and realized
volatility of portfolio returns are close together. Figure 10 shows the average portfolio
weight for the bonds of low-interest-rate currencies and high-interest-rate currencies. The
pattern is not surprising: the average portfolio weights of the high-interest-rate currencies
are all positive, while the average portfolio weight of the low-interest-rate currencies JPY
and CHF is negative and only marginally positive for EUR. The largest average short
position has been the CHF, while the weight for the JPY is only moderately negative.
Interestingly, those patterns are in line with the findings by Ackermann, Pohl, and
Schmedders (2016). The clearly positive net position of the USD (+1.06) was to be
expected as the USD is the domestic currency in our portfolio setup and therefore short-
term USD is the risk-free asset. This means that, on average, long and short positions in
1996:01 2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01
This figure shows the evolution of the portfolio weights for the bonds of the high-interest-rate currencies
based on the DML with UIP model.
Table 7 summarizes the effect of restrictions on portfolio weights on economic utility and
the Sharpe ratio. Restricting the portfolio weights to [−1; 1] leads to even slightly better
portfolio performance than in the case where the portfolio weights are left unrestricted.
This is good news from a risk-management perspective since excessive portfolio weights
are not required to achieve high utility gains. However, severe restrictions on the portfolio
weights are clearly detrimental for portfolio performance.
1996:01 2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01
This figure shows the evolution of the portfolio weights for the bonds of the low-interest-rate currencies
based on the DML with UIP model.
random walk strategy and the strategy underlying the Global Currency Harvest Index
are both carry trade strategies, only differing with respect to implementation details.
The Global Currency Harvest Index does not start before 2000:09 and there are some
missing data observations which we imputed by (linear) interpolation. The findings are
essentially similar to the original carry trade strategy we consider and therefore leaves
our results unchanged.
This figure shows the average portfolio weights for the bonds based on the DML with UIP model.
To assess the sensitivity of the portfolio performance, we compute the Sharpe ratios when
we remove one currency from the set of currencies and set the respective portfolio weight
to 0. Table 8 shows that there is not one particular currency that drives the results. Not
surprisingly, enforcing dollar neutrality leads, in relative terms, to the largest decrease in
the Sharpe ratio.
We also analyze the case where only one foreign bond is considered for investment in
addition to the risk-less USD bond (from the perspective of a US investor). Table 9 reports
the results and once again sends the story that there does not emerge one particular
currency that leads to attractive portfolio results and reinforces our finding that market
2001:01 2006:01 2011:01 2016:01
The figure depicts the evolution of wealth for the DML with UIP strategy, the random walk model and the Global Currency
Harvest Index.
Currency SR SRT C
AU D 0.33 0.29
CAD 0.17 0.12
EU R 0.26 0.21
JP Y 0.32 0.27
N ZD 0.38 0.34
N OK 0.02 0.01
SW K 0.22 0.19
CHF 0.04 0.01
GBP 0.20 0.16
The table summarizes the Sharpe ratios for the DML with UIP model if only one additional currency is considered for
investment in addition to the USD.
In this sub-section, we report some additional key results for our long sample period
which starts in 1973:01 and for which we compute out-of-sample results from 1990:01 to
2016:12. Due to data availability we do not consider the inclusion of exogenous regressors
for this sample period.
Table 10 summarizes the results. As is the case for the short sample, DML
substantially outperforms the multivariate random walk (i.e. DML without own/cross
lags) both in terms of PLLs and economic criteria. Here again, fast model switching
is found to be crucially important for the accuracy of density forecasts and portfolio
allocation. The optimal decay factor α is found to be 0.80 over the entire evaluation
DML 485∗∗ 1.08∗∗ 0.92∗∗ 22.05
Type of restrictions: VAR lags
DML without own lags (γ2 = 0) 365∗ 0.82∗ 0.72∗ 21.86
DML without cross lags (γ3 = 0) 278 0.80 0.66 21.78
DML without own/cross lags (γ2 = γ3 = 0) 17 0.47 0.46 21.65
Type of restrictions: Model selection dynamics
DML (α = 1) −255 0.35 0.19 21.65
DML (α = 0.99) −194 0.40 0.24 21.65
DML (α = 0.90) 238 0.78 0.65 21.88
DML (α = 0.80) 485∗∗ 1.08∗∗ 0.92∗∗ 22.05
DML (α = 0.70) 478∗ 1.07∗∗ 0.90∗ 22.06
DML (α = 0.50) 409∗ 1.04∗∗ 0.84∗∗ 22.05
The table summarizes the economic and statistical evaluation of our forecasts from the DML and restricted versions thereof
for the period from 1990:01 to 2016:12. We measure statistical significance for differences in performance fees and log
scores using the (one-sided) Diebold and Mariano (1995) t-test using heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust (HAC)
standard errors. Restrictions on α correspond to the DML specification. We evaluate whether the Sharpe ratio of a
model is different from that of the random walk (with constant volatility) benchmark using the (one-sided version of the)
Ledoit and Wolf (2008) bootstrap test. We compute the Ledoit and Wolf (2008) test statistics with a serial correlation-
robust variance, using the pre-whitened quadratic spectral estimator of Andrews and Monahan (1992). One star indicates
significance at 10% level; two stars significance at 5% level; and three stars significance at 1% level.
The figure displays the frequency of model change over time using the long sample. The vertical axis
represents the model configurations 1, ..., 32. The red line depicts the evolution of the selected model
configuration for α = 1. The grey line shows the evolution of the selected model configuration when is
dynamically chosen from the grid of values α ∈ {0.50; 0.70; 0.80; 0.90; 0.99; 1}.
The figure displays which blocks of variables are included at each point in time. “Included” means the
respective γi is not 0.
Random walk
1990:01 1995:01 2000:01 2005:01 2010:01 2015:01
The figure depicts the evolution of wealth in the DML model and the random walk model.
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