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Guidely’s Special Free Bundle PDFs – Simplification and Approximation (Eng Version)

For SBI PO, IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Exams 2021

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Guidely’s Special Free Bundle PDFs – Simplification and Approximation (Eng Version)
For SBI PO, IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Exams 2021

Directions (1-6): What value should come in the A. 348

place of (?) in the following questions? (IBPS B. 367
PO prelims bundle day-20) C. 373
1) 282 – (729)(1/3) + 975 ÷ √1521 = ? D. 385
A. 798 E. 389
B. 785
C. 828 4) 960 ÷ 8 + 12 * 15 –150 % of 48= ?
D. 775 A. 228
E. 800 B. 210
C. 252
2) 17 * 14 – 38 = (?) 2 + √64- √9409 D. 254
A. 21 E. 244
B. 22
C. 17 5) 480 % of 15 + 90 % of 420 + 20 % of 60 = ?
D. 15 A. 470
E. 19 B. 462
C. 460
3) 15 * 18 + 80 % of 35 + 130 % of 70 = ? D. 528

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E. 480 A.14
6) √576 * ? + 992 ÷ 31 = 112 * √64 C.18
A. 31 D.16
B. 33 E.17
C. 35
D. 36 Directions (11-16): What is the value should
E. 39 come in place of question mark in the following
questions? (RRB PO prelims bundle day-27)
Directions (7-10): What value should come in 11) 125 % of 40 + 319 – 18 * 15 + 20 % of 80=?
the place of (?) in the following questions.(RRB A.110
PO prelims 2021 mock-3) B.117
7) 76% of 125 + √12996 - ? = 429 ÷ √121 C.115
A.150 D.113
B.160 E.118
D.155 12) 75 % of 336 + 60 % of 160 – 35 % of 140 =
E.170 ? * √169
8) 65% of 840 + 25% of 280 = ? + 60% of 225 A.17
A.478 B.19
B.481 C.21
C.484 D.23
D.488 E.24
13) 15 * 12 + 1071 ÷ √289 - ?=√2025 * √9
9) 23 2 + 19 * 28 – 38 2 = ? A.110
A.-383 B.106
B.-387 C.108
C.-391 D.109
D.-395 E.107

10) (1296)3 * (216)7/618 = (6) ? 14) √7744 ÷ 8 + 60% of 150 – 12 * 8 =? – 15

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A.10 B.1130
B.20 C.1140
C.15 D.1120
D.25 E.1150
19) 28 * 12 + 35 * 18 = ? + 48 * 14
15) 40% of 200 + 2800 ÷ 7 + ? = √625 * √576 A.294
A.110 B.304
B.120 C.264
C.130 D.274
D.140 E.284
Directions (20-25): What value should come in
16) 45 % of 20 + 48 % of 150 - ? = √36 * √25 the place of (?) in the following questions? (IBPS
A.32 PO prelims bundle day-30)
B.39 20) 135% of 480+45% of 675+129.25-356=?
C.49 A. 685
D.51 B. 725
E.42 C. 845
D. 695
Directions (17-19): What value should come in E. None of these
the place of (?) in the following questions.(SBI
PO prelims 2021 mock-6)17) 35% of 720 + 3 3 – 21) (13)2 - (5)2 – (676)1/2+ 7 = (?) 2 + (256) 1/4
40% of 320 = ? A. 5
A.149 B. 9
B.151 C. 11
C.153 D. 15
D.155 E. None of these
22) 3.25 * 40 –√961 * 17 + √484 * 35 = ?
18) (840 ÷ 14) * 15 + √3025 * 4 = ? A. 375
A.1110 B. 373

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C. 345 D. 459
D. 386 E. 464
E. 390
27) ((76.09 + 54.14) ÷ √170) * 11.98 = ?
23) 30% of 580 + 1554 ÷ 37 = ? + √2116 A. 140
A. 140 B. 130
B. 150 C. 120
C. 170 D. 150
D. 190 E. 110
E. 210
28) 34.897 * 3.91 - 25.95 * 6.08 + 18.14 * 5.09 =
24) 5 (27/37) × 4(51/52)×11(1/7) +2(3/4) =? ?
A. 283.75 A. 74
B. 310.25 B. 79
C. 320.75 C. 88
D. 340 D. 96
E. None of these E. 82

25) 25% of 880+12.5% of 240-56% of 500=? 29) 489.891 – 623.14 + 532.05 – 129.94 = ?
A. -20 A. 259
B. -10 B. 249
C. -30 C. 279
D. -40 D. 269
E. None of these E. 239

Directions (26-31): What value should come in 30) (?) + (7.01)3 + √2804.01 = 20.9212
place of (?) in the following questions? (RRB PO A. 36
prelims bundle day-21) B. 42
26) (22.23)2 + 35.93 * 9.23 - 72.09 * 5.19 = ? C. 32
A. 454 D. 45
B. 448 E. 48
C. 444

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For SBI PO, IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Exams 2021

31) 19.01 * 6.91 – 4.12 * √78 + 5.01 * 12.08 =? Directions (35-40): What approximate value
A. 182 should come in the place of (?) in the following
B. 146 questions. (IBPS PO prelims bundle day-1)
C. 161 35) (819.96 ÷ 5.09) + 14.15 * 24.98 = ?
D. 173 A. 498
E. 157 B. 506
C. 514
Directions (32-34): What approximate value D. 518
should come in the place of (?) in the following E. 521
questions.(SBI PO prelims 2021 mock-1)
32) (72.11 + 87.95)/(√145 – 4.09) = ? 36) 27.03 * 17.95 - √1370 = ? 2 – 21.99 * 7.908
A.15 A. 23
B.20 B. 25
C.35 C. 27
D.25 D. 29
E.30 E. 21
33) 1350.01/9.01 + 22.19 * 8.11 = ? 2
A.19 37) (4179.91 ÷ √360) – (627.09 ÷ √1090) *
B.22 10.98 = ?
C.18 A. 7
D.20 B. 10
E.17 C. 13
D. 11
34) √3365 - √325 + √575 = ? E. 15
B.54 38) (31.15)2 – (215.76)(1/3) = ? * 19.13
C.64 A. 50
D.93 B. 57
E.89 C. 61
D. 66
E. 69

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For SBI PO, IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Exams 2021

39) 39.95% of 279.98 – 60.18% of 89.91 = ? D.20

A. 54 E.4
B. 58
C. 62 43) 72.95/144.01*48.04/511.01*? = 10.95
D. 68 A.231
E. 70 B.182
40) (52.891 * 3.91) + √2400 * √50 = ? + √290 * D.266
23.09 E.203
A. 148
B. 154 44) 3 √1330.45 - 3 √25.66 - 3 √6857.84 = ?
C. 158 A.31
D. 164 B.-53
E. 168 C.-11
Directions (41-46): What approximate value E.-18
should come in place of question mark in the
following questions? (RRB PO prelims bundle 45) 119.941% of 300.12 + √5185.102 =? *
day-27) √256.123
41) 39.189 ÷ 12.943 + 49.891 * 1.904 + 1.034 * A.23
6.921= ? * 10.941 B.27
A.7 C.31
B.10 D.35
C.14 E.40
E.3 46) 239.987 ÷ 5.942 + √529.12 * 6.120 =? +
42) 74.912 % of 7.912 + ? * 16.902 = √5040 * A.40
1.903 B.50
A.8 C.60
B.12 D.70
C.16 E.80

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For SBI PO, IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Exams 2021

E. 8
Directions (47-50): What approximate value
should come in the place of (?) in the following 49) (? ÷ 35.95) = (27.09 ÷ ?) * 2.98
questions? A. 43
47) (51.89 – 32.12) ÷ 5.23 + 8.92 =? B. 61
A. 5 C. 49
B. 7 D. 54
C. 13 E. 65
D. 24
E. 30 50) 12.01 * 54.908 – 9.93 * 37.08 = ? 2 + 1.05
A. 17
48) (2198)(1/3) * (8.09)2 = ? * √2705 B. 14
A. 12 C. 19
B. 16 D. 23
C. 20 E. 21
D. 24

Answer With Explanation

Directions (1-6): 270 + 28 + 91 = ?

1) Answer: E 389 = ?
282 – (729)(1/3) + 975 ÷ √1521 = ?
784 – 9 + 25 =? 4) Answer: A
800 =? 960 ÷ 8 + 12 * 15 – 150 % of 48= ?
120 + 180 – 72 = ?
2) Answer: C ? = 228
17 * 14 – 38 = (?)2 + √64 - √9409
238 – 38 =?2 + 8 – 97 5) Answer: B
?2 = 289 480 % of 15 + 90 % of 420 + 20 % of 60 = ?
? = 17 72 + 378 + 12 = ?
? = 462
3) Answer: E
15 * 18 + 80 % of 35 + 130 % of 70= ? 6) Answer: D
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Guidely’s Special Free Bundle PDFs – Simplification and Approximation (Eng Version)
For SBI PO, IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Exams 2021

√576 * ? + 992 ÷ 31 = 112 * √64 252 + 96 – 49=? * 13

24 * ? + 32 = 112 * 8 299=? * 13
? * 24 = 864 ?=23
? = 36
13) Answer: C
7) Answer: E 15 * 12 + 1071 ÷ √289 - ?=√2025 * √9
76% 125 + √12996 - ? = 429 ÷ √121 180 + 63 - ?=135
95 + 114 - ? = 39 ?=108
? = 170
14) Answer: B
8) Answer: B √7744 ÷ 8 + 60% of 150 – 12 * 8 =? – 15
65% of 840 + 25% of 280 = ? + 60% of 225 11 + 90 – 96=? – 15
546 + 70 = ? + 135 ?=20
? = 481
15) Answer: B
9) Answer: A 40% of 200 + 2800 ÷ 7 + ? = √625 * √576
232 + 19 * 28 – 382 = ? 80 + 400 + ?=600
529 + 532 – 1444 = ? ?=120
? = -383
16) Answer: D
10) Answer: B 45 % of 20 + 48 % of 150 - ? = √36 * √25
(1296)3 * (216)7/618 = (6)? 9 + 72 - ? =6 * 5
612 + 21 – 18 = 6 ? ?=51
? = 15
17) Answer: B
11) Answer: C 35% of 720 + 33 – 40% of 320 = ?
125 % of 40 + 319 – 18 * 15 + 20 % of 80=? 252 + 27 – 128 = ?
50 + 319 – 270 + 16=? ? = 151
18) Answer: D
12) Answer: D (840 ÷ 14) * 15 + √3025 * 4 = ?
75 % of 336 + 60 % of 160 – 35 % of 140 = ? * 900 + 220 = ?
√169 ? = 1120
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Guidely’s Special Free Bundle PDFs – Simplification and Approximation (Eng Version)
For SBI PO, IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Exams 2021

19) Answer: A -30=?
28 * 12 + 35 * 18 = ? + 48 * 14
336 + 630 – 672 = ? Directions (26-31):
? = 294 26) Answer: B
(22.23)2 + 35.93 * 9.23 - 72.09 * 5.19 = ?
Directions (20-25): 484 + 324 – 360 = ?
20) Answer: B ? = 448
135% of 480+45% of 675+129.25-356=?
648+303.75+129.25-356=? 27) Answer: C
725=? ((76.09 + 54.14) ÷ √170) * 11.98 = ?
120 = ?
21) Answer: C
(13)2 - (5)2 – (676)1/2+ 7 = (?)2+ (256)1/4 28) Answer: A
X2 =121 34.897 * 3.91 - 25.95 * 6.08 + 18.14 * 5.09 = ?
X=11 140 – 156 + 90 = ?
? = 74
22) Answer: B
3.25 * 40 – √961 * 17 + √484 * 35 = ? 29) Answer: D
130 – 527 + 770 = ? 489.891 – 623.14 + 532.05 – 129.94 = ?
? = 373 490 – 623 + 532 – 130 = ?
? = 269
23) Answer: C
30% of 580 + 1554 ÷ 37 = ? + √2116 30) Answer: D
174 + 42 = ? + 46 (?) + (7.01)3 + √2804.01 = 20.9212
? = 170 ? + 343 + 53 = 441
? = 45
24) Answer: C
?= (212/37)×(259/52)×(78/7)+ (11/4) 31) Answer: E
=318+ (11/4) =320.75 19.01 * 6.91 – 4.12 * √78 + 5.01 * 12.08 =?
133 – 36 + 60 =?
25) Answer: C 157 =?
25% of 880+12.5% of 240-56% of 500=?
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Guidely’s Special Free Bundle PDFs – Simplification and Approximation (Eng Version)
For SBI PO, IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Exams 2021

32) Answer: B 38) Answer: A

(72.11 + 87.95)/(√145 – 4.09) = ? (31.15)2 – (215.76)(1/3) = ? * 19.13
? = 160/8 961 – 6 = ? * 19
20 = ? ? = 50

33) Answer: C 39) Answer: B

1350.01/9.01 + 22.19 * 8.11 = ? 2 39.95% of 279.98 – 60.18% of 89.91 = ?
150 + 176 = ?2 ? = 58
?2 = 326
? = 18 40) Answer: D
(52.891 * 3.91) + √2400 * √50 = ? + √290 *
34) Answer: C 23.09
√3365 - √325 + √575 = ? 212 + 343 = ? + 391
58 – 18 + 24 = ? ? = 164
? = 64
Directions (41-46):
Directions (35-40): 41) Answer: B
35) Answer: C 39.189 ÷ 12.943 + 49.891 * 1.904 + 1.034 *
(819.96 ÷ 5.09) + 14.15 * 24.98 = ? 6.921= ? * 10.941
? = 164 + 350 39/13 + 50 * 2 + 1 * 7 = ? * 11
? = 514 3 + 100 + 7=? * 11
36) Answer: B
27.03 * 17.95 - √1370 = ?2 – 21.99 * 7.908 42) Answer: A
486 - 37 + = ?2 - 176 74.912 % of 7.912 + ? * 16.902 = √5040 * 1.903
? = 25 75% of 8 + ? * 17 = √5041 * 2
6 + ? * 17=142
37) Answer: D ?=8
(4179.91 ÷ √360) – (627.09 ÷ √1090) * 10.98 =
? 43) Answer: A
220 – 209 = ? 72.95/144.01 * 48.04/511.01 * ? = 10.95
? = 11 73/144 * 48/511 * ? = 11

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For SBI PO, IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Exams 2021

? = (11 x 511 x 144)/(73 x 48) Directions (47-50):

? = 11 x (511/73) x (144/48) 47) Answer: C
? = 11 x 7 x 3 = 231 (51.89 – 32.12) ÷ 5.23 + 8.92 =?
=> (52 – 32) ÷ 5 + 9 =?
44) Answer: C => 13
3√1330.45 - 3√25.66 - 3√6857.84 = ?
3√1331 - 3√27 - 3√6859 = ? 48) Answer: B
=11 -3 - 19 = -11 (2198)(1/3) * (8.09)2 = ? * √2705
13 * 64 = ? * 52
45) Answer: B ? = 16
119.941% of 300.12 + √5185.102 =? * √256.123
120/100 * 300 + √5184 = ? * √256 49) Answer: D
360 + 72 =? * 16 (? ÷ 35.95) = (27.09 ÷ ?) * 2.98
? = 27 ?2 = 36 * 27 * 3
? = 54
46) Answer: C
239.987 ÷ 5.942 + √529.12 * 6.120 = ? + 50) Answer: A
117.918 12.01 * 54.908 – 9.93 * 37.08 = ?2 + 1.05
240/6 + √529 * 6 = ? + 118 660 – 370 = ?2 + 1
40 + 138 = ? + 118 ? = 17
? = 60

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