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“To Study Employee Working Condition and Welfare

Activities with Specific Reference to Shree Surya Dairy
Farms and pvt. Ltd. Chandrapur”

Submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirement for

the award of Degree in

Master of Business Administration

Specialization in Human Resource Management
(Gondwana University Gadchiroli)

Submitted By Under the Guidance of

Miss. Ghoshana S. Talewar Dr. Kavita Hingane
M. B. A. (Final Year) , M.B.A , Ph.D
2023-2024 LKMIMSR, Kosara, Chandrapur

Sarvodaya Shikshan Mandal’s

Sau. Leena Kishor Mamidwar Institute of
Management Studies & Research, Kosara,
2023 – 2024

“To Study Employee Working Condition and Welfare

Activities with Specific Reference to Shree Surya Dairy
Farms and pvt. Ltd. Chandrapur”

Submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirement for

the award of Degree in

Master of Business Administration

Specialization in Human Resource Management
(Gondwana University Gadchiroli)

Submitted By Under the Guidance of

Miss. Ghoshana S. Talewar Dr. Kavita Hingane
M . B. A. (Final Year) , M.B.A , Ph.D
2023-2024 LKMIMSR, Kosara, Chandrapur

Sarvodaya Shikshan Mandal’s

Sau. Leena Kishor Mamidwar Institute of
Management Studies & Research, Kosara,
Sarvodaya Shikshan Mandal’s
Sau. Leena Kishor Mamidwar
Institute of Management Studies and
Research, Kosara, Chandrapur


This is to certify that, Miss. Ghoshana S. Talewar is a

bonafied MBA (Final Year) Student of Sau. Leena Kishor Mamidwar
Institute of Management Studies & Research, Kosara, Chandrapur for
the session 2023 - 2024 completed her project entitiled “To Study
Employee Working Condition and Welfare Activities with Specific
Reference to Shreesurya Dairy farms and pvt. Ltd. Chandrapur”
Under the guidance of Dr. Kavita Hingane.

The Project is being submitted to Gondwana University,

Gadchiroli in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree
of Master of Business Administration.

Date :
Place : Chandrapur Dr. J. N. Chakravorty
LKMIMSR, Kosara, Chandrapur
Sarvodaya Shikshan Mandal’s
Sau. Leena Kishor Mamidwar
Institute of Management Studies and
Research, Kosara, Chandrapur

Certificate Guide
This is to certify that, Miss. Ghoshana S. Talewar is a
bonafied MBA (Final Year) Student of Sau. Leena Kishor Mamidwar
Institute of Management Studies & Research, Kosara, Chandrapur for
the session 2023 - 2024 completed her project entitiled “To Study
Employee Working Condition and Welfare Activities with Specific
Reference to Shreesurya Dairy farms and pvt. Ltd. Chandrapur”
Under the guidance of Dr. Kavita Hingane.

1. The candidate has satisfactory conducted research for not less then
academic session.

2. The project is the result candidates own work and is of sufficiently

high Standard to warrants presentation to Gondwana university
Gadhroli in partial fulfilment of requirement for the Master of
Business Administration.
Date :
Place : Chandrapur Dr. Kavita Hingane
LKMIMSR, Kosara, Chandrapur

This work presented in this project was conducted

during 2023-2024 under the supervision of Dr. Kavita Hingane

Institute of Management Studies And Research, Kosara, Chandrapur.

This work has not been submitted to any other degree

or diploma to any other University or institute.

Date : Miss. Ghoshana S. Talewar

Place : M.B.A (Final year)
LKMIMSR Chandrapur

I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude

Dr.J.N.Chakravorty (Principal) for giving me the permission to take

this project work at Institute of Management Studies and Research,

Kosara, Chandrapur.

I am greatly indebted to Dr. Kavita Hingane (project

guide ) who always encourages and guided me for this project work . I

take this opportunity to thank her for valuable suggestions and

constant encouragement given to me from time to time .

During the preparation of this project many people

have helped me immensely.

Last but not least my heartily thanks to my parents

those of my friends who have, helped me so much in completion of this


Miss. Ghoshana S. Talewar

M.B.A. (Final year)
LKMIMSR Chandrapur
Sr. No. Chapters Pg. No.

1. Introduction 01-17
A) Company Profile
B) Theoretical Background

2. Research Methodology
- Title of Study
- Problem of the Study
- Rationale of the Study
- Objective of the Study
- Hypothesis
Review of Literature
Operational Concept and Variable of the Study
Research Design
- Nature / Types of the Study
- Universe of the Study
- Sample and Sample Size
- Methode of the Data Collection
- Sampling Method
Scope of Study
Limitation Of Study
3. Data Analysis and Interpretation 31-45

4. Findings,Conclusion, Suggestion 46-49

Bibliography 50

Plagiarism Check
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A) Company Profile:

Surya Dairy and Milk products are a production of Vaid Milk Products Private

Limited, Phase II, Industrial Estate, Chandrapur . Synonymous with quality, our

brand name "SURYA" has become a household name in the state. We now

manufacture Pasteurised Milk, Ghee, Butter, Cream, Cheese and Curd. Serving

the masses with our quality products, our vision is to be the best in terms of product

quality, customer satisfaction and brand name.

Our product range includes "agmark" approved pure Ghee, Curd, pasteurised

Milk, Processed Paneer (cheese), White Butter and Skimmed Milk Powder. Our

sister concern, Punjab Milk Food Company, Amritsar manufactures Pure desi

ghee, Skimmed Milk Powder. Surya Dairy Farm is a 2 years 22 days old

Proprietorship Firm incorporated on 01-Feb-2022, having its registered office.

The major activity of Surya Dairy Farm is Manufacturing, Sub-classified into

Manufacture of food products and is primarily engaged in the Manufacture of

other dairy products n e c . Surya Dairy Farm is classified as Micro enterprise in

the financial year 2022-23. It has its unit situated at Chandrapur, Maharashtra.

B) Theoretical Background


The terms ‟employees‟ welfare‟ and „workers‟ welfare‟ are used

interchangeably to denote various services provided by the employers to the

employees in addition to wages.

In simple words, it means “the efforts to make life worth living for workmen.” It

includes various services, facilities and amenities provided to employees for their

betterment. These facilities may be provided voluntarily by progressive

entrepreneurs, or statutory provisions may compel them to provide these

amenities; or these may be undertaken by the government or trade unions, if they

have the required funds.

Welfare is a broad concept referring to a state of living of an individual or a group,

in a desirable relationship with the total be environment, ecological, economic,

and social welfare includes both the social and economic contents.

Labour welfare is an important dimension of industrial relations which

includes overall welfare facilities designed to take care of wellbeing of employee's

and in order to increase their standard of living. It means the adoption of measures

to promote the physical, social, psychological and general wellbeing of the

working people.

Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of

employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping

the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for

longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in

any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions,

creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial

relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the

workers and their families.

Labor welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards

providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages

or salaries. The objectives of employee welfare are to improve the life of the

working class, to bring about holistic development of the worker‟s personality and

so on. Employee welfare is in the interest of employee, employer and the society

as a whole. It enables workers to perform their work in healthy and favorable

environment. Hence, it improves efficiency of workers and keeps them content,

thereby contributing to high employee morale.

It also develops a sense of responsibility and dignity amongst the workers

and thus makes them good citizens of the nation. Apart from the wages and salary,

anything done by the organization to improve the living standard of employees and

keep them contented comes under the realm of employee welfare.

All those services, benefits and facilities offered to employees by the

employer to make his life worth living, are included in employee welfare.


According to International Labour Organization, “Employee welfare should be

understood as such service, facilities and amenities which may be established in

or in the vicinity of undertakings to enable the persons employed in them to

perform their work in healthy and peaceful surroundings and to avail of facilities

which improve their health and bring high morale”

According to Arthur James Todda “Employee welfare means anything done for

the comfort and intellectual, improvement, social of the employees, over

and above the wages paid which is not a necessity of the industry”.


❖ Inspection and providing practical guidance and encouraging employers and

employees in their efforts to reduce the incidence of occupational safety and health

risks at work places and to improve safe and healthful working conditions.

❖ Investigation and recommendation of work related accidents and dangerous

occurrences, their causes and measures for prevention of future recurrence.

❖ Prosecution and control as deterrent for violation of laws.

❖ Examination, testing and certification of stability of buildings, machineries and

equipment being used in the factories.

❖ Work as Member Secretary of Crisis Group formed under the Chemical Accidents

(Emergency Plan, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996.

❖ Promotion of safety and health awareness through training programs, seminars

and workshops.

❖ Monitoring of work environment for mitigation of Air and Water pollution,

temperature, noise level etc. and to arrest and eliminate occupational diseases in

the factories.

❖ Collection, compilation and furnishing of statistical data on employment, activities

of Inspectorate and Factories including work related injuries, diseases and

dangerous occurrences.

❖ Preparation of Off-site Emergency Plan for factories assisting the District

Administration Authority.

❖ Recognition of competent persons for third party test, examination and

certification of buildings, machineries and equipment.


➢ Employees Welfare measures includes various facilities, services and amenities

provided to employees for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment

and social status too.

➢ Employees Welfare measures are in addition to their wages and services.

➢ Employees Welfare schemes are flexible and not static therefore it is ever

changing and added to the existing schemes from time to time.

➢ These employee welfare measures may be introduced by the Government,

employees or by social, charitable or religions institution.

➢ The aim behind labour welfare scheme is to develop overall personality of the
employees and to retain them as the best workforce.

➢ By introducing labour welfare schemes, employees are successful in creating

efficient, healthy, loyal motivated, enthusiastic work force in the organization and

to make their work life better and improves their standard of living..


Scope of labour welfare includes statutory and non-statutory welfare amenities

which are also increasing day-by-day and in most of workers' welfare is by and

large acceptable to society. On the whole labour welfare aims at minimizing stress

and strains of industrial workers.


The Important Benefits of welfare services of Employees are given below:

✓ Welfare facilities provide better physical and mental health to the workers and

make them happy.

✓ Such service facilities like housing scheme, medical benefits, and education

recreation facilities for the workers‟ families help create contented workers‟

families. This will help them to devote greater attention towards their work. The

gain in terms of productivity and quality of work will be large indeed.

✓ Employees‟ services serve to maintain some degree of peace with the employees‟

unions in as much as these constitute a considerable part of the bargaining

package. The harmony and the good relations that result are the kingpin of higher


✓ Employers get stable labour force due to the provision of welfare facilities.

Workers take active interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of involvement

and satisfaction. They also find their work interesting.

✓ Employers secure the benefits of high efficiency, cordial industrial relations and

low labour absenteeism and turnover.

✓ Labour welfare measures raise labour productivity and bring industrial peace and

cordial labour-management relations.

✓ An employer is able to attract talented workers from the labour market by

providing attractive welfare facilities.

✓ The social evils prevalent in the labour-force such as gambling, drinking, etc., are

reduced. Welfare activities by the employer bring improvement in the health of

the workers and keep them cheerful.


1. To provide better and safe life and health to the employee.

2. To relieve employees from frustration, fatigue, depression.

3. To improve intellectual, culture and material conditions of lying of the employees.

4. To make the employees happy and fully satisfied.

5. To provide them safety while working.

6. To enhance employees motivation and morale.

7. To create congenial and healthy atmosphere to enable the workers to enjoy their


8. To provide immediate working conditions such as adequate light, heat, ventilation,

toilet facilities, accident and occupational disease presentation, lunch room,

recreation room etc.


Labour welfare work is generally undertaken by four main agencies viz.

❖ The employers

❖ The workers' organization

❖ The Central Government

❖ The State Government

a) The employers :

Employer is in direct contact with the employees. His role is pivotal in

providing welfare facilities to the employees over and above what is laid down by

law. There is no denying the fact that some of the leading industrialists in India

are pioneers in providing welfare amenities to their employees. Some of these

employers in this regard are the Mafatlals, J.K. Group. Godrej, Larsen and Turbo,

Pfizer, Voltas, Philips, Bajaj, Tisco & Telco etc. Various welfare amenities

provided by the employers to the employees include educational facilities,

medical facilities, transport facilities, recreational facilities, gift on the marriage

of children, housing facilities and consumer co-operative societies etc.

(b) The workers' organisation:

This includes the welfare activities provided by the unions for the benefit of their

members out of their own funds. Various trade unions have done commendable

work in the field of labour welfare.

(c) The Central Government:

A labour welfare advisor was appointed in 1942 for promoting the labour welfare

work. A labour welfare fund was constituted in the year 1946 for financing the

labour welfare measures outside the purview of statutory provisions in public

sector undertakings.

The Government of India favored the idea of „welfare state‟. The government

passed certain Acts, viz. Factories Act, 1948, the Coal Mines Labour Welfare

Fund Act, 1947, the Iron Ore Mines Welfare Cess Act, 1961 and the Limestone

and Dolomite Mines Labour Welfare Act, 1972, etc., are important Acts,

(d) The State Government:

The State Governments have passed Labour Welfare Funds Acts from time to time

to safeguard the interests of the workers and their families. Some of the important

Acts passed by the State Governments are the Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act

(1953); the Mysore Labour Welfare Fund Act (1965) etc.

The main sources of finances for these funds are

❖ Fines realized from the employees.

❖ Unpaid wages, bonus, gratuity and all unpaid arrears.

❖ Fines imposed on the employers by courts for defaults.

❖ Voluntary donations.

❖ Any fund transferred from any other labour welfare fund.

❖ Unclaimed and forfeited sums in Provident Fund Accounts.

❖ Any sum borrowed, etc. In addition to what has been explained above in respect

of labour in India, a large number of voluntary social organizations have taken

welfare activities in respect of night-schools, libraries, recreation health etc.


Some of the major categories of labour welfare are:

(1) Intra-mural Facilities

(2) Extra-mural Facilities

(3) Statutory Facilities

(4) Mutual Facilities and

(5) Voluntary Facilities

(1) Intra-mural Facilities:

The facilities provided inside the factory are known as intra-mural

facilities. These facilities include activities relating to minimization of industrial

fatigue, provision of safety measures like fencing and covering of machines, good

layout of the plant and machinery, sufficient lighting conditions, provision of first

aid appliances etc. Extra-mural Facilities:

Facilities offered to the workers outside the factory are known as extra-mural

facilities. They include better housing accommodations, indoor and outdoor

recreation sports, educational facilities etc. The provision of these facilities is

voluntary. Earlier, due attention was not given to the provision of extra-mural

facilities to the workers but now it is realized that these facilities are very important

for the general welfare and upliftment of the workers.

(2) Statutory Facilities:

Under this category, welfare facilities are provided according to the labour

legislations passed by the Government. The nature and coverage of these facilities

vary from country to country. Again these facilities may be either intra-mural

facilities or extra-mural facilities. These facilities must be provided by all the

employers and cannot be ignored. Any contravention of the statutory provisions

shall render the employer punishable under the Act concerned.

❖ Facilities which have to be provided irrespective of the size of the establishment

e.g., drinking water.

❖ Facilities which are to be provided subject to the employment of a specified

number of persons, e.g., crèche‟s.

(3) Mutual Facilities:

These facilities are usually outside the scope of the statutory facilities. These

activities are voluntarily undertaken by the workers themselves for their own

interest. As such the employer has no say in it.

(4) Voluntary:

The facilities which are voluntarily provided by the employers come under this

category. Hence these are not statutory. No doubt, the activities under this category

ultimately lead to increase in the efficiency of workers.


1. Statutory welfare facilities:-

Statutory welfare facilities are mandatory, company should compulsory provides

these facilities for the welfare of the workers. According to factories act 1948, in

every manufacturing unit company should provide statutory welfare facilities.

a) Washing facilities:-

Adequate & suitable for washing shall be provided & maintained for the use of

workers. They are cleanly maintained and properly placed. Separate washing

facility is made for male and female employees.

b) Drinking water:-

In every factory effective arrangement shall be provided & maintain at suitable

points conveniently situated. For all worker employed there should be sufficient

supply of pure drinking water, and it should marked as drinking water in local

language or any language where majority of employees can understand.

c) Facility for storing & drying of cloths:-

The state government may in respect of any factory or class or description of

factories, make rule requiring the provision there in of suitable place for keeping

clothing not warm during working hours & for drying of wet cloths, these place

free from theft and sufficient place is there for every employee to keep their cloths.

d) Facility for sitting:-

In every suitable arrangement for sitting shall be provided & maintained for all

workers obliged to work in standing position. In order that they may take

advantage of any opportunity for rest which may occur in course of their work.

And those arrangements made by the factory should be comfortable to employees.

e) First Aid Application:-

There shall in every factory First aid Box should provide & maintained, so as to

be readily accessible during all working hours, First aid Boxes or Cupboards are

well equipped with prescribed contents. Each first aid box shall keep in the in-

charge of a separate responsible person he/she should well educated trained to

use first aid box.

f) Canteen facility

Constitution in the running of the canteen which is not be taking into account in

fixing the cost of foodstuff & which shall be borne by the employee. The

constitution of managing committee for the canteen &representations of the

workers in the management of canteen .Quality of food should be standard and

standard should follow in respect of infrastructure.

g) Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms:-

In every factory where in workers are ordinarily employed adequate & suitable

arrangements are made for the shelters, lunch etc.

Provision for pure drinking water, where worker can eat their meals

brought by them. Rest rooms:-

In every factory sufficient number of latrines and urinals accommodation

of prescribed types shall be provided conveniently situated and accessible

all times while they are at the factory. They shall be maintained clean &

sanitary condition. Proper water facility should be there.

2. Voluntary welfare facility:-

Voluntary welfare facilities means where in company has come

voluntary to establish welfare measures for the wellbeing of the workers

these facilities are not compulsory like statutory welfare facilities.

Company had taken certain step to raise the living standard of the worker

by introducing certain facilities, so that employees feel happy & satisfied

with their job.

1) Housing Facility:-

Housing facility means company will construct hoses for residential

purpose. These quarters will be provided to officers and workers at

concession rate with all other facilities like, water ventilation and light

facility. They should be at good condition.

2) Education Facility:-

Education facility means providing free education to children of workers

so that they can get education free cost in campus only. Otherwise

company makes arrangement for transportation i.e. school going children

from colony to schools. Company can provide scholarship facility for

rank holders every year. And education in these schools should of

standard quality as other schools. The staff also well-educated according

to law and well disciplined.

3) Medical facility:-

Medical facility means providing free medical facility to worker and

dependents. And free medical aid is provided at campus only. And

protection of employee from any deceases. The in-charge person should

well education and experienced, and any major deceases.

4) Miscellaneous welfare facilities:-

Even these facilities also not compulsory, these facilities are not major

one but little things make difference. Company provided certain facilities

other than statutory and voluntary facilities. Company had taken initiative

to provide these facilities.

5) Employee Co-Operative credit bank:-

Company can establish at factory premises the employee co-operative

credit bank to employees. So that they can get long facility at concession

rate. And formalities get sanctioned loan will less compare to nationalized


6) Milk Dairy:-

Milk dairy is established to provide good quality of milk at concession

rate to employee, guest house and for canteen. They can get milk all the

time that is 12 month with good quality at minimum rate.

7) Recreation facilities:-

Company can provide recreation facility to refresh the minds of employee

by means providing television, playground, sports and other

entertainment programmers.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2


Title of the Study:

“To Study Employee Working Condition and Welfare Activities with

Specific Reference to Shreesurya Dairy farms and pvt. Ltd. Chandrapur”

Problem of the study:

The research problem of the study is Working condition and welfare

activities of employee. The employer and the society as a whole for the

employees, welfare measures enables the employees and his family to lead good

life welfare facilities like housing medical and children‟s education, recreation

etc. help to improve the family life to employees.

Rationale of the study:

Present researchers feel that topics of study are of great importance.

Researcher Feels that not enough material available on the topic. The study will

try to focus on Working Condition and welfare activities of employes regarding

various policies implemented in the company. To identify the employees level

of satisfaction upon Working Condition and welfare activities. This study is

helpful to that organization for conducting further research.


Objectives of the Study:

1) To study the welfare facilities provided by the dairy to the employees.

2) To study satisfaction level of the employee about the welfare facilities.

3) To study the working condition of employee in Surya dairy Farm. .

4) To identify the welfare facilities provided in the organization.



1. The welfare facilities provided by the dairy to the employees is good.

2. The employee are satisfied with welfare facilities of Dairy.

3. The working condition of employee is also well in Surya dairy Farm.

4. The common welfare facilities provided in the organization are hand washing

facility, drinking water


Sabarirajan,Meharajan.t [2001] - ‘EmployeeeMorale’ analyzed the

investigation on specialist welfare in Textile industry. The investigation shows

that 15% of the laborers are representatives are content with their welfare

measures.39 % of the representatives is ordinary with their welfare measures.

16% of them are in significantly disappointed level. This examination hurls light

on the impact of welfare measures on QWL among the specialists of material

production lines in Salam region." While portraying the Welfare in Indian


Ken.w[2007] - ‘Uncertainty-WelfareeEconomicssof/Medical6Care’ the

objective of this research project was to develop a formal safety program that

addresses these problems, then to develop a method to promote the new program.

The development of the new program was to be accomplished by analyzing the

current safety program and comparing this program to others that the consultant

had developed, and similar industries. As a result of the review of the current

program, it is recommended by the consultant that the current program not be

scrapped in favor or a new program. It would be more beneficial to modify the

current program rather than to attempt to start over with a new safety program.

Abdullah, Spickett, Rumchev&Dhaliwal [2007]- ‘laborrsafety&and

9measures’ study on organizational factors on safety in Taiwan and Japan

reported that the impact of organizational factors in the two nations were diverse

because of disparate culture. For instance, they discovered that Taiwanese

leadership style was "Top-Down Directive" where top management conveyed

safety strategies and associated with safety exercises while Japanese safety

leadership was more focused on "Bottom-Up Participative" where top

management promoted representatives' investment in any safety exercises.

Ragin [2007]- ‘Employeeehealth/0&0safety’ health and safety is a widespread

component that should be contemplated particularly in little and medium

enterprises as it is turning into a noteworthy issue for employers on the planet.

Tailor (1998) continues including that health and safety of specialists in little and

medium endeavors has long being dismissed in Africa and thusly there are

growing occasions of disasters occurring in close to nothing and medium

endeavors. There is for the most part nonattendance of organization reinforce in

pretty much nothing and medium endeavors as the dominant part of them look at

opening up of advantages rather than upgrading the working conditions therefore

the results are shortcoming and safety of the delegates.

Joseph [2009]- ‘Privatization7and7employee5Relations’ examined in the

article calls attention to that the structure of a welfare state lays on its government

managed savings texture. Government, employers and trade unions have

completed a considerable measure to promote the betterment of worker's


Josephine .M Rudolph L. [2011]- ‘Safetyypracticessinssmalleenterprise’ The

purpose of this research is to understand the views of different employees in small

and medium enterprises about what can be done to improve the health and safety

in work places. From the findings, it shows that when good health and safety

practices are not put in place, accidents ,major and minor injuries can happen,

and it is what most of the employees in other companies have so far experienced.

Zanko, M. & Dawson, P. [2012].-‘ assessing0occupational0training0and0

health&safety’ In examining the research literature on word related health and

safety (OHS), this paper contends that the development in the quantity of

specialists in OHS has brought about an accentuation on approach and practice a

long way from more educational concerns effectively tended to by scholastics in

the controls of brain research and human science.

A rest has happened, and this is demonstrate by the general nonattendance of

moves in administration, despite the way that OHS is continuously observed as a

key operational and key stress of business associations.

Ramanigopal. C [2012]-‘Industrial7Relations’finished up the organization has

given greatest exertion and commitment to actualize the work laws and directions

and it has prevailing with regards to executing powerful safety and health

administration thinking about the kind of safety and health issues, mishaps,

representatives and innovation in its hierarchical settings and additionally great

level of satisfaction among representatives in regards to healthy and safety has

been accomplished.

Bellary. Logasakthi and Rajagopal [2013] - ‘Employee Satisfaction’charmed

the workers appreciate the satisfaction of their occupations and additionally

unique workplaces given by the organizations. The works extend their most

prominent help for the difference in the association.


People with required skills to make an organization are generally referred

to as human resources. The term human resources can also be explained in the

sense that it is a resource like any natural resource.


It is helpful to identify the employer’s level of satisfaction towards

working condition and welfare activities. This study helpful to the organization

for identifying the area of dissatisfaction of the employe for Working condition

and welfare activities. This study helps to make a managerial decision to the


Nature/ Type of the study:

The Study is of empirical in nature. It is little attempt to find out health and

safety measure satisfaction of employees working in Surya dairy Farm. The study

will focus on the survey carried out among the employees working in Surya dairy

Farm. So the study is of exploratory and formulative.

Universe of the Study:

For the purpose of the study the present researchers has selected employees

working in Surya dairy Farm as Universe of study.

Population :

The researcher has selected a mass group as representative as whole.

Sample and Sample size :

The size of the sample is an important is therefore a small sample properly

selected and it is more reliable. The small size of sample is sufficient to study.

The data for analysis is collected from 50 employees of WCL


The researcher will meet Some Person like

1) The employees SBI, Chandrapur Area

2) Manager

Sampling Method :

Random sampling method is used as a sampling method

Method of Data collection:

There is a great need for a data of high quality in order to conduct the

Market Research Study the researcher collected data by himself and also rely on

other information given by the officer concerned

Sources of data Collection:

1) Primary data

a) Information Collected from different employees of various age group.

b) Face to face Interview

2) Secondary data

a) Books
b) Manuals and reports.
c) Internet
d) Company Website

Tools of Data collection:

1) Questionnaire and
2) Interviews Schedule
For the Purpose of above study the researcher has prepared the

questionnaire for different categories of person of various age group.


The maximum time available for the study will be as per the time table provided by the

Sr. No. Work Expected Duration

I Selection & approval of the topic & working out 10 Days

II Research Methodology (Research Design) 10 Days

III Collection of Data 10 Days
IV Preparation of Chapters 20 Days

V Report Writing 10 Days

VI Total 60 Days


The study is presented in the following chapter scheme:

Chapter I

This chapter gives an overall view about the theoretical background of the study

and company details.

Chapter II

This chapter deals with Research Methodology

Chapter III

This chapter briefly describes analysis and interpretation of data

Chapter IV

This chapter narrates the major findings, conclusions and suggestion.


1) The scope of employee Welfare cannot be limited, since it differs according to

social customs and the degree of industrialization indifferent countries and at

different times. They have to be elastic and flexible enough to suit the

conditions of the workers, and to include all the essential prerequisites of life

and the minimum basic amenities.

2) The laws of every country highlight directions to specific application to the

working class, the necessity of securing just and humane conditions of work,

for them. However, what these conditions actually imply cannot be specified

in rigid terms for all times and situations.

3) Thus, the subject of Labour Welfare is fairly wide and is not limited to anyone

country, region or industry. Writers and institutions have described its scope in

different ways and from different angles. The line of demarcation cannot be

very precise.


1) This study is only limited for Shreesurya Dairy Farm Chandrapur.

2) The study will focus only on Health safety and welfare satisfaction of

employees working in organization.

3) The time period for the study is short hence data collected will be limited.

4) The study is only for the academic purpose.

Chapter 3
Chapter 3

4.1 (I) Opinion about the age of the employees.

Table No. 4.1 (I)

Sr Age Group No. OF Percent

. Respondents age
1 20-30 8 16%
2 30-40 35 70%
3 40-50 7 14%
4 50 & Above 0 0%
Total 50 100%




20% 14%
20-30 30-40 40-50 50 & Avobe


• Analysis:-
The above chart shows that maximum of the employees age are 70% are within
the age group of 30-40 years, few of the employees that is 16% are within the age
group of 20-30 years, few of the employees that is 14% are within the age group
of 40-50. The analysis shows that most of employees are young.

4.1 (II) Opinion about the education of employees
Table No 4.1 (II)

Sr. Educat No. OF Percent

No ion Respondents age
1 S.S.C 4 8%
2 H.S.C 5 10%
3 Degree 35 70%
4 ITI 6 12%
Total 50 100%






20% 12%
8% 10%

S.S.C H.S.C Degree ITI

• Analysis:-
The chart shows that maximum of the employees that is 70% are complete degree
and minimum of employees that is 12% are completed ITI and few of employees
that is 10% are passed H.S.C. and very few of the employees that is 8% are passed
S.S.C. The analysis shows that most of employees are completed degree. Most of
employees are educated.

4.1 (III) Opinion about the Experience of employee.
Table No.4.1 (III)

Sr. No Experience No. OF Percentag

Respondents e
1 0-5 Years 4 8%
2 6-10 Years 10 20%
3 10-15 20 40%
Above 15
4 16 32%
Total 50 100%

35% 32%

0-5 Years 6-10 Years 10-15 Years Above 15 Years

• Analysis:-
The chart shows that 40% of employees have experience 10-15 Years s, 32% of
the employees have experience above 15 Years, and 20% employees have
experience 6-10 Years, and only 8% of the employees have experience of less than
5 years. The analysis shows that most of employees have experience 10-15 Years.

4.2 Opinion about washing facility, sufficient number & Maintenance of
Wash basins.
Table No. 4.2

Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage

1 Highly satisfied 5 10%
2 satisfied 40 80%
3 Not satisfied 5 10%
4 Highly not satisfied 0 0%
Total 50 100%

10% 0% 10%

Highly satisfied

Not satisfied
Highly not satisfied


• Analysis:-
The above table show that 80% if the employees are satisfied with the washing
facility provided by the factory but 10% employees are not satisfied. 10% employees
are highly satisfied. The analysis shows that most of the employees are highly
satisfied with the washing provided by factory also has to verify that why the other
employees are not satisfied with washing facility and verify them.

1.3 Opinion about drinking water with its coolness & cleanness with proper sufficient
Table No. 4.3

Sr. Satisfaction level No. OF Percent

No Respondents age
1 Highly satisfied 2 4%
2 satisfied 38 76%
3 Not satisfied 10 20%
4 Highly not 0 0%
Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
The table shows that 76% of employees are satisfied with drinking water facility of
factory and 4% of employees are highly satisfied 20% respondents are not satisfied
drinking water facility.





20% 4%
Highly satisfied satisfied Not satisfied Highly not

• Interpretation:-
The analysis is shows that most of employees are satisfied with drinking water
facility. Few employees are not satisfied with the drinking water facility.

1.4 Opinion about the facility for Drying & Storing of cloths
Table No. 4.4

Sr. Satisfaction level No. OF Percent

No Respondents age
1 Highly satisfied 10 20%
2 satisfied 40 80%
3 Not satisfied 0 0%

4 Highly not 0 0%
Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
Table shows that 80% respondents are satisfied drying & storing facility. 20%
respondents are highly satisfied



Highly satisfied

Not satisfied
Highly not satisfied

• Interpretation:-
Analysis shows that all respondents are satisfied with facility of drying & storing
of cloth.
4.5 Opinion about regarding arrangement made by company for sitting are

Table No. 4.5

Sr. No Satisfaction No. OF Percent

level Respondents age
1 Highly satisfied 5 10%
2 satisfied 40 80%
3 Not satisfied 5 10%
Highly not
4 0 0%
Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
The table shows that 80% employees are satisfied sitting facility. 10% employees
are highly not satisfied and 10% of employees are highly satisfied.






20% 10% 10%

Highly satisfied satisfied Not satisfied Highly not satisfied

• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that most of respondents are satisfied with factory sitting
arrangement comfortable.
4.6 Opinion about employee of First Aid & In-charge of person
Table No 4.6

Sr. Satisfaction No. OF Percent

No level Respondents age
1 Highly satisfied 2 4%
2 satisfied 48 96%
3 Not satisfied 0 0%
Highly not
4 0 0%

Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
Table shows that 96% employees are satisfied with first aid box. 4% employees
are highly satisfied in the factory first aid box.







Highly satisfied satisfied Not satisfied Highly not

• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that all employees are mostly satisfied with the first aid box.

4.7 Opinion about the quality, variety of the food provided in the canteen

facility of the factory

Table No. 4.7

Sr. Satisfaction No. OF Percent

No level Respondents age
1 Highly satisfied 25 50%
2 satisfied 15 30%

3 Not satisfied 10 20%

Highly not
4 0 0%

Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
Table shows that 50% employees are highly satisfied with canteen facility. 30%
employees are satisfied factory provided canteen facility and 20% are employees
are not satisfied.


Highly satisfied
Not satisfied
Highly not satisfied

• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that maximum employees are satisfied with canteen facility of
the factory but minimum employees are not satisfied with canteen of the factory.
4.8 Opinion about the how the work room is maintained
Table No. 4.8

Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Percent

Respondents age
1 Highly satisfied 12 24%
2 satisfied 33 66%
3 Not satisfied 5 10%
4 Highly not 0 0%
Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
The analysis shows that 66% employees are satisfied with work room
maintained. 24% employees are highly satisfied. Only employees are highly
not satisfied.

70% 66%



40% 24%

Highly satisfied satisfied Not satisfied Highly not satisfied

• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that most of employees are satisfied with work room maintains.

4.9 Opinion about the facility of Latrines & urinals
Table No 4.9

Sr. Satisfaction No. OF Percent

No level Respondents age
1 Highly satisfied 40 80%
2 satisfied 10 20%
3 Not satisfied 0 0%
Highly not
4 0 0%

Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
Table shows that 80% employees are highly are satisfied with latrines & urinals
and 20% employees are satisfied





30% 20%
0% 0%
Highly satisfied satisfied Not satisfied Highly not satisfied

• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows all respondents are highly satisfied with latrines & urinals.

4.10 Opinion about condition of quarter‟s provided by factory
Table No. 4.10

Sr. Satisfaction No. OF Percent

No level Respondents age
1 Highly satisfied 30 60%
2 satisfied 10 20%
3 Not satisfied 5 10%
Highly not
4 5 10%
Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
Table shows that 60% employees are highly satisfied with quarter‟s facility. 20%
employees are not satisfied. Highly not satisfied employees are 10%



Highly satisfied

Not satisfied
20% 60% Highly not satisfied

• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that maximum employees are satisfied with condition of
quarters. Minimum employees are not satisfied.
4.11 Opinion about education facility in factory
Table No 4.11

Sr. Satisfaction No. OF Percent

No level Respondents age
1 Highly satisfied 2 4%
2 satisfied 40 80%
3 Not satisfied 6 12%
Highly not
4 2 4%
Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
Table shows that 80% of employees are satisfied with the education facility. 4%
employees are highly satisfied minimum 12% employees are not satisfied and
highly not satisfied employees are 4%






20% 12%
10% 4% 4%
Highly satisfied satisfied Not satisfied Highly not satisfied

• Interpretation:-
From the analysis it shows that most of the employees are satisfied with the
education facilities provided to the employee‟s children. Minimum employees are
not satisfied with the education facility.
4.12 Opinion about medical facility
Table No. 4.12

Sr Satisfaction No. OF Percent

. level Respondents age
1 Highly 46 92%
2 satisfied 4 8%
3 Not satisfied 0 0%
Highly not
4 0 0%
Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
Table shows that 92% employees are highly satisfied with facility. 4% employees are
only satisfied.

8% 0%

Highly satisfied

Not satisfied
Highly not satisfied


• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that most of employees are satisfied with the medical facility
of factory.
4.13 Opinion about employee co-operative bank
Table No. 4.13

Sr Satisfaction No. OF Percent

. level Respondents age
1 Highly 1 2%
2 satisfied 48 96%

3 Not satisfied 1 2%
Highly not
4 0 0%

Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
Table shows that 96% employees are satisfied 2% employees are highly satisfied
with employee co-operative bank. 2% employees are not satisfied.






2% 2% 0%
Highly satisfied satisfied Not satisfied Highly not satisfied

• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that most of employees are satisfied with employee co-operative

Chapter 4


1. It is observation from the table no 4.1 (i) (ii ) & (iii ) 70% employees age are

30-40. Most of employees completed degree, most employees having an

experienced i.e., with the 10-15 yrs.

2. It is observed from the (table no 4.2) most of the employees satisfied with the

washing facility of the factory.

3. It is observed from the (table no 4.3) that the factory provides the better drinking

water facility with coolness & proper sufficient number.

4. It is observed from the (table no 4.4) that the factory provides that facility for

drying & storing of cloths. They are free from any theft everyone get sufficient

place to store their cloths.

5. It is observed from the (table no 4.5) employees are satisfied arrangements made

by the factory for sitting are comfortable.

6. It is observed from the (table no 4.6) that the most of the employees are satisfied

with first aid box. Employees believe that there is no- charge person

responsible for the box & nobody is experienced in using box & nobody is

experienced in using the box, the person who needs he can use it.

7. It is observed from the (table no. 4.7) factory provides better canteen facility.

Variety of food provided. Most of the employees satisfied the canteen facility.

8. It is observed from the (table No 4.8) most of employees are satisfied with

shelters rest room and lunchrooms.

Employees agree that there is proper facility for drinking water, ventilation and

light facility in the work room.

9. It is observed from the (table no. 4.9) that the factory provides adequate urinal

& toilets the employees are fully satisfied by the cleanliness & by other

provided welfare facility.

10. It is observed from the (table no. 4.10) most of employees satisfied with the

housing facility. Factory had provided with housing facility a concession rate.

All employees satisfied that quarters have all facilities like pure drinking water

facility, ventilation and light facility & quarters are good condition.

11. It is observed from the (table n. 4.11) that the factory provides employees

children scholarship, education facilities to the employees & also transportation

facilities. Most of employees are satisfied by these facilities.

12. It is observed from the (table no. 4.12) that the factory provides various facility

such as hospital, ambulance, medicines subsidized rates & most of employee

are satisfied.

13. It observed from the ( table no. 4.13) that factory provides all the facilities such

as insurance, loans, bonus, & also after retirement facilities.


After analyzing all we can conclude that a Successful human resource

management contributes to a powerful labour working condition, welfare and

smooth industrial relations. This helps an industry to grow successfully in

accomplishing its goals and further enter into society in an endeavor to uplift

the community and humanity. The final outcome of this thesis exhibits

employees were more satisfied with their job and some extent aware of health

safety and labour welfare facilities offered by the organization. It is suggested

that management should maintain the same level of amenities and relationship

in future also. Certain actions to be taken to enhance the level of awareness of

welfare schemes, protect from unions and legislations. Successful

implementation of these suggestions will enhance the value of service to the

employees, thereby management and employees can feel pleasant.


1. The company should provide drinking water facility at convenient place. The

company should make arrangement for cold water at summer or hot season.

2. The company should make proper arrangement for sitting when employees need

little rest while they are working.

3. The company should appoint in charge person who is well trained in using the

first aid box. The company should make arrangements for proper maintenance


4. The company should provide education allowance to the children of worker.

Add some recreation facility so that they can refresh their mind from day-to-

day activities. The company should provide maximum facility to experienced

employees like pension, gratuity.

5. Introduce suggestion box so that employees can add their suggestion or opinion.

They can express their feeling or difficulties directly to management. Any

decision regarding welfare facilities take employee.



Researches Methodology : Method and Techniques – C R Kothari


Plagiarism Checker X – Report
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Date : 22 February 2024
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Remarks: Moderate similarity detected, you better improve the document (if Required).
A) Company Profile: Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) is one of the eight Subsidiary

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTIONA) Company Profile: Surya Dairy and Milk products are a production of
Vaid Milk Products Private Limited, Phase II, Industrial Estate, Chandrapur . Synonymous with
quality, our brand name "SURYA" has become a household name in the state. We now manufacture
Pasteurised Milk, Ghee, Butter, Cream, Cheese and Curd. Serving the masses with our quality
products, our vision is to be the best in terms of product quality, customer satisfaction and brand
name.Our product range includes "agmark" approved pure Ghee, Curd, pasteurised Milk, Processed
Paneer (cheese), White Butter and Skimmed Milk Powder. Our sister concern, Punjab Milk Food
Company, Amritsar manufactures Pure desi ghee, Skimmed Milk Powder. Surya Dairy Farm is a 2
years 22 days old Proprietorship Firm incorporated on 01-Feb-2022, having its registered office.
The major activity of Surya Dairy Farm is Manufacturing, Sub-classified into Manufacture of food
products and is primarily engaged in the Manufacture of other dairy products n e c . Surya Dairy Farm
is classified as Micro enterprise in the financial year 2022-23. It has its unit situated at Chandrapur,
1.B) Theoretical Background INTRODUCTION The terms ‟employees‟ welfare‟ and „workers‟
welfare‟ are used interchangeably to denote variousservices provided by the employers to the
employees in addition to wages.In simple words, it means “the efforts to make life worth living for
workmen.” It includes various services, facilities and amenities provided to employees for their
betterment. These facilities may be provided voluntarily by progressive entrepreneurs, or statutory
provisions may compel them to provide these amenities; or these may be undertaken by the
government or trade unions, if they have the required funds.Welfare is a broad concept referring to a
state of living of an individual or a group, in a desirable relationship with the total be environment,
ecological, economic, and social welfare includes both the social and economic contents.Labour
welfare is an important dimension of industrial relations which includes overall welfare facilities
designed to take care of wellbeing of employee's and in order to increase their standard of living. It
means the adoption of measures to promote the physical, social, psychological and general wellbeing
of the working people.2.Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of
employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and
motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare
measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes
monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health,
industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and
their families.Labor welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards
providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries. The
objectives of employee welfare are to improve the life of the working class, to bring about holistic
development of the worker‟s personality and so on. Employee welfare is in the interest of employee,
employer and the society as a whole. It enables workers to perform their work in healthy and
favorable environment. Hence, it improves efficiency of workers and keeps them content, thereby
contributing to high employee morale.It also develops a sense of responsibility and dignity amongst
the workers and thus makes them good citizens of the nation. Apart from the wages and salary,
anything done by the organization to improve the living standard of employees and keep them
contented comes under the realm of employee welfare. 3.
All those services, benefits and facilities offered to employees by the employer to make his life worth
living, are included in employee welfare.DEFINITION:According to International Labour
Organization, “Employee welfare should be understood as such service, facilities and amenities which
may be established in or in the vicinity of undertakings to enable the persons employed in them to
perform their work in healthy and peaceful surroundings and to avail of facilities which improve their
health and bring high morale”According to Arthur James Todda “Employee welfare means anything
done for the comfort and intellectual, improvement, social of the employees, over and above the
wages paid which is not a necessity of the industry”.
Inspection and providing practical guidance and encouraging employers and employees in
their efforts to reduce the incidence of occupational safety and health risks at work places and to
improve safe and healthful working conditions.
Investigation and recommendation of work related accidents and dangerous occurrences, their
causes and measures for prevention of future recurrence.
Prosecution and control as deterrent for violation of laws.
Examination, testing and certification of stability of buildings, machineries and equipment
being used in the factories.4.
Work as Member Secretary of Crisis Group formed under the Chemical Accidents
(Emergency Plan, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996.
Promotion of safety and health awareness through training programs, seminars and
Monitoring of work environment for mitigation of Air and Water pollution, temperature,
noise level etc. and to arrest and eliminate occupational diseases in the factories.
Collection, compilation and furnishing of statistical data on employment, activities of
Inspectorate and Factories including work related injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences.
Preparation of Off-site Emergency Plan for factories assisting the District Administration
Recognition of competent persons for third party test, examination and certification of
buildings, machineries and equipment.
Employees Welfare measures includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to
employees for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status too.
Employees Welfare measures are in addition to their wages and services. 5.
Employees Welfare schemes are flexible and not static therefore it is ever changing and added
to the existing schemes from time to time.
These employee welfare measures may be introduced by the Government, employees or by
social, charitable or religions institution.
The aim behind labour welfare scheme is to develop overall personality of the employees and
to retain them as the best workforce.
By introducing labour welfare schemes, employees are successful in creating efficient,
healthy, loyal motivated, enthusiastic work force in the organization and to make their work life better
and improves their standard of living..
Scope of labour welfare includes statutory and non-statutory welfare amenities which are also
increasing day-by-day and in most of workers' welfare is by and large acceptable to society. On the
whole labour welfare aims at minimizing stress and strains of industrial workers.
The Important Benefits of welfare services of Employees are given below:
Welfare facilities provide better physical and mental health to the workers and make them
Such service facilities like housing scheme, medical benefits, and education recreation
facilities for the workers‟ families help create contented workers‟ families. This will help them to
devote greater attention towards their work. The gain in terms of productivity and quality of work will
be large indeed.
Employees‟ services serve to maintain some degree of peace with the employees‟ unions in
as much as these constitute a considerable part of the bargaining package. The harmony and the good
relations that result are the kingpin of higher productivity.
Employers get stable labour force due to the provision of welfare facilities. Workers take
active interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of involvement and satisfaction. They also find
their work interesting.
Employers secure the benefits of high efficiency, cordial industrial relations and low labour
absenteeism and turnover.
Labour welfare measures raise labour productivity and bring industrial peace and cordial
labour-management relations.
An employer is able to attract talented workers from the labour market by providing attractive
welfare facilities.
The social evils prevalent in the labour-force such as gambling, drinking, etc., are reduced.
Welfare activities by the employer bring improvement in the health of the workers and keep them
1. To provide better and safe life and health to the employee.
2. To relieve employees from frustration, fatigue, depression.
3. To improve intellectual, culture and material conditions of lying of the employees.
4. To make the employees happy and fully satisfied.
5. To provide them safety while working.
6. To enhance employees motivation and morale.
7. To create congenial and healthy atmosphere to enable the workers to enjoy their leisure.
8. To provide immediate working conditions such as adequate light, heat, ventilation, toilet
facilities, accident and occupational disease presentation, lunch room, recreation room etc.
Labour welfare work is generally undertaken by four main agencies viz.
The employers
The workers' organization
The Central Government
The State Government 8.
a) The employers :
Employer is in direct contact with the employees. His role is pivotal in providing welfare facilities
to the employees over and above what is laid down by law. There is no denying the fact that some of
the leading industrialists in India are pioneers in providing welfare amenities to their employees.
Some of these employers in this regard are the Mafatlals, J.K. Group. Godrej, Larsen and Turbo,
Pfizer, Voltas, Philips, Bajaj, Tisco & Telco etc. Various welfare amenities provided by the employers
to the employees include educational facilities, medical facilities, transport facilities, recreational
facilities, gift on the marriage of children, housing facilities and consumer co-operative societies etc.
(b) The workers' organisation:
This includes the welfare activities provided by the unions for the benefit of their members out of
their own funds. Various trade unions have done commendable work in the field of labour welfare.
(c) The Central Government:
A labour welfare advisor was appointed in 1942 for promoting the labour welfare work. A labour
welfare fund was constituted in the year 1946 for financing the labour welfare measures outside the
purview of statutory provisions in public sector undertakings.9.
The Government of India favored the idea of „welfare state‟. The government passed certain Acts,
viz. Factories Act, 1948, the Coal Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1947, the Iron Ore Mines Welfare
Cess Act, 1961 and the Limestone and Dolomite Mines Labour Welfare Act, 1972, etc., are important
(d) The State Government:
The State Governments have passed Labour Welfare Funds Acts from time to time to safeguard the
interests of the workers and their families. Some of the important Acts passed by the State
Governments are the Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act (1953); the Mysore Labour Welfare Fund
Act (1965) etc.
The main sources of finances for these funds are
Fines realized from the employees.
Unpaid wages, bonus, gratuity and all unpaid arrears.
Fines imposed on the employers by courts for defaults.
Voluntary donations.
Any fund transferred from any other labour welfare fund.
Unclaimed and forfeited sums in Provident Fund Accounts.
Any sum borrowed, etc. In addition to what has been explained above in respect of labour in
India, a large number of voluntary social organizations have taken welfare activities in respect of
night-schools, libraries, recreation health etc.10. TYPES OF EMPLOYEES WELFARES:
Some of the major categories of labour welfare are:
(1) Intra-mural Facilities
(2) Extra-mural Facilities
(3) Statutory Facilities
(4) Mutual Facilities and
(5) Voluntary Facilities
(1) Intra-mural Facilities:
The facilities provided inside the factory are known as intra-mural facilities. These facilities include
activities relating to minimization of industrial fatigue, provision of safety measures like fencing and
covering of machines, good layout of the plant and machinery, sufficient lighting conditions,
provision of first aid appliances etc. Extra-mural Facilities:
Facilities offered to the workers outside the factory are known as extra-mural facilities. They include
better housing accommodations, indoor and outdoor recreation sports, educational facilities etc. The
provision of these facilities is voluntary. Earlier, due attention was not given to the provision of extra-
mural facilities to the workers but now it is realized that these facilities are very important for the
general welfare and upliftment of the workers.11.
(2) Statutory Facilities:
Under this category, welfare facilities are provided according to the labour legislations passed by the
Government. The nature and coverage of these facilities vary from country to country. Again these
facilities may be either intra-mural facilities or extra-mural facilities. These facilities must be
provided by all the employers and cannot be ignored. Any contravention of the statutory provisions
shall render the employer punishable under the Act concerned.
Facilities which have to be provided irrespective of the size of the establishment e.g., drinking
Facilities which are to be provided subject to the employment of a specified number of
persons, e.g., crèche‟s.
(3) Mutual Facilities:
These facilities are usually outside the scope of the statutory facilities. These activities are voluntarily
undertaken by the workers themselves for their own interest. As such the employer has no say in it.
(4) Voluntary:
The facilities which are voluntarily provided by the employers come under this category. Hence these
are not statutory. No doubt, the activities under this category ultimately lead to increase in the
efficiency of workers.12.
1. Statutory welfare facilities:-
Statutory welfare facilities are mandatory, company should compulsory provides these facilities for
the welfare of the workers. According to factories act 1948, in every manufacturing unit company
should provide statutory welfare facilities.
a) Washing facilities:-
Adequate & suitable for washing shall be provided & maintained for the use of workers. They are
cleanly maintained and properly placed. Separate washing facility is made for male and female
b) Drinking water:-
In every factory effective arrangement shall be provided & maintain at suitable points conveniently
situated. For all worker employed there should be sufficient supply of pure drinking water, and it
should marked as drinking water in local language or any language where majority of employees can
c) Facility for storing & drying of cloths:-
The state government may in respect of any factory or class or description of factories, make rule
requiring the provision there in of suitable place for keeping clothing not warm during working hours
& for drying of wet cloths, these place free from theft and sufficient place is there for every employee
to keep their cloths.13.
d) Facility for sitting:-
In every suitable arrangement for sitting shall be provided & maintained for all workers obliged to
work in standing position. In order that they may take advantage of any opportunity for rest which
may occur in course of their work. And those arrangements made by the factory should be
comfortable to employees.
e) First Aid Application:-
There shall in every factory First aid Box should provide & maintained, so as to be readily accessible
during all working hours, First aid Boxes or Cupboards are well equipped with prescribed contents.
Each first aid box shall keep in the in-charge of a separate responsible person he/she should well
educated trained to use first aid box.
f) Canteen facility
Constitution in the running of the canteen which is not be taking into account in fixing the cost of
foodstuff & which shall be borne by the employee. The constitution of managing committee for the
canteen &representations of the workers in the management of canteen .Quality of food should be
standard and standard should follow in respect of infrastructure.
g) Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms:-
In every factory where in workers are ordinarily employed adequate & suitable arrangements are
made for the shelters, lunch etc. 14.
Provision for pure drinking water, where worker can eat their meals brought by them. Rest rooms:-
In every factory sufficient number of latrines and urinals accommodation of prescribed types shall be
provided conveniently situated and accessible all times while they are at the factory. They shall be
maintained clean & sanitary condition. Proper water facility should be there.
2. Voluntary welfare facility:-
Voluntary welfare facilities means where in company has come voluntary to establish welfare
measures for the wellbeing of the workers these facilities are not compulsory like statutory welfare
facilities. Company had taken certain step to raise the living standard of the worker by introducing
certain facilities, so that employees feel happy & satisfied with their job.
1) Housing Facility:-
Housing facility means company will construct hoses for residential purpose. These quarters will be
provided to officers and workers at concession rate with all other facilities like, water ventilation and
light facility. They should be at good condition.
2) Education Facility:-
Education facility means providing free education to children of workers so that they can get
education free cost in campus only. Otherwise company makes arrangement for transportation i.e.
school going children from colony to schools. Company can provide scholarship facility for rank
holders every year. And education in these schools should of standard quality as other schools. The
staff also well-educated according to law and well disciplined.
3) Medical facility:-
Medical facility means providing free medical facility to worker and dependents. And free medical
aid is provided at campus only. And protection of employee from any deceases. The in-charge person
should well education and experienced, and any major deceases.
4) Miscellaneous welfare facilities:-
Even these facilities also not compulsory, these facilities are not major one but little things make
difference. Company provided certain facilities other than statutory and voluntary facilities. Company
had taken initiative to provide these facilities. 16.
5) Employee Co-Operative credit bank:-
Company can establish at factory premises the employee co-operative credit bank to employees. So
that they can get long facility at concession rate. And formalities get sanctioned loan will less
compare to nationalized bank.
6) Milk Dairy:-
Milk dairy is established to provide good quality of milk at concession rate to employee, guest house
and for canteen. They can get milk all the time that is 12 month with good quality at minimum rate.
7) Recreation facilities:-
Company can provide recreation facility to refresh the minds of employee by means providing
television, playground, sports and other entertainment programmers.17. Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Title of the Study:
“To Study Employee Working Condition and Welfare Activities with Specific Reference to
Shreesurya Dairy farms and pvt. Ltd. Chandrapur”
Problem of the study:
The research problem of the study is Working condition and welfare activities of employee. The
employer and the society as a whole for the employees, welfare measures enables the employees and
his family to lead good life welfare facilities like housing medical and children‟s education, recreation
etc. help to improve the family life to employees.
Rationale of the study:
Present researchers feel that topics of study are of great importance. Researcher Feels that not enough
material available on the topic. The study will try to focus on Working Condition and welfare
activities of employes regarding various policies implemented in the company. To identify the
employees level of satisfaction upon Working Condition and welfare activities. This study is helpful
to that organization for conducting further research.
Objectives of the Study:
1) To study the welfare facilities provided by the dairy to the employees.
2) To study satisfaction level of the employee about the welfare facilities.
3) To study the working condition of employee in Surya dairy Farm. .
4) To identify the welfare facilities provided in the organization. 19.
1. The welfare facilities provided by the dairy to the employees is good.
2. The employee are satisfied with welfare facilities of Dairy.
3. The working condition of employee is also well in Surya dairy Farm.
4. The common welfare facilities provided in the organization are hand washing facility,
drinking water20.
Sabarirajan,Meharajan.t [2001] - ‘EmployeeeMorale’ analyzed the investigation on specialist welfare
in Textile industry. The investigation shows that 15% of the laborers are representatives are content
with their welfare measures.39 % of the representatives is ordinary with their welfare measures. 16%
of them are in significantly disappointed level. This examination hurls light on the impact of welfare
measures on QWL among the specialists of material production lines in Salam region." While
portraying the Welfare in Indian INDUSTRIAL SECTOR
Ken.w[2007] - ‘Uncertainty-WelfareeEconomicssof/Medical6Care’ the objective of this research
project was to develop a formal safety program that addresses these problems, then to develop a
method to promote the new program. The development of the new program was to be accomplished
by analyzing the current safety program and comparing this program to others that the consultant had
developed, and similar industries. As a result of the review of the current program, it is recommended
by the consultant that the current program not be scrapped in favor or a new program. It would be
more beneficial to modify the current program rather than to attempt to start over with a new safety
Abdullah, Spickett, Rumchev&Dhaliwal [2007]- ‘laborrsafety&and 9measures’ study on
organizational factors on safety in Taiwan and Japan reported that the impact of organizational factors
in the two nations were diverse because of disparate culture. For instance, they discovered that
Taiwanese leadership style was "Top-Down Directive" where top management conveyed safety
strategies and associated with safety exercises while Japanese safety leadership was more focused on
"Bottom-Up Participative" where top management promoted representatives' investment in any safety
Ragin [2007]- ‘Employeeehealth/0&0safety’ health and safety is a widespread component that should
be contemplated particularly in little and medium enterprises as it is turning into a noteworthy issue
for employers on the planet. Tailor (1998) continues including that health and safety of specialists in
little and medium endeavors has long being dismissed in Africa and thusly there are growing
occasions of disasters occurring in close to nothing and medium endeavors. There is for the most part
nonattendance of organization reinforce in pretty much nothing and medium endeavors as the
dominant part of them look at opening up of advantages rather than upgrading the working conditions
therefore the results are shortcoming and safety of the delegates.
Joseph [2009]- ‘Privatization7and7employee5Relations’ examined in the article calls attention
to that the structure of a welfare state lays on its government managed savings texture. Government,
employers and trade unions have completed a considerable measure to promote the betterment of
worker's conditions.
Josephine .M Rudolph L. [2011]- ‘Safetyypracticessinssmalleenterprise’ The purpose of this research
is to understand the views of different employees in small and medium enterprises about what can be
done to improve the health and safety in work places. From the findings, it shows that when good
health and safety practices are not put in place, accidents ,major and minor injuries can happen, and it
is what most of the employees in other companies have so far experienced.
Zanko, M. & Dawson, P. [2012].-‘ assessing0occupational0training0and0 health&safety’ In
examining the research literature on word related health and safety (OHS), this paper contends that
the development in the quantity of specialists in OHS has brought about an accentuation on approach
and practice a long way from more educational concerns effectively tended to by scholastics in the
controls of brain research and human science. 23.
A rest has happened, and this is demonstrate by the general nonattendance of moves in administration,
despite the way that OHS is continuously observed as a key operational and key stress of business
Ramanigopal. C [2012]-‘Industrial7Relations’finished up the organization has given greatest exertion
and commitment to actualize the work laws and directions and it has prevailing with regards to
executing powerful safety and health administration thinking about the kind of safety and health
issues, mishaps, representatives and innovation in its hierarchical settings and additionally great level
of satisfaction among representatives in regards to healthy and safety has been accomplished.
Bellary. Logasakthi and Rajagopal [2013] - ‘Employee Satisfaction’charmed the workers appreciate
the satisfaction of their occupations and additionally unique workplaces given by the organizations.
The works extend their most prominent help for the difference in the association.
People with required skills to make an organization are generally referred to as human resources. The
term human resources can also be explained in the sense that it is a resource like any natural resource.
It is helpful to identify the employer’s level of satisfaction towards working condition and welfare
activities. This study helpful to the organization for identifying the area of dissatisfaction of the
employe for Working condition and welfare activities. This study helps to make a managerial decision
to the company.
Nature/ Type of the study:
The Study is of empirical in nature. It is little attempt to find out health and safety measure
satisfaction of employees working in Surya dairy Farm. The study will focus on the survey carried out
among the employees working in Surya dairy Farm. So the study is of exploratory and formulative.
Universe of the Study:
For the purpose of the study the present researchers has selected employees working in Surya dairy
Farm as Universe of study.
Population :
The researcher has selected a mass group as representative as whole.
Sample and Sample size :
The size of the sample is an important is therefore a small sample properly selected and it is more
reliable. The small size of sample is sufficient to study. 25.
The data for analysis is collected from 50 employees of WCL BallarpurArea.
The researcher will meet Some Person like
1) The employees SBI, Chandrapur Area
2) Manager
Sampling Method :
Random sampling method is used as a sampling method
Method of Data collection:
There is a great need for a data of high quality in order to conduct the Market Research Study the
researcher collected data by himself and also rely on other information given by the officer concerned
Sources of data Collection:
1) Primary data
a) Information Collected from different employees of various age group.
b) Face to face Interview
2) Secondary data
a) Books
b) Manuals and reports.
c) Internet
d) Company Website
Tools of Data collection:
1) Questionnaire and
2) Interviews Schedule
For the Purpose of above study the researcher has prepared the questionnaire for different categories
of person of various age group.
Sr. No. Work Expected Duration
I Selection & approval of the topic & working out problem 10 Days
II Research Methodology (Research Design) 10 Days
III Collection of Data 10 Days
IV Preparation of Chapters 20 Days
V Report Writing 10 Days
VI Total 60 Days
The maximum time available for the study will be as per the time table provided by the university27.
The study is presented in the following chapter scheme:
Chapter I
This chapter gives an overall view about the theoretical background of the study and company details.
Chapter II
This chapter deals with Research Methodology
Chapter III
This chapter briefly describes analysis and interpretation of data
Chapter IV
This chapter narrates the major findings, conclusions and suggestion.28
1) The scope of employee Welfare cannot be limited, since it differs according to social customs
and the degree of industrialization indifferent countries and at different times. They have to be elastic
and flexible enough to suit the conditions of the workers, and to include all the essential prerequisites
of life and the minimum basic amenities.
2) The laws of every country highlight directions to specific application to the working class, the
necessity of securing just and humane conditions of work, for them. However, what these conditions
actually imply cannot be specified in rigid terms for all times and situations.
3) Thus, the subject of Labour Welfare is fairly wide and is not limited to anyone country,
region or industry. Writers and institutions have described its scope in different ways and from
different angles. The line of demarcation cannot be very precise. 29.
1) This study is only limited for Shreesurya Dairy Farm Chandrapur.
2) The study will focus only on Health safety and welfare satisfaction of employees working in
3) The time period for the study is short hence data collected will be limited.
4) The study is only for the academic purpose.30.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
4.1 (I) Opinion about the age of the employees.
Table No. 4.1 (I)
Sr. No Age Group No. OF Respondents Percentage
1 20-30 8 16%
2 30-40 35 70%
3 40-50 7 14%
4 50 & Above 0 0%
Total 50 100%
• Analysis:-
The above chart shows that maximum of the employees age are 70% are within the age group of 30-
40 years, few of the employees that is 16% are within the age group of 20-30 years, few of the
employees that is 14% are within the age group of 40-50. The analysis shows that most of employees
are young.
4.1 (II) Opinion about the education of employees
Table No 4.1 (II)
Sr. No Education No. OF Respondents Percentage
1 S.S.C 4 8%
2 H.S.C 5 10%
3 Degree 35 70%
4 ITI 6 12%
Total 50 100%
• Analysis:-
The chart shows that maximum of the employees that is 70% are complete degree and minimum of
employees that is 12% are completed ITI and few of employees that is 10% are passed H.S.C. and
very few of the employees that is 8% are passed S.S.C. The analysis shows that most of employees
are completed degree. Most of employees are educated.
4.1 (III) Opinion about the Experience of employee.
Table No.4.1 (III)
Sr. No Experience No. OF Respondents Percentage
1 0-5 Years 4 8%
2 6-10 Years 10 20%
3 10-15 Years 20 40%
4 Above 15
Years 16 32%
Total 50 100%
• Analysis:
The chart shows that 40% of employees have experience 10-15 Years s, 32% of the employees have
experience above 15 Years, and 20% employees have experience 6-10 Years, and only 8% of the
employees have experience of less than 5 years. The analysis shows that most of employees have
experience 10-15 Years.
4.2 Opinion about washing facility, sufficient number & Maintenance of Wash basins.
Table No. 4.2

Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage

1 Highly satisfied 5 10%
2 satisfied 40 80%
3 Not satisfied 5 10%
4 Highly not satisfied 0 0%
Total 50 100%
• Analysis:-
The above table show that 80% if the employees are satisfied with the washing facility provided by
the factory but 10% employees are not satisfied. 10% employees are highly satisfied. The analysis
shows that most of the employees are highly satisfied with the washing provided by factory also has
to verify that why the other employees are not satisfied with washing facility and verify them.

1.3 Opinion about drinking water with its coolness & cleanness with proper sufficient number.
Table No. 4.3

Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage

1 Highly satisfied 2 4%
2 satisfied 38 76%
3 Not satisfied 10 20%
4 Highly not satisfied 0 0%
Total 50 100%
• Analysis:-
The table shows that 76% of employees are satisfied with drinking water facility of factory and 4% of
employees are highly satisfied 20% respondents are not satisfied drinking water facility.

• Interpretation:-
The analysis is shows that most of employees are satisfied with drinking water facility. Few
employees are not satisfied with the drinking water facility.
1.4 Opinion about the facility for Drying & Storing of cloths
Table No. 4.4

Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage

1 Highly satisfied 10 20%
2 satisfied 40 80%
3 Not satisfied 0 0%
4 Highly not satisfied 0 0%
Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
Table shows that 80% respondents are satisfied drying & storing facility. 20% respondents are highly
• Interpretation:-
Analysis shows that all respondents are satisfied with facility of drying & storing of cloth.
4.5 Opinion about regarding arrangement made by company for sitting are Comfortable
Table No. 4.5

Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage

1 Highly satisfied 5 10%
2 satisfied 40 80%
3 Not satisfied 5 10%
4 Highly not
satisfied 0 0%
Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
The table shows that 80% employees are satisfied sitting facility. 10% employees are highly not
satisfied and 10% of employees are highly satisfied.

• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that most of respondents are satisfied with factory sitting arrangement
4.6 Opinion about employee of First Aid & In-charge of person
Table No 4.6

Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage

1 Highly satisfied 2 4%
2 satisfied 48 96%
3 Not satisfied 0 0%
4 Highly not
satisfied 0 0%
Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
Table shows that 96% employees are satisfied with first aid box. 4% employees are highly satisfied in
the factory first aid box.
• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that all employees are mostly satisfied with the first aid box.
4.7 Opinion about the quality, variety of the food provided in the canteen facility of the factory
Table No. 4.7
Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage
1 Highly satisfied 25 50%
2 satisfied 15 30%
3 Not satisfied 10 20%
4 Highly not
satisfied 0 0%
Total 50 100%
• Analysis:-
Table shows that 50% employees are highly satisfied with canteen facility. 30% employees are
satisfied factory provided canteen facility and 20% are employees are not satisfied.

• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that maximum employees are satisfied with canteen facility of the factory but
minimum employees are not satisfied with canteen of the factory.
4.8 Opinion about the how the work room is maintained
Table No. 4.8

Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage

1 Highly satisfied 12 24%
2 satisfied 33 66%
3 Not satisfied 5 10%
4 Highly not satisfied 0 0%
Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
The analysis shows that 66% employees are satisfied with work room maintained. 24% employees are
highly satisfied. Only employees are highly not satisfied.

• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that most of employees are satisfied with work room maintains.

4.9 Opinion about the facility of Latrines & urinals
Table No 4.9

Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage

1 Highly satisfied 40 80%
2 satisfied 10 20%
3 Not satisfied 0 0%
4 Highly not
satisfied 0 0%
Total 50 100%
• Analysis:-
Table shows that 80% employees are highly are satisfied with latrines & urinals and 20% employees
are satisfied
• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows all respondents are highly satisfied with latrines & urinals.
4.10 Opinion about condition of quarter‟s provided by factory
Table No. 4.10

Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage

1 Highly satisfied 30 60%
2 satisfied 10 20%
3 Not satisfied 5 10%
4 Highly not
satisfied 5 10%
Total 50 100%

• Analysis:-
Table shows that 60% employees are highly satisfied with quarter‟s facility. 20% employees are not
satisfied. Highly not satisfied employees are 10%
• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that maximum employees are satisfied with condition of quarters. Minimum
employees are not satisfied.
4.11 Opinion about education facility in factory
Table No 4.11
Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage
1 Highly satisfied 2 4%
2 satisfied 40 80%
3 Not satisfied 6 12%
4 Highly not
satisfied 2 4%
Total 50 100%
• Analysis:-
Table shows that 80% of employees are satisfied with the education facility. 4% employees are highly
satisfied minimum 12% employees are not satisfied and highly not satisfied employees are 4%
• Interpretation:-
From the analysis it shows that most of the employees are satisfied with the education facilities
provided to the employee‟s children. Minimum employees are not satisfied with the education
4.12 Opinion about medical facility
Table No. 4.12
Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage
1 Highly satisfied 46 92%
2 satisfied 4 8%
3 Not satisfied 0 0%
4 Highly not
satisfied 0 0%
Total 50 100%
• Analysis:-
Table shows that 92% employees are highly satisfied with facility. 4% employees are only satisfied.
• Interpretation:-
The analysis shows that most of employees are satisfied with the medical facility of factory.
4.13 Opinion about employee co-operative bank
Table No. 4.13
Sr. No Satisfaction level No. OF Respondents Percentage
1 Highly satisfied 1 2%
2 satisfied 48 96%
3 Not satisfied 1 2%
4 Highly not
satisfied 0 0%
Total 50 100%
Table shows that 96% employees are satisfied 2% employees are highly satisfied with employee co-
operative bank. 2% employees are not satisfied.
The analysis shows that most of employees are satisfied with employee co-operative bank.
Chapter 4
1. It is observation from the table no 4.1 (i) (ii ) & (iii ) 70% employees age are 30-40. Most of
employees completed degree, most employees having an experienced i.e., with the 10-15 yrs.
2. It is observed from the (table no 4.2) most of the employees satisfied with the washing facility
of the factory.
3. It is observed from the (table no 4.3) that the factory provides the better drinking water
facility with coolness & proper sufficient number.
4. It is observed from the (table no 4.4) that the factory provides that facility for drying &
storing of cloths. They are free from any theft everyone get sufficient place to store their cloths.
5. It is observed from the (table no 4.5) employees are satisfied arrangements made by the
factory for sitting are comfortable.
6. It is observed from the (table no 4.6) that the most of the employees are satisfied with first aid
box. Employees believe that there is no- charge person responsible for the box & nobody is
experienced in using box & nobody is experienced in using the box, the person who needs he can use
7. It is observed from the (table no. 4.7) factory provides better canteen facility. Variety of food
provided. Most of the employees satisfied the canteen facility.
8. It is observed from the (table No 4.8) most of employees are satisfied with shelters rest room
and lunchrooms.
Employees agree that there is proper facility for drinking water, ventilation and light facility in the
work room.
9. It is observed from the (table no. 4.9) that the factory provides adequate urinal & toilets the
employees are fully satisfied by the cleanliness & by other provided welfare facility.
10. It is observed from the (table no. 4.10) most of employees satisfied with the housing facility.
Factory had provided with housing facility a concession rate. All employees satisfied that quarters
have all facilities like pure drinking water facility, ventilation and light facility & quarters are good
11. It is observed from the (table n. 4.11) that the factory provides employees children
scholarship, education facilities to the employees & also transportation facilities. Most of employees
are satisfied by these facilities.
12. It is observed from the (table no. 4.12) that the factory provides various facility such as
hospital, ambulance, medicines subsidized rates & most of employee are satisfied.
13. It observed from the ( table no. 4.13) that factory provides all the facilities such as insurance,
loans, bonus, & also after retirement facilities.
After analyzing all we can conclude that a Successful human resource management contributes to a
powerful labour working condition, welfare and smooth industrial relations. This helps an industry to
grow successfully in accomplishing its goals and further enter into society in an endeavor to uplift the
community and humanity. The final outcome of this thesis exhibits employees were more satisfied
with their job and some extent aware of health safety and labour welfare facilities offered by the
organization. It is suggested that management should maintain the same level of amenities and
relationship in future also. Certain actions to be taken to enhance the level of awareness of welfare
schemes, protect from unions and legislations. Successful implementation of these suggestions will
enhance the value of service to the employees, thereby management and employees can feel
pleasant.48.SUGGESTIO1.The company should provide drinking water facility at convenient place.
The company should make arrangement for cold water at summer or hot season.
2.The company should make proper arrangement for sitting when employees need little rest while
they are working.
3.The company should appoint in charge person who is well trained in using the first aid box. The
company should make arrangements for proper maintenance quarters.
4.The company should provide education allowance to the children of worker. Add some recreation
facility so that they can refresh their mind from day-to- day activities. The company should provide
maximum facility to experienced employees like pension, gratuity.
5.Introduce suggestion box so that employees can add their suggestion or opinion. They can express
their feeling or difficulties directly to management. Any decision regarding welfare facilities take
employee. 49. BIBLIOGRAPHY
BOOKS : Researches Methodology : Method and Techniques – C R Kothari

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