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Quality with Integrity

October 2015

carsurin coal & minerals insider

Quality with Integrity

India Representative Presence

In response to the demand from our clientele, PT CARSURIN

is pleased to announce that we have launched an operative
representation in India to be able to effectively reach out
and provide direct support to our trusted clients across

Progressively, over 47 years, CARSURIN has grown to be-

come the leading private independent inspection, testing
and verification company in Indonesia with 20 branch
offices and 11 ISO/KAN- accredited laboratories providing
multi-disciplinary & multi-commodity third party inspection,
analytical, technical consultancy and technology solution
services to a broad range of industries across the Indonesian

Our track record with accredited laboratories, extensive

local knowledge, in depth understanding of technical and
non-technical issues, and strict compliance to standards will
enable us to extend our reputation for Quality with Integrity
to our presence in India.

We have engaged professional veteran, Kailas Chati, as CAR-

SURIN’s India Country Representative, who brings 50 years
of hands-on professional experience & reputation in the
independent inspection sector, and possesses a thorough
understanding of the market and the needs of our diverse
October 2015


• PT Kereta Api Logistics (PT Kalog), a subsidiary of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), is focusing on the development
of loading/unloading of coal in South Sumatra. This is in line with the increase in coal production in South Sumatra.
Besides, the business contributes the greatest margin and revenue amongst other business lines of PT Kalog.
• The current slow mining sector has negative impact on charter aircraft leasing industry. This is because the biggest
consumer of charter aircraft industry is the mining and plantation. (Liputan6)
• A total of 12 Draft Government Regulation (RPP) has been signed from sectoral ministers in charge, while 3 RPPs are
still pending because there are still some problems to solve. In the new RPP, the application for operation extension
can be filed at least 10 years and no later than 2 years prior to the expiration of the contract. The new RPP brings
certainty for investors to improve the activities of exploration into production, or the expansion of production at the
IUP, KK, and PKP2B company. (Tribun News)
• Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) says there are about 2,000 outstanding non-tax state revenues
(PNBP) in the mining sector, which will be discussed with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The arrears
are related to royalties, the tax contribution and sales of mining products. (Tribun News)
• Mount Pongkor performance in Bogor, West Java, as a primary gold mine source of PT Antam (Persero) Tbk is
predicted to run out in 2019. Before it occurs, Antam sought other sources of production. The main target include
Mount Papandayan, Garut, West Java, a region in Jambi, and even in Myanmar. (Energi Today)

• Coal miner PT Bayan Resources Tbk obtained sales contracts from the Philippines coal-fired power company, SMC
Consolidated Power Corporation (SMPC). Bayan will supply approximately 1.95 million metric tons of coal over the
next 6 years starting from 2017. (Energi Today)
• Data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said coal reserves in Indonesia is 103.187 billion tons. The
reserves are spread throughout Indonesia, especially in Kalimantan for 52.32 billion tons and Sumatra for 52.48 billion
tons. The majority of coal reserves in Indonesia has a medium rank, 22% of low rank and about 12% of high rank.
(Energi Today)
• A total of approximately 125 coal mining companies in East Kalimantan has closed their operation. Apindo estimated
that 200 companies could close until the end of the year if the situation does not improve. (Tribun News)
• Aiming for divestment (distribution relief of shares) for mining companies for defined categories, all foreign mining
companies must split its shares by 51 percent in October 2015. This is in line with Government Regulation (PP)
No. 77/2014 on the Implementation of Mineral and Coal Mining Activities. The purpose of this is to improve the
government’s authority in foreign mining companies as it has a majority stake. (Liputan6).

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Coal Price Guide (HBA) - October 2015



US$ 57,39 per ton

PTBA prepares Rp 650b for
- 1 September 2015 -

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta - State-run coal producer PT from Rp 12,375 at the beginning of this year. The stock price
Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) says it has prepared Rp 650 billion decline did not reflect the company’s work performance,” he
(US$46.15 million) to carry out a stock buyback program in said as quoted by Antara.
stages, from Sept. 2 to Dec. 1.
Joko explained that one of the purposes of the company’s
PTBA corporate secretary Joko Pramono said in Jakarta on corporate action was to give adequate facilities to achieve
Tuesday that the huge amount of funds would be used to buy an efficient capital structure and to enable the company to
101,333,363 B-series shares, or 4.4 percent of the total capital reduce its overall capital costs and increase its “earning per
placed. share” and “return on equity” in a sustainable way.

Joko said the corporate action was conducted following Joko said the PTBA’s buyback program was aimed at giving
declines in the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) and the the company greater flexibility in managing its long-term
Indonesian Stock Market (IDX), which stood at 4,446.20 capital.
points on Aug. 28, down by 17.63 percent from 5,396.85 on
March 30. “The PTBA will not carry out stock buyback transactions if
they are negative in nature toward the company’s liquidity
“The PTBA stock price stood at Rp 5,950 per share at the IDX and capital and/or its status as a publicly listed company,”
closing trading session on Aug. 28, or down by 51.92 percent he said.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Adaro scales down

production target
- 2 September 2015 -

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta - Major coal producer Adaro Energy and to create maximum value from Indonesian coal,” he said.
has announced that it has lowered its production target from
56-58 million tons previously to 54-56 million tons to mitigate Demand from China, the world’s largest consumer of raw
oversupply that led to plunging commodity prices and cut materials, fell by 25 million tons, or 31 percent, to 54 million
the company’s profit by 31 percent on a yearly basis. tons in the first half, the biggest drop since at least 2009.
While Indian imports rose by 23 million tons, or 35 percent,
According to its first-half financial statement, the company to 88 million tons in the six-month period, surging domestic
posted a 17 percent decline in its revenue from US$1.69 output probably means demand will shrink, Bloomberg
billion it registered in 2014 to $1.4 billion this year. Its net reported last week.
profit was cut deeper, down by around 31 percent from
$167.51 million in the first six months of last year to $119.08 Meanwhile, the world’s five largest exporters increased sales
million in the corresponding period this year. in the first half of this year, with combined shipments from
Indonesia, Australia, Russia, Colombia and South Africa
The publicly listed company said in a published statement gaining 0.1 percent to 343 million tons, government data and
that the dwindling financial performance was due to difficult estimates from Bloomberg Intelligence show.
coal market conditions buffeted by slower demand growth
and abundant supply. The company’s sales volume and Australia’s Newcastle coal, an Asian benchmark, has slumped
production decreased by 6 percent and 7 percent to 26.6 to about $60 a ton from as much as $136.30 in early 2011.
million tons and 25.9 million tons, respectively. Adaro’s average selling price (ASP) declined by 13 percent
year over year as coal prices remained under pressure,
The company said that it had decided to trim its initial according to the company’s documentation.
production target in anticipation of the lingering challenges
in the coal market in the near-term. Adaro’s exports, which account for more than 70 percent of
its total sales, declined by around 16 percent annually to
Adaro’s president director and CEO Garibaldi Thohir said $1.03 billion.
his company would focus on cost discipline, saying he was
upbeat that coal would continue to be the most efficient and Adaro is currently working on three power plant projects,
low cost fuel for electricity generation and therefore crucial two of which — with total investment expected to hit around
to support economic growth. $4.55 billion — are expected to have financial closure in
October before entering the construction phase, as the
“Although the short term outlook remains challenging due to company attempted to intensify business diversification
slower demand growth and macroeconomic uncertainty, we amid unfavorable prices. The two projects are a 2x1000
believe that demand for coal, in particular from Indonesia, megawatt (MW) power plant in Batang, Central Java, and
South Asia and Southeast Asia, will play a key role in the a 2x100 MW mine-mouth power plant in Tabalong, South
future. Kalimantan.

“We continue to develop the non-coal mining parts of our Ariyanto Kurniawan from Mandiri Sekuritas said the firm’s
business and improve their contribution to Adaro to better financial performance was below expectations, making only
withstand the cyclical nature of the coal market,” Garibaldi 64 to 70 percent of analysts’ predictions.
added. “We are on track in our move downstream to power

Quality with Integrity

BHP expects coal rebound and

makes move in Borneo
- 8 September 2015 -

Sydney Morning Herald, Jakarta - BHP Billiton is set to “I think we will continue to see costs come down,” he said.
ramp up its focus on Indonesian coal, revealing it will open The IndoMet project had a target of employing 70 per cent of
a second mine on Borneo within two years as it predicts a its staff from the local community in Kalimantan. “We are in
rebound in global markets. the process of recruiting now ... we are ramping up to 1200
people (and) are absolutely committed to supporting local
BHP’s Indonesian coal boss, Mark Small, said mining had communities wherever possible.”
this year started at Haju in Central Kalimantan which is the
first coal deposit mined in the IndoMet coal project, a joint Mr Small said there was a lot of opportunity in Indonesia
venture which is 75 per cent owned by BHP and 25 per cent and it was possible to operate with the same standards as
by Adaro Energy. you would in Australia or another developed economy.
“Indonesia is certainly a place of opportunity. I would just
He also said the company would look to start its next reinforce finding a suitable partner who is aligned with your
Indonesian mine within two years. own values and standards.”
“In parallel we have commenced construction within a
second CCoW (Coal Contracts of Work) due to come on- Australian Mining Chamber in Indonesia chairman Andy
stream in 2017,” he said. Coles said Indonesia had advantages over other jurisdictions.
He said the disadvantage of Mongolia was that China was
Mr Small said IndoMet would seek to create a world-class the only buyer, the regulatory environments in Yemen and
metallurgical coal basin supporting a suite of mines and Cambodia were 15 to 20 years behind Indonesia and mines in
employing many thousands of people. Malaysia were fairly small.

BHP’s strategy is to mine only the world’s largest mineral “Indonesia still stands out from the pack. There are some
resources which can be expanded for generations or even issues, there are some problems but BHP has been here 20
centuries and therefore it rarely goes into a new mining years and they are still here. The proof is in the pudding. The
province without evidence of a substantial resource. regulatory environment is not easy but it is still doable,” he
“To date we have identified a resource of 1.3 billion tonnes
with further exploration planned,” Mr Small told Ozmine Trade commissioner Michael Helleman said Indonesia
Jakarta, a forum organised by Austrade. Coal prices have continued to be an important player in the global mining
dived as part of a global commodity slump but Mr Small said scene with significant levels of coal, copper, gold, tin and
that, beyond the challenging short-term outlook, he was nickel.
optimistic about both thermal coal and metallurgical coal in
the medium to long term. He said global mining companies consistently ranked
Indonesia highly in terms of coal and mineral prospects,
“We are potentially more bullish about metallurgical coal,” however their assessments of mining policies and the
he said. “In the long term I think there will be a recovery, to investment climate were less positive. He said Indonesia
what extent I am not sure.” nonetheless continued to attract significant investment with
Freeport Indonesia, Vale and Weda Bay Nickel all making
He said there was an opportunity in Indonesia to “consolidate, significant investments in recent years.
get the cost base right and establish a sustainable business
going forward”. Mr Small said BHP had undergone a The Indonesian government banned the export of
“simplification project” in terms of identifying its key assets. unprocessed minerals from January 2014 in an effort to push
construction of smelters and boost value of mineral exports.
The demerger with South32 enabled it to focus on four key Australian ambassador to Indonesia Paul Grigson told the
resources: coal, iron ore, petroleum and copper. “Across the forum Australian investment in Indonesia and vice versa was
business we are focusing on safe productivity whilst driving “significantly underdone”.
costs down,” Mr Small said.
“Investment into Australia from Indonesia runs runs at $1.45
One of the benefits of Indonesia was that it had a relatively low billion. Similarly from Australia into Indonesia runs at $5.3
wage structure but there were also potential improvements billion – again, I think a little low. I think medium term focus
in productivity factors, he said. on investment and services is important for us,” he said.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Indonesia’s Coal Output Falls Coal Update Indonesia: Price,

15.4% in January-August Environment, Health & Batang
- 14 September 2015 - - 14 September 2015 -

The Jakarta Globe, Jakarta - Indonesia’s coal output declined Indonesia Investments, Jakarta - Indonesia’s reference
15.4 percent in the January to August period this year on the thermal coal price hit another all-time low. The Ministry of
back of low demand, a ministry official said on Monday. Energy and Mineral Resources set the September coal price
(in Indonesian: Harga Batubara Acuan, or HBA) at USD $58.21
Adhi Wibowo, director of coal business development at per metric ton (FOB), down 1.6 percent from the August
the ministry, said that Indonesia’s coal production was 263 reference rate, and the fifth consecutive month of decline.
million tons in the first eight months of this year, down 15.4 Indonesia is the world’s largest thermal coal exporter.
percent from 311 million tons in the same period last year.
Indonesia’s reference thermal coal price (HBA), which is
“The production decline is caused by the low global demand set each month by the Energy Ministry, is calculated by
of coal,” Adhi told reporters on Monday. taking the average of the following four indices: the Platts
Kalimantan (5,900 kcal/kg), the Argus-Indonesia Coal Index
He also said that Indonesia’s coal export declined 18 percent 1 (6,500 kcal/kg), the Newcastle Export Index (6,322 kcal/kg),
to 211 million tons in the January to August period compared and the global COAL Newcastle Index (6,000 kcal/kg). The
to 258 million tons in the same period a year earlier. HBA forms the basis for determining prices of 73 Indonesian
coal products, sold domestically or abroad, as well as for the
Coal miners continue to face challenges in the industry calculation of coal royalties.
because of weak commodity prices sparked by lower global
demand. Conditions remain tough for Indonesian coal miners with
little hope for a rebound in coal prices on the short or middle
However, Adhi added that the weak coal price did not affect term due to persistent concern about a global supply glut in
the domestic demand for coal. The domestic volume reached combination with weak coal demand from China, the world’s
52 million tons until August, down one million ton compared largest coal consumer (due to the country’s hard landing,
to the January to August period last year. stricter environmental rules, and government support for
local miners).
“The domestic demand remains stable because there are
needs for power plants and the industrial sector,” he said. Recently, the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI)
stated that almost 80 percent of Indonesian coal miners have
The coal output reached 81.88 percent of the total target that temporarily ceased coal production as the production cost
the government set for this year, which is 425 million tons. margin turned negative (meaning that they lose money when
producing and selling coal products).

In the first half of 2015, Indonesia’s coal exports fell 18 percent

(y/y) to 186.8 million metric tons, while the nation’s coal
production was down 15 percent (y/y) to 232.9 million tons
over the same period. Meanwhile, domestic coal demand in
Indonesia has dropped slightly this year, primarily on lower
demand from state-owned utilities company Perusahaan
Listrik Negara (PLN). Earlier this year, the Indonesian
government cut its coal production target for full-year 2015
from 425 million tons to 400 million tons.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Is A Coal Price Indus Coal seeks more time

Recovery Near? to restructure debts

- 16 September 2015 - - 17 September 2015 -

Oil Price, Jakarta - Lower prices have had a mixed effect on

commodities production. Metals like gold and iron ore have
seen output stay stubbornly high -- with Platts reporting this
week that iron ore exports from key producers Australia and
Brazil are running near record levels, despite a plunge in

Other metals like copper and platinum are starting to show

production slowdowns. But news this week suggests that
one commodity appears to be responding fastest to lower
prices: Thermal coal.

On Monday, the world’s top coal-exporting nation, Indonesia,

said that its production is in major decline. Having already Argus Media, Singapore - Indonesia-focused mine exploration
fallen by double-digit percentages this year. and development firm Indus Coal has asked for more time to
try and restructure its debt.
Government statistics showed that Indonesia’s coal
production for January to August fell 15.4%, as compared to Shares in the firm, which trade on the Australian Securities
same period of 2014. With total production coming in at 263 Exchange, will remain suspended at least until 15 October.
million tonnes -- down from 311 million last year.
Indus, through its 38pc-owned Indonesian subsidiary BMC,
That means Indonesian producers have already taken nearly has been involved in the development of the Muko Muko
50 million tonnes of supply off the market. And suggests that
high-grade thermal coal project in western Sumatra’s
the full-year cut in production could be close to 75 million
Bengkulu province, along with another large-scale mining
project in nearby Jambi province.
That’s a significant amount for the global market. Especially
given that Indonesia is one of the world’s lower-cost Indus was previously granted a forestry permit for the Jambi
production centers for coal -- and one of the few places that project and had said it expected to start production at both
had been continuing to expand output over the last two ventures in 2014. But the firm suspended trading in its shares
years. in September 2014 as it sought to restructure its financing.

But that trend is now reversing. And if Indonesian miners are Mining firms in Sumatra’s Jambi province have been
having trouble at today’s prices (which are running around particularly hard hit by the slump in Indonesian coal prices.
$58 per tonne for the blended basket of Indonesian coals), it’s
The region produces high-quality coal, but most mining firms
a safe bet most of the world’s coal miners are facing similar
with an interest in the region have previously been small-
scale, high-cost operators.
In fact, some estimates are that 80% of Indonesia’s
coal miners are now curtailing output. Suggesting that Indus in July said it had signed an initial agreement through
government projections on 2015 production -- which had BMC and a unnamed Chinese engineering and construction
been forecasting 400 million tonnes, down from 458 million firm to potentially develop a mine mouth coal-fired power
in 2014 -- will likely have to be revised downward. plant in Sumatra.

All of which shows this is a market that’s quickly changing

direction. It may take some time for price effects to trickle
through, given the incredible ramp-up in Indonesian
production of late (66% growth over the last five years) -- but
the right things are starting to happen to seed a recovery.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Bukit Asam in Talks

to Supply Coal to
- 20 September 2015 -

The Jakarta Globe, Jakarta - State coal miner Bukit Asam must be supported by other industries,” Saleh said during his
is cooking up plans to supply coal to Freeport Indonesia, a visit to Freeport’s mine in Papua’s Mimika district over the
local unit of US mining giant Freeport-McMoran, as part of weekend.
the government’s initiative for Freeport to use more locally-
based products in its business. “In line with Freeport’s investment commitment and
operations in Indonesia, I asked them to use more local
“We’ve started talking with Freeport about the prospects products, such as steel from Krakatau Steel, cement from
of providing coal for Freeport’s power plants and about Semen Indonesia, and coals from Bukit Asam, among other
teaming up to build the power plants. Hopefully, these things.”
plans can materialize soon,” Bukit Asam president director
Milawarman said in a statement. Others to attend the meeting included National Development
Planning Minister Sofyan Djalil and Minister of Energy and
Milawarman added that the publicly-listed state company Natural Resources Sudirman Said, as well as several top
is hoping to become a partner for Freeport’s power plant in executives from state owned enterprises, such as Bukit
Timika, Papua, and its smelter in Gresik, East Java. Asam, steel maker Krakatau Steel and cement manufacturer
Semen Indonesia.
Talks between Bukit Asam and Freeport were conceived amid
calls from Industry Minister Saleh Husin, urging Freeport to Responding to calls from the Industry Minister, Freeport
utilize local components and products. Indonesia president director Maroef Sjamsuddin said that
the miner is “open” to the opportunity of partnerships with
“Freeport has become a part of the national industry, so it state-owned companies.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Bukit Asam calls it

a day on exploration
- 21 September 2015 -

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta - State-run coal miner Tambang Despite selling a higher volume of coal, Bukit Asam saw its
Batubara Bukit Asam has announced it is halting its profits fall in the first half of this year as the commodity’s
exploration activities and will focus on operating its existing price plunged. The publicly listed coal supplier booked a
mines. The coal miner, which has seen slowing business 31.22 percent drop in net profits to Rp 795.6 billion in the
amid declining prices and oversupply, announced that the January-June period this year from the same period last
company would not explore any possible additional reserves year, its earnings dragged down by weak coal prices.
in the period between October this year and March next
year, and would focus on exploration to support production Coal prices have halved in the last two years amid oversupply
planning and to collect data necessary for daily and short- and declining demand from China, where the economy is
term production purposes. slowing and which is trying to combat pollution. Demand
from the world’s largest consumer of raw materials fell by 31
Bukit Asam corporate secretary Joko Pramono said the percent in the first half, the biggest drop since at least 2009.
move was not driven by cost-cutting or anxiety about an
unfavorable commodity market, but more by the fact that the Bukit Asam’s coal sales rose mildly by 2.02 percent to 9.03
company had abundant reserves to meet production needs. million tons, resulting in a 1 percent rise in revenue to Rp 6.51
trillion, Joko added. Bukit Asam produced 8.32 million tons
“We have enough reserves to supply operation for the next 40 of coal and purchased 0.82 million tons from a third party,
years, so I think for now we can stop exploring,” Joko told The reaching a total of 9.14 million tons, up 4 percent on a yearly
Jakarta Post. Bukit Asam’s coal resources, he revealed, stood basis, according to company records. Of that amount, 4.62
at 7.29 billion tons, while its coal reserves were at 1.99 billion million tons were delivered to domestic buyers, while the
tons. The company currently produces 20 million tons of coal remainder was shipped overseas.
per year, and in the next five years, annual output is expected
to reach 50 million tons. William Simadiputra from DBS Vickers predicted that Bukit
Asam’s earnings would drop by 30 percent on an annual basis
“That does not necessarily mean that we will stop adding to Rp 1.4 trillion, mainly on lower average selling prices and
reserves. If we want to we can do so externally through an higher cash cost per ton, despite higher sales volumes.
Isnaputra Iskandar from Maybank Kim Eng Indonesia said
The company’s latest acquisition was in May, when it that he had cut his earnings forecasts for Bukit Asam for
acquired coal miner Tabalong Prima Resources (TPR) and 2016 and 2017 by 21.8 percent and 40 percent, respectively,
coal transport Mitra Hasrat Bersama (MHB) in a transaction on expected lower sales volume and lower coal prices. He
worth US$36 million. TPR operates a 3,145 hectare mining predicted that the miner would book declining net profits in
concession in Tabalong, with 292 million tons of coal the next two years, from this year’s estimated Rp 1.4 trillion
resources and 109 million tons of mineable coal reserves. to Rp 1.39 trillion in 2015 and Rp 1.03 trillion in 2016.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Reliance Power to sell

of three Indonesian coal
- 30 September 2015 -

Financial Express, Jakarta - The Anil Ambani-led Reliance Bangladesh government for setting up 3,000 MW gas-based
Power has decided to sell three coal mines in Indonesia project and has proposed to relocate equipment from the
and concentrate on coal mining business in the country to 2,250-mw Samalkot project in Andhra Pradesh to Bangladesh.
support Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s initiative of ‘Make in
India’. “Our Samalkot project is linked with gas supply. India is
facing tremendous shortage of gas. Nearly, 25,000 mw of
“India has ambitious plans of doubling its coal production gas based plants with investment of over Rs 1 lakh crore are
from 450 million tonnes to 900 million tonnes. We have also sitting idle for want of gas.
decided to exit the coal business in Indonesia and we hope “Gas is a national asset whether it is public sector or private
to complete transactions (in this regard) in the course of sector and India is short of energy and we do not have gas,”
this year,” Ambani told shareholders at the company’s 21st he said.
annual general meeting today.
“To fire this 25,000 mw, we need nearly 100 million cubic
He said the company will be focusing on coal mining business metre of gas, so we are far away from those targets.
and coal resources business in India. Therefore, we have taken a strategic decision to relocate our
In 2008, the company through its subsidiary Reliance Coal Samalkot facilities to Bangladesh for which we have signed
Resources (RCRPL) had acquired 100 per cent in three coal an MoU. There is a huge shortage of power in Bangladesh and
mines in Indonesia with total reserves of two billion metric we hope that it will be an ultimate solution for us,” he added.
tonnes. RCRPL had acquired Srivijaya Bintangtiga Energy,
Bryayan Bintangtiga Energy and Sugico Pendragon Energy R-Power will use the equipment it had contracted for its
in South Sumatra of Indonesia spread over 40,000 hectares. Samalkot project in Andhra Pradesh for setting up the power
plant in Bangladesh in three years from the date of signing
R-Power currently has only two coal mines which are located the power purchase agreement (PPA). Ambani further said
in Sasan in Madhya Pradesh — Moher and Moher captive coal the company has completed phase-I of its Rs 50,000 crore
block for its 3960 mw Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP) with capital expenditure programme and now has 6,000 mw
a total reserve of 20 million tonnes. The coal ministry through operating capacity.
a notification on May 7 this year had cancelled the allocation
of Chhatrasal coal block for the Sasan UMPP. “All our plants including 3,960-mw Sasan and 1200-mw Rosa
in Uttar Pradesh are operating at PLFs of nearly 90-100 per
“The government has cancelled the allocation of Chhatrasal cent compared with the national average of 65 per cent,”
block. But we have now challenged this decision in the Ambani said. “We are committed to profitable and sustainable
Delhi High Court and the matter is sub-judice. Similarly, the growth while remaining financially conservative,” he added.
3,960-mw Krishnapatnam UMPP in Andhra Pradesh is under
litigation, post changes in regulations in Indonesia,” Ambani Speaking about renewable energy plans of the company,
said. R-Power has also backed out from the 4,000 MW Tilaiya Ambani said R-Power has already signed an MoU with the
UMPP citing delay in land acquisition. Rajasthan government for setting up 6,000 mw of solar
capacity and solar parks and will be also participating in the
He further said the company has signed an MoU with the upcoming solar auction in various states.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Timah’s profits nosedive

despite surging revenues
- 2 September 2015 -

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta - Publicly listed state-run PT Timah tin comprising refined tin ingots, refined tin non-ingots, tin
saw its profits nosedive during the first half of this year solders and non-solder tin alloys. The regulation regarding
despite rising revenues and higher sales volumes. the trade of the three types of tin will be effective from Aug. 1.

According to the company on Monday, Timah pocketed Under the revised regulations, tin can be exported only if
net profits of only Rp 11.28 billion (US$801,962) during the producers or miners have paid the appropriate royalty and
January-June period, which plunged by 96.62 percent from presented the required documents such as working plans
Rp 334.36 billion in the same period last year. The company and budgets as well as maintained a “clean and clear” status,
also announced on Monday that its total revenue rose 17 all of which have to be verified by the Energy and Mineral
percent to Rp 3.22 trillion in the first half from Rp 2.75 trillion Resources Ministry’s directorate general for minerals and
booked in the same period last year, but its costs of goods coal.
sold rose by 40.48 percent from Rp 2.10 trillion to Rp 2.95
trillion. The requirements for the “clean and clear” status will be
effective from Nov. 1. Meanwhile, to maintain the company’s
Timah sold 14,096 metric tons of tin during the period, a growth, Timah has diversified its range of businesses to
45.88 percent rise compared to 9,633 metric tons recorded include non-tin businesses such as hospital and property
in the same period last year. However, the world tin price business, said Agung.
declined by 23.19 percent this year to an average of $17,076
per metric tons. Timah president director Sukrisno said recently that the
country’s biggest tin miner was keen to increase its non-
Timah corporate secretary Agung Nugroho said his firm’s mining income, which currently accounted for only around
revenue growth was slowing because of the fall in prices. 5 percent of the company’s revenues, to 50 percent by 2019.
He admitted that the weakening rupiah, that was supposed
to widen the profit margin of Timah’s tin exports, did not Currently, Timah is set to develop an idle asset — a 176-hectare
in fact boost the company’s revenues due to the plunge in site located in Bekasi, West Java — into a mixed-use complex,
the tin price. Agung expressed hope that newly approved in partnership with state-run builders Wijaya Karya and Adhi
regulations by the trade minister would lead to tighter export Karya. The project, as previously reported, will cost around
requirements thus maintaining a stable tin price. Rp 1 trillion. Agung said that, despite the gloomy outlook
of the mining industry, his firm intended to reach the same
In May, the Trade Ministry issued a revised regulation for the growth target as last year.
tin trade amid concerns over illegal mining activities and an
ongoing decline in commodity prices. The new ruling would “However, being able to obtain profits in this situation can be
only allow the export of three types of tin, namely refined considered as a sign of our positive business performance,”
tin ingots, tin solders and other types of tin products, in he said.
contrast to the previous export allowance for four types of

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Indonesia’s ore export ban

a hard blow to China Nickel
- 3 September 2015 -

Platts, Jakarta - China Nickel Resources, listed on the Hong PT. Yiwan Mining were completely halted for the first half of
Kong Stock Exchange, had to admit publicly how badly it is 2015 as no nickel ore could be exported from Indonesian
suffering from the Indonesian government’s sudden ban on government. The Indonesian business contributed 91% of
all ore exports, including iron and nickel ore. China Nickel’s sales revenue in 2013.

The ban, started in January 2014, forced China Nickel Indonesia was China’s top nickel ore supply country prior to
Resources to halt operations at almost all of its core the ban, but the sudden break has enabled the Philippines
businesses, including a special and stainless steel and nickel- to catch up, becoming China’s current top nickel ore supply
chromium alloy plant in central China’s Henan province, as source. Sadly for the Philippines, though, its supply volume
well as its nickel smelter in east China’s Jiangsu province. is no match to that of Indonesia, and it is unable to fill the
gap left by Indonesia even though the market share is free
The root cause for all these suspensions in its Chinese to take on.
operations, however, is it was unable to ship its iron-nickel
ore out of Indonesia due to the export ban by the Indonesian China’s nickel ore imports at Lianyungang, once the top nickel
government. handling port in east China’s Jiangsu province, for example,
posted a slump of 4.29 million mt year on year in nickel ore
It is also safe to assume that China Nickel Resources is a imports for H1 to 2.13 million mt in light of Indonesia’s ban
known and typical case illustrating the deep trap that many and the Philippines’ inability to supply more, a port official
investors in Indonesia’s coal and nickel mines, including confirmed on in late August.
individuals or privately-owned companies, are now in. But
fortunately for many, not being listed companies, they do Without the nickel ore supply, China Nickel’s 1 million mt/
not have the obligation to expose their wounds to the public. year nickel alloy plant in Lianyungang City, east China’s
Jiangsu province, was idled from January to June. The plant,
In 2015, China Nickel Resources suspended operations at its under the management of the subsidiary Lianyungang City
Zhengzhou Yongtong Special Steel plant in central China’s East Harvest Mining Company, went into trial production in
Henan province from late February until early July amid H2 2012. To counter the impact of Indonesian policy in the
fierce competition in domestic steel market in general, as long run, China Nickel is exploring the possibility of building
well as due to no more internal supplies of iron ore and nickel a steel plant in Indonesia under its newly-established PT.
with the Indonesian ban, the official said. Mandan Steel to produce rebar.

Yongtong resumed operations gradually in early July but “We do not have any concrete details yet, but this will enable
is operating at high costs as it has to procure iron ore from us to consume our resources domestically to be free from the
third parties inside China, the company’s interim report ban,” the company official said.
stated on September 1. Yongtong is designed with 500,000
mt/year special steel and stainless steel and 500,000 nickel- Despite the similar suffering and the plan to develop
chromium alloy capacities. downstream to bypass the Indonesian ban, very few investors
have been heard to have completed constructing their nickel
Additionally, China Nickel’s operations at the 6 million mt/ smelters or steel plants. It seems that the journey is not as
year Yiwan iron-nickel mine in Indonesia under its subsidiary smooth as assumed.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Indonesia puts 500,000 tonnes Coal Mining Industry

copper concentrate in doubt Indonesia: Government in
Search of Unpaid Bills
- 3 September 2015 - - 3 September 2015 -

Indonesia Investments, Jakarta - Starting from the fourth

quarter of 2015 Indonesian governors will have the power to
revoke mining permits when miners - those operating with a
Mining Business Permit (IUP) - fail to meet requirements for
the so-called “clean-and-clear” status. The clean-and-clear
status shows that the mining company has no outstanding
royalty and other tax obligation, fulfilled exploration and
environmental commitments, has no property delineation
issues, and obtained the necessary forestry permits.

Indonesia’s Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry is

currently conducting research to check whether the country’s, Jakarta - Last year Newmont Mining Corp
miners comply with (royalty and tax) payments as well as
(NYSE:NEM) were barred from exporting copper and gold
environmental regulations. It also investigates whether
concentrate from its operations in Indonesia for a full nine
miners’ activities do not overlap with other mining areas/
Like its US peer Freeport-McMoRan (NYSE:FCX), Newmont’s
According to the ministry there are currently 10,432 IUP-
local unit, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, had to ceased
holders active in the nation’s mining industry. However, only
shipments when a new rule took effect banning the export
6,156 have obtained the mandatory clean-and-clear status.
of unrefined minerals and punitive export taxes were levied.
Reportedly, approximately 2,000 unpaid bills (including
Exports from the Batu Hijau copper and gold mine in
royalties, dead rent, land rent, and coal sale fees), valued
Sumbawa Island and from Freeport’s Grasberg mine in Papua
at a combined total of IDR 10 trillion (USD $705 million),
province resumed about a year ago.
still need to be settled in Indonesia’s mining industry. The
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources met the Corruption
But now Reuters reports Newmont’s Indonesian copper
Eradication Commission (KPK) on Wednesday (02/09) to
export permit, which expired on Tuesday, will not be renewed
discuss the legal standing of these unpaid bills which date
because the company failed to meet government stipulations
back to the period 2001-2011.
for developing a domestic smelter, government officials said.
Bambang Gatot, Coal and Minerals Director General at
Chief Executive Gary Goldberg said on Tuesday Newmont
the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, refrained from
is in talks with the Indonesian government and he said he
mentioning any names of mining companies that are still
expected it would take “a couple of weeks” to sort out,”
in debt to the government. The ministry will send three
according to the report:
warning letters first before imposing sanctions. It is also
not revealed whether it involves mining companies that are
“In the meantime we continue to operate at full capacity. The
already producing commercially or are still operating in the
last export shipment was earlier today,” Goldberg said in an
exploration stage.
interview at an industry conference in Denver.
According to the latest data from the Energy and Mineral
Newmont, the country’s number two exporter behind
Resources Ministry, non-tax revenue from the mining sector
Freeport, is forecast by the Indonesian government to
stood at IDR 19.7 trillion (USD $1.4 billion) in the first eight
produce 500,000 tonnes of copper and gold concentrate in
months of 2015, or approximately 37.7 percent of the full-
year target in 2015, making it highly unlikely that the full-year
target will be achieved.

The sluggish global economy (particularly caused by

China’s downturn) has resulted in low commodity prices.
Last month, the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI)
said that almost 80 percent of Indonesian coal miners have
temporarily ceased production as the production cost margin
has turned negative.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Govt withdraws plan

to ease ore export ban
- 8 September 2015 -

The Jakarta Globe, Jakarta - The government has decided prohibition did not violate the Mining Law.
to withdraw its plan to ease the ban on ore exports as the
relaxation of the mining policy would harm its commitment Earlier this year, government’s advisory team also proposed
to fully implement the 2009 Mining Law. the removal of the export ban on raw minerals particularly
nickel and bauxite to help miners raise fresh funds for the
Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Sudirman Said construction of their smelters, which had been stalled due to
explained Monday the plan was scrapped because it would financial problems. The proposal included allowing exports
bring more harm than good to the government’s efforts in from miners whose smelters are more than 30 percent
developing the downstream industry in the mining sector. complete.

“The development of the downstream industry in the mining Sudirman admitted that the government previously
sector is part of an important process in our industrialization,” discussed relaxing the policy as an incentive to attract
he said. investors and to help expedite the smelters development as
it would provide cash flow from the exports. However, he said
Sudirman also noted the plan would contradict the that the government would look for other kinds of incentives
government’s commitment to strengthen the downstream to expedite the smelters.
industry in the mining sector so that Indonesia will be
able to export mineral products with higher added value. Based on the data from the ministry, there were currently 88
The government applied the ban on mineral ore exports holders of mining operation permits (IUP) that were building
in January last year as part of the implementation of 2009 72 smelters throughout Indonesia as of July. Out of the total,
Mining Law, which requires mining firms to process minerals 28 IUP holders that were building 25 smelters were on the
in local smelters before selling them overseas. It was intended commissioning or production phase, which is the last phase
to increase the value of the country’s mineral production. of the progress.

Exemptions were granted to major copper producers such Nickel smelters dominate with 35 projects ongoing at present,
as PT Freeport Indonesia and PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara followed by 11 zircon facilities and eight iron. Last week, 21
to export semi-finished mineral products, known as copper smelter companies claiming to have spent US$30 billion in
concentrates, as these two producers showed serious total investment stated that the relaxation of nickels and
commitment to build smelters. bauxites export ban would also kill the smelters.

The regulation was met with protest, including the request “If the [ore] export is opened again, we are dead,” vice
last year for a judicial review of the government’s ban filed president director of PT Bintang Delapan Mineral Alexander
by a group of mining companies, including Indonesia’s Barus said as quoted by, adding that Bintang
Mineral Entrepreneurs Association (Apemindo). However, Delapan Group subsidiary PT Sulawesi Mining Investment
the Constitutional Court rejected the review, stating that the has invested $2.3 billion for nickel smelters.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Newmont Grants Rp5.5 Billion Government to Reduce

to West Nusa Tenggara Police Steel Imports

- 5 September 2015 - - 16 September 2015 -, Jakarta - Copper mining company Newmont Nusa, Jakarta - The government will reduce its steel
Tenggara has granted Rp5.5 billion to support West Nusa import for bridge construction in various regions in the
Tenggara provincial polices activities to increase security and country in an effort to boost the use of domestically produced
public order in the province. steel, according to Industry Minister Saleh Husin.”Hopefully,
next year the use of locally produced steel for bridge
Newmont Nusa Tenggara’s General Manager for Social construction would already have reached 80 percent,”
Responsibility and Government Relations, Rachmat Minister Saleh Husin said after attending a meeting on bridge
Makassau, signed a cooperation agreement to this effect with construction at the Vice Presidential Office here Tuesday.
Chief of the Nusa Tenggara Barat Provincial Police Brig. Gen.
Umar Septono on Friday, September 4. This year, imported steel still dominates the use of the
commodity for the construction of bridges in various regions
Makassau noted that the grant is aimed at increasing the in Indonesia. Its composition is about 60 percent imported
existing synergy between both sides in creating a conducive steel and 40 percent is domestically produced.His ministry
situation and ensuring public order in the province. accorded priority to the domestic industry in the construction
of bridges in the country by using their steel products, Husin
“The cooperation agreement signed this time is a follow-up said.
to the same agreement signed in 2012,” he pointed out. He
expressed hope that the cooperation would be realized by The capacity of the national steel industry is enough to meet
maintaining security and public order, upholding the law, the need at home like PT Krakatau Steel (KS) which has a
and protecting the public. production capacity of up to 3.9 million tons per annum, the
minister explained.”We still have steel industries other than
“Hopefully, the signing of the cooperation agreement, as KS.
a continuation of a similar cooperation, would benefit all
sides, particularly the people of East Nusa Tenggara,” he Domestic industries are able to supply the need for products
emphasized. at home,” he added.By giving priority to the domestic industry,
the government will obtain many other advantages such as
Newmont Nusa Tenggara is a copper and gold mining enhancing employment and boosting the growth of local
company operating under the work of contract of generation industries. The use of steel for the construction of bridges at
IV signed on December 2, 1986. home was targeted at 1.8 million tons in 2015, Public Works
and Public Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said.
Since it became fully operational in Indonesia in 2000,
Newmont has contributed Rp90 trillion to the state, including Therefore, the priority in the use of local steel products will
through tax and non-tax levies, royalties, employee salaries, benefit the efforts to increase domestic steel production,
purchase of domestic goods and services, and dividends for he said.The government had not yet decided the volume of
national shareholders. local steel products that would be used for the construction
of bridges in the country in 2016, Hadimuljono said. This is
because in the first stage the design of bridges which could
be built would be made first.

“We will design bridges in November and December that

will be built together with the Agency for Assessment and
Application of Technology (BPPT),” he said.The steel which
will be used to build the bridges will be handed over to
domestic producers. It is based on the BPPT standard so that
the product could be mass produced.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Timah’s Lost Tin Highlights

Scale of Illegal Mining
Problem in Indonesia
- 17 September 2015 -

The Jakarta Globe, Jakarta - Indonesian state-controlled contribute to about 50 percent of Timah’s production,”
tin miner Timah claims it loses up to 80 metric tons of the Agung said.
metal every day as a result of illegal miners operating in its
concession, and sees no end to the problem because of how For the most part, though, small-scale miners would rather
lucrative the practice has become. work on their own and keep what they find, says Adhi
Wibowo, the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry official
There are an estimated 1,600 locations where illegal miners in charge of technical and environmental compliance in the
operate inside Timah’s concession in the Bangka-Belitung mining sector.
islands off southern Sumatra, according to corporate
secretary Agung Nugroho. Working for companies like Timah, he said, “is apparently not
an attractive option for them, because they will only get paid
“If in a day they can produce 50 kilograms of tin ore from each for their mining services, whereas otherwise they could be
site, then that’s 80,000 kilos that we’ve lost,” Agung said in pocketing the profit from selling the ore themselves.”
Jakarta on Wednesday.
Under a 2010 regulation on mining, residents can secure a
The administration of President Joko Widodo has promised so-called people’s mining permit, or IPR, to operate on an
to crack down on decades of illegal mining that have skewed artisanal scale. But Adhi said few people were capable or
production figures and undercut legitimate exporters. willing to meet the requirements set out under the regulation.
Indonesia is the world’s largest tin producer, and Bangka-
Belitung produces about 90 percent of the nation’s tin. “They find the technical requirements difficult to fulfill,
such as a prohibition on the use of heavy equipment and
Illegal mining has long been a problem in Indonesia, where explosives. IPR holders aren’t allowed to operate those two,”
enforcement of regulations is lax at best and the draw of Adhi said, arguing that this would make it difficult for them to
striking it rich trumps offers of legitimate employment by mine, hence the appeal of illegal mining.
mining companies. In Timah’s case, the miner struck an
agreement several years ago with residents of Bangka- He called the issue a “cross-ministerial” one that would
Belitung to allow them to mine in its concession on an be raised at an upcoming meeting led by the coordinating
artisanal basis, but under strict safety and operational rules minister for maritime affairs and natural resources.
from the company.
“There needs to be a legal umbrella to regulate this issue,”
“There are 5,500 miners working [under this scheme] for Adhi said.
our partner companies. Those partner companies, in turn,

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

2009 Mining Law Indonesia:

No Copper Concentrate Export
Extension for Newmont
- 20 September 2015 -

Indonesia Investments, Jakarta - As Indonesia’s Ministry needed to obtain a six-month export permit.
of Energy and Mineral Resources declined to issue a
recommendation for the extension of Newmont Nusa Last year, Newmont Nusa Tenggara announced that it
Tenggara’s export permit, operations at the Batu Hijau mine had signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with
(an open-pit gold and copper mine located on the island of Freeport Indonesia (the local unit of US-based Freeport
Sumbawa in the eastern part of Indonesia) have become McMoran Inc) for the development of smelting facilities in
uncertain. The six-month permit for copper concentrate Indonesia. However, there have been no updates regarding
exports of copper miner Newmont Nusa Tenggara, a unit of this partnership. Last Friday (18/09), Newmont spokesman
US-based Newmont Mining Corp, expired on Friday (18/09) Ruby Purnomo said the company tries to fulfill all government
and was not extended as the company failed to fulfill the requirements in order to extend the export permit but he
government’s requirements regarding smelter development. declined to respond to local reporters’ questions about the
fate of the MoU with Freeport Indonesia.
Based on Indonesia’s 2009 New Mining Law, mining
companies in Indonesia have not been allowed to export Newmont Nusa Tenggara produces approximately 350,000
mineral ore since January 2014. Instead, these miners are tons of copper concentrate per year. About 30 percent of
required to add value (extract the valuable element via production is sent to a smelter located in Gresik (East Java),
smelting). However, as Indonesia’s smelting capacity was while the remaining (unprocessed) output is exported
insufficient at the start of 2014 (and still is insufficient), some abroad. Domestic absorption of Newmont’s copper output is
miners - including Newmont Nusa Tenggara and Freeport low and therefore a (temporary) stop to exports will impact
Indonesia - were allowed to resume exports of unprocessed heavily on production.
minerals provided that they would agree and comply with
specific requirements (a full ban on mineral ore exports will Both Freeport Indonesia and Newmont Nusa Tenggara were
come into effect in 2017). allowed to resume copper concentrate exports in the second
half of 2014 after successfully renegotiating their contracts
One of these requirements was that the miner would with the Indonesian government. While Freeport Indonesia
establish smelting facilities (by themselves or by teaming quickly decided to cooperate with authorities, Newmont
up with another miner) and would provide evidence to Nusa Tenggara almost filed for international arbitration in
the government regarding the progress made with the mid-2014 as the 2009 New Mining Law was not in line with
development of these facilities. If progress is satisfying then the previously existing contracts. Arbitration would have
Indonesia’s Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry’s Mineral made the company’s long-term future in Indonesia highly
and Coal Directorate General issues a recommendation, uncertain.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Newmont seeks new deal as

export permit set to expire
- 23 September 2015 -

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta - The director for minerals at the to develop smelter facilities, such as PT Nusantara Smelting,
Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry’s mineral and coal PT Indosmelt and PT Indovasi Mineral Indonesia.
directorate general, Mohammad Hidayat, said on Tuesday
that the two companies were currently in talks to extend the The MoU agreement covered commitments to supply copper
validity of their memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the concentrate to the planned smelters. However, no progress
smelter facility development. has been reported. In a similar move, the company also has a
deal with Freeport Indonesia on a partnership of the latter’s
“We have received information that Newmont and Freeport smelter project in Gresik, East Java. The MoU between the
are still discussing the extension of their MoU. Both parties companies, which is an extension of a previous MoU, will be
have an interest in this matter, so it’s their choice whether to valid until Sept. 30.
accelerate it,” Hidayat said on Tuesday.
Newmont Nusa Tenggara spokesperson Ruby Purnomo did
The renewal of the MoU is necessary for NNT, a subsidiary not immediately respond a text message seeking comments
of the US-based Newmont Corporation because it is part of on his company’s MoU with Freeport Indonesia. However,
the requirements it must meet in order to be able to get a Freeport Indonesia said that it had committed to establish a
recommendation from the Energy and Mineral Resources new smelter in Gresik.
Ministry to obtain an export permit from the Trade Ministry.
Based on the recommendation, Newmont was granted a six- “We have committed to establish a smelter,” Freeport
month export permit, which will be valid until Sept. 22. Indonesia’s spokesperson Riza Pratama said.

As required by the 2009 Mining Law, the government Freeport Indonesia, a subsidiary of US-based Freeport-
introduced a ban on the export of mineral ore starting from McMoRan Inc., last July secured an extension of export
January 2014. However, it is still allowing the exports of semi- permits from the government after frantic efforts to assure
finished products, such as copper concentrate, until 2017 in the government that it has made progress with its smelter
return for the companies’ commitment to develop processing development. The company, which operates the Grasberg
or refining facilities to process the minerals into metal end mine in Papua, is planning to build a new smelter in Gresik,
products. The smelter can be built by the company itself or in East Java, near an existing copper smelter operated by PT
partnership with other companies. Smelting Gresik.

As part of its attempt to meet government requirements and Freeport Indonesia also received some respite by having to
secure export permits, Newmont Nusa Tenggara, a subsidiary pay a lowered export duty, thanks to the minor progress of
of US-based Newmont Mining Corp., has previously signed a the smelter’s development.
number of MoU agreements with several other firms planning

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

Semen Indonesia Resumes ESDM Ministry Drafts Mining

Factory Construction Amidst Divestment Regulation
- 29 September 2015 - - 29 September 2015 -, Jakarta - PT Semen Indonesia has decided to, Jakarta - The Energy and Mineral Resources
continue to develop its new factory in Rembang, Central Java. (ESDM) Ministry is drafting a ministerial decree that contains
Semen Indonesia CEO Suparni said that the construction has divestment obligation for private companies that work
currently reached 60 percent completion and the factory is in mineral and coal businesses. The decree will be more
predicted to start operating on October 2016. detailed and contain some restrictions.

“We will not equalize divestment,” said mineral and coal

“Operation will start gradually,” Suparni said at the state
director general Bambang Gatot Ariyono on Monday,
palace on Monday, September 28, 2015. September 28.

Suparni admitted that the development of the factory has Divestment regulation is previously stipulated in Government
been opposed by some of the local residents. Not only Regulation No. 77/2014 article 97 about divestment obligation
residents of North Kendeng, experts and academics have for mining business permit (IUP) holder and special mining
criticized the development of the factory. Untung Sudadi, a license (IUPK) holder up to 51 percent within five to ten years
geologist from the Bogor Institute of Agriculture said that the of operation period.
North Kendeng area, where part of the factory will be built,
is a karst area. Bambang said the divestment obligation will not apply for
all mineral and coal business agreements. There are some
differentiating factors, such as the type of commodity,
Similar to an underground basin, karst areas function as
business time period and mining area.
water catchment areas. “Karst is essential to maintain water
supply,” said Untung. He added that conducting mining Divestment recipient will also be regulated in a separate
activities in karst areas will cause environmental damage. chapter. The Government Regulation No. 77/2014 only
contains the types of stock recipients, which are BUMN,
On the other hand, Suparni said that the Environmental BUMD and public through stock market.
Impact Assessment (EIA) for the cement factory has been
completed. Suparni also ensured that the presence of the ESDM secretary-general Teguh Pamudji said the divestment
factory will not disturb water supplies to the local society. obligation must be specifically regulated in ministerial
decree. He ensured that the new regulation will be more
complete and have stronger legal certainty.

Quality with Integrity

October 2015

OJK optimistic of foreign

mining companies offering
- 30 September 2015 -

Antara, Jakarta - The Financial Service Authority (OJK) has the technicalities,” she claimed.
expressed hope that foreign mining companies operating in
Indonesia would sell part of their shares through an initial Tito Sulityo, the president director of the Indonesia Stock
public offering (IPO) at the countrys stock exchange. Exchange (BEI), pointed out that the clause on divestment
is part of Government Regulation Number 23, 2010, on the
“Certainly, foreign companies that have businesses and implementation of the coal and mineral mining business.
assets, such as mines in Indonesia, are expected to prioritize
launching an IPO in Indonesia to benefit our people. That “The method of divestment is not regulated, but I appeal that
would be very positive, and it is what we hope for,” OJK they should do it through an IPO at the BEI,” he affirmed. If it
capital market executive supervisor Nurhaida noted here on is done through an IPO, the people will have an opportunity
Thursday. to own some of the companies shares, he noted. At present,
16 foreign companies are planning to divest in stages in
She remarked that the regulation, requesting companies Indonesia.
that have been operating for a minimum of five years to
divest, was positive, and the IPO mechanism could be one of “Indeed foreign mining companies could buy back the
the best options to meet it. shares they have sold, but minimally, the Indonesian public
will have an opportunity to own some of their shares if they
“Divestment can be carried out through an IPO, but indeed, would divest through an IPO in Indonesia. It will also be a
there are several factors that need to be considered as the good measure to build the image of our capital market,” he
IPO mechanism would allow anyone to buy their shares. We added.
will coordinate with the concerned ministries with regard to

Quality with Integrity
October 2015

Tips of
the Month


Under the JORC code Geologists can assess coal tonnage For an open cut deposit that has never been mined or with
Resources, ie tonnages in-situ in the ground. Mining Engineers mining just starting a NON-JORC method of estimation is as
are required to assess coal Reserves ie those tonnages that follows…Use a “rule of thumb” of 80% Modifying Factor to
are actually produced from the mining process. Adherence convert resource tonnages in the ground to estimated Run
to the strict tenets of JORC would indicate something of the of Mine reserve tonnages that may cross the weighbridge.
order of a pre-feasibility study at least to prepare an estimate The Modifying Factor will take into account the above loss
of Reserves available and able to be reported to Stock factors. This is a figure arrived at by observation of many
Exchanges and in other public documents. mining operations aver the years.

However it is obvious that from time to time an estimate of If the Run of Mine tonnages are to be treated in a coal
Reserve tonnages potentially available is required for internal preparation or Washery Plant then the estimated Recovery
management purposes and to be provided by the Geologist percentage (derived from similar operations near by in
in the absence of a Mining Engineer. Of course a software same seams) must be factored into the final “Run Of Plant “
package may have been used to assess Resources and this Reserve tonnages.
may also be able to give a Reserve estimate (although to be
used with caution)

In the mining process a number of factors will reduce the

ultimate number of “Run of Mine” Reserve tonnages across
the weighbridge compared to the Resource number in-situ.
Some coal will be left in the ground, some coal will be mined
but lost (as dust, fall of back of truck etc).

For a coal mine that has been in operation for some time
examination of production figures should be compared
with tonnages of coal estimated to be from the location Antony H. Osman
where mining has taken place. Make sure not to include any FAusIMM (CP) MMICA MAIMVA (CMV) FGS
coal tonnages left in the ground outside of the mined area. JORC and KCMI accredited
Division of production figures divided by Resource tonnages Senior Geological Adviser
from the mined area gives a Modifying Factor for approximate A member of PERHAPI, IAGI & MGEI
estimate of Run of Mine Reserves.

This article is a non-JORC assessments and figures.
For a non-obligatory discussion of all your coal deposit exploration and evaluation matters, for expert opinions on the
content and presentation of your company’s report, please contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
at the CARSURIN Coal and Minerals Division.

Quality with Integrity
October 2015

Australasia November 2015 Public Holidays

Australia Indonesia India

- - 11: Diwali
25: Guru Nanak Jayanti

China Japan Singapore

- 3: Culture Day 10: Diwali
23: Labor Thanksgiving Day

Hong kong Thailand South Korea

- - -

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company, our corporate culture according to the ISPS Code. - Panama Bureau of Shipping - Pressure Vessels
is based upon 5 universal and • Reviewing / revising of PFSP, - Bahamas Maritime Authority - Cranes / Lifting Gear
re-assessment of PFSA if needed • Ship Repairer’s Liability - Pressure Safety Valves
easily understood values:
• Consultancy • Loss of Hire - Welding Inspection
• Tally and Condition Survey • Calibration of ATG
Integrity LLOYD’S AGENCY : • Container Inspection • Non Destructive Test
We will not compromise our • Pre-shipment and Out Turn • Stuffing / Unstuffing and Seals / • Man Power Supply
integrity when delivering our Surveys Unsealing • Maintenance
services to our clients • Marine, Vessel and Cargo Dam- • Preshipment and Preloading - Mechanical / Electrical
age Surveys Condition - Engineering
Quality • Claims Investigation and • Weighing and Measuring - Painting and Blasting
Settlement • Pre-breakbulk, Opening Seals/ - Fire Proofing
We will provide our services
• Vessel Movements and Casual- Unsealing • EPCI Project Management
with adherence to the highest
ties Reporting • Cargo Damage Survey
standards of quality achievable • Storage / Warehouse Risk Assess- • Cargo Quantity / Quality
ment Surveys. • Port Captaincy
We are committed to delivering PETROLEUM & CHEMICAL Services:
our services in a professional • Loading and Discharging Super-
manner vision for Crude Oil, Petroleum
Product, Petrochemical and
Oleo chemical
Determination Quality With Integrity
• Sampling and expediting for
We are determined to work Crude Oil, Petroleum Product,
hand in hand with our clients to Wisma 77, Tower 2, 19th Floor
Petrochemical and Oleo
provide long-term solutions and chemical Jl. Letjen S. Parman Kav. 77 - Slipi
services that are in their best • ROB Bunker Survey Jakarta 11410 — INDONESIA
interests • Pre-shipment Inspection Ph: +62.21.2967.5868 | Fax: +62.21.2967.5818
• Tank Cleanliness Inspection
E: [email protected], [email protected]
Development • Wall wash test
• Inventory Taking
We are committed to
• Gas Free Inspection and Certi-
continuous development in
human capital • Investigation survey for Cargo
Oil losses

PT. CARSURIN makes no warranties as to the accuracy of the information and assumes no liability when information is used in any way or form.

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