Saturday 3
Saturday 3
Saturday 3
New York CNN — The first jobs That can make the January jobs
report for 2024, set to be released at report among the trickiest to
8:30 am ET Friday, is expected to forecast, said Sarah House, a senior
underscore the strength of the US economist with Wells Fargo.
economy despite 11 rate hikes from
the Federal Reserve. “We’re going to have new seasonal
The labor market snapshot comes [adjustment] factors for a month that
just days after Fed Chair Jerome is the most seasonal of any month,”
Powell said he’s encouraged about she said. “That makes it pretty
the healthy economy and the difficult just right off the bat, never
downward trajectory of inflation, but mind that we’re coming off a
cautioned that “we still have a ways December that was on the warmer
to go” before declaring victory on the side and could have supported hiring
proverbial soft landing (bringing in December.”
down inflation without raising
To better see the underlying trend for
unemployment levels).
this and other months, the BLS
Economists believe the labor market applies seasonal adjustment factors
definitely still has enough fuel in the to smooth out the data. Those are
tank to continue on that soft landing updated annually in January.
path: They’re forecasting a monthly
All told, there’s a chance for an
gain of 176,500 jobs and for the
upside surprise in the numbers,
unemployment rate to tick higher to
Boussour wrote, noting that EY
3.8% from 3.7% (but staying under
expects a monthly gain of 275,000
4% for the 24th consecutive month),
according to FactSet consensus
estimates. Friday’s jobs report also will include
the final annual benchmark review of
Still, between Thursday and Friday,
payroll data for the 12 months that
there is plenty of labor market data
ended in March 2023. Preliminary
to unpack, more noise than usual to
data showed that US job growth
cut through and greater chances for
was weaker than previously thought
by 306,000 jobs (or about 25,000
Cutting through the noise fewer per month).
January is typically a big month for “As is typically the case, we expect
job losses, with seasonal the final revision to be very close to
workers being let go after the the preliminary revision,” Boussour
holidays and other companies wrote.
tightening their belts at the outset of
the calendar year.
What’s with all the layoffs? Also, Worker Adjustment and
Much like this time last year, Retraining Notification Act filings —
headlines have been dominated by federally required notices of
large-scale layoffs impending mass layoffs or plant
at tech, media and transportation fir closures — haven’t picked up on a
ms. year-over-year basis, Wells Fargo’s
House said.
And, much like this time last year,
they’re creating some heartburn as “Those have slowed a little bit,
to whether these are signs of signaling that we’re not about to see
broader instability in the labor an imminent pickup in layoffs unless
market. you really see a sharp deterioration
in demand,” she said.
But for now, they appear to be fairly
siloed, said Daniel Zhao, lead Still, businesses are having to be
economist at employment review more disciplined in terms of their
and job search site Glassdoor. headcount amid changing labor
market dynamics; specifically, far
The technology layoffs appear to be fewer people are quitting, she said.
an extension of the “year of
efficiency” mantra from last year, Workers are voluntarily leaving their
Zhao said, adding that these jobs at the lowest rate since the fall
companies appear to be of 2020, JOLTS data shows. The
streamlining rather than acting out of hiring frenzy of recent years has
a place where they’re no longer leveled out, and there are fewer
financially viable. open jobs; plus, job-switchers have
less of a financial incentive now:
“Some of these layoffs that are more Their median annual pay gain in
about streamlining and getting more January was 7.2%, the lowest since
efficient aren’t necessarily a risk for May 2021, according to payroll
spilling over into the broader processor ADP.
economy,” he said.
“The fact that you had a sharp
The data tends to agree: Through slowdown in the rate in which people
December, the monthly number of are voluntarily leaving their jobs,
layoffs and the rate of layoffs as a companies have been a little bit
percentage of total employment caught off guard with their overall
remain well below pre-pandemic headcount, thinking that they may be
averages, according to BLS’ Job able to manage the headcount
Openings and Labor Turnover through attrition and finding that the
Survey (JOLTS) data updated earlier dynamics of departures have
this week. changed dramatically,” said House.