Unit-3 CS MCQ

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MCQs Question Siassitesseess = type of sites are known as fri Tiend-of-a-fric a) Chat Messenger Of-a-friend site b) Social networking sit a ig sites c) Tutorial sites qd) Chat-rooms Which of the following is not an aj accounts ? a) Strong passwords 'ppropriate measure for securing social networking b) Link your account with a phone number c) Never write your password anywhere 4) Always maintain a soft copy of all your passwords in your PC 135 Sri Siddalingeshwara Prakashana Sri Siddalingeshwara Prakashana © scanned with OKEN Scanner y Sorin Media OVIIEW a Sey Cyber Security ning 90 tha attack become, 3. Try to keep your passwords without successfull. force ould a company always yge Blogs, Facebook incering ©) password guessing methods of social network marketing # b, Twit None of these a. Blogging the only e. YouTube a 5. ___s the term updates by Twitler users a Twos wy Tweats ©. Twinks a. Posts 6. What are the diferent ypes of social networking ° 2) Social Connections "Professional Connection c) Sharing of Multimedia d) All of these 1 at te pray purpose of basis in Socal Media 7 em ar keywords or cpis for easy sare 8) To indicate sarcasm or irony in post 2) Fo idenity the author of 8 post 4) To caeporize poss based on their sentiment 4. Ananya adds a video filet his social networking Page Which one of these descrtes a en nthe bya tof pope ver & skort period of time? » by Tagged ° 4) Open Source 9, Which was the first social media ste ? 2) Friendster by Six Degrees ©) Linkedin @) Myspace 10. Koowing the password of a user for hacking is called ? a) Sneaking D Spouing ©) Cyber stalking ais ain 11. Which ofthe following is NOT a Social Media Platform ? a) Facebook b) Twitter eam &) Google 12, Which socal medi platorm i est for B2B marketing ? ©) Lichen 3) Facebook ©) Instagram d) Twitter 136 TH Siddaingeshware Pala Sr Siddalingestwara Prakashana © scanned with OKEN Scanner J Media Overview and Security sal Cyber Security 1B In share informatio ‘uF online communication sites through which we can ideas, aio tnd video files, a well ag other content with nbers, anu! business. partners, 1b. Social Media 4. Google Seareh ©. Google Images 4. What technology eld is conce a) Data Science ©) Ethical Hacking ened] with social media privacy ? b) Cyber Security 4) Database: Managen 15, What are the suecess factors for Viral content ? a) Bye-catching ttle only 'b) Focus on one key issue only ©) Surprising contents Only @) Allof these 16, Which of these is usually not kept private on social media ? 8) Photos b) Username ©) Invitation All of these 1, Which of these social media platforms features end to end encryption ? a) Facebook by Snapchat ©) Instagram 8) Whatsapp 18, Which of these are security issues in social media ? a) Privacy concern ) Global connectivity ©) User generated content 4) None of these 19. Which of these are not an inappropriate content ? a) Obscenity Laws b) Privacy laws ©) Defamation and libel 4) Unauthorized Access 20, Which of these is not an opportunity in Social media networks ? a) Global Connectivity ) Knowledge Sharing ©) Spread of misinformation 44) Business Opportunity MCQs Answers 1 [2 [3 [4 [s [e6[7][sf[o]o ep [p/c{[sfal[o[a[c|[s le ufe {sf «fis [iw [i [ie [oo [20 pfaflsef[s{[of[sfofalofe ooo 137 59 Siessingeshwara Prakashana © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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