1 - 6 ICAIIT - 2023 - Paper - 6479
1 - 6 ICAIIT - 2023 - Paper - 6479
1 - 6 ICAIIT - 2023 - Paper - 6479
Roman Tsarov1, Iryna Tymchenko1, Vladyslav Kumysh, Kateryna Shulakova2,1 and Liliia Bodnar3
University of Intelligent Technologies and Telecommunications, Kuznechna Str. 1, Odesa, Ukraine
2Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Bernburger Str. 57, Köthen, Germany
3South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University, Staroportofrankyvska Str. 26, Odesa, Ukraine
Abstract: In the paper the relevance of the scientific problem of creation and development of telemedicine networks
and telemedicine stations was proved by a systematic analysis of modern scientific research and regulatory
sources. The conducted analysis revealed that there is no unified and system approach in place helping to
solve this problem, especially on designing stage and during the technical implementation of these networks
and their points. It results in complete or partial incompatibility of existing designs, construction
documentation and blueprints as well, which leads to difficulties with various fragments of telemedicine
networks and impedes international cooperation in this field. In order to solve this problem the definition of
the telemedicine station is given, also its subsystems composition is defined, and an extended telemedicine
station classification model is developed in the paper. The proposed classification model is based on the
faceted classification method. It allows constructing classes by using any combination of characteristic
features of telemedicine stations, while omitting and not using some of the characteristic features. Within the
framework of this classification, the intersection of individual classes of telemedicine stations is allowed.
A mathematical description of the classification model in the form of a faceted formula is provided.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Innovations in IT, (ICAIIT), March 2023
wired terrestrial telecommunication component of the Incompatibility of designs used for different
telemedicine network. Though [4] proposes a fragments of the telemedicine network.
comprehensive approach to creating a network
In fact, it can be noted that research in
architecture for a nationwide telemedicine network
that connects all regional hospitals and medical telemedicine is not systematic - some tasks and
centres with the city hospitals and state hospitals. The problems are given considerable attention, while
approach considers the use of a web-based others, on the contrary, are little elaborated. All this
telemedicine system, which provides the basic has led to the fact that today mostly there are no
services for medical teleconsultations. It is obvious unified approaches and system solutions for
that for the modern telemedicine networks and developing and creating the technical projects and
centres, the key network service is video designs of telemedicine networks and stations.
conferencing. The peculiarities of organizing the Mostly to this moment telemedicine networks and
telemedicine system based on videoconferencing are stations were created separately, without coordination
investigated in [5]. The proposed structure is based on and planning for further integration with other similar
a service-oriented architecture, taking into account networks and stations. As a result a significant
the hierarchical relationships inherent in a medical number of the implemented projects are incompatible
organization. The authors of [6] investigate the use of with each other, which in turn affects the
cloud technologies and Grid-systems in the concept development of national telemedicine networks.
of telemedicine. Namely, they propose to use a As already mentioned, the construction of
computer network in a way of distributed sharing the telemedicine networks and stations is an urgent
Internet access to ensure the connection of remote scientific problem, but the lack of unified and
telemedicine stations in rural areas. In [7] the issue of systematic approach towards its solution has led to
creating a telemedicine network based on a significant confusion, starting even with the
distributed peer-to-peer structure with all terminology. This causes certain problems during the
telemedicine stations as peers is investigated.
creation and implementation of international projects
and initiatives in the field of telemedicine. For
example, the term telemedicine itself has more than
2 CURRENT STATE OF THE 100 different definitions [1, 8, 12-16].
PROBLEM AND PAPER GOAL The purpose of this work is to provide a basic
definition of the term telemedicine station as the
The analysis of studies has shown that the need to ground element of a telemedicine network and to
create and to develop the telemedicine networks and develop a classification model of telemedicine
telemedicine stations is undeniable, though there are stations. This classification model is called to become
a number of difficulties when implementing such a foundation in order to create standard, unified
projects, such as [1-8]: technical and design solutions for constructing the
Lack of a unified regulatory framework telemedicine stations and networks.
governing the activities of telemedicine centers
and the procedure for providing telemedicine
services. This leads to inconsistency between 3 TELEMEDICINE STATION
the options for TMC construction and the
requirements in standards, the characteristics of CLASSIFICATION MODEL
protocols adopted in medical diagnostics and
MIS formats. In [11] it is stated that telemedicine station and
Lack of unified approaches in development of telemedicine center are the basic objects of
technical designs when constructing and telemedicine network (Figure 1).
building TMNs. The requirements to TMN These two terms are fairly widely used. The term
may be formed by several participants – the telemedicine center is more formalized, although
medical institution, the regulatory organization different sources provide somewhat different
(ministry, health department), the project definitions for this term. For example, [14] defines
organization itself. It may cause the such concepts as a telemedicine consultation center
inconsistency and contradiction of these and a specialized telemedicine center, [12, 13] defines
requirements. the term telemedicine center, and [15] defines such a
concept as a telemedicine resource center. On the
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Innovations in IT, (ICAIIT), March 2023
other hand, the term telemedicine station is not as media, transmission and provision of medical data
formalized: it is widely used in various studies [10, and background information on request.
17, 18], but there is no official definition of this term. TS medical devices subsystem includes a set of
With this in mind, the following definition of the term instruments, devices, accessories, equipment,
is proposed: materials and other products used for medical
Telemedicine station (TS) is an element of the purposes, whose functional purpose is not realized by
telemedicine network that enables the clinical tasks pharmacological, immunological, genetic or
handling, equipped with all the necessary facilities to metabolic effects on the human body. Medical
provide and deliver the telemedicine services at the devices can be used separately or in combination, as
station. well as together with other accessories necessary for
the intended use of these products, including special
ТS Telecommunication subsystem of the TS is
ТS intended for connecting the medical devices (which
have network interfaces) to the TS telemedicine
ТС Internet
information subsystem, as well as connecting TS
itself to telemedicine centers, specialized stationary
medical institutions or to external data transmission
Consumers of
telemedicine services network (e.g., Internet). Telecommunication
subsystem includes hardware and software, as well as
RТS communication lines.
Obviously, depending on the clinical tasks the
ТS Telemedicine station МТS Mobile telemedicine station
telemedicine station will perform, the services it will
ТС Telemedicine center RТS Remote telemedicine station provide, and on the external conditions - its
characteristics and structure of its subsystems may
Figure 1: A generalized diagram of telemedicine network vary. So, telemedicine stations can be classified in the
organization. space of their features, and in general, the entire set
of telemedicine stations can be described on the basis
It follows from the proposed definition that of a classification model. Obviously, in this case,
telemedicine station should contain the following there will be no rigid classification structure, because
subsystems, namely: the same telemedicine station may have functional
A) Basic subsystems: characteristics that correspond to different classes.
1) Telemedicine (information) subsystem. Moreover, a finite number of classes in the
2) Medical device subsystem. classification system cannot be clearly defined in
3) Telecommunications subsystem. advance since the new classes may appear in the
4) Power supply and electric lighting process of analyzing the characteristics of different
subsystem. TS. With that said, we propose to create the TS
B) Specialized subsystems: classification model based on faceted classification
1) Engineering subsystems (ventilation, technique [10].
water supply, sewerage, air conditioning, The faceted classification technique enables the
heating, etc.). creation of a classification system from many
2) Security subsystems (access control, video independent subsets – facets. Each facet i contains
surveillance, emergency and fire warning, a number of values taken by this feature or criteria.
etc.). These values are mutually excluded.
3) Transportation subsystem. In general, the classification system can be
described by the following faceted formula
Telemedicine (information) TS subsystem
ClS (1 , 2 ,..., n ) .
includes hardware and software for automation of
workflow and diagnosis, remote examinations, video Let’s consider some set of telemedicine stations -
consultations and videoconferences. Technically PT, over which the UPT set of stations’ features is
these achieved through the collection, input/output, defined:
digital processing, intelligent analysis, visualization, U PT u PTi | i 1,...k ,
classification, storage, archiving, transfer to various
here u PTi stand for the elements of UPT set.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Innovations in IT, (ICAIIT), March 2023
Then the facetted set ClS can be defined over the Table 1: Telemedicine station extended classification
U set as following: model.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Innovations in IT, (ICAIIT), March 2023
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Innovations in IT, (ICAIIT), March 2023