BeReal - Youth Session Overview 23-24
BeReal - Youth Session Overview 23-24
BeReal - Youth Session Overview 23-24
Key Takeaways
1. Your personal values are a central part of who you are – and
who you want to be.
2. By becoming more aware of these vital factors in your life, you
can use them as a guide to make the best choice in any
3. Some of life's decisions are really about determining what you
value most. When many options seem reasonable, you can rely
on your values to point you in the right direction.
4. When how you live matches your values, life is usually good.
When your existence doesn't align with your personal values,
that's when things feel... wrong and you can feel unhappy.
Spheres of influence
Controlling Emotions
In controlling emotions we look at what is the emotion that most
drives us to do our actions; and how to combat when the emotions
get too big.
Session two-
Session three-
Uniqueness is Greatness
Session one-
Session two-
Session three-