2199-Article Text-8874-1-2-20240104
2199-Article Text-8874-1-2-20240104
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Available online to ejournal.pnc.ac.id
Technology of information and electronics develop rapidly and it can be utilized by humans to
create automatic tools which makes humans’ work easier [1] [2]. Automation can be applied to create a
smart home that can make the householder feel safe and comfortable. It also can minimize the use of
resources and energy [3] [4] [5]. The concept of smart home refers to the use of electronic devices that
serve digital services to the householder [6]. Smart homes have become one of the pillars in Uni Eropa to
do infestation for the strategy of energy saving [7]. In Indonesia, smart homes are still rarely created because
of its high cost and the difficulties of its setting [8].
The concept of Internet of Things (IoT) has recently been used to unify the important features in smart
homes. IoT enables devices to make connections and monitor remotely as long as they are connected to the
internet [9] [10]. Remote Relay and Light Dependent is implemented to control the use of lamps so that the
use of electrical power can be more efficient up to 53% [11] [12]. Microcontroller ESP32 that is connected
to a camera and MC-38 door magnetic switch that is based on IoT are used in the system of home safety
*) Corresponding Author: [email protected]
ISSN : 2715-9248 2
[13]. Microcontroller Arduino, temperature sensor, and modul relay can be controlled remotely using a
smartphone that is connected to the internet [14].
Previous research makes a safety for gas leaks using gas sensors MQ-2 and MQ-6 that can be
controlled using smartphones so that the warning is sent to the householder’s WhatsApp account when it
happens [15]. Another research delivers a smart room that is safe from the thief because it utilizes the
motion sensor PIR that can detect people who do not come from the door [16]. Then, there is a prototype
of an automatic door using RFID [17]. By testing, it can read ID from a maximum distance of 5 cm in 2 to
3 seconds. An automatic lamp with LDR and Ultrasonic sensor can be used to automatically turn on the
lamp in the garden [18] The LDR sensor is used to detect the day and night, while the ultrasonic sensor
functions as an automatic switch to turn on or turn off the lamp. Meanwhile, there is also an automatic
clothesline that is equipped with an LDR sensor, rain sensor, and humidity sensor [19]. When the clothes
are wet and the day is bright, the dynamo will push the line out of the room. Another research creates a
smart sensor using ultrasonic sensors to detect the distance so that it helps the driver when they want to
park the car and avoid them from collision [20]. When the car is 20 cm from an object behind, the buzzer
will produce sounds as a warning to the driver.
This research is aimed to create a prototype for smart home systems with the basis of IoT. It will be
upgraded by combining several features taken from the previous research. The features are gas safety,
garden safety, door safety, automatic clothesline, parking assistant, and automatic lamp. Solar panel and
home controller is also used to minimize the energy consumption. IoT is used to connect the internet-based
application to the householder in the aim of controlling and monitoring. The prototype will be applied to
houses with the type of 60. The miniature is made for trials.
This research uses a prototype method to make a system of smart home that is equipped with an
android application as the controller and monitor. As a result, a sequence of panels will be made in the form
of a prototype. Hardware and software will be used to make the panel as seen on table 1.
Table 1. The needs of Hardware dan Software
Hardware Software
Microcontroller (Arduino Mega 2560) Windows Operating System
Motion Sensor (HC-SR501) Fritzing 0.9.3
Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04) Arduino IDE 1.8.10
Gas Sensor (MQ-2) Android Studio 3.5.3
Rain Drops Sensor (YL-83) Mozilla Firefox
Light Sensor (Light Dependent Resistor / LDR)
Radio Frequency Identification (MFRC552)
DC Fan
Motor Servo
Trafic Light
Light Emition Diode (LED)
Liquid Crystal Dispal (LCD)
Modul Wifi NodeMCU ESP8286
Jumper Cable
Battery Connector
Solar Panel
PVC Boam Board
Power Bank
The scheme of chain devices to make a smart home is illustrated on the picture 1.
The second step is making a prototype of a chain panel for a smart home according to the designed
scheme on picture 1. The result that has been implemented on miniature is seen on picture 3. While the
result of the chain that has been made is seen on picture 4.
The researcher uses a microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560 as the center of the panel chain on a smart
home to gather the logic or instructions that has been made so that it can run all of the work. All of the
sensors relate to Arduino Mega 2560. The device is set using some codes so that the features can work as
expected. Features on smart home panel chains are safety including the kitchen safety, garden safety, and
door safety. The automatic features include an automatic clothesline, parking assistant, and automatic lamp
on the garden. The feature of energy saving includes solar panels and home control as seen on picture 5.
Time Application
Trial of Buzzer
(second) Status
1 1 cm 3 Ringing Sent
2 5 cm 2 Ringing Sent
3 10 cm 1 Ringing Sent
4 15 cm 3 Ringing Sent
5 20 cm 2 Ringing Sent
6 25 cm 1 Ringing Sent
7 30 cm 3 Ringing Sent
8 35 cm 2 Ringing Sent
Picture 6. Open Door Test Results Picture 7. Closed Door Test Results
Trial Fan Roof Weather
1 0 lx Turn on Close Dark cloud
2 10 lx Turn on Close Overcast
3 50 lx Turn off Open Cloudy
4 100 lx Turn off Open Bright
5 200 lx Turn off Open Bright
6 300 lx Turn off OPen Very Bright
When the sensor of YL-83 detects water drops, it will close the roof and the fan will turn on to dry it.
The roof will automatically open when the water drop is not detected and the light is bright enough. The
clothes will catch the sun rays and the fan will stop from its spinning to minimize the energy. The result is
seen on table 5.
Table 5. Testing Result of Water Drop Sensor
Trial Light Intensity Description
1 300 lx Turn off Light
2 230 lx Turn off Light
3 11 lx Turn on Dark
4 2 lx Turn on Dark
Duration Voltage Power
Time of Trial currents
of Trial V (volt) (Watt)
1:00 60 0 0 0
3:00 60 0 0 0
5:00 60 0 0 0
7:00 60 2 40 0.2
9:00 60 2.9 66 0.4
11:00 60 4.7 97 0.6
13:00 60 5 116 0.9
15:00 60 4.6 92 0.5
17:00 60 2.1 53 0.3
19:00 60 0 0 0
21:00 60 0 0 0
23:00 60 0 0 0
In this step, the features on an Android application that is connected to the smart home device is tested
to see the response time of control. The testing is conducted using WiFi with the speed of 10Mb/s. The
testing of control is displayed by table 4 and the testing of the monitor is displayed on table 5. The maximum
delay is 2 seconds. It is still reasonable due to the internet speed and the server.
Table 4. Testing Result of Application Controller
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