Pipeline Drying
Pipeline Drying
Pipeline Drying
1 Introduction
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piggability, and environmental regulations. Pipes are loaded with
hydrotesting fluids during commissioning; these fluids must be
cleaned and drained from the pipelines before commissioning
and start-up.
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being completely inert; it replaces oxygen, delays oxidation, and
averts explosions. The 24/7 capacity of an onsite nitrogen
generator provides the ideal option since a continual supply of dry
nitrogen into the pipeline is required. With rates ranging from 2
SCFM to 1500 SCFM, an on-site nitrogen generating system can
supply a consistent high-pressure feed of high-purity nitrogen.
Turnkey N2 generators may be made to be mounted on skids or
trucks. We may hire nitrogen generators for a short or extended
period of time to meet urgent demands.
When the feed gas dewpoint and output gas dewpoint diverge by
at least 10°F, the drying process is said to be finished.
The exit port at the other end of the pipeline may then receive the
evaporated moisture. Hygrometers that continuously identify
variations between the inlet and output air dewpoints may be
used to monitor hot air pipeline testing.
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energy. As a result, the speed of evaporation of this water
becomes very fast. Moreover, the rate of evaporation is directly
proportional to the temperature of the hot air. The hot air entrance
port is at the other end of the pipe from the exit port. It is the
place where the water vapor is transferred by the air flowing out of
the port.
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Figure 1 Pipeline drying with hot air
The exit port at the other side of the pipeline may then receive the
evaporated moisture. Hygrometers that constantly identify
variations between the intake and output air dewpoints may be
used to supervise hot air pipeline testing.
Using very dry, cold air is another efficient method for removing
moisture from pipes after hydrostatic testing. To remove any
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remaining water, extremely dry, cold air may be forced into a
pipeline by very strong ventilators.
Simple rules define the dry air approach of drying pipes. Air with
minimum dew point has less moisture vapor pressure. Thus, by
blowing it inside, the moisture would be absorbed. The main
agent behind drying is the disparity in vapor pressure of the air’s
moisture content of in the pipes and of the moisture content of dry
air. The pipeline will dry up more quickly as the difference is larger.
This is due to the reason that the pipes are underground and the
ground temperature changes, this temperature becomes a
deciding factor in how long the drying phase will last. As the
temperature of the wall of the pipe will be similar to the
temperature of the ground, therefore the dew point related to air
within the pipeline will have a similar temperature as that of the
pipe. As a result, when there is a high ground temperature, the air
within the pipeline may contain more moisture. When the earth is
warmer, pipes might dry up more quickly.
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effective in these circumstances. Condensation then removes
moisture by forcing air through the refrigerated cooling coil.
With the help of low pressure, we tend to blow dry air via the
pipeline. Resultantly, the air is dried at atmospheric pressure.
Moreover, the roots blower is used to throw the dry air through the
pipeline. This blower can withstand the pressure of one barg.
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the pipeline. Relative humidity of less than 50% prevents corrosion
in the pipeline, therefore dry air offers good corrosion prevention.
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Figure 3 Vacuum Pipeline Drying
Water will begin to evaporate as the pressure rises toward the SVP,
maintaining the pressure balance. As a result, more water
evaporates as the pressure attempts to decrease. The vacuum
pump draws this vapor out from the line, and additional water
evaporation takes its place. Unless all of the free water has
evaporated, this process keeps going.
Final drying
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the balance. It is safe to presume that all of the air inside the
pipeline has been completely expelled and that only the water’s
vapor pressure is responsible for the pressure there. As a result, the
dewpoint and pipeline pressure are closely connected. Once this
pressure (1.032 mbara, equal to a dewpoint of -20 C) has been
reached in the pipeline, it becomes obvious that the pipeline is dry.
This phase may be changed by purging via a dry gas under
vacuum on certain lengthy pipes where the force friction serves a
significant role and delays the drying process. This may hasten the
pace at which water is removed during the last drying stage.
A soak test may be used to conduct one more inspection. Here, the
pressure is locked in and watched over for a while, usually for 24
hours. If any free water is available, it will evaporate, causing the
pressure to increase once again to the temperature of the
ambient pipework. After drying, the product may be put right into
the vacuum, which is almost completely oxygen-free. This,
however, requires that the product is readily accessible, and often,
inert nitrogen gas is used to fill the vacuum in order to prevent any
leakage. Before filling the pipeline, nitrogen may be purged under
a vacuum to achieve very low dewpoints.
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6 Pigging and Swabbing
The most common materials are soft foam (also known as swabs),
high and medium density polyurethane foam (also known as poly
pigs), and solid polyurethane type pigs. The media already
present in the pipeline, such as oil, water, food, paint, etc., may be
used to push pipeline pigs as long as there is enough flow and
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Figure 4 Pigging and Swabbing
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concentration is necessary because, whereas MEG requirements
for hydration management typically call for a 50% rate in total
fluid, bacterial growth tendency calls for a minimum
concentration of 80%. Since MEG is manufactured using gas and is
often processed by regeneration equipment, it must adhere to
strict criteria wherever it is utilized.
8 References
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5. Battara and B. Selandari, Mathematical model predicts
performance of pipeline drying with air. Oil and Gas Journal
82, 114-116 (1984)
6. https://nigen.com/pipeline-drying-equipment-after-
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