STS NEW Module 3 Technology As A Revealing

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Module 3:Technology

as a Way of Revealing

differentiate the meaning of technology in
ancient and modern times
discuss the essence of technology
True or False (Polling)
1. Technology is a means to an end.
2. Technology is a human activity
3. Man is in danger of being swallowed by
4. In meditative thinking, humans desire to put
an order to nature to better understand and
control it
5. Enframing is a way of ordering nature to
better manipulate it

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Discuss the philosophy of
Martin Heidegger

Technology as a Way of Revealing

-German philosopher

-Ontology or study of 'being’ or dasein and


-rejected the idea of positivist thinkers and

critical to technological domination in the modern

-critical to the essence and modern technology

-reconstructed the meaning of technology that

reflected in his essay entitled " The Question
Concerning Technology"
The Essence of Technology
Science and Technology - responsible for society’s

S and T must not eclipse the basic tenets of ethics and


It should allow the person to flourish alongside scientific

progress and technological advancement

Essence of technology -investigated by Martin Heidegger

Technology (Greeks) was assumed to be part of our

everyday life

Definitions of Technology
Explain the two definitions and give examples

1.Technology is a means to an end.


2 Technology is a human activity.

Two definitions of
1.Technology is a means to an end.
2 Technology is a human activity.

The first definition treated technology as an

instrument to achieve a purpose or end.
-student A bought a laptop and smartphone to be
used for online learning

Second- doing/producing


Are the definitions interconnected? Why?

Key in your answers/ use your microphones

Why are the two definitions
- outcomes of human activities are meant to
serve its purpose

-definition of technology becomes problematic

when technology does not serve its purpose

COVID-19 will die naturally
PPEs and gadgets for learning are meaningless
because the purpose is not being served

Technology as a way of
Heidegger- truth can be pursued through correct- leads to
what is true

Heidegger envisioned technology as a way of revealing

- mode of bringing forth

- poesis in ancient- act of bringing something out of

concealment-truth of that something is revealed

Aletheia-unclosedness, uncealedness, disclosure, or truth

technology for Heidegger is a form of poeisis –a way of

revealing that unconceals aletheia or the truth
Technology as Poeisis: Does modern
technology bring forth or challenge

Technology as Poeisis: Does modern technology

bring forth or challenge forth?

Heidegger said that modern technology is

revealing not in the sense of poeisis or
bringing forth but rather challenge forth

Why challenge forth?

1. It makes people think how to do things
2. It makes people think how to do things
more effectively and less effort
3. It prompts people into dominating and
enframing the earth’s natural resources

How does modern technology control us?

-natural resources are exploited-little concern
on the ecological consequences
-artificial flavorings, toxic materials and etc.

Enframing as modern
technology’s way of revealing
Heidegger- distinguished the way of revealing
of modern technology by the process of
Human wanted to enframe (control) everything
according to their desires
1. Work
2. Vaccines-Bill Gates
Two ways of looking at the
1. Calculative thinking-control nature
2. Meditative thinking-humans allow nature to
reveal itself without the use of force or

Thus, enframing is a way of ordering nature to

better manipulate it

1. Security purposes even to the point of

The Dangers of Technology

Humans allow themselves to be consumed by

Agree or disagree

Are you allowing yourselves to be consumed by


Reflective thinking is needed

-social media (how does it affect our lives)
Heidegger’s perspective
-the real threat of technology comes from the
essence , not its activities or products

-humans are blinded to the essence of


Thus, the essence of technology is by no

means anything technological

Are there alternatives in order to

attain purpose? If yes, what are
What is art?
Art is a techne that shows, unconceals, or reveals the

Art was considered as a saving power and an

alternative exit from technological enframing

Art as techne is an act of the mind that helps us to

think based on meditative thinking

we can establish new relationships with technology

and nature

-Art encourages humans to think less from calculative


Is questioning important?

We need to pose, think, and question what is

around us

Through questioning, humans are able to

reassess their position
Art and Questioning
Common experience tells us that in times of
crisis or pandemic, human creativity is revealing.

crisis compels us to become creative or artistic in
order to survive

Heidegger- experienced the horror of world war

two tells us how art can save us from a
misconception of technology and how to renew
our relation with it

Questioning as a Piety of
Human beings -questions in life in a times of crisis or

encourages us to practice critical thinking when it

comes to technology

reassess our concept of technology particularly

on its positive and negative impact on nature to
rebuild our new relation

Heidegger ended his essay with these statements;

"the closer we come to the danger, the more
brightly do the ways into the saving power
begin to shine and the more questioning we
become. For questioning is the piety of thought.

Answer ILOs
Watch the video on the good life of Aristotle
and share your ideas about it.



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