Legal Aid Report 2023

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No. Date Village Report Photos

1. Mediation Rally In a Mediation Procedure, a neutral Intermediary, the
Thiruvallur District Mediator, helps the parties to reach a mutually satisfactory
settlement of their dispute. Any settlement is to reach a
mutually satisfactory settlement of their dispute. Any
settlement is recorded in an enforceable contract.
Experience shows that intellectual property litigation
often ends in settlement.


2. As a Part of Curriculum, we school of law visited the

Central Jail Visit, women prison and spreaded awareness to the inmates.
3. 31/05/2023 We spreaded awareness on the child helpline number in
Koduvalli India is 1098. It is a toll-free emergency phone service
and any child or concerned adult can contact them for
assistance. This Childline operates day and night; 24*7
and 365 days a year.

4. 02/06/2023 Vellanur In India, there is no paucity of laws for women. Our

Constitution provides exclusive rights to women for their
protection and development. Furthermore, IPC, CrPC
and Evidence Act are also active when it comes to
women and their protection.

5. While ragging is not a specific offence, it could be

penalised under several other provisions of the
14/07/2023 School of Law
Indian Penal Code (IPC). For example, the offence of
wrongful restraint is criminalised under Section 339 of
the IPC which is punished with simple
imprisonment up to 1 month, or with fine up to Rs 500,
or with both
6. 07/08/2023 Alamathi Labor rights or workers' rights are both legal rights and
human rights relating to labor relations between workers
and employers. These rights are codified in national and
international labor and employment law. In general, these
rights influence working conditions in the relations of

Legal Awareness Programme conducted in Alamathi Village by

Thiru. P.V. Sandilyan, Secretary and Senior Civil Judge, District
Legal service Authority, Thiruvallur District Court along with
School of Law Students on 07.08.2023

22/09/2023 School of Law To Provide for The Welfare and Protection Of
Children And, In Particular, To Strengthen families
And Promote The Wellbeing Of Children; To Ensure
That families And Communities Receive Advice And
Support In Caring For Their Children; To Provide For
Children Who Are In Need Of Care And Protection
And To Give Certain Powers To Social Welfare
officers In Their Role To Provide For The Welfare Of

Legal Awareness Programme conducted in School of

Law Campus by Thiru. P.V. Sandilyan, Secretary and
Senior Civil Judge, District Legal service Authority,
Thiruvallur District Court, Thiruvallur on 22.09.2023
30/09/2023 Kadhirvedu Every woman must be paid the same wage as a man for
the same kind of work i.e., equal to the man and not less.
Women workers must be given to the person who work
on temporary basis, piece rate basis, daily wages, who
works for a contractor or who works in agriculture.

School of Law Students, faculties along with village

president conducted the legal literacy awareness
Programme on 30.09.2023

9. 25.06.2023 Juvenile Justice The Juvenile Justice Board is an institutional body

To Board, Kelly’s constituted under Section 4 of the JJ Act, 2015.
27.06.2023 According to the division of powers, the subject of
administration of criminal justice has been included in
the State List (List II, Schedule VII) of the Indian
Constitution. Therefore, one or more than one Juvenile
Justice Board(s) are established by the State Government
for each district. The Board exercises its powers and
discharges functions relating to the ‘child in conflict with
law’ as has been defined under Section 2(13) of this Act.

School of Law Faculties and Students in Juvenile Justice

Board between 25.06.2023 to 27.06.2023

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