CH 03

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Chapter 3

Vectors and Scalars

 A scalar quantity is completely specified by a

single value with an appropriate unit and has
no direction.
 A vector quantity is completely described by a
number and appropriate units plus a direction.
Vector Notation

 When handwritten, use an arrow: A or A.

 When dealing with just the magnitude of a

 in print, an italic letter will be used:
A, | A |, or |A|

 The magnitude of the vector has physical units.

 The magnitude of a vector is always a positive

Vector Example
 A particle travels from A
to B along the path shown
by the dotted red line
 This is the distance
traveled and is a scalar.

 The displacement is the solid line from A to B

 The displacement is independent of the path
taken between the two points
 Displacement is a vector
Equality of Two Vectors

 Two vectors are

equal if they have
the same magnitude
and the same
 A = B if A = B and
they point along
parallel lines.
 All of the vectors
shown are equal.
Adding Vectors Graphically
 Continue drawing
the vectors “tip-to-
 The resultant is
drawn from the
origin of A to the end
of the last vector
 Measure the length of R and its angle
 Use the scale factor to convert length to
actual magnitude.
Adding Vectors Graphically

 When you have

many vectors, just
keep repeating the
process until all are
 The resultant is still
drawn from the
origin of the first
vector to the end of
the last vector.
Adding Vectors, Rules

 When two vectors

are added, the sum is
independent of the
order of the addition.
 This is the
commutative law
of addition
Adding Vectors, Rules cont.
 When adding three or more vectors, their sum
is independent of the way in which the
individual vectors are grouped
 This is called the associative property of
 (A + B) + C = A + (B + C)
Negative of a Vector

 The negative of a vector is defined as the

vector that, when added to the original vector,
gives a resultant of zero.
 Represented as –A

 A + (−A) = 0
 The negative of the vector will have the same
magnitude, but point in the opposite direction.
Subtracting Vectors

 Special case of
vector addition
 If A – B, then use
 Continue with
standard vector
addition procedure
Multiplying or Dividing a Vector by
a Scalar

 The result of the multiplication or division is a

 The magnitude of the vector is multiplied or
divided by the scalar.
 If the scalar is positive, the direction of the
result is the same as of the original vector.
 If the scalar is negative, the direction of the
result is opposite that of the original vector.
Unit Vectors
 A unit vector is a dimensionless vector with a
magnitude of exactly 1.
 Unit vectors are used to specify a direction and
have no other physical significance.
Unit Vectors, cont.

 The symbols

iˆ, ˆj , and kˆ
represent unit vectors
 They form a set of
mutually perpendicular
vectors .
Components of a Vector

 It is useful to use
 These are the
projections of the
vector along the
x- and y-axes
Components of a Vector, cont.

 The x-component of a vector is the projection

along the x-axis
Ax = A cosθ

 The y-component of a vector is the projection

along the y-axis
Ay = A sin θ

 Then, A = Ax iˆ + Ay ˆj
Components of a Vector, cont.

 The previous equations are valid only if θ is

measured with respect to the x-axis
 The components are the legs of the right
triangle whose hypotenuse is A
A= A + A2
y and θ = tan −1

 May still have to find θ with respect to the
positive x-axis.
Adding Vectors by Components

 R=A+B
 Then,

Rx = Ax + Bx
Ry = Ay + By
Rz = Az + Bz
Multiplying a Vector by a Vector:
Scalar or Dot Product

 Projection of one vector into another

Multiplying a Vector by a Vector:
Vector or Cross Product

 
= −b × a
(Area spanned by the two vectors)


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