L1.1 Classical Genetics and Its Molecular Mechanism

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Module 1.

Basic genetic principles and technologies

Lecture 1.1 – Classical genetics and

its molecular mechanisms
What are major genetic questions?
• What is the material controlling our traits/performance?
• Why are we different?
• How is this material passed on?
Learning objectives
• Basic definitions in genetics
• Basic principles and terms in classical genetics
• Molecular mechanisms of classical genetics
• Chromosome crossover and its significance
• History and basic definitions in genetics
• Principles of inheritance
• Molecular mechanisms of inheritance
• Linkage and crossover
The two most famous biologists in history

• Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”

• He believed that all living organisms
came from a common ancestor
• Evidences show that the 8 million living
species all evolved from a simple, single-
celled common ancestor around 3.5
Chimpanzee 98%
billion years ago
Monkey 95%
• Genomics also supports his theory as all Human DNA
kinds of organisms share a large Identical to Mouse 92%
proportion of common DNAs Fruit fly 36%
Banana 50%
• Mendel discovered the principles of
• Mendelian inheritance
• Proposed in 1865 and 1866
• 6-7 years after Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.
• Built the foundation of modern genetics
• Mendelian genetics is also called classical
• Mendel read Darwin's books, whereas all
available evidence indicates that Darwin knew
nothing of Mendel.
Definition of genetics
• Genetics is the study of genes, genetic variation, and
heredity in living organisms.
• Genes – the material controlling our traits/performance?
• genetic variation – Why are we different?
• heredity – how is this material passed on?
• It is a branch of biology.
• Genetics has many branches
Branches of genetics
• Behavioural genetics • Medical genetics
• Classical genetics • Microbial genetics
• Developmental genetics • Molecular genetics
• Conservation genetics • Quantitative genetics
• Ecological genetics • Population genetics
• Evolutionary genetics • Phylogenetics
• Genecology • Statistical genetics
• Genetic engineering • Genetic epidemiology
• Genomics • Archaeogenetics
• Human evolutionary genetics • Archaeogenetics of the Near East
• Human mitochondrial genetics • Psychiatric genetics
Why classical genetics still important?
• It explains how the genetic materials pass on from parents to
• It is the cornerstone of the modern genetics, including
• Classical and modern genetics are to answer the same
questions, but using different approaches.
• Modern genetics explored new ways to answer old questions
• Some genetic studies still rely on classical genetic approaches
• Classical genetics directly works on trait; modern genetics works on genes or
genetic markers
• If a trait is controlled by many genes, it is simpler to work on the trait
The definitions of gene and allele
• Gene is an evolving definition
• It was first defined as an “unit of inheritance”
• Not defined by Mendel, but 10 years later by someone else
• Then defined as a small section of a chromosome after
chromosomes were discovered
• Now defined as a linear segment in the DNA molecule that
encodes a protein
• Alleles are defined as different versions of a gene
Gene vs. allele

Gene Allele

Definition A section of DNA that A specific variation of a

controls a certain trait gene
Examples A gene for eye color A allele for blue eyes or green
Tree crown form Wide crown, narrow crown
Locus/loci Two alleles at a locus (mostly)
Genotype vs. phenotype

Genotype Phenotype

Definition A specific combination of The physical appearance

alleles for a given gene of the genotype
BB, Bb or bb Blue eyes or brown eyes

Genotype is also referred to A phenotype also called

as overall genetic makeup of a trait
an organism
• History and basic definitions in genetics
• Principles of inheritance
• Molecular mechanisms of inheritance
• Linkage and crossover
The core of classical genetics
• To study the inheritance of genes from parents to children (offspring)
• Before Mendelian genetics, it was believed that the genetic materials
from the two parents were mixed up, then pass to offspring –
Blending inheritance
• Mendel discovered the inheritance and summarized it into three laws
of inheritance
• Law of Segregation (First Law)
• Law of Dominance (Third Law)
• Law of Independent Assortment (Second Law)
Mendel‘s “First Law” of Inheritance
(one gene – one trait)
Law of Segregation

Phenotypes: 3 : 1
Mendel‘s “First Law” of Inheritance
(one gene – one trait)

• Law of Segregation
• Each parent has two alleles for each trait
(a gene) and only one allele randomly
passes on to an offspring


Phenotypes: 3 : 1
Genotypes: 1WW: 2Ww: 1ww
Dominance (the “Third Law”)
• Mendel’s Third Law - for the two alleles
of a gene, the recessive allele will
always be masked by the dominant
• Dominance makes phenotypes not
always showing genotypes
• Homozygous – a genotype with the
same alleles at a gene
• showing the genotype
Homozygote Heterozygote
• Heterozygous – a genotype with
different alleles at a gene
• not showing the genotype
Test cross
• Test cross is used to reveal the genotype of an individual
• In a test cross, an individual in question (WW, Ww or ww?)
is bred with an recessive homozygous individual for the
trait (ww)
• Codominance is a form of inheritance
wherein the alleles of a gene in a
heterozygote are fully expressed
• The phenotype of the offspring is a
combination of the phenotype of the
• E.g., type AB blood in humans
• This was not discovered by Mendel
Codominance in Sitka spruce

Green Green All green

Green Red
All reddish green

Codominant: the heterozygote show intermediate phenotype


Round leaf Cut leaf

Leaf phenotypes in European beech, a trait

controlled by a single gene
Assuming the two individuals are homozygotes,
how can you figure out if the allele for the cut leaf
phenotype is dominant, recessive or codominant?

Round Cut

Round dominant

Round Cut

Cut dominant

Round Cut


LL ll


The fact is the round leaf being dominant



L l

L LL Ll A Punnett square

l Ll ll

Genotype: ? LL: ? Ll: ? ll

Phenotype: ? round: ? cut

?? ll

39 43
• Albinism is caused
by a recessive and
lethal allele
• Seedlings with
albinism has no
chlorophyll, thus no
• How come tree
populations still
carry this allele?
Albinism is in low frequency, but it occurs in many
species including human.
In US, for example, the incidence is 1 in 17,000, but the
frequency of albinism carrier is much higher, 1 in 70.
Why the two ratios are so different?
Kermode bear

• Kermode bear’s phenotype is

determined by a recessive allele of a
single gene
• B – black allele
• b – white
• What is the genotype of the baby bear?

• What is the genotype of the mother?

• What are the possible genotypes of the

• Gene and allele, locus and loci
• Genotype and phenotype/trait
• Dominance, recessive and codominance
• Homozygous and heterozygous
• Test cross
Mendel's "Second Law" of Inheritance
(two genes – two traits)
• Law of Independent Assortment

Self fertilization
Mendel's "Second Law" of Inheritance
• Law of Independent
• Different pairs of alleles
are passed to offspring
independently of each

Pods: 12 Seeds: 12
4 4
• Break for 5 min
• History and basic definitions in genetics
• Principles of inheritance
• Molecular mechanisms of inheritance
• Linkage and crossover
Timeline of inheritance discoveries
• 1865 - Mendel’s laws of inheritance
• 1869 - DNA Isolated
• 1902 - Sutton found that the
segregation of chromosomes during Walter Sutton
meiosis matched the segregation
pattern of Mendel’s laws
• 1915 - Morgan found that
chromosomes carry genes, and also
discover genetic linkage, won Nobel
Prize in 1933.
• A chromosome is a DNA molecule
with part or all of the genetic
material of an organism
• We will only cover the inheritance of
chromosomes here and leave
detailed molecular features about
DNA and chromosome to next
Homologous chromosomes
• Chromosomes are in pairs except in
gametes (sperms or eggs)

• Each pair of chromosomes are called

homologous chromosomes, Human chromosomes
• one from the mother and another from the
• Each pair have the same genes (except
allelic variation)
Chromosome replication – meiosis
• Meiosis is part of a
reproductive process
• In this process, a cell
divides twice to produce
4 daughter cells –
gametes (eggs or sperms)
• The new cells have half
number of chromosomes
of the mother cell
• Homologous
chromosomes exchange Crossovers occur
materials – crossover
• the chromosomes are no https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNq015d03MU
longer the same as they
were from their patents
Molecular genetics confirmed classical genetics – First Law
• Mendel’s Frist Law: each parent has two
alleles for a trait and only one of them
randomly passes on to an offspring
• Molecular gen: the two alleles are located on
a pair of homologous chromosomes. One
from the mother and one from the father
• The First Law helped to figure out the
genetic feature of chromosomes, while the
discovery of chromosomes confirms the First
• New by molecular genetics: crossovers occur
during meiosis that mix information between
the two homologous chromosomes
Molecular genetics confirmed classical genetics – Second Law
• Second Law – the law of independent
• Different pairs of genes are passed to offspring
independently of each other
• Molecular gen: During meiosis, different
chromosome are replicated and segregated
• It confirms that a pair of genes located on
different chromosomes follow the Second Law
• New by molecular gen: A pair of genes
located on the same chromosomes may or
may not follow the Second Law
• due to crossover
Molecular genetics confirmed classical genetics – Third Law

• Third Law – dominance

• Recessive alleles are masked by dominant alleles
• Molecular mechanisms:
• The recessive allele may not be transcribed
• Transcribed but with a slightly different function
• New by molecular genetics:
• Dominance can be relative to the another allele
• Codominance are common
• Quantitative traits are controlled by multiple codominant
• History and basic definitions in genetics
• Principles of inheritance
• Molecular mechanisms of inheritance
• Linkage and crossover
Linkage and crossover
• The law of the independent assortment was
derived based on genes located on different
chromosomes. These genes segregate
independently during meiosis.
• Genes located on the same chromosome may not
stay together due to crossover between
homologous chromosomes
• When genes are linked, we call them in linkage
disequilibrium (LD, in probability)
Genetic mapping based on LD
Independent assortment Genes linked
• If two genes are not
lined, they follow the
independent assortment
• If two gene are linked,
the rate of
recombination is used to
estimate the distance
between the two genes
• With the relative
distances, a genetic map
can be constructed Construct
genetic maps
Estimate the distance
on a chromosome
What is the chance for a couple to have two genetically
identical children?
• 2 pairs of chromosomes -> 4
• 23 pairs in human, How many
• = 2^23 = 8,324,608
• Crossovers also add many more
• So, almost no chance for a couple to
have 2 genetically identical children
Learning objectives
• Basic definitions in genetics
• Basic principles and terms in classical genetics
• Molecular mechanisms of classical genetics
• Chromosome crossover and its significance

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