f.) It is levied for public purpose. ▪ Vertical Equity – It proposes that the extent of
one’s ability to pay is directly proportional to the
ELEMENTS OF A SOUND TAX SYSTEM level of tax base. It is a gross concept.
FISCAL ADEQUACY – The fundamental purpose of Ex: A has P200,000 income while B has P400,000. In
taxation is necessary to raise the revenue necessary taxing income, the government should tax B more
to fund public services. than A because B has greater income. Hence B has
▪ It is necessary that the sources of revenues greater capacity to contribute.
must be adequate to meet governmental
expenditures and sustain the level of public services
demanded by citizens and policy makers
▪ Taxation – For the support of the government
1. Police Power – it the power of the state for ▪ Police Power – Promotion of general welfare
promoting public welfare by restraining and through regulation
regulating the use of liberty and property. It may be ▪ Eminent Domain – The taking of private property
exercise only by the government. The property for public use
taken in the exercise of this power is destroyed
because it is noxious or intended for a noxious • As to Persons affected:
purpose. ▪ Taxation – Community or a class of individuals;
applies to all persons, property and excises that may
2. Power of Taxation – it is the power by which the be subject thereto
state raises revenue to defray the necessary ▪ Police Power – Community or a class of individuals;
expenses of the government. applies to all persons, property and excises that may
be subject there to
3. Power of Eminent Domain – it is the power of the ▪ Eminent Domain – On the individual as the owner
state to acquire private property for public purpose of the personal property; only particular property is
upon payment of just compensation. comprehended