Administrative Law I 2023
Administrative Law I 2023
Administrative Law I 2023
General Readings:
✓ Wade, Administrative Law, Chapter One
✓ Kessari, Administrative law, chapter one
✓ Foulkes, Administrative Law, Chapter One Garner,
Administrative Law, pp. 1-12
✓ Jain, A Treatise on Administrative law, Chapter One
✓ Chakraverti, Administrative Law, & Tribunals, Chapter
✓ Friedmann, The Rule of Law and the Welfare State
In this topic we look on background
information about the political and economic
forces shaping the evolution and development
of administrative law.
The shortcoming of this definition according to, Massey is that it excludes rule -
application or purely administrative power of administrative agencies. However, it
should be remembered that purely administrative functions are not strictly within the
domain of administrative law, just like rule making (legislative) and adjudicative
(judicial) powers.
Davis‘s definition is indicative of the approach towards administrative law, which lays
great emphasis on detailed, and specific rule-making and adjudicative procedures and
judicial review through the courts for any irregularity. He excludes control mechanisms
through the lawmaker and institution like the ombudsman.
Massey gives a wider and working definition of
administrative law in the following way.
Lastly it studies remedies available to aggrieved parties whose rights and interests
may be affected by unlawful and unjust administrative actions. Administrative
law is concerned with effective redress mechanisms to aggrieved parties. Mainly it
is concerned with remedies through judicial review, such as certiorari,
mandamus, injunction and habeaus corpus.
There has never been any serious doubt that administrative law is primarily concerned with the
control of power. With the increase in level of state involvement in many aspects of
everyday life during the first 80 years of the twentieth century, the need for a coherent and
effective body of rules to govern relations between individuals and the state became
The 20th century saw the rise of the ―regulatory state and a consequent growth in administrative
agencies of various kinds engaged in the delivery of a wide variety of public programs under
statutory authority. This means, in effect, the state nowadays controls and supervises the lives,
conduct and business of individuals in so many ways.
Hence controlling the manner of exercise of public power so as to ensure rule of law and respect
for the right and liberty of individuals may be taken as the key purpose of administrative
According to Peer Leyland and Tery Woods (Peter Leyland and Terry
Woods, Textbook on Administrative Law, 4th ed. ) Administrative
law embodies general principles applicable to the exercise of the
powers and duties of authorities in order to ensure that the myriad and
discretionary powers available to the executive conform to basic
standards of legality and fairness.
➢ It has a control function, acting in a negative sense as a brake or check in respect of the
unlawful exercise or abuse of governmental/ administrative power.
➢ It can have a command function by making public bodies perform their statutory duties,
including the exercise of discretion under a statute.
➢ To check abuse of administrative power.
➢ To ensure to citizens an impartial determination of
their disputes by officials so as to protect them from
unauthorized encroachment of their rights and interests.
➢ To make those who exercise public power accountable
to the people.
A comprehensive, advanced and effective system of administrative
law is underpinned by the following three broad principles:
The boundaries of administrative law extend only when administrative agencies and
public officials exercise statutory or public powers, or when performing public
In both civil and common-law countries, these types of functions are sometimes called
―public law functions to distinguish them from ―private law functions.
The former govern the relationship between the state and the individual, whereas the
later governs the relationship between individual citizens and some forms of
relationships with the state, like relationship based on government contract.
Substance vs. Procedure