Principles of Cloud Computing

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Table of Contents pages

oud omputing: Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2
istory ................................................................................................................................................... 2
DeIinition ............................................................................................................................................... 3
ow oud omputing Works ................................................................................................................... 4
oud omputing Architecture ............................................................................................................... 4
Variants oI coud computing................................................................................................................... 6
Top 5 oud omputing Providers ............................................................................................................. 7
Advantages and Disadvantages oI oud omputing .................................................................................. 9
Advantages oI oud omputing ............................................................................................................ 9
Disadvantages oI oud omputing ..................................................................................................... 12
Issues and haenges in coud computing ................................................................................................ 13
Anayzing the appropriateness oI coud computing in our organization (EPARM S. .......................... 13
oud omputing in Deveoping ountries .............................................................................................. 14
ReIerences ............................................................................................................................................... 16

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Cloud Computing: Introduction
The 1990s saw the word changed by something caed the 'word wide web. The idea oI an
interconnected word was intoxicating. At Iirst, most users` Internet needs were simpe: ook up
inIormation, send emai, shop, etc. But over time, the way we use the Internet has changed. oud
computing promises a Iuture where the ony oca appication most users wi need is a web browser (oud
omputing Word, 2011.

It is beieved that the term 'coud originated in the teecommunications industry. The basic idea is that the
most eIIicient path Ior data to Iow Irom Point A to Point B cannot be pre-determined by a human operator.
Rather, you must trust your switching system to route the data eIIicienty on a moment-by-moment basis.
The term 'teecom coud reIers to this abstract process; basicay you broadcast your message into the
coud and trust it to come out the other side, without knowing or caring what happens to your data in
between (oud omputing Word, 2011.

oud computing, then, can be seen as a movement to appy the teecom industry`s innovations and
economies oI scae to the computer industry. The Iirst schoary use oI the term 'coud computing is in a
1997 ecture by Ramnath heappa oI the University oI Texas. Some oI the key payers in ate-twentieth
century coud computing incuded IBM, MicrosoIt, and Amazon. oud computing reached the pubic
consciousness around the year 2007, when the Googe Docs service went mainstream. Googe provided a
Iu, virtuaized oIIice suite that coud be accessed Ior Iree Irom any internet-connected computer. In a
word where an oIIice soItware suite can cost hundreds oI doars, the appea oI such a service is obvious.
(oud omputing Word, 2011
Many coud appications targeted at individua consumers are Iree to use. owever, there is aso a growing
category oI paid coud appications targeted at businesses. The beneIit is to reduce your company`s IT
budget by 'outsourcing your business-critica appications to the coud. Data backup, security,
deveopment oI new Ieatures, etc. become the responsibiity oI the appication`s provider, rather than an
interna IT department.
Another area oI growth Ior coud computing is customer reationship management. As the idea oI
'soItware as a service becomes widespread, comparisons with other utiities become useIu. onsider ce
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phone customers, who wi gady sign a service contract and pay a monthy Iee, so ong as they get the
Ieatures they want. Think oI the many ways in which businesses that provide coud computing services can
deepened and enrich their reationship with the customers (oud omputing Word, 2011

Fig.1 Traditional organizational IT structure and Cloud computing model

oud computing is the banket term that is used to describe any Internet service that can be used by
individuas or businesses. The service must be remotey hosted. Remote hosting means that the service can
be accessed Irom any computer that has Internet access in the word. The most obvious Iorm oI coud
computing is E-mai. Many businesses have grown because oI coud computing appications. Many
modern businesses woudn`t exist without them. oud computing reIers to both the appications deivered
as services over the Internet and the hardware and systems soItware in the data centers that provide those
services. The services themseves have ong been reIerred to as SoItware as a Service (SaaS. Some
vendors use terms such as IaaS (InIrastructure as a Service and PaaS (PatIorm as a Service to describe
their products,

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How Cloud Computing Works
Let's say you're an executive at a arge corporation. Your particuar responsibiities incude making sure
that a oI your empoyees have the right hardware and soItware they need to do their jobs. Buying
computers Ior everyone isn't enough - you aso have to purchase soItware or software licenses to give
empoyees the toos they require. Whenever you have a new hire, you have to buy more soItware or make
sure your current soItware icense aows another user. It's so stressIu that you Iind it diIIicut to go to
seep on your huge pie oI money every night.
Soon, there may be an aternative Ior executives ike you. Instead oI instaing a suite oI soItware Ior each
computer, you'd ony have to oad one appication. That appication woud aow workers to og into a
Web-based service which hosts a the programs the user woud need Ior his or her job. Remote machines
owned by another company woud run everything Irom e-mai to word processing to compex data anaysis
programs. It's caed cloud computing, and it coud change the entire computer industry (Strickand, 2008.
In a coud computing system, there's a signiIicant workoad shiIt. Loca computers no onger have to do a
the heavy iIting when it comes to running appications. The network oI computers that make up the coud
handes them instead. ardware and soItware demands on the user's side decrease. The ony thing the user's
computer needs to be abe to run is the coud computing system's interface software (Strickand, 2008,
which can be as simpe as a Web browser, and the coud's network takes care oI the rest.
There's a good chance you've aready used some Iorm oI coud computing. II you have an e-mai account
with a Web-based e-mai service ike otmai, Yahoo! Mai or Gmai, then you've had some experience
with coud computing. Instead oI running an e-mai program on your computer, you og in to a Web e-mai
account remotey. The soItware and storage Ior your account doesn't exist on your computer - it's on the
service's computer coud.
Cloud Computing Architecture
When taking about a coud computing system, it's hepIu to divide it into two sections: the front end and
the back end. They connect to each other through a network, usuay the Internet. The Iront end is the side
the computer user, or cient, sees. The back end is the "coud" section oI the system ( Strickand, 2008
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Fig .2 oud omputing Architecture
The Iront end incudes the cient's computer (or computer network and the appication required to access
the coud computing system. Not a coud computing systems have the same user interIace. Services ike
Web-based e-mai programs everage existing Web browsers ike Internet Exporer or FireIox. Other
systems have unique appications that provide network access to cients.
On the back end oI the system are the various computers, servers and data storage systems that create the
"coud" oI computing services. In theory, a coud computing system coud incude practicay any computer
program you can imagine, Irom data processing to video games. Usuay, each appication wi have its
own dedicated server.
A centra server administers the system, monitoring traIIic and cient demands to ensure everything runs
smoothy. It Ioows a set oI rues caed protocols and uses a specia kind oI soItware caed middleware.
Middeware aows networked computers to communicate with each other
II a coud computing company has a ot oI cients, there's ikey to be a high demand Ior a ot oI storage
space. Some companies require hundreds oI digita storage devices. oud computing systems need at east
twice the number oI storage devices it requires to keep a its cients' inIormation stored. That's because
these devices, ike a computers, occasionay break down. A coud computing system must make a copy
oI a its cients' inIormation and store it on other devices. The copies enabe the centra server to access
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backup machines to retrieve data that otherwise woud be unreachabe. Making copies oI data as a backup
is caed redundancy
Every type oI company, regardess oI its appication hosting needs, is a candidate Ior coud computing. For
smaer companies, it provides a ow upIront cost into hosting with the abiity to scae up as needed. A
medium-sized company woud beneIit Irom immediate access to computing resources that woud typicay
require signiIicant upIront capita and staII to support, as we as a goba reach and redundancy that
economicay may not be otherwise attainabe. For arge companies, coud computing aso provides
important redundancy and soution scaabiity, but when a custom environment becomes necessary it may
be time to transIer Irom a pubic coud soution to either a dedicated hosting environment or a private
Public Cloud: A hosted coud computing environment that does not rey on hardware or datacenter
inIrastructure that is owned by the company. The company typicay pays a monthy Iee to a third party
provider based on resource usage. This is the most Iamiiar type oI coud computing. Pubic coud oIIerings
are avaiabe Irom companies such as Rackspace, Amazon E2, and Googe Apps.
Private Cloud: With this approach, the concept oI coud computing is internaized within a company. The
underying technoogy that aows IT systems to obtain and use resources on demand is sti in pace, but
the company is typicay the ony user oI the resources and it is hosted in the company's own datacenter, or
a dedicated area in a shared datacenter. One anaogy describes coud computing as taking a taxi rather than
buying a car. You sti get where you need to go, but without the upIront investment. owever, some taxi
drivers, ike some coud computing providers, are more experienced than others, and whie etting someone
ese take the whee may aeviate some oI your responsibiities Ior the drive, it doesn`t eiminate the
possibiity oI a costy accident. BeIore aunching your data into the coud, it is wise to research potentia
vendors on such key issues as reiabiity, contro and support.
Variants of cloud computing
When discussing coud computing it is important to note that there are severa diIIerent components that it
O oud inIrastructure,
O oud patIorm, and
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O oud appication.
Cloud infrastructure, or inIrastructure as a service, reIers to providing a computer inIrastructure as a
service. An exampe oI this woud be Amazon`s Eastic ompute oud (E2. oud inIrastructure not
ony incudes computationa resources, such as inIrastructure as a service, but aso storage such as
Amazon`s S3. ustomers use the provider's contro pane and/or appication program interIace (API to
start, stop, access and conIigure their virtua servers and storage. With coud-based hosting, a company
receives guaranteed processing power, as we as scaabe bandwidth Ior storage and Internet access.

Cloud platform, or patIorm as a service, reIers to providing a computer patIorm or soItware stack as a
service. PatIorm is a higher eve oI abstraction than inIrastructure. An exampe oI a patIorm woud be
Googe`s App Engine or SaesIorce. PatIorm services incude operating systems and required services that
Iocus on a speciIic appication, as we as access to necessary services and speciaized oca
resources.Deveopers create these appications on the provider's patIorm over the Internet,typicay
through APIs, website portas or gateway soItware.
Cloud applications are Web services that run on top oI a coud computing component.
Top 5 Cloud Computing Providers
ere is a ist oI the Top 5 oud omputing providers. The key parameters used Ior comparing these coud
patIorms incude when the patIorms were introduced, support Ior various operating systems/anguages,
current adoption eves oI the patIorms and the overa potentia oI the patIorm. A good understanding oI
the key coud computing patIorms is critica to understand the current state oI coud computing and the
overa direction oI the industry. This in turn is very useIu whie making a choice Ior an appropriate coud
computing patIorm. (Kaushik, 2011
I. Amazon
eary the market eader in oud omputing and primariy a IaaS vendor. E2 and S3 are the two
most popuar services avaiabe as part oI Amazon Web Services. They aso have the most wide
variety oI services avaiabe as part oI their coud patIorm.
There are indications that Amazon may have a tota oI 1.8 miion depoyed instances and showing
10 overa growth in depoyments.
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Indications are they had a tota revenue oI 220 miion USD revenue Irom their oud business.
There are around 100,000 customers using Amazon Web Services
II. Rackspace
Rackspace which has ong been one oI the argest payers in the managed hosting market quicky
transIormed itseI into a highy successIu oud omputing provider primariy as an IaaS provider.
They have two key services oud Servers and oud Fies which are the equivaent oI E2 and S3
Irom Amazon.
Indicating 100 growth in oud Revenues Irom 2008 to 2009
Added around 40,000 new customers in the ast 4 quarters
oud Revenue has been 56 miion USD in 2009
III. was one oI the eariest oud omputing companies to get setup with a speciIic
Iocus on RM and Iunctioned as a SaaS Iirst started in 1999 and has
grown signiIicanty Irom its initia aunch with a continuous Iocus on RM. was
aunched in 2007 as a custom appication deveopment patIorm as an entry into the PaaS market
but has not been abe to garner a signiIicant market due its proprietary patIorm. Given the speciIic
nature oI the patIorm Amazon and Rackspace have been ranked higher in this ist even though
SaesIorce has a higher revenue.
Tota oI 55,000 corporate customers and 1.5 miion individua subscribers.
Tota revenue oI 3 biion Ior 2009
IV. Google
Googe made a ate entry into the oud omputing business with two services, Googe Apps
which primariy targets the SaaS space and the Googe App Engine which provides a PaaS mode
Ior businesses and individuas to depoy their Web Apps. They have quicky made a mark with both
the patIorms and have made signiIicant growth in the overa coud computing market.
Googe Apps has 1 miion customers and an approximate revenue oI miion
Googe App Engine does not have any numbers pubicy avaiabe, since the paid version aunched
a year back they may need some more time beIore we get a sense oI the adoption.
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V. Microsoft
MicrosoIt was the ast major payer to enter into the market and as expected aunched a patIorm
Azure based on their Windows/Azure stack. Whie they have continued to caim that Azure is not
tied to NET, the expectation is the patIorm wi see most adoption Irom MicrosoIt shops with a
Iocus on NET and Windows based technoogies and patIorms.
Indications are that around 10,000 customers have moved to Azure. Since the aunch has been ess
than 6 months back its a itte eary to track adoption.
We rank it high due to the high potentia oI the patIorm and tight integration with MicrosoIt based
deveopment patIorms.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
Advantages of Cloud Computing

A primary goa oI coud computing is to reduce the cost oI computing resources, whie increasing system
Iexibiity and scaing. Shoud a company need short-term server access, coud computing oIIers a means to
acquire it without signing a ong-term agreement and you can power it oII when you are done and pay ony
Ior your usage. Those with consistent and ongoing requirements can sti avoid investment in expensive
servers, or the need to hire mutipe systems administrators to keep their IT eIIorts running at optimum
eIIiciency. Since a data and appications are coected and stored 'in the coud, access to this inIormation
may be obtained Irom any computer with Internet access, not just the one in the oIIice. oud computing
can make services more accessibe, such as,
O sending emais or invoices, reviewing photos or documents or setting up appointments Irom home,
the oIIice or on the road. Fies on computers and mobie resources can automaticay be
synchronized. For mission critica data, companies are advised against having a oI their data
housed in one physica ocation. owever, the creation oI geographica redundancy through a
repica environment can be costy. oud computing automaticay disperses hardware in mutipe
ocations and oIten on internationa servers, so there is never a question oI redundancy iI one breaks
down. II a server becomes overoaded, the custering technoogy used in most coud computing
environments permits onine migration, through the aggregation oI mutipe operating systems on a
singe computer.
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O Lower computer costs. You don't need a high-powered and high-priced computer to run coud
computing's web-based appications. Since appications run in the coud, not on the desktop P,
your desktop P doesn't need the processing power or hard disk space demanded by traditiona
desktop soItware. When you're using web-based appications, your P can be ess expensive, with a
smaer hard disk, ess memory, more eIIicient processor, and the ike. In Iact, your P in this
scenario doesn't even need a D or DVD drive, as no soItware programs have to be oaded and no
document Iies need to be saved.
O Improved perIormance. With Iewer boated programs hogging your computer's memory, you' see
better perIormance Irom your P. Put simpy, computers in a coud computing system boot and run
Iaster because they have Iewer programs and processes oaded into memory.
O Reduced soItware costs. Instead oI purchasing expensive soItware appications, you can get most oI
what you need Ior Iree. That's rightmost coud computing appications today, such as the Googe
Doc suite, are totay Iree. That's a ot better than paying $200 Ior simiar MicrosoIt OIIice
soItwarewhich aone may be justiIication Ior switching to coud appications.
O Instant soItware updates. Another soItware-reated advantage to coud computing is that you're no
onger Iaced with choosing between obsoete soItware and high upgrade costs. When the app is
web-based, updates happen automaticay and are avaiabe the next time you og into the coud.
When you access a web-based appication, you get the atest versionwithout needing to pay Ior or
downoad an upgrade.
O Improved document Iormat compatibiity. You don't have to worry about the documents you create
on your machine being compatibe with other users' appications or operating systems. In a word
where Word 2007 documents can't be opened on a computer running Word 2003, a documents
created by web-based appications can be read by any other user accessing that appication. There
are no Iormat incompatibiities when everyone is sharing docs and apps in the coud.
O Unimited storage capacity. oud computing oIIers virtuay imitess storage. Your computer's
current 200 gigabyte hard drive is peanuts compared to the hundreds oI petabytes (a miion
gigabytes avaiabe in the coud. Whatever you need to store, you can.
O Increased data reiabiity. Unike desktop computing, in which a hard disk crash can destroy a
your vauabe data, a computer crashing in the coud shoudn't aIIect the storage oI your data. That
aso means that iI your persona computer crashes, a your data is sti out there in the coud, sti
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accessibe. In a word where Iew individua desktop P users back up their data on a reguar basis,
coud computing is the utimate in data-saIe computing.
O Universa document access. Ever get home Irom work and reaize that you eIt an important
document at the oIIice? Or Iorget to take a Iie with you on the road? That's not a probem with
coud computing, because you don't take your documents with you. Instead, they stay in the coud,
and you can access them whenever you have a computer and an Internet connection. A your
documents are instanty avaiabe Irom wherever you are; there's simpy no need to take your
documents with you.
O Latest version avaiabiity. Another document-reated advantage oI coud computing: When you
edit a document at home, that edited version is what you see when you access the document at
work. The coud aways hosts the atest version oI your documents; as ong as you're connected,
you're never in danger oI having an outdated version.
O Easier group coaboration. Sharing documents eads directy to coaborating on documents. To
many users, this is one oI the most important advantages oI coud computingmutipe users can
coaborate easiy on documents and projects. Because the documents are hosted in the coud, not
on individua computers, a you need is a computer with an Internet connection, and you're
O Device independence. Finay, here's the utimate coud computing advantage: You're no onger
tethered to a singe computer or network. hange computers, and your existing appications and
documents Ioow you through the coud. Move to a portabe device, and your apps and docs are
sti avaiabe. There's no need to buy a specia version oI a program Ior a particuar device, or to
save your document in a device-speciIic Iormat. Your docs and their apps are the same no matter
what computer or other device you're using.
O There are environmenta beneIits to coud computing as we. InIormation can be stored in a cimate
that minimizes energy usage. And because servers can be shared in a virtua environment, the resut
is Iewer servers and a reduction in the power required to operate and coo them. This heps to
minimize a company`s carbon Iootprint.
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Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
There are a number oI reasons why you might not want to adopt coud computing Ior your particuar needs.
Let's examine a Iew oI the risks reated to coud computing (Mier, 2009:
O Requires a constant Internet connection. oud computing is impossibe iI you can't connect to the
Internet. Since you use the Internet to connect to both your appications and documents, iI you don't
have an Internet connection you can't access anything, even your own documents. A dead Internet
connection means no work at a and, in areas where Internet connections are Iew or inherenty
unreiabe, this coud be a dea-breaker. When you're oIIine, coud computing simpy doesn't work.
O Doesn't work we with ow-speed connections. Simiary, a ow-speed Internet connection, such as
that Iound with dia-up services, makes coud computing painIu at best and oIten impossibe. Web-
based apps require a ot oI bandwidth to downoad, as do arge documents. II you're aboring with a
ow-speed dia-up connection, it might take seemingy Iorever just to change Irom page to page in a
document, et aone to aunch a Ieature-rich coud service. In other words, coud computing isn't Ior
the broadband-impaired.
O an be sow. Even on a Iast connection, web-based appications can sometimes be sower than
accessing a simiar soItware program on your desktop P. Everything about the program, Irom the
interIace to the current document, has to be sent back and Iorth Irom your computer to the
computers in the coud. II the coud servers happen to be backed up at that moment, or iI the
Internet is having a sow day, you won't get the instantaneous access you might expect Irom
desktop apps.
O Features might be imited. This situation is bound to change, but today many web-based
appications simpy aren't as Iu-Ieatured as their desktop-based brethren. For exampe, you can do
a ot more with MicrosoIt PowerPoint than with Googe Presentation's web-based oIIering. The
basics are simiar, but the coud appication acks many oI PowerPoint's advanced Ieatures. II you're
a power user, you might not want to eap into coud computing just yet.
O Stored data might not be secure. With coud computing, a your data is stored on the coud. ow
secure is the coud? an unauthorized users gain access to your conIidentia data? oud computing
companies say that data is secure, but it's too eary in the game to be competey sure oI that. Ony
time wi te iI your data is secure in the coud (Mier, 2009.
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Issues and Challenges in cloud computing
Privacy and security are two key considerations when deciding whether to everage a coud computing
environment. Existing encryption standards hep to satisIy some privacy concerns and hep protect coud
computing data. owever, coud is inherenty a shared environment. Segregation oI data is achieved
through various methods but oIten reies on a soItware ayer such as a virtuaization hyper-visor. Whie not
a prominent industry concern to date, soItware segregation does have the potentia Ior vunerabiities that
coud ead to compromise oI data privacy. No system is inIaibe. In March oI 2009, Googe Docs
inadvertenty opened a sma number oI private documents to unauthorized parties. According to Googe,
just 0.05 oI accounts were aIIected, which transates to 2,200 users out oI a tota oI more than 4.5
miion. Since security and avaiabiity incidents are a reaity oI any computing environment, it is wise Ior a
company to take a Iew basic precautions, such as maintaining geographicay disperse data backups, and
creating a contingency pan Ior any downtime that may resut Irom a system Iaiure. Another potentia
issue is the technica migration into the coud environment, which may require additiona programming,
provisioning, set-up and changes in your appications, depending on the provider. These services wi
require the expertise oI an IT proIessiona.
Analyzing the appropriateness of cloud computing in our organization
Ethiopian pharmaceuticas manuIacturing Share ompany (EPARM S. is one oI the pharmaceutica
industry in the country estabished to produce and distribute pharmaceuticas products. It has more than 40
years oI experience in producing about Iorty seven diIIerent quaity products at aIIordabe price Ior the
society. Its annua saes and proIit (beIore tax are one hundred seventy miion Birr ( 69.67mRand and
twenty miion Birr (8.2mRand respectivey. Most oI the raw materias are suppied Irom hina and India.
In order to increase productivity and IuIi the high increase in demand some oI its machineries are being
repaced by the state oI the art technoogies. The Iactory has a tota oI six hundred empoyees.
Its daiy activities are supported by computers oaded with appications and advanced soItware and are
networked Ior inter departmenta communications. They are utiized Ior daiy activities incuding internet
services. The ardware, SoItware and Network maintenances are outsourced to a oca IT company. But to
strengthen the IT system in the company and to Iuy automate the process by the inIormation technoogy,
IT department has been estabished recenty. The management has given attention and is deaing with
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nationa and internationa companies Ior the Iu impementation oI the system. This means that we are
going to invest on IT. It is known that today`s business cimate is aggressive and competitive. It has been
Ior years, and it wi continue to be so. Our business needs a system that can hep us keep up with and
surpass the competition. It needs something that wi be abe to react quicky to an ever-changing and
turbuent marketpace. Opportunities in strong markets can not be missed, nor can chances to cut oses in
poor markets. We need an agie and responsive systems Ior managing and running our business and that
means turning to the coud. We beieve on the appropriateness oI couding Ior this organization as Iar as
reductions oI both initia & on going costs and Iexibiity are concerned but the diIIicut thing is that the
oca internet service provider is not we deveoped and not reiabe as we. The power interruption rate is
even high. The speed is usuay very sow. As we have aready discussed coud computing is based on the
Internet coud and depends on Internet access. II you don't have Internet access, you're out oI uck. Users
without readiy avaiabe Internet access simpy shoudn't consider a switch to coud-based computing. The
same rue appies iI you have sow Internet access, ike that Iound with dia-up Internet connections; a sow
connection isn't much better than none at a when accessing big apps and docs on the Web. We
recommend the couding Ior this particuar company iI and ony iI the internet media which is currenty
monopoized by government gets reiabe both in speed and accessibiity. But this wi not happen over
Cloud Computing in Developing Countries
The Internet can sove a number oI probems Ior deveoping countries. UnIortunatey, these countries have
a number oI obstaces they have to get past. They have imited access to the teecommunications
technoogy necessary to make ensure that the Internet is readiy avaiabe to them.
oud computing is revoutionizing the way that technoogy is aIIecting our ives. owever, up unti now,
most oI the Iocus has been on how coud computing pays a roe in the ives oI peope in the Iirst word
countries. More recent studies have been conducted to see how deveoping countries are aIIected by coud
computing (Smith, 2010. Poiticians are working cosey with the private sector to make sure that coud
computing is made avaiabe to the entire word. Representatives in deveoping nations are eager to see the
exposive growth that can come about as a resut oI coud computing (Smith, 2010
These countries diIIicuties accessing the Internet may soon be a thing oI the past. oud computing gives
these countries the means to access the inIormation superhighway when they otherwise coud not. Third
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word countries reay need the same computing resources that Iirst word countries need to grow and
expand. For exampe their civi engineers need to perIorm many sophisticated cacuations beIore they can
know where and how they can buid. UnIortunatey, they have a diIIicut time making these cacuations
with the computing power otherwise avaiabe to them.
In Brazi, a group oI researchers Irom diIIerent organizations combined Iunds so that they coud have the
computing capabiities to make this happen. Studies have Iound that iI an entire country had access to the
Internet, then it woud experience amost a 20 increase in productivity. One suggestion that has been
oIIered is that we coud buid data centers in a coupe oI areas in third word countries. This woud take a
signiIicant investment on the part oI the country, but it woud be worth it in the ong run (Smith, 2010.
India is another nation that is aready beneIiting Irom coud computing. They have a imited number oI
resources and need access to some oI the best computing resources Ior the projects they hope to deveop. It
has been one oI the biggest adopters oI coud computing in the past coupe oI years. The country beieves
that coud computing wi provide a huge discount Ior their IT resources (Smith, 2010.
oud computing shoud create great opportunities Ior deveoping countries. It wi provide them with the
IT resources they need to buid their inIrastructure and catch up with the rest oI the word.

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Strickand. J.2008.ow oud omputing Works|onine|.Atanta: owStuIIWorks, Inc Avaiabe
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