Handbook of Agriculture

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1 Fun with Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.1 India’s agriculture and National Agricultural Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Agriculture technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Agriculture and Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.4 Soil and Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
1.5 Terrace Farming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
1.6 Hill Sheep Farming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
1.7 Desertification and its Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
1.8 Water Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
1.9 Land Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
1.10 Soil Conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
1.11 Water Conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources . . . . . 314
1.13 Watershed Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
1.14 Irrigation Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
1.15 Drainage Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
1.16 Stormwater Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
1.17 Soil Nutrients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
1.19 Weed Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
1.20 crop production management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
1.21 Disease and Pest Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
1.22 Apiculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
1.23 Insect Pests and their Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
1.24 Pesticide Residues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444

1.25 Nematodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449

1.26 Farm Machinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
1.28 Post-harvest Technology and Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
1.29 Marketing and Trading agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
1.30 Farm Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
1.31 Agricultural Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
1.32 Field Crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
1.33 crop production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
1.34 Rice crop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546
1.35 Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
1.36 Barley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
1.37 Maize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
1.38 Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
1.39 Millets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
1.40 Types of crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
1.41 Sugarcane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
1.42 Seed Production and Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
1.43 Agroforestry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
1.44 Forage Crops and Grasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
1.46 Sericulture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
1.47 Intellectual Property Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
1.48 Agricultural Biotechnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688
1.49 Informatics in Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
1. Fun with Agriculture

1.1 India’s agriculture and National Agricultural Policy
1. Which of the following describes a funda- 4. Which agency is responsible for procure-
mental characteristic of the Green Revolu- ment, distribution and storage of food
tion? grain production in India?
A. The application of higher levels of or- A. Ministry of Agriculture
ganic fertilizers. B. Food Corporation of India
B. The addition of calorie, fat, and fiber
content to food labels.
C. The development of new strains of
crops with higher yields. 5. Who determines administered price?
D. Deforestation to provide crops with ad- A. Commission for Agricultural Cost and
ditional sunlight. price
2. The Government had constituted National B. Food Corporation of India
Commission on Farmers in under the C. Cabinet Committee on Economic Af-
chairmanship of Dr. M.S. Swaminathan. fairs
A. 2000 D. Agricultural Produce Market Commit-
B. 2004 tee
C. 2006 6. According to a currently accepted defini-
D. 2008 tion (FAO 2000), is achieved when it is
ensured that “all people, at all times, have
3. Issue price is at which the government sup-
physical, social and economic access to
plies food grains
sufficient, safe and nutritious food which
A. in open market meets their dietary needs and food prefer-
B. to the middlemen ences for an active and healthy life”.
C. to state govt A. ’National Security’
D. to ration shop B. ’Food Security’

1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B
1.1 India’s agriculture and National Agricultural Policy 3

C. ’Personal Security’ 12. Fair price shops protect the interest of

D. ’Overall Security’ A. Poor farmers


7. Full form of CACP B. Poor consumers
A. Commission For Agricultural commod- C. Poor traders
ity And Produce D. Rich consumers
B. Commission For Agricultural Costs
13. The Govt. supplies food grains to the ra-
And Prices
tion shops at
C. Computation For Agricultural Commod-
A. Minimum Support Price
ity And Prices
B. Issue Price
D. Commission For Agricultural Coopera-
tives And Products C. Procurement Price

8. Agriculture is the primary source of liveli- D. Market Price

hood for about per cent of India’s pop- 14. Which of the following chemicals is used by
ulation. farmers to protect their crops from pests?
A. 48-50 A. Pesticides
B. 58-60
B. Fertilisers
C. 50
C. Weedicides
D. 70
D. Artificial Manure
9. In which of the following crop production
15. Who announced the introduction of
India rank first in the world?
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Youjana?
A. Oil Seeds
A. Narendra Modi
B. Wheat
B. Dr. Manmohan Singh
C. Rice
C. Atal Bihari Vajapayee
D. All of these
D. I. K. Gujral
10. Which of the following is the largest pro-
ducer of Groundnut? 16. Agricultural price policy is required to
A. Karnataka A. provide incentives to farmers
B. Gujarat B. to encourage farmers to spend more
C. Assam C. to increase income inequality
D. Andhra Pradesh D. to increase technology in production

11. Swaminathan formula suggest MSP equal 17. The largest producer and consumer fo the
to pulses in the world is
A. C2 + 10% A. Russia
B. C2 + 20% B. India
C. C2 + 40% C. China
D. C2 + 50% D. Japan

7. B 8. B 9. A 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. B

1.1 India’s agriculture and National Agricultural Policy 4

18. The Government of India announced a Na- C. Maize

tional National Agriculture Policy aims for
D. Bajra
growth rate in excess of per annum in
the agriculture sector with required struc- 24. The Kharif crop is grown in the month of
tural changes and reforms.
A. 1%
A. March and harvested in July.
B. 2%
B. July and harvested in September or Oc-

C. 3% tober .
D. 4% C. October and harvested in December.
19. Which of the folloiwng types of agriculture D. None of these
is done in densely populated areas
A. Intensive subsistence farming 25. Which of the following is NOT a key com-
ponent of organic agriculture?
B. Primitive Subsistence Farming
A. Using genetically modified seeds.
C. Plantation Agriculture
B. Applying manure as fertilizer.
D. Commercial Agriculture
C. Integrated Pest Management
20. Which country is believed to be the origi-
nal home of the cotton plant? D. Crop Rotation
A. India 26. Agricultural prices in India are
B. China A. very certain
C. Bhutan
B. uncertain
D. Japan
C. very remunerative
21. What is full form of SHG in micro finance? D. constant
A. Self Help Group
B. Social Help Group 27. Which of the following methods of farming
enables farmers to grow different crops on
C. Society Help Guarantee the same land, from time to time?
D. Self Host Generation A. Crop rotation
22. Which one of the following is a coarse B. Drip irrigation
C. Crop cultivation
A. Wheat
D. Ploughing
B. Rice
C. Pulses 28. The average agricultural growth rate since
2000 is
D. Millets
A. above 4 %
23. Second most important cereal crop of In-
dia… B. less than 4%
A. Wheat C. more than 4 %
B. Rice D. 4 %

18. D 19. A 20. A 21. A 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. C
1.1 India’s agriculture and National Agricultural Policy 5

29. What is full form of MSP? 35. The Government of India announced a Na-
A. Marginal Support Price tional Agriculture Policy on


B. Most Supplied Price A. January 28, 2000
C. Minimum Support Price B. June 10, 2010
D. Maximum Support Price C. July 28, 2000
30. Which country is the largest exporter of D. July 28, 2020
sugar in the world?
A. Jamaica 36. The Objective/s of India’s Food Security
System is, are:
B. Guyana
C. Brazil A. Provision of minimum nutritional sup-
port to the poor through subsidized food-
D. Canada grains.
31. What name is given to the soil conserva- B. Ensuring price stability in different
tion technique used on steep slopes? States.
A. Terrain Cultivation C. Both of these
B. Crop Rotation/ Shifting
D. None of these
C. Terracing
D. Soil Creep 37. India is the largest producer of in the
32. The committee recommended setting up
Agricultural Price Commission A. Sugar cane
A. Malhotra Committee B. Rice
B. Narasimham Committee C. Wheat
C. Jha Committee D. Jute
D. Vaghul Committee
38. Which of the following is a Rabi crop?
33. The National Agricultural Policy was an-
nounced by the Govt. of India on A. Rice
A. 28th July 2000 B. Maize
B. 27 th JAN. 1991 C. Wheat
C. 26 th JUNE, 2010 D. Cotton
D. 2nd OCT, 2019
39. The objective of National Agricultural Pol-
34. All of the following are benefits of agricul- icy 2000 is to achieve agriculture growth
ture EXCEPT: rate of
A. It contributes to the country’s GDP
A. more than 3% per annum
B. It provides a country with adequate
food B. more than 4% per annum

C. It provides employment opportunities C. more than 5% per annum

D. It creates pension for farmers D. more than 6% per annum

30. C 31. C 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. C 36. C 37. D 38. C 39. B 40. D
1.1 India’s agriculture and National Agricultural Policy 6

40. Which of the following country is a second 45. could be promoted to provide incen-
largest producer of rice? tives to the private sector to invest in agri-
A. USA culture in India
B. China A. Banking finance
C. Russia B. Public-Private Partnership

D. India C. Public finance

D. Foreign finance
41. While per capita net availability of food-

grains including that of has increased, 46. is one of the main features of National
that of has declined which may have Agricultural Policy, 2000.
adversely affected the protein intake. A. Private sector participation
A. cereals; milk B. monopoly in agriculture
B. pulses; cereals C. use of obsolete technology
C. cereals; pulses D. reducing the efficiency in agriculture
D. milk; cereals 47. Buffer stock are stocks build up by the gov-
42. Who approves the Fair and Remunerative ernment to
Price (FRP) of sugarcane? A. Stabilize prices
A. Cabinet Committee on Economic Af- B. MInimise prices
fairs C. Maximise prices
B. Commission for Agricultural Costs and D. create fluctuations
48. Minimum Support Price guarantees the
C. Directorate of Marketing and Inspec-
tion, Ministry of Agriculture
A. High income
D. Agricultural Produce Market Commit-
tee B. Floor Price
C. Competitive price
43. is a method used to control the
wastage of water while farming. D. Low income
A. Crop rotation 49. price is the price at which the govern-
B. Drip rotation ment procures grains from the farmers.

C. Drip irrigation A. market price

B. minimum support price
D. Crop irrigation
C. procurement price
44. Since farming addresses soil health,
D. issue price
human health and environmental health
and is eco-friendly, it appears to be one 50. Which state was the harbinger of the
of the options for sustainability. Green Revolution in India?
A. multiple cropping A. Punjab
B. organic B. Uttar Pradesh
C. intensive C. Madhya Pradesh
D. extensive D. Himachal Pradesh

41. C 42. A 43. C 44. B 45. B 46. A 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. A
1.2 Agriculture technology 7

51. Agricultural policy 2000 encourage 53. The agriculture policy 2000 aim to
participation. A. liberalize internal trade


A. public
B. import promotion
B. private
C. restricted internal trade
C. more
D. restricted international trade
D. few
52. Agriculture price policy mainly benefits 54. The root cause of food insecurity is

A. Government A. poverty
B. Farmers B. climate change
C. Traders C. corruption
D. Consumers D. salinization of soil

1.2 Agriculture technology

1. What carries the code that tells a plant A. Carotene
what color it will be or how it will taste? B. Lycopene
A. Corm
C. Hepatitis B
B. Stem
D. Bt
C. Flower
5. GMO stands for
D. Gene
A. Genetically modified organism
2. Some consumers are opposed to the use of
biotechnology because of B. Genetically made organism

A. ethical question s C. Generically made organ

B. fear of the unknown health risks D. Generically modified organism
C. biotech products are more costly 6. Virus with RNA genome is
D. any of the above A. bacteriophage
3. Why are farmers profit margins being B. baculovirus
squeezed? C. retrovirus
A. People are consuming less beef. D. cyanophages
B. Because of floods, drought and bush
fires. 7. Which would least likely be a result of
biotechnology in agriculture?
C. They are poor managers of farms.
A. increase in soil erosion
D. Their income is reducing while ex-
penses are increasing. B. decrease in use of pesticide

4. What naturally occurring soil bacterium is C. increase in nutritional value of food

a protein that wards off the European corn D. decrease in amount of land used for
borer? farmland

51. B 52. B 53. A 54. A 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. A

1.2 Agriculture technology 8

8. What is not a benefit of plant biotechnol- B. Agrobacterium tumefaciens

C. bacillus thuringiensis
A. Is less expensive than traditional agri-
cultural mehods. D. Caenorhabditis elegans
B. Helps preserve the environment.
14. Which statement BEST describes what the
C. Increases the income of farmers. Biotechnology Industry does?
D. Controls our nation?s obesity problem.
A. Using organisms and cells to make-

9. Source of complementary RNA in RNAi is products or solve problems.
A. retrovirus B. Health care of animals is the primary-
B. transposons focus of this industry.

C. both C. Making scientific equipment which

supports DNA research.
D. none
D. Study the safety of new drugs and ap-
10. What is ONE Way technology could affect prove their use.
agriculture in a bad way?
A. Technology could have a minor mal- 15. An argument in favour of food biotechnol-
function ogy is that it
B. Keep weather up to date A. provides foods that cure disease.
C. keep harvest fresh
B. provides a cash crop for low income
D. helped harvest crops nations.
11. Agricultural products include: C. provides more food to feed a growing
A. Buildings, food, fiber, and fuel population.
B. . Food, fiber, fuel, and chemicals D. biotech foods are not controversial
C. Fiber, food, chemicals, and clothing
16. Mobile genetic elements
D. . Buildings, clothing, food, and fuel
A. therapeutics
12. GM foods look and taste the same as tradi-
tional foods and crops. The only difference B. transposons
is that GM foods can have
C. telophase
A. Better shelf life
D. thyllakoid
B. Genes with traits that improve some
characteristics of a plant.
17. What would a biotechnology engineer not
C. Addition nutrients work with?
D. All are possible A. astronomy
13. Nematodes may be free living or par- B. farming
asitic.A parasitic Nematode of Tobacco
plants is C. crime
A. Meloidogyne incognita D. pharmaceuticals

8. D 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. A 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. A

1.2 Agriculture technology 9

18. How did Georgia’s population change after C. Vaccines are developed to help us live
World War II? longer


A. All of the counties in Georgia gained D. Bacteria are created to clean up oil
residents as soldiers came home spills
B. Populations in rural areas increased 22. Can biotech foods cause allergic reactions
as the Agricultural Adjustment Act gave in some people?
farmers more opportunities
A. Yes, but only if people eat large quan-
C. All of the counties in Georgia lost many tities of the biotech food.
residents as people went to other states
B. Yes, if the biotech food contains a gene
in search of jobs
from a food known to cause an allergic re-
D. Urban populations increased because action.
technology advanced in farming replacing
C. No. Biotech foods are hypoallergenic.
sharecroppers and forced people to look
for work in cities
D. No, because food allergies are psycho-
19. What is minichromosome technology? logical and not physical.
A. A tiny machine inside computers to au-
23. When designing solutions to technological
tomatically delete unwanted elements in
problems, engineers use the
your background
A. Scientific Method
B. A tiny structure inside a plant’s roots
that turns the plant upside down after it B. Scientific Design Theory
finishes growing C. Engineering design process
C. A tiny structure inside a plant cell that D. Technological theory of design
does not have many genes but contains a
lot of traits 24. bt toxin is coded by which genes

D. A tiny structure inside a plant’s cell A. cry

that connects to a computer in order to B. iac
share what the plant is feeling on Insta- C. lap
D. noy
20. An example of biotechnology used in agri-
25. Crops grown on a farm are considered
culture is
what type of resource?
A. cloning
A. Exhaustible
B. embryo transfer
B. Renewable
C. transgenic crops
C. Nonrenewable
D. all the above
D. Reusable
21. Which describes a way scientists use
26. Bt cotton is not
biotechnology in the field of agriculture?
A. genetically modified plant
A. DNA evidence is used to convict crimi-
nals B. insect resistant
B. Fruits and vegetables are altered to be C. bacterial gene modified plant
more nutritious D. butterfly

18. D 19. C 20. D 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. B
1.2 Agriculture technology 10

27. Plasmids, yeast, and viruses are known as 32. Agrobacterium causes disease in
A. restriction enzymes A. rust
B. vectors B. gall
C. genetically modified organisms C. smut
D. bacteria D. blight
33. crystal contain toxic

28. How is RFID helpful to consumers?
A. protein
A. It gives them information on the qual-
ity of their laptops B. carbohydrate
B. It gives them information on how their C. fats
produce was grown D. nucleic acids
C. It tells them which stores are cheap- 34. Endonuclease which cleaves dsRNA is
A. ricer
D. It tells them good sci-fi stories
B. dicer
29. Which statement describes a benefit of C. RISC
biotechnology in the field of agriculture? D. slicer
A. development of tools that improve soil
35. What are farmers often turning to with
an aim to make their farms more efficient,
B. development of crops that are disease improve animal welfare standards and re-
resistant duce environmental impact?
C. development of plants that do not re- A. Technology
quire water for growth B. Electronic tractors
D. development of plants that do not re- C. Tax benefits
quire oxygen
D. Better animals
30. bt toxin requires which medium to become 36. Bt toxin genes were isolated from
A. beetle
A. acidic
B. bacillius thuringenesis
B. alkaline
C. yeast
C. neutral
D. mushrooms
D. none
37. Which headline BEST describes the impact
31. What is ONE way technology could affect agricultural technology had on Post World
technology in a good way War II Georgia?
A. Could have a malfunction A. Bigger Farms and Fewer Farmers:
Grow More with Less Hired Help
B. Keeps produce fresh
B. Agricultural Adjustment Act: Govern-
C. Spreads disease to crops ment Helps to Hire More Farm Workers
D. fails

28. B 29. B 30. B 31. B 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. A 36. B 37. A
1.2 Agriculture technology 11

C. Crop Yields Falling! - Not Enough for 43. introduction of machines such as the trac-
Returning Soldiers tor and the processor 2. fewer workers
needed on the farm3. more industries


D. Returning Soldiers Means More Farm-
ers for Georgia looking for labor in the city 4. a shift from
agriculture to manufacturing during World
38. What is the difference between AI and hu- War II What would be the BEST title for
mans? the information above?
A. AI can do tasks faster and can go more A. “The Impact of World War II and the
in depth Decline of Cash Crops” as the state turned
B. AI can come alive at will away from agriculture to manufacturing
C. AI needs nutrients to survive during WWII
D. Humans can teach AI how to do some- B. “The Reasons behind the Population
thing Shift to Large Cities” as new technology
reduced the need for farm workers but
39. How does technology help with weather? called for manufacturing workers
A. By keeping the same weather for the
whole week but it’s non-accurate C. “The Change from Cotton to Other
Crops” as farmers turned from cotton to
B. by telling the correct weather and mak- other cash crops during WWII
ing sure the person knows before time!
C. Doesn’t even tell the weather D. “The Collapse of Farming in Georgia”
as farming was no longer important to the
D. none of above economy of Georgia
40. Which is a negative result of the use of
biotechnology in agriculture? 44. Which project is MOST LIKELY to be
A. Increased crop yields worked on by a biotechnician?

B. Reduction in pesticide use A. developing plants with resistance to

C. Unknown side effects high temperatures

D. Higher nutritional values B. developing architectural designs for

houses in floodplains
41. Agricultural businesses must do three
things C. discovering different isotopes of exist-
ing elements in the periodictable
A. Produce, process, and market
B. Process, manufacture, market D. designing lightweight, strong metallic
alloys for use in carmanufacturing
C. Manufacture, distribute, and market
D. Produce, process, and distribute
45. What is ONE way technology has helped
42. An example of post transcriptional gene si- after production?
lencing is
A. It has helped us cook
A. gene therapy
B. It helps us DESTROY
B. molecular diagnosis
C. RNA interference C. It keeps us entertained
D. Bioinformatics D. none of above

38. A 39. B 40. C 41. D 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. A 46. B

1.2 Agriculture technology 12

46. Which of these fields are most likely re- B. conservation of key species within
lated to the use of biotechnology? ecosystems
A. construction and engineering C. prevention of sewage leaking into wa-
ter supplies
B. medicine and agriculture
D. development of genetically modified
C. water treatment and electricity gener-
corn plants
D. communication and computer technol- 52. An example of biotechnology being used

ogy as a nutritional application is
A. biodegredable plastics
47. RNA interference is a method of cellular
B. industrial strength fibers
defence mechanism in
C. xenotransplantation
A. eukaryotes
D. golden rice
B. prokaryotes
53. How can we maximize the amount of crops
C. bacteria
that are produced?
D. cyanobacteria
A. By investing in smart machines, sen-
48. Natural genetic engineer is sors, and other tech
A. Meloidegyne incognitia B. By not minimizing our computer tabs
C. By planting in a lot of fields in case a
B. Agrobacterium tumificians
field fails
C. Bacillus thuriengiensis
D. By planting fertilizer instead of crops
D. Thermus aquiticus
54. What is plant biotechnology?
49. The role of transportation in industries A. Adding chemicals to foods to preserve
such as agriculture is them.
A. Vital B. Making synthetic foods using artificial,
B. Very important manmade proteins.
C. Somewhat important C. Inserting a gene with a beneficial trait
into a plant cell.
D. Not important
D. Taking immature plants and adding
50. Root knot disease of tobacco is caused by steroids to make them grow bigger and
A. Agrobacterium tumificians
B. Meloidegyne incognitia 55. How can we better the environment?

C. Bacillus thuriengiensis A. By figuring out how to work with na-

D. Thermus aquiticus
B. By figuring out how to make our lap-
51. Which project is most likely to interest a tops come alive
scientist working at a biotechnology com- C. By learning how to spell climate
pany? change
A. study and reconstruction of fossilized D. By learning magic spells that will re-
bones move the environment


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 13

56. Why is it important to focus on the future A. dsRNA

of farming? B. ssRNA
A. Because the population will only con-


tinue to grow and we need to make sure
we can quickly give people good quality D. siRNA
58. How will we decrease the amount of land
B. Because farmers need money
that must be cleared?
C. Because people will start protesting if
this is not the case A. By blending farms with forests

D. Because we are focusing on technol- B. All of the above

ogy, so it’s only fair that we focus on farm- C. By using technology to make the most
ing too out of what we have
57. Both sense and antisense RNA together D. By planting different crops every year
form to replenish the nutrients that were lost

1.3 Agriculture and Environment

1. Chemicals that remain in the environment A. Spraying broad-spectrum chemical
for a long time are described as being this pesticides as the first line of defense
A. Compost B. Complete elimination of all chemical
B. Famine
C. Implementing a variety of cultivation
C. Genetic engineering and biological techniques and only spray-
D. Persistent ing pesticides as a last resort
D. Utilizing only trap cropping and crop ro-
2. Cell-based / cultivated meat would re-
quire how many animals to be slaughtered
each year? 5. What is the advantage of using Crop Rota-
A. 0 tion

B. 50 million A. It helps the farmers make more money

C. 500 million
B. It lets the nutrients in the soil replen-
D. 5 billion ish
C. Keeps the land in good condition
3. Biotechnology is referred to as
D. All of the above
A. Genetic engineering
B. Seed agriculture 6. One DISADVANTAGE of the mechanization
of agriculture is
C. Double-cropping
A. crop yields tend to be higher.
D. Vegetative Planting
B. harvesting is done more quickly.
4. Which of the following best describes Inte- C. heavy machinery use can cause soil
grated Pest Management? compaction.


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 14

D. it enables uncultivated land to be taken D. none of above

into cultivation quickly.
12. Domesticated animals were
7. How many pounds of fish do commercial
fisheries catch each day? A. bred and managed for human use

A. 1 million pounds B. killed and being used as a source of en-

B. 100 million pounds
C. they skim them for their fur
C. 500 million pounds

D. use their bones and skin for shelter
D. 1 billion pounds
and protection
8. Which of the following is the least viable
strategy for world food supply? 13. What three grains provide most of the
world’s calories?
A. increase the number of crops from dif-
ferent plant species A. rice, soybean, corn
B. doubling the global arable land for B. cassava, soybean, wheat
agriculture C. barley, oats, corn
C. increase land for grain production by D. wheat, corn, rice
reducing land for meat production
D. create a better system of food distribu- 14. Top-level predators often eat indirectly ab-
tion sorb toxins as a result of

9. A positive impact of industrial/commercial A. bioaccumulation

agriculture is B. persistence
A. a decrease in amount of crops pro- C. overnutrition
D. biomagnification
B. an increase in amount of crops pro-
duced 15. Which sustainable practice combines
C. increased water and air pollution arable intercrops with forest trees?
D. decrease in the amount of machinery A. Hydroponics
used B. Contour farming
10. How might GMOs help save pollinators? C. Conservation tillage
A. They make huge profits for corpora- D. Agroforestry
B. They reduce pesticide use. 16. In what ways we can waste less food?

C. They increase herbicide use. A. We should buy food, which we don’t

like eating e.g. broccoli.
D. People might be allergic to them.
B. We should drink more water instead of
11. Why is some produce thrown away? eating meals.
A. it’s the wrong shape C. We should think wisely before meal if
B. it’s too expensive we are really capable for eating it.
C. farmers need fertilizer D. We should buy a bigger fridge.


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 15

17. By planting different crops each growing A. the lack of integration of crops and live-
seasonin a field helps the soil from becom- stock.
ing depletedof nutrients. This is called?


B. agribusiness.
A. Crop Exlosion C. limited use of chemicals.
B. Crop Irrigation D. an increased “green revolution”
C. Plant Fertilization
23. What is the most common form of commer-
D. Crop Rotation cial agriculture in the United States and
much of Europe?
18. What form of agriculture integrates pro-
duce and animal production? A. Commercial Gardening and Fruit Farm-
A. aquaponics
B. Mix Crop and Livestock Farming
B. aquaculture
C. Dairy Farming
C. hyroponics
D. Grain Farming
D. none of the above
24. The practice of planting a nitrogen-using
19. In which ways can genetic engineering can plant with a nitrogen-fixing plant is called
improve crops
A. intercropping
A. Make them pest or drought resistant
B. contour farming
B. Make them more nutritious
C. agroforestry
C. Make them larger
D. monoculture
D. All answers are correct
25. The production and harvesting of fish and
20. Alternative to use of pesticides is biologi- shell fish in sectioned off coves and land-
cal pest control . This means based ponds is technically referred to as
A. Use of natural predators to kill the A. intensive subsistence agriculture.
pests B. deep sea fishing.
B. Use of herbal pesticides C. acquaculture.
C. Use of mixed cropping D. Monoculture.
D. none of above
26. The land survey system that makes use
21. Which of the following types of agricul- of natural features to form boundaries is
ture is commonly practiced in the United called
States? A. Long-lot survey system
A. drug crop farming B. Metes and bounds system
B. pastoral nomadism C. Township and Range system
C. dairying D. Primogeniture
D. slash and burn
27. The rearing of aquatic animals and plants
22. A major practice of sustainable agriculture for human consumption or use.
is A. ranching


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 16

B. aquaculture C. Mixed cropand livestock.

C. agriculture D. Grazing.
D. cultivation
33. Asian agriculture is characterized by short-
28. Where is aquaculture LEAST likely to be ages of all but which of the following?
used? A. equipment
A. Afghanistan
B. labor

B. Israel
C. funds
C. scotland
D. land
D. United States
34. The top layer of soil is called
29. What is true about pesticides?
A. topsoil
A. Conventional produce usually has
more pesticide residue on them B. subsoil
B. Organic produce usually has more pes- C. bedrock
ticide residue on them
D. none of above
C. Organic produce uses no pesticides
D. Conventional produce uses no pesti- 35. Which of the following is the largest driver
cides of deforestation?
A. Beef
30. If houses are far apart from each other in
a rural village, it would be classified as a: B. Palm oil
A. dispersed rural settlement C. Wheat
B. clustered rural settlement D. Wood
C. agglomeration
36. Process by which human activities or cli-
D. plantation settlement mate change make areas more desert-like
31. A measure of human demand on the A. Desertification
Earth’s ecosystems. It compares human B. Domesticated
demand with planet Earth’s ecological ca-
pacity to regenerate C. Arable
A. Ecology D. Overharvesting
B. Ecological Footprint 37. Which of these is FALSE about modern
C. Environment (2nd gen) pesticides?
D. none of above A. They often kill natural predators
32. According to the von Thunen model, what B. They may runoff into nearby aquatic
type of agricultural practice would locate systems
in the outer most concentric ring? C. They become more effective over time.
A. Dairy.
B. Forestry. D. They promote genetic resistance.


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 17

38. The Food Quality Protection Act 43. Substances that can eat through or dis-
solve metal storage tanks and equipment
A. bans the use of DDT, dioxin, PCBs, and
are called


pesticides on all US produced food
A. ignitable.
B. requires the EPA to reduce pesticide
use when the effects on children is un- B. corrosive.
known C. reactive.
C. regulates the use of genetically modi- D. toxic.
fied organisms inn food produced within
the US 44. GMOs can be

D. encourages fast-food chains to report A. plants only

the ingredients on all food items they sell B. animals only
C. plant, animal, and bacteria
39. Raising of aquatic plants or animals for hu-
man use D. plant and animal only
A. Aquaculture 45. All of the following are assumptions made
B. Overharvesting in the von Thunen model EXCEPT
A. Terrain has forested areas with sev-
C. Arable
eral small lakes and rivers
D. Famine
B. Farmers sell all of their harvest
40. The most important factor in soil formation C. The city is located centrally within an
is the isolated state
A. climate D. Soil and climate are the same
B. topography 46. Which of the following best describes
C. rock type IPM?
A. Spraying broad-spectrum chemical
D. vegetation type
pesticides as the first line of defense
41. If fish are caught faster than they can B. Complete elimination of all chemical
breed the population will pesticides
A. increase C. Implementing a variety of cultivation
and biological techniques and only spray-
B. stay the same
ing pesticides as a last resort
C. emigrate D. Utilizing only trap cropping and crop ro-
D. decrease tation

42. Leachate is a substance that 47. What is true about organic farming?

A. is produced in a compost pile A. Doesn’t actually work

B. Meets our food needs now, but won’t
B. is a byproduct of bacterial digestion
in the future
C. is produced by incinerators
C. Makes enough food to meet our needs
D. contains dissolved toxic chemicals


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 18

D. Cannot produce enough food to meet 53. Nicotine sulfate is an example of a

our current needs A. first generation pesticide
48. Which of the following is true about slash- B. pesticide developed synthetically
and-burn agriculture in the 21st century? C. second generation pesticide
A. It can take decades to replenish the D. teratogen
soil with nutrients
54. Which of the following is NOT a reason
B. Farmers stay in one place

why land use around the world is deteri-
C. Rain forests are not as risk orating to desert-like conditions known as
D. Nitrogen is removed from the soil
A. Overgrazing
49. All of these are typical cash crops grown B. Urbanization
in plantation agriculture, except:
C. Deforestation
A. bananas
D. Irrigation Systems
B. corn
55. What is a seed?
C. coffee
A. An embryo with a young plant inside
D. sugarcane
B. A fruit
50. The population of people has increased C. A plant
while the food production has increased lin-
D. A new plant
A. linearly 56. The purpose of selective breeding is to

B. exponentially A. Get bigger animals

B. get smaller animals
C. explosively
C. create animals with desirable traits
D. inversely
D. create animals with bad traits
51. What does “reduce” mean?
57. Which item should you NOT put in your
A. use more compost pile?
B. use less A. food scraps
C. make new things B. autumn leaves
D. save the Earth C. wood chips
D. plastic
52. The use of certain organisms by humans to
control pests 58. The Swordfish has an MSC Certification la-
A. Biological pest control bel on it. What does this mean?
A. The fish is certified to be organic and
B. Pesticides
free of pesticides and antibiotics.
C. Yield
B. The fish comes from a facility that fol-
D. Overharvesting lows sustainable fishing practices.


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 19

C. The fish was not harvested using any 63. What is the most efficient type of irriga-
form of seining, netting, or trawling. tion?


D. The fish came from a Marine Reserve. A. Furrow
B. Center Pivot
59. How might scientists check to make sure
their GMO worked? C. Drip

A. Add a fluorescent (glowing) gene (with D. none of above

the gene of interest) to see if the final
64. The process by which people engaged in
product glows
shifting cultivation plant crops of varying
B. Add another gene (with the gene of heights in order to protect lower crops is
interest), like a resistance to herbicide called
gene, to test for its addition in the final A. ridge tillage.
B. intertillage.
C. Add pests to the final product to see if
they live or die! C. shifting cutivtion.

D. All of the above! D. D) subsistence agriculture.

65. Refers to land that can be used to grow

60. A friend tells you she’s decided not to use
pesticides or synthetic chemicals on her
farm; she’ll rely on composting and biolog- A. Desertification
ical pest control. She is practicing B. Domesticated
A. industrial agriculture C. Arable
B. monoculture D. Overharvesting
C. organic agriculture 66. Shifting cultivation is found in all of the
D. sustainable agriculture following locations EXCEPT
A. Tropical Forests
61. The number of different species in an area
is referred to as its B. Southeast Asia

A. population C. Central Agrica

B. genetic diversity D. Southwest Asia

C. biodiversity 67. What geographic factor best explains why

a piece of land is used intensively or exten-
D. Niche diversity
sively for agriculture?
62. A condition that is caused by not enough A. Soil quality.
iron in diet B. Precipitation levels.
A. Anemia C. Climate region.
B. Goiter D. Distance to the market.
C. Kwashoirkor
68. Where is pastoral nomadism the dominant
D. none of above way of life?


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 20

A. Developing countries with dry climates 73. Under FIFRA

A. the EPA assesses health risks of active
B. Developing countries with wet cli- ingredients in pesticides
mates B. all pesticides are registered with the
C. Developed countries with dry climates FDA, EPA, and USDA
C. the US may not use any pesticides that
D. Developed countries with wet climates it produces by itself

D. all food imported must pass strict
69. The two most important crops grown in
guidelines for pesticides present
the Mediterranean region are
A. dates and lemons. 74. Which of the following is not a branch of
B. almonds and grapes.
A. Agronomy
C. olives and tomatoes.
B. Animal Science
D. grapes and olives.
C. Agricultural Engineering
70. You watch a documentary about an impov- D. Money
erished country near the Sahara desert.
Some of the children appear to have 75. The two main agents of erosion are
swollen stomachs. What malnutrition dis- A. wind and flowing water
order do they have?
B. gravity and frost wedging
A. A goiter
C. oxygen and water
B. Anemia
D. carbon dioxiede and wind
C. Kwashiorkor
D. Obesity 76. The loss of the Atlantic Cod around New-
foundland occurred because those fisheries
71. Which type of agriculture is both labor- were…
intensive & capital-intensive? A. Underexploited
A. pastoral nomadism B. Fully exploited
B. slash and burn agriculture C. Overexploited.
C. dairying D. None of the above.
D. inter tillage
77. Toyota operates in which industry sector?
72. Which of the following are harmful effects A. Primary
of agriculture?
B. Secondary
A. Algal blooms due to fertilizer runoff C. Quaternary
B. Climate change associated with D. Quinary
methane emissions from livestock and
rice paddies 78. If environmental disaster strikes a region,
C. Pesticide residue in food, water, and may ensue.
air A. famine
D. All of the above B. fallow


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 21

C. horticulture 84. What specific nutrient is missing in the diet

D. monoculture of these children?


A. Carbohydrates
79. What is soil erosion? B. Proteins
A. Building up a thicker layer of soil C. Iodine
B. Selling soil for profit D. Salt
C. Wearing away of the top layer of soil 85. The invention of more productive agricul-
D. Sink holes tural techniques during the 1960s and
1970s is called the
80. Biological pest control is the use of to
A. green revolution
control pests
B. agricultural revolution
A. living organisms
C. farming revolution
B. living organisms and chemicals
D. crop revolution
C. chemical pesticides
86. Practice that modifies the genome of living
D. salt and other dry materials organisms for industrial use
81. Legumes have special root nodules that A. Domesticated
contain colonies of bacteria. The bacteria B. Livestock
receive nutrients from the plant, and the
C. Biological pest control
plant receives nitrogen from the bacteria.
This is an example of a relationship D. Genetic engineering
A. Mutualistic 87. What is the purpose of “finishing” for
B. Commensalistic beef cows?
A. Cause the cows to gain weight
C. Parasitic
B. Making the cows unconscious before
D. none of above
82. Which of the following is NOT a major nu- C. The act of slaughtering a cow
trient needed by humans? D. Letting old cows live out their life in a
A. carbohydrates pasture
B. lipids/fats 88. The introduction of pesticides, new fertil-
C. amino acids izers, andirrigation technology aided coun-
tries like Indiaand Mexico grow substan-
D. vitamins tially more food to helpsustain their grow-
ing population. This led to lessconcern
83. Which of the following is NOT an argument about
against GMO usage?
A. famine
A. Development of super bugs/weeds
B. increased life expectancy
B. Introduction of allergens
C. increased overall health of the popula-
C. Higher crop yields tions
D. Possible unknown health effects D. all choice s


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 22

89. Which of the following products requires 94. Which of the following is a likely short-
the most water to produce? coming of the use of genetic engineering
A. Corn in agriculture?

B. Beef A. Increased dependence on agrochemi-

C. Milk
B. Increased need for mechanization on
D. Lettuce farms.
C. Unanticipated ecological effects on

90. Which is an advantage of monocropping?
natural ecosystems.
A. Erosion due to exposure of large areas
of soil during planting D. Taking longer than traditional meth-
B. Nutrition and pesticide needs do not
change 95. Only found in forests and includes leaf
C. More vulnerable to pests that prefer a litter and other non-decomposed organic
high concentration of food matter.
D. Reduction of productivity due to loss of A. A Horizon
nutrient-rich topsoil B. B Horizon

91. Which of these is false about the three sta- C. C Horizon

ple crops? D. none of above
A. They make up the majority (about two- 96. The order of soil horizons from top to bot-
thirds) of human consumption. tom is
B. Corn (maize) is a staple crop. A. O, E, C, B, A
C. Rice is a staple crop. B. O, C, A, B, E
D. At least one of the staple crops is an C. O, A, E, B, C
animal product.
D. A, B, C, E, O
92. Using machines, irrigation sprinklers, and 97. Which is an application of genetic engineer-
chemical fertilizers are all examples of ing?
A. Traditional farming A. destroying all bacteria
B. Subsistence farming B. creating synthetic insulin
C. Modern farming C. producing cells from nonliving mate-
D. none of above rial
D. preventing weeds from spreading to
93. What change would best aid a farmer
in making the transition from traditional
farmer to sustainable farming? 98. Which category produces the greatest
A. Irrigate the crops using well water amount of waste?
B. Rotate the types of crops grown A. Industrial
C. Plant only genetically modified crops B. Municipal
D. Reduce the ratio of essential elements C. Hazardous
in the fertilizer D. Litter


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 23

99. In the movie Food Inc. we saw a cou- 104. Farming that focuses on producing
ple Feedlots, what is a Feedlot? enough food to feed the farmer’s family.


A. A part of the farm that has the food A. agro-biotech
stored B. commercial agriculture
B. A place where cows go to graze C. monoculture
C. A place where animals can eat in a hu- D. sustainable agriculture
man way
105. Which of the following includes the
D. A building/stockyard where livestock world’s earliest centers of plant domesti-
is fattened for market cation?
100. A condition that occurs when people do A. Northeast Asia, Eastern Europe, South
not consume enough calories or variety of Africa
foods. B. Russia, China, Latin America
A. Famine C. British Isles, Scandinavia, United
B. Malnutrition States
C. Diet D. Southeast Asia, Mesoamerica, Middle
D. Yield
106. According to Carl Sauer, there are two
101. What is Agriculture? distinctive types of agriculture
A. The science or practice of farming A. vegetative planting and double-
B. It is a form of culture that is found in cropping
the Middle East B. shifting cultivation and vegetative
C. It is only factories that mass produce planting
food C. vegetative planting and seed agricul-
D. None of the above
D. slash-and-burn agriculture and double-
102. Cultivated rows run sideways, rather cropping
than up and down. Slows down water ero-
sion. 107. The second agricultural revolution coin-
cided with
A. Shelter belt
A. the Industrial Revolution.
B. Strip cropping
B. the first wave of European migration
C. Terracing
C. Imperialism
D. Contour plowing
D. the Enlightenment.
103. Which of the following is NOT a major 108. What is an ecological impact of soil ero-
grain exporter? sion?
A. China A. Loss of healthy soil
B. Canada B. Creation of better soil
C. USA C. Food for farm animals
D. Australia D. Destruction of bird sanctuaries


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 24

109. Most of the corn produced in the US is C. Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids, Water
used for D. Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium
A. sale in the supermarket
115. Known as selective pesticides because
B. feeding cattle they target only one specific type of insect
C. fuel (ethanol) A. organic pesticide
D. exported to other countries B. inorganic pesticide
110. When did agriculture begin? C. broad-spectrum pesticide

A. 100 years ago. D. narrow-spectrum pesticide
B. 2000 years ago 116. What type of agriculture is carried out
C. 10000 years ago for survival-with few or no crops avail-
able for sale? Its usually organic, simply
D. 25000 years ago
for lack of money to buy industrial inputs
111. When roots become saturated with wa- such as fertilizer, pesticides, or gentically
ter due to over-irrigation, it causes death modified seeds.
in plant roots. This is called: A. Substainable agriculture
A. salinization B. Subsistance agriculture
B. desertification C. LDC agriculture
C. agroforestry D. Slash and Burn agriculture
D. waterlogging 117. Why does salination occur? Water from
112. Organic fertilizer made from dung and wells used for irrigation have
urine (animal waste) A. nitorgen
A. Compost B. phosphorous
B. Famine C. salt
C. Genetic engineering D. impurities
D. Persistent 118. Fill in the blank: percent of sea food
now comes from aquaculture.
113. The which took placebetween the
1920’s and 1960’s led to greatincreases A. 34
in crop yields, especially in thedeveloping B. 22
C. 49
A. Green Machine
D. 23
B. Green Revolution
119. capable of being broken down by biolog-
C. Feed the Hungry Campaign
ical processes, such as the action of bacte-
D. Agricultural Revolution ria
114. From what sources do most of our Calo- A. biodegradable
ries come from? B. leachate
A. Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins C. recycling
B. Proteins, Nucleic Acids, Lipids D. solid waste


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 25

120. What makes a pollinator beneficial? A. Swidden agriculture.

A. The eat plants. B. aquaculture


B. The kill pests. C. livestock ranching
C. They fertilize plants. D. truck farming
D. They make honey.
126. Under the integrated pest management
121. Which of the following types of agricul- system, among the following choice s,
ture would agribusiness be involved in? which would be used first to prevent an
A. substance farming infestation?
B. drug crops A. biologic methods such as Bt
C. pastoral nomadism B. DDT
D. livestock farming C. soaps and oils that kill pests
122. In which of the following areas has deser- D. broad spectrum pesticides
tification had the strongest negative im-
pact on food production? 127. Repeated application of irrigated water
in dry climates leads to
A. northern Africa
B. Mexico A. a drop in productivity of the land by
more than 10%, leading to desertification
C. Eastern China
D. Peru
B. a build up of nutrients, leading to in-
123. Which person is suffering from malnutri- creased levels of erosion
tion? C. a build up of salts in the soil, leading
A. gets 700 calories daily due to lack of to salinization
food available D. decreased phosphorus and nitrogen,
B. consumes 2000 calories daily leading to eutrophication
C. gets 2500 calories daily, but eats only
128. The relative abundance of sand, silt and
clay in soil can be found by determining its
D. gets 2500 calories daily from a well
balanced diet A. texture
B. implied ratio
124. A mining company operates in which in-
dustry sector? C. salinity ratio
A. Primary D. saturation
B. Secondary
129. Heavy use of irrigation and fertilizer
C. Quaternary characterizes
D. Quinary A. the green revolution
125. In recent years what type of agricultural B. polyculture
practice has been most responsible for de-
C. aquaculture
forestation of the rain forest in parts of
Central and South America? D. the organic movement


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 26

130. All of the following are benefits of pesti- D. Using GM crops can increase pesticide
cide use EXCEPT resistance in pests.
A. disease control 135. Monocultures require more pesticides
B. crop protection and herbicids because
C. genetic resistance A. they tend to attract more insects and
D. lower food costs for consumers weeds than other crop cultures.
B. they risk total total crop annilation if
131. In commercial fishing, catching bycatch

infested by a pest insect or plant.
C. they are so genetically modified that
A. Target fish populations
they resist pesticides and heribicides.
B. Invasive species
D. they require more nutrients and water
C. Nontarget fish populations than traditional crop cultures.
D. Producers
136. Pastoral nomadism is:
132. What is the term for the amount of food A. supported by agribusiness.
produced in an area?
B. capital-intensive.
A. arable
C. centered around cash crop production.
B. efficiency
C. yield D. found mostly in less-developed coun-
D. soil conservation tries.
133. The development of dangerous strains of 137. What does “reuse” mean?
bacteria is a result of which agricultural A. use less
B. use more
A. using herbicides in large scale grain
farming C. use again
B. growing crops that are genetically D. don’t use
modified for increased yields
138. the system of varying successive crops
C. increasing the use of legumes into in a definite order on the same ground, es-
crop rotation protocols pecially to avoid depleting the soil and to
D. incorporating the use of antibiotics control weeds, diseases, and pests.
into the feeding regimes of densely con- A. crop rotation
centrated livestock
B. surplus
134. Which would NOT be a reason to use GM C. industrialization
D. hybrid
A. Using GM crops can increase crop
yields. 139. The term used to describe the excessive
B. Using GM crops can reduce use of in- growth of algae due to increased runoff of
secticide sprays. fertilisers to the water bodies

C. Using GM crops may be able to feed A. Eutrophication

more people faster. B. Biomagnification


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 27

C. green revolution B. genetically modified organisms

D. none of above C. efficient food processing plants


140. The enormous menhaden catch is used en- D. The Food Quality Protection Act
tirely to
A. Keep people aware of the aquatic prob- 145. How has transportation changed agricul-
lems they’re causing tural production?
B. Produce feed and oil as bait for catch- A. it has given agribusiness more advan-
ing other fish tages
C. Give fish to the poor B. farms have moved closer to markets
D. Clear the ocean from all the aquatic
C. it has mad subsistence farming easier

141. What is the origin of the word “Agricul- D. biotechnology has diminished
A. French 146. For organic farmers to make a profit
B. Spanish A. manure must be found in abundance in
C. Greek close proximity to the farm.
D. Latin B. the government must continue to pro-
142. Farming system that relies on natural eco- vide subsidies to organic farmers.
logical systems versus the use of chemical C. consumers must be willing to pay
pesticides higher costs associated with organic pro-
A. organic agriculture duce.
B. commercial agriculture D. organic farmers must use monocrop-
C. subsistence agriculture ping.

D. inventive agriculture
147. Malnutrition over an entire population
143. Alternatives to using pesticides include A. Compost
all of these, EXCEPT:
B. Famine
A. Planting monocultures to attract pests
C. Genetic engineering
B. Trap cropping D. Persistent
C. Using pheromones to lure pests away
from crop 148. What is genetic engineering?
D. Using mechanical bug-vacs to remove A. Manipulation/addition of genes
B. Naturally breeding two animals with
144. The industrialized agriculture system desired traits
shuts down without what key ingredi-
ent? C. Cross-pollinating two crops
A. cheap fossil fuel energy D. Harvesting stem cells


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 28

149. The use of synthetic fertilizers can in- 154. Before agriculture, people were basic
crease crop yield, but also A. nomads
A. destroy nitrifying bacteria in the soil B. meat eaters
B. increase nutrient runoff into nearby
C. hunters and gatherers
surface waters
D. none of the choice s
C. slow the release of organic nutrients
from compost 155. Community Supported Agriculture is a

D. increase fish populations in nearby program that does what?
streams A. allows people to sign up for a season’s
worth of locally grown produce.
150. The two natural agents of erosion are
B. when the entire community turns out
A. wind and flowing water to harvest a crop

B. gravity and frost wedging C. there is no such thing

C. oxygen and water D. When the community purchases all of

its produce from one store
D. carbon dioxiede and wind
156. Which of the following is the most effi-
151. One of the advantages of Polyculture is
cient method of irrigation?
that it
A. Furrow irrigation
A. reduces pests and weeds
B. Drip irrigation
B. is more labor intensive
C. Contour irrigation
C. maximizes efficiency
D. Center Pivot irrigation
D. simplifies production
152. Which of the following is one problem in- 157. What were the benefits of the “green
volved with transferring a farm from one revolution”?
generation to the next? A. It reduced the price of food and im-
A. A drop of productivity of land of more proved the lives of many people,
than 10%. B. It increased the amount of organic
B. Overgrazing and soil erosion. foods available in markets and reduced
the cost of production.
C. There are no problems, just pass it on
down. C. It created environmentally friendly
D. Enormous land taxes that must be
paid. D. It created “super foods”

153. Catching or removing from a population 158. Traditional farmers grow several crops
more organisms than the population can re- on the same plot of land in a practice re-
place is called ferred to as
A. Overgrazing A. monoculture
B. Overharvesting B. polyculture
C. Aquaculture C. aquaculture
D. Domesticating D. slash and burn


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 29

159. Mariculture benefits are ALL of the fol- C. shifting cultivation

lowing EXCEPT D. agroforestry


A. Alternative source of income
164. Removing more organisms from a popu-
B. Can generate a surplus for revenue
lation than can be replaced
A. Livestock
C. Large inputs of machinery, time and
energy B. Domesticated
D. High yields of fish protein C. Overharvesting

160. The Great Plains Shelterbelt was one D. Yield

of the public works programs instituted
165. Which type of agriculture is practiced by
by Franklin Delano Rooseveltfollowing the
the largest percentage of the world’s peo-
dust bowl. This is an massive example of
A. hunting and gathering
A. Terracing
B. shifting cultivation
B. Contour plowing
C. pastoral nomadism
C. Strip cropping
D. A windbreak D. intensive subsistence

161. Agriculture that features large numbers 166. Which pest control technique uses benefi-
of animals in a small area with corn or cial insects to control pests?
other feeds being shipped in rather than A. Biological
B. Mechanical
C. Chemical
B. aquaculture
D. Cultural
C. hydroponics
D. CAFO 167. Domesticated animals raised to be used
on a farm or sold for profit
162. A Milkshed is what? A. Domesticated
A. A shed that is used to keep the temper- B. Diet
ature of the milk cold
C. Biological pest control
B. A ring where milk can be produced
& wont spoil at the market D. Livestock
C. The building where the milking of the 168. The layer of soil that contains lots of or-
cows happens ganic matter and nutrients is called the ,
D. It is a form of a milk dud and is also known as topsoil.
A. O Horizon
163. Which of the following is NOT a sustain-
able method of agriculture? B. A Horizon
A. no-till agriculture C. B Horizon
B. intercropping D. C Horizon


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 30

169. A farmer using an Integrated Pest Man- 174. Which of the following is not a soil parti-
agement system on his farm would use cle?
which of these options as a last resort? A. Sand
A. A synthetic chemical pesticide like B. Silt
C. Clay
B. Natural predators to the pests
D. Loam
C. Choosing breeds of plants that have
175. Opponents of GMOs are afraid that the

natural resistance to the pests
D. Planting a different crop that is not tar-
A. will hinder global trade
geted by the pests
B. make plants more resistant to disease
170. Commercial agriculture practiced in the
tropics and subtropics is called C. may cause irreversible changes in hu-
A. intensivesubsistence agriculture. mans
B. paddy rice farming. D. make pants resistant to drought

C. plantation agriculture. 176. Area that extends 200 miles from a na-
tion’s coastline
D. double cropping.
A. Compost
171. Livestock does not provide humans with B. Famine
A. Ruminants C. Exclusive Economic Zone
B. Wool D. Persistent
C. Manure 177. Widespread malnutrition and starvation
D. Leather in an area due to food shortage
A. Diet
172. A dark brown, crumbly material made
B. Famine
from decomposed matter is called
C. Malnutrition
A. compost
D. Yield
B. brown sugar
178. Which of the following crops is produced
C. saw dust
in large amounts in the United States?
D. non-biodegradable A. cassava
173. Which is of the following is not an agri- B. coffee
cultural school in Jamaica? C. rice
A. College of Agriculture Science and Ed- D. wheat
179. Which type of diffusion is most closely as-
B. Knockalva Poly-Technic College sociated with the Columbian Exchange?
C. Ebony Gardens H.E.A.R.T. Academy A. Stimulus diffusion
D. Green Island High School B. Expansion diffusion


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 31

C. Relocation diffusion D. a virus transfers pesticide resistance

D. Contagious diffusion to a new species


180. A clothing store operates in which indus- 185. Why is biodiversity important in fight-
try sector? ing disease in food crops?
A. Primary A. It prevents one disease from wiping
out an entire food crop.
B. Secondary
B. It prevents habitat loss of na-
C. Quaternary
tive species.
D. Tertiary
C. It provides different foods for differ-
181. According to the Integrated Pest man- ent populations.
agement strategy, which of the following D. It prevents fungal disease from wip-
would be the LAST RESORT for controlling ing out corn crops.
186. Commercial agriculture is
A. synthetic (manmade) pesticides
A. A form of agriculture that is controlled
B. import natural predators
by a corporation
C. plant BT corn
B. Producing food for advertisements
D. plant Round Up Ready Corn
C. Producing food to support your family
182. What physical characteristic do all and local community
deserts share? D. Producing food to sell to the public,
A. They have no plants. and create a profit
B. They receive little rain. 187. An organic farmer is required to use
C. They are very, very hot. which of the following when fertilizing
D. They have lots of trees. his/her fields?
A. Inorganic fertilizers
183. A farmer discovers pests have become re-
sistant to the atrazine she’s been using so B. Fertilizers made from mined minerals
she must use larger, more frequent doses. C. Manure or compost
This is known as
D. Nitrogen from the atmosphere
A. the pesticide treadmill
188. If a seed has one seed leaf or cotyledon,
B. both an acute and a chronic effect
it would be consider as a seed.
C. a synergistic effect
A. Monocotyledon
D. an antagonistic effect
B. Dicotyledon
184. The pesticide treadmill occurs when C. Fibrous
A. constantly increasing doses of pesti- D. Tap
cides are needed to control pests
B. predators of the pest species are killed 189. In the winter wheat area of the U.S., the
by broadcast spraying crop is planted in

C. constantly decreasing doses of pesti- A. autumn and harvested in summer.

cides are needed to control pests B. winter and harvested in spring.


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 32

C. winter and harvested in autumn. 195. Which of the following are environmental
D. spring and harvested in summer. impacts of extensive aquaculture?
A. spread of disease
190. Which is NOT an advantage of synthetic
fertilizers? B. pollution
A. Ease of application C. introduced species
B. Highly adjustable nutrient content D. all of the above

C. Bioavailability of nutrients
196. Undernutrition means
D. Fewer nutrient runoff problems
A. not consuming a sufficient number of
191. According to von Thunen’s Model, which calories.
agricultural zone is closest to the market?
B. lacking a specific nutrient such as vita-
A. Livestock
min A or iron.
B. Commercial Grain
C. a lack of food such that deaths begin
C. Dairy Farming to occur.
D. Forestry D. the ingestion of too many poor quality
192. One type of agriculture is not like the calories.
197. Truck farming typically includes the sale
A. Mediterranean of:
B. ranching
A. fish
C. livestock
B. fruits
D. pastoral nomadism
C. livestock
193. This type of agriculture is common with
D. soybeans
commercial farmers who convert their op-
erations to preserve and enhance environ-
198. The most important reason why most
mental quality.
people in North China grow crops other
A. sustainable agriculture than wet rice is
B. aquafarming A. Government subsidies
C. crop rotation
B. Cultural preference
D. Green Revolution
C. Climate
194. Both shifting agriculturalists and commer-
D. Soil
cial farmers practice crop rotation, but sub-
sistence farmers
199. Aquaponics is the
A. make more use of fertilizers
A. divorce of sunlight and fish
B. do not raise livestock
B. marriage of plants and fish
C. are more likely to allow fields to re-
main fallow C. marriage of soil and water with fish
D. sell their crops on a global market D. divorce of rocks and gravel


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 33

200. Which of the following is NOT a tradi- C. encouraged the use of monocropping.
tional farming practice?


A. Manure as fertilizer D. pertained to leafy green plants only.
B. Biological pest control
206. The two most widely used and dis-
C. Irrigation drip systems tributed Genetically Modified Organisms
D. Irrigation ditches (GMO) crops are
A. corn and wheat.
201. When one person’s diet doesn’t have
enough nutrients or Calories, they suffer B. wheat and millet.
from C. soybeans and wheat.
A. famine D. soybeans and corn.
B. malnutrition
207. A condition that is caused by not enough
C. anemia iodine in diet
D. scurvy A. Anemia
202. What is a reaper? B. Goiter
A. A machine that harvested, cleaned, C. Kwashoirkor
and threshed a crop
D. none of above
B. A machine that cuts grain standing
208. Typically, slash & burn agriculture leads
C. A combine tractor
D. All of the above
A. shifting cultivation
203. Raising of domesticated animals for food B. plantation farming
or items like leather
C. aquaculture
A. Slash and Burn Agriculture
D. pastoralism
B. Livestock Ranching
C. Steer Raising 209. Which of the following is NOT true about
food and the people of developed coun-
D. Animaling tries?
204. What percentage of the world’s freshwa- A. They eat too much protein, salt, sugar,
ter is used for agriculture? and fat.
A. 30 B. They do not eat enough fiber.
B. 50 C. They primarily use industrial farming
C. 70 of monocultures.
D. 90 D. They primarily plant polycultures on a
plot of land.
205. The Green Revolution
A. discouraged the mechanization of 210. All of the following are aspects of com-
agriculuture. mercial agriculture EXCEPT

B. decreased the energy subsidy of most A. a heavy reliance on machinery

food. B. the product is consumed off the farm


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 34

C. there is little relationship to other busi- 216. Pastoral nomads do not typically herd
A. cattle.
D. a small percentage of the workforce is
engaged directly in agriculture. B. llamas.
C. sheep.
211. Aquaculture is:
A. The way aquatic organisms connect D. goats.
and interact with each other
217. Which of these Earth materials is likely

B. The raising of aquatic organisms for the most permeable?
human use or consumption
A. gravel
C. How humans interact with aquatic or-
ganisms B. sand
D. none of above C. silt
212. A condition that is caused by not enough D. clay
protein in diet
A. Anemia 218. The agricultural practice of growing a sin-
gle crop, plant, or livestock species at one
B. Goiter
C. Kwashoirkor
A. Uniculture
D. none of above
B. Biculture
213. Most cereal grains produced in the Untied
States are C. Monoculture

A. eaten for breakfast. D. low input farming

B. exported to developing countries.
219. What is wasted when food is thrown
C. sold to food processing industries. out?
D. fed to livestock. A. land
214. What is biomass? B. water
A. The total number of animals living on C. labor
the planet
D. all the above
B. The weight of the planet
C. The ratio of animal life to plant life 220. What is advantage to using Mix Crop and
D. The total weight of all living things on Livestock Farming?
the planet A. Breaks up the workload and keeps a
215. Toxins that get passed up the food chain steady income
in increasing amounts B. Farmers get to relax during the winter
A. biomagnification season, and rest
B. compaction C. Farmers get to make a large amount
C. compounding of money in the summer
D. non-elimination D. None of the above


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 35

221. Hydroponics is C. South America

A. growing with minerals D. Europe


B. Is illegal
227. The term malnutrition refers to
C. soil less growing
A. A diet lacking key nutrients.
D. must have soil
B. A diet with not enough calories.
222. How much corn, soy, and cotton grown
in the US is GMO? C. A diet with too much protein.

A. 100% D. A diet consisting of more than 2, 000

calories per day.
B. <90%
C. <10% 228. Where does Shifting Cultivation (Slash
D. > 90% and Burn agriculture) take place?
A. Tropical climates with lots of rain
223. The Industrial Revolution transformed
Western agriculture B. Cold climates with lots of sun
A. through mechanization and the cre- C. Tropical climates with little to no rain-
ation of new markets fall
B. With biotechnology D. Climates with multiple seasons, but
C. By eliminating agricultural pests stay consistently warm
D. through the domestication of plants 229. The people of the Sahara Desert practice
and animals
A. Pastoral Nomadism
224. Agriculture is best defined as
B. Slash-and-burn
A. the hunting and gathering
C. Shifting agriculture
B. the altering genetic material of plants
D. Crop Rotation
C. the cultivation of plants/domesticating
animals 230. The rearing of aquatic organisms
D. using technology to increase produc- A. agroforestry
B. aquaculture
225. What is land called that is suitable for
A. Growable D. Green Revolution
B. Fallow 231. What is one drawback of Drift Net fish-
C. Arable ing
D. Plantable A. Cost of fish is too high

226. According to geographer Carl Sauer, agri- B. Legal in every state

culture probably first originated in C. A lot of unwanted fish are caught and
A. the Fertile Crescent. discarded
B. Southeast Asia D. none of above


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 36

232. Which of the following is NOT a nega- A. Genetic Engineering

tive side effect of modern agricultural tech- B. Waste utilization
niques versus traditional techniques?
C. Post-harvest management
A. Increased use of fossil fuels
D. Integrated pest management
B. Increased crop yields
238. In what period of agriculture did pollina-
C. Increased use of fertilizers tors begin to decline?
D. Increased use of pesticides A. Beginning of agriculture.

233. Topsoil; best for plants to root and grow B. Traditional agriculture
in C. Industrial agriculture
A. A Horizon D. Green revolution
B. B Horizon 239. What was the positive effect of the green
C. C Horizon revolution?
D. none of above A. excess use of fertilizer
B. excess use of pesticides
234. Which soil layer is mostly clay?
C. profit for small farms
A. topsoil
D. high yields of grains
B. subsoil
C. regolith 240. Which of the following is a method of
D. bedrock
A. Fish farming
235. Hydroponics is a method of growing B. Fish modifying
plants without the use of
C. Fish raching
A. Water D. Both (a) and (c)
B. Fertilizer
241. This system of planting crops on hillsides
C. Soil to protect the soil is common in parts of
D. Sunlight South East Asia and in the Mediterranean
236. You are a farmer planning to start grow-
A. ridge tillage
ing organic vegetables to sell at a farmers’
market. Before you start planting your B. pastoral nomadism
seeds, you should test your soil for which C. sustainable agriculture
two major nutrients D. subsistence agriculture
A. Nitrogen and Phosphorus
242. Which type of fertilizer is mined from
B. Phosphorus and Carbon minerals and requires large amounts of
C. Nitrogen and Carbon fossil fuels during production?
D. Nitrogen and Calcium A. Inorganic fertilizer
B. Animal Manure
237. Which sustainable practice utilizes tech-
niques to delay the biological aging of food C. Compost
while maintaining its quality? D. Herbicide


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 37

243. A major disadvantage to Monoculture is C. Overfertilization

A. its high use of fertilizers D. Runoff/ Erosion


B. simplicity of production 249. Which of the following is TRUE of
C. its need for specialized harvesting hunter/gatherer societies?
D. that it reduces the threat of pests A. Found in isolated places
B. Comprise 25% of total population
244. Which economic activity includes the ser-
vice sector of the economy? C. Live in very large groups

A. Primary Activities D. Rarely, if ever, migrate/move to new

B. Secondary Activities
250. Agriculture related environmental issue
C. Tertiary Activities
in northern Africa
D. Quaternary Activities
A. urbanization
245. If you do not consume enough carbohy- B. pesticide treadmill
drates, proteins, and lips you will suffer C. desertification
from which of the following disorders?
D. eutrophication
A. famine
251. Solid waste includes all of the following
B. hunger
C. anger
A. newspaper and soda bottles
D. malnutrition
B. food scraps and yard clippings
246. One example of organic fertilizier is C. ozone and carbon dioxide
which is made of organic matter that is de- D. junk mail and milk cartons
composed by bacteria and fungi
A. erosion 252. Some farms will rotate their crops annu-
ally with legumes to reduce the amount
B. domesticated of fertilizer they have to add to their soil.
C. pesticide Which of these crops would be a good
legume rotational crop to replenish nitro-
D. compost
247. Farms that grow organic crops are not al- A. Corn
lowed to use…
B. Winter wheat
A. Botanical pesticides C. Soybeans
B. Synthetic fertilizers and insecticides D. These are all legumes
C. Compost and manure
253. Farming that requires lots of labor
D. Irrigation and/or capital investment is:
248. Which of the following is a positive effect A. intensive agriculture
of fertilizer use B. extensive agriculture
A. Groundwater contamination C. subsistence agriculture
B. Increased nutritional properties D. diffusion agriculture


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 38

254. An ADVANTAGE of adding organic fertil- B. The occupation of providing raw mate-
izers to soils is that: rials for export
A. the soil structure is improved. C. The business of animal rearing
B. nutrients are released quickly. D. The cultivation of land
C. leaching of nutrients is increased.
260. Which would increase the likelihood of
D. they are more likely to burn the roots
pesticide resistance?
of seedlings.

A. An insect has only one generation per
255. Production of agricultural products for year.
the market is called:
B. Continual use of the same pesticides
A. hunting and gathering or pesticides from the same chemical
B. sedentary cultivation class.
C. subsistence agriculture C. Applying a pesticide that has little or
D. commercial agriculture no residual effect.
D. Limiting the number of pesticide appli-
256. Commercial Gardening and Fruit Farming
typically use what type of labor?
A. People with a college degree 261. Desertification is caused by:
B. American citizens A. An increase in the eating of desserts
C. Migrant Workers B. A decrease in population in desert ar-
D. Immigrants eas

257. Microorganisms are unable to break C. The degradation of soil in semi-arid re-
down plastics because plastics gions

A. are made from oil D. Droughts in tropical regions

B. are too abundant 262. The upper layer of soils that contains or-
C. are made of unknown elements ganic material, rocks, water, and air.
D. do not occur in nature A. surface layer
258. What is a GMO? B. topsoil
A. It is a form of agriculture C. bottom soil
B. It is a company that produces seeds D. topdirt
for farmers
263. Humans have obtained food in a variety
C. An organism whose DNA has been al-
of ways. Which method below emerged
tered by a lab
D. All of the above
A. Hunting & gathering
259. Agriculture is
B. Vegetative planting
A. The cultivation of the land to produce
C. Seed agriculture
livestock and crops, for food and materi-
als for industry. D. The Colombian Exchange


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 39

264. How can we prevent food wasting? 269. The ecosystem in the western Plains of
A. We should buy more fast-food, we the United States is best described as a


don’t have to prepare it at home. A. temperate desert
B. We can eat more spicy food, it is so de- B. temperate grassland
licious! C. deciduous forest
C. We mustn’t throw away food which D. wind erosion
can be reused.
D. We should eat in restaurants, so not to 270. Why did Cattle Ranching decline in the
throw away food at home. 1880’s?
A. Ranchers started to become farmers,
265. Which does not result in soil erosion? and grow grains
A. slash and burn agriculture B. The gold rush pushed people to leaving
B. monocropping ranching
C. rotating crops C. It was no longer popular to be a
D. yearly plowing/tilling rancher
D. Came into conflict with sedentary agri-
266. Good garden soil may culture.
A. have equal quantities of sand, silt and
clay 271. A CEO is an example of which sector?

B. have mostly sand A. secondary

C. have mostly clay B. tertiary

D. none of these answers is correct C. quaternary

D. quinary
267. An integrated pest management ap-
proach to pest control emphasizes which 272. One difference between subsistence and
of the following? commercial agriculture is that in commer-
A. Eradication of the pest population cial agriculture

B. Reduction of crop damage to an eco- A. A large % of the population is directly

nomically tolerable level involved in agriculture

C. Use of plant monoculture to simplify B. Less machinery is used

spraying C. More extensive use is made of fertiliz-
D. Elimination of the use of second gener- ers
ation pesticides D. Crop yields are smaller

268. A large area of cropland seeded with one 273. Which of the following categories in-
crop is a(n) cludes all of the others?
A. monoculture A. fungicides
B. polyculture B. pesticides
C. organic practice C. insecticides
D. traditional farming technique D. herbicides


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 40

274. GMO’s can allow farmers to A. a decrease in amount of crops pro-

A. use less pesticides and chemicals duced

B. engage in trap cropping B. an increase in amount of crops pro-

C. use pheromones to lure pests away
from crop C. increased water and air pollution

D. Use mechanical bug-vacs to remove D. decrease in the amount of machinery

pests used

275. Technology in which genes from one or- 280. Cattle, sheep, and goats are considered
ganism are placed in another organism to be:

A. Compost A. Livestock

B. Famine B. Farm animals

C. Genetic engineering C. Ruminants

D. Persistent D. Endangered animals

276. An Earth material that is 45% mineral, 281. This is still widely debated among scien-
50% pore space and 5% organic matter tists.
is called A. Meat production
A. soil B. How to grow corn
B. subsoil C. Malnutrition in the states
C. bedrock D. Genetic Engineering
D. impermeable
282. People living in developing countries are
277. Mediterranean agriculture must be prac- much more likely to be dependent on a sin-
ticed in a climate that is gle plant crop, such as rice, as a source
of calories. What macronutrient makes up
A. Wet summer, dry winter most of their diet?
B. Plentiful rainfall year round A. Carbohydrates
C. Dry summer, cool moist winter B. Proteins
D. Mild and dry year round C. Fats
278. Refrigerated ships and railroad cars most D. About the same amount of all of these
directly benefited the long-distance trans- macronutrients.
portation to global markets of
283. Today what percent of Ranchers Lease
A. Wheat their land from the United States govern-
B. Beef ment?
C. Cotton A. 40%
D. Fruit B. 50%

279. A negative impact of indus- C. 60%

trial/commercial agriculture is D. 70%


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 41

284. You are looking at a box of Miracle-Gro B. less soil erosion due to less surface
at the hardware store. It is made from runoff
potash, which is mined from the ground,


C. less water needed for irrigation
and ammonium nitrate, which is chemically
manufactured. What type of fertilizer is D. farming with machines on steep hill
it? slopes can take place

A. Inorganic 289. We call it when wind and water move

B. Organic - manure soil or rock from one place to another
A. erosion
C. Organic - compost
B. domesticated
D. none of above
C. pesticide
285. How does our demand for beef contribute
D. compost
to deforestation in Latin America?
A. The need for more land to grow feed 290. Wet rice is the crop most associated with
crops for cows intensive agriculture for all of the follow-
ing reasons EXCEPT
B. The need for more trees to build barns
A. Is usually planted by hand

C. The need for larger CAFO’s B. Time consuming

D. We need a place to dispose of the large C. Labor intensive

amounts of cow manure (poo) D. Expensive to grow

286. Which one of these techniques would be 291. is a light weight sterile mix, which
the best for reducing water erosion on contains natural ingredients found in na-
farmland that is along a steep hillside? ture and it is used for growing plants
in controlled environment such as green-
A. Terracing
houses, shade houses, etc.
B. Contour plowing
A. Soil-less medium
C. Strip cropping
B. Soil
D. A windbreak C. Clay
287. How do pesticides that regulate plant D. Silt
growth work?
292. Which of the following is an example of
A. They attract predators of the pest. intensive agriculture?
B. They disrupt the pest’s life cycle A. Wet Rice Dominant Subsistence Agri-
C. They allow crops to recover from pests culture
and grow faster. B. Pastoral Nomadism
D. They cause pests to stop growing so C. Ranching
that they stay too small to cause damage.
D. Grain Production
288. What is the primary benefit the process 293. Type of commercial agriculture that fo-
of terracing crops provides? cuses on raising large numbers of cattle or
A. more crops due to more space sheep for meat.


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 42

A. pastoralism 299. Organic farming includes

B. grain farming A. no use of chemicals
C. vegetative agriculture B. focus on soil health
D. livestock ranching C. both
D. none
294. Nitrogen is a necessary nutrient for
plants but can only be taken up by the 300. Why is leachate dangerous?

roots in the form of A. It has toxic fumes
A. nitrates B. It can leak into our water supply
B. atmospheric nitrogen C. It can’t be processed
C. ammonium D. none of above
D. outgasing 301. The water holding capacity of soil is
LEAST likely to be affected by the addition
295. Dirt differs from soil because it lacks
of which of the following?
A. water
A. Clay
B. air
B. Hummus
C. humus C. Manure
D. carbon D. Pesticide
296. Which sector of the economy is based on 302. Organisms that have been bred and man-
providing services? aged for human use
A. primary A. Livestock
B. secondary B. Domesticated
C. tertiary C. Biological pest control
D. quarternary D. Overharvesting

297. Hydroponics is a technique for 303. If you have too many insects and weeds
on your farm you would apply , which
A. growing with minerals are chemicals that are used to kill insects
B. using manure to grow plants and weeds.
C. soil less growing A. Compost
D. growing plants in air B. Manure
C. Pesticides
298. Broken down bedrock (the foundation of
good soil) is found in the horizon. D. Fertilizer

A. O 304. Which of the following best define

the term ‘Genetic Modification Organism’
B. B
C. E
A. GMO is an organism that had its DNA
D. C artificially altered.


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 43

B. GMO is an organism that had its DNA 309. Alternatives to using pesticides include
artificially altered by the addition of genes (all of these except)
from the DNA of unrelated species.


A. using monocultures to single out pests
C. GMO is an organism that had its DNA
artificially altered by the mutation process B. GMO crops with inherent pest resis-
to its DNA. tance
D. none of above C. using pheromones to lure and trap
305. All of the following are types of subsis-
tence agriculture EXCEPT D. biological controls
A. pastoral nomadism. 310. The connection between industry of farm-
B. shifting cultivation. ing and business.
C. swidden agriculture A. agribusiness

D. truck farming B. subsistence agriculture

C. plantation farming
306. Grain farming primarily creates food for
D. feedlot

A. Humans 311. Which of the following do some unin-

formed people believe are harmful effects
B. Animals
of agriculture?
C. Oil
A. Algal blooms due to fertilizer runoff
D. None of the above
B. Climate change associated with
307. Which soil has the highest water holding methane emissions from livestock and
capacity? rice paddies

A. Sandy soil C. Pesticide residue in food, water, and

B. Clayey soil
D. All of the above
C. Loam
312. What does sustainability mean?
D. None of the above
A. Using lots of resources.
308. Which of these is an example of a genet- B. Maintaining the world we live in for fu-
ically modified organism (GMO)? ture generations.
A. A dog that is produced from mating C. Cutting down trees.
two different breeds.
D. Using lots of water and electricity.
B. Yellow Dent corn, a much larger strain
of corn bred from wild varieties. 313. Which is NOT a disadvantage of
C. A liger, which is born when a male lion monocropping?
and female tiger mate. A. Erosion due to exposure of large areas
D. BT corn, which contains a gene from of soil during planting
a bacterium that gives it resistance from B. Nutrition and pesticide needs do not
the European corn borer. change


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 44

C. More vulnerable to pests that prefer a 318. Cancer, nervous system disorders, and ill-
high concentration of food ness are all concerns associated with
D. Reduction of productivity due to loss of A. pesticides
nutrient-rich topsoil B. manure

314. What type of Agriculture did Von Thü- C. integrated pest management
nen’s Model state would be in the first D. compost

319. A large farm in Iowa plants over a hun-
A. Mixed Crops dred acres of corn every year. This is the
B. Dairy/ Gardening only crop they grow and sell. This is an ex-
ample of what type of farming practice?
C. Grains
A. Subsistence agriculture
D. Ranching
B. Crop rotation
315. If you wanted to buy meat that does not C. Monoculturing
contain antibiotics or was not fed geneti- D. Irrigation
cally modified plants, which of the follow-
ing labels would you look for when shop- 320. Step like ridges are built and arranged
ping? sideways on a hill. Slows down water
A. Organic
A. Shelter belt
B. Free Range
B. Strip cropping
C. Cage Free
C. Terracing
D. Certified Humane
D. Contour plowing
316. Agriculture derives from “ ” which 321. Contour farming
means (of the land) and “ ” which
A. Grows crops perpendicular to the
means (to till or cultivate).
slope of the land
A. “Ager” and “Cultura”
B. Plants trees between rows of crops
B. “agri” and “cultura” C. Growing two or more crops in proxim-
C. “cultura” and “Agrarius” ity
D. “cultivate” and “agriculture” D. Grow different crops each season

322. Corn was first domesticated in

317. Which of the following best describes the
process of desertification? A. the Tibetan Plateau

A. A drop of productivity of land of more B. the Canadian Prairie.

than 10%. C. Central Mexico
B. Caused by overgrazing and soil ero- D. Northern Argentina.
323. Irrigation can lead to all of the following
C. Occurs in arid or semi-arid areas. EXCEPT:
D. All of the above A. Waterlogging


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 45

B. Salinization 328. The raising of aquatic organisms for hu-

C. Depletion of ground water man use.


D. Recharging of aquifers A. marine aquaculture
B. freshwater aquaculture
324. Which of the following is NOT part of In-
tegrated Pest Management (IPM)? C. Both

A. Intercropping D. none of above

B. Pest resistant crop varieties 329. The temperature is best described as

C. Limited irrigation A. low
D. Creating habitats for predators of B. high
pests C. seasonal
325. DDT has been banned for decades, but is D. none of above
still found in humans today. It exhibits
330. Crop rotation

A. immunity A. Grows crops perpendicular to the

slope of the land
B. determination
B. Plants trees between rows of crops
C. resistance
C. Growing two or more crops in proxim-
D. persistance ity
326. Which type of agriculture is found primar- D. Grow different crops each season
ily in developing countries?
331. Erosion is a danger whenever the soil is
A. Plantation
A. covered with grass
B. Truck farming
B. bare and exposed to wind and rain
C. Mediterranean
C. plowed along the contour of the land
D. Livestock ranching
D. covered by forest
327. Many early farmers of the Western U.S.
332. Which one of the following food systems
plains believed a theory called “Rain Fol-
provides the majority of our food?
lows the Plow.” What was the problem
with this theory? A. Aquaculture
A. Farming actually makes it rain less, not B. Rangelands
more. C. CAFO’s
B. The climate at the time farming took D. Croplands (or Farmlands like the
place was not any different than normal. movie said)
C. The usually high precipitation during
this period of early farming and settling 333. Eating a lot of meat is inefficient because
was a coincidence. A. 10% of energy is lost in transfer be-
D. This theory is actually true. Farming tween trophic levels.
and settling an area makes it rain more B. 50% of energy is lost in transfer be-
frequently. tween trophic levels.


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 46

C. 60% of energy is lost in transfer be- 339. Which of the following is NOT an exam-
tween trophic levels. ple of a biological pest control?
D. 90% of energy is lost in transfer be- A. Use of pathogens to control pests
tween trophic levels. B. Natural plant defenses
334. Aquaculture is C. Use of i nsecticides to eliminate pests
A. The practice of fishing D. disruption of pest breeding
B. The study of the oceans

340. Which is most similar to intercropping?
C. The practice of taking care of the A. contour plowing
ocean by setting fishing limits
B. agroforestry
D. The practice of raising fish and other
C. no-till agriculture
water dwelling organisms for food
D. integrated pest management
335. Land used to raise food and fiber crops
for human use is 341. What specific nutrient is missing in the
diet of children with Kwashiokor?
A. cropland
A. Carbohydrates
B. range land
B. Proteins
C. aquaculture
C. Iodine
D. pollinators
D. Salt
336. What type of irrigation is shown above?
342. Disorder of nutrition resulting from im-
A. Furrow proper balance of nutrients
B. Center-pivot A. Diet
C. Drip B. Famine
D. none of above C. Malnutrition

337. Crop rotation & the enclosure movement D. Yield

were hallmarks of: 343. A farming system in which the products
A. The First Agricultural Revolution are sold for use away from the farm.
B. The Second agricultural revolution A. subsistence agriculture
C. the Third agricultural revolution B. commercial agriculture
D. the Green revolution C. sustainable agriculture
D. organic agriculture
338. People in industrialized country is more
likely to eat compared to people in de- 344. Commercial agriculture practiced in the
veloping country. tropics is called
A. rice A. Intensive subsistence agriculture
B. corn B. plantation agriculture
C. bean C. shifting cultivation
D. beef D. paddy rice farming


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 47

345. Which of the following statements is NOT 350. What is Organic food?
characteristic of modern industrial agricul-
A. Food that is grown from GMO’s, that


uses little fertilizer
A. Specialized production
B. Food that is produced by humans
B. Prices met by individual needs of farm-
ers C. Food produced without synthetics
C. Selling products to processors D. Food that only uses pesticides
D. Participating in a global trade network
351. Which is an immediate factor for the cur-
346. Why might someone want to avoid chem- rent food crisis?
ical pest control?
A. Decrease in human population
A. It will kill pests.
B. High grain reserves
B. It will kill good insects.
C. It will result in a larger crop. C. drought in areas with a high crop yield

D. It is wrong to kill insects.

D. increase in grain production
347. A place where raw ingredients are
changed into the useful items we need or 352. Many scientists argue that worldwide
want; wood into furniture, ore into steel fisheries are declining, yet the worldwide
for cars, wheat into bread, and potatoes number of fish harvested continues to in-
into chips. crease. What best explains this discrep-
A. Natural Resources ancy?
B. Farm A. Scientists are being cautious in their
C. Factory estimates.
D. Store B. Fisheries are collapsing only in select
348. In the United States many farms are inte-
grated into a large food production indus- C. More people are reporting the fish that
try. This is known as they catch.
A. commercial farming. D. Improvements in technology is in-
creasing the catch despite declining pop-
B. food processing.
C. agribusiness.
D. mechanized farming. 353. What is Subsistence Farming?

349. The period of rapid technological advance- A. Farming that focuses on feeding the
ment that began around 1800 is known as family and making money
the B. Farming that uses environment
A. Agricultural Revolution friendly techniques
B. Roman Empire C. Farming where the farmer produces
C. Sumerian Standard of Ur food to live off of
D. Industrial Revolution D. Farming that grows organic food


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 48

354. Which of the following have aided com- C. aquatic organisms

mercial farmers in MDCs? D. plants
A. transportation improvements and the
rise of sea levels 359. Shifting cultivation is most commonly
found in which climate region?
B. scientific advances and the reduction
in the need for electronics A. Dry

C. transportation improvements, scien- B. Tropical

tific advances, and electronics C. Polar
D. ancient irrigation projects that can be D. Warm temperate
refitted for modern farming
360. Genetic engineering of food crops
355. One animal food product that uses the A. is only done on corn
most land, water and produces the most
greenhouse gas is B. is only done on soy

A. beef C. is only done on certain things

B. pork D. Is done with Round-Up and other pes-

C. chicken
D. eggs 361. A is a prolonged period of below av-
erage precipitation in an area.
356. The green revolution includes all of the A. Famine
following except
B. Drought
A. use of machinery for large scale agri-
culture C. Yield

B. new crop strains with higher yields D. Green Revolution

C. the use of irrigation 362. Extensive agriculture involves

D. genetically modified organisms A. lots of land and labor

357. Concentrated Animal Feedlot Operations B. little land and labor

(CAFO’s) can BEST be described as C. lots of land; less labor
A. a method of producing meat with more D. lots of labor; less land
363. Modern (2nd gen) pesticides have many
B. an experiment to test the effective- advantages NOT including
ness of antibiotics
A. saving human lives through their use
C. the storing of grain as a nutritional
supplement B. eliminating genetic resistance

D. large numbers of livestock in confined C. increasing agricultural yields

spaces D. fast-acting results

358. Aquaculture is the raising of for hu- 364. Emphasis on use of pesticides, herbicides,
man consumption. and monoculture
A. ruminants A. green revolution
B. poultry B. organic agriculture


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 49

C. nomadic grazing 370. Which of the following is NOT part of sus-

D. subsistence agriculture tainable agriculture?


A. Crop rotation
365. Which of the following is a monocotyle- B. Agroforestry
donous plant?
C. Contour plowing
A. Corn
D. Monocropping
B. Mango
371. Lack of adequate calories
C. Cherry
A. malnutrition
D. Cerasee
B. undernutrition
366. Which of the following is a leading coun- C. overnutrition
try in Aquaculture?
D. anemia
A. Russia
372. The leaf litter that will enrich the topsoil
B. Japan beneath it makes up the horizon.
C. China A. O
D. Brazil B. A
C. E
367. Under the integrated pest management
system, the first line of defense during an D. B
infestation is to use
373. Widespread malnutrition and starvation
A. biologic methods in an area due to a short of food, usually
B. DDT caused by drought

C. genetic engineering A. The Green Revolution

B. Famine
D. broad range pesticides
C. Poverty
368. The production of which of the following D. Land degeneration
is the largest driver of deforestation?
374. Which of the following crops did not
A. Beef
emerge in the Americas?
B. Palm oil
A. Beans
C. Wheat B. Wheat
D. Wood C. Corn
369. Which type of fishing has high rates of D. Potatoes
bycatch and highly destructive of benthic 375. Because it has many components which
communities. work together, soil can be called a(n)
A. Pole Fishing A. system
B. Long Line Fishing B. degradation
C. Purse Seining C. composite
D. Trawling D. litter


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 50

376. Which of the following is soil-less me- A. availability for ALL farmers
dia?i. Sphagnum peat mossii. Perliteiii. B. cheaper costs
Vermiculiteiv. Coconut coirv. Coarse sand
C. higher yields
A. All of the above
D. tastier grains
B. None of the above
C. i&v 382. Over irrigation of shallow rooted plants
could cause the water table to rise bring-
D. i, ii, iii&v
ing with it dissolved

377. What was Von Thunen’s Formula? A. salt
A. Profit= Market Price/Production Cost B. limestone
C. soil
B. Profit=Production Costs- Market
Price D. nutrients

C. Profit= Market Price - Production 383. Intensive agriculture involves

A. lots of land and labor
D. Profit= Rent from land- transporta-
B. little land and labor
C. lots of land; less labor
378. Type and amount of food a person eats
D. lots of labor; less land
A. Diet
B. Famine 384. Where do beef cattle begin their lives?

C. Malnutrition A. In a CAFO

D. Yield B. In an indoor factory farm

C. In a small cage
379. Sustainability is to
D. In an open pasture
A. maintain our resources for the future
generation 385. Most farms today use synthetic pes-
B. not to use the natural resources ticides and herbicides (such as Round-up)
to control their biological pests. The prob-
C. not to pollute the environment
lem with these chemicals is that they
D. use only clean energy in the environment.
380. The most fertile soils take years to A. Synthetic pesticides | Bioaccumulate
develop cm. B. Botanical pesticides | Bioaccumulate
A. 10; 10 C. Synthetic pesticides | Biodegrade
B. 100 ; 10 D. Botanical pesticides | Biodegrade
C. 1000 ; 1
386. What would happen if industrial farmers
D. 100, 000 ; 0.1 stopped using inorganic chemical fertiliz-
381. Even though the Green Revolution had its ers?
downsides (need for chemicals and water), A. Crop yields would decrease dramati-
the positive was cally


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 51

B. Crop yields would increase dramati- C. Only kids because they eat the least
cally among of all.


C. Farmers would use much more water D. Everyone should be aware of food
D. The need for pesticides would de- wasting because it’s our common respon-
crease sibility.

387. The Third Agricultural Revolution is also 392. What geographer suggested that certain
known as crops are grown in direct relation to their
distance from the market center?
A. GMO Revolution
A. Johann Heinrich von Thunen
B. Seed Agricultural Revolution
B. Carl Sauer
C. Green Revolution
D. Industrial Revolution C. Thomas Malthus
D. Jon Snow
388. What is food biotechnology?
A. Adding chemicals to foods to preserve 393. The largest cause of soil erosion and re-
them. moval of topsoil is/are
B. Making synthetic foods using artificial, A. flowing water
man-made proteins. B. strong wind
C. Inserting a gene with a beneficial trait C. industrial monooculture
into a plant cell.
D. clear-cutting forests
D. Taking immature plants and adding
steroids to make them grow bigger and 394. Industrialized agriculture is often re-
stronger. ferred to as “high input” because it re-
quires a great deal of:
389. The cultivation of a single crop in a given
area A. pesticides
A. polyculture B. fertilizers
B. monoculture C. fossil fuels
C. inorganic farming D. all of these
D. organic farming 395. Which of the following would be best ad-
390. Organic fertilizer comes from dressed with contour plowing?

A. only plants A. eutrophication

B. only animals B. soil erosion
C. plants and animals C. soil salinization
D. synthetic chemicals D. pesticide tredmill

391. Who should care about food waste? 396. Genetically modified foods are engi-
neered to resist herbicides so that
A. Only mother because she cooks din-
ners. A. humans won’t be put at health risks
B. Only father because he goes for shop- from pesticides
ping. B. insect pests will avoid the crops


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 52

C. the crops will grow more efficiently C. NO2

D. farmers can use heavier doses of pes- D. NO3
ticides for weeds without killing the crop
plants 402. Which type of agriculture is found primar-
ily in less developed countries?
397. Which event spurred the exchange A. Mediterranean
of agricultural products around the
B. Plantation

C. Truck Farming
A. The Columbian exchange
D. Livestock Ranching
B. World War II
C. the invention of GMOs 403. What does RECYCLING mean?
D. enclosure A. throw away
B. give things to other people
398. Genetic engineering has been used to pro-
duce C. make new things out of old ones

A. medicines. D. using things again and again

B. food animals. 404. Increases in crop yields during the green

C. improved crops. revolution resulted in part from
A. biological pest control
D. all of these.
B. new crop varieties
399. A pesticide is if it does not break
C. new pest resistant crops
down easily or quickly in the environ-
ment. D. new fertilizers
A. Persistent 405. is any waste that is a risk to the
B. Domesticated health of humans or other living things.
C. Compost A. hazardous waste

D. Aquaculture B. politics
C. sewage
400. All of the following are disadvantages of
raising animals in feedlots, EXCEPT D. water runoff

A. less land use 406. When you eat eggs, your eggs most
likely came from what type of chickens?
B. uses more water
A. A laying hen
C. produces large amounts of animal
waste B. A broiler hen
D. increased antibiotic use C. A dairy hen
D. A mamma hen
401. What form of nitrogen is found in the at-
mosphere and then captured by nitrogen 407. No fishing zones are designed to fix
fixing bacteria? of fish.
A. N2 A. overharvesting
B. NH4 B. excessive aquaculture


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 53

C. overpopulation 413. How many animals are raised and killed

for food each year?
D. contamination


A. 700 million
408. The majority of the world fresh water is B. 7 billion
used in
C. 70 billion
A. industry D. 700 billion
B. transportation
414. Which of the following best describes a
C. power plants genetically modified organism (GMO)?
D. irrigation A. An organism that has been selectively
bred for the best traits
409. What may NOT lead to desertification of B. An organism that contains foreign DNA
A. no-till farming C. An organism that is produced after ex-
posure to a mutagen.
B. over grazing cattle
D. An organism that has been cloned
C. soil erosion
415. The cows and chickens we eat today are
D. none of above
considered , which means to breed or
410. Soil is important for all the following rea- manage organisms for human use.
sons except. A. erosion
A. To anchor plant roots B. domesticated

B. Air for respiration of the animal lungs C. pesticide

D. compost
C. Home and habitat for micro and macro
organisms 416. What is the Winter wheat belt?
D. Water for plant growth A. A part of North America that can not
produce crops
411. Amount of crops produced per unit area B. A part of North America where it is al-
A. Diet ways cold

B. Famine C. A part of North America where you pick

in the fall
C. Malnutrition
D. A part of North America where you
D. Yield plant in the fall

412. Pastoral Nomadism can be characterized 417. In 1960 developed countries produced
as of the worlds grains and in 2010 they
A. Extensive Subsistence agriculture
A. 1/4, 3/4
B. Livestock Ranching B. 1/3, 1/2
C. Shifting agriculture C. 1/6, 1/2
D. Intensive Subsistence agriculture D. 1/4, 1/2


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 54

418. The natural factors that affect biodiver- 423. Pesticides do which of the following?
sity are? A. Reduce pests
A. Poaching, pollution, introducing exotic B. Promote pest growth
species, habitat destruction
C. Fertilize plants
B. Captive breeding, laws/treaties, habi-
tat preservation D. Reduce crop yield
C. Climate, area, diversity of niches, ge- 424. A major concern for American Farmers is
netic diversity, and extinction of species

the depletion of
D. none of above A. aquifers
419. The country that produces the most maize B. pesticides
in the world is C. animal waste
A. Canada. D. monoculture
B. The United States.
425. the use of natural substances rather than
C. Russia. chemical fertilizers and pesticides to enrich
D. Brazil. the soil and grow crops
420. material used for the support and sta- A. Non-GMO
bility of hydroponic plants; includes sand, B. Organic Farming
gravel, peat moss and sawdust
C. Sustainability
A. artificial growing medium
D. Earth Farming
B. soil
426. In the pesticide treadmill, pests are
C. potting soil
A. Increasing resistance
D. clayey loam and humus
B. Decreasing in population
421. What is the spring wheat belt?
C. Killing other pests
A. It is part of North America that plants
grains in the spring D. Migrating to new areas
B. It is part of North America that picks 427. environmental advantage of no-till agri-
grains in the spring culture
C. It is a part of North America that al- A. less erosion
ways is warm
B. decrease in labor costs
D. None of the above
C. increased use of herbicides and pesti-
422. Soil is cides
A. The loose material on the surface of D. increased need for irrigation
the land in which plants grow.
428. Two major effects of soil erosion are
B. The part of the earth where water
gather A. water pollution and soil infertility

C. Mud and water B. desertification and salinization

D. The inner part of the earth in which C. salinization and water pollution
plants grow. D. soil infertility and desertification


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 55

429. What benefit does intercropping vegeta- C. Factory

bles such as corn with beans have? D. Store


A. provides nutrients to the ground
435. One cause of soil erosion/degradation is
B. provides moisture to the ground
A. deforestation
C. increases the input in the system
B. polyculture
D. holds the soil together
C. organic farming
430. A poison used to destroy pests D. the minimal use of fertilizer
A. Biological Pest Control
436. Why might an insect population grow
B. Pesticide
over time even after pesticides are applied
C. Genetic Engineering monthly?
D. Overharvesting A. an increase in the population of insect
431. All soil profiles begin as
B. increased soil erosion
A. weathered bedrock
C. the survival of increasing numbers of
B. thick humus
insects resistant to the pesticide
C. unweathered bedrock
D. an increase in soil and nutrients and
D. sand, silt, and clay soil microorganisms
432. A diet low in will result in the dis- 437. Overgrazing of public land is an example
order , which reduces the ability of of
the body to transport oxygen through the
A. rule of 70
B. eminent domain
A. Iron / Kwashiorkor
C. tragedy of the commons
B. Iron / Anemia
D. manifest of destiny
C. Iodine / Goiter
D. Protein / Kwashiorkor 438. Which Fishing technique is considered the
most destructive?
433. All of the following are methods of solid
A. Drift Nets
waste disposal EXCEPT:
B. Trawling
A. landfills
B. open dumping C. Baiting

C. incineration D. Breeding

D. recovery 439. The is a government agency that

serves us by enforcing and forming laws
434. Products we get from the ocean, from that protect the environment.
plants or animals that occur naturally with-
out management from humans or from A. DDT
mining. B. EPA
A. Natural Resources C. CIA
B. Farm D. FBI


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 56

440. Repellent chemicals and tough skin are 445. How many components is soil made up
both examples of of?
A. genetic engineering A. 4
B. natural plant defenses B. 2
C. 3
C. disrupting insect breeding
D. 1
D. pathogens
446. The was the period between 1950

441. China and India produce how much of the and 1970 when increases in crop yields re-
worlds total rice? sulted from the use of new crop varieties
A. 80% and the application of modern agriculture
B. 70%
A. drought
C. 60% B. persistent
D. 50% C. Green Revolution
442. Which of the following is NOT a way of D. Industrial Revolution
conserving topsoil: 447. What is a trade-off?
A. Build terraces when planting crops on A. The positive outcome of a decision
hillsides only.
B. Till down the slope instead of across it B. The negative outcome of a decision
C. Do not till the soil between plantings C. Both the positive and negative out-
come of a decision.
D. Leave strips of land untilled between
fields D. Trading Pokemon cards with your
lunch friends.
443. model is used by geographers to ex-
448. Which sector has grown in the fastest in
plain the importance of proximity to the
developed countries?
market in the choice of crops to the com-
mercial farm. A. primary

A. McKinley’s B. secondary
C. tertiary
B. Iqbel’s
D. none of above
C. Whittlesey’s
449. A is a waste disposal facility where
D. von Thünen’s
wastes are put in the ground and covered
each day with a layer of dirt, plastic, or
444. The loss of a natural habitat is called?
A. Habitat development
A. landfill
B. biodiversity B. incinerator
C. Pollution C. compost heap
D. Habitat destruction D. aquifer


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 57

450. Which of the soil layers is composed of 455. What are common plantation farming
humus and detritus? products?


A. A horizon A. Cotton
B. B horizon B. Sugarcane
C. C horizon C. Coffee
D. O horizon D. All of the above
451. excessive irrigation in drier climates
456. All of the following are true about the
leads to
Green Revolution EXCEPT
A. local and regional flash flooding
A. Takes place mainly in science laborato-
B. increased water tables ries
C. increased soil salinization B. Only tested on farms in MDCs
D. increased crop yields C. Allows for plants and animals that
452. Which is NOT true regarding of the mech- grow in conditions they normally would
anization of agriculture? not
A. The use of machines encourages farm- D. Led to the increase in industrial farm-
ers to grow several types of plants on a ing
single farm.
457. Mixture of decomposing organic matter
B. There is an economic advantage to us- used as a fertilizer
ing machines when fuel prices are low.
A. Domesticated
C. There is an economic advantage to us-
ing machines when cost of labor is high. B. Biological pest control
C. Aquaculture
D. Mechanization allows farms to take ad- D. Compost
vantage of economies of scale.
458. What is a huge problem with the overuse
453. Which trophic level would be able to feed of pesticides?
the most people?
A. bioaccumulation in the tissue of ani-
A. producers mals is passed through the food chain
B. primary consumers
B. Over time pesticide resistant species
C. secondary consumers will become less abundant
D. tertiary consumers C. high output of food
454. According to the Integrated Pest Man- D. an increase of fertilizers use
agement strategy, which of the following
would be the MOST PREFERRED method of 459. The purpose of herbicides is to kill which
pest control? of the following?
A. Synthetic (manmade) Pesticides A. insects
B. Importing natural predators B. birds
C. Stop planting crops C. rodents (rats, mice, and squirrels)
D. Plant GMO crops D. weeds (unwanted plants)


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 58

460. Which of the following is likely to mini- 465. Why do hunter/gatherer societies mi-
mize soil erosion? grate?
A. No till agriculture A. New entertainment options
B. Herbicide use B. War
C. Follow migration of plants/animals
C. High Yield crops
D. Signs from the heavens
D. Deforestation
466. Which of the following statements is

461. Which of the following works to protect true?
against the exploitation of agricultural la- A. Only animals have hearths.
B. Only crops have hearths.
A. fair trade C. Different animals and crops emerged
B. all agribusiness from different hearths.
C. plantation farming D. All domesticated animals emerged
from the same hearth.
D. suitcase farming
467. Which of the following agricultural prod-
462. The idea that land value, will decrease as ucts are not cash crops?
one gets farther away from central mar- A. cocoa
kets is.
B. coffee
A. Proximity of Location C. cotton
B. Threshing D. corn
C. Von Thunen’s Model 468. Any fuel made from biological plant mat-
D. Bid Rent Theory ter rather than fossil fuels.
A. gasoline
463. One alternative to catching fish from the
B. biofuel
ocean is , which is the process of farm-
ing fish and other aquatic organisms C. diesel
A. aquaculture D. electric

B. domesticated 469. Subsistence agriculture dominates in

C. pesticide A. Less developed countries

B. More developed countries
D. compost
C. Mid-latitude climates
464. What do we call it when an ecosystem is D. Newly industrialized countries
able to maintain its structure and be stable
over time? 470. The type of nutrient consumed most in
the world is
A. It is dependable.
A. fats
B. It is sustainable. B. protiens
C. It is independent. C. carbohydrates
D. It is adaptable. D. nucleic acids


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 59

471. Agroforestry/Alley cropping B. Ranchers had range rights, their ani-

A. Grows crops perpendicular to the mals had free reign


slope of the land C. Ranchers looked out for each other
B. Plants trees between rows of crops and fought against others
C. Growing two or more crops in proxim- D. None of the above
D. Grow different crops each season 477. Cows are classified as , because they
have the ability to break down shrubs and
472. Historians believe that Pastoral Nomads turn it into meat.
are where in the evolutionary scale?
A. poultry
A. At the bottom
B. livestock
B. Right below Hunters and Gathers
C. ruminants
C. Same as Hunter and Gathers
D. In between Hunters and Gathers and D. domesticated
Sedentary people?
478. Farms that grow organic crops are not al-
473. This is NOT a source of famine around the lowed to use
A. Botanical pesticides
A. War
B. Synthetic fertilizers and insecticides
B. Natural Disaster
C. New crop variety C. Compost and manure

D. Crop failure by drought D. Irrigation

474. The process of nutrients or minerals being 479. Nutrients or minerals are removed from
removed from soil by dissolving in water soil by dissolving in water
A. salinization A. salinization
B. aeration
B. aeration
C. compaction
C. compaction
D. leaching
D. leaching
475. Which is NOT a benefit of genetically
modified organisms? 480. Physiological density is defined as
A. Increased profits
A. the average farm production com-
B. Increased resistance to extreme pared to arable land.
B. the number of farmers as compared to
C. Increased crop yield the total population.
D. Increased genetic diversity
C. the number of people compared to
476. The “code of the west” refereed to what arable land.
for Ranchers? D. the number of farms compared to the
A. Farmers had control of the land total land area.


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 60

481. Why is the Green Revolution agriculture 486. Which of these statements accurately
NOT considered a sustainable form of agri- compares forest soils to grassland soils?
culture? A. Grassland soils have much thicker O
A. It introduced new GMO plants horizons due to the accumulation of fallen
B. The plants required large amounts of
pesticides, fertilizers, and water B. Grassland soils have much thicker A
horizons due to the deep root structure of
C. It produces too many plants
the plants

D. The plants require small amounts of C. Forest soils have much thicker A hori-
pesticide, fertilizers, and water zons because very little leaching of nutri-
ents takesplace.
482. What makes the seed?
D. The two soils have nearly identical pro-
A. Embryo, Food store, Testa
files, which each horizon being about the
B. Plumule, Testa samethickness.
C. Testa 487. What percentage of greenhouse gas emis-
D. Radicle sions caused by producing food are from
animal products?
483. Von Thünen’s Model had how many as-
A. 80
B. 60
A. 3
C. 40
B. 4
D. 20
C. 5
488. Which trophic level would be most af-
D. 6
fected by a toxin such as DDT?
484. The Earth’s available arable land is being A. producers
reduced by B. primary consumers
A. soil erosion C. secondary consumers
B. fast-growing human populations D. tertiary consumers
C. desertification
489. Which is part of an integrated pest man-
D. all of these agement?
A. no-til
485. What is a CAFO (confined animal feeding
operation)? B. increased application of pesticides
A. A place where animals eat food in the C. contour plowing
winter months D. crop rotation
B. An operation with more than 1, 000 an-
490. Given the “Clean Fifteen” and “Dirty
imals at a time
Dozen” lists we looked at, which produce
C. A small Feedlot that has 0 to 1, 000 an- would you expect to have the greatest
imals amount of pesticide residue?
D. None of the above A. Cantaloupe


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 61

B. Grapefruit 495. An organism that produces genes for

C. Avocados a trait that is not originally part of its
species’ gene code/DNA is a


D. Apples
A. Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
491. The 10% rule applies to raising plants B. Organic Organism
and animals on a farm, just like in an
ecosystem. With that in mind, how many C. Hydroponic
pounds of grain would you expect to be D. Monoculture
needed to produce 10 pounds of beef?
A. 10 pounds of grain 496. Chemical messengers that are produced
in the plant and control growth.
B. 50 pounds of grain
A. Hormones
C. 100 pounds of grain
B. Tropisms
D. Over 250 pounds of grain
C. Compounds
492. A major benefit to crop rotation would
D. Sugars
A. Several different crops produced in 497. What is sustainability?
the same year A. Meeting the needs of the community
B. Nitrogen is put into the soil, which is NOW and planning for the needs of the
needed for plants community in the FUTURE.
C. Requires less manual labor B. Meeting the needs of the community
D. Farmers can replenish the soild and NOW only.
improve agricultural productivity C. Meeting the needs of the community in
the FUTURE only.
493. Which of the Agricultural Revolutions did
not include increased usage of complex ma- D. Both the positive and negative out-
chines? come of a decision.
A. First Agricultural Revolution 498. Why does groundwater depletion hap-
B. Second Agricultural Revolution pen?
C. Third Agricultural Revolution A. People are using too little water
D. Green Revolution B. Climate change and farmers using too
much water
494. Benefits of GMO crops include
C. Bird migration
A. lower cost, keep coming back each
year to grow, no problems D. Pollution

B. slower growth, increased insects, an 499. The first agriculturalists were

decreased plant defenses
A. Commercial farmers
C. Less water to grow, resistant to pests
B. European entrepreneurs
and diseases
C. Also hunter-gatherers
D. increased profits to seed companies,
happier farmers and happy plants. D. Most likely males


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 62

500. The clay-rich layer left behind after the 506. BT corn contains genes from which type
dust storms of the Dust Bowl. of organism?
A. A Horizon A. reptile
B. B Horizon B. plant
C. C Horizon C. fish
D. none of above
D. bacteria

501. Growing different crops in succession in
the same field. This helps r eplenish soil 507. The European Union refuses to purchase
nutrients. corn and soybeans from the United States
A. clear cutting
A. the pricesare too high.
B. crop rotation
B. they are opposed to GMO crops.
C. monoculture
D. tillage C. they importcheaper commodities from
our competitors.
502. Farmers that produce food that they need D. the prices are lower.
to survive on a daily basis are called
A. Commercial agriculture 508. Most of the nutrients in soil comes from
B. Industrial agriculture A. chemical weathering
C. Slash-and-burn agriculture B. mechanical weathering
D. subsistence agriculture C. erosion
503. Which is not a reason for the inequality D. decomposition
of resource use across the world?
A. social reasons 509. A high traffic area is likely to have what
effect on soil?
B. economic reasons
A. decrease in nutrients
C. political reasons
B. increased compaction
D. religious reasons
C. increased aeration
504. Pesticides kill ?
D. leaching
A. Weeds and insects
B. Insects and other pests 510. Desertification usually occurs when
C. Weeds only A. humans leave an area alone to un-
D. Insects only dergo secondary succession
B. soil productivity decreases due to
505. Which organisms contain DNA?
drought and poor farming practices
A. Only plants
C. winds carry large amounts of sand
B. Both plants and animals from nearby deserts
C. Only animals D. irrigation water is continually used in
D. Neither plants nor animals arid regions of the country


1.3 Agriculture and Environment 63

511. What kind of food do we waste the 516. How are aquatic dead zones created?
most? A. Using fertilizers and runoff


A. Fruit, vegetables B. Spraying pollen and rockslides
B. Sweets C. Climate change
C. Dairy products D. Walls changing migration patterns
D. Herbs and spices
517. Which crop is associated with intensive
512. Which of the following best describes a agriculture?
hormone free chicken? A. Corn
A. Broad-spectrum chemical free chick- B. Rice
C. Wheat
B. Chickens with no exposure to chemical
pesticides D. Cotton
C. Most all of the chickens on the market 518. What percentage of calories fed to cows
are hormone free in the first place. It’s an gets turned into beef?
advertising gimmick. A. 52
D. The chickens in Scurry County B. 33
513. On the food chain to the right, which C. 18
organism would you expect to have the D. 3
biggest concentration (and health effects)
from the buildup of a synthetic pesticide in 519. Which of the following is not a condition
an ecosystem? necessary for germination?
A. The clovers A. Water
B. The snail B. Oxygen
C. The thrush C. Warmth
D. The sparrowhawk D. Soil

514. The result of overgrazing in semi-arid cli- 520. Why are seeds important?
mates is A. to produce the next generation of plant
A. environmental modification
B. desertification B. to act as a food store
C. aquaculture C. the cotyledon contains the first green
D. desalination leaves
D. All of the above
515. How long does it take for a clearing to
be used for farming again after Slash and 521. A process in which mixed garbage is
Burn ag? burned at very high temperatures is:
A. 1-3 years A. recovery
B. 4-15 years B. incineration
C. 6-20 years C. leachate
D. 8-23 years D. source reduction


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 64

522. In Von Thunen’s Model what was past his B. Subsistence farming
last ring? C. Monoculture
A. Nothing D. none of above
B. Unoccupied wilderness
524. Overuse of pesticides may result in ,
C. There was 8 rings the ability to survive a pesticide.
D. This was new settlements of people A. immunity

523. Farmers who grow only enough for per- B. determination
sonal or local use. C. resistance
A. Sustainable farming D. persistance

1.4 Soil and Agriculture

1. This is made of a mixture of weathered C. silt-clay-sand
rock particles and organic material (hu- D. clay-silt-sand
A. Soil 5. What can be grown on lower slopes of
B. Bedrock
A. Cotton
C. Regolith
B. Tea
D. Monolith
C. Millets
2. Recommended soil pH to maintain phos- D. Pulses
phorous in the soil.
6. Loamy soil with a dark color is good for
A. 6.5 - 7.5
A. farming
B. 6 - 6.5
B. construction
C. 6 -7
C. a lake
D. 6.5 - 7
D. nothing
3. Which type of soil is best for growing
plants? 7. Agriculture most likely began
A. 10, 000 years ago in the Middle East.
A. clay
B. 200, 000 years ago in Africa.
B. sand
C. 15, 000 years ago in China.
C. dirt
D. 150, 000 years ago in Egypt.
D. loam
8. Sustainable Agriculture
4. Which of the following is the correct order
of soil particles in order of increasing par- A. increases biodiversity
ticle size? B. reduces soil erosion
A. clay-sand-silt C. improves soil fertility
B. sand-clay-silt D. all of these choice s


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 65

9. It is the artificial application of water to 14. An example of a soil parentmaterial is

the land or soil. A. humus.


A. Irrigation B. volcanic rock.
B. Propagation C. leaf litter.
C. Revegetation D. topsoil.
D. Soil consolidation 15. Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio

10. All of the following statements about the A. 65 carbon : 35 nitrogen

degradation of soil by climate change are B. 75 carbon : 25 nitrogen
true EXCEPT C. 85 carbon : 15 nitrogen
A. Increased flooding in coastal areas D. 55 carbon : 45 nitrogen
leads to soil desalinization.
16. Farm animals such as Cows, Buffaloes and
B. Increased global temperature pro-
Sheep are known as?
duces more deserts.
A. Cattle
C. Decreased precipitation produces
more deserts. B. Livestock

D. Increased evaporation of water leads C. Domestic animals

to soil salinization D. Pets

11. Bokashi’s fermentation period 17. Which of the following can result from
soils that are too acidic?
A. 20 days
A. they create acid-mine drainage
B. 1 1/2 weeks
B. they can leach soluble heavy metals
C. 13 days
C. they can adversely affect aquatic life
D. 1 week D. they can cause neurological damage in
unborn children
12. Where does most of the water go when it
rains? 18. A tool used to identify a soil type
A. in the ocean A. punnett square
B. in the rivers B. soil triangle
C. in the gutters C. soil porosity flow chart

D. it absorbs into the soil D. LD50 graph

19. Weathering is
13. Decomposition is
A. rocks, grass, and mud.
A. nature’s way of recycling.
B. the breakdown of rocks into smaller
B. the breaking down of once living plants pieces
and animals.
C. the breakdown of wind, rain, and fric-
C. decaying tion
D. all of the above D. the weather outside


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 66

20. Which of the following best describes in- 25. Which is NOT a outcome of overgrazing?
dustrialized agriculture? A. Decreased biodiversity
A. Consumes large amounts of fossil fu- B. Soil Degredation
els, pesticides, and water
C. Increased water infiltration
B. Uses human labor and draft animals to
grow crops D. Decreased plant growth

C. Rows of crop plants are interspersed 26. The efficiency of conversion of animal feed

with rows of trees to production weight is known as
D. Uses little water or fossil fuels; relies A. FCR
on human labor B. CAFO
21. What are monocultures? C. RATIO
A. Groups of people who practice one D. the pig market
method of farming.
27. One way to prevent colony collapse disor-
B. Large expanses of a single crop type. der
C. A farming method where one type of A. create wildflower buffers near farms
pesticide is used. and highways
D. A farming where multiple crops are B. plant trees near rivers
planted in one field.
C. heavily use irrigation
22. Plant food element responsible for green- D. use insecticides
ing of the leaves
28. Ellen grabs a topsoil sample in her hand.
A. B
She rolls it into a ball. The soil feels gritty
B. C and the ball falls apart. What part of the
C. O topsoil most likely made the topsoil feel
D. None of the above
A. clay
23. Liter layer, mostly undecided materials B. sand
A. A horizon C. silt
B. B horizon D. humus
C. O horizon 29. A farmer has an infestation of aphids and
D. E horizon green flies. He introduces ladybugs, which
prey on aphids, and uses a limited dose
24. It is the process of removing unwanted of a pesticide to deal with the flies. The
plants. farmer’s approach to insect pests is
A. Crop filtering A. chemical control.
B. Grass removal B. biological control.
C. Weeding C. integrated pest management.
D. none of above D. organic pest management.


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 67

30. When there are not enough plants to hold 35. What can you do to promote sustainable
topsoil in place, water and carry the food production
topsoil away, leaving the subsoil exposed


A. eat less meat
A. sunlight B. buy certified organic products
B. birds C. eat locally grown food
C. magnetic fields D. all of these
D. wind
36. Which of these would be least likely to af-
31. Sustainable agriculture is important be- fect water holding capacity of soil?
cause while human population continues to A. humus
grow, which of the following will not?
B. pesticide
A. animal population
C. sand
B. arable land
D. clay
C. food production
37. decomposition is important because it
D. GM crops
A. gets rid of dead organisms
32. These are some problems that are associ- B. returns nutrients to the soil
ated with agriculture Except
C. creates soil
A. Land tenure, Marketing, technical
knowledge D. is a part of the circle of life

B. Rural infrastructure, credit, praedial 38. “A tree root was found wrapped around a
larceny large mass of rock splitting it into smaller
C. Climate, topography, trade pieces” the scenario BEST describes which
aspect of weathering?
D. Subsidies, biotechnology, genetic engi-
neering A. Chemical
B. Physical
33. Which is neither a Kharif nor a Rabi crop?
C. Abrasion
A. Cotton
D. Biological
B. Pulses
39. A farmer interested in raising healthy
C. Sugarcane
crops should look for a
D. Ragi
A. heavy clay soil with a high pH and a
dark color.
34. The type of soil formed is determined by
horizon. B. loamy soil with a low pH and a light
A. c horizon (subsoil)
C. loamy, clumpy soil with a neutral pH
B. R horizon (regolith/bedrock)
and a dark color.
C. A horizon (topsoil)
D. sandy soil with a high pH, no clumps,
D. O horizon (humus) and a light color.


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 68

40. You would expect to find most farmers 45. No rain at all for a long period of time
who use GM crops living in causes?
A. relatively poor, undeveloped countries. A. Drought
B. Flood
B. countries with strong environmental
protection laws. C. Earthquake

C. countries with weak environmental D. None of these


46. Which of the following best describes the
D. relatively wealthy, developed country Green Revolution?
41. Fermentation period of fortified organic A. An international effort to stop the con-
fertilizer. struction of nuclear power plants
A. 20 days B. A group whose goal is to improve how
B. 1 1/2 weeks nations affect the environment
C. 13 days C. Increasing the yield of farmland by us-
D. 1 week ing more fertilizer, better irrigation, and
faster growing crops
42. Which statement BEST summarizes the
D. A method of getting more people to re-
Tragedy of the Commons?
cycle paper and cardboard
A. Self-interestsoutweigh public interest
B. Publicinterests outweigh self-interest 47. Which method, according to you, can bring
about the maximum increase in crop pro-
C. Itis all right to be selfish as long as you duction in our country in future?
think of the big picture.
A. Increasing land under cultivation
D. Itis a tragedy when biodiversity disap-
pears. B. Using more manures and fertilisers

43. What was one of the major causes of the C. Less wastage in storage
Dust Bowl? D. Using better varieties of crop plants
A. Cold and windy weather
48. When land becomes more desertlike be-
B. Increasing prices and demand for cause of human activity or climate change.
A. Erosion
C. Removal of grasses and overfarming
B. Desertification
D. Sandy soil composition that would not
stay in place C. Salinization

44. The soil that we know now was formed D. Compost

49. The most fertile soil is known as?
A. Rocks
A. Alluvial soil
B. Weathered rock fragments with or-
ganic matter, water and air B. Red soil
C. Inorganic materials from rocks C. Black soil
D. None of the above D. All of these


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 69

50. Groundnuts and Pulses are grown in which 55. Silt and sand are concentrated here
soil? A. A horizon


A. Red soil B. B horizon
B. Black soil C. E horizon
C. Desert soil D. O horizon
D. Alluvial soil
56. What is undernutrition?
51. What can you add to a compost pile to help A. Receiving too many calories than rec-
the organic material decompose? ommended; commonly causes heart dis-
A. Food Scraps ease.
B. Water B. Lack of specific nutrients, like vitamins
and minerals, in the diet.
C. Sticks
C. Receiving fewer calories than the min-
D. Earthworms
imum dietary requirements.
52. Which type of soil can hold the greatest D. Severe deficiency of calories, less than
amount of water? 200 a day: not enough calories are taken
A. sand in for daily activities and human function.
B. silt 57. Term that refers to a dry climate
C. clay A. arable
D. loam B. taiga
53. CHOOSE the option which BEST describes C. arid
non-conventional farming systems: D. temperate
A. System that utilises natural ways of
58. Climate which favours agriculture
growing crops
A. Hot and humid
B. An agricultural practice that incorpo-
rates the use of natural methods namely B. Dry and cold
organic farming, hydroponics, and grow C. Hot and dry
boxes to produce healthy crops for con-
D. Moist and low temperature
sumption and the environment.
C. A system of farming that utilizes in- 59. How would you describe the texture of
organic chemicals such as pesticides to “sandy” soil?
spray crops A. sticky
D. All of the above B. gritty
54. The process of soil formation takes how C. smooth
many years? D. slimy
A. Ten 60. Fertilizer use for treatment of pond, lakes,
B. Hundred rivers, sewage systems
C. Thousand A. Bokashi
D. Millions B. Mud ball


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 70

C. Fortified compost fertilizer 66. For Rabaris of Gujarat and Rajasthan,

which animal is a part of their life?
D. Fortified organic fertilizer
A. Cow
61. The is the topmost layer of the soil. It B. Camel
is dark brown coloured soil which mainly
consists of organic matter, decomposed C. Buffalo
material and many living organisms includ- D. Goat
ing some microbes, earthworms and other

worms 67. FOOD

A. R horizon (regolith/bedrock) A. HELPS IN GROWTH

B. C horizon (subsoil)
C. A horizon (topsoil)
D. b horizon (subsoil) FERENT ACTIVITIES
62. India ranks in egg production.
A. First 68. Soil sizes of particles

B. Third A. Soil texture

B. Soil profile
C. Fifth
C. Soil solumn
D. Seventh
D. Parent rock
63. It involves knowledge of farm machines or
69. it means garden culture.
equipment and their proper uses.
A. Agriculture
A. Agriculture
B. Horticulture
B. Animal Science
C. Agronomy
C. Agricultural Engineering
D. Landscaping
D. Agricultural Science
70. Chicken, Geese, Turkeys and Ducks are
64. Nitrogen fixing bacteria. reared on which farms?
A. Lactobacillus A. Poultry
B. Bifidobacteria B. Fish

C. Rhizobium C. Dairy

D. none of above D. All of these

71. Who is known as “friend of farmers” as

65. Percentage of organic matter in the soil. it helps to turn over soil?
A. 5% A. Cow
B. 80% B. Earthworm
C. 10% C. Pesticides
D. 50% D. Fertilizers


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 71

72. The concentration of a toxin that will re- 77. Which cattle breed produces an average of
sult in the loss of 50% of a population 6, 150 kg of milk a year?


A. LD50 A. Gir
B. CAFO B. Deoni
C. NH4 C. Jersey
D. TP50 D. Holstein

73. The Caribbean Development bank (CDB), 78. The soil is made of FOUR major compo-
CARICOM, Caribbean Agricultural Re- nents, which sequence BEST represents
search and Development Institute (CARDI) this
are all examples of A. Water, dirt, minerals, and air
A. International Agencies in Agricultural B. Organic matter, air, fossils and pri-
development mary minerals
B. Financial institutions involved in agri- C. Organic matter, Inorganic matter, wa-
culture ter, air
C. Regional institutions involved in Agri- D. All of the above
culture development
79. Mature soil forms
D. None if the above A. very rapidly
74. The layer where minerals that were B. over thousands of years
leached out of layers above accumulate C. within 2-3 years
A. A horizon D. never
B. B horizon
80. On desert farms continual use of irrigation
C. E horizon can cause large mineral deposits on surface
D. O horizon of the soil and lead to this condition
A. water logging
75. When land becomes more desert-like be-
B. salinization
cause of human activity, overgrazing, etc.
C. soil erosion
A. Erosion
D. all of these
B. Desertification
C. Salinization 81. What are shelterbelts?

D. Compost A. Rows of trees or other tall plants that

are places along a field, developed area,
76. This type of weathering occurs when rock or road to decrease wind speeds and pre-
is physically broken down into smaller vent soil disturbance
pieces of rock. B. Trees planted in urban areas like cities
A. mechanical weathering to prevent wind damage and increase air
B. chemical weathering
C. Planting tall trees or plants on top of
C. erosion weathering buildings in cities to increase air quality
D. deposition and decrease the urban island effect.


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 72

D. Areas of trees planted between urban 87. A mixture of soil, loam, and detritus; the
and suburban areas. topsoil
82. A rancher interested in the quality of the A. A horizon
soil in her pasture might use which aspect B. B horizon
of soil as a quick indicator of the pasture’s
overall fertility? C. E horizon
A. color D. O horizon

B. smell
88. “Round-up ready” crops are genetically
C. structure modified to
D. pH and Taste A. be resistant to glyphosates
83. A loam soil structure allows for seeds that B. resist freezing temperatures
are planted in it to grow and flourish. the
C. reproduce quickly and enable farmers
plants roots has adequate space that al-
to save seeds
lows for the passage of in the soil. The
soil is described as having good D. be easier to harvest
A. earthwormswater
89. What grows well in black soil?
B. microorganismair
A. Rice
C. waterwater holding capacity
B. Wheat
D. water retentionpore space
C. Groundnut
84. Movement of soil and rocks from one place
to another is called D. Cotton
A. weathering 90. GM foods are engineered to resist herbi-
B. humus cides so that
C. erosion A. humans won’t be put at health risk
D. none of above from pesticides.

85. What are the types of weathering that the B. insect pests will avoid the crops.
soil undergo? C. the crops will grow more efficiently.
A. Physical, chemical and traditional D. farmers can use heavier doses of pes-
B. Chemical, physical and hydration ticides for weeds without killing the crop
C. Biological, parent material, chemical
D. Biological, physical and chemical 91. To solve the problem of climate faced due
to scarcity of rain, Government is helping
86. types of farming meet farmer’s family is
known as
A. subsistence farming A. Cooperative farming

B. commercial farming B. Lending money

C. mixed farming C. Building canals
D. intensive farming D. Providing tractors


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 73

92. In which soil crops cannot grow? 97. Organic Farming

A. Desert soil A. increases biodiversity


B. Red soil B. reduces soil erosion
C. Mountain soil C. improves soil fertility
D. Black soil D. all of these

93. Which of the following is NOT considered 98. Place kept for grazing of animals such as
as Macronutrients? Goats and Sheep is known as?

A. C A. Estate

B. O B. Pastures
C. Plantations
C. B
D. Breeding
D. Ca
99. Topsoil contains the nutrients for plants to
94. When a farmer has to use many different grow and it is located in this soil horizon
pesticides to keep the same bug out of his
crop we call it A. A

A. pesticide overuse syndrome B. C

B. the chemical effect C. O

C. pesticide syndrome D. B

D. the treadmill effect 100. Plant food element responsible for early
root formation and growth.
95. What are the two ways nitrogen gas is
A. N
turned into a form plants and animals can
use? B. P
A. lightning & bacteria C. K
B. bacteria & worms D. None of the above

C. lightning & worms 101. Soil composed of the finest particles

D. bacteria & fungi A. clay

96. You dig a small hole in the soil and the next B. silt
day it rains. The hole fills with water, but C. humus
does not empty even after several days D. loam
of dry weather. What is the soil mostly
made of? 102. Which is NOT a factor in soil texture?
A. clay A. Clay
B. sand B. Precipitation
C. humus C. Silt
D. silt D. Sand


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 74

103. Decayed organic material turns into dark D. The growing of a single crop in one par-
colored material called ticular area over many years
A. litter 108. The organic matter in soil is
B. clay A. humus
C. humus B. bits of rock
D. soil C. minerals

104. Choose the option that best describes D. all of the above
food security
109. Which of the following is a secondary
A. A nation should be able to to feed itself plant food element?
first and foremost
A. N
B. Encouragement of local production
and supplementing with importation B. P

C. Access to sufficient, safe and nutri- C. Mg

tious food D. Mn
D. All of the above 110. Which farming technique is often used on
105. What is the repeated movement of nitro- sustainable farms?
gen compounds between the atmosphere, A. Heavy pesticide use
the soil, and living organisms? B. Natural pest control
A. the carbon cycle C. Monocultures
B. the water cycle D. Plowing and tilling
C. the nitrogen cylce
111. An extreme example of over use of the
D. none of above land coupled with a severe drought was
106. is recognised as a powerful supple- known as
ment in inventing new hybrid varieties of A. the Dust Bowl
seeds. B. the Cabbage Bowl
A. Food Corporation of India C. the Bole Weevil
B. Genetic Engineering D. the Bowling Alley
C. Cash Crop
112. What is the movement of soil from one
D. none of above place to another?
107. What does monoculture mean? A. weathering
A. A game to acquire as much money and B. deposition
property as possible C. discharge
B. The growing of multiple crops in one D. erosion
particular area over many years
C. The growing of multiple types of an- 113. Chemicals used to kill insects, weeds, and
imals in one particular area over many other pests
years A. Salinization


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 75

B. Pesticide C. Irrigation
C. Biological pest control D. Agriculture


D. Genetic engineering 119. It is the process of growing plants and
raising animals for food, clothing, and
114. One method that may keep slash and
other useful products.
burn farming from being repeated, is to
use A. Agriculture

A. alley cropping B. Animal Science

C. Agricultural Engineering
B. the army to stop the practice
D. Agricultural Science
C. monoculture
D. more pesticides 120. Genetic engineering relies on place in a
gene that codes for a desired trait into the
115. Which of these would have the greater of a different organism from the or-
amount of humus? ganism where the gene was originally har-
A. topsoil vested.
A. protein
B. subsoil
B. amino acid
C. bedrock
C. helix
D. E horizon
D. genome
116. What soil type is typically found on the
121. What are some things that you can add
top of soil?
to a compost pile?
A. Humus because it made up of dead, or-
A. leaves, apple core, and tin foil
ganic matter
B. grass clippings, banana peel, and
B. Loam because it is lighter than the newspaper
other layers
C. egg shells, plastic spoon, and ziploc
C. Clay because it is not able to fit bags
through the finer particles
D. metal fork, rubber spatula, and
D. Rock because the other layers are shoelaces
more dense
122. What are the three components of soil?
117. Overuse of the aquifer could cause A. insects, sand, topsoil
another soil catastrophe in the mid-west.
B. clay, sand, humus
A. Ogallala
C. topsoil, subsoil, bedrock
B. surface
D. earthworms, sand, silt
C. ocean
123. As a farmer, you would be most con-
D. glacial cerned with the quality of the soil in the
118. The organic substance obtained from A. O horizon.
dead plants and animal wastes is B. A horizon.
A. Manure C. E horizon.
B. Fertilizer D. R horizon.


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 76

124. It is the initial cultivation of the soil in 130. Fish farming is also known as?
preparation for sowing seed or planting to A. Pisciculture
loosen or turn the soil.
B. Cattle breeding
A. Plowing
C. Dairy farming
B. Soil Preparation
D. None of these
C. Leveling
D. Sowing 131. Which soil type is the best at retaining

125. What is the term used when plant of the
A. Loam
same kind are grown and cultivated at one
place on a large scale? B. Sand
A. farming C. Clay
B. vegetable farming D. Silt
C. crop 132. Weeds can be defined as
D. plant A. Useful plants present in the field
126. Which soil particle is the SMALLEST? B. Undesirable plants present in the field
A. sand
B. silt C. Plants that cannot be used at all
C. clay D. Undesirable insects present in the
D. they are all the same size
133. Which of these shows the correct order
127. what is cultivation of vegetable and or-
of the soil horizons?
namental plants called?
A. horticulture
B. pisciculture B. ABCDE

C. sericulture C. OAEBCR

D. viticulture D. ROABC

128. What is the required amount of organic 134. Date and Palm trees can be grown in
matter in organic agriculture which soil?
A. 50% A. Alluvial soil
B. 40% B. Red soil
C. 30% C. Mountain soil
D. 20% D. Desert soil

129. Soil rich in organic matter 135. What soil is best for growing plants?
A. clay A. clay
B. humus B. sand
C. loam C. mud
D. sand D. topsoil


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 77

136. Moisture content of organic fertilizer. 140. It is the process of planting seeds.
A. 35%-40% A. Initial planting


B. 25% -40% B. Seeding
C. 30%-40% C. Leveling
D. 25%-35% D. Sowing

137. As an agriculture science student, explain 141. agriculture is defined as

to a group of farmers THREE ways in A. art and science of cultivating the soil
which global warming is likely to affect and rising crop and livestock
their crops and animal production. B. science of cultivating
A. disrupt food availability C. art of cultivating the soil and rising
B. increase in temperatures and extreme crop
weather conditions D. science of cultivating livestock
C. changes in rainfall patterns
142. Which layer in the soil will have the
D. All of the above greatest concentration of organic nutri-
138. The average food item in the United
States travels 2400 km to reach the buyer. A. A
One alternative to this energy-inefficient B. B
practice is C. C
A. treating the food with preservative D. O
B. buying locally produced food. 143. Salinization of soil can be caused by all of
the following EXCEPT
C. buying organic food.
A. flooding in coastal areas
D. buying GM food.
B. rising temperatures
139. How is mechanical weathering different C. excessive irrigation
from chemical weathering? D. drip irrigation
A. Chemical weathering happens over
much shorter time frame than mechanical 144. Breaking down or wearing away of rocks
weathering. is called

B. Chemical weathering changes the A. weathering

chemical composition of rocks; mechan- B. humus
ical weathering does not. C. erosion
C. Chemical weathering occurs only in D. none of above
tropical climates; mechanical weathering
occurs only in cool climates. 145. Many plants cannot grow in clay soil.
D. Chemical weathering occurs only in Why is this true?
the mountains; mechanical weathering oc- A. Clay soil does not have many nutrients.
curs only on flat land.


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 78

B. Roots cannot easily push through clay 151. Color of the soil can tell you
soil. A. soil pollution
C. Water doesn’t drain well through clay. B. a quick answer if the soil is healthy for
D. All of these choice s.
C. whether you need to add more nutri-
146. Which of the following is rich in organic ents
nutrients? D. how much it has rained

A. Potash
152. A resistance to pesticides can cause
B. Ammonium Sulphate
A. cancer
C. Urea
B. altered DNA
D. Compost
C. biotech foods
147. weathering D. super bugs
A. can cause droughts
153. Which chemical controls pests
B. starts erosion
A. Fertiliser
C. creates nutrients
B. Pesticide
D. creates soil
C. Herbicide
148. Which of the following is not a type of
soil? D. Fungicide

A. minerals 154. is the process of loosening and turn-

B. clay ing of the soil.
C. topsoil A. Threshing
D. sand B. Ploughing
C. Levelling
149. After a catastrophe, soil formation is the
first step in D. Manuring.
A. primary succession. 155. The three numbers on a bag of fertilizer
B. secondary succession. represent all of the following EXCEPT
C. a climax community. A. nitrogen
D. none of above B. phosphorus
150. When plants, animals, and other organ- C. magnesium
isms die, they break down and become D. potassium
part of the soil. What is this part of the
soil called? 156. The science of agriculture includes
A. sand A. Management of plants and animals
B. silt B. Management of plants
C. clay C. Management of animals
D. humus D. Management of humans.


1.4 Soil and Agriculture 79

157. The deep, underlying non-soil materials C. Gathering

A. B horizon D. Selling


B. E horizon
163. The Fertilizer which do not use soil in
C. O horizon
D. Bedrock
A. Bokashi
158. Which type of irritation results in the B. Mud ball
greatest amount of water lost to evapora-
tion?I. Flood irrigationII. Drip irrigationIII. C. Fortified compost fertilizer
Low-pressure central pivot irrigation D. Fortified organic fertilizer
A. I only
B. II only 164. Soil erosion is the process by which the

C. III only A. the land surface(top soil) is removed

by wind, water or ice
D. II and III
B. formation of soil form rocks
159. Which of these would be the first
step when using Integrated Pest Manage- C. rusting of soil
ment? D. None of the above
A. Crop Rotation (Cultivation method)
165. overgrazing, overcropping, and defor-
B. Chemical Pesticides
estation impact erosion because of
C. Nets (Mechanical Removal)
A. weathering
D. Introducing a predator species
B. soil
160. Soil with the largest pores
C. humans
A. clay
D. wind
B. humus
C. sand 166. Classification of plant which life cycle is
D. silt completed in one season only.
A. Annual
161. Which of the following is the largest par-
ticle in soil? B. Biennial
A. sand C. Perennial
B. silt D. Seasonal
C. humus
167. One advantage to confined animal feed-
D. clay
ing operations is their
162. It is the process of gathering mature A. efficiency
plants from the fields and marks the end
of the growing season of the crop. B. pollution
A. Marketing C. use of antibiotics
B. Harvesting D. humane treatment of the animals


1.5 Terrace Farming 80

168. All the following are examples of the role C. bioaccumulation of pesticides
and importance of agriculture except: D. lower death rates
A. Foreign exchange
170. Your friend tells you she’s decided not
B. Food security to use pesticides or synthetic chemicals on
C. Marginalization her farm; instead she’ll rely on composting
and biological pest control. She is practic-
D. Employment ing

169. All of the following are negative impacts A. industrial agriculture.
of food production EXCEPT B. monoculture.
A. increased erosion C. organic agriculture.
B. air pollution from fossil fuels D. sustainable agriculture.

1.5 Terrace Farming

1. Crops that cannot be grown using terrace 5. what is the most basic type of farming usu-
farming are ally run by a family who work on their
A. Coffee own land??

B. Sugarcane A. conventional farming

B. mixed farming
C. Rice
C. subsistence farming
D. Fruits
D. commercial farming
2. Which crop is grown using Terrace Farm-
ing? 6. Which crop is grown using terrace farming
A. Rice A. Rice

B. Tea B. Potato

C. Maize C. Coffee
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
7. What is another name for terrace farm-
3. What are the types of terrace farming
A. Bench farming A. Roof farming
B. Ridge farming B. Top farming
C. All of the above C. Step farming
D. None of the above D. Slope farming
4. Where did Inca people live? 8. What are the types of Terrace Farming?
A. Mexico A. Bench Farming
B. North America B. Ridge Farming
C. South America C. all of the above
D. Central America D. none of the above


1.5 Terrace Farming 81

9. Bench terracing is also called as 15. What do farmers use to manage water?
A. Hill farming A. Pipes


B. Staircase farming B. Hose
C. Erosion control farming C. Aqueducts
D. None of these D. Well

10. what does the word terrace mean?? 16. What is the right statement about Terrace
Farming from the Following?
A. roof top
A. It reduces growth of crops
B. stairs
B. It reduces the speed of wind
C. farm
C. It prevents soil erosion
D. none of above
D. It is done on plains
11. why is farming done on mountains
17. Who invented terrace farming?
A. it is easy to do
A. Africans
B. it is different to do
B. America
C. since it looks good
D. preventing soil erosion due to heavy
D. Wari culture and other peoples of the
south-central Andes
12. The kind of farming through which steep
18. Terrace Farming is done in which region?
areas can also be used for cultivation is
classified as A. Mountains
A. Forestation B. Coastal
B. Deforestation C. Plains
C. Terrace Farming D. Sea
D. Conventional Farming 19. Terrace farming is practised in the areas
where land is
13. terrace farming is also called
A. too hot
A. mountain farming
B. too wet
B. mixed farming
C. prone to insects
C. step farming
D. too steep
D. sedentary farming
20. What is terrace farming
14. Step farming is performed on
A. Farming on the terrace
A. Slope of hills
B. Farmers cut steps on the mountains to
B. Dry areas grow crops and maze
C. Peak of hills C. Farmers farming on a piece of land
D. Terraces D. none of above


1.5 Terrace Farming 82

21. Where did the Inca people live? C. Punjab

A. South America D. Gujarat
B. Mexico 28. where is terrace farming done
C. North America
A. on mountain steps
D. Central America
B. on the terrace
22. Which crop can’t be grown well on higher C. in a swimming pool

D. none of the above
A. Potato
B. Maize 29. What do you mean by terrace farming?

C. Rice A. It is the method if growing crops for

them selves
D. Barley
B. Terrace cultivation, method of growing
23. Which of these is not a type of Terrace crops on sides of hills or mountains by
Farming? planting on graduated terraces built into
A. Bench Type the slope.
B. Ridge Type C. It is the method by which farmers man-
C. Roof Farming age water

D. none of above D. It is a method by which farmers pre-

vent soil erosion form happening
24. What are the advantages of Terrace Farm-
ing? 30. Which state is known as Apple state of In-
A. It reduces floods
A. Himachal Pradesh
B. It prevents soil erosion
B. Jammu & Kashmir
C. It provides more area of land for culti-
vation C. Nagaland
D. All the options D. Uttarakhand

25. Terrace Farming helps to 31. Why is terrace farming done on moun-
A. Prevent Soil Erosion tains??
B. Prevent Water Loss A. It is different to do
C. Prevent carrying away of plants B. It is easy to do
D. All the Above C. Since it looks good
D. Preventing soil erosion due to heavy
26. Soil erosion is caused because of
A. Cutting down of trees
B. Terrace farming 32. Which farming method helps in reducing
soil erosion?
C. Afforestation
A. Arable Farming
D. None of the above
B. Extensive Farming
27. In India, Terrace Farming is practiced in
C. Terrace Farming
A. Haryana
D. Intensive Farming
B. Uttarakhand
1.6 Hill Sheep Farming 83

1.6 Hill Sheep Farming


1. Where is the farm located? a. Oklahoma 6. Who travelled to Denmark?
b. New Mexico c. New York d. Texas A. Allen
A. a B. Great Grandfather Wayne
B. b C. David
C. c
D. none of above
D. d
7. How many students can the farm hold? a.
2. What does athletics do for the students at 200 b. 100 c. 225 d. 300
Happy Hill Farms? a. builds self-discipline
A. a
b. builds trust c. breaks communication
barriers d. both a and b B. b
A. a C. c
B. b D. d
C. c 8. What is the name of the tractor?
D. d A. Sara
3. How do the farmers earn most of their B. Faithful Ebenezer
money? C. Faithful Red Lion
A. By selling the meat of the sheep. D. none of above
B. By selling the sheep at a nearby mar-
ket. 9. Who ran the Smiling Hill Dairy?
C. By shaving and selling the wool from A. Aunt Sara
the sheep. B. Cousin John
D. By having the sheep eat the leftover C. Martin
grasses of the summer time.
D. none of above
4. There are three parts of a hill side farm.
10. Where did a hill sheep farm get its name?
Which part do you think is the best for
sheep to graze? A. It is a sheep farm that is located on a
A. High fell
B. The sheep farm is close to a hill.
B. Allotment
C. The sheep farm’s name is Hill Farms
C. Inbye
D. none of above
D. none of above

5. Who was the district school teacher? 11. Days are busy and very structured. How-
ever, structure benefits these students be-
A. David cause it gives them something to depend
B. Milly on and teaches them
C. Damaris Drybread A. self discipline
D. none of above B. blandness


1.6 Hill Sheep Farming 84

C. lack of discipline B. Cousin John

D. indulgence. C. Uncle Willam

12. How are the children divided in the home? D. none of above
a. check and level system b. level and star 17. What do the sheep eat in the winter when
system c. check and box system d. none grazing is not always possible?
of the above
A. Leftover grasses that sick out of the
A. a snow.

B. b B. They eat the grasses of the pastures
C. c that do not have snow.
D. d C. They eat the oats, barley and turnips
that were grown during the summer and
13. Modern machinery are not used on a hill stored in large barns.
side farm. Why do you think that is?
D. They go to the farm house and eat the
A. Because sheep farming does not need food that the farmers give them.
a lot a machinery.
18. What do the farmers do in the winter to
B. Because machinery are very expen-
keep the weaker sheep safe?
sive and sheep farmers cannot afford it.
A. They are brought down to the lower
C. Because the rain in Britain will destroy
the machinery. B. They are kept in a bran.
D. Because the valley sides are too steep C. They are sold before the winter comes.
and inaccessible for tractors.
D. They are given extra nutrients and vi-
14. What discipline rearing theory does the
tamins to keep them healthy.
farm use? a. Moore Discipline Theory b.
Lee Canter Discipline Theory c. Scottish 19. Sheep farming plays an important role in
Right Discipline Theory d. all of the above South African and makes a major con-
A. a tribution in respect of animal fibre, meat
and dairy products.
B. b
A. agriculture
C. c
B. tourism
D. d
C. sports
15. Who married the governor’s nephew?
D. none of above
A. Aunt Sara
20. Who taught Milly how to make
B. Penny Sauerkraut?
C. Rachel Morgan A. Aunt Sara
D. none of above B. Minnie
16. Who was the clock peddler? C. Betsey
A. Alonzo Fish D. none of above


1.7 Desertification and its Control 85

1.7 Desertification and its Control


1. what is desertification 6. Desertification is the most serious at the
A. a mixture of hills and rain. of deserts.
B. Desertification is a type of land degra- A. edge
dation in which a dry area becomes a B. centre
C. southern part
C. desertification is when you sneeze and
your country becomes a desert. D. western part
D. desertification is when a desert area 7. Which has been a major cause of desertifi-
becomes a green land. cation?
2. Magic Stones can also help by A. years of uncontrolled flooding
A. Adding more litter B. overuse of the land by the people
B. Preventing water from washing away C. heavy seasonal winds coming off the
the nutrients desert
C. By washing away the nutrients D. sharp and unexpected changes in the
D. To drink climate
3. The definition of Desertification is 8. What is the name of the grassland that lies
A. Land that is fertile and able to grow on the southern edge of the desert in North
plants Africa?
B. the process of ocean water losing salt A. Sahel
B. Serengeti
C. the process in which land loses fertil-
ity and ability to grow plants C. Sahara

D. giving humans the advantage of having D. Rift Valleys

fertile soil
9. How much of Africa is covered or prone to
4. An unusually long period of time where lit- Desertification
tle to no rain falls. A. 65%
A. marginal land
B. 15%
B. drought
C. 90%
C. desertification
D. 70%
D. pastoral nomads
10. What term describes the loss of vegeta-
5. In the Sahara and Sahel Region, the coun-
tion and trees?
tries that are located here, are
A. Industrialized A. deforestation
B. Less Developed B. desertification
C. More Developed C. desalinization
D. Highly Populated D. physical scarcity


1.7 Desertification and its Control 86

11. In the Sahel, overgrazing, poor farming C. destruction

methods, and drought have resulted in a
D. desert
decrease in the grassland region. What is
this process called? 16. Increasing desertification will most likely
A. Deforestation causes
B. Unequal distribution A. an increase in farming
C. Desertification B. a reduction in arable (farmable) land

D. Environmental Pollution C. an increase in standard of living
12. How is desertification linked to over culti- D. an increase in infant mortality rate
17. The U.N. is helping residents fight defor-
A. Over cultivating land leads to more estation by using what method?
A. Encouraging diet of only fish.
B. Land becomes more fertile
B. Helping residents move out of the Sa-
C. The need to produce more food can
lead to the soil becoming exhausted. It
will turn into dust and become infertile. C. Increased animal husbandry.
D. Land produces high yields D. Training residents to use smarter
farming practices.
13. The Sahel Region is
A. located south of the Sonoran Desert in 18. What is NOT a solution to desertification?
North America. A. Replanting trees
B. located south of the Saharan Desert in B. Filling the soil with organic matter
C. Placing rows of stones in the soil
C. is a region located within the Gobi
Desert. D. Cutting down trees
D. is the only known desert located in 19. An economic indicator that would be im-
Eastern Europe. pacted greatly in this region would be
which of the following?
14. Which area of Africa is most at risk for de-
sertification? A. literacy rate
A. The Sahel B. life expectancy
B. The Sahara C. infant mortality rate
C. The rainforests of the Congo River D. all of the above
D. The Namib Desert of southern Africa 20. Reverse osmosis uses to remove salt.
A. filters
15. The method of removing salt and other
minerals from sea water is: B. wind turbines
A. dehydration C. oxygen
B. desalination D. pressure


1.7 Desertification and its Control 87

21. Desertification is a major problem in 27. What good is most likely to be shipped on
A. Sahel the Congo River?


B. Savanna A. petroleum
C. Tropical Rain Forest B. technology
D. Madagascar C. timber
22. Sandstorms and migration are possible D. fresh drinking water
negative consequences of:
28. The desert is the largest desert in the
A. Deforestation
B. Desalination
A. Thar desert
C. Desertification
B. Gobi desert
D. none of above
C. Sahara desert
23. What was the MAIN cause of the Dust
Bowl D. Great Sandy desert
A. Migration 29. Why is soil erosion a cause of desertifica-
B. Grass eaters tion?
C. Desertification A. Soil is covered by trees and plants
D. Nothing B. Linked with desertification due to soil
24. What is a drought? being exposed to wind and rain causing
the soil to be destroyed.
A. Loss in vegetation
C. Vegetation destroyed by flooding
B. Allowing animal herds to consume all
vegetation D. Vegetation destroyed by intensive
C. A long period without rainfall farming

D. When fertile soil turns barren 30. Desertification is the most serious in
25. The ’Great Green Wall’ helps to put what China.
back into the soil? A. Northeast
A. Stones B. Southwest
B. Soil C. Central
C. Trees
D. Northwest
D. Nutrients
31. What affect does the Sahel’s climate and
26. The process by which dry land is trans-
physical characteristics have on population
formed into desert like conditions is
A. Few people live here
A. deforestation
B. desertification B. Many people live here
C. evaporation C. There is no effect
D. demarcation D. none of above


1.7 Desertification and its Control 88

32. What can help Africa less prone to deserti- 38. One of the main causes of desertification
fication? Select All that Apply is
A. Cut off unwanted limbs of trees A. storing water indoors
B. Search for Africa’s Dying part B. overgrazing of livestock
C. Help separate Africa C. clearing trees for larger cities
D. Leave D. people irrigating their farms

33. The Sahel is a dry region in western 39. process of land turning into desert due to
Africa. deforestation and drought
A. ocean A. deforestation
B. grassland B. desertification
C. desert C. industry
D. fertile D. drought

34. is desertification good? 40. The most common method of desalination

A. Yes
A. heat evaporation
B. No
B. reverse osmosis
C. Maybe
C. solar power
D. Not Sure
D. wind power
35. is an indirect cause of desertification.
41. The process of the desert expanding into
A. Increasing population levels
areas that had formerly been farmland is
B. Niger called
C. Congo A. deforestation.
D. Zambezi B. defarmlandification.
36. All of the following are ways to slow de- C. desertification.
sertification EXCEPT: D. resanding.
A. Protect the top soil
42. What destroyed the grassland and forests
B. rotate crops that were once found in the Sahel?
C. plant trees A. years of heavy flooding
D. increase farming for more crops B. the development of factories

37. Desertification will lead to an increase in C. continuous farming and over-grazing

D. repeated use by nomads and camel
A. degraded land caravans

B. land productivity 43. What best describes Desertification?

C. soil fertility A. Land degradation in dry areas
D. arable land B. Increased rainfall in a region


1.7 Desertification and its Control 89

C. Frequent and prolonged sandstorms C. human environment interaction

D. When tropical climates see increases D. all of the above


in humidity
49. Which of the following is NOT a human ac-
44. Which of the following provinces / regions tivity that causes desertification?
has the highest percentage of desertified A. Cutting down trees
B. Drawing out water from wells
A. Inner Mongolia
C. Climate change
B. Ningxia
D. Overgrazing
C. Xinjiang
50. Desertification is:
D. Gansu
A. a naturally occurring event due to con-
45. Desertification can cause a humanitarian tinual droughts
crisis because
B. both natural and a man made activity
A. Large amounts of humanity may be at caused by lack of precipitation and contin-
risk from a lack of food and resulting mal- ual overuse of the land and its resources
B. The increase in deserts will cause a C. is man made but the impact on Earth
lack of fresh, clean water. is very limited
C. Expansion of the desert can lead to a D. is permanent and nothing can be done
loss of homes and farmland, resulting in a to prevent the causes or effects
refugee crisis.
51. A growing population can lead to the need
D. All of the above. for more food, which ultimately can lead
46. Why does overgrazing lead to desertifica- to the need for:
tion? A. Loose top soil
A. Loss of grass destroys the soil. B. Debrine
B. Loss of grass causes droughts. C. Desalination
C. Increase in vegetation destroys the D. none of above
52. The effects of desertification include
D. Increase in vegetation protects
A. More food
against droughts.
B. More water
47. What is millet?
C. More famine
A. a fish that swims in the Nile
D. More visitors
B. a type of grain
53. Desertification impacts:
C. a farming method
A. less than 10% of Earth’s land
D. a way to rotate crops
B. is limited to the area around Africa’s
48. The CAUSES of desertification are: Sahara and Kalahari deserts
A. drought C. is greater than 75% of Earth’s land
B. flooding D. approximately 1/3 of land on Earth


1.7 Desertification and its Control 90

54. is considered one of the results of de- 59. How is desertification linked to Population
sertification. Pressure?
A. Destroying a tropical rain forest A. Animals eat vegetation so no grass cut-
around Lake Chad in the southern edge ting is needed
of the Sahel. B. Land is protected by more people so
B. Pollution. desertification is avoided
C. Trade Barrirer C. More people and animals leads to

greater use of subsistence farming.
D. Water Pollution
D. Population increase can result in land
55. An underground water source that pro- close to edge of deserts being overgrazed,
vides vegetation and well watered land, in more animals eating vegetation leads to
a desert is called an destroyed land.
A. Oasis 60. Which of the following are effects (results)
B. Spout of desertification?

C. River A. overpopulation, poor sanitation, para-

D. Ocean
B. starvation, poverty, migration
56. Which isn’t part of the nutrient cycle C. dams, irrigation, transportation
A. Soil D. logging, settlement, agriculture
B. Biomass 61. Desertification sped up from the late
C. Litter 1960’s to the early 1980’s because of a
severe drought. An effect of this is that
D. Weather

57. With desertification, without the plants A. people chose to stay in rural areas
that held it in place, the fertile topsoil B. the crops were used for commercial
would be sales
A. given new life C. the economy was at an all time high
B. washed away D. crops failed and many people died
C. allowed to have new growth
62. How much of East Africa is prone or cov-
D. multiplied ered to Desertification
A. 65%
58. What are the two reasons why safe, clean
water is hard to find? B. 45%
A. dead bird and whales C. 100%
B. air pollution and fog D. 30%

C. water pollution and unequal access to 63. Which of the following is one of the causes
water of desertification?
D. none of above A. Clearing land for more homes


1.7 Desertification and its Control 91

B. Cutting trees and bushes for firewood C. Asia

D. Europe


C. Wild animals eating all of the plants
69. What good is most likely to be shipped on
D. larger numbers of migrating birds the Niger River?
64. Which answer is incorrect The Sahel is A. petroleum
at risk because of B. technology
A. Low population which is decreasing C. timber
B. Changing weather patterns leading to D. fresh drinking water
prolonged drought
70. leads to poor soil.
C. Poor farming practices
A. flooding
D. Over farming leading to soil erosion
B. desertification
65. What is desertification? C. dirty water
A. Land is gradually turned into a desert, D. decreased population
usually on the edges of an existing desert.
71. Which of the following are the causes of
B. Area of desert with low precipitation
A. logging, settlement, agriculture
C. The process of turning an cake into a
dessert B. animals grazing, poor soil, poor farm-
ing practices
D. Area at risk of high precipitation
C. overpopulation, poor sanitation, para-
66. Most countries in the SW Asia/North sites
Africa region have little rain fall so they D. dams, irrigation, transportation
72. Is an expansion of dry conditions into
A. spring water
moist areas that are next to deserts.
B. wadi water
A. Ocean
C. desalinated water
B. Forest
D. wells C. Desertification
67. The process by which land becomes in- D. Tundra
creasingly dry to a point of being useless.
73. Dirty water makes it hard for Africans to
A. desertification go to work or school because of illness,
B. marginal land money must be spent on medicine, and
there is no time to work or start a busi-
C. drought
ness because of time spent fetching water.
D. pastoral nomads All of this leads to in Africa.
68. Which of the following continents has the A. Happiness
largest desertified area? B. Healthiness
A. Africa C. Entrepreneurship
B. South America D. Poverty


1.7 Desertification and its Control 92

74. Which is a result of desertification for the 80. An EFFECT of desertification is:
people living in the Sahel region? A. food shortages
A. increased tourism
B. strong economies
B. more jobs in manufacturing
C. growth of new plant life
C. increased starvation and poverty
D. all of the above
D. decreased support from the United Na-
tions 81. Are deforestation and desertification re-

75. What effect does poor soil and deforesta-
tion have on land in Africa? A. Desertification and deforestation are
the same thing.
A. provides more jobs
B. Deforestation contributes to desertifi-
B. increases poverty cation
C. increases food productions C. They are not related to one another.
D. has ended HIV/AIDS D. Desertification leads to deforestation.
76. All of these pollute water in Africa except
82. What are some solutions to combat deser-
A. raw sewage tification?
B. toxic mining chemicals A. Encourage the use of firewood rather
C. water purification plants than coal.
D. pesticides B. Increase the growth of cash crops that
require a lot of water.
77. Ways of fighting Desertification, are
C. Create walls of vegetation that break
A. rotating crops the wind storms from eroding the land.
B. improving irrigation systems D. Grazing animals in the same fields year
C. educating farmers after year.
D. all of the above 83. Overgrazing means
78. Which of the following can cause desertifi- A. allowing herds to drink water in the
cation? grasslands
A. Using wood for fuel, rather than coal. B. traveling from place to place
B. Wildfires C. excessive grazing which causes dam-
C. Building houses on dry land. age to grasslands
D. All of the above. D. leaving herds unattended

79. What region in Africa is most vulnerable 84. What does the word Nomadic herding
to desertification? mean?
A. Sahel A. staying in one place
B. Savanna B. movement from place to place
C. Sahara C. creating dwellings in the desert
D. Tropical Rainforest D. giving homes to foster pets


1.8 Water Resources 93

85. Which areas are at risk of desertificia- B. Shoveling

tion? C. Burying


A. Polar regions D. Rotating
B. Areas at the edge of deserts
87. Which region in Africa is most vulnerable
C. Tropical rainforests to deforestation?
D. UK A. Sahel
86. crops is defined as growing different B. Sahara
crops in a field in different years. C. Savanna
A. Consuming D. tropical rainforest

1.8 Water Resources

1. Acid mine drainage causes 5. Humans use fresh water primarily for:
A. air pollution A. mining and industrial process
B. water pollution B. electrical production
C. subsidence C. agricultural irrigation
D. erosion D. global nuclear power energy produc-
2. Nutrient-rich water that will support a
large community of plants and animals is 6. Which of these countries is mainly covered
called with forest land?
A. oligotrophic
A. India
B. potable
B. Japan
C. eutrophic
D. mega-trophic
D. All of these
3. Which of the following reduces the use ex-
posures to toxic chemicals? 7. is an international treaty to prevent
species from becoming endangered or ex-
A. Crop dusting
tinct because of international trade.
B. No-till agriculture
A. Convention on International Trade in
C. Intercropping Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
D. IPM Flora
B. Consultative group for International
4. Which of the following is a major factor of
Agriculture Research
soil formation?
A. Parent Rock C. The International Treaty on Plant Ge-
netic Resources for Food and Agriculture
B. Time
C. Relief D. Convention on the Conservation of Mi-
D. None of the above gratory Species of Wild Animals


1.8 Water Resources 94

8. Which of the following is a renewable C. sinkholes

source of energy?
D. drought
A. Coal
B. Natural Gas 14. is the water that collects in spaces and
soil underground.
C. Ethanol from soybeans
A. Soil water
D. Petroleum
B. Groundwater

9. The majority of Earth’s water is found in
C. water vapor

A. glaciers D. ice caps

B. oceans 15. are the main source of power genera-
C. ground tion
D. rivers and lakes A. Border security force
10. When irrigation water evaporates, salts B. Multi purpose river project
are left behind on the soil surface and can C. Ancient Hydrau;ic structures
cause plant death or lead to
D. Irragation system
A. soil salinization
B. desertification 16. What is the percentage of saltwater com-
C. waterlogging pared to freshwater?

D. monocropping A. 97% Fresh; 3% Salt

B. 90% Fresh; 10% Salt
11. In a residence, which uses the most
amount of water daily? C. 90% Salt; 10% Fresh
A. toilets D. 97% Salt; 3% Fresh
B. drinking
17. irrigation can be used in dry regions,
C. washing machine where evaporation is very high.
D. dishwasher A. Sprinklers
12. Over-irrigation can result in B. Bucket
A. salinization C. Save Water
B. water diversion D. Drip irrigation
C. recharge
18. When plants die, their decomposition de-
D. sediment capture
pletes the water of
13. Withdrawing too much water from an A. nutrients
aquifer can cause all of the following ex-
cept B. minerals
A. water stress C. carbon dioxide
B. land subsidence D. oxygen


1.8 Water Resources 95

19. For which of the following activity is land C. lipids

D. protein


A. Agriculture
B. Mining 24. Community land is also known as

C. Forestry A. Private land

D. All the above B. Personally land

20. Which of the following is not a solution to C. Govt. Land

domestic water conservation? D. Common property resources
A. using gray water for watering lawns
and gardens 25. Western Rajasthan today plenty of water
is available due to:
B. charging a flat fee for water use in-
stead of using water meters A. Rooftops water harvesting
C. replacing lawns with native plants that B. Perennial Rajasthan canals
need little to no irrigation C. construction of Tankas
D. flushing toilets only when necessary
D. None of these
21. Sustainable use of forests in the United
States would likely be encouraged by 26. Water that seeps into the soil may become

A. cutting small groups of medium- and

large- sized trees in uneven-aged forests A. aquifer
B. clear-cutting old-growth forests to al- B. water reclamation
low for secondary succession C. groundwater
C. logging on steep slopes in designated D. reservoir
wilderness areas
D. allowing road building in wilderness ar- 27. Which heavy metal is the second most com-
eas so that older, clear-cut forests have mon cause of impairment of rivers and
time to regenerate lakes?

22. The stage of sewage treatment that re- A. lead

moves specific chemicals such as nitrates B. mercury
and phosphates
C. iron
A. Primary
D. sulfur
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary 28. Which nutrient is usually responsible for
D. Disinfection causing eutrophication in fresh water?
A. phosphorous
23. Fish are the most important source of
for many maritime nations. B. salt
A. fluoride C. mercury
B. carbohydrates D. oxygen


1.8 Water Resources 96

29. An area of the Earth’s surface from which 35. The process in which the concentration of a
water percolates down into an aquifer. toxin increases as it moves through a food
A. water table chain
B. watershed A. Biological accumulation
C. recharge zone B. Biological magnification
D. river system C. Biological remediation
D. Biological restoration
30. This is the loss of water due to evapora-

tion, absorption, or contamination which 36. An underground layer of rock or soil
cannot be returned in a useable form. through which water easily moves.
A. water stress A. runoff
B. water consumption B. water reclamation
C. water withdrawal C. aqueduct
D. water scarcity D. aquifer
31. The disagreement has not yet turned into 37. growth and climate change will create
open additional challenges.
A. conflict A. Agricultural
B. plumbing B. Population
C. Population C. resources
D. none of above D. none of above
32. IPM is likely to use all of the following 38. What is the driving force of the water cy-
techniques EXCEPT cle?
A. intercropping. A. evaporation from the ocean
B. habitat creation for pest predators. B. heat from the sun
C. planting herbicide-resistant crops. C. precipitation from rainfall
D. increased use of traditional pesticides. D. runoff from mountains
33. Which one of the following is not an ad- 39. A person needs approximately liter(s)
verse effect of dams? of water a day.
A. Interstate water disputes A. One
B. Displacement of population B. Two
C. Excessive sedimentation of Reservoir C. Three
D. Flood control D. Five
34. Groundwater is primarily used for 40. Most water pollution is the result of
A. industrial uses. A. natural processes
B. irrigation. B. animal waste
C. personal uses. C. human activities
D. drinking water. D. acid rain


1.8 Water Resources 97

41. Several and industry groups, including B. Water the lawn during the day.
the National Association of Homebuilders, C. Let leaky faucets drip.
the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association,


and the American Farm Bureau Federa- D. Take baths instead of showers.
tion issued statements in support of the
46. Where is most of the freshwater on Earth
A. agricultural
A. in underground aquifers
B. conflict
B. in low salt oceans
C. resources
C. in groundwater
D. none of above
D. locked up in ice, snow, and glaciers
42. Reclamation is
47. Which type of land use would allow more
A. not required in the US.
water to percolate through the soil to be-
B. a process that causes significant envi- come ground water?
ronmental damage.
A. residential
C. returning the land back to its original
condition after mining B. forest

D. required for every country and every C. a parking lot

type of mine in the world. D. agricultural
43. What is a barrier across flowing water 48. Hirakud Dam is constructed on the river:
that obstructs, directs or retards the flow,
A. Ganga
often creating a reservoir, lake or im-
poundment? B. Manjira
A. Canals C. Manas
B. Embankment D. Mahanadi
C. Dams
49. Groundwater in the US is
D. Lakes
A. found everywhere
44. Species of some animals are on the verge B. is primarily found in the central plains
of extinction as their population has de-
creased considerably. Such species are
known as C. is found all across the nation, but some
areas have little to none
A. Endangered Species
D. is only found along the coastlines
B. Extinct Species
C. Dead Species 50. For a well to provide water, it must reach
D. Hidden Species
A. above the water table
45. Which of the following is a way to con-
B. below the water table
serve water?
A. Turn the faucet off when you brush C. above an aquifer
your teeth. D. into a reservoir


1.8 Water Resources 98

51. As urbanization increases and natural soil 56. Many contain phosphates.
surfaces are covered, the groundwater
A. detergents
supply is reduced due to
B. oil-based products
A. increased evaporation and transpira-
tion C. fertilizers
B. decreased surface runoff D. detergents and fertilizers
C. loss of recharge area 57. Which oxides are responsible for the for-

D. confinement of aquifers mation of acid rain?
A. Iron and Sulfur
52. Unfortunately, the surface fresh water
is not equally distributed throughout the B. Iron and Nitrogen
world. C. Nitrogen and Sulfur
A. access D. Carbon and Nitrogen
B. agricultural
58. Which of the following states has rights to
C. available water from the Colorado River?
D. none of above A. Oregon
53. Which of the following is NOT a way to B. California
conserve soil? C. Montana
A. Plant trees or vegetation. D. Texas
B. Create wind barriers.
59. 90% of the total world population resides
C. Allow water to runoff and erode bare in of the land area.
A. 10%
D. Terrace land for farming.
B. 20%
54. What energy source is responsible for all C. 30%
of the fossil fuels, the water cycle, and
even biomass energy? D. 40%
A. Petroleum 60. Monocropping has a number of disadvan-
B. Coal tages. These include all of the following
C. The Sun
A. Erosion due to exposure of large areas
D. Wind of soil during planting.
55. is known as B horizon. B. Nutrition and pesticide needs should
be similar throughout a single crop.
A. Parent Rock
C. Pests are likely to attack a monocrop
B. Sub soil
due to the high concentration.
C. Top soil
D. Loss of habitat for natural pest preda-
D. Organic layer tors.


1.8 Water Resources 99

61. Which of the following do farmers do to 67. Where most freshwater is found in
prevent soil erosion on steep slopes? A. Groundwater


A. Contour plowing
B. Lakes
B. Terracing
C. Glaciers
C. Plant trees to slow the wind
D. Sea water
D. Crop Rotation
68. In which state is bamboo derio irrigation
62. Land use for building homes and small com- prevalent
A. Nagaland
A. Recreational Land
B. Meghalaya
B. Residential Land
C. Transport Land C. Mizoram

D. Commercial Land D. Manipur

63. What type of Animal Eats Plants? 69. one method of desalination is
A. Herbivore A. forcing the water through a filter,
which removes salt from the water
B. Carnivore
C. Insectivore B. saturating the groundwater so the wa-
ter table rises, and thus decreasing the ra-
D. Frugivore tio of salts within the groundwater
64. Which of the following type of tree har- C. the use of hydroponic agriculture so
vesting is the most detrimental to the en- water and salts are not added to the
vironment? ground during irrigation
A. Strip Cutting D. planting only drought-resistant vege-
B. Selective Cutting tation, reducing the amount of water
needed in home gardens and in agricul-
C. Clear Cutting
D. Partial Harvest
70. Which of the following is climate change
65. What type of system targets individual most likely to contribute to?
plants and introduces water directly into
the soil? A. reduced rainfall in high latitudes
A. desalination B. increased rainfall in high latitudes
B. reverse osmosis C. increase in rainfall across the world
C. waterlogging D. reduction in rainfall across the world
D. drip irrigation 71. Which of the following would NOT help
66. A region of land that drains into a river. prevent future flooding?
A. water reclamation A. Building of Dams
B. watershed B. Protecting wetlands
C. aquifer C. Protecting Forests
D. irrigation D. Expansion of urban areas


1.8 Water Resources 100

72. Which of the following species is extinct? C. Carbon Dioxide

A. California Condor D. Calcium Carbonate
B. Passenger Pigeon
77. A term meaning “disease causing”.
C. Red Wolf
A. Eutrophic
D. Whooping Crane
B. Hygienic
73. Living things will most likely be affected if
there were a shortage of water on Earth C. Septic

because D. Pathogenic
A. living things would not be able to live,
reproduce, or regulate their own temper- 78. Bacteria, viruses, and parasitic worms are
ature. considered and must be removed from
B. living things would not be able to ab-
sorb and transport heat or regulate their A. heavy metals
own temperature. B. solid waste
C. living things would not be able to re- C. pathogens
produce or absorb and transport heat.
D. poisons
D. living things would not be able to reg-
ulate their own temperature, live, or ab- 79. One process used to obtain fresh water
sorb or transport heat. from salt water is
74. For Sanders, whose presidential campaign A. coagulation
four years ago challenged Hillary Clinton
B. filtration
for the Democratic nomination, the land-
scape at this key point is much different C. recharge
as are the at his disposal. D. desalination
A. conflict
B. population 80. Underground tanks seen in Rajasthan to
store rainwater for drinking is called:
C. resources
A. Tankas
D. none of above
B. Khadins
75. What factors have aggravated the water
C. Ponds
and energy problems in India?
A. Multiplying urban centres D. Kul
B. Dams 81. The Portion of water that flows across the
C. Afforestation surface that does not soak into the ground
and runs into water bodies
D. Agriculture
A. what
76. All life forms, plant or animals, need this
to survive: B. fertilizer
A. Soil C. erosion
B. Water D. runoff


1.8 Water Resources 101

82. The surface of a layer of saturates 87. Which of the following rivers is not having
ground. any multipurpose river project?


A. water table A. Satluj
B. groundwater B. Mahanadi
C. watershed C. Narmada

D. reservoir D. Yamuna

88. What is algal bloom?

83. What percent of water is available for hu-
mans to use? A. Extremely rapid growth of algea
A. 50 B. Water becomes cloudy
B. 25 C. Too much of nutrients

C. 3 D. none of above

D. less than 1 89. Largest concentration of fresh water in the

84. landscaping using plants adapted to dry
A. Delaware River
B. Yardley Pond
A. xeriscaping
C. Great Lakes
B. algal bloom
D. Missouri River
C. cultural eutrophication
90. Coliform bacteria are bacteria that live
D. red tide
A. in distilled water
85. Irrigation has also changed the cropping B. in solid rock
pattern of many regions with farmers
shifting to water intensive and commer- C. anaerobic conditions
cial crops. This has great ecological con- D. the intestines of humans and animals
sequences for the soil, What is it?
91. A flowing network of water
A. Salinasation of the soil
A. river system
B. Contamination of the soil
B. watershed
C. Pollution of the soil
C. basin
D. Excess of chemical
86. India hydroelectric power contributes ap- 92. The land that water flows across or under
proximately percent of the total elec- on its way to a stream, river, or lake is
tricity produced. called
A. 20% A. conservation
B. 22% B. land form
C. 25% C. runoff
D. 23% D. watershed


1.8 Water Resources 102

93. Where is the majority of Earth’s water C. Surface runoff

found? D. Oceans
A. glaciers
99. Making it illegal to to release pollution
B. oceans from a point source without a permit, the
C. ground was the single most important law to
D. rivers and lakes prevent water pollution.
A. Pollution Water Act

94. State officials say 20, 000 people have
moved to nearby Chico, boosting that B. Clean Water Act
city’s by more than 20% and putting C. Pollution Water Law
a strain on public services.
D. Chemical Water Act
A. access
100. Which major category of water use
B. plumbing
would include watering grain to feed to
C. population livestock?
D. none of above A. personal
95. Which of the following sectors utilize most B. agricultural
of the surface and ground water? C. industrial
A. domestic use D. electrical
B. agriculture
101. Throughout the world, the majority of
C. hydroelectricity water is used for
D. industries A. irrigation
96. People in developed countries tend to eat B. industrial uses
more C. humans and animals
A. corn D. cooling towers of power plants
B. potatoes
102. What is turbidity?
C. meat
A. a measure of how polluted water is
D. rice
B. a measure of how much bacteria is in
97. One way that water helps living things is rivers
that it C. a measure of how much salt in water
A. regulates temperature. D. a measure of how clear the water is
B. transport oxygen.
103. Which of the following are examples of
C. absorbs heat. indirect water usage?
D. produce nutrients. A. drinking water
98. Which is not a source of fresh water? B. growing fruits and vegetables
A. Glaciers and ice sheets C. taking a shower
B. Groundwater D. doing laundry


1.8 Water Resources 103

104. Assertion (A) - A bird like Vulture is im- C. Mizoram

portant for the ecosystem.Reason (R) - A
D. Madhya Pradesh
vulture feeds on the dead livestock and so


it cleanses the environment. 109. Sometimes, the water table naturally
A. Only A is corrrect rises to the surface creating
B. Only R is correct A. aquifers.
C. Both A and R are correct and R is the B. wells.
correct explanation of A
C. drainage basins.
D. Both A and R are correct and R is not
the correct explanation of A D. springs.

105. Since the 1950’s, has been added to 110. Most of Earths fresh water (70%) is
the drinking water in many cities. used for ?
A. fluoride A. Agriculture (farming)
B. calcium B. Industry (making products)
C. chloride salts C. Domestic (at home)
D. lead D. none of above

106. What is the uppermost level at which the 111. From the 200 houses, the net amount of
water is a given area fully saturates the rainwater harvested annually amounts to
rock or soil? litres.
A. Aquifers A. 100, 000
B. Springs B. 150, 000
C. Water Table C. 200, 000
D. Groundwater Recharge
D. 125, 000
107. Which of the following is an example of
112. is an artificial pond with raised edges
sustainable use of natural resources?
used for agriculture.
A. continuously strip mining coal deposits
in an area A. shaduf

B. clear-cutting a forest B. paddy

C. harvesting huge populations of fish C. aqueduct

from a fishing shoal D. chinampa
D. planting multiple crops together on
a field and harvesting them at different 113. during whose reign were the dams, lakes
times and irrigation system built extensively
A. Ashoka
108. Bamboo drip irrigation system is preva-
lent in: B. Chandragupta Maurya
A. Manipur C. Akbar
B. Meghalaya D. None of these


1.8 Water Resources 104

114. An area of Earth’s surface where water C. there will be a decrease in run-off
percolates down into the aquifer
D. there will be a decrease in sedimenta-
A. water shed tion
B. river system
120. Which of the following is not an example
C. recharge zone of an off-stream use?
D. zone of saturation
A. Agriculture

115. Which of the following does NOT result B. Thermoelectrric
from surface mining?
C. Commercial
A. soil erosion
D. Recreation
B. loss of habitat
C. lowered albedo 121. On which one of the following rivers Met-
D. black lung disease tur dam is constructed?
A. Kaveri
116. As rock becomes more porous
B. Krishna
A. The more water it can hold
C. Godavari
B. The less water it can hold
C. The porosity of rock does not deter- D. Mahanadi
mine how much water it can hold
122. what is one way humans pollute water?
D. none of above
A. chemical waste from factories is some-
117. Which marine zone has the highest NPP? times dumped into rivers and lakes
A. open ocean B. driving cars
B. the bathyal zone C. swimming in the ocean
C. coastal estuaries D. dumping their pet gold fish in a lake
D. coral reefs
123. Desalination is
118. are barriers constructed on rivers to
control the flow of the water. A. removing salt from water

A. Persian wheel B. removing oil from water

B. Canals C. removing toxic chemicals from water
C. Wells D. adding salt to water
D. Dams
124. Which of the following are not causes of
119. How does clear-cutting of forests change water scarcity?
the water cycle? A. Growing population
A. there will be an increase in transpira-
B. Growing of water intensive crop
C. Expansion of irrigation facilities
B. there will be an increase in evapora-
tion D. Water harvesting techniques


1.8 Water Resources 105

125. Environment: A. Irrigation (diverting water away from

A. Where something exists or lives original water source to farm lands)


B. Making something new out of some- B. Building dams
thing old C. Droughts
C. Protecting things in nature D. none of above
D. Prevent leakage in landfills 131. Ecosystem services performed by forests
include; I. Carbon sequestation II. Aid in
126. Which one of the following determines
aquifer recharge III. Provide wildlife habi-
the land use pattern?
A. climate A. II only
B. topography B. III only
C. minerals C. I and III only
D. all the above D. I, II, and III
127. Which of the following is an example of 132. Which among the following is not a peren-
the direct use of water? nial river
A. food production A. Ganga
B. making plastic B. Indus
C. generating electricity C. Brahmaputra
D. washing clothes D. Narmada

128. the buildup of salts in the surface layers 133. The addition of excess nutrients to wa-
of soil terways from human sources is called
A. salinization
A. natural
B. xeriscaping
B. anthropogenic
C. runoff
C. cultural
D. algal bloom
D. both anthropogenic and cultural
129. Why is groundwater so important?
134. Pollution traced to a single point
A. Water is ancient and can’t be replaced,
only recycled A. water shed
B. permeable
B. It’s all the water we have
C. point source pollution
C. Desalination is expensive and can’t be
used in the central plains D. non-point source pollution
D. Most water on earth isn’t freshwater 135. All of the following are environmental
and most freshwater comes from ground- disadvantages of dams used to produce en-
water sources ergy, EXCEPT
130. Which of the following is NOT one of the A. flooding downstream is reduced
ways in which humans directly can change B. flooding destroys terrestrial lands and
water resources? displaces people


1.8 Water Resources 106

C. migration and reproductive patterns of 141. Which sector uses the most water?
some fish species are disrupted A. agriculture
D. the amount of nutrient rich-silt reach- B. industry
ing downstream ecosystems is reduced
C. household
136. Which of these is example of community D. none of above
A. A bungalow 142. In which state is the 200-year-old sys-

tem of tapping stream and spring water
B. Sunderban forests by using bamboo pipes still prevalent?
C. The Parliament House A. West Bengal
D. None of these B. Rajasthan
137. Which of the following is an example of C. Meghalaya
a positive feedback loop? D. Shillong
A. Your brain saying you are hungry
143. the GREATEST use of water globally is
B. A thermostat maintaining a certain
temperature in your house A. agriculture

C. Exponential population growth B. residential use

D. Pesticide resistance C. recreation

D. municipal management
138. This is the total amount of water taken
from a water body and much of this wa- 144. From greatest to least, rank the primary
ter could be returned to circulation in a uses of fresh water around the world.
reusable form. A. personal, industry, agriculture
A. water stress B. industry, agriculture, personal
B. water consumption C. agriculture, industry, personal
C. water withdrawal D. industry, personal, agriculture
D. water scarcity
145. What is an algal bloom
139. eliminate or reduce flooding A. bacteria in water
A. houses B. the rapid growth of a population of al-
B. animals gal
C. dams C. algae on rocks near a river
D. agriculture land D. the rapid growth of bacteria

140. The direct effect of eutrophication of a 146. How might a flood affect the population
body of water is of an area?
A. Decreased DO levels A. reduce population
B. Fish kills B. increase population
C. Increased turbidty C. increase available resources
D. Algal Bloom D. reduce the need for resources


1.8 Water Resources 107

147. It is a mechanical way of lifting water C. Red

from open wells with the help of animals D. None
like buffaloes or camels.


A. Persian wheel 153. Artesian aquifers
B. Tube wells A. have problems with subsidence
C. Dams B. often are contaminated with salt water
D. Canals
C. contain water under pressure
148. Which of the following is the most de-
structive and most difficult to reclaim? D. have hard water
A. strip mining 154. The geological layer, consisting of under-
B. open pit mining ground caverns and porous layers of sand,
C. mountaintop mining gravel, or bedrock, where groundwater
flows, is called
D. subsurface mining
A. zone of saturation
149. Which part of Earth absorbs the MOST
B. aquifer
C. surface water
A. oceans
B. soil D. none of above

C. atmosphere 155. Which hold water until it is needed?

D. rivers and lakes A. dams
150. What is not a stage of the water cycle? B. reservoirs
A. Compaction C. aqueducts
B. Evaporation D. valleys
C. Percolation
156. Water stored below the Earth’s surface
D. Transpiration is called:
151. One disadvantage of desalination is that A. Groundwater
B. Bogs
A. the process kills fish.
C. Water in the ground
B. the process uses fuel that is expensive.
D. none of above

C. the process makes water that is un- 157. In the United States, most of the fresh
safe to drink. water we use-about 74 percent of it-
D. the process is too difficult to carry out comes from
in big cities. A. surface water sources.
152. Earth is known as planet. B. aquatic supplies.
A. Blue C. aquifers.
B. Green D. the ocean.


1.8 Water Resources 108

158. What type of irrigation is most effi- 164. Trees in these shed their leaves in a
cient? particular season in order to conserve loss
A. Flood irrigation of moisture through transpiration: (select
the incorrect one)
B. Drip irrigation
A. Evergreen Forests
C. Spray irrigation
D. Furrow irrigation B. Tundra
C. Deforestation
159. The remote village that has earned the

rare distinction of being rich in rainwater? D. Deciduous forest
A. Gari
165. Experts suggest that world wide , of
B. Kaza
the water people use is wasted through
C. Gendathur evaporation, leaks, and other losses.
D. None of these A. 99%
160. The stage of sewage treatment that uses B. 50%
aeration tanks to remove organic wastes
C. 66%
A. Primary
D. 25%
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary 166. Icebergs in Greenland are examples of
D. Disinfection water.

161. which of the following should you not use A. Surface Water
grey water for? B. Ground water
A. irrigation C. Frozen Water
B. gardening
D. Atmosphere
C. flushing the toilet
D. cooking 167. what is true about eutrophication in lakes
and other bodies of water?
162. are small channels through which wa-
ter from the rivers or dams is diverted to A. it is always natural
the fields. B. it is always artificial
A. Rivers C. it can cause too much algae to grow
B. Wells
D. none of above
C. Dams
D. Canals 168. Resources:

163. What causes an urban heat island? A. Water, soil, minerals, wildlife, forests
A. large forested areas B. Prevent leakage in landfills
B. pavement and concrete C. Chemicals being released into oceans,
C. climate change lakes, rivers, etc.
D. mass transit D. Smoke and harmful gases


1.8 Water Resources 109

169. Which of the following practices is not a B. Making something new out of some-
good stewardship practice to help wildlife thing old
and conserve our natural resources?


C. Protecting things in nature
A. Soil Conservation D. Where something exists or lives
B. Pollution of ground water
175. This is when an animal lives on land.
C. Protection of surface water
A. Aquatic
D. Providing shelter for wildlife
B. Aerobic
170. Tropical evergreen forest is also known C. Wildlife
D. Terrestrial
A. coniferous
176. upper surface of the zone of saturation
B. equatorial forest
A. Surface Water
C. temperate
B. Confined aquifer
D. monsoon forest
C. water table
171. On which river is the Bhakra Nangal Dam D. transpiration
A. Jhelum 177. The following are the benefits of rivers
in India
B. Chambal
A. Rivers bring flood and destroy proper-
C. Satluj ties
D. Chenab B. Rivers obstructs the way and give
hardship to people to cross
172. One of the greatest pollution threats to
ocean ecosystems today is: C. Rivers are helpful for dumping indus-
trial, domestic and sewage wastes
A. sewage
D. Rivers provide water for drinking and
B. biodegradable substances irrigation
C. plastics
178. Water pollution that is scattered or dif-
D. discarded antibiotics fuse, having no specific location where
they discharge into a particular body of
173. Rivers and lakes that have clear water
water, such as runoff from farm fields
and low biological productivity are said to
and livestock, golf courses, parking lots,
is called?
A. red tide
A. atmospheric depositon
B. eutrophic
B. non-point source pollution
C. oligotrophic
C. point source pollution
D. oxygen sag
D. water pollution
174. Land pollution: 179. What is an inexpensive solution to pro-
A. Littering and dumping illegally on the viding everyone with more fresh water to
ground use?


1.8 Water Resources 110

A. desalination 184. is the world’s largest producer of di-

amonds, gold and platinum
B. water conservation
A. India
C. drilling more wells into aquifers
B. Antartica
D. building more dams
C. Africa
180. What is the issue with impermeable sur- D. Australia
faces and their impact on water?
185. All of the land area that supplies water

A. Impermeable surfaces increase the to a particular river system is included in
amount of water entering into the ground a(n)
A. aquifer.
B. Impermeable surfaces increase runoff
B. water table.
and prevent water from reaching the
ground C. watershed.
C. Impermeable surfaces have little ef- D. recharge zone.
fect on groundwater but increase atmo- 186. Minerals are
spheric water concentrations
A. nonrenewable
D. none of above
B. renewable
181. As a result, providing clean water to de- C. pretty
veloping countries is an important goal for D. scarce and expensive
187. Genetically modified crops offer all of the
A. Agricultural
following advantages except:
B. contaminated A. We no longer need to use herbicides.
C. international B. Reduce water usage
D. none of above C. Shorten growing seasons.
D. Increased yields
182. What determines the colour and texture
of soil? 188. Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification are
A. Time associated with what kind of pollution?

B. Climate A. Nutrient
B. Toxic Chemical
C. Relief
C. Sediment
D. Parent Rock
D. Thermal
183. The systematic removal of rock or other
189. Thorny shrubs and scrubs grow in area
substance for financial gain.
A. smelting A. Heavy rainfall
B. mining B. low rainfall
C. urban farming C. Moderate rainfall
D. forestry D. None of the above


1.8 Water Resources 111

190. Dams are also known as river valley D. Atmospheric patterns are complex and
projects. varied, making hurricane prediction and
study difficult.


A. Multipurpose
B. Multi planned 195. Lands managed by agencies of the gov-
C. Multi used
A. National Parks
D. Planned
B. National Rivers
191. The breaking up of rocks is known as C. Public Lands
A. Erosion D. Restricted-use Lands
B. Reclamation
196. The presence of water fleas is
C. Degradation
A. a sure sign of polluted water
D. weathering
B. a bad omen
192. What is a watershed? C. unsanitary
A. Land that collects and channels water D. an indication that the water is rela-
froma small body of water to a larger body tively clean
of water
197. Which of the following is NOT part of the
B. the shape of the land determined by el- water cycle?
A. evaporation
C. A natural stream of water of consider-
B. condensation
able volume
C. biomagnification
D. a river and all its tributaries
D. precipitation
193. Cultural eutrophication can result from
pollution. 198. More than 2, 400 American service mem-
bers have been killed in the
A. nutrient
A. conflict
B. toxic-chemical
B. plumbing
C. nutrition
C. resources
D. toxic-biological
D. none of above
194. Which of the following is not true about
199. Pesticides:
A. Sprays that kill bugs
A. Hurricanes are fueled by the energy
stored in warm tropical ocean waters. B. Water, soil, minerals, wildlife, forests

B. A majority of Earth’s inhabitants do not C. Where something lives

live close enough to coastal areas to be af- D. Smoke and harmful gases
fected by tropical cyclone.
200. The term subsidence refers to
C. Hurricanes are tropical cyclones that
contain winds in excess of 119 km/hr (74 A. failure of the groundwater supply
mph) or more. B. accumulation of silt behind a dam


1.8 Water Resources 112

C. sinking of ground when water has 206. Which of the following are 2 characteris-
been withdrawn tics of forests that develop when fires are
D. intrusion of salt water into a freshwa- suppressed?
ter aquifer A. Large quantities of dead biomass on
the forest floor and Larger trees develop.
201. is the water that collects in spaces
B. Tree density decreases and Fire-
A. Soil water intolerant species decrease in number.

B. Groundwater
C. under pools C. Fire-tolerant species that need fire
to germinate seeds increase in popula-
D. ice caps tion and Increased canopy coverage elim-
inates understory growth.
202. Which is an advantage of surface min-
ing? D. Tree density decreases and biomass
on the forest floor becomes scarce.
A. topsoil erosion
B. habitat loss 207. To what is most of the water used in agri-
culture (farming) lost?
C. efficient
A. Evaporation
D. increased stream turbulence
B. Runoff
203. What sector uses the largest amount of
C. Pollution
fresh water?
D. Plants
A. Household
B. Agriculture 208. Unfortunately, the available surface
fresh water is not equally throughout
C. Industrial
the world.
D. Transpiration
A. contaminated
204. mining turns groundwater into a non- B. distributed
rewable resource.
C. international
A. groundwater
D. none of above
B. underwater
209. When water changes from a GAS to a
C. underground
D. surface
A. Condensation
205. Which is the most appropriate method to B. Evaporation
check soil erosion on steep slopes?
C. Precipitation
A. shelter belts
D. none of above
B. terrace farming
210. the ogallala aquifer is a one time deposit
C. mulching of water and has such a slow recharge rate
D. contour barriers it is


1.8 Water Resources 113

A. not replenishing at the rate it is being 215. A cost-benefit analysis done to investi-
used, and one result is land subsidence gate a proposed mine site would likely
take which of the following into account?


B. protected by state laws and is there-
I. The medical costs of mine worker injuries
fore underutilized
II. The cost of environmental restoration of
C. suffering from severe salinization as the site when it is shut down III.The value
water infiltrates the ground and dissolved of the ore to be extracted from the mine
minerals are added to the aquifer
A. II only
D. increasing each year with the expec-
B. I, II, and III
tation that the rate of increase will grow
as the climate changes and brings more C. I and II only
storms to the Great Plains D. I and III only
211. Which of the following can cause floods? 216. Evaporation from the leaves of pants into
A. Dam breakage the atmosphere

B. Tsunamis A. Surface Water

C. Landslides B. Confined aquifer

C. water table
D. All of these are correct
D. transpiration
212. Which of the following factors make an
earthquake deadly? 217. One of the advantages to using geneti-
cally modified organisms (GMOs) is
A. ground type
A. reduce the need for pesticides
B. population density
B. they are not regulated by the govern-
C. both of these answers are correct ment
D. none of above C. the concern about safety to consume
213. what is dakshin ganga D. they can cause food allergies

A. major salt water lake 218. Approximately what percentage of the

B. another name of godavari water on the earth is saltwater?

C. river of Peninsular India A. 97%

B. 75%
D. Rift valleys
C. 60%
214. Which of the following does NOT con-
D. 45%
tribute to water conservation?
A. drip irrigation 219. More than 97 percent of Earth’s total wa-
ter supply is found in
B. xeriscaping
A. ice sheets
C. using low-flow faucets and shower
heads B. the oceans

D. watering lawns during peak sunlight C. the atmosphere

hours, when plants need water the most D. groundwater


1.8 Water Resources 114

220. Which of the following is a way that B. They gained economically

farmers conserve soil in a windy area? C. The govt gave them benefits
A. Terracing
D. They got housing facilities
B. Crop rotation
226. Runoff carries chemicals form road ways
C. Plant trees as wind barriers
in to
D. Contour plowing
A. lakes

221. The element that is the primary regulator B. rivers
of the trophic state of water is
C. oceans
A. sulfur
D. all of the above
B. phosphorus
C. nitrogen 227. Most of Earth’s liquid freshwater is found
D. mercury
A. in ice caps and glaciers
222. What is the problem with timber planta-
tions? B. in lakes

A. low biodiversity C. underground

B. prone to forest fires D. in the oceans

C. cause soil erosion 228. As a natural resource, freshwater is
D. absorb excess CO2 from atmosphere A. renewable.
223. What is the area where water infiltrates B. nonrenewable.
into an aquifer? C. unlimited.
A. infiltration D. unusable.
B. zone of saturation
229. Which of the following terrestrial biomes
C. zone of aeration
is located in the frozen regions of the con-
D. recharge zone tinent?
224. Out of the total fresh water available, A. Desert
nearly is in the form of “ICE” and is B. Tundra
found in glaciers in Antarctica, Greenland,
mountain regions, etc. C. Coniferous Forest

A. 1% D. Grassland
B. 2% 230. Use of this method of control requires
C. 3% concentrations to be increased often be-
cause pest develop resistance
D. 4%
225. How did the Multi-purpose projects af-
B. Pestsides
fect the local people?
A. large-scale displacement of local com- C. plant removal
munities D. control burning


1.8 Water Resources 115

231. Shillong faces acute shortage of water. C. 35

Nearly every household in the city has D. 50
a rooftop rainwater harvesting structure.


Nearly per cent of the total water re- 236. What was the traditional practice in the
quirement of the household comes from flood plains of Bengal, for irrigation?
rooftop water harvesting.
A. Canals
A. 15-20%
B. Man made lake
B. 10-15%
C. inundation channels
C. 20-25%
D. Rooftop rain water
D. 25-30%
237. Which one of the following is not an ad-
232. How are most of the housing societies or
verse effect of irrigation?
colonies in the cities resourcing their water
needs? A. Irrigation changes cropping pattern
A. City waterworks B. Water intensive crops are grown in dry
B. Own groundwater pumping device
C. Salinasation of Soil
C. Community water pumps
D. Individual motor D. Increased crop production

233. According to the United Nations, 2.1 bil- 238. Examples are freshwater rivers and
lion people around the globe had access streams
only to water. A. Surface Water
A. conflict B. Confined aquifer
B. contaminated C. water table
C. distributed D. transpiration
D. none of above
239. Land covers about of earth’s surface.
234. This is the compartment of water in A. 70%
the American west that far exceeds with-
drawal compared to recharge as a result B. 30%
farms and even whole towns are being C. 80%
D. 20%
A. Arial Sea
B. Olgalala Aquifer 240. Which of the following is an example of
conserving (using less of a resource)?
C. Lake Michigan
A. Collect water from warming up the
D. Lake Mead shower to water plants.
235. percent of the protein consumed by B. Recycle your plastics, glass, and met-
humans around the world is fish. als.
A. 2 C. Shorten your showers by 1 minute.
B. 20 D. Reuse sink water to wash the car tires.


1.8 Water Resources 116

241. The diversion channels seen in the West- C. reservoirs of water maintained by
ern Himalayas are called: dams
A. Guls or Kuls D. underground layer of permeable rock
B. Khadins or sediment that contains safe, clean
fresh water
C. Johads
D. Recharge pits 246. What is Pollution?
A. Increase in Earths temperatures
242. Which of these are changes you could

make to increase water in your local B. Sudden growth in algae in a pond
aquifer? C. Harmful substance in environment
A. water the lawn between 11 am and 4 D. none of above
B. take a shorter shower and turn off the 247. In the 11th century CE, was one of
water while you brush your teeth the largest artificial lakes built at that
C. dispose of medications in the landfill,
not the toilet A. Nagarjuna sagar
D. use bottled water instead of tap water B. Bhopal lake
C. Hauz Khas Lake
243. Which of the following is an example of
recycling ( using a resource more than one D. Dal lake
248. The thin layer of grainy substance cover-
A. Check for leaks in pipes and repair ing the surface of the earth is called
A. land
B. Collect water used to warm up show-
ers and use it to water plants. B. soil
C. Water at night to reduce evaporation. C. Humus
D. Run washing machine and dishwasher D. minerals
only when full.
249. Does water quality need to be moni-
244. What are some ways water shapes tored?
Earth’s surface? A. yes
A. by transporting nutrients and waste B. no
B. by forming glaciers and weathering C. sometimes
ocean shores
D. every month
C. by forming rivers and mountains
D. by absorbing and transporting solar 250. Which of the following will be densely
energy populated?
A. Steep slopes of the mountains
245. What are aquifers?
B. River valleys
A. hold potable water above ground.
B. water found in Earth’s streams, rivers C. Forested areas
and lakes D. Desert areas


1.8 Water Resources 117

251. Ethiopia and Egypt have long fought over A. Improving literacy among urban popu-
Nile water in Africa. lations
B. Raising tax rates for large corpora-


A. plumbing
B. Population
C. Inventing stronger antibiotics
C. resources
D. Passing a law to set limits for fisher-
D. none of above men
252. All of the following may be consequences 257. slow the surface runoff and replenish
of dam construction except underground water.
A. reduced upstream migration of fish A. Contours
B. reduced downstream migration of fish B. Rock Dams
C. Vegetation
C. lower fertility of floodplains down- D. None of the above
258. The best example of selective cutting is;
D. higher risk of levee failure down-
A. Loggers cut small groups of intermedi-
stream of the dam
ate or mature trees, resulting in less ero-
253. A hole dug or drilled into the ground to sion and loss of nutrients on the hillside.
provide a supply of water.
A. watershed B. Loggers cut a thin strip of trees along a
hillside, the forests naturally regenerates,
B. desalination and loggers then cut a thin strip of trees
C. groundwater next to the regenerated area.
D. well C. In a managed area forest containing
one or two species of trees, loggers clear
254. which of these is ok to use black water cut one section, then clear-cut it again
for? when the trees have reached a certain
A. irrigation
D. Loggers cut only the trees they can
B. washing hands
reach easily from exsisting access roads.
C. showering
259. Most of Earth’s freshwater is
D. cooking
A. surface water
255. Which of the following are hazards asso- B. ground water
ciated with volcanic eruptions? C. frozen
A. Tsunamis D. bottled
B. Lahars
260. What do manufacturers use water for?
C. Tephra A. to transport people
D. All of these are correct B. to irrigate farms
256. Which of the following is an example of a C. to create tools
solution to the tragedy of the commons? D. to produce wood and paper products


1.8 Water Resources 118

261. Human impact on the Colorado River is 266. Which one of the following methods is
evidenced by most appropriate to check soil erosion on
steep slopes?
A. the unchanging flow of the Colorado
River A. Shelter Belts
B. the Colorado River no longer flows to B. Mulching
the sea C. Terrace Cultivation
C. the increase in human populations in D. none of above

nearby cities
267. What is one example of reusing water?
D. none of above
A. taking shorter showers each day
262. What is fertilizer? B. watering the yard in the morning
A. a substance that kills bacteria C. watering flowers with dirty dishwater
B. a substance that reduces the growth D. turning off water in the sink while
of crops brushing teeth
C. a substance that provides nutrients to 268. Which of the following best describes
help crops grow better an environmental advantage of urbaniza-
D. cow manure tion?
A. Individuals living in cities usually have
263. When deep wells are heavily pumped, a lower transportation carbon footprint
one result can be: than individuals living in rural areas
A. decreased groundwater recharge B. Individuals living in cities usually have
B. spring formation greater access to fresh, local agricultural
products than individuals living in rural ar-
C. a cone of depression eas.
D. a rise in the water table C. Individuals living in cities have more
varied employment opportunities than in-
264. Which of these is not a solution for fixing dividuals living in rural areas.
freshwater depletion?
D. Individuals living in cities have greater
A. eutrophication access to health care than individuals liv-
B. drip-irrigation ing in rural areas.

C. desalinization 269. The only State which has made rooftop

rainwater harvesting structure compul-
D. xeriscaping
sory to all the houses is:
265. What are low lying areas very suscepti- A. Andhra Pradesh
ble to B. Karnataka
A. Flooding C. Tamilnadu
B. Earthquakes D. West Bengal
C. Tsunamis
270. Because global fisheries have dramati-
D. Landslides cally seen a reduction in fish numbers, this


1.8 Water Resources 119

technique has been used recently to sup- C. point-source pollution

plement that loss.
D. red tide


A. monocropping
B. IPM 276. Who is the largest consumer of water?
C. contour farming A. City dwellers
D. aquaculture B. Irrigation for agriculture
271. is constructed on river Mahanadi in C. Villages
Odisha D. Industry
A. Nagarjuna Sagar dam
B. Bhakra Nangal dam 277. Human activities that clear large areas
of land and increase erosion contribute di-
C. Tehri dam rectly to what type of pollution?
D. Hirakud dam A. biological
272. Hirakund dameikt on and is locater at B. groundwater
C. sediment
A. tundabhadra, karnataka
D. toxic chemical
B. chambal madhya pradesh
C. mahanadi odisha 278. Water Pollution:
D. none of above A. Chemicals being released into oceans,
lakes, rivers, etc.
273. Impermeable materials
A. have an abundance of pores. B. Protecting things in nature
B. let water in. C. Sprays that kill bugs
C. have little to no pores. D. Prevent leakage in landfills
D. none of above
279. Is a flowing network of surface wa-
274. Why does chemical waste need to be dis- ter
posed of carefully? A. recharge zone
A. It encourages excessive plant growth
B. river system
B. It contains heavy metals which build
up in the tissues of living organisms. C. ground water
C. It is not biodegradable D. none of above
D. It depletes the oxygen levels in the wa-
280. is a measure of the cloudiness of wa-
275. the rapid growth of algae in an area that A. Turbidity
can cover the surface of the water and
block sunlight from reaching plants below B. Hue
A. algal bloom C. Transparency
B. cultural eutrophication D. Translucence


1.8 Water Resources 120

281. Which makes up the larger percent of all 286. Overgrazing of grasslands can lead to re-
water on Earth? duced range quality. Two of the major ef-
fects of overgrazing are
A. freshwater
A. erosion and desertification
B. salt water
B. eutrophication and increased methane
C. stale water production
D. sugar water C. higher fire potential and increased pro-

282. Producing meat always requires more
land than a vegetarian diet because D. higher primary productivity and am-
A. of the 10% rule
287. Water fit for human consumption is
B. cows are larger than grasses known as
C. CAFOs take up land A. freshwater
D. there are more calories in a steak than B. treated water
a salad
C. well water
283. What type of Animal Eats insects? D. potable water
A. Herbivore 288. One way a local community might regu-
B. Carnivore late a shared and limited resource and re-
duce the tragedy of the commons is to
C. Insectivore
A. eliminate ownership of the resources
D. Frugivore and make them available to all
B. divide the resources into parcels and
284. Which of the following is an unintended
assign them to individuals
environmental consequence of aquacul-
ture? C. offer subsides to users of the re-
sources in the form of tax breaks
A. Meeting an increasing demand for
seafood D. reduce the cost of access to the re-
B. Decreasing the prevalence of disease
in nearby wild fish 289. The best way to reduce groundwater pol-
lution is to
C. Contamination of surrounding water
by organic waste A. increase the use of groundwater min-
D. High initial cost of facility
B. prevent it from happening.
285. Water is known as a universal solvent C. build more desalination plants.
D. speed up the eutrophication process.
A. it is found throughout the world
290. The most valuable resource in the world
B. it is found throughout the universe today is:
C. it dissolves so many substances A. natural gas
D. is dissolves everything known to man B. wind


1.8 Water Resources 121

C. oil C. groundwater
D. water D. irrigation


291. It is a natural or artificial lake that stores 296. Water of Bhakra Nangal Project is being
water for human use. used mainly for:
A. dam A. hydel power and irrigation
B. reservoir B. fish breeding and navigation
C. salination C. industrial use
D. desalination D. flood control

292. What percent of fresh water is fit for hu- 297. Most freshwater on Earth is
man use? A. liquid
A. 1% B. frozen solid
B. 1.5% C. gas
C. 0.5% D. in the atmosphere
D. None of the above 298. what is an aquifer?
293. CAFOs make meat more economical, but A. a body of rock or sediment that
may have some negative environmental stores groundwater and allows the flow of
impacts. These include all of the following groundwater.
EXCEPT B. stores water to be used for water va-
A. high concentrations of animal waste. por
B. increase in nutrients in stormwater C. groundwater
runoff. D. allows the flow of water from rivers or
C. increase in sediments in stormwater lakes
runoff. 299. What would be the best definition of per-
D. increased use of land area over other meability?
types of animal farming. A. Percentage of the total volume of a
294. Which of the following would be an en- rock or sediment that consists of open
vironmental impact of high density animal spaces
farming? B. The ability of a rock or sediment to let
fluids pass through open spaces or pores
A. bad smells
C. The inability of a rock or sediment to
B. livestock can escape
let fluids pass through open spaces or
C. water pollution due to runoff pores
D. improvement of feeding efficiency D. The level below which the ground is
saturated with water
295. Water that collects in spaces and cracks
in rocks and soil underground. 300. What is a point-source pollution?
A. well A. Oil spilling from supertanker
B. aquifer B. Drainpipe spilling waste into river


1.8 Water Resources 122

C. Toxic Chemicals B. a discharge pipe from a factory spew-

D. Single sites of waste ing toxic waste
C. chemicals added to roadsurfaces (salt
301. All of these are reasons why water and otherde-icing agents)
sources need to be conserved EXCEPT?
D. pesticides, herbicides, andfertilizer
A. We have a limited amount of fresh wa- from residential lawns, golf courses, and
ter. farmland
B. Pollution reduces the amount of usable

306. which of the following is the least likely
solution to groundwater depletion?
C. Because we need to save it for the A. encouraging privatization of water util-
whales ities
D. We could run out of usable water to B. growing more crops that are drought-
drink resistant in arid areas
302. This occurs when the demand for wa- C. raising the price of water to discour-
ter exceeds the available amount or when age waste
poor quality restricts its use. D. subsidizing water conservation
A. water stress
307. What is a downside to desalination?
B. water consumption
A. water availability
C. water withdrawal
B. cost
D. water scarcity C. location
303. The major cause for the decline in the D. vapor
worldwide catch of fish since 1990 is
308. Why are fossil fuels considered to be non-
A. escalating price of fuel renewable?
B. competition from aquaculture A. They are used up faster than they can
C. overfishing be made.
D. decline in market price B. They contain fossils.
C. They were made long ago.
304. The Ogallala Aquifer extends from South
Dakota to D. They are very expensive.

A. Texas 309. The ability of rock or soil to allow water

to flow through it.
B. Louisiana
A. porosity
C. New Mexico
B. percolation
D. Oklahoma
C. permeability
305. Which of the following is point-source D. equilibrium
A. water runoff from city andsuburban 310. Many countries transport surface water
streets that maycontain oil, gasoline, an- by
imalfeces, and litter A. paddies and shadufs.


1.8 Water Resources 123

B. chinampas and wind-powered pumps. 316. The more sustainable method of raising
C. aqueducts and underground pipes. meat is called


D. large boats and tankers. A. rotational grazing
B. traditional grazing
311. Which of the following is not the source
C. ecological grazing
of water pollution?
D. sustainable grazing
A. Litter
B. Oil spills 317. Approximately how much of Earth’s wa-
ter is held in the oceans?
C. Smoking
A. 50%
D. Runoffs from pesticides
B. 97%
312. Leaky underground storage tanks are a
C. 76%
major source of what type of pollution?
D. 99%
A. groundwater
B. nonpoint-source 318. Most of Earth’s fresh water is in which
C. biological
A. atmosphere
D. sediment
B. glaciers
313. Sliding of huge debris, rocks and other C. groundwater
material down the slope is know as
D. surface water
A. Earthquakes
B. Volcanic Eruptions 319. How would living things MOST LIKELY be
affected if there were a shortage of water
C. Tsunami on Earth?
D. Land slides A. Living things would not be able to live,
reproduce, or regulate their own temper-
314. Globally, MOST fresh water used by hu-
mans is for
B. Living things would not be able to ab-
A. drinking and cooking
sorb and transport heat or regulate their
B. washing and home use own temperature
C. agricultural irrigation C. Living things would not be able to re-
D. electrical production produce or absorb and transport heat
D. Living things would not be able to reg-
315. Why did Jawahar lal Nehru call dams the ulate their own temperature, live, or ab-
temples of India? sorb or transport heat.
A. They were multipurpose in nature
320. Drainage basins are sometimes called
B. Irrigation became better
A. monsoons
C. development of agriculture and the vil-
lage economy with rapid industrialisation B. runoffs
and growth of the urban economy C. groundwaters
D. Hydel power become ample D. reservoirs


1.8 Water Resources 124

321. Water in an ocean is 326. This plan would involve the democratiza-
tion of healthcare, meaning that the gov-
A. Fresh water
ernment would mandate that every Amer-
B. Saline ican citizen have to the same type of
C. Solid health insurance.
A. access
D. Non of these
B. available
322. Which of the following is NOT a way that

C. conflict
clean water is damaged?
D. none of above
A. Pesticides and fertilizer runoff from
yards. 327. Which part of Earth absorbs the most sun-
B. Pesticide and fertilizer runoff from
farms/agriculture. A. oceans

C. Toxic waste dumped by industries. B. soil

C. atmosphere
D. Natural filtration through grasslands
and forests. D. rivers and lakes

328. A forested hillside will help eliminate

323. is the cultivation of fish or shellfish
in artificial ponds. A. using pesticides, because the shade of
the forest prevents insect pests from en-
A. Hydroponics
tering the area
B. Ichthy-culture B. droughts, because transportation en-
C. Agriculture sures that forest areas always have a high
moisture level
D. Aquaculture
C. flooding, because trees help reduce
324. This is the compartment of water that soil erosion and the flow of water downs-
has shown a marked decline in the past 40 lope
years due to diverting of rivers to support D. unsustainable farming, because crops
agriculture. cannot be grown on forested slopes
A. Arial Sea 329. What percentage of the total volume of
B. Oglala Aquifer world’s water is estimated to exist as
C. Lake Michigan
A. 94.5%
D. Lake Mead
B. 95.5%
325. Chlorine is often added during water C. 96.5%
treatment to
D. 97.5%
A. make particles for clumps
330. What percentage of the world’s water is
B. kill-disease-causing organisms fresh and drinkable?
C. improve the taste of water A. 6%
D. remove objects such as fish and trash B. 25%


1.8 Water Resources 125

C. 3% B. Krishna
D. 36% C. Ganga


331. A group of ecosystems within a region D. Satluj
that have similar types of vegetation and
336. Heat energy obtained from the earth is
similar climate conditions is a:
called ..
A. Strata
A. Solar Energy
B. Estuary
B. Hydel Energy
C. Habitat
C. Tidal Energy
D. Biome
D. Geothermal energy
332. Pollution that cannot be traced to a single
point because comes from many sources 337. a drought in the 1930s transformed large
part of the Midwest into a Dust Bowl. This
A. estuary is an example of
B. water shed A. the results of many inches of rain
C. non point source pollution falling within a few hours
D. none of above B. the conversion of rangeland or crop-
land into a desertlike area
333. The effect of sediment and nutrient pollu-
tion are the same in that C. evaporation of water from the ground
and release of moisture from leaves
A. oxygen is depleted
D. water flowing over the surface when it
B. toxic substances accumulate is unable to infiltrate the ground because
C. the water becomes acidic of saturation of the soil or a steep slope
D. pathogens are spread 338. An effective approach to preventing fu-
334. One way to conserve water in agriculture ture shortages of usable water should fo-
is to cus on
A. use a technique similar to the ancient A. emphasizing the additive effect of indi-
Egyptians’, whereby they relied on a river vidual conservation
to regularly overflow its banks B. developing and refining new ways to
B. plant crops in places with less sunlight produce fresh water
so there are fewer hours during the day C. reducing pollution of water sources by
for evaporation to occur education/enforcement
C. channel gray water from homes and in- D. All of the above
dustry to agricultural areas
339. Identify the natural cause of water
D. use a watering technique that focuses
the water in the immediate area of plant
roots A. Agricultural processes

335. Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is built on which B. Climate change

river? C. Pollution
A. Kaveri D. Economic development


1.8 Water Resources 126

340. Which of the following describe the rela- 345. Full form of CITES is
tionship between D.O. and B.O.D.?
A. Conservation of International Trade in
A. When D.O. decreases, the B.O.D. de- Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
creases Flora.
B. When D.O. decreases, the B.O.D. in- B. Convention on International Trade in
creases Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
C. When B.O.D. decreases, the D.O. de- Flora.

creases C. Conservation Internal Trade in Endan-
D. When B.O.D. increases, the D.O. de- gered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
creases D. Convention in Trade in Endangered
341. Why is clean water important? Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

A. All life on Earth depends on clean wa- 346. Soil, vegetation, & rocks that are re-
ter to live and grow. moved to get to an ore deposit below
B. We need clean water for recreational A. reserve
B. ore
C. We need bodies of water for trans-
portation C. overburden

D. We need water to regulate the temper- D. tailings

ature on Earth.
347. What will MOST LIKELY happen if ground-
342. In a residence, which uses the least water is drawn from the ground faster
amount of water? than it can be restored?
A. toilets A. The water table will be lowered
B. showers B. The water will become polluted
C. washing clothes C. The water will flow to the sea
D. dishwasher D. The water will fill nearby wells.
343. During times of drought, the process of 348. all of the land area that supplies water
with dry ice crystals may be used. to a particular river system
A. cultural eutrophication A. watershed
B. chlorination
B. reservoir
C. aeration
C. aquifer
D. cloud seeding
D. water table
344. The land area that supplies water to a
river system is called 349. Water scarcity is similar to water stress.
A. a divide A. TRUE
B. a wetland B. FALSE
C. a watershed C. di q alam xori
D. a tributary D. none of above


1.8 Water Resources 127

350. Ore leftovers after valuable minerals C. recycling both matter and high-quality
have been removed energy


A. tailings D. using energy efficiently and reusing
B. smelting piles and recycling matter

C. extraction heap 356. Which of the following would reduce wa-

D. gravel ter tables?
A. snowmelt
351. water pollution includes
B. overpopulation
A. organisms in water that cause disease
C. flood
B. water that is too cold D. water pollution
C. high amounts of dissolved oxygen 357. His handling of foreign affairs mirrors
D. none of above a defining principle of Cambiemos: That
Argentina’s welfare cannot be dissociated
352. Sediment pollution is most closely tied to from the ebbs and flows of markets.
A. eutrophication A. contaminated
B. erosion B. plumbing
C. mining C. international
D. climate change D. none of above
353. The Green Revolution was 358. The continuous movement of water be-
A. a dramatic increase in crop yields in tween Earth and its atmosphere
developing countries A. precipitation
B. change to more sustainable agricul- B. water cycle
C. homeostasis
C. way of fighting soil erosion
D. infiltration
D. power grab by the Green party in the
1980s 359. What is the first step in a typical drinking-
water treatment process?
354. Where is MOST of Earth’s available fresh-
A. chlorination
water stored?
B. filtration
A. the atmosphere
B. underground C. aeration

C. lakes and rivers D. settling

D. ice caps and glaciers 360. Which one of the following is not in
favour of the conservation of Nature?
355. A sustainable society would emphasize
A. switch off the bulb when not in use
A. A sustainable society would empha-
size B. close the tap immediately after using

B. converting the world’s high-quality en- C. dispose polypacks after shopping

ergy resources to low-quality heat D. Tree plantation


1.8 Water Resources 128

361. Which is one way that water helps living 366. Which of the following is not the benefit
things? of rain water harvesting?
A. temperature regulation A. Helpful in production of hydro electric-
B. oxygen transportation ity

C. heat absorption B. It improves the quality of ground wa-

ter through dilution of contaminants like
D. nutrient production fluoride and nitrates

362. activities involve over 1 billion peo- C. It increases water availability
ple worldwide and generate over $2.4 tril-
D. It checks the declining ground water
lion every year.
A. Agricultural
367. The farmers in India depend a lot on
B. contaminated
for irrigating their fields
C. plumbing
A. River
D. none of above
B. Underground water
363. What is a natural part of a forest ecosys- C. Rain
tem and may be required for seed germi-
nation? D. Lakes and ponds

A. floods 368. Which is a primary cause of dead zones

B. tornadoes in lakes and coastal estuaries?
C. fire A. Effluent from sewage treatment plants
D. polar vortex
B. Organic waste from agricultural fields
364. Marine fisheries are particularly suscep- and feedllots
tible to the tragedy of the commons be-
C. Power plants
D. none of above
A. fish are r-selected species that experi-
ence boom and bust cycles. 369. The process of supplying fresh water to
B. fish are highly migratory, so they don’t farm fields and orchards is called
belong to any one nation. A. condensation
C. pollution is highest in areas with high B. irrigation
fish populations.
C. desalination
D. international waters are governed by
antiquated nautical law. D. reclamation

365. In Rajasthan what is rain water referred 370. What is a pollutant?

to as? A. a substance that causes harm to the
A. Barsaat pani environment
B. Barish pani B. bacteria
C. Palar Pani C. a virus that effects the environment
D. Badal pani D. pollen


1.8 Water Resources 129

371. Which one of the following properties of 376. Conservation:

a mineral is not correct? A. Protecting things in nature


A. Impure B. Sprays that kill bugs
B. Non-Renewable C. Littering and dumping illegally on the
C. Unevenly Distributed ground
D. Non exhaustible D. Making something new out of some-
thing old
372. Which of the following abiotic factors
would likely affect humans directly? 377. Why mine tailings can be dangerous

A. soil pH A. can cause miners to trip

B. Humidity B. can be full of sharp objects

C. can cause acid leaching into water bod-
C. water availability
D. climate change
D. are full of conflict minerals
373. Which of the following statements about 378. Which of the following environmental ef-
greywater is correct? fects would most likely result from the
A. Greywater can be used for cooking. clear-cutting of boreal forests by industrial
logging operations?
B. Greywater is suitable for washing.
A. There will be an increase in atmo-
C. Greywater is suitable for watering
spheric oxygen concentration, which will
improve air quality.
D. Greywater comprises of all the B. There will be an increase in farming on
wastewater from domestic use. the cleared areas of land, which will re-
duce incidences of flooding.
374. hold water until it is needed.
C. There will be an increase in at-
A. Dams
mospheric carbon dioxide concentration,
B. Reservoirs which will contribute to climate change.
C. Aqueducts D. There will be a decrease in the temper-
ature of soil and nearby bodies of water,
D. Valleys
which will increase biodiversity.
375. water that has been used in households, 379. In which of the following states, the
businesses, industries, or public facilities groundwater utilization is very high?
and drained or flushed down the pipes, as
well as the polluted runoff from streets A. Bihar
and storm drains B. UP
A. wastewater C. Punjab
B. point-source pollution D. Gujarat
C. nonpoint-source pollution
380. What is the difference between aquacul-
D. pathogen ture and fisheries?


1.8 Water Resources 130

A. Aquaculture raises ocean species, D. none of above

while fisheries raises freshwater species
384. Water percolates downward until it
reaches the aquifer where it becomes
B. Aquaculture requires feeding fish trapped in cracks, crevasse and fractured
other fish, while fish in fisheries can eat stone. Which layer is this within an
soybean and corn aquifer?
C. Aquaculture involves raising aquatic A. saturated zone
species, while fisheries are natural re-

sources harvested without direct human B. unsaturated zone
input C. surface
D. Fisheries involves raising aquatic D. atmosphere
species for feeding to aquaculture
species 385. water in spaces between rock, soil, and
gravel, is called what ?
381. What is ONE disadvantage of desalina-
A. soil moisture
B. perched water
A. The process kills fish
C. groundwater
B. The process uses fuel that is expensive
D. soil aquifer
C. The process makes water that is un- 386. Which of the following was not part of
safe to drink the Clean Water Act?
D. The process is too difficult to carry out A. set standards for pollution levels
in big cities
B. funded construction of sewage treat-
382. All of the following are impacts of ment plants
damming the colorado river EXCEPT C. limited the release of point-source pol-
A. the migration of some fish populations lution
has been interrupted D. regulated the amount of fertilizers and
B. flooding downstream of the dams has pesticides that are contained in runoff
displaced people and destroyed property
387. Rainwater that flows over land without
C. reservoirs behind dams have lost large sinking into the soil.
amounts of water due to evaporation
A. runoff
D. areas upstream of the dams have been
flooded and habitats for many species B. spring
have been destroyed C. groundwater

383. There are some varieties of firebush D. aqueduct

at the nursery that don’t produce much 388. How can people conserve water at
bloom, so only select the specimens in full home?
A. rinsing dishes with cool water instead
A. available of warm water
B. contaminated B. washing dishes on ly when the dish-
C. distributed washer is full


1.8 Water Resources 131

C. bathing pets with a hose instead of a 394. What is the process of moving water
bucket from its source to places where humans
can use it?


D. eating fish bought from the store.
A. water table
389. The process of suppling fresh water to
B. recharge zone
farm fields for growing crops.
C. well
A. aqueduct
D. water diversion
B. irrigation
395. Lake Erie and Lake Ontario suffer from
C. spring
D. runoff A. eutrophication
390. the process of removing salt from seawa- B. global cooling
ter C. overpopulation of fish
A. desalination D. treated water
B. runoff 396. About what percent of Earth’s Water is
C. salinization drinkable?
D. wastewater A. 3%
B. 21%
391. and movements were launched
against the multipurpose projects C. 70%
D. Less than 1%
A. ’narmada bachao and chipko move-
ment 397. The majority of water directly consumed
B. save silent valley movement and tehri per U.S. citizen is used for
dam A. watering the lawn
C. Narmada bachao and tehri dam B. washing clothes
D. none of above C. flushing the toilet
D. washing the car
392. Which of the following is NOT a primary
source goal of a dam or reservior? 398. When a pathogen makes it way into our
water it is known as pollution.
A. produce electricity
A. chemical
B. clean the water supply
B. physical
C. reduce down stream flooding
C. biological
D. supply water for irrigation
D. thermal
393. How much world’s water exist as fresh- 399. Which are ways that many countries
water transport surface water?
A. 2.5% A. paddies and shadufs
B. 3.5% B. chinampas and wind-powered pumps
C. 4% C. aqueducts and underground pipes
D. 5% D. large boats and tankers


1.8 Water Resources 132

400. percent of water found on the Earth C. Running sink water

is freshwater. D. Laundry
A. 10
406. Water that are rich in organisms and or-
B. 3 ganic materials which show and increase in
C. 32 nutrient levels and biological productivity
is called…
D. 70
A. red tide

401. It is an obstruction placed in a river or B. eutrophic
stream to block it’s flow.
C. oligotrophic
A. dam
D. oxygen sag
B. reservoir
407. A bloom of deadly aquatic microorgan-
C. salination
isms where the toxins pollute the water
D. desalination for consumption is called…
402. In which of the following areas is water A. red tide
stress most prevalent? B. eutrophic
A. South America C. oligotrophic
B. North America D. oxygen sag
C. Asia 408. What does CAFO stand for?
D. Australia and Oceania A. Concentrated Animal Feeding Opera-
403. The percentage of total volume of a rock
that has spaces or pores B. Community Animal Feeding Operation
A. porosity C. Community Agricultural Food Opera-
B. porability
D. Concentrated Agricultural Federal Op-
C. permeability portunities
D. 100%
409. Untreated industrial effluents pollute the
404. The accumulation of toxins in an organ- water with
ism often through the process of produc- A. Metals
tion and consumption
B. Nitrates
A. Biological magnification C. Only option 1
B. Biological accumulation D. Both option 1 and 2
C. Biological Remediation
410. The major threats to the environment
D. Biological restoration are:
405. What house hold process uses the most A. Landslides
water? B. Soil erosion
A. Flushing the toilet C. Desertification
B. Taking a shower D. All the above


1.8 Water Resources 133

411. Sources of pollution, such as factories, C. residence time

power plants and oil wells, which dis- D. none of above
charge pollution from a specific location is


called? 416. Different crops are grown in alternate
A. atmospheric deposition rows and are sown at different times to
protect the soil from rain wash is known
B. non-point source pollution
C. point source pollution
A. Intercropping
D. water pollution
B. Intracropping
412. what is another major cause of water pol- C. Mixed cropping
D. Terrace farming
A. farmers using chemicals
B. drinking too much water 417. The area of upper soil layers that hold
both air and water is called?
C. recycling
A. infiltration
D. fish
B. zone of saturation
413. Some ways water shapes Earth’s surface
C. zone aeration
D. recharge zone
A. by transporting nutrients and waste
B. by forming glaciers and weathering 418. Which of the following is a renewable re-
ocean shores source?
C. by forming river and mountains A. coal
D. by absorbing and transporting solar B. oil
energy C. forests
414. Who benefitted from the multipurpose D. iron ore
419. Underground formation that contains
A. landowners and large farmers, indus-
A. aquifer
B. Local land owners
C. Government B. percolator

D. Builders C. recharge zone

D. watershed
415. This happens along coastlines and in ar-
eas where salt water deposits are left 420. A well in which groundwater rises be-
form ancient oceans, over use of freshwa- cause of pressure is called a(n)
ter reservoirs often allow saltwater to in-
A. spring well
trude into aquifers used for domestic and
agricultural purposes. B. geyser well
A. salt water intrusion C. artesian well
B. rain shadow D. cry well


1.8 Water Resources 134

421. Which of the following human factor is 427. It refers to the removal of salt from
an important determinant of land use pat- ocean water
A. dam
A. Population
B. reservoir
B. Technology
C. salination
C. Only option 1
D. Both options 1 and 2 D. desalination

422. Most of the world’s water is used for 428. How much of the protein consumed by hu-
what? mans around the world is fish?
A. Industry A. 5 percent
B. Farming/Agriculture
B. 20 percent
C. Reservoirs
C. 40 percent
D. It’s found in clouds
D. 50 percent
423. Fire suppression has caused
A. flooding 429. is the longest irrigation canal in the
B. bigger and more dangerous fires
C. loss of biodiversity A. Rajiv Gandhi Canal

D. smaller and less dangerous fires B. Mahatma Gandhi Canal

424. Which of the following uses the MOST C. Indira Gandhi Canal
water? D. Western Desert Canal
A. Homes
430. An increase in the oxygen demanding
B. Yards
waste (organic matter) in a body of water
C. Hospitals will
D. Agriculture A. Increase the BOD and increase DO
425. Community lands are also known as this. B. Increase the BOD and decrease DO
A. Common Resources
C. Decrease the BOD and increase the
B. Resource for all DO
C. Property Resources D. Decrease the BOD and decrease DO
D. Common Property Resources
431. Any pollutant that causes genetic muta-
426. Overuse of farmland can cause a deple- tions and/or cancer is a(n)
tion in soil nutrients and can lead to
A. anthropogenic
A. waterlogging
B. desertification B. eutrophicant

C. irrigation C. carcinogen
D. intercropping D. oxidizer


1.8 Water Resources 135

432. Assertion (A) - Land is an important 437. In the semi-arid and arid regions of Ra-
resource because it provides surface for jasthan, particularly in Bikaner, Phalodi
agriculture, living, forestry, industries, and Barmer, where was drinking water


etc.Reason(R) - Destruction of forest stored?
cover is a major reason of land degrada- A. underground tanks or tankas
B. Small village pond
A. Both A and R are correct and R is the
correct explanation of A C. Wells

B. Both A and R are correct and R is not D. Rooftop tank

the correct explanation of A 438. What is an underground layer of rock or
C. Only A is Correct soil filled with water called?
D. Only R is Correct A. Aquifer

433. What is the largest source of oil pollution B. Pool

in water? C. Well
A. routine intentional oil dumping D. Permeability
B. oil producing bacteria 439. The process responsible for soil forma-
C. nutural seepage into the environment tion is called
D. none of above A. Erosion
B. Weathering
434. Which of the following is the main way
that water makes its way to oceans and C. Landforms
lakes? D. None of the above
A. Evaporation
440. a disease-causing organism
B. Dams
A. pathogen
C. Rivers and streams
B. red tide
D. Runoff
C. algal bloom
435. Which of the following is not a benefit of D. xeriscaping
a reservoir scheme?
441. Agricultural fields which are used as rain-
A. Can be used to generate electricity.
fed storage structures are called:
B. Reduces flooding downstream.
A. Kuls
C. Can improve routes for migratory fish.
B. Khadins/johads
C. Recharge pits
D. Can generate income from tourism
D. None of these
436. Able to allow water to pass through.
442. The size of an aquifer’s recharge zone is
A. Accumulation affected by the of the surface above
B. Runoff the aquifer.
C. Porosity A. Permeability
D. Permeability B. Porosity


1.8 Water Resources 136

C. Water table 448. what is the main cause of water pollu-

D. Desalinization tion?
A. invasive species
443. The big idea for the solution to scale
comes from Scott Crosby and from my past B. animals
time as a software CEO the net- C. plants and insects
work effect.
D. human impact and decision making
A. distributed

B. access 449. Which of these resources covers about
30% of the total surface of earth?
C. resources
A. Land
D. none of above
B. Soil
444. One of the common sources of infectious C. Air
agents in water is
D. Water
A. Inorganic compounds
B. Sediments 450. Which of the following social movements
is/ are not a resistance to multi-purpose
C. Animal waste
D. Radioactive materials
A. Narmada Bachao Andolan
445. What is the majority of land in India used B. Tehri Bachao Andolan
C. Chipko movement
A. Pasture
D. None of these
B. Cultivation
C. Forests 451. Surface Mining and Control Reclamation
D. None of these
A. mandates that miners give half of what
446. The major source of fresh water in India they find to the government
B. allows miners to place a stake on pub-
A. Groundwater lic land for $5 per acre
B. Rainfall C. mandates reclamation
C. Atmospheric water D. is meant to bankrupt mining compa-
D. Ocean water nies

447. The largest watershed in the United 452. What is ONE important role that ocean
States is the waters have in heating Earth?
A. Mississippi River A. absorb and transport solar energy
B. Yukon River B. transport nutrients and waste
C. Colorado River C. create and emit solar energy
D. Ohio River D. wear away rock and soil


1.8 Water Resources 137

453. Contaminants carried by air currents and 457. Which of the following is globally the
precipitated into watersheds or directly highest user of water?
onto surface waters as rain, snow, or dry


A. Agriculture sector
particles is called?
B. Industrial sector
A. atmospheric depositon
C. Leisure sector
B. non-point source pollution
C. point source pollution D. Domestic sector

D. water pollution 458. How much freshwater is available?

454. Which of the following statements are A. 20%
true concerning sustainable rangeland B. 3%
management? I. Because the rangeland
grasses grow from the base and not the C. 1%
tip, rangeland grass is a renewable re- D. 54%
source, as long as the lower portion of
the blade remains.II. Rangelands should be 459. The Earth’s water is percent of fresh
managed to ensure the carrying capacity water.
is exceeded.III. Moderate grazing is bene-
A. 3
ficial to the rangelands because it encour-
ages new plant growth. B. 25
A. III only C. 75
B. I and II only D. 90
C. I and III only
460. Indira Gandhi Canal ends near
D. I, II, and III
A. Jaipur
455. what is the water division of earth B. Jaiselmer
A. ocean water 97 per cent, freshwater C. Udaipur
frozen as ice 2 per cent and freshwater 1
per cent D. Jodhpur
B. ocean water-47%, freshwater 50%, 461. Why have multi-purpose projects and
freshwater frozen as ice 3% large dams come under great scrutiny and
C. ocean water 1%, freshwater frozen as opposition recently?
ice-90%, freshwater9% A. The positioning the dams is not techni-
D. freshwater-33.33%, freshwater frozen cally correct
as ice 33.33%, ocean water 33.33%
B. Regulating and damming of rivers af-
456. Area of land that is drained by a river fect their natural flow causing poor sedi-
ment flow and excessive sedimentation at
A. river system the bottom of the reservoir
B. recharge zone C. Spread of disease
C. watershed D. Dams built recently are not strong
D. beach enough


1.8 Water Resources 138

462. Which of the following is not a factor of 468. Which step of water treatment removes
soil formation? plant nutrients, especially nitrates and
A. time phosphates, from effluent?
B. soil texture A. primary treatment
C. Organic matter B. secondary treatment
D. All of these C. tertiary treatment

463. Most of the water used in the world is D. none of above

for 469. Why do so many tornadoes occur in “tor-
A. electricity generation. nado alley”?
B. industry. A. This is where cold air masses from the
C. agriculture. south run into warm air masses from the
D. recreation.
B. This is where warm air masses from
464. what is water pollution? the south run into cold air masses from
A. water being contaminated with pollu- the North
tants C. This is where warm air masses from
B. when you get water dirty the West run into cold air masses from the
C. when fish over populate a lake East

D. when your water tastes bad D. This is where warm air masses from
the East run into cold air masses from the
465. The largest body of freshwater in the West.
world is
470. The percentage of fresh water is avail-
A. the Pacific Ocean
able and fit for human use is
B. the Mississippi River
A. 2.7%
C. Lake Superior
B. 70%
D. the Ogallala Aquifer
C. 1%
466. Which of the following is a result of sur-
D. 0.1%
face mining?
A. primary succession 471. One important role that ocean waters
have in heating Earth is that it
B. black lung disease
C. mountain top mining A. absorb and transport solar energy.

D. increased albedo B. transport nutrients and waste.

C. create and emit solar energy.
467. What percentage of the Earth’s fresh wa-
ter is frozen? D. wear away rock and soil.
A. 75% 472. In most parts of modern America, we
B. 3% have to clean, fresh water every day.
C. 2% A. access
D. 97% B. agricultural


1.8 Water Resources 139

C. available B. rain shadow

D. none of above C. residence time


D. none of above
473. Which one of the following statements is
not an argument in favour of multipurpose 478. Wildlife includes
river projects?
A. Animals & Birds
A. Multi-purpose projects bring water to
B. Insects
those areas which suffer from water
scarcity C. Aquatic life forms
B. Multi-purpose projects by regulating D. All of the above
water flow helps to control floods 479. Planting trees, grass, or any plant to cre-
C. Multi-purpose projects lead to large ate a “natural fence” to protect water
scale displacements and loss of livelihood from pollutants
A. fertilizer
D. Multi-purpose projects generate elec- B. drought
tricity for our industries and our homes
C. vegetative buffer
474. More than % of the Earth is covered D. infiltration
with water.
480. largest watershed in the United States
A. 75%
A. Chesapeake Bay Watershed
B. 70%
B. Mississippi River Watershed
C. 60%
C. Susquehanna River Watershed
D. 80%
D. Turri River Watershed
475. Water on the top the earth can form lakes
481. Which word describes and artificial pond
or rivers, these are termed
with raised edges used for agriculture
A. fresh water
A. shaduf
B. infiltration B. paddy
C. surface water C. aqueduct
D. groundwater D. chinampa
476. Bioaccumulation is 482. People and their demands are ever grow-
A. where a toxin accumulates in an ing but the availability of land is limited.
aquifer Also, the quality of land differs from place
to place, and some land is more useful to
B. where a toxin accumulates in the tis-
humans. On what basis can land be di-
sues of an animal
C. the result of complex food chains
A. Culture land and subculture land.
D. the result of wastewater treatment
B. Private land and community land
477. This is the time that water usually stays C. Recyclable land and Non Recyclable
with in its compartment or storage place. land
A. salt water intrusion D. All of the above


1.8 Water Resources 140

483. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING VEGETA- A. Dried up rivers/seas can mean that
TION IS GROWN IN THE AREAS OF HEAVY people lose fishing jobs
RAINFALL? B. Dust storms from the newly dried area
A. GRASSLAND can impact breathing and air quality
B. FORESTS C. Water is able to reach farms and
C. SHRUBS towns further away from a river, opening
up more places for people to live

D. none of above
484. Which of the following is an example of
nonpoint-source pollution? 489. The Deepwater Horizon disaster is an ex-
ample of what kind of pollution?
A. a boat leaking motor oil
A. point source
B. a pipe releasing hot water
B. non-point source
C. rain washing salt off the roads
C. sediment
D. a container leaking chemicals
D. nutrient
485. What type of system targets individual
plants and introduces water directly into 490. The stage of sewage treatment that uses
the soil rather than with a sprinkler sys- filters, screens or grit tanks to remove
tem? macroscopic materials

A. desalination A. Primary

B. reverse osmosis B. Secondary

C. waterlogging C. Tertiary

D. drip irrigation D. Disinfection

486. How much salt water covers the earth? 491. Sliding of huge debris, rocks and other
material down the slope is known as:
A. 23.7%
A. Volcanic Eruptions
B. 80%
B. Earthquake
C. 71%
C. Land slides
D. 54.5%
D. Tsunami
487. Why is water scarcity mainly caused?
492. Which of these physical features are best
A. Water pollution suited for living?
B. excessive use and unequal access to A. Deserts
B. Mountains
C. Water management
C. Plains and river valleys
D. Using to utility
D. All of the above
488. All are ways human lives are impacted
because of changing water resources. 493. Desalination produces large amounts of
Which of the following is an example of ?
a POSITIVE impact? A. dissolved oxygen


1.8 Water Resources 141

B. bacteria C. Road grime on cars being washed in

C. salt many peoples’ driveways.


D. Emissions from all of the vehicles.
D. waste
499. Each time we turn on the tap, sys-
494. Which is a way to conserve water? tems bring this important resource into our
A. Plant only one type of plant like grass homes.
B. Discard all water collected in your gut- A. conflict
ters B. plumbing
C. Utilize gutters and rain barrels to col- C. population
lect rain water
D. none of above
D. All of the above
500. The Narmada Bachao Andolan is associ-
495. Which of the following examples is con- ated with
sidered potable? A. Sardar sarovar dam
A. sewage B. Tehri dam
B. lead paint C. Hirakud
C. bottled water D. Gandhinagar
D. standing water 501. A natural area designated to protect the
ecological integrity of one or more ecosys-
496. How did the increasing number of indus-
tems for present and future generations is
tries affect the water condition?
known as
A. No effect on water A. Botanical Gardens
B. pressure on existing freshwater re- B. National Park
C. Wildlife Sanctuaries
C. Balance between use of water and in-
D. Bio reserves
D. Unequal distribution of water 502. Which of the following would PREVENT
soil erosion on a farm?
497. The build up of salt in soil leading to a A. over-grazing
loss in crop productivity is called
B. deforestation
A. irrigation
C. plowing
B. desertification
D. crop rotations
C. salinization
503. The first and the only state in India which
D. denitrification has made roof top rain water harvesting
compulsory to all across the state.
498. What is the only example of point source
pollution below: A. Karnataka
A. A leak from a city sewer pipe. B. Kerala
B. Car exhaust getting caught in the rain. C. Tamil Nadu
D. Maharashtra


1.8 Water Resources 142

504. Land used for business and/or use of nat- 510. The Clean Water Act of 1972 focused on
ural resources is called
A. Residential Land A. parks and recreational areas
B. Transport Land
B. rural communities
C. Commercial Land
C. point-source pollution
D. Agricultural Land
D. non-point source pollution
505. Which of the following is true about rain-

fall harvesting schemes? 511. When water changes form from a LIQUID
A. They are expensive. to a GAS?
B. Is relatively easy to maintain. A. Condensation
C. They increase risk of flooding. B. Evaporation
D. They increase risk of soil erosion.
C. Precipitation
506. Which of the following affects how fresh-
D. none of above
water is used?
A. Age 512. Any physical, biological, or chemical
B. Education change in water quality that adversely af-
fects living organisms or makes water un-
C. Population size
suitable for desired uses is called?
D. Ocean acidity
A. atmospheric deposition
507. To help regulate river flow and to build a
stable supply of water, engineers build B. non-point source pollution
A. aquifers. C. point source pollution
B. water tables. D. water pollution
C. dams.
513. The material could be used as a filter for
D. wells.
cleaning drinking water.
508. Recycling:
A. agricultural
A. Making something new out of some-
thing old B. contaminated

B. Sprays that kill bugs C. international

C. Where something exists or lives D. none of above
D. Smoke and harmful gases
514. Only a very small portion of Earth’s wa-
509. Water pollution that comes from many ter is both liquid and
sources is considered
A. salty
A. point source pollution
B. fresh
B. nonpoint source pollution
C. thermal pollution C. frozen
D. ocean pollution D. underground


1.8 Water Resources 143

515. This agency manages about 253 million 520. The colorado river is
acres of America’s public lands as well as A. an underutilized resource that could
700 million acres of subsurface mineral es-


easily provide water to farmers, ranchers,
tate. and cities
A. U.S. Department of Agriculture B. a government subsidized water utility
B. Bureau of Land Management that provides cities such as san diego, las
vegas, and los angeles with cheaper wa-
C. National Park Service
ter because lake powell and lake mead
D. US Department of the Interior are huge bodies of water
516. A paper towel has permeability. A rock C. a water diversion project that supplies
can have it too. Permeability is water to large cities such as las vegas, los
angeles, and san diego
A. the inability to hold water
D. a confined aquifer that is being over
B. the ability to hold water
pumped and polluted because of increas-
C. allowing water to pass through ing populations in the cities it serves
D. none of above 521. Water cycle is also known as
517. What is it called when a persistent pollu- A. Hydrological cycle
tant (like mercury or PCBs) builds up in the B. Oxygen cycle
tissues of an organism as they continue to
eat something that contains the pollutant C. Renewable cycle

A. Subsidence D. Continuous cycle

B. Biomagnification 522. Manufacturers use water

C. Bioaccumulation A. to transport people.
D. Cultural eutrophication B. to irrigate farms.
C. to create tools.
518. Which of the following do farmers do
to keep soil from being depleted of nutri- D. to produce wood and paper products.
ents? 523. An underground layer of rock or sediment
A. Contour Plowing that holds water
B. Terracing A. watershed
C. Plant trees to slow the wind B. groundwater
D. Crop rotation C. permeability
D. aquifer
519. What can you do to help protect ground-
water? 524. What is the only example of Non-point
A. Recycle used waste oil. source pollution below?
B. Don’t use more lawn chemicals than A. Emissions from the exhaust pipes of
necessary. everyone’s cars.
C. Dispose of hazardous and household B. A leaky city sewer pipe.
chemicals properly. C. A factory dumping hazardous waste.
D. All of the above. D. Litter from pedestrians.


1.8 Water Resources 144

525. Which of the following is a positive out- A. They can transfer large amounts of wa-
come of tilling? ter to where it is needed.
A. reduced soil drainage B. They cause little environmental impact.
B. increased soil erosion
C. Only surplus water is transferred that
C. increased aeration would otherwise be lost to the sea.
D. decreased crop production D. They are cheap.

526. Overuse of groundwater in coastal areas 531. In the coastal and dry regions, rows of
would most likely result in which of the trees are planted to check the wind move-
following? ment to protect soil cover, this process is
A. Rise in water table known as

B. Increase in stream flow A. Contour Barriers

B. Terrace Cultivation
C. Bacterial contamination of surface wa-
ter C. shelter belts
D. Saltwater intrusion D. mulching
532. 2/3 of freshwater on Earth is “locked
527. Water pollution that comes from a single
away” in what water source location?
source is considered
A. atmosphere
A. point source pollution
B. rivers and lakes
B. nonpoint source pollution
C. underground
C. thermal pollution
D. ice and glaciers
D. ocean pollution
533. Bhakra Nangal river valley project is
528. A hole dug into an aquifer to reach made on the river
groundwater is called A. Satluj Beas
A. a water table B. Ravi Chenab
B. accumulation C. Ganga
C. an aeration zone D. Son
D. a well 534. What would be the best definition of
529. Which one of the following is not the
A. Percentage of the total volume of a
cause of water scarcity?
rock or sediment that consists of open
A. Rapid growth of population spaces
B. Uneven distribution of water re- B. The ability of a rock or sediment to let
sources fluids pass through open spaces or pores
C. Construction of dams and reserves C. The inability of a rock or sediment to
let fluids pass through open spaces or
D. Increase in demand
530. Why are water transfer schemes popu- D. The level below which the ground is
lar? saturated with water


1.8 Water Resources 145

535. Air Pollution: C. Salinity

A. Smoke and harmful gases D. None of these


B. Littering and dumping illegally on the 541. What can make groundwater unsafe to
ground drink?
C. Water, soil, minerals, wildlife, forests, A. Leaky landfills
B. Wells
D. Where something exists or lives
C. Under-ground water
536. Which of the following in a non- D. none of above
renewable resource?
542. Which of the following is not an endan-
A. Hydroelectricity
gered species?
B. Natural Gas
A. Gray Wolves
C. Solar heating
B. Big Horn Sheep
D. Wind energy
C. Coyotes
537. Where does water vapor exist? D. Key Deer
A. Rivers and lakes 543. This process of collecting and storing rain-
B. The atmosphere water is called
C. Ice caps and glaciers A. Rainwater storing
D. All of the above B. Rainwater Harvesting

538. Which of the following is a famous bird C. Rainwater collection

sanctuary? D. Rainwater saving
A. Kaziranga National park 544. How much of Earth’s water is fresh wa-
B. Gir forest ter?
C. Mudumalai A. 3
D. Bharatpur Sanctuary B. 25
C. 75
539. Underground caverns and porous layers
of sand, gravel, or bedrock through which D. 90
groundwater flows
545. What type of Animal Eats meat?
A. Aquifer
A. Herbivore
B. Confined aquifer
B. Carnivore
C. water table
C. Insectivore
D. transpiration
D. Frugivore
540. Due to what feature is ocean water unfit 546. Compared with people in developing
for human consumption? countries, people in industrialized coun-
A. Poisonous tries are more likely to eat…
B. Water Temperature A. Beef


1.8 Water Resources 146

B. Corn B. Crop rotation

C. Rice C. Contour plowing
D. Beans D. Plant trees to slow down the wind.

547. pollution that comes from many places 552. Trees in shed their leaves in a par-
over a large area ticular season in order to conserve loss of
A. nonpoint-source pollution moisture through transpiration.
A. Tropical Evergreen Forest.

B. point-source pollution
C. surface water B. Evergreen Forest

D. runoff C. Deciduous Forest

D. Tundra
548. If groundwater is drawn from the ground
faster than it can be restored then 553. Ocean dumping was once consider
A. the water table will be lowered. A. ethical
B. the water will become polluted. B. inexpensive
C. the water will flow to the sea. C. convenient
D. the water will fill nearby wells. D. both inexpensive and convenient

549. All of the following would result in an 554. How does water get into the ground?
area that would result in an area thast A. evaporation
was recently clear-cut EXCEPT;
B. infiltration
A. A loss of soil nutrients, because of the
increase in wind and water erosion. C. precipitation

B. An increase in erosion, because water D. condensation

flows faster on denuded slopes. 555. You must build a model of an aquifer for
C. An increase in biodiversity, because a science project. What material would be
cleared land is more inviting to a variety the best to use for the layer that will hold
of new species. water?
D. An increase in water pollution as sedi- A. an impermeable material, such as clay
ment flows into streams.

550. The All-American Canal, which brings wa- B. a liquid, such as oil
ter from the Colorado River to farm fields C. a permeable material, such as gravel
in California, is an example of D. a material that does not have pores
A. a dam
556. A hole dug by the people to bring un-
B. a water diversion derground water to the surface for daily
C. a reservoir household activities.
D. a well A. canals

551. Which of the following do farmers do to B. dams

decrease erosion on gently sloping land? C. sea
A. Terracing D. well


1.8 Water Resources 147

557. What is the most common use of water 562. Natural Vegetation and wildlife exist
in the United States? only in the narrow zone called


A. domestic use A. Atmosphere
B. agriculture B. Lithosphere
C. power plants C. Biosphere
D. industry D. Hydrosphere
558. The world is covered by water. 563. One method of desalination uses high
A. 90% pressure to force saltwater through a
membrane filter. This method is called
B. 80%
A. diffusion
C. 70%
D. 60% B. distillation
C. reverse osmosis
559. Consider and evaluate the following
statements and choose the correct answer D. active transport
from the given options. Options- I. The
564. Harmful algal blooms are a result of what
availability of usable water is limiting day
type of pollution?
by day. II. The available water resource is
getting polluted due to increase in popula- A. oil
tion, industrial, agricultural and domestic B. nutrient
C. mercury
A. Only statement II is correct
D. groundwater
B. Both are correct. Statement II cor-
rectly explains statement I 565. Why is freshwater a limited source?
C. Both are correct but not related to A. people do not need fresh water
each other
B. most of earth water is covered in fresh
D. Both are wrong water
560. Which water compartment can store wa- C. a small percentage of liquid fresh wa-
ter for up to 100, 000 years? ter is found on earth
A. oceans D. humans use salt water more
B. ice and snow 566. Which of the following logging methods
C. lakes would be the least sustainable?
D. rivers A. selectively remove only the high-value
561. Point beneath Earth’s surface where the
soil is saturated with water. B. remove all but the healthiest trees
from the forest
A. recharge zone
C. cut down all trees that do not tolerate
B. water chair shade
C. watershed D. remove all of the trees in the forest in
D. water table one operation


1.9 Land Utilization 148

567. How old are the water molecules in your 571. Which of the following best illustrates
glass or bottle of water? the concept of the tragedy of the com-
A. Several days mons?
B. around 1, 000 years A. Selective harvesting of trees by a tim-
ber company in a national forest
C. a million years
D. thousands of millions of years B. Legislation of catch limits to avoid de-
pletion of fish stocks in a shared lake
568. Which is NOT a source of surface water?

C. Inadvertent destruction of beneficial
A. lakes species while attempting to control pests
B. wetlands
C. streams D. Depletion of an aquifer by regional
D. water vapor farmers

569. What type of Animal Eats fruit? 572. According to the water cycle, what is in-
A. Herbivore filtration and percolation?

B. Carnivore A. Water vapor forms into clouds

C. Insectivore B. Groundwater moves into plants
D. Frugivore C. Water vapor becomes solid
570. The bacteria can be found in shower D. Liquid water flows into the ground
heads and faucets, hot tubs, cooling tow-
573. Most injuries in tornadoes are caused by
ers, hot water tanks, decorative fountains,
or systems in large buildings.
A. agricultural A. flying debris
B. plumbing B. hail
C. population C. lightning strikes
D. none of above D. none of above

1.9 Land Utilization

1. A legal description of a property is one of D. is written by an attorney licensed to
which practice real estate law in the state in
which the property is located.
A. accurately identifies the boundaries of
the property as distinct from all other 2. Police station is a type of .
A. commercial land use.
B. accurately describes the location and B. industrial land use.
dimensions the lot and improvements on
C. recreational land use.
the property.
D. institutional land use.
C. is accepted by a licensed surveyor as
suitable for inclusion in a survey of the 3. An urban planner is designing a new ur-
property. ban housing development. It will have


1.9 Land Utilization 149

five apartment buildings, two basketball A. consumers can access a wider variety
courts, a playground with permeable foam of fruits and veggies
pavers, a 10-acre green space with a small


B. soil is able to grow crops for a longer
man-made pond, one 5-story parking deck, time period without becoming depleted of
and direct access to the mass transit train nutrients
line.Which of the following will best help
to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide re- C. farmers will have to purchase new
leased into the atmosphere? equipment each year to work with the
wide variety of crops
A. The land cleared to build the new de-
velopment occurs in a rural area rather D. individuals will be able to take less sup-
than within the city limits. plemenmtal vitamins due to the access to
nutrients in their diet
B. The playground is made with perme-
able foam pavers rather than with imper- 7. In European cities it is not unusual for
vious concrete.
A. single family homes with every large
C. Access to the mass transit train line yards
will provide inhabitants an alternative to
driving personal vehicles. B. shops to be at the street level and
apartments (homes) on upper levels
D. Food and other resources must be
transported to the development from up C. wealthy people living in the suburbs
to 200 miles away. D. urban poor living in the city center

4. least beneficial in trying to reduce insect 8. The health of a forest can play a major role
damage in maintaining human health by
A. planting polycultures A. being a source of mining
B. planting monocultures B. providing medicines from forest
C. rotating crops species

D. planting barrier hedges C. providing paper

D. providing wildlife habitats
5. One way that planners enforce their deci-
sions is , the practice of classifying ar- 9. A model of the internal structure of cities in
eas for different types of development and which social groups are spatially arranged
land use. in a series of rings.
A. Ecological restoration A. Concentric Zone Model
B. Zoning B. Peripheral Model
C. Heat Island C. Multiple Nuclei Model
D. Economics D. Sector Model
6. Crop rotation is a strategy used by farm- 10. How can the health of a forest play a role
ers where a different type of crop is grown in maintaining human health?
on the same soil every season. How has
the development of this method of crop A. Forest provide numerous wildlife habi-
production allowed for more sustainable tats.
land use? B. Forest can be a source of mining.


1.9 Land Utilization 150

C. Medicines are made from forest C. competition among land uses accord-
species. ing to rent-paying abilities
D. Forest provide pulp to make paper. D. none of the above

11. Least likely to minimize soil erosion 16. Which of the following is an example of a
nonrenewable resource?
A. high yield crops
A. wind
B. deforestation
B. natural gas

C. no-till agriculture
C. sunlight
D. herbicide use
D. fresh water
12. A permanent collection of buildings and in-
habitants 17. Which of the following is an example of
sustainable development in a rainforest?
A. Market area
A. clearing away trees so people can
B. Settlement build ranches and farms
C. Range B. using resources in ways that do not
D. Sprawl harm the environment

13. Which of the following most effectively al- C. producing and selling goods without
lows forests to recover from tree harvest- making any profit
ing? D. encouraging trade between native
A. cutting only medium-sized or mature Amazonians and farmers
trees 18. Which of the following may be a result of
B. cutting all of the trees and then re- people leaving the core of the city to the
planting the area with seedlings suburbs?
C. allowing the forest to reseed itself A. suburban loss of culture and the arts
D. cutting only young trees and then re- B. loss of infrastructure leads to urban
placing them with seedlings blight
C. gain of tax base leads to urban re-
14. clearcutting will lead to
A. run off decreasing
D. loss of tax base leads to urban blight
B. landslides decreasing
19. buildings, roads, houses, and industry
C. increase in concentration of nitrates in
streams A. urban land
D. increase in average depth of the top- B. ecosystems services
soil C. rangeland
15. Commercial agriculture consists of D. rural land

A. a production system which does not 20. High rents and land shortage discourage 2
use chemical fertilizers or pesticides main activities in the CBD - industrial and
B. an agricultural system in which produc-
tion is primarily for sale A. Restaurants


1.9 Land Utilization 151

B. Hotels 25. How long have native people lived in the

C. Law Firms


A. 20 years
D. Residential
B. 12, 000 years
21. Most Latin American cities are focused on C. since the 1960’s
D. they moved there very recently
A. zone of heavy industry
26. What term describes the positive benefits
B. central plaza that wildlife or ecosystems provides to
C. skyscraper office building people?
A. ecosystem services
D. squatter settlement
B. ecosystem
22. What is the application of scientific princi- C. biodiversity
ples and new technologies to agriculture?
D. none of above
A. Agriscience
27. Name the model: The city develops out-
B. Chemistry wards from a CBD in slices. Industry
C. Agronomists would locate in strips alongside the best
transportation routes. High class housing
D. Science
would be in the most aesthetically pleasing
locations away from noise and pollution.
23. An urban area that has incorporated / (
Middle to low class housing would fill the
combined ) into a one large independent
gap. Transportation is a key factor.
self-governing unit is
A. The Sector Model
A. Municipality ( City )
B. Concentric Zone Model
B. State
C. Bid-rent
C. Private Development
D. British Urban land Use Model
D. Government Property
28. A law that limits the permitted uses of
24. Harvesting wood from forests is one the land and maximum density of develop-
top industries in the world. There are vari- ment in a community
ous ways for loggers to harvest this wood. A. Zoning Ordinance
Which of the following would provide the B. Law of the Indies
best sustainable use of the land?
C. Enclosure movement
A. Clear cutting the trees because it pro-
D. Central Place Theory
duces the greatest timber yield
B. Strip cutting the trees because it mini- 29. An area that is protected as wildlife habi-
mizes widespread destruction tat
A. Urban
C. Strip cutting the trees because only
mature trees are cut B. Forest
D. Clear cutting the trees because it is the C. Cropland
most cost effective method D. Park/Preserve


1.9 Land Utilization 152

30. What are some reasons deforestation oc- 35. Which of these is a federal law that pro-
curs? tects public drinking water supplies by
instituting standards for drinking water
A. clearing land for agriculture, ranching,
quality and various technical and finan-
and mining
cial programs to ensure drinking water
B. just wanting to destroy things safety?
C. Population moving from rural areas to A. Superfund Amendments and Reautho-
cities rization Act (SARA)

D. to make room for infrastructure B. Clean Air Act (CAA)
31. An area prone to landslides is an example
of D. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)

A. rangeland. 36. Which term is used to describe low den-

sity, automobile-dependent community de-
B. open space.
velopment that is associated with land use
C. rural land. that has a negative impact?
D. marginal land. A. urban coalition
B. urban homesteading
32. Cutting down every tree in a large area is
an example of C. urban planning
D. urban sprawl
A. Selective Cutting
B. Shelterwood Cutting 37. Unless a permit is obtained, the Clean Wa-
ter Act makes it unlawful to do what?
C. Clear Cutting
A. discharge any pollutant into the under-
D. none of above ground storage tanks
33. What is a ruminant’s digestive system B. engage in fishing activities in freshwa-
evolved to digest that humans cannot di- ter sources
gest? C. discharge any pollutant from a point
A. fruits source into navigable waters
D. drill for oil in offshore oil rigs within 25
B. insects
miles of the coast
C. grasses
38. Which of the following statements about
D. meats greenways is true?
34. What is one of the primary factors that A. They only benefit humans.
draws people from rural areas to urban ar- B. They limit the movement of wildlife.
C. They decrease property values.
A. Less pollution D. They protect water quality.
B. More jobs
39. Why do communities require building per-
C. More open space mits?
D. Heat islands A. To promote development.


1.9 Land Utilization 153

B. To establish the basis for an inspec- 44. Which is more likely to have higher tem-
tion. peratures due to the urban heat island ef-


C. To promote certificates of occupancy.
A. city (downtown)
D. To ensure that improvements comply
with codes. B. rural area
C. residential
40. What is the main cause of malnutrition?
D. commercial area
A. laziness
45. Oil, natural gas, and coal are examples of
B. the green revolution
A. mental minerals
C. embargos
B. non-metal minerals
D. poverty
C. fuel minerals
41. the area surrounding a central place, from D. none of above
which people are attracted to use the
place’s goods and services 46. When a census is taken and they ask about
your social class, age and marital status,
A. Primate city gender, race and ethnicity. These charac-
B. Hinterland teristics can be mapped and studied. This
study is called
C. Range
A. social area analysis
D. Threshold
B. zone area analysis
42. Several states have created steps to slow C. interdependent system analysis
suburban sprawl including which of the fol- D. city center analysis
47. Metals, Non-metals, and Fuels are cate-
A. Increasingly high property value near
gories of
the city center
A. minerals
B. Growth in manufacturing and industry
in the CBD B. plants
C. New transportation networks for easy C. animals
access into and out of the city D. none of above
D. Renovating downtown housing and 48. A new golf course is built next to a river.
consumer-friendly businesses Over the past several months, the nitrate
levels of the water in the river have been
43. A(n) is an area in which the tempera-
increasing. Which best explains the cause
ture is several degrees higher than that of
of the increasing nitrate levels?
the surrounding area.
A. increased growth of algae
A. Heat Island
B. decreased biodiversity
B. Rural Area
C. runoff from fertilizer
C. Urban Area
D. chemical reactions with pesticides and
D. Infrastructure fertilizers


1.9 Land Utilization 154

49. The average amount of land used by each 54. What is probably the biggest problem fac-
urban citizen is called ing U.S. National Parks today?
A. world-wide land disposal. A. regulations
B. per capita land reclamation. B. soil erosion
C. per capita land consumption. C. environmentalists
D. per capita land constipation.. D. tourism

50. IPM Integrated Pest Management re- 55. What is a consequence of deforestation of
quires the Amazon rainforest?
A. more money than pesticides A. decrease of biodiversity
B. more fertilizer B. loss of oxygen source
C. more irrigation C. loss of habitats
D. more expert knowledge about individ- D. all of the above
ual pest crop situations
56. What would make a product the most eco
51. Which of these zoning concepts attempts friendly?
to ensure that all of the buildings in a par-
ticular area have the same general look A. if it can be refillable
and style? B. if it can be recycled
A. incentive zoning C. if it is made from plastics
B. floating zoning
D. if it is biodegradable
C. aesthetic zoning
57. The Latin American city typically differs
D. cluster zoning
from the North American city in which of
52. This soil composition would hold the most the following ways?
water A. The central business district is more
A. Clay dominant in its influence over its related
urban land in the North American city than
B. Sand in the Latin American city
C. Humus B. The Latin American city typically does
D. loam not show as strong a trend toward sub-
urbanization as does the North American
53. Which of the following is NOT a defining city
characteristic of a world city? C. The North American city shows more
A. World financial centers influence of the sector model growth pat-
terns than does the Latin American city
B. Primate city classification
D. The urban realms model is more
C. Concentration of culture offerings
strongly explanatory and predictive of
D. Center for national and international Latin American urban growth than it is of
governments North American urban growth


1.9 Land Utilization 155

58. is the spread of low-density urban or A. The population of the world began to
suburban development outward from an grow rapidly.
urban center.


B. There are farming artifacts left behind
A. New Urbanization in early agricultural settlements.
B. Urbanization C. Written records.
C. Sprawl D. Cave paintings depict scenes of early
D. Rural Movement
64. Which phrase best fits this description:
59. Which of the following problems is(are) di-
The number of people living within one
rectly associated with irrigation? I. Fish-
square kilometre of land
ery collapse II. Waterlogging III. Saliniza-
tion A. Population density
A. II B. Population distribution
B. I and II C. Pattern distribution
C. II and III D. Pattern density

D. I, II, and III 65. To be valid, a local zoning ordinance must

A. reasonably promote community
60. What is the growing of one single crop all
health, safety and welfare
the time called?
B. comply with federal zoning laws
A. agriculture
C. apply only to unique properties
B. monoculture
D. be published periodically in the local
C. hydrofracking
D. geothermal
66. In the rainforest, many cattle graze
61. Name the model: Based on the cities of throughout the Amazon
Sheffield, Nottingham and Huddersfield. A. river
A. The Sector Model B. canyon
B. Concentric Zone Model C. basin
C. Multple Nuclei D. lake
D. British Urban land Use Model
67. Groups who want sustainable develop-
62. Developers, environmentalists, citizens, ment in the Amazon rainforest most likely
business people, and public officials. would support
A. land-use planning A. the building of more roads into the
B. ecosystem services
B. the harvesting of rainforest trees to
C. infrastructure
create more jobs
D. urbanization C. the clearing of rainforest to create
63. What event helped geographers and other farms and ranches
scientist determine when the first Agricul- D. the use of rainforest resources with-
tural Revolution occurred? out destroying them.


1.9 Land Utilization 156

68. A second-growth forest is rocky, more natural cascading river envi-

A. an old-growth forest with lots of new ronment and setting that is more appeal-
seedlings ing to park visitors.

B. an old growth forest with lots of weeds B. Removal will decrease biodiversity be-
cause of the long-term impacts from the
explosion and deconstruction of the dam.
C. trees resulting from secondary succes-
C. Removal will increase biodiversity of

D. an old growth forest that has been cut the river, allowing more species of migra-
down with only weeds remaining tory fish to return and improving condi-
tions for aquatic insects.
69. Name the group that this statement is di-
rected toward: “The way you use the rain- D. none of above
forest’s land turns the forest into grass-
73. An agricultural practice that reduces ero-
lands. Grassland may benefit you, but it
sion and increases soil fertility?
hurts lots of other people, both here in the
Amazon basin and around the world.” A. Intercropping
A. Cattle Ranchers B. Terracing
B. Loggers C. Leaching
C. Rubber Tappers D. Contour Farming
D. Settlers 74. Limiting herd sizes, rotating herds, and
multiple watering holes are all solutions
70. Which of the following is one of the to what?
biggest problems for U.S. national parks
today? A. overfarming

A. popularity B. overgrazing

B. too many concessions C. deforestation

C. invasion of alien species D. global warming

D. rock collectors 75. What does urbanisation mean?

A. the movement of people from the coun-
71. Airports, roads, docks, railways, taxis,
tryside to towns and cities
and intracity transit systems are all exam-
ples of a cities B. the movement of people out of cities to
the countryside
A. primary sector
C. an increase in the percentage of peo-
B. secondary sector
ple living in towns and cities
C. infrastructure
D. an increase in the percentage of peo-
D. environmental determinism ple moving to the countryside

72. How will removal of the dam impact biodi- 76. government-owned housing rented to low-
versity within the Patapsco River? income individual, with rents set at 30 per-
A. Removal will not impact biodiversity, cent of the tenants’ income
but it will be replaced over time with a A. Public Housing


1.9 Land Utilization 157

B. Privately funded homes 81. According to the classic Bid-Rent Curve,

what happens to the value of land as one
C. Suburb
gets closer to the CBD?


D. Underclass housing
A. Land gets more affordable
77. Which of the following central place func- B. Price of land is not affected
tions is most likely to have the highest C. Land gets used less intensively
range of goods and highest threshold pop-
ulation? D. Land gets more expensive

A. High school 82. A declaration of restriction in a planned

unit development is unlike a deed restric-
B. Hand-surgery center
tion in that
C. Steakhouse A. it applies only to aesthetic standards
D. Furniture store of property use.
B. it attaches to rights rather than inter-
78. Regional problems such as traffic flow, ests
solid waste disposal and provisions of so-
cial services can best addressed when frag- C. it cannot be terminated by a single in-
mented local areas dividual

A. consolidate governments institutions D. it takes effect only when approved by

a homeowners’ association.
B. have the federal government pass all
the laws 83. Africa cities are distinctive due to
C. address all issues on every third even A. 3 different CBDs
year B. poor live in suburbs
D. within an urban institution they form C. no CBD
rural councils
D. lack of office space in CBD
79. Which of the following has caused an in- 84. The four consecutive 15 minute periods in
crease in the per capita land consump- the morning and evening with the heaviest
tion? volumes of traffic
A. Internet-based technologies A. Rush Hour
B. expensive rural land B. Redlining
C. low urban crime rates C. Gentrification
D. few and poor roads D. New Urbanism

80. Which of the following is NOT a way we 85. Which is an example of an activity one
have been trying to conserve land? would find in the primary sector?

A. national parks A. Transforming raw materials into man-

ufactured goods
B. wilderness areas
B. Drawing raw materials from the natu-
C. wildlife refuges ral environment
D. clear-cutting forests C. Involves services rather than goods


1.9 Land Utilization 158

D. Service jobs concerned with research C. They absorb heat that can lead to for-
and development est fires if released and damage ecosys-
86. What item does not have corn in it?
D. They are intended for military and med-
A. Ketchup ical equipment that need a long life.
B. Toothpaste
90. Saving energy and other resources with-
C. Cereal out sacrificing people’s comfort is the goal

D. Bananas
A. greenways.
87. Housing owned by the government; in the
United States, it is rented to low-income B. urban growth boundaries.
residents, and the rents are set at 30 per- C. green building design.
cent of the families’ incomes. D. zoning.
A. Public Housing
91. Process in which a desired metal is sepa-
B. Threshold rated from the other elements
C. Range A. high-grade ore
D. Gentrification B. spoils
88. Name the interest group that would make C. ore
this statement: “We are taking land that D. smelting
has already been cleared and making it
productive. Besides, we provide a valu- 92. The minimum number of people needed to
able product to hungry people all around support a business is called the
the world.” A. range
A. Cattle Ranchers B. threshold
B. Native Amazonians C. bid rent
C. Loggers D. radius
D. Environmental Groups 93. process by which trees are planted to re-
establish trees that have been cut down in
89. Button cell batteries are used in small
forest land
portable electronic devices such as
watches, cameras, digital thermometers, A. reforestation
calculators and toys. Though there are B. deforestation
no federal regulations prohibiting throw-
C. re-planting
ing button cell batteries in the regular
garbage, they should be recycled. What D. none of above
is the best explanation for why these bat-
94. Which of the following would be consid-
teries should be recycled?
ered a primate city?
A. They are no longer in use due to more A. New York City, United States
advanced technology practices.
B. Beijing, China
B. They contain mercury that if leaked
into environment can threaten human C. Paris, France
health. D. Sao Paulo, Brazil


1.9 Land Utilization 159

95. Even carefully designed logging roads C. India & Bangladesh

have harmful effects, including all of the D. Australia & New Zealand
following except


A. increased erosion 101. The process of converting a neighborhood
from a predominantly low-renter renter-
B. sediment runoff into waterways
occupied area to a predominantly middle-
C. habitat fragmentation class owner-owned area
D. decreased access to farms, mines, A. Renewal
and ranches
B. Gentrification
96. What type of agriculture is practiced to C. Conversion of Area
produce food for sale off the farm?
D. Urban Renewal
A. Commercial
B. Subsistence 102. Which is not considered a World City?
C. Cash crop A. Tokyo
D. Maize B. Beijing
97. Where are retail parks commonly found?
D. London
A. Inner suburbs
B. CBD 103. What factor does not contribute to the
C. Rural urban fringe variation in food consumption around the
D. Inner city
A. development level of a country
98. The time it takes to use a certain fraction, B. physical conditions such as climate
usually 80%, of the known or estimated
supply of a nonrenewable resource C. cultural preferences
A. country time D. absolute location
B. depletion time 104. Worldwide, the largest component of the
C. reduction time human diet is:
D. exclusion time A. grain products

99. In the Rectangular Survey System, a range B. meat products

is the area in between C. dairy products
A. any row of sections in a township. D. fruits and vegetables
B. Two consecutive meridians.
105. Nutrient rich soil is full of decayed organic
C. a principal meridian and a base line. material such as plants and animals, this
D. a parallel and a meridian. mixture of soil is called
A. humus
100. In which group of countries are GMOs
used the most widely in agriculture? B. decomposition
A. United States, Brazil, & Argentina C. compost
B. Kenya, Tanzania, & Ethiopia D. hummus


1.9 Land Utilization 160

106. Rainforests are nicknamed “the lungs of C. soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, loss
the Earth” because their rich plant life of ability to remove CO2
A. plays a major role in the carbon- D. more mercury and cyanide released
oxygen cycle. into rivers
B. releases carbon dioxide, which we 110. The art and science of producing food
turn into oxygen. from the land and tending livestock to feed
C. has organs that allow them to breathe humans.

like humans. A. Agribusiness
D. homes tropical birds that help create B. Agriculture
carbon dioxide C. Biotechnology
107. Net migration from urban to rural areas D. Agricultural revolution
in more developed countries 111. Which urban land model uses two CBDs?
A. Urbanization A. Latin American
B. Counterurbanization B. Multiple Nuclei
C. Hinterland C. Sector
D. Primate city D. Concentric

108. Which of the following would be con- 112. Who developed the term “megalopolis”
sidered an advantage of increased urban to describe the continuously developed
sprawl? string of cities from Boston, through New
York and Philadelphia to Baltimore and
A. As individuals move out of urban areas Washington, DC?
to nearby suburbs, the population densi-
A. Chancy Harris
ties of cities will decrease, reducing the
spread of infectious disease. B. Jean Gottman
B. As new homes are built in suburban ar- C. Immanuel Wallerstein
eas, the cost of materials will decrease, D. Jim Borchert
reducing the need to clear-cut old-growth
113. Which world-class city is the best exam-
ple of an entrepot, a port city?
C. As urban sprawl increases, the avail- A. Dubai
ability of land for farming and wildlife habi-
tats will decrease, increasing the loss of B. Sao Paulo
biodiversity. C. Madrid
D. As more individuals live in suburbs and D. Singapore
work in cities, transportation methods will
114. This type of land use allows pesticides to
change, reducing the amount of carbon
get into our soil, which often end up in our
dioxide emitted.
water supply.
109. What are some consequences of defor- A. Forestry
estation? B. Mining
A. increased population in cities C. Agriculture
B. building of more infrastructure D. Urbanization


1.9 Land Utilization 161

115. The theory that explains how and where 119. Which of the below is part of the Infras-
central paces in the urban hierarchy are tructure system:
functionally and spatially distributed with


A. Residential Buildings
respect to one another is attributed to
A. Charles Burgess B. Population growth

B. Chauncey Harris C. Transportation system

C. William Christaller D. Social Organization
D. Edward Ullman
120. Which animal may be raised in aquacul-
116. When human activity and natural process ture?
damage land to the point it can no longer A. catfish
support the local ecosystem.
B. goat
A. Urbanization
B. Erosion C. cow

C. Land Degradation D. chicken

D. Deforestation 121. All of the following are things needed for
117. Many ranchers argue that a benefit of the von Thunen model to work EXCEPT
raising cattle in the Amazon is that it A. Forest areas have several small lakes
A. makes good use of the rainforest land and rivers
by raising food and earning income for B. Farmers sell all of their harvest which
Brazil. they need to be close
B. increases the natural elements of the
C. The city is located centrally within an
rainforest because cattle are native ani-
isolated state
mals to Brazil.
D. Soil and climate are the same
C. helps feed poor families in Brazil
by creating affordable beef products for
122. Weathering occurs fastest in cli-
them to eat.
D. makes the soil in the rainforest more
fertile by having the cattle graze on the A. cold, dry
grassland. B. cold, wet
118. Central place theory describes the C. hot, dry
A. spatial patterns of urban and outlying D. hot, wet
areas based on the flow of goods and ser-
vices 123. The process by which the population of
B. tendency of civilizations to form cities grow
around certain natural features A. Counterurbanization
C. outward radiation of cultural patterns B. Ghetto
from a central place
C. Urbanization
D. tendency of wealth to concentrate in
urban core areas D. Slum


1.9 Land Utilization 162

124. Which of the following is the leading A. Increase of malaria due to less tree
cause of hunger in the world in 2015? cover in the Amazon rainforest
A. Crop failure B. Hunting of wild game for food in the
Amazon rainforest
B. Overpopulation
C. Illegal trade of wild species across
C. War and political instability
borders in Brazil
D. Global Warming
D. Contamination of meat due to indus-

125. Which of the following is important to the trial production practices in Brazil
success of a sustainable community gar-
129. Area protected from exploitation.
A. wilderness
A. hiring people who will be willing to
work B. open space
B. set a time limit for the program C. rural
C. planting native plants that will easily D. urban
adapt to the climate
130. During the Middle Ages, a neighborhood
D. planting invasive plants that spread in a city set up by law to be inhabited only
and take over by Jews; now used to denote a section of
a city in which members of any minority
126. According to Johann von Thunen, hor- group live because of social, legal, or eco-
ticulture (growing fruits and vegetables) nomic pressure
should take place
A. Primate city
A. Nearest to the market because prod-
ucts spoil quickly B. Range

B. Outside of grain farming because of C. Slum

the large land requirements D. Ghetto
C. In developed countries 131. The state needs to acquire someone’s pri-
D. In tropical regions where the growing vate land in order to build a six-lane high-
season is more suitable for these crops. way. The government MUST:
A. take the landowner to court to get a
127. Area of a city where retail and office ac-
formal decision
tivities are clustered
B. provide just compensation in exchange
A. Central Business District (CBD)
for the property
B. Clustered rural settlement
C. provide additional land in substitution
C. Urbanized Area of the land they are acquiring
D. Edge City D. ask the landowner to voluntarily alien-
ate the property
128. Deforestation in countries, like Brazil,
have also caused a threat to human health. 132. The basic support systems provided by
Which of the following best associates de- a city for its people, including power,
forestation to a threat for human health in communications, transportation, sanita-
Brazil? tion, and education


1.9 Land Utilization 163

A. urbanization. 136. Batteries should be recycled instead of

B. infrastructure. thrown in regular garbage. Which of the
following is the best explanation for recy-


C. industrialization. cling them?
D. urban geography. A. they absorb heat and can lead to forest
fire and damage ecosystems
133. Where at in the structure of an urban
area would a business such as a high-end B. They are no longer in use due to more
department store with a high pull factor advanced technology practices.
rate for customers be located? C. They are intended for military and
A. Third Ring / Outer Suburb medical equipment that need a long life.
B. First Ring / Inner Suburb
D. they contain mercury that if leaked
C. CBD ( Central Business District )
into the environment can threaten human
D. Near a subway station health
134. A service business sector that offers its 137. Combines elements of concentric and sec-
products primarily within a particular re- tor models; has a “SPINE” radiating out of
gion; generally does not export products. the CBD around which high income groups
A. Nonbasic industries can be found

B. Business services A. Latin American City Model

C. Consumer services B. Concentric Zone Model

D. Personal services C. Gravity Model

D. Sector Model
135. What has happened to the number of
farmers in the US during the 20th cen- 138. Which of these do environmental groups
tury? in the Amazon forest most want to pro-
A. The number of farmers has declined
because of lack of opportunities to make A. biodiversity
a profit and the pull of higher paying jobs B. ecotourism
in the city.
C. deforestation
B. The number of farmers has increased
to meet the rising demand of food as the D. wetlands
population grows. 139. The shift of a population from the coun-
C. The number of farmers has increased tryside to cities is called
to meet the growing demand for food as A. urbanization.
high powered economies demand more
and more protein and foods from exotic B. infrastructure.
locations. C. land preservation.
D. The number of farmers has remained D. an ecological footprint.
the same because the increase in the de-
mand for food has been met with improve- 140. Which of the following is a side effect of
ments in technology and advanced farm- heat islands?
ing techniques. A. drought


1.9 Land Utilization 164

B. lower temperatures C. infrastructure

C. lower temperatures and drought D. highways
D. increased precipitation 146. clearing of trees from an area without re-
placing them
141. An important environmental benefit of
open spaces in cities includes A. reforestation

A. contamination of water sources by B. deforestation

runoff of soil and animal wastes C. clear cutting

B. hotter, humid summers due to evapo- D. none of above
ration of water from plant leaves 147. Building a mass transit system is likely
C. the improvement in air quality result- to have which of the following effects?
ing from filtering of pollutants by plants. A. increasing air pollution
D. All of the above B. traffic congestion
142. Legislation and regulations to limit subur- C. increasing the temperature of the ur-
ban sprawl and preserve farmland ban heat island
A. Smart Growth D. none of the above
B. Range 148. What two factors will create the biggest
strain on natural resources?
C. Public Housing
A. Decreased population and lower living
D. Gentrification
143. are most responsible for deforesta- B. Increased population and less water
tion of the rainforest. C. Increased population and increased
A. Rubber tappers living standards
B. Native peoples D. Decreased population and increased
water availability
C. Logging companies
D. Environmental groups 149. can occur when a person does not con-
sume enough vitamins, minerals, or calo-
144. A clustering of tall office buildings, shop- ries.
ping malls, and apartment complexes at A. famine
the intersection of major interstate high-
ways is called B. scurvy
C. essential amino acids
A. Suburban sprawl
D. malnutrition
B. Urban sprawl
C. Suburban densification 150. How did the Industrial Revolution affect
the cities?
D. Edge cities
A. Made the crime rate decrease
145. all of the things that a society builds for B. Led to an increase in farm workers
public use
C. Make the cities cleaner and safer
A. roads D. Led to an increase in population in the
B. public services cities


1.9 Land Utilization 165

151. Prenatal care consists of regular check 154. One of our nation’s leading producer of
ups and vitamins given throughout a preg- steel.
nancy.Studies have shown that this type


A. New York
of care can significantly reduce miscar-
riages and birthcomplications. While insur- B. Chicago
ance covers most of the costs, those with- C. Atlanta
out insurance can find thiscare expensive.
What can you infer about the rates of pre- D. New Orleans
natal care and poverty?
155. Climate affects soil types; for instance,
A. Those in poverty are less likely to use prairie soils have
prenatal care
A. thinner A & B horzons due to leaching
B. Those in poverty are more likely to use which is promoted by rainfall.
prenatal care B. thin, lightly colored A horizons becaus
C. With advancements in medicine no of the lack of vegetation
one uses prenatal care C. granitic C horizonx because little or no
D. Those in poverty use prenatal care at grass grows there
the same rates of those who are not in D. thick, dark, A horizon because of all the
poverty grasses that contribute organic materials.

152. Areas that are protected from devel- 156. The essential elements of the metes and
opment and environmental damage are bounds system are
known as areas.
A. parallels, base lines, and meridians.
A. wilderness
B. boundaries, distances, and a base line.
B. rural
C. urban C. reference points, angles, and dis-
D. none of above
D. lot numbers, sections, and ranges.
153. Specifically, how do farmers clear the
land for shifting cultivation? 157. Which of the following is not an ecosys-
tem service provided by rural lands?
A. Farmers use machines to cut the trees
down and clear the debris. The debris is A. oxygen in the air
then burned and the ash is used to fertil- B. plastic for making bottles
ize the next rotation of crops.
C. aesthetic beauty
B. Farmers slash the vegetation and burn
D. wood for making paper
the debris
C. Farmers rotate crops every year to 158. MInerals are
make sure that the land remains produc- A. natural resources
tive and does not go fallow.
B. non-living
D. Farmers use modern technology and
C. useful materials
advanced farming techniques to maximize
production on their farms. D. all of the above


1.9 Land Utilization 166

159. What is the process of Settlement for- 164. Ben would like to construct a restaurant
mation, Then Settlement Expansion, Then on a parcel of land. This particular parcel is
Changes to the expanded settlement that not zoned for commercial use. Ben should
are reflective of modern day amenities . go to the city and seek a(n):
A. Suburbanization A. encroachment
B. Centralization B. exemption
C. Gentrification C. deferrence

D. Ruralization D. use variance
165. Which of the following statements about
160. In which state or province is the long-lot urban and rural areas is true?
land division most common?
A. Today, the percentage of people living
A. Quebec in rural areas worldwide is less than the
B. Texas percentage of people living in urban areas
C. Iowa
B. Urban areas tend to grow upward, not
D. British Columbia outward.
161. The change in density in an urban area C. People in urban areas depend on re-
from the center to the periphery sources produced in rural areas.
A. Density Gradient D. Improved transportation promotes mi-
gration from urban areas to rural areas.
B. Gentrification
166. Boserup’s model states that food produc-
C. Annexation
tion will increase to meet a rising popula-
D. Conurbation tion because

162. This model is based in the assump- A. Farmers will adapt to rising demand
tion that growth occurred independently and develop new methods to increase
around several major foci, many of which food production.
were far away from the CBD and only B. Boserup’s model states that food will
marginally connected to it. fail to meet the increased demand result-
ing in undernourishment and death for mil-
A. Central place theory
lions of people.
B. Multiple-nuclei model C. Life always finds a way.
C. Urban realms model D. The needs to the many outweigh the
D. Model of urban evolution needs to the few. The majority of people
will dictate where food resources are allo-
163. Selective cutting involves cutting cated.
A. All of the trees in a forest and then re- 167. Name the model: Business agglomerates
seeding in the CBD, surrounding this is the zone of
B. Only one species of tree in a forest. transition that is dominated by older hous-
ing, flats and light industry. This zone
C. Only the mature trees in a forest
includes a large proportion of ethnic mi-
D. Only the young trees in a forest. norities. Better housing would be found


1.9 Land Utilization 167

further out in the suburbs. FInally, the 172. Which of the following is the best exam-
commutor zone extended beyond the city ple of a bulk reducing industry?


A. Automobile assembly
A. The Sector Model
B. Copper mining
B. Concentric Zone Model
C. Toy manufactoring
C. Multiple Nuclei Model
D. Soft-drink bottling
D. British Urban land Use Model
173. Term
168. Partially decomposed organic matter
found in the O horizon A. infrastructure
A. Silt B. urbanization
B. Sand C. ecosystem services
C. Humus D. none of above
D. loam 174. In the new global economy, an increasing
169. Which is NOT a disadvantage of defor- proportion of influential financial decisions
estation? are being made in
A. loss of wildlife A. major corporate centers such as New
York, London, and Tokyo
B. loss of topsoil
B. regional centers and small towns
C. increased flooding
where fax machines are used
D. maintenance of biodiversity
C. the field, close to the sources of agri-
170. In Florida, many acres of private land cultural production
is being developed. What environmental D. national capitals because of the in-
parameters should be monitored to deter- creasing importance of the nation state
mine long term impacts to future policy de-
cisions? 175. Which of the following is a way in which
A. economic profits created by the new the native Amazonian people have been
communities hurt by newcomers?
B. jobs created from development of new A. They have been driven off of their land
company locations by newcomers.
C. baseline data on number of species B. They have been killed by diseases new-
present in the environment comers brought.
D. cost of developing the areas into hu- C. They have been killed and injured in
man habitable environments land use conflicts.
171. One of the results of green building de- D. all of the above
sign is reduced
176. Farming practices like plowing, irrigation,
A. use of mass transit. and overfarming/grazing lead to loss of
B. energy bills. topsoil through
C. sprawl around major cities. A. contour plowing
D. personal space and comfort. B. lying fallow


1.9 Land Utilization 168

C. leeching 182. Several factors can lead to land degra-

D. erosion dation. Which of these activities is least
likely to contribute to land degradation?
177. No fishing zones are designated to repair A. Urbanization
the damage from what?
B. Deforestation
A. aquaculture C. Poor farming methods
B. ocean pollution D. Using an irrigation system on crops

C. overharvesting
183. How does the expansion of urban devel-
D. desertification opment into rural areas affect natural pop-
ulations in the environment?
178. Tropical forests in the Amazon basin and
other South American countries are being A. Resources available to the natural pop-
cleared for all of the following except ulations will decrease.

A. tree plantations B. The biodiversity of the natural popula-

tions will increase.
B. cattle ranching
C. The amount of area available to pro-
C. tropical hardwood lumber ducers will increase.
D. soybean plantations D. Death rates of the natural populations
will decrease.
179. Which of the following refers to the size
and functional complexity of cities? 184. Which of the following is NOT caused by
A. Urban hierarchy anthropogenic activities?
A. Forest fires
B. Basic-nonbasic ratio
B. Earthquakes
C. Threshold ratio
C. Oil spills
D. The Sector model
D. Overfishing
180. Services that provide for the well-being
and personal improvement of individual 185. Which of the following is not commercial
consumers farming?
A. Pastoral nomadism
A. Consumer services
B. Agribusiness
B. Personal services
C. Mediterranean
C. Producer services
D. Livestock and Cattle Ranching
D. Public services
186. City governments can prevent suburban
181. Historically, the growth of North Ameri- sprawl by designating areas of mandatory
can suburbs was most constrained by open space called:
A. zoning ordinances A. dormitory suburbs.
B. housing shortages B. public housing.
C. limited transportation C. greenbelts.
D. cultural preferences D. squatter settlements.


1.9 Land Utilization 169

187. The largest major population concentra- 192. Which of the following is an importance
tion of North America is of housing?


A. from Toronto to Montreal. A. Housing important for communities be-
cause they provide opportunities for peo-
B. from Miami to Jacksonville.
ple to socialize.
C. from San Diego to San Francisco
B. Housing can be used for animals to
D. from Washington D.C. to Boston. graze and live healthily.
C. Housing ensures that people have
188. Wal-Mart is opening in the small town of
homes to build a families.
Vado, New Mexico. This is creating over
400 jobs in the area. Population is quickly D. Housing is important for the growth of
increasing. This is an example of technology.
A. Urbanization 193. allowing more animals to graze in an
B. Inflation area than the range can support
A. overgrazing
C. Urban Center
B. undergrazing
D. Influence
C. overcrowding
189. Which of the following factors con- D. none of above
tributed to sprawl in the United States?
194. The major complaint that environmental
A. more affordable automobiles
detractors of the Taylor Grazing Act have
B. improved roads is that:
C. less expensive land A. The negative externalities of grazing
D. all of the above are not fully revealed
B. The taxes on grazing animals are too
190. What is not a result of deforestation high
A. release of Carbon Dioxide in the atmo- C. The fences erected as a result of this
sphere legislation are deleterious for wildlife
B. decreased soil fertility from erosion D. It allows too much grazing to take
C. premature extinction
D. reduction of flooding 195. In the United States, a central city plus
its contiguous built-up suburbs.
191. Which of the following is one way to re- A. Clustered rural settlement
duce an over-supply of recyclable materi-
als? B. Economic base
C. Squatter Settlement
A. build more recycling plants
D. Urbanized Area
B. increase the types of recyclable mate-
rials 196. Which issue is an important concern in
C. increase the demand for products both aquaculture and feed lots?
made from recycled materials A. animal waste
D. put the excess materials in landfills B. cost of feed


1.9 Land Utilization 170

C. pesticide contamination 201. Which of the following statements cor-

rectly describes the economic employment
D. foul orders
mix that began to emerge in many U.S.
197. land that is used to graze livestock and cities after World War II?
wildlife A. Workers’ unions are reaching their
highest level of influence in American his-
A. rural land
B. urban land
B. Urban jobs are becoming increasingly

C. rangeland service oriented and required learned
D. crop land
C. Most U.S. jobs are being outsourced to
198. A rural settlement in which the houses foreign labor supplies
and farm buildings of each family are sit- D. The majority of U.S. jobs are moving
uated close to each other and fields sur- from being consumption related to more
round the settlement of a production orientation
A. Clustered rural settlement
202. Which of these is an Entrepot
B. Economic base
A. singapore
C. Squatter Settlement
B. shanghai
D. Urbanized Area
C. vancouver
199. The movement of people from rural areas D. vatican city
to cities is called
203. Movement of people from rural areas to
A. urban sprawl into cities is known as
B. urbanization A. land-use planning
C. jobs B. urbanization
D. none of above C. gis (geographic information system)

200. The main cause of land use conflict in the D. none of above
Amazon rainforest is
204. Name the model: The concept is drawn
A. opposition by the government to the from ecology, with the physical expansion
movement of farmers to the rainforest of the city occurring by invasion and suc-
B. differences among many different
groups over how best to use the rainfor- A. The Sector Model
est B. Concentric Zone Model
C. conflicts between ranchers and farm- C. Multiple Nuclei Model
ers over how much land to clear in the
rainforest D. British Urban land Use Model

D. arguments among environmental 205. Sprawl and segregation have flattened

groups over how to preserve biodiversity this because people and services are now
in the rainforest spread out over a larger area than in the


1.9 Land Utilization 171

past, and fewer people live in the center B. land->urbanization->development-

of cities today. >urban sprawl


A. urban realm C. land->development->urbanization-
B. density gradient >urban sprawl
D. land->development->urbanization-
C. bid-rent theory
>suburban sprawl
D. sector model
211. In the context of industrial location,
206. Which of the following leads to a de- which of the following best describes the
crease in birthrates among women? concept of situation?
A. Higher Education A. The number of jobs that an industry
B. High Infant Mortality Rate will create in a region.
C. No Prenatal Care B. The location of an industry in relation
to other industries.
D. No contraceptives
C. A force that attracts industries to a
207. An area in which the air temperature is specific location.
generally higher than the temperature of D. The location of an industry in relation
surrounding rural areas to resources used in production including
A. Infrastructure its market.
B. Land use planning 212. Soil formation begins with the weather-
C. Overgrazing ing of
D. Heat island A. Humas
B. Subsoil
208. Transportation systems, communications
systems, water services, power supplies, C. Litter
and schools are all examples of D. Bedock
A. infrastructure. 213. The role that organisms play in creating
B. rural areas. a healthful environment for humans
C. ecological footprints. A. Heat island
D. land use. B. Deforestation
C. ecosystem services
209. The agricultural revolution provided soci-
eties with D. Infrastructure

A. Protection 214. Developer Amy got a density bonus (was

allowed to build more units on her prop-
B. Food security
erty) because she committed to making
C. An economy some of the affordable housing. What
D. A class system kind of zoning allowed this?
A. spot zoning
210. Which of the following is the correct or-
der leading to urban sprawl? B. floating zones
A. sprawl->development->urbanization- C. inclusionary zoning
>urban development D. as-of right zoning


1.9 Land Utilization 172

215. A neutral ph is C. the urban crisis

A. 7 D. none of above
B. 1 221. Where did Agriculture originate?
C. 14 A. Africa
D. 6 B. China
216. Which is NOT a strategy to increase a C. Multiple hearths
city’s sustainablity

D. Fertile Crescent
A. reduce reliance on fossil fuels
222. Climate for Plantation farming
B. increase/improve greenspace
A. Arid/Semi-Arid
C. increase recycling rates
B. cold and rainy winters, dry hot sum-
D. build more shopping malls mers
217. In clear-cutting, trees are removed C. tropical or sub-tropical
from an area. D. it varies and can happen in many cli-
A. oldest mates
B. small 223. What is the best reason why people still
C. larger practice unsustainable farming practices?

D. all A. They are not aware of the conse-

218. Which is a positive effect of urban B. Sustainable practices require less wa-
sprawl? ter
A. there are more affordable houses C. Unsustainable practices lead to cheap
B. increased pollution and easy harvest
C. destruction of habitats D. none of above
D. more taco bells (this one’s not the right 224. People in developing nations eat less of
answer, but it is true) which 2 nutrients compared to developed
219. Which of these zoning concepts creates
more density to allow more affordable A. carbohydrates and lipids
housing with more green space? B. carbohydrates and proteins
A. incentive zoning C. proteins and lipids
B. floating zoning D. none of above
C. aesthetic zoning
225. The United Kingdom has established
D. cluster zoning greenbelts around certain cities to prevent
220. Adequate infrastructure, sufficient roads,
mass transit systems, and planned green A. Urban sprawl
spaces are all advantages of what? B. The spread of poverty
A. rapid urbanization C. Unbearable pollution
B. slow urbanization D. Race relations from erupting into riots


1.9 Land Utilization 173

226. Roads, sewers, transportation systems, C. climate

schools, and hospitals are all clear exam- D. soil
ples of


231. What do environmentalists hope to find
A. infrastructure
in the Amazon rainforest?
B. urban sprawl
A. new land to develope
C. heat islands
B. cures for diseases
D. none of above C. ancient ruins
227. rapid expansion of a city into the coun- D. an alternative source for electricity
tryside around the city
232. The key considerationin granting a zoning
A. city expansion exception known as a special exception is
B. urbanization which of the following?
C. urban sprawl A. Hardship.
D. rural overtaking B. Change of zones.
C. The public interest.
228. The primary differences between agri-
D. The use was legal prior to the new
culture practices in the world are be-
zone creation.
tween those of what two types of re-
gions/countries? 233. What is the term that describes the zone
A. Africa and Asia of “buffer” on either side of the stream
channel that is compared to the number
B. MDC and LDC of channel widths on either side of the
C. Eastern and Western Hemispheres stream?
D. Northern and Southern Hemisphere A. Sinuosity
B. Riparian
229. Slash-and-burn agriculture is used often
by farmers who live in areas that have C. Alteration
A. soil that lacks sufficient amounts of ni- D. Deposition
trogen to grow food crops quickly. 234. In the grasslands, cattle often overgraze.
B. a shortage of rain throughout the year, Overgrazing reduce the grass cover and
such as an arid or desert region. negatively impact soil health. How can we
C. very high elevations, such as mountain prevent this from happening? So we can
ranges in South America and South Asia. support sustainable use of the land.
A. Encourage the buying of ranch lands
D. a combination of climate and physical
for housing
features that result in crops growing very
slowly. B. Practice moving confined cattle every
few days to spread areas of feeding
230. The most significant factor as to why
C. Practice grazing with cattle in a spe-
North China grows crops other than wet
cific area of land at same stage of plant
rice is
growth cycle each year
A. Cultural tradition D. Allow unlimited animals to graze in a
B. Ethnic precedence given area to reach carrying capacity


1.9 Land Utilization 174

235. Areas of land primarily covered by roads 239. What is risk of GMOs?
and building, with a population over 2,
A. Radioactive
500 people.
A. Urban B. Food that taste too good
B. Rural C. throw an ecosystem off balance
C. Rangeland D. produce too much food
D. Forestland
240. Which of the following is NOT one of the

236. Why does logging harm the Amazon rain- three most influential cities in the world?
A. New York
A. Loggers are required to live in the rain-
forest, so they build houses and buildings. B. London
C. Tokyo
B. Loggers often litter the rainforest be-
D. Los Angeles
cause there is no garbage system in the
241. resources produced by natural and artifi-
C. Logging pollutes the air because trees cial ecosystems
release carbon dioxide when they are cut.
A. ecosystem services

D. Loggers often clear-cut whole patches B. rural land

of rainforest, which leads to deforesta- C. forest land
D. crop land
237. Which of these are NOT ways to improve
industrialization? 242. Which of the following is not a negative
A. land-use planning effect of mining?
B. mass transit A. Pollution
C. open spaces B. Erosion
D. add more concrete C. Landslides
238. A property owner is precluded by deed re- D. Earthquakes
striction from developing a thirty foot boat
dock. The limitation prompts the owner to 243. Suppose a city experiences higher tem-
sell to another party. The new owner peratures and different weather condi-
A. is free to build the dock since the next tions than a nearby rural area does. Which
door neighbor built a similar dock two of the following statements best explains
weeks later. these conditions?
B. takes title subject to the same restric- A. The city is a heat island.
B. The city is built on marginal land
C. can build the dock with special permis-
sion from the zoning board. C. The city is experiencing urban crisis.
D. may build, since the restriction is extin- D. Urban sprawl is reflecting tempera-
guished by the sale. tures toward the inner city.


1.9 Land Utilization 175

244. What is the legal doctrine by which the D. made all rubber tappers work in
decedent’s property will pass to the state groups to reduce how much land was
without their consent if that individual dies used.


without a will, a surviving spouse, lineal
descendants, or other known heirs? 248. Which of these is a federal law that
aims to protect people and the environ-
A. escheat ment from the harmful effects of air pol-
B. eminent domain lution?
C. taxation A. Superfund Amendments and Reautho-
rization Act (SARA)
D. zoning
B. Clean Air Act (CAA)
245. A model showing a CBD that is divided C. CERCLA
into three groups/sections: a colonial CBD,
a periodic and informal market place and D. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
a traditional business center. The neigh-
249. Property owner John illegally disposes
borhoods in this model are often based on
of toxic waste by burying it underneath
ethnic connections and the periphery of the
his property. The chemicals leak into the
city is composed of squatter settlements
nearby lake and contaminate the water.
due to rapid industrialization.
The EPA can order John to take responsi-
A. Sector Model bility for the cleanup under what law?
B. De Blij Sub-Saharan City Model A. CERCLA
C. Burgess’ Model B. Title X
D. New Donut Model C. Clean Air Act
246. The process of dividing older inner city
homes into smaller apartments due to de- 250. In which zone of the city are land prices
clining property values is know as the highest?
A. Redlining A. CBD
B. Filtering B. Low Class Housing (Inner City)
C. Gentrification C. Middle Class Housing (Suburbs)
D. Subdividing D. High Class Housing (Rural-Urban
247. In the 1960s, land use conflicts arose
between newcomers and rubber tappers 251. Rainforests are called the “lungs of the
when the government Earth” because of their role in
A. encouraged deforestation so that A. the food web
farmers and ranchers could use the land. B. the Coriolis effect
C. the El Niño current
B. began charging rubber tappers higher
taxes than ranchers and farmers. D. the carbon-oxygen cycle

C. limited the number of trees a rubber 252. A community’s collection of basic indus-
tapper could use to collect sap from. tries


1.9 Land Utilization 176

A. Clustered rural settlement B. The world may have too little oxygen to
B. Economic base survive without the rainforest
C. Squatter Settlement C. Citizens from other countries would be
upset there was no forest to visit
D. Urbanized Area
D. The cattle industry in other countries
253. What do we use landfills for? is growing so Brazilian beef isn’t needed
A. storing waste
257. According to the classic bid-rent curve,

B. holding rock leftover from mining what happens to the value of land as one
C. getting clean air to breathe gets closer to the Central Business District
D. growing food
A. Land gets used more extensively.
254. This type of service facilitates the activi-
ties of other businesses B. Land gets more expensive.

A. Public & Semi-Public Services C. Land gets used less intensively.

B. Business Services D. Land gets more affordable along busy
C. Consumer Services
D. Secondary 258. Weber’s least cost location theory uses
all of the following factors to determine
255. Critics say that class, racial and ethnic optimum location of a manufacturing facil-
lines are reinforced by ity except
A. gerrymandering A. labor cost
B. zoning B. transportation cost
C. mixed land use C. agglomeration effects
D. rural citizenship D. global division of labor
256. The Amazon rainforest is currently being
259. One method we use to manage waste is
burned down at an alarming rate. Accord-
to burn or incinerate it. While incinerating
ing to theNew York Times, most of the
can provide benefits, it also has disadvan-
deforestation is being illegally caused by
tages. Which of these is a disadvantage
ranchers. Cattle is a $6Billion industry in
of burning waste?
Brazil. In 2009 an agreement between the
largest beef packing plants andBrazil was A. Reduce the trash amount
reached to stop the deforestation. The B. Release greenhouse gases into atmo-
packing plants agreed to only purchase cat- sphere
tlefrom established, legal farms. The hope
C. Concentrate hazardous substances
was that deforestation would stop. Re-
into ash for burial
cently manycountries began putting sanc-
tions or bans on Brazilian beef. Which D. We get energy from it
of the following statementsbest explains
why the rest of the world want to stop 260. The area of the city where retail and of-
the deforestation of the Amazon? fice activities are clustered.

A. The forest is a large carbon sink that A. Central Business center

could impact global warming B. White Collar Zone


1.9 Land Utilization 177

C. Gravity Model agricultural runoff. Agricultural runoff is

D. Multiple Nuclei Model (Harris/ Ullman) water from farm fields due to irrigation,
rain, or melted snow that flows over and


261. Which of the following is NOT a cause of into the Earth. This runoff contains fer-
urban sprawl? tilizer and chemicals known to have neg-
ative impacts on the environment. What
A. Larger property and homes are avail-
environmental parameters should be mon-
able in suburban communities at a lower
itored to determine if policy changes are
cost than urban homes.
B. Affordable automobiles and the con-
A. number of farms in a given area
struction of highways make it easier for
people to commute from suburban areas B. changes to soil and water quality
into urban areas for work. C. cost of changing current farming prac-
C. High interest rate mortgages with a tices
difficult approval process makes it chal- D. cost of filtering toxic nutrients out of
lenging for people to buy a house in subur- the water
ban areas instead of renting an apartment
in urban areas. 265. The Central Business District (CBD) is also
D. Urban blight increases crime rates and oftentimes known as
decreases the quality of life in urban ar- A. Downtown
eas, making it less desirable to live in cer-
B. Suburb
tain urban areas.
C. Uptown
262. Before the enclosure movement, what
D. Rural Area
land did the peasants farm on?
A. their neighbors’ land 266. a computerized system for storing, ma-
nipulating, and viewing geographic data
B. their parent’s land
C. the common land
D. they didn’t farm before the enclosure
movement C. CPS
D. none of above
263. in the U.S., an urban area with between
2, 500 and 50, 000 inhabitants 267. North American city models are based on
A. Urban area which city?
B. Urban cluster A. Manhattan
C. Urbanized area B. Philadelphia
D. Urban settlement C. San Francisco
D. Chicago
264. The Clean Water Act was established to
restore and maintain chemical, physical, 268. Area where earth’s lithospheric plates
and biological integrity of the water sup- are pushed together
ply in the United States. It has an exemp-
tion provided to agricultural facilities that A. divergent plate boundary
allows them to avoid regulations on their B. transform plate boundary


1.9 Land Utilization 178

C. convergent plate boundary B. the range determines the maximum

D. earthquake distance that people are willing to travel
to buy or enjoy something, while the
269. Which of the following is an example of threshold is the minimum number of cus-
Tragedy of the Commons tomers needed for the business to survive
A. The extinction of a rare bird species
due to dumping waste on private land C. the greater the range, the higher the
B. Dumping of Spider Pig’s “leavings” in cost of the item

Lake Springfield D. the greater the threshold, the less the
C. Overgrazing on a private pasture cost of the item

D. Overfishing on a private lake 274. Methane is produced during decomposi-

tion in landfills by bacteria. Methane
270. Biggest drawback to using chemicals to gas retain more heat than Carbon Dioxide.
control pests Which of the following is the best use of
A. killing of other organisms this removed gas?
B. magnification in the food chain A. Trap it underground
C. their persistance in nature B. Release into the air
D. development of genetic resistance C. Burn as a fuel to generate electricity
D. collect in glass containers
271. All the following are processes that
have contributed to ghettoization in North 275. What are softwoods?
American cities EXCEPT
A. Deciduous Trees have broad leaves,
A. redlining which they usually lose in the fall. Ex:
B. racial steering Birch, Cherry, Oak and Maple.
C. green belts B. Coniferous trees retain their needle
like leaves and are commonly called ever-
D. suburbanization
green trees. Ex: Cedar, pine and spruce
272. In the Rectangular Survey System, what
are the dimentions of a township? C. Trees that retain their needle like
A. One square mile. leaves and are commonly called ever-
green trees. Ex: Cedar, pine and spruce
B. Six miles by six miles, or 6 miles
D. none of above
C. Thirty-six miles square.
D. The north and south boundaries are 276. A model of the internal structure of cities,
one mile apart;the east and west bound- created by Harris and Ullman, in which so-
aries are indeterminate. cial groups are arranged around in a collec-
tion of nodes of activities
273. Range and threshold are important to A. Multiple Nuclei Model
commercial establishments because
B. Concentric Zone Model
A. without a threshold, the distance is too
far for people to go to partake in the goods C. Peripheral Model
or services offered D. Sector Model


1.9 Land Utilization 179

277. Which zone of the city is often situated 281. What model is this? Has a zone of dis-
next to industry and factories? amenity (few social services) as a result
of very rapid urban growth Extremes be-


tween the very rich and the very poor;
B. Low Class Housing (Inner City) may have squatter settlements Mix of in-
C. Middle Class Housing (Suburbs) digenous and colonial past “Spine” rather
than a ring or a wedge for very wealthy.
D. High Class Housing (Rural-Urban
Many of these communities are gated to
protect the wealthy from high crime rates.
278. Name the model: Concentric formation. “Hub and spoke” design- a combo of Con-
The high accessibility of land in the centre centric and sector??? CBD is center of em-
is in short supply. This results in intense ployment, entertainment, and economic ac-
competition and only those willing to bid tivity.
the most will be able to locate here. The A. Latin America
land use able to bid the least will be at the B. Periphery/Galactic
C. Concentric
A. The Sector Model
D. Islamic
B. Concentric Zone Model
282. What city were the concentric zone model
C. Bid-rent
and the sector model based on when they
D. British Urban land Use Model were developed in the early 20th cen-
279. In Geography, a model can help us
A. Chicago
A. create a volcano that explodes with
baking soda B. New York City

B. make predictions about what might C. Philadelphia

happen D. Boston
C. try out new fashion designs 283. Planned communities would most likely
D. none of above be found in what type of urban setting?
280. What is grid sampling?
B. Perifericos
A. Using population counts from small
parts of a larger area to estimate the total C. American suburbs
population of the large area. D. Ghettos
B. Using individuals counts from small 284. a process by which financial institutions
parts of a larger area to estimate the total draw re-colored lines on a map and refuse
population of the large area. to lend money for people to purchase or
C. Using community counts from small improve property within the lines
parts of a larger area to estimate the total A. Gerrymandering
population of the large area.
B. Redlining
D. Using organisms counts from small
parts of a larger area to estimate the total C. Redistricting
population of the large area. D. Filtering


1.9 Land Utilization 180

285. A species that plays a major role in deter- B. protect farmland from damage by wild
mining the structure of its ecological com- grazing animals that are destroying crops.
munity is
A. a predator. C. protect farmland from being devel-
B. a dominator species. oped

C. the most abundant species in the com- D. protect farmland from environmental
munity. damage from pollution.

D. a keystone species. 290. A is a subsidiary urban area surround-
286. What is a benefit of logging in the Ama- ing a connected to a centralized city. Many
zon Rainforest? of these locations are exclusively residen-
tial, while some have their own small com-
A. Logging creates space for new ameni- mercial centers, shopping malls and gro-
ties, such as shopping malls and movie cery stores.
A. Suburb
B. Logging is important to Brazil’s econ-
omy. B. Basic Living Area
C. Logging allows more people to live in C. Middle Class Geography
the land by clearing dense forests.
D. Cityscape
D. Logging reduces the expense of main-
taining the forest. 291. What type of farming is practiced to pro-
duce food for sale off the farm?
287. Grid street patterns are most typical for
cities in A. Commercial

A. North America B. subsistence

B. South America C. seed
C. Asia D. vegetative
D. Europe
292. A jackhammer on a city street is an ex-
288. What is the importance of using different ample of what type of pollution?
land use strategies? A. air
A. To help release carbon dioxide
B. noise
B. To help capture oxygen
C. water
C. To increase the need to produce new
farm land D. light

D. To reduce the need for new farm land 293. Which Urban Model has a spine?
A. Galactic City Model
289. The National Farmland Protection Pro- B. Islamic City Model
gram was designed to
C. Latin American City Model
A. protect farmland from being overtaken
by natural grasses and weeds. D. Southeast Asia City Model


1.9 Land Utilization 181

294. Define Agriculture 298. Cities suffering from urban crisis may
A. A resource that can be replaced after have


being used through natural or human pro- A. traffic jams.
cess. B. polluted air and water.
B. A resource that can’t be replaced after C. both traffic jams and polluted air and
being used through natural or human pro- water.
D. none of above
C. Production of many diverse types of
food or fiber; geography, climate, tradi- 299. Why did the government begin the prac-
tion, and availability of resources. tice of redlining?
D. Farming A. It understood that it could make more
money off interest rates from people who
295. Ecosystem impacts of urban sprawl may took longer to pay back their loans.
lead to
B. It wanted a discreet way to keep cer-
A. loss of land.
tain racial groups out of certain neigh-
B. air and light pollution. borhoods because it was worried about
C. heat pollution. raced-based conflicts.
D. all of these. C. It was biased against certain groups
of people form racially segregated neigh-
296. How would untreated waste alter the borhoods who it did not believe would be
biodiversity and the genetic diversity able to repay their loans.
within these regions?
D. It was worried about the housing
A. Genetic diversity improves with in- boom in urban areas and wanted to slow
creases in nutrients thereby enhancing down the rapidly growing homeownership
the species and biodiversity. occurring throughout the country.
B. Changes in the structural diversity will
300. Why is rubber tapping considered a sus-
not affect how the species adapt to the en-
tainable activity?
vironmental changes.
A. Rubber tapping naturally fertilizes the
C. Positive impacts on an environment
trees’ surrounding soil.
will increase biodiversity and increase the
gene pool which will increase the species B. Rubber tapping reduces the amount of
stability. carbon dioxide in the air.
D. Negative impacts on an environment C. Rubber tapping does not harm the tree
will change the health of the ecosystem, that is tapped for sap.
lowering the genetic diversity and increas- D. Rubber tapping creates products that
ing the number of unhealthy offspring. can be used for many things.
297. The three models within your textbook 301. All of the following are a likely conse-
are all based on which US city? quence of deforestation EXCEPT
A. Los Angeles A. reduced primarily productivity
B. Chicago B. increased erosion
C. New York City C. increased CO2 removal from atmo-
D. Miami sphere


1.9 Land Utilization 182

D. reduced forest products 307. Megacities have a population of ?

A. Over 1 million
302. are chemicals which kill weeds.
B. Over 10 million
A. Fertilizers
C. Over 20 million
B. Fungicides
D. Over 50 million
C. Rodenticides
D. Herbicides 308. The set of economic and political rela-
tionships that organize food production for

303. Name one reason for the growth of the commercial purposes.
inner suburbs A. Agribusiness
A. Industry B. Commercial agriculture
B. Shopping C. Eco-cultivation
C. Increased car ownership D. Corporate geopolitical transactions
D. Planting trees 309. Given that most people live in urban
areas, why should rural areas be pre-
304. The area surrounding a central place,
from which people are attracted to use the
place’s goods and services (also called hin- A. They provide ecological services.
terland). B. They provide more people.
A. Market area C. They provide crucial infrastructure.
B. Settlement D. They contain suburbs.
C. Range 310. Where are the majority of megacities lo-
D. Sprawl cated?
A. Africa
305. Contour plowing
B. Europe
A. is when you rotate what you grow and
where you grow them C. Asia
B. is when you do not plow after the har- D. The Americas
vest between fall and spring
311. Which is a negative of mining?
C. leave strips of vegetation between A. Increased chances for erosion
rows of crops
B. Obtaining valuable resources
D. creates ridges between rows that pre-
vent soil from washing downhill C. Getting rich
D. Making energy and electricity
306. What type of agriculture requires a lot of
labor and focuses on a small plot of land? 312. What is a fundamental purpose of a build-
ing permit?
A. Extensive agriculture
A. To restrict the number of new develop-
B. Intensive subsistence agriculture
ment projects
C. Pastoralism B. To establish the basis for an inspection
D. Commercial agriculture


1.9 Land Utilization 183

C. To promote certificates of occupancy C. the clearing of rainforest to create

D. To ensure that improvements comply farms and ranches


with codes D. the use of rainforest resources with-
out destroying them
313. Wetlands provide a unique habitat for
many plants and animals. Wetlands are 317. Which theory states that the price for
also important in water purification, flood space increases the closer you are to the
control, and shoreline stability. How does CBD?
housing development in wetlands affect A. Central Place Theory
the ecosystem?
B. Bid Rent Theory
A. reduces biodiversity
C. Concentric Zone Model
B. decreases pollutants
D. Urban Growth Theory
C. increases availability of nutrients
318. intensive subsistense agriculture
D. increase protection from hurricanes
A. uses smaller farms
314. What is the purpose of residential zon- B. has a high agricultural density
C. uses animal power and some ma-
A. To increase home values in a neighbor- chines
D. All answers are true
B. To regulate the density of dwellings in
the residential zone. 319. is the organizing of cities to en-
sure they are safe, healthy and enjoyable
C. To prevent families from residing in
places to live. It is especially concerned
commercial and industrial sites.
with public spaces that all citizens share,
D. To maximize intensity of usage. such as streets and parks.
315. People in other countries use the valuable A. Ecosystem Service
resources of their land to provide jobs for B. Suburban
people and improve the economic situation C. Urban Planning
of their country. Why can’t we do the
same? Which group said this? D. Urbanization

A. loggers 320. Banks, post offices, hotels, cable net-

B. cattle ranchers works, television and radio stations and
communication companies are all examples
C. settlers of
D. environmentalists A. economic infrastructure
316. Groups that want sustainable develop- B. transportation infrastructure
ment in the Amazon Rainforest are most C. government institutions
likely to support
D. primary sector
A. the building of more roads into the
rainforest 321. Malnutrition is caused by

B. the harvesting of rainforests trees to A. Not having enough to eat

create more jobs B. Eating too many things


1.9 Land Utilization 184

C. Being able to use food in a different 326. The minimum number of people needed to
way support the service
D. Drinking too much water, which A. Threshold
flushes out the nutrients. B. Smart Growth
322. How does Planned Unit Development C. Public Housing
zoning vary from ordinary zoning? D. Gentrification
A. It applies only to office parks. 327. One of the negative effects of GMO use

B. It incorporates a number of different is
zones within a single property boundary. A. increased exposure to pesticides.
C. It requires that mutiple tracts of land B. an increase in crop production.
be developed according to a single design. C. depletion of soil nutrients.
D. increase risk of birth defects from
D. It requires developers to obtain a GMOs.
seperate building permit for every struc-
ture. 328. National parks and wilderness areas are
designed to do which of the following?
323. A central goal of public land use planning A. provide recreation
is to
B. protect wildlife
A. balance individual property rights with C. preserve natural areas
the community’s welfare
D. all of the above
B. develop an accord between property
owners and tenants 329. is an increase in the ratio or density
of people living in urban areas rather than
C. impede development by for-profit de-
in rural areas?
velopers and construction contractors
A. Colonization
D. subordinate private interests to the
public good. B. Urbanization
C. Overpopulating
324. aquaculture
D. Exponential Growth
A. makes dense fish populations less vul-
nerable to disease 330. Hoyt’s urban model focuses on
A. shopping
B. makes dense fish populations more
vulnerable to disease B. transportation
C. is only allowed in Norway C. airports

D. can only be harvested by aquaman D. the CBD

331. What can be done to sustain the produc-
325. Heat islands affect local tivity of rangeland?
A. traffic patterns A. Limit herd size.
B. water levels. B. Eliminate invasive plants.
C. weather patterns C. Leave the land unused for a time.
D. harvest patterns. D. all of these


1.9 Land Utilization 185

332. Which of the following is an example of 337. The United States government encour-
leachate? aged the use of cars as transportation in
part by


A. Water percolating through the soil car-
rying toxins into the ground water A. building interstate highways
B. Plastics becoming microplastics in the B. charging high gasoline taxes
oceans C. tax credits for automobile owners
C. Power plants producing greenhouse D. constructing mass public transporta-
gasses tion like subways and trains
D. Toxing going into the atmosphere from
landfills 338. Which urban land use model shows that
the city is structured around major trans-
333. Outlined how colonial cities were con- port routes?
structed in Latin America gridiron A. LIC
street plan centered on a church and cen-
tral plaza etc. B. Concentric circle
C. Sector
A. Rank-size rule
D. All of the models
B. Law of the Indies
C. Enclosure movement 339. What did the United States do to encour-
aged car ownership?
D. Central Place Theory
A. lowered automobile cost
334. . Which of the following types of land is
B. publicly supported electronic vehicles
difficult for humans to use?
C. blocked car manufactures from out-
A. Rangeland
side the US.
B. Forest land
D. funded road building
C. Park land
340. Name the model: As you travel outward
D. Wetlands, mountains, and deserts from the center of a city, you can watch
335. What is of effect of habitat loss? the decline in density at which people
live. Inner-city apartments or row houses
A. fewer types of organisms may pack as many as 250 dwellings on
B. greater diversity of organisms a hectare of land, whereas older suburbs
of houses on small lots have a density
C. organisms that are less adaptable to
of about 10 houses per hectare. This de-
scribes the
D. increasing area of wetlands
A. multiple-nuclei model
336. Which of the following is not an example B. bid-rent theory
of infrastructure?
C. density gradient
A. a railroad
D. megalopolis
B. a school
341. The largest settlement in a country, if it
C. a telephone line has more than twice as many people as the
D. a dairy farm second-ranking settlement


1.9 Land Utilization 186

A. Megacity C. Master planning is a county-level func-

B. City-state tion; zoning is limited to the city level.

C. Edge City D. Zoning ordinances are a primary

means of keping land use in harmony with
D. Primate city the master plan.
342. A difference between European suburbs 347. Define consumption
and American suburbs is the use of to
A. To use or use up
control sprawl.

B. To maintain and reserve for continued
A. greenbelt
B. new urbanism plan
C. To use or manage wisely
C. zoning ordinance
D. none of above
D. restrictive covenant
348. Urban Sprawl is
343. Which of the following is not a feature of A. large network of roads and train tracks
an agricultural cash crop? that connect urban and rural areas across
A. Frequently grown as a monoculture the country
B. Produced according to market trends B. process by which land becomes more
desert-like and unable to support life
C. Not suitable for subsistence farming
C. replacing forests, fields, and grass-
D. Only kept by the producer and never
lands with houses, roads, schools and
shopping area.
344. Heat islands can affect local D. the process by which human activity
A. weather patterns and natural process damage land to the
point that it can no longer support the lo-
B. water levels cal ecosystem.
C. traffic patterns
349. International company headquarters, sig-
D. harvest patterns nificant global financial functions, and a po-
larized social structure are defining charac-
345. Where would you find light manufactur-
teristics of
ing industry?
A. entrepôts
B. forward capitals
B. Inner Suburbs
C. world cities
C. Inner city
D. edge cities
D. Outer suburbs
350. Where did people begin to grow plants
346. Which of the following is true regarding AND domesticate animals?
master planning and zoning?
A. Europe
A. The aggregate of zoning ordinances is
the master plan. B. Africa

B. A master plan eliminates the need for C. Australia

zoning ordinances. D. Southwest Asia


1.9 Land Utilization 187

351. A business such as a high-end department 355. A non-profit organization wants to erect
store with a high threshold would most a much needed daycare center in a residen-
likely be located where in the urban frame- tial zone. Given other favorable circum-


work? stances, the local authorities grant permis-
sion by allowing
A. Central business district
A. a special exception.
B. Third-ring suburb
B. a illegal nonconforming use.
C. Near a major interstate exit
C. a variance.
D. Close to the airport D. a license.

352. Which of the following forestry meth- 356. What do most cities in the developing
ods causes the LEAST harm to the environ- world have in common?
ment? A. Urban areas are ringed by shanty-
A. clear cutting towns

B. selective cutting B. The wealthy live in a commuter zone on

the edge of the city
C. slash and burn
C. Industry is located next to the central
D. none of above business district
D. None of the above.
353. Which form of transportation uses
the most energy per passenger-mile?A. 357. Services that primarily help people con-
B.C.D. duct business
A. heavy rail A. Consumer services
B. Personal services
B. automobile
C. Producer services
C. commuter rail
D. Public services
D. bus
358. Sprawling development has led to
354. Which statement best explains why a A. increased obesity and high blood pres-
large number of agricultural products are sure.
imported into the United States from
B. decreased obesity and high blood pres-
A. The growing season in Chile allows U.S. C. a more fit population.
consumers to have fresh fruits and veg-
etables in the winter. D. increased desire to relax.

B. Subsidies in the United States make 359. land used for growing and harvesting
agricultural products less expensive wood, and harvesting wildlife, fish, nuts,
and other resources
C. Improvements in agricultural tech-
A. rangeland
nologies have increased Chile’s output.
B. forest land
D. The number of U.S. farmers has de-
clined so significantly that the country can- C. urban land
not produce enough food for consumers. D. farm land


1.9 Land Utilization 188

360. We must stop what is happening to the countries use the valuable resources of
rainforest, or eventually people all over their land to provide jobs for people and
the Earth will suffer. Which group said to improve the economic situation of their
this? country. Why can’t we do the same?”
A. settlers A. Rubber Tappers
B. rubber tappers B. Loggers
C. environmentalists C. Environmental Groups

D. loggers D. Native Amazonians

361. Which statement would be the most ac- 365. Prenatal care consists of regular check
curate regarding the bid-rent theory? ups and vitamins given throughout a preg-
nancy. What best explains the connec-
A. Land value is the highest in the cen- tion about the rates of prenatal care and
tral business district, and land value de- poverty?
creases with distance from the CBD
A. Those in poverty are less likely to use
B. More space is available in the urban prenatal care
core due to the plight of the inner city
B. Those in poverty are more likely to use
C. More space is available in the suburbs prenatal care
due to higher demand for land there
C. No one uses prenatal care
D. Land value is constant throughout the
D. Those in poverty use prenatal care at
urban area due to the high demand for res-
the same rates of those who are not in
idential space there
362. Land use conflict in the Amazon rainfor-
366. Wood harvesting leads to and habitat
est is often caused by different groups
A. having misunderstandings about its A. monoculture
land boundaries.
B. deforestation
B. wanting to charge other groups for us-
ing its land. C. radioactivity

C. having different ideas about how to D. pesticides

use its land 367. The city wants to terminate one of the
D. not wanting to change sewage treatment plants in an effort to
save money. This would then require
363. Cities become known as because they all sewage to be rerouted to a neighbor-
heat up and cool down faster than their ing plant. The Environmental Protection
surrounding areas. Agency is concerned that this would result
A. hot spots in lower water quality for the surrounding
inlets. Therefore, they begin monitoring
B. heated lands
the water quality around the proposed ef-
C. heat islands fected treatment plants. One way to mon-
D. hot islands itor water quality is to periodically deter-
mine the dissolved oxygen levels. What
364. Name the interest group that would predictions can be made that will support
make this statement: “People in other or deter the city’s decision?


1.9 Land Utilization 189

A. Dissolved oxygen is not a standard wa- goal. The United States has recently re-
ter quality measurement therefore know- joined the Paris Climate Agreement and
ing the amounts is not relative to the city’s is committed to using this land use guid-


decision. The Environmental Protection ance provided in the report. Assuming the
Agency is wasting time and money creat- United States follows the land use guid-
ing baseline data. ance, what impacts could result?
B. Monitoring water quality, determines A. climate change will no longer occur
the load restrictions the environment can B. global average temperature increases
handle. An increase in the output raises may slow
the risk in decrease dissolved oxygen lev-
C. global average temperatures will stop
els which will result in an increase in dead
D. natural climate disasters, such as hur-
C. Determining the potential increase in
ricanes will no longer occur
treated sewage will predict the increase
dissolved oxygen levels in the water. This 370. Where would you mainly find privately
will result in increase in the fish popula- owned houses?
tion which will increase local tourism.
D. Determining water quality at both lo- B. Inner City
cations will determine the chlorination re-
quired for the sewage. Excess chlorina- C. Inner Suburbs
tion will increase dissolved oxygen levels, D. Outer suburbs
stimulating fish spawns. This will support
the city’s decision to terminate the plant. 371. Which of the following settlement types
is likely to use the largest percentage of
368. Land that is used to graze livestock is land space for residents?
known as A. town
A. rangeland B. suburb
B. rural C. hamlet
C. urban D. physical city
D. none of above 372. Suburbanization causes cities to lose pop-
ulations to surrounding areas, leading to
369. The Paris Climate Agreement is a treaty
between 195 countries, including the A. intense building in inner cities
United States. After observing past, cur- B. decentralization and urban sprawl
rent, and future predictions on the global C. shift from manufacturing economy to
impact of climate change, this agreement service economy
was formed aiming to keep average global
temperatures from rising about 2 degrees D. congestion and racial tensions
Celsius. If this goal is not met scientists 373. Prior to 1850 the location of all major
have predicted many ecological disasters North American cities was related, chiefly,
and catastrophic weather events. A re- to the presence of
cent report produced by the United Na-
tions, highlights the importance of increas- A. navigable waterways
ing sustainable land use to reaching the B. defensive sites


1.9 Land Utilization 190

C. railroad junctions B. A renewable resource owned by no

D. water power one and available for use by anyone at lit-
tle or no charge
374. A result of land degradation: C. A field where college students can sit
A. salinization outside in between classes
B. persistent pesticide D. none of above
C. pheromone 379. In the Rectangular Survey System, a tier

D. desertification is defined by
A. six consecutive sections of a township.
375. In the Concentric Zone Model, which zone
has middle - class residences, either single-
family homes or high-rent apartments. B. two consecutive meridians.
A. Zone One C. two consecutive parallels.
B. Zone Two D. a parallel and a meridian.
C. Zone Three 380. What is the most noticeable geographic
D. Zone Four trend in the last 30 years with the re-
spect to the world’s twenty most popu-
376. Which of the following statements about lated citites?
tree harvesting methods is correct?
A. Compared to 30 years ago, a much
A. Clear-cutting requires the most road larger percentage of the cities are now lo-
building due to the large number of trees cated in Europe
B. Most of the 20 cities are now located
B. Selective cutting minimizes the impact in less developed countries
on forest ecosystems.
C. Most of the 20 cities are now located
C. Clear-cutting is quick but is more ex- in Africa
pensive than other methods due to the
D. The specific cities have not changed in
vast areas involved.
30 years; they have only grown in popula-
D. Selective cutting eliminates the possi- tion
bility of soil erosion
381. A technique sometimes used in forest
377. What is the agricultural activity associ- management, farming, or prairie restora-
ated with the raising of domesticated an- tion to improve habitat and reduce wildfire
imals such as cattle, horses, sheep, and risk.
A. Selective Cutting
A. Animal farming B. Controlled Burn
B. Ranching C. Thinning
C. Animal husbandry D. Clear Cutting
D. Livestock
382. Overgrazing, excessive plowing, and
378. What are considered “the commons” high pressure irrigation systems all speed
A. Common house hold items like knifes, up what?
spoons, and forks. A. desertification


1.9 Land Utilization 191

B. soil enrichment 387. Which of the following is not a common

C. composting type of house?


D. soil conservation A. detached
B. semi-detached
383. How will removal of the dam impact the
water quality of the Patapsco River? C. terrace
A. Removal of the dam will provide cooler, D. mock-stewart
oxygen-rich, waters that improve the habi-
tat for fish. 388. The primary type of land cover in the
United States today is
B. Removal of the dam will pollute the
river, making it inhabitable for fish. A. forest land.
C. Removal of the dam will have no im- B. cropland.
pact on the water quality of the Patapsco C. urban land.
River, it will only impact the volume of the D. parks and preserves.
D. none of above 389. A person who usually travels to
work/school by train or bus is called
384. Which act amended CERCLA, designated
A. a commuter
more money to the Superfund trust, and
established new environmental laws and B. a passenger
regulations C. an aisle
A. the CERCLA II Act D. a subway
B. SARA (Superfund Amendments Reau-
thorization Act) 390. Governments and other political practices
can help make a shift toward more sustain-
C. NEPA (National Environmental Policy able land use and management. Which of
Act) the following best explains how this can
D. SDWA (Safe Drinking Water Act) be achieved?
385. Which of the following was probably the A. Remove most standing dead trees and
first type of agriculture in human history? large fallen trees.
A. Seed Agriculture B. Remove subsidies and tax breaks that
B. Aquaculture support deforestation.

C. Pastoral Nomadism C. Encourage the use of tropical rain-

forests for economic value.
D. Hunting and Gathering
D. Encourage logging in mature tropical
386. Lack of genetic diversity in a food crop rainforests.
391. The rainforests are called “the lungs of
A. decrease susceptability to a plant dis-
the Earth” because of their role in the:
A. carbon-oxygen cycle
B. increase susceptability to a plant dis-
ease B. El Nino current
C. have no effect on plant disease C. food web
D. increase resistance to pests D. Coriolis effect


1.9 Land Utilization 192

392. When did the United States begin to ac- and how long it would take them tonat-
tively urban plan? urally decompose. Four students are try-
ing to come up with a plan to decrease
A. Civil War
the amountof trash finding its way to the
B. World War I patch. Here are their ideas.1.Sara- We
C. World War II should start banning waxed milkcartons
and switch to plastic2.Devon- We should
D. Korean War burn all of our trash to keep itfrom end-
ing up in the ocean3.Mike- We should

393. Ecologists and forest fire experts recom-
stop using aluminum cans andswitch to a
mend several strategies for reducing fire-
new type of container4.Tina- We should
related harm to forests and people. Which
start finding ways to use lessplastic so
of the following is not one of those strate-
we throw less awayWhich students’ idea
would have the greatest positive im-
A. Encourage growth of young trees and pact the environment while reducingthe
underbrush. amount of trash going to the ocean?
B. Set small, contained surface fires in A. Sara
highest-risk forest areas. B. Devon
C. Allow fires on public lands to burn as C. Mike
long as they do not threaten lives.
D. Tina
D. Thin forest areas vulnerable to fire by
clearing away fire-prone trees and under- 396. CERCLA was passed in 1980 to:
brush. A. establish a Superfund to clean up un-
controlled hazardous waste sites and to
394. Overgrazing reduces grass cover and neg- respond to spills
atively impacts the soil health by reducing
its ability to hold water. How can over- B. allow borrowers to include in the mort-
grazing be prevented and support a more gage the cost of energy-efficiency im-
sustainable use of grasslands? provements to an existing home

A. Practice grazing an area of land at the C. require environmental hazard disclo-

same stage of plant growth each year. sures in all real estate transactions
D. provide for the conservation of species
B. Allow developers to buy ranchlands for
that are endangered or threatened
throughout all or a significant portion of
C. Allow unlimited animals to graze in a their range
given area to reach carrying capacity.
397. Which of the following is a principle of
D. Practice moving confined cattle every
smart growth?
few days.
A. protecting wildlife habitats
395. Many large bodies of water have been B. focusing development outside of exist-
developing “garbage patches” in the calm ing urban centers
centers oftheir waters. One of the largest
is the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” C. creating neighborhoods best suited
which is twice the size ofTexas. Above for cars
is a sample of items found in this patch D. building up, not out


1.9 Land Utilization 193

398. A heavily populated urban area character- 403. The single most important factor con-
ized by substandard housing and squalor tributing to rural land use patterns for
most of the Great Plains in the United


A. Threshold
States is a result of the
B. Urbanization
C. Hinterland A. Township and Range land survey

D. Slum B. Metes and Bounds land property divi-

399. Which type of mining is associated with
disturbing more land? C. Physical geography of the region
A. Surface mining D. Capitalist economic system
B. Sub-surface mining
404. Name the group that this statement is di-
C. Mining in the oceans rected toward: “Why can’t you be given
D. none of above land somewhere else? Besides, rainforest
land isn’t even good for how you want to
400. Increased energy use, dense building and
use it.”
road collections, increased heat production
all are A. Rubber Tappers
A. tolerable since the Earth is experienc- B. Native Amazonians
ing global cooling.
C. Environmental Groups
B. causes of the formation of acid rain.
C. saving the taxpayer millions in land D. Settlers
405. States that settlements serve as centers
D. causes of the formation of heat is- of market areas for services; larger set-
lands. tlements are fewer and farther apart than
401. In which zone of the city do most families smaller settlements and provide services
live in semi-detached housing. for a larger number of people who are will-
ing to travel farther.
B. Low Class Housing (Inner City) A. Rank-size rule
C. Middle Class Housing (Suburbs) B. Law of the Indies
D. High Class Housing (Rural-Urban C. Enclosure movement
D. Central Place Theory
402. Name the interest group that would
make this statement: “We must stop much 406. Practice of financial institutions’ refusal
of what is happening to the rainforest, or to offer loans to buyers of homes located
eventually people all over the Earth will in risky neighborhoods
A. Filtering
A. Loggers
B. Blockbusting
B. Cattle Ranchers
C. Settlers C. Redlining
D. Environmental Groups D. Racial Steering


1.9 Land Utilization 194

407. Land use for roads and train tracks is C. A drop in timber prices in Oregon
called causes a lumberjack to lose his job and he
A. Transport land moves to Portland.

B. Industrial Land D. An Indian family moves to the city of

Calcutta after a landslide destroys their
C. Residential Land village.
D. Agricultural Land
412. An attempt to design cities so as to max-
408. The basic facilities of a country, region or

imize their functionality and beauty is
city such as roads, bridges, sewers, and A. City Planning
railroads ?
B. Urban Sprawl
A. Construction
C. Urbanization
B. Public Utilities
D. Ecological Footprint
C. Non-Renewable
D. Infrastructure 413. Which of the following is an example of
409. Why did many poor settler families in
A. replanting forest land that has been
Brazil, settle in the Amazon rainforest?
A. The Brazilian government moved them
B. planting a cherry tree in your backyard
there, and supplied them with food and
C. planting oak trees in a city
B. They formed small communities to-
gether to escape the poverty in certain D. all of the above
cities there.
414. Urban patterns is a concept that looks at
C. They settled among the native Amazon where and are distributed within
people, but established their own commu- urban space.
A. People & Persons
D. They were forced out of the cities in
B. Buildings & Police Stations
Brazil by the corrupt and wealthy business
owners. C. People & Activities

410. Street patterns in Medieval European D. Activities & Sports

cities resemble 415. A popular argument for zoning is that
A. A grid pattern A. more taxes can be collected than if
B. A chaotic, twisting layout there’s no zoning.
C. Concentric Circles B. it keeps family businesses, that could
D. Grid system with diagonal boulevards cause pollution, in a central location.
C. it keeps family dwellings close to busi-
411. Which of the following is not an example nesses, reducing commuting to central lo-
of urbanization? cations.
A. Immigrants settle in New York City. D. it keeps family dwellings away from
B. A farmer who can no longer afford to businesses that could cause pollution,
lease farmland moves to a city. keeps business in a central location


1.9 Land Utilization 195

416. Which would NOT an example of an 421. What was the first hearth of civiliza-
ecosystem service provided by a forest? tion?


A. Trees and Bushes A. Peru
B. Area for recreation B. Nile
C. Production of oxygen C. Indus
D. Production of timber and wood D. Mesopotamia

417. Why is it important to monitor landuse? 422. What is the meaning of the phrase “nu-
tritious food” as used in the following sen-
A. To be sure environments are protected tence from the section “The Three Pillars
Of Sustainability”? The sustainable agri-
B. You house does not stink culture plan also should address society
by considering the community’s needs, in-
C. So there is enough oxygen cluding treating workers and farm animals
D. To provides jobs humanely and providing safe, nutritious
418. what crop do famers in the us grow the A. food that is more sustainable but
most? treats workers unfairly
A. corn B. food that is unhealthy and uses a lot of
B. oats resources
C. wheat C. food that needs a lot of water to pro-
duce and is not good for humans to eat
D. barley
D. food that is healthy and able to support
419. Deforestation is an especially serious human life
problem in tropical rain forests because
423. What is the method called when we burn
A. farmers must repeatedly clear addi- garbage?
tional forest area to obtain land that can
support crops. A. Landfilling.

B. they are located in developed coun- B. Composting.

tries with high per person consumption. C. Recycling.
C. the downed trees are left to rot, dam- D. Incinerating.
aging the soil.
424. The Smith family owns a ranch in an
D. none of above area growing in popularity. Government-
owned Amtrak decides to build a new
420. The transcontinental railroad linked these track that will run through a portion of
two parts of the United States? the Smiths’ land. What law will allow the
A. east to west track to be built regardless of the Smiths’
consent, and what must be provided to the
B. north to south
Smith family?
C. white and Native American
A. Amtrak cannot take the land unless an
D. Canada and Mexico agreement is made between the parties;


1.9 Land Utilization 196

the Smith family MUST consent to a sale 427. Based on von Thunen’s model for agricul-
price in writing ture and climate, where would we most
B. Amtrak may take the land due to emi- likely find the branch of agriculture focus-
nent domain; just compensation must be ing on commercial gardening also known
provided as truck farming?
C. Amtrak may take the land due to em- A. Sub Saharan Africa
inent domain; NO compensation is re-
B. Central America

D. Amtrak may take the land due to the C. Southeast Asia
doctrine of latches; just compensation D. Southeastern United States
must be provided
425. Which is not a direct source of water pol- 428. Which of the following words BEST de-
lution? scribes the characteristics of a city?

A. Agricultural runoff A. Rural

B. Waste from ships B. Suburban
C. Industrial Waste C. Urban
D. Deforestation
D. none of above
426. In an effort to save money the city wants
to stop one of the sewage treatment 429. Which of the following is true of an emi-
plants and reroute all sewage to neighbor- nent domain proceeding?
ing plant. EPA began monitoring the wa-
A. It cancels the property owners mort-
ter quality by checking dissolved oxygen
gage loan balance.
levels. What predictions can be made that
will support or deter the city’s decision? B. It leaves the property owner with eq-
A. Monitoring water quality before deter- uitable title in place of legal title.
mines the load restrictions the environ- C. It conveys legal title to the acquiring
ment can handle. An increase in the out- entity.
put raises the risk in decrease dissolved
oxygen levels which will result in an in- D. It clouds the chain of title by canceling
crease in dead fish. the original grant.
B. Determining water quality at both lo-
430. Which of the following was NOT a posi-
cations will determine the chlorination re-
tive result of the Green Revolution?
quired for the sewage. Excess chlorina-
tion will increase dissolved oxygen levels, A. Increased crop yields from industrial
stimulating fish spawns. This will support fertilizers
the city’s decision to terminate the plant.
B. global expansion of organic and sus-
C. Determining the potential increase in tainable agriculture
treated sewage will predict the increase
dissolved oxygen levels in the water. This C. A global increase in food security due
will result in increase in the fish popula- to reduced crop failure
tion which will increase local tourism. D. Increased crop yields from hybridized
D. none of above seed varieties


1.9 Land Utilization 197

431. A model of the internal structure of cities 436. Which of these places in NOT home to the
in which social groups are arranged around Amazon rainforest?
a collection of nodes of activities. A. Brazil


A. Concentric Zone Model B. Ecuador
B. Gravity Model C. Argentina
C. Multiple Nuclei Model D. Colombia
D. Peripheral Model
437. Which of these zoning concepts originally
432. A ring of land maintained as parks, agri- designates a zone for a particular develop-
cultural, or other types of open space to ment, but puts in a provision that it can be
limit the sprawl of an urban area used for something else upon approval by
zoning board?
A. Greenbelt
A. incentive zoning
B. Edge City
B. floating zoning
C. Megalopolis
C. aesthetic zoning
D. Primate city
D. cluster zoning
433. Which of the following is an underlying
assumption of von Thunen’s model of ru- 438. What is arable land?
ral land use? A. land covered in trees
A. The city was its own state B. land usable for farming
B. The city was completely surrounded by C. land that is unusable
water D. land too steep to build on
C. Arid climates dominated the outer
439. Farmers in Asia primarily primarily prac-
D. Farmers act under a profit driven mind-
A. pastoral nomadism
B. intensive subsistence
434. the largest settlement equaling twice the C. shifting cultivation
amount of the next largest city, the third
largest equaling 1/3 the amount of the D. hunting and gathering
largest, etc.. 440. What does the word cultivate mean?
A. Blockbusting A. To care for
B. Hinterland B. To grow
C. Rank-size rule C. Farming
D. Urbanization D. Agricuture
435. How can the fishing industry be pro- 441. Which of the following is not an environ-
tected? mental effect of deforestation?
A. restricting fishing rights A. reduction of wildlife habitat
B. protecting the estuaries B. loss of topsoil
C. reducing the pollution of the oceans C. soil erosion
D. all of the above D. re-establishment of trees


1.9 Land Utilization 198

442. Urban Sprawl affects which of the follow- C. New York, London, Beijing
ing? D. New York, Paris, Tokyo
A. Pollution
448. Zoning ordinances separate activities
B. Public Health into different areas because not doing so
C. Economics can be
D. All answers are correct A. unhealthy and inefficient

443. which of these groups is most responsi- B. safe and secure

ble for deforestation of the rainforest? C. promising and uplifting
A. rubber tappers D. profitable and hard-hitting
B. native peoples 449. Define conservation
C. loggers A. To use or use up
D. environmental groups B. To use or manage wisely
444. Which of the following is NOT a charac- C. To maintain and reserve for continued
teristic upon which a zoning variance could survival.
be granted? D. none of above
A. building height
450. Name the model: Concentric formation.
B. lot size The highly accessible land in the center is in
C. setback requirement short supply. This results in intense com-
D. racial composition of the neighbor- petition and only those willing to bid the
hood most will be able to locate here. The land
use able to bid the least will be at the pe-
445. land used for houses, businesses, indus- riphery.
try and roads A. The Sector Model
A. rangeland B. Concentric Zone Model
B. farmland C. Bid-rent
C. parks and preserves D. British Urban land Use Model
D. urban land
451. Outlying area or community around a
446. What percentage of land in India consists city
ofPlateaus A. Urban
A. 27% B. Suburb
B. 35% C. Rural
C. 30% D. City
D. 29%
452. What is the principal grain consumed in
447. What are the 3 most important cities in developed countries in Europe and North
the world? America?
A. New York, Paris, Shanghai A. Rice
B. New York, London, Tokyo B. Wheat


1.9 Land Utilization 199

C. Corn C. hearths of plant domestication

D. Sorghum D. regions where the Third Agricultural


Revolution failed
453. Protected areas linking isolated reserves
is a design called 458. An inhabited place of greater size, pop-
A. habitat corridors ulation, or importance than a town or vil-
lage. In the United States, they are incor-
B. buffer zone concept
porated municipalities, usually governed
C. wilderness concept by a mayor and a board of aldermen or
D. transition zones councilmen.
A. City
454. Growing multiple crops across a land
area; opposite of monoculture B. Town
A. biodiversity C. Village
B. horticulture D. State
C. aquaculture
459. Where were cattle, sheep, and goats first
D. overgrazing domesticated?
455. Each U.S. resident uses the ecosystem A. Central America
services provided by roughly B. Northeastern Africa
A. 1 hectare of land. C. Southeast Asia
B. 6 hectares of land. D. Northern China
C. 8 hectares of land.
460. The loss of farmland in rapidly growing
D. 12 hectares of land.
urban areas is caused by
456. Mechanization of agriculture is advanta- A. urban sprawl
geous for all of the following reasons EX-
B. soil erosion
A. Machines encourage the growth of C. deforestation
several types of plants in a single farm. D. industrialization
B. There is an economic advantage if fuel
461. There are many ways for loggers to har-
prices are low.
vest wood from forests. Which of the fol-
C. There is an economic advantage if cost lowing would provide the best sustainable
of labor is high. use of the land?
D. Staple crops such as beans and corn A. Strip cutting the trees because it mini-
are more economically harvestable. mizes widespread destruction
457. Southwest Asia, Southeast Asia, East B. strip cutting the trees because we only
Asia, Mesoamerica, and the sub-saharan cut mature trees
regions were all C. clear cutting the trees because it is the
A. sites where the second Agricultural most cost effective method
Revolution began D. clear cutting the trees because it mini-
B. areas noted for widespread terracing mizes widespread destruction


1.9 Land Utilization 200

462. land used to grow plants for food and 467. is made up of the facilities, services,
fiber and installations needed for the function-
A. rangeland ing of a community.
B. forest land A. Infrastructure
C. farmland B. Megalopolis
D. urban land C. Greenway

463. The authority that state and local govern- D. Zoning

ments have to enact and enforce laws that
468. What is the population of the fourth
protect the public’s health, safety, morals,
largest city in a country where the rank-
and general welfare is know as:
size rule applies if the largest city is two
A. general interest license million in population?
B. police power A. 250, 000
C. safety mandate B. 1, 000, 000
D. constitutional authority C. 500, 000
464. An agricultural practice that prevents ero- D. 100, 000
sion on steep slopes?
469. Urban sprawl involves people moving
A. Intercropping
from cities to land that was previously
B. Terracing used for
C. Leaching A. industry and open space
D. Contour Farming B. food production and open space
465. Dividing an area into sections reserved C. power lines
for different purposes such as residence
D. housing
and business and manufacturing etc., is
called 470. A primate city is when the largest city in
A. urbanization. a country is the size of the next largest
B. sub-urbanization. city
C. zoning. A. Twice
D. partitioning. B. Triple
C. Half
466. How did humans obtain food before the
Agricultural Revolution? D. Quadruple
A. Hunting animals and following migrat- 471. In 1870, the first national park estab-
ing herds lished to protect and preserve the land for
B. Hunting and Gathering future generations was:
C. Subsistance harvesting of local plants A. Chisolm
such as fruits and berries.
B. Big Bend
D. Humans wer opportunistic harvesters,
taking available vegetables and fruits as C. Grand Canyon
they found them. D. Yellowstone


1.9 Land Utilization 201

472. The star-shaped city pattern resulted C. products from local farmers and pro-
from the dominance of which transporta- ducers instead of from foreign suppliers.
tion system?


A. Lines of public transportation extend- D. fresh produce from Brazil that is grown
ing from the CBD without the use of chemicals.
B. Pedestrian walkways within the CBD 477. What were some of the positive effects
C. Interstate highways linking cities of the gene revolution? I. Increased crop
yields II. Resistant to pests and disease III.
D. Roads leading to airports that link Longer shelf life
A. II only
473. The principal mechanism for implement- B. III only
ing a master plan is C. I and II only
A. zoning D. I, II, and III
B. referndum 478. Which of the following is an example of
C. public elections how people use land?
D. property management A. to harvest wood
B. to grow crops
474. The approval process for development of
C. to preserve native species
multiple properties in an area includes sub-
mission of D. All of the above

A. a covenant of restriction 479. Land division system in England as well

as east of the Appalachian Mountains in
B. a plat of subdivision
the United States - relies on description of
C. a court order land ownership and natural features
D. a developer’s pro forma. A. Metes and bounds system
B. Rectangular survey system
475. In Hoyt’s Sector Model lower income
neighborhoods are usually located C. French Long-lot survey system
D. Von Thunen’s Land Use Model
A. in a wedge that extends from the CBD
to the suburbs. 480. Type of pollution found in urban areas
B. adjacent to the industrial and trans- A. light
portation corridor B. noise
C. on the east side of the city. C. air
D. in the first ring around the CBD. D. all of these

476. One way consumers can help protect the 481. Which of the following is not a product of
rainforest is by purchasing Mediterranean agriculture?
A. apples
A. wood products made from wood that is
harvested in a sustainable way. B. dates
B. beef products of cattle ranchers who C. olives
raise cattle in the Amazon rainforest. D. grapes


1.9 Land Utilization 202

482. A model of North American urban areas C. Urban Farm Land

consisting of an inner city surrounded by
D. Food Desert
large suburban residential and business ar-
eas tied together by a beltway or ring 487. There are three key factors when think-
road. ing about how to recycle - The 3 R’s.
A. Peripheral Model Which of the following is NOT one of
B. Gravity Model them?
A. Reduce.

C. Multiple Nuclei Model
D. Sector Model B. Refuse.

483. A model showing a CBD that is divided C. Reuse.

into three groups/sections: a colonial CBD, D. Recycle.
a periodic and informal market place, and
a traditional business center. The neigh- 488. As rain falls on a landfill, it sinks
borhoods in this model are often based on through the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW
ethnic connections and the periphery of the = garbage), picking up pesticides, heavy
city is composed of squatter settlements metals and organic compounds. This liquid
due to rapid industrialization. is called
A. Sector Model A. leachate
B. De Blij Sub-Saharan City Model
B. methane
C. Burgess’ Model
C. garbage soup
D. New Donut Model
D. liners
484. Why did people move to the cities from
the country? 489. What is crop rotation?
A. To access mass transit. A. a different type of crop is grown on the
B. For cleaner water. same soil every season
C. For jobs. B. the same crop is grown but in two dif-
D. none of above ferent locations
C. different crops are grown in the same
485. When forests are not replanted after season at the same time and location
trees are cut, natural resources
D. the same crop is grown year after year
A. increase.
in the same field.
B. remain unchanged.
C. decrease. 490. Logging companies practice which
means that all of the trees in an area are
D. regenerate.
chopped down.
486. A boundary that encircles an urban loca- A. tree planting
tion or city and limits the urban- sprawl of
that location or city is called what B. clear-cutting
A. Greenbelt C. sustainable development
B. Safezone D. carbon-oxygen cycle


1.9 Land Utilization 203

491. All of the following are services provided C. Monitoring a coal power plant for car-
by cities EXCEPT bon dioxide emissions


A. Consumer D. Monitoring a car assembly plant for
B. Business methane emissions

C. Public 495. Which model describes a Central City be-

D. Community ing surrounded by Edge Cities?
A. Concentric Zone Model
492. The concept of exurbanization is illus-
trated in which of the following scenarios? B. Central Place Theory
I. Thirty-three-year-old Marqueze and his C. Urban Realms Model
wife move from Chicago to San Francisco
D. Hoyt Model
to take advantage of a new job opportu-
nity. II. Twenty-five-year-old Tina decides 496. Which type of area would Miami, Florida,
to move to the heart of New York City to be considered?
enjoy cultural vibrancy and diversity dur-
ing her youth. III. Fifty-year-olds Mar- A. suburban
garet and Tom pack up and move to a ru- B. country
ral, country-style home outside Louisville,
Kentucky, to escape the fast pace of city C. rural
life. IV. Nineteen-year-old Marcus decided D. urban
to move from the city he grew up in to a
peripheral farm, both to experience rural 497. The clearing of a forest and its replace-
labor and to write poetry ment by another land use is called
A. II and III A. forestry
B. I and II B. clear-cutting
C. III and IV C. timber harvesting
D. I, II, III, and IV D. deforestation

493. Which of these is false when it comes to 498. sand, gravel, clay, and limestone are ex-
industrialization. amples of
A. Less farmers are needed because the A. metal minerals
cities are growing.
B. non-metal minerals
B. Transportation becomes easier.
C. fuel minerals
C. There are more jobs in the cities.
D. none of above
D. The climate is not affected.
499. when productivity of soil falls below
494. Which suggestion would make the great- 10%
est impact on the environment?
A. salinization
A. Monitoring city buses for methane
B. overgrazing
B. Monitoring large farms for carbon C. soil erosion
dioxide emissions D. desertification


1.9 Land Utilization 204

500. How can forests be increased? 504. The texture of soil is determined by the
A. )Replanting trees in deforested places soil particles’
A. shape
B. )Adding trees to unforested, clear land. B. mass
C. size
C. ) and B.) D. chemical makeup
D. Not this

505. An elderly couple looking for a new town
501. Which of the following is the best exam- to move to would be looking for factors
ple of primary economic activity? such as
A. A lumber mill in Port Angeles, WA that A. Health careAccessibilityPublic trans-
manufactures lumber, wood chips and port
various timber products from locally fallen B. Public transportDaryl BraithwaiteEm-
trees ployment opportunities
B. A freelance marketer who connects C. Health careArchitectureEducation
logging companies with manufacturers in-
terested in purchasing raw timber to pro- D. none of above
duce lumber and a wide range of paper
506. The cutting down of selected trees in a
forest so the growth of other trees is not
C. A land grant research college in Geor- affected.
gia that has developed an experimental A. Selective Cutting
tree farm in an attempt to study sustain-
able timber harvesting B. Controlled Burn
D. A logger in the Pacific Northwest who C. Thinning
risks his or her life falling trees for $25, D. Clear Cutting
000 a year before taxes
507. means that something can be eas-
502. In arid climates, like Southern California ily broken down by other organisms over
and the Middle East, can cause the soil time and turned into manure.
to become salty and infertile.
A. Toxic
A. erosion
B. Collectable
B. topsoil loss
C. Inorganic
C. salinization
D. Biodegradable
D. droughts
508. Services that primarily meet the needs
503. In which region of South America is the of other businesses, including professional,
Amazon Rainforest located? financial, and transportation services
A. Northeastern A. Business services
B. Western B. Personal services
C. Southwestern C. Producer services
D. Southeastern D. Public services


1.9 Land Utilization 205

509. Soil erosion can increase when humans re- C. a legal nonconforming use.
move trees and other vegetation from an D. an anomaly.
area. What is this process called?


A. Decomposition 515. Advanced decisions about how land will
be used is more are collectively referred to
B. Conservation as
C. Deforestation A. land-use planning
D. Urbanization B. urbanization
510. Tertiary activity includes C. gis (geographic information system)
A. Management industries D. none of above
B. Agriculture 516. A county or municipal authority usually
C. Mining grants a certificate of occupancy for new
D. Services construction only after
A. all contractors have been paid for ser-
511. in the United States, any metropolitan or vices
micropolitan statistical area
B. all work has been completed for at
A. Central Business District least thirty days.
B. Central City C. the construction complies with build-
C. Core-based statistical area ing codes.
D. Informal Settlement D. the tax assessor has valued the im-
512. The area inside the city is called
A. urban 517. Each layer of soil profile is called a

B. suburban A. horizon

C. rural B. horizontal

D. none of above C. humus

D. litter
513. which of the following is not a reason
why it is important to have green spaces 518. Area in which oceanic lithosphere is car-
available in urban areas? ried downward under a continent at a
A. It reduces greenhouse gasses plate boundary

B. It decreases depression A. convergent plate boundary

C. It provides jobs to communities B. divergent plate boundary

D. They directly affect the ozone layer C. transform boundary

D. subduction zone
514. A property that conformed with zoning
ordinances when it was developed but 519. Which of these is one cause of deforesta-
does not conform to new ordinances is said tion?
to be A. Urbanization
A. a special exception. B. Buying a chirstmas tree during the hol-
B. a variance. idays


1.9 Land Utilization 206

C. Overbreeding birds in the wild B. Occasional, unpredictable, massive

D. Cutting down the tree in your backyard crop failures
C. A dependence on fossil fuels to pro-
520. How is yield related to food efficiency? duce food and sustain the human popula-
A. Yield is the resources put in to raising tion
crops. D. Increase in pollution of watersheds
B. Yield is the amount of food harvested. worldwide by leaching of chemical fertil-

C. Yield is the area of land used to grow 525. Name the model: The model is influenced
food. by prevailing winds and how they dis-
D. none of above tribute pollution from industry. Low class
housing would be in a wedge that is di-
521. After intensive logging, most of the trees rectly influenced by the wind.
along a stream have been removed. Which
of the following water quality changes A. The Sector Model
would most likely occur downstream after B. Concentric Zone Model
logging? C. Multiple Nuclei Model
A. Increased water temperature D. British Urban land Use Model
B. Increased dissolved oxygen
526. Where did industry commonly develop?
C. Decreased total dissolved solids
A. In forested areas
D. Decreased amount of fecal coliform
B. Alongside railways and roads
522. Metropolitan area with more than 10 mil- C. In areas with high land values
lion people
D. Near houses with gardens
A. Megacity
B. Edge City 527. Why are the dairy farms and intensive
farming the closest to the city?
C. Megalopolis
A. So the cows do not have to travel very
D. Primate city far
523. A legal form of segregation in U.S. cities B. Milk to be drank all throughout the city
is achieved through:
A. blockbusting. C. So the dairy and intense crops do not
B. filtering. spoil on their travel to the city

C. zoning ordinances. D. For workers to work on the farms and

in the city
D. busing.
528. What happens when overgrazing oc-
524. Which of the following is NOT a conse- curs?
quence of the global industrialization of
agriculture initiated by the Green Revolu- A. The land becomes nutrient rich.
tion? B. Vegetation is damaged and erosion
A. An increase in energy investment of can occur.
crops C. Space for livestock begins to run out.


1.9 Land Utilization 207

D. The land begins to grow weeds that at- C. the greenhouse effect
tract vicious bugs.
D. radiation


529. During the fall of 2019, the Amazon Rain-
forest was burning uncontrollably. Why 533. A property that conformed whith zoning
was the entire world concerned about this ordinaces when it was developed but does
and was willing to spend billions to com- not conform to new ordinances is said to
bat the fires? be
A. There may not be enough oxygen for A. an illegal special exception.
the world to survive
B. a variance.
B. Tourism would be affected
C. a legal nonconforming use.
C. The forest is a carbon sink that helps
control climate D. unmarketable.
D. Once the forest burns it CANNOT grow
534. Which is NOT a factor that influences the
internal cities?
530. Why is responsible waste management A. Accessibility and the high cost of ac-
an important issue? cessible spaces
A. waste management illustrates
B. Transportation
whether or not people are recycling as
much as they should be C. Societal and cultural needs
B. No matter where garbage is placed, it D. agricultural production
will damage the environment, so disposal
and storage must be planned 535. An area within a city in a less developed
C. Irresponsible waste management country in which people illegally establish
leads to an increase in deforestation residences on land they do not own or rent
and erect homemade structures.
D. Burning garbage causes air pollution,
so it is better to bury garbage where we A. Clustered rural settlement
cannot see it
B. Economic base
531. What agricultural practice is employed by C. Squatter Settlement
people who move from place to place with
their cattle? D. Urbanized Area
A. Intensive Subsistence
536. What is a written document created by a
B. Ranching planning board that identifies goals, objec-
C. Shifting Cultivation tives, principles, guidelines, policies, stan-
dards, and strategies for growth and de-
D. Pastoral Nomadism velopment of a community?
532. The warming of the atmosphere by the A. zoning map
trapping of heat being radiated to space is
called B. variance plan

A. evaporation C. plat
B. condensation D. master plan


1.9 Land Utilization 208

537. A new milk company is looking to mar- C. crops

ket to people trying to cut down on the D. parking lots
amount of waste they make. The creators
of the milk company are looking to de- 542. Urban areas rely on areas to sup-
sign the packaging to have the least im- ply resources such as food, water, building
pact on the environment. Which strategy materials, and fuels.
would make the product the mostenviron- A. other urban areas
mentally safe?
B. rural areas

A. Make the carton refillable
C. wilderness areas
B. Make the carton recyclable
D. industry
C. Use plastic cartons
D. make the carton biodegradable 543. The second agricultural revolution could
also be called the
538. What are natural resources? A. the Neolithic Revolution
A. useful materials found in space B. the Paleo Revolution
B. useful materials found on Earth C. the Industrial Revolution
C. not useful materials found in space D. the Green Revolution
D. not useful materials found on Earth
544. According to the central place theory,
539. determining in advance how land will be which of the following has the lowest
used, such as where houses, businesses, threshold, lowest range?
and factories will be built A. Fruit stand
A. land-use planning B. Movie theater
B. city planning C. Children’s hospital
C. infrastructure planning D. Grocery store
D. none of above
545. When planning for land use, there are
540. Which of these environmental protection multiple factors to consider. Which of
laws gives the EPA “cradle-to-grave” au- these items SHOULD have the biggest in-
thority to track hazardous waste? fluence on land use decisions?
A. the National Environmental Policy Act A. Current animal populations and natu-
(NEPA) ral qualities of the ecosystem
B. The Clean Water Act (CWA) B. Amount of pollution that might be cre-
C. The Resource Conservation and Recov- ated
ery Act (RCRA) C. Safety of the citizens
D. The Superfund Amendment and Reau- D. All answers are correct
thorization Act (SARA)
546. The best definition of a master plan is
541. All of the following are consumable re- A. an annual review of all land use per-
sources provided by the land except: mits and zones.
A. wood B. a comprehensive analysis of existing
B. minerals land use patterns in a market


1.9 Land Utilization 209

C. a state or regional land use law requir- 551. Rainforests are found in what kind of re-
ing compliance on a county-by-county ba- gions?


A. hot and wet regions near the equator
D. a fusion of land use laws and local land B. hot and wet regions near the north
use objectives and strategies. pole
547. Opposite of clear-cutting and selective C. cold and dry regions near the equator
cutting. D. cold and dry regions near the north
A. reforestation pole

B. wilderness 552. Tokyo, Japan is many times larger than

the the next biggest city in the country.
C. overgrazing
This makes Tokyo Japan what kind of geo-
D. urbanization graphical location?
A. Primate City
548. What would be best remediation for soil
salinization B. CBD ( Central Business District )
A. leave it alone the salt will leach on its C. Squatter Settlement
own D. Suburb
B. add large amounts of water to leach
553. Central Place Theory is associated with:
out salts
A. Threshold and filtering
C. add lime to the soil
B. Range and filtering
D. add clay to the soil
C. Threshold and range
549. Which of the following best describes the D. Range and zoning ordinances
urban hierarchy of settlements?
554. Which world region does not usually
A. Village, town, hamlet, metropolis, have higher income people living near the
megalopolis CBD?
B. Megalopolis, metropolis, village, town, A. South Asia
B. North America
C. Hamlet, town, city, metropolis, mega-
lopolis C. Latin America
D. Europe
D. Hamlet, village, town, city, metropolis
555. Which of these terms best matches the
550. The green building design goal is following description: An agricultural pro-
A. saving energy and other resources cess that involves nomadic animal hus-
without sacrificing people’s comfort. bandry?
B. saving energy and other resources but A. Animal domestication
it does sacrifice people’s comfort. B. Pastoralism
C. not affecting developed countries. C. Ranching
D. irrelevant to individual comfort. D. Dairying


1.9 Land Utilization 210

556. the mechanization of many jobs, which B. protects public drinking water sup-
resulted in major population shifts from ru- plies by instituting standards for drinking
ral areas to urban areas water quality
A. urban land C. protects people and the environment
from the harmful effects of air pollution
B. Industrial Revolution
D. requires home sellers to disclose lead-
C. rural land
based paint hazards for properties built
D. parks and preserves prior to 1978

557. What is the term for chemicals used to 561. Any activity that fulfills a human want
kill insects, weeds, and other pests? or need and returns money to those who
A. insecticde provide it

B. herbicide A. Service

C. pathogens B. Settlement
C. Range
D. pesticides
D. Sprawl
558. No matter poorly planned development
or well planned city development that 562. Extended urban area consisting of sev-
spreads a city’s population over a wider eral towns merging with the suburbs of
and wider geographic area is one or more cities
A. industrialization A. Gentrification
B. urban sprawl B. Annexation
C. urbanization C. Conurbation

D. metropolitan area D. New Urbanism

563. Name the model: The concept is drawn

559. Name the interest group that would
from ecology, with the physical expansion
make the following statement: “We’ve
of the city occurring by invasion of other
been here longer than anyone. Our land
areas and succession of those area to the
and way of life should be protected.”
inner areas as the city expands outward.
A. Rubber Tappers
A. The Sector Model
B. Cattle Ranchers
B. Concentric Zone Model
C. Environmental Groups
C. Multiple Nuclei Model
D. Native Amazonians
D. British Urban land Use Model
560. The Comprehensive Environmental Re- 564. Which of the following is not true about
sponse, Compensation, and Liability Act surface fires?
(CERCLA) is a federal law that does
what? A. They free valuable mineral nutrients
tied up in decomposing litter.
A. provides broad federal authority to
respond to releases of hazardous sub- B. They release seeds from cones of
stances that may endanger public health lodgepole pines.
or the environment C. They increase soil erosion.


1.9 Land Utilization 211

D. Wildlife requires surface fires to main- 570. What is the main reason of land degrada-
tain their habitats. tion in states like Jharkhand, Chattisgarh
and Orrisa


565. Which of the following are the two main
A. Over Irrigation
factors of rural land use, according to the
von Thunen model? B. Deforestation due to mining

A. Technology and productivity C. Overgrazing

D. none of above
B. Transportation and land costs
C. Sustainability and physical conditions 571. Which of the following is an example of
an industrial practice that contributes to
D. Subsidies and commodities markets the tragedy of the commons?
566. What do we call land that is used to graze A. Burning fossil fuels for energy produc-
livestock? tion
B. Creating constructed wetlands on
A. open land
abandoned land
B. greenbelt
C. Enacting and enforcing legislation on
C. rangeland point-source pollutants
D. none of above D. Promoting aluminum and glass recy-
567. Concept Heat islands are most likely to
affect local 572. We’re taking land that has already been
cleared and making it productive. Besides,
A. weather patterns we provide a valuable product to hungry
B. water levels people all over the world. Which group
would say this?
C. traffic patterns
A. Loggers
D. none of above
B. cattle ranchers
568. In biological pest control, what is used to C. rubber tappers
control pests? D. native Amazonian
A. living organisms
573. This agency manages fish, wildlife, and
B. chemical fertilizers habitats.
C. human beings A. US Forest Service
D. x-rays B. US Fish and Wildlife Service
C. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-
569. People moving from the rural areas to ministration
cities is called
D. Bureau of Reclamation
A. Ruralization
574. To increase yields what practice to farm-
B. Urbanization ers in SE China engage in?
C. Colonization A. double cropping
D. None of these B. slash and burn


1.9 Land Utilization 212

C. threshing B. Rectangular survey system

D. crop rotation C. French Long-lot survey system
575. What is fallow soil? D. Von Thunen’s Land Use Model
A. Soil that is left uncultivated so that it
580. Sprawl increases carbon dioxide emis-
can rest and regenerate nutrients.
sions by
B. Soil that has been depleted on nutri-
ents. A. generating more factories.

C. The process of desertification. B. increasing the need to drive.
D. Soil that has been cleared and fertil- C. resulting in more tree growth.
ized by a process called shifting agricul-
D. expanding the use of public transporta-
576. what will lead to fragmented landscape
with impacts on biodiversity 581. When does the government subsidize
prices or pay for farmers to have empty
A. selective cutting
B. clear cutting
A. want to donate the surplus to LDCs
C. shelter wood cutting
B. they don’t do that because we are a
D. slash and burn free market system
577. Which of the following can be used to re- C. The government plays no role in agri-
duce tropical deforestation? cutlure
A. educate settlers about sustainable D. to compensate for overproduction to
forestry/agriculture. prevent inflation
B. certify sustainably grown timber
582. Name the model: Based on the study of
C. reduce poverty
142 cities in the USA, this showed a ra-
D. All of these. dial, directional influence of transportation
lines on the urban form.
578. The largest effect of increased mechaniza-
tion in modern agriculture has been A. The Sector Model
A. reduced need for farm laborers B. Concentric Zone Model
B. a diversification of agricultural crops C. Bid-rent
C. a lack of reliance on cash crops
D. British Urban land Use Model
D. a division of arable land among more
individual farmers 583. increased temperature in a city, gener-
ated by the infrastructure
579. Rectangular land division system created
by Thomas Jefferson to disperse settlers A. hot spot
evenly across farmland of the U.S. inte- B. heat island
rior - 6 square mile townships and 1 mile
square sections . C. city heat
A. Township and range system D. urban heat


1.9 Land Utilization 213

584. Where is the best housing located accord- 589. The building of the Erie Canal in the
ing to the sector model? 1820s to connect New York City with the
Midwest was paid by State of New York.


A. A section from the CBD to the edge of
the city This is an example of
B. suburbs A. vertical integration
C. nodes around schools B. a subsidy
D. the first ring outside the market C. a supply chain
585. Which aspect of von Thunen’s model has D. an economy of scale
changes as a result of developments in
transportation? 590. Describes an area of open land that is of-
ten used for farming
A. the width of the rings has increased
A. Urban
B. the width of the rings has decreased
B. Urban sprawl
C. the rings now stretch along rivers
D. the model now includes a ring for C. Rural
transportation D. Deforestation
586. An old-growth forest would be defined 591. The temporary or permanent removal of
as large expanses of forest for agriculture, or
A. a commercial forest older than 30 other uses, is called
years A. reforestation
B. a forest undisturbed for at least 50
B. deforestation
C. a second-growth forest undisturbed C. selective cutting
for at least 100 years D. strip cutting
D. an uncut or regenerated primary for-
592. Overgrazing occurs when too many ani-
est undisturbed for several hundred years
mals graze for too long and exceed the car-
587. What was the main cause of the rise rying capacity of a rangeland area. Over-
of urban areas in the 18th and 19th cen- grazing causes all of the following except
turies? A. reduced grass cover
A. Agricultural Revolution
B. exposure of the soil to wind erosion
B. Industrial Revolution
C. increased retention of water
C. American Revolution
D. compacted soil
D. Green Revolution
593. What is land cover?
588. Where do most Americans live?
A. in urban areas A. consumable resources
B. on producing farms B. what you find on a patch of land
C. in rural areas C. anything covered with buildings and
D. There is an equal distribution of people
across the land D. a hood


1.9 Land Utilization 214

594. The process of consolidating small land- 598. What is liveability?

holdings into a smaller number of larger
A. An assessment of how good or bad a
farms in England during the eighteenth cen-
place is to live in
B. How many people live in one place
A. Rank-size rule
C. How long people live in one place
B. Law of the Indies
D. The ability to live somewhere
C. Enclosure movement

D. Central Place Theory 599. The maximum distance people are willing
to travel to use a service
595. Why would the government feel a mon- A. Market area
itoring plan for a new landfill is impor-
tant? B. Settlement

A. So the city can charge the landfill more C. Range

money D. Sprawl
B. To ensure the landfill doesn’t impact
600. In landfills, bacteria in the landfill break
the local environment
down the trash in the absence of oxygen.
C. To stall the building of the landfill so it This process produces landfill gas that is
could be voted away mostly methane. Which of the following
D. To promote the local economy by hir- is the best use of the removed gas?
ing local environmentalists A. Release into the air
B. Burn as a fuel to generate electricity
596. Which of the following is NOT environ-
mental impacts of mining? C. Collect in glass containers
A. Destroys natural communities over D. Trap underground
large areas.
601. Eutrophication is caused by
B. Acid drainage pollutes groundwater.
A. excess nutrients building up in the wa-
C. Creates minimal dust. ter.
D. Mass wasting is common when over- B. industrial point-source pollution.
burden is loosened.
C. unlined landfills and septic tanks.
597. Name the group that this statement is D. wastewater from homes mixing with
directed toward: “You are such a small drinking water.
group, your interests shouldn’t outweigh
the needs of an entire country. Besides, 602. The least efficient of converting grain into
the way you live just doesn’t fit with mod- animal protein (in terms of kgs of grain
ern times.” needed per kg of body weight) is
A. Settlers A. catfish
B. Ranchers B. chicken
C. Loggers C. pig
D. Native Amazonians D. cattle


1.9 Land Utilization 215

603. Rachel bought a piece of land to build a D. Ecological services cannot be monetar-
house on that is very narrow on one side. ily estimated.
Because of that, to fit the house in, she


wants to build with a 10’ set back instead 607. A cooperative agency consisting of rep-
of the 15’ setback specified by the zon- resentatives of local governments in a
ing ordinances in her area. What does she metropolitan area in the United States.
need to do in order to allow this? A. Council of Government
A. use variance B. Zoning Ordinance
B. area variance C. Micropolitan Statistical Area
C. a permit from the Landmarks Preser- D. Economic base
vation Commission
D. a special use permit 608. Squatter settlements in Least Developed
Countries (LDCs) cities are usually located
604. Services that diffuse and distribute ser-
vices A. along major highways

A. Transportation and information ser- B. on the outskirts of the urban area

vices C. in warehouse districts
B. Consumer services D. adjacent to industrial areas
C. Personal services
609. A rural settlement pattern characterized
D. Producer services by isolated farms rather than clustered vil-
605. Traffic jams, substandard housing, and lages
polluted air and water can be caused A. Dispersed rural settlement
by rapid growth in cities, a phenomenon B. Economic base
known as
C. Squatter Settlement
A. urbanization.
D. Urbanized Area
B. urban sprawl.
C. urban crisis. 610. Any computerized system for sorting,
D. infrastructure. manipulating, and viewing geographic
data is referred to as
606. Forests cover one-third of Earth’s land-
A. land-use planning
mass. These ecosystems all provide vi-
tal ecological and economic services. Why B. urbanization
might it be more difficult to convince the C. gis (geographic information system)
human population of the value of a forest’s
ecological services as opposed to the value D. none of above
of its economic services? 611. What type of agriculture is practiced to
A. Ecological services are not easily ob- feed the farmer and the farmer’s family?
served by the average human.
A. Commercial
B. Ecological services detail the cost of
B. Substantive
use on the environment.
C. Ecological services are only a focus of C. Communal
less developed economies. D. Subsistence


1.9 Land Utilization 216

612. In 2017, the Python Elimination Pro- B. wilderness

gram was started in the Florida Ev- C. rural
erglades. This program began paying
hunters to humanely euthanize (painless D. open space
death) pythons. What environmental pa-
rameter changes would indicate the need 616. Which aspect of Thünen’s Model has
to incentivize the euthanization of these changed as a result of developments in
organisms? transportation?

A. a decline in native wildlife populations A. The market is no longer at the center
B. The width of the rings has increased
B. a need to increase tourism in the C. The width of the rings has decreased
Florida Everglades
D. The model now includes a ring for
C. a desire to increase the number of jobs transportation
available in the community
D. a report indicating that the pythons 617. Which city is not a Megacity?
were causing injuries to community mem- A. Jakarta
B. Sydney
613. A strip mining company wants to lease C. Beijing
some land that is currently part of a na-
tional park. They promise to reclaim the D. Cairo
land should any minerals be mined from
618. What is a “heat island”?
the area, and they are willing to pay top
dollar for the rights. As an ecologist, what A. an island in a river or lake that pro-
factors would you raise with the local gov- duces heat
ernment? B. an area in which the air temperature
A. The management of the land is generally higher than the temperature
of surrounding rural areas
B. The threat to the local biodiversity
C. The new jobs that would be created C. when the leftovers or “tailings” from
mining are piled up in a river
D. The increased traffic in the area
D. an oasis
614. Which of the following is NOT a benefit
of incinerating waste? 619. Why would the government feel a moni-
toring plan is important if a city was build-
A. It reduces the material sent to landfills
ing a new landfill?
A. So the city can charge the landfill more
B. It produces energy in the form of heat
B. To ensure the landfill doesn’t nega-
C. It can be used to produce electricity
tively impact the local environment
D. It neutralizes all of the toxic materials
C. To stall the building of the landfill so it
615. Area with more than 2, 500 people and could be voted away
a governing body. D. To promote hiring local environmental-
A. urban ists


1.9 Land Utilization 217

620. Layer of soil and rock overlying a mineral 625. A pattern of settlements in a country,
deposit such that the nth largest settlement is 1/n
the population of the largest settlement.


A. underburden
For example, the 3rd largest settlement is
B. overburden 1/3 the size of the largest settlement.
C. lithosphere A. Rank-size rule
D. asthenosphere B. Law of the Indies
C. Enclosure movement
621. The formal act of acquiring something by
conquest or occupation D. Central Place Theory
A. Gentrification 626. In which of the following States mining
B. Annexation has caused severe land degradation?

C. Conurbation A. Gujarat
B. Jharkhand
D. New Urbanism
C. Kerala
622. Area sown more than once in an agricul- D. Uttaranchal
tural year plus net sown area is known
as: 627. In most jurisdictions, the master plan is
A. Net sown area managed by

B. Forest cover A. The mayor or county superintendent.

B. The Board of Equalization.
C. Waste land
C. the planning commission.
D. Gross cropped area
D. the zoning board of adjustment.
623. Deforestation has resulted in
628. A farmer who converts forested land and
A. more farmland in some places but marshland into cropland has
more desertification in others
A. fulfilled the promise of the Green Rev-
B. less farmland in some places but more olution
desertification in others
B. increased the land’s carrying capacity
C. less farmland in some places but less
C. shown the advantages of the
desertification in others
Columbian Exchange
D. no noticeable change in the amount of
D. increased the yield of the crops on her
farmland or desertification
624. What promoted urbanization more than 629. Where are the highest land values
any other event? found?
A. highways A. Outer Suburbs
B. industrial revolution B. Inner Suburbs
C. commericalization C. Inner City
D. minimum wage D. CBD


1.9 Land Utilization 218

630. Part of a metal-yielding material that can B. practicing water conservation by tak-
be economically and legally extracted at a ing shorter showers and installing a low-
given time flow shower head
A. geology C. buying only local produce, or going a
B. mineral step farther and growing vegetables in a
backyard garden
C. lithosphere
D. supporting companies that transport
D. ore food products from foreign countries in or-

631. What is the best term for a chemical der to keep food costs low
that kills organisms that are unwanted 634. in, relating to, or characteristic of the
and cause economic damage? countryside rather than the town.
A. insecticide A. rural
B. pesticide B. urban
C. herbicide C. country
D. pathogens D. city
632. Which of the following statements best 635. Prenatal care can be quite costly. What
describes the role of hunting and gather- trend might we see between prenatal care
ing after the beginning of agriculture? and developing and transitioning coun-
A. Once humans began to grow crop tries.
for food, hunting and gathering were no A. People in developing countries are
longer used as sources for food. more likely to have prenatal care check
B. Crops were grown only to feed ani- ups
mals; hunting and gathering of wild plants
B. Prenatal care has becoming obsolete.
was still the main source of food in the hu-
man diet. C. People in developing countries are
less likely to have prenatal care check ups
C. Farming was soon the main source of
food in the human diet, not wild berries
and seeds were still important sources of D. There would be no difference between
certain minerals and vitamins. the different types of countries.
D. Wild plants are still the most important 636. Inner city neighborhoods face all of the
source of food in most countries. following challenges except
633. When it comes to environmental issues, A. alack of social and economic diversity
each individual on the planet is a part of B. a culture of poverty
the problem and can be part of the solu-
C. deteriorating housing
tion. Sustainability is possible when soci-
ety, economy, and environment are in bal- D. increased crime
ance. which practice would NOT eventu-
ally contribute to sustainability? 637. What is the name of fuel that comes from
A. purchasing products made form eco-
logically friendly materials harvested in a A. Ethanol
sustainable manner B. Gasoline


1.9 Land Utilization 219

C. Diesel 643. Areas of open land with few people,

D. Biodiesel homes, and businesses


A. Suburb
638. What movement related to agriculture
has helped to counter the effects of neo- B. Urban
colonialism in LDCs?
C. Rural
A. Fair Trade Movement
D. City
B. Green Revolution
C. Farmers Markets 644. Alfred Weber was famous for his creation
D. Locavore Movement of which model of industry?

639. In a developing country, the infrastruc- A. Bulk-Gaining

ture is usually B. Bulk-Reducing
A. widespread. C. Least Cost
B. non-existent.
D. Locational Interdependence
C. limited in rural areas.
D. well developed in rural and urban ar- 645. Which of the following types of data
eas. would be the most helpful in determin-
ing the location of a new Starbucks coffee
640. Which is the world’s largest megalopo- shop?
A. ethnic make-up
A. London/Surrey/Manchester
B. property tax rates
B. Boston/NYC/Washington
C. Tokyo/Yokohama/Kawasaki C. average commute time
D. Paris/Provence/LeHavre D. per capita income

641. According to von Thunen, the regional ge- 646. Urban planning in US cities emphasis is
ography of agriculture is determined by on all EXCEPT
A. land area A. building codes
B. rent
B. health codes
C. availability of material input
C. land-use planning
D. cultural preferences
D. agribusiness projections
642. The effects of biotechnology are
A. positive because it allows for much 647. Which of the following is an example of
greater agricultural yields. land used as a protected area to preserve
B. limited because its expense prevents the scenery and ecosystems?
its accessibility to farmers in developing A. Grand Canyon National Park
B. Great Basin
C. are unknown because not enough re-
search has been conducted on them. C. Great Plains
D. All of the above D. Rocky Mountains


1.9 Land Utilization 220

648. Which of the following is not typically 653. in, relating, or characteristic of the city
grown on a plantation? A. urban
A. corn B. rural
B. cotton C. country
C. tea D. city
D. coffee
654. silver, gold, and copper are examples of
649. Marketing services use WHAT to map dif-

A. Metals Minerals
ferent people in certain areas?
B. Non-metal Minerals
A. Address
C. Fuel Minerals
B. Zip code
D. none of above
C. Survey
D. Demographics 655. Tony and Jacob are brothers who decided
to move into an old warehouse in down-
650. Public land use planning strives to bal- town New York City and fix it up into slick
ance which of the following potentially loft apartment complex. Tony and Jacob’s
conflicting interests? actions are most closely classified as
A. Individual property rights and the pub- A. urban morphology
lic’s interest. B. social stratification
B. Public policy makers and community C. gentrification
business leaders.
D. redlining
C. Tenant occupancy specifications and
construction contractors. 656. Which of the following is true of land-use
D. Individual property owners and munic- plans?
ipal planning agencies. A. Developers must prepare detailed re-
ports assessing the environmental impact
651. Which of these would not fall under the of their projects.
description of a police power?
B. The public often has input in land-use
A. deed restrictions plans.
B. subdivision regulations C. Projects in environmentally sensitive
C. building codes areas may be hotly debated.
D. zoning D. All of the above.
652. Emilio bought a single-family home as 657. According to the von Thunen Model,
an investment for $400, 000. Six years which of the following is the correct or-
later, he sold it for $545, 000. How much der of agricultural land use activities that
of the profit will he have to pay capital corresponds to traveling outward from the
gains tax on? market center?
A. $400, 000 A. Milk, Forest, Wheat
B. $545, 000 B. Livestock, Milk, Wheat
C. $0 C. Vegetables, Forest, Milk
D. $145, 000 D. Wheat, Livestock, Milk


1.9 Land Utilization 221

658. An urban area that has a name, defined from Guatemalan coffee farmers for a per-
boundaries, and local government, and cent commission
that is generally larger than a village and


B. A factory that buys fruit from local
smaller than a city. growers and manufactures juice, canned
A. Town goods, and vitamin supplements
B. City C. An economist who informs subsis-
C. Micro-City tence farmers in underdeveloped coun-
tries of market patterns and which crops
D. Large Village will be most profitable at a given time
659. Latin American cities have what common D. A private biotech research company
characteristic in the model developed by that is genetically engineering a variety of
Dr. Larry Ford? oranges that can be grown in temperate
A. A spine of high-class housing extend- climates
ing from the city center 663. Which of the following processes most in-
B. Favelas or squatter settlements in the fluences the existence of a zone of transi-
interior of the central business districts tion in concentric urban growth patterns?
C. Three distinct central business dis- A. Successive immigration
tricts: colonial, contemporary/traditional, B. Agglomeration
and market zones
C. Decentralization
D. Transportation systems that ring the
city and do not connect to the central busi- D. Zoning
ness district
664. Which of the following is a likely result
660. Urbanization has a negative impact on: of deforestation?
A. Biodiversity, pollution, and ecosys- A. The amount of carbon dioxide removed
tems from the atmosphere
B. Biodiversity, ecosystems, and educa- B. Wind blows soil away because the
tion plant cover has been removed.
C. Ecosystems, education, and economy C. Water runs off the land more rapidly
and causes floods.
D. Economy, pollution, and biodiversity
D. all of the above
661. Land used to graze livestock and wildlife
665. in the U.S., an urban area with at least
A. rangeland
50, 000 inhabitants
B. forest land
A. Urban area
C. farmland
B. Urban cluster
D. urban land
C. Urbanized area
662. Which of the following is an example D. Urban settlement
of tertiary economic activity in agribusi-
ness? 666. What is main reason of land degradation
A. A company that finds buyers for fair in staes like Punjab and Haryana
trade coffee and facilitates the purchase A. Over irrigation


1.9 Land Utilization 222

B. Deforestation C. Development is centered around trans-

C. Mining portation routes

D. Overgrazing D. Development is independent of the

central business district
667. Name the model: Cities develop around
a series of centres. These can then merge 671. City Planning is:
through urban sprawl. Some centres will A. The study of population characteristics
be created through planning, for example,

the development of an industrial estate.
B. The process for guiding the develop-
A very rapid growth of a city may lead
ment of cities
to some activities moving to the outskirts
(Shopping centres) and therefore creating C. The study of natural land features only
a new nuclei
A. The Sector Model D. Developing the trade system in a city
B. Concentric Zone Model 672. Which of the following would most likely
C. The Multiple-Nuclei Model cause eutrophication in a lake?
D. British Urban land Use Model A. Chemicals from a near by plant getting
dumped into the lake
668. Urban renewal programs allow govern-
ments to do all EXCEPT B. runoff from a farms fertilizer in its
A. buy properties
C. This would happen naturally
B. relocate residents and businesses
D. There is not real cause to eutrophica-
C. build new roads and utilities tion.
D. allow old factories remain ungentrified
673. Which of the following would groups
669. Which of the following groups would who want sustainable development in the
most likely engage in the gentrification of Amazon rainforest most likely support
an older residential neighborhood? A. the building of roads in the rainforest
A. Double-income households without
B. the harvesting of rainforest trees to
create more jobs
B. People above age sixty-five on limited
C. the clearing of rainforests to create
C. Double-income households with chil-
D. the use of rainforest resources with-
out destroying them
D. Recent immigrants on limited incomes
674. relatively few people and large areas of
670. Homer Hoyt’s sector model is based on open space
what fundamental principle?
A. rangeland
A. Development is structured around the
central business district B. urban land

B. Development is based around enter- C. rural land

prises such as airports D. parks and preserves


1.9 Land Utilization 223

675. In which zone of the city would you see D. Yes, changes should be made to re-
the most green space? lease the holding water at scheduled
times so that leaks are not a surprise oc-


B. Low Class Housing (Inner City)
678. What is an economic difficulty faced by
C. Middle Class Housing (Suburbs)
dairy farmers?
D. High Class Housing (Rural-Urban A. It is labor intensive.
B. There are too many regulations.
676. Huge bulldozers and other machines are C. Cows need to be moved to different
used to clear away large strips of the grazing regions based on seasons.
Earth’s surface.
D. Loss of farmland to urban sprawl.
A. shaft mining
679. Large cities develop many nodes around
B. mountaintop removal which different types of people and activi-
C. open-pit mining ties cluster. This describes the
D. strip mining A. peripheral/galactic
B. multiple nuclei
677. In 2021 the Piney Point reservoir, hold-
C. sector
ing water from previous phosphate min-
ing activity, began leaking contaminants D. concentric
into the groundwater. This groundwater
680. Why do zoning authorities create differ-
is used by Floridians for household and
ent types of zones?
drinking water. In order to relieve pres-
sure on the leak, more than 200 million A. To ensure that a variety of building
gallons of the contaminated water was structures are available in the community.
pumped into Tampa Bay. When phosphate
contaminants build up in water, they are B. To separate land uses so that they do
known to cause toxic algal blooms that not interfere with eachother.
harm local wildlife, ecosystems, air qual- C. To preserve high density land uses.
ity, and water quality. Piney Point was 1
D. To discourage industrial and commer-
of 27 phosphate mining reservoirs found
cial users from relocating.
throughout the state of Florida. Is there
a need for changes to the current waste 681. What is found at the centre of both the
management strategies at phosphate min- Burgess Model and Hoyt Model?
ing sites?
A. Inner city
A. No, data has not been presented to in- B. Suburbs
dicate this is more than an isolated issue
C. Outer Suburbs
B. Yes, changes should be made in moni-
toring of these sites to prevent similar fu- 682. During which decade did the Green Rev-
ture events from occurring. olution result in exponential increases in
C. No, there is no data to support request- food production (particularly that of cereal
ing large sums of money from the respon- grains) worldwide?
sible companies to fund a cleanup. A. 1930’s


1.9 Land Utilization 224

B. 1960’s 687. Farmers in MDCs grow crops and raise

animals to sell directly to
C. 2010
A. Consumers
D. 1890’s
B. Markets
683. Incinerating (burning) solid waste is one
C. Stores
way in which humans manage waste on
Earth. While incinerating can provide D. Food processing companies
advantages, it also has disadvantages.

Which of the following is a disadvantage 688. A con of GMOs is that
of incinerating solid waste? A. They are creating herbicide tolerant
A. Energy is produced from the process crops.
B. Reduces trash volume B. There is insufficient research to know
the long term impacts they may have.
C. Concentrates hazardous substances
into ash for burial C. There is higher crop production.
D. Greenhouse gases are released into D. They require fewer materials to grow
the atmosphere crops.

684. Urban land use is found in 689. A stand of single tree plantation species
typically planted in straight rows is known
A. outlying islands
B. rural areas
A. old growth forest
C. country parks
B. tree plantation
D. built-up areas
C. agricultural yield
685. Why is the Amazon a difficult place for D. jungle
settlers to farm in?
690. A process of change in the use of a house,
A. There is too much rainfall.
from single-family owner occupancy to
B. The land is overpopulated abandonment
C. The area is very hot and dry. A. Filtering
D. The soil is poor in nutrients. B. Annexation

686. The small town of West Fremont has a C. Conurbation

population of 50, 000. If the growth rate D. New Urbanism
of West Fremont is 2%, then how long will
it take for the population of West Fremont 691. sustainable agriculture
to double?
A. is like an industry
A. 70 years
B. promotes polyculture
B. 7 years
C. treats long term quality of the soil as
C. 35 years top priority
D. 3.5 years D. depends on genetic engineering


1.9 Land Utilization 225

692. What creates heat islands in cities? 697. Hallie is writing an article for an environ-
mental science magazine. The topic of her
A. too much concrete
article is “Sustainable Tourism.” As she


B. too many trees is researching, she wonders if sustainable
C. people breathing tourism is even possible?

D. urban crisis A. Yes, but only if the country is already

693. Areas with low access to healthy foods B. No, the United States is the only coun-
are known as try that cares about the environment.
A. Ghettos C. Yes, but only in countries where a
B. Food deserts strategy has been set into place before
tourism even begins.
C. Squatter settlements
D. No, world governments have not yet
D. Suburbs defined the concept of sustainability, plus
it’s not measurable.
694. The main human activity that releases
greenhouse gases is 698. Name the model: Due to land value, re-
tail and commerce dominate the central ar-
A. using bottled water
eas, industry dominates beyond the CBD
B. burning fossil fuels before residential housing takes over on
C. texting on cellphones the outskirts.

D. eating meat A. The Sector Model

B. Concentric Zone Model
695. Young single recent college graduates
C. Bid-rent
who move into distressed inner city neigh-
borhoods and refurbish their new resi- D. British Urban land Use Model
dences would be an example of
699. Which of the following was NOT a result
A. blockbusting of the Enclosure Acts?
B. red lining A. cities grew
C. gentrification B. less food grown
D. white flight C. more food grown
D. small farmers quit
696. What impact can crop rotation have on
the environment? 700. A new soda company is looking to mar-
ket to people trying to reduce the amount
A. Releasing more O2 into the atmo-
of waste they make. The creators of the
soda are looking to design the packaging
B. Taking more CO2 out of the atmo- to have the least impact on the environ-
sphere ment once you finish drinking it. Which
C. Giving the farmer more money due to strategy would make the product the most
crop diversity eco friendly?

D. Allowing fields to be used longer re- A. Making the can refillable

ducing the need for new fields B. Making the can recyclable


1.9 Land Utilization 226

C. Making the can out of plastic 706. The Safe Drinking Act is a federal law
D. Making the can biodegradable that does what?
A. protects people and the environment
701. Zoning ordinances encourage from the harmful effects of air pollution
A. activities to be located all together B. protects broad federal authority to re-
B. spatial separation of land use spond directly to releases of hazardous
C. mixed land use substances that may endanger public
health or the environment

D. only gentrification
C. protects public drinking water sup-
702. Rachel Carson plies by instituting standards for drinking
A. increased awareness of birds water quality
B. increased awareness of Earth Day D. amends CERCLA, designates more
money to the Superfund trust, and estab-
C. increased awareness of the thinning lishes new environmental laws and regu-
of ozone layer lations
D. increased awareness of the risks of
pesticides 707. Maquiladoras provide which of the fol-
lowing benefits to producers?
703. About what year did the first Agricultural
A. Duty-free production in a low wage
Revolution occur?
A. 3000 BCE
B. Allows access to high skill labor mar-
B. 8000 BCE kets.
C. 1000 CE C. Concentrates production in the high-
D. 20000 BCE est order cities.

704. The United Nations and conservationists D. Levels the economic playing field for
around the world are using a design in factories located in America and China.
which an inner core of a reserve is sur- 708. How do environmentalists want to pro-
rounded by two protective areas. This de- tect the Amazon rainforest?
sign is known as
A. They want to home all of the native
A. habitat corridors Amazonian people.
B. buffer zone concept
B. They want to restrict the development
C. wilderness concept of the rainforest.
D. reserve concept C. They want to force all farmers and
ranchers to out of the land
705. Metropolitan statistical area is a(n)
D. They want to charge the native Amazo-
A. urbanized area of at least 50, 000 peo-
nian people for using the land.
B. urban cluster of 10, 000 to 50, 000 peo- 709. A deed restriction or declaration of re-
ple striction may be enforced by means of a
C. small scale functional entity A. sheriff’s warrant
D. social and economic town B. zoning commission order


1.9 Land Utilization 227

C. foreclosure action 714. Integrated waste management arranges

various strategies for handling municipal
D. court injunction.
solid waste. While most countries rely pri-


710. The vast grasslands that once covered marily on landfills and incineration, which
the middle of North America have mainly of the following would be a primary
been replaced by component of integrated waste manage-
A. wilderness and forest land.
A. Composting
B. parks and forest land.
B. Recyclying
C. parks and heat islands.
C. Reduction
D. parks and beaches.
D. Reuse
711. What is the difference betwee a variance
715. Which is the illegal process by which
and a nonconforming use?
real estate agents encourage the sale of
A. A variance, once granted, is uncondi- homes because people of certain races
tional and permanent. have moved into a neighborhood?
B. A variance is granted by the zoning A. Ghettoization
board if the owner has a justifiable reason. B. Segregation
C. White flight
C. A nonconforming use is allowed if the
owner requests it in advance of building. D. Blockbusting

D. A nonconforming use violates current 716. A large node of office and retail activities
zoning, but a variance does not. on the edge of an urban area

712. A sovereign state comprising a city and A. Edge City

its immediate hinterland B. Megacity
A. City-state C. Megalopolis
B. Megacity D. Primate city
C. Megalopolis 717. What we do to earn a living doesn’t hurt
D. Squatter Settlement the rainforest. Because of that, we should
have land of our own in the rainforest.
713. The most practical definition for an “ur- Which group said this?
ban area” is A. loggers
A. the central city and its surrounding ar- B. rubber tappers
C. environmentalists
B. the economic influence it has on the
people that live there D. settlers

C. a small town outside of the city with its 718. Loggers often argue that a benefit of log-
own zip code ging in the Amazon rainforest is that it
D. land outside the city that developers A. creates new land for luxuries such as
want to build on shopping malls and movie theaters.


1.9 Land Utilization 228

B. improves Brazil’s economy by increas- 723. Which of the following areas of the world
ing the number of jobs in the forest indus- most likely leads the other areas listed be-
try. low in the production of wheat?
C. allows more people to live in the land A. Central Brazil
by clearing away the dense forest. B. Interior Australia
D. reduces the amount of time and effort C. Eastern Europe
needed to maintain the Amazon land.
D. Central Africa

719. What factors enable a country to have a
strong infrastructure? 724. Intensity theory states that

A. government and wealth A. dairy and vegetable products will be

produced closer to market than forestry
B. land and resources products
C. cooperation and organization B. for any given product, intensity of pro-
D. all the above duction decreases with increasing dis-
tance from the market
720. Which area developed in the 19th cen- C. None of the above
D. A and B only
A. Outer suburbs
B. CBD 725. Which type of area listed below is pro-
tected from exploitation?
C. Inner suburbs
A. Farmland
D. Inner city
B. forestland
721. Why might it be more difficult to convince C. wilderness
the human population of the value of a for-
D. rangeland
est’s ecological services as opposed to the
value of its economic services? 726. land used for recreation, scenic, enjoy-
A. Ecological Services cannot be mone- ment, and for preserving native animal
tarily estimated and plant communities and ecosystems
B. Ecological services are not easily ob- A. rangeland
served by the average human B. parks and preserves
C. Ecological services detail the cost of C. wetlands
use on the environment
D. farmland
D. Ecological services are only a focus of
less developed economies 727. What is the dissolving of material from
upper layers of soil and moving the mate-
722. Forests add what gas to the atmosphere rial downwards?
A. nitrogen A. Intercropping
B. carbon B. Terracing
C. oxygen C. Agroforestry
D. phosphorus D. Leaching


1.9 Land Utilization 229

728. Land prepared for agriculture using the 733. Planting corn next to N restoring al-
slash and burn method falfa?


A. fallow A. Intercropping
B. swidden B. Terracing
C. shifting agriculture C. Agroforestry
D. fertile D. Leaching
729. What are hardwoods? 734. is the process of settlement, forma-
A. Trees that have broad leaves, which tion, expansion, and change.
they usually lose in the fall. A. Suburbanization
B. Coniferous Trees have broad leaves,
B. Urbanization
which they usually lose in the fall. Ex:
Birch, Cherry, Oak and Maple. C. Urban Sprawl
C. Deciduous Trees have broad leaves, D. City Growth
which they usually lose in the fall. Ex:
Birch, Cherry, Oak and Maple. 735. Location theory is based on
D. none of above A. the premise that there is competition
between different land uses according to
730. Sustainable management of rangeland rent-paying abilities.
A. controls the number of grazing ani- B. the premise that agricultural products
mals and the duration of the grazing are consumed by the farmer’s household.
B. controls vegetation with herbicided
C. uses only GMO grazing animals that C. the idea that there is one central mar-
eat less to survive ket.
D. clumps the animals together to maxi- D. all of the above.
mize numbers
736. Which of the following conditions does
731. The process of returning the land back to not support placing this species on the en-
its original state after mining is called dangered species list?
A. subsidence A. This species’ population has recently
B. reclamation dropped below slightly carrying capacity.
C. solar evaporation
B. This species lives only on a specific
D. slash and burn coral reef that has recently shown evi-
732. Which of the following is an example of dence of bleaching.
an ecosystem service? C. This species fills a specialized niche
A. water filtration and its population is steadily decreasing
due to a loss of habitat.
B. food
D. This species is vital to the function of
C. oxygen the ecosystem and has decline in popula-
D. they all are! tion due to unknown reasons.


1.9 Land Utilization 230

737. A set of policies and activities related to C. Rubber Tappers

potential uses of land that is put in place D. Settlers
before an area is developed
A. Urban sprawl 742. In which state OR province is the French
long-lot land division most common?
B. Suburban
A. Quebec
C. Urbanization
B. Texas
D. Land-use planning

C. Iowa
738. Unrestricted low-density development of D. British Columbia
residential and commercial activities over
a large expanse of land is 743. A primary objective of residential zoning
is to
A. sprawl
A. control the value ranges of homes in a
B. edge city
C. new urbanism
B. regulate density
D. smart growth
C. ensure that only a limited amount of
739. Who developed a model to describe ur- commercial and industrial activity is per-
ban growth based on transportation tech- mitted in a particular residential zone
nology? D. maximize intensity of usage
A. Walter Christaller 744. All of the following describe edge cites
B. Jean Gottman except
C. Jim Borchert A. they are more convenient places of em-
D. Edward Ullman ployment for newer suburban communi-
740. Which is most likely to have a negative B. they make it easier for traffic planners
and persistant impact on the ecosystem? to design mass transit systems.
A. Lindane, a synthetic chlorinated hydro- C. other uses such as shopping malls and
carbon apartment complexes are also present.
B. Rotenone, a toxic plant derivative D. they typically are located at the inter-
C. Insecticidal soap, a surfectant that sections of highways.
kills through suffocation
745. Which of the following options best ex-
D. Bacillus thuringiensis, a soil organism emplifies pastoralism?
that kills insect larvae
A. A small, organic farm grows corn, soy-
741. Name the interest group that would beans and squash together in rows.
make this statement: “Land that has been B. A large farm grows a couple of prof-
opened to us in the rainforest finally gives itable crops.
us a chance to provide food for our fami- C. A small farm raising pigs and cows.
D. A group of nomadic shepherds tends
A. Native Amazonians flocks of goats and sheep in Eastern
B. Cattle Ranchers Africa.


1.9 Land Utilization 231

746. Today about % of the US population 751. Which of the following is not true of tree
lives and works on farms. plantations?


A. 75 A. They are biologically highly diverse.
B. 10 B. They can return a fast profit.
C. 5 C. They are usually clear cut when suffi-
ciently mature.
D. 44
D. The trees are uniformly aged.
747. The adoption of agriculture by neolithic
societies resulted in 752. Environmental causes of land degrada-
tion include
A. development of less-hierarchical soci-
eties A. poverty, urban sprawl, and deforesta-
B. increased gender equality
B. deforestation, bio-industries, poverty
C. cultures adopting a more settled
lifestyle C. overgrazing, deforestation, agricul-
D. an increase in nomadic hunting
D. agriculture, urban sprawl, poverty
748. a residential or commercial area situated
753. What agriculture do we primarily find in
within an urban area but outside the cen-
tral city
A. Mediterranean
A. Residential zoning district
B. plantations
B. Suburb
C. truck/fruit farming
C. City
D. dairy farming
D. Zoning Ordinance
754. Which factor is allowed to vary in von
749. The layer of soil which the topsoil is Thunen’s agricultural location theory?
A. Number of central markets
A. Horizon A
B. Distance between market and city
B. Horizon B
C. Mode of transportation
C. Horizon C
D. Profit maximization of farmers
D. Horizon D or R
755. Chicago’s relative location near other ma-
750. Overfishing is: jor city networks gave the urban place a
A. catching fish faster then they can re- comparative advantage for successful eco-
produce. nomic growth. This statement best de-
scribes Chicago’s
B. raising fish faster than they can be
caught. A. site

C. catching more than the legal limit of B. situation

trout. C. density
D. eating too much at Long John Silver’s. D. functional zonation


1.9 Land Utilization 232

756. What soil conservation method refers to housing would be in the most aestheti-
forming steps in a hill to prevent water cally pleasing locations away from noise
erosion? and pollution. Middle to low class housing
A. windbreaks would fill the gap.

B. contour plowing A. The Sector Model

C. terrace farming B. Concentric Zone Model

D. strip cropping C. Bid-rent

D. British Urban land Use Model
757. The movement of people from cities to
the suburbs is best known as 762. The smallest, least complex type of set-
A. Ruralism tlement in the urban hierarchy is the
B. Suburbism A. Farm
C. Urbanization B. Village
D. Sector Model C. Hamlet
D. Town
758. Fill in the blank is a large open
countryside area where horses can roam 763. Used to a point that a resource is no
freely. longer available (ex. trees being removed
A. Urban without being replanted)
B. Farm A. exhaustible
C. Rural B. reduce
D. Zoo C. depletion

759. all of these are ecological services that D. conservation

forest provide except which one
764. Which is not an example of recreational
A. reduces erosion of soil land use?
B. provides habitats A. Leaser Lake
C. purifies water and air B. Olde Homestead Golf Course
D. release carbon in the atmosphere C. NWLSD Middle School
760. Name the model: Based on the city of D. Ontelaunee Park
765. Which of the following strategies have
A. The Sector Model the “East Asian Tigers” (Four Asian Tigers)
B. Concentric Zone Model used most successfully in their economic
C. Bid-rent
A. Import-substitution industrialization
D. British Urban land Use Model
B. Deglomeration
761. Name the model: The city develops
outwards from a CBD in slices. Indus- C. Sustainable development
try would locate in strips alongside the D. Export-oriented industrialization / in-
best transportation routes. High class ternational trade


1.9 Land Utilization 233

766. What is reforestation? B. Provironex is selective, so other pests

A. removing all trees from an area are filing the niche from the exterminated


B. burning trees
C. Provironex is persistent, and the
C. removing selected trees from an area farmer should apply less for better results
D. replanting trees in an area
D. The target species has begun to evolve
767. Which places usually have a low range? resistance.
A. Sport stadiums
772. What is the purpose of urban models?
B. Concert venues
A. Explains where different types of peo-
C. Restaurants ple live
D. Amusement parks B. Explains why people live where they
768. Eliminating invasive plants and replacing
them with native plants is one aspect of C. Depends on the use of Census Data

A. urban management. D. All of the above

B. deforestation. 773. Truck farming is a form of commercial

C. range improvement. agriculture also known as
A. slashing and burning
D. overgrazing.
B. commercial gardening
769. Where can we find rural land use in Hong
C. plantation agriculture
D. dairy farming
A. Northern part of Hong Kong Island
B. Outlying islands 774. An area delineated by the US Bureau of
the Census for which statistics are pub-
C. New towns lished; in urbanized areas
D. Kowloon A. Census Tract
770. Most types of plants grow best in soil B. Density Gradient
with a pH of C. Urbanized Area
A. between 1 & 2 D. Enclosure movement
B. between 5 & 7
775. Which of the following was NOT a rea-
C. between 10 & 12 son for rapid suburbanization in the United
D. either 1 or 14 States after the Second World War?
A. Expansion of home construction
771. After many years of applying the selec-
tive pesticide provironex, a farmer notices B. Expansion of the interstate highway
that the applications seem less effective. system
This is likely due to: C. Availability of low down payment
A. the fact that provironex is fat soluble terms and long-term mortgages
and has been bioaccumulating D. Reduction in long-distance commuting


1.9 Land Utilization 234

776. 38% of the earth’s surface is used for B. when a child in the USA refuses to eat
their dinner
A. Cities C. is the same thing as malnutrition
B. Parks and recreation D. where there is insufficient intake of en-
ergy & nutrients
C. Agriculture and farming
D. Parking lots 782. When the urbanized areas of 2+ cities
merge together through suburban growth

777. We’ve been here longer than anyone. and expansion
Our land and way of life should be pro- A. Megalopolis
tected. Which group said this?
B. City-state
A. cattle ranchers
C. Edge City
B. native Amazonians
D. Primate city
C. loggers
783. Raising and cultivating fish and shellfish
D. settlers
in controlled bodies of water is known as
778. land that is unpopulated, or has a popula- A. Fish Farms
tion less than 2, 500 people is considered B. Ocean Farms
C. Aquaculture
A. Rural
D. Commercial Fisheries
B. Urban
784. Why is it a good thing for people to move
C. Suburban
from rural to urban areas?
D. Heat Island
A. less transportation problems
779. Land that is sparsely populated and has B. more room for green spaces
few buildings or roads is defined as a(n) C. more room for parks
A. infrastructure. D. more room for ecosystem services
B. heat island.
785. Tokyo is many times larger than the
C. urban area. second-ranked city in Japan, thus making
D. rural area. Tokyo a(n)
A. central business district
780. Define preservation
B. hinterland
A. To use or use up
C. squatter settlement
B. To use or manage wisely
D. primate city
C. To maintain and reserve for continued
survival 786. Which of the following is not likely to
cause the degradation of rangeland?
D. none of above
A. adding more animals to a herd grazing
781. Undernutrition is on rangeland
A. where an excess of nutrients are eaten B. a drought in which rainfall is lower
by someone than usual for three years


1.9 Land Utilization 235

C. planting grass seed on the land 792. Under CERCLA and other environmental
D. driving a vehicle off-road legislation, a landowner:


A. may be liable for contamination
787. Which urban land use model includes a cleanup regardless of whether the con-
periferia? tamination is the result of the landowner’s
A. LIC actions or those of others
B. Concentric circle B. is only liable for contamination
C. Sector cleanup if it can be proven that the
landowner knowingly concealed the con-
D. All of the models
788. Which model refers to the pull factors C. is only liable for contamination
that encourage people to move to larger cleanup if the contamination occurred
cities? with the landowner’s consent
A. The Gravity Model D. may not be liable for contamination
B. The DTM cleanup if the contamination occurred as
the result of an accident on the property
C. The ETM
D. The Push / Pull Model 793. A distinguishing feature of a deed condi-
tion is that
789. The outlying area serviced by a urban cen-
ter is referred to as a A. it gives the grantor the right to re-
possess the property if the grantee vio-
A. range lates the condition.
B. hinterland
B. it ceases to apply if a violation is al-
C. threshold lowed to continue for a certain period of
D. redline area time.
C. it can be filed at any time after title has
790. Michelle, a property owner, passed away
been transferred
without a will or any heirs. The title
to her property was then transferred to D. it restricts who may own the property
the state. What is this government right
called? 794. MDCs have a low number of farmers re-
sulting in
A. escheat
A. High yields despite the low numbers
B. eminent domain
because the farmers use technology and
C. taxation modern techniques to maximize harvests.
D. zoning
B. High yields because the low number of
791. Places where immigrants make their way
farmers produce more than a high number
into a country
of farmers.
A. Gateway cities
C. Lower yields because there are less
B. Edge City people to wok on agricultural lands.
C. Megalopolis D. Lower yield because of desertification
D. Primate city and soil erosion.


1.9 Land Utilization 236

795. Detailed maps showing the locations of 800. The domestication of plants and animals
sewer lines, roads, and parks are possible occurred in the
with A. First Agricutural Revolution
A. GPN. B. Second Agricultural Revolution
B. TOPO. C. Columbian Exchange
C. GIS. D. Middle Ages
D. none of above

801. It’s area known as Manhattan is a world-
wide center of finance, advertising and en-
796. Unfenced grasslands in tropical and tem-
perate climates that supply forage for
grazing animals are called A. New York

A. pastures B. Chicago
C. Atlanta
B. rangeland
D. New Orleans
C. savannah
D. steppes 802. The area serviced by a central place is
called a
797. The Central Business District (CBD) is also A. hinterland
known as
B. range
A. Downtown
C. threshold
B. Suburb D. redline
C. Uptown
803. a continuous urban complex in the north-
D. Rural Area eastern United States (ex. East Coast US
from Boston to D.C.)
798. A model that describes a city that pro-
trudes from a colonial port and focusing on A. Major Metropolitan Area
major economic factors being closer to the B. Megalopolis
port zone. C. Metropolis
A. Concentric Zone Model D. Urban area
B. Sector Model
804. Which of the following methods of agri-
C. Southeast Asia Model cultural irrigation results in the loss of the
least amount of water by evaporation?
D. African Model
A. Flood irrigation
799. According to von Thunen model, what B. laser-level irrigation
needs to be of the land for it to work?
C. drip irrigation
A. Rivers and Mountains
D. gravity-flow irrigation
B. Flat land and rivers
805. Overly rapid expansion of a city into the
C. Flat land and mountains
surrounding countryside often results in
D. Flat land and consistent climate


1.9 Land Utilization 237

A. infrastructure B. the property owner is the one who

B. urban sprawl brings the variance to the attention of the
zoning board.


C. heat islands
C. the variance was caused by a contrac-
D. none of above tor rather than by the property owner
806. Which of these is not an ecosystem ser- D. the property is in conflict with no more
vice? than one zoning ordinance.
A. global nutrient cycling 810. What are fire station, roads, and bridges
B. decomposition of waste examples of?
C. vegetables from a farm A. urbanization
D. fertile soil B. infrastructure

807. Fire stations, roads, and bridges are ex- C. urban crisis
amples of D. none of above
A. infrastructure 811. Counties and municipalities have the legal
B. natural resources right to control land use due to
C. housing A. the doctrine of appropration
D. recreation B. delegation of authority by state-level
enabling acts
808. Crop rotation is a strategy used by farm-
ers where a different type of crop is grown C. custom and tradition
on the samesoil every season. An example D. consensus of the local community
would be growing corn one season and the through referendum
next season usingthe same field to grow
peanuts. Each type of plant requires dif- 812. What do we call the movement of people
ferent nutrients and returnsdifferent nutri- from rural areas to cities?
ents to the soil. What impact can crop ro- A. urbanization
tation have on the environment?
B. urban sprawl
A. Releasing more oxygen into the atmo-
C. neither of theses answers
D. none of above
B. Taking more Carbon Dioxide out of the
atmosphere 813. Name the group that this statement is
C. Giving the farmer more money due to directed toward: “Unless you change the
crop diversity way you do things, the valuable resource
D. Allowing fields to be used longer re- you take from the rainforest won’t be
ducing the need for new fields around much longer. Then, what will you
809. One situation in which a zoning board A. Environmental Groups
might permit a variance is when
B. Loggers
A. it would cause the property owner un-
reasonable hardship to bring the property C. Native Amazonians
into compliance with zoning ordinances. D. Rubber Tappers


1.9 Land Utilization 238

814. Primary succession would most likely oc- 819. How does eutrophication cause the death
cur after of aquatic organisms
A. farm land is abandoned. A. the build up of carbon dioxide in the wa-
B. a severe storm. ter
C. a forest fire. B. the lack of nitrogen in the water
D. a lava flow. C. the lack of carbon dioxide in the water
815. The Amazon is a tropical rainforest in

South America. A tropical rainforest is D. the lack of oxygen in the water
A. A dense deciduous forest found in cold 820. Which of the following statements are
and dry regions of the world true about drug crops impact on food sup-
B. A hot and humid forest found in the ply?
heart of deserts of the world.
A. Farmers in LDCs grow drug crops for
C. A broadleaf evergreen forest found in great profit
hot and wet regions of the world.
B. Drug crops use up arable land that
D. A forest with very few types of foliage could be used for food
and animal life found in regions of the
world. C. MDC’s produce a majority of the
worlds Drug Crops
816. The multiple-nuclei model of city struc-
D. Drug Crops are a parasitic and inva-
ture tends to be most applicable to
sive species
A. traditional cities
B. Latin American cities 821. Which of the following provides the best
example of quaternary economic activ-
C. newer, fast-growing cities ity?
D. cities with homogeneous land use
A. An economic consultant who makes
817. Development of new housing sites at rel- suggestions to companies as to which
atively low density and at locations that agricultural products to buy (coffee,
are not contiguous to the existing built-up dates, tobacco, etc.) given current market
area. trends
A. Market area B. An American-based facility that pur-
B. Settlement chases government-subsidized corn and
manufactures food additives and high
C. Range fructose corn syrup
D. Sprawl
C. A public land grant college that devel-
818. Which of the following form a megalopo- ops a variety of rice that does not require
lis? flood irrigation and can be grown in semi-
arid countries whose farmers are chal-
A. Boston-New York City-Washington D.C.
lenged by frequent drought

B. Dallas-Houston-Austin D. A subsistence farmer in Ecuador that

sells some crop surplus to the market, but
C. San Francisco-Los Angeles-San Diego farms to support a family who lives on less
D. Minneapolis-Omaha-Detroit than two dollars a day


1.9 Land Utilization 239

822. When farming what is the purpose of a 827. is when more more land is being uti-
shelter belt? lized by cities.


A. To grow trees between rows of crops A. urbanization
for added root stability B. monoculture
B. To allow the tree roots to add nutrient C. deforestation
to the soil
D. hydrofracking
C. To slow wind down and reduce erosion
828. The rainforest can be both preserved and
D. re-establishment of trees developed through
A. promoting ecotourism.
823. Because people are packed densely to-
gether in cities, more land outside cities B. planting shade-grown coffee.
is C. using strip logging instead of clear-
A. returned to wilderness areas. cutting large areas of forest.

B. converted to state parks. D. all of the above

C. ldeveloped. 829. What information did Whittlesey’s map

D. left undeveloped. from 1936 provide?
A. The relationship between the type of
824. Which of these groups uses the rainforest agriculture region and climate
in the most sustainable way?
B. The type and quantity of crops around
A. farmers the world
B. rubber tappers C. The areas of undernourishment in the
C. loggings companies world.
D. ranchers D. The distribution of farmers and ma-
chinery around the world.
825. How is the native Amazonian’s lifestyle
a sustainable way of life? 830. According to the rank-size rule, if the
A. Their lifestyle does not cause long- largest city in Country X has 100, 000
term damage to the rainforest. inhabitants, how many people will live in
Country X’s fourth-largest city?
B. They farm on very small areas of land
for many years at a time. A. 75, 000
C. They have lived on the same land for B. 50, 000
at least 12, 000 years. C. 25, 000
D. They fertilize the soil they use, and re- D. 10, 000
plant new seeds every year.
831. What is using resources without hurting
826. Which urban land use model shows high the ability of future generations to meet
class housing close to the centre? their own needs is considered?
A. LIC A. deforestation
B. Concentric circle B. carbon-oxygen cycle
C. Sector C. sustainable development
D. All of the models D. biodiversity development


1.9 Land Utilization 240

832. Which of the following would most likely 836. Which macro-nutrients are essential for
lead to a ban of synthetic fertilizers? plant growth?I. Iron II. Nitrogen III. Phoso-
horus IV. potassium
A. Synthetic fertilizers help prevent the
spread of disease A. II and III
B. Synthetic fertilizers are less expensive B. I and II
than organic fertilizers C. II, III, and IV
C. Synthetic fertilizers increase the po- D. I, II, III, and IV

tential for environment pollution
D. Synthetic fertilizers provide nutrients, ING LEAVES, TWIGS AND ANIMAL RE-
like nitrogen which can disrupt the nutri- MAINS/WASTES
ent cycling.
A. A
833. A process of converting an urban neigh- B. B
borhood from a predominantly low-income
C. C
renter-occupied area to a predominantly
middle-class owner-occupied area D. O
A. Gentrification 838. Which of the following is a direct eco-
B. Annexation nomic consequence that would likely occur
if an area of forest was clear-cut so that
C. Conurbation a housing development can be built?
D. New Urbanism A. A decrease in atmospheric oxygen con-
834. The goal of smart growth is to produce a
pattern of controlled development, which B. A decrease in the number of game
protects hunting licenses purchased
C. An increase in taxes from ecotourism
A. rural land use
D. An increase in legislation to regulate
B. urban mixed landscapes stream flow
C. gerrymandered zones
839. What is nature’s process of recycling de-
D. suburbanization composed organic materials into a rich
835. Which of the following characteristics are
typical of r-selected species?I. They pro- A. Recycling.
duce many offspring in a short period of B. Composting.
time.II. They have very low survivorship C. Incinerating.
early in life.III. They take a long time to
reach reproductive maturity. D. Landfilling.

A. I only 840. What is the best explanation why the

maximum sustainable yield for ocean fish-
B. II only
eries has been exceeded?
C. III only
A. too many fish have been caught by fish
D. I and II eating birds


1.9 Land Utilization 241

B. too many maring fish farms have been 845. The designation of wilderness areas..
created A. provides for protected habitats.


C. too many fish of reproductive age are B. provides for protected habitats.
C. guarantees unrestricted public access.
D. none of above

841. According to the New York Times, most D. historically forbade mining.
of the deforestation in the Amazon rain-
forest is being illegally caused by ranch- 846. The rapid spread of a city into adjoining
ers. Cattle is a $6 Billion industry in Brazil. suburbs and rural areas is called?
Which of the following statements best ex- A. Urban Sprawl
plains why the rest of the world want to
stop the deforestation of the Amazon? B. Feast or Famin

A. The forest is a large carbon sink that C. Population Bust

could impact global warming D. Overgrowth
B. The world may have too little oxygen to
847. Program in which cities identify blighted
survive without the rainforest
inner-city neighborhoods, acquire the prop-
C. Citizens from other countries would be erties from private members, relocate the
upset there was no forest to visit residents and businesses, clear the site,
D. The cattle industry in other countries build new roads and utilities, and turn the
is growing so Brazilian beef isn’t needed land over to private developers.
A. Urban Renewal
842. Which is a negative effect of urban
sprawl? B. Rank-size rule
A. new, affordable homes C. Law of the Indies
B. more farmland D. Enclosure movement
C. destruction of habitats 848. A pattern of settlements in a country such
D. more people pass their geography quiz that the nth largest settlement is 1/n the
population of the largest settlement. De-
843. The central city and its surrounding sub- veloped countries tend to conform to this
urbs is known as a rule, while developing countries tend to
A. Megalopolis have one primate city.
B. Zoning Laws A. Rank-Size Rule
C. Urban Morphology B. City-Size Rule
D. Urban Area C. City Development Rule
844. Where would animal grazing take place D. Primate City Size Rule
in the von Thunen model?
849. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is
A. First ring likely to use all of the following techniques
B. Second ring EXCEPT:
C. Third ring A. crop rotation
D. Fourth ring B. intercropping


1.9 Land Utilization 242

C. planting herbicide resistant crops B. Personal services

D. increased use of traditional pesticides C. Producer services
850. Which of the following situations is most D. Public services
likely to represent an illegal nonconform-
853. Any abiotic or biotic factor in an ecosys-
ing use?
tem that causes a population’s size to slow
A. A homeowner in a residential zone con- or decrease is a factor.
verts her residence to a private school.

A. growth
B. A homeowner buys a toolshed in a
neighborhood where there are no tool- B. limiting
sheds. C. carrying
C. A storeowner remodels a storefront in D. density dependent
accordance with regulations, and then the
zoning is changed to residential. 854. How has Brazil’s government protected
D. A new zoning ordinance outlaws two- the rainforest from deforestation?
story additions after a homeowner com- A. By creating protected rainforest re-
pletes an addition. serves

851. Although laws are in place to protect B. By removing restrictions on how much
environmental marine ecosystems in the land ranchers can clear
United States, many of these laws are not C. By building roads into the rainforest
global. How would untreated waste alter for logging trucks, ranchers, and farmers
the biodiversity and the genetic diversity
within these regions?
D. By taking property rights away from
A. Positive impacts on an environment Native Amazonians
will increase biodiversity and increase the
gene pool which will increase the species 855. According to rank-size rule, what would
stability. the population of the third largest city be
B. Genetic diversity improves with in- if the largest city had 12, 000, 000 peo-
creases in nutrients thereby enhancing ple?
the species and biodiversity. A. 3, 000, 000
C. Changes in the structural diversity will B. 4, 000, 000
not affect how the species adapt to the en-
C. 6, 000, 000
vironmental changes.
D. Negative impacts on an environment D. 8, 000, 000
will change the health of the ecosystem,
856. Industrial sector which exports all (or
lowering the genetic diversity and increas-
nearly all) of its production outside the set-
ing the number of unhealthy offspring.
852. Businesses that provide services primar- A. Basic industries
ily to individual consumers, including retail
B. Business services
services and education, health, and leisure
services C. Consumer services
A. Consumer services D. Personal services


1.9 Land Utilization 243

857. Forest fire can B. industrial users of real estate comply

A. help release minerals locked in organ- with air quality standards.


isms C. the EPA would give financial help to
B. occur without interferance of humans homeowners to remedy any hazardous
situations resulting from randon and as-
C. be prescribed to reduce the chance of bestos, or lead-based paint.
serious fires
D. parties responsible for improper
D. all the above disposal of hazardous waste could be
858. Why are rainforests called the “lungs of charged for the cleanup costs.
the Earth”? 862. Services that provide goods for sale to
A. because of their role in the food web consumers
B. because of their role in the Coriolis ef- A. Retail services
fect. B. Consumer services
C. because of their role in the El Nino cur- C. Personal services
D. Producer services
D. because of their role in the carbon-
oxygen cycle. 863. What climate is associated with Pastoral
859. Which of the following would be an ex-
ample of sustainable land use? A. humid- low latitude

A. Clear cutting a forest for an agricul- B. arid/semi arid

tural field C. warm mid-latitude
B. Regulating how timber is cut and D. cold mid-latitude
planted for paper goods
864. 3 major sources of nutrients globally
C. Using oceans to put waste in so toxins
A. wheat, beef, corn
do not leak into the soil
B. corn, rice, beef
D. Deregulating pesticide uses so the
best pesticides get used the longest C. corn, wheat, potatoes
D. corn, wheat, rice
860. What are the three pillars of sustainabil-
ity? 865. What do the letters CBD stand for?
A. Economics, Society, and Politics A. Cycle Benefit day
B. Environment, Society, Politcs B. Central Business District
C. Community, Economics, and Politics C. Central Bus Depot
D. Community, Economics, Environment D. Central Burger District
861. Among other Provisions, the Superfund 866. Which of the following rivers was NOT a
Act (CERCLA) and Superfund Amendments cultural hearth of urbanism?
and Reauthorization Act of 1986 provided A. Euphrated
B. Huang He
A. large development projects undergo
an environmental impact survey immedi- C. Rhine
ately after completion of construction. D. Nile


1.9 Land Utilization 244

867. Why do people cut trees down? C. the number of children each woman in
A. To clear land a population will have

B. To free up space for agricultural rea- D. the number of births per 1000 people
sons per year

C. To sell lumber 871. Which of the following statements is

D. All of the above
A. Wildlife and mature trees are rela-

868. In some large cities where residents have tively unharmed by surface fires.
very little access to nutritious food op-
B. Surface fires increase the chance of a
tions, empty lots are being purchased in
severe crown fire.
the neighborhoods for residents to utilize
for community gardens.These gardens will C. Surface fires release minerals that are
be collectively cared for by the community locked up in vegetation.
and the harvests will be available to com- D. Surface fires may benefit some plant
munity members. What is a social conse- species and some game animals.
quence of this sustainable use of land?
A. improved mental health due to consis- 872. According to the concentric zone model, a
tent increased access to fresh food city develops in a series of
A. corridors
B. there will be a decreased need
for wide-scale production of crops B. rings
and vegetables C. nodes
C. individuals will no longer need to stay D. sectors
employed since their groceries will be pro-
vided at no cost 873. development that meets the needs of the
D. corporate grocery stores will need to present without compromising the ability
increase prices to make up for the lost of future generations to meet their own
revenue on fruits and vegetables needs
A. Urban Development
869. What is the term for partially decom-
posed organic matter that works as a fer- B. Rural Development
tilizer? C. Sustainable Development
A. compost D. Suburban Development
B. manure 874. Read the paragraph from the section “Ef-
C. potash fects Of Deforestation.” Although trop-
ical forests cover only about 7 percent
D. urea
of the Earth’s dry land, they are likely
870. The total fertility rate (TFR) is an esti- home to about half of all species on Earth.
mate of: Many species can only be found in small
areas. Their specialization makes them
A. the number of children that will survive more likely to go extinct. In addition to
to adulthood the species lost when an area is totally de-
B. the number of years a typical infant forested, the forest that remains is more
will live dangerous for the plants and animals still


1.9 Land Utilization 245

there. The edges of the fragments dry out C. circle

and are hit by hot winds.Which conclusion D. pentagon
is BEST supported by this paragraph?


878. While landfills help isolate trash from the
A. If tropical forest deforestation is
surrounding area, groundwater contamina-
stopped, all plants and animals will be
tion can easily occur as a result of landfills.
safe from extinction.
Which of the following is the best recourse
B. More tropical forest species will be to prevent this?
lost from deforestation than from future
A. cover landfills with cement
climate change.
B. landfills are located far from dense
C. Deforestation poses a greater threat
population area
to animals that live in a tropical forest
than their predators do. C. line landfills with plastics and clay soil
D. Some plant and animal species in trop-
ical forests become extinct due to defor- D. landfills are located on slopes for wa-
estation. ter to run downhill

875. Which of the following is the most dan- 879. With regards to persistence, what bene-
gerous type of fire? fits does the Bt toxin (Bacillus thuringien-
sis) have over DDT (dichlorodiphenyl-
A. surface trichloroethane)?
B. prescribed A. Insects do not develop resistance to
C. ground Bt.
D. crown B. Bt breaks down after a few days.
C. DDT is biomagnified.
876. Which statement explains why pastoral
nomads move from place to place with D. Humans are unharmed by both of
their cattle? these chemicals.
A. It has proven to be an effective method 880. In addition to government entities, or-
of subsistence agriculture in the semi-arid ganizations that may be able to condemn
region in which they live. property under the power of eminent do-
B. Recent improvements in refrigeration main include
and transportation have greatly expanded A. public utilities.
how far milk can be delivered. B. financial institutions.
C. It allows the owners of the livestock C. major employers.
to stay in one place while the cattle graze
D. neighborhood associations.
over a large area.
D. Green Revolution technologies have 881. Which describes a change in agriculture
made this practice possible since the mid- that shows the clearest impact of develop-
20th century. ment of agribusiness?
A. The number of farmers involved in sus-
877. What geometric pattern is associated tainable agriculture has increased dra-
with Christaller’s Central Place Theory? matically.
A. square B. The use of organic farming methods
B. hexagon has increased greatly.


1.9 Land Utilization 246

C. The networks for production and distri- 887. A non-profit organization wants to erect
bution have become more efficient. an urgent care facility in a residential zone
D. The emphasis on local trade has in- . Given other favorable circumstances, the
creased significantly. local athorities may grant permission by al-
882. Not including Corn, what is a major crop A. a special exception.
grown in the US?
B. an illegal nonconforming use.
A. lamb and goats

C. an easement.
B. wheat
D. a license.
C. fruit plantations
D. rice 888. What is the term for the technology in
which genetic material in a living cell is
883. Acid rain contains rainwater mixed with modified for medical an industrial use?
sulfuric acid or
A. biological pest control
A. oxygen
B. organic farming
B. silicon
C. genetic engineering
C. nitric acid
D. selective breeding
D. hydrochloric acid
889. Which of the following is the odd one
884. How does a city develop in the concentric out?
zone model?
A. Burgess Model
A. sections/sectors
B. Hoyt Model
B. nodes of influence
C. Model agency
C. rings
D. none of above
D. corridors

885. What are impacts of overgrazing? 890. Services offered by the government to
provide security and protection for citizens
A. pollution and use of more resources and businesses
B. loss of biodiversity, loss of native top- A. Consumer services
soil, desertification
B. Personal services
C. more people than the infrastructure
can support C. Producer services

D. creation of heat islands D. Public services

886. Industrialized Agriculture requires large 891. two major effects of overgrazing
inputs of A. desertification and salinization
A. fossil fuels B. increases primary productivity and de-
B. inorganic fertilizers sertification
C. pesticides C. erosion and desertification
D. all of these D. increased fire potential and erosion


1.9 Land Utilization 247

892. Large city along the Mississippi River. 898. Name the group that this statement is di-
A. New York rected toward: “It’s easy for you to tell
the rest of us what should be done with


B. Chicago the rainforest. But you don’t rely on the
C. Atlanta rainforest’s land and resources to live, like
we do.”
D. New Orleans
A. Environmental Groups
893. Demolishing inner city houses is to reno- B. Rubber Tappers
vate them is an example of
C. Native Amazonians
A. gentrification
D. Loggers
B. gerrymandering
899. What is the downtown area of a city
C. jurisdiction
where land values are very high and there
D. possibilism is a concentration of businesses and com-
merce taking place in a clustering of the
894. What does deforestation effect? tallest buildings in the city called?
A. Plants and animals A. Central Business District
B. Our biosphere B. Basic City Function
C. Humans C. Economic Sector
D. All of the above D. Gentrification
895. Topsoil is lost due to which process. 900. Clear cutting removes trees, while se-
A. lying fallow lective cutting removes only trees.
A. all, mature
B. leeching
B. mature, all
C. grazing
C. all, half
D. erosion
D. half, all
896. The number of children an average
woman would have during her reproduc- 901. The maximum distance people are willing
tive years to travel for a service.
A. range
A. Birthrate
B. hearth
C. hinterland
D. redlineing
D. Life expectancy
902. A market center for the exchange of ser-
897. Which of the following is an example of vices by people attracted from the sur-
economic activity in the tertiary sector? rounding area
A. fishing A. Central place
B. mining B. Urbanized Area
C. retail C. Edge City
D. farming D. Clustered rural settlement


1.9 Land Utilization 248

903. North Fremont’s population growth rate C. Less developed countries with a heavy
is 5%. What is the doubling time for reliance on subsistence agriculture.
North Fremont? D. Societies that rely on hunting and gath-
A. 1.4 years ering.
B. 14 years 908. Per capita land consumption means the
C. 140 years A. amount of land a country uses as a
D. 35 years whole.

B. amount of land each person uses.
904. The Green Revolution involved all of the
following EXCEPT C. type of land covered by state capitals.
A. an increased use of fertlizer
D. type of land people live on.
B. a decreased reliance on humans for
agricultural labor 909. Which of the following was an environ-
C. a decreased use of pesticides mental factor that contributed to the agri-
cultural revolution?
D. the development of higher-yielding
seeds A. End of the last ice age
B. Religious practices
905. Which of these statements does not de-
scribe the process of clear cutting trees? C. Discovery of fire

A. It is economically efficient D. Rivers

B. It creates a large disturbance to the 910. Are there hunters and gatherers in the
environment world today?
C. It produces timber products at a very A. Sentinelese from the Andaman Islands
high rate
D. It protects biodiversity B. Tribal nomads from Papua New Guinea

906. Urban sprawl can be defined as

C. Aborigines from Central America
A. The creation of walkable communities
D. Sudanese tribes in South Africa
B. The expansion of urban areas into ru-
ral areas to create suburban communities 911. What causes urban heat islands?
A. movement of people from farms to
C. The conversion of suburban area into cities
urban areas B. lots and lots of people heating their
D. The expansion of suburban areas into homes
rural areas C. roads and buildings absorb and retain
heat longer than vegetation does
907. Where is shifting cultivation found?
D. soil erosion
A. Tropical regions with relatively high
temperatures and abundant rainfall. 912. Using more and more pesticides because
B. Developed countries with a low num- pest become resistant to the dose is a
ber of farmers. A. pesticide runoff


1.9 Land Utilization 249

B. pesticide biomagnification A. land use.

C. pesticide treadmill B. land cover.


D. pesticide range C. urban areas.
913. An increase in the ratio or density of peo- D. rural areas.
ple living in urban areas rather than in ru-
918. An area prone to landslides would be an
ral areas
example of
A. Urbanization
A. rangeland
B. Deforestation
B. open space.
C. Reforestation
C. marginal land.
D. Subarban
D. none of above
914. Synthetic fertilizers have any advan-
tages over traditional “organic” animal 919. an urban settlement that has been legally
waste fertilizers. These include all of the incorporated into an independent, self-
following EXCEPT: governing unit known as a municipality
A. Highly adjustable nutrient content A. Central Business District
B. Bioavailability of nutrients B. Central City
C. Lack of nutrient runoff problems C. Core-based Statistical Area
D. Highly concentrated when produced D. Informal Settlement

915. The basic intent of zoning ordinances is 920. Natural Resources can be
to A. solid only
A. establish the basis for public owner-
B. liquid only
ship of land for the common good.
C. solids and liquids only
B. establish subdivision rules rules and
regulations. D. solids, liquids, gas, and plasma
C. specify usage for every parcel within 921. slash and burn creates excess carbon
the zoning authority’s jurisdiction. dioxide in the atmosphere, this is caused
D. restrict development in unincorpo- by
rated area. A. excess erosion and exposed soil
916. What are the three common types of B. anaerobic organisms
freshwater wetlands? C. oxidation of carbon compounds
A. forest, swamp and marsh
D. cellular respiration of plants
B. bog swamp and forest
922. Rural areas are mainly found in/on
C. marshes, swamps, and bogs
A. Hong Kong Island
D. tundra, boreal, grassland
B. Kowloon
917. Trees, grass, crops, wetlands, water,
buildings, and pavement are all examples C. The New Territories
of D. none of above


1.9 Land Utilization 250

923. Does deforestation contribute to global C. The area is very hot and dry.
warming? D. The soil is poor in nutrients.
A. No, trees aren’t that important
928. The process of people moving into cities,
B. Sometimes because only the cutting and the cities growing is known as?
down of Maple trees contributes to global
warming A. Heat Island

C. No, deforestation adds methane to B. Urban Crisis

the atmosphere, which makes the Earth C. Urbanization
cooler D. Ecosystem Service
D. Yes; less trees means less CO2 is
turned into oxygen. 929. DDT might be found in tissues in the U.S.
even though it has been banned, why?
924. A model where CBD is divided into a tra- A. it is naturally produced by plants
ditional market sector and a more modern
high-rise sector where the points are con- B. it is carried to other parts of the world
nected along a transportation corridor. in the air

A. Latin American Model C. other countries who still use DDT ex-
port produce to the U.S.
B. Concentric Zone Model
D. DDT is water soluable
C. Sector Model
D. Southest Asia Model 930. Why are field crops/ dry farms able to
be so far away from the city?
925. The model has rings that represent A. Due to the crops being able to stay ed-
its growth patterns. ible and fresh on they travel unlike dairy
A. von Thuenen
B. E.W. Burgess - Concentric Zone B. Workers can live out on the dry farms
and never travel in town
C. Ullman and Hoyt - Sector
C. Cattle can roam freely on the dry farms
D. Harris and Ullman - Multiple Nuclei

926. As a result of the Columbian Exchange, D. none of above

which crop was transferred to Europe from
the Americas and later spread through the 931. The basic support systems needed to
World? keep an economy going, including power,
communications, transportation, sanita-
A. Maize (corn)
tion, and education form a country’s
B. Rice
A. urbanization.
C. Olives
B. infrastructure.
D. Wheat C. industrialization.
927. Why is the Amazon Rainforest a difficult D. urban geography.
place for settlers to farm in?
932. Which event caused by people to sud-
A. There is too much rainfall. denly start migrating from rural to urban
B. The land is overpopulated. areas?


1.9 Land Utilization 251

A. The Agricultural Revolution A. Underclass

B. The American Revolution B. Redlining


C. The Civil War C. Gentrification
D. The Industrial Revolution D. New Urbanism
933. One of the most important ecosystem ser- 937. Zoning building codes, and environmental
vices provided by forests is removing restrictions are forms of local land use con-
from the atmosphere. trol known as
A. neon A. force majeure.
B. ozone B. pre-emption.
C. carbon dioxide C. police power.
D. oxygen D. concurrency.
934. Economic theory that refers to how the 938. best type of soil for growing vegetation
price and demand for real estate change
as the distance from the central business A. Silt
district (CBD) increases. B. Sand
A. Bid Rent Curve C. Humus
B. Gravity Model D. loam
C. Peripheral Model
939. What is an example of a subsistence
D. Sector Model crop?
935. What model is this?Model for much of A. Corn
modern urban America.Outer cities are not B. Honey
“satellites” of the CBD, but are becom-
C. Tobacco
ing cities themselves.Each section of the
model is separate and used for a differ- D. Sugar
ent purpose, but linked together into one
940. Name the model: Almost always located
large city. Is automobile-dependent The
on coasts/ports, and CBD is all about sup-
CBD meshes with the surrounding realms
porting international trade, while many-
to create a Edge cities become so urban-
Have SEZs to draw in Western companies
ized that a “suburban downtown” is es-
and these areas have easy access to port
tablished, so residents no longer go to the
districtsFairly new cities have modern in-
traditional CBD.
frastructure Wealthy because of globaliza-
A. Urban Realm tion/tradeSome squatter settlements ex-
B. Periphery/Galactic istNo formal CBD as a result of no zoning
Home to many high-tech businesses- often
C. Concentric
agglomerated along a high-tech corridor
D. Islamic
A. SE Asia Model
936. A process by which banks draw lines B. Concentric Zone Model
on a map and refuse to lend money to
purchase or improve property within the C. Bid-rent
boundaries. D. British Urban land Use Model


1.9 Land Utilization 252

941. Annexation is C. Range

A. the process of a city legally adding D. Slum
more land.
946. The Fertile Crescent, one of the earliest
B. The process of an unincorporated area agricultural hearths, is located where?
legally defining its boundaries.
A. along the Mississippi River
C. The process of wealthy individuals set- B. along the Thames River in England
tling into neighborhoods near the CBD.
C. present day Iraq and Kuwait

D. The process of removing underclass
residents from inner city neighborhoods. D. along the Nile River
947. All of the following are common precon-
942. Why is it important to preserve farm-
ditions found in areas that became urban
hearths EXCEPT
A. Farmland provides crops and fruits to
A. access to building materials
support urban and rural populations.
B. arable land
B. Farmland moderates the temperature
of urban areas. C. a long growing season
C. Farmland provides an important oxy- D. social stratification
gen source for urban areas. 948. Ad valorem taxes are based on which of
D. All of the above these?
A. assessed value
943. Today, most of the United States and
Canadian population lives in which of the B. market value
following? C. income
A. Metropolitan areas D. tax bracket
B. Rural nonfarming areas 949. The Green Revolution resulted in an in-
C. Central cities crease in production of cereal grains in the
developing world, providing “cheap” calo-
D. Small towns
ries for growing populations. By roughly
944. “White Flight” in the 1950S is most as- what percent did cereal grain production in-
sociated with what? crease throughout the course of the green
A. Blockbusting
A. 200%
B. Redlining
B. 100%
C. Filtering
C. 25%
D. Gentrification
D. 400%
945. A process by which real estate agents
950. Which of these is NOT an example of pat-
convince white property owners to sell
tern distribution?
their houses at low prices because of fear
that black families will soon move into the A. Linear
neighborhood B. Triangular
A. Blockbusting C. Clustered
B. Ghetto D. Dispersed


1.9 Land Utilization 253

951. Which improvement to urban areas mod- 956. According to Ullman and Harris’s multiple
erates temperature, controls rainwater nuclei model, what develops at the out-
runoff, and adds aesthetic value? skirts of core cities?


A. green spaces A. Nucleated cities
B. storm sewers B. Edge cities
C. public transportation C. World cities
D. none of above D. First-ring suburbs

952. The government sends Ken a notice stat- 957. According to Christaller’s central place
ing that his house and neighborhood will model, which of the following would most
be demolished to build a much-needed wa- likely have the smallest range?
ter treatment plan. What is the govern- A. An international airport
ment required to offer Ken in exchange for
B. A professional football stadium
his property?
C. A symphony orchestra hall
A. nothing, since it is for the public good
D. A grocery store
B. whatever they decide is reasonable
C. whatever Ken asks for 958. What qualifies a forest as an old growth
D. just compensation
A. All the trees qualify for medicare
953. Which of the following has not resulted B. It hasn’t been disturbed for hundred of
from urban sprawl? years
A. suburbs C. It’s home to species like pines, beech,
B. overgrazing and other conifers
C. loss of farmland D. all the trees are at least 75 years old
D. traffic congestion 959. Eutrophication is when excess nutrients
are present in bodies of water due to agri-
954. According to the Burgess Model of Devel- cultural runoff, This eutrophication process
opment, the outer most ring is causes algal blooms which deplete oxygen
A. extensive agriculture and secrete toxins into the environment.
Algal blooms have appeared in bodies of
B. the zone of transition
water across Florida, causing community
C. extensive commercial agriculture members to advocate for new policy de-
D. the commuter zone cisions that work to limit the amount of
runoff. How can the monitoring of envi-
955. A port is likely to attract nearby , ac- ronmental parameters aid the community
cording to the multiple nuclei model members in advocating for their health and
A. schools
A. to estimate the cost of resolving any
B. homes
algal blooms that appear
C. industries
B. to provide data based evidence on the
D. malls need for policy changes


1.9 Land Utilization 254

C. to let individuals know if they have shared resources in the forest could be-
been exposed to the toxic algae come depleted.
D. to know what supply of medicine is D. Soil nutrients, such as nitrates, are
needed to treat exposed individuals used unequally depending on the type of
vegetation. Therefore, farmers must add
960. Only cutting down mature trees of a spe- fertilizers to certain areas to grow crops.
cific size, type, and quality is an example
of 964. Which of the following sectors grows the
fastest as a country industrializes?

A. Selective Cutting
A. Primary
B. Shelterwood Cutting
B. Secondary
C. Clear Cutting
C. Tertiary
D. none of above
D. Quaternary
961. Regardless of where people live, they de- 965. Which of the following is a characteristic
pend on resources produced in of a dairy farm outside of a milkshed?
A. urban areas A. produces primarily fresh milk
B. rural areas B. has a focus on processed milk; such as
C. ocean areas butter or cheese
D. wilderness areas C. needs very few refrigerated trucks
D. none of the above are true
962. Which of the following is a strong exam-
ple of postmodern urban landscape? 966. a pheromone is
A. Brasilia, Brazil A. a species specific chemical sex attrac-
B. London, England
B. natural pesticide
C. Washington, D.C.
C. a synthetic pesticide
D. Rome, Italy
D. a herbicide
963. Which of the following best describes the 967. Which is not an example of sustainable
concept of the tragedy of the commons? land use
A. Resources that are shared by individu- A. crop rotation
als, such as the Ogallala Aquifer ground-
B. Planting trees designed for paper pro-
water, are highly regulated by legislation,
thereby depriving common people of their
use. C. Applying new innovations
B. Communities enact recycling pro- D. Clear cutting forest for farmland
grams to reduce the amount of materials 968. Name the model: Based on the study of
that need to be mined. The cost of the 142 cities in the USA
recycling program is absorbed by commu-
A. The Sector Model
nity taxes.
B. Concentric Zone Model
C. The aim of large logging operations
in tropical rain forests is economic gain, C. Bid-rent
rather than sustainability. Therefore, the D. British Urban land Use Model


1.9 Land Utilization 255

969. Removal of all marketable trees from an 974. Which of the following are considered to
area. be the dominating type of city in terms
of their worldwide role? Hint: These


A. Selective Cutting
cities are centers of strategic control of the
B. Controlled Burn world economy
C. Thinning A. Globalized Cities
D. Clear Cutting B. Commercialized Cities
C. Inner Cities
970. Poor management of rangeland.
D. Edge CIties
A. overgrazing
975. What is the largest city in population in
B. land-use planning
the world?
C. reforestation A. New York
D. wilderness B. Mexico City

971. Which of these feuding groups wants the C. Shanghai

land in the Amazon for “sustainable devel- D. Tokyo
976. DDT is in the environment. This
A. Cattle Ranchers means it doesn’t break down/decompose.
B. Loggers It lasts a long time.
C. Settlers A. persistent

D. Environmentalists B. synergistic
C. acute
972. Land that has been opened to use in rain- D. threshold
forest finally gives us a chance to provide
food for our families. You can’t take that 977. What is the main cause of land use con-
away. Which group said this? flict in the Amazon rainforest?
A. Rubber tappers A. Opposition by the government to the
movement of farmers to the rainforest
B. settlers
B. Differences among many different
C. cattle ranchers
groups over how to best use the rainfor-
D. loggers est
C. Conflicts between ranchers and farm-
973. Most damage to rangelands comes from
ers over how much land to clear in the
: which is the depletion of vegetation
due to the continuous feeding of too many
animals. D. Arguments among environmental
groups over how to preserve biodiversity
A. urbanization in the rainforest
B. overgrazing
978. The way we use a piece of land is called
C. mining
D. deforestation A. land development


1.9 Land Utilization 256

B. urban area B. mined

C. land use C. made
D. rural area D. none of above

979. Derwent Whittlesey’s map of agricul- 984. What long-term impact could the destruc-
tural regions helped to show a relationship tion of large areas of forests have on
between agricultural regions and Earth?
A. type of crops A. decreased rates of erosion

B. climate B. increased atmospheric carbon dioxide
C. labor distribution levels

D. level of development C. decreased amounts of acid rain

D. increased atmospheric oxygen levels
980. Altering the DNA of a crop to increase
yield is also known as 985. Which urban model best explains the
A. genetic modification (GMO) spatial impact of automobiles and the
construction of interstate highways on
B. a hybrid metropolitan areas in the United States?
C. a mutation A. concentric ring
D. a natural yield B. peripheral/galactic city model
981. One problem with GMOs is C. sector model
A. African farmers can not benefit from D. multiple nuclei model
growing them because European markets
will not buy them 986. Which of the following is an example of
a person working in the nonbasic employ-
B. They often times increase the rate of ment sector?
A. Video game software engineer
C. They tend to deplete the soil faster
than normal crops B. International public relations agent

D. They are more expensive because of C. University medical researcher

the amount of research that goes into de- D. High school English teacher
veloping them.
987. Watering crops by way of human-
982. Green Revolution constructed structures is known as
A. increased new strains of crops with A. precipitation
higher yields B. irrigation
B. increases the application of organic C. salinization
fertilizers on rice
D. fertilization
C. increased awareness of food labels
D. uses hydroponics instead of land 988. Scientists and farmers use to mod-
ify living cells in crops so that they can be
983. If it wasn’t grown, it was probably more resistant to pests and herbicides.
A. moved A. selective cutting


1.9 Land Utilization 257

B. Tetanus 993. Type of surface mining that uses explo-

C. genetic engineering sives, massive shovels, and even larger
machinery called drag lines to expose


D. Organophosphates seams of coal underneath
989. Which urban land use model has the CBD A. mountaintop removal
in the centre? B. area strip mining
A. LIC C. contour strip mining
B. Concentric circle D. open-pit mining
C. Sector 994. What is the most common reason that
D. All of the models people move from the country to the city?
A. To escape war
990. The definition of a staple food is
B. To find higher-paying jobs
A. A food that most people like to eat
C. To seek better environmental quality
B. A food that is in abundant supply
D. To find more-spacious living accommo-
C. A food that is eaten regularly and is a dations
dominant portion of a diet
995. Which of these is permission granted by
D. A food that is popular amongst all peo-
the government so that property may be
ple of the world
used in a manner not allowed by the cur-
991. A city has put in a permit request to make rent zoning?
a new landfill. The local government has A. spot zoning
respondedby asking for a detailed report B. variances
of the local environment and how they
plan to monitor it once thelandfill has been C. incentive zoning
built. Why would the government feel a D. easement
monitoring plan is important?
996. Which of the following is true of parks
A. So the city can charge the landfill more and preserves?
A. They serve as sources of wood for in-
B. To ensure the landfill doesn’t impact dustries.
the local environment
B. They provide recreation for people.
C. To stall the building of the landfill so it
C. They provide the best habitats for hu-
could be voted away
D. To promote the local economy by hir- D. They are not affected by air and water
ing local environmentalists pollution.
992. The U.S. Census Bureau defines an urban 997. Heavy manufacturing would be located
area as an area that contains more than closest to in the Multiple Nuclei Model
A. 250 people A. Central Business District
B. 2, 500 people B. Outlying Business District
C. 25, 000 people C. Low-Class Residential
D. 250, 000 people. D. Middle Class Residential


1.9 Land Utilization 258

998. A group in society prevented from partic- 1003. Name the group that this statement is
ipating in the material benefits of a more directed toward: “The way you make your
developed society because of a variety of living in the rainforest is old-fashioned.
social and economic characteristics. You are keeping others from using that
A. Underclass land more productively.”

B. Redlining A. Loggers
B. Cattle Ranchers
C. Gentrification

C. Rubber Tappers
D. New Urbanism
D. Settlers
999. Noise such as traffic and construction is
considered 1004. Which type of agriculture will have two
or more different crops grown at the same
A. Pollution
time in a plot?
B. Transportation
A. polyvarietal cultivation
C. Annoying
B. intercropping
D. Rural C. slash and burn
1000. In cities, traffic jams, substandard hous- D. monoculture
ing, and pollution can be the result of
1005. Cities generate and trap , causing in-
A. urbanization creased temperatures.
B. urban sprawl A. people
C. urban crisis B. heat
D. infrastructure C. robots
1001. Cancer, nervous system disorders, and D. water
illness are all issues associated with use
of what? 1006. Which of the following is not an exam-
ple of a basic industry?
A. chemical pesticides
A. computer equipment manufacturing
B. natural fertilizers
B. steel manufacturing
C. genetically modified organisms
C. gas station
D. organic foods
D. coal mining
1002. A model of the internal structures of
1007. A primate city such as Mexico City is
cites in which social groups are arranged
around a series of sectors, or wedges, ra- A. more than twice the size of any other
diating out from the central business dis- city in its country and dominant economi-
trict. cally and culturally
A. Sector Model B. most likely to share its rank size with
at least one other city in the country
B. Multiple Nuclei Model
C. always a national capital serving as
C. Zone in Transition the seat of government and industrial cen-
D. Concentric Zone Model ter of the country


1.9 Land Utilization 259

D. much larger than the cities in any D. smart growth.

neighboring country and serves as the re-
1013. Before 1850, where did most people
gion’s financial capital


1008. How many major types of land use are A. urban areas
there in urban areas?
B. rural areas
A. 6
C. There was an equal distribution of peo-
B. 7 ple across the land.
C. 8 D. none of above
D. 9 1014. Pheromones and x-rays are used in agri-
1009. What can settlers in the Amazon basin culture for what purpose?
do to promote sustainable development of A. repel pests from plants
the rainforest? B. kill off pests
A. clear more land to make larger farms C. distract pests to other locations
B. use cleared land to raise cattle instead D. disrupt insect breeding
of crops
1015. Industrialized agriculture in developed
C. plant crops that grow under the rain- countries is usually characterized by:
forest canopy
A. monoculture
D. encourage more poor farmers to mi-
grate to the rainforest B. polyvarietal cultivation
C. alley cropping
1010. What are buses and trains are examples
D. polyculture
A. mass transit systems 1016. Ideal pesticide would
B. infrastructure A. killing other organisms
C. both of these answers B. would kill only the target pest
D. none of above C. would be persistance in nature
D. would allow development of genetic re-
1011. A reason that the food industry is mod- sistance
ifying organisms is
1017. The United Nation defines food security
A. Larger Organism
B. To make it more appealing
A. physical, social, and economic access
C. To give it a longer shelf life at all times to safe and nutritious food
D. All of the above B. the ability of a country to provide food
for its population in times of famine or
1012. Since we are always going to have de-
velopment people have put forth the idea
of C. the ability of a country to safeguard
its food stores from hostile nations during
A. reduction of urbanization. war and political instability
B. reduced growth. D. the environmental stability of the food
C. dumb growth. chain


1.9 Land Utilization 260

1018. A model that holds that the potential 1023. What type of land use dominates on the
use of a service at a particular location is periphery of the Latin American Model?
directly related to the number of people
in a location and inversely related to the A. squatter settlements
distance people must travel to reach the B. industrial activity
C. commerical
A. Gravity Model
B. Peripheral Model D. middle class residental

C. Multiple Nuclei Model
1024. What one characteristic links megaci-
D. Sector Model
1019. This can be caused by low rainfall or ir-
A. Each has a population of more than 10
million people
A. persistent pesticide
B. Each has a world-class airport with
B. pheromone
connections to each continent
C. desertification
C. Each possesses financial wealth
D. salinization
greater than its gross domestic product
1020. Built to provide public services.
D. Each follows a model that is focused
A. infrastructure around the central business district
B. ecosystem services
C. land-use planning 1025. If a municipality exerts its power of em-
inent domain against a certain property
D. urbanization
owner, what happens?
1021. Which was one result of the develop-
A. The owner must pay higher property
ment of cool chains?
taxes or give up the property.
A. They decreased the use of high-speed
rail for transporting food. B. The owner must cede an easement
without receiving any compensation.
B. They increased the distance that fresh
fruits and vegetables could travel. C. The municipality annexes the property.
C. They were the result of advances in
agricultural productivity.
D. The owner must sell the property or
D. They caused the development of large grant an easement to the municipality for
ships for transporting meat products. just compensation.
1022. Moderation of temperature, infiltration
of rainwater runoff, and aesthetic value 1026. Describes an area that contains a city
can be provided to urban areas by A. Rural
A. open spaces
B. Suburban
B. greenbelts
C. both of these answers are correct C. Urban
D. none of above D. Deforestation


1.9 Land Utilization 261

1027. A form of growth that is designed to A. They are located far from populated ar-
limit the amount of urban sprawl and pre- eas.
serve nature and usable farmland. Pro-


B. They are lined with plastics and clay
vides connection between people and busi- soil.
nesses and are more environmental and
community friendly because of their easily C. They are located on slopes for water
walkable distances and frequent encoun- to run downhill.
ters between citizens. Examples: Avalon D. They are covered with cement.
Park, Celebration Florida.
A. Gentrification 1031. The urban heat island is most evident
B. Annexation A. in rural areas
C. Conurbation B. in the summer time
D. New Urbanism C. at night
1028. Which of these is a detailed written D. none of above
statement required by the National Envi-
ronmental Policy Act for a proposed major 1032. Although farmers once used only or-
federal action significantly affecting the ganic fertilizers to replenish nutrients in
quality of the human environment? the soils, some have been replaced with
synthetic fertilizers. Although synthetic
A. plot plan fertilizers keep nutrient levels high and in-
B. home inspection report crease crop yields, they can have an affect
C. specifications on the environment. Which of the follow-
ing would most likely lead to a ban of syn-
D. environmental impact statement thetic fertilizers?
1029. What model is this? An inner city A. Synthetic fertilizers are less expensive
surrounded by large suburban residential than organic fertilizers.
and business Tied together by a beltway
or ring road, car/highway dependentRe- B. Synthetic fertilizers provide nutrients,
flects urban sprawl and edge cities De- like nitrogen that can disrupt nutrient cy-
centralization of the CBDà middle class cling.
residents, shopping, businesses, and jobs C. Synthetic fertilizers help prevent the
move to the suburbsSuburbs continue to spread of diseases.
grow and become differentiated by in- D. Synthetic fertilizers increase the po-
come, land use, and lifestyle. tential for environmental pollution.
A. Multiple nuclei
B. Periphery/Galactic 1033. According to the rank-size rule, if the
largest city in a country has a population of
C. Concentric 10 million, the next largest city will have
D. Islamic a population of
1030. Landfills help to isolate trash from the A. 8 million
surrounding environment. To prevent B. 7.5 million
groundwater contamination, landfills prac-
tice which of the following waste manage- C. 5 million
ment practices? D. 3.5 million


1.9 Land Utilization 262

1034. Bogota, the capital of Colombia is an A. The number of residential building lots
urban community that had suffered from per acre.
a high crime rate, poverty, pollution and
B. The number of people per square mile.
a poor reputation in the past. Mayor
Peñalosa created changes to address many
urban problems at once. Which of the fol- C. The number of building permits issued
lowing are some of the changes he made? per year within a zoning jurisdiction.
A. He reduced roadways from five lanes D. The area of a commercial or industrial

to three lanes and invested in mass tran- facility in relation to the size of the site.
sit systems.
B. He expanded roadways from three 1038. Increased temperature in a city due to
lanes to four lanes and built a bicycle lane generated and trapped thermal energy cre-
as a fifth lane. The city purchase a fleet ates what is known as a(n)
of bicycles for residents to use instead of A. infrastructure
B. urban sprawl
C. He installed a mass-transit system
that used a series of cable cars through- C. heat islands
out the city and placed garbage and recy-
D. none of above
cling cans throughout the city to reduce
1039. For years, a city has been monitoring
D. He created a law that restricted car runoff from both sewage treatment plants
use. If your license plate ended in an odd and at the street level. They would review
number you could only drive your car on the data to ensure that levels were in the
‘A’ days and if your license plate ended in EPA standards and track trends for future
an even number you could only drive on ‘B’ expansions in population. This year it was
days. decided to implement a pollution control
model which changed the acceptable partic-
1035. Environmental groups in the Amazon ulate matter and water chemistry exiting
rainforest most want to protect the sewage treatment plants. What will
A. biodiversity they be looking at when analyzing future
B. ecotourism data from these established locations?

C. deforestation A. They want to determine whether or not

the pollution control program is improving
D. wetlands
water quality.
1036. movement of people from rural areas to B. They want to determine if the model
cities has increased species diversity along the
A. urbanization waterfront.
B. migration C. They want to compare past data with
C. immigration future data to see if the new levels are too
stringent for the environment.
D. citization
D. They are concerned that the increase
1037. The intensity of land usage generally in population has negatively impacted im-
refers to what? provements to the control model.


1.9 Land Utilization 263

1040. Which of the following was NOT a lo- A. Multiple Nuclei Model
cation of independent plant and animal do- B. Asian City Model


C. McGee Southeast Asian City Model
A. Africa
D. Sector Model
B. China
C. Peru 1045. Environmental damage to wilderness ar-
D. California
A. is partly the result of ranching activi-
1041. Formulated by Christaller to explain the ties.
size and distribution of cities in terms of a
competitive supply of goods and services B. has yet to attract widespread atten-
dispersed to populations. Bigger centers tion.
have a larger hinterland, while smaller cen- C. may worsen as the U.S. population
ters have smaller hinterland and less spe- grows.
cialty and high-order goods. D. is not related to pollution from urban
A. Central Place Theory areas.
B. Christaller’s Theory 1046. Which lists products in the order in
C. Christaller’s Place Theory which they will be produced starting clos-
D. Central Hinterland Theory est to the market, according to von
Thunen’s model?
1042. In which part of the world were seed
A. tomatoes, grain, forest, beef cattle
crops first domesticated?
B. dairy cattle, beef cattle, forest
A. India
C. dairy cattle, forest, grain, beef cattle
B. Southwest Asia
D. forest, tomatoes, beef cattle, dairy cat-
C. Northern Europe
D. Southern Europe
1047. What type of agriculture uses the
1043. Which area is kept as natural as possi- largest percentage of the World’s land
ble, prohibiting roads and permanent build- area?
A. dairying
A. parks
B. mediterranean
B. preserves
C. plantation
C. BLM land
D. shifting cultivation
D. wilderness
1048. A model mostly associated with under-
1044. A model showing no clear CBD but other
developed colonial areas that have mixed
areas of the settlement display the char-
ethnic neighbourhoods.
acteristic of a CBD. Growth radiates from
a colonial port zone surrounded by a com- A. The African Model
mercial business district, a western com- B. The Latin American Model
mercial zone with hybrid sectors, and con-
temporary industrial parks on the out- C. Sector
skirts of the city. D. Multiple Nuclei Model


1.9 Land Utilization 264

1049. Concentrated Animal Feeding Opera- C. Central Place Theory

tions (CAFOs) make meat more economi-
D. none of these
cal, but may have some negative environ-
mental impacts. These include all of the
following except 1054. An area of land that is used to grow
A. Increase in strains of antibiotic resis-
tant microorganism A. Urban
B. Increased use of land area over other B. Forest

types of animal farming
C. Cropland
C. High concentrations of animal waste
D. Park/Preserve
D. increase in nutrients in storm water
1055. Which statement about sustainable
1050. A pattern of settlements in a country cities is true?
such that the largest settlement has more
A. They can help improve the standard of
than twice as many people as the second-
living for residents.
ranking settlement
A. Primate City Rule B. No major cities have made significant
progress toward sustainability yet.
B. Secondary City Rule
C. They often help encourage sprawl.
C. Dense Cuty
D. Dense Settlements D. They are only successful in the devel-
oped world.
1051. The removing or clearing away of trees
from a forest is called: 1056. According to von Thunen model, what
A. deforestation costs does a commercial farmer consider
MOST when deciding what crops top
B. carbon-oxygen cycle
C. sustainable development
A. Land cost and transportation cost
D. tropical rainforest
B. Land cost and crop cost
1052. Scientists and environmentalists who
focus on the Amazon rainforest usually C. Crop cost and transportation cost
want to protect D. Crop cost and production cost
A. the settler’s choice to not pay taxes.
B. the farmer’s rights to use its land. 1057. what is a threat of using a biological (liv-
ing) pest control?
C. the rainforest and its biodiversity.
D. all of the above A. It mutates and is no longer effective
B. it attacks not only its intended target
1053. Large cities are economic hubs with radi-
but also benefical species
ating connections for commerce according
to C. pesticided kill the biological pest con-
A. Von Thunen trol
B. Concentric Ring D. more costly to use than pesticides


1.9 Land Utilization 265

1058. Which of the following resources is used D. none of above

to produce the largest amount of electric-
ity in the United States? 1063. Name the interest group that would


make this statement: “What we do to
A. Oil (petroleum) drilled and transported earn a living doesn’t hurt the rainforest.
within the United States via pipelines Because of that, we should have land of
B. Natural gas drilled and imported from our own in the rainforest.”
foreign countries by pipelines
A. Cattle Ranchers
C. Coal imported from foreign countries
B. Loggers
by ships
C. Rubber Tappers
D. Coal mined and transported within the
United States by railroads D. Settlers

1059. Most of the urban land use models are 1064. Which of the following is NOT true
based on this city: about Mediterranean agriculture
A. Detroit A. grow grapes to grow wine
B. Miami B. grow olives for Olive Oil
C. New York C. include a wide variety of aquaculture
D. Chicago D. Are in places such as California,
Greece, and Italy
1060. A maquiladora might best be considered
a 1065. All of the following were crucial to the
A. Special Economic Zone (SEZ) emergence of the first cities EXCEPT
B. Export Processing Zone (EPZ) A. a stratified social system
C. Island of Development B. labor specialization
D. Transitional Trade Zone (TTZ) C. a system for food storage and distribu-
1061. The Tuareg people of the Sahara and
their animals seasonally migrate to the D. separation of the ruling system and
higher lands in the summer and the valleys the religious system
in the winter. This is an example of: 1066. land used for harvesting wood, wildlife,
A. pastoral nomadism fish, nuts, and other resources
B. livestock ranching A. rural land
C. manipulated migration B. urban land
D. transhumance C. rangeland
1062. What does conserving resources D. forestland
1067. Which of the following two points were
A. Use as much of the resources as you the key driving forces behind the Green
can Revolution?
B. Only use the resources at school A. An exponential increase in the human
C. Protecting the resource so it does not population and the advent of industrial fer-
run out tilizers.


1.10 Soil Conservation 266

B. Agriculture expanding into arid and D. Few Offspring

previously unarable regions and the re-
sulting increase in irrigation systems and 1071. What has/is affecting the Amazon Rain-
dependence on the water table. forest?
C. An exponential increase in the human A. Deforestation
population and the growing popularity of B. Carbon Dioxide
organic farming. C. Increased Rain
D. A global trend of consuming more

D. Indigenous Groups
plant-based foods and advances in horti-
cultural science from public land grant col- 1072. What type of city develops on the out-
leges. skirts of a core city?
1068. a central city and its surrounding built- A. Edge CIty
up suburbs B. Airpot CIty
A. Urban area C. First Ring of a Suburb
B. Urban cluster D. Sister City
C. Urbanized area
1073. Logging companies argue that they have
D. Urban settlement made logging a valuable
1069. A document certifying that a structure A. economic activity
complies with building codes and is ready B. farm
for use is referred to as a(n)
C. settlement
A. inspection report.
D. deforestation operation
B. satisfaction bond.
C. certificate of occupancy. 1074. Which is a reason for opposition of
GMOs for places such as Africa?
D. user permit.
A. antibiotics may lose their effective-
1070. All of the following are characteristics ness
of R selected species except B. concern about trade with Europe
A. No prenatal care C. higher resistance to pests and higher
B. Short Lifespan profit margins
C. Early reproductive age D. all of the above

1.10 Soil Conservation

1. What are the layers in soil called? cut down at one time.
A. Layers A. clear cutting
B. Horizons B. cover crops
C. Gradients C. monoculture
D. Profiles D. slash and burn
2. Most or all trees in an area are uniformly 3. How can rock type within the parent rock


1.10 Soil Conservation 267

affect the type of vegetation that grows D. They have different names, therefore
there? they are different


A. Different rocks provide different root 8. When fossil fuels are burned, the resulting
stability for plant growth. particles can cause
B. Different rocks create different depths A. smog
of parent rock that affect plant growth
B. smoke
C. Different rocks make water absorp- C. fog
tion more difficult.
D. rainbows
D. Different rocks provide different nutri-
ents for plant growth. 9. How can we protect soil?
A. Afforestation
4. Plant roots can cause weathering by
B. Crop rotation
A. making it rain on the rock
C. Terrace Farming
B. Plants keep the rock cool, making it
freeze and thaw D. All of these

C. growing under the rock 10. Which of the following is not a source of
organic fertilizer?
D. growing in the cracks of rocks. This
causes the crack to widen and break the A. turning crop residue into a field
rock into smaller pieces B. compost
5. The texture of soil depends mainly on C. animal manure or guano
A. the types of plants that grow in the soil. D. pellets of N-P-K
11. What 3 kinds of mineral material are
B. the size of the particles in the soil. found in soil?
C. the color of the soil. A. dirt, rock, mud
D. the number of worms in the soil. B. peat, wood, worms
C. sand, silt, clay
6. AFFORESTATION is a them which means
D. glass, brick, loam
A. felling of trees
12. In rain forests plants have
B. overgrazing
A. Deep roots
C. growing trees
B. Wide roots
D. making dams
C. No roots
7. What is the difference between contour D. none of above
plowing and conservation plowing
13. The removal and transpotation of weath-
A. Contour plowing saves energy, while
conservation plowing reduces waste
A. Erosion and deposition
B. Contour plowing reduces waste, while
Conservation plowing saves energy. B. Physical Weathering
C. There is no difference, they both do C. Chemical Weathering
the same thing. D. none of above


1.10 Soil Conservation 268

14. Salination of soil involves all of the follow- C. making dams

ing except D. overgrazing
A. Overirrigation of soil in arid areas,
leaving salts forming on top the soil. 20. This prevents soil erosion and sup-
presses/reduces weeds.
B. dehydrating soil even more, which in-
creasing its erosion A. cover crops
C. adding compost to the soil B. crop rotation

D. the accumulation of salts disrupting C. monoculture
root growth D. tillage
15. Planting with the shape of the land to pre- 21. In order for crop rotation to be success,
vent erosion is called? which of the following must be true?
A. Cover Crop A. You must alternate what is planted ev-
B. Terraces ery two years on a plot of land.
C. No-Till Farming B. You must alternate fruit, root, and
leafy vegetables every three years.
D. Contour Farming
C. A soybean, pea, or other legume plant
16. is one of the ways to prevent soil ero- must be included in the rotation.
D. Crop rotation is only done in alley crop-
A. Trees cutting ping.
B. Clearing of forest for agriculture
22. Adding a layer of manure, mulch, or com-
C. Contour ploughing post
D. Building dams A. cover crops
17. How much time is taken to form 1 cm of B. clear cutting
soil? C. monoculture
A. 10+ years D. soil enrichment
B. 5 years
23. Plants and trees hold soil together with
C. 100s of year the help of their
D. Few months A. Leaves
18. What soil is made of? B. Stem
A. Rocks C. Roots
B. Organic materials D. None of the above
C. Small rocks and organic matter 24. example of a plant dispersed by wind
D. none of above A. coconut
19. soil is mostly conserved by- B. cotton
A. afforestation C. rose
B. deforestation D. none of above


1.10 Soil Conservation 269

25. What is it called when a farmer plants dif- C. terrace farming

ferent crops in order to use less nutrients
D. strip cropping
or different nutrients from the soil?


A. terracing 31. Which of the following would have more
B. cover crops porosity?

C. crop-rotation A. sand
D. contour plowing B. gravel

26. Meaning of soil erosion C. silt

A. vanishing of soil D. dust

B. the process of wearing away of soil 32. Growing a single crop or plant species
over a period of time over a wide area and for many consecu-
C. none of the above tive years.
D. none of above A. clear cutting
27. Which activity can increase soil fertility? B. cover crops
A. Cutting trees C. monoculture
B. Burying trash in the ground D. tillage
C. Plants die and decay
33. Which anthropogenic erosion is caused by
D. Taking earthworms out of the soil. cutting down trees and leaving the land-
scape bare?
28. Which of the following describes how well
soil can grow plants? A. Deforestation
A. soil texture B. Overcropping
B. soil fertility C. Overgrazing
C. soil structure D. Over harvesting
D. soil arrangement
34. What layer of soil will you find topsoil?
29. what is soil conservation
A. O Horizon
A. falling of trees
B. A Horizon
B. soil conservation is the protection of
soil from erosion C. B Horizon
C. same as soil erosion D. R Horizon
D. both A and B
35. What type of process forms soil?
30. What conservation method refers to grow- A. weathering
ing crops perpendicular to the slope of a
hill? B. erosion
A. windbreaks C. deposition
B. contour plowing D. compaction


1.10 Soil Conservation 270

36. Soil conservation done on hill slopes some dark stuff floating at the top of the
A. Ploughing bottle. The dark stuff was most likely

B. terrace farming A. silt

B. clay
C. Erosion
C. sand
D. All of the above
D. humus
37. What is the soil conservation technique in
42. What type of resource is soil considered?

which rows of trees are planted along the
edges of a field to block the wind from A. secondary resource
eroding fields and trap the soil? B. renewable resource
A. Terracing C. non-renewable resource
B. Cover Crops D. none of above
C. Windbreaks
43. Mr. Daniels observed limestone that had
D. Conservation Plowing holes in it like Swiss cheese. What type of
weathering most likely occurred?
38. refers to covering soil with plants to
prevent soil erosion from wind and rain. A. chemical weathering
A. Vegetative Cover B. cheese weathering
B. Cover Crops C. abrasion
C. Soil Erosion D. mechanical weathering

D. none of above 44. Why is topsoil darker than all other levels
of soil?
39. You notice that the leaves of a particular
A. It contains all the darker colored min-
plant species are turning yellow and have
stunted growth. Which nutrient chemical
test will be low? B. It contains volcanic rock
A. nitrogen C. It contains more organic matter
B. phosphorus D. It contains bits of burned trees
C. potassium 45. Which is an example of erosion caused by
D. none of above human activity?
A. Water erosion
40. Crop rotation and erosion prevention are
two great example of what? B. WInd erosion
C. overgrazing
A. soil conservation
D. Ice erosion
B. soil destruction
C. soil sample 46. What is the uppermost layer of the soil?
D. soil to the boil A. Solid rock
B. Top soil
41. Mrs. Amerson placed a soil sample in a
bottle and put some water in it. She shook C. Rocks
it up and let the soil settle. She noticed D. Sub soil


1.10 Soil Conservation 271

47. Which layer of the soil cannot be weath- 52. What are windbreaks?
ered? A. strips of tall plants in between sec-


A. R Horizon tions of crops
B. A Horizon B. mounts of soil that get blow away be
the wind
C. C Horizon
C. when the wind stops blowing and the
D. B Horizon soil does not erode
48. Topsoil is darker than other layers of soil D. a group of windmills
because it has more 53. A scientist who studies about soil is called
A. rocks a
B. organic material A. Botonist
C. oreos B. Archaeologist

D. sand C. Pedologist
D. Zoologist
49. Consider the following statements regard-
ing the soil and land conservation:I. Soil 54. Which part of soil is fit for vegetation?
erosion is the loosening and displacement A. Sub soil
of topsoil particles from the land.II. Soil B. Top soil
erosion is a natural process that occurs on
all lands.III. Land degradation is the dete- C. Weathered rock fragments
rioration in the quality of land. D. Clay soil
A. Only I 55. Two main forces of erosion are:
B. I and II A. rain and snow.
C. II and III B. wind and water.
D. All of the above C. sunlight and wind.
D. pH and salinity.
50. Which of the following is NOT be found in
topsoil? 56. New objects are made from old objects
A. humus when you
A. recycle
B. minerals
B. reduce
C. sediment
C. reuse
D. bedrock
D. conserve
51. Human activities that increase soil erosion 57. Water power can be replaced naturally in
include a short period of time, so it is a
A. mining A. renewable resources
B. overgrazing by cattle B. metamorphic rock
C. afforestation C. nonrenewable resource
D. Both mining and overgrazing by cattle D. mineral


1.10 Soil Conservation 272

58. Soil conservation includes all the following 63. A soil conservation method
except? A. shelter belt
A. Deserfication B. deforestation
B. Terracing C. overgrazing
C. Contour planting D. none of above
D. Crop rotation 64. The process by which wind, water, or
gravity transports soil and sediment from

59. A rock created by heat and pressure is one location to another
called a
A. Erosion
A. metamorphic rock
B. desertification
B. igneous rock C. habitat
C. mineral D. soil conservation
D. sedimentary 65. What type of soil is best for gardening?
60. What is the correct order of soil layers, A. Sandy soil
from top to bottom? B. Silt soil
A. organic material, top soil, subsoil, par- C. Clay soil
ent material, bedrock D. Loam soil
B. bedrock, sub soil, top soil, parent ma-
66. The Hwang Ho river which changes its
terial, organic material
course every year is in
C. top soil, bedrock, parent material, or- A. Holland
ganic material, sub soil
B. China
D. top soil, organic material, parent ma-
C. India
terial, bedrock, sub soil
D. Sri Lanka
61. What type of erosion is slowed down by
contour plowing and terracing? 67. Which horizon is bedrock?
A. Horizon A
A. wind
B. Horizon C
B. water
C. Horizon B
C. air
D. Horizon D or R
D. none of above
68. Why do contour farming and terracing
62. Which process wears rock down and slow erosion?
breaks it into smaller pieces? A. Their parallel rows slow the velocity of
A. infiltration falling water.
B. It provides more space and time for
B. weathering
water to percolate instead of running off.
C. erosion
C. They designed to prevent or slow wind
D. deposition erosion.


1.10 Soil Conservation 273

D. They are used in arid areas to de- C. are the same in all environments.
crease salination D. can only be observed with scientific


69. Substances that fill the spaces between equipment.
soil particles are
75. planting trees or shrubs in rows to provide
A. water and air shelter from the wind and to protect soil
B. humus and weathered rock from erosion
C. sand and clay A. mulching
D. moss and lichens B. matting

70. Which type of climate will have faster C. contour farming

chemical weathering? D. windbreaker
A. Hot and Wet
76. The region where a plant or animal lives
B. Cold and Dry
A. soil conservation
C. Hot and Cold
B. habitat
D. Cold and Wet
C. terracing
71. Which of the following describes the ar-
D. erosion
rangement of particles in soil?
A. soil texture 77. Which of the following is not a cause of
B. soil fertility soil erosion?

C. soil structure A. Overgrazing

D. soil arrangement B. Landslides
C. Afforestation
72. a way of growing crops without dis-
turbing the soil through tillage. D. Rain wash
A. No-Till Farming 78. The lowermost layer of the soil is called:
B. Crop Cover
A. Weathered Rock
C. Vegetative Cover
B. Parent Rock
D. none of above
C. Sub Soil
73. Sand is the largest type of sediment, while D. None of these
is the smallest type of sediment.
A. loan 79. sloped plane that has been cut into a se-
ries of successively receding flat surfaces
B. clay
or platforms, which resemble steps, for
C. humus the purposes of more effective farming
D. none of above A. terracing
74. The properties of soil B. planting vegetation
A. are similar in all layers. C. contour farming
B. are different from place to place. D. strip cropping


1.10 Soil Conservation 274

80. The Hwang Ho river changes its course ev- C. contour farming
ery year is in
D. matting
A. Holland
B. China 86. Which of the following is another name for
the minerals in soil?
A. Rocks
B. Humus
81. Mrs. Bennett has 2 soil samples. One soil

sample is darker in color and the other is C. Organic Matter
lighter in color. Which soil sample most D. Loam
likely has more organic matter?
A. the lighter soil sample 87. The solid rock that forms Earth’s surface is
B. both have equal amounts called

C. the darker soil sample A. sediment.

D. neither, soil can’t have organic matter B. bedrock.

82. Type of rock and humidity effect C. clay.

A. new soil formation D. sand.

B. climate formation
88. What are the crops that are harvested in
C. the Dust Bowl 3/4 of the U.S. soil?
D. bedrock A. avocados, mangos and coffee
83. What is a factor that leads to soil degra- B. bananas, corn and sorghum
C. sugar, pineapples and coconuts
A. Deforestation
D. corn, cotton and wheat
B. Overgrazing
C. Excessive use of pesticides 89. is a material that is found in nature
D. All of the above and that is used by living things.
A. nonrenewable resource
84. Soil conservation includes all of the follow-
ing EXCEPT B. natural resource
A. Desertification C. renewable resource
B. Contour plowing D. none of above
C. Terracing
90. The cutting and burning of plants in forests
D. Crop rotation
or woodlands to create fields.
85. planting crops across or perpendicular to A. crop rotation
slopes to follow the shape of a slope of a
field B. slash and burn
A. mulching C. tillage
B. terracing D. cover crops


1.10 Soil Conservation 275

91. Most plants cannot grow well in soil with 97. Which of the following can cause weather-
too much clay because: ing?


A. It doesn’t hold enough water. A. fertilizing the land
B. It holds too much water. B. minerals and humus
C. It is too sandy. C. water, wind, plants, and animals
D. It doesn’t have enough nutrients. D. none of above

92. What is a problem all farmers face? 98. Most of Earth’s freshwater is found in
A. Soil hardening which of the following?

B. Soil spoiling A. ice near the poles

B. lakes and ponds
C. Soil erosion
C. lava
D. Soil pollution
D. air
93. Which of these types of soil can are often
used in CONSTRUCTION 99. No-till farming is
A. Hummus A. not plowing the soil before planting
new crops
B. Clay and Sand
B. plowing the soil 8-12 inches deep to al-
C. Loam
low air and water to penetrate
D. none of above
C. when strips of legumes and strips of
94. You notice leaf fungal rust and smut grow- row crops are planted
ing on a corn plant. After chemically test- D. none of above
ing the soil, you find the soil low in
100. Why would Farmer Joe use the conserva-
A. nitrogen
tion method of growing cover crops?
B. phosphorus
A. Contour plowing
C. potassium
B. Terracing
D. none of above
C. To
95. How can farmers prevent soil erosion? D. To prevent weeds from growing, add
A. Cover their crops with a tarp. nutrients to soil, and
B. Water the soil everyday in order to 101. The protection of soil against erosion is
weigh it down called
C. Plant crops to hold the soil in place. A. Soil pollution
D. Cut down all of the trees and crops. B. Soil conservation
96. Decay organic material in soil is called? C. Weathering
A. Litter D. Soil ploughing
B. Humus 102. This may lead to soil erosion
C. Silt A. terrace farming
D. Clay B. growing of crops


1.10 Soil Conservation 276

C. afforestation C. gem
D. deforestation D. pollution
103. Cutting down of trees 109. What is the process of rocks being broken
A. Afforestation down over time called?
B. forestation A. Weathering
C. Deforestation B. Accumulation

D. conservation C. Condensation
104. when farmers plow across the slope D. Evaporation
of hills to prevent soil erosion.
A. Contour Plowing 110. Which of the following farming tech-
niques do not involve the use of cover
B. Terracing crops?
C. No-Till Farming A. no-till/conservational tillage
D. none of above
B. conventional tillage
105. which soil is on the bottom? C. alley cropping
A. Bedrock D. none of above
B. Topsoil
111. The way a mineral reflects light is its
C. Subsoil
D. Bottom soil A. luster
B. hardness
106. Sand dune is a major feature of ero-
sion. C. streak
A. water D. fracture
B. gully
112. One or more rows of trees or shrubs
C. coastal planted on farmland.
D. wind A. strip mining
107. The process by which rock is broken B. exposed soil
down intosmaller pieces.
C. shelterbelts
A. Erosion
D. nutrients
B. Weathering
C. Deposition 113. Which soil component makes up about
45% of a loamy soil?
D. none of above
A. Water
108. A solid natural material made from non-
living substances in the ground is a B. Organic Matter
A. mineral C. Air
B. soil D. Minerals


1.10 Soil Conservation 277

114. Which of the following is a disadvantage 120. Continuous hills made in a field to stop
of no-till? water fromrunning off the field and caus-
ing erosion.


A. It reduces biodiversity.
B. It can allow weeds to persist. A. Terraces
C. It reduces the soil structure. B. Contour Farming
D. It is more expensive.
C. No-Till Farming
115. A fast growing crop planted to protect
D. Cover Crop
the soil fromerosion is called?
A. Wind break 121. On which continent does desertification
B. Cover Crop not occur?
C. Contour Farming A. Antarctica
D. No-Till Farming
B. Australia
116. The moisture of soil can be retained by
the process of: C. Europe

A. Contour Barriers D. South America

B. Mulching
122. Soil is made up of :
C. Rock Dams
D. Planting grass A. Water

117. Roots of a plant growing through a rock B. Metals

and breaking it into smaller pieces is an C. Ice
example of
D. Organic materials and rocks
A. mechanical weathering
B. chemical weathering
123. As lava or magma cools, a(n) is
C. erosion formed.
D. abrasion A. igneous rock
118. What is humus? B. metamorphic rock
A. organic material rich in nutrients
C. sedimentary rock
B. subsoil
C. parent material D. rock cycle

D. trees
124. The process by which minerals in soil are
119. What is it called when you plow across removed or washed away is called
the slope of hills?
A. carbonation
A. crop-rotation
B. leaching
B. no-till farming
C. terracing C. fertilizing
D. contour plowing D. hydrolysis


1.10 Soil Conservation 278

125. What is soil conservation? 130. The wearing off or carrying away of soil
A. when people collect different types of by the action of water or wind is called
soil A. Storm
B. when people grow plants in their front B. Deforestation
yard C. Flood
C. when farmers move the soil in order to D. Soil erosion
make room for cattle and tractors
131. The process of water or wind carrying

D. is a way of managing soil that reduces
erosion and maintains the nutrients plants away top loose soil is called
need. A. Flowing away

126. The Grand Canyon was formed by B. Blowing away

A. water and flowing rivers wearing away C. erosion

the rock D. conservation
B. wind deposited sand and silt, forming 132. Which of the following soil types would
mountains contain the most nutrients?
C. rivers carried sand and deposited, A. Soil with many large rock particles
over time this formed mountains
B. Soil with bedrock close to the surface
D. Rain fell really hard, forming the
canyon. C. soil that drains well through it
D. soil with decomposed organic material
127. What is something that you can put over
your flower garden to keep the moisture 133. Water seeps down into the crack of a
in and slow soil erosion? rock, freezes, expands, and weathers the
A. crop rotation rock. This is an example of

B. mulch A. frost wedging

C. no till farming B. abrasion

D. none of above C. wind erosion

D. deposition
128. Weathering and and living organisms ac-
tivity combine to create 134. Afforestation is a term which means
A. bedrock A. felling of trees
B. soil B. overgrazing
C. minerals C. growing trees
D. crystals D. making dams
129. How does soil help plants? 135. What are the natural forces that cause
A. It contains organic material and nutri- soil erosion
ents A. wind
B. it provides plants sunlight B. rain
C. it contains fruits and vegetables C. running water
D. none of above D. all of the above


1.10 Soil Conservation 279

136. covering the soil with bark, wood chips, 142. What is a solution to stop wind erosion
dry leaves, and other organic material, to on a farmer’s field?
conserve the soil


A. Plow up all of the plants
A. matting
B. Build a pond
B. mulching
C. plant trees and shrubs on the edge
C. terracing
D. none of above
D. planting vegetation
137. Which method of soil conservation adds 143. The process of piling up rocks to prevent
nutrients to the soil? water flow is called:

A. crop rotation A. Rock Dam

B. contour plowing B. Erosion
C. strip farming C. Mulching
D. wind breaks D. Landslide
138. Kai found a fossil. Which is most likely 144. Preparing a field by digging, stirring, or
the type of rock the fossil was found in? overturning soil
A. sedimentary A. clear cutting
B. metamorphic
B. cover crops
C. intrusive
C. monoculture
D. extrusive
D. tilling
139. The process that breaks down rocks and
other materials into tiny pieces on Earth’s 145. Which soil has the greatest capacity to
surface is called retain water?
A. Weathering A. silt
B. Erosion B. sand
C. Soil conservation C. clay
D. Decomposition D. loam
140. Soil is mostly conserved by
146. Over time, a large boulder has gotten
A. afforestation smaller and smoother. Why has the rock
B. deforestation changed?
C. making dams A. Wind and water have weathered the
D. overgrazing boulder, wearing away it’s surface.
B. The boulder wanted to smooth out its
141. Another name for organic material is
A. Topsoil
C. The boulders layers have cemented to-
B. humus gether
C. deposition D. The heat of the Sun smoothed the boul-
D. rocks der out.


1.10 Soil Conservation 280

147. which of the following is a soil conserva- 153. is when you prevent soil erosion or
tion method keep soil from being contaminated.
A. Deworming A. Soil conservation
B. Deforestation B. Soil erosion
C. green manuring C. crop rotation
D. bush burning D. none of above

148. Sandy soil has a lot of 154. What is conservation?

A. rocks and minerals A. Using resources only when needed

B. Taking care of resources when not us-
B. clay and leaves
ing them.
C. organic matter
C. Using up resources as much as possi-
D. sea shells ble.

149. Most plant roots grow in D. Using resources only when needed
and taking care of resources when not
A. topsoil needed.
B. subsoil
155. What is the decline in the soil health sta-
C. bedrock tus?
D. smog A. soil degradation
B. soil erosion
150. What term describes the management of
soil to prevent its destruction? C. deforestation
A. soil exhaustion D. Overgrazing
B. soil decomposition 156. Which of the following would NOT be con-
C. soil conservation sideredorganic mateial in the soil?
D. soil fertility A. earthworms
B. minerals
151. The effects of soil erosion.
C. animal matter
A. forest harvesting
D. dead plant matter
B. excess sediment
157. What process breaks down bedrock to be-
C. overgrazing gin soil formation?
D. all of the above A. leaching
152. When is ” Earth Day ” Celebrated every B. weathering
year? C. decomposition
A. 15 july D. humus
B. 28 may
158. Two methods of soil conservation in farm-
C. 22 april ing are
D. 10 August A. reclamation and subsurface mining


1.10 Soil Conservation 281

B. landscaping and nylon fencing C. Were once living and nonliving

C. selective harvesting and replanting D. none of above


D. contour plowing and windbreaks 164. What effect did over plowing and cutting
down trees in the Great Plains during the
159. Brandon dug a hole in his backyard. He
found soil that was smooth when dry,
sticky when wet, and has very small A. It had little effect
grains. When he poured water into the B. It increased soil fertility
hole, it took a long time for it to percolate.
C. It was a primary cause of the Dust
Brandon’s soil probably contained a large
amount of
D. Farmers had a great harvest
A. not enough information to tell
B. sand 165. How are earthworms good for soil?

C. humus A. Worms eat decayed material and

break it down
D. clay
B. They drink all of the water in the soil
160. Which of the following takes up approxi- and dry it out.
mately 50% of soil? C. Worms break dance and break up
A. water and humus rocks in the soil
B. water and loam D. Worms chemically weather rocks in
the soil.
C. air and loam
D. air and water 166. the spaces that allow air and water to
move through the soil
161. Which of the following describes the size A. soil horizon
and proportions of particles in soil?
B. soil porosity
A. soil texture
C. soil permeability
B. soil fertility
D. none of above
C. soil structure
167. River Hwang Ho is also known as
D. soil arrangement
A. Blessing of China
162. This soil conservation measure is prac- B. Sorrow of China
ticed in coastal and dry regions:
C. Happiness of China
A. Shelter belts
D. Wealth of China
B. Terrace Farming
168. when trees or shrubs are planted to
C. Mulching
act as a barrier to protect soil from wind
D. Rock Dam erosion.
163. Organic matter is made of materials A. Contour plowing
that…. B. Windbreaks
A. Were once living C. terracing
B. Were once nonliving D. none of above


1.10 Soil Conservation 282

169. Why are good conservation practices im- C. Compaction

portant for lumber companies to follow?
D. Weathering
A. It adds groundwater
B. it increases soil erosion 175. why is it important to have soil conser-
C. it decreases soil erosion
A. save the soil
D. the soil is shaded
B. prevent erosion
170. What layer of soil will you find clay form-

ing? C. prevent another dust bowl

A. B Horizon D. all of the above

B. C Horizon 176. What can happen if the soil is left bare
C. A Horizon after harvesting?
D. none of above A. it will not affect the soil
171. How can farmers prevent/slow down B. the soil can change color
soil erosion? C. can result in wind and rain erosion
A. Cover their crops with a tarp D. the soil will produce more fruits and
B. Water the soil everyday in order to vegetables
weigh it down
C. Plant crops, plants, etc. to hold the soil 177. Soil erosion can be limited by which of the
in place following?

D. Cut down all of the trees and crops. A. Reducing trees and shrubs that pro-
vide a habitat for wildlife.
172. Which of the following practices within
B. Increasing the size of the field.
agriculture does NOT contribute to soil
degradation? C. Allowing water to run freely.
A. Using irrigation D. Covering fields with vegetation.
B. Using tillage
178. What 2 things make up soil?
C. Using fertilizers
A. rocks and minerals
D. Using pesticides
B. organic matter
173. What process forms soil over time?
C. earthworms
A. weathering
D. weathered rocks and decayed organic
B. erosion matter
C. deposition
179. What has the largest particles in soil?
D. none of above
A. silt
174. Wind, water, and ice breaking down rock
is called B. sand
A. Erosion C. clay
B. Deposition D. loam


1.10 Soil Conservation 283

180. What is the indirect source of most of B. Both types add humus to soil which
Earth’s energy? adds carbon and structure to soil.


A. Solar power C. Both inorganic and fertilizer can in-
B. Geothermal energy crease crop yields by enriching soil fertil-
C. Hydroelectricity
D. It is easier for inorganic to leach into
D. Biomass a surface body of water by runoff.
181. The dust bowl happened because 186. when farmers plant different crops in
A. farmers plowed all the prairie grasses order to use less nutrients from the soil.
and then a drought happened.
A. Soil Conservation
B. it was just a drought
B. Crop Rotation
C. because the area should not have been
C. Soil Erosion
D. none of above
D. it was a little thing don’t worry about
it. 187. What is a main crop grown in the United
182. Mass movement of rocks down the hills
could be a sign of: A. pasture for cattle
A. Landslides B. pigs
B. Floods C. chickens
C. Deforestation D. soil
D. Weathering 188. what is soil erosion
183. Rows of trees planted around a farm- A. making of soil
stead or field toprotect it from the wind
B. breaking of soil
A. Terraces
C. removal of the top most layer of soil
B. Cover Crop
D. none of the above
C. Contour farming
189. Rows of trees are planted close together
D. Windbreak
to help force wind movement upward,
184. Which soil texture do scientists believe away from the ground.
to be the “ideal soil”? A. wind break
A. 30% Sand, 40% Silt, 30 % Clay B. Strip cropping
B. 45% Sand, 5% Silt, 50% Clay C. Terracing
C. 40% Sand, 40% Silt, 20% Clay D. Contour plowing
D. 25% Sand, 25% Silt, 50% Clay
190. Which of the following is not true about
185. Which of the following statements is not using inorganic fertilizer to enrich the
true about fertilizers? soil?
A. Both inorganic and organic add N, P, A. It adds specific amounts of major plant
and K to soil. nutrients:NPK


1.10 Soil Conservation 284

B. It is doesn’t add organic matter to C. Erosion breaks down rock and weath-
the soil, which gives it carbon and better ering carries sediment away
structure. D. Both form mountains
C. It can easily dissolve and infiltrate the
soil or to runoff into a body of water. 196. Overgrazing is responsible for causing:
D. It contains manure and compost. A. Soil depletion

191. Which type of farming is used when B. Floods

planting along the natural shape of slopes C. Earthquake
of the land?
D. Landslides
A. contour
197. Why is soil is a valuable resource?
B. terracing
C. no-till A. is important to all living things on land

D. crop rotation
B. contains sand and gravel
192. Cutting all the trees and plants can cause C. is rich in decomposers
A. decreased carbon dioxide levels D. has all three soil horizons
B. more homes for wildlife
198. Which layer of soil has the most rocks
C. increased soil erosion
and the least amount of organic matter?
D. urban sprawl
A. topsoil
193. Why is soil an important natural re- B. subsoil
C. bedrock
A. soil is used to make buildings
D. organic layer
B. soil can grow crops
C. soil comes from bedrock 199. What is weathering?
D. soil is full of mircobes A. the process of moving sediment from
one place to another
194. Decayed organic material in soil is called
B. the breaking down of rocks on Earth’s
A. Litter
C. the remains of decayed plants and an-
B. Silt imals
C. Humus D. none of above
D. Clay
200. Mrs. Davis dissolves a rock in a beaker
195. How does erosion compare to weather- of acid. This is an example of
A. chemical weathering
A. Weathering breaks down rock and ero-
B. physical weathering
sion carries the sediment away
B. Both move sediment from place to C. erosion
place D. sedimentation


1.10 Soil Conservation 285

201. The protection of Natural Resources is A. crop residue from a previous harvest
called or other green manure


A. Conservation B. animal manure
B. rock cycle C. a bag of 10-20-10 NPK fertilizer from
C. renewable resource
D. bone meal
D. luster
207. What makes up a soil profile?
202. The process of land becoming a desert be-
A. the percentages of air, water, miner-
cause there are no plants to help hold and
als, and humus
cycle water
B. the type of minerals in the soil
A. soil conservation
C. the horizons in soil
B. desertification
D. the type of organic matter in the soil
C. cover crops
208. The conservation of soil is important be-
D. habitat cause
203. Farmers grow crops like grass and creep- A. It is impossible to replace soil
ers after a harvest and before raising the B. Most of the Earth’s land is arable
next crop. These are known as
C. It takes a very long time to replace lost
A. healthy crops soil
B. back-up crops D. Food cannot be grown anywhere else
C. cover crops 209. A wall or fence of earth or stone built to
D. Substitute crops prevent a river flooding an area is known
204. planting of trees and grass to cover and A. barrier
bind the soil with their roots to prevent
B. step farming
C. Dam
A. terracing
D. Embankment
B. contour farming
210. Desert plants have
C. tree planting
A. No roots
D. planting vegetation
B. Wide roots
205. Name the river that is called as “SOR- C. Deep roots
D. none of above
A. River Ganga
211. What is a synonym for soil conserva-
B. River Kaveri tion?
C. River Kosi A. neglect
D. River Beas B. protection
206. Which of the following is not a type of C. destruction
organic fertilizer? D. waste


1.10 Soil Conservation 286

212. making steps on the sides of hills to 218. Which is NOT one of the three layers of
help control soil erosion. soil
A. cover crops A. Bedrock
B. Erosion B. Subsoil
C. Terracing C. Topsoil
D. none of above D. Undersoil
219. The wearing off or carrying away of soil

213. Which soil component has the least capac-
ity for holding water? by the action of wind or water is called
A. storm
A. Sand
B. flood
B. Silt
C. soil erosion
C. Clay
D. deforestation
D. Humus
220. Which of the following is NOT a factor
214. It is known as the Sorrow of China that affects soil erosion in agriculture?
A. Yellow river A. Climate
B. Black river B. Type of vegetation
C. Blue river C. Altitude
D. none of above D. Slope steepness

215. Which of the following is NOT an ingredi- 221. The continuous process in which rocks
ent of loam change from one kind into another is called
A. clay A. rock cycle
B. sand B. sedimentary rock
C. shale C. metamorphic rock

D. silt D. circle of life

222. What is conservation plowing?
216. Soil is mostly conserved by
A. Conservation Plowing is a method
A. Afforestation
of planting and planting and harvesting
B. Deforestation where stalks and other residue from the
C. Overgrazing previous year are left on the ground into
the next season.
D. none of above
B. Conservation plowing is plowing along
217. This prevents soil erosion and suppresses the contours of the land in order to mini-
weeds. mize soil erosion.
A. Plant cover C. Conservation plowing is the practice
of growing a series of dissimilar or differ-
B. crop rotation
ent types of crops in the same area in se-
C. monoculture quenced seasons.
D. tillage D. none of above


1.10 Soil Conservation 287

223. why is it important to plant trees in soil 229. Farming with very little tilling of the soil
conservation to preventerosion. Stubble is left on the
field for protection andorganic matter.


A. their roots bind the soil
B. their trunks are strong A. Contour Farming
C. ALL of the above B. Cover Crop
D. NONE of the above C. Wind Break
224. The rate at which water and air move D. No-till Farming
through the soil
230. When farmers plow so that the plowing
A. soil horizon
is not straight up and down the hill it will
B. soil porosity slow down erosion. This is called.
C. soil permeability A. erosion proof plowing
D. none of above
B. contour plowing
225. what threat to soil can cause compaction C. hill side plowing
and soil pollution?
D. plowing
A. farming
B. urbanization 231. If you were to put the 3 types of soil
C. overgrazing in a tube, which would fall to the bottom
D. deforestation
A. clay
226. Which of the following can be used as fer-
tilizer that increases pH and makes soil nu- B. humus
trients more accessible? C. sand
A. organic material D. silt
B. water
232. Terrace farming is a method common in
C. humus
D. lime
A. Forest
227. Heavy rains cause in mountainous re-
B. Mountain
gions every year.
A. Earthquake C. Coastal

B. Tsunami D. Plains
C. Landslide 233. The fariming method in which the plant
D. Accident material remains in the field to decay over
the winter is called
228. What has the smallest particles in soil?
A. contour
A. sand
B. clay B. no-till
C. silt C. terracing
D. loam D. crop rotation


1.11 Water Conservation 288

234. What is wind-breaking? C. Windbreaks are linear planting of

trees and shrubs designed to enhance
A. Windbreakers are crops grown for the crop production, protect people and live-
protection and enrichment of the soil. stock, and benefit soil and water conser-
B. Wind breaking is a method of planting vation.
and planting and harvesting where stalks D. Wind breaking is planting rows of
and other residue from the previous year trees at wide spacings with a companion
are left on the ground into the next season. crop grown in the alleyways between the


1.11 Water Conservation

1. Which of the following would help con- 5. Earth is known as the blue planet because
serve natural resources? of the presence of
A. Recycling cans A. Water
B. Planting trees B. Sky
C. Carpooling C. Atmosphere
D. all of the above D. none of above
2. Which of the following is another term for 6. In which country does the Ganges river
salt water? flow after it leaves India?
A. Tears A. China
B. Brackish B. Bangledesh
C. Saline C. Japan
D. NaClH2O
D. North Korea
3. What is the energy source for the water
7. Water that is stored in layers of rock and
soil beneath the Earth’s surface is called
A. the sun
B. the earth A. groundwater
C. water B. sewage
D. the moon C. a reservoir
4. Which of the following means of trans- D. an underground stream
portation uses a renewable resource for
its energy source? 8. Why animals need water?
A. solar powered car A. To cook.
B. coal powered steam train B. To survive.
C. natural gas car C. To learn.
D. gasoline truck D. none of above


1.11 Water Conservation 289

9. Snow, sleet, hail, and rain are all examples 14. What is the last stage of the water cycle?
of A. Sublimation


A. evaporation B. Transpiration
B. condensation C. Runoff
C. accumulation D. Infiltration
D. precipitation
15. The relationship between water demand
10. As water vapor rises, it enters into a and policies that subsidize water-thirst
colder atmosphere, causing the water to crops demonstrates a
condense into liquid water and clouds are A. loophole
formed B. positive feedback loop
A. Condensation C. negative feedback loop
B. Evaporation D. lag time
C. Transpiration
16. It helps to regulate water flow and dis-
D. Interception tribute water evenly
11. Which of these would help protect forests A. river
and trees? B. dams
A. Drive electric cars so you won’t use C. sprinkler
gasoline. D. drip irrigation
B. Melt aluminum cans to make new ones.
17. Most of the water on Earth is unusable be-
cause it is located where?
C. Make diamonds in a lab instead of min-
ing them. A. Icecaps
B. Streams
D. Cut down fewer trees by recycling pa-
per. C. Groundwater
D. Oceans
12. Which of the following is a solution to wa-
ter pollution? 18. Manakah pernyataan yang benar menge-
A. burn cleaner fuels nai Fresh Water Efficiency
B. Build and maintain sewage treatment A. Pemeriksaan dan pengujian kualitas
plants air

C. limit driving B. Pemeriksaan dan pemantauan sistem

D. burn all the trash
C. Penghematan penggunaan air bersih
13. Factories use water. dalam gedung
A. Rain D. Kelayakan Air Bersih
B. Snow 19. What is soil composed of?
C. underground A. rocks, clay and air
D. none B. rock, humus, air, water


1.11 Water Conservation 290

C. chemicals and fertilizers C. Many heavy industries have relocated

D. dirt and bacteria in rural areas because the land is cheap
D. Millions of people cook over wood and
20. Conservation is the act of conserving, or coal fires
protecting the environment, plants, and
animals. Why is this so important? What 25. In general, most country’s renewable wa-
are some things you can do to help con- ter supplies are generally made up of
serve our environment? A. seasonal flooding and infiltration into

A. leave water on, leave TV on, run dish- accessible aquifers
washer with 1 plate B. rivers running through the country
B. run the washing machine with 1 shirt C. surface runoff and infiltration into ac-
cessible aquifers
C. leave the refrigerator door open
D. water used from an aquifer
D. turn off water, turn off lights, turn off
TV 26. Who is the natural sources of water?
A. Tap water
21. Planting of more trees will help in-
B. Rain
A. Reducing the ground water level
C. None of these
B. Setting up more factories
D. none of above
C. Deforestation
27. Which is NOT a strategy of water conser-
D. Increasing the rainfall vation?
22. What percentage of the earth is water? A. Rain water harvesting
A. 50% B. Practicing sustainable methods of uti-
lizing groundwater resources
B. 60%
C. Protecting groundwater resources
C. 71%
D. Avoiding any damage to water quality.
D. 80%
28. Which type of soil is the most permeable?
A. Loam
B. Sand
C. Silt
D. Clay
29. Which of the following is effective in con-
D. COMMENDATION trolling water pollution
24. How is air pollution a problem in the rural A. Discharge sewage in water body di-
areas? rectly
A. Waste from nuclear power plants has B. Overuse of chemical fertilisers and
made the air in rural areas dangerous to pesticides
breathe C. Treating industrial discharge suitably
B. People living in small villages drive a before realising them in water bodies
long distance to work in cars and trucks D. None of the above


1.11 Water Conservation 291

30. Which of the following is NOT an example C. Watering

for saving water for domestic use? D. Setting-Up-Factories


A. shorter showers
36. Approximately how many gallons of wa-
B. stopping leaks ter does it take to grow sugar cane?
C. washing dishes efficiently A. 20- 25 gallons
D. taking tub baths B. 2-4 gallons
31. Which way can you not conserve water? C. 180-200 gallons

A. Leave the water running D. none of above

B. Turn the water off while you brush your 37. What occurs during the process of conden-
teeth sation in the water cycle?
C. Turn the shower off when you get out A. a change in state from solid to liquid
D. Fill up your sink with water an wash B. a change in state from liquid to gas
your dishes with that water C. a change in state from gas to liquid
32. have calm waters D. a change in state from liquid to solid
A. All of these 38. Rain water can be collected in -
B. Lakes A. Overhead tanks
C. Ponds B. Underground tanks
D. none of above C. Both
D. None
33. Goose and Harley are cruising down the
interstate on some motorcycles. They’re 39. What drives the water cycle?
burning gas like crazy. What would be an A. The Sun
effect on the environment?
B. The Clouds
A. water pollution
C. The Wind
B. land pollution
D. Magic
C. air pollution
40. How much of the earth’s surface is covered
D. none of above
by water?
34. What two elements make up water? A. 75%
A. helium and oxygen B. 65%
B. hydrogen and carbon C. 50%
C. hydrogen and oxygen D. 70%
D. oxygen and carbon 41. What is a way to conserve water?
35. Which of the following is not a factor caus- A. Keep your water pressure in check
ing shortage of water? B. Leave water running
A. Planet C. Water your yard everyday
B. Using Manual Sprinklers D. Throw away half-full water bottles


1.11 Water Conservation 292

42. During condensation water changes from 47. In general, surface water always flows
A. gas to liquid A. from south to north
B. solid to liquid B. toward the equator
C. liquid to gas C. from north to south
D. liquid to solid D. downhill

43. Which way can you conserve water? 48. Where is most of the freshwater found on

A. Sending money to Flint instead of send-
ing water A. lakes
B. Sending a ton of 24 packs of water B. glaciers
across the country for no reason C. oceans
C. You cant D. groundwater (aquifers)
D. Who cares about water anyway
49. At high altitudes the water vapors change
44. Forest & vegetation covers helps in into very tiny particles of ice or water
droplets because the temperature at high
A. Slow down the surface run off
altitudes is low. What stage of the water
B. Replenish underground water cycle does this describe?
C. Both of the above A. Precipitation
D. None of the above B. Sublimation

45. As a part of the water cycle, water from C. Evaporation

Earth’s surface enters the clouds and fi- D. Condensation
nally falls back to the ground in the form
of rain. What is the correct sequence of 50. Which represents the distribution of water
processes water undergoes? on Earth?

A. Evaporation, Condensation, Precipita- A. 3% freshwater, 97% salt water

tion B. 97% freshwater, 3% salt water
B. Precipitation, Condensation, Evapora- C. 71% freshwater, 29% salt water
tion D. 29% freshwater, 71% salt water
C. Condensation, Evaporation, Precipita-
tion 51. Which of these things are you most likely
to NOT find in a sustainable home?
D. Evaporation, Precipitation, Condensa-
tion A. LED Lightbulbs
B. Low-Flow Toilets & Showers
46. Other places where freshwater can be
found on Earth are C. A wood burning stove

A. lakes, ponds, streams and rivers D. A Hummer (SUV) in the garage

B. lakes, sea, streams and rivers 52. Why could erosion be BAD for soil?
C. ponds, wells, lakes and rivers A. It forms new rocks
D. rain, sea, well and lakes B. It makes the soil healthier


1.11 Water Conservation 293

C. It washes away important nutrients in 58. Approximately what percent of freshwa-

the soil ter is accessible to humans?


D. It allows too many trees to grow A. less than 1%

53. can be rain, sleet, snow, hail, or driz- B. 2%

zle. C. 70%
A. Precipitation D. 97%
B. Condensation
59. Salah satu upaya untuk memenuhi WAC 8
C. Evaporation (water tap efficiency) adalah dengan
D. Sublimation A. Memasang portable water di setiap da-
54. What should you do if you see or hear a
leaky faucet in your house? B. Mengganti keran di area publik dengan
fitur auto stop
A. Ignore it-drips are no big deal
C. Menggunakan air daur ulang
B. Do nothing-there is no way to fix a
drippy faucet D. Mengurangi penggunaan air dari deep
C. Ask your parents to fix it well

D. none of above 60. How much water does a family of four

(mom, dad, brother, and sister) use every-
55. What generally accounts for the greatest day?
use of household water?
A. 50
A. Washing Machine
B. 100
B. Dishwasher
C. 250
C. Shower
D. 400
D. Landscaping
61. The wise use of natural resources to avoid
56. The water cycle is the movement of wa-
using them all up; this includes recycling.
ter from the Earth’s surface to the and
back to the surface again. A. Natural Resources
A. ocean B. Renewable Resources
B. air C. Conservation
C. river D. Pollution
D. mountain
62. Which of these activities wastes the MOST
57. What are our basic needs? water per day in the average home?
A. clothing, water, air A. Running the tap while washing dishes
B. food, air, clothing B. Using a garbage disposal
C. food, water, shelter C. A leaky toilet
D. Music, money, interpetative dance D. Long showers


1.11 Water Conservation 294

63. Which of the following measure of water C. Setting up of factories

conservation is related to rain Water col- D. All
A. Drip irrigation 69. We can avoid wastage of water by-
B. Afforestation A. Using water sprinkler for irrigation
C. Use of Sprinklers B. Over irrigation of fields
D. Rain water harvesting C. Washing our car with a jet of water

64. Choose the best answer: What is conser- D. Allowing water to leak from taps
70. Which of the following decreased the
A. Saving natural resources. amount of fresh water we can use?
B. Studying natural resources
A. water pollution
C. Using natural and human resources.
B. too many plants
D. Leaving the watering running.
C. rich topsoil
65. How can carpooling or walking help reduce D. fast-running rivers
air pollution?
A. It is less expensive than driving alone. 71. It is the process of cleaning and purifying
water so it is safe for use.
B. We would build more bicycles. A. Water Clarification
C. We would burn fewer fossil fuels (gas B. Septic Tank
and coal) C. Water Septage
D. We would produce less trash
D. Water Sanitation
66. Which of the following is not a domestic
72. Bagaimana cara untuk mereduksi limbah
use of water
plastik dan jejak karbon pada Greenship
A. Irrigation IS WAC?
B. Cooking A. Dengan memasang water fixtures
C. Bathing pada peralatan plumbing
D. Drinking B. Dengan mengkonsumsi air minum
lewat proses pemurnian air/filtrasi
67. prevent excess use of tap water, we can
collect C. Mengadakan kampanye dan memben-
tuk kebijakan konservasi air
A. Rain water
D. Semua benar
B. River water
C. Sea water 73. Water Man of India
D. none of above A. Rajeshchandra Singh
68. Factors causing shortage of water are B. Ramendra Singh
A. Population C. Ravindra Singh
B. Deforestation D. Rajendra Singh


1.11 Water Conservation 295

74. What word describes water when 79. What does “conservation” mean?
molecules are attracted to each other? A. Using up all our natural resources


A. cohesion B. Protecting supply and quality of natu-
B. adhesion ral resources
C. capillarity C. Trading our natural resources with
D. solvent other countries
D. Fighting against climate change
75. 1/3 of household watering is for out-
doors. What are good irrigation practices 80. Factors causing shortage of water are-
for lawns or gardens? A. Population
A. Avoid watering in the heat of the day B. Deforestation
so it doesn’t evaporate. C. Setting up of factories
B. Don’t water on windy or rainy days D. All
C. Do not water lawns between 10 AM -4
PM 81. Which of the following is not one of the 3
D. All of the above
A. Reduce
76. What is the proper definition of water con- B. Reuse
C. Recycle
A. Water conservation refers to the
D. Resources
preservation, control and development
of water resources, both surface and 82. What does water vapor do before it re-
groundwater, and prevention of pollution. turns to the Earth as rain or snow?
A. It turns to hail.
B. It mean nothing B. It forms into puddles.
C. To use water and not care how much C. It gathers underground.
you use
D. It forms droplets in the clouds.
D. Send it to mars
83. Changing the amount of resources that you
77. What is the third stage of the water cy- use or changing to an ecofriendly alterna-
cle? tive. Ex. Cutting of the water when you
A. Sublimation brush your teeth
B. Condensation A. Reduce
C. Evaporation B. Reuse
D. Precipitation C. Recycle
D. Resources
78. What is the process where water at the
surface turns into water vapors? 84. What does WASH stands for?
A. Sublimation A. Water, Sanitation, Hydrogen
B. Evaporation B. Water, Septage, Hygiene
C. Condensation C. Water, Sanitation, Hygiene
D. Precipitation D. Water, Sustainable, Hygiene


1.11 Water Conservation 296

85. The top of the zone of saturation is called C. Save water

the D. save the panda’s
A. Water Table
91. Oceans cover what portion of the Earth
B. Aquifer
C. Zone of Aeration
A. Two-thirds
D. Ozone
B. One-thirds

86. We can avoid wastage of water by C. Three-fourths
A. Using water sprinkler for irrigation D. Almost Half
B. Over irrigation of fields
92. Reusing a product in a different way with-
C. Washing our car with a jet of water out having to reprocess it
D. Allowing water to leak from taps
A. Reduce
87. An area underground that water flows B. Reuse
through is called an
C. Recycle
A. Water Table
D. Resources
B. Zone of Aeration
C. Aquifer 93. A scientist studies a sample of swamp wa-
ter. She finds that there are many dead
D. Drainage Basin plants and fish in the water. in the
water could be the main cause of this.
88. Which one is an example of recycling?
A. Reusing a paper bag for lunch. A. oxygen

B. Using less water to take a bath. B. litter and pollution

C. Making new glass bottles from old C. mud and silt

ones. D. pebbles and sand
D. Using plastic cups instead of paper
94. What is the best pH for growing plants?
A. 0-14
89. What is transpiration?
B. 3-8
A. Excess water being released from the
aerial parts of plants in the form of water C. 5-7
vapor D. 7-12
B. Excess sugar being released from the
95. A method of increasing water supplies that
has been successful, if expensive, is
C. The way a plant makes its food
A. capturing and reusing rainwater
D. When the plant uses sugar for energy
B. altering the climate’s convection cur-
90. What does conserving water help do? rents
A. Save the dinosaurs C. cloud seeding
B. Nothing D. desalinization


1.11 Water Conservation 297

96. What property of water allows it to dis- 101. Which step in the water cycle involves re-
solve substances? turning of fresh water to the Earth?
A. precipitation


A. cohesion
B. adhesion B. evaporation
C. respiration
C. capillarity
D. condensation
D. solvent
102. What is the name of process to clean wa-
97. Put missing letters. SCA CI Y ter using filters?
A. C, T A. Drinking water
B. R, T B. Purification
C. Deforestation
C. T, R
D. none of above
D. C, R
103. The movement of soil from one are to an-
98. Dams are constructed to , and other by wind or water is called
A. check floods A. Erosion
B. store huge quantity of water B. Natural Hazards
C. Landslides
C. generate electricity
D. Renewable resources
D. all of the above
104. Save of water is called what?
99. How has the Indian practice of cremating A. Water conservation
their dead been a problem for the river?
B. Purification
A. People are not allowed to go near the C. Filtration
river when cremations are taking place.
D. none of above
B. The banks along the river catch fire
and threaten Indian homes built there. 105. Why do water sources need to be con-
C. Factory owners cannot use the water
once human ashes have been thrown into A. We have an unlimited amount of fresh
it. water.
B. Pollution reduces the amount of usable
D. The dead bodies of animals, as well
as the ashes of human beings, have been
placed in the river causing pollution, C. Because we need to save it for the
100. What word describe water when it is at- D. none of above
tracted to surfaces?
106. is a major natural source of water.
A. cohesion
A. Snow
B. adhesion B. Well
C. capillarity C. Tap
D. solvent D. Handpump


1.11 Water Conservation 298

107. Most water can be found in the D. The government of India has worked
A. Ocean to dam the river flow so people can prac-
tice ritual bathing without contaminating
B. Sea the water.
C. River
D. Pond 112. This is the relationship between human
population and water usage.
108. What is one way a person can help to
A. as the population increases water us-
conserve or save energy?

age decreases
A. Drive a big car with no passengers.
B. as the population increases water us-
B. Cut off lights when they exit a room. age increases
C. Brush teeth with hot water.
C. as the population increases water us-
D. Ride a bicycle to school. age stays the same
109. Which of the following is an underground D. none of above
layer of gravel, earth or porous rock which
contains water? 113. What is one way you and your family can
A. Aquifer help to conserve water at home?
B. Watershed A. watering the garden at the hottest
time of the day
C. Ice cap
D. Glacier B. using the longest cycle to wash clothes

110. How much energy is produced in a year

C. turning off the faucet while brushing
by water in the Hoover Dam?
your teeth
A. 7 Hours
D. none of above
B. 4.2 Billion Kilowatt-Hours
C. 72 Billion Hours 114. What is the perfect soil for growing
D. None plants?
A. Loam
111. In the Hindu religion the Ganges River is
considered holy, and ritual bathing in its B. Silt
waters is practiced by an estimated 60,
C. Sand
000 people per day. What is the MOST
LIKELY effect of this practice? D. Clay
A. Such use of the river has raised major
health risks for the population of the area. 115. You are living is a dry region with high
rates of evaporation. Which of the follow-
ing technique you use for irrigation
B. Tourism in the area has increased, and
many new settlements are being estab- A. Drip or Trickle irrigation
lished along the river. B. Irrigation through canals
C. The government has passed laws to re-
C. Irrigation trough sprinklers
strict access to the water to discourage
pollution and contamination D. None of the above


1.11 Water Conservation 299

116. Having pores or openings that permit liq- 121. How has India’s need to develop more in-
uids or gases to pass through is called dustry ended up creating problems along
the Ganges River?


A. Absorption
B. Permeable A. Factories along the river dump indus-
trial waste and chemicals into the river.
C. Impervious
B. No one is allowed to cremate dead bod-
D. Saturation ies along the river since factories have
117. Berikut dibawah ini tentukan yang bukan been built.
merupakan tujuan dari konservasi air pada C. Industries use so much water along
bangunan baru! the river that the Ganges is almost dry.
A. Untuk melakukan penghematan air D. Factory owners have refused to allow
B. Untuk mengurangi beban pemakaian the Indians living along the river to bathe
air or to use the water for cooking.

C. Untuk mengatur debit air 122. We can avoid wastage of water by???
D. Untuk melakukan pengelolaan air A. using water sprinklers for irrigation

118. Which actions taken by a school environ- B. over irrigation of fields

mental club would make a positive human C. washing our cars with a jet of water
impact? D. allowing water to leak from tops
A. planting native trees along the border
of the school property 123. Which of the following can conserve wa-
ter and save money monthly?
B. making wooden benches by harvesting
local trees A. watering your lawn at noon

C. introducing a new population of foxes B. washing one item of clothing

to school grounds C. repairing leaky faucets
D. clearing an area to make room for ad- D. planting trees to stop water erosion
ditional student parking
124. occurs because the water droplets
119. How many gallons (or liters) does the av- combine to make bigger droplets and the
erage washing machine use per load? air cannot hold any more water.
A. 8 (30 liters) A. Condensation
B. 25 (95 liters) B. Evaporation
C. 41 (155 liters) C. Sublimation
D. 64 (242 liters) D. Precipitation

120. What is an effect of the water cycle? 125. Where does the Ganges River empty into
A. Regulates the temperature of the sur- the sea?
roundings A. South China Sea
B. Changes weather and creates rain B. Yangtze River
C. Helps in conversion of rocks to soil C. Bay of Bengal
D. All of the above D. none of above


1.11 Water Conservation 300

126. Which of the following policies would be 131. What percent of fresh water is available
a disincentive, or “stick, ” that would en- and fit for human use?
courage water conservation in a municipal- A. 2 %
B. 1 %
A. Increasing water costs to reflect wa-
ter shortages C. 1.3 %
B. Increasing the availability of re- D. 2.7 %
claimed water

132. the process of a liquid slowly passing
C. Providing rebates for low-flow toilets through a porous substance.
and shower heads
A. Permeable
D. Providing rain barrels to catch rainwa-
B. Percolation
ter for watering lawns
C. Precipitation
127. These are the sources of water.
D. none of above
A. Lakes
133. Importance of Water Conservation
B. Sea
A. To prepare for future droughts
C. River
B. To preserve the environment
D. All of the above
C. To strengthen communities
128. What percentage of the earth’s water is D. All of the above
salt water?
A. 3% 134. Identify the major factor responsible for
shortage of fresh water
B. 25%
A. Increasing population
C. 71%
B. Demands for cash crops
D. 96.5%
C. Increasing urbanisation
129. What is the sixth stage of the water cy- D. All of the above
A. Sublimation 135. Who is known as the blue planet?

B. Transpiration A. Mars

C. Runoff B. Earth

D. Infiltration C. Mercury
D. Venus
130. How much water (in gallons) does a fam-
ily of four (mom, dad, brother, and sister) 136. Sustainable means
use everyday? A. using a lot of energy
A. 50 B. being able to last for a long time by cre-
B. 100 ating as much as you use
C. 250 C. Being able to cause a stain
D. 400 D. none of above


1.11 Water Conservation 301

137. It refers to the preservation, control and C. Engr. Julie Ann San Jose
development of water resources, both sur- D. Engr. Julie Bee
face and groundwater, and prevention of


pollution. 143. How much water is wasted in a day?
A. Water Prevention A. None
B. Water Conservation B. 10 Million Gallons
C. Water Hygiene C. 526 Gallons
D. Water Lily D. 156 Gallons
138. Use of sprinkler for irrigation reduces the 144. Which of these is an example of precipi-
the water. tation?
A. Decrease A. snow
B. Wastage B. air
C. Harvesting C. clouds
D. none of above D. vapor
139. What is the water cycle?
145. Where is water found?
A. The 3 states of water
A. Volcanos
B. When water spins in a cycle
B. Mountains
C. the movement of water on, above, or
C. Oceans, Ice, Rivers, Lakes, groundwa-
below the surface of the Earth
D. When clouds form
D. Valleys, caves and holes
140. Which region of the world is not facing
scarcity of water 146. When conserving water, the 3Rs we
need to remember are:
A. Western Europe
A. Remove, Reuse, Recycle
B. South Asia
B. Report, Remove, Reduce
C. Most of Africa
C. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
D. North West Mexico
D. Reduce, Reuse, Rethink
141. The layer of soil that contains living
things is the 147. Which source of freshwater is not easily
available for human use?
A. Subsoil
A. oceans
B. Topsoil
B. freshwater lakes
C. Bedrock
C. rivers
D. Parent Material
D. icecaps/glaciers
142. What is the name of the Speaker of the
Water Sanitation and Conservation? 148. Why do we need to conserve water?
A. Engr. Jenny Tunac A. We do not need to conserve water
B. Engr. Julie Anne Tunac B. Water is limited and we may run out


1.11 Water Conservation 302

C. There is a lot of water- so we do not 154. combines to form channels and then
need to worry about conserving it rivers and ends up into lakes, seas and
D. none of above
A. Runoff
149. What percentage of freshwater is unus- B. Soil
able and frozen in icecaps?
C. Rain
A. 70%
D. Salt water

B. 97%
155. The practice of maintaining personal
C. 2%
cleanliness to prevent illness.
D. 1%
A. Hygiene
150. How fast that water flows through the B. Sanitation
soil is called the C. Clarity
A. Groundwater D. Water
B. Permeability
156. What planet has the most water
C. Soil Pores
A. Mars
D. Porosity B. Venus
151. What is NOT a sustainable practice? C. Earth
A. recycling D. Mexico

B. reducing 157. Setting up of factories cause a in the

C. reusing level of underground water.
A. Decrease
D. buying
B. Increase
152. The area of soil underground that is filled C. Both
with water is called the
D. None
A. Zone of Aeration
B. Watershed 158. A picture that shows every layer of soil
is called a
C. Zone of Saturation
A. Soil Profile
D. Water table
B. Horizon
153. What generally accounts for the great- C. Soil Sandwich
est use of household water used in the D. Watershed
A. Washing Machine 159. Which of the following is a way of con-
serving water?
B. Dishwasher
A. leave the water running while you
C. Shower brush your teeth
D. Flushing the toilet B. use the hose to wash the car


1.11 Water Conservation 303

C. use a full load in the washing machine 165. Rain water can be collected in
A. Overhead tanks


D. take a long shower B. Underground tanks
160. What uses the most water? C. Both

A. Lawn sprinklers D. None

B. Dishes 166. Water moves from Earth’s surface to the

atmosphere and back to Earth’s surface
C. Car washing again in a process known as the water
D. Showers and Baths cycle.Which of the following is the major
form of energy driving the water cycle?
161. Trash in the environment is a problem be-
A. solar energy
B. nuclear energy
A. birds can eat it and die.
C. geothermal energy
B. animals can get their heads stuck in
containers. D. chemical energy

C. it can kill ocean plants and animals. 167. THE USE OF MANAGEMENT OF WATER
D. all of the above
162. Planting of more trees will help in B. WATER CONVERSATION
A. Reducing the ground water level C. WATER CONSERVATION
B. Setting up more factories D. WATER COMMENDATION
D. Increasing the rainfall ING
163. Our Earth is often called as BLUE PLANET RAIN WATER HARVESTING
D. ABOUT 75% OF TOTAL SURFACE IS 169. Which of the following is a method to con-
164. People need water to A. run the dishwater instead of using run-
ning sink water
A. transport minerals to all body parts.
B. use a water efficient shower head
B. run.
C. when washing your hands let the wa-
C. drawing the tree. ter run
D. none of above D. take longer showers


1.11 Water Conservation 304

170. (A) Fresh water accounts for only about 175. Where does most of the water go after
2.7 per cent. (B) 70 per cent of this occurs a puddle dries up on a sunny day?
as ice sheets and glaciers. A. Animals drink it
A. Only B is true B. It goes in the air
B. Neither A is true nor B is true C. It soaks into grassy areas
C. Both A and B are true D. It becomes a different substance
D. Only A is true

176. Water Cycle includes to process of
171. Which of these everyday objects is a A. Evaporation
water-saving tool?
B. Precipitation
A. A bucket
C. Run-off
B. A clock D. All of the above
C. A broom
177. What percentage of freshwater on Earth
D. All of the above is available for drinking?
172. This aquatic ecosystem contains ground- A. 3
water and is a major source of fresh drink- B. 97
ing water.
C. 1
A. lake
D. 2
B. aquifer
178. World Water Day is celebrated on
C. estuary
A. 21 july
D. reservoir
B. 6 January
179. is a main source of water among the
A. PERIYAR following.
C. PAMBA B. Well
D. Handpump
174. What is the name of the biggest river in
the United States? 180. Each layer of soil is called a
A. Missouri A. Soil Profile
B. Ohio B. Horizon
C. Colorado C. Humus
D. Mississippi D. Parent Material


1.11 Water Conservation 305

181. Manakah kriteria bangunan rumah B. taking a shower

yang tidak bisa dinilai dengan Greenship C. brushing your teth


D. drinking water
A. Desain rumah baru (redevelopment)
B. Rumah susun / apartment 187. Approximately 75 percent of the Earth’s
surface is covered in water. So why is wa-
C. Rumah terbangun (existing) ter considered such a precious resource?
D. Single landed house A. The greenhouse effect is causing most
182. What SDG No. is the Clean Water and of the world’s freshwater to be trapped in
Sanitation? the atmosphere

A. No. 1 B. Only a small fraction of the Earth’s wa-

ter is freshwater available for drinking
B. No. 17 and irrigation
C. No. 6 C. Each year, more freshwater is being
D. No. 5 trapped in icecaps located at the North
and South Poles
183. When is the best time of day to water
D. Global warming caused by greenhouse
your garden?
gas emissions will likely cause Earth’s
A. Early morning or late evening oceans to evaporate
B. In the afternoon
188. By fixing a dripping tap we may save
C. All day long litres of water in a year.
D. At night A. 1000
184. Which is one reason that trash and litter B. 1100
can hurt wildlife? C. 1200
A. Wildlife are afraid of human garbage. D. 1300
B. Trash covers the scent of other ani-
189. Which of these ways to wash the car
mals they are hunting.
saves the most water?
C. Wildlife may try to eat plastics and
A. Wash it in the driveway with the gar-
choke on them.
den hose
D. Trash and litter removes their camou-
B. Drive it into the lake
C. Take it through a car wash that recy-
185. Planting more trees will help in? cles water
A. reducing the ground water level D. Make your little brother wash it
B. setting up more factors 190. How much water is drank in a day? by
C. deforestation glasses.
D. increasing the rainfall A. 1 glass

186. What usually uses more water in the B. 64000000000 Glasses

home? C. 10 Glasses
A. Washing machine D. 10000000000 Glasses


1.11 Water Conservation 306

191. What is the largest use of water in the C. Lake Superior

U.S. AND the largest contributor to water D. Eagle Lake
197. Which of the following is NOT a goal of
A. Agriculture
water conservation?
B. Industrial A. Ensuring availability of water for fu-
C. Household ture generations
D. Entertainment B. Energy conservation

C. Improving water management prac-
192. Which of these is the best way to wash
tices that reduce the use or enhance the
your car and conserve water?
beneficial use of water.
A. In your driveway with a hose D. Habitat conservation
B. drive it into a lake
198. Who is the first person to be nominated
C. at a carwash that recycles water for two positions in the NFL Pro-Bowl?
D. none of above A. Cam Newton
193. What is the second stage of the water B. Khalil Mack
cycle? C. JJ Watt
A. Sublimation D. Calvin Harris Jr.
B. Precipitation 199. During transpiration, the extra water is
C. Condensation moved out of the leaves through the
as water vapor.
D. Evaporation
A. Chloroplasts
194. What do you do when you recycle a re- B. Stomata
C. Chlorophyll
A. divide it into many parts D. Air
B. use much less of it
200. Poin manakah yang bertujuan untuk men-
C. make it into a different material gawasi, mengontrol, dan memelihara kon-
D. make new products out of an old one disi alat plumbing?
A. WAC P - Water Conservation Campaign
195. What is the first stage of the water cy-
B. WAC 3 - Potable Water
A. Precipitation
C. WAC 2 - Water Use Monitoring
B. Condensation
D. Semua salah
C. Sublimation
201. Which of the following is major pollu-
D. Evaporation tants in water bodies
196. What is the biggest lake in the united A. Agricultural chemicals
states? B. Industrial Chemicals
A. Lake Michigan C. Untreated sewage
B. Caspian Sea D. All of the above


1.11 Water Conservation 307

202. Which of the following are the ways to 207. Crescent shaped earthen check dam
conserve Water? A. TOHAD


A. Keep the tap running while brushing B. JOHAD
teeth or washing hands..
B. Take only that much of water used for
washing vegetable..
C. Throw away water used for washing 208. In your school you observed that a tap
vegetables.. leaking what will you do
A. Let the tap leak
D. Do not use a mug and bucket to take
bath.. B. Share this with your friends
C. Inform your school administration
203. Why water is important for plants? about this
A. To carry out the process of photosyn- D. None of the above
209. Without water there is no !
B. To take shower.
A. time
C. For drinking.
B. tasks
D. none of above
C. mobile
204. put missing letters.WA ER D. life
A. T 210. It is essential for the survival and devel-
B. E opment of all children.
C. R A. H200

D. W B. Water
C. Air
205. includes all the policies, strategies D. Chemicals
and activities to sustainably manage the
natural resource of fresh water, to protect 211. Which of the following is NOT an impor-
the hydrosphere, and to meet the current tant a reason why water is an important
and future human demand. resource for people and living organisms?
A. Sublimation A. Humans need water to drink.
B. Infiltration B. Animals need water to survive
C. Water Conservation C. Water helps plants grow.

D. Runoff D. People enjoy looking at water.

212. Which of these countries uses the most
206. Collecting of rain water for use is called water per person per year?
A. Rain water harvesting A. United States
B. Water conservation B. Egypt
C. Filtration C. India
D. none of above D. Germany


1.11 Water Conservation 308

213. Steam is the form of water. B. Ground Water

A. Solid C. Ponds
B. Liquid D. Oceans
C. Gaseous
219. Based on our articles and class informa-
D. none of above tion, predict what will happen to the per-
centage of water frozen in glaciers and ice
214. How does most of the water in the water
Caps over the next 20 years?

cycle move from lakes and rivers directly
back into the atmosphere? A. It will increase from 68.7%
A. precipitation B. It will stay the same at 68.7%
B. respiration C. It will decrease from 68.7%
C. evaporation D. none of above
D. condensation
220. What uses the most water per year in
215. Major threat to fresh water is American households?
A. Dying up of water resources A. Bath
B. Water pollution B. Shower
C. Both of the above C. Dishwasher
D. None of the above D. Toilet

216. What country has polluted their water 221. The supply of freshwater under the
sources by tossing cremated remains into Earth’s surface.
the river?
A. watershed
A. India
B. glacier
B. Japan
C. headwaters
C. North Korea
D. groundwater
D. China
222. Where is pollution found on the earth?
217. (A) : Water shortage may be a conse-
quence of variation in seasonal or annual A. only in the air
precipitation.(B) : Or the scarcity is caused B. only on the land
by over-exploitation and contamination of
C. only in the water
water sources.
D. on land, in the air, and in the water
A. Only B is true
B. Both A and B are True 223. What will most likely happen if the hu-
C. Only A is true man population continues to grow at cur-
rent rates?
D. Neither A nor B is true
A. There will be fewer natural resources
218. Which of following is not as source of available for future generations.
fresh water B. There will be an increase in nitrogen
A. Rivers levels in the atmosphere.


1.11 Water Conservation 309

C. There will be a decrease in water pol- C. Hot Deserts

D. River Plains


D. There will be an increase in the num-
ber of strong hurricanes 229. Which of these warms most of the air,
water, and land on the Earth?
224. A factory could help conserve river water
as a natural resource by A. coal
A. filter the water before dumping into B. electricity
the river C. sunlight
B. remove all of the animals from the
D. wind
area for their protection
C. set up nets down river to remove con- 230. is the process where water runs over
taminated fish the surface of the earth.
D. post signs of “No swimming in the A. Sublimation
B. Transpiration
225. How are reservoirs, rivers, and wells C. Runoff
D. Infiltration
A. They are all polluted water sources.
B. They all stay full even without a lot of 231. Which of these problems could happen
rain. if we don’t look after the resources we
C. They are unlimited water sources. have?

D. They are all sources of water for the A. Loss of animal homes
community. B. Climate change
226. How much water could you save by C. Increase in pollution
washing your bike with a bucket and D. All of the above
sponge rather than letting the hose run?
A. 1 gallon a minute 232. What property of water allows it to
B. 3 gallons a minute move up a narrow tube?

C. 4 gallons a minute A. cohesion

D. 5 gallons a minute B. adhesion
C. capillarity
227. Cutting of trees in forests.
A. Afforestation D. solvent
B. Deforestation 233. Water that is underground either in pools
C. Pollution or moving towards the surface.
D. Conservation A. well

228. The life on the Earth began in B. aquifer

A. Frozen Mountains C. groundwater
B. Primitive Oceans D. irrigation


1.11 Water Conservation 310

234. Proper and careful utilisation of water, B. Transpiration

avoiding it’s wastage, and maintaining the C. Runoff
amount of water in its different sources, is
called- D. Infiltration
A. Rain water harvesting 239. The largest ocean on earth is
B. Water conservation A. Atlantic Ocean
C. Both B. Pacific ocean

D. None C. Arctic Ocean
235. What area underground does not store D. none of above
water and is left dry?
240. Which of the following is not a non re-
A. Aquifer newable resource?
B. Zone of Saturation A. Diamonds
C. Zone of Aeration B. Sunlight
D. Water Table C. Fossil Fuels
236. Which of the following is NOT a key ac- D. Metals
tivity of water conservation?
241. Reprocessing of a resource so that it can
A. Improving water management prac- be used again Ex. paper
tices that reduce the use or enhance the
beneficial use of water. A. Reduce

B. Practicing sustainable methods of uti- B. Reuse

lizing groundwater resources C. Recycle
C. Avoiding any damage to water quality. D. Conservation

242. “Ensuring availability of water for future

D. Any beneficial reduction in water loss,
generations” is a
use and waste of resources.
A. Goal of water conservation
237. Water is a renewable resource so, which
B. Strategy of water conservation
of the following is true
C. Key activity of water conservation
A. We will not face water scarcity be-
cause it is renewable D. none of above
B. We will face water scarcity because 243. What is a renewable resource?
pollution and overuse make it unfit for use
A. one that can be replaced quickly
B. one that is man-made
C. Both of the above are true
D. Both of the above is false C. one that comes from the sun
D. one that will never run out
238. is a process similar to evaporation
where liquid water is turned into water va- 244. In which way do humans have a negative
por by the plants. impact on the environment?
A. Sublimation A. burn fossil fuels


1.11 Water Conservation 311

B. recycle cans 250. When is the best time of day to water

your lawn?
C. reuse a paper bag


A. Early morning or late evening
D. protect endangered species
B. In the afternoon
245. Utilities of dam - 1. To check flood 2. To C. All day long
store large quantity of water. Choose the
correct option. D. At night

A. Only 1 251. Why is it important that people conserve,

or save, resources?
B. Only 2
A. They will become renewable.
C. Both 1 & 2
B. They will be used up quickly.
D. None
C. Their supplies will increase.
246. What percentage of water is usable D. They will last longer.
252. Removing salt, or saline, from sea water
A. 97%
is called
B. 3%
A. dehydration
C. 2% B. demoralization
D. 1% C. deconstruction
247. Collecting of rain water in day to day D. desalination
253. Assertion (A) : The Earth is called as ‘Wa-
A. Conservation ter Planet’. Reason (R) : One-third of the
B. Rain water Harvesting Earth Surface is covered with water.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the cor-
C. Deforestation
rect explanation of A
D. none of above
B. R is true but A is false
248. What are the 3 Rs of Conservation? C. A is true But R is False
A. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle D. Both A and R are true but R is not the
correct explanation of A
B. Reuse, Reminder, Recycle
C. Recycle, Rent, Running 254. Some of the water that precipitates does
not runoff into the rivers and is absorbed
D. Reading, Reduce, Resist by the plants or gets evaporated. It moves
deep into the soil. What is this process
249. What separates water sheds? called?
A. Water Table A. Sublimation
B. Drainage basins B. Transpiration
C. Aquifer C. Runoff
D. Divide D. Infiltration


1.11 Water Conservation 312

255. Berikut tujuan penerapan WAC 1-4 pada 260. In which area would the rate of evapora-
Existing Buiding, kecuali : tion be the lowest?
A. Mengetahui jumlah volume air yang di- A. Over the ocean
gunakan B. Over the mountains
B. Mencegah terjadinya kebocoran pada C. Over the rainforest
sistem plumbing D. Over the desert
C. Mengetahui metode memfilter untuk 261. An area of land that is drained by a river

air hujan is called a
D. Menghemat penggunaan air bersih A. Divide
dalam bangunan
B. State
256. Put missing letters.CO SERVA C. Watershed
ION D. Fan
A. N, T 262. When rainwater, does not soak into the
B. T, N ground, but runs into streams and rivers,
it is called
C. N, S
A. Ground water
D. N, I
B. Aquifer
257. Where does a typical household use most C. Drainage basin
of their water? D. Surface water
A. Washing Machine 263. We cannot drink water from sea/ocean
B. Dishwasher because it is?

C. Shower A. bitter
B. salty
D. Landscaping (watering the lawn)
C. creepy
258. Which one BEST describes a nonrenew- D. tangy
able resource?
264. What is it called when water vapor
A. It is one that will run out one day and changes back to a liquid?
can’t be replaced.
A. Precipitation
B. It will last for about 100 years. B. Condensation
C. It can be replaced again and again. C. Saturation
D. It will never run out. D. Evaporation

259. What State uses the most water? 265. Air daur ulang dapat digunakan untuk
A. California
A. Irigasi
B. Michigan B. Flush toilet
C. Idaho C. Cooling tower
D. Mexico D. Semua benar


1.11 Water Conservation 313

266. How much water do you use when you B. wind

flush the toilet? C. land


A. None
D. water
B. .5 Gallons
C. 100 Gallons 272. This aquatic ecosystem is a large shallow
body of water near coastlines that is high
D. 8 Gallons in biodiversity and helps to reduce flood-
267. What country is does not have a Clean
water? A. bay
A. Nigeria B. wetland
B. Philippines C. lake
C. USA D. creek
D. India
273. berikut adalah beberapa kriteria penila-
268. Runoff water that is absorbed by subsur- ian WAC untuk bangunan baru, manakah
face of soil and rock. yang benar?
A. Groundwater A. Fitur air - Daur Ulang - Water Manage-
B. Infiltration ment policy
C. Wetland B. Water Sub-Matering - Portable Water
- Efisiensi penggunaan air lanskap
D. Saturation
C. Pengurangan penggunaan air - Fitur
269. Put missing letters.HARV -S - air - Efisiensi penggunaan air lanskap
A. E D. Meteran air - Water Quality - Deep
B. S, E Well Reduction
C. E, T 274. Manakah penilaian dari kategori konser-
D. T, E vasi air yang benar?

270. The Klamath River agreement A. Mengelola air limbah untuk menghin-
dari pencemaran pada badan air
A. is an agreement to remove dams to
save migrating salmon populations. B. Menggunakan strategi penghematan
dalam penyiraman tanaman
B. provides for the increase in value of
water rights for fish and aquatic organ- C. Memanfaatkan air hujan sebagai sum-
isms. ber air alternatif
C. is a less-used strategy to help regulate D. Semua benar
water diversion for local farmers.
275. How much water is not wasted in a day?
D. provides a water diversion project for
the city of Los Angeles. A. 1 Gallon
B. About 526 Gallons
271. When it is hard to breathe, it could be
caused by this type of pollution: C. None
A. air D. About 30, 000 Gallons


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 314

276. Water conservation battles which prob- B. Water Scarcity

lem? C. Marine life explorations
A. Air Pollution D. none of above

1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Re-


1. Why are trees considered natural re- 5. Most of the world’s automobiles run on
sources? energy acquired from petroleum. Like
all fossil fuels, petroleum is a nonrenew-
A. They provide valuable shade that no
able energy resource. This means that it
other resource can provide.
is a resource that cannot be replaced as
B. Humans use them to produce paper, quickly as humans use up existing sup-
lumber, fuel, and other products. plies. Humans face a problem because
C. They are an important source of fire- once petroleum reserves begin to run out,
wood for campfires. there won’t be enough fuel to power all
the automobiles in the world. Which of the
D. They grow back after they’re cut down. following is the best potential long-term
solution to this specific problem of energy
2. In the forest range of Midnapore dis- supply?
trict involvement of villagers helped to re-
cover trees of sal A. Use more petroleum, but make sure it
is used only in fuel-efficient automobiles.
A. Amazon forest
B. Maintain current consumption of
B. Arabari petroleum, but use it only to manufacture
C. Vandalur forest plastics.

D. Sundrban forest C. Use a cleaner fossil fuel, such as natu-

ral gas, to power automobiles.
3. Which of the following is a characteristic D. Use renewable resources, such as so-
of soil? lar energy, to power automobiles.
A. color
6. Which is a renewable resource?
B. texture
A. energy from the sun
C. ability to retain water
B. oil
D. all of the above
C. minerals from the earth
4. Which mineral is used in making cans and D. silver
is found mainly in Australia?
7. Daily choice s that humans make affect the
A. hematite environment. Sometimes, our lifestyles
B. bauxite can harmthe environment. For example,
fossil fuel power plants generate waste
C. magnetite
in the form of airemissions, thermal re-
D. tektite leases and climatic impacts. Which of the


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 315

following statements would bemost help- A. nuclear fusion

ful in protecting the environment from fos- B. nuclear fission
sil fuel power plants?


C. a chain reaction
A. Buying fewer mass produced products.
D. a meltdown
B. Using solar power to generate electric- 12. A student is concerned about protecting
ity. the environment. Which of the follow-
C. Buying paper products made from har- ing could she do to conserve our NON-
vested trees. RENEWABLE resources?
D. Using natural gas as a fuel source in- A. ride her bike to school instead of hav-
stead of petroleum ing her mother drive her

8. Hydroelectric power produces electricity B. turn the water off while she is brush-
using ing her teeth.

A. Wind C. leave the lights on when she is not

B. Sunlight
D. take shorter showers to use less wa-
C. Moving water ter
D. Dung
13. Since it’s not in limited supply, solar en-
9. Factories where crude oil is separated into ergy is considered a sustainable energy
fuels and other products are called source. What does “sustainable” mean?
A. deposits A. Capable of being maintained for a long-
B. reserves term

C. refineries B. Available to everyone

D. incinerators C. Related to light and heat
D. Related to the sun
10. How could throwing a used battery in the
trash lead to pollution? 14. To use up a supply or abundance of some-
A. All batteries can be recharged so they thing
should not be thrown away. A. conservation
B. Used batteries in trash that gets B. depletion
burned could cause thermal water pollu-
tion. C. erosion

C. Acids or bases from the battery could D. renewable

soak into landfill soil and pollute ground-
15. Which of the following are renewable re-
D. It does not lead to pollution because
A. sunlight
the chemicals in the battery are perma-
nently contained inside the battery. B. water

11. The splitting of an atom’s nucleus into two C. air

smaller nuclei is called D. all of the above


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 316

16. The protection, preservation and manage- C. fossil fuels

ment of natural resources is known as D. energy
A. recycling
22. Main disadvantage to solar energy.
B. consumption A. Produce too much energy.
C. conservation B. Causes wind.
D. restoration C. Expensive.
D. Causes heat.

17. Electricity produced by moving water.
A. geothermal 23. What can you conclude from the fact that
B. hydroelectric lots of research is being done into wind
and solar energy?
C. wind
A. In the future, these technologies may
D. solar be far more sophisticated and efficient
18. Conserve means to save. We all want to B. We don’t really know how solar and
save our natural resources. Elisa is try- wind energy can be used to produce elec-
ing to help her parents conserve water at tricity
home. What is one way Elisa can conserve C. These technologies are too compli-
water at home? cated to be widely used
A. Fix a leaky faucet D. These technologies will someday be
more expensive
B. Run water while brushing teeth
C. Washing her hands before eating 24. Which of the following abiotic factors
would likely affect human populations di-
D. Playing under the lawn sprinklers rectly?
19. Coal, oil and natural gas A. soil pH
A. fossil resources B. humidity
B. carbon resources C. water availability
C. natural resources D. climate change

D. renewable resources 25. The following statement explains which

resource?They are formed from the re-
20. Resources created by human beings are mains of organisms.
called A. Fossil Fuels
A. Natural resources B. Geothermal Energy
B. Useful resources C. Wind Energy
C. Industrial resources D. Solar Energy
D. Man made resources 26. Globally, fuels are used for
21. Natural resources provide the we need A. power and trade
to conduct our daily lives. B. weapons and travel
A. sunlight C. research and development
B. wind D. cooking and heating


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 317

27. Anything that can be used to satisfy hu- C. bituminous

man needs is a D. anthracite


33. The Bahamas is affected by hurricanes be-
B. VALUE tween to
C. RESOURCES A. June to November
D. UTILITY B. January to December
28. Which of the following resources takes a C. June to December
very long time to replace? D. none of above
A. Oil
34. What are the 3 R’s?
B. Trees
A. reduce, reuse, and recycle
C. Water
B. Read, record, and resources
D. Crops
C. read, recycle, and record
29. Which of the following would most likely D. none of above
cause an ecosystem to undergo succes-
sion? 35. What does it mean that resources are un-
A. water pollution evenly distributed?
B. urbanization A. There are different amounts of re-
sources in specific places
C. air pollution
B. No pattern to distribution of resources
D. wildfire

30. Which of the following is a renewable en- C. The resources have odd shapes
ergy resource that does NOT produce car-
D. It all depends on water
bon dioxide waste?
A. coal 36. light, air, water, plants, animals, oil are
examples of
B. biomass
A. natural resources
C. solar energy
B. renewable resources
D. none of above
C. non-renewable resources
31. Which of the following can be recycled?
D. organic renewable resources
A. paper
37. Which of the following statements about
B. glass
Biodiversity is INCORRECT?
C. plastic
A. Biodiversity is a term that describes
D. all of the above the variety of all living things in a partic-
ular environment.
32. What of the following is not a type of
coal? B. Biodiversity has three main compo-
nents: genetic diversity, cultural diversity
A. lignite and biological diversity and the less diver-
B. oil sity there is, the better.


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 318

C. Genetic diversity describes the C. Organisation

amount of genetic differences that exist
D. Conservation
within one particular species
D. Geographic diversity describes the 43. I am-*a solid*mined from the
amount of territory that is covered by one ground*made from ancient dead trees*a
particular species nonrenewable resource What am I?
38. Place the following events in sequence: A) A. natural gas
The world population reaches 6 billionB)

The Industrial Revolution beginsC) People B. coal
begin packaging things in plastic C. plants
A. C, B, A
D. water
B. A, C, B
C. B, A, C 44. What is a disadvantage of managing natu-
D. B, C, A ralresources?
A. an increase in pollution
39. Which of the following is an advantage of
using hydroelectric power? B. a reduction in the space take up in land-
A. It doesn’t harm the environment. fills
B. It doesn’t pollute. C. an increase in the removal of natural
C. It is nonrenewable.
D. It only works during the daytime. D. the cost of making technologies that
use resources more efficient
40. Resources that exist in a limited supply
and are used up at a faster rate than they 45. The most rapidly dwindling natural re-
can be replaced are? source in the world is
A. renewable resources
A. Water
B. nonrenewable resources
B. Forests
C. none of the above
C. Wind
D. all of the above
D. Sunlight
41. In the past, the people settled in Al Ain
brought water to their farms from:
46. A Fossil Fuel is
A. Arabian Gulf
A. Materials that are found on Earth that
B. Mountains and from under the ground. people use
B. Rock that contains metal
C. The Red sea
D. none of above C. Fuels that formed years ago from the
remains of things that lived millions of
42. Careful and rational use of a resource is years ago.
A. Planning D. Resources that cannot be replaced
B. System quickly enough to keep from running out.


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 319

47. Which is the best example of humans both A. Renewable ; organic ; organic renew-
adapting to and transforming their envi- able resources
ronment to get the water resources they


B. Non-renewable ; inorganic ; organic
non-renewable resources
A. building houses out of trees
C. renewable ; inorganic ; inorganic non-
B. building dams and reservoirs renewable resources
C. moving to a new location
D. Non-renewable ; organic ; inorganic
D. planting more crops non-renewable resources
48. Why is water shortage a national security
51. People used Gulf for and
risk for most countries?
A. It can cause natural resources to be A. Trees, Sand
depleted. B. Plants, Sand
B. It can lead to pollution. C. Pearls, fishing
C. It can lead to runoff. D. none of above
D. It can lead to war and widespread mi-
gration. 52. What islands form the traditional home-
land of the Haida people?
49. Which of the following best compares re-
newable and nonrenewable resources? A. Queen Anne islands
A. A renewable resource is a resource B. Vancouver island
that is only man-made while a nonrenew-
C. Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlottes)
able resource is a resource that is only
naturally-occurring. D. Prince Edward Island
B. A renewable resource is a resource
53. The term ’carrying capacity’ is best de-
that is only naturally occurring while a
fined as
nonrenewable resource is a resource that
is only man-made. A. How much pressure people put on the
C. A renewable resource is a resource Earth
that is being used up faster than it is being B. The number of people Earth can sup-
replaced while a nonrenewable resource port at current rates of consumption
is a resource that is constantly supplied.
C. solving environmental problems
D. A renewable resource is a resource through science and technology
that is constantly being supplied while a
nonrenewable resource is a resource that D. solving environmental problems by
is being used up faster than it is being re- changing the way we live
54. All non-living things in an ecosystem
50. resources can be called resources
if they come from non-living things. Exam- A. niche
ples: minerals, land, soil and rocks.Some B. community
non-renewable resources come from living
C. abiotic factors
things - such as fossil fuels. They can be
called D. biotic factors


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 320

55. If an area is sunny 230 days out of the 61. Petroleum is natural resource
year, which alternative resource would
people use? A. Inexhaustible

A. Solar Energy B. Exhaustible

B. Hydroelectric Energy C. Both (a) & (b)
C. Fossil Fuels
D. None of these
D. Geothermal Energy

56. Which one of the following is an example 62. Which of the following is a strategy for
of renewable resource? building a sustainable future?
A. Coal A. Importing more resources
B. Petroleum
B. Using local material
C. Wildlife
C. Developing nuclear power stations
D. Natural gas
D. none of above
57. People settle in communities near re-
sources that meet their
63. Resources which can be reproduced are
A. Works
known as:
B. needs
A. Exhaustible resource
C. likes
D. none of above B. Renewable resource

58. serve as home to the majority of all C. Non-renewable resource

the animal species on Earth.
D. Useful resource
A. Forests
B. Urban areas 64. Where do things like vegetables, copper,
C. Prairies and water come from?
D. Oceans A. the air
59. Nonrenewable resources B. the sun
A. can be replenished. C. space
B. cannot be replenished.
D. the environment
C. are not limited.
D. are not fossil fuels. 65. Which of the following is a physical geog-
60. Why is wind energy considered a renew- raphy concept? (choose one answer)
able resource? A. aqueduct
A. It can be found in a variety of places.
B. dam
B. It costs little to harness.
C. The wind can blow incredibly fast. C. reservoir
D. It’s unlikely that we’ll run out of wind. D. aquifer


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 321

66. A Texas shoe factory relies heavily on the 70. Which of the following rules applies to cat-
use of fossil fuels. The owner of the fac- egorizing resources as renewable or nonre-
tory wishes to make his company more newable?


environmentally friendly by increasing the
A. It depends on whether it is living or not
use of natural resources, however, he is
uncertain as to which resources to use.
What question should the owner ask first B. It depends on whether the resource
to determine which alternative resource can be replaced during our lifetime
would be best to use in his factory? C. It depends on whether I say it is or not
A. What alternative resources are the
cheapest? D. none of above
B. Which natural resources are available
in Texas? 71. Why isn’t glass considered a natural re-
C. How can the use of fossil fuels save his source?
company money? A. It isn’t used by humans
D. Is nuclear energy too unreliable and B. It’s non-renewable
unsafe to be used in his factory?
C. It’s not found in nature
67. The of a country are all those things D. It has a limited number of uses
provided by nature that are used by man
for the betterment of the human race and 72. A product that comes from petroleum is
the planet.
A. paper
A. natural resources
B. popsorn
B. aragonite
C. plastic
C. environmental
D. none of above D. pollution

68. Preserving and protecting the natural en- 73. Which of the following problems is associ-
vironment ated with the burning of coal?
A. depletion A. Acid rain
B. conservation B. Carbon dioxide emissions
C. sustainability C. Ash with toxic metal impurities
D. renewable D. All of the above
69. Which of the following can decrease the
74. Which of the following is the most sensible
use of fossil fuels?
way to conserve natural resources?
A. Turning your lights off when you’re not
using them. A. Stop using electricity entirely.
B. Recycling newspapers. B. Bike or walk to school instead of taking
a gasoline powered car.
C. Cleaning up the garbage in your neigh-
borhood. C. Don’t use any products made from
D. Turning up your thermostat whenever
you feel chilly D. Never ride in a car.


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 322

75. Timber, pork and corn are 79. A natural stuff that exists in the environ-
A. Non-renewable ment is
B. Flow A. Resource
C. Renewable B. Endowment
D. Delicious C. Potential
D. Zone
76. Coal mining is the process of extracting
coal from the ground. Coal is valued for

80. Which of the following is NOT correctly
its energycontent and since the 1880s has matched?
been widely used to generate electricity.
A. Paper: Renewable
Steel and cementindustries use coal as a
fuel for extraction of iron from iron ore B. Crude oil: Renewable
and for cement production.Predict a neg- C. Gold: Nonrenewable
ative effect that could occur over the next
50 years if coal mining increased. D. Rubber shoes: Renewable

A. Coal mining could produce acid rain 81. Natural Resources include:
causing burns to human skin. A. Fresh water
B. Coal mining creates nuclear energy B. television
that causes immediate death.
C. ovens
C. Coal mining can reduce the natural en-
vironment in the surrounding land. D. computers
D. Coal from mining can wash into bodies 82. Which of the fossil fuels makes the least
of water and cause an overgrowth of al- amount of air pollution?
A. coal
77. How is biodiversity measured? B. nuclear
A. Number of animals present C. natural gas
B. By the interdependence of animals and D. oil/petroleum
C. By the number of species found 83. Continuity and availibility of forests is a
demand of which stakeholder?
D. Number of plants present
A. Forest department
78. What is resource depletion?
B. Industrialists
A. Where humans use a resource at a
C. Forest dwellers
rate that is not sustainable because it can-
not be replenished fast enough. D. Environmentalists
B. Where humans use a resource at a 84. These resources are inorganic in nature
rate that maintains the supply of the re- and constitute minerals, rocks, soils, etc.
A. Abiotic resources
C. Where humans use a resource at a
rate that is not sustainable because of the B. Man-made resources
changes in the behavior of wildlife. C. Biotic resources
D. The use of any resource by humans. D. Natural resources


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 323

85. Reclaiming wetlands is a method of 90. Natural Resources are

conservation A. materials created by humans


A. Mineral B. materials found in the environment
B. Energy that people find useful or valuable
C. Geology C. materials found in the environment
that people don’t want
D. Water
D. materials found in the environment
86. Which human activity consumes by far the that people can eat
most water resources on a global basis? 91. Which is a natural resource?
A. Agriculture / growing food A. Glass
B. Industrial use B. Paper
C. Household use C. Plants
D. Oil extraction D. Leather

87. Fungi and bacteria are examples of 92. People use to make paper and furni-
A. scavengers
A. rocks
B. autotrophs
B. air
C. decomposers
C. trees
D. producers D. none of above
88. Which of the following statements about 93. What does the term deforestation relate
water pollution is INCORRECT? to?
A. Physical pollution often involves bacte- A. cutting down large expanses of trees
ria and viruses from untreated sewage B. extraction of minerals such as iron
B. Chemical pollution is considered to be C. plants conducting photosynthesis
the most dangerous
D. none of above
C. Biological pollution comes from bacte-
ria and viruses, often caused by untreated 94. Which natural resources are essential for
sewage living?
D. Chemical pollution (from things like A. soda and chips
pesticides and fertilizers) is worse than B. football and t.v.
physical pollution (from things like dump- C. cars and trains
ing garbage into water)
D. air and water
89. What does a ’finite resource’ mean? 95. How can we save water each day?
A. The supply is renewable A. Stop taking showers or baths.
B. The resource will last forever B. Try to take quick showers.
C. There is a limited supply C. Stop washing our hands.
D. none of above D. Drink juice instead of water.


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 324

96. Types of natural resources C. Less problems

A. 5 D. none of above
B. 8 102. Resources can’t be replaced by natural
C. 3 means at a pace that meets its consump-
D. 6
A. Minerals
97. Flowing rivers, streams, wind and sunlight
B. Non-renewable Resources

are all examples of
C. Renewable Resources
A. Flow resources
D. Natural Resources
B. Non-renewable resources
C. Beautiful resources 103. A resource that is renewable is readily
available or easily replenished, but often
D. Renewable resources
requires management in order to prevent
98. What are two causes for desertification? depletion.What is an example of a renew-
able resource that needs to be closely man-
A. drought and development aged?
B. drought and overgrazing from live- A. wind
B. solar
C. mining and fishing
C. timber
D. mining and overgrazing from livestock
D. coal
99. By constructing Khadin check-dams in level
terrains, 104. To break something down in order to cre-
ate something new is to
A. underground water level decreases
A. reduce
B. underground water level increases
B. reuse
C. vegetation in the nearby areas are de-
C. recycle
stroyed due to excess moisture
D. none of above
D. underground water gets polluted
105. The variety of organisms within an
100. A conservation easement would be best
ecosystem is its
suited to offset which of the following
threats to biodiversity? A. niche
A. habitat loss B. habitat
B. overharvesting C. community
C. habitat degradation D. biodiversity
D. exotic species 106. What is one negative effect of landfills?
101. If we don’t look after resources, we will A. Global warming
have B. Water pollution
A. No problems C. Air pollution
B. More problems D. Deforestation


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 325

107. When harmful things are added to an en- C. Best Management Practices
vironment it is called D. none of above


A. waste
112. sustainable activities are designed to al-
B. conservation
C. pollution
A. use more fossil fuels
D. none of above
B. protect natural resources
108. Check the correct example of: 1 - or- C. have no negative impact on the envi-
ganic renewable resource2 - inorganic re- ronment
newable resource3 - organic non- renew-
able resource4 - inorganic non-renewable D. none of above
resource 113. A student is concerned about protecting
A. 1 - water ; 2 - trees ; 3 - minerals ; 4 - the environment. Which of the following
fossil fuels could she do to conserve our non- renew-
B. 1 - fossil fuels ; 2 -water ; 3 - trees ; 4 able resources?
- minerals A. Ride her bike to school
C. 1 - trees ; 2 -water ; 3 -minerals ; 4 - B. Turn the water off while brushing her
fossil fuels teeth
D. 1 - trees ; 2 - water ; 3 -fossil fuels ; 4 C. Leave the lights on when she is not
- minerals home
109. Materials in nature that sustain life or D. Take shorter showers to use less wa-
can be used by humans ter
A. biotic factors 114. Ganga Action plan started by
B. renewable A. 1983
C. natural resources B. 1971
D. community
C. 1973
110. Why are fossil fuels considered nonre- D. 1985
newable resources?
115. Diamonds and other minerals are
A. They form overnight.
B. They are not considered nonrenew- A. Flow
able resources. B. Renewable
C. They form over many millions of years. C. Non-renewable
D. Expensive
D. They will never form again.
116. are key to a green economy.
111. A pattern of resource use that aims to
A. Teachers
meet human needs while preserving the
environment B. Farmers
A. Natural Resource Management C. Schools
B. Sustainable Development D. Children


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 326

117. Which of the factors doesn’t effect devel- B. asthenosphere

opment of resources
C. mantle
A. Enough quantity for use
D. outer core
B. Need of people
C. Accessibility to resources 123. What are organisms that produce their
own food (like green plants) called
D. Found everywhere
A. Consumers

118. The given picture of peoples participation
B. Heterotrophs
C. Producers
A. Van Mahotsav
B. Chipko Andolan D. decomposers

C. Amrita devi bishnoi movement 124. Resources are generally classified into:
D. Save the Sal trees A. 2 types
119. Which of the following is true about nat- B. 3 types
ural resources? Natural resources are
C. 4 types
A. created by humans
D. 5 Types
B. used by humans only
C. produced through scientific experi- 125. Resources found in limited quantity are
ments A. Fund
D. exist in nature and sustain the needs B. Recyclable
of all living things
C. Renewable
120. Which of the following is considered a D. Rotatable
natural resource?
A. gold 126. Those resources which can be renewed
or reproduced by physical, chemical or me-
B. bicycles
chanical processes
C. ice cream
A. Sustainable Development
D. computers
B. Renewable Resources
121. Which of the following are natural re-
C. Resources
D. Natural Resources
A. Sun
B. Water 127. Some renewable resources, such as ,
C. Air are renewable only if they are replaced as
fast as they are used.
D. All of the above
A. wind and water
122. Which of the following layers of earth
B. sunlight and minerals
contains natural resources, such as miner-
als? C. trees and sunlight
A. Lithosphere D. water and trees


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 327

128. Which of the following is not a resource? 134. What does it mean to conserve?
A. Firewood A. to use nonrenewable resources before


B. Fruits they are depleted

C. Water B. to protect and preserve something,

such as the environment, from harm or de-
D. Table struction
129. The things that sustain life are called: C. to create an imbalance in nature by de-
A. medicines pleting natural resources

B. sports D. to sell products made from natural re-

C. Natural resources
D. none of above 135. The effect or role a species has within its
130. People use to make statues and build- A. niche
B. community
A. trees
C. abiotic factors
B. rocks
D. biotic factors
C. air
D. none of above 136. Which of the following activity below wa-
ter is conserved?
131. If an area has access to many volcanoes, A. Repair leaking garden hose
which type of alternative energy resource
will the people living in the area most B. Water the lawn only at noon
likely use? C. Doing the laundry in the morning
A. Geothermal Energy D. Using the dishwasher
B. Hydroelectric Energy 137. The loss of soil
C. Fossil Fuels A. niche
D. Wind Energy B. erosion
132. make(s) up about 90% of all the C. depletion
biomass on Earth. D. conservation
A. Animal waste
138. Why were women forced to participate
B. Plant material in the Chipko aandolan?
C. Raw sewage A. Women are more sensitive and thus, it
D. Trees is easier to convince the contractors.

133. People need water to drink. B. Men were supporting the contractors.

A. dirty
C. Men were not at home.
B. polluted
D. Men had already participated in the
C. fresh aandolan before and they were beaten up;
D. none of above so they refused to participate this time.


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 328

139. Sardar Sarovar Dam is constructed on C. are limited.

which river? D. are fossil fuels.
A. Ganga
144. Which of the following are to be managed
B. Sutlej for sustainable development?
C. Cauvery A. Industries
D. Narmada B. Forest
140. What is an ecosystem?

C. Crops
A. when living organisms interact with D. Resources
nonliving parts of their environment
145. Natural gas and coal is considered Se-
B. when living organisms create new en-
lect TWO
A. renewable biotic
C. when nonliving organisms interact
with living organisms to change their en- B. nonrenewable abiotic
vironment C. abiotic biotic
D. when living and nonliving natural re- D. none of above
sources, animals, and other living organ-
isms interact 146. Why are fossil fuels considered non-
141. How does recycling conserve natural re-
A. They formed overnight
B. They will never form again
A. It allows us to re-use products instead
of manufacturing new ones. C. They formed over millions of years
B. It prevents garbage from being D. They formed quickly
147. Some people see the benefit of wind
C. It saves on the amount of fuel used by energy as a clean alternative to fos-
garbage trucks. sil fuels for energy production. Oth-
D. It saves on the amount of plastic used ersbelieve it is dangerous for migratory
to manufacture garbage bags birds.Opinions, such as the ones above,
best illustrate what idea about alternate
142. If an area is windy year-round, which energy sources?
type of alternative energy resource will
the people living in the area most likely A. They should always be the responsibil-
use? ity of each individual human.

A. Geothermal Energy B. Environmental decisions must be

made by weighing the risks and costs
B. Fossil Fuel Energy against thebenefits.
C. Wind Energy C. Individuals will usually favor older
D. Hydroelectric Energy methods of energy production over newer
methodsbecause they are less harmful to
143. Renewable resources the environment.
A. can be replenished. D. Decisions about renewable and nonre-
B. cannot be replenished. newable energy must be made by taking


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 329

intoaccount the present needs of the citi- in these areas. How has this continued
zens without looking toward the future petroleum extraction from selected areas
over time likely affected petroleum re-


148. What is sustainable development? sources on Earth?
A. The ability to use energy resources in
A. Petroleum resources have been re-
such a way as to not have a negative im-
plenished as quickly as they have been ex-
pact on them
B. Energy sources that cant be used inde-
finately B. More petroleum is now available over-
all because extraction techniques result in
C. Energy that has a negative impact on the formation of more petroleum.
the world
C. The distribution of petroleum has
D. none of above
changed and less petroleum is now avail-
149. The process of planting trees or sowing able overall.
seeds in a barren patch of land to create a D. The distribution of petroleum has not
forest or a stand of trees is called changed in any way, and there is the same
A. Agriculture amount of petroleum available now as
B. Aestivation there was in the past.

C. Vegetation 153. What is a natural resource?

D. Afforestation A. Something you do for a living.
150. Which of the following is a Renewable Natural B. Something found in nature people use.
A. Crops C. A summer camp.
B. Nuclear
D. A way to cook camp food.
C. Gasoline
D. Electricity 154. Materials or natural resources that take
millions of years to be replenished after
151. What does reuse mean? being used?
A. Throw away A. Nonrenewable
B. Use again or more than once.
B. Recyclable
C. Keep it
C. Renewable
D. none of above
D. Reusable
152. The graphic below shows the aver-
age petroleum consumption in millions of 155. Which of the following is a source of non-
barrels per day of different regions of renewable energy?
the world from 1980 to 2010.Much of
A. Solar
the petroleum consumed in the last few
decades has been extracted from rela- B. Methane
tively few locations around the world, be-
C. Hydroelectric
cause most of the world’s easily accessi-
ble petroleum deposits are concentrated D. Coal


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 330

156. resources refer to the number and 161. Ganga action plan was a multi crore
ability of the people. E.g: knowledge, project to
skill, etc. A. clean river ganga
A. Biotic B. establish sewage treatment plants
B. Human made C. all of these
C. Human D. none of these
D. Abiotic

162. Natural resources are things that
157. Which of the following energy resources
are formed fromthe remains of organ- A. Danger
isms. B. Sustain
A. Fossil fuels energy C. reduce
B. Geothermal energy D. none of above
C. Wind energy
163. Students are asked to complete a re-
D. Solar energy search project on climate change. Which
of the following is the best set of data to
158. The the human population, the use in the report?
the amount of resources being used.
A. Earth’s average temperatures since
A. greater, greater the year 1800
B. greater, least B. A classroom log of temperatures lo-
cally since September
C. least, greater
C. Day and night temperatures over the
D. least, least
Atlantic Ocean for 10 years
159. Globally, fuels are used for D. The average temperatures of two
cities in North America for 20 years
A. power and trade
B. weapons and travel 164. Which of the following is the ‘biodiver-
sity hot spots’?
C. research and development
A. River
D. cooking and heating
B. Forests
160. Which statement is FALSE? C. Desert
A. People use resources faster than they D. Ocean
can bereplaced.
165. In which year Ganga action plan was
B. Fossil fuels take millions of years to launched
form inthe earth.
A. 2085
C. People can use solar energy to light
andpower homes B. 1985

D. Recycling is the only way to conserve C. 1785

naturalresources. D. 1885


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 331

166. Which of the following rocks participates B. Quantity

in the formation of fossil fuels? C. Capacity


A. igneous D. Value
B. metamorphic
172. Resources which are found everywhere
C. sedimentary
are called
D. none of above
167. All non-living things are known as B. NATURAL RESOURCES
B. Exhaustible Resource D. RENEWABLE RESOURCES
C. Abiotic Resource
173. Ecological Footprints are measured in
D. Human Resource
A. square miles
168. Which one is not a natural resource? B. global hectares
A. Water C. square meters
B. Plants D. English units
C. Play dough
174. On the basis of the availability of supply,
D. Air Natural resources can be classified as
169. Our ecological footprint refers to and

A. footprints we leave in sand on the A. Ubiquitous and Localised resources

beach B. Renewable and Non-Renewable re-
B. imprint we leave behind as we walk sources
through mud C. Biotic and Abiotic resources
C. amount of land and water humans re- D. Actual and Potential resources
quire to sustain their use of a resource
175. The St. Lawrence River is part of which
D. none of above
of the following drainage basins?
170. generate fertilizer on an aquaponic A. Hudson Bay drainage basin
B. Atlantic drainage basin
A. Cattle
C. Pacific drainage basin
B. Crabs and lobster
D. Gulf of Mexico drainage basin
C. Fish
176. Which of the following is NOT one of the
D. Coral
major categories used to calculate a per-
171. Anything that can be used to satisfy a son’s ecological footprint?
need is a resource. It is a source or sup- A. Transportation
ply from which a benefit, utility, or value
is produced. Which one of the following B. Goods and Services purchased
does not make a substance a resource? C. Carrying capacity
A. Utility D. Food consumption


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 332

177. For every country, water is mostly essen- 183. Measures the atmospheric pressure.
tial for growth. A. barometer
A. economic B. wind vane
B. restaurant C. anemometer
C. construction D. none of above
D. personal
184. Which of the following is the best defini-
tion of a natural resource:

178. example of reduce waste would be
A. switch off lights and fans A. something we get from the environ-
B. car pooling ment
B. something that we can use from the en-
C. all of these
D. to use both sides of paper
C. something humans use to meet our
179. In order to achieve sustainability, what needs
two things need protecting for the fu- D. Anything humans get or use from na-
ture? ture to meet our needs or wants
A. Environment and resources
185. When you use resources wisely you are
B. People and resources practicing what?
C. Environment and People A. conservation
D. none of above B. habits
180. Anything that can be used to satisfy hu- C. responsibility
man needs is a D. the golden rule
A. Thing
186. Examples about natural resources:
B. Value
A. Water
C. Resources
B. trees
D. Utility
C. Plants and animals
181. natural resources, such as coal, oil and D. All that mentioned above
natural gas are also known as
187. Substances washing into water sources
A. renewable resources
is called
B. petroleum A. erosion
C. fossil fuels B. runoff
D. none of the above C. conservation
182. Water pollution measurement is made by D. sustainability
A. BOD 188. All elements of nature such as land, wa-
B. Coliform count ter, air are gifts of nature called as
C. pH A. Resources
D. All the aove B. Natural Endowments


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 333

C. Human Resources 193. Which of these is a factual statement

D. Renewable Resources about natural resources?


A. Someday, humans will run out of fossil
189. What type of power plant uses the po- fuels
tential energy of water trapped behind a
dam? B. Using wind energy will make us feel
better about ourselves
A. nuclear power plant
C. As soon as they’re available, everyone
B. hydroelectric power plant should drive solar-powered cars
C. solar station D. Fuel cells are the most important tech-
D. coal burning power plant nology we’ve ever developed

190. Using resources carefully and not wast- 194. Where does most of the Earth’s energy
ing them is come from?
A. scientific method A. Water
B. deforestation B. People
C. conservation C. The sun
D. none of above D. none of above

191. A Non-renewable resource is a resource 195. An example of irresponsible use of our

that easily be once they are de- natural resources is
stroyed. It be produced, grown or gen- A. using paper plates
erated on a scale which can sustain how
quickly it is being B. taking your own reusable shopping
bags to the store
A. can ; created ; cannot ; replaced
C. Washing your dishes and utensils to
B. can ; replaced ; can ; consumed use again and again
C. cannot ; created ; can ; replaced D. none of above
D. cannot ; replaced ; cannot ; consumed
196. What is the result of using fossil fuels
192. What is the key difference between re- more rapidly than they are formed?
newable and non-renewable resources? A. The price of fossil fuels will lower.
A. All non-renewable resources pollute B. The supply will not be affected.
the environment; renewable resources
don’t. C. The supply will eventually be used up.

B. Non-renewable resources must be re- D. The supply will be replaced more

fined before humans can use them; re- quickly.
newable resources don’t. 197. Something that is renewable is ?
C. Non-renewable resources exist in un- A. Something that cannot be used over
limited quantities; renewable resources again
B. Something that us natural
D. Non-renewable resources exist in lim-
ited quantities; renewable resources C. Something that can be used again
don’t. D. none of above


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 334

198. What is the official definition for sustain- 203. How would having a yard sale to sell old
ability? toys, be good for the environment?
A. Understanding how to meet the needs A. make money
of the present generation B. toys are good for the environment
B. Understanding how to meet the needs C. use up natural resources
of the present without compromising the
needs of the future generation D. other people can reuse the toys
C. Understanding how to meet the needs 204. Which of the following is a way a person

of future generations could conserve natural resources?
D. none of above A. recycling waste materials like plastic,
glass, paper, and aluminum
199. Which of the following lists contains only
examples of renewable sources of en- B. limiting water use when showering,
ergy? brushing teeth, and shaving
A. coal, solar, wind, and biomass C. using rechargeable batteries
B. fossil fuels and nuclear energy D. all of the above are good conservation
C. hydroelectric, petroleum, solar, and
wind 205. Why is water a renewable resource?
D. wind, tidal, geothermal, and hydroelec- A. It can be frozen into ice
B. It evaporates into thin air
200. Is a substance in the environment that is C. It is constantly replaced
useful to people is economically and tech-
nologically feasible to access and socially D. none of above
acceptable to use. 206. You can conserve water by doing this.
A. Natural Resources A. Repair leaking garden hose.
B. Renewable Resources B. Using the dishwasher
C. Non-renewable Resources C. Water the lawn only at noon
D. Resources D. Doing the laundry in the morning only
201. What type of natural resource can be re-
207. What are coal and oil made from?
placed or replenished?
A. Dead plants and animals
A. zero resources
B. Volcanoes
B. nonrenewable resources
C. Burning wood
C. everything
D. none of above
D. renewable resources
208. A fuel, such as coal, oil, or natural gas,
202. When we destroy a forest, we destroy
formed in the geological past from the de-
A. Trees cayed remains of ancient organisms, such
B. Wildlife as plants and animals?
C. Environment A. reduce
D. food and shelter of wild animals B. conservation


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 335

C. renewable resources C. Riding your bike to school.

D. fossil fuels D. Only keeping fish of a certain size and


throwing small fish back so they can re-
209. Energy resources derived from natural or- produce.
ganic materials are called:
214. About of the surface of the Earth is
A. Fossil fuels
covered by water.
B. Biomass
A. 51%
C. Geothermal energy
B. 61%
D. None of the above
C. 71%
210. It occur naturally within environments D. 91%
A. Recourses
215. The variety and variability seen in plants
B. Sustainable Development and animals is..
C. Natural Resources A. Bio diversity
D. Misuse B. Non bio diversity

211. Name three natural resources that are ex- C. Both

ported to the U.S.A. D. None
A. saltaragonitecrawfish 216. Water underground is stored in
B. sunwindwildfish A. aquifers
C. natureclimatecrawfish B. reservoirs
D. none of above C. wells
212. Why is geothermal heat considered a nat- D. depositories
ural resource?
217. What is Agenda 21?
A. because it is an energy source that
A. A set of rules for less developed coun-
comes from trees
tries to abide by
B. because it stays warm until we use it
B. Agreed strategies that aim to make re-
for heating
source use more sustainable
C. because its source is not sustainable
C. Laws put in place to restrict fuel emis-
D. because it is an energy source that sions in cars
comes from the Earth D. none of above
213. Which of the following is an example of 218. Which of the following would have direct
conservation? effects on the resources available to a pop-
A. Rotating which crops grow in a field ulation?
each year so the soil does not loose its nu- A. war
B. religious beliefs
B. Cutting down only specific types of
trees and then planting new ones in their C. socioeconomic status of individuals
place. D. housing


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 336

219. Sustainable use means using a resource than planted. What conclusion can she
in ways that maintain the resource at a draw about the sustainability of this com-
certain quality for a munity’s land-management practices?
A. generation A. The practices are sustainable because
B. decade the community plans to use coal in the fu-
C. certain period of time
B. The practices are not sustainable be-
D. year cause eventually the community will run

220. Which technology would best help the out of trees.
United States reduce the need for foreign C. The practices are sustainable because
oil? the community does not produce much
A. solar-heated homes pollution.
B. biodiesel fuel D. The practices are not sustainable be-
cause the community uses the same re-
C. more nuclear power plants
source for fuel and shelter.
D. geothermal energy
225. Any material, substance, or organism
221. Expand the abbreviation GAP that is found in nature and used by people
A. Government Action Plan is a?
B. Ganga Action Plan A. renewable resource
C. Government Agency for Pollution Con- B. nonrenewable resources
trol C. natural resources
D. Government Animal Protection Plant D. none of the above
222. Instead of bringing your lunch in a paper 226. Which one is an example of a renewable
bag everyday, what can you do to save resource?
A. copper
A. Eat fruits and vegetables
B. sunlight
B. Recycle glass and metal
C. coal
C. Ride the bus to school
D. iron
D. Use a reusable lunch box
227. Which of the following is false regarding
223. Where did the Chipko Movement begin? natural gas?
A. Reni in Gharhwal A. Its burning does not emit carbon diox-
B. Gharhwal in Reni ide (CO2)
C. Reni in Sanchi B. It can be used as automotive fuel
D. Sukratoda in Gharhwal C. It is the cleanest of all the fossil fuels

224. A community planner learns that a com- D. It is a nonrenewable fuel

munity uses lumber from a nearby forest 228. How much water on Earth is fresh?
to build houses and provide fuel for wood-
burning stoves. She determines that ev- A. 1%
ery year more trees are chopped down B. 1.5%


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 337

C. 2% A. Renewable resources are nonrenew-

D. 2.5% able and expensive to produce.


B. Renewable resources are versatile
229. Salmon consumption worldwide is three
and emit various amounts of pollution.
times higher than it was in 1980. What
was once aluxury food is now among the C. Renewable resources generates en-
most popular fish species consumed in the ergy that produces minimal greenhouse
U.S., Europe, andJapan. How did humans gases.
adjust to the high demand for this limited
D. Renewable resources are natural, but
natural resource and allowthe salmon pop-
cause destruction of land surrounding pro-
ulations to rebuild and stabilize?
A. Salmon farming was introduced to
help produce more salmon for market. 233. What are the two main types of forests
B. Restaurants increased the sale of in Canada?
salmon to reduce the consumption of A. Boreal Forest and Temperate Rainfor-
salmon. est
C. Fish companies reduced the price of B. Boreal Forest and Tropical Rainforest
salmon to allow for more human consump-
tion. C. Boreal Forest and Tundra Forest
D. Fisherman created more jobs to look D. Northern Forest and Temperate Rain-
for more salmon and allow for more hu- forest
234. If you were trying to stop using fossil fu-
230. What do people build that allow them to els at your home and trying to only use al-
have access to water? ternative energy resources instead, what
A. groundwater question would you have to ask FIRST to
determine which resource would be best
B. droughts
to use in your home?
C. water wells
A. Which nonrenewable resources are
D. regulations available?
231. Which of the following could help slow B. How can I save the most money?
down the use of fossil fuels?
C. Which alternative energy resources
A. leaving the water running while brush- are available in my area?
ing your teeth
D. Is nuclear energy safe to use in my
B. eating more vegetables
C. turning off lights when they are not be-
ing used 235. How does the Island School conserve en-
D. buying more automobiles ergy?

232. Scientists are currently researching new A. Fossil Fuel

ways to obtain energy from our natu- B. fuel
ral, renewableresources. Which state-
C. energy
ment gives the best explanation of the
benefits of renewable resources. D. none of above


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 338

236. The act of limiting usage of a natural re- 241. What problem do solar and wind energy
source to help protect it have that oil does not have?
A. Conservation A. Solar and wind energy cost a lot less
B. Sustainability than oil energy does.

C. Environmentalism B. Solar and wind energy take up more

land than oil energy does.
D. Biodegradable
C. Solar and wind energy are more diffi-

237. Resources that are not able to be re- cult to transport and store than oil energy
produced as quickly as they are used are is.
called D. Solar and wind energy are more diffi-
A. renewable resources cult to sell than oil energy is.
B. replaceable resources 242. The Chipko Movement in the Himalayas
C. non renewable resources to protect the forest cover was started by
D. non replaceable resources A. Dr Aruna Roy of Kisan Mazdur Vikas

238. Any valuable material of geologic origin B. Medha Patkar

that can be extracted from the earth C. Sunder Lai Bahuguna
A. fossil resources D. Dr Anil Agarwal of CSE
B. carbon resources 243. People use natural resources to make
C. natural resources buildings, bridges, roads, machinery and
D. renewable resources vehicles which are known as
A. Human-made Resources
239. Things we take from the environment
and use are called: B. Human Resources

A. rocks C. Natural Resources

B. natural resources D. Un-natural Resources

C. pollutants 244. Which of the following is not an use of

D. energy forest
A. control floods
240. Why are fossil fuels considered nonre-
newable resources if they are still forming B. used to make paper
beneath the surface today? C. causes soil erosion
A. They are being formed as a type of D. Resins, gums are obtained
methane which we cannot use.
245. Which of the following resources are ei-
B. We are depleting the fossil fuels much ther always available, or can be renewed
faster than they can form. in a relatively short amount of time?
C. They are being formed too far beneath A. Renewable resources
the surface of the ocean
B. Natural resources
D. The fossil fuels are being broken down
by a natural process faster than they can C. Non-renewable resources
form. D. Renewable energy


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 339

246. All of the Earth’s crust, except the rather C. Abiotic Resources
small proportion of the crust that contains D. Exhaustible Resources
organic material.


A. Resources 252. Which of the following is the age old con-
cept of water harvesting system in Mad-
B. Misuse hya Pradesh?
C. Sustainable Development A. Bundhis
D. Minerals B. Bandharas
247. What do people need to create re- C. Ponds
sources? D. Nadis
A. Money
253. A rich family cares about the environ-
B. Knowledge, skill and technology
ment. They run their dishwasher only
C. Strength when it is full. Which of the following BEST
D. Focus explains why they do this?
A. To save money
248. Which of the following is an example of
REDUCING? B. To reduce sewage
A. taking glass bottles to the recycling C. To recycle dish soap
center D. To conserve water
B. turning off the lights when you leave a
254. Lack of knowledge of resource and its sig-
nificance leads to its.
C. using a soup can for a pencil cup
A. Sustainable Development
D. throwing your garbage in the trash can
B. Misuse
249. The intense heat from Earth’s interior C. Natural Resources
that warms the magma beneath Earth’s
D. Resources
surface is called
A. hydrogen power 255. Which is a way we can protect our envi-
B. tidal energy
A. litter
C. geothermal energy
B. pollute
D. solar energy
C. recycle
250. Which of these is renewable?
D. contaminate
A. Water
B. Oil 256. What can you do to reduce waste?

C. Coal A. Care for people who live in your com-

D. Minerals
B. Use things once and throw them out.
251. All non-living things are known as C. Buy new books and electronic equip-
A. Biotic Resources ment.
B. Human Resources D. Choose things that use less packaging.


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 340

257. When scientists and interested citizen C. They need less weeding to grow.
groups attempt to improve the quality of D. They need less water to grow.
life for Earth’spopulation there are some
factors that need to be considered. To 261. The concept of “sustainable develop-
make a well roundeddecision it is impor- ment” DOES NOT take into consideration
tant to look at environmental and eco- which of the following? (select one an-
nomic concerns. What is generalconsidera- swer)
tion that can be made when making policy A. the environment

B. future generations
A. To require that all natural areas sur-
rounding Florida peninsula become mari- C. human health and well-being
nesanctuaries. D. past generations
B. To remove regulations and monitoring
262. How is the conservation of renewable re-
efforts when they conflict with the devel-
sources different from the conservation of
opment ofnew residences.
nonrenewable resources?
C. To enact and enforce laws regarding
A. The conservation of renewable re-
the environment but without compromis-
sources focuses on preserving the re-
ing theneeds of future generations.
D. To resettle areas where toxic dumps
B. The conservation of renewable re-
were found after natural bioremediation
sources focuses on disposing of wastes.
has removedall dangers to humans.

258. Which is the most likely reason why soil C. The conservation of renewable re-
erosion can be a major problem? sources focuses on increasing efficiency.
A. Soil contains expensive minerals
B. A region’s agriculture can be de- D. The conservation of renewable re-
stroyed if the soil erodes sources focuses on making global agree-
C. Soil is a non-renewable resource
D. Dangerous, radioactive elements exist 263. Fossil fuels are considered nonrenewable
under the soil resources because they
A. burn so quickly
259. Anything you throw out and can’t use
again is called B. are in such high demand
A. waste C. take hundreds of millions of years to
B. refresh
C. recycle D. pollute the air

D. rebuild 264. The main disadvantage to solar energy is

260. How do drought-resistant crops help

most to limit the resources needed for agri- A. Produces too much energy
culture? B. it causes wind
A. They need less sunshine to grow. C. it is expensive
B. They need less fertilizer to grow. D. it causes heat


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 341

265. What is the BEST way to stop air pollu- 270. Which item breaks down easily into the
tion made by cars? environment?


A. Take the bus twice a week. A. Apple
B. Use more expensive petroleum. B. Soda Can
C. Use cars that are electric only C. Water Bottle
D. Use cars that are part electric, part D. Batteries
271. Crabs, buzzards, and vultures are exam-
ples of
266. rocks, minerals, and metals are?
A. scavengers
A. renewable resources
B. decomposers
B. nonrenewable resources
C. autotrophs
C. natural resources
D. producers
D. B and C
272. Oil is one of the most common non-
267. where is coliform bacteria present renewable resources on Earth. Human con-
A. intestine sumption of oilis happening at a rate that
may cause concern. Which of the follow-
B. liver ing would be evidence thathumans have
C. stomach reached peak oil consumption?
D. mouth A. There is a decreased demand for oil
268. Which of the following materials can be B. Oil is easily accessible in many loca-
replenished in a short amount of time after tions on Earth.
being used?
C. Oil requires greater lengths and ex-
A. Metals penses to obtain.
B. Crude oil D. The cost of oil has dropped in many de-
C. Fossil fuels veloped countries.
D. Wooden chairs 273. What happens when a forest is clear-
269. How does the greenhouse effect work?
A. The mature trees are left for shade
A. Greenhouse gases reflect the sun’s en-
B. Only the valuable trees are cut and the
ergy, causing it to warm the Earth
rest are left
B. Greenhouse gases absorb and trap the
C. All of the trees are removed from an
sun’s energy, slowing or preventing heat
from escaping into space
D. Trees are planted between rows of
C. Greenhouse gases directly warm other crops
oceans and cause dramatic weather
D. Oceans absorb greenhouse gases, 274. The burning of fossil fuels has raised the
which cause the Earth’s temperature to percentage of what in the atmosphere?
rise A. carbon dioxide


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 342

B. ozone B. Area
C. CFCs C. Utility
D. radon D. Availability
275. What is one way that you can use your
voice to make environmental changes? 280. The two months the Bahamas is at risk
Choose the best answer. for hurricane is

A. Ask your parents or guardians to use A. September and August

clean energy. B. January and December
B. Buy stuff with protective plastic pack- C. April and May
D. none of above
C. Encourage your parents or guardians
to drive cars to work, instead of taking
281. Which of the following is the best rea-
buses or trains.
son why Philippines is rich in natural re-
D. Stop using all paper products. sources? Philippines is
276. Which type of energy uses heat from A. surrounded by many bodies of water
deep underground to create steam, which
B. a large archipelago with many en-
then moves turbines that power genera-
demic plants and animals
A. wind energy C. a home of many species of animals liv-
ing in the thick forest
B. solar energy
D. near the equator where there is sun-
C. geothermal energy
shine all year round and rainfall is abun-
D. hydroelectric energy dant
277. Non-renewable resources are
282. Which of the following is an age old con-
A. those which have limited stock cept of water harvesting system in Ra-
B. made by human beings jasthan?
C. derived from non-living things A. Bandharas
D. none of above B. Surangams
278. A resource that can restore or renew it- C. Khadins
self (unless badly mismanaged) or can be D. Kattas
used over and over is called a:
A. Renewable resource 283. One type of natural resource is water.
B. Non-renewable resource We can use water to make electricity. This
is called
C. Perpetual resource
A. Hydro power
D. Indestructible resource
B. Wind power
279. A thing becomes a resource when it’s
has been identified. C. Nuclear power
A. Character D. Coal power


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 343

284. Due to climate and geographic conditions, 290. Which item is often made from plants?
some region have less water than others A. A T-Shirt
this is because of


B. A Plastic Bottle
A. Most of the water on Earth is not
potable C. A Glass of Milk
D. A Boot
B. Natural differences
C. We use water inefficiently 291. resources are found in a region but
have not been utilized, might be because
D. none of above
of the lack of technology.
285. How much of the freshwater is easily ac- A. Potential
B. Localized
A. 1% C. Actual
B. 1.5% D. Ubiquitous
C. 2%
292. A resource that can only be used once and
D. 2.5% cannot be replaced once used is called a
286. Humans depend on natural resources for
A. Renewable resource
A. health and welfare
B. Non-renewable resource
B. art and leisure
C. Perpetual resource
C. survival and development
D. Infinite resource
D. growth and maturity
293. Glaciers are a source of
287. An example of a fossil fuel is ?
A. Electricity
A. Petroleum
B. Pollution
B. Coal
C. Petroleum
C. Natural gas
D. Water
D. All of the above
294. Among the statements given below se-
288. Rain gardens help by trapping lect the ones that correctly describe the
A. rainwater, dirt, and sediment concept of sustainable development (i)
Planned growth with minimum damage
B. oxygen, rainwater, and plants
to theenvironment(ii) Growth irrespective
C. shade, soil, and biomass of the extent of damage caused tothe
D. rainwater, oxygen, and sunlight environment(iii) Stopping all developmen-
tal work to conserve theenvironment(iv)
289. What is the trapping of heat by atmo- Growth that is acceptable to all the stake-
spheric gases called? holders
A. erosion A. (i) and (iv)
B. acid precipitation B. (ii) and (iii)
C. smog C. (ii) and (iv)
D. greenhouse effect D. (iii) only


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 344

295. A non-renewable resource is C. private car use

A. Trees, crops and soil D. none of above
B. A resource that can regrow or repro- 301. Smelting is the major method used to re-
duce as long as it is not overused fine and enrich which of the following?
C. A resource that must be used up when A. uranium ore
and where it is found or it is lost
B. oil
D. A resource that is limited and cannot

be replaced if it is used up C. coal
D. iron ore
296. Which of the following natural resources
are nonrenewable? 302. What is runoff?
A. Water A. the washing of substances from the
B. Animals surface into water sources
C. Natural gas B. movement of substances
D. Wind C. washing of substances from land to
water resources
297. Natural resources that are used up at a
D. movement of substances from water
rate faster than they can be replaced
to land
A. renewable resources
303. Describe how carpooling helps the envi-
B. nonrenewable resource
C. recycle
A. Carpooling helps save lives.
D. conserve
B. Carpooling helps save times.
298. What is used to measure wind speed? C. Carpooling puts less greenhouse
A. anemometer gases in the air.
B. barometer D. Carpooling saves people gas money
and doesn’t cause Global Warming at all.
C. wind vane
D. none of above 304. The process of using resources wisely is
called ?
299. Which of the following community in Ra-
A. Sustainability
jasthan has a religious tenet of conserva-
tion of forest and wildlife? B. Pollution
A. Agarwal C. Overuse
B. Jaiswal D. Recycling
C. Bishnoi 305. Which is an example of a nonrenewable
D. Jain resource?

300. Which of these is an example of sustain- A. gold

ability? B. water
A. A power station burning fossil fuel C. trees
B. A wind farm out at sea D. wind


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 345

306. Which is considered an energy source C. ovens

A. Granite D. computers


B. Water
C. Petroleum 312. Examples of natural resources are
D. Iron A. Water
307. Renewable resources are resources that B. Trees
can be replaced faster than they are used.
C. Plants
Which of the following energy resources is
renewable? D. All of the above
A. petroleum
B. solar energy 313. Which statement is true about wind and
solar energy?
C. uranium
A. They are free and do not release car-
D. natural gas
bon dioxide (CO2).
308. Natural resources are
B. They are cheap and plentiful.
A. renewable.
C. They are nonrenewable, but will al-
B. nonrenewable. ways be available.
C. resources that exist without actions of
humankind. D. They are reliable and deliver concen-
trated energy.
D. resources produced by humans from
using biotic and abiotic factors found in na-
314. Oil comes from deep underground. When
people have used all of the oil on Earth,
309. Sustainable energy it will be gone. What kind of resource is
A. is clean
B. can be used over a long period of time A. a renewable resource
B. an inexhaustible resource
C. both (a) and (b)
C. a nonrenewable resource
D. None of the above
D. a non-usable resource
310. Which of the following is NOT a Natural
Resource? 315. Which of these is NOT an example of how
A. Oil your community uses natural resources?
B. Natural Gas A. chips and dip for watching a football
C. Plastic game
D. Water B. water for a community swimming pool
311. Natural resources include
A. fresh water C. gasoline for public transportation
B. television D. trees to build furniture and houses


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 346

316. Many renewable and nonrenewable en- C. Forest policy framework

ergy resources are managed by private
D. Unsustainable Forest Management
companies. In order for renewable energy
resources and technologies to be widely
321. Energy from the sun is known as
used in the private sector, these resources
and technologies must A. hydroelectric energy
A. not pollute the atmosphere or ground- B. geothermal energy
C. solar energy

B. reduce their impact on climate.
D. wind energy
C. be sustainable for centuries to come.
D. become cost effective. 322. In aquaponic farming, waste is converted
to , which helps plants grow.
317. Nonrenewable resources
A. oxygen
A. are sustainable
B. minerals
B. do not produce reliable, consistent en-
ergy C. carbon dioxide

C. take millions of years to create D. nitrogen

D. do not pollute the environment 323. From the list given below pick the item
318. The world will face an energy crisis be- that is not a natural resource
cause: A. Soil
A. World’s demand for energy will in- B. Water
C. Electricity
B. World’s oil production will peak and be-
gin to decline D. Air
C. Shortages and the resulting increase 324. Why are coal, oil, and natural gas classi-
of price will cause economic issues fied as nonrenewable resources?
D. All of the above
A. They are limitless
319. Which is a renewable natural resource? B. They exist in many places on Earth.
A. Coal C. They are originally from once-living
B. Wind things.
C. Oil D. They take millions of years to form.
D. Rock
325. Plants, water, solar energy are all exam-
320. What is called for the practice of regulat- ples of what kind of resources?
ing forest resources to meet the needs of A. renewable
society and industry while preserving the
forest’s health? B. soil and land
A. Environmental protection C. nonrenewable
B. Sustainable Forest Management D. biosphere


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 347

326. In our country, vast tracts of forests are C. A logging company reseeds and re-
cleared and a single species of plant is cul- plants in a forested area after cutting
tivated. This practice promotes down trees for timber.


A. biodiversity in area D. Coal is mined using underground tun-
B. monoculture in area nels to avoid the destruction of surface
soils by strip mining.
C. growth of natural forests
331. What does recycle mean?
D. preserves natural forests
A. Make into smaller amounts
327. The process where rain water soaks into
B. Use again
the ground through soil and rocks is called
C. Convert our trash into into something
that can be used agin
A. precipitation
D. none of above
B. infiltration
C. evaporation 332. Humans use water in an efficient
way. Our water use has increased rapidly
D. condensation in the last century. Factories use lots
328. All of the following are nonrenewable re- of water during their production process.
sources EXCEPT Sometimes, these factories also dump
water in rivers and lakes, polluting them.
A. Coal
A. do ; clean
B. animals
B. do ; dirty
C. petroleum (oil)
C. don’t ; clean
D. natural gas
D. don’t ; dirty
329. Wind directions can be measured using a
333. A natural resource that will replenish it-
self naturally over time is called
A. wind vane
A. an unrenewable resource
B. barometer
B. a renewable resource
C. anemometer C. an earth resource
D. none of above D. none of above
330. Sustainable use is often described as the 334. Which is made from rocks, sand, and min-
use of natural resources at a rate that erals?
meets the needs of the present human pop-
ulation but which also allows future gen- A. Glass
erations to use the resource to meet their B. Wood
needs. Which of these BEST illustrates the C. Cotton
concept of sustainable use?
D. Paper
A. Crops are rotated in a farmer’s field to
maximize grain yields. 335. Any useful material that is found in na-
B. A fishing trawler uses a large net to ture:
catch a school of small fish. A. Natural Resource


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 348

B. Human Resource C. Solar

C. Plants D. Biomass
D. none of above 342. Designed to protect the ozone layer by
336. Which group includes ALL renewable re- phasing out substances responsible
sources? A. Montreal Protocol
A. Coal, trees, water, oil B. Kyoto Protocol

B. Water, wind, sun, plants C. Madrid Protocol
C. Minerals, sun, natural gas, water D. Yucca Protocol
D. none of above 343. Geothermal energy is an alternative en-
337. The three R’s stand for: ergy source. However, it is not resource-
ful enough to replace more than a minor
A. Rebuild, Reconstruct, Reuse amount of the Earth’s energy needs. Why
B. Red, Reduce, Rainbows is this?
C. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle A. There are only a few places where the
Earth’s core is hot. It is cool in places like
D. none of above
338. Hydroelectric energy uses B. The center of the Earth is not hot
A. water to make electricity. enough to make a significant energy con-
B. hydrogen to make electricity.
C. Drilling through the Earth to reach ar-
C. lightning in water to make electricity.
eas hot enough to create steam is possi-
D. none of above ble, but very expensive and difficult.
339. Which of the following is a nonrenewable D. Once the cool water is poured down
energy source? the well and filters through the rocks,
the rocks cool off and are no longer hot
A. solar power enough to turn water into steam.
B. wind power
344. The pH range most conducive for life of
C. heating oil fresh water plants and animals is
D. biofuel A. 6.5 - 7.5
340. Coal, petroleum, natural gas, and ura- B. 2.0 - 3.5
nium are all examples of C. 3.5 - 7.0
A. land resources D. 9.0 - 10.5
B. nonrenewable resources
345. Most of the natural resources we use for
C. renewable resources energy come from
D. Mineral resources A. sunlight
341. Which of the following is a fossil fuel? B. fossil fuels
A. Wind C. energy
B. Coal D. wind


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 349

346. During the Battle for the Trees activity, B. while it is being manufactured
which interest group would most likely be C. while it is being repaired
sympathetic to the Kyuquot people?


D. while it is being used
A. Loggers
B. Conservationists 350. Rubber is a substance which, when used
to make tyres for vehicles, becomes a re-
C. Industry / Government
source. What are the two important fac-
D. Forresters tors that can change substances into re-
347. Things we take from the environment
and use are called ? A. Time and Technology
A. Energy B. Economy and the government
B. Minerals C. Time and Politics
C. Pollutants D. Time and Tecnology
D. Natural resources 351. Fossil fuels are non renewable because
348. An ecosystem is a community of organ- A. They are used to produce heat
isms within its environment in a spe- B. They take a long time to form
cific area
C. They can be found underground
A. interacting
D. none of above
B. sitting
C. fighting 352. Which are the principles of Sustainable
Development?a) Caring all forms of life.b)
D. alone Conserving the earth’s vitalityc) Improve
the quality of human life.d) Minimize the
349. Life-cycle analysis tries to determine the
depletion of natural resources.
total environmental impact of a product,
from the gathering of its raw materials A. a) and d) only
through disposal of the product when it B. a, b) and c) only
is no longer useful. Life-cycle analysis
studies of cars that burn gasoline in 2010 C. b), c) and d) only
showed that roughly 80% of their envi- D. a), b), c) and d)
ronmental impact is due to the fuel they
burn. Similar analysis of electric cars es- 353. Amrita devi bishnoi sacrificed her life for
timated that about 55% of their environ- the protection of
mental impact is due to the energy used A. sal tree
to recharge-or “refuel”-the cars. Manu-
B. Pine trees
facturing electric cars had slightly more im-
pact on the environment than manufactur- C. Khejri trees
ing gasoline-powered cars. According to D. alpine meadows
the above information, during which part
of an electric car’s life will it have less im- 354. To process previously used materials so
pact on the environment than a gasoline they can be used to make something else
powered car will? is known as
A. while it is being disposed of A. renewing


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 350

B. reusing 359. To use something again and again is to

C. recycling A. renew
D. reducing B. reuse
C. reduce
355. We enjoy the beauty of mountains, wa-
terfalls, sea, landscape. Thus they are re- D. recycle
sources which have value. 360. A student decided to conserve renewable
resources in his home. Which of the follow-

A. Ethical value
ing measure could help him save the most
B. Aesthetic value
natural resources?
C. Artistic value
A. Take long showers
D. Economic value B. Repair leaky faucets
356. Copper is one of earth’s precious natural C. Keep water running when brushing his
resources. We use it for electrical wiring teeth
to provide heat to homes and power for D. Run the washing machine only on the
electricity. Copper is often found within smallest of loads
igneous rocks in places with volcanic activ-
ity. Which of the following geological pro- 361. Which term is NOT involved in the pro-
cesses BEST describes where humans can cess of the Hydrologic (water) cycle?
find copper? A. Expiration
A. Subduction of plates B. Condensation
B. Divergence of plates C. Precipitation
C. Uplifting of plates D. Transpiration
D. none of above 362. Resources can include
357. The ability to maintain something at a cer- A. mineral
tain rate or level is called B. soil
A. biodiversity C. water
B. conservation D. All of the above
C. sustainability 363. The main cause for abundant coliform bac-
D. recreation teria in the river Ganga is
A. disposal of human excreta directly
358. A farmer decides that he is going to pro-
duce his own energy on the farm by using B. discharge of effluents
a type of renewable energy. The renew- C. washing of clothes
able energy could come from D. immersion of ashes
A. setting up wind turbines
364. Expand the abbreviation GAP
B. having a coal furnace
A. Gross assimilation by photosynthesis
C. using natural gas B. Government agency for pollution con-
D. burning oil trol


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 351

C. Ganga action plan 370. Natural resource are classified into vari-
ous types on the basis of: (select the in-
D. Governement agency for animal pro-
correct one)


A. Distribution
365. Consumers obtain their energy from B. Origin
A. the sun C. Destruction
B. other organisms D. Development
C. scavengers 371. Khadin is atraditional water harvesting
D. mineral sources system in
A. Himachal pradesh
366. is a natural resource made up of hu-
B. Maharashtra
mus, air, water, minerals, and rock parti-
cles C. Bihar
A. soil D. Rajastahan

B. coal 372. Humans depend on natural resources for

C. petroleum
A. health and welfare
D. iron
B. art and leisure
367. Which of these does not have economic C. survival and development
worth but it is valuable?
D. growth and maturity
A. Shoes
373. A conventional energy resource
B. Mountains
A. Solar
C. Coal
B. Wind
D. None of these C. Coal
368. Which of the following product is made D. Geothermal
from renewable resources? 374. Deforestation is the clearance, or re-
A. Notebooks moval of a forest from land which is then
converted to anon-forest use. Deforesta-
B. Cotton clothes
tion can involve the conversion of forest
C. Armchairs land to farms, ranches, orurban use. The
most concentrated deforestation occurs in
D. All of the choice s
tropical rainforests. Deforestation ofar-
eas considered to be rich sources of ge-
369. To use less of something is to
netic material could limit future agricul-
A. reduce tural andmedical advances for future gen-
B. reuse erations. How could deforestation limit
agricultural and medicaladvances?
C. recycle
A. It can maintain the ecosystem equilib-
D. none of above rium.


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 352

B. It can deplete the ecosystem’s ozone A. Polluting

layer. B. conservation
C. It can decrease the ecosystem’s biodi- C. environmental conservation
D. none of above
D. It can increase the ecosystem’s carry-
ing capacity. 379. Using energy efficient light bulbs is an ex-
ample of
375. Hector is investigating natural resources. A. major energy consumption

He has created a chart. Hector can add ALL
BUT one of these terms under the heading B. a sustainable solution
“Natural Resource.” That is C. pollution
A. timber D. none of above
B. gas 380. Geothermal energy uses heat from to
C. copper produce electricity.
D. electricity A. the earth
B. coal
376. Wind turbines are becoming an increas-
ingly popular method of generating a com- C. oil
munity’s electricity. In wind turbines, D. natural gas
wind is used to power electric generators.
How will an increase in the use of wind 381. Which of the following is a major cause
turbines affect the availability of wind in of air pollution?
the future? A. burning fossil fuels
A. They will not affect the availability of B. dumping waste in landfills
wind. C. using wind and solar energy
B. They will increase the availability of D. releasing waste into streams
382. How can you prevent the soil erosion
C. They will pollute the wind, making it un-
safe to use. A. Overgrazing

D. They will decrease the availability of B. Deforestation

wind. C. Removal of vegetation
D. Afforestation
377. If a nation has a birth rate of 15 million,
but a death rate of 5 million and a net mi- 383. Our oceans offer a variety of renewable
gration rate of 2 million, the population is and nonrenewable resources that we use
? for variouspurposes. One such resource is
A. decreasing in size sea salt. Sea salt can be extracted from
the ocean through aprocess called desalina-
B. growing in size tion. While this process helps provide an
C. decreasing first and then growing important resource (such assalt and clean
D. staying the same over time water) to human populations, it can also
be costly. Removing large amounts ofsalt
378. What are the words used for not destroy- from the Ocean can affect the pH of aquatic
ing or polluting the environment? environments.pH is an important quantity


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 353

thatreflects the chemical conditions of a so- A. Continue to implement the family plan-
lution. The pH can control the availabil- ning program.
ity of nutrients, biological functions, mi-


B. Maintain a dynamic balance of arable
crobial activity, and the behavior of chem- land (not less than 123 million hectares)
icals. Which statement bestclassifies sea and implement an agricultural develop-
salt and describes its costs and benefits? ment strategy
A. Sea salt is a renewable resource that C. Maintain a dynamic balance of water
is readily available, but production is not resources by reducing water consumption
costeffective. for every unit of gross development prod-
B. Salt is a renewable resource that is uct growth and agricultural value added.
processed with little energy input, but har- D. To bring about a gradual and sometime
vesting thesalt disrupts coastal ecosys- catastrophic transformation of the envi-
tems. ronment
C. Sea salt is a nonrenewable resource
that requires no processing, but at current 386. describes the kind of weather a place
rates, itwill eventually become unsustain- has.
able. A. Climate
D. Sea salt is a nonrenewable resource B. weather
that has a wide variety of uses, but har- C. Sunny
vesting fromthe ocean can disrupt coastal
ecosystems. D. none of above

384. Offshore drilling is a common practice for 387. All of the living things in an ecosystem
obtaining oil for human use. Oil can be A. abiotic factors
used fortransportation fuels, production B. natural resources
of plastic, and making electricity.Which of
the followingstatements best describes an C. community
environmental concern with using offshore D. biotic factors
drilling to obtain oil?
388. Wind, geothermal, and solar energy are
A. Offshore drilling requires a large all what type of energy resources?
amount of energy input to obtain a small
amount of oil. A. cheap

B. Offshore drilling is not cost effective B. potential

because it requires specialized equipment C. renewable
to drill theoil. D. chemical
C. Offshore drilling produces oil that can-
not be used directly, therefore requiring 389. A human-made canal or pipe that is used
furtherexpensive processing. to transport water from where it is, to
where it’s needed is called
D. Offshore drilling can lead to a con-
tamination of marine ecosystems that A. Water cycle
threaten theorganisms living there. B. Aqueduct

385. Which of the following is not an objective C. Aquifer

of sustainable development? D. Watershed


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 354

390. Some people settled in the area now C. all produce reliable, consistent energy
called They brought fresh water from
mountains to their farms. D. are created and used only once
A. Al Ain
396. covers most of Earth.
B. Sharjah
A. Land
C. Dubai
B. Water
D. none of above

C. Rocks
391. Which pair of materials takes long years D. none of above
before they can be replenished:
A. Trees and crops 397. Which of the following are the main three
fossils fuels?
B. Plants and animals
A. Coal, Oil, and Gasoline
C. Metals and minerals
B. Gasoline, Petroleum & Oil
D. Corals and seashells
C. Coal, Oil and Natural gas
392. Plants and animals are considered
D. All of these
A. renewable resources
398. Which of the following answer choice s
B. nonrenewable resources
lists renewable resources?
C. all of the above
A. coal, iron, diamonds, water
D. none of the above
B. plants, animals, sun, water
393. If an area receives a lot of rainfall and C. water, sun, plastic, plants
has many rivers forming, which type of al-
D. none of above
ternative energy resource would the peo-
ple have access to? 399. Which BEST explains what scientists are
A. Wind Energy referring to when they use the term con-
B. Solar Energy
A. nonliving parts of the environment
C. Fossil Fuels
B. living organisms in the environment
D. Hydroelectric Energy
C. health of the living organisms in the en-
394. Balancing the need to use resources vironment
and also conserve them for the future is
called: D. protection, management, and renewal
of resources
A. Resource conservation
B. Sustainable development 400. Resources that we find in nature and are
used without much modification are called
C. Resource development
D. Sustainable conservation A. Human Resources
395. Renewable resources B. Natural Resources
A. take millions of years to create C. Renewable Resources
B. are sustainable D. Human-made Resources


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 355

401. What does Chipko Aandolan stand for? 406. What is one way that extracting oil might
damage the local environment?
A. Hug the trees
A. The price of gas rises.


B. Stand besides the trees
B. Waste builds up in landfills.
C. Fight against the contractors
C. Oil spills harm animals and plants.
D. Do nothing to save the trees D. Greenhouse gases are released into
the atmosphere.
402. What are the primary goals of sustain-
ability? 407. Plastic forks, spoons, and knives are dis-
posable. Which word is the OPPOSITE of
A. The end of poverty and hunger
B. Better standards of education and A. Paper
healthcare - particularly as it pertains to
water quality and better sanitation B. Natural
C. Reusable
C. Sustainable economic growth while
promoting jobs and stronger economies D. Wasteful

D. All of the above 408. Resources that can replace themselves as

long as we use them carefully are
403. What happens when we use fossil fuels A. Flow resources
faster than they can form?
B. Non-renewable resources
A. Nothing C. Renewable resources
B. The price lowers D. Oil, gold and iron
C. The supply gets replaced quickly 409. Which of the following is not a natural
D. The supply runs out resource?
A. Mango tree
404. A long period with little or no rain is
B. Snake
C. Wind
A. scarcity
D. Wooden house
B. droughts
410. Environment Day falls on
C. water wells
A. 28th February
D. freshwater
B. 23rd March
405. Burning of which of the following fuels C. 5th June
produces the least amount of carbon diox- D. 16th August
ide per unit of energy?
411. The rate at which human made resources
A. Coal are produced is called as
B. Oil A. Localised natural resources
C. Natural gas B. Actual natural resources
D. All of these produce the same amount C. Productivity
of carbon dioxide D. Sustainable development


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 356

412. Plastics are made from petroleum. Be- 417. What is an example of REUSING?
cause of plastic’s flexibility and sturdiness, A. collecting newspapers to take to the
people use plastics to make many different recycling center
kinds of products. How does the increase
in the use of plastics affect the availability B. using an old soup can as a pencil cup
of petroleum? C. helping start a wildlife preserve in
A. It decreases petroleum’s availability. your community
D. turning off the water while you brush
B. It causes petroleum’s availability to be

your teeth
C. It does not affect petroleum’s avail- 418. Minerals are an important resource that
ability. comes from the earth. Which is NOT an
example of a mineral?
D. It increases petroleum’s availability.
A. salt
413. The process of using resources wisely is B. coal
called? C. iron
A. overuse D. chlorophyll
B. susatainability
419. In 1976, Congress passed the Resource
C. pollution Conservation and Recovery Act to in-
D. burning crease recyclingand conservation efforts
as waste became a bigger problem in an ur-
414. The protection and preservation and man- banized world. The slogan“reduce, reuse,
agement of natural resources is recycle” was used to educate the commu-
nity on environmentally friendlypractices.
A. conservation Which of the following is a benefit of such
B. consumption conservation efforts?
C. recycling A. An increase in pollution

D. restoration B. A decrease in land availability

C. A decrease in human population
415. Enrichment of people is known as D. An increase in sustainable practices
A. Human resource development
420. Resources that are either always avail-
B. Productivity able, or can be renewed in a relatively
C. Sustainable development short amount of time are?

D. Resources A. renewable resources

B. nonrenewable resources
416. What is another name for limestone
C. none of the above
A. aragonite D. all of the above
B. salt
421. Specific sources of pollution that can be
C. conservation identified are called
D. none of above A. point sources


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 357

B. nonpoint sources 426. A new electricity company claims that the

electricity it provides is generated com-
C. sewage
pletely through the use of renewable re-


D. runoff sources. However, a visit to the com-
pany’s plant reveals that it uses coal-
422. Ecological footprints are measured in powered generators to power the ma-
chines that extract geothermal energy
A. square miles
from the ground.Which of these is the BEST
B. global hectares reason why an environmental group might
C. square meters dispute the electricity company’s claims?
A. Geothermal energy is nonrenewable.
D. English units
Therefore, the company cannot claim it
423. Which statement about human resource uses onlyrenewable resources to gener-
consumption and ecological footprints is ate electricity.
NOT true? B. Electricity can only be generated using
A. The Ecological Footprint of more renewable resource. Therefore, the com-
wealthy countries is usually much higher pany cannot be producing electricity if it
than the footprint of lower GDP countries uses coal-powered generators.

B. Ecological Footprints of nations C. Coal is a nonrenewable resource.

around the world are very different de- Therefore, the company cannot claim it
pending upon various factors uses only renewable resources to gener-
ate electricity.
C. The Eco-footprint of wealthier families
D. Electricity can only be generated using
are often much higher than the footprints
nonrenewable resources. Therefore, the
of less wealthy families
company cannot claim it uses only renew-
D. The Eco-footprints of large developing able resources.
countries like China and India have been
declining quickly in recent decades 427. polluted water has the following quali-
424. Takes millions of years to form.
A. high E.coli concentration
A. hydroelectric
B. low or high pH
B. renewable
C. Foul color, odour and cause diseases
C. solar
D. all of these
D. fossil fuels
428. What are the 2 categories of renewable
425. People in the past used the Arabian Gulf resource
A. Book and paper
A. Drinking water
B. continuous or flow resources
B. Swimming
C. Natural Vegetation and work
C. Fishing and pearl diving
D. biological resources and continuous or
D. none of above flow resources


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 358

429. water is salty. A. The plant and animals whose bodies

A. Ocean became fossil fuels are now extinct.

B. Lakes B. It takes millions of years for fossil fu-

els to form from dead and decaying mat-
C. Rivers ter.
D. none of above C. Sedimentation rates are lower today
than in the past, so very few fossils are
430. Which of the following energy sources is preserved.

the most likely to be abundant (plentiful)
in Iceland due to its position on a plate D. High levels of atmospheric oxygen
boundary? cause organic material to decay rather
than form fossils.
A. Wind
B. Nuclear 434. The instrument used to measure the
amount of rain that has fallen.
C. Solar
A. windvane
D. Geothermal
B. rain gauge
431. Why are fossil fuels non-renewable re- C. barometer
D. none of above
A. because they are used to light and heat
homes 435. If humans run out of the following re-
B. Because they can be used over and sources, which resource would be most dif-
over again ficult to replace?

C. Because they cause water and air pol- A. lumber

lution B. rice
D. Because they take millions of years to C. wind energy
D. coal
432. What word MOST NEARLY means: to
436. What type of natural resource cannot be
process materials, such as paper, plastic,
replaced at the same rate it is used?
aluminum, steel, and glass, so they can be
used to make new items? A. Nothing
A. reduce B. Nonrenewable resources
B. reuse C. renewable resources
C. recycle D. Everything
D. conserve 437. Which fossil fuel is conserved when we
save on electricity
433. a student suggested that fossil fuels
should be considered renewable resources A. Petroleum
because they were formed by natural pro- B. Water
cesses that still take place today.Which
of these BEST describes the main problem C. Fuel coal
with the student’s suggestion? [DO D. None of the above


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 359

438. Which of the following is NOT true about fun! Which answer below is considered in-
Perpetual resources? exhaustible?


A. They are often considered a sub- A. trees
category of renewable resources
B. water
B. They are infinite / never-ending / will
C. minerals
not run-out in human timeframes
C. They include resources like Geo- D. sun
thermal, Solar and Wind power
444. A renewable resource is a resource which
D. They include resources like Water, Soil is naturally and can be used again.
and Forests
A. located
439. When is Van mahotsav? B. replaced
A. 1 - 7 July C. consumed
B. 1 - 7 August D. considered
C. 1 - 7 September
445. What is the MAIN reason nonrenewable
D. 1 - 7 May
resources may run out in the future?
440. Natural gas, fossil fuels, and minerals are A. The population of the world is growing
all examples of smaller.
A. land resources B. The population of the world is slowly
B. nonrenewable resources growing larger.
C. renewable resources C. The population of the world is rapidly
growing larger.
D. Mineral resources
D. The amount of natural resources is
441. Oil and coal were formed over of growing faster than its use.
A. hundreds 446. The plants, animals, and other organisms
living in an area
B. thousands
A. niche
C. millions
B. depletion
D. billions
C. community
442. A resource not easily replaced.
D. abiotic factors
A. nonrenewable
B. renewable 447. How will a mass transit system, like a
subway system, affect an urban area?
C. alternative
A. decrease air pollution
D. none of above
B. decrease traffic congestion
443. Some natural resources are inexhaustible.
C. decrease the use of fossil fuels
I can use them over and over and over
again and they will NEVER run out! How D. all of these


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 360

448. Water that is not salty is called C. abiotic factors

A. water well D. nonrenewable
B. doughts 454. Resources that we find in nature and are
C. freshwater used without much modification are called
D. gaciers A. Human Resource
B. Natural Resource
449. Which statement BEST describes the sus-
C. Renewable Resources

tainable use of resources at home?
A. Establishment of Natural Park D. Human Made Resources

B. Educating people about sustainable 455. Which of the following is an example of

use of resources humans practicing conservation?
C. Implement laws that ban log exporta- A. Flushing the toilet more often.
tion and illegal logging B. Running smaller, more frequent loads
D. Turning the lights off and electric fans of laundry
when no longer in use C. Letting the faucet run while brushing
450. Monsoon forests are found in
D. Collecting water in rain barrels to irri-
A. Canada gate gardens
B. Russia
456. Which of the following is a major ad-
C. India vantage of using renewable natural re-
D. China sources rather than nonrenewable natural
451. The weather instrument that is used to A. Renewable natural resources are re-
measure temperature. plenished more quickly than nonrenew-
A. thermometer able natural resources.
B. wind vane B. Renewable natural resources can be
used to generate electricity and nonre-
C. anemometer
newable natural resources cannot.
D. none of above
C. Renewable natural resources must be
452. Which is and example of a living natural conserved and nonrenewable natural re-
resource? sources do not have to be conserved.
A. cucumbers D. none of above
B. iron 457. Water, plants and animals are some of
C. gold the things that we gather from our envi-
ronment to sustain our needs. What is the
D. stone best description of these things?
453. Resources that can not be replenished or A. Nature’s gift
replaced B. Living Things
A. natural resources C. Nonliving things
B. renewable D. Natural Resources


1.12 Conservation Technologies for Sustaining Natural Resources 361

458. Which of the following is a sustainable C. can be found all over

resource? D. provide all the energy we use


A. Natural gas
464. Most of the world’s energy supply comes
B. Uranium from burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are
C. Wind nonrenewable resources. If people con-
D. none of above tinue to burn fossil fuels at the same rate,
which of the following events will most
459. The factors encompassed by the environ- likely happen?
ment are: A. No changes will be made to the world’s
A. Natural fossil fuel reserves.
B. Artificial B. All of the world’s fossil fuel reserves
will be used up.
C. Some artificial, some natural
C. Fossil fuel deposits will be found on
D. none of above
the moon.
460. One important Natural resources in the D. Fossil fuels will quickly reform under-
UAE is: neath the ocean’s floor.
A. Red sea 465. Which of the following statements about
B. Arabian Gulf aquifers is incorrect?
C. Mediterranean sea A. Water is naturally stored in under-
D. none of above ground deposits
B. Humans can access these deposits
461. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable because and pump the water to the surface in
places where there isn’t enough surface
A. they are used to produce heat water
B. they take a long time to form C. Humans are withdrawing more water
from most aquifers than nature is able to
C. they can be found underground
D. none of above
D. Water cannot be pumped from one
462. The name given to the area of land where drainage basin to another
all the water that falls within it drains to
466. People can CONTAMINATE an areawith
a single place is
harmful chemicals.What does CONTAMI-
A. Drainage Basin NATEmean?
B. Watershed A. To clean up
C. Tool shed B. To recycle
D. Aquifer C. To search

463. Fossil fuels are classified as nonrenew- D. To pollute

able because they 467. What are considered as biodiversity
A. require expensive equipment hotspots?
B. take millions of years to replace A. Ecosystem


1.13 Watershed Management 362

B. Forests C. Electricity, Gasoline, Petroleum

C. Zoos D. Coal, Oil, Non-renewable Resources
D. Oceans 472. Resources that can be replaced or re-
468. In India, the state is known for its san- stored
dalwood is? A. non renewable
A. ASSAM B. natural resources

B. KERALA C. renewable
C. WEST BENGAL D. biotic factors
473. Name the bacteria whose presence in wa-
469. The Jones family cares about the envi- ter indicate contamination of water
ronment. They run their dishwasher only A. Coliform
when it is completely full. Which of the fol-
lowing BEST explains why they do this? B. Pneumonia

A. To save money C. Mycoplasma

B. To recycle dish soap D. Bacillus

C. To reduce sewage 474. Forests are..
D. To conserve water A. Biosphere reserves
470. Which is an example of an energy re- B. Bio conserve
source? C. Both
A. salt D. None
B. natural gas
475. What does reduce mean?
C. limestone
A. Use a smaller or less amount of a re-
D. coal source
471. What are the 3 main fossil fuels? B. Throw away
A. Coal, Oil, and Gasoline C. Wash it
B. Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas D. Comb it

1.13 Watershed Management

1. Water borne disease, pollution, food pro- 2. The side of the dam that has a high level
duction, potential conflict are all examples of water is called a
if what? A. river
A. Factors affecting water security. B. aquifer
B. Factors affecting water supply C. reservoir
C. Nothing they are all their own thing D. none of above

D. Factors affecting water insecurity 3. Demand for water increases as


1.13 Watershed Management 363

A. Manufacturing intensifies 8. Area where aquifer water naturally flows

to land under natural pressure; no pump-
B. education in water conservation in-


C. the use sustainable farming tech- A. artesian well
niques develops B. aquiclude
D. none of above C. aquitard

4. A rock’s ability to allow the flow of water D. plezometric surface

through it is called
9. Pollution from mining is considered:
A. permeability
A. agricultural
B. porosity
B. industrial
C. recharge
C. marine
D. distribution
D. municipal
5. Which is the first state in India to make
roof top rain water harvesting compulsory 10. Removing salt from sea water to create
to all the houses? fresh water is referred to as what?
A. Tamil Nadu A. Desalinisation
B. Kerala B. Desaltation
C. Assam C. Filtration
D. Goa D. Water Correction
6. What is a disadvantage of an aqueduct? I.
11. What are cholera and typhoid?
Diversion from the natural river channel
flow II. Loss of water due to evaporation A. diseases caused by water contami-
III. Political problems due to location of nated mailny with human faeces
water bodies
B. diseases caused by water contami-
A. I and II nated by any pathogen
B. II and III C. diseases present in all non drinkable
C. I and III water

D. I, II and III D. pathogens that cause infectious dis-

7. Against the construction of which one of
the following multipurpose projects was 12. The percentage of Earth surface which is
the Narmada Bachao Andolan launched? covered by oceans and seas is

A. Sardar Sarovar A. 50%

B. Bhakra Nangal B. 65%
C. Rihand C. 85%
D. Tehri D. 97%


1.13 Watershed Management 364

13. 3 of the following are disadvantages of 18. what is the solid waste that settles at the
dam and reservoir systems; one is not. bottom of the in the primary treatment of
Choose the one that is not. waste water called?
A. Dams and reservoirs disrupt migration A. Sludge
of some fish. B. Clarified water
B. Dams and reservoirs displace people C. Scum
behind the dam
D. Compost

C. Dams and reservoirs lead to devastat-
ing flooding if there is a failure. 19. The measure of the size and number of
spaces in the substrate.
D. Dams and reservoirs increases down-
stream flooding. A. wellsize
B. porosity
14. Which of the following is NOT an irrigation
C. aquitard
D. friable
A. Spray irrigation
B. Trickle irrigation 20. Which of the following is a disadvantage
of dams and reservoirs?
C. Sub-irrigation
A. man made lakes used for drinking wa-
D. Humus irrigation ter, recreation and industry

15. This step removes odors and improves B. hydroelectric power

taste. C. existing ecosystems changed, displac-
ing species and humans
A. coagulation
D. flood control
B. first filtration
C. second filtration 21. Which water source is the most reliable to
D. aeration
A. ice
16. More that 80% of available water is used B. groundwater
every year is known as what?
C. surface water
A. Stressed Water
D. none of above
B. Water Usage
22. The water held behind a dam is called a
C. Active Water Uses
D. Water Stress A. natural lake

17. What is the most common organism in the B. reservoir

Profundal Zone? C. nature preserve
A. Zooplankton D. river
B. Phytoplankton 23. Which sector uses the most the water?
C. Fish A. Agriculture (farming)
D. Bacteria B. Industry (manufacturing)


1.13 Watershed Management 365

C. Domestic (home use) C. It is transmitted by drinking water

D. none of above D. none of above


24. Which country harvest rainwater for agri-
30. Layers of sand, gravel, or rock lying below
cultural need?
the water table are called
A. Brazil
A. Aquducts
B. Australia
B. Aquifinas
C. Pakistan
C. aquifers
D. Iran
D. Recharge zone
25. What is fecal coliform a measure of?
A. A direct measurement of feces concen- 31. 90% of industrial water use is:
tration. A. used for cooling
B. Number of bacteria (like E. coli) com-
B. nonconsumptive
monly found in sewage.
C. The ability of water to transmit viruses C. from surface water
such as influenza. D. all of these
D. The brownness of the water.
32. The average person in the United States
26. Where is Lesotho based? uses how much water per day?
A. North Africa A. 41 L
B. Just outside of South Africa B. 100 L
C. It is surrounded by South Africa
C. 300 L
D. No where near Africa
D. 64 ounces
27. How is fresh water used in industry?
A. in manufacturing processes 33. which of the following countries suffers
from water insecurity?
B. in the disposal of waste products
A. Canada
C. to generate power
B. The USA
D. all of these
C. Republic of Yemen
28. Farming can use
D. Republic of Ireland
A. up to 50% of Fresh water supplies
B. up to 35% of Fresh water supllies 34. The nutrient-rich water mixed with chemi-
C. Up to 70% of Fresh water supplies cal fertilizers and pesticides, promotes the
growth of weeds resulting in
D. none of above
A. De-eutrophication
29. Why is malaria considered a water-related
disease? B. Eutrophication
A. Its vector needs water to reproduce C. Aeration
B. It is found in water D. None of these


1.13 Watershed Management 366

35. Point-source pollution and nonpoint- 40. Which of the following is NOT a residential
source pollution differ in use of water?
A. the kind of biological agents causing A. washing dishes and clothes
the pollution
B. washing cars and watering the lawn
B. whether the source of the pollution is
agricultural or industrial C. watering crops
C. the number or sources from which the D. showers and toilets
pollution is discharged

D. whether the pollutants are chemical or 41. The higher level of floods and droughts are
physical agents led by
36. Which of the following would be the best A. sand storms
way for a desert farmer to reduce water
loss from evaporation and seepage and B. lower precipitation
thus conserve water? C. higher precipitation
A. dig deeper wells
D. none of the above
B. recycle cooling water and wastewater
42. Diseases that are found within water
C. install low-flow toilets sources?
D. install a drip irrigation system A. Airborne Diseases
37. Name an impact of water insecurity? B. Waterborne Diseases
A. People become less productive as they C. Illness Through Water
search for water
B. Waterborne Diseases D. Water Treatment Schemes

C. Reduction in Life expectancy

43. Which of the following is one way that a
D. All of the above person can conserve water?
38. Process used in wastewater treatment A. take a bath instead of a shower
process where colonies of bacteria are
used to break down and ingest solid B. wash laundry in small, partial loads
waste. C. use a low-flow shower head to take
A. filtration short showers
B. chlorination D. water the lawn daily and at mid-day
C. coagulation
D. bioreactors 44. What is a flash flood?
A. A sophisticated flood
39. What is Palar pani?
A. Spring B. Power lines fallen in flood waters
B. Milk C. A deep flood
C. River water D. A flood that happens fast with little
D. Rain water warning


1.13 Watershed Management 367

45. Process used in water treatment process 50. Groundwater provides % of the drink-
where water is pushed through screens, ing water in the USA.
sand, gravel and coal to remove organisms


A. 5
and trash
A. filtration B. 50

B. chlorination C. 18

C. coagulation D. 67
D. bioreactors 51. A factory is located next to a river. The
46. What is the best way to CONSERVE water factory has a sewage pipe running straight
use in an agricultural setting out of the factory and into the river. This
is an example of
A. low flow toilets
A. point source pollution
B. reuse cooling water
B. non-point pollution
C. drip irrigation
C. tertiary receiving stream
D. high power overhead irrigation
D. primary treatment
47. If 20 square meters of lawn requires about
50 liters per square meter per day, how 52. What amount of the water on the earth is
much water is needed in one year to wa- salt water?
ter it, assuming the rate does not change
throughout the year? A. 25%
A. 3, 650 liters B. 72%
B. 36, 500 liters C. 97%
C. 365, 000 liters D. 99%
D. 3, 650, 000 liters
53. What is the approximate percentage of
48. When it rains or snows, most water that the countries affected by malaria?
doesn’t evaporate soaks into the ground.
A. 90
This is called -
B. 50
A. Ice
B. Groundwater C. 30

C. Habitat D. none of above

D. Freshwater 54. Which of the following is an effective way
of reducing phosphates in wastewater ef-
49. Which of the following is NOT a desired
effect in streams?
A. a pH of about neutral A. Addition of iron salts.

B. low salinity B. Addition of bromates.

C. high temperature C. Addition of chlorine.
D. low nitrates D. Addition of ozone.


1.13 Watershed Management 368

55. Water scarcity occurs when 60. Select the correct order for the water
A. Renewable water supplies are slow to treatment process.
recover. A. Sedimentation - Chlorination - Filtra-
B. Populations are evenly dispersed. tion

C. Renewable water supplies are slow to B. Sedimentation - Filtration - Chlorina-

diminish. tion

D. The demand for water exceeds the C. Filtration - Chlorination - Sedimenta-

available amount or when poor quality re- tion
stricts its use. D. Filtration - Sedimentation - Chlorina-
56. An underground zone from which ground-
water can be obtained is: 61. What is the term used when a location
A. Recharge Zone has access to clean water to sustain good
B. An Aquifer
A. Water Insecurity
C. Discharge Zone
B. Water Security
D. Water shed
C. Water Surplus
57. What is the first step in the water treat-
D. Efficiency Of Water Supply
ment process?
A. coagulation 62. Which of the following is not a reason for
water scarcity:
B. filtration
A. Groundwater mining
C. flocs
B. Water rights/ ownership
D. concentation
C. Increasing population
58. Which of the following test parameters is
D. All of these are valid reasons for
a direct measure of pollution?
A. Conductivity
63. What is the main reason why water is not
B. Turbidity
C. Suspended solids
A. don’t know how
B. too expensive
59. You are selecting a new dishwasher. You C. difficult to transport
do about 150 loads per year. The less ef-
ficient model uses 9 gallons per load. The D. inaccessible
more efficient model uses 6 gallons per 64. Storage, dams, reservoirs, water trans-
load. How many gallons of water will be fers and desalination are examples of
saved over the course of one year? what?
A. 45 gallons A. How to increase the water supply
B. 250 gallons B. How to decrease the waterborne dis-
C. 450 Gallons ease chance
D. 500 Gallons C. Keeping water safe and contained


1.13 Watershed Management 369

D. Contaminating the water to make it in- D. Increase usage for agriculture to pro-
sufficient duce ethanol


65. Which of the following activities accounts
70. Sardar Sarovar Project has been con-
for the greatest fresh water used world-
structed on
A. drinking A. Narmada

B. washing B. Kaveri
C. manufacturing C. Mahanadi
D. irrigating crops D. none of above
66. Using groundwater at a rate faster than it
is naturally re-supplied is called: 71. Chemical required by microbes to break
down organic waste.
A. Over draft
B. Wetland A. O2

C. Water budget B. NO2

D. Influent streams C. SO2
67. A reservoir is D. N & P
A. a place where seawater is stored for
desalination. 72. Where did the Minamata Disease start?
B. an artificial lake formed in front of a A. Kyushu
B. Fukishima
C. the place where all the toilet paper is
hoarded. C. Hokkaido
D. an artificial lake formed behind a dam. D. Nagasaki

68. Water that fills the cracks and spaces in

73. Most of Earths fresh water is frozen into?
underground soil and rock layers is called
A. salt water A. Lakes

B. rainwater B. Rivers
C. groundwater C. Ice
D. water vapor D. Groundwater
69. Use of water from the Ogallala aquifer
in the Great Plains region of the United 74. Industrial water use includes which of the
States is not sustainable because following activities?
A. it is recharged more slowly than it is A. irrigation
being used.
B. power generation
B. industrial use has fallen off but house-
hold use has expanded. C. drinking
C. it originated many centuries ago. D. car washing


1.13 Watershed Management 370

75. All of the following are valid criteria for 80. Often water must be treated to become
the sustainable use of water except: , safe to drink
A. Develop water efficient technologies A. pathogen
B. develop sufficient water supplies to B. potable
guarantee human health and well-being C. clarified
C. give volume discounts to the largest D. bonifide
water consumers
81. Aquifers closest to the vadose zone.

D. promote the use of water-efficient
technology A. unconfined
B. confined
76. nutrients that run off from the land, form-
ing nitrogen-rich algae blooms. C. artesian well

A. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- D. aquitards

ministration (NOAA) 82. Aquifer found between 2 aquicludes.
B. Environmental Protection Agency A. confined aquifer
B. unconfined aquifer
C. Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
C. artesian well
D. United States Geological Survey D. aquitard
83. Which of the following fish would likely
77. Hydrology helps in have the largest amount of Mercury.
A. deciding the minimum reservoir capac- A. shrimp
B. salmon
B. forecasting the availability of quantity
C. shark
of water at reservoir site
D. tuna
C. predicting the effects on the river wa-
ter level on completion of dams 84. When surface water makes its way
D. all the above. through porous rock and into an aquifer,
it is called:
78. Improved water quality can be achieved A. porosity
B. groundwater
A. appropriate use of water
C. runoff
B. careful water storage and handling
D. saline
C. proper land management
85. 97 % of all water on Earth is in the oceans.
D. all of the above
Which of the following is the correct or-
79. Soil salinization is common in fields that: der of the Earth’s water storage compart-
ments from largest to smallest?
A. are constantly irrigated
A. ocean, lakes, groundwater, rivers, ice
B. use polyculture crops caps
C. use conservation tillage B. ocean, groundwater, rivers, ice caps,
D. are situated above aquifers lakes


1.13 Watershed Management 371

C. ocean, ice caps, groundwater, lakes, 91. Areas that do not have enough rainfall or
rivers water experience


D. ocean, lakes, ice caps, groundwater, A. Water deficiency
rivers B. Water deficit
86. Boiling water and collecting steam to iso- C. Water depletion
late fresh water from salt water is best D. Water deletion
known as
A. water purification 92. Which planet is also known as blue
B. water pollution
A. Mercury
C. groundwater recharging
B. Venus
D. desalination
C. Earth
87. Property that allows water molecules to D. Mars
stick together & perform hydrogen bond-
ing: 93. Water security refers to
A. solvation A. when there is a reliable supply of clean
water for the social and economic well-
B. polarity being of people in an area.
C. thermodynamics B. when there is not a reliable supply of
D. evaporation clean water for the social and economic
well-being of people in an area.
88. Some malaria symptoms are
C. when there is water in an area but the
A. Fever and chills countries lacks the money and infrastruc-
B. Diarrhoea ture to access it.

C. Vomits D. none of above

D. none of above 94. Polluted ground water is difficult to clean

up because
89. is the total amount of water taken
A. groundwater is deep in the ground and
form any given natural source
dispersed through large areas of rock
A. The Figi effect
B. pollutants cling to the materials that
B. The Nestle Water effect make up the aquifer and contaminate the
C. withdrawal clean water

D. disgard C. the recycling process of groundwater

can take hundreds or thousands of years
90. Precipitation is another term for: D. all of the above
A. climate change
95. The largest single use of water for indus-
B. rain/snow trial purposes is for
C. evaporation A. canning and food processing.
D. transpiration B. cooling.


1.13 Watershed Management 372

C. power production. 101. Type of water use covered by hydroelec-

D. washing produce in food processing in- tric dams:
dustries. A. In-stream
B. Agricultural
96. Which is a physical factor effecting the
ability to utilise fresh water? C. Domestic

A. Pollution Level D. Municipal

102. What do the letters HIC stand for?

B. Geology
C. Politics A. Higher inequality capital

D. Lack of Infrastructure B. Highest income country

C. Higher income country
97. Approximately what percentage of Earth’s
D. Heavy Industrialised country
water is fresh water?
A. 97% 103. Which water conservation technique is
best for home gardeners?
B. 50%
A. water at night
C. 10%
B. drip-irrigation
D. 3% C. xeriscaping
98. When a volcano ejects acid lava, the erup- D. none of above
tion is usually
104. Reusing the water used from houses (eg.
A. light and less violent sinks, baths) is known as what?
B. soft and less violent A. Recycled Water
C. loud but less violent B. Black Water
D. loud and more violent C. Desalinisation
D. Grey Water
99. A hole that is dug into the ground to obtain
fresh water is called 105. During secondary treatment in the aera-
tion tanks, what is working on the sewage
A. the recharge zone
B. a well
A. microorganisms
C. an aquifer B. humans
D. a watershed C. air titration
100. Approximately how many oil pollution in- D. oxidation/reduction
cidents are reported in England and Wales 106. Wetlands are beneficial to a water con-
per year? servation program because:
A. 30, 000 A. they remove excess nutrients
B. 3, 000 B. break down pollutants
C. 3, 300 C. clean up agricultural runoff
D. 330 D. All of the Above


1.13 Watershed Management 373

107. Phosphorus-containing fertilizer is a pos- 112. is the fraction of withdrawn water

sible source of that is lost


A. biological pollution A. degraded
B. toxic chemical pollution B. Wihrawal

C. nutrient pollution C. Consumption

D. Water
D. none of these
113. Percent of world population that does not
108. A resevoir is have access to clean drinking water.
A. a man-made “artificial” lake that is A. 5%
built to store water
B. 25%
B. ozone
C. 50%
C. spongebob round head D. 19%
D. an underground layer of rock and soil
that has pores and is capable of absorbing 114. What is causing cholera?
water A. Mosquitoes in tropical parts of the
109. What is international water conflict? B. People not using hand-sanitizers
A. When the action of your government C. Drinking water contaminated with
creates a water shortage sewage
B. When you don’t have the money to pay D. Muddy water
for water
115. In general, water use worldwide is dom-
C. When another country reduces or pol- inated by
lutes your water supply
A. Agricultural use
D. none of above
B. Domestic needs
110. Hydrograph is a graphical representation C. Industrial activities
D. All of these are sectors that use water
A. surface run off about equally
B. Ground water flow 116. Aquaculture water use is water associ-
C. Rain fall ated with?

D. discharge flowing in the river A. Raising plants that live in water

B. Raising organisms that live in water
111. Fertilizers are classified as which kind of
C. None
water pollutant?
D. none of above
A. organic chemical
117. Includes plastics and industrial waste,
B. inorganic chemical
which can poison organisms, cause cancer,
C. heavy metals etc.
D. physical agents A. toxic chemical pollution


1.13 Watershed Management 374

B. biological pollution 123. The process of changing a liquid into va-

C. sediment pollution por
A. transpiration
D. nutrient pollution
B. evaporation
118. is the dry, leeward side of a moun-
C. excavation
tain range receive little
D. condensation
A. Rain gague

B. Rain shadow 124. Many areas of the world without ade-
quate fresh water have become habitable
C. Rain cloud because:
D. None of the above A. water conservation has been imple-
119. Regulation of water quality standards in
the USA: B. icebergs have been towed in to provide
fresh water.
A. Brockovich Bill
C. water management projects have di-
B. Qualitative Water Usage Act verted water to the area.
C. Potable Drinking Water Act D. rainfall patterns have changed.
D. Clean Water Act
125. Los Angeles supports millions of people
120. What is the name given when a re- in a desert because they get their water
gion has on average more water than it from
needs? A. aqueducts
A. Water sufficiency B. groundwater
B. Water surplus C. dams/reservoirs
C. Water deficit D. none of above
D. Water stress 126. Who developed a innovative technique to
make the sewage water drinkable?
121. Fertilizer, sewage, and animal feces can
wash in to water, leading to A. Dr. Pergamon Galen
A. thermal pollution B. Dr. Rajah Vijay Kumar
B. artificial eutrophication C. Dr. Christiaan Bernard
C. desalination D. Dr. Andrea Vesalio

D. biomagnification 127. is a disposal method in which solid

organic wastes are subjected to combus-
122. Excessive richness of nutrients in a lake tion so as to convert them into residue and
or other body of water. gaseous products.
A. Groundwater A. Vermicast
B. Run-off B. Screening
C. Eutrophication C. Incineration
D. Non-point source contamination D. Bioaccumulation


1.13 Watershed Management 375

128. What percent of all water is fresh wa- 133. What is Vermicast?
A. Animal Feces


A. 3%
B. Green Manure
B. 33%
C. 72% C. Worm Manure

D. 98% D. None of these

129. What is water stress? 134. What is the project name in Lesotho?
A. High demands placed on fresh water
A. The Lesotho Highlands Water Project
B. Where a water surplus has been cre-
ated B. The Water Project of Lesotho (WPL)
C. Where economic prosperity has re- C. The International Water Scheme of
duced water security Lesotho (IWSL)
D. none of above D. The Lesotho Project for Water Man-
agement (LPWM)
130. Areas of high rainfall can still experience
water insecurity because
135. Water that has been used by humans, but
A. authorities cannot afford to capture doesn’t contain sanitary waste is called
and store rainfall
B. Authorities cannot afford to develop
A. gray water
the infrastructure required to deliver wa-
ter to homes B. septic water
C. Industry is polluting the fresh water C. potable water
supplies making it unusable
D. none of these
D. All of the above
131. Water contains 136. Which of the following does not make up
part of Earth’s surface water?
A. one hydrogen atom and one oxygen
atom A. wetlands
B. two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen B. rivers
C. aquifers
C. one hydrogen atom and two oxygen
atoms D. lakes
D. three hydrogen atoms and two oxygen
atoms 137. At what time usually rainfall is recorded
in India?
132. What does water a surplus mean?
A. 4 P.M.
A. that supply equates to demand
B. 6 P.M.
B. that supply falls short of demand
C. the supply is greater than demand C. 8 P.M.
D. none of above D. 10 P.M.


1.13 Watershed Management 376

138. While expensive and inefficient now, the 144. Why is malaria different from cholera
removal of salt from ocean water may help and typhoid?
create more potable water in the future
A. It is not transmitted by bacteria in wa-
A. water transport ter
B. towing icebergs B. It is not transmitted by a parasite
C. desalination plants C. It is not transmitted in water
D. xeriscaping D. none of above

139. Climate, geology, pollution, over absorp-
tion, poverty are all examples of what? 145. An example would be eutrophication; a
buildup of nutrients in the water that can
A. Factors affecting water security lead to lower oxygen levels
B. Factors affecting water supply A. toxic waste pollution
C. Factors affecting water availability
B. nutrient pollution
D. Factors affecting water insecurity
C. sediment pollution
140. Which region of England experiences the D. biological pollution
greatest levels of serious water stress?
A. North West 146. Surface water becomes groundwater
B. South West when it

C. South East A. moves below the water table

D. West B. condenses to form drops of liquid wa-
141. What percent of water is used for indus-
trial use? C. percolates into the recharge zone

A. 5% D. flows onto the ground through a spring

B. 19% 147. In 1840s, which 2 countries designed
C. 40% new sewer systems?
D. 67% A. Germany & America
142. Water that is considered “potable” B. Norway & Canada
A. is dirty C. Australia & New Zealand
B. is suitable for drinking D. None of these
C. should be boiled before drinking
148. Which Act strengthened the laws against
D. none of above dumping waste in U.S. waters?
143. In the water cycle, energy from the sun A. Marine Protection, Research, and
causes water to Sanctuaries Act
A. condense B. Clean Water Act
B. freeze C. Water Quality Act
C. evaporate D. Both the Marine Act & the Clean Water
D. boil Act


1.13 Watershed Management 377

149. What is the most polluted river in the A. the location of underground storage
world? tanks is not always known


A. Thames B. pollutants cling to the materials that
make up aquifers
B. Ganges
C. runoff contaminates the water supply
C. Volga
D. all of these
D. Dearne
154. Most of the freshwater around the wold
150. What do we call the method of providing is used to
plants with water from sources other than
direct precipitation? A. wash clothes

A. condensation B. irrigate crops

C. make water balloons
B. evaporation
D. none of above
C. irrigation
D. transpiration 155. Fluoride may be added in
A. coagulation.
151. “The Clean Water Action Plan in the
United States restricts factories from re- B. additional treatment.
leasing toxic waste into rivers.”How is C. second filtration.
water water sustainably managed in the D. aeration.
United States based on the paragraph
above? 156. Which of the following statements helps
A. Improve water consumption habits to explain why fresh water is a limited re-
B. Improve water quantity
A. Most of Earth’s water is salt water
C. Improve water quality
B. About 71% of Earth’s surface is cov-
D. Improve water technologies ered by water

152. What is a sewage treatment plant? C. Most of Earth’s fresh water is not liq-
uid water usable by humans
A. The place where water is cleaned, fil-
D. Most water is salt water & most fresh
tered and tested before re-entering the
water is not usable by humans
water cycle.
B. The place where water is cleaned, fil- 157. A well or spring results from which water
tered and tested before going to our gushes without being pumped.
houses. A. artist
C. The network of pipes that carry B. artesian
sewage (dirty water) from our houses.
C. Articulation
D. resevoir
D. The place where water is bottled for
drinking. 158. What does chlorination do to the water?

153. One reason polluted groundwater pollu- A. Removes microorganisms

tion is difficult to clean is that B. Cleans the water


1.13 Watershed Management 378

C. Makes the water taste nice 164. Which of these is an economic impact of
D. Removes twigs and sediment water insecurity?
A. ill health
159. The electricity produced by dam is called
B. poor literacy skills
A. Hydroelectricity C. lack of productivity
B. Water electricity D. low life expectancy
C. Dam electricity 165. When were the drainage systems located

D. River electricity in the streets of Mohenjo-Daro?
A. 2000 to 500 BCE
160. While expensive and inefficient now, this
process of removing salt from ocean water B. 3000 to 2000 BCE
may help create more potable water in the C. 1840s
D. None of these
A. water transport
166. When water is moved from one region to
B. towing icebergs
another through a pipeline, this is called
C. desalination
D. xeriscaping A. Water transport
161. Primary treatment of domestic sewage B. Water transfer
effluent is designed to effectively reduce C. Water flow
which of the following?
D. Water conservation
A. Nutrients
B. Metals 167. By 2050 the UK population is predicted
to be
C. Organic material
A. 90 million
D. Synthetic compounds
B. 70 million
162. The step that prevents bacterial growth
C. 100 million
D. 80 million
A. coagulation.
B. additional treatment. 168. what happens to food production in LIC’s
when water scarcity increases
C. second filtration.
A. production stays the same
D. chlorination.
B. production increases
163. The made it illegal to release point-
C. production decreases
source pollution without a permit, set
water pollution standards, and funded D. none of above
sewage treatment plant construction.
169. Which of these statements are correct?
A. Toxic Substances Control Act
A. Gas produced to by landfill is used
B. National Environmental Policy Act again for perfumes.
C. Clean Water Act B. Landfill mostly involves composition of
D. Endangered Species Act Nitrogen & Hydrogen.


1.13 Watershed Management 379

C. Sludge is rich is organic matter. B. Some macro-invertebrates can be dif-

D. Septic tank is a big tank made of metal. ficult to identify.


C. Sampling for macro-invertebrates is
170. Most of the oil that pollutes the ocean difficult.
comes from
D. Use of macro-invertebrates is expen-
A. operating boats and personal water- sive.
B. spills from oil tankers 175. What percent of water is used for Agri-
cultural use?
C. runoff from cities and towns
A. 5%
D. leaking underground storage facilities
B. 19%
171. Which describes a benefit of dams? I. C. 40%
Creates a reservoir for drinking water II.
Powers turbines that generate electric- D. 67%
ity III. Improves salmon migration
176. Which of the following treatments in-
A. I and II volves addition of chlorine?
B. I and III A. Primary treatment
C. II and III B. Secondary treatment
D. I, II and III C. Tertiary treatment
172. Which of the following environmental is- D. Initial treatment
sues impact oceans.
177. Which is the vector that transmits
A. oil spills malaria?
B. toxic chemicals such as Mercury A. Female anopheles mosquito
C. nutrients that run off from the land, B. Anopheles mosquito
forming nitrogen-rich algae blooms
C. Plasmodium parasite
D. All of the above
D. none of above
173. How far can dam water travel when it is
178. The 3 major global uses of fresh water
unleashed from a broken dam?
A. Tens of thousands of kilometres down-
A. manufacturing goods, wastewater dis-
posal, and irrigation
B. Thousands of kilometres
B. drinking, bathing and growing crops
C. Tens of kilometres
C. drinking, manufacturing goods, and
D. Less than 10 kilometres generating power
174. Which one of the following statements D. residential, agricultural, and industrial
is correct about the use of macro- uses
invertebrates in monitoring water qual-
ity? 179. In order to have a reservoir you must

A. Macro-invertebrate species are not af- A. dig a well

fected by seasonal changes. B. construct a dam


1.13 Watershed Management 380

C. build an aquaduct C. drip irrigation

D. none of above D. none of above

180. Biomagnification is also known as? 185. Something that can make you sick is
A. Bionofication known as a
B. Biological Fixation A. boo boo
C. Bio Amplification B. pathogen

D. Eutrophication C. carcinogen

181. What is the best prevention and control D. none of above

for people who live in affected areas to
avoid the spread of malaria? 186. The percentage of surface of Earth which
is covered by water is
A. Avoiding mosquito bites
A. 70%
B. Avoiding visiting malaria areas
B. 85%
C. Avoiding contact with ill people
C. 90%
D. none of above
D. 60%
182. With landscaping, the best ways you can
save water are by: 187. At the average American home, most wa-
A. keeping your sprinklers running all day ter use takes place
A. in the kitchen
B. using plants that don’t need a lot of B. in the afternoon
water and watering them sparingly during
early morning or evening hours C. outdoors in the yard

C. uprooting all the flowers and plants D. during bathtime

from the garden
188. This happens when the demand for wa-
D. not watering anything and lighting a lot ter exceeds the available amount during a
of fires on your lawn certain period
183. What 2 important nutrients are tested A. Water sufficiency
for in a body of water to check for eutroph-
B. Water surplus
ication levels?
C. Water deficit
A. nitrates and phosphates
D. Water stress
B. dissolved oxygen and pH
C. CO2 and O2 189. In April 2020 the UK population was re-
D. nitrates and dissolved oxygen ported to be
A. 65.3 million
184. The least efficient agricultural irrigation
technique is B. 77.9 million
A. overhead sprinklers C. 67.8 million
B. water filled ditch D. 60.2 million


1.13 Watershed Management 381

190. Average American uses liters of wa- 195. Water that falls to Earth as rain, snow,
ter daily. sleet or hail is called


A. 400 A. condensation
B. 250 B. evaporation
C. 15 C. precipitation

D. 310 D. transpiration

196. Migratory behavior of salmon in the Pa-

191. What is the correct definition to describe
cific Northwest is assisted by
an area with water surplus?
A. Warmer temperatures
A. An area where water demand is
greater than the water supply. B. Building new Dams

B. An area where the supply is more than C. Fish Ladders

enough to meet the needs of people and D. cutting new migration channels paral-
industries. lel to rivers.
C. An area in which has just the right 197. What is a source of pollution that can be
amount of water to meets needs. identified?
D. An area in which most of the time has A. non-point source pollution
enough water to meet needs.
B. weathering
192. Which of these is an alternative method C. best management practice
of disposing sewage? D. point source pollution
A. Sludge
198. Which of the following is a porous layer
B. Incineration of an aquifer:
C. Sedimentation A. aquiclude
D. None of these B. artesian well
C. aquitard
193. Freshwater accounts for what percent of
total water in the world? D. bedrock
A. 97% 199. Mine site drainage can often cause this:
B. 22% A. Cultural eutrophication
C. 77% B. Acidic runoff
D. 3% C. Saltwater intrusion
D. none of above
194. What is the most effective type of irriga-
tion? 200. Why might poverty cause water insecu-
A. center pivot method
A. Because communities can’t afford to
B. flood irrigation
pay for a fresh water supply
C. drip irrigation
B. Because levels of education mean peo-
D. using sprinklers ple don’t care for clean water


1.13 Watershed Management 382

C. Religious views prevent people ac- 206. Which of the following group of practices
cessing clean water reduces water pollution from agriculture
D. none of above activity?
A. Use of buffer zones, field drains and
201. Which of the following is not a source of tillage.
B. Use of buffer zones, contour farming
A. Hospitals and tillage.
B. Rain

C. Contour farming, leaving land fallow
C. Mining and use of field drains.
D. Domestic activities D. Contour farming, use of field drains
and buffer zones.
202. How can bacteria enter drinking water?
A. From sewage in cases of poor sanita- 207. Pumping water out of the ground faster
tion than it’s replaced by rainfall causing wells
to dry up and high pumping costs is known
B. From aquifers as what?
C. From diseases A. Over Usage Of Water
D. From sanitation B. Over Absorption
203. The SF Bay is fed by two watersheds, C. Over Pumping
which of the below is NOT one of the two. D. Over Extraction
A. San Jaoquin River
208. According to the World Health Organiza-
B. Columbia River tion, how many people do not have access
C. Sacramento River to clean water?
D. none of above A. 1, 000

204. In the secondary treatment of wastewa- B. 1 million

ter treatment plant, organic waste is C. 1 billion
decomposed. D. We all have access to clean water.
A. Physically
209. An aquifer is
B. Biologically
A. a man-made “artificial” lake that is
C. Chemically built to store water
D. None of these B. ozone
205. After the clarification step in wastewa- C. smog
ter treatment, the solid waste called D. an underground layer of rock and soil
is sold off and the liquid waste called that has pores and is capable of absorbing
moves on the be filtered and disinfected water
A. sewage and dirty water
210. Which of the following is the major
B. sludge and effluent source of fresh water which is available
C. effluent and slude in India?
D. dirty water and sewage A. Ocean water


1.13 Watershed Management 383

B. River water 216. Layers of sand, gravel, and hard coal re-
C. Pond water move impurities in


A. coagulation.
D. Ground water
B. first filtration.
211. An impermeable layer of soil and rock
C. second filtration.
A. has few or no pores D. chlorination.
B. has many large pore and spaces
217. As the populations wealth increases the
C. is likely to contain pollution demand for water
D. is Justin Beaver A. Decreases
212. In , waste from homes and businesses B. Increases
is piled into large, carefully-engineered C. Stays the same
mounds. D. none of above
A. sanitary landfills
218. Sponge-like formations of rock, sand, or
B. hazardous waste landfills gravel that hold groundwater are called
C. waste incinerators
D. none of these A. aquifrers
B. reservoirs
213. Includes pollution from mining activities
and erosion. C. oxbow lakes

A. toxic chemical pollution D. none of these

B. sediment pollution 219. pollutants entering waterways from a

general area, such as runoff from farmland
C. biological pollution
or suburban communities
D. none of these
A. Pollution
214. Water turns from liquid into vapor. B. Point Source Pollution
A. Condensation C. Non-point Source Pollution
B. Runoff D. Turbidity
C. Precipitation 220. Sewers are made of?
D. Evaporation A. Polyvinyl Chloride
B. Stainless steel (SS)
215. Process used in water treatment pro-
cess where chemicals like alum is added C. Plastic
to water causing flocs- globs of trash that D. Ammonium Chloride
pathogens stick to.
221. When there is a location living without a
A. filtration
sufficient supply of water because of the
B. chlorination high demand for water is called what?
C. coagulation A. Water Insecurity
D. bioreactors B. Insufficient Water Supply


1.13 Watershed Management 384

C. Water Deficit 227. A huge lake is made behind the dam,

which is called a
D. When there is water supply however
the efficiency of it being clean is less that A. reservoir
higher income countries. B. canal
222. Which of the following is a source of C. well
point-pollution D. tank
A. unlined landfill

228. You are selecting a new dishwasher. You
B. runoff from city streets do about 150 loads per year. The less
efficient model uses 9 gallons per load.
C. precipitation containing air pollution
The more efficient model uses 6 gallons
D. runoff from farms per load. How much money will be saved
on water if you select the more efficient
223. Groundwater is contain in rock forma- model and the price of water is $0.75 per
tions called 1, 000 gallons?
A. reservoirs A. $0.34
B. tanks B. $3.30
C. pools C. $330
D. aquifers D. $3, 000

229. The impurities present in wastewater is

224. A(n) is all of the land area that sup-
plies water to a particular river system
(also known as a drainage basin). A. Pollutants
A. aquifer B. Contaminants

B. watershed C. None of these

C. river D. none of above

D. estuary 230. Conserving water for residential use

would involve
225. Sources of ocean pollution include A. xeriscaping
A. oil spills B. drip irrigation
B. direct dumping of wastewater C. reusing cooling water
C. activities on land D. manufacturing goods
D. all of these 231. What does the term water security
226. Water treatment involves
A. there is enough water for everyone
A. adding pathogens
B. there is enough clean, fresh water for
B. adding mercury everyone
C. adding chlorine C. areas suffer from a lack of water
D. removing flouride D. none of above


1.13 Watershed Management 385

232. when there is no access to sufficient safe B. Manufacturing intensity increases

water? C. increase recycling centres


A. Water Insecurity D. Improved infrastructure
B. Water Deficiency
237. In nature water may occur as
C. Lack of clean water
A. liquid
D. Water Deficit
B. solid
233. Which of the following best describes C. vapours
how a frozen river can cause a flood?
D. All the above.
A. The water behind the ice dam collects
and when the dam breaks, it causes flood- 238. Most of the water used in irrigation will
ing upstream. A. nourish the plant
B. The ice in the river cracks into pieces- B. be absorbed in the soil
that eventually create a dam causing the
C. evaporate
water to overflow.
D. none of above
C. The ice in the river cracks causing the
water to overflow. 239. Large trash items are removed in
D. The ice in the river melts too quickly A. coagulation.
and causes a flood.
B. first filtration.
234. Many areas of the world that do not have C. second filtration.
adequate fresh water have become habit-
D. aeration.
able because
A. rainfall patterns have changed 240. Which of the following statements about
use of fertilizers is correct?
B. water management projects have di-
verted water to the areas A. Apply as much organic fertilizer as pos-
sible to agriculture land to ensure maxi-
C. icebergs have been towed in to pro-
mum plant use and production.
vide fresh water
B. Only apply fertilizers during dry peri-
D. people have practiced water conserva-
C. Apply fertilizer before it rains to allow
235. Which water source is the easiest to nutrients to be washed into the soil for
use? root systems to readily absorb.
A. ice D. Dig the fertilizers into the soil as deep
B. groundwater as possible.
C. surface water 241. Which one of these is a mechanical pro-
D. none of above cess of treating water?
A. Screening of sewage
236. which factor could result in an increase in
water insecurity as an LIC develops into an B. Aeration of sewage
NEE C. Digestion of sewage
A. Lack of rainfall D. Addition of chlorine to water


1.13 Watershed Management 386

242. The rainfall at any place is described by B. fresh water

A. its intensity C. water scarcity
B. its duration D. water footprint
C. its frequency 248. Plentiful supply of water with water
D. All the above. amount exceeding the demand is an exam-
ple if what?
243. Water is a what type of resource?
A. Water Surplus

A. renewable resource B. Water Security
B. non-renewable resource C. More than enough water to encourage
C. continuous resource growth of surrounding areas
D. none of above D. Water Scarcity

244. includes water that is absorbed into 249. Globally the largest user of freshwater
the ground and flows below the Earth’s is
surface. A. residential
A. surface water B. industry
B. ocean water C. agriculture
C. groundwater D. none of above
D. polar ice caps 250. It is difficult to predict when this natural
245. Which region of the world has the top disaster will occur.
record in deaths due to malaria? A. Flood
A. Sub-Saharan Africa B. Drought
B. Asia C. Both
C. South America D. none of above
D. none of above 251. Plants absorbing groundwater and pump-
ing it into the atmosphere is called
246. what does a water deficit mean?
A. Transpiration
A. the demand is the same as the supply?
B. Sublimation

B. there is a greater demand than sup- C. Evaporation

ply? D. None of the above
C. the supply is greater than the de- 252. Over-abstraction of water is the
A. taking water from the ocean to use as
D. none of above drinking water
247. The amount of water on average used B. pumping stored water quicker that it
by individuals, based on domestic is and can be replaced
agricultural or industrial consumption is C. adding water to the water table for
termed later use
A. transpiration D. none of above


1.13 Watershed Management 387

253. Categorically, the largest consumer of 258. Includes pathogens, or disease-causing

water in the U.S. is for what purpose? organisms and viruses; this can come from
human or animal waste


A. agriculture
A. nutrient pollution
B. industry
B. toxic chemical pollution
C. municipal
C. sediment pollution
D. recreation
D. biological pollution
254. Desalination involves 259. Which is not a use of fresh water in in-
A. Transferring water from one drainage dustry?
basin where there is a surplus of water to A. cooling
one where there is a deficit. B. waste disposal
B. The removal of salt and other minerals C. electricity generation
from sea water.
D. crop irrigation
C. The recycling of sewage water - this
involves treatment and removal of solids 260. Ground water is accessed by
and impurities. A. Drilling wells
D. Recharging of groundwater supplies B. Drip irrigation
with reclaimed (recycled water). C. Check bunds
D. Constructing canals
255. How much stages does the Wastewater
Treatment Plant goes through? 261. Which one of these is a biological process
A. One of treating water?
A. Screening of sewage
B. Two
B. Aeration of sewage
C. Three
C. Exposure to ultraviolet light
D. Four
D. Addition of Chlorine water
256. What provides crops with water from 262. The supply of water to land or crops to
sources other than direct precipitation? help growth, typically by means of chan-
A. Aeration nels is the process of?
B. Irrigation A. Interrogation
C. Coagulation B. Instigation
C. Irrigation
D. Xeriscaping
D. Interdependance
257. All the water in the air or above the
263. Agriculture in the Central Valley of Cali-
ground is called
fornia is only possible because of
A. groundwater A. groundwater
B. surface water B. dams/reservoirs
C. water table C. water diversion projects
D. none of above D. all of the above


1.13 Watershed Management 388

264. Runoff of sewage and agricultural C. lawns

wastes into coastal waters introduce D. showering
A. algae growth
270. The area of land that is drained by a river
B. rainwater is called a/an
C. surface runoff A. aquifer
D. oil spill B. watershed
C. river system

265. What all shouldn’t be thrown in the
drains D. none of above
A. Leftover food 271. Nutrients in water that require microbial
B. Solid wastes decomposition.
C. none of the above A. biochemical oxygen demand
D. both of the above B. dissolved organic matter
C. bioaccumulated pollutants
266. Water diversion projects may involve the
movement of water to dry regions using D. nitrogen oxides

A. canals 272. 97% of the world’s water resources are

found in
B. dams
A. fresh water
C. reservoirs
B. salt water
D. sprinklers
C. icecaps and glaciers
267. The United Nations estimates that D. ground water
people live in regions that have a scarcity
of water. 273. Grit Chamber are used in which of the fol-
A. 500 Million lowing process?
A. Grit removal
B. 1.2 Billion
B. Screening
C. 3.5 Billion
C. Aeration
D. 2 billion
D. none of above
268. What is the term for an land above an
aquifer. 274. Desalination is a promising source of wa-
ter for some locations because:
A. river system
A. desalinated water can be delivered at
B. recharge zone a lower cost than many water sources
C. aquifer B. desalination produces water purer
D. watershed than surface water
C. desalination requires less energy than
269. For what purpose is most of the water
transporting water over long distances
used in American households?
D. desalination is a potential water
A. washing machine source for even the most arid (dry) coastal
B. dishwasher area


1.14 Irrigation Management 389

275. Toxins often appear at higher concentra- 277. Earth’s surface water is found in
tions in higher trophic levels due to A. lakes


A. bioaccumulation B. rivers
B. biomagnification C. streams
C. bionicle D. all of these
D. bioengineering
278. Where most freshwater is stored is in
276. Gray Water is suitable for
A. cooking A. Groundwater
B. Swimming pools B. pH
C. Washing cloths C. Glaciers
D. watering plants D. Sea water

1.14 Irrigation Management

1. Which of the following is the leading use 4. Which of the following is a benefit of using
of water globally? organic fertilizer
A. Domestic/Residential A. Organic fertilizers do not require fossil
B. Industry fuels for production.
C. Business/Commercial B. exact amounts of needed nutrients is
not easily determined
D. Agriculture
C. more difficult to spread
2. Which is not the objective of participatory
D. help decrease the water retention abil-
irrigation management
ity of soil
A. facilitate a choice of better crops, crop-
ping sequence, timing of water supply, 5. Participatory irrigation management
and period of supply and frequency of sup- means
ply depending on soil A. Involvement of farmers in irrigation
B. Coordinating post-harvest activities management and opertion at secondary
C. increase production per unit of water and tertiary levels
D. Enhance the efficiency of irrigation B. Involvement of farmers in irrigation
management at primary level
3. Saltwater intrusion into groundwater oc-
C. Involvement of farmers in water distri-
curs most often when
bution and canal lining
A. surface salts from irrigation seep into
D. Involvement of farmers in water distri-
the ground
bution and canal lining at secondary level
B. storms at sea create unusually low
tides 6. Which IPM control relies on predation and
C. less surface water reaches the water parasitism?
table A. Biological Control
D. the water table near the cost drops B. Mechanical Control


1.14 Irrigation Management 390

C. Cultural Control B. achieve equity in water distribution

D. Genetic Control C. create a sense of ownership of wa-
ter resources and the irrigation system
7. Which methods of irrigation is the least ef- among the users
ficient with the highest rate of evapora-
tion? D. Introduce the automatic irrigation

A. spray irrigation 12. This type of irrigation uses a large system

B. drip irrigation of sprinklers that must be manually moved

from field to field and has very large evap-
C. furrow irrigation orative losses.
D. flood irrigation A. Drip Irrigation
8. Which is not the necessity of participatory B. Flood irrigation
irrigation C. Furrow irrigation
A. Need of Increase in Agricultural Pro- D. Spray irrigation
13. All of these are soil conservation methods
B. Problem of Fiscal Availability
C. Recovery of operation and mainte-
A. no-till farming.
nance cost and recovery of irrigation
charge B. contour plowing.
D. Uneven distribution of rainfall C. building terraces.
D. monocropping.
9. Which of the following is NOT a cause of
Soil Degradation? 14. Scientists have inserted a gene for the pro-
A. overgrazing of livestock duction of vitamin A into rice. This practice
of changing the genetic structure of agricul-
B. deforestation due to clearing for farm-
tural products to improve desirable traits
is known as
C. mismanagement of agricultural activi-
A. Genetic Engineering.
B. Transmodification.
D. No-Till Agriculture
C. Selective Breeding.
10. The most expensive but most efficient
D. Natural Selection.
method of irrigation is
A. Sprinkler 15. Which of the following is a commercially
used method for harvesting trees and is
B. surface most likely to lead to a fragmented land-
C. Drip scape with serious impacts on biodiver-
D. Basin sity?
A. Selective cutting
11. Which one is the not objective of participa-
tory irrigation management B. Clear-cutting

A. participation of the farmers in water C. Shelter-wood cutting

management, irrigation scheduling, D. Slash and burn clearing


1.15 Drainage Management 391

1.15 Drainage Management


1. According to G13 When must you use Ver- C. When laying a drain below minimum
ifiable leveling equipment? gradient.
A. When testing a drain
B. When compacting backfill D. When installing a manhole.

1.16 Stormwater Management

1. “The piles are driven into the soil, typi- road drainage can be directed from the cen-
callyleaving two-thirds of their lengthun- ter line of the road’Identify which surface
derground and one-third above thesurface drainage based on this statement
.”Which type of wall is this? A. Valley drainage
A. Piled wall B. Surface edrainage
B. Anchored wall C. Crowned drainage
C. Semi gravity wall D. Sheet drainage
D. Cantilever wall
6. How big can garbage patches or gyres
2. Which bricks bond that are not suitable for be?
vertical strength? A. the size of Europe
A. Stack bond B. the size of Texas
B. Flemish bond C. the size of a water bottle
C. English bond D. the size of a quarter
D. English cross
7. Which one is the characteristic of retention
3. There are two types of metal which are pond

A. Ferrous and non ferrous A. The pond is intended to drain the

stormwater within aperiod of time to
B. Bronze and Lead make the volume available for thenext
C. Stainless steel and steel storm event.
D. Alloy and aluminum B. Help control the rate of flow by us-
ing a control device thatmaintains the pre-
4. What is storm water? development rate of flow.
A. the runoff from precipitation C. Retention ponds require more area
than a detention pond.
B. water
D. Shallow landscaped depressions
C. cloud
which are typically under drained and rely
D. storm cloud on engineered soils,

5. ‘The pavements are raised and curb in or- 8. Why does outlet pipe for detention pond
der to form an edge channel, to which the is located at the bottom of pond?


1.16 Stormwater Management 392

A. The outlet pipe (or control device) is B. Providing greater uniformity and elim-
placed at the bottom elevation of the de- inating the need to dress the stone
tention volume to allow the pond to drain C. The concrete surfaces create small
dry. ridges that provide for traction control
B. The groundwater outlet pipe maybe af- and slip-resistant
fected by the laying of new drains and D. Making the pavement more compact
foundations, and this can adversely affect and less likely to loosen up over time.
trees and other vegetation which is to be

retained . 13. What are garbage patches or gyres?
C. Ensuring that surface water does not A. garbage cans
drain towards the buildings, but can ap-
B. “islands” of trash in the oceans
pear strange when applied to large areas;
C. dumps in the ocean
D. Infiltration devices, which are D. dumps
trenches or basins, rather like infiltration
drains or soakaways, designed to direct 14. How many garbage patches or gyres are
water into the ground. in the world?
A. 3
9. Which the drainage water is directed to
the center of a road or path? B. 93
A. Double slope drainage C. 5
B. Sheet drainage D. 17
C. Crowned drainage 15. Explain why infiltration trenches is not
D. Valley drainage suitable for sites with fine particles soils?

10. What is the alternative material to glass? A. High clogging potential without effec-
tive pre-treatment
A. Laminated glass
B. The groundwater maybe affected by
B. Wired glass the laying of new drains and foundations,
C. Polymers and this can adversely affect trees and
D. Tempered glass other vegetation which is to be retained

11. This type of steel makes the metal harder

C. The advantage of ensuring that sur-
and stronger than stainless steel, but it is
face water does not drain towards the
also less malleable.
buildings, but can appear strange when
A. Metal applied to large areas;
B. Bronze D. Holes filled with stones, into which
C. Stainless steel drainage water is directed so it is not suit-
D. Carbon steel
12. Why does Broom finish and Salt finish suit- 16. Which bond is suitable for vertical
able for wet areas? strength

A. Has an effects such as waves and the A. Herringbone bond

sea B. Flemish bond


1.17 Soil Nutrients 393

C. Stack bond D. California weave

1.17 Soil Nutrients


1. is needed for cell wall formation in a 6. The primary function of this element is
plant to contribute to the general health of the
A. Calcium plant and encourage root growth and fruit
B. Magnesium
A. nitrogen
C. Sulfur
B. potash
D. none of above
C. potassium
2. You have a 25lb bag of fertilizer with an
analysis of 5-10-0. How many lbs of N D. oxygen
are in the bag?
7. The three most important mineral nutri-
A. 1.25 lbs of N ents for plants are , , and
B. 2.5 lbs of N
A. hydrogen, oxygen, and water
C. 12.5 lbs of N
B. nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
D. 0 lbs of N
C. phosphorus, potash, and salt
3. What important role do soil microorgan-
D. phosphorus, fertilizer, and bacteria
isms play in the Nitrogen Cycle?
A. they convert organic N to a form that 8. Which fertilizer is usually applied early in
is usable by plants the growing season?
B. they create sugars that feed plants A. Synthetic
C. the filter pollutants in the soil B. Organic
D. they provide root protection during C. Both
harsh weather conditions
D. none of above
4. Which fertilizer contains N, P and K?
A. Synthetic 9. The chemical symbol for potassium is

B. Organic A. K
C. Both B. P
D. none of above C. Po

5. The tendency of cereal crops to bend over D. N

so that they lie almost flat on the ground
10. Which one is a micronutrient?
is called
A. Lodging A. Sulfur
B. Bending B. Nitrogen
C. Distorting C. Zinc
D. Necrosis D. Calcium


1.17 Soil Nutrients 394

11. Wood ash is an organic source of which nu- 17. Scorching of leaves (browning) along leaf
trient? margins indicates a deficiency in
A. N A. Nitrogen
B. P B. Potassium
C. K C. Phosphorus
D. Ca
D. none of above

12. This element is essential for cell division
and promotes plant maturation 18. Which of the following is not a Micro Nu-
A. potassium
A. Iron
B. nitrogen
B. Copper
C. oxygen
D. phosphorus C. Selenium
D. Magnesium
13. What two kinds of material make up soil?
A. dirt and worms 19. Which fertilizer can be applied anytime
B. dirt and minerals during the growing season?

C. organic material and minerals A. Synthetic

D. topsoil and rocks B. Organic

14. Weak stalks leading to lodging in plants C. Both

indicates a deficiency in D. none of above
A. Potassium
20. Component of chlorophyll, amino acids,
B. Nitrogen DNA and ATP are all functions of
C. Phosphorus
A. Nitrogen
D. none of above
B. Potassium
15. Which fertilizer is human-created? C. Phosphorus
A. Synthetic
D. none of above
B. Organic
C. Both 21. Nutrient toxicity can be defined as a con-
dition where
D. none of above
A. the plant has too much of a certain nu-
16. Blood meal is an organic source of which trient.
B. the plant cannot hold its own weight
A. N and, therefore, droops.
B. P C. the plant turns yellow.
C. K D. the plant is not getting enough of an
D. Ca essential nutrient.


1.17 Soil Nutrients 395

22. Improves strength of the stems, increases B. fire flies

disease resistance and helps plants over- C. shooting stars
come drought stress


D. heat lightning
A. nitrogen
B. phosphorus 28. Swayback is a deficiency disease in sheep
due to the lack of which element
C. calcium
A. Zinc
D. potassium
B. Iron
23. A deficiency in causes shortened in-
C. Cobalt
ter nodes and bunched leaves on ends of
brunches due to low auxin production D. Copper
A. Iron 29. is the only metal micronutient that
B. Zinc does not exhibit multiple valences and
not subjected to oxidation-reducation re-
C. Manganese
actions in soil-plants system
D. Molybdenum
A. Iron
24. The nutrient that stimulates growth of B. Zinc
leaves and gives plants a rich green color
C. Manganese
A. nitrogen
D. Molybdenum
B. potassium
C. phosphorus 30. is part of enzyme nitrate reductases
and N-fixing nitrogenase.
D. potash
A. Molybdenum
25. What is the definition of synthetic? B. Zinc
A. occurs naturally (”in nature”) C. Iron
B. made by chemical synthesis (human- D. Copper
C. made of plastic or metal 31. Select the macronutrients required by
D. organically sourced
A. N, P, K
26. A deficiency in causes yield reduction in
B. C, O, H
cereals, stunted growth and reduced flow-
ering in legumes C. Ca, Mg, S
A. Iron D. Zn, Fe, Co
B. Zinc 32. Which fertilizer, typically, has higher num-
C. Manganese bers in its fertilizer analysis?
D. Molybdenum A. Synthetic

27. In the atmosphere, energy from lightning B. Organic

causes nitrogen and oxygen to form C. Both
A. nitrates D. none of above


1.17 Soil Nutrients 396

33. Dying growing tips and bushy stunted 39. Discoloured blue-purple leaves indicates a
growth is caused by a deficiency in deficiency in
A. Boron A. Nitrogen
B. Zinc B. Phosphorus
C. Copper C. Potassium
D. Iron D. none of above
34. Weak stalks leading to lodging in cereals

40. A deficiency in causes whiptail in
indicates a deficiency in cauliflower
A. Potassium A. Molybdenum
B. Nitrogen B. Zinc
C. Phosphorus C. Iron
D. none of above D. Copper
35. Which of the following is not a macronutri- 41. Which fertilizer is, typically, “slow-
ent? release”?
A. Nitrogen A. Synthetic
B. Calcium B. Organic
C. Sulfur
C. Both
D. Zinc
D. none of above
36. You have a 40lb bag of fertilizer with an
42. is important parts of plants’
analysis of 16-7-2. How many lbs of P
oxodation-reduction reactions
are in the bag?
A. Iron
A. 6.4 lbs of P
B. .8 lbs of P B. Zinc

C. 28 lbs of P C. Copper

D. 2.8 lbs of P D. Boron

37. Which is not a primary macronutrient? 43. The chemical symbol for phosphorus is
A. Calcium A. P
B. Nitrogen B. K
C. Potassium C. S
D. Phosphorus D. Ph

38. Which fertilizer is sourced from natural in- 44. Which of the following are other beneficial
gredients? micronutrients?
A. Synthetic A. Cobalt
B. Organic B. Nickel
C. Both C. Vanadium
D. none of above D. All of the above


1.17 Soil Nutrients 397

45. Helps form chlorophyll; helps with pro- 50. How many essential nutrients are required
tein production and making plant oils; in- by plants?
creases crop yields and improves quality


A. 10
of produce
B. 20
A. magnesium
C. 16
B. sulfur
D. 15
C. phosphorus
D. calcium 51. In plant science a nutrient is “essential” if

46. Nutrient deficiency can be defined as a con- A. it is necessary for plant growth
dition where
B. it is found on the periodic table
A. the plant has too much of a certain nu-
C. it is found in the soil
D. it is used by the human body
B. the plant cannot hold its own weight
and, therefore, droops. 52. This nitrogen fixing bacteria lives in the
C. the plant turns yellow. roots of beans, clovers and peas
D. the plant is not getting enough of an A. ribosomes
essential nutrient. B. rhizobia
47. Which of the following is NOT one of the C. radicals
micronutrients are required by plants? D. roots
A. Zn
53. Pale green or yellow plants due to lack of
B. Fe chlorophyll would indicate a deficiency in
C. Cl
D. Co A. Nitrogen
B. Phosphorus
48. What is the process where nitrogen is
moved from the air to the soil to be used C. Potassium
by plants and then returned to the atmo- D. none of above
sphere to be used again?
54. Select the structural elements found in
A. ammonia cycle
B. nitrogen cycle
A. N, P, K
C. bacterial cycle
B. C, O, H
D. water cycle C. Ca, Mg, S
49. Select the secondary macronutrients re- D. Zn, Fe, Co
quired by plants.
55. This bacteria in the soil returns nitrogen
A. N, P, K to the atmosphere by converting nitrogen
B. C, O, H from nitrates into atmospheric nitrogen
C. Ca, Mg, S A. hydrogen bacteria
D. Zn, Fe, Co B. oxygenizing bacteria


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 398

C. nitrifying bacteria A. Blue colour leaves

D. denitrifying bacteria B. Purple colour leaves
56. carries airborne nitrates to the soil dur- C. Pale or Yellow colour leaves
ing a storm. D. No germination of seed
A. clouds
59. Heart rot/crown rot in sugar beet and car-
B. rain rots is caused by a deficiency in
C. lightning

A. Boron
D. tornadoes
B. Zinc
57. Which fertilizer is, typically, “quick- C. Copper
D. Iron
A. Synthetic
B. Organic 60. A deficiency in causes anaemia in pigs
C. Both A. Iron
D. none of above B. Zinc

58. Which of the following is a sign of nitrogen C. Copper

deficiency in plants D. Boron

1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use

1. are required in relatively large pro- B. Texture
portion for the growth anddevelopment of C. Organic material
D. pH
A. Fertilizers
B. Water 4. What is potassium used for in a complete
C. Macronutrients
D. Micronutrients A. For green foliage.
B. For roots & blooms.
2. What kind of fertilizer have a higher anal-
ysis of soluble nutrients that have been C. For plant health.
blended together for a specific purpose? D. none of above
A. Organic
5. If you purchased a 10 pound bag of fertil-
B. Inorganic izer labeled 5-10-5, it would contain…
C. Complete A. 5 % phosphorus
D. Application
B. 20 % phosphorus
3. What is one of the most important soil C. 10 % phosphorus
properties that affects the availability of
D. 8 % phosphorus
A. Moisture 6. Nitrogenous fertiliser is required


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 399

A. during the early stage of growth to pro- 11. Jack and Jill went up the hill and noticed
mote development of stem and leaves. the grass was very yellow. Which nutri-
ent is deficient?


B. for accelerating fruit formation in later
stage of growth. A. Sulfur
C. to lessen the effect of excessive B. Nitrogen
potash application. C. Phosphorus
D. none of these. D. Potassium
12. Which body of water does the early Egyp-
7. Which of the following is NOT a primary tian used to water their plants?
A. Red Sea
A. N
B. Nile River
B. P C. Mediterranean Sea
C. K D. Caspian Sea
D. S 13. How do nutrients improve plants
A. Stunted growth
8. Which of the following is untrue for the
haber process? B. Healthy processes
A. ammonia gas is cooled and collected C. Discoloration
as a liquid D. Damaged tissues
B. a really high temperature is used to 14. The analysis of a fertilizer shows the
speed up the reaction amount of:
C. hydrogen and nitrogen are the raw ma- A. boron, calcium, and water.
terials for the reaction B. carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
D. vary high pressure C. nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

9. Irrigation means D. zinc, sulfur, and iron.

A. growing new plants in the desert. 15. What can be added to increase nutrients in
B. using the date palm trees to build the soil?
houses. A. Fertilizer
C. putting water on to dry land so that B. Fertilizer and Compost
crops will grow well. C. Water
D. none of above D. Compost

10. decomposers breakdown dead material to 16. Which of the following are salts containing
various plant nutrients?
A. get bigger
A. Fertilizers
B. to die B. Water
C. to put nitrates back into soil C. Macronutrients
D. to algal bloom D. Micronutrients


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 400

17. What is the catalyst used in the Haber pro- C. Farm a lot of land
D. Enjoy playing in feces
A. a) Vanadium Pentoxide
B. b) Iron 23. What are the elements that plants need in
large amounts called?
C. c) Nickel
A. micronutrients
D. d) Sulphuric Acid
B. macronutrients

18. Which group includes micronutrients?
C. trace elements
A. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
D. atmospheric elements
B. Copper, manganese, and zinc
C. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium 24. why do we need Potassium in fertiliser

D. Sulfur, magnesium, and water A. help plant to produce its proteins and
to resist from plant disease
19. What three element do plants obtain from
B. help plant produce chlorophyll and its
the atmosphere?
other proton
A. Carbon Dioxide, Boron, Sodium
C. helps root to grow and help crops to
B. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen ripen
C. Oxygen, Hydrogen, Magnesium D. none of above
D. Hydrogen, Copper, Zinc
25. How many essential nutrients are needed
20. Which is true of macronutrients? by plants in different amounts?
A. All six are listed on the fertilizer label. A. 12
B. 10- 15
B. They are present in the soil in the
smallest amounts. C. 16 or 17

C. They are used by the plants in large D. All of them

26. The percentage of N-P-K is referred to as
D. They are used by the plants in small the?
A. Complete
21. What are the three essential elements that B. Analysis
plants require?
C. Amount
A. nitrogen phosphate potassium
D. Options
B. nitrogen sulphur potassium
C. nitrogen potassium phosphorous 27. Which of the following is a micronutrient?
D. nitrogen potassium polonium A. calcium
22. We fertilize because we B. chlorine
A. Need to improve protein C. magnesium
B. Remove nutrients from soil D. sulfur


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 401

28. why do we need nitrogen in fertiliser C. dissolve in water

A. Plant need nitrogen for respiration D. none of the above


B. help plant to produce its proteins and
to resist from plant disease 34. The nitrogen in the soil is called

C. help plant produce chlorophyll and its A. Nitrogen

other proton B. Water
D. none of above C. Nitrates
29. Where is sprinkler irrigation popular? D. Phosphates
A. deserts
35. Which is dried cow manure an example
B. vegetable gardens, crops, lawns, golf of?
A. Fertilizer Application
C. organic hydroponics
B. Inorganic Fertilizer
D. blueberry farms
C. Organic Fertilizer
30. What factors need to be considered when
choosing fertilizer? D. none of above
A. Nutrients needed 36. How does nitrogen help a plant grow
B. Soil structure A. Dark green leaf
C. Soil chemistry
B. Root growth
D. All of the above
C. Fruit growth
31. is anything added to the soil that will D. none of above
increase the yield of the crops.
A. root crops 37. It is any material of natural or synthetic
B. fertilizer origin that is applied to soil or to plant tis-
sues to supply one or more plant nutrients
C. water essential to the growth of plants.
D. none of above A. Fertilizer
32. Which of the following is a benefit of keep- B. Left over
ing records of fertilizer application?
C. Pesticide
A. To ensure effective application
D. Insecticide
B. To prevent runoff
C. To prevent nutrients from seeping into 38. Which piece of information below is NOT
groundwater required by law to be on fertilizer bags?
D. All of the above A. Name and address of manufacturer

33. What has to happen before nutrients can B. Net Weight

be taken up by the roots of a plant? C. Guaranteed analysis of each nutrient
A. scarification in fertilizer
B. leaching D. Salt Index


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 402

39. If Luke Warm needed to apply 50lbs of 45. Soluble fertilizers dissolve in:
potassium per acre and was using 0-0-60 A. air.
(potash) as his K source how many total
pounds of Potash would he need to put B. ammonia.
on? C. hydrogen.
A. .08 D. water.
B. 30
46. If you purchased a 10 pound bag of fertil-
C. 50

izer labeled 5-10-5, how much potassium
D. 83 would it contain?
40. Phosphorus’s symbol is a? A. 2 pounds
A. L B. 5 pounds
B. P C. 1 pound
C. Ph D. .5 pound
D. none of above 47. What does NPK stands for?
41. What is phosphorus used for in a complete A. Nutrients, Pesticides, Kelp
B. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium
A. For green foliage.
C. Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus
B. For roots & bloom.
D. none of above
C. For overall plant health.
D. none of above 48. Which one of these is NOT a point of expo-
sure for chemicals to damage your body?
42. Nitrogen’s symbol is a?
A. Dermally
A. Ni
B. Wearing PPE
C. Orally
C. N
D. Inhalation
D. none of above
49. Nitrogen for the Haber process is formed
43. How does phosphorus help a plant grow by
A. Leaf growth
A. Fractional distillation of air
B. Strong root
B. Fractional distillation of crude oil
C. Fruit growth
C. Electrolysis of water
D. none of above
D. Fixation of nitrogen by pea plants
44. What does the term ’deficiency’ mean?
50. What is Potassium’s symbol?
A. Administering a poison
A. K
B. A lack of key nutrients
B. Na
C. Too much of a key nutrient
D. How harmful a substance can be to an- C. Mg
imals D. none of above


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 403

51. What are organic fertilizers? 57. What is the process of combining nitrogen
A. animal manure, compost gas with other elements to make nitrogen
into usable compounds?


B. liquid, granular
A. nitrogen composition
C. soluble
B. nitrogen fixation
D. foliar
C. ammonia
52. When the plants die from no sun this D. denitrification
A. increases number of bacteria
58. Which of the following is an advantage of
B. increases nitrate levels a natural fertiliser?
C. reduces biodiversity A. Improves the structure of the soil
D. consumes all the oxygen in water B. Quicker than artifical fertiliser to ef-
fect plant growth
53. Which nutrient do plants need in the great-
est quantity? C. mineral concentration is higher than
artificial fertiliser
A. Calcium
D. none of above
B. Nitrogen
C. Sulfur 59. What is organic fertilizer?
D. Zinc A. The nutrients in a product come from
remains or by- products of once a living
54. What nutrients are usually lacking in the organisms.
B. The nutrients in a product come from
A. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium a factory.
B. Nitrogen, Oxygen, Zinc C. The nutrients in a product are mixed
C. Sodium, Potassium, Hydrogen together by a farmer.
D. Iron, Cobalt, Copper D. The nutrients in a product are man
55. method, the fertilizer is dissolved in
the water and applied as a spray. 60. increases the absorptive power of the
soil and improves the physical condition of
A. broadcast application the soil.
B. foliar applicationtop A. compost
C. top dressing B. green manure
D. band application C. animal manure
56. What is the fertilizer that is usually con- D. none of above
centrated and is to be mixed with water?
61. The process of changing plant and animal
A. Powder waste into the simplest form of organic
B. Liquid material is called
C. Granular A. fertilizing
D. none of above B. manuring


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 404

C. composting 67. What are enclosures?

D. none of above A. Gates that go around a house
B. Large farming land that were enclosed
62. The element in urea is to boost crop yields
A. Potassium C. When a bank takes back property be-
B. Nitrogen cause lack of payment
D. None of these
C. Phosphorus

D. Calcium 68. A complete fertilizer is made from
A. N P K
63. What is the percentage of filler in a 14-8- B. Ca Mg S
6 fertilizer?
C. C H O
A. 28
D. All of these
B. 29
69. Plants absorb nitrates
C. 72 A. through leaves
D. 100 B. through air
64. The Haber process is the name we give to C. through sun
the industrial production of D. through roots
A. Ammonia 70. What is the elemental symbol for Nitro-
B. Salt gen
A. N
C. Sodium Hydroxide
B. P
D. Soap
C. K
65. What is manure? D. Ag
A. Chemicals 71. Why do we need phosphorus in fertiliser
B. Decaying organic matter A. helps root to grow and help crops to
C. By-products of oil production
B. help plant produce chlorophyll and its
D. none of above other proton
66. Fertilizer containing 15- 10- 26 contains: C. help plant to produce its proteins and
to resist from plant disease
A. 15% nitrogen, 10% phosphate, 26%
potash D. none of above

B. 15% phosphate, 10% nitrogen, 26% 72. Lived by hunting small animals and gather-
potash ing plants

C. 15% potash, 10% phosphate, and 26% A. Scientists

nitrogen B. archeologist
D. 15% Nitrogen, 26 % Potassium, 10% C. Romans
Phosphorus D. Hunter-gatherers


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 405

73. Peat moss, seaweed, and manure are all C. leaches quickly through the soil.
examples of what type of fertilizer? D. releases into the soil rapidly.


A. Organic
79. What are the most needed nutrients in the
B. Chemical largest amounts?
C. Inorganic A. Macro nutrients
D. none of above B. Primary nutrients
74. If you purchased a 10 pound bag of fertil- C. Miro nutriets
izer with analysis 5-10-10. What percent D. Non mineral nutrients
of phosphate is in the bag?
80. What are the 3 nutrients that a complete
A. 5% fertilizer contains?
B. 10% A. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Hydrogen
C. 15% B. Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Potassium
D. 25% C. Potassium, Hydrogen Nitrogen
75. Nitrogen getting into fresh water D. Hydrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus

A. increases number of bacteria 81. Sue uses a fertilizer that promotes early
formation and growth of roots and in-
B. increases algal growth
creases the plant’s hardiness and disease
C. reduces biodiversity resistance vigor. Her fertilizer will most
D. consumes all the oxygen in water likely contain what primary element?
A. Boron
76. These nutrients include iron, zinc, & boron
and are needed in very small amounts. B. Chlorine
A. macro C. Phosphorus

B. macoroni D. Zinc

C. micro 82. Angel selects a fertilizer that will promote

good green growth for the leaves and
D. miniscule
stems of her houseplants. The fertilizer
77. Hydrogen for the Haber process is made will most likely contain the primary ele-
from ment:
A. Methane in natural gas A. chlorine.
B. Fractional distillation of air B. copper.

C. Fractional distillation of crude oil C. nitrogen.

D. Electrolysis D. zinc.
83. What is fertilizer labeled with?
78. An advantage of organic fertilizer is that
it: A. 5 Numbers
A. improves the physical condition of soil. B. 3 Numbers
C. 2 Numbers
B. is sterile. D. Nothing


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 406

84. what is the essential temperature for B. Sunlight

C. Water
A. 1000°c
D. Micronutrients
B. 30°c
C. 450°c 90. What type of fertilizer is dry, tiny pel-
D. none of above
A. liquid

85. What is needed in the greatest amount by
plants for maximum growth? B. foliar

A. Water C. granular
B. Micronutrients D. organic
C. Macronutrients
91. Which is the analysis of an incomplete fer-
D. Sunlight tilizer?
86. What is the method of fertilizer applica- A. 5-10-10
tion where fertilizer is applied in bands B. 10-10-10
near where the young plant?
C. 15-0-14
A. Broadcast Application
B. Spray Application D. 20-10-20

C. Band Application 92. 10-10-20 fertilizer contains the elements

D. none of above A. N-P-K
87. What is the function of nitrogen in plant B. N-C-K
C. N-P-S
A. Makes seeds
D. S-P-K
B. Produces a healthy green color
C. Produces a yellow color in leaves 93. Which of the following indicates a plant
has a disease?
D. Protects plants against winterkill
A. Stunted growth
88. Fruit and vegetable peelings, egg shells,
and manure are all examples of what type B. Spots on leaves
of fertilizer? C. Decay or rot
A. Organic D. All of the above
B. Chemical
94. How many percent of nitrogen does Urea
C. Inorganic
D. none of above
A. 46%
89. What are elements that are required for
B. 16%
plant growth which are needed but in only
very small amounts? C. 60%
A. Macronutrients D. 50%


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 407

95. Which elements do plants need in the C. foliar

smallest amounts?
D. organic


A. Macronutrients
B. Micronutrients 101. Which elements are present in NPK fer-
C. Primary elements
A. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium
D. Secondary elements
B. Nitrogen, Potassium, Calcium
96. What can be added to the environment
around the plant that contain essential C. Sodium, Phosphorus, Potassium
plant nutrients? D. Sodium, Phophorus, Calcium
A. Water
102. What is added to fertilizer so that it will
B. Sunlight spread easily and prevent burning?
C. Fertilizer
A. Filler
D. Food
B. pH Balancer
97. This is a method of applying fertilizer close C. Lime
to the seed or around the growing plant.
D. Nitrogen
A. top dressing
B. band application 103. The three primary nutrients necessary for
C. foliar application plant growth are:

D. broadcast application A. boron, calcium, and iron.

B. chlorine, sulfur, and zinc.
98. What do fertilizers do?
A. Make them grow C. magnesium, manganese, and molyb-
B. Make them healthy
D. nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
C. Replenish the nutrients in the soil
D. none of above 104. When crops are harvested,

99. When looking at a fertilizer bag and the ra- A. nitrogen is taken out of the cycle so
tio is 15-25-10. What percent of nitrogen needs to be replaced.
is in this bag? B. biodiversity is increased
A. 10% C. the crop yield is increased
B. 25% D. the number of pests increases
C. 0%
105. If nitrate levels in soil get low
D. 15%
A. crops will grow bigger
100. What type of fertilizer is applied only to
leaves? B. crops will grow slower
A. liquid C. crops wont grow as well
B. granular D. animals will die


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 408

106. Algal blooms C. Broadcasting

A. increases number of bacteria D. None of the above
B. block light from reaching under water
plants 112. Which element is not added to fertilizer?

C. reduces biodiversity A. Aluminium

D. consumes all the oxygen in water B. Nitrogen

107. All fertilizers are labeled with three C. Phosphorus

numbers, showing the percentage by D. Potassium
weight ofavailable nitrogen, phosphate
and potash which is defined as the fertil- 113. Which elements are considered non-
izer mineral nutrients?
A. Number A. Carbon, Hydrogen & Oxygen
B. Analysis B. Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen
C. Content C. Carbon, Potassium, Hydrogen & Nitro-
D. All of the above gen

108. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, what D. none of above

percentage of people were farmers?
114. When looking at a fertilizer bag and the
A. 60% ratio is 15-20-5. What percent of potas-
B. 70% sium is in this bag?
C. 80% A. 15%
D. 90% B. 5%
109. if nitrates leach into water, and rivers C. 20%
A. can cause algal bloom D. 0%
B. increase number of bacteria
115. Farmers make up about % of the pop-
C. cause plants to grow more ulation today
D. increase crop yeild A. 2
110. Potassium’s symbol is a? B. 10
A. K C. 15
B. Na D. 20
C. Mg
116. It is a chemical product, not from animals
D. none of above
or plants
111. Which application method is done by A. Organic
evenly spreading the recommended rate
offertilizer over the growing area? B. Inorganic
A. Foliar feeding C. Soluble
B. Direct feeding D. none of above


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 409

117. Which of the following would be a suit- 123. What is the reason why Crop Rotation is
able fertilizer? used in farming?


A. nitrogen dioxide A. A three-field system to rotate crops to
B. potassium nitrate keep the soil healthy.

C. copper phosphate B. Rotating crops from wheat to root

crops to barley to keep the nutrients in the
D. nitrogen oxide soil.
118. fertilizer materials are solid, homoge- C. So maximum crop yields can be
neous mixtures of fertilizermaterials. achieved.
A. Special purpose D. All of These
B. Fluid 124. The ’Haber process’ is the manufacture
C. Fertilizer combined with pesticides of which industrially important product?
D. Granulated A. a) Ammonia
B. b) Sulphuric acid
119. How did the Agricultural Revolution im-
pact the people? C. c) Methane

A. More food D. d) Water

B. People were healthier 125. is an organic material consisting of

very fine thoroughly rotted manure, plant
C. Population increased greatly
parts, and other organic matter.
D. All of these
A. compost
120. How is fertilizer added? B. green manure
A. Irrigation Water C. animal manure
B. Soil D. none of above
C. Air or sprayed on leaves 126. method, the fertilizer is scattered uni-
D. All of the above formly on the soil by hand or machine.

121. What are the 3 most important miner- A. broadcast application

als? B. foliar application
A. NPQ C. top dressing
B. NPL D. band application
C. NPK 127. Johnny planted 2 acres of beans because
D. none of above he has a full market of customers in the
community. At the end of the season he
122. What are three examples of trace ele- picked 50 bushels/acre. What is this har-
ments? vest called?
A. Zinc, Hydrogen, Sodium A. Timing
B. Iron, Boron, Maganese B. Yield
C. Copper, Chromium, Calcium C. Tissue Analysis
D. Chlorine, Potassium, Titanium D. Shield


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 410

128. What do the nutrients in the soil have 133. The irrigation system that adds water by
to do before being absorbed through the flooding furrows is
plant’s roots? A. surface
A. It needs to wait for the seed to germi- B. subirrigation
nate before it does anything.
C. sprinkler
B. It needs to transpire.
D. trickle
C. It needs to evaporate.

134. A common symptom of a plant that has a
D. It has to be dissolved in the water
phosphorus deficiency is:
129. What could happen to plants if you apply A. cupped or curled leaf tips.
too much fertilizer?
B. a purplish color in older leaves.
A. You can burn the plant
C. rotting fruit on young plants.
B. You can drown the plant D. rotting fruit on young plants.
C. It will grow too tall
135. When you add fertilizer to the stems of
D. You can never over fertilize plants, you are
130. If there is 24% N, 5% P, and 11 % K A. Top dressing
in a bag, how much will be the remaining B. Side dressing
nutrients and filler?
C. Bottom dressing
A. 30%
D. Getting dressed
B. 50%
136. Which is a secondary nutrient?
C. 60%
A. Manganese
D. 80%
B. Zinc
131. One of the advantages for irrigation is: C. Calcium
A. The soil absorbs water so quickly D. Iron
which is dangerous for plant growth
B. a layer of salt may form on the surface 137. Calcium, magnesium, and sulfur are:
of the soil, and this can be toxic to plants A. macronutrients.
C. water evaporates quickly B. micronutrients.
D. crops grow quickly C. primary elements.
D. secondary elements.
132. are derived from decaying plant and
animal products such blood meal, bone 138. Which of the following is NOT a problem
meal, manure, plant parts, and left overs. in our current food system
A. organic fertilizers A. Food waste
B. inorganic fertilizers B. Algal blooms caused by fertilizer use
C. fertilizers C. Selectively bred crops for high yield
D. none of above D. Food insecurity


1.18 Fertilizers and Integrated Nutrients Use 411

139. Gas that makes up 78% of our atmo- D. A shortage of given nutrient needed by
sphere. a plant.


A. Oxygen 145. What is the importance of calculating fer-
B. Nitrogen tilizer costs?
C. Hydrogen A. To make price comparisons
D. Carbon Dioxide B. To sharpen your math skills
140. What word has a definition of - is the C. To realize how cheap fertilizer is
spraying of liquid fertilizer directly onto D. All of the above
the leaves of plants.
146. What is the meaning of the term c hloro-
A. Broadcasting
B. Side-dressing
A. Stunted growth
C. Foliar application
B. Chlorophyll
D. Fertilizer application
C. Yellowing of the plant
141. living things need nitrogen to D. Nitrate deficiency
A. make energy
147. Which element is not added to anh fer-
B. to make proteins tiliser?
C. to make fats A. Aluminium
D. to make antibodies B. Nitrogen
142. How does potassium help a plant grow C. Phosphorus
A. Leaf growth D. Potassium
B. Root growth 148. What is nitrogen used for in a complete
C. Fruit growth fertilizer?
D. none of above A. For green foliage.
143. Which of the following nutrients is NOT B. For the roots & blooms.
one of the 3 nutrients lacking in soil due to C. For plant health.
the large amounts needed by plants.
D. none of above
A. Nitrogen (N)
149. Nitrogen
B. Potassium (K)
A. never runs out as is part of a cycle
C. Phosphorous (P)
B. evaporates
D. Sulpher (S)
C. can run out
144. What is deficiency?
D. is in light energy
A. That does not relate to plants.
B. The lack of water in a plant. 150. What are nutrients?

C. This is when it has rained for several A. the available minerals and chemicals
days and there is no sun reaching the in soil
plant. B. things you eat


1.19 Weed Management 412

C. fertilizers added to plants C. Special purpose

D. none of above D. Slow-release
151. Which of the following is TRUE of inor- 155. After an algal bloom the biodiversity is
ganic fertilizers? decreased by
A. They release nutrients through decom- A. the increase in bacteria using up all
posers oxygen
B. They are not synthetically manufac- B. sunlight being blocked

C. the increased nitrate levels
C. They release nutrients quickly
D. algal bloom eating all the fish
D. none of above
156. What is the rate of Nitrogen in the 15-
152. If number of bacteria increases this
10-5 fertilizer?
A. increases algal bloom
A. 15
B. increases nitrate levels
B. 10
C. consumes all the oxygen in water in-
creasing biodiversity C. 5

D. consumes all the oxygen in water de- D. none of above

creasing biodiversity
157. This is the term used when the fertilizer
153. are called commercial fertilizers be- is broadcast over growing crops.
cause they can be bought from the local A. foliar application
B. band application
A. fertilizers
C. broadcast application
B. organic fertilizers
D. top dressing
C. inorganic fertilizers
D. none of above 158. are the green, growing plants that
are plowed under
154. Which type of fertilizer will be missing
A. green manure
at least one major component of nitrogen,
phosphate and potassium? B. compost
A. Complete C. animal manure
B. Incomplete D. none of above

1.19 Weed Management

1. Which plant is used as a popular ornamen- D. Chinese tallow
tal tree?
2. Smut grass is most problematic in what
A. Sunflower area?
B. Bitterweed A. Lawns
C. Bull thistle B. Gardens


1.20 crop production management 413

C. Pastures D. Broadleaf plantain

D. Roadsides
7. Shepardspurse is what type of annual?


3. For which of the following resources A. Winter
do weeds NOT compete with desirable
B. Summer
C. Spring
A. Space
D. Fall
B. Water
C. Pollen 8. What is the average rainfall needed for
D. Sunlight broomsedge bluestem to grow?
A. 25 in.
4. How tall can yaupon grow?
B. 15 in.
A. 1 to 9 ft.
C. 35 in.
B. 10 to 19 ft.
D. 10 in.
C. 20 to 30 ft.
D. 31 to 40 ft. 9. Dewberry plants have a fruit similar to
which plant?
5. What shape are the leaves on a velvetleaf
plant? A. Strawberry

A. Diamond B. Blueberry

B. Oval C. Hackberry
C. Square D. Blackberry
D. Heart 10. What are the three main types of use for
6. Which plant is commonly found in vine-
yards? A. Agronomic, ecological, economic
A. Bermuda grass B. Agronomic, ecological, environmental
B. Bitterweed C. Agronomic, environmental, economic
C. Black Nightshade D. Environmental, economic, ecological

1.20 crop production management





GROWING POPULATION?answer choice s A. A house plant


1.20 crop production management 414

B. A cultivated plant that is grown on a 9. is a major crop which is sown in winter

large scale and reaped in summer season.
C. A succulent A. Millets
D. None of the above B. Wheat
C. Gram

10. Rhizobium bacteria in the root nodules of
DUCTION leguminous plants help in fixing:
B. Hydrogen
C. Nitrogen
D. Sulphur
5. Which of the following is neither a kharif
11. When only crops are grown, we refer to
crop nor a rabi crop?
this as
A. Paddy
A. Arable farming
B. Wheat
B. Subsistence farming
C. Maize
C. Commercial farming
D. Watermelon D. none of above
6. The process of loosening the husk from the 12. Why is temperature a factor that affects
grain is called farming?
A. Winnowing A. Each type of crop requires specific con-
B. Harvesting ditions for growth
C. Threshing B. Crops can grow in a wide range of con-
D. Weeding ditions
C. Farmers prefer working in warmer
7. Pulses are rich in conditions
A. Carbohydrates D. Cows don’t like the rain
B. Fats
13. Which of the these is not a cash crop?
C. Protiens
A. Coffee
D. Vitamins
B. Maize
8. Which of the following states does not C. Cotton
grow Millets?
D. Oilseeds
A. Madhya Pradesh
C. Odisha ROOTS?
D. Karnataka A. FERTILIZER


1.20 crop production management 415

B. MANURE 20. Harvesting is the process of

C. BOTH MANURE AND FERTILIZER A. separating grains from stalk


D. NONE OF THESE B. preparing soil for sowing seeds
C. collecting ripened crops from the field
15. The process of rearing silkworms on a
large scale is called
D. removing undesired plants from the
A. Vermiculture
crop field
B. Pisciculture
21. Arrange the following agricultural prac-
C. Sericulture
tices in the order in which they are fol-
D. Apiculture lowed.HarvestingSowingStorageIrrigationPreparation
of soil
16. Poultry farming is undertaken to raise fol-
lowing (i) Egg production (ii) Feather pro- A. 5�2�4�1�3
duction (iii) Chicken meat (iv) Milk produc- B. 2�1�3�5�4
C. 1�2�3�4�5
A. (i) and (iii)
D. 5�3�4�1�2
B. (i) and (ii)
22. Which of these is a farming input?
C. (ii) and (iii)
A. Tractor
D. (iii) and (iv)
B. Ploughing the fields
17. What is the process of growing crops in C. Milk
the hilly areas known as
D. Harvest
A. step farming
B. stem farming 23. WHAT IS CROP?


D. manuring LARGE SCALE
18. The plant roots contain nitrogen fixing bac- B. WHEN SAME TYPE OF PLANTS ARE
A. Orange
B. Pea
19. The most important legume hay in the 24. is a harvest festival celebrated mostly
United States is in Punjab in India.
A. Clover A. Pongal
B. Lespedeza B. Christmas
C. Bird’s foot trefoil C. Makar Sankranti
D. Alfalfa D. Baisakhi


1.20 crop production management 416

25. What are the advantages of preparing the A. increasing the dependence of crops on
soil? monsoons
A. Allows roots to penetrate the soil eas- B. reducing the dependence of crops on
ily monsoons
B. Makes the top soil nutrient rich C. reducing pest attacks on crops
C. Makes decomposition by microbes D. none of these

D. All of these
26. Farming that involves high inputs of capi- B. JUNE TO DECEMBER
tal, fertilisers and labour is known as
A. Intensive farming
B. Extensive farming
C. Organic farming 32. Example of kharif crop is

D. Subsistence farming A. rice

B. wheat
27. Which of these is not a kharif crop?
C. mustard
A. Wheat
D. none of above
B. Rice
C. Groundnut 33. Cotton needs to grow.

D. Maize A. Good rainfall and warm temperature

B. Moderate rainfall and cool tempera-
C. Moderate rainfall and warm tempera-
A. UREA ture
B. NPK D. none of above
34. Combines are used for:
A. harvesting and threshing both.
29. Forage that is cut and allowed to dry to B. threshing
40 to 55 percent moisture before storing
is called C. harvesting the crops

A. Silage D. sowing of seeds

B. Haylage 35. is the chief producer of spices and co-

C. Hay conuts.

D. Cubes A. Karnataka
B. Kerala
30. Irrigation is an important part of crop pro-
duction. Irrigation increases crop yield C. Odisha
byanswer choice s D. Madhya Pradesh


1.20 crop production management 417

36. Cotton is grown in soil. 42. Why do we loosen or turn the soil?
A. red A. allows the toots to go deeper into the


B. alluvial soil and yet, breathe easily

C. black B. helps in growth of microbes and earth-

worms that add humus to the soil and turn
D. laterite and loosen the soil further
37. Which of the following is not a rice- C. both a and b
producing state? D. None of the above
A. Uttat Pradesh
43. Hay is raked to
B. West Bengal
A. allow even drying
C. Gujarat
B. allow the hay to ferment
D. Maharashtra
C. reduce its maturity
38. A forage that grows in wet or poorly D. remove leaves and weeds
drained soil is
A. Reed canary grass 44. A seed drill helps in i and ii
. The information in which alternative
B. Timothy completes the given statement?
C. fescue A. sowing seeds at a uniform distance,
D. Bird’s foot trefoil harvesting the produce

39. Which of the following is not millets? B. sowing seeds at a uniform distance,
saving time
A. Jowar
C. saving time, spreading manure
B. Bajra
D. harvesting the produce, spreading
C. Jute manure
D. Ragi
45. The production of forages in the United
40. The type of mower that cuts with a scis- States equals percent of the land used
sors type action is a for crops
A. Rotary A. 25
B. Flail B. 35
C. Sickle Bar C. 50
D. Vibrating D. 65

41. A warm season grass is 46. is the staple food of our country India.
A. sweet clover A. Maize
B. bromegrass B. Rice
C. reed canary grass C. Sugar cane
D. Bermuda grass D. Wheat


1.20 crop production management 418

47. Before 8000 B.C.E, humans found food by C. Wheat

hunting animals. They also gathered nuts D. Rice
and fruits. What practice later replaced
hunting and gathering for finding food? 53. The practice of leaving the field unculti-
vated is called
A. building fires
A. wheat
B. raising families
B. harvesting
C. growing crops
C. fallowing

D. owning stores
D. weeding
48. Is suitable only for pasture and lawns 54. The harvesting of requires the most la-
because it grows only 6 to 12 inches high bor of any of the forages
A. Dallis grass A. Pasture
B. Sweet clover B. Hay
C. Kentucky bluegrass C. Silage
D. Orchard grass D. Haylage
49. The management and production of fish is 55. A silo is used to store
called A. Silage
A. Pisciculture B. Hay
B. Apiculture C. Pasture
C. Sericulture D. Cubes
D. Aquaculture 56. What is the main aim of commercial farm-
50. Manures are
A. Sell everything the farm produces
A. Organic in nature
B. Feed the farmer’s family
B. Inorganic in nature
C. Reduce the number of outputs
C. Organic as well as inorganic in nature
D. Protect the local environment
D. None of above
57. Crops that are grown in winter are called
51. The process of loosening and turning of the A. Rabi crops
soil using a tool or an implement is called
B. Kharif crops
C. fibre crops
A. Ploughing
D. none of above
B. Levelling
C. Sowing 58. Crops grown from june to october are
D. Broadcasting
A. Kharif crops
52. Which of these is not a cereal? B. Rabi crops
A. Maize C. none of them
B. Gram D. none of above


1.21 Disease and Pest Management 419

59. Kharif crops are also known as 63. Growing crops and raising live stock to
A. Winter crops meet family needs is called


B. Summer crops A. Commercial farming

C. none of them B. Mixed farming

D. none of above C. Subsistence farming

D. none of above
60. Farming and raising livestock for profit is
called 64. Plants of same kind grown on a large scale
A. Subsistence farming is called

B. Commercial farming A. agriculture

C. Arable farming B. crops

D. none of above C. rabi crops

D. none of above
61. Farming that involves low input of capital,
material and labour with large amounts of 65. Harvesting is a process of
land is A. separating grains from stalk
A. Extensive farming B. preparing soil for sowing seeds
B. Intensive farming C. collecting ripened crops from the field
C. Subsistence farming
D. Shifting cultivation D. removing undesired plants from the
crop field
62. The Rabi crops are sown in which
months? 66. Example of a rabi crop is
A. March-April A. rice
B. June-July B. bajra
C. October-November C. maize
D. January-February D. wheat

1.21 Disease and Pest Management

1. Antibiotics can be used to treat what type B. A
of infection?
C. R
A. Fungal
D. C
B. Viral
C. Bacterial 3. Anemia results from deficiency

D. none of above A. iodine

B. vitamin A
2. which of the soil horizons is considered
topsoil C. iron
A. O D. calcium


1.21 Disease and Pest Management 420

4. Which of the following are entry points for C. Magnesium deficiency

bacteria? D. CO2 deficiency
A. mechanical injuries and woulds made
by insect feeding 10. In what type of places are cockroaches typ-
ically found?
B. spores
A. Bright, sunny places
C. stomata and nectaries
B. Bright hot places
D. both mechanical injuries, wounds from

insect feeding, stomata, and nectaries C. Moist, dark places
D. During daytime only
5. To reduce the risks from certain pesticides
in our food and water, their use has been 11. What is a PCO?
A. limited to certain crops. A. Pest Containment Officer
B. restricted to “certified” applicators. B. Pest Control Operator
C. restricted to certain soil types. C. People Control Officer
D. all of these D. People Control Operator

6. Less developed countries spend % of 12. Which of the following are ways to iden-
their income on food tify plant diseases?
A. 20 A. Using a gardening manual
B. 30 B. Take infected plant to be tested in a lab
C. 60
C. Using monoclonal testing kits
D. 70
D. All of the above
7. What is a source of plant nutrients used to
supply one or more of the essential nutri- 13. What are the advantages of using insolu-
ent elements to the plant? ble substances such as starch for storage,
rather than soluble substances such as glu-
A. Fertilizer cose
B. Pesticide A. They do not affect the water concen-
C. Integrated Pest Management tration inside cells
D. Insecticide B. They do not move away from the stor-
age areas in the plant
8. Used to make antibiotics and other drugs:
C. Both are correct
A. Endophyte
D. Neither are correct
B. Exophytes
14. Which of the following statements
C. Growth Regulators
best describes the position held by the
D. GMOs U.S.Department of Agriculture concerning
the use of pesticides in the 60s?
9. What is stunted growth caused by?
A. Unrestricted use of pesticides is nec-
A. Water deficiency essary to feed and clothe the world’s peo-
B. Nitrate deficiency ple.


1.21 Disease and Pest Management 421

B. Although pesticides are necessary, al- B. IFOF

ternative chemical pesticides should be C. IFFO
used whenever possible.


C. Use of pesticides should be restricted
to people who have been trained in the 19. Americans spend % of their disposable
proper procedures. income on food
D. Pesticides are upsetting the balance of A. <10
B. >20
15. What is the best way to eliminate pests C. <50
that have entered the operation?
D. >70
A. Rise the heat in the operation after-
hours 20. A goal of industrialized agriculture is to in-
B. Lower the heat in the operation after- crease:
hours A. weed toleranceThis is a wrong answer
C. Work with a licensed pest control op-
erator (PCO) B. drought toleranceThis is a wrong an-
D. Apply over-the-counter pesticides swer
around the operation C. crop yield
16. What 3 factors are limiting factors of pho- D. aesthetic qualities
21. Food in the dry storage room should be
A. Carbon dioxide concentration, Oxygen stored off the floor
concentration, Water
A. three inches
B. Carbon dioxide concentration, Temper-
B. two inches
ature, Water
C. Temperature, Water, Light intensity C. five inches

D. Carbon dioxide concentration, Temper- D. six inches

ature, Light intensity 22. Which of these does not cause plant dis-
17. Suffering the impact of swarms of locusts, eases
a farmer uses an airplane to spray an in- A. viruses
secticide over 1, 500 acres of his corn field.
B. fungi
This farmer is trying to address this pest
problem by using? C. mineral deficiencies
A. A Chemical treatment. D. ladybirds
B. An Agricultural treatment. 23. What is the proper order of most insect’s
C. An Ecological control. life cycle?
D. Integrated pest management. A. Egg, Pupa, Larvae, Adult

18. Food is rotated during storage so the old- B. Egg, Larvae, Pupa, Adult
est products are C. Larvae, Egg, Pupa, Adult
A. FIFO D. Pupa, Egg, Larvae, Adult


1.21 Disease and Pest Management 422

24. Rachel Carson was 30. Throw out garbage quickly and
A. against the use of all pesticides. A. put in a new bag
B. against the use of synthetic pesticides. B. spray “Lysol” in the container
C. wash, sanitize, and dry the container,
C. for the use of all pesticides. then put in a new bag
D. none of above
D. for the restricted use of pesticides.
31. What is any condition in a plant caused

25. repeated irrigation in dry climates leads to by living and nonliving agents that inter-
A. waterlogging feres with its normal growth and develop-
B. desertification
A. Disease
C. salinization
B. Pests
D. erosion
C. Parasites
26. Crop rotation prevents D. Pesticides
A. badgers 32. Many of the world’s poor suffer from
B. a build up of pests A. chronic undernutrtion
C. the farmer having to plough B. chronic malnutrition
D. water pollution C. hunger
D. famine
27. What are the facultative parasites most
likely to attack stressed plants? 33. People only eat % of the estimated
50, 000 plant species worldwide
A. fungi
A. 14
B. epiphyte
B. 24
C. galls
C. 34
D. moss D. 44
28. Who should dispose of pesticides? 34. Some glucose is used by plants to produce
A. Establishment’s manager Cellulose, this is used to
B. PCO A. build cell membranes
B. strengthen cell walls
C. Establishment’s cleaning crew
C. make the nucleus
D. Establishment’s Chef
D. make ribosomes
29. Before writing Silent Spring, Rachel Car-
35. Plants also need nitrates to make proteins.
son had studied and worked as a:
They obtain these from
A. conservationist A. The air as nitrate ions
B. doctor B. The soil as nitrate ions
C. scientist C. The air as nitrogen
D. senator D. The soil as nitrogen


1.21 Disease and Pest Management 423

36. Most of the industrialized livestock that 41. What is an organism that sustains life and
generates excess greenhouse gases comes gains nutrition through another life form?
from A. Parasite


A. chicken manure B. Pest
B. pig manure C. Integrated Pest Management
C. cattle belching D. Disease

D. cattle manure 42. What is an effective, useful, and environ-

mentally sensitive approach to pest man-
37. The glucose made in photosynthesis is agement that relies on a combination of
common-sense practices?
A. converted into insoluble substances
like oils, fats and starch for storage. A. Integrated Pest Management
B. used in respiration to release energy B. Insecticides
C. Herbicides
C. converted into other substances in
plants. For example:Cellulose for cell D. Pesticides
walls Proteins for growth and repair. 43. What is VF and BLS?
D. All of the above A. It is a variety of GMO plants
B. It is a code for specific plant diseases
38. Crop rotation is effective because:
C. VF=ventilation fan; BLS=bio-
A. The soil is better in other places. leverage spray
B. Flying insects have trouble finding the D. It describes natural pesticides
target crop.
44. A severe shortage of food leading to mass
C. Non-mobile insects cannot reach the starvation is:
target crop.
A. malnutrition
D. hand-picking insects is time consum-
B. undernurishment
C. hunger
39. A disadvantage of using aquaculture is D. famine
A. high yield 45. Viral diseases can be transferred from
B. uses grain for feed plant to plant by:

C. reduces overharvesting A. vegetative propagation

B. mites, nematodes, and thrips
D. high profits
C. hands and tools
40. Approximately 26 million children suffer D. all of these
brain damage from a lack of
46. Check all deliveries before they
A. iron
A. are opened
B. vitamin A B. are brought into the establishment
C. iodine C. are cooked
D. vitamin C D. are consumed


1.21 Disease and Pest Management 424

47. What is meant by the term stunted C. To make proteins

D. To make starch
A. A plant grows too quickly and dies
B. Increased growth 53. One in people suffer from vitamin de-
C. Reduced growth
A. 3
D. None of the above
B. 5
48. Flies can spread the pathogens

C. 10
A. salmonella
D. 100
B. e-coli
C. mad cow disease 54. Americans waste % of their food
D. shigella A. 10-20
49. Adding water until it envelopes the roots B. 25-30
is known as: C. 30-45
A. salinization D. 65+
B. overwatering
C. waterlogging 55. What is the result of nitrate deficiency in
a plant
D. overgrazing
A. Cellulose walls are strengthened
50. Children who live in agricultural areas
B. Increased growth
where there is heavy pesticide use are
likely to be exposed to pesticides C. Yellowing of the leaves
A. suspended in the air. D. Stunted growth, older leave may go
B. attached to dust particles. yellow
C. In the water supply. 56. What is any life form that competes for re-
D. all of these sources or can be dangerous to another’s
51. The three basic rules of an integrated pest
management program are: work with a A. Pests
PCO, deny access, and B. Disease
A. keep food on the floor C. Parasite
B. give access through cracks and holes D. Insecticide
in the walls and floors.
C. deny shelter 57. Who Should apply pesticides
D. none of above A. PCO

52. How do plants use nitrate ions that are ab- B. Establishment’s manager
sorbed from the soil. C. Establishmen’st Serv Safe Certified
A. To make fats Manager
B. To make sugars D. Establishment’s food handler


1.21 Disease and Pest Management 425

58. IPM stands for: C. Magnesium deficiency

A. Interesting Pest Management D. CO2 deficiency


B. Integrated Pest Movement 64. Which insecticide is not organic?
C. Integrated Pest Management A. Garlic Spray
D. none of above B. Neem Oil
59. In America, the 4 top 10 causes of death C. Diatomaceous Earth
due to diet are all except: D. Growth Regulator
A. Diabetes
65. Which of these is a biological control
B. heart disease agent?
C. Down’s Syndrome A. Lady bugs
D. Stroke B. Pesticides
60. What kills microorganisms present in the C. Herbicides
shortest time with no damage to the con- D. Pulling up plants
taminated substrate?
66. Store recyclables in clean
A. Disinfectants
A. containers
B. Herbicides
B. containers with loose fitting lids
C. Pesticides
C. containers with tight fitting lids
D. Insecticides
D. none of above
61. A pesticide that is classified as a “re-
stricted use” pesticide cannot be bought 67. What is the largest cause of soil erosion?
and used by a A. wind
A. certified commercial applicator. B. moving water
B. farmer who has passed a written ex- C. standing water
amination. D. sinkholes
C. homeowner.
68. The government agency responsible for
D. trained farm worker. setting tolerance levels is the
62. Which is not a step when treating leaf A. USDA
mine B. EPA
A. Dispose it C. FDA
B. Bag it D. Department of Agriculture
C. Cook it
69. What type of disease is tobacco mosaic?
D. Remove it
A. Fungal
63. What is chlorosis caused by? B. Viral
A. Water deficiency C. Bacterial
B. Nitrate deficiency D. Deficiency


1.21 Disease and Pest Management 426

70. Which of the following is a mechanical 76. The Food Quality Protection Act passed in
plant defence? 1996 requires the EPA to regulate pesti-
A. Producing antibodies cides in a way that
B. Thorns and spikes A. guarantees no harm to the environ-
C. Tough waxy cuticles
B. provides a reasonable certainty of no
D. Dead leaves
71. A clean and safe operation offers pests lit-

C. guarantees no harm to agricultural
tle and workers.
A. food, water D. all of these
B. water, shelter
77. Before a pesticide is registered by the EPA,
C. access, shelter the agency must evaluate:
D. none of above A. its ability to protest against pests and
72. As well as Glucose what is the second diseases.
product of photosynthesis? B. the risks to human health.
A. Nitrates C. both the benefits and the risks.
B. Toffee D. the risks to the environment.
C. Oxygen
78. What should be installed around the back
D. Nitrogen door in the kitchen?
73. Pesticide can become contamination, if A. security camera
mistakenly sprayed on food. B. air curtains
A. Chemical C. screen door
B. Physical D. none of above
C. Microbiology
79. Why do plants infected with TMV have
D. none of above stunted growth?
74. What is a substance that reduces, pre- A. TMV kills new cells
vents, repels, or eliminates insects? B. TMV causes water loss, causing the
A. Insecticide plant to shrink
B. Pesticide C. The plant is unable to photosynthesise
C. Herbicide
D. Disinfectants D. none of above

75. When the productive potential of soil falls 80. the characteristic of how long a pesticide
because of drought or human activities it’s stays deadly in the environment is called:
A. soil erosion A. lethal dose
B. salinization B. persistence
C. desertification C. history
D. overgrazing D. impact


1.21 Disease and Pest Management 427

81. What is a substance that reduces, pre- C. root tips that are brown and dead
vents, repels, or eliminates weeds? D. a dry, powdery, reddish-orange sub-


A. Herbicides stance on leaves
B. Pesticides 87. Which nutrients are required in relatively
C. Insecticides large amounts for plant growth?
D. Disinfectants A. manganese, iron, and copper

82. Disrupts how insects grow and reproduce, B. nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and
sometimes making them sterile: calcium

A. Crop Rotation C. zinc, sulfur, and boron

B. Braconid Wasp D. all of these

C. Endophytes 88. After pesticides have been applied, food
D. Insect Growth Regulator contact surfaces should be?
A. Washed
83. Which is not a pest?
B. Rinsed
A. Fire blight
C. Sanitized
B. Apple tree borer
D. Washed, rinsed, and sanitized
C. Apple Scab
D. Apple Blight 89. The maximum amount of pesticide that is
considered “safe” when present in food is
84. Each year hundreds of thousands of chil- the
dren go blind from a lack of
A. maximum pesticide alowance
A. vitamin A
B. recommended exposure level
B. calcium
C. maximum contaminant level
C. iodine
D. tolerance level
D. iron
90. What is any substance that reduces, pre-
85. is the most efficient method of pest vents, repels, or eliminates pests?
A. Pesticide
A. Integrated Pest Management
B. Insecticide
B. Biological Controls
C. Herbicide
C. Pesticide Use
D. Disinfectants
D. Herbicide Use
91. Some glucose is used by plants to produce
86. Symptoms of anthracnose include: Proteins examples of proteins are
A. dead areas on leaves usually along A. Starch and Fatty Acids
leaf margins and veins
B. Chlorophyll and Starch
B. localized areas of dead bark and under-
lying wood on twigs, branches, and trunks C. Starch and Enzymes
D. Enzymes and Chlorophyll


1.22 Apiculture 428

92. Before applying pesticides to crops, a B. Resinosis

farmer must have knowledge about all of C. Apple blight
the following except
D. none of above
A. the proper dose
B. days to harvest 94. What does FIFO mean?
C. tolerance level A. Fast In, Fast Out
D. weather conditions B. First In, Fast Out

93. Which is not a disease? C. First In, First Out
A. Apple Scab D. none of above

1.22 Apiculture
1. What is the honey yield of rock bee? 5. Honeybees provide us:
A. 2 kg A. Honey
B. 6 kg B. Bee venom
C. 9 kg C. Wax

D. > 10 kg D. All of the Above

6. Honey bees belong to the genus

2. is used for checking the purity of
honey. A. Apis

A. Benedict’s test B. Puntius

B. Aniline chloride test C. Bombyx

D. Eisenia
C. Biuret test
D. Hydrogen chloride test 7. Beekeeping is also known as:
A. Horticulture
3. What is the type of eye in drone bee?
B. Apiculture
A. Holoptic
C. Agriculture
B. Dicoptic D. None of the Above
C. Simple eyes
8. Amongst honey bees, the workers are:
D. Ommatidia
A. Female
4. Which caste comprises majority of the B. Male
hive? C. Both male and female
A. Queen D. Hermaphrodite
B. Drone
9. The plants that yield pollen and nectar are
C. Workers collectively called
D. Npne of these A. Flowering plants


1.22 Apiculture 429

B. Pollen and nectar yielding plants C. Apis mellifera

C. Bee pasturage D. None of the Above


D. Bee hive
16. Location where bee colonies are kept are
10. is the largest living honey bee called:
A. Apis indica A. Orchard
B. Apis dorsata B. Bee House
C. Apis mellifera C. Apiary/Bee Yard
D. Tetragonula iridipennis
D. Farm
11. India ranks in terms of honey produc-
tion: 17. The development of a male bee(drone)
takes how long?
A. First
A. 16 days
B. Fourth
C. Eighth B. 19 days

D. Tenth C. 22 days
D. 24 days
12. Which instrument is used to extract honey
from the honeycombs commercially:
18. The bee carries the pollen back to its colony
A. Honey Extractor on
B. Honey brush A. its front leg
C. Honey case B. its middle leg
D. Honey money
C. its rear leg
13. Honey production can be boost up by using D. its body
A. Stationed apiary
19. Apiculture developed significantly after
B. Migratory apiary
the understanding the concept of
C. Artificial feeding
A. Bee space
D. Sugar syrup supplements
B. Bee disease
14. The science and practice of bee keeping
C. Queen rearing
A. Moriculture
D. Bee economics
B. Horticulture
C. Sericulture 20. Modern method of Apiculture was de-
signed by:
D. Apiculture
A. Robert Hooke
15. Which among is the domesticated honey
bee? B. Robert Brown
A. Apis dorsata C. M.S. Swaminathan
B. Apis florea D. Longstroth


1.22 Apiculture 430

21. Pollen basket present in which leg of the 27. Honey is

honey bee A. Nectar of a flower
A. Foreleg B. Nectar and water sucked by honey bee
B. Middle leg
C. Hind leg C. Nectar mixed with saliva stored in the
honey sac
D. Abdomen
D. Nectar stored in the wax gland

22. Nature of honey is
28. The generic name of which of these is
A. Acidic Apis?
B. Alkaline A. Fish
C. Neutral B. Honey bee
D. Turn basic after few days C. Lac insect

23. Apiculture economics is influenced by D. Prawn

A. Presence of drone 29. Which of the commercial products of honey

bee except
B. Presence of rain
A. Honey
C. Presence of enemy
B. royal jelly
D. Winter
C. worm cast
24. Bee glue is the generic name of D. bee wax
A. Propolis
30. Drones are
B. Royal jelly
A. female
C. Bee wax
B. male
D. Honey C. worker
25. What is the shape of the abdomen in drone D. none of the above
31. Bee wax is produced by
A. Rectangular
A. Drone
B. Conical
B. Queen bee
C. Ovaoidal C. worker bee
D. Square D. comb
26. which state produces highest amount of 32. What is the honey yield per year of rock
honey in the country: bee?
A. Tamil Nadu A. less then 15 kg
B. Punjab B. approx 5 kg
C. West Bengal C. only 10 kg
D. Goa D. about 40 kg


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 431

33. Which species of honeybee is used commer- B. Virus

cially for honey production: C. Protozoan


A. Apis mellifera D. Fungus
B. Apis florea
37. Apis dorsata is used to refer to
C. Apis dorsata
A. Little Bee
D. None of the Above
B. Indian Bee
34. Apiculture involves
C. European Bee
A. Rearing and management of bees.
D. Rock Bee
B. Rearing and management of fish
C. Rearing and management of wild ani- 38. The bees which do not produce honey but
mals causes pollination are called

D. Rearing and management of hens A. Small bee

B. Polen bee
35. Queen Bees can be blocked to enter honey
chamber in honey box by using C. Exotic bee
A. Queen separators D. Rock bee
B. Queen box 39. When the source of honey is nearer to the
C. Queen cell hive, the scout bee exhibits
D. Brood chamber A. Round dance

36. Nosema disease is caused by Nosema apis B. Wag tail dance

which is a C. Swamming
A. Bacteria D. Bee dance

1.23 Insect Pests and their Management

1. A(n) disease is caused by germs or 3. Herbicides are used to kill what?
pathogens that may be transferred from A. Weeds
one fish to another.
B. Fruits
A. direct
C. Insects
B. indirect
D. Fungi
C. infectious
D. noninfectious 4. Which is a characteristic of an insect?
A. Two pairs of antennae
2. A behavior that helps an organism avoid
or protect itself from predators is called: B. Two body segments
A. Hibernation C. Four pairs of legs
B. Migration D. Two pairs of wings
C. Defense Mechanism 5. A is a plant, animal, or other organism
D. Mimicry that is detrimental to a species.


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 432

A. disease 10. Walls, floors, and ceilings should be make

of what type of construction materials?
B. pest
A. rough and durable
C. parasite
B. pitted and durable
D. predator
C. smooth and durable
6. Pesticides used to control plant such as D. none of above
atrazine and round up to kill pests are

called 11. Which of the following is not a problem
A. fungicides stemming from the use of synthetic or-
ganic chemical pesticides?
B. toxicols
A. Resurgences and secondary pest out-
C. weed agents breaks
D. herbicides B. Increase in diversity of insect pests

7. One disadvantage of pesticides is it puts C. Adverse environmental and human

farmers on a finical treadmill by health effects
D. Development of resistance by pests
A. Pay more and less effective
B. Pay less and less effective 12. Which of the following are Pest Control
Strategies? (Choose all that apply)
C. Pay less and more effective
A. Chemical control
D. Pay more and more effective
B. Irregular control
8. A food handler who is receiving a food de- C. Cultural control
livery observes signs of pests in the food.
What should be done? D. Physical control

A. The head chef should be warned of the 13. Which pest control technique can be harm-
pests ful to the environment if not appliedCor-
B. The food handler should remove all ev-
idence of the pests A. Biological
C. The shipment should be refused and B. Regulatory
prevented from entering the operation C. chemical
D. The shipment should be stored outside D. mechanical
the kitchen until a manager inspects it
14. Weeds grow in water, tying up nutrients
9. is the practice of keeping fish and other and making harvest difficult. This is an ex-
aquacrops healthy and free of disease. ample of a(n) loss.
A. Quarantine A. direct
B. Treatment B. indirect
C. Prevention C. proportionate
D. Sanitation D. disproportionate


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 433

15. Grasshoppers can commonly be found 20. How have modern synthetic pesticides
feeding off the stem and leaves of what saved human lives?
type of crop?


A. Prevented death from insect-
A. Corn transmitted diseases
B. Cotton B. Prevented crop loss
C. Grass C. Prevented death from insect diseases
D. Soybeans
D. Increased amount of available fresh
16. Water birds and other predators can catch
and eat or injure fish. This is an example
of a(n) loss.
21. Nitrates in drinking water contributes to
A. direct which of the degradation impacts of food
B. indirect production?

C. proportionate A. Human health

D. disproportionate B. Soil
C. Air pollution
17. Will insects develop resistance to the tox-
ins produced in Bt corn over time? D. Water
A. It is almost certain that insects will de-
22. Which section of the restaurant should pro-
velop resistance to Bt corn.
vide the brightest lighting?
B. It is unlikely that insects will develop
A. Service area
resistance to Bt corn.
B. Walk in refrigerator
C. Insects are already resistant to the
toxins produced in Bt corn. C. Prep area
D. It is impossible for insects to develop D. Dishwashing area
resistance to Bt corn.
23. insects cause harm to human, crops,
18. Which predator will eat corn borer eggs? animals, and products.
A. Boll weevil A. rest
B. Ladybug
B. pest
C. Blister beetle
C. helpful
D. Crickets
D. harmful
19. Soil tillage, crop rotation, and trap crops
are all part of control 24. Who should apply pesticides?

A. Chemical A. Shift manager

B. Cultural B. Person in charge
C. Mechanical C. Pest control operator
D. Regular D. Designated pest staff member


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 434

25. Which is an unsafe guideline for commer- 30. The cabbage looper grows to be how
cial kitchen facilities? long?
A. purchase equipment that is NSF ap- A. 1 inch
proved B. 1.5 inch
B. put floor-mounted equipment on legs C. 6 inches
at least 6 inches high D. 3 inches
C. create an air gap to prevent backflow
31. The four general categories of natural or

D. clean garbage containers near food- biological pest control are
storage areas
A. Synthetic organic chemicals, synthetic
26. Insects are part of which phylum? inorganic chemicals, natural organic
chemicals, and natural inorganic chemi-
A. Nematoda cals
B. Arthropoda B. Spraying, dusting, picking, and wash-
C. Crustacea ing

D. Mollusca C. Cultural control, control by natural en-

emies, genetic control, and natural chem-
27. How far off the floor should mounted ical control
equipment be stored? D. Insect-to-insect, human-to-insect, in-
A. 2 inches terspecies, and parasitic

B. 4 inches 32. What is the first step in Integrated Pest

C. 6 inches
A. Action Thresholds
D. 8 inches
B. Monitoring and Identifying
28. It is important to identify pests and C. Pest Control
now their characteristics
D. Pest Prevention
A. Flying
33. Which of the following is a small organism
B. Biting with an exoskeleton, two body parts, and
C. Sucking eight legs?
D. Key A. Mites
B. Nematodes
29. Established by Congress in 1947 which re-
C. Insects
quires EPA approval for use of all commer-
cial pesticides and establishes a tolerance D. Parasite
level that can be legally found on a crop
34. The body is divided into three distinct re-
when consumers eat it.
A. Food Security Act A. thorax, abdomen, legs
B. Soil Conservation Act B. head, legs, face
C. FIFRA C. Thorax, Abdomen, Head
D. Conservation Reserve Program D. they have three parts????????


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 435

35. Which of the following is an example of 40. What is the minimum amount of distance a
biological control? trash receptacle should be placed from the


A. Bees pollinating crops
A. 10 ft.
B. Integrated pest management
B. 12 ft.
C. Ladybirds eating aphids
C. 15 ft.
D. The application of glyphosate
D. 20 ft.
36. What is a source of plant nutrients used to
41. What does IPM stand for?
supply one or more of the essential nutri-
ent elements for plant growth? A. Integrated Pest Management

A. Fertilizer B. Insect Pest Management

C. Individual Pest Management
B. Pesticide
D. none of above
C. Integrated Pest Management
D. Insecticide 42. Which of the following is an example of a
chewing insect?
37. This organ can be used to smell, to feel the A. aphids
surface of an object, sense hot and cold, lis- B. grasshoppers
ten to sounds or detect the movement of
air or wind C. mites

A. Exoskeleton D. leaf hoppers

B. Thorax 43. Which control measure involves the use of

living organisms to control pests?
C. Head
A. Bilogical
D. Antennae
B. Cultural
38. past pest control involved larger amounts C. Sanitation
of a chemical that has been ban D. Physical
44. losses result when the environment in
B. DDA which an aquacrop is living is less than
C. DDL ideal.
D. DDT A. direct
B. indirect
39. Pesticides from agricultural crops may
C. proportionate
drift into fish ponds or water supplies.
Fish may become stunted or die due to D. disproportionate
chemical toxicity. This is an example of 45. a Caterpillar go through a Metamor-
a(n) phosis
A. infectious disease A. Compete
B. noninfectious disease B. Incomplete
C. parasite C. Full
D. predator D. complete


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 436

46. How far off the table should mounted C. parasite

equipment be stored? D. predator
A. 2 inches
52. Pests can be which of the following?
B. 4 inches
A. Weeds
C. 6 inches
B. Trees
D. 8 inches
C. Vegetables
47. Methods that can be used to keep the rats

out of an operation include all, EXCEPT; D. Ornamental crops

A. Repairing gaps and cracks in door 53. Which of the following is an example of a
frames and thresholds sucking insect?
B. Keeping all exterior openings slightly A. grasshoppers
B. aphids
C. Filling holes around pipes
C. beetles
D. Covering floor drains with hinged
D. caterpillars

48. Pesticide used to kill rats and mice is 54. If pesticides are stored in the operation,
called? where should they be kept?

A. Insecticide A. In a secure location, away from food

and equipment.
B. Herbicide
B. In a glass container, in a walk-in
C. Rodenticide cooler.
D. Fungicide
C. In dry storage, on a shelf below the
49. A new approach that uses a combination food.
of methods to fight specific insect pests. D. Ina plastic container, in any location
A. Biological controls
55. The process of accumulating higher and
B. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) higher doses through the food chain is
C. DDT called:
D. pest insect management (PIM) A. Bioaccumulation

50. Which of the following is an insect? B. Biofiltration

A. beetles C. In-place pollutants

B. spiders D. Biomagnification
C. tick 56. losses occur when the aquacrop is at-
D. scorpion tacked or injured.
A. direct
51. A is a condition that develops in an or-
ganism and then damages it in some way B. indirect
A. disease C. proportionate
B. pest D. disproportionate


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 437

57. How many impacts are there for the degra- 62. Which best describes an economic thresh-
dation from food production? old in IPM?


A. 5 A. Comparing costs of resolving pest is-
sue vs money lost by not resolving it
B. 4
B. Looking at the health of the plant to
C. 7
see if it is past the point of revival
D. 8 C. Looking at the appeal of the plant to
58. Pests are defined as determine if customers are willing to buy
the plant in the state it is in.
A. Any species that interferes with hu-
D. none of above
man welfare
B. Chemicals that can kill 63. Insect-proof containers, hand removal and
cold storage are all part of
C. Any species that can be beneficial to
humans A. Chemical
D. none of above B. Cultural
C. Physical
59. All of the following are problems of
D. Regular
overuse of pesticides, EXCEPT:
A. Pest resurgence 64. To deny pet food and shelter in outside din-
ing area and around your operation, it is
B. Pesticide resistance important to
C. Environmental pollution A. mow the grass and pull weeds
D. Crop resistance B. place extra garbage containers out-
60. A(n) may be due to improper diet, poor
environment, chemicals, and/or physiolog- C. spray pesticides around the outside of
ical changes. the facility
A. direct disease D. plant flowers

B. indirect disease 65. What types of odor may be a sign that

cockroaches are present?
C. infectious disease
A. Strong, oily
D. noninfectious disease
B. Warm, spicy
61. The three basic rules of an integrated pest C. Sharp, musty
management program are: 1. work with
a licensed PCO 2. deny pest access 3. D. Mild, seaweed

A. deny pests food, water, and shelter 66. What is caused by environmental imbal-
ances and cannot be spread to other
B. document all infestations with the lo-
cal regulatory authority.
A. Infectious Disease
C. prepare a chemical application sched-
ule and post it publicly. B. Mosaic
D. notify the EPA that pesticides are being C. Pathogen
used in the operation. D. Noninfectious Disease


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 438

67. An insect or other organism that can dam- A. Action thresholds

age crops. B. Monitoring and identifying
A. Parasite C. Pest control
B. Pest D. Pest prevention
C. Integrated Pest Management
73. is the process of removing unwanted
D. Disease plants.

68. Integrated pest management: A. Crop filtering
A. Includes prevention, observation, and B. Grass removal
intervention to minimize insect damage C. Weeding
B. Is more eco-friendly than pesticide D. none of above
use alone
C. Tries to reduce or eliminate pesticide 74. The lively movement of a fish in water is
use called

D. All choice s are correct A. lesion

B. diagnostic laboratory
69. Which of the following predators do NOT
help control fall webworms? C. symptom

A. wasps D. vigor

B. lacewings 75. Carbamates include

C. stink bugs A. Herbicides, insecticides and nemati-
D. birds cides
B. Insecticides, nematicides and rodenti-
70. A is an organism that lives on or in cides
another organism and causes it harm.
C. Insecticides only
A. predator
D. fungicides, herbicides and insecticides
B. prey
C. parasite 76. are undesirable fish in a fish crop.

D. pest A. predators
B. parasites
71. Pesticides should be disposed of by
C. trash fish
A. the manager
D. pests
B. the PCO
C. pouring them out and recycling the 77. A pest is any species that interferes with
container human welfare by competing with us for
D. throwing them in an outdoor garbage
container A. Food
B. Water
72. Which step in Integrated Pest Manage-
ment reduces the use of pesticides when C. Air
unnecessary? D. Tacos


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 439

78. Which of the following would not be con- 83. The are usually used as tactile organs
sidered an imminent health hazard and
A. Legs
conditions to close after its health inspec-


tion? B. Thorax
A. a restaurant with a backup of sewage C. Head
B. a restaurant with hot foods at im- D. antennae
proper temperatures
84. Which of the following is NOT a reason
C. a restaurant with an infestation of in- why the environment in which aquacrops
sects grow harbors diseases and pests?
D. a restaurant with a lack of refrigera- A. High concentrations of aquacrops al-
tion lows for more rapid transfer of diseases
and pests from one individual to anther.
79. Which type of plant completes its life cycle
within one growing season? B. Uneaten feed, fish excrement, and ex-
A. Annual cess fertilizer provide nutrients for the
growth of weeds.
B. Perrenial
C. Handling causes stress, and stress,
C. Biennial in turn, reduces resistance to some dis-
D. none of above eases and pests.
D. High populations in ponds, open tanks,
80. What temperature must a high- and raceways are protected from preda-
temperature dishwasher’s final sanitizing tors.
rinse be?
A. at least 150°F (65°C) 85. What are one-celled or unicellular micro-
scopic organisms that cause disease?
B. at least 160°F (71°C)
A. Bacteria
C. at least 170°F (76°C)
B. Fungi
D. at least 180°F (82°C)
C. Mites
81. How many types of metamorphosis is
D. Viruses
A. One 86. What could possibly happen to the world
if the pollinating insects died off due to in-
B. Two
C. Three
A. Herbivores and other consumers could
D. Four die form a lack of food
82. A PCO is B. The quality of life for humans would in-
A. Pest-Control Operator
C. Much would remain the same
B. Personal Control Organization
D. Humans and some other organisms
C. Private Control Owner
would thrive due to a lack of insects that
D. none of above spread diseases


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 440

87. On its way to becoming a buterfly or moth C. Insect perfumes

a caterpillar goes through a process called D. Implant genetic resistance
A. Compete 93. Integrated Pest Management consists of
how many steps?
B. Incomplete
A. One
C. Full
B. two
D. Complete

C. three
88. A pesticide that kills a large range of pests
and non-pest insects would be classified as D. four
a 94. ESC is a disease in fish caused by the bac-
A. Narrow-range pesticide terium Edwardsiella ictaluri. It is easily
B. Broad-range pesticide transmitted from one fish to another. It
is an example of a(n)
C. Targeted pesticide
A. infectious disease
D. Micro-pesticide
B. noninfectious disease
89. The alfalfa weevil primarily feeds on al-
C. parasite
falfa, but can also be found on which of
the following? D. predator
A. vetch 95. Which pest cuts the young plant at the soil
B. Bermuda grass level?
C. cotton A. Lady bug
D. bluegrass B. Cutworm
90. is the practice of keeping water and C. Alfalfa Weevil
facilities clean. D. Grasshopper
A. Quarantine
96. Which pest control technique prevents the
B. Treatment introduction of pests from foreign coun-
C. Prevention tries?
D. Sanitation A. Regulatory

91. is a poison used to destroy pests. B. Host-plant resistance

A. Biological Pest Control C. Mechanical

B. Pesticide D. Biological
C. Genetic Engineering 97. The insect body is divided into three dis-
D. Overharvesting tinct regions
A. thorax, abdomen, legs
92. Which of the following is not an alterna-
tive to using pesticides? B. head, legs, face
A. Electric zapper C. Thorax, Abdomen, Head
B. Scald the pests D. they have three parts????????


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 441

98. DDT is considered to be a 104. is the isolation of fish from each

A. 1st generation pesticide other.


B. 2nd generation pesticide A. Quarantine

C. 3rd generation pesticide B. Treatment

D. 4th generation pesticide C. Prevention

D. Sanitation
99. Biological control’s Natural Agents in-
cludes all of the following, EXCEPT: 105. Which of the following is a characteristic
A. Fertilizers of cultural pest control?
B. Pathogens A. Targeted spraying
C. Parasites B. Mulching
D. Predators C. Pest resistant plant varieties

100. Which of the following kills fungi? D. Insect traps

A. Anti-microbials 106. Which best defines a chemical control

B. Algaecides method for pest management?
C. Fungicides A. Using beneficial insects to control pest
D. Herbicides
B. Using pesticides
101. Which of the following is an example of
C. Changing preparation and manage-
biodiversity loss from food production?
ment practices such as time of day to wa-
A. Fish kills from pesticide runoff ter, pruning, sterile pots and soil, etc.
B. Loss of fertility D. Using modified organisms (GMOs) to
C. Aquifer depletion grow resistant plants
D. Bacterial contamination of meat 107. The boll weevil is most commonly found
on what crop?
102. A living organism that can cause injury or
loss of a plant is ? A. corn
A. Pest B. soybeans
B. Insect C. pepper
C. Instar D. cotton
D. none of above
108. Traps, screens, barriers, fences, nets, ra-
103. Pest control includes which of the follow- diation, and electricity that are used to
ing? help prevent the spread of pests are called
A. Crop rotation A. mechanical pest controls
B. Planting pest-resistant varieties B. chemical pest controls
C. Targeted spraying C. agricultural controls
D. Proper irrigation D. water controls


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 442

109. An herbicide is a type of pesticide that 114. Which of the following is NOT associated
kills with water in the degradation from food
A. insects production?
B. plants A. Waterlogging
C. fungi B. Water waste
D. rodents C. Aquifer pollution

110. In an IPM each crop and pest are evalu- D. Algal blooms

ated as part of a
115. How much of the world’s potential hu-
A. Ecological system man food supply is lost to pest?
B. Environmental system A. 55
C. Economical system B. 22
D. Judicial system C. 25
111. Which is NOT a characteristic of pest pre- D. 52
116. Which of the following is a weed that will
A. Crop rotation
live for only two growing seasons?
B. Cost effectiveness
A. Biennial Weed
C. Highly selective chemicals
B. Perennial Weed
D. Has little to no effect on the environ-
ment C. Annual Weed
D. none of above
112. The Delaney clause:
A. Prohibits the use of persistent pesti- 117. Chlorinated hydrocarbons pesticides,
cides in sensitive wildlife areas such as DDT
B. Requires the testing and licensing of A. Are currently in widespread use in the
pesticide applicators United States
C. Prohibits cancer-causing additives, in- B. Break down fairly rapidly and pose lit-
cluding pesticides, in foods tle risk to ecosystems
D. Requires that EPA test new pesticides C. Are carbamate pesticides developed
for safety before they are licensed for use in the 1970s to combat malaria
113. What factors influence the effectiveness D. Are noteworthy because of their per-
of a chemical sanitizer? sistence in the environment
A. concentration, temperature, contact 118. Which pest leaves behind a strong oily
time, pH, and water hardness smell and droppings that resemble black
B. concentration, absorbency, moisture, pepper?
alkalinity, and salinity
A. Rodent
C. concentration, protein, acidity, air tem-
B. Cockroach
perature, and strength
D. concentration, water activity, reactiv- C. Bird
ity, pressure, and density D. Reptile


1.23 Insect Pests and their Management 443

119. From left to right, what goes in each com- 124. Which best defines a cultural control
partment of a three-compartment sink? method for pest management?


A. detergent and water, water and sani- A. Using beneficial insects to control pest
tizer, clean water populations
B. water and sanitizer, detergent and wa- B. Using pesticides
ter, clean water
C. Changing preparation and manage-
C. clean water, detergent and water, wa- ment practices such as time of day to wa-
ter and sanitizer ter, pruning, sterile pots and soil, etc.
D. detergent and water, clean water, wa- D. Using modified organisms (GMOs) to
ter and sanitizer grow resistant plants
120. A behavior that disguises an organism as 125. If a targeted pest is established, this pro-
a different organism by acting like some- gram is implemented
thing else is called:
A. Absolute
A. HIbernation
B. Population
B. Migration
C. Eradication
C. Defense Mechanism
D. Monitoring
D. Mimicry
126. What scenario can lead to pest infesta-
121. Habitats requirements vary from insect
to insect but what three things do they all
need? A. Leaving garbage in garbage cans for
long periods of time
A. Light, Food, Water
B. Emptying water from buckets in utility
B. space, food, mates
C. Space, food, water
C. Rotating products using the FIFO
D. Humans, pollution, Mates method
122. What should be installed around the back D. Installing air curtains
door in the kitchen to prevent flies from
entering? 127. How can insect perfumes control pest?

A. security camera A. Pheromones lure pest into traps

B. air curtains B. Make them smell good

C. doorbell C. Reduce pest hunger
D. air gap D. Genetically modify the pest

123. Vertebrate pests can be which of the fol- 128. Which must be cleaned and sanitized, as
lowing? opposed to just cleaned and rinsed?
A. Raccoons A. kitchen walls
B. cattle B. storage shelves
C. horses C. prep tables
D. cats D. garbage containers


1.24 Pesticide Residues 444

129. Which of the following agencies approve B. 42%

pesticide labels? C. 85%
D. 25%
C. FDA 134. Past pest control activities involved the
use of , a chemical that has since been
D. KY Dept of Ag banned in many countries.
130. A is an animal that attacks and feeds

on other animals. B. DDA
A. predator
B. prey
C. parasite
D. pest 135. What is the 100% effective way to pre-
vent backflow in plumbing?
131. Biopesticides are derived from all of the A. Create an air curtain
following EXCEPT?
B. Create a cross connector
A. Plants
C. Create an air gap
B. Synthetics
D. Install a vacuum breaker
C. Animals
D. minerals 136. For IPM to be successful, you need a
132. First-generation pesticides refer to
A. Pesticide
A. Chemicals used to control pests on
children B. Threshold
B. Pre-treatment compounds applied to C. Fertilizing
crops to enhance the effectiveness of D. Scouting
later insecticide treatments
C. Various inorganic chemicals, such as 137. For every dollar spent on pesticides an es-
sulfur, cyanide, and heavy metals timated dollars is made from increased
crop yields.
D. Synthetic organic chemicals used for
control of pests since World War II A. 2
B. 3
133. Insects make up about of the animal
world C. 4
A. 70% D. 5

1.24 Pesticide Residues



1.24 Pesticide Residues 445

D. FUNGICIDE C. To make sure the amount of pesticide

residue remaining on food and feed crops
2. level is the highest level of pesticide is zero


residue that is legally tolerated in or on
D. none of above
A. Maximum residue 7. Significant Agricultural monetary losses
are due to the destruction of through
B. Minimum residue
pesticide spray and drift and residues on
C. tolerant residue flowers.
D. intolerant residue A. Ladybirds beetles

3. Which federal regulation requires em- B. Honeybees

ployee training in the use of pesticide? C. Pray Mantises
A. Worker Protection Standard D. Monarch Butterflies
B. Pesticide Container and Containment 8. Which statement about federal pesticides
Regulation regulation is true?
C. Food Quality Protection Act A. To ensure future compliance, civil
D. none of above penalties are typically assigned against
first-time violators
4. A patient presents with parasthesia and
B. Like pesticides, devices used to con-
skin irritation. He works in an agricultural
trol pests must also be registered with
area. He was mostly likely exposed to
A. Pyrethroids
C. Approved pesticide labels have the
B. DDT force of law
C. Atrazine D. none of above
D. Chlorpyrifos 9. Stable chemicals and persistent in the en-
vironment, have a low solubility in water
5. This type of study follows people through
but a moderate solubility in organic sol-
time to look at their risks and disease
vents, and accumulate in mammalian body
A. Case-series
A. Organochlorines
B. Cohort
B. Organophosphates
C. Intervention
C. Carbamates
D. Prevention
D. Neonicotinoids
6. What is the purpose of the pesticide regis- 10. This is the disease caused by pesticide
tration and reregistration process? residue.
A. To control the flow of new pesticide A. Obesity
products entering the marketplace
B. Arthritis
B. To provide evidence that the pesticides
will not cause unreasonable risks to hu- C. Parkinson’s disease
man health or the environment D. sickle cell anaemia


1.24 Pesticide Residues 446

11. Derivatives of pesticides exhibit bioac- 16. Describe public reactions to Carson’s
cumulation. “Silent Spring”.
A. aerated A. More people became concerned with
ecology and environmental awareness.
B. chlorinated
B. The U.S. government responded by
C. halogen
banning DDT in 1972.
D. halons C. Chemical manufacturers were furious

and ran ads telling Americans to ignore
12. IPM is about
the book.
A. Pest eradication D. ALL of these answers
B. Pest management
17. DDT was banned in the USA in 1972, yet
C. Eliminating the use of pesticides it continued to be manufactured and ex-
D. The safest possible pesticides ported for use on crops that were subse-
quently imported. This illustrates pesti-
13. Synthetic pesticides are the last step in cide
IPM. This indicates they are A. bioaccumulation
A. The intervention of choice B. persistance
B. Less toxic, safer, and lower cost that C. drift
biorational pesticides.
D. circle of poison
C. More toxic, riskier, and higher cost
than cultural and mechanical practices. 18. Select the option that is TRUE.
D. Considered a good preventative mea- A. Rachel Carson’s book caused the gov-
sure. ernment to ban pesticides.
B. Rachel Carson was a zoo keeper.
14. Pesticides and fruits remain in food grains,
vegetables and fruits after they are ap- C. Rachel Carson campaigned for pesti-
plied to crops are known as cides to be banned because they harmed
A. biomagnification
D. Rachel Carson asked for more re-
B. biological amplification search to be done about the harm caused
C. pesticide residue by pesticides.
D. weedicide 19. can be done to reduce the impact of
pesticide residue.i) implementing pesticide
15. Which of the following conditions is most related laws.ii)usage of compost can be re-
likely to result if you once were sprayed duced.iii) promoting organic farmingiv) us-
directly with a pesticide? ing antibiotics
A. Birth defects A. All of the above
B. Lung Cancer B. i and ii
C. Dermatitis C. i, ii and iv
D. Liver disease D. i and iii


1.24 Pesticide Residues 447

20. which of the following criteria is used by B. A chemical that disrupts the digestion
EPA in establishing pesticide tolerances? of organisms


A. Research data completely indepen- C. A chemical that disrupts the blow flow
dent of the pesticide manufacturer’s of an organism
B. The anticipated volume of product to D. A chemical that disrupts the bone
be sold in any given year structure of an organism
C. The toxicity of the pesticide and its 24. The primary route of exposure to most
breakdown products pesticides is via the
D. none of above A. brain
B. skin
21. Which of the following statements
best describes the position held by the C. lungs
U.S.Department of Agriculture concerning D. digestive system
the use of pesticides in the 60s prior to
Silent Spring? 25. Pesticides are chemicals that are used to
protect crops from
A. Unrestricted use of pesticides is nec-
essary to feed and protect the world’s A. insects
people. B. rodents
B. Although pesticides are necessary, al- C. weeds
ternative chemical pesticides should be
D. all of the above
used whenever possible.
C. Use of pesticides should be restricted 26. Why is DDT an environmental concern?
to people who have been trained in the A. It is very persistent
proper procedures. B. It accumulates in fatty tissues
D. Pesticides are upsetting the balance of C. It can travel long distances in the at-
nature. mosphere
22. In the first chapter from Silent Spring, why D. All of the above
are doctors in the town puzzled?
27. IPM addresses which of the following
A. More children are being born with pests?
birth defects.
A. Fungi
B. People are reacting more violently to B. Various vertebrates
insect stings.
C. Insects
C. People are being attacked more often
by wild animals. D. All of these, plus a few more

D. More people are becoming sick from 28. Chronic health effects include
new kinds of illnesses. A. damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs and
other body organs.
23. Which of the following best describes an
Endocrine Disruptor? B. brain and nervous system damage

A. A chemical that disrupts the growth C. All the previous answers

and development of organisms D. none of the previous answers


1.24 Pesticide Residues 448

29. Which chemical controls weeds? B. persistance

A. Fungicide C. drift
B. Pesticide D. circle of poison
C. Insecticide 34. A study in which people with a disease are
D. Herbicide put into a group and compared to people
without the disease
30. Which of the following is NOT an endocrine
A. cohort study

B. case-control study
C. natural experiment
B. Atrazine
D. ecologic study
D. Vectorite 35. Under federal law, which of the following
actions is unlawful and subject to civil or
31. Representative sample of residents were criminal pesticides?
telephoned and asked how much they ex-
A. Allowing a person under the direct su-
ercise each week and whether they cur-
pervision of a certified applicator to apply
rently have (have ever been diagnosed
with) heart disease.
B. Detaching, altering, defacing, or de-
A. cohort
stroying any part of a container or labeling
B. case-control
C. cross-sectional C. Keeping inadequate records of employ-
D. Not an analytical or epidemiologic ees who received training on the proper
study use of pesticides
D. none of above
32. Persons diagnosed with new-onset Lyme
disease were asked how often they walk 36. In order for organic farmers to make a
through woods, use insect repellant, wear profit (and thus be economically sustain-
short sleeves and pants, etc. Twice as able)
many patients without Lyme disease from
A. manure must be found in abundance in
the same physician’s practice were asked
close proximity to the farm.
the same question s, and the responses in
the two groups were compared. B. the government must continue to pro-
vide an “organic” subsidy.
A. cohort
C. conventional farmers must pay a tax to
B. case-control subsideze the organic farmers.
C. cross-sectional D. consumers must be willing to pay
D. Not an analytical or epidemiologic higher costs associated with organic pro-
study duce.
33. DDT was banned in the USA in 1972, yet 37. Under federal law, which statement about
eggshells of many birds still show effects. trained and certified applicators is true?
This illustrates pesticide A. They may apply and/or supervise the
A. bioaccumulation application of restricted-use pesticides


1.25 Nematodes 449

B. They must receive supplemental train- 39. Glyphosate was shown in several studies
ing before mixing RUPs to be safe. Studies were problematic be-


C. they are exempt from obtaining coun-
try bulletins for the protection of endan- A. they didn’t include enough people
gered species B. they only tested on animals
D. none of above C. they tested the chemical in the ab-
sence of activators that usually accom-
38. Which statement about FIFRA is false? pany it

A. It provides the overall framework for D. they tested the chemical on skin only
the federal pesticides regulatory program 40. A village that uses endosulfan has a high
number of newborns with defects. To in-
B. It prevents states, tribes, and terri- vestigate and find a link between the pes-
tories from creating pesticides use laws ticide and the birth defects, which study
more stringent than federal regulations design is most appropriate?
A. prospective cohort
C. it allows applicators to deviate from
the pesticide label under specific use situ- B. retrospective cohort
ation C. case series
D. none of above D. cross-sectional

1.25 Nematodes
1. Which phylum is most closely related to B. pseudocoel-longitudinal muscles-
the Annelida? cuticle-hypodermis
A. Mollusca C. hypodermis-cuticle-longitudinal
B. Nematoda
D. cuticle-hypodermis-longitudinal
C. Arthropoda
D. Chordata
4. What species represents the filarial
2. What do Mollusks have that secretes a worm?
shell of CaCO3? A. Necator americanus
A. Foot B. Enterobius vermicularis
B. Head C. Ascaris lumbicoides
C. Mantle D. Wuchereria bancrofti
D. Mesoderm 5. which species of nematode is transferred
to humans by eating infected pig meat
3. The order of the nematode body wall from
outside to inside is A. trichonella

A. cuticle-longitudinal muscles-hypodermis- B. pinworm

pseudocoel C. diroflaria


1.25 Nematodes 450

D. cestoda 11. What structure do planaria use for feed-

6. Unsegmented round worms is classified
A. Cilia
under phylum
B. Scolex
A. Nematoda
C. Proglottids
B. Platyhelminthes
D. Pharynx
C. Annelida
12. What triploblastic body type has no body

D. Mollusca cavity?
7. ID the roundworm where the adult lives in A. Acoelomate
the cavity of the host’s small intestine? B. Diploblast
A. Hook worms C. Psuedocoelomate
B. Intestinal round worms D. Unicellular
C. Pin worms 13. Round worms belong in the phylum
D. Filarial worms A. Nematoda
B. Cestoda
8. What does a Nematode have that a Platy-
helminthes does not have? C. Platyhelminthes
A. Nervous System D. Annelida

B. Excretory Structures 14. An unsegmented, triploblastic animal with

head, muscular foot and visceral mass are
C. Complete Digestive System
the characteristics of
D. Reproductive Tissue A. Platyhelminthes
9. Which phylum contains segmented worms B. Nematoda
like earthworms and leeches? C. Mollusca
A. Platyhelminthes D. Annelida
B. Nematoda 15. Nematodes are protected by an outer, non-
C. Annelida cellular layer known as a
D. Oligocheata A. auricle
B. pharynx
10. Necator americanus go through their life
C. coelom
cycle after hatching from their egg in the
soil and entering the final hosts body D. cuticle
through the skin. How many parasitic
16. Roundworms have a false body cavity
stages are in their life cycle?
A. 1 A. pseudocoelom
B. 2 B. acoelom
C. 3 C. eucoelom
D. 4 D. coelom


1.25 Nematodes 451

17. There body are.. 23. Nematodes are protected by an outer

A. Orange waxy layer known as a


B. blue A. auricle

C. Transparent coverd by a flexible cuti- B. pharynx

cle C. coelom
D. Red covered by a flexible cuticle D. cuticle

18. The first true cellular layer of the nema- 24. Chemoreceptors located on the posterior
tode body wall is called the region of a roundworm.
A. cuticle A. Phasmids
B. hypodermis B. Amphids
C. hydrostatic skeleton C. Cuticle
D. longitudinal muscles D. Setae

19. This parasite causes inguinal lymph node 25. Which of the following is a segmented
fibrosis; what is it’s intermediate hosts? worm?

A. Black flies (buffalo gnats) A. Platyhelminthes

B. Tse Tse fly B. Nematoda

C. Annelida
C. Mosquito
D. Turbellaria
D. Copepod
26. Which phylum of worms are pseudoceolo-
20. Which of the following species is belongs
to phylum Mollusca?
A. Platyhelminthes
A. Hirudo sp.
B. Nematoda
B. Pheretima sp.
C. Annelida
C. Asterias sp.
D. none of above
D. Achatina sp.
27. A type of roundworm that can enter your
21. Which ISNT a type of flatworm? body through your feet or open wounds
A. Flukes A. hookworm
B. Planarians B. pinworm
C. Tapeworms C. tapeworm
D. Mealworms D. heartworm
22. Which type of roundworm infects hu- 28. The earthworm heart has how many aortic
mans? arches?
A. Planaria A. 3
B. Pinworm B. 2
C. Fluke C. 7
D. Tapeworm D. 5


1.25 Nematodes 452

29. What type of symmetry do Molluscs C. Annelids

have? D. none of above
A. Asymmetrical
35. Hermaphrodite means
B. Bilateral
A. only males
C. Radial
B. only females
D. none of above
C. male and female on same individual

30. The primary benefit of earthworms is that D. separate male and female individuals
they are
36. Which of the following is an example of a
A. a food source
B. used to make medicine
A. earthworm
C. used for fishing B. tapeworm
D. are decomposers C. trichina
31. They cause a disease called schistosomia- D. none of above
37. What are anisakians?
A. planaria
A. Parasites fishes
B. tapeworm
B. Parasites other worms
C. fluke
C. Parasites humans
D. none of above
D. parasites birds
32. Which adult roundworm is associated with
38. Garden snail is a mollusk with characteris-
tic below EXCEPT
A. Hook worms A. shell
B. Intestinal round worms B. feed using radula
C. Pin worms C. soft and moist body
D. Filarial worms D. triploblastic acoelomate
33. Which dermal layer lines the digestive sys- 39. Earthworms and leeches are common ex-
tem? amples of?
A. Ectoderm A. Nematodes
B. Mesoderm B. Annelids
C. Endoderm C. Mollusks
D. Psuedoderm D. none of above
34. These are unsegmented worms that have 40. An animal that carries the disease or par-
long, thin, round bodies pointed at both asite from one animal to another, without
ends and are covered by a tough cuticle. being negatively impacted by it is a(n)
A. Platyhelminthes A. Final host
B. Nematodes B. Intermediate host


1.25 Nematodes 453

C. Vector 46. Roundworms of the phylum Nematoda

D. Primary host are…


A. Diploblastic and acoelomates
41. What type of symmetry do Platy-
helminthes have? B. Triploblastic and acoelomates
A. Bilateral C. Triploblastic and pseudocoelomates
B. Asymmetrical D. Triploblastic and coelomates
C. Round
47. Shedding of the cuticle and growing a new,
D. Small larger cuticle after the body rapidly en-
42. What structure pulls food into the intes-
tine of the round worm? A. Growth
A. External pharynx B. Life Cycle
B. Gastrovascular cavity C. Ecdysis
C. Internal pharynx D. Cuticledysis
D. Rennett
48. Why is it so important that Platy-
43. Which of the following is an pseudocoelo- helminthes worms have a flattened
mate? body?
A. an organism such as Planaria (flat- A. So they can fit in small spaces.
worms) that have no body cavity B. It’s easier for them to move that way.
B. an organism such as a jellyfish with a C. Their cells absorb oxygen through
central digestive cavity their skin, so they have to be close to the
C. an organism such as a mammal with outside.
a body cavity lined with 2 layers of meso-
D. It makes reproduction more simple.
D. an organism such as a Nematode 49. Which of the following is a structure asso-
(roundworm) that has a “false” body cav- ciated with the nervous system?
ity A. Nephridia
44. What species represents the hookworm? B. Ganglia
A. Necator americanus C. Flame cells
B. Enterobius vermicularis D. Crop
C. Ascaris lumbicoides
50. The adults of this parasite live in subcu-
D. Wuchereria bancrofti taneous nodules and Microfilariae initially
45. What is the treatment for D. medinensis? elicit punctuate keratitis.
A. Twist-stick method A. T. canis
B. Mebendazole B. O. volvulus
C. Antibiotics C. malayi
D. Supportive care D. W. bancrofti


1.25 Nematodes 454

51. Nematode movement can be described as 56. They have body segments that allow for
due to the type of muscle they have. specialization of tissues and for efficient
A. thrashing side to side
A. Platyhelminthes
B. extending and shortening
B. Nematodes
C. smooth and fluid-like
C. Annelids
D. depends on the species
D. none of above

52. Wuchereria bancrofti are simmilar to you 57. What is Loa loa’s intermediate host?
and me in that they have a digestive sys-
tem that is essentially a single long tube A. Tabanid fly
with a mouth opening and an anus. What B. Mosquito
type of digestive system is this? C. Deer tick
A. Extracellular D. Black fly
B. Intracellular
58. This body type is considered a false body
C. Incomplete cavity.
D. Complete A. Psuedocoelomate
B. Coelomate
53. This parasite is found worldwide, trans-
mitted via bites from flies/mosquitos and C. Acoelomate
diagnosed by examination of thick and thin D. Triploblast
blood smears.
59. Which is true of both flatworms and round-
A. W. bancrofti worms?
B. medinensis A. They both have radial symmetry.
C. T. spiralis B. They both have bilateral symmetry.
D. O. volvulus C. they are both acoelomates.
D. They are both pseudocoelomates.
54. A small rounded protuberance on a part or
organ of the body 60. A child complaining of rectal itching and in-
A. Setae somnia is most likely suffering from
A. pinworm
B. Papillae
B. whipworm
C. Amphids
C. hookworm
D. Cuticle
D. threadworm
55. What habitats are Nematodes found in?
61. These organisms are mollusks EXCEPT
A. only fresh water A. squid
B. only terrestrial (land) B. snail
C. almost all habitats C. oyster
D. only marine (saltwater) D. prawn


1.25 Nematodes 455

62. Enterobious vermicularis is the most com- C. allergic reaction

mon endodermic parasite in the U.S. How D. all of the above
do many children get this parasite?


A. Touching their mouth after handling a 68. Earthworms breath with their
contaminated object A. lungs
B. Insect bites B. skin
C. Eating under cooked food C. gills
D. Walking outdoors barefoot on contam- D. none of above
inated soil
69. Eggs are passed in feces then ingestion of
63. Segmented worms are known as infective eggs is the root cause; more com-
A. Nematodes monly affects children causing symptoms
such as cough, fever, wheezing.
B. Annelids
A. T. spiralis
C. Planarians
B. T. canis
D. Cnidarians
C. O. volvulus
64. The longitudinal muscles pull against what D. Loa loa
internal structure?
A. Hydrostatic Skeleton 70. What is cephalization?

B. Cuticle A. Having male and female parts.

C. Rennet B. A concentration of sense organs and

nervous system at the anterior end of the
D. Pharynx body.
65. A stiff structure resembling a hair or a bris- C. Feeding off of another organism.
tle, especially in an invertebrate D. Breathing through the skin.
A. Setae
71. The definitive host will become infected by
B. Phasmids Ascaris through
C. Amphids A. passive transmission by eating the
D. Papillae eggs on unwashed fruits and vegetables

66. Which of the following phyla was the first

to exhibit body segmentation? B. passive transmission by eating the
eggs in uncooked meat
A. Annelida
C. active transmission by walking around
B. Arthropoda contaminated water
C. Cnidara D. all of the above
D. Echindermata
72. This parasite is found in Central and W.
67. If you are infected with Ascaris you may Africa, causes calamari swelling, and high
have eosinophilia.
A. coughing A. Loa loa
B. intestinal blockage B. T. canis


1.25 Nematodes 456

C. T. spiralis 78. Platyhelminthes worms are

D. W. bancrofti A. acoelomates
B. pseudocoelomates
73. The best way to prevent getting infected
with Ascaris is to C. eucoelomates
D. none of above
A. wear protective shoes
B. wash your fruits and vegetables 79. Nematodes have a fast whip like move-
ment due to special muscles pulling on the

C. cook your meat psuedocoelom. What direction do these
D. all of the above muscles move?
A. Laterally
74. The small segments behind a scolex that
reproduce quickly, making a tapeworm B. Longitudinally
longer and longer are called C. Circularly
A. Cilia D. none of above
B. Hooks 80. The nematodes are called
C. Proglottids A. flatworms
D. Snaps B. tapeworms
C. roundworms
75. They are thin, flat acoelomate animals that
can be freely living or parasitic. D. spiral worms.

A. Flatworms 81. What species is found living in the large

B. Roundworms
A. Necator americanus
C. Segmented Worms
B. Enterobius vermicularis
D. none of above
C. Ascaris lumbicoides
76. Earthworms don’t have teeth to grind D. Wuchereria bancrofti
their food so they use another organ to
do so. It is called a 82. Outermost layer of living tissue on nema-
todes that protects their internal organs
A. crop from water loss and the outside environ-
B. gizzard ment.
C. intestine A. setae

D. esophagus B. cuticle
C. papillae
77. used for movement in nematodes
D. phasmids
A. grasping mouthparts
83. Which one of the following does NOT in-
B. ganglia fest humans?
C. segmentation A. Trichinella spiralis
D. hydrostatic skeleton B. Ancylostoma duodenale


1.25 Nematodes 457

C. Enterobius vermincularis 89. Flatworms are unsegmented, bilaterial

D. Caenorhabditis elegans worms that lack a coelom. Animals that
lack a coelom are called


84. Which of the following statements is TRUE A. acoelomates
for annelids and nematodes?
B. coelomates
A. All nematodes are parasites, while an- C. noelomates
nelids are free living
D. innoelomates
B. Annelids have both longitudinal and cir-
cular muscles, while nematodes have only 90. : Which of the following does not accu-
longitudinal muscles rately describe Lymphatic filariasis?
C. Annelids are unisexual, while nema- A. It mainly affects the lower limb
todes are hermaphrodites B. Chyluria is the most common manifes-
D. Nematodes are coelomates, while an- tation
nelids are acoelomates C. The intermediate vector is the mollusc

85. collection of nerve cells located at the an-

D. It is caused by the parasitic worms
terior end of a worm
Wuchereria bancrofti
A. cephalization
91. Which roundworm is associated with river
B. ganglia blindness?
C. parasite A. Hook worms
D. grasping mouth parts B. Intestinal round worms
86. Loeffler’s syndrome C. Pin worms

A. Trichuris trichiura D. Filarial worms

B. Gnathostoma spinigerum 92. Of the following options, where would

you most expect to find an ectoparasite?
C. Ascaris lumbricoides
A. In the blood.
D. Wuchereria bancrofti
B. In your liver.
87. Nematodes are also known as C. Inside an elephant.
A. flatworms D. On the outside of a fish.
B. segmented worms 93. The adult Ascaris is found in
C. round worms A. lungs
D. tape worms B. stomach and small intestine
88. Roundworms have excretory cells called: C. muscle
D. all of the above
A. Renette cells
B. Flame cells 94. are also called flatworms. They are bi-
laterally symmetrical, dorsoventrally flat-
C. kidney cells tened worms that include planaria, flukes
D. none of above and tapeworms.


1.25 Nematodes 458

A. Cnidarians 100. All of the following body systems can be

B. Platyhelminthes found in a segmented worm EXCEPT the

C. Nematodes
A. Circulatory
D. Mollusks
B. Digestive
95. Both nematodes and platyhelminthes are C. Reproductive
similar in the fact that they both have a
D. Skeletal
body type.

A. Acoelomate 101. What digestive structure is the most sim-
ilar in function to the gastrovascular cav-
B. Coelomate
C. Psuedocoelomate
A. Intestine
D. Triploblastic
B. Buccal Cavity
96. Which of the following phyla contains C. Rennett
mostly parasitic roundworms?
D. Ganglia
A. Annelida
102. example is planarian
B. Cnidara
A. Platyhelminthes
C. Nematoda
B. Nematoda
D. Platyhelminthes
C. Annelida
97. Nematodes exhibit symmetry. D. Arthropoda
A. longitudinal
103. Which of the following terms does not re-
B. radial late to flatworm reproduction?
C. asymmetrical A. Dimorphism
D. bilateral B. Hermaphroditic
98. The larval stage of the Ascaris C. Monoecious
A. encyst in muscles D. Cross-fertilization
B. are carried by insects 104. Which phylum is the first to exhibit a
C. are not present in this life cycle closed circulatory system?
D. do damage to internal organs as it trav- A. Platyhelminthes
els to the lungs to mature B. Nematoda
99. Earthworms have setae, which are like C. Annelida
bristles that help them D. none of above
A. move
105. Nematodes need to shed (molt) their cu-
B. eat ticle because
C. reproduce A. to get more layers of protection
D. none of above B. to trick the host organism


1.25 Nematodes 459

C. the cuticle is non-living and does not 111. Has true tissues, bilateral symmetry,
grow in size as the animal grows triploblastic and pseudocoelomate. This
animal is classified under which phylum?


D. all of the above
A. Nematoda
106. ID the roundworm where the adult lives
B. Annelida
in the tissue of the host’s small intestine?
C. Mollusca
A. Hook worms
D. Arthropoda
B. Intestinal round worms
C. Pin worms 112. A chemical reaction that breaks down
compounds into simpler products.
D. Filarial worms
A. Decomposition
107. Which annelids are known for living in B. Nutrient Recyling
marine environments?
C. Molting
A. Oligochaetes
D. Ecdysis
B. Polychaetes
C. Hirudinea 113. Visceral cutaneous larval migrans occurs
A. In gut tissues
D. Molluska
B. in the eye
108. What type of body symmetry do the phy-
C. Intestine
lums Platyhelminthes and Annelida have in
common? D. Liver
A. radial 114. Best known nematodes are:
B. assymmetrical A. Intestinal insects
C. bilaterial B. Intestinal worms
D. vermiform C. Asiako

109. A brightly colored flatworm, swimming D. Flexibl cuticle

with a wavelike motion, likely belongs to 115. What do you call external bristles for
which class? movement in annelids?
A. Cestoda A. Parapodia
B. Trematoda B. Setae
C. Turbellaria C. Foot
D. Monogenea D. Mantle
110. Animals that live and feed off other ani- 116. The body cavity of organism under phy-
mals are called lum Nematoda is
A. planarians A. no coelom
B. parasites B. coelom
C. proglottids C. pseudocoelom
D. teguments D. true coelom


1.25 Nematodes 460

117. The coelom is surrounded by the 123. The process of breaking down materials
A. Ectoderm into a different form that can be used
B. Mesoderm
A. Nutrient Recycling
C. Endoderm
B. Respiration
D. Pseudoderm
C. Photosynthesis
118. Flatworms have no true body cavity. D. Deforestation

This means they are
124. What species is found living in the small
A. Symmetrical
intestine by eating the host’s nutritive
B. Sessile fluid?
C. Coelomates A. Necator americanus
D. Acoelomates B. Enterobius vermicularis

119. What tapeworm class are free-living? C. Ascaris lumbicoides

A. Monogenea D. Wuchereria bancrofti

B. Seceernentea 125. Known as “Flat Worms”

C. Trematoda A. Phylum Platyhelminthes
D. Turbellaria B. Phylum Nematoda
C. Phylum Annelida
120. The bodies of flatworms are flattened
D. none of above
A. Laterally 126. The most common parasitic roundworms
B. Bilaterally that can infect children.
C. Radially A. filaria

D. Dorso-ventrally B. pinworms
C. vinegar eel
121. ascariasis caused by
D. none of above
A. hookworm
127. mode of infection of Ascaris
B. roundworm
A. blood
C. pinworm
B. cough droplets
D. none of above
C. larvae
122. Which of the following phyla contains the
D. skin
first organisms with complete digestive
systems? 128. Aceolomate worm
A. Annelida A. Phylum Platyhelminthes
B. Cnidaria B. Phylum Nematoda
C. Nematoda C. Phylum Annelida
D. Platyhelminthes D. none of above


1.25 Nematodes 461

129. This is an animals without any body cav- C. Intestinal

D. Pin


A. parasite
B. hermaphrodite 134. Which phylum do earthworms belong
C. acoelomate
A. Molluska
D. none of above
B. Annelida
130. Hookworm infection leads to deficiency
of C. Nematoda

A. vit. B12 D. Platyhelminthes

B. vit. A 135. Which of the following is the evolution-

C. Iron ary advancement first found in annelids?
D. folic acid A. Three germ layers

131. This is commonly known as the guinea B. A complete digestive system

worm and enters the body by ingesting C. Cephalization
water containing copepods with L3 lar-
vae. D. Coelomates (tube within a tube)

A. medinensis 136. Chemoreceptors located on the anterior

B. W. bancrofti end of a roundworm.
C. malayi A. Phasmids
D. Loa loa B. Amphids
132. This nematodes specimen of choice for di- C. Setae
agnosis is muscle biopsy with a finding D. Papillae
of third stage larvae encyst in striated
muscle and patients present with myositis, 137. Cutaneous larval migrans causes “creep-
eosinophilia 40-50% in a differential. ing eruptions” these occur
A. Trichinella spiralis A. Under skin
B. Filariasis
B. In the eye
C. Loa loa
C. In the liver
D. Onchocerciasis
D. In the lungs
133. Kelly likes to take long walks barefoot
on her families farm. One day she notices 138. Which phylum includes hookworms, pin-
a blistering trail moving up from the sole worms, and heart worms?
of her foot. If we only consider parasitic A. Platyhelminthes
worms as suspects, which is the best can-
didate? B. Nematoda
A. Filarial C. Annelida
B. Hook D. none of above


1.25 Nematodes 462

139. Which mollusk class would you see organ- 144. Needle like mating structures, found only
isms moving using “jet propulsion “? in males.
A. Gastropoda A. Papillae
B. Cephalopoda B. Setae
C. Bivlavia C. Buccal Spicules
D. Oligochaeta D. Copulatory Spicules

140. Which of the following traits is NOT 145. A tapeworm lives inside of a host’s body.
shared by Nematoda, Platyhelminthes and This means that tapeworms are
Annelida? A. Ectoparasites
A. Bilateral symmetry B. Endoparasites
B. Triploblastic C. Free-living
C. Coelomate D. Flukes
D. Multicellular
146. Phylum Nematoda is represented by
141. Most diverse group of animals, they have A. Ascaris sp.
an external covering called a cuticle and
shed their cuticle several times throughout B. Pheretima sp.
their lifetime. C. Achatina sp.
A. Lychophozoa D. Planaria sp.
B. Porifera 147. What type digestive system is in nema-
C. Ecdysozoa todes?
D. Mollusca A. Incomplete

142. This nematode is found in Africa and Asia; B. Partial

the fertilized female worm migrates to the C. Complete
surface of the skin causing a blister with D. Segmented
severe burning and itching. Symptoms re-
lieved when blister ruptures. 148. Which structure is NOT associated with
A. medinensis digestion?

B. Loa Loa A. Gizzard

C. malayi B. pharynx

D. T. cani C. nephridia
D. crop
143. The swollen part of the worm is called the
It signals that the worm is an adult and 149. What is the non-cellular structure the cov-
is able to reproduce. ers and protects the roundworms?
A. gizzard A. Hydrostatic Skeleton
B. crop B. Rennet
C. clitellum C. Cuticle
D. segment D. Tegument


1.25 Nematodes 463

150. Nematodes have a digestive system 156. Which of the following is NOT a feature
A. incomplete of Phylum Nematoda?
A. free-living and parasitic worms


B. complete
C. external B. cuticle

D. longitudinal C. cell number usually fixed

D. less than 1, 000 species
151. In segmented worms, the crop, gizzard,
and esophagus are all organs that work 157. Which of the following is not a class of
together to digest food. Together these the Phylum Platyhelminthes?
organs make A. Nematoda
A. tissues B. Trematoda
B. specialized cells C. Cestoda
C. an organ system D. Turbellaria
D. all of the above 158. What structure protects parasitic flat-
152. Circulatory system of annelids is worms in harsh environments like a diges-
tive system?
A. full
A. Neodermis
B. complete
B. Proglottids
C. incomplete
C. Flukes
D. closed
D. Cilia
153. ID the roundworm where the adult lives
159. Which phylum do roundworms belong
in the host’s large intestine?
A. Hook worms
A. Turbellaria
B. Intestinal round worms B. Cestoda
C. Pin worms C. Nematoda
D. Filarial worms D. Porifera
154. Earthworms and leeches are 160. Which adult roundworm is found in the
A. dioecious heart and lymphatic systems?
B. hermaphroditic / monoecious A. Hook worms
C. asexual B. Intestinal round worms
D. none of above C. Pin worms
D. Filarial worms
155. This nematode is transmitted by eating
undercooked pork and game meats and 161. Annelids reproduce by what type of re-
causes mild to severe diarrhea. production?
A. Trichinella spiralis A. Asexual
B. Wucheria bancrofti B. Sexual
C. Brugia malayi C. Fragmentation
D. Onchocerca volvulus D. Both asexual and sexual


1.25 Nematodes 464

162. Phylum includes round, threadlike 168. Resembling or having the shape of a
worms worm
A. Platyhelminthes A. Vermicompost
B. Nematoda B. Roundform
C. Annelida C. Ecdysozoform
D. Arthropoda D. Vermiform

163. The excretory system of annelids con- 169. Nematodes exchange gas by
sists of… A. digestion
A. flame cells B. diffusion
B. nephridia C. auricles
C. prostomium D. the flame bulb
D. peristomium
170. The squeezing of muscles to move food
164. Which is an example of a Nematode? down the digestive tract is called.
A. tape worm A. peristalsis
B. heart worm B. auricles
C. earth worm C. hermaphrodites
D. planarian D. dioecious

165. What deases cause intestinal worms? 171. Flatworms can reproduce
A. Ascariasis A. sexually only
B. Cancer B. asexually only
C. Diabetes C. both sexually and asexually
D. Fibrosis quística D. neither sexually or asexually

166. Which roundworm is transmitted through 172. Which type of roundworm is the most
insect bites? life-threatening canine worm?
A. Hook worms A. Heartworm
B. Intestinal round worms B. Pinworm
C. Pin worms C. Hookworm
D. Filarial worms D. Liverworm

167. Earthworms have sets of muscles 173. Which roundworm hatches outside of a
that help them move. host?
A. 1 A. Hook worms
B. 2 B. Intestinal round worms
C. 3 C. Pin worms
D. 4 D. Filarial worms


1.25 Nematodes 465

174. What body type do roundworms have? 180. Which of the following phyla contains the
A. Psuedocoelomate first organisms with closed circulatory sys-


B. Coelomate
A. Annelida
C. Acoelomate
B. Cnidaria
D. Diploblastic
C. Nematoda
175. Annelids are hermaphrodites. Define this D. Platyhelminthes
181. How are new segments added to an
A. They have three tissue layers. earthworm?
B. They have a body cavity. A. From tail to head
C. They produce both egg and sperm. B. From head to tail
D. They can regenerate lost body parts. C. They fill in from the middle
176. How do you describe a roundworm (Phy- D. No new segments are added
lum Nematoda) body cavity? 182. What type of symmetry do roundworms
A. Acoelomate have?
B. Pseudocoelomate A. Bilateral
C. Coelomate B. Radial
D. Does not apply C. Spherical
D. Asymmetrical
177. What is an Acoelmate?
183. What do earthworms eat?
A. Animal with false body cavity
A. grass
B. Animal lacking body cavity
B. insects
C. Animal with true body cavity
C. dirt
D. Animal with cavities in its teeth
D. organic matter in the soil
178. process by which the male places sperm
inside the female’s body, where the eggs 184. Nematodes only possess muscles
are fertilized A. circular
A. diffusion B. anterior
B. internal fertilization C. posterior
C. asexual reproduction D. longitudinal
D. none of above 185. This parasites infective form are L3 filar-
iform larva and adults produce a sheathed
179. These worms have no eyes and ears. Microfilariae that reach the blood stream.
A. earthworms A. T. spiralis
B. leeches B. O. volvulus
C. hookworms C. malayi
D. none of above D. T. canis


1.26 Farm Machinery 466

186. What kind of worm is a platy- B. Pharynx

C. Flame Cell
A. Flat worm
D. Rennet
B. Round worm
C. Special ed worm 189. How do leeches keep the blood flowing?
D. School worm A. anesthetics

187. Roundworms exchange gases in circula- B. inflammatory agents

tion, respiration and excretion by C. anticoagulants
A. diffusion D. chewing
B. osmosis
190. phylum nematodea
C. regeneration
D. heart, lungs, and bladder A. flat
B. round
188. What is the main excretory organ found
in the roundworm body? C. segmented
A. Kidney D. more than one

1.26 Farm Machinery

1. This farm equipment is used to remove the C. Muscles, tractor, gator, and har-
outer coat of rice grains. vesters
A. rice harvester D. none of above
B. corn dehusker
4. It is a hand-held agricultural tool with a
C. hand tractor variously curved blade typically used for
D. rice miller cutting weeds.
A. Bolo
2. It is used for loosening the soil, digging out
root crops and turning over the materials B. Axe
in a compost heap. C. Sickle
A. Spading Fork D. Pick - Mattock
B. Hand Trowel
5. The following is not included in taking care
C. Rake of hand tools?
D. Crowbar A. Clean your tools after use
3. What are the 4 most essential pieces of B. Tools should be kept in tool box or a
farm equipment? tool cabinet
A. Tractor, Cultivator, Planter, and har- C. When rust form on tools, remove it by
vester using a fine abrasive cloth
B. Gator, tractor, disc harrow, and Build- D. Store hand tools in a wet, sheltered en-
ings vironment


1.26 Farm Machinery 467

6. It is an implement mounted to a tractor C. Farm Equipment

used for tilling and pulverizing the soil. D. Hand Tools


A. Harrow
11. Which tool is used for cutting tall grasses
B. Rovator and chopping branches of trees?
C. Native Plow A. bolo
D. Disc Plow B. crowbar
7. These are accessories usually used in the C. knife
preparation of land that is either pulled D. rake
by a working animal or mounted to a ma-
chine. 12. Plows are agricultural equipment either
pulled by a working horse or a tractor used
A. Farm Hand Tools
in horticultural operations. The plow is
B. Farm Implements used primarily for tilling wide fields, mak-
C. Farm Equipment ing furrows and planting inter-rows.
D. none of above A. Hand Tools
B. Farm Machinery
8. It is used for digging canals, breaking hard
topsoil and for digging up stones and tree C. Farm Equipment
stumps. D. Farm Implements
A. Sickle 13. Which farm equipment or tool is use for
B. Bolo digging?
C. Axe A. Shovel
D. Pick - Mattock B. Plough
C. Sickle
9. It is a measuring tool used for measuring
the distance between two symmetrically D. Sprinkler
opposing sides. It can be like a compass
14. It is used for hauling trash, manures, fertil-
with inward or outward facing points and
izers, planting materials and other equip-
the tips can be adjusted to fit across the
points to be measured.
A. Pointed Shovel
A. caliper
B. Spade
B. folder ruler
C. Rake
C. ruler
D. Wheel Barrow
D. square
15. The following are the guidelines to avoid
10. These are machines used in crop produc- hand tools injuries except:
tion. They are used in land preparation
and in transporting farm inputs and prod- A. right tool for the job
ucts. B. good condition
A. Farm Tools C. proper storage
B. Farm Implements D. watch your body


1.26 Farm Machinery 468

16. It is a curved and hand held aquaculture 21. It is used for loosening the soil around the
tool for harvesting grain crops or cutting growing plants and putting small amount
grasses for hay. of manure fertilizer in the soil.
A. shovel A. Rake
B. rake B. Spading Fork

C. sickle C. Hand Fork

D. Hand Trowel
D. mattock

22. It is used for cultivating the garden plot
17. A device for measuring the weight of an by loosening the soil and removing weeds
object. around the plant.
A. paper weight A. Hand Fork
B. measuring tool B. Hand Cultivator
C. weighing scale C. Hand Trowel
D. square D. Rake

23. Farm objects that are usually light and are

18. It is the most popular type of measuring
used without the help of animals and ma-
tools which usually has 6 or 12 inches
A. Farm Implements
A. ruler
B. Farm Equipment
B. speed square
C. Farm Machinery
C. folding ruler
D. Farm Tools
D. try square
24. These are machines used in crop produc-
19. A device used to strike or deliver blows tion which need a highly-skilled operator
to an object like driving nails, fitting parts to use.
and breaking up objects. A. Farm Hand Tools
A. hammer B. Farm Implements
B. plier C. Farm Equipment
C. wrench D. none of above
D. cutter 25. how many square feet is and acre?
A. 43, 560 feet
20. The most versatile and widely used shovel
used for digging, scooping or shovelling B. 4, 000 feet
dirt from one point to another. C. 20, 000 feet
A. irrigation shovel D. 12, 345 feet
B. round point shovel 26. A tool used to tighten or loosen screws.
C. garden shovel A. hammer
D. scoop shovel B. screwdriver


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 469

C. wrench B. Farm Implements

D. pliers C. Farm Equipment


27. It is a knife-like instrument used mostly D. none of above
as a chopping tool. It is commonly used
for the cutting of trees, the cutting of tall 29. What is used to harvest grain?
weeds and grasses, and the chopping of A. Chopper/ forage harvester
tree branches.
B. combine
A. Bolo
C. tractor
B. Crowbar
C. Shovel D. hands

D. Rake 30. Quality indicators of using screwdrivers.

28. These materials that are used in various A. bade metal
farm operations are usually light and are
B. handle and bar attachment materials
used without the help of a working animal
or a machine. C. screwdriver tips
A. Farm Hand Tools D. all of the above

1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture

1. Which of the following types of agriculture 4. planting usually made up of one or more
is used most widely throughout the world? rows of trees or shrubs planted in such
(303) a manner as to provide shelter from the
A. Slash-and-burn wind and to protect soil from erosion
B. Plantation A. contour plowing
C. Shifting cultivation B. windbreaks
D. Mediterranean C. perennial crops
D. terracing
2. What texture of soil would be best for
high aeration? 5. Intertillage is the process of (309)
A. Sand A. Planting between the rows of crops
B. Silt B. Hand picking fruit yields
C. Clay C. Transporting crops to market
D. none of above D. Harvesting cereal crops with machin-
3. How did the development of agriculture af-
fect human societies? 6. The sterile insect technique is an example
A. Societies became nomadic of
B. Food production declined A. Biological Pesticides
C. Civilizations developed B. Carabmates
D. Birthrates decreased rapidly C. POPs


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 470

D. IPM 12. Who wrote Silent Spring

7. Most coastal states require shrimping ves- A. Hilary Roath
sels to install TEDs (Turtle Excluder De- B. Rachel Carson
vices), which allow sea turtles to pass
safely through the net, while still allowing C. Todd Mcfurguson
the net to catch shrimp. This is an example D. Angelina Harper
13. Depends on hand tools and natural fertiliz-

A. a bycatch reduction device.
B. state execution of the Endangered
Species Act. A. Low Input

C. the swampbuster provision of the B. HIgh Input

Farm Bill of 1990. C. Tillage
D. managing fisheries for collapse. D. Plantation
8. Why should rural areas be preserved?
14. What percent of soil is “mineral matter”?
A. They provide crucial infrastructure.
A. 5%
B. They provide ecological services.
B. 25%
C. They contain greenbelts.
C. 45%
D. None of the choice s.
D. 50%
9. In general, for females, caloric require-
ments to age , then until 15. When analyzing food, humans generally
death. seek a balance of ?
A. Increase; 20; Decrease A. calories, carbohydrates, protein and
B. Decrease; 20; Increase fat
C. Increase; 30; Level Off B. vitamins, calories, minerals and iron
D. Increase; 30; Decrease C. carbohydrates, sugars, and vitamins

10. Plants and animals that have been geneti- D. vitamins, carbohydrates and calories
cally adapted to suit human needs are con-
16. All of the following are true according to
sidered (314)
the Von Thünen model of agricultural land
A. Cultivated EXCEPT (340)
B. Primitive A. Land values decrease with distance
C. Domesticated from urban markets
D. Indigenous B. Rents are highest close to urban mar-
11. Cash-cropping is a form of (279)
C. Dairy farms are located close to the
A. Extensive agriculture
city because of the perishability of dairy
B. Pastoral nomadism products
C. Mixed farming D. Forests for fuel and timber production
D. Aquaculture could be located in any of the four rings


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 471

17. accounts for the largest amount of wa- 22. way to quickly get livestock ready for
ter used each day. slaughter. They tend to be crowded, and
animals are fed grains or feed that are not


A. public water use
suitable as grass. generate large amount
B. private water use of organic waste, which can contaminate
C. mining ground water and surface water.
D. thermoelectric power A. CAFOs
18. The process by which metamorphic rocks B. Overgrazing
are formed C. Free Range Grazing
A. heat and pressure D. none of above
B. erosion and deposition 23. The process by which sedimentary rocks
C. melting and cooling are formed
D. none of above A. heat and pressure
19. Oil Co. in Texas has chosen to build their B. erosion and deposition
industry closest to the oil rig. They decided C. melting and cooling
that the gasoline is easier to transport by D. none of above
truck than the raw oil would be to trans-
port to the refinery. 24. Most of the U.S. Midwest was divided us-
A. site-capital ing which system? (324)
B. situation-bulk reducing A. Township and range
C. situation-bulk gaining B. Universal transverse Mercator (UTM)
D. site-land C. Long lots
D. Nucleated
20. A potential reserve is an energy source
that (290) 25. What is the difference between arithmetic
A. Is not widely used because it is too ex- and physiologic population density?
pensive A. Arithmetic counts farmers
B. Can be used to generate electricity and B. Physiologic counts farmers
create fuel C. Arithmetic counts only farmland
C. Exists only in remote geographic loca- D. Physiologic counts only farmland
D. Is suspected to exist but has not been 26. What factors likely caused the population
discovered around Mesopotamia and Egypt to begin
21. Surface is plowed which then breaks up A. Climate change and competition for re-
and exposes the soil. Followed by smooth- sources
ing the surface and planting
B. Use of irrigation and the ice ages
A. Organic Farming
C. A nomadic lifestyle and use of solar
B. Plantation power
C. Tillage D. Extinction of game species and control
D. High Input of fire


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 472

27. My carpet business has done wonderful C. Potatoes

lately. The process to manufacture my car- D. Squash
pets is very detailed. First, the cotton
fibers are spun together, then they are 32. Which of the following agricultural prod-
weaved into fabric, and then I must sew ucts requires the least amount of energy?
and tailor the final product. Because Seat- A. beef cattle
tle is a large consumer base for finished
carpets, I have chose to locate my business B. wheat
in Spokane, Washington, not far from the

C. dairy cows
Seattle markets.
D. chickens
A. Situation-bulk gaining
33. Weathered mineral matter, like clay, accu-
B. Situation-bulk reducing mulates in the horizon.
C. Site-bulk gaining A. A
D. Site-labor B. B
28. All of the following are forms of commer- C. C
cial agriculture EXCEPT (271) D. O
A. Specialized fruit production
34. The Omaha World Herald building is lo-
B. Cattle ranching cated in Downtown Omaha. Because the
C. Grain farming newspaper is a perishable product, it is
located near the major markets of down-
D. Pastoral nomadism
town buyers. Although many people get
29. You hold soil in your hand and notice how their news from computers, there are still
sandy it feels. What soil property are you many Omaha-ins that want their newspa-
observing? per delivered that day.
A. fertility A. Site-labor

B. order B. Situation-neither

C. aeration C. Situation-bulk gaining

D. texture D. Site-capital

35. Grassland soils tend to have

30. In South America, most ethanol is pro-
duced using (275) A. thick A horizons that supports plant
A. Soybeans
B. large O-horizons due to the buildup of
B. Wheat
detritus, like leaves and needles
C. Palm oil
C. nutrient poor A horizons due to leach-
D. Sugar cane ing of nutrients
31. Which of the following is not an example D. no soil structure due to frequent fires
of a staple food in Central America? (310) 36. By consuming more plants than beef we
A. Wheat could
B. Corn A. conserve water


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 473

B. reduce antibiotics and growth hor- 42. Which of the following is an example of
mones the implementation of the sustainable land
use model? (302)


C. improve topsoil
D. All answers are true A. A logger who cuts down trees for lum-
ber plants more trees
37. When did farming begin in the Middle East
B. A farmer plants only what is needed to
and North Africa?
feed his or her family
A. about 200, 000 years ago
C. A herder moves from one location to
B. about 11, 000 years ago another in order to find food for his or her
C. about 5, 000 years ago herd
D. about 3, 000 years ago D. A developer clears a plot of land for a
shopping mall and makes a donation to a
38. The timber industry classifies forestlands
conservation fund
into three categories called
A. oftwoods, hardwoods, and mixed 43. Which of the following is an example of
woods agribusiness? (332)
B. pine, redwood, and mixed. A. Selling handwoven wool rugs
C. evergreen, deciduous, and mixed. B. Processing crops into canned food
D. virgin forest, native forest, and tree C. Cutting trees for lumber
D. Mining coal for energy
39. regular rotation of livestock between dif-
ferent pastures in order to avoid overgraz- 44. The theory that people will do what is in
ing in a particular area their own best interest even when it is not
in the best interest of the common good is
A. rotational grazing called (300)
B. rotational crops A. Theory of nonsustainability
C. contour plowing
B. Tragedy of the commons
D. perennial grazing
C. Comedy of the anticommons
40. Largest Human Use of freshwater (70%) D. Theory of best self-interest
is for
A. agricultural use 45. Which of the following is NOT a major soil
forming factor?
B. residential use
A. Time, Topography (relief)
C. industrial use
B. Climate, Parent Material
D. none of above
C. Organics (organisms)
41. Which of the following events was GMOs
introduced? D. Deposition
A. First Agricultural Revolution 46. Which of the following is NOT a physical
B. Second Agricultural Revolution site characteristic?
C. First Green Revolution A. amount of rainfall
D. Second Green Revolution B. type of soil


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 474

C. elevation 52. All of the following are true of the begin-

D. location relative to transportation ning of agriculture EXCEPT (344)
A. Evidence for domestication of the
47. A society that relies on the cultivation of founder crops of agriculture has been
land is known as (311) dated to about 9500 BCE in the Fertile
A. Metropolitan Crescent

B. Naturalist B. Agriculture grew up in many areas of

the world between 9500BCE and about

C. Hunter-gatherer 7000 BCE
D. Agrarian C. By the Bronze Age, agriculture was be-
ing practiced on a fairly large scale in
48. Which of the following methods of farming many parts of the world
has become more popular in response to
the widespread use of pesticides in farm- D. Early animal domestication arose at
ing? (280) nearly the same time as the earliest evi-
dence of plant domestication
A. Crop rotation
B. Organic farming 53. The number of people under age 15 and
over age 64 compared to the number of
C. Shifting agriculture people active in the labor force.
D. Agricultural industrialization A. demography

49. Which of the following greenhouse gases B. zero population growth

result from the application of too much fer- C. overpopulation
tilizer? D. dependency ratio
A. carbon dioxide
54. Different early agrarian civilizations devel-
B. nitrous oxide oped similar characteristics without nec-
C. methane essarily coming into contact with one an-
other. Which of the following is some-
D. sulfur dioxide
thing numerous early civilizations had in
50. All of the following are plantation crops common?
EXCEPT (278) A. They all developed religions that were
monotheistic (had one god).
A. Tea
B. These societies could be described as
B. Sugar cane
egalitarian, meaning everyone was equal.
C. Rubber
D. Wheat C. All of their languages were based upon
alphabets like ours.
51. All of these contribute to famine EXCEPT
D. All had some form of government or a
A. crop failure. ruler to keep order.
B. green revolution.
55. All of the following is allowed in the
C. unequal distribution of food. wilderness except
D. drought. A. research.


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 475

B. camping. B. Population growth

C. development. C. Industrialization


D. fishing. D. Moving from farming to industry
56. Land that is highly compromised by over- 61. Which areas of the world are most suscep-
grazing and desertification tible to desertification?
A. Rangelands A. Humid Equitorial Regions
B. Farms B. Temporal Chaparral
C. Urbanized Cities C. Areas adjacent to the Poles.
D. Tree Plantations D. Areas adjacent to Existing Deserts.
57. What is the general relationship between 62. Which of the following seed crops were
meat consumption and affluence? first domesticated in Mexico? (274)
A. More affluent nations tend to consume A. Corn and millet
more meat products.
B. Yams and palm trees
B. More affluent nations tend to be net ex-
porters of meat products. C. Squash and beans

C. Less affluent nations tend to consume D. Sugarcane and taro

more meat because poultry are so easy to 63. Which of the following are ways to reduce
raise. runoff?
D. Less affluent nations tend to consume A. planting trees
less meat because meat is thought of as
a trading commodity. B. replacing impermeable pavement with
permeable ones
58. Mineral fuels are also known as (297)
C. build up not out
A. Coal
D. all of choice s are correct
B. Fossil fuels
64. Industrial Agriculture has many benefits.
C. Stored reserves
Which of the following is NOT a benefit
D. Natural resources associated with industrial agriculture?
59. A farmer sprays Glyphosate from a plane A. The ratio of energy input to calorie out-
onto her crop. After a rainstorm, the put is low.
nearby stream shows an increase in B. Larger food production per hectare.
Glyphosate. This is an example of
C. Monoculture can be more efficient.
A. pesticide mobility
D. Economy of scale can make the food
B. pesticide resistance less expensive.
C. the pesticide treadmill
65. What is a cross section in which layers
D. pesticides (a.k.a. horizons) of soil and bedrock can
60. What did NOT lead to the increase in ur- be seen.
banization? A. Soil picture
A. Population decrease B. Soil model


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 476

C. Soil profile B. Young Ladies

D. Soil section C. Infant Males
D. Infant Females
66. Which of the following describes an exam-
ple of creative destruction? (295) 71. Countries with high birth rates, and a large
A. A farmer clears a forest in order to % of young people would be considered:
plant grain A. More Developed
B. A farmer plants an orchard next to a B. Core Countries

field where cattle graze C. Wealthy Countries
C. A farmer plants corn in a field where D. Developing Countries
grain was previously grown
D. A developer plants native plants 72. All of the following crops are products of
around a shopping center Mediterranean agriculture EXCEPT (293)
A. Grapes
67. The following are benefits of hydroponics
B. Dates
C. Figs
A. relatively high yields
D. Apples
B. low cost
C. allows for year round operations 73. A confined area where large numbers of
livestock are raised together is called?
D. efficient use of water
A. pasture
68. What are common practices that lead to B. slaughter house
C. chicken yard
A. grazing cattle instead of sheep and
D. feed lot
B. getting into conflicts with neighbors 74. To reduce the risk of depleting the soil
over grazing rights of nutrients, a farmer decides to plant
legumes in a field that previously grew
C. using sheepdogs instead of human
corn. This practice is called (327)
A. Crop rotation
D. too many animals, lack of rotation,
grazing at wrong times in plant life cycle B. Succession cropping
C. Double cropping
69. Which of the following crops is grown in
the greatest quantity worldwide? (306) D. No-till planting

A. Cereal grains 75. involves flooding an agricultural field with

water. This system sees about 20% of
B. Sugar cane
the water lost to evaporation and runoff.
C. Rice This can lead to water logging of the soil
D. Soybeans A. Furrow Irrigation
70. Which of the following categorical groups B. Flood Irrigation
would require the largest caloric intake? C. Drip Irrigation
A. Young Men D. Spray Irrigation


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 477

76. The layer of soil most important to grow- 81. Which of the following best characterizes
ing crops. the Green Revolution? (341)


A. Horizon A A. The Green Revolution resulted in in-
creased biodiversity worldwide, espe-
B. Horizon B
cially in places where monocropping and
C. Horizon C high-yield varietals were prevalent
D. Horizon D or R B. The Green Revolution was able to in-
crease crop yields and for production in
77. A divergent boundary occurs when plates many locations throughout the world, but
its impact on the environment, geopolitics,
A. Pull apart and the world economy has yet to be fully
B. Come together
C. There have been no major famines
C. Slide past each other
since the agricultural practices of the
D. subducting Green Revolution took hold in the 1960’s

78. Arithmetic density is D. Much more land was put under culti-
vation during the Green Revolution, and
A. the number of people per square mile this, rather than the development of high-
of inhabitableland. yield varietals, was responsible for the in-
B. the number of people per squaremile crease in food production from 1960 to
of arable land. 1985
C. the number of farmers per squaremile 82. My software communication company was
of arable land. not doing well on the East Coast. Based
D. thenumber of people per unit of mea- on rumors of prosperity and loans in Sili-
surement. con Valley California, we picked up shop
and moved our business there. We were
79. occurs when too much water is left to sit given a great loan to start our pioneering
in the soil, which raises the water table of company and in 10 years, we were able
groundwater and inhibits plants’ ability to to pay our loan in full. I feel that many
absorb oxygen through their roots people have moved to California for this
A. Salinization reason, which has stimulated the economy
as a strong industrial center.
B. waterlogging
A. Situation-bulk gaining
C. desertification
B. Site-land
D. none of above C. Site-capital
80. Meat consumption in the US is generally D. Site-labor
about % higher than the rest of the
83. Your Clyde’s Zippers have decided to lo-
cate their manufacturing industry two
A. 75% miles from Maurice’s Dress manufactur-
B. 100% ers. They decided that being close to their
main consumer saved time in transporta-
C. 125% tion although transportation costs were
D. 150% relatively inexpensive.


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 478

A. Situation-bulk gaining 89. Plants are important to soil formation be-

B. Situation-bulk reducing cause
C. Situation-neither A. they release chemicals that aid in
chemical weathering
D. Situation-both
B. they grow roots that aid in physical
84. Which of the following crops in grown on weathering
the sides of terraced hills to allow flowing
C. they add organic matter to soil
water to run over the plants? (273)

D. all of these
A. Rice
B. Taro 90. involves cutting furrows between crop
C. Soybeans rows and filling them with water. This
system is inexpensive, but only 1/3 of the
D. Millet water is lost to evaporation and run off
85. One potential way to deal with the prob- A. Furrow Irrigation
lem of overharvesting is intesifying
B. Flood Irrigation
A. genetic engineering.
C. Drip Irrigation
B. subsistence farming.
D. Spray Irrigation
C. aquaculture.
D. integrated pest management. 91. Livestock in developing countries provide
A. manure.
86. Growing two different crops in the same
area at the same time B. eggs and meat.
A. Interplanting C. leather and wool.
B. Intercropping D. All choice s.
C. Polyculture 92. Typically, most of the energy subsidies in
D. Crop Rotation modern agriculture are in the form of
87. is the base geological material that A. solar power.
will eventually become soil B. hydroelectric power.
A. rock C. nuclear power.
B. parent D. fossil fuels.
C. water
93. The location of steel mills in the United
D. daughter
States are scarce. Most mills are still
88. Most volcanism in the world is associated present in southern Lake Michigan because
with it is centrally located to distribute products
A. hot spots
A. Situation-bulk gaining
B. convergent and divergent plate bound-
aries B. Situation-neither
C. transform boundaries C. Site-labor
D. faulting D. Site-capital


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 479

94. degradation of low precipitation regions C. Four

towards being increasingly arid until they D. Five
become deserts


A. overgrazing 99. Which of the following is not an example
of Mediterranean agriculture? (313)
B. desertification
A. Oranges in Florida
C. water logging
B. Raisins in Greece
C. Olives in Italy
95. Which alternative energy source involves D. Grapes in southwest Australia
converting decaying plant matter into en-
ergy used to generate electricity or power 100. What is soil?
engines? (289) A. A mixture of minerals
A. Solar power B. A mixture of water, minerals, gases
B. Biomass and organic matter
C. Organic conversion C. A type of rock
D. Fermentation D. A type of bacteria

96. What was a positive for the green revolu- 101. The emergence of which of the following
tion? allowed people to settle in one location
A. excess use of fertilizers permanently rather than migrating season-
ally? (282)
B. profit for small farms
A. Subsistence farming
C. excess use of pesticides
B. Monoculture
D. high yield of grains
C. Plantation agriculture
97. The enclosure movement changed farm- D. Commercial farming
ing in England during the 18th century by
(333) 102. Which of the following is a benefit of
A. Consolidating the many small farms CAFOs?
into fewer large farms A. animal waste is concentrated and eas-
B. Requiring pens and corrals for any live- ily disposed of, reducing potential for wa-
stock within city limits ter pollution

C. Restricting herding and grazing to spe- B. land costs are minimized and feeding
cific areas operations are efficient

D. Initiating building codes for barns and C. use of antiobitics may be increasing
silos anti-biotic resistant strains that can harm
98. According to Rostow’s development D. Energy and water use are reduced
model, a country with a lot of heavy in- compared to planted crops
dustry that uses modern technology is in
Stage 103. The 3 Main crops grown in the US are
A. Two A. Rice, Kale, Corn
B. Three B. Corn, Wheat, Rice


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 480

C. Wheat, barley, hops 108. occurs when too many animals feed on
D. Hemp, Corn, Rice particular are of land. Causes loss of veg-
etation, and leads to soil erosion and de-
104. cultivating a field partitioned into long, sertification.
narrow strips which are alternated in a A. overgrazing
crop rotation system
B. Feedlots
A. strip cropping
B. perennial crops

D. Waterlogging
C. terracing
D. contour plowing 109. What is it called when forests are planted
with no diversity?
105. Although farming led to many positive
effects, such as the development of civi- A. Monoculture
lizations, there were also negative effects. B. Pop Culture
Which of the following might be considered
a negative effect of farming? C. Bioculture

A. Farming took less time and effort than D. Unoculture

110. Which of the following is a good way to
B. The domestication of animals and the reduce salinization?
increase of population in cities led to the
spread of more diseases. A. use ocean water instead of groundwa-
ter to irrigate crops
C. Farming led to a decrease in popula-
tion. B. increase the use of synthetic pesti-
D. The surplus of food generated by farm-
ing had a negative impact on civilization. C. using rainwater instead of groundwa-
ter on crops
106. Organic agriculture
D. adopt no-till farming methods
A. uses synthetic pesticides
B. may use genetically engineered crops 111. Cutting down every tree in a large area
is known as
C. uses synthetic fertilizers
A. Clear Cutting
D. often requires cost mark-up to con-
sumers due to increased labor costs B. Selective Cutting
C. Monocutting
107. People who engage in subsistence agri-
culture (343) D. Autocutting
A. Regularly make purchases in the mar- 112. What percent of soil is “organic mat-
ketplace ter”?
B. Never use slash-and-burn techniques
A. 5%
C. May engage in intensive cultivation in
B. 25%
areas of high population density
C. 45%
D. Are practicing a relatively new form of
agriculture D. 50%


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 481

113. Most assembly and parts plants for cars 117. Which form of commercial agriculture is
today are located in the interior United found primarily in developing countries?
States, from Michigan to Alabama, the (304)


corridor known as “auto alley.” Most
A. Plantation agriculture
of these plants are clustered in Michigan
and nearby northern states because that B. Mixed farming
makes for easier transportation costs to
C. Dairy farming
market demanders. For example, a seat
manufacturer sets up within an hour of the D. Truck farming
final assembly plants because it is large
and bulky and they need to be shipped 118. In the US, organic farming is regulated
rather quickly because they are not being by
saved in inventory.
A. Situation-bulk redcuing
B. Situation-bulk gaining
C. Site-labor C. FSA

D. Site-capital D. CERCLA

114. Which of the following was developed 119. Slash-and-burn is an example of what
during the Third Agricultural Revolution? type of agricultural practice? (316)
A. Pastoral agriculture
A. Animal domestication
B. Collective farming
B. Cattle ranching
C. Genetic engineering C. Subsistence farming
D. Seed agriculture D. Plantation agriculture

115. Which of the following is typically true of 120. Method of planting crops in strips with
desert soil? rows of trees or shrubs on each side
A. it has a thick O horizon
A. Alley Cropping
B. it has a rich A horizon with a lot of hu-
mus B. Crop Roation

C. It experiences high amounts of chemi- C. Intercropping

cal weathering D. Interplanting
D. it is dry and rocky with little organic
matter 121. occurs when the salts in the groundwater
remain in the soil after the water evapo-
116. Strategies to improve soil fertility in- rates. it can make soil toxic for plants
A. Salinization
A. crop rotation
B. green manure B. waterlogging

C. limestone C. desertification
D. all of the choice s are correct D. none of above


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 482

122. Limiting the amount of timber cut from a A. Urbanization

forest to prevent forest depletion, thus en- B. Deindustrialization
suring its production for future use, is an
example of (328) C. Food shortages
A. Sustainable yield D. Lower food costs
B. Nonrenewable resources 128. How does plowing cause topsoil ero-
C. Specialization sion?

D. An adaptive strategy A. It actually prevents topsoil erosion
B. It loosens the soil so it erodes more
123. The process by which igneous rocks are easily
C. It exhausts the nutrients in the ground
A. heat and pressure
B. melting and cooling D. It removes the water in the ground
C. weathering and erosion
129. Which horizon of the soil profile will have
D. none of above the greatest concentration of organic nutri-
124. Vegetation and manufactured structures ents?
that cover land. A. A
A. Land cover B. B
B. Land use C. C
C. Urban area D. O
D. Rural area 130. Which of the following is a benefit of in-
125. Which of the following uses the largest dustrial agriculture? (315)
amount of land in the United States? A. It gives consumers more access to
A. forestland food

B. rangeland and pasture B. It conserves water through irrigation

C. cropland C. It increases the number of farming

D. parks and preserves
D. It decreases the amount of chemical
126. Which of the following crops was domes- fertilizers running off farm fields
ticated in northern Africa approximately 1,
200 years ago? (284) 131. Type of Pest control that used a combi-
nation of biological, chemical and physical
A. Coffee methods. This minimizes the disruption to
B. Squash the environment but it is complex and ex-
C. Corn pensive

D. Millet A. POPs
B. Biological
127. Which of the following was a short-term
result of the collectivization of agricultural C. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
production in Communist countries? (277) D. Carbamates


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 483

132. Where do most of the people in the US 137. Which of the following is not true about
live? market gardening? (318)


A. Urban areas A. It requires more manual labor than
mechanized farming
B. Rural areas
B. It produces a diverse variety of crops
C. Wildlife preserves
C. It relies on monoculture production
D. Remote areas
D. It operates on a relatively small scale
133. Which of the following is NOT a common 138. Medical technology from MDCs to LDCs
characteristic of agrarian civilizations? has reduced death rates in LDCs. This is a
A. hunting and gathering form of diffusion.
B. coordinating mechanism A. Relocation
C. writing systems B. Hierarchical

D. monumental architecture C. Stimulus

D. Contagious
134. Increased infections and blindness are as-
sociated with deficiency. 139. How many human deaths have been
linked to GMOs?
A. iodine
A. None
B. carbohydrates
B. 1
C. iron C. 1, 237 (as of October, 2016)
D. vitamin A D. 65 in 2017
135. The pesticide DDT has which of the fol- 140. In the preservationist land use model,
lowing properties that make it danger- people are encouraged to (298)
ous? A. Not alter the natural environment
A. It persists in the environment B. Raise only enough crops to feed the lo-
B. It is easily stored in the tissues of liv- cal population
ing things C. Explore wilderness areas previously
C. It moves up the food chain, increasing untouched
in concentration at the top D. Raise only those crops that do not re-
D. all of these quire irrigation
141. When flying across the central United
136. A farmer plants corn in a field one year,
States, the view consists of patches of
cotton in the same field the following year,
land about one square mile in size, this
and then corn again. This farmer is practic-
is evidence of which type of land-use pat-
ing (272)
tern? (285)
A. Commercial farming A. Long lots system
B. Crop rotation B. Township range system
C. Slash-and-burn agriculture C. Sectional system
D. Shifting cultivation D. Homestead system


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 484

142. Physically breaking down rocks and ma- C. the ground is carefully turned to mix
terials is called weathering. soil nutrients.
A. Chemical D. only organic fertilizers and natural
B. Mechanical pesticides are used.

C. Biological 147. What type of soil is best for growing

D. Permeable
A. clay

143. Which of the following is an example of
B. sand
voluntary collective farming? (307)
C. dirt
A. Cooperatives in Hungary between
1948 and 1956 D. loam
B. Collectives in Cuba between 1977 and 148. What is a rural area?
A. Land covered by buildings, roads, and
C. Kibbutzim in Israel between 1909 and suburbia
the present
B. Land covered by all parking lots
D. Kolkhozy in the Soviet Union between C. Land covered with mostly water
1928 and 1933
D. Land covered with forests, crops, etc
144. When a farmer uses no-till farming meth-
ods, 149. DDT is considered a POP because

A. seeds are planted among the roots of A. It is persistent in the environment

the previous crop. B. Always targets the correct pest
B. more erosion is likely. C. Affects the nervous system of pests
C. only organic fertilizers are used. D. Uses living organisms to kill pests
D. All choice s 150. Because an average wage is $35/hour
in a developed country and $1/hour with
145. A developer clears several acres of forest
limited benefits in a developing country,
to make room for a shopping center. All
much labor-intensive work is outsourced
traces of the original landscape have been
to LDCs.
eliminated. This is an example of (291)
A. Site-capital
A. Topicide
B. Site-land
B. Sustainable development
C. Site-bulk gaining
C. Desertification
D. Site-labor
D. Agribusiness
151. Which of the following is a benefit of pre-
146. No-till farming helps to conserve soil fer- serving farmland?
tility because
A. prime locations for home sites
A. remnants of the previous crop are left
to slowly decay. B. soil erosion protection

B. deep ridges are cut across, not down, C. productive land for growing crops
the slopes of hills. D. a greenbelt for crowded urban areas


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 485

152. Where did all early agrarian civilizations 157. Which of the following describes how
form? winter wheat is planted and harvested?


A. Along rivers
B. In mountains A. Planted in the spring, harvested in the
C. On the coast of major seas and oceans
B. Planted in the winter, harvested in the
D. In rainforests near the equator
C. Planted in the spring, harvested in the
153. What are the ingredients necessary for winter
Threshold 7?
D. Planted in the fall, harvested in the
A. Increasingly dense human communi- spring
ties and knowledge about the environ-
ment 158. A suitcase farm is defined as (322)
B. New innovations such as the steam en- A. A commercial farm where no one lives
gine and automobile along with the burn- and that is farmed by migratory workers
ing of fossil fuels B. Land to and from which seasonal pas-
C. Powerful brains and symbolic lan- ture animals are moved through-out the
guage year
D. Complex chemical compounds (RNA C. A farm where crops are grown for hu-
and DNA) man consumption rather than for animals
154. The average food item in the US travels
km from harvest to table D. Commercial production of fruit from or-
A. 500
B. 1000 159. involves pumping ground water into
spray nozzles across and agricultural field.
C. 1500
This system is more efficient than flood
D. 2000 and furrow irrigation, with only 1/4 or
155. farming or plowing on or along a slope of less of the water lost to evaporation or
land to reduce soil erosion runoff. However, spray systems are more
expensive than flood and furrow irrigation
A. contour plowing and also requires energy to run.
B. wind breaks A. Furrow Irrigation
C. perennial crops B. Flood Irrigation
D. terracing
C. Drip Irrigation
156. Which of the following agricultural prac- D. Spray Irrigation
tices most closely followed hunting and
gathering? (336) 160. All of the following were features of the
British Agricultural Revolution between
A. Pastoralism
the 17th and 19th centuries EXCEPT (342)
B. Intensive agriculture
A. The drawing away of workers from fac-
C. Extensive agriculture tories growing up during the same period
D. Commercial farms in the Industrial Revolution


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 486

B. The development of four-field crop ro- 165. The Middle East in known as the Fertile
tation Crescent because (335)
C. An enclosure movement for livestock A. It developed new farming machinery
D. The use of technology and advance- that revolutionized modern agriculture
ments from other areas of Europe and B. Historically it had a high birth rate
America C. It offered biodiversity in a complex
161. Your Darren Creek timber company is lo- marshland ecosystem

cated near the sawmill in Denver, Col- D. It was one of the first areas of seden-
orado. They mass produce chairs and class- tary farming and urban society
room materials that will be transported
via train across the Midwest. 166. Land that contains relatively few people
and large areas of open space is consid-
A. Situation-bulk gaining ered
B. Situation-bulk-reducing A. rural.
C. Site-labor B. urban.
D. Site-neither C. suburban.
162. Which of the following refers to the de- D. rangelands.
cision to abandon the use of a product
167. A business in the food court of a shopping
that harms the environment and switch
centre is operating in which 2 industry sec-
to a product that is more environmentally
friendly? (294)
A. Primary and Quinary
A. Substitution principle
B. Secondary and Tertiary
B. Sustainability
C. Quaternary and Secondary
C. Conservation
D. Tertiary and Primary
D. Recycling
168. Which of the following is a drawback of
163. The clearing of land through manual labor
no-till agriculture?
using simple tools is called (296)
A. increased CO2 emissions
A. Labor-intensive farming
B. increased soil erosion
B. Cultivation
C. increased need for herbicides
C. Crop rotation
D. increased need for fertilizers
D. Preservation
169. Which of the following is true about agri-
164. Which of the following is characterized culture in China? (286)
by the use of migrant workers who do not
live on the farm for labor? (299) A. The government dictates the types and
quantities of crops grown
A. Suitcase farms
B. Both rice and wheat are grown
B. Long-lot farms throughout China
C. Organic farms C. Organic farming accounts for most of
D. Livestock farms the farming in China


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 487

D. China is the largest exporter of agricul- C. iron

tural goods in the world D. vitamin A


170. Soil with the highest water-holding ca- 175. Pepsi has decided to locate their newest
pacity. production plant next to Mall of America
A. clay in Minnesota. They have chosen to locate
just 4 miles east of the mall for they know
B. humus
consumers get thirsty and want more a
C. loam cool soda while shopping.
D. sand A. Situation-bulk gaining
171. The farming of oysters is an example of B. Situation-bulk reducing
(325) C. Site-bulk gaining
A. Hydroponics D. Site-land
B. Aeroponics 176. The program for developing countries
C. Aquaculture that reduces their foreign debt and pro-
motes local conservation funding is known
D. Waterlogging as (312)
172. Which of the following actions con- A. Market gardening
tributes to soil erosion? B. Debt-for-nature swap
A. using compost as fertilizer C. Sustainable planning
B. allowing land to lie fallow D. Cultivation exchange
C. driving farm machinery over fields 177. What is mineral matter?
D. all of these practices contribute to soil A. Rocks
B. Sediments
173. allows animals to graze on grass during C. Sand, silt, & clay
their entire lifecycle. Meat from these ani- D. All of the above
mals tends to be free from antibiotics and
other chemicals used in feedlots. Organic 178. Which of the following events in history
waste from these animals acts as fertilizer. describes hunters and gathers moving into
but it does require large areas of land and farming
is more expensive for consumers A. First Agricultural Revolution
A. CAFOs B. Second Agricultural Revolution
B. Feedlots C. First Green Revolution
C. Free Range Grazing D. Second Green Revolution
D. Overgrazing 179. Telstra operates in which industry sec-
174. Chronic fatigue, suppressed immune func-
tion, and anemia can be symptoms of A. Primary
deficiency. B. Secondary
A. iodine C. Quaternary
B. carbohydrates D. Tertiary


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 488

180. Transhumance can best be described as 185. A type of animal feeding operation (AFO)
(345) that prepares an animal for slaughter by
A. (The seasonal movement of people increasing the weight of the animal is
and livestock over short distances for the called (308)
purposes of grazing A. A grazing farm
B. A practice by which crops are rotated B. A feedlot
in a four-field system
C. A cattle drive

C. The use of animal manure as fertilizer
D. A livestock yard
in intensive cultivation
D. Long cattle drives in the 19th century 186. Which of the following is a positive effect
to move stock from pastures to railheads of a dam?
in Kansas, Texas, and Missouri A. Energy production
181. Herders who move herds constantly in or- B. High Salt Concentrations
der to find food sources as old sources are C. Deepening of Riverbed
depleted engage in (301)
D. Trapping of Riverborne Nutrients
A. Pastoral nomadism
B. Commercial farming 187. clear cutting forests for agriculture has
negative impacts except for
C. Agropastoralism
A. economically profitable
D. Sedentarization
B. soil erosion
182. The green revolution depended on
C. increased soil and stream tempera-
A. new biodegradable pesticides. tures
B. high-yielding grain varieties. D. flooding
C. clearing forest for crop land.
188. technique for growing crops or pasture
D. organic fertilizers. without disturbing the soil through tillage
183. Which of the following is NOT a method A. no-till agriculture
of preventing overgrazing? B. perennial crops
A. limiting herd size C. terracing
B. rotating the breed of cattle D. contour plowing
C. removing herds to allow vegetation to
recover 189. Slash-and-burn is associated with
D. replanting native vegetation A. traditional agriculture
B. plantations
184. The US accounts for about what percent
of worldwide pesticide use? C. high-input of resources
A. 20 D. industrialized countries
B. 33 190. What is an urban area?
C. 50 A. Land that includes woods, beaches,
D. 80 crops


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 489

B. Land covered by buildings, roads, and B. Tobacco

suburbia C. Wool


C. An area with a lot of shopping malls D. Coffee
D. An area with many forests
196. A crop grown for profit is called a (317)
191. What was the key to unlocking civiliza- A. Domesticated crop
B. Food crop
A. Agrarian surpluses
C. Primary crop
B. Coordinating mechanisms
D. Cash crop
C. Tax systems
D. Organized religions 197. All of the following are true of the Green
Revolution EXCEPT (331)
192. No till farming will most likely lead to all A. Crops are grown without the use of
of the following EXCEPT synthetic pesticides or fertilizer
A. crop rotation. B. Crops are grown from genetically
B. intercropping. C. The high price of seed and fertilizers
C. planting herbicide-resistant crops. perpetuates socioeconomic divides
D. habitat creation for pest predators. D. Farmers must buy new seeds each
193. What are the Goldilocks Conditions nec-
essary for Threshold 7? 198. Your Fridge for Sale wants to expand
A. Just the right amount of energy cou- their stainless steel refrigerator company.
pled with liquid water They have decided to create their indus-
try in Northern South Africa, far away
B. New organisms with the ability to me- from the Chromium mines which is the
tabolize and reproduce main component of stainless steel. The
C. Warmer climates after the last ice age CEO’s decided that the refrigerator busi-
and increasing competition for resources ness needed to be close to the markets
and the middle class who will be purchas-
D. Globalization ing (hopefully) in high demand.
A. Site-labor
194. Agroforestry provides which of the fol-
lowing benefits? B. Situation-bulk reducing

A. trees provide windbreaks reducing C. Situation-bulk gaining

erosion D. Site-land
B. tress may provide fruit and firewood 199. The Second Agricultural Revolution oc-
C. tree roots hold the soil in place reduc- curred at roughly the same time as the
ing erosion (267)
D. all of these A. Industrial Revolution

195. Which of the following is not an example B. Green Revolution

of a luxury crop? (329) C. Boxer Rebellion
A. Cacao D. California Gold Rush


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 490

200. Salinization occurs when: 205. A steady diet of high calorie, low nu-
A. Salt is used to kill weeds trition fast food may lead toI. Overnutri-
tionII. MalnutritionIII. Undernutrition
B. Salt accumulates in soils
A. I only
C. Salt water is drawn up into a well
B. II only
D. Salt is used to make vegetables more
C. III only
D. I and II

201. When a country suffers from a “brain
drain” it means the country has experi- 206. Which of the following is true regarding
enced the growing season? (330)
A. an emigration of working age males. A. Areas near the poles have longer grow-
ing seasons than regions near the equator
B. anemigration of educated profession-
B. The Southern Hemisphere has a longer
C. an emigration of political leaders.
growing season than the Northern Hemi-
D. anemigration of female executives sphere

202. Farming more than one crop in the same C. Lands near the Equator have longer
field, especially in alternating rows or sec- growing seasons than at the poles
tions D. Growing seasons are the same around
A. Crop Rotation the world

B. Intercropping 207. All of the following states are located in

C. Interplanting the Corn Belt EXCEPT (305)

D. Polyculture A. Illinois
B. Indiana
203. Your textile industry is a labor-intensive
C. Montana
industry. Therefore, China produces
2/3rds of the world’s cotton thread (the D. Kansas
spinning part of textile industry) because
it is labor intensive and it can be done for 208. Urban sprawl increases carbon dioxide
low wages in this country. emissions by

A. Site-capital A. generating more factories.

B. Site-labor B. increasing the need to drive.

C. resulting in more tree growth.
C. Site-situation
D. expanding the use of public transporta-
D. Situation-labor
204. Goal of soil conservation is to
209. uses perforated hoses to release small
A. prevent soil erosion amounts of water to plant roots. This
B. degrade soil system is the most efficient, with only
about 5% of water lost to evaporation
C. increase soil erosion and runoff. However, this system is ex-
D. stop agriculture pensive and so it is not often used.


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 491

A. Furrow Irrigation 214. Which statement most accurately de-

scribes how geography affected the
B. Flood Irrigation
growth of the ancient civilizations of Egypt


C. Drip Irrigation and Mesopotamia?
D. Spray Irrigation A. Large deserts provided many mineral
210. Irrigation water usually comes from B. Access to the Atlantic Ocean provided
A. rainwater collection. trade routes
B. rivers and groundwater. C. River valleys provided rich soil to grow
plentiful crops
C. salty sources.
D. Large, open plains provided protection
D. All choice s. from invaders

211. Which of the following is an example of 215. Which of the following is true of the
extractive industry? (320) environmental impact of organic farming?
A. Mining for copper
A. Organic farms are very beneficial to
B. Horse breeding the environment because they do not
C. Growing soybeans use tractors or other internal combustion
farm equipment
D. Fishing for salmon
B. Organic farming has a positive environ-
212. Most of the corn in the U.S. goes to- mental impact because organic farming
wards helps sustain diverse ecosystems due to
the lack of synthetic pesticides
A. export to other countries
C. The overall effect of organic farming
B. feeding cattle on the environment is negligible because
C. for biofuels very few crops can be effectively pro-
duced with organic farming
D. domestic food production
D. Organic farms are harmful to the envi-
213. Because I live in the United States, the ronment because they produce far more
entrepreneur fever is far more acceptable waste than conventional farms.
than in other countries. I was able to open
216. When Farmers feature and sell foods di-
my own bakery, Mac’s mini-muffins be-
rectly from the farm to consumers
cause I was able to obtain a wonderful
loan from the city who is working to “buy A. Farmer’s Markets
local.” I realized that I never would have B. Publix
accomplished my dreams if I still lived in
C. Super Market
my native country.
D. Organic Farming
A. Site-capital
B. Situation-bulk gaining 217. Which of the following machines is used
to cut grain that is standing in the fields?
C. Site-labor (288)
D. Situation-Bulk reducing A. Reaper


1.27 Farm Power and Energy in Agriculture 492

B. Thresher A. contour plowing

C. Harrow B. windbreaks
D. Transplanted C. perennial crops
218. The 3 main grain crops (in any order) D. terracing
grown in the US are:
223. According to the Environmental Defense
A. rice, kale, and corn
Fund, which of the following fish are

B. wheat, barley, and hops “best” choice s for sustainability?I. Wild
C. corn, wheat, and rice Alaskan SalmonII. Chilean Sea BassIII.
Farmed Rainbow Trout
D. hemp, corn, and rice
A. I
219. The movement of rocks and weathered
B. I and II
materials is called
A. Chemistry C. II and III

B. Physical D. I and III

C. Weathering 224. Which of the following are benefits of
D. Erosion perennial plants EXCEPT

220. IPM is especially successful in developing A. Reduced erosion due to less tilling
countries because B. Less need to disturb soil
A. the availability of high quality pesti- C. Reduced weeds
cides in developing countries is spotty at
best. D. Reduced organic matter loss

B. high-input industrial farming is not fea- 225. Which of the following is a benefit of
sible because farmers lack financial re- aquaculture?
A. reduction of disease and parasites
C. IPM resembles traditional farming
techniques so closely. B. increases genetic diversity of fish pop-
D. developed nations often offer subsi-
dies to farmers using IPM techniques. C. source of protein for undernourished
221. Which is false about modern pesticides?
D. they are held in clean, sterile environ-
A. They often Kill natural predators ments
B. They become more effective over time
226. Which of the following is not a major
hearth of agriculture development and do-
C. They may runoff into nearby surface mestication? (334)
A. Central America
D. They promote genetic resistance
B. Southern Europe
222. consist of ridges and channels con-
C. Southeast Asia
structed across-the-slope to prevent soil
erosions from increased rainfall D. Northwest South America


1.28 Post-harvest Technology and Storage 493

227. The agricultural location model suggests the wilderness to maximize profits
that (323) C. Vegetable farms should lie far from the


A. Ranching should lie closest to the mar- market center to maximize profits
ket center to maximize profits D. Dairying should lie closest to the mar-
B. Timber and firewood should lie near ket center to maximize profits

1.28 Post-harvest Technology and Storage

1. A new efficient solar energy harvester has 5. Tina’s calculator has a solar panel built into
recently been invented. However, the bat- it. What type of energy does the calcula-
tery holds a small amount of charge. What tor used?
part of the universal systems model is fix- A. Solar
ing the battery?
B. Electrical
A. Input
C. Piezoeletric
B. Process
D. Chemical
C. Feedback
D. Output 6. Production practices effect of fruits
and vegetables on postharvest quality and
2. Bob’s phone has a built in energy har- shelf life.
vester. When the phone shakes in his
A. taste
pocket, it generates charge for his phone,
what is the energy being harvested? B. colour
A. Solar C. quality
B. Piezoelectric D. appearance
C. Thermal 7. In the conceptual model of a piezoelectric
D. Chemical shoe, what is the quartz crystals used
3. grain is harvested in condition and can
be stored in before selling A. To keep in place the circuit board.
A. wet, cooler B. To respond to the pressure between
the foot and shoe to conduct an electrical
B. dry, cooler current.
C. wet, bin storage
C. To release saved up energy from the
D. dry, bin storage battery to be used for other uses.
4. All energy harvesters must convert their D. To provide support for the solar panels
collected energy into a usable form. What in the heels of the shoe.
part of the universal systems model is
8. Penanganan pasca panen bertujuan antara
lain untuk menjamin mutu produk, meng-
A. Input hambat laju metabolisme, pemasakan
B. Process buah dan
C. Output A. produk tidak cepat membusuk
D. Feedback B. senescens tidak cepat terjadi


1.28 Post-harvest Technology and Storage 494

C. memperpanjang usia simpan produk 14. All of the following forms of energy can be
D. produk memiliki kematangan optimal harvested except
A. Solar
9. what is the subsequent operation the
farmer should do after harvest> B. Thermal
C. Piezoelectric
A. transportation
D. Water
B. pre-cooling
15. Taanka is used in

C. packing
D. cleaning A. Rajasthan
B. Gujarat
10. Direct Food contact surfaces that can con-
taminate crops fall in C. Mumbai
A. Zone 1 D. Madhya pradesh
B. Zone 2 16. Basic concepts of sanitizing practices in-
C. Zone 3 clude:

D. Zone 4 A. Providing facilities and training work-

ers so practices are implemented prop-
11. While cleaning and sanitizing food contact erly
surfaces: Apply an appropriate detergent B. Eliminating pests and debris
and scrub the surface is which step?
C. Minimizing standing water
A. Step 1
D. All of the above
B. Step 2
17. why do farmers need to have proper post-
C. Step 3
harvest handling?
D. Step 4
A. sell quickly
12. Berikut ini adalah tujuan utama dari grad- B. ensure good quality of produce
ing pada tahapan pasca panen C. increase the quantity/yield or crops
A. Meminimalisasi kontaminasi mikroba D. reduce insect attack to the crop
pada produk segar
B. Memperbaiki penampakan buah atau 18. Areas outside the facility that can contam-
sayur inate crops fall in
A. Zone 1
C. Mengelompokkan buah/sayur
berdasarkan level mutu B. Zone 2
D. Memisahkan komoditas yang rusak C. Zone 3
D. Zone 4
13. Areas within the facility such as the floor
that can contaminate crops fall in 19. Dimanakah rumah Bu Nisrina?
A. Zone 1 A. Cibadak
B. Zone 2 B. Nagrak
C. Zone 3 C. Cicantayan
D. Zone 4 D. none of above


1.28 Post-harvest Technology and Storage 495

20. is completed natural growth and devel- B. melindungi bahan yang dikemas terhin-
opment, ready for harvest dar matahari


A. Ripe C. menciptakan keadaan bahan yang
B. Mature tetap segar

C. Senescence D. mendukung pertukaran udara yang

lancar dan baik
D. none of above
25. Mikroba perusak dapat masuk kedalam
21. While cleaning and sanitizing food contact
produk melalui luka-luka mekanis seperti
surfaces: Remove any obvious dirt and de-
lecet-lecet. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi jika
bris from the food contact surface is which
A. tanaman dipanen sebelum waktunya
A. Step 1
B. Step 2 B. produk tanaman telah terinfeksi oleh
C. Step 3
C. pemanenan yang dilakukan terlambat
D. Step 4
D. penanganan yang kasar saat panen
22. While cleaning and sanitizing food contact dan pengangkutan
surfaces: Apply a sanitizer approved for
use on food contact surfaces. Rinsing may 26. the maturity of grains such as corn and
be necessary. Let the surface air dry. is sorghum is determined by
which step? A. the size of plants and grains
A. Step 1 B. plant height
B. Step 2
C. color of grains
C. Step 3
D. grain development stage
D. Step 4
27. is the first step of handling.
23. Energy harvesters can phase out which
technology? A. Washing and cleaning

A. Batteries B. Pre-sorting

B. Solar Panels C. Packaging

C. Engines D. Dumpling
D. Coal Factories 28. The system is based on the principle of
24. Untuk memperkecil timbulnya penyakit ak- harvesting rainwater on farmland and sub-
ibat meningkatnya suhu dan kelembaban sequent use of this water-saturated land
pada produk yang telah dikemas, harus for crop production.
diperhatikan bahwa bahan kemasan hen- A. Khadin
daknya memiliki sifat poreusitas yang baik
B. Bavadi
C. Taanka
A. memberikan kesempatan produk un-
tuk bernapas D. none of above


1.28 Post-harvest Technology and Storage 496

29. While cleaning and sanitizing food contact C. pengemasan

surfaces: Rinse the surface with clean wa- D. pendinginan
ter, making sure to remove all the deter-
gent and soil is which step? 34. Rishi’s Ipad has a thermal energy har-
A. Step 1 vester, which takes in the heat energy of
nearby atoms to charge a battery. what
B. Step 2 part of the universal systems model is the
C. Step 3 heat energy?

D. Step 4 A. Input
B. Output
30. cooling of fresh produce should be done
to: C. Feedback
A. increase rate of maturity D. Process
B. delay the ripening and spoilage 35. Surface areas close to, but not in direct
C. improve sugar content in fruits and Food contact surfaces that can contami-
vegetables nate crops fall in
D. increase respiration and the fruit will A. Zone 1
get sweeter B. Zone 2
31. All of these are the methods to determine C. Zone 3
maturity indices except D. Zone 4
A. Skin colour
36. What is the only physical model of an en-
B. Shape ergy harvester?
C. Size A. Solar Calculator
D. Amount of leaves B. Thermal Electronic Devices
32. During marketing stage, supplying the C. Solar Vehicles
market at the “wrong time” and poor pur- D. Piezoelectric Shoes
chasing power of buyers/consumers will
affected the 37. is a traditional rainwater harvesting
technique indigenous to the Thar desert re-
A. market
gion of Rajasthan.
B. quality
A. Taanka
C. physical
B. Khadin
D. none of above C. Bavadi
33. Untuk menghindarkan produk hasil perta- D. All of these
nian terkontaminasi oleh miroorganisme
yang dapat merusak hasil pertanian, maka 38. Which of the following are true:i. the
setelah dilakukan grading dan sortasi plant parts should be harvested only when
harus dilakukan the plant maturesii. harvest of corn for
silage (animal feed) when the plant almost
A. penyimpanan dryiii. produce with high moisture should
B. pembersihan be stored in cool roomiv. cold storage is


1.29 Marketing and Trading agriculture 497

compulsory to avoid deterioration of pro- C. Lairage

duces with high moisture D. none of above


A. ii & iii
40. Which of the following statements is NOT
B. iii & iv
C. iv
A. Workers must never harvest covered
D. none produce contaminated with feces
39. is a place where animals are slaugh- B. Workers must never harvest or dis-
tered and butchered in order to provide tribute dropped covered produce
meat. C. Workers must never clean before san-
A. Carcass itizing.
B. Abattoir D. none of above

1.29 Marketing and Trading agriculture

1. Which of the following is included in the C. 200
agribusiness system? D. 500
A. Input sector
5. It is the agreement between the employer
B. Processing sector and employee to keep the research infor-
C. Production sector mation secret or confidential.
D. All of the above A. trade secret
B. trade mark
2. The sector that provides different inputs in
agriculture C. patent
A. Marketing sector D. designs
B. Production sector 6. Regulated markets aim to protecting
C. Agriculture sector A. Farmers
D. Input sector B. Traders
C. Middlemen
3. Central government organisation, who are
involved in agricultural marketing D. Villagers
A. IARI 7. What did Anasazi mostly grow?
B. NBPGR A. Corn
C. FCI B. Cotton
D. IGBI C. Peanuts
4. In 1830 using 5 acres of land how much D. Strawberries
bushels of wheat did farmers make?
8. Who regulates the markets in agricultural
A. 100 products in India?
B. 300 A. Essential Commodities Act, 1955


1.29 Marketing and Trading agriculture 498

B. Agricultural Produce Market Commit- 14. Fastest tool at cutting and harvesting
tee Act enacted by States grain.
C. Agricultural Produce (Grading and A. Thresher
Marking) Act, 1937 B. Sickle
D. Food Products Order, 1956 and Meat C. Scythe
and Food Products Order, 1973
D. none of above
9. Which of these examples are an example
15. The science that could be used to dig deep

of a power, structural, and technical job?
ridges in an agricultural field.
A. Landscape workers A. Sickle
B. Butchers B. Bioengineering
C. Energy specialists C. Thresher
D. Energy scientists D. Genetic engineering
10. Mississippi, who has the highest obesity 16. The following are role of agricultural mar-
rate, decreased the rate by in three keting except:
A. increase in income levels
A. 15% B. changes in the degree of government
B. 20% intervention in agricultural market
C. 12% C. increase in export
D. 13% D. farming for home consumption

11. What was agriculture first defined as? 17. Perfect competition is a market in which
Buyers and sellers sell products
A. Subsistence farming
A. Different
B. Agriculture
B. slightly different
C. Growing crops
C. Identical
D. none of above
D. Slightly identical
12. Which of these examples are an example
18. It is rare for farmers to completely rely on
of a Natural resource job?
what for their crops?
A. Landscape workers
A. Rainfall
B. Mining engineers B. Rivers
C. Factory workers C. Oceans
D. Energy specialists D. Hurricanes
13. Land area of the Philippines 19. What is a big source of ethanol?
A. 300, 000 square kilometer A. Carrots
B. 3, 000, 000 square kilometer B. Corn
C. 300 square miles C. Cotton
D. None of these D. none of above


1.29 Marketing and Trading agriculture 499

20. In what year did farmers use 3 acres of 25. What was the main use of an Aztec plant-
land to make 100 bushels of wheat? ing stick?


A. 1830 A. measuring where to put the seeds
B. 1675 B. drawing garden plans
C. 1975 C. making holes for the seeds
D. 1930 D. scaring away birds

21. By this method, prices are fixed by mutual 26. When producers of agricultural commodi-
agreement. and this method is common in ties form a society with an objective of car-
unregulated markets or village markets. rying out marketing of their produce, such
society is called as
A. private negotiation
A. Regulated Marketing
B. private bid
B. Co-operative Marketing
C. private deal
C. State Trading
D. private sale
D. Restricted Marketing
22. NABARD is source of rural credit
27. If the food spoils quickly, it is important
A. institutional source
to get it to the store with the pos-
B. cooperative society sible stops at packaging and distribution
C. non institutional centers. Fill in the blank.

D. regional A. fewest
B. most
23. What fraction of the U.S’s fruits come from
other countries? C. longest

A. 1/3 D. shortest

B. 1/8 28. method of agriculture where trees were

C. 1/10 chopped down, left to dry, and then
D. 1/12
A. slash and burn
24. In the evolution of Agribusiness, wars B. maize
causes increased in production of agricul-
ture commodities. Mechanization was de- C. market
veloped largely due to labor shortage. D. barter
A. The first statement is false while the
29. AGMARK enables to ensure
first is correct.
A. Quality of product
B. The first statement is true while the
second is incorrect. B. higher price
C. Both statement are true. C. lower price
D. Both statements are false. D. Quantity of product


1.29 Marketing and Trading agriculture 500

30. Buying grown food decreases the need 35. The devastation of southern farms caused
for and to transport food across by the civil war coupled with the leeching
the country. of the soil due to years of planting only
A. tractors, trailers, and locally cotton was turned down around by who?
B. tractors, locally, and trailers A. George Washington Carver
C. trailers, tractors, and locally B. Donald Trump
D. locally, tractors, and trailers C. Barack Obama

31. The process by which a population increase D. none of above
the efficiency in which it provides desired
goods and services thereby increasing the 36. How many clusters are there? (or sys-
per capita levels of various social and eco- tems)
nomic indicators. A. 8
A. Economic growth B. 4
B. Economic Freedom C. 6
C. Economic Stability D. 10
D. Economic Development
37. Full form of NAFED is
32. Major commodities in Agriculture sector in-
clude A. National Agriculture Cooperation Mar-
ket Fund of India
A. Crops
B. National Agreement of Cooperative
B. Animals
Marketing fund
C. Forestry
C. National Agricultural Cooperative Mar-
D. All of these keting Federation of India Ltd.
33. What does “food loss and waste” D. National Agricultural compromising
means? Market Federation of India Ltd.
A. A decrease, at all stages of the food
chain from harvest to consumption in 38. Is to produce or provide a natural, agricul-
mass tural, or industrial product.

B. Food waste refers to food appropriate A. Yield

for human consumption B. Sickle
C. leftovers from the production process C. Thresher
D. none of above
D. none of above
39. A device used in harvesting that separates
34. What ways did the Aztecs get their crops
the husk from the grain.
to the marketplace?
A. packed on llamas A. Sickle
B. hauled in wagons B. Thresher
C. hauled in canoes C. Bioengineering
D. carried on their backs D. Genetic engineering


1.29 Marketing and Trading agriculture 501

40. Which of these examples are an example B. It provided fertilizer.

of an Agribusiness job? C. It was used as food for animals.


A. Plant scientist D. It made a soft surface to sleep on.
B. Vet
46. The process of segregating the huge
C. Butcher amount produce into different categories
D. Manager on the basis of variety, quality, size, etc.
This can help to establish standards for
41. Marketing process wherein buyers and those produce.
sellers come together, goods are trans-
ferred from seller to buyer, and the pos- A. concentgration
session utility is added to the commodi- B. packaging
C. grading
A. trading
D. warehousing
B. barter
47. Over the last 50 years, reduced soil qual-
C. market selling
ity has reduced the world’s agricultural
D. buying and selling productivity by what percentage?
42. Farmers’ markets bring grown food to A. 20%
area consumers. B. 13%
A. globally C. 15%
B. nationally D. 10%
C. locally
48. market is wholesale market where
D. none of above buying and selling is regulated and con-
trolled by the state government through
43. To protect our forests we can do what?
the market committee.
A. Reduce the use of water.
A. State trading
B. Reduce the use of wood.
B. Restricted
C. Reduce the use of diamonds
C. Co-operative
D. Reduce the use of coal
D. Regulated
44. A latin word which means merchandise or
49. It adds the time utility to products
trade or a place where business is con-
ducted. A. storage process
A. marcatos B. storage management
B. mercatos C. storage function
C. marcatus D. storage development
D. marcetus 50. What fraction of the U.S’s vegetables
45. How did the ash from the slash and burn come from other countries?
method help farmers? A. 1/3
A. It was used to make houses. B. 1/8


1.29 Marketing and Trading agriculture 502

C. 1/10 56. It formed the largest trading association in

D. 1/12 the world.
A. General Agreement on Tariffs and
51. Countries are able to receive imported Trade
goods without a high tax on the product.
B. North America Free Trade Agreement
A. World Trade Organization
C. World Trade Organization
B. North America Free Trade Agreement
D. none of above

C. General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade 57. What percentage of fish and shellfish is im-
ported in the U.S?
D. none of above
A. 80%
52. place where crops and other items were B. 90%
traded; in the center of each town
C. 50%
A. chinampas D. 20%
B. maize
58. It is a sign that individualize the goods of
C. market a given enterprise and distinguishes them
D. barter from the goods of its competitors.
A. patent
53. 7 is a concept that places activities
agriculture as a whole and comprehensive B. copy right
activity as well as a concept that can ex- C. design
amine and answer various problems and D. trade mark
A. Processing 59. Agricultural market faces the problem of
A. seasonal price fluctuation
B. Agribusiness system
B. low price when crop fails
C. Marketing chain
C. high price when there is bumper crop
D. None of the above
D. price stability
54. 2 wooden sticks with a chain holding them
together. 60. A good agricultural market infrastructure
A. Nun chucks
A. Unregulated market
B. Sickle
B. Warehousing facilities
C. Flail
C. non-institutional finance
D. none of above D. Constructions of buildings
55. Which of these examples are an example 61. the scheme of Micro Finance is extended
of a food products and processing job? through
A. Food buyers A. SHGs
B. Biologists B. land development Banks
C. Energy specialists C. NABARD
D. Plant scientists D. Regional Rural Banks


1.29 Marketing and Trading agriculture 503

62. AoA was signed as part of the Uruguay 68. This method is common in villages, for
Round Agreement in farmers are indebted to the local money


A. April, 1974
B. April, 1984 A. Mughum Sale Method
B. Moghum Sale Method
C. April, 1994
C. Moghom Sale Method
D. April, 1995
D. Mugham Sale Method
63. Risks in Storage includes the following, ex-
cept: 69. Higher food prices will eventually lead to
lower wages. The statement is
A. Price Risk
A. True
B. Quality control
B. False
C. Quality loss
C. Undecided
D. Quality Deterioration D. None of the above
64. There are three common types of buying 70. Which of these examples are an example
situations namely, except: of an Environmental service job?
A. Change in supplier A. Pollution control specialist
B. Price range B. Vet
C. New purchase C. Butcher
D. Repeat purchase D. Biologists
65. Known as the individuals who influence 71. It is a marketing function which facilitates
the buying decision. the movement of produce.
A. gatekeepers A. Fixed Grading and Mandatory
B. users B. Permissive Grading and Variable
C. influencers C. Grading and Standardization
D. deciders D. Centralized Grading

66. Preservation of food products made it con- 72. What type of product is grown the most in
venient to consumers. Kyrgyzstan?
A. Carrot
A. True
B. Potatoes
B. False
C. Vegetable and gourds
C. Undecided
D. Grapes
D. All of the above
73. Many areas around the world are highly
67. Demand for agricultural commodities dependent on agriculture what?
A. very elastic A. Water
B. unit elastic B. Crops
C. less elastic C. Commodities
D. more elastic D. none of above


1.29 Marketing and Trading agriculture 504

74. When did Wal-Mart become the dominate need from the place of plenty. SHOW AN-
retail store? SWER
A. In the 1990s. A. Place utility
B. In the 1800s. B. form utility
C. In the 2000s. C. time utility
D. none of above D. Possession utility

80. What is the role of National Agriculture

75. AoA covers three broad areas of agricul-
ture and trade policy, except: Market e-NAAM?

A. Market Access A. Online trading platform

B. Online information platform
B. Export subsidy
C. Digital registration platform
C. Market tariff
D. Online license platform
D. Domestic Support
81. Which of these crops could NOT be grown
76. The producer/farmer/cultivator, pre- in the higher altitudes of mountain re-
harvest contractor, itinerary merchants, gions?
transport agents.
A. cacao
A. Primary market
B. squash
B. Secondary
C. maize
C. Tertiary
D. beans
D. none of above
82. Agribusiness is defined as
77. The science that uses living things in a way A. The sum total of all operations involved
that they are not normally used or alters in the manufacture and distribution of
living things to produce a desired change. farm supplies, production activities on the
A. Thresher farm, storage, processing and distribution
of farm commodities and items.
B. Sickle
B. Investment in agriculture for perform-
C. Bioengineering
ing any activities relating to production
D. Genetic engineering and distribution of agricultural product or
services for making profit.
78. For a satisfactory market performance,
the market structure should keep pace C. Encompasses input production, farm
with the following changes, except: operation and management, equipment
and supplies manufacturing, food/non-
A. Production pattern food processing, trading, and retailing
B. Demand pattern D. All of the above
C. Supply pattern
83. small islands formed in lakes or swamps
D. Technological change in Industry to provide land for crops and gardens

79. The transportation function adds to A. chinampas

products by shifting them to a place of B. maize


1.29 Marketing and Trading agriculture 505

C. market 89. There are three marketing functions in-

D. barter volved in this, i.e., assembling, prepara-
tion for consumption and


84. A full form of APMC is A. Distribution
A. Agriculture Product Material Commit- B. trading
C. customer
B. Agriculture Product market Commis-
sion D. demand
C. Agricultural Produce Market competi- 90. It prolongs the storage quality of the prod-
tion ucts by providing protection from the ill ef-
D. Agricultural Produce Market Commit- fects of weather, specially for fruits, veg-
tee etables and other perishable goods.
A. handling
85. Aztec name for corn
A. chinampas B. transporting

B. maize C. exporting

C. market D. packaging

D. barter 91. Women account for about what of all pur-

chases since women entered the work-
86. In what year does the US suggested new force?
items such as TRIPS, agriculture and ser-
vice sectors for inclusion in the discus- A. A third
sions. B. Half
A. 1970 C. A fourth
B. 1979 D. A eight
C. 1980
92. Which of the following is not a defect of
D. 1982 Indian agricultural market
87. Which of these examples are an example A. Lack of standard measures and weight
of an Biotechnology job?
A. Vet B. Inadequate transport facility
B. Manager C. Insufficient price incentives by govern-
C. Cloning ment
D. Inspectors D. Agricultural produce not graded prop-
88. Market information reduces exploitation
of 93. A long, curved blade used in agriculture.
A. Traders A. Bioengineering
B. Villagers B. Genetic engineering
C. Farmers C. Sickle
D. Middlemen D. Thresher


1.30 Farm Management 506

94. It facilitates and regulates trades between C. 1950

159 countries, D. 1890
A. General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade 97. According to the study of agricultural
marketing, comprises all the operations,
B. North America Free Trade Agreement and the agencies conducting them, in-
C. World Trade Organization volved in the movement of farm-produced
foods, raw materials and their deriva-
D. none of above

95. trading objects rather than buying and sell- A. Thumsen
ing them B. Thomsin
A. chinampas C. Thomsen
B. maize D. Thomson
C. market
98. Which of these examples are NOT an ex-
D. barter ample of a Plant job?
96. In what year did McDonald’s enter the A. Landscape workers
market? B. Crop farm workers
A. 1990 C. Biologists
B. 1898 D. Plant scientists

1.30 Farm Management

1. Any time a consumer will take more only D. amount of money that will need to be
at lower prices is called borrowed to cover expenses .
A. Margin
3. The price of beef is determined by the
B. Supply supply of beef and the demand for beef.
C. Discovery A change in price occurs when the de-
mand for beef increases or decreases
D. Demand even though the supply remains constant.
Which of the following causes a change in
2. Three financial indicators that can be calcu-
demand for beef?
lated from the net worth statements are
liquidity, solvency, and equity. Solvency A. decrease in the number of cattle
is the: B. increase in the number of beef cattle
A. ability of all assets, if sold at market producers
value, to cover all debts.
C. increase in the cost of producing beef
B. ability of a business to generate
D. decrease in the income of beef con-
enough cash to pay bills without disrupt-
ing business.
C. amount of cash received by a farm 4. If Max’s demand for hot dogs falls as his
business in a one-year period. income rises, then hot dogs are


1.30 Farm Management 507

A. A bad good B. current assets minus current liabilities.

B. An inferior good


C. A normal good C. accrual adjusted revenues minus ac-
crual adjusted expenses.
D. A preferable good
D. cash income minus cash expenses.
5. The point on a production function graph
where marginal cost equals marginal rev- 10. When a farmer writes a check for $5, 000
enue is where to pay off the remainder of a machinery
A. Losses are the greatest
A. assets, liabilities, and equity each de-
B. Profits will be greatest crease.
C. Costs are minimized B. assets and liabilities decrease and eq-
D. Production is maximized uity is not affected
C. liabilities decrease and equity in-
6. Basis in a futures market is the difference
D. assets and equity decrease.
A. a cash price and a non cash price.
B. a cash price today and a cash price in 11. This financial statement explains changes
the future in net worth.
C. two different futures prices for the A. balance sheet
same commodity. B. statement of owner equity
D. a futures contract price and a cash C. income statement
D. statement of cash flows
7. The relationship between quantity pur-
chased and price is known as 12. A demand for a product at the farm level
is a(n)
A. Demand
A. Equilibrium
B. Supply
B. Demand Curve
C. Call Option
C. Supply Curve
D. Equilibrium
D. Deprived Demand
8. If the market is said to be “bearish, ”
prices are expected to: 13. The is King in the market place

A. increase. A. Farmer

B. decrease. B. Adviser

C. remain the same. C. Consumer

D. fluctuate greatly. D. Processer

9. Net farm income from operations for a sole 14. The relationship between quantity sup-
proprietorship business refers to: plied and price is known as

A. total market value assets minus total A. Demand Curve

liabilities. B. Deprived demand


1.30 Farm Management 508

C. Supply Curve 19. Which of the following is true about the re-
D. Direct Marketing lationship between price and quantity sup-
15. A farm business where it can be ex- A. There is always a direct relationship
posed to changes in demand and therefore
B. There is always an inverse relation-
changes in price that is totally beyond its
control is referred to as being:
C. There is usually a direct relationship
A. a price maker.

D. There is usually an inverse relation-
B. a price taker.
C. price neutral.
20. Suppose that the supply curve shifts right.
D. profitable.
What is the most likely effect on price and
16. What could you do if the cash position in quantity?
a certain month indicated that there would A. Price will increase and quantity may
be more expenses than income? change
A. terminate the enterprise causing the B. Price will decrease and quantity may
cash flow problem that month decrease
B. switch accounting methods C. Price will decrease and quantity will in-
C. move up sales crease

D. change depreciation methods D. Price will increase and quantity will in-
17. What does stage two in production func-
tion graph determine? 21. Accrued interest on a balance sheet refers
A. The beginning point of increasing re-
turns A. interest that is past due.

B. The stage where you should not pro- B. interest that has accumulated since
duce the last loan payment.

C. The lowest point in increasing C. interest on a short-term debt.

marginal returns D. interest forgiven by the lender.
D. The amount of variable input to use 22. Price movement across months within the
year is variability.
18. Comparing the retail price to the farm price
for an agricultural commodity allows you A. Seasonal
to determine the portion of each dollar B. Short
spent at the retail level that farmers re-
ceive for their commodities. The difference C. Deprived Demand
between retail value and the farm value is D. Bull
A. Profit
23. Your ability to plan loan payments is best
B. Net farm revenue determined by analyzing your:
C. Farm to city transportation cost A. checkbook balance.
D. Marketing margin B. profit and loss statement


1.30 Farm Management 509

C. projected cash flow statement. 29. A “limited” partnership in one in which:

D. enterprise budgets. A. some partners do not participate in


management, and have limited liability.
24. Selling through a farmers’ market or road-
B. the maximum number of acres is fixed
side market is known as
by state law.
A. Equilibrium
C. the number of partners may not ex-
B. Call Option ceed 50.
C. Direct Marketing D. only limited enterprises are carried
D. Demand
30. What does the Production Function indi-
25. Which of the following is an opportunity
cate for an agricultural producer?
cost of farming your own land?
A. How to allocate resources throughout
A. equipment cost a business
B. labor cost B. How output responds to inputs
C. eroded soil C. Whether to operate in the long run
D. potential rent D. ALL of the above
26. An increase in the number of buyers in an 31. When a farmer increases his investment in
area will result in a land, buildings, and equipment without in-
A. Movement up the demand curve creasing the total units of production, cost
per unit:
B. Movement down the demand curve
A. increases.
C. Leftward shift in the demand curve
B. remains the same.
D. Rightward shift in the demand curve
C. decreases.
27. The present value of $175 that will be re- D. varies with the operator.
ceived at the end of one year, given a 5%
interest (discount) rate is: 32. A farmer has determined that his total
variable cost per acre for corn will be ap-
A. $87.50.
proximately $248. His fixed cost per acre
B. $155.00. is $95 per acre. If he is raising 2, 500
C. $166.67. acres of corn and expects a yield of 125
bushels per acre, what is his breakeven
D. $183.75. price per bushel?
28. The price where demand and supply inter- A. $0.63
sect is known as B. $2.40
A. Deprived Demand C. $2.74
B. Equilibrium D. $18.52
C. Supply Curve
33. The primary purpose of the production
D. Demand Curve function is to determine


1.30 Farm Management 510

A. Whether or not to operate in the long 38. On a production function graph MC=MR
A. Where losses will be the least
B. How to Accolade resources through-
B. Where change in cost and chage in rev-
out a business
enue are the same
C. How much to produce
C. Where the profits are the greatest
D. ALL of the above
D. ALLof the above

34. When a market has huge swings on a daily
39. What is stage II (2) of the production func-
basis, it is described as ?
A. Stable
A. Thw lowest point
B. Comfortable
B. The highest point
C. Volatile
C. The point of demolishing returns
D. Variable
D. The decision making stage
35. On March 1, JD Farms borrowed $15, 000
40. At a price of $15, Marta buys 3 CD’s
to plant soybeans. On November 1, they
per month. When the price increases to
repaid the $15, 000 along with $500 in
$20, Marta buys 2 CD’s per month. Luz
interest. What annual interest rate was
says that Marta’s demand for CD’s has de-
paid on the loan?
creased. Is Luz correct?
A. 3.33%
A. Yes
B. 5.00%
B. No her demand increased
C. 7.50%
C. No, Luz is incorrect. Marta’s quan-
D. 10.00% tity demanded has decreased, but her de-
mand has stayed the same.
36. On an agricultural producer’s balance
sheet, which of the following contains only D. No, Luz is incorrect. Marta’s quantity
current assets? demanded has increased, but her demand
has stayed the
A. tractor, livestock barn, herd bull
B. fertilizer, breeding cows, truck 41. A grain combine can be purchased for
$148, 000. Total annual fixed costs will
C. cash, corn silage, feeder calves be $15, 000 and variable costs per acre
D. land, combine, growing crop will be $21. If a custom operator can be
hired to combine grain for $32 per acre,
37. The dynamic process of searching for the what is the minimum number of acres one
equilibrium or market - clearing prices is should plan to harvest to justify buying the
called combine?
A. Margin A. 468
B. Supply B. 714
C. Discovery C. 1, 364
D. Demand D. 4, 625


1.30 Farm Management 511

42. When determining the effect of growing 47. By dropping hay sales from a beef cattle
more acres of a crop in an enterprise bud- operation, a producer becomes more:
get, the cost most likely to change would


A. specialized.
B. integrated.
A. operating costs per acre.
C. motivated.
B. rent per acre.
D. diversified.
C. crop insurance per acre.
48. Which one of the following can increase
D. fixed costs per acre.
the retained earnings of the farm busi-
43. The middlemen in the marketing system ness?
operate on A. net farm income less than business
A. Turst withdrawals for family living expenses
and income
B. Loans
B. net farm income greater than business
C. Price withdrawals for family living expenses
D. Margin and income taxes

44. When an increase in the level of production C. an operating loss for the accounting
of one enterprise causes a reduction in the period
level of production in another enterprise, D. an increase in the amount of money
these two enterprises are said to be withdrawn from the business for family liv-
ing expenses and income taxes
A. Independent
B. Supplementary 49. The goal of tax management is to:
C. Competitive A. maximize profit before taxes.
D. Complimentary B. minimize taxes.
C. maximize depreciation deductions.
45. An agriculture producer learns what from
the production function? D. maximize profit after taxes.
A. Output responses to an input 50. The most common element of federal gov-
B. Whether or not to operate in the long ernment programs has been to:
run A. lower production.
C. How to accolate resources throughout B. provide price support.
an enterprise C. have a food reserve.
D. ALL of the above D. fund research activities.
46. The point where Marginal Costs = 51. The operator knows that the value of the
Marginal Revenue is dollar on the world market can have an
A. Where production reaches maximum impact on grain markets. If the dollar in-
point creases in value related to other curren-
cies, it will impact U.S. corn and wheat
B. Where all of your resources are used prices in what way?
C. Where profits are at a maximum A. Make corn and wheat prices higher on
D. ALL of the above world market


1.31 Agricultural Extension 512

B. Make corn and wheat prices lower on D. The change in cost by producing an-
world market other unit of output
C. Make no difference on world market 54. On a chart, a line that connects all the high
D. Make rest of world prices higher points as the markets move higher forms
a trend line. When projected out, it forms
52. If an increase in income results in an in-
points of
crease in the demand for chicken, then
chicken is A. Support

A. A neutral good B. Interest
B. A luxury good C. Resistance
C. A normal good D. Understanding
D. An inferior good 55. The general economic term used to de-
scribe where and when buyers and sell-
53. What does marginal cost measure?
ers interact regarding a specific product is
A. The change in cost from one enterprise called:
to another
A. a franchise.
B. The output cost from production at the
level of inputs B. a contract.

C. The change in the cost by adding an- C. a market.

other unit of input D. a partnership.

1.31 Agricultural Extension

1. Regular, systematic collection and analy- A. Evaluation
sis of information to track the progress B. Objectives
ofprogramme implementation against pre-
set targets is C. Monitoring
D. Decisionmaking

1.32 Field Crops

1. In pearlmillet, A:B ratio followed during B. Breeder
hybrid seed production si
C. Farmers
A. 2”1 D. none of these
B. 4:2
3. Seed moisture content in the stored seed
C. 6:2 of rice and wheat should be
D. 8:2 A. 10-12%

2. Nucleus seed and Breeder seed are pro- B. 15-20%

duced and maintained by C. 12-15%
A. Seed Certification agency D. 15-18%


1.32 Field Crops 513

4. The homozygous and homogeneous condi- 10. The factors which affect genetic purity of
tion is present in varieties is


A. Inbreds and Purelines A. Mechanical mixtures
B. Clones and purelines B. Mutations
C. Hybrids and purelines C. Out crossing
D. Inbreds and clones D. All of these
5. The isolation distance followed during vari- 11. The foundation seed has the colour tag
etal and Parental lines (ABR) maintenance
A. White
/ seed production in Sunflower is
B. Golden yellow
A. 500 m
C. Azure blue
B. 800 m
C. 1000 m D. Green

D. 1200 m 12. Female to male ratio followed for breeder

seed production of a line in rice is
6. The basis of the total seed production chain
is A. 6:2 or 8:2
A. Nucleus seed B. 8:2 or 10:2
B. Breeder seed C. 4:2 or 6:2
C. Foundation seed D. 6:2 or 10:2
D. Certified seed 13. Isolation distance of is necessary for
nucleus seed production of A line in rice
7. Off types are pollen shedders in
A. 600 mt
A. B line
B. A line B. 700 mt

C. R line C. 400 mt

D. B and R line D. 500 mt

8. The class of seed certified by seed certifi- 14. The varieties which are particularly suit-
cation agency is able for tribal and hilly regions is
A. Nucleus and breeder A. OPV
B. Breeder and foundation B. Purelines
C. Foundation and certified C. Hybrids
D. Nucleus and foundation D. synthetics

9. Isolation distance for producing nucleus 15. Supplementary pollination through rope
seed of rice varieties is pulling or rod shaking is done to enhance
A. 3m A. Anthesis
B. 4m B. Self pollination
C. 5m C. Cross pollination
D. 6m D. Panicle exertion


1.32 Field Crops 514

16. The female to male (A:B) ratio in sorghum 22. The isolation distance followed for nucleus
for hybrid seed production is and breeder seed production of A, B, R and
A. 4:2 OPVs in pearlmillet is

B. 6:2 A. 1000 m

C. 6:4 B. 800 m

D. 2:1 C. 500 m
D. 1200 m

17. Breeder seed contains the colour tag / la-
bel is 23. The isolation distance required for produc-
A. White label tion of breeder seed in wheat is

B. Yellow label A. 3mt

B. 5mt
C. Golden yellow
C. 4mt
D. Blue
D. 6mt
18. Pustovoit method is recommended for va-
riety maintenance in 24. The varieties which have been derived
through interbreeding of lines with good
A. Maize
GCA are
B. Pearlmillet
A. Composites
C. Sorghum
B. Synthetics
D. Sunflower
C. Hybrids
19. Foundation seed is the source for seed D. Purelines
25. The test conducted to know the the genetic
A. Breeder seed
purity of the seed is
B. Foundation seed
A. DUST test
C. Certified seed
B. Grow out test
D. Truthfully labelled seed
C. Germination test
20. The certified seed has the colour tag D. Viability test
A. White
26. The isolation distance for breeder seed pro-
B. Golden yellow duction of sorghum is
C. Azure blue A. 200 m
D. Green B. 400 m
21. The A:B ratio followed in breeder seed pro- C. 600 m
duction of A line in sunflower is D. 300m
A. 3:1 27. GA3 mixed in water and applied to rice to
B. 6:4 enhance
C. 8:4 A. Tillering
D. 5:2 B. Panicle exertion


1.33 crop production 515

C. Germination D. 10:2
D. Maturing
29. Foundation seed is the progeny of


28. Female to male ratio followed for nucleus
A. Breeder seed
seed production of A line in rice is
A. 4:2 B. Nucleus seed
B. 6:2 C. Foundation seed itself
C. 8:2 D. Certified seed

1.33 crop production

1. Formation occurs during the storage period 5. How does risk assessment help human in
of cuttings controlling OHS hazards and risk?
A. Tip A. It controls the risk
B. Callus B. It helps human identify hazards easily

C. Leaf
C. It provides knowledge to make in-
D. Stem formed decisions controlling hazard and
2. This is made from animal dung and dead
D. Serves as the guide for human in
leaves to provide nutrients to the crops-
choosing an area to plant in
A. Fertilizers
6. Supply of water to crop at the regular in-
B. Insecticides terval is known as
C. Manures A. harvesting
D. Weedicides B. sowing
C. threshing
3. Which crop is related to green revolution
in India? D. irrigation

A. Rice 7. Which of the following statements about

fertilisers is correct?
B. Wheat
A. Fertilisers increase the water-holding
C. Maize capacity of soil.
D. Sugarcane B. Fertilisers increase soil fertility in the
long run.
4. Grains can be stored on a large-scale in
C. Fertilisers contain decomposed mat-
structures called
A. Silos D. Fertilisers contain inorganic salts.
B. Granaries
8. Which of the following statements about
C. Both Silos and Granaries the tilling of soil is incorrect?
D. none of above A. It helps in aerating the soil.


1.33 crop production 516

B. It helps in increasing the fertility of the 14. For the accurate application of herbicides,
soil. a sprayer should be properly
C. It helps in increasing the water con- A. Cleaned
tent of the soil. B. Calibrated
D. It helps in the growth of helpful mi- C. Trimmed
crobes in the soil.
D. All of the above
9. The process of budding is actually a form

of 15. Cold frames are used in greenhouse oper-
ations in spring primarily to :
A. Seeding
A. harden off bedding plants
B. Grafting
B. produce cut flower crops
C. Nursing
C. winter over bulb stock
D. Chipping
D. start seedlings
10. The cutting of crops after mature is called
16. NPK stands for
A. Tilling A. Nitrogen, Potassium, Nickle
B. Maturing B. Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Kinetic
C. Harvesting C. Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium
D. Winnowing D. None of these

11. When healthy seeds are dipped in water, 17. Which of the following is drawback of hy-
seeds bridization?
A. Sink in water A. It provide less fodder
B. Float in water B. It requires lesser amount of nutrients
C. Neither sink nor float C. It is not a drought-resistant
D. All of these D. It is not a disease-resistant

12. Biological classification which describes a 18. Keeping beneficial insects from leaving
single kind of plant with certain character- your greenhouse is referred to as:
istics separating it from others A. Rolling
A. Irrigation B. Escaping
B. Crop Species C. Termination
C. Forage Crops D. Wiping out
D. Field Crops
19. The richest soil lies and just the
13. Out of these select a Rabi crop surface.
A. Maize A. to, under
B. Wheat B. at, below
C. Soybean C. of, in
D. Groundnut D. below, at


1.33 crop production 517

20. This is done by holding the sharpened edge 25. Supply of water to crops at appropriate in-
toward a light. tervals is called


A. Sharpness testing A. cultivation
B. smoothing B. irrigation
C. grinding C. harvesting
D. Oiling D. sowing

21. Herbicides work by upsetting the plant’s 26. It is a system of growing crops in blocks
or strip or more rows.

A. Metabolism A. Multiple row arrangement

B. Mineral supply B. spatial arrangement

C. Weed potential C. rows planting arrangement

D. none of above
D. Final size
27. Which of these is not a method of soil re-
22. Any unwanted plants that grow in a field
along with crops are called
A. Crop rotation
A. Wilt
B. Using fertilizers
B. Weeds
C. Field fallow
C. Stalks
D. Transplantation
D. none of above
28. Some plants secrete chemicals that
23. Which of the tips on landscaping design
A. Stimulate roots
that, is NOT limited with planting of trees
in turf lawn? B. Inhibit root growth
A. Nourish regularly C. Decay roots
B. Maintain a distance D. Increase root growth
C. Study the climate 29. system has rotating nozzles
D. Maintain a focal point A. Drip

24. A seed drill helps in and . The in- B. Lever

formation in which alternative completes C. Sprinkler
the given statement?
D. Pulley
A. sowing seeds at a uniform distance,
harvesting the produce 30. Where are rhizobium bacteria present in
leguminous plants
B. sowing seeds at a uniform distance,
saving time A. Leaf nodules

C. saving time, spreading manure B. Stem nodules

D. harvesting the produce, spreading ma- C. Root nodules

nure D. Flower nodules


1.33 crop production 518

31. Chemicals inhaled are absorbed through C. Chain pump system

the D. All
A. Liver
37. This is the process of removing the api-
B. Heart
cal meristem to produce a bushy well
C. Kidneys branched plant
D. Lungs A. pinching
32. Implanting a branch or bud of one plant

B. forcing
into another
C. budding
A. Cloning
D. bushing
B. Grafting
C. Cutting 38. Organic wastes can be decomposed to
form , which can sustainably enhance
D. Layering the nutrient content of the soil.
33. Farmers often rely rainfall the nec- A. compost
essary moisture.
B. cow dung
A. on, for
C. fertiliser
B. in, at
D. pesticide
C. for, on
D. at, above 39. Select the traditional system of irrigation
from these.
34. Irrigation is an important part of crop pro-
A. Sprinkler system
duction. Irrigation increases crop yield by
A. increasing the dependence of crops on B. Pulley system
monsoons C. Drip irrigation
B. reducing the dependence of crops on D. Field fallow
40. Which part of a vegetable crops need large
C. increasing pest attacks on crops
amounts of potash fertilizer?
D. reducing pest attacks on crops
A. Pod
35. The word “pests” is used referring B. Leaf
weeds, plant diseases, and harmful in-
sects. C. Fruit
A. to, in D. Root
B. to, at 41. This is an underground stem that does not
C. for, of have a dry leaf covering
D. in, to A. corm
36. Water is lifted from rivers by B. rhizome
A. Dhekli system C. bulb
B. Moat system D. tuber


1.33 crop production 519

42. Which considered as its outcome is conjunc- 48. A disease, common in tropical areas of the
tion with other factors including the expo- world, that is caused by the the protist
sure are the number of persons. plasmodium


A. risk assessment A. E. Coli
B. hazard assessment B. Black Plague
C. workplace assessment C. Malaria
D. hazardous D. Smallpox
43. Identify the moist substance wrapped 49. Which of the following statement is NOT
around a girdled area correct in lifting safely?
A. Sphagnum moss A. Adapt a stable position
B. Electricians tape B. Think before handling or lifting
C. Wax C. Use mechanical assistance and/or lift-
D. Cambium ing aid
D. Ensure a good hold on the wood
44. The management and care of farm animals
by humans for profit is known as 50. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING CROP
B. Animal husbandry A. PEA
C. Poultry farm B. PADDY
D. Warehouse C. MAIZE
45. Which of the following is not a Harvest
Festival? 51. An example of root crop is
A. Holi A. Beetroot
B. Pongal B. Potato
C. Diwali C. Tapioca
D. Dussehra D. Sweet potato
46. The tool used to harvest is known as 52. To improve the varieties of crop the tech-
A. Winnow nique employed is
B. Combine A. Transplantation
C. Sickle B. Broadcasting
D. None of the above C. Hybridisation
D. Cultivation.
47. Preparation of the soil involves loosening
and turning it. This process is known as. 53. First step of farming is-
A. Crumbs A. Preparing land
B. Nursery B. Harvesting
C. Ploghing and Tilling C. Watering the soil
D. Sowing D. Spraying Pesticides


1.33 crop production 520

54. Commodities, such as raw materials and 60. till B.C.E the people are nomadic
agricultural products, sold to other coun-
A. 2ooo B.C.E.
A. Forage Crops B. 100 B.C.E

B. Warm Season Crops C. 290 B.C.E

C. Field Crops D. 10, 000 B.C.E
D. Exports
61. In order to obtain a higher yield, farmers

55. Which one is used to store grains on large must undertake various agricultural prac-
scale tices. Which is the first step in this pro-
cess?answer choice s
A. Jute bags
B. Silos A. Addition of manure

C. Metallic bins B. Preparation of soil

D. All of these C. Harvesting

56. The chemical substances rich in nutrients D. Irrigation

are called
62. Out of these select a kharif crop.
A. fertiliser
A. Paddy
B. weedicide
C. pesticides B. Wheat

D. herbicides C. Mustard


63. What articles of clothing should you wear
A. SPINACH LEAVES when applying pesticides?
B. CURRY LEAVES A. Rubber boots
B. Respirator mask
C. Goggles
58. Rabi crops are grown in season.
D. All of the above
A. Rainy
B. Summer 64. Which of the following initiatives does not
belong to the green revolution?
C. Winter
A. Improvement in the irrigation facilities
D. Spring
59. Terminal or stem tip cuttings are prepared B. Application of better scientific meth-
from: ods
A. A second year tissue
C. Providing disease resistant and high
B. New growth yielding seeds
C. The bases of stems D. Distribution of organic fertilisers and
D. Any part of the plant pesticides to farmers


1.33 crop production 521

65. This type of fertilizer contains all the pri- 71. The process of loosening and turning the
mary nutrients soil is called


A. complete fertilizer A. Ploughing
B. primary fertilizer B. Leveling
C. essential fertilizer C. Broadcasting
D. incomplete fertilizer D. Irrigation
66. At what temperature should soil for seed 72. is the cutting and gathering of the ma-
germination be sterilized by heating for ture crop from the fields
one-half hour?
A. Threshing
A. 212 degrees F
B. Harvesting
B. 180 degrees F
C. Grinding
C. 100 degrees F
D. none of above
D. 300 degrees F
68. Which is correct
74. Which bacteria add nitrogen to soil
A. I
A. Rhizobium
B. I
B. Streptococcus
C. I
C. Staphylococcus
D. I
D. None
69. What color is the true color of the poinset-
tia? 75. what are the egs of rabi crops
A. Red A. Gram
B. Yellow B. Maize
C. Pink C. Paddy
D. White D. none of above

70. Whose job is to plan and supervise the 76. Raising of fish in inland waters and coastal
growing of crops waters are called
A. Production manager A. Pissiculture
B. Marketing manager B. Fishery
C. Section foreman C. Fish culture
D. Grower D. Harvesting


1.33 crop production 522

77. What type of temperatures do carnations D. Sowing should be done with the help of
require? seed drill.
A. Extremely warm
82. Process of leaving the land uncultivated
B. Temperature for one or more season
C. Cool A. Crop rotation
D. Humid
B. Weeding

78. Giving water to roots drop wise is called C. Fallowing
A. Drip irrigation
D. Manuring
B. Sprinkler irrigation
C. Rahat system 83. Which of the following answers are not
part of the major factors relating to the
D. All cost of operation of a greenhouse?
79. Which of the following statements about A. Direct labor cost
fertilisers is correct?answer choice s. in
the long run..Fertilisers contain inorganic B. Overhead cost
salts. C. Marketing cost
A. Fertilisers increase the water-holding D. Education cost
capacity of soil
B. Fertilisers are weedicides 84. The three body regions of an insect are the
C. Fertilisers contain decomposed mat-
ter A. Head, legs, thorax
D. fertilisers contains inorganic chemi- B. Head, thorax, abdomen
C. Legs, head, abdomen
80. Crops grown for their fibers to make pa- D. Legs, thorax, abdomen
per, cloth or rope
A. Cool Season Crops 85. does not include Agricultural prac-
B. Fiber Crops tices.

C. Row Crops A. Irrigation

D. Irrigation B. Marketing

81. Which of the following statements about C. Harvesting

the sowing of seeds is incorrect?answer D. Multiple cropping
choice s
A. Seeds should be sown at proper depth 86. Last step of farming is-
A. Spraying Pesticides
B. Seeds should be sown close to each B. Weeding
C. Providing water to the crops
C. ..Sowing should be done after loosen-
ing the soil. D. Harvesting


1.33 crop production 523

87. Plastic pots are commonly used today due B. Furadan

the many advantages they offer. Which of C. Round-up
the following is NOT an advantage?


D. Azadirachtin
A. Over watering can easily occur
B. Pots are available in many sizes and 93. What is irrigation
colors A. Giving water to plants
C. Plastic pots are light weight B. Giving water to plants at definite inter-
D. The outside of the plastic pot remains vals
cleaner C. Giving nutrients to plants
88. Products obtained from the crops are D. Giving nutrients to plants at definite in-
called tervals
A. yield
94. Scientists have developed varieties
B. produce crops that are more resistant diseases
C. crop and insects.
D. fertilisers A. of, to

89. The process of loosening and turning the B. for, in

soil is known as: C. at, above
A. Winnowing D. to, of
B. Ploughing
95. Which of the following is not provided to
C. Harvesting the soil by fertiliser
D. Threshing A. Humus
90. The cultivation of one type of plants, on a B. improved texture
large scale, is called. C. better water holding capacity
A. Agriculture D. All of the above
B. Crop production
C. Agricultural practices
D. Al the above
91. Which of the following is not a traditional
irrigation method? C. PEAS

B. Chain pump 97. Which among the following is a kharif
C. Drip system crop?
D. Thekli A. wheat
B. mustard
92. Identify an effective natural pesticide that
is environmentally safe. C. linseed
A. Atrazine D. rice


1.33 crop production 524

98. When can bulbs be separated? C. Hybridisation

A. During the alert stage D. Emasculation
B. During scaly stage 104. Select the method(s) of irrigation which
C. During the crown stage can be employed in an uneven land.(i)
D. During the dormant stage Moat (ii) Sprinkler(iii) Chain Pump(iv) Drip
99. Linseed is an example of Crops A. (ii) and (iv)

A. Kharif crops B. Only (iv)
B. Zaid crops C. (i), (ii) and (iii)
C. Rabi crops D. (i) and (ii)
D. None of these
105. synthetic fiber made from coal, water
100. A tomato that has a limited height and air is
growth and is normally used in pots is con- A. rayon
sidered to be a?
B. nylon
A. Legume
C. acrylic
B. Interminate
D. polyester
C. Determinate
D. Cool weather crop 106. Which part of the root absorbs the mois-
ture and minerals?
101. What process helps in increasing nutri-
A. Medium Roots
ents in soil
B. Root roots
A. Crop rotation
C. Root canal
B. Crop production
D. Root hairs
C. Crop harvesting
D. None 107. Which irrigation system saves most wa-
ter and is used for fruit trees
102. Using mechanical assistance and /or lift-
A. Drip irrigation
ing aid
B. Sprinkler irrigation
A. manual handling
C. Rahat system
B. reducing
D. All
C. move smoothly
D. keep head up 108. The branch of science that deals with
growing plants and raising livestock for
103. Another way of improving yield is devel- human use is
oping new varities of crops, This can be
done by cross breeding two different vari- A. agriculture
eties . This phenomenon is known as. B. horticulture
A. Winnowing C. pisciculture
B. Green Revolution D. animal husbandry


1.33 crop production 525

109. The process of loosening of the soil is 114. What happens if the seedling are sown
called without leaving a gap between them?


A. harvesting A. They will grow quickly
B. spraying B. They will become strong

C. tilling C. They will get lost

D. They will become unhealthy
D. weeding
115. Traditional methods of irrigation are
110. The breeding and raising of livestock in-
cluding poultry is called A. Well, tube well, canal, dam
B. Drip irrigation
A. Poultry Farming
C. Sprinkler irrigation
B. Bee Keeping
D. All
C. Animal Husbandary
D. none of above 116. In today’s world, where water is a scarce
resource, which among the following irri-
111. The cultivating land for growing crops is gation methods is most feasible and sus-
known as. tainable?

A. Crop production A. Sprinkler system

B. Drip system
B. Agriculture
C. Tube well
C. Kharif and Rabi
D. Chain pump
D. All are correct
117. Example of a Kharif crop is:
112. If you are given a piece of land for culti- A. Paddy
vation what will you do
B. Soyabean
A. Adequate watering to retain moisture
in soil C. Cotton
D. All of these
B. Ploughing and Tilling the soil
C. Levelling and adding Manure to the soil 118. What are the advantages of preparing of

D. All the above options to be followed A. Allow roots to penetrate the soil easily

113. Harvesting is a process ofanswer choice B. Make the soil nutrients rich
C. Make decomposition by microbes eas-
A. separating grains from stalk ier
B. preparing soil for sowing seeds D. All of these
C. collecting ripened crops from the field 119. IN WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING METH-
D. removing undesired plants from the ARE USED?
crop field A. MOAT


1.33 crop production 526

B. DRIP SYSTEM 125. The unwanted plants that that grow

C. CHAIN PUMP along with the crops are called

D. SPRINKLER SYSTEM A. fertilisers

B. manure
120. Which of these crops is suitable for grow-
C. weeds
ing in the monsoon season?
D. kharif crops
A. Linseed

B. Soya beans 126. The main kharif and Rabi crops are.
C. pea A. Paddy and Maize ; Wheat, Gram and
Barley .
D. Barley
B. Wheat, Gram and Barley ; Paddy and
121. After harvesting, grains are seperated Maize.
from the cut crop. This process is called
C. Paddy ; Wheat
. This can be done manually or by a
machine called D. Only b is correct
A. Thresher, Threshing. 127. Instead of relying almost entirely on
B. Threshing, Thresher. chemical pesticides, greenhouse growers
today use a combination of methods to pre-
C. Harvesting vent and/or control pests safely and effec-
D. Winnowing tively. This method is called:

122. THE PROCESS OF SEPARATING GRAIN A. Identify, press, measure

FROM CHAFF IS CALLED B. Integrated pest management
A. THRESHING C. Initial pest management
B. WEEDING D. Interval poly measurement
C. SOWING 128. is a modern tool driven by tractor for
D. WINNOWING ploughing.
A. Cultivator
123. Threshing is a process of
B. Seed drill
A. Separating grains from the stalk
C. Plough
B. preparing soil for sowing seeds
D. None of these
C. collecting crops from the field
D. removing undesired plants from the 129. Metion traditional method of irrigation
crop field A. moat
124. Which of the following is NOT a watering B. dhekli
system for cut flowers? C. rahat
A. Echo D. all of these
B. Perimeter 130. In order to have a successful graft, the
C. Capillary mat two plants must be
D. Ebb and flood A. Friends


1.33 crop production 527

B. Related 136. Unsatisfactory weed control may result

C. Neighbors from the use of the wrong


A. Herbicide
D. Exactly the same size
B. Fumigant
131. Which of the following is NOT a major
C. Repellent
food or fiber crop in the western region?
D. Toxicity
A. Corn
B. Orange 137. Food production which avoids the use of
biocides and synthetic fertilizers
C. Wheat
A. Organic Agriculture
D. Cotton
B. Irrigation
132. The already use biological control C. Warm Season Crops
methods and may be able to teach us more
D. Forage Crops
about them.
A. Chinese 138. Which implement is used to harvesting
the crop manually?
B. Japanese
A. Plough
C. Koreans
B. Harrow
D. English
C. Sickle
133. Name the method by which seeds are D. Wooden plank
scattered in the field manually.
A. Harvesting
B. Broadcasting KNOWN AS
C. Logging A. GRANARY
134. Plant reproduction method using a very
small plant part and a sterile medium? D. WAREHOUSE
A. Stem cutting 140. The main purpose of winnowing is to
B. Autoclense A. separate grains from the straw
C. Root cutting B. separate the chaff and the grain
D. Tissue culture C. dehydrate the grains
D. grind the grains
IN TURNING AND LOOSENING OF SOIL? 141. This is a type of fungus you can eat


1.33 crop production 528

142. The process of loosening the soil using a 147. A famous harvesting festival is-
plough is called- A. Makarsankranti
A. Milling B. Lohri
B. Tilling C. Baisakhi
C. Grilling D. All of them
D. Weeding 148. Electrical switches are made up of

143. Which of the following statements re- A. melamine
garding the advantages of using manure B. bakelite
is incorrect? C. PVC
A. It enhances the water holding capacity D. polythene
of the soil.
149. What is D.I.F?
B. It increases the number of friendly mi-
crobes in the soil. A. When evening temp is higher than the
day temp
C. It adds nutrients like nitrogen and
phosphorus to the soil. B. Difference between day temp and out-
door temp
D. It improves the exchange of gases be-
C. Difference between day temp and
tween the soil and the atmosphere.
night temp
144. With what plants do rhizobium bacteria D. Difference between night temp and
attach outdoor temp
A. Rice 150. A nonpolluting control for insect eggs is
B. Wheat
C. Potato A. Fumigants

D. Leguminous B. Aerial chemicals

C. Spray oil
145. Farmers also use other methods pest D. Chemical powder
control addition pesticides.
A. of, in, to 151. When grafting, what is the name of the
newly installed shoot or top of the plant?
B. to, of, in
A. Tissue
C. in, at, of B. Rootstock
D. below, of, above C. Corm
146. Crops harmed by frost and which grow D. Scion
best at temperatures above 70°F (21°C) 152. What are weeds?
A. Warm Season Crops A. Food grain plants
B. Cool Season Crops B. Oil yielding plants
C. Row Crops C. Unwanted plants
D. Fiber Crops D. none of above


1.33 crop production 529

153. Tilling helps in loosening the soil, which 159. WHAT IS IRRIGATION?
promotes growth of and in the soil.The in- A. ARTIFICIAL SUPPLY OF WATER TO
formation in which alternative completes


the given statement?
A. earthworms, microbes THAT GROW WITH CROPS
C. rodents, insects NUTRIENTS OF SOIL
D. insects, earthworms D. none of above

154. is the process by which water is sup- 160. This is an example of a short swollen un-
plied to crops at different intervals. derground stem
A. Irrigation A. bulb
B. Sowing B. corm
C. Ploughing C. rhizome
D. Tilling D. tuber

155. A seed drill helps in 161. Crops planted in rows far enough apart
to allow operation of machinery between
A. sowing seeds at a uniform distance
B. spreading manure
A. Agricultural Purposes
C. harvesting
B. Field Crops
D. threshing
C. Row Crops
156. Which of the following tool helps in uni- D. Exports
form distribution of seeds while sowing?
162. The removal of weeds is called.
A. Thresher
A. Wedding
B. Seed drill
B. Weeding
C. Funnel connected to pipes
C. Weeds
D. Broadcasting
D. All are wrong
157. In which season karif crops grow
163. The or scaly bulb has no tough outer
A. June to September
B. September to June A. Tunicate
C. March to April B. Nontunicate
D. June to July C. Bulbets
158. Cereals generally provide D. Laminate
A. Proteins 164. What is the total annual value of Wash-
B. Sugars ington’s food crop exports?
C. Fats A. $2.2 billion
D. Vitamins. B. $4.4 billion


1.33 crop production 530

C. $5.5 billion 170. In which of the following methods of irri-

gation rotating nozzles are used?
D. $1.1 billion
A. Moat
165. The process of beating out grains from B. Drip system
the harvested wheat crop is called
C. Chain pump
A. beating
D. Sprinkler system
B. crushing

171. Anthers from a plant are removed. This
C. threshing process is called.
D. harvesting A. Hybridisation
166. Lady bugs are most often used to con- B. Emasculation
trol? C. Sickle
A. Fungus gnats D. Green Revolution
B. Aphids 172. which of the following is not a Kharif
C. Rust crop
D. Root worms A. paddy
B. maize
167. Which type of bud is necessary for prop-
C. groundnut
D. peas
A. Vegetative
B. Big 173. Rainy season crops are also known as
A. Zaid
C. Fruit
B. Kharif
D. Small
C. Rabi
168. In which process the harvested crops, the D. none of above
grain seeds need to be separated from the
chaff. 174. Which of the following is a fruit food crop
in Utah?
A. Harvesting
A. Cotton
B. Threshing
B. Coffee
C. Winnowing
C. Apricots
D. None of the above
D. Apples
169. The first step before growing crops is 175. Based on seasons, crops can be broadly
of the soil. categorized into
A. Wedding A. Three types
B. Sowing B. Two types
C. Preparation C. Four tyoes
D. Threshing D. none of above


1.33 crop production 531

176. Which of the following crop will enrich C. KARFI CROPS

the soil with nitrogen?


A. apple
B. pea 182. Farmers plan their methods soil man-
agement well advance the growing
C. paddy season.
D. potato
A. for, to, at
177. Which of the following procedure is NOT B. in, at, above
correct in sharpening shears?
C. of, in, of
A. Step 1 Use some oil, like WD-40
D. of, in, for
B. Step 2 Start scrubbing with wire brush
183. Cutting and gathering of crops, after mat-
C. Step 3 Using your finger, to check, to uration, is known as.
feel how sharp the blade is. A. Threshing
D. Step 4 Use water to helps your pruner
B. Winnowing
open and close smoothly without catching
C. Harvesting
178. What are common examples of nutrients
that plants can take from soil D. Emasculation
A. Nitrogen 184. Ebb and flood irrigation systems offer the
B. Phosphorus following advantages EXCEPT for:
C. Potassium A. No runoff of fertilizer water
D. All B. Greatly reduces labor costs
179. Spraying water in plants using rotating C. Pollution of potable groundwater
nozzles is called D. Efficient use of water
A. Sprinkler irrigation
C. Rahat irrigation IN FIXING
180. Which of the following is NOT included in B. OXYGEN
maintenance of tractor?
A. Charging batteries
B. checking tube pressure
C. Removing /exchanging wheels 186. An Example of a kharif crop is
D. checking and filling fuel A. Wheat




1.33 crop production 532

187. Rabi crop is harvested in 193. What we call the process of cross breed-
A. January ing of two different varieties for improv-
ing the yield?
B. March
A. Hybridization
C. October
B. Emasculation
D. September
C. Harvesting
188. Monitoring to detect the pest problem is
D. Lodging
done by regular

A. Liquid application 194. The three types of pots used in green-
house are:
B. Inspection of plants
A. Clay, metal, standard
C. Plant fumigation
D. Dusting of plants B. Bulb, geranium, gallon
C. 2 gallon, azalea, geranium
189. The conversion of Nitrogen into nitrates
is known as D. Standard, azalea, bulb
A. Nitrate assimilation 195. This plant flowers when the day is long.
B. Nitrogen fixation A. long day
C. Ammonification B. short day
D. Nitrogen cycle C. day neutral
190. Bakelite is an example of D. day positive
A. thermosetting plastic 196. Modern method of irrigation is
B. thermoplastic A. tubewell
C. synthetic fiber B. sprinkle irrigation
D. none of the above C. moat
191. Nylon is not used for making D. pumps
A. ropes for climbing 197. Two short-season crops that may be used
B. blankets in successive plantings are:
C. parachutes A. radishes and lettuce
D. seat belts in cars B. beets and horseradish
192. It is necessary to remove sediment, silt, C. tomatoes and corn
vegetation and debris to ensure an easy D. peppers and turnips
passage of water and to prevent flower
A. Ditch maintenance
B. Steps in sharpening edge- cutting tools A. VERMICOMPOST
C. Maintenance C. BIO FERTILIZER LIKE Rhizobium
D. cleaning the pruning shears D. AMMONIUM SULPHATE


1.33 crop production 533

199. Supply of water to plants at regular in- C. dehydrate the grains

tervals is called
D. grind the grains


A. Crop rotation
B. Irrigation 205. VERMICOMPOST IS A
B. IRRIGATION 206. The crops which are grown in the rainy
season are called
D. LEVELLING A. Rabi crops
B. Seasonal crops
201. Use of automatic or controlled systems to
apply water to the soil C. Monsoon crops
A. Fiber Crops D. Kharif crops
B. Exports
C. Irrigation 207. What is the total economic value of crops
within the western region?
D. Organic Agriculture
A. $37 billion
202. This concerned with protecting the safety,
B. $28 billion
health and welfare of people engage in
work or employment. C. $52 billion
A. occupational safety and health D. $41 billion
B. environmental hazard
C. eliminates the hazard 208. Odd one out

D. hazardous substances A. Wheat


A. SILOS D. Muskmelon
C. BOTH A AND B 209. The crops which are sown in the winter
season are called
A. Rabi crop
204. The main purpose of winnowing is to
answer choice s B. Kharif crop

A. separate grains from the straw C. Zaid crop

B. separate the chaff and the grain D. None of these


1.33 crop production 534

210. Manures are considered better than fer- C. Rabi Crop

tilisers because D. Sericulture
A. manures provide humus to the soil
215. How many months it takes for a cereal
whereas fertilisers do not provide humus
crop to mature
to the soil
A. 1 to 2
B. manures are rich in inorganic matter
while fertilisers are not rich in inorganic B. 2 to 3
matter C. 3 to 4

C. manures can be stored for a long time D. 4 to 5
whereas fertilisers cannot be stored for
216. What is the definition of D.I.F?
long time
A. The mathematical difference between
D. manures are prepared in factories
light hours and dark hours
while fertilisers are prepared in the fields
B. The mathematical difference between
211. It is an area concerned with protecting dry and moist
the safety, health, and welfare of people C. The mathematical difference between
engaged in work of employment. day temp and night temp
A. Environmental safety and health D. The difference in plant height
B. Employment safety and health
217. Which of the following statements about
C. Occupational safety and health fertilisers is correct?answer choice s
D. Operational safety and health A. Fertilisers increase the water-holding
capacity of soil
212. Which of the following tasks cannot be
achieved through ploughing? B. Fertilisers are weedicides
A. Deep air circulation into the soil C. Fertilisers contain decomposed mat-
B. Plucking out weeds from the soil
D. fertilisers contains inorganic chemi-
C. Mixing of manure with soil cals
D. Harvesting of crops
218. This type of plant is unaffected by day
213. It is something currently in, or many in fu- length
ture be in, the work environment that has A. long day
the potential to cause harm to people.
B. short day
A. Control C. day neutral
B. hazard D. day positive
C. risk
219. Which of the following should be used by
D. harm a farmer with a large farm to harvest his
crops quickly and efficiently?
214. The crops are divided into two types�
summer crops called Kharif Crops and win- A. Winnowing machine
ter crops called crop. B. Combine
A. Kharif Crop C. Sickle
B. Horticulture D. Seed drill


1.33 crop production 535

220. Supplying water to crops in the fields at C. for, in, among

specific intervals is called
D. to, for, above


A. crop rotation
B. fertilizing 226. Animals like horse, donkey that carries
that carries load are called
C. weeding
D. irrigation A. Drought species
B. Load carrying animals
221. Seeding is when seeds are sown in a
separate place from where the plants will C. Dairy animals
eventually grow to maturity
D. Drought animals
A. Sideways
B. Indirect 227. What is seed drill used for?
C. Top A. Sowing seeds uniformly
D. Direct B. Sowing seeds close together
222. It refers to the terrain of the soil whether C. Water the seeds
it is in the hill or low land. It determines
D. Prepare soil for seeds
the ease of transporting farm implements
and produce kind of plant.
228. How soon after T-budding should an in-
A. climate spection be made to see if the bud has
B. soil taken?
C. topography A. Three days
D. accessibility B. One week
223. First step of agricultural practices C. Three weeks
A. Sowing D. Eight weeks
B. Irritation
C. Storage 229. 2, 4-D is an example of

D. Preparation of soil A. Fertilizers

224. The chemicals that destroys the weeds B. Manures

are called C. Weedicides
A. pesticide D. None
B. insecticide
C. weedicide 230. The process of supplying water to crops
in the field is called
D. fungicide
A. Irrigation
225. Crops differ the amount nutrients
they require healthy growth. B. Winnowing

A. at, of, for C. Fallowing

B. in, of, for D. Broadcasting


1.33 crop production 536

231. which of these is correct about FER- C. Weeding

D. Spraying
A. Fertiliser not provide any humus to the
soil 237. Side veneer grafting in evergreens is
B. Fertiliser was prepared in fields used to produce the right
C. Fertiliser is less rich in plant nutrition A. Color
D. Fertiliser was made using cattle dung B. Size

and plant residues
C. Wood type
232. What is the first stage of growth called D. Stems
after a cutting starts to grow?
A. Softwood formation 238. Which of the following statements about
B. Stem formation the difference between fertilizers and ma-
nures is correct?
C. Scab formation
A. Fertilisers decrease soil fertility in the
D. Callus formation
long run, whereas long term use of ma-
233. This plant flowers when day length is nures does not affect soil fertility.
shortest B. Fertilisers are made of organic matter,
A. long day while manures are chemical in nature.
B. short day C. Fertilisers are poor in plant Nutrients,
C. day neutral while manures contain higher amount of
plant nutrients.
D. day positive
D. Fertilisers increase the water-holding
234. which of these is not a harvest fastival capacity of soil in the long run, whereas
A. Bihu long term use of manures does not affect
the water-holding capacity of soil.
B. baisakhi
C. pongal 239. The tool used both for harvesting and
D. Diwali
A. Truck
235. which of these are the traditional metods
of irrigation B. Tractor
A. Chain pump C. Combine
B. Moat ( pulley - system ) D. none of above
C. Rahat
240. The method of loosening the soil is called
D. all of these
A. harvesting
236. The process of separation of grain from
the chaff after harvesting is called as B. ploughing
A. Tilling C. leveling
B. Threshing D. threshing


1.33 crop production 537

241. How hazards become a distance? 246. In which season Rabi crop is grown
A. hazardous becomes a disaster when it A. Winter


happens when may people are living
B. Rainy season
B. hazard becomes a disaster when it
happens when may people are having C. Summer
their livelihood. D. Autumn season
C. hazard becomes a disaster when peo-
ple trying to make it possible in their daily 247. A seed drill helps in The information
live in which alternative completes the given
D. hazardous becomes a disaster when statement?
people make everything that is not like- A. sowing seeds at a uniform distance
able into the environment
B. spreading manure
242. The process of separating grain from
chaff is called C. harvesting

A. Threshing D. threshing
B. Weeding
D. none of above 249. Identify the form of asexual reproduction
that eliminates burying part if the parent
244. WHEN YOU WILL PUT SEEDS IN WATER, plant in the soil
A. Seed strings
B. Upright layering
C. THEY ARE HEAVIER C. Girdle layering
D. ALL OF THESE D. Air layering

245. Which of the following is a primary crop 250. WEEDS CAN BE REMOVED BY USING
of Nevada?
A. Apples



1.33 crop production 538

251. Which of the following statements about 256. A ploughed field has big pieces of soil
the sowing of seeds is incorrect? called.
A. Seeds should be sown at proper depth. A. Crumbs
B. Seed drill
B. Seeds should be sown close to each C. Sowing
other. D. Broadcasting
C. Sowing should be done after loosening 257. Rescue and Summerred are two popular

the soil. varieties of apples grown in which state?
D. Sowing should be done with the help of A. California
seed drill.
B. Arizona
252. This is the process of getting a bulb to C. Alaska
grow and produce flowers D. Colorado
A. manipulation 258. which of the following is the example of
B. propagation Kharif crop

C. forcing A. wheat
B. gram
D. budding
C. paddy
253. What does NPK stand for?answer choice D. none of these
259. Which is a physical method of pest con-
A. Nutrients, trol?
B. Pancakes A. Spraying
C. Kittens B. Using insect predators
D. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium C. Installing barriers on greenhouse
254. Which of these crops requires less water D. Using sticky boards
for growth?
260. Taken as a whole, the recommended pH
A. Paddy range for soil less greenhouse medium is:
B. Groundnut A. 5.5-6.5
C. Wheat B. 5.0-6.0
D. cotton C. 6.2-7.4
D. None of the above
255. Weeds are the:
261. A disease that killed nearly 1/3 of the
A. unwanted plants growing along the world’s population in the 1300s
A. E. Coli
B. insects and pests B. Black Plague
C. main crop plants C. Malaria
D. chemical substances D. Smallpox


1.33 crop production 539

262. When are pecans harvested in the state 268. Using sticky traps to control whiteflies is
of New Mexico? a form of:
A. Greenhouse sanitation


A. Late summer to mid-fall
B. Early to late summer B. Chemical pest control
C. Fall to early winter C. Physical pest control
D. Biological pest control
D. Late spring to early summer
269. Rhizobium bacteria fix atmospheric
263. Watering of crops depends on to the soil.
A. kind of plants A. oxygen
B. type of season B. carbon dioxide
C. type of soil C. nitrogen
D. all of the above D. hydrogen

264. Tubers are distinguished by their 270. The practice of growing two or more dis-
similar crops in the same field one after
A. Crowns another is
B. Leaves A. crop rotation
C. Eyes B. tilling
D. Stems C. plantation
D. weeding
B. CARROTS choice s
266. Which of the following is NOT a fruit crop
in Oregon? D. WATERMELON

A. Pears 272. Bacteria present in root of leguminous

plants are called as:
B. Cherries
A. Lactobacillus
C. Blueberries
B. Rhizobium
D. Bananas
C. Azotobactor
267. DURATION OF RABI CROP ISanswer D. Cyanobacteria
choice s
273. Weeds can be removed by using
B. JUNE TO DECEMBER B. Bactericides
D. MARCH TO JUNE D. Weedicides


1.33 crop production 540

274. What pests primarily affect poinsettias? 280. Propagation method in which roots form
A. Thrips on the stem of the plant while it is still
attached to the parent plant.
B. White flies
A. Air layering
C. Black fly
D. Slugs B. Cloning

275. Seed drill is used for C. Grafting

A. cleaning the seed D. Cutting
B. sowing
281. bacteria are present in the nodules of
C. harvesting the roots of leguminous plants
D. weeding
A. Amoeba
276. Crops which grow best at temperatures B. Rhizobium
between 60°F to 65°F (15°C to 18°C)
C. Rhizopus
A. Row Crops
B. Warm Season Crops D. none of above
C. Exports
282. At what percentage should the humidity
D. Cool Season Crops be kept for new cuttings?
277. In order to obtain a higher yield, farmers A. Close to 100%
must undertake various agricultural prac-
tices. Which is the first step in this pro- B. Close to 50%
cess? C. Close to 25%
A. Addition of manure
D. Close to 10%
B. Preparation of soil
C. Harvesting 283. Crops grown primarily to provide feed for
D. Irrigation
A. Forage Crops
278. What was the wholesale value of bed-
ding plants in 1998 B. Fiber Crops
A. 6.2 billion C. Row Crops
B. 700 million D. Exports
C. 822 million
D. 4 billion 284. is the best technique for watering
fruit, garden and tree
279. Why do plants need water
A. Rahat
A. For growth and development
B. Chain pump
B. For seed germination
C. For transport of water and minerals C. Sprinkler system
D. All D. Drip system


1.33 crop production 541




A. TO PREVENT FROM OVERCROWDING 291. Leveling of soil helps to prevent
FOR NUTRIENTS, WATER, SHELTER, SUN- B. growth of microbes
C. growth of weeds
D. soil erosion
292. During which process under nitrogen cy-
286. This involves the removal of unwanted
cle, the inorganic nitrogen is converted into
usable organic compounds?
A. Tilling
A. Nitrification
B. Weeding
B. Nitrogen uptake
C. Seedling
C. Denitrification
D. Milling
D. Nitrogen fixation
287. Crop rotation prevents
293. The basic foundation for plant growth
A. Badgers and development.
B. A build up of pests
A. Land
C. The farmer having to plough
B. Soil
D. Water pollution
C. topography
288. Which tool is used for cutting grasses? D. watering
A. Shovel
294. What structure on the underside of the
B. Bolo leaf allows the leaf to breathe or tran-
C. Crowbar spire?
D. Pick Mattock A. Pistil

289. What is the application of D.I.F? B. Stem

A. To control crop height C. Stoma

B. To prolong flowering D. Chloroplast

C. To produce smaller fruit 295. Which of the following substances will
D. To control timing not affect the fertility of soil when added
to it for a long period of time?
A. Urea
WHILE SOWING? B. Ammonium sulphate
A. THRESHER C. Compost
B. SEED DRILL D. Super phosphate


1.33 crop production 542

296. The soil matter formed by decayed or- C. Manure increases the water-holding
ganic matter is called capacity of the soil.
A. pesticide D. Manure enhances the growth of
B. fertiliser friendly bacteria in the soil.

C. humus 302. The ideal months for harvesting kharif

D. biocide crop are
A. June/July
297. Name the process in which excessive sup-

B. August/September
ply of water reduces air in soil spaces.
C. September/October
A. Water logging
D. November/December
B. Lodging
C. Weeding 303. Impact of green revolution in India was
more effective in the production of
D. Irrigation
A. barley and oat
298. The process in which grains are turned
B. maize and rice
into breakfast cereals is called-
C. rice and wheat
A. Weeding
D. wheat and barley
B. Harvesting
D. Tilling WASTES IS
299. What is the annual value of agricultural A. MANURE
exports within the western region? B. FERTILIZER
A. $15 Billion C. IRRIGATION
B. $16 Billion D. AGRICULTURE
C. $14 Billion
305. Why is it necessary to maintain distance
D. $13 Billion between two crops while the sowing of
300. Which instrument is used for spraying
weedicides? A. To prevent overcrowding
A. Sprayer B. To prevent competition between the
crops for sunlight, nutrients, water, etc.
B. Cultivator
C. Because its fun
C. Plough
D. To protect it from weeds
D. Combine
306. Chronic toxicity is a danger caused bu
301. Which of the following statements about
chemicals that accumulate in
manure is incorrect?
A. 50 gallon drums
A. Manure improves the texture of the
soil. B. Building floors and walls
B. Manure adds inorganic matter to the C. Bodies of animals
soil. D. Fallen trees


1.33 crop production 543

307. When is wheat harvested in the state of 313. Cut carnations are classified into which
Colorado? two groups?


A. Late summer to mid-fall A. Standards
B. Early to late summer
B. Miniatures
C. Late fall to early winter
C. Large
D. Late spring to early summer
D. Small
308. Identify the agricultural method in which
different crops are grown on a piece of
314. Manure obtained by the decomposition of
land season after season.
dead plants and animals is called
A. Irrigation
A. green manure
B. Monoculture
C. Crop rotation B. farmyard manure

D. Shifting cultivation C. compost

309. How do crop rotation increase soil nutri- D. horse manure

A. They add nutrients to soil 315. Which of the following is not an advan-
tage of producing bedding plants in plug
B. They use different nutrients from soil trays
C. Both
A. They require a large investments
D. none of above
B. There is no transplant stock
METHOD OF IRRIGATION? C. Transplanting is faster
A. SPRINKLER IRRIGATION D. Reduced labor costs
316. What is the desired system for watering
cut flowers?
A. Overhead sprinklers
311. The major cost in the greenhouse bedding
plant industry comes from: B. Mist systems
A. Variable or direct costs C. Ooze tubes and perimeter irrigation
B. Overhead or fixed costs D. House with water breaker
C. Marketing costs
D. All of these are the same 317. Land use related to production of crops or
312. Sickle is for
A. Row Crops
A. Sowing
B. Field Crops
B. Harvesting
C. Levelling C. Agricultural Purposes
D. None D. Warm Season Crops


1.33 crop production 544

318. Crop rotation means C. Combining

A. Growing different crops in same field D. Harvesting
one after other
324. It is the administrative controls include
B. Growing same crops in same field adopting standard operating procedures.
C. Growing same crops in different field A. Eliminate the hazard
D. Growing different crops in different B. Isolate the hazard

C. Use engineering controls
319. Same kind of plants grown in a large D. Use administrative controls
325. Which of the following is not an agricul-
A. Crop
tural implement
B. Agriculture
A. seed drill
C. Implements B. silos
D. none of above C. leveller
320. Identify the type of chemical used to con- D. sickle
trol rats and mice
326. A cutting that includes a small portion of
A. Fungicide the leaf attached?
B. Pesticide A. Root cutting
C. Nematocide B. Stem cutting
D. Rodenticide C. Leaf cutting
321. What insect is typically plump green or D. Leaf bud cutting
brown and feeds on various plant parts in-
327. Legumes are grown in season
cluding stems and flower buds?
A. Winter
A. Aphids
B. Summer
B. Spider mites
C. Monsoon
C. White flies
D. Spring
D. Scale
328. It is the cultivation of flowering and or-
322. Winnowing is done by which machine namental plants.
A. Tractor A. Floriculture
B. Winnower B. Horticulture
C. Winnowing C. landscape design
D. Bike D. pomology
323. The process of separation of grains from 329. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING CROP
the chaff is called GROWS IN WINTER?answer choice s
A. Winnowing A. PEA
B. Fallow B. PADDY


1.33 crop production 545

C. MAIZE 335. It is use in pricking fruit tree seedlings.

D. SOYABEAN A. Hand shovel


330. Which of the following common methods B. Garden rake
is NOT include in checking the effective- C. Garden rake
ness of controls?
D. trowel
A. Testing and measuring
336. Which part of vegetable crops need large
B. Analyzing records and data
amounts of nitrogen fertilizer?
C. Inspecting the work place
A. Leaf
D. Using available facts
B. Fruit
331. Weeds are also controlled by using cer- C. Root
tain chemicals, called
D. All of these
A. manures
B. fertilisers 337. Layering is a method of

C. weedicides A. Stacking seeds

D. none of above B. Asexual reproduction
C. Budding
332. How many activities are there in basic
agricultural practices? D. Producing vegetables
A. 5 338. IPM addresses all the following EXCEPT:
B. 6 A. Biological control
C. 7 B. Pesticides
D. none of above C. Physical control
333. Which of the following statement is COR- D. Poisoning
RECT in planning tractor maintenance?
339. Soil consists chiefly mineral particles
A. Use tool for the joy mixed organic matter.
B. Ensure workers are knowledgeable in A. of, with
safe procedures.
B. for, at
C. Use and maintain pruner tools accord-
ing to there instructions. C. for, at
D. Stay well clean of rotating PTO cleanli- D. in, of
334. What percent of cut flowers sold in the TER, WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO DAMAGED
US are imported SEEDS?


1.34 Rice crop 546

341. A condition in the locality determines the A. Cool Season Crops

kind of crop to produce.
B. Row Crops
A. soil
C. Field Crops
B. climate
C. accessibility D. Fiber Crops

D. topography 344. Factor(s) to be considered when imple-

342. What type of light produces the best cut menting IPM include all but:

flowers? A. Which students will be manage the
A. Shade project
B. Indirect light B. Whether crops will be physically sepa-
C. Full sun rated
D. Very intense C. Whether the greenhouse will be in con-
tinuous production
343. Cops other than fresh fruits or vegeta-
bles grown for agricultural purposes D. All of the above

1.34 Rice crop

1. number of subspecies included under oryza 4. When is Nora’s article published?
A. In May
A. 24
B. In July
B. 3
C. In September
C. 1
D. In November
D. 22
5. Make a substance pure by taking other
2. What is the first thing done when growing substances out of it. The name of this pro-
rice? cess is
A. A price is received for the rice A. Crop
B. The fields are ploughed and watered B. Refining
C. Seedlings are planted C. Ploughing
D. A sickle is used to cut the seed head D. Seedling
off the tall stalks
6. Other than Patois, what is another lan-
3. What happens at the threshing shed? guage spoken in Trinidad?
A. the bundles are crushed and beaten A. Spanish
B. the bundles are soaked with water B. Italian
C. the bundles are hanged to dry out C. German
D. none of above D. none of above


1.34 Rice crop 547

7. 700 million tonnes of rice are produced C. Paddy

around the world every year. What per- D. Groundwater
centage is grown in Asia?


A. 10% 13. In rice is very prominent
B. 25% A. Auricle
C. 75% B. Ligule
D. 90% C. Lemma
D. Palea
8. Which of the following rice growing sys-
tems is the most productive> 14. Paragraph 2 is mostly about-
A. Flood prone A. the climate of Myanmar
B. Upland B. how to find Myanmar on a map
C. Rain fed C. houses in Myanmar
D. Irrigated D. farming in Myanmar
9. Optimum temperatures towards maturity 15. The first crop the author grew was
of rice ranges between
A. Moong
A. 21-37 degree C
B. Kasbai
B. 25-30 degree C
C. GR8
C. 20-25 degree C
D. none of above
D. None
16. HE authored the book
10. Process that helps in removal of hulls and
bran from paddy grains to produce pol-
A. Ploughing C. LIFE AS A FARMER
B. Rice Milling D. none of above
C. Refining 17. Name the state which was adjacent to the
D. Seedling author’s village
A. Peth
11. Dapog seedlings will be ready for trans-
planting within days B. Mumbai
A. 21-24 C. Gujarat
B. 18-20 D. none of above
C. 11-14 18. Give the name of the temple some Trinida-
D. 8-10 dians worship at.

12. Stems of wheat or other grain plants that A. Mandir

have been cut and dried. B. Coroni
A. Rice straws C. Lisbeth
B. Rice D. none of above


1.34 Rice crop 548

19. One of the atmospheric gases which to- 25. To cut and gather a crop. The anterior sen-
gether contribute to the greenhouse effect tences refers to
A. Granaries A. Seedling
B. Paddy B. Milling
C. Crop C. Harvesting
D. Greenhouse gas D. Rice
26. the dapog method of raising rice nursery

20. Which of the following is a county in
Trinidad where rice is grown? was introduced in India from
A. New Providence A. Burma
B. Nassau B. Japan
C. Caroni C. USA
D. French D. Phillipenes

21. Rice is the main food eaten in how many 27. What can the reader tell about growing
countries? rice from reading this article?

A. more than 100 A. Rice grows best in places that are

warm and wet.
B. more than 70
B. Rice grows only in Southeast Asia.
C. more than 50
C. Growing rice does not take that much
D. more than 30 work.
22. Rice varieties cultivated in India belongs D. Farmers harvest rice in the spring.
to genus
28. Venkat Iyer’s Consultant was
A. Asiatica
A. Deva Hunda
B. Japonica B. Jeevan
C. Javanica C. Moru Dada
D. Indica D. none of above
23. What is Patois? 29. Name the popular crop grown in the coun-
A. A form of French try.
B. A form of Spanish A. Rice
C. Bahamian dialect B. Plantain
D. none of above C. Banana
D. none of above
24. Rice supplies what proportion of the calo-
ries consumed by people? 30. Rice is grown in a field called a
A. 1/5 A. paddy
B. 1/4 B. resource
C. 1/3 C. rice
D. 1/2 D. stalk


1.34 Rice crop 549

31. Name ONE public holiday celebrated in 37. Area under rice cultivation in India
Trinidad. A. 39 mha


A. Hannahuk B. 29 mha
B. Kwanzaa C. 44 mha
C. Divali D. 50 mha
D. none of above
38. What does the diagram following para-
32. Number of species included under genus graph 4 illustrate?
oryza A. how to remove hulls from grains
A. 23 B. what rice plants look like
B. 22 C. how rice grains are polished
C. 21 D. where rice seeds are planted
D. 24
39. The centre of origin of rice is
33. The inflorescence in rice is A. India and Burma
A. Siliqua B. America
B. Panicle C. Africa
C. Spikelets D. Pakistan
D. Ear
40. Kasbai was traced to the sleepy hamlet
34. Boro rice is sown in called
A. Nov-Dec A. Boripada
B. June-July B. Asarvari village
C. May-June C. Peth
D. March-April D. none of above

35. The article was written mainly to- 41. Hull of rice comprised of
A. encourage tourists to visit Myanmar A. Auricle
B. describe what Myanmar looks like B. Lemma
C. explain how rice is grown in Myanmar C. Palea
D. Both b & c
D. tell a humorous story about Myanmar
42. In paragraph 4, which words help the
36. Venkat Iyer was a by profession reader know what seedlings means?
A. Farmer A. rice seeds
B. Engineer B. special nursery beds
C. author C. neat rows
D. none of above D. small plants


1.35 Wheat 550

1.35 Wheat
1. A series of steps used by scientists to 6. A wheat grain or wheat berry can be bro-
solve a problem or answer a question . ken down into:
A. scientific method A. wheat grain, endosperm and bran.
B. recipe B. germ, bran and endosperm.

C. data collection C. endosperm, germ and wheat flakes.

D. none of above
D. metric system
7. The personification of the sky as “sulky”
2. Which of the following recipes would ben- in paragraph 9 suggests the sky is
efit most from a high-protein, high-gluten
flour? A. unpredictable

A. caramelized onion tart B. northern

C. snowy
B. fresh laminated pasta
D. gloomy
C. pumpkin pie
D. chocolate chip cookies 8. The protein content in pastry flour is
3. wheat seeds should be planted (sown) to A. 12-16%
a depth of B. 7-9%
A. 15-30 mm C. 10-12%
B. 25-50 mm D. none of above
C. 10-20 mm
9. The summary at the end of an experiment
D. 30-60 mm that explains the results.
A. conclusion
4. What is a hypothesis?
B. procedures
A. A hypothesis is the right answer to an
experiment. C. materials
D. responding variable
B. A hypothesis is the wrong answer to
an experiment. 10. ideal temperature to grow wheat is
C. A hypothesis is an educated guess. A. 0-30
D. I don’t know. B. 5-20
C. 12-25
5. Which flour is used to prepare semolina?
D. -5-27
A. Hard wheat flour
11. Which idea would be most important to in-
B. Soft wheat flour
clude in a summary of the story?
C. Durum wheat flour
A. “We had to sell our wheat this month
D. none of above and not hold it over; that is, we did if I was


1.35 Wheat 551

going to the university that fall.” (para- 16. This variable in an experiment is the one
graph 2) being changed by the scientist.


B. “It might go higher along Christmas, A. dependent variable
but we couldn’t wait for that.” (paragraph
B. independent variable
C. “She stood there untying her ban- C. data
danna and I watched her as though I D. control group
didn’t know her face better than my own.”
(paragraph 14) 17. Which is NOT a step in the scientific
D. “I took off my apron and was running method?
across to the barn for the pickup before A. Make observation
Dad had taken his hat from behind the
B. Form a theory
door.” (paragraph 17)
C. Collect data
12. Before beginning an experiment you must
first make a D. Form a hypothesis
A. Hypothesis 18. Testing a hypothesis often involves a(n):
B. Conclusion A. answer
C. Plan
B. experiment
D. Experiment
C. problem
13. Which is not a important factor to grow D. safety check
good quality of wheat?
A. Soil 19. The author included paragraph 2 to-
B. Manure A. contrast the months of September and
December during the time of harvesting
C. Climate
D. Pesticides B. describe the hot air of July and the
busy schedules of mom and dad
14. Which flour has the highest protein con-
C. provide background information about
the characters circumstances and why
A. bread flour wheat prices were important
B. pastry flour D. illustrate the narrators circumstances
C. all-purpose flour and the obstacles he had to overcome
D. none of above 20. In paragraph 19, what does the phrase
15. What does paragraph 4 most reveal about “like a monument” mainly suggest about
the mother the elevator?

A. She is tireless A. It is a beautiful building

B. She is responsible B. It is a landmark
C. She has a hard time relaxing C. It was designed by an architect
D. She has devotion for animals D. It is an old building


1.35 Wheat 552

21. For a pizza, which flour would be the best C. Independent variable
for making the dough?
D. Test score
A. Bread flour.
B. All-purpose flour. 27. Red and white variety of wheat is mostly
grown in which country?
C. Pastry or cake flour.
A. England
D. none of above
B. Canada

22. What does paragraph 4 reveal about the
C. Australia
D. India
A. She is tireless
B. She is responsible 28. If I ride my bike to school instead of walk-
C. She has a hard time relaxing ing, then I will get to school faster. What
is the dependent variable?
D. She has devotion for animals
A. True
23. The name of the information that you get
B. How fast you get to school
from your experiment (you organize it into
charts and graphs). C. Riding a bike or walking
A. observationsconclusion D. False
B. data
29. wheat grains are measured on their
C. variables
A. protein quality
D. hypothesis
B. whole grain
24. Wheat is sown in and harvested C. germ quality
A. spring/winter
D. starch content
B. autumn /summer
C. spring/summer 30. Protein content present in cake flour is

D. autumn/ winter A. 7%-9%

B. 8%-9%
25. What is ideal temperature of storage area
of flour? C. 9%-10%
A. 18-22°C D. 10%-11%
B. 17-23°C
31. How does the author mainly develop the
C. 20-22°C narrator’s point of view in the story?
D. 19-24°C A. by exaggerating how harsh the winter
months are
26. If I study for my scientific method test,
then I will have a better test score. What B. by using elements of humor
is the dependent variable? C. by showing how the narrator interacts
A. Scientific Method with her family
B. Studying D. by sharing the narrator’s thoughts


1.35 Wheat 553

32. What is the best definition of “spoiled” as 38. Hard outer layer of cereal grain is known
used in paragraph 21? as
A. Germ


A. decreased the value of
B. made greedy by giving too much B. Bran
C. took away an opportunity C. Endosperm
D. made unfit for use D. Riboflavin

33. % of moisture present in the flour? 39. It removes the iron and steel particles,
known as?
A. 11.5%
A. Aspirator
B. 14%
B. Magnetic separator
C. 1%
C. Scrubbing
D. 12%
D. Entoleter
34. If I listen to Mr. Castro’s instructions, then
I will have less accidents in the lab. What 40. When making bread, the flour with the fol-
is the independent variable? lowing protein content per 30 g of flour is
the most suitable choice :
A. Yes
A. 4.2 g
B. Maybe
B. 2.1 g
C. Listening or not listening to instruc-
C. 3 g
D. none of above
D. Likelihood of having an accident in lab
41. Backbone of the baked products is known
35. Triticum compectum is also called as
A. Hard wheat
A. Water
B. Soft wheat B. Butter
C. Semi soft wheat C. Flour
D. Durum wheat D. Margarine
36. The part of the wheat grain that looks like 42. If I read this question carefully, then I will
a grain of rice represents the: answer it correctly. What is the indepen-
A. germ dent variable?
B. endosperm/starch A. I hope so
C. bran B. Yes
D. none of the above C. Reading or not reading carefully
D. Likelihood of a correct answer
37. A testable explanation to a problem that
has not yet been tested. 43. Dependent variable means
A. data A. the scientist controls what to test
B. theory B. educated guess
C. hypothesis C. ask a question
D. fact D. what is being measured


1.35 Wheat 554

44. Read the lines from paragraph 19”You D. It creates a negative mood for the
can’t see the elevator till you get past our story
place. There’s only one in Gotham, but it
stands up from the crossroads like a monu- 48. when is frost really bad for the crop
ment. That and the railroad station are the A. flowering
only things to let people know Gotham’s
B. germination
a town”What can you conclude about the
setting and genre of the selection? C. growth

A. The story takes place in the past and is D. harvest
49. how many serves of grain should you have
B. The story takes place in the past and per day
the is historical fiction
A. 1-2
C. The story takes place in the future and
is expository B. 2-4

D. The story takes place in the future and C. 4-6

is historical fiction D. 6-8

45. Which side of a penny will hold more drops 50. Will a construction paper air plane fly
of water? Choose the best hypothesis. faster than an airplane made from note-
A. If I use the heads side of a penny, then book paper? Choose the best hypothesis.
it will hold more drops of water than tails. A. If I make a paper airplane from note-
book paper, then it will fly faster than con-
B. Heads struction paper.

C. Tails B. Yes.

D. Tails will hold more drops of water. C. No.

D. I think the construction paper air plane
46. white flour is different to whole grain flour will fly faster.
because it uses
A. only the germ 51. What is the first step in the scientific
B. only the endosperm
A. Ask a question
C. only the bran
B. Conclusion
D. all the grain
C. No Horse Play
47. What is the effect of including the personi- D. Observe
fication in paragraph 1?”The fields have a
tired peaceful look ” 52. An experiment is performed on plants
A. It compares the fields to something to see how different liquids affect plant
peaceful growth. Each plant in the experiment is
given a different liquid; water, apple juice,
B. It stresses the importance of knowing or milk. Each plant has the same amount
what peaceful looks like of soil, sunlight, and listens to the same
C. It expresses the appearance of the music. In this investigation, the indepen-
fields during the drought season dent variable is


1.36 Barley 555

A. The type of plant A. bran

B. The amount of sunlight B. starch


C. The type of music C. protein
D. The type of liquid D. germ

53. Wheat grain is really to harvest when the 56. Which type of flour contains baking pow-
head has a moisture content of der in it?
A. 5% A. Cookie flour
B. 10% B. Cake flour
C. 15% C. Self-rising flour
D. 20% D. Whole meal flour

54. Bran and wheat germ is more in? 57. What does paragraph 9 mainly reveal
about the narrator?
A. Whole wheat flour
A. She thinks of nature as calming
B. Whole meal flour
B. She is attached to familiar things and
C. Cake flour is close to her family
D. Bread flour C. She loves language and has a vivid
55. Gluten is the component in wheat imagination
flour. D. She pays attention to yearly patterns

1.36 Barley
1. Which does NOT contribute to lodging? D. A little pit of ploughing
A. Wind 4. When is spring barley harvested?
B. Rain
A. June
C. Excess N
B. July
D. Excess P
C. August
2. Name the machine used to sow barley D. September
A. Combine harvester
5. When is winter barley sown
B. Combine drill
A. February
C. Elevator digger
B. May
D. Dung spreader
C. September
3. Which best describes the concept of mini-
D. October
mum tillage?
A. No chemicals 6. What is a tramline?
B. A little bit of chemicals A. Give access to nearby trains
C. No ploughing B. A hairstyle


1.37 Maize 556

C. Parallel lines in the crop that allow the D. October

farmer to access the crop
10. What family does barley belong to
D. A banging festival :P
A. Umbelliferae
7. Which of the following is not caused by a B. Polygonaceae
C. Gramineae
D. Solanaceae
B. Leaf rust

C. Loose smut 11. What soil is most suitable for growing bar-
D. Rynchosporium
A. Well drained loam ph 6
8. When is winter barley harvested? B. Well drained podzol ph 6
A. June C. Well drainedpodzol ph 7
B. July D. Well drained loam ph 6.5
C. August
12. Which of these is NOT a property of certi-
D. September fied seed
9. When in spring barley sown? A. 98% purity
A. February B. 85% germination
B. May C. 98% germination
C. September D. Free from wild oats

1.37 Maize
1. Honeybees have a long to sip nectar A. rupjmaize
from deep inside a flower. B. baltmaize
A. baskets C. graudu maize
B. legs D. saldsk�bmaize
C. toungue
4. The genre of the text The Ancient Maya
D. head
2. A queen bee will lay about eggs per A. Fiction
B. Poetry
A. 2, 000
C. Nonfiction
B. 510
D. An article
C. 1, 500
D. 2, 000 5. protein content in maize is:
A. 20%
3. Kura maize k� latviešu tautas simbols
un v�rt�ba ierakst�ta Latvijas kult�ras B. 5%
kanon�? C. 10%


1.37 Maize 557

D. 12% 10. In the text The Ancient Maya, what key

detail supports the claim that “Mayan Cal-
6. thin and graceful endars were important in the Mayan cul-


A. lithe ture.”
B. remote A. Mayan calendars “spanned great
lengths of time.” p. 26
C. arrayed
B. “The Long Count Calendar lasts 5, 128
D. capsize years.” p. 26
7. existing or occurring at the beginning C. “The significance of Maya Calendar cy-
cles can be seen in their architecture.” p.
A. remote 26-27
B. secluded D. ” The Mayans made calendars based
C. initial on their observations.” p. 25
D. lithe 11. recommend (a substance or action) as
something beneficial
8. Which piece of text evidence best supports
the inference that the gods did not always A. sheath
get along? B. secluded
A. The gods were not threatened by Quet- C. freighted
zalcoatl’s power. D. prescribed
B. The gods quarrel over what to do about
12. sow main crop in:
the problem in the story.
A. February
C. The gods complained about chewing
the corn so that the humans could eat it. B. November
C. end of May
D. The gods were tired of the ants inter- D. none of above
fering in their work.
13. maize was first domesticated by the peo-
9. What can readers infer about Quetzal- ple of:
coatl’s desire to help the humans become A. India
B. southern mexico
A. Quetzalcoatl was afraid that the ants
C. none of these
would try to take over Earth.
D. none of above
B. Quetzalcoatl loved the humans, but he
did not want to do extra work to hep them 14. On p. 66 when Quetzalcoatl realized that
himself. humans could not feed themselves, he:”
C. Quetzalcoatl didn’t want the other immediately summoned the other gods
gods to help the humans, he wanted to do from the thirteen heavens to the cloud
it himself because he cared about them. palace.”What does the word “summoned”
most likely mean in this context?
D. Quetzalcoatl was afraid the humans
would not worship him anymore if he A. Called for
didn’t help them. B. Named


1.37 Maize 558

C. Blamed D. The Ancient Mayan society was sophis-

D. Ignored ticated for its time, with many advance-
ments and achievements.
15. it is a kharif crop which requires tempera-
20. What word with the same root as survive
ture between:
(viv) means to bring back to life?
A. 30-35o celsius A. vivid
B. 25-30o celsius B. survival

C. 21-27o celsius C. vivacious
D. none of these D. revive

16. On p. 65, when Quetzalcoatl states “And 21. Ds stands for

they have me, The great Quetzalcoatl, ” A. Pigment
the reader can infer:
B. Activator
A. Quetzalcoatl is caring. C. Dissociation element
B. Quetzalcoatl is insecure. D. Control
C. Quetzalcoatl is boastful.
22. L�dz 12.gs maizi cepa uz no miltu
D. Quetzalcoatl is unconcerned about get- biezputras.
ting recognition for his deeds. A. ugunskura
17. The queen has only one responsibility: B. v�r�ja katli��
A. eating larva C. sakars�tiem akme�iem
B. collect nectar D. pannas

C. laying eggs 23. c to C occurs in a cell, cell will produce

D. produce honey A. Spot
B. Purple pigment
18. What genre is “Quetzalcoatl and the
Maize”? C. Yellow
D. Normal
A. Fiction
B. Nonfiction 24. Who is Quetzalcoatl?
C. Poetry A. A Mayan God
B. An Aztec God
D. Realistic Fiction
C. An Ant Queen
19. The overall central idea of The Ancient D. None of the above
Maya is:
A. The ancient Maya had many achieve- 25. Bees also have in the middle of their
ments. hind legs.
A. hairs
B. The ancient Maya rose and fell due to
the Spanish conquest. B. nectar
C. The Ancient Maya had unusual beauty C. poison
practices. D. pollen baskets


1.37 Maize 559

26. Ac stands for 32. Which word is the signal word for the
A. Activator antonyms? Never before had such an in-
significant creature had such an important


B. Dissociation element mission.
C. Control A. Never before
D. Pigment
B. had
27. The line in between self and sufficient is C. insignificant
called a
D. such
A. quotation marks
B. hyphen 33. Choose the word that completes the sen-
tence. “There is less food available in the
C. semi-colon winter; the drones are kicked out.
D. none of above
A. never
28. a painful or horrific experience B. even though
A. surge C. including
B. numb D. therefore
C. prescribed
34. “The Maya used physical appearance to
D. ordeal
indicate social status.” (p. 29)The line
29. Which is another word for unfeeling? above from The Ancient Maya provides ev-
idence that the author’s purpose for writ-
A. secluded
ing the text was:
B. ordeal
A. To Persuade/Convince the Reader
C. remote
B. To Inform the reader
D. numb
C. To provide an argument for the reader
30. In “Quetzalcoatl and the Maize, the narra-
tor of the myth reports the thoughts and
D. To Entertain the reader
feeling as well the actions and words of
all characters. Which type of point of view 35. Honeybees are
(POV) does this describe? *1 point
A. robots
A. First Person
B. mammals
B. Second Person
C. insects
C. Third Person
D. friendly
D. Third Person Omniscient

31. percentage of oil content in maize is: 36. Which word is an antonym for deceived?
A. 10% A. fake out
B. 5-6% B. bluff
C. 3-4% C. truthful
D. 2% D. mislead


1.37 Maize 560

37. The queen bee in a hive is the only female we call maize, are hidden inside the inac-
who lays cessible mountain Tonacateptl. My sisters
A. eggs and I are the only ones small enough to
reach this spot. We are only too happy
B. nectar to offer our assistance.”Based on context
C. larva clues, it can be inferred that the word “in-
accessible” most likely means:
D. bees
A. unable to reach

38. In “The Maize Spirit, ” the boy was
B. unable to see
with bright green clothing
A. lithe C. Easily reachable

B. freighted D. Without the ability to find

C. prescribed 43. Which word means a cover for the blade

D. arrayed of a knife or sword?
A. sheath
39. The main conflict in “Quetzalcoatl and the
Maize” that was introduced in the begin- B. fault
ning of the story was: C. arrayed
A. Quetzalcoatl did not get along with the
D. folly
other Aztec gods.
B. Quetzalcoatl was lazy. 44. What are the main duties of worker
C. Quetzalcoatl was too proud and didn’t bees?
care enough about his people. A. going out to find food (pollen and nec-
D. Quetzalcoatl had to save his people tar)
from starving. B. building the hive

40. In the hive, bees live like a C. keeping the hive clean
A. insect D. all of the above
B. honey 45. Vai maize ir vesel�ga?
C. family
A. N�
D. none of above
B. Varb�t
41. Which of these is means to make known C. Nezinu
(private or sensitive information)
D. J�
A. comply
B. lithe 46. without changing direction or stopping
C. fault A. fault
D. divulged B. divulged
C. agitation
42. On p. 68, when the Ant Queen states:”Oh
great Quetzalcoatl the kernels, which D. directly


1.37 Maize 561

47. The larva is fed more than times a 52. Maize stem borer undergoes genera-
day. tion per year


A. 100 A. 4-6
B. 2000 B. 2-5
C. 1000 C. 3-4
D. 670 D. 3-4
53. sow autumn crop from:
48. Drones have stinger?
A. mid-February
A. Yes
B. end of May
B. Yes and no
C. October-November
C. No
D. third week of January
D. Maybe
54. Multicoloured kernels is known to
49. The root word of observant is observe.
A. Point mutation
What does observe mean?
B. Mutation
A. notice something
C. Unstable mutation
B. serve others
D. Mismatch mutation
C. hear
55. maize grows well in which soil?
D. none of above
A. saline and alkaline
50. On p. 68, when the Ant Queen states:”Oh B. Laterite and Lateritic soils
great Quetzalcoatl the kernels, which
we call maize, are hidden inside the inac- C. alluvial soil
cessible mountain Tonacateptl. My sisters D. none of above
and I are the only ones small enough to
56. All of the key details below support that
reach this spot. We are only too happy to
Quetzalcoatl was an important god in the
offer our assistance.”What can be inferred
Aztec culture except:
about the Ant Queen’s character?
A. “Quetzalcoatl immediately summoned
A. She is fearful and cautious.
the gods from their thirteen heavens to
B. She is kind, but cautious. the cloud palace, seeking their assistance
C. She is helpful and overbearing. in finding a solution.” (p. 66)
D. She is helpful and respectful. B. “This particular story tells how Quet-
zalcoatl saved the Aztec people from
51. If you want a cabin in the woods, you starvation by bringing them corn from
wish not to be seen or visited by many peo- Tonacateptl.”(p. 64)
ple. C. “I, Quetzalcoatl, have brought this
A. secluded world into being and created the Aztec
people to inhabit it.”
B. lithe
D. “The corn plant played a significant
C. numb role in many aspects of their culture, such
D. agitation as art and mythology.” (p.64)


1.38 Oats 562

57. An example of self-sufficient is 62. The worker bee is the hardest working
A. needing gods to chew your food for bee in the hive. What quote supports this
you statement?
B. raising chickens to get your own eggs A. “The lifespan of a worker bee is any-
where for 4 to 9 months.”
C. needing to borrow money to buy new
shoes B. “Honeybees will travel up to eight
miles if necessary to find nectar ”
D. none of above

C. “Worker bees are actually the only
58. Ac and Ds were located in bees that ever do any stinging.”
A. Chromosome 7 D. “Workers are young female bees.”
B. Chromosome 9
63. a sudden great or overwhelming rush or
C. Chromosome 5 accumulation of something like a large
D. Chromosome 3 mass of snow, ice, earth, rock, or other
material in swift motion down a mountain-
59. the action of briskly stirring or disturbing side
something, especially a liquid
A. initial
A. capsize
B. avalanche
B. agitation
C. comply
C. surge
D. directly
D. surge
64. Determine the meaning of the word “rev-
60. To produce a Queen bee, worker bees feed
erence” in the given sentence: “He bowed
a few of the larvae solely with?
in exaggerated reverence with his little
A. honey legs.” (p. 73)
B. special honey made by bees A. Respect
C. Royal jelly B. Movement
D. Jelly C. Humor
61. Anna aizmirsa veikal� ieg�d�ties rudzu mil- D. Enthusiasm
tus, ta�u J�nis teica, ka maizi var�s izcelt
ar� bez miltiem. K� tu dom�, vai J�nim ir 65. Which of these means the responsibility
taisn�ba? for an accident or misfortune
A. Nezinu A. repair
B. N�, J�nim nav taisn�ba B. fault
C. J�, J�nim ir taisn�ba C. numb
D. none of above D. directly

1.38 Oats


1.38 Oats 563

1. What does Joan feed her goats? 7. What does Moe feed his crows?
A. wheat A. oats


B. oats B. grain
C. soap C. corn
D. corn D. bird seed

2. Which detail from the text shows that 8. How did they resolve the problem?
Joan is a KIND person? A. They agreed to share the oats and
A. Joan lived by the coast. grain.
B. Moe paid for the oats.
B. Joan had lots of goats.
C. They locked the goats and crows up.
C. Joan yelled at the crows.
D. They each grew their own grain and
D. Joan did not want to yell and wake oats.
9. What did Joan and Moe agree to do?
3. Why didn’t Joan yell at her goats to stop
eating the grain? A. put gates up
B. share their oats and grain
A. She didn’t like to yell at them.
C. leave each other alone
B. They couldn’t hear her.
D. none of above
C. She didn’t want to wake Moe.
D. The goats would get mad. 10. What did Joan’s goats do when they got
off the boat?
4. Why was Joan upset? A. they ate Moe’s grain
A. her goats ran away B. they fell asleep
B. the crows ate her oats C. they used the restroom
C. she lost her goats D. none of above
D. none of above 11. Why did it take a long time to get to Moe’s
5. What is Joan’s problem? house?
A. The goats did not like the boat.
A. The crows want to eat her oats.
B. The goats jumped out to eat the grain.
B. The crows are slow.
C. The goats don’t like oats. C. The crows got in the way.
D. The crows chased her goats. D. The crows ate the grain.
6. What animal did Joan have and feed? 12. What animal did Moe have lots of
A. pigs A. goats
B. goats B. pigeons
C. crows C. crows
D. none of above D. none of above


1.39 Millets 564

13. How does Joan plan to solve her prob- B. She will give her goats to Moe.
C. She will hide her oats.
A. She will ask Moe for some grain for her
goats. D. She will steal Moe’s grain.

1.39 Millets
1. This chemical compound helps in prevent- C. Grits

ing putrefying micro organisms D. Bran
A. Cholrine
6. Conditioning helps in the
B. Ethane A. Loosening of bran
C. Supfurdioxide B. Loosening of germ
D. Carbondioxide C. Toughening of germ
2. Corn germ oil can be extracted by D. All the above
A. Ghanis 7. De quien era la historia, que contaba Mil-
B. Mortar and pestle
A. De Jesús
C. Traditional method
B. De el antiguo testamento de Ruth
D. Solvent extraction method
C. De los evangélicos
3. It is the by product of barley milling. D. none of above
A. Barley grits 8. Aparte de la comida de los segadores, cual
B. Barley bran era el otro nombre que tenia?
C. Barley flakes A. Ruth y Booz
D. Barley flour B. El antiguo testamento de Ruth
C. La comida de ayer
4. A quoi sert le théorème de Pythagore?
D. Los campesinos
A. A démontrer que des droites sont par-
allèles 9. Traditionally millets are pounded using
B. A savoir parler grec A. Large scale miller

C. A calculer des longueurs dans un trian- B. Mortar and Pestle

gle rectangle C. Commercial Mixer grinder
D. A calculer des longueurs dans un trian- D. All the above
gle isocèle 10. Name the process in which oats are dried
5. Choose the barley product which is pre- to inactive enzyme lipase.
pared by steaming, flaking and drying bar- A. Stabilization
ley B. Homogenization
A. Flour C. Standardization
B. Flakes D. All of these


1.39 Millets 565

11. Corn starch is flavoured, coloured and sold 17. Milling separates the grain into
as A. Germ


A. Custard powder
B. Endosperm
B. Cake mix
C. Seed coat
C. Instant breakfast mix
D. All the above
D. Instant porridge mix
12. One of the most important product of wet 18. Cereals can be conditioned by adding
milling is A. Oil
A. Low fructose corn syrup B. Water
B. High fructose corn syrup C. Chemical agents
C. Corn flour
D. Food additives
D. Corn oil
19. Quien encargo el cuadro?
13. Donde esta ubicado el cuadro?
A. Un museo
A. Boston, Estados Unidos
B. Paris, Francia B. La familia de Millet
C. Nápoles, Italia C. Unos fans
D. Transilvania, Rumania D. El estado

14. Moisture content of corn is increased to 20. Que genero es el cuadro?

A. Narrativo
A. 10
B. Histórico
B. 15
C. Paisaje
C. 20
D. 25 D. Informal

15. Que quiere representar Millet en su 21. Impurities and broken grains can be re-
cuadro? moved by using
A. La vida de una viuda A. Specific gravity separator
B. Los campesinos B. Disc roller
C. La vida humilde de los campesinos C. Commercial miller
D. none of above D. Dehuller
16. When compared with other grains, millets
22. Select the chief oats producing countries
have high reputation because
A. It is susceptible to damage A. India
B. It attracts pest easily B. China
C. Less susceptible to insect attack C. Canada
D. Requires larger storage space D. Korea


1.40 Types of crops 566

1.40 Types of crops

1. is largest producer and consumer of C. Kharif Crops
this crop.
D. None of these
A. pulses
7. The Kharif Crops are sown in which
B. cereals
C. rice

A. October-November
D. none of above
B. September-October
2. The crops that are grown in the winter sea-
C. September-November
son and harvested in the spring are called
D. August-November
A. Kharif Crops 8. Cumin is a
B. Zaid crops
A. oilseed
C. Food Crops
B. pulses
D. None of these
C. Spice
3. is the largest producer of tea in world D. none of above
A. India
9. In which region is banana plantations
B. China
mostly found?
C. Brazil
A. Tropical regions
D. none of above
B. subtropical regions
4. wheat is mostly grown in dry subtropical C. temperate regions
D. topical regions
A. Temperate regions
B. tropical regions 10. The Zaid Crops are sown in which
C. temperte regions months?

D. subtropical regions A. March-June

B. April-July
5. What are millets?
C. March-July
A. Food crops
D. February-June
B. Cash crops
C. Coarse grains 11. The Zaid Crops are grown between the
D. none of above and crops
A. Cash, Food
6. The crops which are grown in the monsoon
season are known as B. Food, Rabi
A. Rabi Crops C. Kharif, Cash
B. Zaid Crops D. Rabi, Kharif


1.41 Sugarcane 567

12. Rubber is an crop C. Monsoon

A. fiber D. Spring


B. industrial
14. The Rabi Crops are grown in the sea-
C. cash
son and harvested in the season.
D. none of above
A. Summer, Winter
13. The Kharif Crops are grown in the sea-
son? B. Autumn, Summer

A. Winter C. Spring, Summer

B. Summer D. Winter, Spring

1.41 Sugarcane
1. Which of the following is a fibre crop? C. 12 to 18 months
A. Rice D. none of the above
B. Wheat 6. Which is not a primary activity?
C. Jute A. Agriculture
D. Sugarcanr
B. Fishing
2. To grow one kilogram of sugarcane, it C. Manufacturing
D. Gathering
A. 1500-3000 litres of water
7. Manufacturing of bread is :
B. 100 litres of water
C. 1 litre of water A. Primary Activities

D. none of above B. Secondary Activities

C. Tertiary Activities
3. In India shifting cultivation is called
D. Quaternary Activities
A. Ladang
B. Jhumming 8. What should the temperature be for a sug-
arcane plant to grow
C. Milpa
A. 260 to 200 C
D. Roca
B. 200 to 20 C
4. Sugarcane is originally from
C. none of the above
A. South East Asia
D. 200 C to 26 C
B. America
C. China 9. Type of farming practised to meet the
needs of farmers family is farming
D. London
A. Commercial
5. How much time does it take for sugarcane
B. Shifting cultivation
to mature?(growing) in India
C. Subsistence
A. 10 to 18 months
D. Mixed
B. 11 to 20 months
1.42 Seed Production and Technology 568

1.42 Seed Production and Technology

1. What is the source of foundation seed? C. Azure blue
A. Nucleus seed D. White
B. Breeder seed
3. Foundation seed production is taken up by
C. Foundation seed
D. Certified seed A. Qualified breeder

2. What is the colour of nucleus seed? B. Originating breeder

A. No tag C. Seed corporations

B. Golden yellow D. Scientists of ICAR

1.43 Agroforestry
1. Established in the mid 20th century, this B. alternate strips
man-made forest located in the border of C. Trees along border
Loboc and Bilar towns in Bohol, features
what type of tree? D. alternate rows
A. Molave 5. What is a fishing quota?
B. Narra A. The number of fish that is not allowed
C. Mahogany to be fish in a fishery.
D. none of above B. The money fishing companies get for
catching fish
2. Current Secretary of DENR
C. The maximum quantity of fish that is al-
A. Roy A. Cimatu lowed to be removed from a fishery.
B. Gina P. Lopez D. none of above
C. Ramon P. Paje
6. Forest Farming, Windbreaks, Riparian
D. Angelo T. Reyes buffers, Alley Cropping and are the
five main agroforestry practices.
3. Before putting Tony’s agroforestry plan
into action, he should consider: A. Crop rotation
A. Talking to his friends B. Silvopasture
B. Getting advice from a sustainable C. Peasant Farming
farmer D. none of above
C. Talking to a forester and an agri-
cultural expert or Cooperative Extension 7. Elvin’s map that he created of his agro-
Agent forestry plan includes the areas that are
currently covered intrees in relation to:
D. Researching chain saws
A. Water supply, fences, and access
4. Istilah lain pola pohon pembatas adalah tracks
A. random mixture B. Water supply


1.43 Agroforestry 569

C. Fencing 13. Based on Act 2666, In what Department

does the Bureau of Forestry belong in
D. Water supply and access tracks


8. Rainforests typically have more than, how A. Department of Environment and Natu-
much rainfall? ral Resources
A. 250 mm B. Department of Agrarian and Natural
B. 1500 mm
C. Department of Agriculture and Natural
C. 2500 mm Resources
D. 500 mm D. none of above
9. First Forestry School in the Philippines 14. Where are the most nutrients locked up in
A. University of the Philippines the rainforest?

B. Central Mindanao University A. The soil.

B. The biomass - the living vegetation and
C. Visayas State University
D. De La Salle University C. The litter - dead wood, leaves, and an-
imal remains on the ground.
10. Menurut Vergara (1982) contoh yang ter-
masuk ke dalam agrisilvikultur sebagai D. none of above
15. Agroforestry farming systems include sil-
A. Penanaman pohon tepi vopasture, alley cropping, windbreaking,
B. Tumpang sari and:

C. Pekarangan A. Forest fires

B. Forest farming
D. Semua benar
C. Windmills
11. Cattle release what type of greenhouse D. Farm run off
gas as a result of fermentation in their di-
gestive tract? 16. Agroforestry memiliki stabilitas ekologi
yang tinggi, karena agroforestry memi-
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon Dioxide
A. Tanaman yang ditanam lebih beragam,
C. Phosphorus teknologi yang fleksibel, kebutuhan input
D. Methane rendah
B. Multi jenis, multi strata tajuk, penggu-
12. A land issue addressed in an agroforestry naan bentang lahan secara efisien
plan is:
C. Penangkapan hujan tinggi, cahaya,
A. Farm subsidies hara mineral dan produksi biomasa
B. Impact of farm income D. Agroforestry dapat dan sangat cocok
dilakukan oleh masyarakat luas dan dapat
C. Real estate plans
meredakan ketegangan atau konflik poli-
D. Land leases for hunting and fishing tik


1.43 Agroforestry 570

17. It is the revised forestry code of the Philip- 21. Maureen’s agroforestry management plan
pines: included removing all of the mature trees.
The mostsustainable method of this re-
A. RA 9175
moval would be:
B. PD 705, as amended
A. Prescribed burn
C. RA 7161
B. Goats eating the trees
D. none of above C. Clear cutting

18. What is the collective name for land-use D. Application of an herbicide
systems and technologies where trees,
shrubs, palms, bamboos, etc. are deliber- 22. Salah satu peranan agroforestry terhadap
ately used on the same land-management aspek ekonomi adalahMengurangi dampak
units as agricultural crops and/or animals, gas rumah kaca
in some form of spatial arrangement or A. Memperbaiki kualitas tanah
temporal sequence? B. Meningkatkan kesetaraan masyarakat
A. Agriforestry sekitar
B. Agroforestry C. Menambah suplai hara
C. Agriforestation D. Menambah hasil produksi dan keuntun-
D. none of above
23. A woody and perennial plant, typically
19. What is overfishing? large and with a well-defined stem or
A. The removal of bad fish from a environ- stems carrying a more or less definite
ment crown.

B. The removal of fish/ species of fish A. Tree

from a body of water at a rate that the B. Shrub
species can not replenish in time.
C. Grass
C. The removal of dead fish from a body D. Herb
of water
D. none of above 24. Tim read that it is possible to reduce the
understory or brush from a forest by:
20. Green Revolution technology has resulted A. Using prescribed fires
in which of the following in modernagricul-
B. Starting a wild fire
C. Applying only herbicides
A. The development of high-yield grains
and the expansion of cultivated areas D. Solarizing all weeds
B. An increase in the circulation of invest- 25. Layer of the Rainforest where the tallest
ment capital to help the poorest farmers trees are found. These trees can reach
heights of 60 to 70 m. The trunks of trees
C. The loss of prime agricultural land and this tall can measure up to 5 m around.
smaller yields from grain crops A. Emergent Layer
D. The end of famine in the world B. Canopy


1.43 Agroforestry 571

C. Understory Which of the following best explains this

D. none of above change?


A. The use of genetically modified seeds
26. Clearcutting is
B. The increase of microloan programs
A. A timber harvesting practice where all that provide farmers with credit
trees larger than 20 feet tall are cut har-
C. The use of large farm tractors and
combine harvesters
B. When logging companies plant new
D. The use of improved plant hybrids and
saplings in an area bigger than 1 hectare.
agricultural chemicals.

C. A timber harvesting practice where all 31. Changes within the forest whether natu-
of the trees in a given area are harvested ral or human-induced which negatively af-
at the same time. fect the structure of function of the stand
or site, and thereby lower the capacity to
D. When forestry services clear out the supply products and/or services resulting
underbrush in a given area. to a degraded forest.
27. Where is the IndoMet Coal Project? A. Deforestation
A. Malaysia B. Degradation
B. Cambodia C. Forest Degradation
C. Thailand D. Reforestation
D. Kalimantan 32. An agreement entered into by and be-
tween the government and individu-
28. The step that most likely is the foundation als/families actually occupying or till-
of an agroforestry plan is: ing portions of the forestlands covered
A. Determining the costs by community based forest management
B. Determining the objectives
A. Certificate of Stewardship Contract
C. Determining what wildlife is on site
D. Determining the soil profile B. Certificate of Community Forestry
Stewardship (CCFS)
29. DDT, an insecticide, is in the envi-
ronment. This means it doesn’t break C. Community Forestry Stewardship
down/decompose. It lasts a long time. Agreement (CFSA)
B. synergistic
C. acute 33. The tropical rainforest covers of the
Earth’s surface
D. threshold
A. 7%
30. Between 1950 and 1990, wheat produc- B. 15%
tion in India in average pounds per acre
more than tripled, which allowed India C. 40%
to meet its population’s need for food. D. 70%


1.43 Agroforestry 572

34. Last June 4-5, a virtual gala event orga- C. Random mixture
nized by the UN Environment Programme D. Trees along border
was held in Pakistan to launch which UN
Decade celebration? 39. All of the following are characteristics of
A. United Nations Decade on Ecosystem genetically engineered crops EXCEPT
Resilience A. high water needs
B. United Nations Decade on Biodiversity B. need less fertilizer
and Ecosystem

C. faster growing
C. United Nations Decade on Ecosystem
Restoration D. higher yielding

D. none of above 40. Sometimes called “upper montane forest”

or “cloud forest”
35. Major current program
A. Mangrove Forest
A. Community-Based Forest Manage-
ment Program B. Beach Forest
B. Community Forestry Program C. PineForest
C. Coastal Environment Program D. Mossy Forest
D. Low Income Upland Communities 41. Currently, how many Implementing PEN-
Project ROs does the DENR have?
36. A community of living organisms interact- A. 71
ing with each other and with their physical B. 17
C. 81
A. Ecosystem
D. None of the above
B. Community
C. Ancestral Domain 42. Pengelolaan hutan yang dilakukan oleh
masyarakat umumnya bersifat holistic dan
D. Ecology
terhambat oleh berbagai kendala, sebagai
37. A school has been willed ten acres of berikut kecuali…..
forested land to manage for an agriculture A. a, Pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar
class. The schoolshould first:
B. Daur tanaman yang cepat
A. Create an agroforestry plan
C. Terbatasnya modal
B. Use the land for a football stadium
D. Hak kepemilikan
C. Use the property for a future bus park-
ing lot 43. Rick needs to include a riparian buffer on
D. Consider building a barn his agroforestry plan. He can do this by:
A. Establishing grasses along the
38. Kombinasi minimal dua baris tanaman
berkayu dan tanaman pertanian ditanam
secara berselang-seling adalah B. Ripping plants from his buffer
A. Alternate strips C. Planting grasses in his prairie
B. Alternate rows D. Putting goats in his pasture


1.43 Agroforestry 573

44. Inauguration of the Inspeccion General de D. When plants and animals compete for
Montes? space, resources, and/or food


A. June 1863 49. The four “I’s” of agroforestry are Inten-
B. July 1863 tional, interactive, integrated, and:
C. June 1864 A. International
D. July 1864 B. Introduction
C. Intensive
45. What is the hardest wood in the Philip-
pines? D. Impatient
A. Narra 50. Penerapan agroforestri dengan melakukan
B. Kamagong penanaman pepohonan di sekitar pemuki-
man atau sekitar rumah tinggal disebut
C. Mangkono
D. none of above A. Kebun Pekarangan
46. Jamie is considering an inexpensive and B. Talun Kebun
relatively quick growing tree that can pro- C. Tumpang sari
vide future incomein his agroforestry plan
D. Perladangan berpindah
is most likely:
A. Oak trees 51. the first Filipino Director of Bureau of
B. Pine trees
A. Florencio Tamesis
C. Magnolia trees
B. George P. Ahern
D. Ginseng
C. Emilio Aguinaldo
47. A driver to deforestation that links log- D. Manuel Roxas
ging / mining and deforestation by open-
ing new access to forestlands. 52. Jaclyn will use silvopasture for her horses.
A. Forest Products Extraction This partnership will most likely:

B. Infrastructure Expansion A. Provide a place for camping overnight

C. Agricultural Expansion
B. Provide a place to store tack for the
D. Biophysical Factors horses
48. What is the definition of the tragedy of the C. Provide food and shade for the horses
A. When humans overuse a natural re- D. Provide a watering hole
53. Who was the first forester appointed to
B. When the short-term, positive effects be the DENR Secretary?
go to the individual, while the long-term, A. Heherson Alvares
negative effects are spread out to the
group B. Fulgencio Factoran, Jr.
C. When humans act selfishly, thinking of C. Ramon Jesus Paje
their own self-interest D. none of above


1.43 Agroforestry 574

54. The toxin Bt (bacillus thuringiensis) comes 59. The intentional integration of trees and
from a cell. shrubs into crop and animal farming sys-
A. bacteria tems to createenvironmental, economic,
and social benefits is known as:
B. protist
A. Landscaping
C. corn plant
B. Agroforesty
D. fungus
C. Forestry

55. Pengkombinasian komponen berkayu (ke- D. Permaculture
hutanan) dengan pertanian (semusim) dan
sekaligus peternakan/binatang pada unit 60. A narrow strip of woodland along the
manajemen lahan yang sama disebut sandy and gravelly beaches of the sea-
coast dominated by Terminalia catappa,
A. Agrosilvopastura
Casuarina equisetifolia and etc.
B. Agrofishery
A. Beach Forest
C. Apikultur
B. Mangrove Forest
D. Silvopastura
C. Mossy Forest
56. The key concept of agroforestry and the fu- D. Pine Forest
ture of the agroforestry industry is putting
the right tree inthe right place: 61. The cutting and burning of trees
A. At the right time A. has no affect on the environment.
B. For the right purpose B. releases carbon dioxide and con-
tributes to climate change.
C. To increase the amount of trees har-
vested C. is beneficial to ecosystems and animal
D. For right now
D. reduces flooding and erosion.
57. Planting crops between rows of trees to
provide income while the trees mature is 62. How much of the Earth’s surface do Tropi-
known as: cal Rainforests cover?
A. Silvopasture A. 3%
B. Silviculture B. 22%
C. Alley cropping C. 6%
D. A riparian buffer D. 14%

58. Deforestation driven by lands into 63. Hutan adalah lahan yang luasnya minimal
forestlands was primarily through exten- 0.5 ha dan ditumbuhi oleh pepohonan den-
sive slash-and-burn shifting cultivation. gan persentase penutupan tajuk minimal
10% yang pada usia dewasa mencapai
A. Forest Products Extraction ketinggian minimal 5 meter.Hal tersebut
B. Agricultural Expansion merupakan definisi hutan menurut
C. Infrastructure Expansion A. Permenhut P.14 Tahun 2004
D. Biophysical Factors SHOW ANSWER B. UU No. 41 Tahun 1999


1.43 Agroforestry 575

C. FAO 2000 68. A long-term license executed by and be-

D. Simon 2000 tween the Secretary of the DENR, on be-
half of the government, and the grantee


64. What will Mark need to complete for ev- for the harvesting and removal from the
ery LUC in his agroforestry plan? public forest of timber and, in appropriate
cases, also of other forest products.
A. Determine carrying capacities of the
land A. Timber License Agreement
B. Visit the site everyday B. Industrial Forest Management Agree-
C. Provide a water source there
C. Certificate of Stewardship Contract
D. Create an interactive map
D. Community Based Forest Management
65. Marie lives in the mountains of North Car- Agreement
olina and wants to plant a medicinal crop 69. Dominic’s agroforestry plan should benefit
that will provide agreat deal of income wildlife, the environment, and:
for her family within their forested estate.
She chooses to plant: A. Local agricultural companies

A. Truffles B. The government

C. Children
B. Ginseng
D. The people
C. Ginkgo
D. Nettles 70. All Agroforestry practices are an in-
66. Antoine’s agroforestry farming systems A. Dumb
includes planting an area near his pond
B. Cheap
that will absorb andfilter runoff from his
horticultural cultivation areas. This is C. Expensive
known as: D. none of above
A. Silvifarming 71. What is the top layer of the rainforest?
B. Silvopasture A. Canopy layer
C. Alley cropping B. High Canopy layer
D. A riparian buffer C. Emergent layer
67. The profession embracing the science, art D. Overstory layer
and practice of creating, managing, using 72. This Bureau currently recommends policies
and conserving forests and associated re- and programs toward the achievement of
sources for human benefit in a sustainable Sustainable Forest Management based on
manner to meet desired goals, needs and science and principles of good forest gov-
values. ernance?
A. Forestry A. Bureau of Forest Development
B. Agroforestry B. Bureau of Forestry
C. Botany C. Forest Management Bureau
D. Taxonomy D. none of above


1.43 Agroforestry 576

73. How much area of the rainforest will be 78. Agroforestry fosters productivity, prof-
affected if the coal projects happens? itability, and:
A. 300 000 hectares A. Potential
B. 350 000 hectares B. Environmental stewardship
C. 275 000 hectares C. Power

D. 3 050 000 hectares D. Pragmatism

79. The first establishment of the Forester’s
74. istilah lain pola baris
Training School in the Philippines
A. trees along border A. Los Baños
B. alternate rows B. Diliman
C. alternate strip C. Cebu
D. ranndom mixture D. Baguio

75. The care and management of single trees 80. Laura must consider all of the costs asso-
and tree populations in urban settings for ciated with her agroforestry plan. These
the purpose of improving the urban envi- costs would mostlikely include:
ronment A. Articles of clothing needed to tend to
A. Urban Forestry land

B. Forestry B. Equipment used to manage land

C. The cost of the car for the landowner
C. Agroforestry
D. Cost of classes at the university to
D. none of above
learn about agoforestry
76. What is the art, science, and practice of 81. Govern climate and rainfall, water (e.g.)
studying ang managing forests, planta- flooding) waste and the spread of dis-
tions and related natural resources? ease.
A. Agriculture A. Regulating services
B. Forestry B. Provisioning services
C. Agroforestry C. Cultural services
D. none of above D. Supporting services

77. It is a land area drained by a stream 82. Forest Farming is ?

or fixed body of water and its tribu- A. The planting of crops in the alleys be-
taries having a common outlet for surface tween regularly spaced rows of trees or
runoff. shrubs.
A. Watershed B. Strips of trees and shrubs designed
to enhance crop or livestock production
B. Critical Watershed
while providing conservation benefits.
C. Watershed Reservation
C. When a farmer plans his crops ran-
D. none of above domly


1.43 Agroforestry 577

D. The cultivation of specialty crops un- D. Poison ivy

der existing forest canopies.
88. Alley cropping is ?


83. Komoditi yang banyak digunakan sebagai A. Strips of trees and shrubs designed
tanaman pagar antara lain sebagai berikut, to enhance crop or livestock production
kecuali…. while providing conservation benefits.
A. Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala)
B. The cultivation of specialty crops un-
B. Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) der existing forest canopies.
C. Kaliandra (Calliandra haemato- C. The cultivation of crops in the alleys be-
cephala) tween regularly spaced rows of trees or
D. Kacang-kacangan (leguminose) shrubs.
D. Planting crops in a gully
84. What can we get from rainforests
A. Food 89. Supply through goods themselves, such as
food, water, timber and fiber.
B. Medicines
A. Provisioning services
C. Climate regulation
B. Regulating services
D. All of the above
C. Cultural services
85. Jack will use silvopasture for his goats.
This partnership will most likely: D. Supporting services

A. Provide food and shade for the goats 90. Keberhasilan penerapan Alley cropping
B. Provide food, shade and shelter for the dalam suatu lahan sangat bergantung
goats and trees can be harvested pada…
C. Provide only food for the goats and the A. Penentuan garis kontur, keterampilan
goats will then be eaten khusus menentukan kontur, dan perhatian
secara intensif
D. Provide shade for the goats and the
trees can be harvested B. Penentuan arah larikan
C. Pemilihan vegetasi yang digunakan
86. Practicing agroforestry results in:
dan pembuatan larikan
A. Sustainable farms, ranches and
D. Pembuatan larikan searah kontur
B. Decreased wealth in rural counties 91. Where can you find the tallest tree in the
C. Reduction in soil health
A. Agusan del Sur
D. Less habitat for wildlife
B. Surigao del Sur
87. Forest farming includes growing medicinal
C. Davao del Norte
plants, mushrooms and ferns. One highly
valued forestfarm crop grown in North D. none of above
Carolina is:
92. The Kaingin Management and Land Set-
A. Ginseng tlement Regulation was introduced under
B. Ginkgo ?
C. Echinacea A. Administrative Order No. 62, in 1971


1.43 Agroforestry 578

B. Administrative Order No. 62, in 1970 98. What is the National Strategy for Sustain-
C. Administrative Order No. 64, in 1970 able Forest Management?
D. Administrative Order No. 64, in 1971 A. Community-based Forest Manage-
93. Requiring local governments to establish
and maintain seedling nurseries. B. National Greening Program
A. Memo. Circular 985 C. Sustainable Forest Management Plan
B. Executive Order 263

D. none of above
C. Letter of Instruction 423
D. Presidential Decree 1153 99. Signaled the Filipinization of the country’s
forest service by appointing Forester Flo-
94. The UN Strategic Plan for Forests sets out
rencio R. Tamesis as Director of ?
a framework for action to safeguard the
world’s forest. In this frame, the Plan fea- A. Bureau of Forestry
tures how many Global Forest Goals?
B. Forestry Bureau
A. 17
C. Department of Agriculture and Natural
B. 6
C. 5
D. Bureau of Forest Development
D. none of above
95. The variability among living organism 100. The new Name of the Inspeccion General
from all sources including terrestrial, ma- de Montes during April 14, 1900
rine and aquatic ecosystems and ecological
complexes of which they are part. A. Department of Environment and Natu-
ral Resources
A. Species Diversity
B. Genetic Diversity B. Bureau of Forestry

C. Biological Diversity C. Forestry Bureau

D. Ecosystem Diversity D. Department Of Environment, Energy
And Natural Resources
96. Berdasarkan Permenhut P.14 Tahun 2004
aturan luas minimal hutan rakyat sebesar
101. Which of the following strategies would
help ensure that we can provide food for
A. 0.75 Ha
a growing human population?
B. 0.45 Ha
A. encourage parents to have more off-
C. 0.35 Ha spring to increase available farm labor
D. 0.25 Ha
B. increase palm oil production in poor
97. Agroforestry is a ? countries
A. Polyculture C. reduce the amount of meat consump-
B. Monoculture tion worldwide
C. A culture D. reduce the production of nitrogen fer-
D. none of above tilizers


1.43 Agroforestry 579

102. Which of these adaptations is not correct A. Executive Order No. 263
for pine trees in the taiga forest
B. Executive Order No. 26


A. Flexible branches
C. Executive Order No. 23
B. Shallow and wide roots
D. none of above
C. Deciduous leaves
D. Waxy coated leaves 107. The Department of Interior was abol-
ished and transferred all its functions and
103. Joseph’s agroforestry management plan authority to the Department of Agriculture
included removing all of the trees . The and Natural Resources (DANR)
most sustainablemethod of this removal
A. November 18, 1916
would be:
B. November 17, 1916
A. Clear cut the trees and then replant
C. November 18, 1915
B. Clear cut the trees and then pave the
space D. November 17, 1915
C. Only clear cut the trees
108. The process by which green plants and
D. Burning the trees certain other organisms use the energy of
light to convert carbon dioxide and water
104. Vegetasi mid-story pada penanaman
into carbohydrates is called?
bertingkat (Multi story cropping) umum-
nya berupa…. A. Glycolysis
A. Tanaman konifer dan tanaman kayu B. Photosynthesis
keras (hardwood) C. Transpiration
B. Tanaman kayu keras (hardwood) untuk
D. none of above
buah, nuts, kerajinan (handicraft)
C. Tanaman herbal dan jamur 109. What is the first forestry service in the
D. Tanaman obat keluarga, buah, dan
bunga A. Inspeccion General de Montes

105. The conversion of forest to another land B. De Inspeccion General Montes

use or the long-term reduction of the tree C. Inspeccion de General Montes
canopy cover below the minimum 10%
D. none of above
A. Deforestation 110. Shelby takes note of the various parts of
B. Degradation her family’s land in her agroforestry plan,
including sites forrecreational use, timber
C. Forest Degradation management, silvopasture, and wildlife.
D. Reforestation These are known as a LUC. A LUC is:

106. This Executive Order declares a mora- A. Living use contract

torium on the cutting and harvesting of B. Land use capacity unit
timber in the natural and residual forests
C. A measurement of trees in forests
and creating the anti-illegal logging task
force. D. A measurement of ecosystems


1.43 Agroforestry 580

111. What is bycatch? 116. Model atau sistem agrofofestry yang dit-
A. Catching other sea life than what you erapkan di lahan-lahan milik pada umum-
were aiming to catch nya memiliki mempunyai karakteristik :
A. Jenis beragam
B. Fish caught as the ships go by
B. Hasil yang beragam
C. Fish that escapes out of nets
C. Bersifat permanen atau berpindah
D. Fish caught at the very end of the fish-
ing season D. Bersifat permanen saja

112. All of the following are problems cre- 117. Which of the following is not a native
ated by the deforestation of rainforests tree in the Philippines?
except? A. Narra
A. increased erosion B. Acacia/Rain Tree
B. loss of biodiversity in the area C. Molave
C. changes in local rainfall levels D. none of above
D. an increase in the availability of graz- 118. Father of Philippine Forestry
ing land
A. George P. Ahern
113. Which historically significant tree was ru- B. Florencio Tamesis
mored to be planted by Emilio Aguinaldo
C. Emilio Aguinaldo
during his stay at the Malolos Cathedral
convent? D. Manuel Roxas
A. Kalayaan Tree 119. How many seasons are there in tropical
B. Kalilayan Tree rainforests?
C. Kapayapaan Tree A. 2
D. none of above B. 1
C. 4
114. Barb’s agroforestry plan outlines the
characteristics of her forest, including: D. 3

A. Description of landforms 120. First director of Forestry Bureau

B. Description of land loan or lease A. Florencio Tamesis
C. Description of current weather B. George P. Ahern
D. Description of neighboring town C. James Wilson
D. William Harrison
115. Contoh penerapan sistem agroforet-
sri kompleks (agroforest) di Kalimantan 121. Which of these is a primary producer in a
Timur adalah food web?
A. Tembawang A. Iguana
B. Huma B. Sloth
C. Dusung C. Banana Tree
D. Repong Damar D. Earthworm


1.43 Agroforestry 581

122. What cycle is being described - a set of 127. When creating an agroforestry plan, it is
processes whereby plants extract miner- essential for Lucy to:
als necessary for growth from the soils


A. Create a map of the unique areas
and water, which are then passed on
within the property
through the food chain and ultimately then
return back to the soil and water. B. Create a map of the neighboring town
A. The Carbon Cycle C. Create a chart of the known wildlife
B. The Water Cycle D. Tally the number of deer on the prop-
C. The Nutrient Cycle erty
D. The Food Cycle 128. After the Second World War, the Bureau
123. Which of these is not an example of a of Forestry was reopened with
commons? A. Forester Florencio Tamesis
A. The air B. Forester Carlos Sulit
B. The ocean
C. Forester José Salud
C. Privately owned farms
D. Forester Jordana Morera
D. none of above
129. An agreement entered into by and be-
124. Known as the Reorganization Act of the
tween a natural or juridical person and the
DENR wherein the later grants to the for-
A. Executive Order 192 mer the right to develop, utilize and man-
B. Presidential Decree 1153 age a small tract of forestland, consistent
C. Executive Order 263 with the principle of sustainable develop-
D. Letter Of Instruction 423
125. Natural causes such as typhoons, land- MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT (SIFMA)
slides, floods, drought and earthquakes as
well as forest fires and climate change are
predisposing factors to deforestation and
forest degradation. C. FOREST LAND GRAZING MANAGE-
A. Forest Products Extraction MENT AGREEMENT
C. Infrastructure Expansion
D. Biophysical Factors 130. Sistem agroforestri yang meliputi kom-
ponen kehutanan (atau tanaman berkayu)
126. cover the beauty, inspiration and recre-
dengan komponen peternakan (atau bi-
ation that contributes to our spiritual wel-
natang ternak) disebut?
A. Cultural services A. Silvopastura

B. Regulating services B. Agrisilvikultur

C. Provisioning services C. Apikultur
D. Supporting services D. Agrofishery


1.43 Agroforestry 582

131. Agroforestri terdiri dari 3 komponen 136. A decline in the productivity of an area
pokok yaitu pertanian, kehutanan, dan of land or in its ability to support natural
perternakan. Sistem agroforestri yang ecosystems or types of agriculture.
meliputi komponen kehutanan (atau tana-
A. Deforestation
man berkayu) dengan komponen peter-
nakan (atau binatang ternak) disebut? B. Degradation
A. Silvopastura C. Forest Degradation
B. Agrosilvopastura D. Reforestation

C. Agrisilvikultur 137. A forest dominated by Avicennia alba,
D. Apikultur Avicennia officinalis, Brownlowia tersa,
Bruguiera cylindrica and etc.
132. The term biotic refers to what? A. Mangrove Forest
A. The non-living parts of an ecosystem. B. Beach Forest
B. The living parts of an ecosystem. C. Pine Forest
C. Decomposers D. Dipterocarp Forest
D. none of above
138. Which of the following is NOT a way
farmers would traditionally modify plants
133. Combining trees with livestock and their
in the past?
forages on one piece of land is known as:
A. transgenic manipulation
A. Silvopasture
B. selective breeding
B. Silvofarming
C. saving seeds
C. Agronomy
D. cross-pollinating
D. Animal science
139. Land with an area of more than 0.5
134. Agriculture incorporating the cultivation hectare and tree crown cover (or equiva-
and conservation of trees. lent stocking level) of more than 10%.
A. Forestry A. Grazing Area
B. Agroforestry B. Forest
C. Urban Forestry C. Upland Community
D. None of the Above D. Communal

135. Directing active cooperation and partici- 140. Menurut (Huxley, 1999) unsur pal-
pation of government agencies in govern- ing utama di dalam sistem agrofofestry
ment reforestation programs adalah:
A. LOI 423 A. Tanaman kehutanan
B. LOI 103 B. Manusia
C. LOI 1260 C. Lahan
D. LOI 716 D. Tanaman pertanian


1.43 Agroforestry 583

141. What species is considered as agarwood 146. Includes soil formation, photosynthe-
in the Philippines? sis and nutrient cycling, which underpin
growth and production.


A. Toog
A. Provisioning services
B. Philippine Teak
B. Regulating services
C. Lapnisan
C. Cultural services
D. none of above
D. Supporting services
142. Casey’s agroforestry plan should benefit
147. A key component of Sarah’s agroforestry
wildlife, the environment, and:
management plan focuses on:
A. North Carolina’s revenue department
A. Finding jobs for local workers
B. The people
B. Wildlife identification
C. Children C. Finances
D. Local farmers D. Tree identification
143. What is the largest priority critical wa- 148. pak ardi memiliki lahan 2 Ha, terdapat
tershed in the Philippines? tanaman jati sebagai batas lahan dan tana-
A. Tamontaca River Watershed man pertanian berbagai jenis dalam lahan
tersebut. Pola agroforestri yang digu-
B. Cagayan River Watershed nakan adalah
C. Agno River Watershed A. Random mixture
D. none of above B. Trees along border
C. alley cropping
144. Industrial logging in a deciduous forest
can cause D. Alternate rows
A. an increase in atmospheric CO2 149. A key component of Hayden’s agro-
B. a decrease in flooding forestry management plan focuses on:
C. an increase in atmospheric O2 A. Finances

D. an increase in ecological services B. Tree identification

C. Social impacts
145. Beverly’s agroforestry plan includes the
D. Wildlife identification
owner’s objectives. This plan most likely:
A. Establishes woodlots for recreational 150. The science and art of managing forests
purposes so they continuously yield a maximum
quality and quantity of forest products and
B. Establishes woodlots for income pur- services.
A. Forestry
C. Establishes property lines for future
subdivision B. Agroforestry

D. Establishes property lines for tax pur- C. Urban Forestry

poses D. none of above


1.43 Agroforestry 584

151. Zach’s grandmother has a forested lot B. Wind break

where she wants to create an agroforestry C. Crop rotation
plan. Zach mostlikely advises her to:
D. Strip cropping
A. Consider how much of the scrub or
brush to remove 156. The Forest Management Bureau was cre-
B. Talk to a real estate agent ated by virtue of which policy?

C. Consider clear cutting the entire track A. Executive Order No. 192

B. Executive Order No. 26
D. Think about selling the land for a gro- C. Executive Order No. 23
cery store D. none of above
152. Which of the following agricultural inputs 157. A forest dominated by Shorea astylosa,
were the most recent technological innova- Parashorea malaanonan, Hopea reynosoi
tions employed in less developed countries G.
during the Green Revolution?
A. Pine Forest
A. Irrigated farm fields
B. Molave Forest
B. Seed hybrids and animal breeds
C. Beach Forest
C. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides
D. Dipterocarp Forest
D. Terracing in highland terrain
158. Alicia needs to include a riparian buffer
153. The first step that Jasmine must consider on her agroforestry plan. She can do this
in her agroforestry plan is: by:
A. What is the objective of the site? A. Neutralizing the pH of the soil
B. How much money can we spend? B. Planting shrubs, trees and grasses
C. How much money do I hope to gain? near the edges of water
D. When can I sell the land? C. Adding wildlife to her forests
D. Planting grasses in the prairie
154. Layer of the Rainforest where very lit-
tle light is available. Trees and shrubs 159. What does CITES stand for?
adapted to shade grow here. Most plants
A. Convention for trade in exotic species
do not grow more than 3.5 m tall.
B. Covenant in trading endangered
A. Emergent Layer
B. Canopy C. Convention on the international trade
C. Understory in endangered species
D. none of above D. Covenant on increasing trade in endan-
gered species.
155. Penanaman yang dilakukan secara
berselang-seling pada lahan kosong 160. Serena’s forest farm includes growing
seperti deretan jagung dengan diselingi medicinal plants, mushrooms and ferns.
deretan tanaman kacang tanah merupakan One highly valuedforest farm crop grown
metode pelestarian…. on her North Carolina farm is:
A. Buffering A. Ginkgo


1.44 Forage Crops and Grasses 585

B. Echinacea 165. Which of the following is an abiotic fac-

C. Ginseng tor?


D. Ginger A. Soil
B. Fauna
161. istilah lain pola campuran
C. Flora
A. Trees along border
B. Alternate rows D. Fungi

C. Alternate strips 166. Timber harvesting, fuelwood gathering,

D. Random mixture charcoal making, and non-timber forest
products (NTFP) collection continue to con-
162. When Kelly combines managing trees tribute to deforestation and forest degra-
with livestock and forages on one piece of dation.
land, she ispracticing:
A. Forest Products Extraction
A. Silviculture
B. Agricultural Expansion
B. Agronomy
C. Infrastructure Expansion
C. Animal husbandry
D. Biophysical Factors
D. Silvopasture
167. The Amazon Rainforest is located in
163. Complete Name of your Instructor
A. Southeast Asia
A. Nathanael Salisid Lamoste
B. North America
B. Dave Salisid Lamoste
C. Nathanael Lamoste C. South America

D. Dave Nathanael Lamoste D. Central America

164. What greenhouse gas in the atmosphere 168. How many medicines come from the rain-
can be captured by trees? forest?
A. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) A. 40-50%
B. Carbon dioxide B. 25-35%
C. Ozone C. 10-20%
D. none of above D. 20-30%

1.44 Forage Crops and Grasses

1. How long it takes to form silage from bor of any forages
green fodder in anaerobic process? A. Pasture
A. 40-60 days B. Haylage
B. 10-15 days C. Silage
C. 21-35 days D. hay
D. 60-90 days
3. What is the unique feature for compres-
2. The harvesting of requires the most la- sion of bale that is present only in NH


1.44 Forage Crops and Grasses 586

small square baler? B. A rotational grazing

A. Hydroformatic bale tensioning system C. A intense grazing
D. A continuous grazing
B. spring tensioning system
9. Length of cut range in FC120 single row
C. None of the above forage harvester?
D. none of above A. 5 - 15mm

4. which part is responsible for compressing B. 15-30mm
the crop residue in the bale chamber? C. 10-20mm
A. Feeder D. 2-5 mm
B. Plunger
10. These are narrow-leaf species that easily
C. Knotter grow on vacant lots and denuded areas
D. None Of the Above where the topsoil is very thin.
A. Forages
5. The is bailed at a moisture content low
enough to prevent spoilage. B. Grasses
A. Silage C. Legumes
B. Haylage D. Trees
C. Hay 11. Which crop/vegetable is not suitable for
D. Silo pneumatic planter?
A. Mustard
6. What is the plunger speed of Small square
baler? B. Lady Finger
A. 93SPM C. Potato
B. 90SPM D. All of above
C. 94SPM 12. These are broadleaf species, noted for
D. 89SPM their high protein content and these have
root nodules with microorganisms known
7. Theses grasses originally from tropical re- as rhizobium.
gions, they thrive in the scorching sun and A. Forages
high temperatures. They are best grown in
temperatures are between 75-90 degree. B. Grasses
A. Hot season grasses C. Legumes
B. Cool season grasses D. Trees
C. Warm season grasses 13. Green, Chopped forage that has been al-
D. All season grasses lowed to perment in the absence of air.
A. hay
8. A one-pasture system on which livestock
has unrestricted access to the pasture area B. pasture
throughout the grazing systems is? C. silagesilage
A. A non-continuous grazing D. haylage


1.44 Forage Crops and Grasses 587

14. Which of the following plants are C. Pinto-peanut

grasses? D. Para grass


A. Alfalfa
20. A warm season grass is
B. Wheat
A. sweet clover
C. Clover
B. bromegrass
D. Peas
C. reed canary grass
15. In this system of pasture utilization, the D. bermuda grass
goats are tied each to a rope about 6 to
10-meter long. 21. What is the model name of NH small
A. Grazing system square baler?

B. Silage making A. BC 5060

C. Tethering B. BR 6090

D. Zero grazing C. RB 180

D. BB 890
16. In pneumatic Planter the seed sticks on
seed disc is due to 22. Hay is raked to
A. Blower A. allow even drying
B. Gum B. allow the hay to fermet
C. Vacuum C. reduce its maturity
D. Hydraulic D. remove leaves and weeds

17. Determine in order to figure out how many 23. The following composition are used in mak-
animals can be fed by the pasture that is ing UMMB except for
available.‘ A. Cement
A. pasture B. Salt
B. jay C. Vitamins
C. Carrying Capacity D. Minerals
D. Silo
24. The most important legume hay in the US
18. Which country is No. 1 in Milk production is
A. China A. clover
B. Israel B. lespedeza
C. India C. bird’s-foot trefoil
D. USA D. alfalfa

19. Which one does not belong to the group of 25. This refers to several grazing systems
legumes. where animals are allowed to graze only
a small portion of the pasture while other
A. Malungay paddocks are rested and allowed to re-
B. Paper tree cover.


1.44 Forage Crops and Grasses 588

A. A rotational grazing 31. It is a creeping perennial plant with stout

B. A continuous grazing above the ground runners which root fully
at the nodes and grows well under the
C. A intense grazing warm moist conditions
D. A round about grazing A. Centrosema
26. Consists of plants that are planted with B. Guinea grass
plants that require protection during early C. Napier
stages of development.

D. Para grass
A. Nurse Crop
B. Silo 32. What is the width of small Square baler
C. carrying capacity
A. 1.6 m
D. tillers
B. 1.83 m
27. Which of the following would best define C. 2 m
D. 2.1 m
A. A living organism
33. What is a grasses that is compacted and
B. Grass that is mowed
stored in airtight conditions, typically in a
C. Plant material grazing by livestock silo, without first being dried and used as
D. Grass that is mowed and dried animal feed in the winter?
A. Hay
28. How many rotary forks are there in the
small square baler? B. Silage
A. 1 C. Haylage
B. 2 D. Forage
C. 3 34. An airtight storage facility for silage or
D. 4 haylage.
A. silo
29. Forage that is harvested by livestock as
they graze. B. pasture
A. Tillers C. silage
B. silo D. hay
C. pasture 35. This begins with a forage system that
D. nurse crop allows the maximum number of grazing
days per year with forages that are suited
30. What is the most grown grass in Missis- to the land, the livestock and the farmer.
sippi? What kind of system is this?
A. Fescues A. A continuous grazing system
B. Bermudagrass B. A rotational grazing system
C. Cat grass C. A nonexistent grazing system
D. Ryegrass D. A good grazing system


1.44 Forage Crops and Grasses 589

36. Which of the following would best define 41. Crops harvested for their vegetative
a pasture? growth are called


A. Acreage that is for sale A. forages
B. Acreage that is just used for grass B. pasture

C. Acreage depending on what is being C. hay

grazed D. silage
D. Acreage that is used to build a house 42. What is the bale weight of NH small
square baler?
37. Forage that is cut and allowed to dry to
40-55% moisture before storing is called A. 15-30 kg
B. 40-50 kg
A. pasture C. 150-200 kg
B. hay D. 500-700 kg
C. silage 43. In this system of pasture utilization, the
D. haylage goats are allowed to graze in the pasture
area for at least eight hours a day and are
38. It is a robust perennial species reaching the only kept inside the house during the un-
height 2-5 meters when mature and it is favorable hours of the day and during bad
spread by short stout underground stem to weather.
give stool up to 1 meter across. A. Grazing system
A. Centrosema B. Silage making
B. Malungay C. Tethering
C. Napier D. Zero grazing

D. Carabao grass 44. What is the model name of fixed chamber

round baler?
39. Pinto peanut, siratro and centrocema are A. BC 5060
examples of
B. BR 6090
A. Grasses
C. RB 180
B. Legumes
D. BB 890
C. Flowers
45. This forage should be 50-60% moisture.
D. Trees
A. Soil
40. Which tractor is recommended for B. Silage
C. Hay
A. NH 7500 D. Haylage
B. NH 3230
46. How many knotters are there in small
C. NH 9010 square baler?
D. NH 3600-2 A. 1


1.44 Forage Crops and Grasses 590

B. 2 52. This are types of grasses that thrive in ar-

eas with cold winters and hot summers.
C. 3
These grasses grow best when tempera-
D. 4 ture are between 60-75 degree.

47. In which crop baler can run A. Hot season grasses

B. Cool season grasses
A. Paddy straw
C. Warm season grasses
B. Wheat straw

D. All season grasses
C. Maize stover
53. The type of mower that cuts with a
D. All of the above
scissors-type action is a mower.
48. How to set the depth of sowing in A. rotary
PP400? B. flail
A. By Ground wheel height adjustment C. sickle-bar
B. By tractor lift D. vibrating
C. By Press Wheel height adjustment
54. FC200, generally how many rows of
D. By transport lock maize crop can harvest at a time?
A. 3 to 4
49. What is the practice of moving grazing
livestock between pastures often called B. 4 to 6
paddocks is? C. 2
A. A rotational grazing D. 1
B. A intense grazing 55. In which branding FC200 is known in for-
C. A continuous grazing age harvester market
D. A around about grazing A. New Holland
B. CaseiH
50. Consist of plants that are plants that are
planted with pants that require protection C. Blue Series
during early stages of development. D. FPT
A. Nurse Crop 56. Determining how many animals can be fed
B. Silo by the pasture that is available.‘

C. carrying capacity A. pasture

B. jay
D. tillers
C. carrying capacity
51. Which is not use for fodder harvesting D. silo
A. FC120
57. Forage that has been cut and dried until it
B. FR500 contains a low level of moisture.
C. PP400 A. Pasture
D. FP230 B. Hay


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 591

C. Silage B. Limiting factors

D. Silo C. Continuous factors


58. The practice of seeding a second crop into D. Feeding factors
one that is already growing.
62. Silage made from grass that has been par-
A. silo tially dried.
B. haylage
A. silo
C. tillers
B. haylage
D. Overseeding
C. carrying capacity
59. The production of forages in the US equals D. hay
% of the land used for crops.
A. 25 63. A gathers dry forage, compresses it,
and ties it with twine and wire.
B. 35
A. drill
C. 50
D. 65 B. cutter
C. baler
60. Flail-type forage harvested are usedto har-
vest low-moisture silage. D. stacker
A. silo 64. In this system of pasture utilization, the
B. haylage forage is cut and chopped in the field each
C. carrying capacity day by a farmer and hauled to the goats
and sheep.
D. hay
A. Grazing system
61. This is any abiotic or biotic factor that con-
B. Silage making
trol the number of individuals in a popula-
tion. C. Tethering
A. Carry Capacity D. Zero grazing

1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture

1. At which career development event (CDE) A. Associates Degree (2 year)
is a student given 30 minutes to prepare B. Bachelors Degree (4 year)
a speech on an agricultural topic and then
present that speech to a panel of judges? C. Bachelors Degree plus advanced de-
gree & additional training
A. agricultural sales
D. High School Diploma
B. extemporaneous public speaking
C. prepared public speaking 3. Which is true of DNA?
D. the FFA Creed A. cannot be duplicated

2. What education level is required to be a B. found in all living cells

vet? C. found only in male cells


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 592

D. produced only in a test tube 10. Which is a product of genetic engineering

related to weed control?
4. water that drains out of a soil right
after it has been wetted. A. Roundup-ready soybeans
A. Free (gravitational) B. High-oleic peanuts
B. Capillary C. Bt corn
C. Hygroscopic D. Delayed-ripening tomatoes
D. none of above

11. it dissolves or otherwise changes most
other materials
5. Experience means?
A. Potable water
A. permit individualization of instruction
B. Universal solvent
B. to become established in an agri-
science business C. Water cycle
C. anything and everything observed, D. none of above
done, or lived through
12. The only acceptable way to start a motion
D. none of above is to say
6. In what year was the NFA formed (New A. “I believe”
Farmers of America) for black students? B. “I make a motion that”
A. 1928 C. “I move”
B. 1935 D. “I think”
C. 1950
13. The selection of a product or service to be
D. 1965 sold for profit is called the:
7. What is SAE? A. buying function
A. superior agriculture education B. distribution function
B. supervised agriculture experience C. promoting function
C. significant agriculture endurance D. selling function
D. standard agriculture expectations
14. Tools may be classified according to:
8. What did John Deere invent? A. use
A. iron plow B. color
B. crop rotation system C. construction.
C. steel moldboard plow D. origin.
D. combine
15. What was one of the first commercial prod-
9. What do you call a mature female sheep? ucts made by genetic engineering?
A. Ewe A. insulin
B. Cow B. golden rice
C. Mare C. ethanol
D. Filly D. fertilizer


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 593

16. The most important feed grain for live- C. Anything Living
stock is: D. Animals and Plants


A. rice
22. level below which soil is saturated
B. barley with water
C. wheat A. Water Cycle
D. corn B. Water Table
C. Watershed
17. Potato, 6.0
D. none of above
A. acid
B. base 23. Definition of gestation
A. the act of food being digested in the
C. neutral
D. none of above
B. the process of growing offspring in the
18. Recombinant DNA technology can best be womb
described as involving the: C. eating special feed
A. design of farm equipment through D. the process of growing into an adult
computer imaging. animal
B. implementation of soil conservation 24. Agricultural Education
practices. A. Modern principles and practice for an-
C. manipulation of the genetic content of imal growth and management
cells. B. Basic science of the plant and the ani-
D. study of rock formations using global mal kingdom.
positioning satellites. C. Science of insect life.
19. Definition of Calving D. Teaching and program management in
A. A pig having babies
25. Who often works in government agencies,
B. A horse having a baby
advising land owners and managing game
C. A cow having a baby populations on public lands?
D. A sheep having babies A. Urban Forester
20. What major plant science industry is the B. Wildlife Biologist
following career in?NURSERY OPERATOR C. Wildlife Manager
A. Ornamental Horticulture D. Game Warden
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production 26. A species of fish most often raised in aqua-
C. Agronomy culture systems where there is cold, run-
ning water in streams is:
D. General Plant Science
A. trout
21. What are Natural Resources? B. catfish
A. Manmade items on Earth C. sunfish
B. Physical features on Earth D. none of above


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 594

27. A producer’s share of each dollar spent for B. they can only store small amounts of
bread and cereals in the US is about food in their digestive system.
A. 11 cents C. they can digest large amounts of
B. 15.4 cents roughage.

C. 25 cents D. none of above

D. 75 cents 33. What three grains are referred to as cereal

28. The most important legume hay in the US
is A. barley, rye, corn
A. Clover B. rice, wheat, corn
B. Lespedeza C. wheat, corn, barley
C. Bird’s-foot trefoil D. corn, wheat, rye
D. Alfalfa 34. What is a castrated male cow?
29. Three taps of the gavel signals the mem- A. Barrow
bers to B. Heifer
A. Say the pledge C. Steer
B. Rise D. Gelding
C. Be Seated
35. The only acceptable way to start a motion
D. Vote in an FFA meeting is to say,
30. The products and services that are pro- A. I motion that
vided in most of the areas in the agri- B. I believe
science wheel of fortune seem to flow to
or originate from C. I make a motion that
A. agriculture processing, products, and D. I move
36. In agriscience as well as other sciences, the
B. agriscience professions method used to solve a problem is called
C. horticulture the:
D. production agriculture A. educated-guess method.
B. most-popular-decision technique.
31. classify soil according to the most ap-
propriate use. Requires bachelor’s degree C. process of elimination.
A. Soil Conservationist D. scientific method.
B. Soil Scientist 37. comparing unknown quantities to a refer-
C. Forestry Consultant ence
D. none of above A. observing

32. Poultry rations must be high in food value B. inferring

since chickens have no true stomach and: C. predicting
A. they do not like to eat. D. measuring


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 595

38. Tamara wants to conduct an SAE that is 44. What is a mature female of the cattle
appropriate for students who want to use breed called?
the scientific method. Which SAE is BEST


A. Cow
for her to use?
A. Analytical B. Mare
B. Experimental C. Heifer
C. Improvment D. Jill
D. Placement
45. carrying out an investigation
39. One of the first commercial products cre-
A. communicating
ated by genetic engineering was:
A. artificial sweetener. B. experimenting
B. buttermilk. C. inferring
C. insulin. D. classifying
D. synthetic oil.
46. What exactly is the purpose of a napkin
40. What major plant science industry is the sketch?
following career in?PLANT PROPAGATOR
A. They help you see what you think about
A. Ornamental Horticulture a topic and provides a quick way to ex-
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production press an idea on a surface.
C. Agronomy B. To sketch a quick idea of a up to scale
D. General Plant Science drawing.

41. The purpose of the seed coat is to: C. To use as a surface for a final draft of
an idea.
A. Feed the seed
D. They help to sketch quick ideas that
B. Protect the seed
are final and up to scale.
C. Filter the light
D. Store food 47. how much raw sugar been produced

42. What is the usual number of offspring a A. 1.8m

cow has in one calving? B. 2m
A. 3 C. 3.2m
B. 1
D. 1.3m
C. 0
D. 2 48. The appropriate tool for turning various
size nuts and bolts is a/an:
43. The Angus is best known for its:
A. adjustable wrench.
A. black color and high quality meat
B. hump and heat tolerence B. allen wrench

C. large calves and fast growth rate C. auger bit.

D. large size and leaner meat D. extension.


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 596

49. Which career supplies flowering plants to C. Increase body fat on hogs.
a florist?
D. Reduce hybrid vigor.
A. Floral Designer
54. use of science in agriculture to produce
B. Forest ranger
food, clothing, and housing
C. Greenhouse manager
A. agriculture
D. Landscape architect
B. agriscience

50. Businesses that sell supplies to agencies
C. agribusiness
that provide services for people in agri-
science. D. commercial farm
A. Agriscience Supplies and Services 55. Soil pH affects the availability of:
B. Horticulture
A. Nutrients in the soil
C. Plenty of Opportunities
B. The structure of soil
D. The Wheel of Fortune
C. The land class of soil
51. provides leadership on food, agriculture, D. Microbes in the soil
natural resources, rural development, nu-
trition, and related issues based on sound 56. A breed of cattle that is red with a white
public policy, the best available science, face and raised primarily for beef produc-
and efficient management. tion is:
A. production agriculture A. Angus.
B. Florida Department of Agriculture and B. Hereford
Consumer Services
C. Brahman
C. United States Department of Agricul-
ture D. none of above
D. green revolution 57. A main motion is made to have refresh-
ments after all meetings. It must pass by
52. A major advantage of owning a business
A. control over your destiny A. Majority Vote

B. financial responsibility B. Roll Call Vote

C. the relationship of business income C. Secret Ballot Vote

and family finances D. Two- thirds majority vote
D. a shorter work week
58. commercial firms developed in support of
53. Purebred breeders use high-quality boars agriculture
as a MAJOR way to:
A. agribusiness
A. Decrease the influence of marketing
B. ornamental
on prices.
C. turf
B. Improve genetic makeup of one breed
of swine. D. entomology


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 597

59. Resources provided by nature that can re- 64. Which type of chicken is used for meat?
place themselves: A. Bantam


A. agronomy B. Layer
B. animal science C. Broiler
C. aquaculture D. Turkey
D. renewable resources 65. Of the cereal grains grown worldwide, the
most important is:
60. what is Real - world experience?
A. wheat
A. A supervised experience program
B. barley
B. conducting the activity in the daily rou-
C. corn
tine of our society
D. rice
C. opportunities for earning while learn-
ing 66. Of the many hands on experiences Sandy
D. experience obtained while working in has through SAE and FFA, which is MOST
actual job setting helpful in helping her learn to identify
61. Which is an application of biotechnology in A. Grading products in the poultry evalu-
agriscience? ation CDE
A. Genetic engineering B. Preaping and delievering and extempo-
raneous speech
B. Planting seed
C. Reciting the FFA Creed
C. Stem cuttings
D. Working as an intern at a nursery
D. Selective breeding
67. What can you see with a pictorial draw-
62. Parts of the industry that haul, grade, pro- ing?
cess, package, and market commodities
A. Two views, top, and side are in view .
from production sources.
B. Two views, front, and top are in view .
A. Horticulture
B. Forestry C. All three views, front, side (end), and
C. Agriscience Processing, Products, and top are in view .
Distribution D. No views are present.
D. Careers That Safisfy 68. In the till method of seedbed prepa-
ration, seeds are planted directly into the
63. What what is an immature female of the
residue of the previous crop without ex-
cattle breed called?
posing the soil.
A. Hen A. no
B. Filly B. conventional
C. Heifer C. minimum
D. Gilt D. row


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 598

69. The first step in the scientific method of D. Raising aquatic animals under con-
problem-solving is to: trolled conditions. Also, the management
A. collect data. of the aquatic environment for production
of plants and animals.
B. prepare a written report.
C. identify the problem. 75. Which has the most impact in the availabil-
ity of nutrients in a soil or plant growing
D. draw conclusions. media?

70. A person who works in the equine industry A. type of plants grown
is primarily working with: B. improper soil or media ph
A. cats C. size of container
B. hogs D. amount of air in the media
C. horses
76. Biochemistry
D. sheep
A. Chemistry as it applies to living matter.
71. The FFA Creed was written by
A. Henry Groseclose B. Science of insect life.
B. Jimmy Carter C. Science of soils and field crops.
C. George Washington D. The science of producing, processing,
and marketing fruits, vegetables, and or-
D. E.M. Tiffany namental plants.
72. Many professional agricultural organiza- 77. A Career Pathway is:
tions require their members to:
A. Jobs in Agriscience
A. attend weekly meetings
B. Careers in construction
B. give a percentage of their profits to the
organization C. Careers grouped by similar interests
D. Jobs in school
C. pay membership dues
D. take an oath 78. What does simulate means?
A. to look or at like
73. Which product is most commonly exported
from the United States? B. The method used for students to ob-
tain real- world experience .
A. Bananas
C. Conducting the activity in the daily rou-
B. Tea
C. Cocoa
D. none of above
D. Beef
79. Which is the most accurate statement
74. Aquaculture about food insecurity?
A. Use of modern principles in growing A. It is a problem mainly in African coun-
and managing crops. tries
B. Crop Science B. It is a global problem
C. Agricultural Engineering C. It is a problem only in Asian countries


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 599

D. It is only a problem where govern- B. All aspects of water conservation and

ments are corrupt management.


80. Who works in the field tagging animals, C. Science dealing with the characteris-
gathering data and assisting with re- tics of elements or simple substances.
search D. The science of producing, processing,
A. Soil Technician and marketing fruits, vegetables, and or-
namental plants.
B. Wildlife Technician
86. Which term describes the organization and
C. Wildlife Manager
transportation of the product?
D. Ecologist
A. marketing
81. how many pounds of rice been produced B. distribution
A. 1.4b C. production
B. 2.7b D. processing
C. 3.2b
87. What is the meaning of the greek word
D. 6.1b logy?
82. The first line of the FFA motto is: A. study
A. “Doing to learn.” B. work

B. “Earning to live.” C. write

C. “Learning to do.” D. speak

D. “Living to serve.” 88. Crop Science

83. Which leadership career development A. All aspects of water conservation and
event (CDE) is a basic statement of be- management.
liefs about FFA and agriculture? B. Chemistry as it applies to living matter.
A. FFA Creed
C. Animal growth, care, and manage-
B. Prepared Public Speaking
C. Extemporaneous Public Speaking
D. Use of modern principles in growing
D. Parliamentary Procedure and managing crops.
84. Which organization is most likely agricul- 89. Which plant growing medium is a mineral
turally related? mica-type material?
A. Boy Scouts A. peat moss
B. The Grange B. perlite
C. Hot Rod Association C. soil
D. Red Hat Society D. vermiculite
85. Horticulture 90. What is the major use for the Broad-
A. Use of cells or components of cells to Breasted White?
produce products or processes. A. Bantam show hens


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 600

B. Commercial turkey production B. 1928

C. Home egg production C. 1935
D. none of above D. 1950

91. The science of growing fruits, vegetables 97. The biggest industry in the United States
and ornamental plants: is
A. agriculture A. retail

B. horticulture B. energy
C. agriscience C. agriculture
D. agribusiness D. construction

92. analyzing results to form conclusions 98. Who provides assistance in managing
A. inferring forests for the private landowner as well
as the commercial grower?
B. predicting
A. Forester
C. experimenting
B. Timber Cruiser
D. classifying
C. Logging Foreman
93. The female part of a flower is called the: D. Skidder Operator
A. Pistil
99. The main source of carbohydrates in feed-
B. Petal ing swine is:
C. Anther A. feed supplements
D. Filament B. cereal grains
94. The use of airplanes is an example of C. alfalfa hay
seeding D. tankage
A. Row crop
100. Who classifies soil according to the most
B. Drill appropriate use? Requires bachelor’s de-
C. Aerial gree (4 yr).
D. Broadcast A. Soil Conservationist

95. In the United States we spend of each B. Soil Scientist

dollar we earn on food. C. Silviculturist
A. 50% D. Forestry Consultant
B. 10% 101. Businesses that are affected by farming
C. 20% include:
D. 6% A. fuel companies

96. In what year did the FFA receive a federal B. banks

charter from Congress (Public Law 740)? C. Insurance agents
A. 1920s D. all of the above


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 601

102. cycling water between water be considered as what type of Research

sources, atmosphere, and surface areas SAE?


A. Water Table A. Analytical
B. Watershed B. Experimental
C. Water Cycle C. Invention
D. none of above D. Placement
103. Who uses soil auger/soil tube to take 108. Forages that are cut and allowed to dry
soil samples and do technical field work? to 40-55% moisture before storing is
A. Soil Technician called
B. Wildlife Technician A. Silage
C. Wildlife Manager B. Haylage
D. Ecologist C. Hay
104. producing one or two products in large D. Cubes
109. one who scientifically manages
A. subsistence farming forests (specializing in the care of trees)
B. diversified farming
A. Logger
C. specialized farming
B. Soil Scientist
D. sustainable agriculture
C. Silviculturist
105. As a beginning agriculture student, Millie D. none of above
wants to learn about a lot of different ca-
reer options. What SAE is BEST for her to 110. Sybal has performed several service
conduct? learning and school-based enterprise ac-
A. Exploratory tivities that count toward her agricultural
education grade. The activities will be
B. Improvment graded as:
C. Placement
A. recreation
D. Supplemental
B. FFA participation
106. Hope makes a motion to have a dance, C. agricultural extra credit
but before discussion from the floor can oc-
cur on the motion, it must be: D. Supervised Agricultural Experience

A. amended. 111. What helps children with Vitamin A defi-

B. seconded. ciency?
C. tabled. A. BT corn
D. voted on. B. golden rice
C. yellow sunshine
107. Jasmine wants to create a tool to help
shell pecans at her home. Her project will D. legumes


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 602

112. Adjournment means that: 117. Which statement is true?

A. the floor is open for business. A. Both the number of dairy farms and
number of cows in the United States has
B. the group must move to a new location.
B. The number of dairy farms in the
C. the group will no longer conduct offi- United States has increased while the size
cial business in the meeting. of dairy farms has decreased.
D. recreation is not allowed after meet-

C. The number of dairy farms has de-
ings. creased while the size of the dairy farm
has increased.
113. Organic Food
D. Both the number of cows and the size
A. Science dealing with the characteris- of farms have decreased in the United
tics of elements or simple substances. States.
B. Food that has been grown without the
use of certain chemical pesticides. 118. Professional Agricultural Organizations
are often related to a:
C. Animal growth, care, and manage-
A. a piece of equipment
B. commodity
D. Teaching and program management in
agriculture. C. legislator
D. specific company
114. Pollen is produced in the stamen by the:
119. The consumer demands hogs today that
A. Pistil
B. Stigma
A. Able to grow without being fed grain.
C. Filament
B. Fat type hogs that produce lard for
D. Anther cooking.
C. Good for soap production.
115. What invention led to a rise in corn
prices? D. Lean type hogs for meat production.
A. ethanol 120. A person who studies and applies genet-
B. combine ics:
A. Artificial Breeding Technician
C. pesticides
B. Hatchery Manager
D. fertilizers
C. Geneticist
116. Which tool would best be used for mak- D. Microbiologist
ing a quick cut on a jobsite?
A. Table Saw 121. What major plant science industry is the
following career in?FEDERAL GRAIN IN-
B. Miter Saw SPECTOR
C. Drill A. Ornamental Horticulture
D. Circular Saw B. Fruit & Vegetable Production


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 603

C. Agronomy 127. When analyzing competing products or

services, which is not a function?
D. General Plant Science


A. price
122. The Management of wetlands, range- B. quality
lands, water, fish and wildlife.
C. service
A. Forestry
D. supply
B. Agriscience Mechanics
128. Who does research on habitat and
C. Renewable Natural Resources wildlife and advises government agencies
D. Careers That Help Others in establishing fish/game laws and habi-
tat improvement programs? Requires min-
123. Science of insect life imum of bachelor’s degree (4 yr)

A. entomology A. Urban Forester

B. Wildlife Biologist
B. horticulture
C. Wildlife Manager
C. agronomy
D. Game Warden
D. animal sciences
129. The floriculture Career Development
124. The Advisor is stationed by the Event (CDE) primarily allows students to:
A. flag A. earn money while working.
B. sun B. develop technical knowledge.

C. owl C. develop confidence in giving a speech.

D. plow
D. identify trees used for pulpwood.
125. What major plant science industry is 130. A student may join 4-H or Scout groups
the following career in?LANDSCAPE CON- to learn agriscience concepts as early as
A. college
A. Ornamental Horticulture
B. high school
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production C. middle school
C. Agronomy D. none of the above
D. General Plant Science
131. Definition of a lamb
126. In what year did the Smith-Hughes Act A. A baby goat
establish funding for vocational agricul- B. A baby horse
ture in high school?
C. A baby pig
A. 1917 D. A baby sheep
B. 1928
132. developing an assumption of the out-
C. 1935 come
D. 1950 A. predicting


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 604

B. inferring 138. Which of the following is the plant source

C. experimenting of linseed oil?

D. measuring A. Hay
B. Wheat
133. A person who estimates timber volume is
called: C. Flax
A. Skidder D. Corn

B. Timber cruiser
139. High Technology
C. logging foreman
A. The study of the properties and man-
D. none of above agement of soil to grow plants.
134. Which of the following is not one of the B. Space and mass around us.
three pillars of sustainability?
C. Use of electronics and ultramodern
A. Social equipment to perform tasks and control
B. Environmental machinery and processes.

C. Economic D. Science of insect life.

D. Political 140. The first degree a High School student can
135. a farm that produces plants or animals get is a?
that are to be sold A. Greenhand
A. agriculture B. Discovery
B. agriscience C. Chapter
C. agribusiness D. State
D. commercial farm
141. producing enough food to live; production
136. the top layer of the Earth’s surface, of food primarily for consumption by the
which is suitable for the growth of plant farmer’s family
A. subsistence farming
A. Wildlife
B. diversified farming
B. Soil Resources
C. specialized farming
C. Water Resources
D. sustainable agriculture
D. none of above

137. is the large area in which water is 142. Select the following crops which should
absorbed from rain or melting snow and be packaged in a manner to protect from
from which water drains cosmetic defects.

A. Water Table A. Grain & Cereal Crops

B. Watershed B. Fiber Crops
C. Water Cycle C. Fruits & Vegetables
D. none of above D. Forage Crops


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 605

143. In what year did the FFA and NFA 148. The moldboard plow is the primary tillage
merge? machine for the tillage system.


A. 1950 A. No-till
B. 1965 B. Conventional
C. 1969 C. Minimum

D. 1988 D. None of the answers are correct

149. What major plant science industry is the

144. What item on the agenda reminds mem-
following career in?GOLF COURSE SUPER-
bers of what happened at the last meet-
A. Ornamental Horticulture
A. Reading of the Minutes
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production
B. Financial Report
C. Agronomy
C. Adjournment
D. General Plant Science
D. Call to Order
150. One of the last items in an order of busi-
145. A leadership organization of the coopera- ness is
tive extension system is A. new business
A. Boy Scouts B. officer reports
B. FFA C. reading of the minutes
C. Grils Scouts D. treasurer’s report
D. 4-H 151. The acronym SAE stands for:
146. The transmission of characteristics from A. Supervised Agricultural Education
an organism to its offspring through genes B. Supervised Agricultural Experience
in reproductive cells is known as:
C. Super Advanced Education
A. progeny.
D. None of the Above
B. traits.
152. Which one of the following is a horticul-
C. heredity. ture crop?
D. genetics. A. Peaches

147. Jackie moves to amend the motion to B. Rice

have the banquet at the school cafeteria. C. Sugarcane
What is she MOST likely trying to do to D. Cotton
the motion?
A. Change it 153. The acronym USDA stands for the govern-
ment agency known as:
B. Kill it
A. United States Department of Agricul-
C. Preserve it ture
D. Restore it B. United States Division of Agriculture


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 606

C. Universal Standards of Democrats in 158. As a beginning agriculture student, Mil-

America lie wants to learn about a lot of different
D. United States Development of Agricul- career options. In which area of her foun-
ture dational SAE should she start?
A. Agricultural Literacy
154. Renewable Natural Resources
A. Basic science of the plant and the ani- B. Career Exploration
mal kingdom. C. Employability Skills

B. Pest control program based on D. Workplace Safety
multiple-control practices.
C. Application of engineering principles 159. What major plant science industry is the
in agricultural settings. following career in?PRODUCE MANAGER
D. Resources provided by nature that can A. Ornamental Horticulture
replace themselves.
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production
155. Agriculture C. Agronomy
A. The application of science to industrial
D. General Plant Science
B. Activities concerned with the produc- 160. on the job training is?
tion of plants and animals, and the related
A. high school agriscience programs
supplies, services, mechanics, products,
processing, and marketing. B. anything and everything that is ob-
C. The study of the properties and man- served, done, or lived
agement of soil to grow plants. C. experience obtained while working in
D. Space and mass around us an actual job setting

156. What should always be worn in the shop D. none of above

when working?
161. Which of the following was not listed as
A. Safety Belt a service the environmental resource man-
B. Safety Glasses agement provides?
C. Safety Vest A. Air Quality
D. Safety Toe Shoes B. Safety
157. Haley learned that part of her grade in C. Risk Management
agricultural education was given for work-
D. Marketing
based learning activities that help her gain
employability skills for college and career
162. Which career is responsible for shoeing
readiness. She learned the grade was for:
horses feet?
A. early graduation
A. Farrier
B. FFA participation
B. Nutritionist
C. Supervised Agricultural Experience
C. Farm hand
D. becoming established in an agri-
science occupation D. Horse Vet


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 607

163. Which of the following requirements 169. Grasses grown for their edible seeds are
varies based upon the type of seeds being crops.


A. Cereal Grain
A. Soil temperature B. Legumes
B. Planting Depth C. Oil
C. Crop Spacing D. Sugar
D. All of the Above
170. Saturation often occurs after a short pe-
164. Which ensures a meeting keeps moving riod of heavy rain, why is that important
through steps from start to finish? A. irrigation is required to empty ponds
A. Order of business B. plants grow faster than they are sup-
B. Recess pose to
C. Adjournment C. ponds dry up and fish are killed
D. Opening ceremony D. soil spaces are filled with water

165. What’s the best temperature for photo- 171. Changing a characteristic by removing
synthesis works best in? and inserting genes into DNA is known as
A. 80-90
A. mapping.
B. 50-60
B. masking.
C. 65-85
C. splicing.
D. 85-95
D. swapping.
166. What is the meaning of the greek word
172. water, 7.0
A. acid
A. life
B. base
B. study
C. neutral
C. environment
D. none of above
D. nature
173. Which is a ruminant animal?
167. What does a reaper do?
A. Sheep
A. takes product from the field
B. Horse
B. separates grain from chaff
C. Chicken
C. cuts and bundles grasses
D. none of above
D. takes product, cuts, and separates
174. Permeability is the rate of movement of
168. Which is not a trait of a good leader? what through the soil?
A. courage A. air and fertilizer
B. integrity B. water and air
C. selfishness C. water and fertilizer
D. tact D. water and microorganisms


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 608

175. One of the limitations of bioremediation, C. Career Development in Education

as compared to the use of chemical tech-
D. Competing Department of Education
niques, is:
A. emissions 181. Courses in vocational agriculture were es-
B. space tablished in 1917 by the
C. time A. Smith-Hughes Act.
D. oil B. Smith-Jones Act.

176. plants grown for appearance and beauty C. Mary Smith Act.
A. ornamental D. John Smith Act.
B. turf
182. In what year did the FFA become a na-
C. entomology tional organization?
D. agronomy A. 1920s
177. What item of business should occur im- B. 1928
mediately after the reading of the min-
utes, and before the group begins unfin- C. 1935
ished business? D. 1950
A. Degree Ceremonies
183. What major plant science industry is the
B. Guest speakers
following career in?LANDSCAPE ARCHI-
C. Treasurer’s Report as well as other of- TECT
ficer reports
A. Ornamental Horticulture
D. Adjournment
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production
178. Soil tubes obtain soil for testing while
C. Agronomy
bore into soil to get samples.
A. Soil thermometer D. General Plant Science

B. Soil auger 184. What does a thresher do?

C. Soil tube A. takes product from the field
D. Soil dipstick
B. separates grain from chaff
179. Which term describes turning raw prod- C. cuts and bundles grasses
uct into desirable ones?
D. takes product, cuts, and separates
A. marketing
B. distribution 185. science of animal growth, care and man-
C. production agement
D. processing A. animal science

180. What does CDE stand for? B. entomology

A. Career Development Event C. aquaculture
B. Competition of Determining Events D. turf


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 609

186. What symbol on the FFA emblem rep- 191. The maize plant is also known as:
resents the progressive nature of agri- A. corn
science, and the need for workers in agri-


science to cooperate and work toward B. wheat
common goals? C. barley
A. American flag D. cotton
B. Plow 192. water that is held too tightly for
C. Rising sun plant roots to absorb
D. Owl A. Hygroscopic

187. Tissue culture may be used for: B. Free

C. Capillary
A. producing genetically identical plants.
D. none of above
B. disinfecting greenhouse structures.
C. sexual reproduction in floral crops. 193. Membership in FFA is limited to youth
who are
D. sterilization of soil products.
A. are in the country
188. What is a pictorial drawing?
B. enroll in an agriscience program in
A. A pictorial drawing only shows the side school
and top dimensions.
C. plan careers in agriscience
B. A pictorial drawing only shows the
D. seek leadership training
front and side dimensions.
C. A pictorial drawing shows all two di- 194. Which breed of dairy cattle is the most
mensions at once. popular, black & white, and has high milk
D. A pictorial drawing shows all three di-
mensions at once. A. Guernsey
B. Jersey
189. Jim wants to amend a motion to go to the
country fair. The three common ways he C. Brown Swiss
can amend the motion is by a: D. Holstein
A. adding, striking out, or substituting
195. Clint works for an hourly wage in a SAE
B. Combining, blending, or referring enterprise involved in production. What
C. Delaying, avoiding, or deafting activity is he MOST likely involved in?
D. Withdrawing, rescinding, or confer- A. Landscaping his home
ring B. Learning to weld
190. how many acres of forestry do louisiana C. Raising beef cattle
have D. Visiting a supply store
A. 14.9 million 196. What machine is used to harvest small
B. 11.7 million grains?
C. 12.3 million A. reaper
D. 23.7 million B. plow


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 610

C. thresher C. Basic science of the plant and the ani-

D. combine mal kingdom.
D. Space and mass around us.
197. Which of the following sciences has to do
with breeding fish?
203. What is a baby horse?
A. Forestry
A. Calf
B. Floriculture
B. Piglet

C. Botany
C. Foal
D. Aquaculture
D. Filly
198. Of all agriscience jobs, the percentage
that is not on the farms or ranches is 204. producing and using plants and animals
A. 20 percent to meet the needs of people
B. 40 percent A. agriculture
C. 60 percent B. agriscience
D. 80 percent C. agribusiness
199. What is the fruit of the flower? D. commercial farm
A. Ovule
205. What metal revolutionized agriculture?
B. Ovary
A. iron
C. Style
D. Stigma B. steel
C. aluminum
200. Who is responsible for the health and
well-being of our cities trees? D. gold
A. Urban Forester
206. Who works for the agency North Carolina
B. Wildlife Biologist Wildlife Commission responsible for con-
C. Wildlife Manager trolling the harvest of wildlife?
D. Game Warden A. Urban Forester
201. The number of floral industry workers in B. Wildlife Biologist
the united states is about C. Wildlife Manager
A. 110, 000
D. Game Warden
B. 220, 000
C. 500, 000 207. producing plants and animals; reserves
and enhances environmental quality
D. 1, 000, 000
A. subsistence farming
202. Entomology
B. diversified farming
A. Chemistry as it applies to living matter.
C. specialized farming
B. Science of insect life. D. sustainable agriculture


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 611

208. The best tool to use when pruning small 214. During whose birthday is the National
limbs to shape shrubbery is the: FFA week celebrated each year?


A. floral scissors A. Abraham Lincoln
B. pole pruner B. George Washington
C. pruning saw C. John F. Kennedy
D. pruning shears D. Thomas Jefferson
209. Which would most likely study the di- 215. The science involved in the cultivation,
gestible value of feeds? propagation, processing, and marketing of
A. Artificial breeding technician items such as flowers and vegetables is
B. Animal nutritionist known as:
C. Butcher A. entomology
D. none of above B. agronomy

210. The symbol that signifies that FFA is a na- C. horticulture

tional organization is the: D. ornamentation
A. corn
216. Biology
B. eagle.
A. Science dealing with the characteris-
C. owl tics of elements or simple substances.
D. rising sun B. Chemistry as it applies to living matter.
211. The science of working land and activi-
ties concerned with growing plants and an- C. Basic science of the plant and the ani-
imals: mal kingdom.
A. agriculture D. Science of soils and field crops.
B. horticulture
217. Girls were allowed in the FFA in:
C. agriscience
A. 1929.
D. agribusiness
B. 1943
212. The primary harvesting machine for field
C. 1951.
crops is the:
D. 1969.
A. plow
B. rototiller 218. Sybal has performed several supplemen-
C. baler tary, improvement, and exploratory ac-
tivities that count toward her agricultural
D. combine education grade. The activities will be
213. What did Thomas Jefferson invent? graded as:
A. iron plow A. Extra Credit
B. crop rotation system B. FFA Participation
C. steel moldboard plow C. Recreation
D. combine D. Supervised agricultural Experience


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 612

219. What major plant science industry is the C. Long nose pliers
following career in?VEGETABLE GROWER D. Adjustable wrench
A. Ornamental Horticulture
225. science of soil management and crops
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production
C. Agronomy A. agronomy

D. General Plant Science B. animal science

C. ag economics
220. Sulfur is used to LOWER soil pH so that

the soil becomes more: D. eg engineering
A. Acidic 226. Which might be a potential benefit of
B. Alkaline cloning animals for production purposes?
C. Eroded A. to produce identical genotypes
D. Porous B. to produce uniform products such as
chicken drumsticks
221. Which is a monogastric animal?
C. for saving a species
A. pig
B. cow D. for research purposes

C. sheep 227. The definition of Agriscience jobs are:

D. none of above A. all jobs related in some way to
plants, animals, and renewable natural re-
222. In addition to developing leadership, a
major purpose of FFA career development
events (CDEs) is to help students: B. Resources provided by nature that can
A. win proficiency awards. replace themselves.

B. increase technical agricultural skill C. Application of engineering principles

in agricultural settings.
C. write better English papers.
D. Pest control program based on
D. raise their SAT scores.
multiple-control practices.
223. If the soil pH is 6.0 and needs to be raised
228. What is a mature male horse called?
to 7.0, what amendment is best incorpo-
rated into the soil? A. Steed
A. sulfur B. Stallion
B. sodium C. Boar
C. lime D. Buck
D. magnesium
229. is one who harvests trees
224. Which is best to use when greater pres-
A. Logger
sure is needed for gripping wood, metal,
or other materials? B. Soil Scientist
A. Groove joint pliers C. Forester
B. Combination wrench D. none of above


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 613

230. The primary function of the leaf is to: 236. What is a castrated male of the cattle
A. support other plant structures breed called?


A. Gelding
B. produce flowers
B. Steer
C. produce fruit
C. Barrow
D. manufacture food for the plant
D. Wether
231. Agriscience includes studying:
237. Whose responsibility is it to control the
A. Farming harvesting of wildlife?
B. Soil A. Forest ranger
C. Hunting and Fishing B. Game warden
D. All of the above C. Animal behaviorist
232. What does PPE stand for? D. none of above

A. Possible Protection Equipment 238. advises private forest land owners.

B. Personal People Evidence A. Soil Scientist
C. Personal Protective Equipment B. Forestry consultant
D. Protective planning equipment C. Logger
D. none of above
233. Vinegar, 3.0
239. The FFA Creed was adopted by members
A. acid
at the:
B. base
A. third National FFA Convention.
C. neutral
B. thirty-third National FFA Convention.
D. none of above C. one hundred sixty-third National FFA
234. About 65% of the refined sugar produced Convention.
in the US comes from what crop? D. ninety-third National FFA Convention.
A. Sugar cane 240. The three primary nutrients supplied in a
B. Sugar Beets complete fertilizer are:
C. Corn A. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
D. Sorghym B. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
C. Calcium, magnesium, and sulfer
235. The presiding officer is regarded as the
traffic controller in a business meeting, D. Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur
and calls on members who want to speak 241. The cost to produce sugarcane be-
as they ask to be: tween 1988 and 2008.
A. Ascertained A. did not change
B. Confirmed B. increased
C. Registered C. decreased
D. Recgonized D. none of the above


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 614

242. Water Resources C. All aspects of water conservation and

A. Chemistry as it applies to living matter. management.
D. Chemistry as it applies to living matter.
B. Animal growth, care, and manage-
ment. 247. Technology

C. All aspects of water conservation and A. Application of science to an industrial

management. or commercial objective; also, the equip-
ment and expertise to cultivate, harvest,

D. Management of agricultural re- store, process, and transport crops for
sources, including farms and agribusi- consumption.
B. Modern principles and practice for an-
243. Business that was started but not com- imal growth and management
pleted in the last meeting is referred to
C. Food that has been grown without the
use of certain chemical pesticides.
A. Committee Reports.
D. Science dealing with the characteris-
B. New Business. tics of elements or simple substances.
C. Old Business.
248. What is a sketch?
D. Order of Business.
A. A rough drawing that is not to scale.
244. Of the many hands-on experiences Sandy
has through SAE and FFA, which is most B. A rough drawing that is up to scale and
helpful in teaching her learn to identify includes measurements.
plants? C. A rough drawing that is up to scale and
A. Grading products in the Poultry Evalu- has no dimensions.
ation CDE D. A final draft of a drawing.
B. Preparing and delivering an extempo-
raneous speech 249. Organic food is a term used for foods that
have been grown:
C. Reciting the FFA Creed
A. with limited use of chemical pesticides
D. Working as an intern at a nursery

245. Raising tilapia, trout, and catfish is B. without the use of chemical pesticides
A. aquaculture C. in freshly turned soil
B. agronomy
D. in controlled environments
C. arboriculture
D. equine science 250. The national FFA Foundation was estab-
lished in what year 1944
246. Industrial Technology A. 1928
A. Use of modern principles in growing
B. 1955
and managing crops.
C. 1944
B. The application of science to industrial
uses. D. 1971


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 615

251. Sexual reproduction in plants is the prop- 256. What is a scale drawing?
agation of plants by: A. A scale drawing is one that represents


A. Flowers an object not up to scale.
B. Roots B. A rough drawing that is not to scale.
C. Seeds C. A scale drawing is one that represents
an object in exact proportion.
D. Stems
D. A drawing that shows all three dimen-
252. Choose the statement that most correctly sions at once.
reflects our current food supply as com-
pared to all other counties. 257. What do you call a castrated male
A. The U.S. has the most abundant, safest
and most expensive food supply A. Steer
B. The U.S. has the least abundant, least B. Gelding
safe and least expensive food supply C. Wether
C. The U.S. has the safest, most abundant D. Capon
and least expensive food supply
258. Holsteins are black and white cattle that
D. The U.S. has the least expensive, aver- are best known as:
age abundant and safest food supply
A. a small breed of beef cattle
253. How long is the gestation period of B. an exotic breed of heat tolerent cattle
C. the major dairy breed of cattle in Amer-
A. 9 months and 9 days ica
B. 6 months and 3 weeks D. the most used show cattle in America
C. 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days 259. If given a deck of cards and asked to clas-
D. 12 months, 2 weeks, 2 days sify into groups and categories all would
be appropriate except:
254. A career that involves moving downed
trees from the cutting site to the loading A. Group: ColorCategories: Red, Black
area: B. Group: SuitsCategories: Hearts,
A. timber cruiser Spades, Clubs, Diamonds

B. logging foreman C. Group: Number vs FaceCategories:

Numbers, Faces
C. skidder operator
D. Group: NumbersCategories: 2, 3, 4, 5,
D. forest technician 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
255. We spend 6% of our income on food. 260. Two sides of DNA strands are held to-
Therefore for every $100 dollars in income gether by base pairs. Two bases that pair
we make we spend on food. together are:
A. 1$ A. guanine and adenine
B. 6$ B. adenine and cytosine
C. 70$ C. adenine and thymine
D. 20$ D. thymine and guanine


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 616

261. Aaron makes a motion to have a cookout. 266. What major plant science industry is the
What is the most acceptable way for him following career in?ENTOMOLOGIST
to state the motion? A. Ornamental Horticulture
A. “I believe we should have a cookout.” B. Fruit & Vegetable Production
B. “I make a motion that we have a cook- C. Agronomy
D. General Plant Science
C. “I move we have a cookout.”

D. “I think that we should have a cook- 267. What is the best tool to cut large
out.” branches when pruning shrubs that are
hard to reach?
262. What form must most nutrients become A. bush axe
before they can be absorbed by the plant?
B. hedgeshears
A. Air
C. chainsaw
B. Gas
D. lopping shears
C. Liquid
D. Solid 268. The United States both exports and im-
ports certain agricultural products. Which
263. Which is true of FFA extemporaneous statement most correctly describes the cur-
speeches? rent balance of trade of agricultural prod-
A. Delivered with little or no preparation.
A. The U.S. has an even balance of trade,
it exports and imports are equal.
B. Never used in public speaking
B. The U.S. has a positive balance of
C. Usually 20 to 30 minutes in length
trade, it exports more than it imports
D. Planned and practiced for days before
C. The U.S. has a negative balance of
trade, it imports more than it exports
264. Businesses that have developed with or D. The U.S. has a negative balance of
stem out of agriculture: trade, it exports more than it imports
A. agriculture
269. Development of a plan to identify ways
B. horticulture to make potential customers aware of a
C. agriscience product or service is called the:

D. agribusiness A. buying function

B. distribution function
265. Which most likely uses biology and chem-
istry to develop new ways to control in- C. promoting function
sects? D. selling function
A. greenhouse manufacturer 270. What is a baby of the cattle breed
B. fertilizer dealer called?
C. feed dealer A. Kit
D. entomologist B. Kid


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 617

C. Colt 276. industry that grows, manages, and

harvests trees for lumber, posts, panels,
D. Calf
paper and many other commodities


271. 14 A. Forestry
A. highly acidic B. Wildlife

B. highly basic C. Soil Resources

D. none of above
C. neutral
D. slightly acidic 277. three things that support human life; in-
cludes food, clothing, and shelter
272. What does environment refer to? A. agriculture
A. The housing you live in B. agribusiness
B. The food you eat C. basic needs
C. The water you drink D. production agriculture

D. Your surroundings in which you live 278. When laying out projects to be built, one
may create 45- and 90-degree angles by
273. Which term describes the raising of cattle using a:
and the growing of crops? A. framing square.
A. marketing B. ruler
B. distribution C. combination square
C. production D. try square.
D. processing 279. When should you tell Mrs. Taylor an in-
jury has occurred?
274. The best tool to use when joining the
woody part of one plant to the woody part A. When blood is gushing from someone
of another plant asexually is: B. Only if that person wants her to know
A. lopping shears C. Immediately after it happens

B. grafting tool D. Never, just get a band aid out of the

first aid box.
C. tube cutter
280. A disadvantage of being an employee is:
D. pruning shears
A. overtime pay
275. Which FFA career development event B. regular hours
(CDE) requires participants to grade and
C. little or no control over future job
evaluate egg and chicken products?
D. fringe benefits
A. Parliamentary procedure
B. Dairy judging 281. Which term refers to the study of the
properties and management of soil to
C. Poultry judging grow plants?
D. Public speaking A. Crop Science


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 618

B. Plant Science 287. Clint’s SAE involves working in a pro-

duction operation for an hourly wage. In
C. Agriculture Engineering
which activity is he most likely involved?
D. Soil Science
A. visiting a supply store
282. Where is DNA located in the cell? B. landscaping his home
A. Cell wall C. raising beef cattle
D. learning to weld
B. Cytoplasm

C. Vacuole 288. What major plant science industry is the
following career in?GROUNDSKEEPER
D. Nucleus
A. Ornamental Horticulture
283. Which process developed in the 1980s B. Fruit & Vegetable Production
involves moving genetic information be- C. Agronomy
tween genes?
D. General Plant Science
A. genetic engineering
289. What tool is used to push nail heads be-
B. phytoremediation low the surface of the wood?
C. biostimulation A. Screwdriver
D. bioremediation B. Drill press
C. Nail set
284. science of fruits, vegetables, and orna-
mental crops D. Nail punch

A. horticulture 290. What industry grows trees and turns

them into products?
B. agronomy
A. Forestry
C. animal science
B. Horticulture
D. ag economics
C. Agronomy
285. Which is not a typical farm animal? D. Aquaculture
A. Goat 291. Which product is most commonly im-
ported into the United States?
B. Chicken
A. Bananas
C. Rabbit
B. Soybeans
D. Pig
C. Rice
286. Involves the growing and marketing of D. Beef
field crops and livestock. Farming and
292. Why are some government leaders slow
to implement agriscience?
A. Production Agriscience
A. they are uneducated about benefits
B. Foresty B. scared of new technology
C. Profession C. may cause higher taxes
D. Horticulture D. may cause massive unemployment


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 619

293. What is one example of genetic control 298. How much more acid is a 2.0 than a 3.0?
of pests is
A. 10 times


A. Planting a crop when insects are not
B. 100 times
C. -10 times
B. Releasing sterile male inselcts
D. -100 times
C. Releasing an insect that fees only on a
certain weed. 299. Mozambic wants to study a problem in
D. Planting a variety of a crop that grows agriculture that is not easily tested by ex-
more rapidly then weeds. perimentation. His study will BEST be con-
sidered as what type of SAE?
294. What is the 4th level of FFA?
A. Analytical
A. Federation
B. Easy
B. Region
C. Placement
C. State
D. Production
D. National
300. Americans have huge appetites for wood
295. The presiding officer keeps the meeting Products. It is the Industry that grows,
in order by requiring members who want manages, and harvests trees for lumber,
to speak to be: poles, panels, pulpwood, and many other
A. ascertained.
A. Horticulture
B. confirmed.
B. Supplies and Services
C. registered.
C. Renewable Natural Resources
D. recognized.
D. Forestry
296. When In what year was the name change
from Future Farmers of America to the Na- 301. If Julie used a syringe on her gelding, she
tional FFA Organization is most likely:
A. 1965 A. giving an oral examination.
B. 1969 B. trimming the gelding’s mane and tail.
C. 1988 C. giving an injection or drawing body flu-
D. 2012
D. none of above
297. What officer is stationed “by the
plow”? 302. Modern Biotechnology
A. President A. Cloning
B. Treasurer B. Insulin
C. Sentinel C. Embryo Transfer
D. Vice president D. all of the above


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 620

303. American breeds developed by crossing B. Timber Cruiser

the Braham from India with English breeds C. Logging Foreman
are bred to:
D. Skidder Operator
A. Improve meat quality.
B. Increase heat tolerance. 309. What is the birthing process of a horse
C. Increase milk production.
A. Foaling
D. Reduce the size of calves.

B. Farrowing
304. 0 C. Wethering
A. highly acidic D. Lambing
B. neutral
310. In order for a new biotechnology product
C. highly basic to be approved, the product must be:
D. slightly basic A. worth at least $1 million.
305. Which is the most likely result of genetic B. tested to make sure that it is safe.
manipulation in agriculture? C. able to kill insects.
A. Increased use of chemical pesticides D. affordable to the average consumer.
B. Less use of chemical pesticides
311. What major plant science industry is the
C. Lower production of crops and animals following career in?GREENHOUSE MAN-
D. One cloned species that controls all A. Ornamental Horticulture
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production
306. The management of wetlands comes un- C. Agronomy
der the area of
D. General Plant Science
A. agricultural processing, products, and
distribution 312. What is the primary function of the
B. agriscience professions stem?

C. horticulture A. To produce the flower

D. renewable natural resources B. To produce the fruit

C. To anchor the plant
307. Sustainability stems from the idea of
which of the following? D. To support other plant structures

A. Sustainable development 313. If Jenny wants to have an entrepreneur-

B. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ship project, she needs to know that it:

C. Combating Climate Change A. is the same as a service learning

D. Increased Population Growth
B. may also be recorded as an analytical
308. Who moves felled trees form the cutting project
site to the loading area C. must be done without pay or profit of
A. Forester any kind


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 621

D. involves ownership or partial owner- 319. Why is water known as the universal sol-
ship with finanical risk vent


A. can be used as a substitute for gaso-
314. What major plant science industry is the
following career in?FORAGE MANAGER
B. changes in form from ice to snow to
A. Ornamental Horticulture
sleet to rain
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production
C. dissolves or otherwise changes most
C. Agronomy other materials
D. General Plant Science D. has replaced paint thinner & mineral
315. A scientist concerned with the study of
plant and animal microorganisms: 320. The science of growing things in water
such as shellfish:
A. Microbiologist
A. agronomy
B. Animal Nutritionist
B. animal science
C. Butcher
C. aquaculture
D. Animal Technician
D. renewable resources
316. The secretary is the officer most respon-
sible for: 321. What is a career option for agricultural
A. keeping financial records for the group
A. Equipment Manager
B. Land Surveyor
B. keeping records of the meetings
C. Agricultural Mechanics
C. making certain the public is informed
about the club’s activites D. Garden tractor repairman
D. presiding over the meetings 322. The design operation, maintenance, ser-
vice, selling, and use of power units, ma-
317. The official colors of FFA are: chinery, equipment structures, and utilities
A. blue and yellow in agriscience is:
B. navy blue and corn yellow A. Irrigation engineer
C. national blue and corn gold B. Land surveyor
D. none of above C. Agriscience mechanics
D. Equipment manager
318. Public Law 740 passed by Congress in
1950 granted the FFA: 323. What is the FFA salute?
A. a new purpose. A. the pledge of allegiance
B. a federal charter. B. The FFA Creed
C. unlimited money. C. the FFA motto
D. a new name. D. the national anthem


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 622

324. Which of the following is not an objective 329. Biotechnology

of a vocational agriculture program? A. Use of cells or components of cells to
A. Develop career skills in agriculture. produce products or processes.
B. Provide opportunity to participate in B. The turfgrass plant and soil immedi-
leadership activities. ately below it; also, grass used for dec-
orative or soil-holding purposes.
C. Develop positive attitudes and ability
to work with others C. Science of soils and field crops.

D. Provide an opportunity for students to D. Teaching and program management in
have an hour off each day. agriculture.

325. Agronomy 330. Which aquaculture system most likely re-

quires Lorie to closely monitor wastewa-
A. The science of producing, processing,
ter through a biological filter before return-
and marketing fruits, vegetables, and or-
ing it to the growing area?
namental plants.
A. cage culture
B. Plants used for their appearance.
B. open ponds
C. Science of soils and field crops.
C. recirculating tanks
D. Animal growth, care, and manage-
ment. D. net pens
331. assists landowners in implementing
326. Of the cereal grains grown worldwide,
best land use practices
the second-most-important crop is:
A. Soil Scientists
A. wheat
B. Soil Conservationist
B. barley
C. Soil Survey
C. corn
D. none of above
D. rice
332. What is the purpose of a pictorial
327. Which of the following grading systems sketch?
considers class, percentage of damaged
kernels, percentage of foreign materials A. To improve the viewing of a drawing
and percentage of other classes? and to eliminate regular sketches.

A. Grain and Cereal Crops B. To improve the viewing direction that

shows the object and its details to the best
B. Fiber Crops advantage.
C. Fruits & Vegetables C. To improve the viewing direction that
D. Forage Crops only shows two sides.
D. none of above
328. What is the best tool for driving out
metal pins? 333. sorting objects by similar characteristics
A. Pin punch A. classifying
B. Nail set B. experimenting
C. Hacksaw C. observing
D. Countersink D. measuring


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 623

334. Gradie has records for service learning, 339. Which belief is most reflected in the FFA
entrepreneurship, and placement SAE ac- Creed?
tivities. How can he keep up with what


A. decline of agriculture
he has done?
B. importance of getting the upper hand
A. Keeping a shoe box with scraps of pa- by any means possible
per as a record
C. need to put others down in order suc-
B. maintaining an up-to-date record book ceed
or computer file
D. value of life and work in agriculture
C. throwing receipts in the glove compart- and fair play in dealings
ment of his truck
D. asking the teacher to keep the records 340. The percentage of total jobs in agriscience
in a class roll book that require a college education to enter
the job is
335. Which of the following is not a benefit of A. 10 percent
crop rotation?
B. 20 percent
A. Reducing Soil Nitrogen
C. 41 percent
B. Mitigating Weeds
D. 60 percent
C. Reducing soil erosion
D. Reducing Risk of water contamination 341. Developing students’ potential for pre-
mier leadership, personal growth, and ca-
336. Which is the first degree of membership reer success is the FFA:
for high school FFA members? A. Creed.
A. Greenhand Degree B. Mission.
B. Chapter FFA Degree C. Motto.
C. State FFA Degree D. Slogan.
D. American FFA Degree
342. Aaron wants to make a motion to have
337. What item is the most difficult to trace a cookout. What is the MOST acceptable
back to it source? way for him to state the motion? for him
to state the motion?
A. Tomatoe
A. I believe we should have a cookout
B. Eggs
B. I make a motion that we have a cook-
C. Stone
D. Meat
C. I move we have a cookout
338. Successful embryo transfers MOST likely D. I think that we should have a cookout
require the services of a/an:
343. Land-grant universities such as North
A. Veterinarian Carolina A&T and North Carolina State
B. Extension Agent were established to teach:
C. Herdsman A. agriculture and accounting
D. Nutritionist B. agriculture and hospitality


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 624

C. agriculture and conduct agricultural 349. What major plant science industry is the
research following career in?PLANT BREEDER
D. biology, chemistry, and physics A. Ornamental Horticulture
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production
344. Which of the following is not an advan-
tage gained from agriscience? C. Agronomy

A. increased efficiency D. General Plant Science

B. safer food supply 350. Integrated Pest Management
C. decreased food costs A. Pest control program based on
multiple-control practices.
D. more complex processes
B. Basic science of the plant and the ani-
345. What is the primary function of the mal kingdom.
root? C. all jobs related in some way to
A. Anchors plant and supply water and plants, animals, and renewable natural re-
nutrients sources

B. Make sure the plant will grow D. The science of producing, processing,
and marketing fruits, vegetables, and or-
C. Ensure the plant can be propagated namental plants.
D. Hold stem of the plant
351. Why is precipitation important in the wa-
ter cycle?
346. using the five senses to detect informa-
tion A. keeps moisture in a gaseous state
A. classifying B. rate of air movement in the soil

B. observing C. release of moisture as rain or snow

D. size of soil particles
C. predicting
D. measuring 352. Genetics is known as:
A. the science of heredity.
347. When was FFA organized?
B. the study of plant biology.
A. 2000
C. biochemistry.
B. 1928
D. biotechnology.
C. 1944
353. Silas is unsure if the motion is in order.
D. 1984 The parliamentarian instructs him that the
maximum number of main motions that
348. Which is not a function of managers? can be on the floor at any one time is:
A. actuating A. 6
B. controlling and evaluating B. 4
C. organizing people and resources C. 2
D. setting policy D. 1


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 625

354. Of the many hands-on experiences avail- 359. Determining reasons that customers may
able through SAE and FFA, which is most wish to buy a product or service is called
helpful in teaching to identify plants? the:


A. Preparing and delivering an extempo- A. buying function
raneous speech
B. distribution function
B. grading products in the Poultry Evalua-
C. promoting function
tion CDE
C. working as an intern at a nursery D. selling function

D. reciting the FFA Creed 360. Lucas moved to amend the motion to
have refreshments after all meetings by
355. What does a scale drawing show?
substituting “once per quarter” in the
A. Shows a sketch of an object that is place of “after all meetings.” The amend-
larger or smaller than the drawing itself. ment must pass by a:
A. majority vote.
B. Shows 2 objects that are the same size.
B. roll call vote.

C. Shows an object that is not up to scale C. secret ballot vote.

and is in exact proportion of the drawing D. two-thirds majority vote.
361. An example of a plant science career that
D. Shows an object that is larger or
belongs in any of the plant science areas
smaller than the drawing itself.
356. The Eastern Guilford FFA is what level of A. Forage manager
B. Entomologist
A. Chapter
C. Produce manager
B. Region
D. Florist
C. State
D. National 362. What type of fertilizer is animal ma-
357. What is the MAJOR use for the Broad
Breasted White? A. Complete
A. Bantam show hens B. Organic
B. Commercial turkey production C. Lime
C. Home egg production D. inorganic
D. Meat production 363. Joy is working part-time at the Green
358. Which is not a purpose of FFA Thumb Garden Center. What type of SAE
is she involved in?
A. develop leadership
A. Protective
B. intelligent choice of agriscience occu-
pations B. Placement
C. promote scholarship C. Exploratory
D. promote self above others D. Entrepreneurship


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 626

364. Finding and recording the location of C. Basic science of the plant and the ani-
genes is called: mal kingdom.
A. matching. D. Management of agricultural re-
sources, including farms and agribusi-
B. mapping.
C. meshing.
370. Turf
D. combining.
A. The turfgrass plant and soil immedi-

365. What part of the agenda is the President ately below it; also, grass used for dec-
responsible for? orative or soil-holding purposes.
A. Reading of the minutes B. Chemistry as it applies to living matter.
B. financial report
C. providing of refreshments C. Science of soils and field crops.
D. Plants used for their appearance.
D. Call to Order
371. Which crop is most valuable to
366. Tobacco falls into the the category of
Louisiana’s economy?
crops called
A. Peachs
A. Fiber
B. Forestry
B. Biennial
C. Rice
C. Thermo
D. Soybean
D. Stimulant
372. Which city hosted the National Conven-
367. What does a harvester do? tion in 2013?
A. takes product from the field A. Indianapolis, IN
B. separates grain from chaff B. Alexandria, VA
C. cuts and bundles grasses C. Kansas City, MO
D. takes product, cuts, and separates D. Louisville, Ky

368. What type of plant has bacteria that can 373. application of mechanical and other engi-
fix nitrogen from the air to the soil? neering principles in agriculture
A. monocots A. ag engineering
B. dicots B. aquaculture

C. angiosperms C. agribusiness

D. legumes D. ornamental
374. How much of our food dollar goes to
369. Agricultural Economics
farmers and Ranchers?
A. Animal growth, care, and manage-
A. 81 cents
B. 19 cents
B. The science of producing, processing,
and marketing fruits, vegetables, and or- C. 8 cents
namental plants. D. 3 cents


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 627

375. What connects the pairs of strands that B. National Agricultural Teacher’s Associ-
make up the double helix of DNA? ation


A. Bases C. National Agricultural Education Coun-
B. Starches
D. Teamsters’ Union
C. Sugars
D. Tar 381. the grass used for decorative and soil
holding purposes
376. Genetically modified organisms that are A. turf
safety tested in laboratories and green-
houses before they are tested outdoors B. entomology
are also monitored by: C. horticulture
A. county government. D. agronomy
B. nursery operators. 382. Why is biotechnology-produced BST
C. state and federal government. given in supplemental doses to dairy
D. chemical salespeople.
A. increase muscle for meat
377. DNA is an acronym for: B. produce only female offspring
A. dynamite alert. C. produce large calves
B. dibonucleic acid. D. increase milk production
C. dioxynucleic acid.
383. Membership in FFA is traditionally limited
D. deoxyribonucleic acid. to students who are
378. What is the industry that grows forages A. enrolled in Agriscience classes
like grains, corn, etc? B. enrolled at the school where the chap-
A. Agronomy ter is

B. Forestry C. plan to have a career in Agriscience

D. plan to go to college for Agriculture
C. Horticulture
D. Aquaculture 384. Which activity is most helpful in develop-
ing poise, confidence, and leadership?
379. Flora and Fauna refer to A. Cleaning up the school grounds
A. Animals B. Identifying trees in a forestry class
B. Flowers C. Making an oral presentation or speech
C. Trees
D. Plants and Animals D. Moving plants in a nursery

380. Which organization most likely has as its 385. A goal of most Professional Agricultural
primary purpose the support of the stu- Organizations is to:
dent organization for agricultural educa- A. create more paperwork
tion? B. keep membership down by raising the
A. FFA Alumni Associatoin amount of dues members have to pay


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 628

C. maintain the old methods of farming 391. Biological control of pests involves using
D. update its members of new methods, as a control.
products and technology A. People
386. What is the first line of the FFA motto? B. tilling

A. Doing to learn C. natural predators

D. pesticides
B. Learning to do
C. Living to serve 392. What is going to be the key to an ade-

quate food supply in the new millennium?
D. Earning to live
A. more farms
387. Hannah moves to amend the motion to
B. more grants
have the banquet at the school cafeteria.
What is she most likely trying to do to the C. agriscience research
motion? D. availability of farm land
A. Change it 393. Animal Science Technology
B. Kill it A. Food that has been grown without the
C. Preserve it use of certain chemical pesticides.
D. Restore it B. Modern principles and practice for an-
imal growth and management
388. What percentage of people in the United
States are farmers? C. Science dealing with the characteris-
tics of elements or simple substances.
A. nearly 5
D. Plants used for their appearance.
B. less than 2
394. what year was genetic engineering was
C. slightly more than 10
D. about 12
A. 1920
389. John is working with his Boy Scout Troop B. 1982
to improve the appearance, convenience,
C. 1990
and safety of the local park. In which im-
mersion SAE project is he most likely in- D. 1965
volved? 395. What do you call a mature female horse?
A. Analytical A. Heifery
B. Experimental B. Filly
C. Internship C. Mare
D. Service learning D. Ewe
390. What would happen to a base if you 396. How many compartments are found in
added an acid? the ruminant digestive system of a cow?
A. It would be toxic A. 2
B. It would lower the pH B. 3
C. It would raise the pH C. 4
D. nothing D. none of above


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 629

397. Chemistry 402. Generally done on small plots. It In-

cludes producing, processing, and market-
A. Space and mass around us.
ing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental


B. Food that has been grown without the plants.
use of certain chemical pesticides.
A. Horticulture
C. Use of cells or components of cells to B. Agriscience Supplies and Services
produce products or processes.
C. Forestry
D. Science dealing with the characteris-
tics of elements or simple substances. D. Agriscience Professional

403. What technique was used to clean up the

398. Which one of the following is a field
Exxon Valdeze oil spill?
A. bioremediation
A. rice
B. indicator species
B. blueberries
C. phytoremediation
C. crawfish
D. genetic engineering
D. pecans
404. The tendency of female sheep to have
399. In what year did agriculture teachers net- twins is due to:
work across the United States in a team A. weather conditions
effort to form the National FFA Organiza-
tion? B. the sequence of the bases between
the DNA strands
A. 1970
C. the age of the ram
B. 1890
D. the desire of the mother to have twins
C. 1928
405. Agribusiness
D. 1958
A. Raising of finfish, shellfish, and other
400. An occupation requiring specialized educa- aquatic animals under controlled condi-
tion, especially in law, medicine, teaching, tions. Also, the management of the
or the ministry. aquatic environment for production of
plants and animals.
A. Agriscience Mechanics
B. Use of cells or components of cells to
B. Forestry produce products or processes.
C. Computers in Agriscience C. businesses that have developed with
D. Agriscience Professions or stem out of agriculture.
D. The turfgrass plant and soil immedi-
401. Soybeans are grown for: ately below it; also, grass used for dec-
A. Oil orative or soil-holding purposes.
B. Hay 406. Neutral
C. rain A. 0
D. All answers are correct. B. 7


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 630

C. 14 412. growing and managing living things in

D. none of above
A. aquaculture
407. What is the best tool for cutting thin
B. agribusiness
C. ornamental
A. Arc welder
D. turf
B. Hacksaw

C. Handsaw 413. commercial firms that have developed or
stem out of agriculture
D. Oxyacetylene torch
A. agriculture
408. What is the definition of accident? B. agriscience
A. Tile falling from the ceiling. C. agribusiness
B. Something done not on purpose D. commercial farm
C. Keeping people safe
414. The FFA Creed was written and adopted
D. Dangerous situation in 1928 to:

409. What are agricultural objects? A. give members a theme song.

A. Agricultural objects are objects used B. help members understand the impor-
for agriculture. tance of the organization.

B. Agricultural objects are objects that C. provide a jingle for advertisement.

you can eat. D. raise money for the support of con-
C. Agricultural objects are objects that tests held at the national level.
are small.
415. What is a product of genetic engineer-
D. none of above ing?

410. Most of the corn grown in the United A. Herbicide resistant crops
States is: B. Hybrid Seed
A. flint corn C. Ice Cream Sundaes
B. sweet corn D. Soft Drinks
C. pod corn
416. As crop residue breaks down, it competes
D. dent corn with a growing crop for soil ; there-
fore, extra may be needed to assure
411. Major types of root systems are: good crop yields.
A. Cell division and fibrous A. hydrogen
B. Cuttings and root hairs B. carbon dioxide
C. Fibrous and root cap C. nitrogen
D. Fibrous and taproot D. oxygen


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 631

417. What major plant science industry is the 423. The industry that provides commodities
following career in?AGRONOMIST that are basic to life is


A. Ornamental Horticulture A. aerospace
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production B. agriscience
C. Agronomy C. biotechnology
D. General Plant Science D. transportation

418. What do you call a young female horse? 424. Who studies the effects of the environ-
ment on animal life?
A. Filly
A. Soil Technician
B. Wether
B. Wildlife Technician
C. Barrow
C. Wildlife Manager
D. Mare
D. Ecologist
419. According to the information presented
in class, sustainable livestock production 425. Angela plans to conduct an SAE that is
may include which of the following? appropriate for students who want to use
the scientific method. WhichResearch SAE
A. Decreased crop production is best for her to use?
B. Free Roaming animals A. experimental
C. Decreased water pollution B. invention
D. Limited animal welfare C. placement
420. The best tool to use when trimming and D. service learning
shaping shrubbery is the:
426. sharing findings and results
A. chain saw
A. classifying
B. hedge shears B. communicating
C. lopping shears C. measuring
D. pruning shears D. predicting
421. What is a mature female pig? 427. Which is not something FFA teaches us?
A. Cow A. choice s in Ag Careers
B. Sow B. Leadership Development
C. Mare C. Promote yourself above others
D. none of above D. Promote Good Citizenship
422. reduces the impact of water pressure 428. Lime is used to RAISE soil pH so that the
on soil and plants soil becomes more:
A. Watering Wand A. Acidic
B. Water Breaker B. Alkaline
C. Hose Bib C. Eroded
D. Hozon Sprayer D. Porous


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 632

429. What does a combine do? C. Holstein

A. takes product from the field D. none of above
B. separates grain from chaff
435. farming, producing plants and animals
C. cuts and bundles grasses
A. production agriculture
D. takes product, cuts it, and separates
B. Florida Department of Agriculture and
grain from chaff
Consumer Services

430. is a valve for attaching a water hose C. United States Department of Agricul-
and turning water supply on and off. ture
A. Hose Bib D. green revolution
B. Water Hose
436. Hope makes a motion to have a dance.
C. Watering Bucket However, before discussion from the floor
D. Calculator can occur the motion, it must be:
A. Amended
431. If a soil pH level is 6.0 and needs to be
raised to 7.0, what amendment is BEST in- B. Seconded
corporated into the soil? C. Tabled
A. Sulfur D. Voted on
B. Sodium
437. A procedure of fertilizer application used
C. Lime on row crops where the fertilizer is placed
D. Magnesium in bands about 8 inches from the row is
known as:
432. Plants used for food, comfort, and beauty
belong to which category? A. Side-dressing

A. Horticulture B. Top-dressing

B. Forestry C. Broadcasting

C. Agronomy D. Foliar application

D. Aquaculture 438. Which statement best describes why you

should follow all safety rules when work-
433. Which tool would best be used for cutting ing in the shop?
angles to a specific degree?
A. To keep yourself and others as safe
A. Table Saw as possible while working with tools and
B. Miter Saw equipment in the shop.
C. Drill B. To take all of the fun out of working in
D. Circular Saw the shop.
C. To give Mrs. Taylor a reason to grade
434. A breed of cattle with black and white you while working in the shop.
markings is:
D. To create an unsafe working environ-
A. Yorkshire ment so that everyone gets to work on
B. Hampshire whatever they want.


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 633

439. invention and rapid diffusion of more pro- 444. Which tool would best be used for Rip-
ductive agricultural techniques ping a 2x4 into 1x2s?


A. production agriculture A. Table Saw
B. Florida Department of Agriculture and B. Miter Saw
Consumer Services C. Drill
C. United States Department of Agricul- D. Circular Saw
445. Which tool would best be used for insert-
D. green revolution
ing a screw into wood?
440. The first domesticated animal was? A. Table Saw
A. Sheep B. Miter Saw
B. Cow C. Drill
C. Dog D. Circular Saw
D. Horse 446. To lead is to

441. What major plant science industry is A. manage

the following career in?WINERY SUPERVI- B. organize
C. show the way
A. Ornamental Horticulture
D. all of the above
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production
447. What do professional Agricultural organi-
C. Agronomy zations often provide for their members
D. General Plant Science A. trade shows
442. The production of forages in the US B. free equipment
equals percent of the land used for C. mediccal care
D. transportation
A. 25
448. what does adjourn mean
B. 35
A. items to be discussed in a certain or-
C. 50 der
D. 65 B. to choose or accept
443. Ginger wants to obtain the floor. In or- C. the person in charge of the meeting
der to be recognized, she should address D. to end the meeting
the presiding officer by saying:
449. What is the purpose of a sketch?
A. I desire to speak.
A. To finalize ideas on a drawing surface.
B. Your Honor.
C. I call for recognition.
B. To record or develop an idea for later
D. Madame/Mr. Chairperson. use that is up to scale.


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 634

C. For the purpose to provide a quick way 455. Why is correct soil pH important?
of graphically demonstrating an image or
A. plants can’t uptake nutrients at certain
D. For the purpose to provide an opportu-
B. plants get cold at certain pHs
nity to create bad graphic designs.
C. plants get disease at certain pHs
450. what is the total amount of feed grain
produced D. plants can’t uptake water at certain

A. 354.8m
B. 430.2m 456. Kim is working part-time at the Green
C. 297.9m Thumb Garden Center. In which type of
immersion SAE is she involved?
D. 308.7m
A. Analytical
451. Which region of the united states does
B. Entrepreneurship
Kentucky fall into for dairy production?
A. Midwest C. Placement

B. Southwest D. Protective
C. Northwest 457. What are the three most common ways
D. East Seth can amend a motion?

452. animals that are adapted to live in A. Adding, striking out, or substituting
a natural environment without the help of B. Combining, blending, or referring
C. Delaying, avoiding, or defeating
A. Wildlife
D. Withdrawing, rescinding, or confer-
B. Water Resources ring
C. Forestry
D. none of above 458. DNA is in the shape of a:
A. Single helix
453. Which of the following was not listed as
a benefit of sustainable agriculture? B. Single circle
A. Preserving the Environment C. Double circle
B. Increasing Livestock Production D. Double helix
C. Protecting Public Health
459. Soil Science
D. Sustaining Communities
A. Space and mass around us.
454. The propagation method where a plant is
B. Science of insect life.
separated into smaller parts is:
C. Management of agricultural re-
A. division
sources, including farms and agribusi-
B. grafting nesses.
C. air layering D. The study of the properties and man-
D. tip layering agement of soil to grow plants.


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 635

460. Freshmen members are asked to learn 465. Which is a widely used bio-indicator
the FFA Creed because it: species used to detect air that is badly pol-
luted with sulfur dioxide?


A. gives the teacher time to relax. LOL
but for real. A. E. coli
B. helps students develop the skills nec- B. bacteria
essary to compete in the Tool Identifica- C. lichens
tion Career Development Event (CDE).
D. viruses
C. is used by FFA in the place of saying
the Pledge of Allegiance to the American 466. The largest part of a speech is the
flag. A. body
D. represents the beliefs and values that B. conclusion
the FFA stands for and members need to
know. C. introduction
D. summary
461. How do you neutralize at acid?
A. add water, 7.0 467. What did Charles Townshend invent?

B. add a base A. iron plow

C. add an acid B. crop rotation system

D. none of above C. steel moldboard plow

D. combine
462. Omar is part owner of a greenhouse
that grows tomatoes for the local market. 468. what year was the smith-huges act
What type of SAE is he involved in? passed
A. Analytical A. 1910
B. Entrepreneurship B. 1920,
C. Placement C. 1947
D. Protective D. 165

463. Who is hired by private landowners and 469. Hawan is part owner in greenhouse
companies to estimate tree volume on a that grows tomatoes for the local market.
tract of land? What type of SAE is she involved in?
A. Forester A. Protective
B. Timber Cruiser B. Placement
C. Logging Foreman C. Exploratory
D. Skidder Operator D. Entrepreneurship
464. What is the name of the region that the 470. is suitable for only pasture and lawns
Eastern Guilford FFA is a part of? because it grows only 6-12” high.
A. Central A. Dallis grass
B. West Central B. Kentucky bluegrass
C. North Central C. Sweet clover
D. East Central D. Orchard grass


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 636

471. Who scientifically manages forests (spe- 476. Ginning is the process used to
cializing in the care of trees)
A. Prepare a seedbed for planting
A. Soil Conservationist B. Prepare crops for storage
B. Soil Scientist C. Remove seeds from cotton
C. Silviculturist D. Prepare grain for use as alcohol
D. Forestry Consultant
477. In what year were girls allowed in the

472. an executive department of the govern- FFA for the first time?
ment of Florida that protects the environ- A. 1950
ment, safeguards consumers, and ensures
the safety and wholesomeness of food. B. 1965

A. production agriculture C. 1969

B. Florida Department of Agriculture and D. 1988

Consumer Services
478. The male part of the flower is called:
C. United States Department of Agricul-
A. Pistil
B. Stigma
D. green revolution
C. Style
473. is an essential nutrient for all plant
D. Stamen
and animal life
A. Soil resources 479. An FFA activity not generally organized
as a career development event is
B. Wildlife
A. dairy foods
C. Water resources
B. forestry
D. none of above
C. land judging
474. Which term describes making consumers D. agricultural sales
aware of the product?
A. sales 480. The science of soils and field crops:

B. marketing A. agronomy

C. distribution B. animal science

D. processing C. aquaculture
D. renewable resources
475. Who advises private forest land own-
ers? 481. management of agriculture resources
A. Soil Conservationist A. ag economics
B. Soil Scientist B. ag engineering
C. Silviculturist C. aquaculture
D. Forestry Consultant D. agribusiness


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 637

482. One requirement of the greenhand de- 487. The matching of genes to traits is called
gree is
A. Matching


A. prepare a plan for a supervised agri- B. Mapping
cultural experience
C. Meshing
B. $70 earned from an agriscience expe-
rience D. Combining
C. school grades of C or above 488. Flax is an example of a/an crop.
D. unselfish attitude in FFA activities A. Oilseed

483. What major plant science industry is the B. Sugar

following career in?FLORIST C. Grain
A. Ornamental Horticulture D. Fiber
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production
489. Agriscience classes in high school usually
C. Agronomy include extensive instruction in
D. General Plant Science A. plants, animals, and agribusiness

484. What term describes the application of B. plants, animals, and social sciences
scientific principles and new technologies C. plants, mechanics, and higher math
to agriculture?
D. food, fiber, and physics
A. agriculture
490. water that plant roots can absorb
B. agriscience
A. Capillary
C. agribusiness
B. Free
D. agritechnology
C. Hygroscopic
485. Which of the following should take place D. none of above
when living organisms are causing damage
to crops? 491. Sustainability means?
A. Tillage A. Something will last a long time
B. Fertilizer B. Something will not last
C. Pesticides & Herbicides C. Something is organic
D. Irrigation D. something is harmful

486. The number of workers in agriscience in 492. Today, each American farmer produces
the United States is approximately enough food to feed people.
A. 21 million A. 25
B. 100 million B. 75
C. 100, 000 C. 125
D. 400, 000 D. 155


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 638

493. Howard records earning a tractor safety C. 1/32 inch.

certification in his SAE online records. D. 1/64 inch.
What part of his foundational SAE was he
completing? 498. Planting trees at a site polluted by indus-
A. Financial Planning and Management trial chemicals to absorb the chemicals is
B. Agricultural Literacy
A. genetic engineering
C. Safety Exploration

B. biostimulation
D. Workplace Safety
C. oleophilic cleanup
494. when was the plow made
D. phytoremediation
A. 1830
B. 1840 499. Bacteria that are attracted to oil used to
clean up oil spills are called:
C. 1850
A. bioindicators
D. 1860
B. oleophilic
495. What is the main advancement that has
C. algae
led to the overall improvement of dairy
farms and allowed them to progress to D. lichens
commercial businesses?
500. Genetic engineering has been used to
A. Transportation develop bacteria strains to convert solid
B. Technology waste from humans and livestock into:
C. Genetics A. paper and tissue
D. Economics B. salt and pepper

496. Gradie has records for exploratory, en- C. sugar and fuel
trepreneurship, and placement SAE activi- D. wood and fiber
ties. How can he BEST keep up with what
he has done? 501. Who assists landowners in implementing
best land use practices?
A. Ask the teacher to keep hte records in
a class roll book. A. Soil Conservationist
B. Keep a shoe box with scraps of paper B. Soil Scientist
to remind him of activites C. Silviculturist
C. Maintain an up to date record book or D. Forestry Consultant
computer file
D. Throw receipts in the glove compart- 502. Who is responsible for overseeing and
ment of his car or truck. managing logging operations?
A. Forester
497. Most tape measures found in the agricul-
ture shop will measure to an accuracy of: B. Timber Cruiser
A. 1/8 inch C. Logging Foreman
B. 1/16 inch D. Skidder Operator


1.45 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture 639

503. As part of Deanna’s foundational SAE, B. Potable water

she now has a better understanding of per- C. Water Cycle
sonal finance and planning. What activity


did she most likely perform to gain this un- D. none of above
derstanding? 509. Agricultural Engineering
A. completing a career interest survey A. Application of engineering principles in
B. interviewing a local wildlife officer agricultural settings.
C. creating a personal budget B. Pest control program based on
multiple-control practices.
D. creating a resume
C. Space and mass around us.
504. Who who harvests trees for a living? D. Basic science of the plant and the ani-
A. Soil Conservationist mal kingdom.
B. Soil Scientist 510. producing a wide variety of products
C. Logger some of which are used on the farm, oth-
ers sold for income
D. Forestry Consultant
A. subsistence farming
505. What bacteria were genetically engi-
B. diversified farming
neered to produce insulin?
C. specialized farming
A. E. coli
D. sustainable agriculture
B. Salmonella
C. Yeast 511. The application of scientific principles and
new technologies to agriculture:
D. Listeria
A. agriculture
506. What do you call a newborn horse? B. horticulture
A. Calf C. agriscience
B. Colt D. agribusiness
C. Lamb
512. Which value is regularly taught with lead-
D. Foal ership skills learned through FFA participa-
507. Animal Sciences
A. Greed
A. The science of producing, processing,
and marketing fruits, vegetables, and or- B. Isolationism
namental plants. C. Patriotism
B. Animal growth, care, and manage- D. Selfishness
513. The most important grain crop in the
C. Science of insect life. world is:
D. Chemistry as it applies to living matter. A. Barley
508. drinkable-free from harmful chemi- B. Corn
cals and organisms C. Wheat
A. Universal solvent D. Rice


1.46 Sericulture 640

514. Before presenting a prepared speech to C. Agronomy

an audience, the best way a speaker can D. General Plant Science
improve the presentation is by:
A. drinking plenty of water to prevent 517. When an animal is harvested for meat
thirst during speaking and the rest of it is turned into other prod-
ucts, those products are called what?
B. practicing the speech before a mirror
to observe posture, gestures, and facial A. Animal By-Products
expressions B. Animal Products

C. making a copy of manuscript to place C. Animal Main Products
in a personal file D. Animal Leftovers
D. listening to the sounds of the ocean
518. the one responsible for the health and
waves and seagulls
well-being of our cities trees
515. Blood, pH of 7.4 A. Urban Forster
A. acid B. Wildlife manager
B. base C. Wildlife Officer
C. neutral D. none of above
D. none of above 519. When did Virginia become the first state
to have Futures Farmers clubs for boys?
516. What major plant science industry is
the following career in?PLANT PHYSIOL- A. 1920s
OGIST B. 1928
A. Ornamental Horticulture C. 1935
B. Fruit & Vegetable Production D. 1950

1.46 Sericulture
1. what is the moisture regain of silk? D. Farming, harvesting, weaving, spin-
A. 12% ning
B. 8.5% 3. How many times silkworm moult duirng
C. 11% its life cycle?
D. 13.75% A. 3
2. What is the order of the steps involved in B. 2
sericulture? C. 4
A. Farming, harvesting, spinning, weav- D. 1
4. If silkworm have 7 to 8 generation in year
B. Harvesting, weaving, spinning, farm-
then it is called as
C. Farming, weaving, harvesting, spin- A. Multivoltine
ning B. Bivoltine


1.46 Sericulture 641

C. Univoltine 10. How did the silk secret get out of China?
D. None of the above A. A princess smuggled a cocoon out


when she left for India.
5. High-yielding varietiesof mulberry and
B. There was a big storm that blew the
silk worm seed, technologicalinterven-
silkworms out of China.
tions adapted under
C. An olive merchant stole a handful and
A. MICA Project
brought them to Greece.
B. JICA Project
D. The silkworms revolted and ran away
C. DIKA Project to Sumer.
D. JIAKA Project 11. The high quality Bivoltine silk worm seed
and young age silk worms are also known
6. What is the scientific name of mulberry
A. silk worm
A. Bombyx mori
B. Tape worm
B. Anthereapaphia
C. chawki worms
C. Antheraea assama
D. Pin worm
D. Attacus Ricinii
12. pick the synthetic fibre out of the follow-
7. What tree do silkworms like to eat? ing
A. Cherry A. cotton
B. Apple B. nylon
C. Mulberry C. jute
D. Orange D. wool

8. The rearing of silkworms for obtaining silk 13. MOT stands for
is called
A. Ministry of Textiles
A. Agriculture
B. Ministry of Tolls
B. Sericulture
C. Ministry of Trade
C. Aquaculture
D. Ministry of Traders
D. poultry
14. process of chawki worm rearing is a highly
9. Cultivation of mulberry plants is called skilled job and fetches good income to
as? farmers once in a
A. Moriculture A. Week days
B. Sericulture B. Fortnight
C. Apiculture C. in a month
D. Aquaculture D. 3 weeks


1.46 Sericulture 642

15. In present case which are the preferred ac- 21. repeating unit of silk fiber is
tivities for the small and marginal farmers A. amino acid
in drought prone areas
B. acetic acid
A. Aquaculture
C. cellubios unit
B. Sericulture
D. sericin
C. Horticulture
D. Agriculture 22. CSB stands for

A. Commercial Silk Board
16. What kind of sericulture development is an
added advantage B. Central Silk Board

A. Bivoltine C. Consumer Silk Board

B. voltine D. Cooperative Silk Board

C. biovoltine 23. Women are playing amajor role in silk pro-

D. bivoltality duction as a
A. farmers, reelers and weavers
17. Which of these is not a fibre?
B. farmers, weavers
A. cotton
C. weavers
B. wool
D. reelers
C. nylon
D. leather 24. amount of sericin in silk fiber is
A. 22%
18. what comes as the water savior in times
of failure of borewells with recurring B. 25%
droughts C. 22-25%
A. mulberry crop D. 20-30%
B. Blueberry 25. This Case presents the amazing en-
C. Strawberry trepreneurial journey of
D. Gooseberry A. Rama

19. Which of the is the largest producer of silk B. Shilpa

A. India C. Soumya

B. China D. Sushma

C. America 26. What kind of attention required by chawki

D. Africa worms for caring and feeding
A. tender leaves, Appropriate Tempera-
20. Annual net income from 8 crops ture
A. 5, 60, 000 B. Dried leaves, Appropriate Tempera-
B. 1 20 000 ture
C. 1 80 000 C. Dried leaves, HIgh Temperature
D. 3 40 400 D. High Temperature, tender leaves


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 643

27. What kind of livelihoods havealways been D. Fish Farmer

ecologically and economicallysustainable
across the country, 32. Silk fibre is obtained from the of the


silk moth.
A. Silk and chalk
A. Hair
B. milk and Husk
B. Fleece
C. Husk and silk
C. Cocoons
D. Silk and milk
D. Skin
28. Wool is obtained from the of sheep.
A. Sheep 33. How much percent of silk in India is mul-
berry silk
B. Fibre
A. 50
C. Fleece
B. 70
D. Skin
C. 80
29. How many types of silk grown in India? D. 100
A. 1
34. As per CSB, India produces how many me-
B. 2
ters of raw silk and accounting for what
C. 3 % of world’s production,
D. 4 A. 53, 060 metres, 19 %
30. Which approach is being pushed involv- B. 13, 060 metres, 15 %
ingCBOs to promote Bivoltine sericulture C. 33, 060 metres, 28 %
in afocused way
D. 23, 060 metres, 18 %
A. Cluster approach
B. Cost approach 35. Wool & silk are-

C. Common approach A. Plant fibre

D. Consumer approach B. Synthetic fibre
C. Animal fibre
31. According to shilpa who is She feels that
the seed farmer is a social entrepreneur D. Synthetic nylon
who is not only responsible for the sup-
36. Which part of sheep’s body yield fibres?
ply of quality seeds but also forextending
technical knowledge A. Eye
A. Farmer B. Mouth
B. Seed farmer C. Hair
C. Sappling Farmer D. Liver

1.47 Intellectual Property Rights


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 644

1. Samsung has taken the specification and 6. Books, songs, music and software are pro-
features of IPhone. Which of the follow- tected by
ing is an example of this statement? A. Copyright
A. Trademark Infringement B. Trademarks
B. Patent Infringement C. Trade Secret
C. Trade secret Infringement D. Patent
D. Copyright Infringement

7. Why does software needs a license?
2. The exclusive legal right, given to an origi- A. This is how it is bought and sold.
nator or an assignee to print, publish, per- B. To protect the intellectual property of
form, film, or record literary, artistic, or its creator(s).
musical material, and to authorize others C. To make it more difficult to buy.
to do the same.
D. So that it doesn’t break privacy laws.
A. Copyright
8. What protects distinctive marks words or
B. Public Domain
symbols associated with a particular prod-
C. Authorship uct?
D. Trademark A. Trademark
B. Copyright
3. Creating products that imitate other au-
thentic products is known as: C. Patent

A. Copying D. Trade Secret

B. Creating 9. May be a word, symbol, design, or some

combination of such, or it could be a slogan
C. Counterfeiting. or even a particular sound that identifies
D. Counter Stealing. the source or sponsorship or certain goods
or services.
4. This is to protect slogans A. trademark
A. patent B. trade secret
B. copyright C. patent
C. trademark D. none of above
D. trade secret 10. What does a trademark protect?
5. It gives the author or copyright owner the A. an invention
right to derive financial reward from his B. a work of art
works by others
C. logos, names and brands
A. Economic Rights D. a secret formula
B. Moral Rights
11. Patents are good for years for de-
C. Copyright signs.
D. Patent A. 7


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 645

B. 14 B. Copyright
C. 21 C. Patent


D. 28 D. Industrial Design

12. A is a form of protection for intellec- 17. Just Do It for Nike is a

tual property that does not require any dis- A. Logo, trademark
closures or the filing of an application.
B. Slogan, Trademark
A. Copyright
C. Registered copyright
B. Patent D. Registered trademark
C. Trade secret
18. It does not protect the technical or func-
D. Trademark tional features of a product
13. Tony created a revolutionary new jack and A. Industrial Design
process for lifting cars. He should apply B. Trademarks
for a
C. Copyright
A. Copyright
D. Moral Rights
B. Patent
19. A is an identifying image or pattern
C. Trademark in paper that appears as various shades
D. none of above of lightness/darkness when viewed

14. This is to protect music A. Watermark

B. Infographic
A. patent
C. Ethical decision
B. copyright
D. Copyright
C. trademark
D. trade secret 20. The 4 areas of intellectual property cov-
ered included all of the following EXCEPT
15. Miranda made a short film that she’s re- A. Trademarks
ally proud of. She’d like as many people
to see it as possible, but she just wants to B. Patents
make sure that nobody tries to sell it with- C. Copyrights
out her permission - after all, if it’s going D. Designs
to be sold she’d like to have a cut of the
profit! 21. Sherandie is a graphic artist who oper-
ates a small t-shirt business, “Simply T’s.”
Sherandie discovered that larger t-shirt
B. CC-BY-SA companies were using some of her designs.
C. CC-BY-ND How can Sherandie protect her t-shirt de-
A. Apply for a copyright from the federal
16. A logo can be made exclusive property of government
a company by registering a B. Apply for a patent through the federal
A. Trademark government


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 646

C. Register a trademark through the fed- 27. is a grant from the federal govern-
eral government ment conferring the rights to exclude oth-
D. Sue the other companies ers from making, selling, or using an inven-
tion for a certain term
22. A legal term used to describe the rights A. Term limit
that creators have over their literary and
artistic works. B. Patent
A. Patent C. Trademark

B. Copyright D. Monopoly
C. Trademarks 28. What is IP?
D. Industrial Design A. INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT
23. What protects the intellectual property B. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
created by designers? C. INTERNET PROTOCOL
B. Copyrights 29. A patent related to safety pin was granted
C. Trademarks to
D. Registered Designs A. Mr. Hunt
24. A is a word, letter, or symbol linked B. Ms. Mary Anderson
with a specific company or product. C. Ms. Miriam Benjamin
A. trademark D. Mr.John J Loud
B. patent 30. If you are seeking protection for an in-
C. consideration vention, what type of intellectual property
D. checkmark right are you seeking?
A. Trademark
25. If you file provisional specification, the
complete specification is required to be B. copyright
filed within C. patent
A. 10 months D. public right
B. 12 months 31. Complete Specification contains
C. 18 months A. Title of invention
D. 24 months B. Description of invention
26. Plagiarism can be defined as C. Claims
A. paraphrasing another’s ideas with ex- D. All of these
plicit attribution to the author
32. The rights of a patentee are
B. Encryption
A. Sell
C. Writing your own concept
B. License
D. Representing another person’s work
their words and/or ideas as your C. Assign the IP to others
own D. All of these


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 647

33. If Ajai invents a new process for recording 38. Which of the following is an unethical Prac-
music, she will likely apply for a: tice?


A. patent A. Plagiarism by copying text from other
B. Copyright sources when original work is expected
C. trademark B. Don’t send messages you wouldn’t
want others to read.
D. Industrial Design
C. Don’t type in all capital letters.
34. is a new, original product that includes as-
pects of a preexisting, already copyrighted D. Promptly respond to messages.
39. When did the Intellectual Property Code of
A. Copyright the Philippines become effective?
B. Citation A. January 1, 1998
C. Attribution B. January 3, 1997
D. No Derivative Works C. February 2, 1998
35. Which of the following is not included to D. January 3, 1998
the grounds of creative commons?
40. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
A. Attributive
What document protected this invention?
B. Commercial
A. A patent
C. No derivative works
B. copyright
D. Share alike
C. trademark
36. A copyright lasts for the life of the person
D. trade secret
receiving the copyright plus years af-
ter the person’s death. 41. Susan invented a car engine that runs on
A. 10 fruit skins. She has received numerous in-
B. 50 vestors for her business idea. She is ready
to begin operations of her new business.
C. 1000 Before opening her business, Susan should
D. 100 apply for a:

37. Patent Assertion Entities, or patent trolls, A. Copyright

are all of the following except B. License
A. find ways to make money on patent- C. Patent
infringement lawsuits
D. Trademark
B. buy cheap patents from bankrupt com-
panies to manufacture their own products 42. How long do patents usually last for?
A. 40 Years
C. sue others that appear to infringe
B. 20 Years
upon a patent they own
C. 15 Years
D. exploit infingers by threatening expen-
sive lawsuits D. 10 Years


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 648

43. To get a patent, information about the 48. Which intellectual property right would
invention must be disclosed to the public in protect a YouTube video?
a patent application. A. Copyright
A. Basic B. Trademark
B. Technical C. Patent
C. Detail D. none of above
D. No detail

49. What is Copyright Infringement?
44. Coca Cola and McDonald’s have symbols A. using someone work without permis-
that identify their products. What term is sion
used to identify their symbols? B. copying of someone work
A. A patent C. liking someone’s work
B. copyright D. a picture of someones work
C. trademark 50. In order to protect the name Un-Moja
D. trade secret Blends should be used.
A. a patent
45. refers to any program whose source B. a copyright
code is made available for use or modifica-
tion, as users or other developers see fit. C. a design right

A. Proprietary D. a trade mark

B. Copyleft 51. A is an exclusive right granted for an

C. Open source code
A. Patent
D. Virus
B. Trademark
46. Starbucks did this to their sizes (venti, C. Copyright
grande, tall) and logo.
D. Trade secret
A. Copyright
52. Patrica invented a new traveling aid and
B. Trademark wants to start selling it today. Unfortu-
C. Patent nately, she has received her paperwork
from the government. What words should
D. Trade Secret be placed on all her merchandise?
47. The rights of an author or artist with re- A. Patent Pending
spect to his or her creation are governed B. Trade Sent Pending
by the law of:
C. Copyright Files Pending
A. Patent D. Invention Rights Pending
B. trademark
53. Attribution means to
C. copyrights
A. give credit to a particular author or
D. industrial design artist


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 649

B. be the creator of an original work 58. These are signs used on goods that have a
specific identifying qualities, a reputation
C. get a copyright on your original work
or characteristics that are essentially at-


D. none of the above tributable to that place.
A. Copyright
54. Coca-Cola and Coke are trademarked
names for a certain drink made by the B. Industrial Design
Coca-Cola Company, which means C. Geographical Origin
A. no other business can make a cola D. Trademarks
59. This license states that you can’t use the
B. no other business can use the name creative work to make people look bad,
Pepsi. spread dishonest information about things,
C. no other business can use the name or sell exact copies of the work.
Coca-Cola or Coke. A. Copyright
D. no other business can use the name B. GNU Free Documentation License
Coca-Cola or Coke or any name that is sim- (GFDL)
ilar. C. Pixabay License

55. What is the most common mistake of In- D. Public Domain

tellectual Property Rights? 60. IT REFERS TO CREATIONS OF THE MIND:
A. Missing opportunity for patent protec- INVENTIONS; LITERARY AND ARTISTIC
B. Use of trade secrets from prior em-
C. Failure to secure ownership
D. none of above
56. It refers to the ownership of an idea or de- 61. It is a form of protection for your music,
sign by the person who came up with it. writing, pictures or art
A. Intellectual Property A. Copyright
B. Real Estate Property B. Copyright Protection
C. Private Property C. License
D. Immovable Property D. Intellectual Property Law
62. The state of belonging or being available
57. The legal protection afforded an expres-
to the public as a whole, and therefore not
sion of an idea, song, video and or game
subject to copyright.
A. Ethical dilemma
A. Free Right
B. Patent B. Public Domain
C. Intellectual Property C. Fair Use
D. Copyright D. Trademark


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 650

63. An exclusive right granted for an inven- 68. A music business will utilize this form of
tion, designs or plants and it is one of the protection for new music being released by
major Intellectual property . its newest signing
A. trademark A. Copyright
B. patent B. Patent
C. trade secret C. Trade Secret

D. patent and trademark D. Design Right

69. is a word, phrase, symbol, and/or de-
64. Intellectual Property is
sign that identifies and distinguishes the
A. A tangible asset source of the goods of one party from
those of others.
B. An intangible asset
A. Service Mark
C. Not capable of having an owner
B. Trademark
D. Owned by all people in a society
C. Patent
65. The doctrine established four fac- D. Copyright
tors for courts to consider when deciding
whether a particular use of copyrighted 70. Patent law protects inventions, and
property is fair and can be allowed with- law protects authored works.
out penalty. A. Copyright
A. Fair use B. Trademark
B. Copyright C. Registered design
C. Trademark D. Plant breeder’s rights
D. Plant breeder’s rights 71. Which is NOT in the intellectual property
66. , which is a limited use of copyrighted
works, is granted to critics, researchers, A. PATENT
and reporters to carry on their trades. B. TRADEMARKS
A. Infringement C. HUMAN RIGHTS

C. A Service Mark 72. What is our topic about?

D. Unusual Usage A. Source Code and Intellectual Property
67. Which of the following cannot be trade- B. Intellectual Property
C. Programmer’s Source Code
A. A logo
D. none of above
B. A brand name
73. NBA and NFL jerseys are sold with a dis-
C. A business process
tinctive mark. Which term identifies this
D. A business slogan mark on the jerseys?


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 651

A. A patent 79. Which of the following is NOT the impor-

B. copyright tant reason for a business to recognize
what is intellectual property?


C. trademark
A. Because of its tangible nature, intel-
D. trade secret
lectual property is an attractive target for
74. What do you have to do to own the copy- theft and resale
right on your own creative work, like a B. The intellectual property of a business
webpage, photo, drawing, poem, song? often represents its most valuable asset
A. File an application with the US Govern- C. To avoid unintentional violations of in-
ment Copyright office. tellectual property laws.
B. Add a copyright symbol to your work D. Intellectual property can be licensed
when it is published online. or sold, providing valuable licensing in-
C. Add a Creative Commons license to come
your work when it is published online.
80. Select the right examples of Intellectual
D. Nothing. You automatically own the Property
copyright on anything you create.
A. Symbols
75. Which intellectual property right would B. Processes
protect the Chick-Fil-A logo?
C. Inventions
A. Copyright
D. All the above
B. Trademark
81. What is Plagiarism?
C. Patent
A. The exclusive legal right, given to an
D. none of above
originator or an assignee to print, publish,
76. After registering a trademark, what sym- perform, fild, or record work
bol should be placed by all protect marks? B. To present the words and ideas of
A. R within Circle someone else as your own, without giv-
B. RTS within a circle ing credit
C. S within a circle C. A reference to an author of a given
work that can include name, title, page
D. P within a circle number, and date.
77. Patentability Criteria Includes D. To re-work the ideas, words, phrases,
A. Novelty and sentence structures of others and
retell them in your own words
B. Inventive Step
C. Industrial Applicability 82. Many large software companies have
agreements with each other in which each
D. All of these
agrees not to sue the other over patent
78. How long does a patent last for? infringement.
A. Forever A. Plant breeder’s rignts
B. 20 years B. Copyright
C. 5 years C. Trademark
D. 5 months D. Cross-licensing


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 652

83. A literary work can be 88. Choose the Correct ways to protect Intel-
lectual Property
A. copyrighted
A. Copyright/Patent/RegisterMark
B. patented
B. Copywriting/Patent/TradeMark
C. trademarked
C. Copyright/Patent/TradeMark
D. musical
D. none of above
84. The Crabby Patty recipe would be pro- 89. Omar is a graphic artist who operates a

tected as this small t-shirt business, “Simply T’s.” Omar
A. Trademark discovered that larger t-shirt companies
were using some of his designs. How can
B. Copyright Omar protect his t-shirt designs?
C. Trade Secret A. Apply for a copyright from the federal
D. Patent government
B. Apply for a patent through the federal
85. Ashley decided to her paper for class government
by copying and pasting from Wikipedia
C. Register a trademark through the fed-
and saying she wrote it.
eral government
A. Plagiarize
D. Sue the other companies
B. Sell
90. Why must inventions be documented in
C. ignore bound notebooks?
D. re-write A. There are unlimited pages in a bound
86. It refers to the author’s right to claim au-
B. You can easily add pages to a bound
thorship of the work and restrain the use
of his name with respect to any work not
of his own creation or a distorted version C. Bound notebooks are the cheapest
of his work. type of notebooks.
A. Economic Rights D. You cannot easily add or take out
pages of a bound notebook.
B. Moral Rights
91. Which intellectual property right would
C. Copyright
protect a music video?
D. Geographical Indications and Appella- A. Copyright
tions of Origin
B. Trademark
87. Books, movies, music, websites, games, C. Patent
and pieces of art are all examples of
D. none of above
A. Creative Work
92. A popular company uses the slogan, ’Just
B. Hard work Do It.’ What term identifies this slogan?
C. Copying A. copyright
D. Printed materials B. trademark


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 653


D. R in circle MALAYSIA (MYIPO)


98. What happens after trademarks are regis-
93. How long does a Trademark last?
A. 20 Years
A. No one else can use that trademark for
B. 50 Years those products.
C. 70 Years B. The business makes a lot of money.
D. Indefinitely, with consistent usage C. Other businesses can still use that
trademark for their products.
94. the action of regarding something as being
caused by a person or thing. what is this? D. The business gets new customers.
A. Citation 99. Which of the following is NOT the function
B. Creative Commons of a Trademark?

C. No Derivative Works A. It identifies one maker’s goods or ser-

vices and distinguish them from those of-
D. Attribution fered by others
95. Protection for the aesthetics of a device or B. It indicates that all goods or services
invention. Ornamental design patents in- offered under the mark come from a sin-
clude a product’s shape (Coca-Cola bottle), gle producer, manufacturer, or “source”
emojis, fonts, or any other distinct visual
traits. What type of Patent is this? C. It indicates that all goods or services
A. trademark offered under the mark are of consistent
B. copyright
D. It indicates the deficiency in the ser-
C. trade secrets
vices of goods and services offered by
D. design patent them
96. What is NOT a deciding factor in Trade- 100. When is a work Copyrighted?
mark infringement? A. you cannot obtain copyright protection
A. The similarity of marketing channels
used B. after registration with the Copyright
B. The similarity of the price Office
C. The similarity of the marks C. when the work is created
D. The strength of the mark; D. when someone steals your work

97. Where can we register an intellectual prop- 101. Which of the following is NOT an exam-
erty? ple of cyber bullying?
A. PESURUHJAYA HAK ASASI MANUSIA A. Making a physical threat online
MALAYSIA (SUHAKAM) B. Physically pushing someone
B. SURUHANJAYA PILIHAN RAYA (SPR) C. Altering a photo of friends in a goofy
MALAYSIA D. none of above


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 654

102. A symbol, word, or words legally regis- 107. Which intellectual property right would
tered or established by use as represent- protect a movie?
ing a company or product. A. Copyright
A. Patent B. Trademark
B. Statutory Licensing C. Patent
C. Trademark D. none of above
D. Copyright 108. The exclusive right to a reproduce a work

of art or published work is
103. Property can be simplified to have mean-
ing as things A. a trademark
B. a patent
A. owned
C. a copyright
B. owed
D. a lease
C. owner
109. It is also known as the “Intellectual Prop-
D. owners
erty Code”.
104. What is covered by intellectual prop- A. Republic Act No. 9283
erty? B. Republic Act No. 1234
A. Hardware C. Republic Act No. 8293
B. Equipment. D. Republic Act No. 9323
C. Invention. 110. Creations of the mind, such as stories,
D. Buildings films, music and computer programs
A. Software
105. What are intellectual property rights?
B. Private Property
A. patent, trademark, copyright, trade- C. Intellectual Property
mark, trade secret
D. Systems Management
B. patent, trademark, copyright, indus-
trial design, geographical indication 111. Copying, “lifting”, or making slight
changes to some or all of someone else’s
C. patent, trademark, corporate, trade
work and saying you created it
A. Piracy
D. patent, trades, copyright, trade secret
B. Plagiarize
106. If a company develops a new technology C. Public Domain
that improves its product, what type of IP
D. License
they use to stop others from copying?
A. Patents 112. Which of the following is not an example
of a literary work?
B. Copyrights
A. A shopping list
C. Trademarks
B. A character from a novel or story book
D. Trade Secrets


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 655

C. A textbook 118. Which of the following is a disadvantage

of ’open source’ software?
D. Computer Program


A. High quality software with lots of fea-
113. What is the term that includes patents, tures
trademarks, copyrights, and trade se- B. Not as customisable
C. May not have been tested as much as
A. Intellectual property proprietary software, so might have bugs.
B. patent
D. You can edit the source code to cus-
C. copyrigth
tomise it
D. none of above
119. Which offence of the Computer Misuse
114. It is the granting of a property right by a Act 1990 makes creating a virus illegal?
sovereign authority to an inventor. A. Offence 1
A. Patent B. Offence 2
B. Trade Secrets C. Offence 3
C. Copyright D. Offence 3a

D. Trademark 120. A DVD entitled Best dance Routines from

Dancing with the Stars
115. a quotation from or reference to a book, A. Compilation work
paper, or author. What is this
B. Collection Work
A. Non-Commercial
C. Derivative Work
B. Attribution
D. none of above
C. Citation
121. The protection afforded by a Malaysia
D. Share-Alike trademark lasts for a maximum of :

116. Which topic will our test cover tomor- A. 50

row? B. 30
A. Intellectual Property Rights C. 20
B. Outstanding Property Rights D. 10

C. Physical Property Rights 122. A name or symbol used for identification

followed by R with a circle around it. This
D. none of above
indicates registration of intellectual prop-
erty with the US Patent and Trademark Of-
117. intellectual Property rights is a
A. Negative right A. regulated items
B. Positive Right B. registration and title
C. Neutral right C. registered trademark
D. None of the above D. utility patent


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 656

123. Benefits of a Copyright are: 128. How does a computer virus infect a pc?
A. Emotional A. Email attachments
B. Economic B. Attached to files on memory sticks
C. Intellectual C. Suspicious web links
D. Credential D. All of the above

129. Jack made copies of a movie that just

124. A translation of a book into another lan-

came out. He mostly like committed
guage is a:
A. Pirate
A. Patent
B. Piracy
B. Trademark
C. Rights
C. Copyright
D. Legalities
D. Trade secret
130. This is to protect new processes
125. If a company develops a new technology
A. patent
that improves its main product, what type
of intellectual property can they use to B. copyright
stop others from copying their invention? C. trademark
A. copyright D. trade secret
B. geographical indications 131. This intellectual property type pertains to
C. patents inventions.
D. trademarks A. Patent
B. Trademark
126. Sherandie is a graphic artist who oper-
ates a small t-shirt business, “Simply T’s.” C. Copyright
Sherandie discovered that larger t-shirt D. Trade Secret
companies were using some of her designs.
How can Sherandie protect her t-shirt de- 132. After finishing his first novel, where will
signs? Paul file his application to protect his new
A. Apply for a copyright
A. US Copyright Office
B. Apply for a patent
B. US Patent Office
C. Apply for a trademark
C. US Trademark Office
D. Sue the other companies
D. US Trade Secret Office
127. Which intellectual property right would 133. When trade secrets are improperly ac-
protect the Nike logo? quired, this is called:
A. Copyright A. copyright infringment
B. Trademark B. unfair competition
C. Patent C. misappropriation of trade secrets
D. none of above D. patent infringment


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 657

134. An invention is protected by 139. What is the difference between SLANDER

and LIBEL?
A. a trademark


A. Slander is spoken; libel is written.
B. a copyright
B. Libel is spoken; slander is written.
C. a patent
C. ONLY slander can damage a person’s
D. none of above
135. What is another name given to ’propri- D. Defamation only applies to famous
etary software’? people
A. Open source software 140. What is the maximum jail term you could
B. Bespoke software receive for spreading a virus?
C. Tailor Made software A. 6 months
D. Closed source software B. 2 years
C. 5 years
136. After video taping an airplane crash,
Allen wanted to protect his rights to the D. 10 years
video. What type of protection did he ap-
141. It protects only the appearance or aes-
ply for?
thetic features of a product
A. A patent
A. Geographical Indications and Appella-
B. copyright tions of Origin
C. trademark B. Patent
D. trade secret C. Industrial Design
D. Copyright Infrigement
137. Bart would like to legally prevent all
other businesses from using his business 142. What is spyware?
name, “Headquarters Barbershop.” Bart
must apply to the government to receive A. Causes adverts to appear on screen.
a: B. Software that deletes your files
A. Copyright C. Slows your pc down.
B. License D. Collects information from you and
C. Patent transfers it across the internet.

D. Trademark 143. What is an IP address?

A. A unique string of numbers that identi-
138. Intellectual property rights protect the
fies each computer on a network.
use of information and ideas that are of
B. An unique number to identify mouse
A. Ethical value
and keyboard
B. Moral value
C. An address used to find a printer
C. Social value
D. An address to identify computer hard-
D. Commercial value ware


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 658

144. is one of several public copyright licenses 149. Who is likely to be targeted by phishing
that enable the free distribution of an oth- scams.
erwise copyrighted work. What is this?
A. School children
A. Citation
B. Adults
B. Non-Commercial
C. Companies
C. Creative Commons
D. Everyone
D. Attribution

150. Which of the following is NOT a basic el-
145. A work or invention that is the result of ement of private enterprise?
creativity to which one has rights and for
A. Freedom to compete
which one may apply for a patent, copy-
right, trademark, etc. is called B. Freedom to own property
A. intellectual property C. Freedom to make profit
B. imaginary property D. Freedom to produce.
C. integral property 151. Which idea fits better about Public Do-
D. personal property main
A. Provides for the limited quotation of
146. Which item would you be able to patent?
a copyrighted work without permission
A. A literary, dramatic, musical or artistic from or payment to the copyright holder
B. A scientific or mathematical discovery B. When copyright or patent has expired
or theory
C. When copyright or patent has been
C. A technological advancement registered
D. All D. none of above

147. When is it legal to copy software or other 152. A patent that protects the functionality
material? of the invention
A. Educational use A. a design patent
B. Professional use B. a utility patent
C. In order to make improvements to the C. a copy patent
D. a trademark
D. none of above
153. Which of these is a geographical indica-
148. The length of a copyright is tion?
A. 3 years A. BMW
B. 70 years after the death of the author B. LABU SAYONG
C. 86 years C. PLAYSTATION
D. 10 years D. BATU SEREMBAN


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 659

154. Intangible property that is a product of 158. A government authority or license confer-
the imagination, (e.g., copyrights, trade- ring a right or title for a set period, espe-
marks, and patents). cially the sole right to exclude others from


making, using, or selling an invention.
A. Copyright (©)
A. Copyright
B. Fair Use Doctrine
B. Patent
C. Intellectual Property
C. Authorship
D. Phonorecords
D. License
155. This is to protect writing 159. The courts may award up to triple dam-
A. patent ages for which of the following?
B. copyright A. Theft of trade secrets

C. trademark B. Copyright infringement

C. Trademark infringement
D. trade secret
D. Patent infringement
156. Which of the following is not a valid rea-
son forrevoking a registered intellectual 160. This is the exclusive legal right to print,
property right? publish, perform, film, or record literary,
artistic, or musical material, and to autho-
A. The invention is nor patentable inven- rize others to do the same.
A. Copyright
B. The patent was granted to person who
B. GNU Free Documentation License
was notentitled to it
C. The patent applicant already has a sim- C. Pixabay License
ilar patent intheir name
D. Public Domain
D. The patent does not disclose the inven-
tion clearlyenough for it to be performed 161. a work or invention that is the result
by a person skilled in the art of creativity, such as a manuscript or a
design, to which one has rights and for
157. Define Confidentiality which one may apply for a patent, copy-
right, trademark, etc. what is this?
A. Violating a copyright, trademark, or
patent holder’s rights A. Intellectual Property
B. A conflict of interest exists when B. Copyright
personal considerations and professional C. Citation
obligations interfere with each other
D. Share-Alike
C. Involves a set of rules or a promise
usually executed through confidentiality 162. This type of IP that constitutes the orna-
agreements that limits access or places mental or aesthetic aspect of an article or
restrictions on certain types of informa- work.
tion. A. Copyright
D. none of above B. Trademarks


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 660

C. Patent 167. Unlicensed software is:

D. Industrial Design A. Trademark Infringement

163. Choose the correct definition of trade- B. Patent Infringement

marks : C. Trade secret Infringement
A. A trade mark is a sign which distin- D. Copyright Infringement
guishes the goods and services of one
trader from those of another. A mark in- 168. A patent is good for up to years and

cludes words, logos, pictures, names, let- is not renewable.
ters, numbers or a combination of these. A. 10 years
B. 15 years
B. The ornamentation or shape of a func-
tional object, such as a chair C. 20 years
C. The right to prevent others from copy- D. 25 years
ing or modifying certain works
169. The doctrine that brief excerpts of copy-
D. A monopoly to make, use, or sell an in- right material may, under certain circum-
vention stances, be quoted verbatim for purposes
such as criticism, news reporting, teaching,
164. One of several public copyright licenses
and research, without the need for per-
that enable the free distribution of an oth-
mission from or payment to the copyright
erwise copyrighted work.
A. Creative Commons
A. Trademark
B. Public Domain
B. Patent
C. Copyright
C. Public Domain
D. Length of Protection
D. Fair Use
165. Licensing system for authors who wish to
distribute their work freely. 170. Property resulting from intellectual and
creative processes.
A. Fair Use
A. Collective Mark
B. Creative Commons
B. Intellectual Property
C. Creative Collection
C. Patent
D. Educational Fair Use
D. Trade Name
166. A legal document that gives the inven-
tor the exclusive legal right to make, use, 171. AN exclusive right granted for an inven-
or sell the invention for a limited time is tion, which is a product or a process that
called: provides a new way of doing something.
A. Trademarks A. Copyright
B. Copyright B. Trademark
C. Trade Secrets C. Copyleft
D. Patents D. Patent


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 661

172. The following can be patented 177. Which intellectual property right would
A. Machine protect the adidas logo?


B. Process A. Copyright
C. Composition of matter B. Trademark
D. All of the above C. Patent
173. Works published prior to 1923 and D. none of above
works by long-dead authors/creators, can
be considered as? 178. The term used to descibe when a person
does not have legal rights to copy some-
A. Intellectual Property one else’s work is called?
B. Traditional Copyright
A. Privacy Invasion
C. Public Domain
B. Copyright
D. Creative Commons
C. Intellectual Property
174. Identify the treaty or convention that
D. Trolling
gives protection to the owner of the trade-
mark as their citizen of the country. 179. Because Zoe used a small amount of a
A. Madrid protocol movie in a remix video she made that
B. Berne convention pokes fun at the main character, she could
say it’s
C. Paris convention
A. License
D. All of these
B. Stealing
175. Which intellectual property are protected
by copyright? C. Copyright
A. ideas D. Fair Use
B. all works 180. Match the type of intellectual property
C. literary, musical, dramatic, pictorial with the correct definition.An exclusive
works right granted for an invention.
D. titles, names, slogans A. Copyright
176. Define Conflict of Interest B. Patents
A. Involves a set of rules or a promise C. Trademarks
usually executed through confidentiality
D. none of above
agreements that limits access or places
restrictions on certain types of informa- 181. Practice of registering a trade mark as a
tion. domain name with the intention of later
B. A conflict of interest exists when selling it to the rightful owner.
personal considerations and professional A. DESIGN RIGHT
obligations interfere with each other
C. Violating a copyright, trademark, or
patent holder’s rights C. CYBERSQUATTING
D. none of above D. COPYRIGHT


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 662

182. A song is protected by a 187. This is to protect manufacturing pro-

A. copyright
A. patent
B. trademark
B. copyright
C. patent
C. trademark
D. none of above
D. trade secret
183. The following aspect of a patent specifi-

188. Which works are protected by copy-
cation clearly specifies the scope of own-
ership of a Patent:
A. ideas
A. Title of invention
B. all works
B. Field of invention
C. literary, musical, dramatic, pictorial
C. Claims works
D. Abstract D. titles, names, slogans
184. John Grisham protects the rights to his 189. Which of the following is NOT a basic re-
book, “The Firm” by filing which docu- quirement for a patent?
A. It must be extraordinarily creative
A. A patent B. It must have utility
B. copyright C. It must be novel
C. trademark D. It must be not obvious to a person of
D. trade secret ordinary skill in the field

185. Which of the following is an “intellectual 190. Employees should be policies and pro-
property” as per IPR Laws in India. cedures to follow them.

A. Original literary work A. It is known by public

B. Committed and respect
B. Industrial Design of Maruti800 car
C. It is used by public
C. Trademark of Tata company
D. None of the above
D. All of these
191. A patent that may be obtained for the or-
186. Patent is namental nonfunctional design of an item
A. the insignia, phrase, word, or symbol is called
that denotes a specific product and legally A. a design patent
differentiates it from all other products of
B. a utility patent
its kind
C. a trade patent
B. the exclusive right to make, use, or sell
a device or process D. a sales patent
C. the exclusive right to perform, display, 192. Which intellectual property right would
copy, or distribute an artistic work protect the invention of the iphone?
D. none of above A. Copyright


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 663

B. Trademark C. Another group may be able to produce

C. Patent a better quality product than you


D. All the following
D. none of above
198. Why is it important to put our names on
193. A patent related to windshield wiper was
the things we create?
granted to
A. We’re proud and want people to know
A. Mr. Hunt
the creator!
B. Ms. Mary Anderson B. To make things free
C. Ms. Miriam Benjamin C. To give it away
D. Mr. John J Loud D. none of above
194. Such works are said to be , to indicate 199. Patents are good for years for inven-
they can be freely used. tions.
A. Copyright A. 10
B. Copyleft B. 15
C. Patent C. 20
D. Trademarked D. 25

195. This type of IP provides the owner with 200. What protects the intellectual property
the right to decide how - or whether - the created by artists?
invention can be used by others. A. Patents
A. Copyright B. Copyrights
B. Trademarks C. Trademarks
C. Patent D. Trade Secrets
D. Industrial Design
201. Assume a company’s marketing Vice
196. A usually lasts for the life of the on- President leaves to become the marketing
line creator plus 70 years. Vice President of another company, and
creates a marketing plan for the new com-
A. Patent pany that is virtually identical to one he
B. Trademark has working on at the old company. The
old company could argue that this a
C. Copyright
A. Trade secret dispute
D. Trade secret
B. Copyright infringement
197. Why would you want to license a C. Patent infringement
D. Market encroachment
A. Another group may be able to produce
the product faster than you. 202. A word, phrase, symbol or logo that is
B. Another group may be able to produce used to brand, identify and distinguish a
the product in a greater quantity than you. service.
A. Trademark


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 664

B. Service Mark 208. Who should assist us with avoiding

C. Mark breaking policies of intellectual property?
A. A friend
D. Copyright
B. .Senior management &Human re-
203. In KSA, the Royal Decree for copyright sources
was made in:
C. Security
A. 2001
D. Human resources only

B. 2002
209. Refers to creation of the mind, such as
C. 2003 inventions; literary and artistic works; de-
D. 2004 signs; and symbols, names and images
used in commerce
204. This term means you can use copyrighted
A. Intellectual Property
material without a license only for certain
purposes. B. Copyright
A. Intellectual Property C. Copyright Infringement
B. Copyright D. Trademark Infrigement
C. Industrial Design 210. Creative Commons is a set of licenses
D. Fair Use that automatically give you to do var-
ious things with other people’s creations,
205. Which government agency is responsible such as reuse and distribute them.
for approving trademarks? A. ownership
A. USDA B. passwords
B. USPTO C. permission
C. OCHO D. software
D. EPA 211. A usually lasts for the life of the cre-
ator plus 70 years.
206. How do you educate you employees
about intellectual property? A. Trademark
A. By providing a list B. Copyright
B. By phone C. Patent
C. By email D. None of the following

D. Training and workshops 212. Elijah would like to legally prevent all
other businesses from using his business
207. A is commercially valuable informa- logo and slogan, “Fresh them up with a
tion that the owner attempts to keep hid- fresh cut Barbershop.” Elijah must ap-
den from competitors. ply to the government to receive a:
A. Patent A. Copyright
B. Trademark B. License
C. Copyright C. Patent
D. Trade Secret D. Trademark


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 665

213. Symbol of AirAsia is 218. What is the purpose of the policies and
A. copyright


B. patent A. Making lives miserable

C. trademark B. Adding more complexity

D. all of the above C. To act and behave professionally

D. Add more formality and shape to work
214. Assume a company’s marketing VP
leaves to become the marketing VP of an- 219. is any word, name, symbol, or de-
other company, and creates a marketing vice used to identify the source or origin
plan for the new company that is virtually of products or services and to distinguish
identical to one he was working on at the those products or services from others
old company. The old company could argue
that this a A. A patent

A. Trade secret dispute B. A logo

B. Copyright infringement C. A trademark

C. Patent infringement D. A copyright

D. Market encroachment 220. The length of a utility patent is
215. This is to protect business name A. 7 years
A. patent B. 5 years before the death of the author
B. copyright
C. all of the years
C. trademark
D. 20 years
D. trade secret

216. Licensing a patent simply means that the 221. After Jeff video tapped a train wreck
patent owner grants to another indi- crash last night, He wanted to protect his
vidual/organization to make, use, sell etc. rights to the video. What type of protec-
his/her patented invention tion did he apply for?

A. Access A. A patent

B. Permission B. copyright

C. Acceptance C. trademark

D. Benefits D. trade secret

217. A registered trademark is renewable af- 222. Which one is not how companies identi-
ter how many years? fied individuals before biometrics?
A. 10 A. Passwords/Passcodes
B. 20 B. Access Cards
C. 30 C. Fingerprints
D. 40 D. none of above


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 666

223. How can a trojan infect your pc? C. INDUSTRIAL DESIGN

A. On memory sticks. D. TRADEMARKS
B. Through email attachments. 229. As part of the patent application, the
C. By being disguised as legitimate soft- USPTO searches the existing body of
ware. knowledge that is available to a person of
ordinary skill in the art. This existing body
D. Dodgy web links of knowledge is also called

224. What is Fair Use? A. Prior art
A. pictures, essays B. PMBOK
B. unfair use of copyright material C. Skills and art
C. all copyright materials D. Skills extraordinaire

D. material that can be used without the 230. What protects fixed expressions of cre-
owners permission ativity?
A. Trademark
225. are rules of behavior based on a
group’s ideas about what is right and B. Copyright
wrong C. Patent
A. Ethics D. Trade Secret
B. Integrity 231. What protects legal names/logos that
C. Morals represent anentity, a company, and/or
their products?
D. Trade Secrets
A. Patent
226. This is to protect new machines B. Trademark
A. patent C. License
B. copyright D. none of above
C. trademark 232. Which company is researching heartbeat
D. trade secret data to verify purchases?
A. Mastercard
227. What percentage of respondents in the
survey said that biometrics are the future B. PayPal
of identity verifications? C. Amazon
A. 58% D. Google
B. 24% 233. How is a Worm different from other
C. 76% viruses

D. 33% A. It does more harm

B. It can spread without a user doing any-
228. Which intellectual property is suitable to thing
register your unique glass design?
C. It can’t spread without a user doing
A. PATENT something
B. COPYRIGHT D. It doesn’t do any harm


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 667

234. criminal sanction may be taken against: 239. A is a word, mark, symbol or de-
A. An employee who uses a patented in- vice that identifies a product of a particular
manufacturer or merchant.


vention without right.
A. Patent
B. An employee who listens to music at
work. B. Trademark
C. An employee who registers an inven- C. Copyright
tion that already has a patent D. Trade Secret
D. An employee who sells copies of pro-
240. This is copyrighted software available for
tected works on company property.
235. Before using commercial software bought A. Site License
from a store, one must first have to
B. Commercial Software
use it.
C. Share Ware
A. Copy
D. Adware
B. Permit
C. License 241. The main tactic used to circumvent is
to register numerous domain name varia-
D. Subcopy tions as soon as an organization thinks it
might want to develop a web presence.
236. This gives the creator exclusive rights for
20 years. A. Cyberdomain
A. Patent B. Cybertransient
B. Copyright C. Cybertenancy
C. Trademark D. Cybersquatting
D. Trade Secret 242. Each of the following is a form of intellec-
tual property EXCEPT
237. Intellectual especially related to compli-
cated A. a patent on a business process

A. solving B. a website design

B. answers C. the recipe for apple pie that has been

passed down through your family for sev-
C. problems eral generations
D. ideas D. the name of the website “Google”
238. To steal and pass off the ideas or words 243. Match the type of intellectual property
of another as one’s own or to use an- with the correct definition.A protected
other’s production without crediting the name or symbol that uniquely identifies
source. the products/services of a company.
A. Phonorecords A. Copyright
B. Fair Use Doctrine B. Patents
C. Intellectual Permission C. Trademarks
D. Plagiarism D. Creative Commons


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 668

244. If you want to use one program on thirty 248. Which of the following is a copyright?
different computers, you should? A. Television programs
A. Purchase a site license or buy enough B. Musical work
copies for every compute
C. Books, novels, and poems
B. Buy two copies, in case one becomes
D. All of the above
damaged, and load it on all the computers
249. A book listing the 100 most exciting

C. Buy one copy and put it on all the com- cities in the world and identifying their av-
puters erage rainfall and average daily tempera-
D. Borrow it from another school, copy it,
and send it back promptly A. Compilation work
B. Collection Work
245. How Long Does Copyright Protection
C. Derivative Work
D. none of above
A. a lifetime
B. 70 years after the death of the author 250. Title II of the amends the Copyright
or artist Act by adding a new section that enables
a website operator that allows users to
C. it does not last post content on its website to avoid copy-
D. 1 year right infringement if certain “ safe harbor”
provisions are followed.
246. These are the goods that have a specific A. Communications Decency Act (CDA)
geographical origin and possess qualities,
B. Digital Millennium Copyright Act
a reputation or characteristics that are es-
sentially attributable to that place of ori-
gin. C. Child Online Protection Act (COPA)
A. Economic Rights D. Children’s Internet Protection Act
B. Geographical Indications and Appella-
tions of Origin 251. A patent related to Gong and Signal Chair
C. Trademarks was granted to
A. Mr. Hunt
D. Patent
B. Ms. Mary Anderson
247. All of the answers below are advantages C. Ms. Miriam Benjamin
to buying your own software EXCEPT?
D. Mr.John J Loud
A. Having instruction manuals or docu-
mentation. 252. The method of manufacturing coconut
punch needs to be protected by:
B. Getting expert help from the software
company A. a copyright
C. Giving free copies to your friends B. a patent

D. Having the personal satisfaction of do- C. trade secrets

ing what is ethical and legal. D. a design right


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 669

253. It is the list of human readable instruction B. trade mark

that a programmer writes C. trade secret


A. Binary D. none of above
B. Machine Learning
258. A fair use is any copying of done for
C. Algorithm a limited and “transformative” purpose,
D. Source Code such as to comment upon, criticize, or par-
ody a copyrighted work.
254. Burger King and Pepsi have symbols that
identify their company. What is the name A. Infographic
of the term used to identify their sym- B. copyrighted material
bols? C. social media
A. A patent
D. logos
B. copyright
C. trademark
D. trade secret
255. Intellectual property is B. COPYRIGHTS
A. Your actual brain C. TRADEMARK
B. A funny thing Mr. C made up D. TRADE SECRETS
C. Anything you create: something origi-
260. The term “Intellectual Property Rights”
D. Your house
A. Copyrights
256. Which of the following is an acceptable B. Know-how
reason for refusal to register a trade-
C. Trade dress
D. All of the above
A. The trademark is contrary to accepted
standards of morality 261. Type of Intellectual Property in the form
B. The trademark contains an object or of a formula, practice, process, design, in-
animal that is present in another regis- strument, or compilation of information
tered trademark that is generally not known by any person
outside of the company.
C. The trademark contains a word that is
in common usage A. Patent
D. The trademark contains the colours of B. Trade Secret
a sovereign country’s flag C. Copyright
257. It is an arrangement between two par- D. Trademark
ties, where one party has proprietary
rights over some information, process or 262. Which government agency is responsible
technology protected by a patent, trade- for approving patents?
mark, copyright. A. USPTO
A. licensing B. FDA


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 670

C. OSHA 268. Sam created a video documentary about

D. CDC his life for a school project. He used 30
seconds of a copyrighted pop song for the
263. What is intellectual property: introduction to his video. This is legal un-
A. Famous people in the music industry.
A. public do main
B. Personal creations at home.
B. fair use
C. Old creations copied by other busi-

nesses. C. school policy
D. Creations of the mind; like new ideas D. copyright law
or inventions used for the purpose of busi-
ness. 269. Which Works Are Not Protected by Copy-
264. How would you summarize Public Do-
A. slogans, motion pictures
B. musical, pictorial, dramatic works
A. You can find it in a public library.
B. You can get it on line for free. C. sound recordings

C. You can use the work without getting D. ideas, slogans, names, short phrases
270. It is anything that you created with your
D. You can use it under the Fair Use Act. mind
265. Which government agency is responsible A. Imagination
for approving copyrights? B. Intellectual Creation
A. USCO C. Thoughts
B. USTPO D. Creation
271. Which of the following is NOT an exam-
D. UFO ple of trade secret?
266. Sharing your company’s trade secret is a A. A method or technique that would give
good thing. an enterprise an edge over its competi-
A. It Depends tors.

B. False B. Manufacturing techniques

C. True C. A formula of a sports drink

D. none of above D. A written work of William Shakespeare

267. Which intellectual property right would 272. Which intellectual property protection
protect the McDonald’s brand name? has the longest history?
A. Copyright A. patents
B. Trademark B. copyrights
C. Patent C. trademarks
D. none of above D. inventions


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 671

273. Which is NOT an intellectual property is- C. Security of buildings

sue? D. Phones and Laptops


A. Poor Trademark Selection
278. A patent related to ball point pen was
B. Poor Trademark Logos
granted to
C. Errors in Licensing
A. Mr. Hunt
D. none of above
B. Ms. Mary Anderson
274. If a company develops a new technology,
C. Ms. Miriam Benjamin
what type of intellectual property can they
use to stop others from copying their in- D. Mr. John J Loud
279. For a work to be protected under copy-
A. Patent right, it must:
B. Trademark
A. be copied with permission.
C. Copyright
B. be original and fixed in a tangible form.
D. Trade secret

275. Copyright is C. include a Copyright Notice.

A. the insignia, phrase, word, or symbol D. be included in the Fair Use Act.
that denotes a specific product and legally
differentiates it from all other products of 280. Basically Intellectual Property Rights pro-
its kind tect the use of information and ideas that
are of
B. the exclusive right to make, use, or sell
a device or process A. Social Value
C. the exclusive right to perform, display, B. Moral Value
copy, or distribute an artistic work C. Commercial Value
D. none of above
D. Ethical Value
276. Imagine a footballer sets up his own
281. When a trademark becomes the common
company to sell his own range of clothes.
name of a product it is called
What type of intellectual property can he
use to show that the clothes are made by A. gastrulation
his company? B. gestation
A. copyright
C. genericization
B. geographical indications
D. glomerula
C. patents
D. trademarks 282. A patent will be valid if:
A. It is known by public
277. What are biometrics most commonly
used for? B. It is not known or sold to people before
A. Internet
B. Online banking and Authorization of C. It is used by public
payments D. None of the above


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 672

283. James protects his new invention by ap- 288. What is a virus?
plying for which type of protection?
A. blocking access until money is paid
A. A patent
B. A piece of code that can copy itself and
B. copyright
attack a computer
C. trademark
C. Sends information covertly
D. trade secret
D. when someone steals your computer
284. Computer Programme Per say can be reg-

istered under
289. The use of copyrighted music for your per-
A. patent sonal use is a type of copyright infringe-
B. Copyright ment
C. Design A. True
D. Trademark
B. False
285. This is to protect formulas
C. Both
A. patent
D. none of above
B. copyright
C. trademark 290. Choose the correct definition of Copyright
D. trade secret :

286. Choose the correct definition of Patent : A. To copy the information the right way.
A. A patent is an exclusive right granted
for an invention, which is a product or a B. Copyright is a protection given to au-
process that provides, in general, a new thors, copyright owner and performer of
way of doing something, or offers a new their copyright work and performances as
technical solution to a problem. prescribe under the Copyright Act 1987.
B. Permit the owner to “include” others
C. Permit the owner to “include” others
from making, using, selling, offering for
from making, using, selling, offering for
sale, and importing a product or service
sale, and importing a product or service
embodying the invention.
embodying the invention.
C. Permit the owner to “exclude” others
from making, using, selling, offering for D. none of above
sale, and importing a product or service
embodying the invention. 291. Registering a copyright allows the cre-
ator to collect damages for , which is
D. none of above
the unauthorized copying, sale, display, or
287. This type of intellectual property would performance of the work.
relate to songs.
A. Fair Use
A. Trademark
B. Unusual Usage
B. Copyright
C. Patent C. Infringement
D. Trade Secret D. A Service Mark


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 673

292. If you write an original story, what type C. cookies

of intellectual property gives you the right D. code of ethics
to decide who can make and sell copies of


your work? 298. Which of the following is NOT a basis
A. copyright from which to challenge an intellectual-
property right?
B. geographical indications
A. The intellectual property right was
C. patents registered bysomeone who has since
D. trademarks changed their name
293. If you see the ®symbol, what type of B. The intellectual property right relates
intellectual property does this identify? to a writtenwork registered by an author
dead 70 years
A. Patent
C. The renewal fee on the intellectual
B. Copyright property rightwas not paid after the initial
C. Trademark ten-year period expired
D. none of above D. The intellectual property was never
valid becausethe essential requirements
294. When is our test on intellectual property
for registration weren’t met
A. Tomorrow (Friday) 299. A(n) is a logo, package design,
phrase, sound, or word that enables a con-
B. Next November
sumer to differentiate one company ’ s
C. Never products from another ’ s.
D. P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney, A. Patent
B. Copyright
295. In our discussion, IP stands for C. Trademark
A. Internet power D. Plant breeder’s rights
B. International protocol
300. Which is the most strict usage rights that
C. Intellectual of property apply to intellectual property?
D. Intellectual property A. Copyright
296. How long does the term of copyright for B. Creative Commons
an author lasts? C. Pixabay License
A. Life of the Author plus 70 years D. Public Domain
B. 20 years from the date of filing
301. When Dwayne used a kind of copyright to
C. Life of the Author make it easy for others to copy and share
D. 50 years his video, he was using

297. dictates how business should be con- A. Fair Use

ducted. B. Piracy
A. social responsibility C. Uncommon creativity
B. filters D. Creative Commons


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 674

302. A U.S. trademark generally lasts as long C. US Trademark Office

as the trademark is used in commerce and D. US Trade Secret Office
defended against infringement. Copyright
protection is for a limited term. 307. It is a sign capable of distinguishing the
A. Public Domain goods or services of one enterprise from
those of other enterprises
B. Copyright
A. Patent
C. Length of Protection
B. Trademarks

D. Registered Trademark
C. Industrial design
303. Consent to use a work, usually by reprint- D. Media Law
ing or reproducing it in some other work.
A. Permission 308. Which of the following is excluded from
an intellectual property law?
B. Plagiarism
A. Trademark Act, 1999
C. Public Domain
B. Patent Act, 1970
D. Trademark
C. Income Tax Act, 1962
304. The process of extracting knowledge or
D. Copyright Act, 1957
design information from anything man-
made and re-producing it or reproducing 309. Coca-Cola and McDonald’s have symbols
anything based on the extracted informa- that identify their company. What term is
tion is known as: used to identify their symbols?
A. Regular Thinking A. Patent
B. Reverse Engineering B. Service mark
C. Regular Engineering C. Trademark
D. Reverse Thinking D. none of above
305. Jon has invented a new traveling aid and 310. What protects designs or processes that
wants to start selling it today. Jon has are novel, non-obvious and useful?
not received his paperwork from the gov-
ernment. What words should be placed on A. Trademark
all the merchandise? B. Copyright
A. Patent Pending C. Patent
B. Trade Sent D. Trade Secret
C. Copyright Files 311. Which of the following cannot have a de-
D. Invention Rights sign right applied?

306. Once Paul finishes his first novel, where A. The design of a video game character
will Paul file his application to protect his B. Apple’s specific office design
new book? C. The unique shape of a brand of furni-
A. US Copyright Office ture
B. US Patent Office D. All can have it applied


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 675

312. John Legend would not be able to copy- B. An exclusive right granted for a work
right the birthday song because: C. An inclusive right to distribute any in-


A. Songs can’t be copyrighted vention
B. John Legend didn’t write it D. It protects secret information
C. It has no creativity 318. A gives the inventor the sole right to
D. He actually could make, use or sell the item for 17 years.
A. copyright
313. This is to protect software
B. trademark
A. patent
C. patent
B. copyright
D. monopoly
C. trademark
319. A protects the expression of a cre-
D. trade secret
ative work, such as the work of an author,
314. If you are a witness to a cyber bully- artist or composer.
ing incident, which of the following would A. Patent
mostly likely NOT result in eliminating the
B. Trademark
C. Copyright
A. Report it to a trusted adult
D. Trade Secret
B. Ignore it and hope it goes away on its
own 320. “…a fairly extensive use of the original
C. Report the user to a website adminis- work is permitted in a parody in order to
trator “conjure up” the original.” In this phrase,
“conjure up” means:
D. none of above
A. A magic trick
315. What was the first company to provide B. To make you think of the original
biometric verification to unlock phones?
C. Slightly refers to the original
A. Samsung
D. None of the following
B. Apple
321. What happens to the work after the copy-
C. Windows
right time has passed?
D. Google A. It can be bought
316. A protects the creative work of au- B. There is no time-limit on copyright
thors, composers, and artists. C. The work must be destroyed
A. checkmark D. It goes into the public domain
B. trademarks
322. Laws protecting intellectual property
C. copyrights from unauthorized copying.
D. patents A. Licensing
317. What is a patent? B. Patent
A. A right that does not protect any cre- C. Trademarks
ative work D. Copyright


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 676

323. Software which restricts the actions a 328. Which of these text messages could be
user can perform with a file, such as copy- viewed as cyberbullying?
ing or printing. Also known as DRM
A. Let’s meet at the park at 2pm
A. Digital Removal Management
B. I think the red sweater looks best
B. Digital Reader Maintenance
C. Don’t tell Tina about going to the park
C. Digital Rights Management
D. none of above D. I like my flip phone

324. Design does not include 329. A RECOGNIZABLE SIGN IDENTIFY-
B. composition of lines or colours
C. mode or principle of construction A. CONTENTS

D. none of the above B. TRADEMARK

325. A is a property right that excludes C. LABEL

other from making, using, offering for sale, D. DESIGN
selling, or importing the invention.
A. Patent 330. A distinctive mark or symbol to which
a person or company has declared owner-
B. Trademark
ship by confirmation with the US Patent
C. Copyright and Trademark Office.
D. Trade Secret A. Patent
326. In most countries, how long does copy- B. Creative Commons
right last for?
C. Public Domain
A. 10 years after the creation of the work
D. Registered Trademark
B. 50 years after the creation of the work
C. 10 years after the death of the person
who created that work A. TRADEMARKS
D. 50 years after the death of the person B. TRADE SECRETS
who created that work
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE, PRO- 332. The length of a trademark is
TIONS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. A. indefinite as long as the product is still
on the market
A. RA 10175
B. RA 9262 B. 5 years

C. RA 8293 C. 26.82 years

D. RA 9165 D. 10 years


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 677

333. A business created the phrase “Do your 338. If you write a song, when does the music
best” and then used it into a logo, what become intellectual property?
way do the business have to use to pro-


A. The moment you think of the song.
tect this idea?
B. When the song is heard on the radio.
A. Copyright and Patent
C. When the song appears in tangible
B. Patent and Trademark form.
C. Copyright and Trademark D. The first time you sing the song.
D. Trade Secret and Trademark
339. The protection afforded by a Malaysia
334. What are the four types of intellectual patent lasts for a maximum of :
property? A. 10
A. Copyright, Patents, Traders, Apples B. 20
B. Copy, Patents, Trademarks, Scripts C. 30
C. Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks, De- D. 50
sign Rights/Ideas
340. Which of the following can’t be copy-
D. Copy, Paste, Cut, Hyphen
335. Permitting the use of something or allow- A. Literary Works
ing an activity to take place
B. Facts and data
A. Licensing
C. Expressions of the facts
B. Trademark
D. Creative expressions
C. Public Usage
341. There are major path for legal protec-
D. Patent
336. What does USPTO stand for? A. one
A. United States Presidential Trademark B. two
C. three
B. United States Patent and Trademark D. four
C. United States Professional Trademark 342. Data that has been grouped to find mean-
Organization ing
D. United States Patents Office A. information
B. trademark
337. How long does a copyright for an author
or creator last? C. copyright

A. 1 year D. digital product

B. 25 years 343. What is not piracy

C. 75 years A. To burn a CD
D. the lifetime of a work’s creator + 70 B. To copy Digital files without permis-
years sion


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 678

C. To use a Torrent service to get movies 349. A monopoly granted by the U.S. Patent
Office for a limited time to the creator of
D. To buy something from a store or on- a new invention.
line A. Copyright (©)
344. A symbol, word/s, legally registered or B. Fair Use Doctrine
established by use as representing a com- C. Intellectual Property
pany or product.
D. Patent

A. Patent
B. Trade Secrets 350. Which type of patent would be applicable
to something like “Amazon.com” one-click
C. Copyright
ordering system or “Trivago.com” model
D. Trademark of purchasing accommodations?
345. A street vendor on Bloor Street is selling A. Trademark
fake “Rolex” watches. Under which area B. Business method patent
of intellectual property would the Rolex
Company likely seek a remedy? C. Design patent

A. Patent D. Dot com patent

B. Trademark 351. The process of taking something apart in
C. Copyright order to understand it, build a copy of it,
or improve it is called
D. Trade secret
A. Forward engineering
346. A brand logo is protected by a
B. Copy and print
A. patent
C. Improvement and renovations
B. trademark
D. Reverse engineering
C. copyright
D. none of above 352. Biometric authentication:

347. Which of the following is not a type of A. is inexpensive.

patent? B. is used widely in Europe for security
A. Utility patents applications.
B. Copyright C. can use a person’s face as a unique,
measurable trait.
C. Design patents
D. only uses physical traits as a measure-
D. Plant Patents
348. Which of these licenses will run a server
script to limit the number of users at any 353. This is the unwanted and illegal copying
one time? and use of software.
A. network license. A. Commercial Software
B. proprietary license. B. Public domain software
C. application license. C. Software Policy
D. enterprise license. D. Site License


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 679

354. Amirul has designed a uniquely shaped A. It stagnates the progress of hu-
walker for senior citizens, which can be mankind
collapsed and, with the aid of two levers,


B. It creates a barrier to stop innovating
used as a chair. Amirul’s design is in com-
mercial production under the name of Sup- C. It rewards creativity
portive Stroller. Which types of intellec- D. It generates problem to global chal-
tual property would most likely apply to lenges.
Amirul’s creation?
A. Patent; copyright; trademark 359. A word or symbol used to identify a prod-
uct or service in the marketplace.
B. Copyright; trademark; industrial de-
sign A. Trademark
C. Trademark; industrial design; trade B. Fair Use Doctrine
secret C. Intellectual Public Domain
D. Patent; trademark; industrial design D. Plagiarism
355. “Risk involved with stealing ideas from 360. Intellectual property relates to creations
other businesses” talks about of the
A. Conflict of Interest A. mine
B. Confidentiality B. mind
C. Intellectual Property
C. myself
D. none of above
D. masterpiece
356. This sign ®stands for
361. A is a unique word, mark, or symbol
A. Patent that identifies a service as opposed to a
B. Trade secret product.

C. Registered copyright A. Trademark

D. Registered trademark B. Copyright

C. Patent
357. It is a legal field that relates to legal regu-
lation of the telecommunications industry, D. Service Mark
information technology, broadcasting, ad-
vertising, the entertainment industry, cen- 362. Trade mark is
sorship, and the internet and online ser- A. the insignia, phrase, word, or symbol
vices among others. that denotes a specific product and legally
A. Media Law differentiates it from all other products of
its kind
B. Legalities
B. the exclusive right to make, use, or sell
C. Intellectual Property a device or process
D. Economic Rights C. the exclusive right to perform, display,
copy, or distribute an artistic work
358. How does an average person benefit
from the intellectual property rights? D. none of above


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 680

363. If you write an original story, what type 368. Who OWNS intellectual property?
of IP gives you the right to decide who can A. Always the person who created it
make and sell copies of your work?
B. The government
A. Patents
C. Whoever puts their name on it
B. Copyrights
D. none of above
C. Trademarks
D. Registered Designs 369. The exclusive right over an invention is

A. a trademark
364. It protects new useful and non obvious in-
ventions; this is the most common among B. a patent
all of them. C. a copyright
A. Copyright D. a manuscript
B. Trademark
370. What is a trademark?
C. Patent
A. A unique symbol, sign, logo or word
D. Intellectual Creation that legally represents a business.

365. It is the legal means of protecting an au- B. A sign that represents a trade show in
thor’s work. the conference.

A. Patent C. A sign sometimes used by the company

to sell goods
B. Trade Secrets
D. The signage on numerous different
C. Copyright products.
D. Trademark
371. If you receive an email from someone you
366. Define infringement don’t know that has a ***CLICK HERE***
link. What do you do.
A. Use a copyright, trademark, or patent
holder’s rights A. Click the link
B. Share a copyright, trademark, or B. Click the link and then send it to your
patent holder’s rights friends
C. Violating a copyright, trademark, or C. Delete it straight away.
patent holder’s rights D. none of above
D. none of above
372. refers to creations of the mind.
367. Trademark A. patent
A. is represented graphically B. intellectuals property rights
B. is capable of distinguishing the goods C. Intellectual Property
or services of one person from those of
others D. Intellectual property order

C. may include shapes of goods or combi- 373. If you receive a message that your com-
nation of colours puter has a virus, you should
D. all of the above A. download the fix immediately!


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 681

B. be suspicious because they can’t tell if C. Copyright

your computer has a virus. D. Attribution


C. send them your credit card informa-
tion right away to get help! 379. Which of the following is not ’open
source’ software?
D. none of above
A. Linux
374. A trademark is a sign capable of the B. Ubuntu
goods or services of one enterprise from
those of other enterprises. C. Open Office

A. Displacing D. Windows 10

B. Disseminating 380. This is to protect mascot

C. Dismantling A. patent
D. Distinguishing B. copyright
C. trademark
375. A patent is used to protect
D. trade secret
A. An invention
B. A song 381. These are ideas put into action, such as
writing, music, art, computer code, and in-
C. A tree
ventions that can be protected under copy-
D. A brand right or patent laws.
376. Which intellectual property right would A. Intellectual Property
protect an essay? B. Copy Protect
A. Copyright C. Share Ware
B. Trademark D. Public Domain Software
C. Patent
382. means protected by a government
D. none of above issued right allowing someone to make
and sell a product or service for a certain
377. What is copyright? amount of years without anyone being al-
A. An international law that protects lowed to copy it.
artists. A. Trademark
B. Legal protection provided to the au- B. Idea
thors of “original works of authorship.
C. script
C. A law that give the public the right to
use music. D. Patent
D. Licensing that protects consumers 383. Which of the following are considered as
who purchase music and other works. trade secret?

378. not having a commercial objective; not in- A. Personal information

tended to make a profit. what is this? B. Negative information
A. Citation C. Financial information
B. Non-Commercial D. All of the following


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 682

384. Grants the user the right to make a spec- C. Pixabay License
ified number of copies of a software pro-
D. Public Domain
gram for the use on multiple computers.
A. Share Ware 389. A street vendor on Bloor Street is sell-
B. Public Domain Software ing fake “TAGG” watches. Under which
area of intellectual property would the
C. Commercial Software TAG Company likely seek a remedy?
D. Site License
A. Copyrights

385. The songwriter has a copyright on her lat- B. Trademarks
est hit. The song is known as what type
of property? C. Patent

A. Intellectual D. Industrial Design

B. Personal 390. This is to protect logos
C. Tangible A. patent
D. Bailment
B. copyright
386. Copyrights pertaining to online content is C. trademark
protected through
D. trade secret
A. Standard Copyright Law
B. The Digital Millennium Copyright act of 391. The songwriter “Carli B” has a copyright
1998 on her latest hit song. The song is known
C. Fair Use as what type of property?

D. State laws that vary from state to state A. Intellectual

B. Personal
387. “Sasha used a former co-worker’s lo-
gin credentials to steal personal details C. Song Rights
(names, phone numbers, vehicle and acci- D. Writer Rights and Inventions
dent details) from her former employer’s
vehicle repair software package.”What of- 392. Patents protect this
fence of the Computer Misuse Act was
Sasha punished under? A. inventions
A. Offence 1 B. beverage
B. Offence 2 C. food
C. Offence 3 D. book
D. Offence 3a
393. This is valid for the author’s life + 70
388. This license allows you to use the cre- years
ative work how you want, but publish any A. Patent
new versions using the same license.
B. Trademark
A. Copyright
C. Copyright
B. GNU Free Documentation License
(GFDL) D. Trade Secret


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 683

394. Susan invented a car engine that runs on D. Unique product shapes as long as they
fruit skins. She has received numerous in- have no bearing on the product function,
vestors for her business idea, located an such as the famous curved bottle of Coca


empty garage to house her business, and Cola
is ready to begin operations of her new
399. A guideline that determines how much
business. Before opening her business, Su-
of a copyrighted item can be used legally
san should apply for a:
without permission.
A. Copyright
A. Copyright (©)
B. License
B. Fair Use Doctrine
C. Patent
C. First Sale Doctrine
D. Trademark D. Phonorecords
395. Imagine a footballer sets up his own 400. It means any visible sign designated as
company to sell his own range of clothes. such in the application for registration and
What type of IP can he use? capable of distinguishing the origin or any
A. Copyright other common characteristic.
B. Patents A. Service Mark
C. Trademarks B. Collective Mark
D. Trade Secrets C. Trademark
D. Mark
396. When can we use Symbol R with Trade-
mark 401. Ernesto loves to sketch and posts all of
A. When Registered his drawings on his art blog. Lately peo-
ple have been taking his art and turning
B. When Applied them into memes by adding snarky text
C. Anytime to the bottom. Ernesto likes the idea of
D. None of the above people sharing his work more broadly, but
he doesn’t want people to mess with his
397. Which intellectual property right would original art. What is the least restrictive
protect the invention of the lightbulb? CC license that ensures Ernesto’s rights are
A. Copyright preserved?
B. Trademark A. CC-BY-NC-ND
C. Patent B. CC-BY-NC
D. none of above C. CC-BY-NC-SA
398. All of the following are protected by
trademarks EXCEPT 402. Which intellectual property right would
protect the invention of the windshield
A. Logos such as the Apple on Apple’s
A. Copyright
B. A video of a play created and per-
formed by a college drama class B. Trademark
C. Number and letter combinations like C. Patent
3M D. none of above


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 684

403. Which of the following is NOT an exam- 409. Which of the following is NOT an Intellec-
ple of intellectual property? tual Property?
A. Old iphone A. Land property documents
B. Books, novels, and poems B. Patents
C. Television program
C. Geographical Indications
D. Recipe
D. Copyrights
404. Embedding the authors name or logo into

an image to act as a copyright reminder. 410. What is piracy?
A. Embedding A. Copying, distribution, and use of any
B. Watermaking material

C. Sampling B. Illegal copying, distribution, or use of

any material
D. Drafting
C. Distribution of legal materials
405. The inventor of smell-o-vision will most
likely require this: D. All of the above
A. Copyright 411. Lucille comes up with an innovative way
B. Patent to market to her clients. This business se-
C. Design Right cret is likely something that can be pro-
tected by:
D. Trade Secret
A. Patent
406. Which of the following is/are included in
geographical indications of Goods? B. Trademark
A. Handicraft C. Copyright
B. Foodstuff D. Trade secret
C. Manufactured
412. An exclusive right granted for an inven-
D. All of the above tion
407. If I copy Adidas logo it is just fine since it A. Copyright Infrigement
is not a Trademark Infringement.
B. Copyright
A. True
C. Trademarks
B. It Depends
D. Patent
C. False
D. none of above 413. A Design Right would be required for
which of the following:
408. What is the most likely result of having
no policy on intellectual property? A. An app on a new phone
A. Confusion and mistakes. B. The brand of the maker of the phone
B. Increased efficiency. C. The unique shape of a new phone
C. Increased control. D. The creation of new technology on the
D. Loss of business opportunity. phone


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 685

414. What is phishing? C. when the work is created

A. scams through websites D. none of above


B. scams through emails 420. The form of protection provided by the
C. scams through phone calls laws of the United States for original
works of authorship
D. scams through text messages
A. Trademarks
415. Which of the following is Rights of a B. Copyright
Copyright Owner?
C. Trade Secrets
A. Publish their work and Perform their D. Patents
work in public
B. Translate and Broadcast their work 421. What protects the intellectual property
created by inventors?
C. Prevent others from making unautho-
A. Patents
rized use of copyrighted work
B. Copyrights
D. All of these
C. Trademarks
416. What is the copying and/or distributing D. Registered Designs
an entirework without permission?
422. Which protection is needed for any
A. Fair Use
new/usefulprocess, machine, manufac-
B. Trademark turedgood or composition of matter?
C. Patent A. Patent
D. Piracy B. Trademark
C. Trade Secret
417. IP stands for
D. License
A. Internet Protocol
423. It is the professional practice of designing
B. Identification Protocol
products used by millions of people around
C. Internet Address the world everyday.
D. Internet Person A. Protection of Undisclosed Information
418. Exceptions to copyright law that allow
copying in certain limited circumstances. B. Geographic Indication

A. Educational Fair Use C. Patent

D. Industrial Design
B. Fair Use
C. Copyright Laws 424. It is a sign used on products that have
a specific geographical origin and possess
D. none of above qualities or a reputation that are due to
419. When does the Copyright start? that origin.
A. Industrial Design
A. you cannot obtain copyright protection
B. Geographic Indication
B. after registration with the Copyright C. Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits
Office D. none of above


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 686

425. If you want to give others the right to 430. Intellectual related to our
use, share and even build on your work, A. property
you would publish the work under what
kind of license? B. ability

A. Copyright C. belonging

B. Public Domain D. answers

C. Creative Commons 431. The Defend Trade Secrets Act amended

D. Trademark the EEA to create a federal civil remedy for

426. A songwriter may have a on the song A. Copyright infringement

they wrote and that gives them ownership
of that song. B. Patent infringement

A. Digital footprint C. Trade secret misappropriation

B. patent D. Trademark infringement

C. trademark 432. An identifying symbol or name for a par-

D. copyright ticular good protected by law is called a:
A. Trademark
427. Identify the correct answer for the fol-
lowing: Duration of Utility patent & De- B. Copyright
sign Patent C. Trade Secrets
A. 20 Years & 14 Years D. Patents
B. 14 Years & 20 Years 433. What are the 3 types of patents?
C. 20 Years & 20 Years A. utility
D. 10 Years & 14 Years B. design
428. Match the type of intellectual property C. plant
with the correct definition.The rights cre- D. coca-cola
ators automatically gain to their original
creations. 434. Raw facts
A. Copyright A. data
B. Patents B. trademark
C. Trademarks C. copyright
D. none of above D. digital product

429. Identify the treaty or convention that 435. Any piece of confidential corporate infor-
protects Literary and artistic works under mation which gives business and competi-
copyrights tive advantage
A. Madrid protocol A. Trademark
B. Berne convention B. Trade Secret
C. Paris convention C. Copyright
D. All of these D. Patent


1.47 Intellectual Property Rights 687

436. Identify the correct copyright notice from 441. This is to protect new ways of manufac-
the following turing


A. 2020 ©Vardhaman College of Engi- A. patent
neering B. copyright
B. Vardhaman College of Engineer- C. trademark
ing©2020 D. trade secret
C. ©2020 Vardhaman College of Engi-
442. is a copyright licensing term, originally
used by the Creative Commons project,
D. Vardhaman College of Engineering to describe works or licences that require
2020 © copies or adaptations of the work to be re-
leased under the same or similar licence as
437. Protects source identification for brands, the original.
logos, slogans or design
A. Share-alike
A. Trade Secret B. Citation
B. Copyright C. Creative Commons
C. Brand name D. No Derivative Works
D. Trademark 443. What percentage of smartphones will
have fingerprint sensors by 2019?
438. What kind of material can be covered on
“Copyright”? A. 75%
B. 60%
A. Books and plays
C. 87%
B. photographs and movies
D. 50%
C. Music and dances
444. This license allows anyone to use a cre-
D. All of the above. ative work in any way that they want.
439. The following cannot be exploited by as- A. Copyright
signing or by licensing the rights to others B. GNU Free Documentation License
A. Patents (GFDL)
C. Pixabay License
B. Designs
D. Public Domain
C. Trademark
445. Why are intellectual property rights so
D. All of the above
important to businesses?
440. This related to trademarks A. It makes your original creations more
A. logos, sounds, words, colors, or sym-
bols and services B. Without registering your IP, you can-
not sell your products.
B. manuscript, songs
C. Without them, any successful idea
C. ornamental could be copied by a competitor.
D. design D. They aren’t.


1.48 Agricultural Biotechnology 688

446. Who owns the Copyright in a Work? 450. Define intellectual property
A. you and family members A. Is artistic and industrial creations of
B. author who created it the mind.

C. the president B. Engaging the business in a conflict of

D. the government
C. Breaking confidentially agreements
447. The legal protection of a logo or brand D. none of above

name is
A. a trademark 451. In world, it’s easy to copy idea or de-
B. a patent
A. conservative
C. a copyright
B. fast moving
D. a contract
C. free
448. Which form of intellectual property pro- D. digital
tection is granted to the owner of a work
of authorship, and requires the work to be 452. Which is not an example of a Trade Se-
in tangible form? cret?
A. Patent A. Soda formulas
B. Trademark B. Survey results
C. Copyright C. Customer lists
D. Fair use D. Employee names

449. A popular company uses the slogan, ” 453. What is the most likely result of non-
Like a Good Neighbor State Farm is there.” compliance with intellectual property reg-
What term identifies this slogan? ulations?
A. A Patent A. Product improvement
B. A Copyright B. Lower profit.
C. A Trademark C. Poor reputation.
D. A Trade secret D. .Legal challenge.

1.48 Agricultural Biotechnology

1. 18) What would be a direct benefit of D. none of above
biotechnology to agriculture in a time of
severe drought? 2. Gregor Mendel mixed different types of
peas to bring out their desirable traits.
A. Planting crops in shaded areas.
This is called:
B. Genetically modifying crops to be re-
A. Pollination.
sistant to changes in weather
B. Gene therapy.
C. Harvesting crops to have thick stems
and leaves. C. Composting.


1.48 Agricultural Biotechnology 689

D. Selective breeding.(Hybridization) B. Sales and marketing

3. Environmental biotechnology involves the C. Less expense and more animals


use of science to clean up: D. Ethical and legal concerns
A. Pollution
8. Biotech foods look and taste the same as
B. Space waste.
traditional crops. The difference is that
C. Hands and lower arms. biotech food
D. The language in biotech publications. A. Have fewer calories.
4. What statement about bioremediation and B. Have the addition of specific minerals.
bacteria is true?
A. All bacteria are helpful tohumans C. Has One or two genes that improve
B. All bacteria are harmful tohumans something about the plant.
C. Some bacteria are harmfuland some D. Have a better chance of surviving a
are helpful to humans frost.
D. Most bacteria are neitherharmful nor
9. Genetic engineering has directly increased
helpful to humans
productivity in which U.S. industry?
5. The United Nations is very interested in A. agriculture
food biotechnology because it will:
B. automobile
A. Provide foods that cure disease.
B. Provide more food to feed a growing C. media
population. D. none of the above
C. Provide a cash crop for low income na-
tions. 10. Oil spills are a recognized problem. What
oil spill led to todays biodegradation of
D. Be funded by privately not costing the oil?
UN any money.
A. Wesson oil spill
6. The term, biodegradable products,
means: B. Exxon Valdez spill

A. The products can be safely eaten by hu- C. Canola oil spill

mans D. The sinking of the Titanic
B. All the parts of the product are made
in the laboratory. 11. Development of agriscience skills is impor-
tant because
C. The products are made up of various
species of bacteria. A. a skill inventory is part of a career port-
D. The products break down safely by nat- folio
ural means. B. personal agriscience skills help iden-
tify career interests
7. Combining biotechnology and animals re-
sults in advances in what areas? C. skills lead to part time jobs
A. Improved animal and human health D. all of the above


1.48 Agricultural Biotechnology 690

12. Biopesticides are microorganisms that do 17. Before transgenic animals, farmers prac-
not harm humans, animals, fish or birds, ticed selective breeding. An example is:
but are:
A. Kangaroo
A. Toxic to certain crop pests.
B. Mule
B. Harmful if swallowed by livestock.
C. Gelding
C. Too expensive for use by most farmers.
D. Race Horse

D. Hard to grow in a laboratory. 18. Biobased energy companies want to re-
13. What is the name of the tiny plant inside place fossil fuels with biofuels like ethanol
a seed? made from

A. Nectar A. Seaweed.
B. Fruit B. Corn.
C. Stem C. Viruses.
D. Embryo D. Rain water
14. Scientists use biotechnology to increase 19. To produce industrial ethanol, one needs
the productivity of livestock by using em- corn, water, and what?
bryo transplants, which involves:
A. Sodium and Chlorine
A. Taking the DNA out of one animal and
injecting it into an embryo to make an ex- B. Vitamins and minerals
act duplicate. C. Enzymes and yeast
B. Selecting the biggest male and female D. Gas and oil
livestock and allowing them to breed.
C. Collecting eggs and sperm and to allow 20. Modern biotechnology continues to use
fertilization in a laboratory dish. the basic research developed in the early
1800s by:
D. Removing the ovaries and uterus from
female livestock so they cannot have ba- A. Hippocrates.
bies. B. Jonas Salk.
15. Asexual plant reproduction requires: C. Francis Crick.
A. Only one organism. D. Gregor Mendel.
B. A male and a female
21. Which was most likely the earliest way
C. A clone
biotechnology was studied by humans?
D. A pistil and a stamen.
A. finding evidence of crimes
16. The first biotech food on the market that B. making new medicines to cure sick-
could be transported without bruising? nesses
A. Cucumber
C. discovering the cause of hereditary
B. Orange diseases
C. Tomato D. breeding better varieties of crops and
D. Strawberry livestock


1.48 Agricultural Biotechnology 691

22. Molly removes a stem and leaves from a 27. What do the these industrial products
plant and puts it in soil, hoping to grow a have in common: vitamins, antibiotics,
new plant from? acids, and glues?


A. Cloning A. They all prevent infection
B. Creeping B. They are all made with fermentation
C. Cuttings C. They are all sources ofenergy
D. Canteens D. They are all made of sugars
23. Conducting an activity in the daily routine 28. What is the benefit to society of using
of our society is said to be Ethanol instead of regular gasoline?
A. lab experience A. Less expensive to produce
B. real world experience B. Reduces carbon monoxideemissions
C. simulation to 25%
D. supervised occupational experience C. It is makes cars run faster

24. Why are thermophilic bacteria used in the D. It is inflammable

biomining of gold?
29. What microorganism eats the sugar in
A. They work in high temperatures bread dough which gives off CO2 gas and
B. They work without oxygen alcohol?

C. They are inexpensive toproduce A. Virus

D. They work in California B. Bacteria

C. Amoeba
25. When using bioremediation, what happens
to the bacteria when the pollutants are D. Yeast
cleaned up?
30. Where in the Supervised Agricultural Expe-
A. The area is treated with antibiotics. rience records should “observing and help-
B. The area is treated with concentrated ing a veterinarian for one day” be en-
oxygen. tered?
C. The bacteria run out of food and die off A. Analytical
naturally. B. Experimental
D. They die due to a lack of oxygen. C. Exploratory
26. A lab attempts to create a transgenic pig. D. Improvement
How can they tell if they were truly suc-
cessful? 31. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air
and give off:
A. The pig lives to adulthood
A. Oxygen.
B. The pig does not have any seizures
B. Nectar
C. The pig’s offspring inherit the new
gene C. Sugar.
D. The pig is able to reproduce D. Steam.


1.48 Agricultural Biotechnology 692

32. What process was used in prehistoric 37. You see a pile of grass clippings, corn-
times to make cheese and wine? stalks, and tomato stems that are decay-
ing. What is it?
A. Bioremediation
A. An ant hill
B. Composting
B. A compost heap
C. Fermentation
C. An ethanol pile
D. Lactation
D. A pile of manure

33. Recombinant DNA are currently used to 38. Animal biotechnology can be useful to hu-
produce mans through xenotransplantation, which
A. clothing dye, cheese, and laundry prod- involves:
ucts A. Fertilizing animals in such a way that
B. human antibiotics and vaccines they have multiple births.
C. crops that taste better and stay fresh B. Growing human proteins, such as in-
longer sulin, in animals.

D. all of these C. Using animal genes in humans to im-

prove human resistance to disease.
34. A scientist cloned a goat. Which of these is D. Using animal organs in human trans-
a true statement about the cloned goat? plants.
A. It has new genes and traits 39. Biotechnology is developing a new source
B. It lacks the genes for reproduction for rennin. The old way to get rennin was
C. It has the genes that are identical to
the original goat A. Sheep liver extract.
D. It looks the same but has different B. Inside a calf’s stomach.
genes. C. Ground horses hooves.
D. Lemon peels.
35. What is a fermented alcohol made from
the sugar found in corn? 40. What process uses bacteria to eat away
A. Oxygen at minerals, leaving the silver, copper and
gold behind?
B. Hydrogen
A. Fermentation
C. Acetone
B. Bioremediation
D. Ethanol C. Biomining
36. The type of Supervised Agricultural Experi- D. Composting
ence Jessica has if she raised her own beef
41. What living organism did the Egyptians
cattle is:
discover that made bread rise?
A. Analytical A. Helium
B. Entrepreneurship B. Egg
C. Exploratory C. Yeast
D. Placement D. Bacteria


1.48 Agricultural Biotechnology 693

42. What is an example of a life form used in B. Long-term health effects, such as pos-
industrial biotechnology? sible allergies to proteins not found in
foods before GMO’s.


A. Android
C. Ability to produce more food in less
B. Bacteria
C. Proton D. Ability to grow more nutritious food in
D. Oil less time.

43. Which of these is a concern about the use 48. An application of using DNA technology
of biotechnology? to help environmental scientists would be
A. increased crop yield
A. use PCR to analyze DNA at a crime
B. development of new vaccines scene
C. increased job opportunities B. create a tobacco plant that glows in
D. creation of new pathogens. the dark
C. clone the gene for human growth hor-
44. Which are most closely related to biotech- mone to treat pituitary dwarfism
D. make transgenic bacteria that can be
A. medicine and agriculture used to clean up oil spills more quickly
B. construction and engineering than do the natural bacteria
C. water treatment and electricity gener- 49. When using biosensors to fight pollution,
ation the biosensor is helpful in telling us:
D. communication and information tech- A. What caused the pollution.
nology B. How long the pollution has been
45. SAEs should be planned
C. Who is responsible for the pollution
A. at home with parent/guardian
D. Where and what the pollution is.
B. in the classroom
50. A biotechnologist who specializes in aqua-
C. on the job with employers
culture would work MOSTLY with:
D. all of the above
A. Plants.
46. Bioremediation uses toxin-degrading bac- B. Bacteria.
teria to clean up: C. Fish.
A. Gold and silver. D. Birds.
B. Hazardous material. 51. If biotechnology is used to grow potatoes,
C. Dirty instruments. and the use of biotechnology increases
D. Viral infections. yield, then what would you expect would
happen to the potatoes?
47. 12) What would be a negative side of ge- A. They would be resistant to pests.
netically modified foods? B. They would be larger and more of
A. Lower cost of production. them.


1.48 Agricultural Biotechnology 694

C. They would turn into cucumbers. 57. Which is not a purpose or benefit of SAEs
D. They would be low calorie. A. Become established in an agriscience
52. are produced when DNA from another
species is inserted into the genome of an B. permit early graduation
organism, which then begins to produce C. permit individualized instruction
the protein encoded on the recombinant
D. provide educational and practical ex-

A. vectors
58. Stillage contains protein, oil and water and
B. plasmids
can be used as:
C. transgenic organisms
A. An industrial antiseptic.
D. gene guns
B. Animal feed.
53. What is a transgene? C. A gasoline substitute.
A. A mutant chromosome D. Hair gel.
B. A gene that is different as a result of
genetic engineering 59. A scientist who works in forest biotechnol-
ogy might use biotechnology to produce:
C. The offspring of a genetically engi-
neered animal A. Better irrigation systems.
D. A gene that does not carry any traits B. Better tools for chopping down trees.
C. Trees that won?t burn during forest
54. What plant substance turns plants green
and helps the plant capture light?
D. Insect-resistant trees.
A. Eosinophil
B. Chlorophyll 60. Crop biotechnology involves genetic modi-
fication techniques for the purpose of:
C. Slime
A. Increasing the amount of time it takes
D. Pollen
for crops to grow.
55. What type Supervised Agricultural Experi- B. Growing vaccines and other plant-
ence does John have if he has a part-time produced drugs.
job working on a poultry farm?
C. Improving the yield and quality of food.
A. Anaytical
B. Entrepreneurship D. Growing plants without water or oxy-
C. Experimental gen.
D. Placement 61. Which best describes a controversial issue
56. What is an example of a biocatalyst?: associated with the use of genetically mod-
ified crops?
A. Enzyme
A. the use of genetically modified crops
B. Corn stalk to increase potential yield
C. Electronic sensor B. the short term use of genetically mod-
D. Lubricant ified crops in famine stricken countries


1.49 Informatics in Agriculture 695

C. the development of genetically modi- C. Father

fied crops which are resistant to herbi- D. Brother


D. the long term effects which may arise 63. What did Gregor Mendel use to conduct his
from the use of genetically modified crops experiments?
A. Wisconsin Fast Plants
62. All living things receive ALL their genetic
traits from their: B. Pea plants
A. Parents C. Mice
B. Mother D. Flowers

1.49 Informatics in Agriculture

1. Unit of measuring Evapotranspiration (ET) 5. Plant development from meristem trajec-
is tory is termed as
A. mm/day A. Anthesis
B. cm/day B. Organogenesis
C. mm/min C. Pollination
D. mm/h D. Spermogenesis

2. Number of methods used in the DSS devel- 6. SVAT stands for

oped by IIT khargapur for estimating ET
A. Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer
A. 21
B. Soil Vapour Atmosphere Transfer
B. 27
C. Soil Vacuum Atmospheric Tempera-
C. 22 ture
D. 25 D. Non of the avove

3. What type of tool is APSIM 7. Paddy expert system was developed by

A. Spatial A. IARI
B. Static B. IIRR
C. Temporal C. TNAU
D. Dynamic D. IRRI

4. Organic manure inventory and storage re- 8. SMART is the Decision Support System de-
quirements are present in veloped for
A. SMART A. Water Management
B. PLANET- DSS B. Fertilizer management
C. NMDESS C. Irrigation Management
D. DSS-NMC D. Soil Management


1.49 Informatics in Agriculture 696

9. A typically online platform run by an in- C. Interactive Voice Response Systems

dividual or small group, that is written in D. Interactive Voice Reply System
an informal or conversational style to ex-
press their view are 15. A system in which agricultural information
A. Portal is generated, transformed, transferred,
consolidated and received
B. Online Information System
A. Agriculture Intervention System
C. Blog
B. Agricultural Technology Management

D. Website
10. An App developed by Goverment of India C. Agricultural Information System
D. Agricultural Information Transfer Sys-
A. Google Pay tem
16. ATIC Stands for
C. Phone Pe
A. Agricultural Teaching Information Cen-
D. IMPS tre
11. BHIM stands for B. Agricultural Technology Information
A. None of these
C. Agricultural Technical Information
B. Bharat Internet Money Transfer
C. Bharat Interface for Money
D. Agricultural Technology and Informa-
D. Bharat Human Interface for Money tion Centre
12. One of Characteristics of Trolls model 17. GPS stands for
A. Orthotropy A. Geo Position systems
B. Monopodial B. Global Positioning Systems
C. Sympodial C. Global Point System
D. Plagiotropy D. General Position System
13. Photosynthetic effiecncy depends on 18. UPI is an instant real-time payment sys-
A. Photosynthesis tem developed by National Payment Cor-
B. LAI poration of India (NPCI) to facilitating
inter-bank transactions through mobile
C. Water phone, UPI stands for
D. Soil A. Unified Portable Interface
14. IVRS stands for B. United Payments Interface
A. Interconnective Voice Reply System C. Unified Payments Interface
B. Interaction Voice Response Systems D. Unified Payments Internet


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