Module 1 - Teaching Music

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EGE 11 TEACHING MUSIC in the ELEMENTARY GRADES Module 1 - Philosophy and Values in Music Education

Module No.1

Philosophy and Values in Music Education


Music provides peak meaningful experiences and aesthetic experiences that help to create excited
learners. Students learn and discover about music through active music making. Activities in the music
program should develop the musical skills of performing, listening and analyzing, and creating. Whenever
and wherever humans have existed, music has existed also. Since music occurs only when people choose
to create and share it, and since they have always done so and no doubt always will, music clearly must
have important value for people.


a. Identify the guiding principles and values in music education

b. Reflect on the importance of music to education and teaching.


Philosophy and Values in Music Education

A philosophy of music education refers to the value of music, the value of teaching music, and how to
practically utilize those values in the music classroom. Research shows that music training boosts IQ,
focus and persistence. The value of incorporating music into a child's education cannot be understated.
There is a heap of incontestable research showing that an education rich in music improves students'
cognitive function and academic performance.
In elementary school, students learn to play simple instruments such as recorders and keyboards, sing in
small choruses and learn the basics elements of music.

Why teaching music in elementary grades is important?

Often parents teach concepts and ideas to their children through singing. In the junior grades, music
education teaches life skills, such as co-operation, problem solving, teamwork, abstract thinking and
discipline. Since music is a language, studying music makes it easier to learn another language.

How do you introduce music lesson?

Music is a wonderful way to connect with your children, whether they are still babies or a little older. Your
baby has been introduced to the world of sound and rhythm in your womb, and by the time he or she is born
they will have learned to recognize your voice!


PAGEL. Milanes
EGE 11 TEACHING MUSIC in the ELEMENTARY GRADES Module 1 - Philosophy and Values in Music Education

There is plenty of research that supports the idea that children develop musical ability up until the age of
around 9-11. After this point, it seems that the window for developing certain abilities has passed, so it’s
important that parents allow children to explore music from an early age.

Here are ten ideas for fun ways you can introduce your child to music, rhythm, and sound while
they’re still little.

1. Make musical instruments with your children

You can start to teach things such as rhythm and musical concepts to your children using everyday objects,
and even turn it into a fun craft project together.

For example, an empty tissue box with rubber bands of various sizes stretched over it makes a great DIY
guitar, or an empty container filled with rice or beans can be a shaker. Use your imagination and you can
probably come up with all sorts of great homemade instruments.

2. Sing to them
You may not be the best singer in the world, but singing with your children is a great way to introduce them
to music and can be done from the moment they’re in your arms!

Singing is a great way to soothe your baby to sleep, and rocking them, either in your arms or in a cot, will
also help to soothe them and introduce them to rhythm.

Of course, you can continue singing to them, singing around the home, and even singing together for as
long as they’re around, and this will always be lots of fun.

3. Teach them to whistle

Children find the ability to whistle fascinating, so teaching them to make musical sounds this way is a great
activity to help them become more involved in music. Once you’ve taught them the basic positioning of the
lips and practiced with them a little, they’ll be whistling tunes they know in no time! Check out this article for
more advice on teaching your little one.

4. Play musical games

From songs that have movements you can do together as you sing along, to games such as musical chairs
and clapping games, you should aim to play musical games with your pupils.

5. Play music in the background

Whether it’s in the car on a family road trip, or just in the kitchen while you’re cooking, having music playing
as a soundtrack to your life is a great way to help your children associate happy memories with music.

Even years down the line, memories of even simple tasks you’ve done together can be recalled when they
hear a certain song, and this will definitely help to cultivate their love for music.

6. Let them play with instruments

Consider having a music box in your home, filled with instruments that your child can enjoy. It doesn’t have
to be filled with the most expensive instruments, even things such as egg shakers and recorders make a
great start.

If you know you’re going to want some peace from your little ones practicing, you could make sure this box
can be put away and brought out as you choose.

And, of course, once your children get a little older and start to show an interest in a particular instrument,
paying for musical lessons is something they may really love.


PAGEL. Milanes
EGE 11 TEACHING MUSIC in the ELEMENTARY GRADES Module 1 - Philosophy and Values in Music Education

7. Give them musical coloring activities

You can get your children used to what instruments and music notes look like by giving them coloring in
activities that revolve around music. Taking the time to color in things such as guitars and trumpets will give
them a chance to really pay attention to what they look like.

8. Get them used to musical terms

You could also consider giving them things such as word searches with musical terms, depending on their

9. Soundtrack nap time

Rather than having the television on in the background while you’re relaxing or napping together, why not
play music instead?

Relaxing music will really help your little ones to drift off, and will also help to associate music with feeling
calm and safe.

10.Children’s TV programs
There are some children’s TV programs that are rather educational, many of which will feature songs that
your little one can become familiar with, and it’s worth spending some time finding a few that you like so that
you have something ready to put on when you need to.

We hope this has helped to inspire you when it comes to activities you and your pupils can do together to
help introduce them to the world of music.

Guiding Principles and values in Music Education

Music education is an important aspect of providing children with a well-rounded education. When
allowed to work in harmony with other subjects and areas of study, music helps children grow in self-
esteem, build essential skills and prepare for bright futures

6 Benefits of Music Education In Early Childhood

1. Improve Fine Motor Skills and Coordination

Music isn’t just about the auditory sense, though it helps hone that skill better than any other
subject. Learning how to play an instrument involves improving hand-to-eye coordination, ear-to-
hand coordination, and the fine motor skills needed to tease a cymbal or tickle the ivories.
2. Improve Language Development
Science has shown that learning music requires the same parts of the brain involved in learning
language. Singing, embracing new melodies, and taking up an instrument thickens the web of
circuits vital to sound processing and comprehension.

Children who are adept in verbal communication tend to have an advantage in both educational and social
settings, a benefit that is magnified as time goes on.
3. Improve Focus and Memory
Working one’s way through even the simplest of piano études is an exercise in focus, hand/eye
coordination, and both physical and mental recall. By sticking to it, students learn that mastery is a
direct result of practicing frequently, in part because repetition reinforces memory.


PAGEL. Milanes
EGE 11 TEACHING MUSIC in the ELEMENTARY GRADES Module 1 - Philosophy and Values in Music Education

4. Improve Fundamental Math Skills

For the uninitiated, the little black dots rising and falling upon a scale seem to bear no relation to
keys on a piano or chords on a guitar. But to a child who can read music, those dots deliver rich
amounts of information about what keys to press on a trumpet or strings to pass the bow across on
a cello. In math terms, this is called pattern recognition.

When it comes to fundamental math skills, there’s no ignoring the Mozart Effect. Scientists ran a test in
which college students were given a number of spatial tasks to do, such as trace a path out of a paper
maze. Those who listened to Mozart first did the task measurably faster and more accurately than those
who didn’t. It turns out that music lights up the same part of the brain that grapples with spatial skills—vital
for understanding higher math.

5. Improve Discipline and Teamwork

The value of hard work is a lesson that a child has to experience on her own. A schedule of daily
music practice is an honest discipline that will show your child that hard work leads to true benefits.

For older children, joining a small ensemble, a large school orchestra, or even a rock band encourages
teamwork as well as the overall positive feeling that comes with collaborating with a greater community
toward a common goal.

6. Improve Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

When a skill builds incrementally, at a speed that is directly related to the amount of work put into it,
a child will soon see benefits from his labors. It’s empowering for a child to realize that the extent of
his own achievement lies squarely in his own hands. Also, since music is meant to be performed,
developing the courage to stand up in front of the audience is beneficial.


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PAGEL. Milanes
EGE 11 TEACHING MUSIC in the ELEMENTARY GRADES Module 1 - Philosophy and Values in Music Education


PAGEL. Milanes

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