New Species of Human Ancestor Found in Siberia A

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This article is more than 13 years old

New species of human ancestor found in

Human relative, identified from fragments of a finger bone, lived
until as recently as 30,000 years ago, say scientists

A new human species was found in Deisova cave in the Atlai mountains of southern Siberia. Photograph:
Johannes Krause

Ian Sample, science correspondent

Wed 24 Mar 2010 19.19 GMT

The remains of a little finger discovered in a cave in the mountains of

southern Siberia belong to a previously unknown human ancestor,
scientists said today.

The finding suggests an undocumented human species lived alongside

Neanderthals and early modern humans in parts of Asia as recently as
30,000 years ago. If confirmed, it would be the first time a new human
ancestor has been identified since the discovery of Homo floresiensis, the
diminutive "hobbits" that lived on the Indonesian island of Flores until
13,000 years ago.

Fragments of the finger bone were recovered from Denisova cave in the
Altai mountain range that straddles Russia, Mongolia, China and
Kazakhstan. The cave was occupied by humans for 125,000 years and a
variety of stone tools and bones have been recovered.

The size of the bone has led scientists to believe it came from a child, aged
between five and seven, though they are unable to say whether it was
male or female.

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in

Leipzig, Germany, ran genetic tests on the bone fragments and were
stunned to find it did not match the DNA profile of Neanderthals or early
modern humans.Johannes Krause sequenced DNA from mitochondria,
the sub-cellular bodies that carry genetic material passed down only the
maternal line. Because the DNA came from the mother, they called the
creature "X-woman".

"It really looked like something I had never seen before. It was a sequence
which is similar in some ways to humans, but still quite distinct," Krause
said. It is the first time a new type of human has been identified from DNA

By comparing the DNA with sequences from Neanderthals and modern

humans, Krause's team concluded that modern humans shared a common
ancestor with the creature a million years ago. Humans and Neanderthals
diverged from an ancestor that lived 500,000 years ago.

When Krause saw the results of the genetic test, he called project leader
Svante Pääbo. "It was absolutely amazing, I didn't believe him. I thought
he was pulling my leg," Pääbo said. The bone fragments were recovered
from a layer of rock in the cave dated to between 48,000 and 30,000 years

The first humans to move from Africa to Eurasia were Homo erectus 1.9m
years ago, but scientists believed they died out around 100,000 years ago.
The new species probably migrated from Africa more recently, around 1m
years ago, and survived in Eurasia until at least 40,000 years ago.

Krause's team is now analysing DNA from the nuclei of cells in the finger
fragments in the hope of locating the species in the human family tree.
The tests should also indicate whether there was any interbreeding
between the new species, Neanderthals and modern humans.

"There were at least three different forms of humans in the area between
30,000 and 40,000 years ago, and there were also the hobbits in
Indonesia, so the picture of what was around in human form in the late
Pleistocene gets a lot more complex and a lot more interesting," Pääbo

Chris Stringer, head of human origins at the Natural History Museum in

London, said: "This new DNA work provides an entirely new way of
looking at the still poorly understood evolution of humans in central and
eastern Asia."

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