Week of Prayer 2023
Week of Prayer 2023
Week of Prayer 2023
What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus
our Lord! The more we know Him,
the more we love Him. To fellowship
Volume 64, Number 4 with other believers of like precious
faith then comes as a natural result—
and the annual Week of Prayer
provides a perfect opportunity to
enrich our experience in this regard.
Hasn’t the Lord been good to us
during the past year? We cannot deny
it. Without His grace, we would not
Editorial even be here to join in these special
Knowing God..................................................................................................... 3 readings right now.
“In His prayer to the Father,
Christ gave to the world a lesson
which should be graven on mind and
Talking with God soul. ‘This is life eternal,’ He said,
At home, in the family circle, and in public—what a privilege we have!....... 4 ‘that they might know Thee the only
true God, and Jesus Christ, whom
Thou hast sent.’ John 17:3. This is
Knowledge That Kills true education. It imparts power. The
Since the days of Eden, there has always been a tempting “tree” to avoid.... 8 experimental knowledge of God and
of Jesus Christ whom He has sent,
transforms man into the image of
Does God Know You? God. It gives to man the mastery of
The Omniscient One knows our every thought and motive......................... 12 himself, bringing every impulse and
passion of the lower nature under the
control of the higher powers of the
The Real Cause of Troubles mind. It makes its possessor a son of
It’s time to come to higher ground to receive God’s blessing for us............ 16 God and an heir of heaven. It brings
him into communion with the mind
of the Infinite, and opens to him the
rich treasures of the universe”1
Meeting the Saviour As we go through these readings
Jesus is our greatest need, our greatest hope, and our only Saviour.......... 20 on the theme “Knowing God,” having
a fervent desire indeed to know Him
better, we can be abundantly blessed
Knowing God Here and Now beyond measure. Let us put our mind
A walk with Jesus is not just future—it’s a joy we can have on earth.......... 24 to this aim, share the readings also
with others who may be isolated
or homebound, and remember the
Knowing God Eternal following dates:
For us to dwell eternally, the Eternal One must dwell in our hearts............ 28 Prayer with fasting: Sabbath,
December 9
Poem Offering for missions: Sunday,
We Have Not Known Thee ........................................................................... 32 December 10
Official Church Publication of the THE REFORMATION HERALD ® (ISSN 0482-0843) features articles Subscription rates:
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement on Bible doctrine that will enrich the spiritual life of those who seek to United States: $18.00; Foreign countries: $16.00 plus shipping;
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KNOWING GOD shall have a continual freshness in our religious life. Our
prayers will take the form of a conversation with God as
Deciding whom to speak with and befriend makes a we would talk with a friend. He will speak His mysteries
big difference in one’s life. Social media has somewhat to us personally. Often there will come to us a sweet joy-
revolutionized the attitudes of many, as it is a mode of ful sense of the presence of Jesus. Often our hearts will
communication that is typically fast and frequent. In any burn within us as He draws nigh to commune with us as
case, whether by social media, phone, text, letter, or in He did with Enoch. When this is in truth the experience
person, communication with a good, true friend can pro- of the Christian, there is seen in his life a simplicity, a
vide real encouragement in life. On the other hand, a false humility, meekness, and lowliness of heart, that show to
friend or toxic acquaintance can trigger discouragement all with whom he associates that he has been with Jesus
or even depression. The amount, intensity, and frequency and learned of Him.”3
of the interaction all make a difference. This is what the world is hungering and thirsting to
We may have more choice in this matter than we might see. If we lack this close relationship with Christ—this
realize. Certain things in life are beyond our control, but personal connection with Him—our missionary efforts
other things we can decide to some extent. The apostle in His name will be fruitless.
Paul warns: “Be not deceived: evil communications cor- “The outpouring of the Spirit in the days of the apos-
rupt good manners” (1 Corinthians 15:33). tles was ‘the former rain,’ and glorious was the result.
“Nothing can more effectually prevent or banish seri- But the latter rain will be more abundant.”4
ous impressions and good desires than association with May the experience of those in the time of the early
vain, careless, and corrupt-minded persons. . . . The more rain be repeated today—and indeed, much more abun-
engaging they are in other respects, the more should their dantly: “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and
influence be dreaded as companions, because they throw John, and perceived that they were unlearned and igno-
around an irreligious life so many dangerous attractions.”1 rant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of
them, that they had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13, empha-
“When God’s people humble the soul before Him,
Yet, what if we communicate with—and learn to know individually seeking His Holy Spirit with all the heart,
very well—One who is pure, holy, and perfect? What a there will be heard from human lips such a testimony
blessing beyond comparison! By communicating closely as is represented in this scripture, ‘After these things
with our Creator, our spiritual life is engaged and ener- I saw another angel come down from heaven, having
gized, our moral compass set aright, our heart purified. great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.’
“The Lord has called us out of the world to be a pecu- There will be faces aglow with the love of God; there
liar, holy people unto Himself. ‘Yea I have loved thee with will be lips touched with holy fire, saying, ‘The blood of
an everlasting love, therefore with lovingkindness have Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.’ ”5 ‰
I drawn thee.’ [Jeremiah 31:3.] Are you indeed drawing
nigh to God? If so, be assured that He is drawing nigh References:
1 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 126.
unto you.”2 2 Letters and Manuscripts, vol. 6, Letter 31, 1889.
“If we keep the Lord ever before us, allowing our 3 Christ’s Object Lessons, pp. 129, 130.
4 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 21.
hearts to go out in thanksgiving and praise to Him, we 5 The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, p. 1008.
Enoch walked with God, and when assailed by the
tempter, he could talk with God about it. He had no “It
is written,” as we have, but he had a knowledge of his
heavenly Companion. He made God his counselor, and
was closely bound up with Jesus. And Enoch was honored
in his course. He was translated to heaven without seeing
death. And those who will be translated at the close of
time will be those who commune with God on earth.2
Through nature and revelation, through His provi-
dence, and by the influence of His Spirit, God speaks to
go to China in a little while. Fit them try in their humble way to visit their 11 Messages to Young People, p. 250.
12 In Heavenly Places, p. 86.
for service, Lord; give them courage; neighbors, to help those who are
13 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, p. 578.
prepare the way before them. They sick, and to do missionary work 14 Ibid., p. 189.
15 Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, pp. 84, 85.
have been learning how to present wherever they are. 16 Manuscript Releases, vol. 4, pp. 294–296.
THE CRISIS IN EDEN confiding in God, she basely dis- “After Adam’s transgression he
trusted His goodness, and cherished at first imagined that he felt the ris-
In the garden of Eden, there were the words of Satan.”1 ing to a new and higher existence.
two special trees, each planted by “Here the father of lies made his But soon the thought of his trans-
God for a distinct purpose. The first assertion in direct contradiction to gression terrified him. The air that
was the tree of life with healing the expressed word of God. Satan had been of a mild and even tem-
virtue—a fountain of youth and im- assured Eve that she was created perature, seemed to chill them. The
mortality, while the second was the immortal, and that there was no guilty pair had a sense of sin. They
tree that would give the knowledge possibility of her dying. He told felt a dread of the future, a sense
of good and evil. Eve ate of the fruit her that God knew that if she and of want, a nakedness of soul. The
of this second tree when she was her husband should eat of the tree sweet love, and peace, and happy,
“deceived by the serpent, to think of knowledge, their understanding contented bliss, seemed removed
that there was something withheld would be enlightened, expanded, from them, and in its place a want of
which would make them wise, even and ennobled, making them equal something came over them that they
as God. Instead of believing and with Himself.”2 never experienced before. They then
an all-encompassing, immanent the sure result of destruction. (See 4 The SDA Bible Commentary [E. G. White Commentary],
vol. 1, p. 1083.
god or goddess with the universe Malachi 4:1.) 5 Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 90, 91.
GOD IS ALL KNOWING: image, so for sure He knows us. I ordained thee a prophet unto the
Inspiration tells us that God is all- God watches each one of us. “For he nations” (Jeremiah 1:5).
knowing or “omniscient.” “For looketh to the ends of the earth, and We read also in 1 Chronicles
if our heart condemn us, God is seeth under the whole heaven” (Job 22:9 that the life circumstances of
greater than our heart, and knoweth 28:24). Solomon the king were foreknown
all things” (1 John 3:20). This means of God.
that He has perfect knowledge GOD KNOWS US BEFORE The Lord gave Josiah his name
of all things. He does not have to WE ARE KNOWN: King David 32 years before his birth and proph-
learn anything and He does not said: “Your eyes saw my substance, esied of his life as to be one of the
have to reason things out. God being yet unformed. And in Your few kings who would obey God and
knows everything that will hap- book they all were written, the days do what was right in His sight (1
pen and that has happened. His fashioned for me, when as yet there Kings 13:2).
omniscience means that He has were none of them” (Psalm 139:16, Abraham was given the promise
perfect knowledge, perfect under- NKJV). by God that nations would come
standing, and perfect wisdom. God God said to Jeremiah: “Before I from him, yet at that time he had
being the source of all intelligibil- formed thee in the belly I knew thee; no children; his wife Sarai was bar-
ity of creation, by His nature is all and before thou camest forth out ren. They waited 25 years for the
knowledge. We are created in His of the womb I sanctified thee, and promised child Isaac to be born.
and manna from heaven. The Lord God was with Jonah when he
God parted the sea and the people was in the belly of a gigantic fish.
crossed on dry land (Exodus 14:16). The Lord preserved him there and
and become part of their character, must have a different experience
if they would share in the latter rain. The Lord bids us empty our hearts
of the selfishness which is the root of alienation.
The apostle Paul further warns of courage and Christlike love, an tion clarifies the real problem. “The
the importance of targeting a dead- atmosphere invigorating to the strongest temptation is no excuse
ly, formidable root: “Follow peace spiritual life of all who inhale it.”11 for sin. No matter how severe the
with all men, and holiness, without “Christ says: All power is given pressure brought to bear upon you,
which no man shall see the Lord: unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go sin is your own act. The seat of the
looking diligently lest any man fail ye therefore, and teach all nations, difficulty is the unrenewed heart.” 13
of the grace of God; lest any root baptizing them in the name of God has done all He can do to make
of bitterness springing up trouble the Father, and of the Son, and of this matter clear, and through Jesus
you, and thereby many be defiled” the Holy Ghost; teaching them to He has made salvation from slav-
(Hebrews 12:14, 15). [Emphasis observe all things whatsoever I have ery to sin possible. He wants us to
added.] commanded you: and, lo, I am with take hold of this opportunity. Let’s
“The church will never as a you alway, even unto the end of the choose God’s side because very
whole receive the latter rain unless world.’ (Matthew 28:18–20). soon, after the great tribulation, the
they shall put away all envy, evil “Here is your commission. How initiator of sin and sin itself will be
surmising, and evil speaking. Those will you account to Christ for your eliminated, and those who have de-
who have cherished hatred in the course, if instead of laboring to save cided to remain sinners will be de-
heart until it has strengthened and your fellowmen, you have poured stroyed together with sin. Very soon
become part of their character, must into their ears your troubles, and the time will come when troubles
have a different experience if they perplexities, and even complaints are ended forever. We are looking
would share in the latter rain.”10 against your brethren? You may forward to the day as written in the
“The Lord bids us empty our often find relief from your troubles book The Great Controversy:
hearts of the selfishness which is if you will speak to others of Christ “The great controversy is ended.
the root of alienation. He longs to and talk to them about the precious Sin and sinners are no more. The
pour upon us His Holy Spirit in truth. But do not speak words that entire universe is clean. One pulse
rich measure, and He bids us clear are prompted by jealousy and evil of harmony and gladness beats
the way by self-renunciation. When surmising and suspicion. Do not through the vast creation. From
self is surrendered to God, our eyes circulate evil reports concerning Him who created all, flow life and
will be opened to see the stumbling your brethren. Because of such light and gladness, throughout the
stones which our un-Christlikeness things the Lord cannot come into realms of illimitable space. From the
has placed in the way of others. All the church as He desires. Will you minutest atom to the greatest world,
these God bids us remove. He says: not clear the King’s highway? Not all things, animate and inanimate, in
‘Confess your faults one to another, all have had a part in this evil work, their unshadowed beauty and per-
and pray one for another, that ye but let those who have now come fect joy, declare that God is love.”14
may be healed.’ James 5:16. Then we into line.”12 Amen! ‰
may have the assurance that David
had when, after confession of his References:
sin, he prayed: ‘Restore unto me the CONCLUSION 1 Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, p. 52.
2 The Review and Herald, August 4, 1910.
joy of Thy salvation; and uphold God wants us to be happy, and 3 Steps to Christ, p. 17.
4 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 204.
me with Thy free Spirit. Then will I He is still working for the resto- 5 The Great Controversy, p. 569.
teach transgressors Thy ways; and ration of happiness in us. While 6 Ibid., p. 592.
7 Evangelism, p. 370.
sinners shall be converted unto people may be an agent of our 8 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 42.
Thee.’ Psalm 51:12, 13. troubles, the root cause is the power
9 The Signs of the Times, February 14, 1895.
10 The Home Missionary, August 1, 1896.
“When the grace of God reigns of sin within people’s hearts. How- 11 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 43.
12 Letters and Manuscripts, vol. 22, Ms 71, 1907.
within, the soul will be surrounded ever, no one is compelled to yield 13 The Adventist Home, p. 331.
with an atmosphere of faith and to this power. The pen of inspira- 14 The Great Controversy, p. 678.
It was in the summer of 2021 that new and deeper understanding of tempted to put the people who can
I met the happiest person I have the scriptures. He had a constant have anything that money can buy,
ever seen in my life. I was visiting smile on his face and his joy when at the top of the list. Also, those who
a newly formed group in McAllen, talking about Jesus was contagious. have seemingly perfect lives with no
Texas, one of the southernmost cit- I never heard from him a word of illness to struggle with, and no fi-
ies in U.S., within minutes from the sadness or concern, and by all pos- nancial or family problems, or those
border with Mexico. A brother had sible measures he was a truly happy whose lives seem perfect in every
started a radio ministry, sharing the man. possible way.
Gospel at a local radio station, and Now, in our day-to-day encoun- However, Mr. Guadalupe’s hap-
many people called and asked to be ters, we see people who seem happy piness did not come from having
visited or asked for Bible studies. all the time, and we don’t think such a perfect life, but rather was
One of them was Mr. Guadalupe, a there is anything unusual about it. It happy in spite of his enormous tri-
man in his sixties of Mexican origin. is not necessarily a spectacular thing als and hardships. He was dying of
At the time of my visit, Mr. Guada- to be happy when we are in good cancer, and as the doctors had told
lupe had been attending our church health, or when we have loving him that he would be dead the year
services on a regular basis and had families, or when we make a com- before, he was now living on bor-
completely transformed his life. He fortable living. rowed time. He had a colostomy
had gladly accepted the Sabbath If we were to make a list of bag attached to his belly and a tu-
and his new lifestyle reflected his the happiest people, we might be mor the size of a grapefruit was pro-
those things are hindering us from As soon as they got out, the piglets started to get better, or at least when
fully accepting and trusting in the started to run in one direction, as He saw that we were making efforts
Saviour, then by all means, let us fast as they could, and didn’t stop to obey Him, but “when we were
attain a glimpse of His love for us Knowing God is not about learn- 12 That I May Know Him, p. 104.
Not long ago, there was a young young man’s life was exposed to It just so happened that he be-
man who grew up in a small is- sinister demonic influences. He came reacquainted with an old
land village surrounded by the would be continuously harassed associate whom he later knew as a
vast Pacific Ocean. He became a and haunted by a conspicuous church elder for one of the oldest
highly skilled carpenter and soon “man” dressed in dark clothes who Seventh-day Adventist churches
established his carpentry business, constantly followed him—day and in the main city. His friend shared
doing work ranging from crafting night. Simultaneously, a strange the Sabbath truth and other biblical
furniture to constructing modest disease began to afflict him which doctrines with the young man. The
houses. The young man also had a caused him to lose all vision in his Bible-based explanations of these
hardworking younger brother who left eye. Feeling justified by the pre- topics convicted him and led to
trained and later graduated as a dicament—that the young man’s deep soul-searching regarding the
school teacher. They both became suffering was an obvious punish- Christian beliefs he had previously
very successful in their professions ment from God (and because of an held. This led to his eventual bap-
and were a great source of pride and overflowing sense of prior jealousy, tism and regular attendance at his
joy to their family. Their success, bitterness and envy), the villagers friend’s church in the city.
however, became a source of envy mobbed them and burnt their fam- In what could only be attributed
in the hearts of their fellow villag- ily house to the ground. They lost to fury and deeply rooted antago-
ers. A jealous few propagated mali- everything and the young man was nism towards this development, the
cious rumors throughout the village banished from the village. Despite demonic spirit doubled its attacks
that the siblings’ source of success being exiled, he was followed by on the young man and now toward
allegedly stemmed from their fa- that baleful spirit wherever he went. his family, too. This persisted de-
ther’s involvement in some form of In his desperation to be free from spite his being a member of the
witchcraft. that satanic spirit, the young man church for 5 years and even becom-
During this conundrum, the cried to the Lord for deliverance. ing a deacon. His situation was so
— Thomas B. Pollack