Week of Prayer 2023

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Vol. 64, No.

What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus
our Lord! The more we know Him,
the more we love Him. To fellowship
Volume 64, Number 4 with other believers of like precious
faith then comes as a natural result—
and the annual Week of Prayer
provides a perfect opportunity to
enrich our experience in this regard.
Hasn’t the Lord been good to us
during the past year? We cannot deny
it. Without His grace, we would not
Editorial even be here to join in these special
Knowing God..................................................................................................... 3 readings right now.
“In His prayer to the Father,
Christ gave to the world a lesson
which should be graven on mind and
Talking with God soul. ‘This is life eternal,’ He said,
At home, in the family circle, and in public—what a privilege we have!....... 4 ‘that they might know Thee the only
true God, and Jesus Christ, whom
Thou hast sent.’ John 17:3. This is
Knowledge That Kills true education. It imparts power. The
Since the days of Eden, there has always been a tempting “tree” to avoid.... 8 experimental knowledge of God and
of Jesus Christ whom He has sent,
transforms man into the image of
Does God Know You? God. It gives to man the mastery of
The Omniscient One knows our every thought and motive......................... 12 himself, bringing every impulse and
passion of the lower nature under the
control of the higher powers of the
The Real Cause of Troubles mind. It makes its possessor a son of
It’s time to come to higher ground to receive God’s blessing for us............ 16 God and an heir of heaven. It brings
him into communion with the mind
of the Infinite, and opens to him the
rich treasures of the universe”1
Meeting the Saviour As we go through these readings
Jesus is our greatest need, our greatest hope, and our only Saviour.......... 20 on the theme “Knowing God,” having
a fervent desire indeed to know Him
better, we can be abundantly blessed
Knowing God Here and Now beyond measure. Let us put our mind
A walk with Jesus is not just future—it’s a joy we can have on earth.......... 24 to this aim, share the readings also
with others who may be isolated
or homebound, and remember the
Knowing God Eternal following dates:
For us to dwell eternally, the Eternal One must dwell in our hearts............ 28 Prayer with fasting: Sabbath,
December 9
Poem Offering for missions: Sunday,
We Have Not Known Thee ........................................................................... 32 December 10

May we each as individuals and

as a church to be truly imbued by
the Holy Spirit with a much deeper
knowledge of God and of Christ
through this Week of Prayer!
Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 114.

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KNOWING GOD shall have a continual freshness in our religious life. Our
prayers will take the form of a conversation with God as
Deciding whom to speak with and befriend makes a we would talk with a friend. He will speak His mysteries
big difference in one’s life. Social media has somewhat to us personally. Often there will come to us a sweet joy-
revolutionized the attitudes of many, as it is a mode of ful sense of the presence of Jesus. Often our hearts will
communication that is typically fast and frequent. In any burn within us as He draws nigh to commune with us as
case, whether by social media, phone, text, letter, or in He did with Enoch. When this is in truth the experience
person, communication with a good, true friend can pro- of the Christian, there is seen in his life a simplicity, a
vide real encouragement in life. On the other hand, a false humility, meekness, and lowliness of heart, that show to
friend or toxic acquaintance can trigger discouragement all with whom he associates that he has been with Jesus
or even depression. The amount, intensity, and frequency and learned of Him.”3
of the interaction all make a difference. This is what the world is hungering and thirsting to
We may have more choice in this matter than we might see. If we lack this close relationship with Christ—this
realize. Certain things in life are beyond our control, but personal connection with Him—our missionary efforts
other things we can decide to some extent. The apostle in His name will be fruitless.
Paul warns: “Be not deceived: evil communications cor- “The outpouring of the Spirit in the days of the apos-
rupt good manners” (1 Corinthians 15:33). tles was ‘the former rain,’ and glorious was the result.
“Nothing can more effectually prevent or banish seri- But the latter rain will be more abundant.”4
ous impressions and good desires than association with May the experience of those in the time of the early
vain, careless, and corrupt-minded persons. . . . The more rain be repeated today—and indeed, much more abun-
engaging they are in other respects, the more should their dantly: “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and
influence be dreaded as companions, because they throw John, and perceived that they were unlearned and igno-
around an irreligious life so many dangerous attractions.”1 rant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of
them, that they had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13, empha-
“When God’s people humble the soul before Him,
Yet, what if we communicate with—and learn to know individually seeking His Holy Spirit with all the heart,
very well—One who is pure, holy, and perfect? What a there will be heard from human lips such a testimony
blessing beyond comparison! By communicating closely as is represented in this scripture, ‘After these things
with our Creator, our spiritual life is engaged and ener- I saw another angel come down from heaven, having
gized, our moral compass set aright, our heart purified. great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.’
“The Lord has called us out of the world to be a pecu- There will be faces aglow with the love of God; there
liar, holy people unto Himself. ‘Yea I have loved thee with will be lips touched with holy fire, saying, ‘The blood of
an everlasting love, therefore with lovingkindness have Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.’ ”5 ‰
I drawn thee.’ [Jeremiah 31:3.] Are you indeed drawing
nigh to God? If so, be assured that He is drawing nigh References:
1 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 126.
unto you.”2 2 Letters and Manuscripts, vol. 6, Letter 31, 1889.
“If we keep the Lord ever before us, allowing our 3 Christ’s Object Lessons, pp. 129, 130.
4 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 21.
hearts to go out in thanksgiving and praise to Him, we 5 The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, p. 1008.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 3

A spark of God’s own life has been breathed into the
human body, making man a living soul, the possessor of
moral endowments, and a will to direct his own course
of action. He has the privilege of becoming a partaker of
the divine nature. This will give him power to conquer
evil, and love and choose that which is good. He has a
conscience, which, under the control of God, will approve
the right and condemn the wrong. And he may, if he will,
have fellowship with God. He may walk and talk with
God as did Enoch. This holy companionship is denied to
none who will believe on Christ as their personal Saviour.1

Enoch walked with God, and when assailed by the
tempter, he could talk with God about it. He had no “It
is written,” as we have, but he had a knowledge of his
heavenly Companion. He made God his counselor, and
was closely bound up with Jesus. And Enoch was honored
in his course. He was translated to heaven without seeing
death. And those who will be translated at the close of
time will be those who commune with God on earth.2
Through nature and revelation, through His provi-
dence, and by the influence of His Spirit, God speaks to

4 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

us. But these are not enough; we before God. You cannot burden Him; “Knock.” We come to God by
need also to pour out our hearts you cannot weary Him. He who special invitation, and He waits to
to Him. In order to have spiritual numbers the hairs of your head is welcome us to His audience cham-
life and energy, we must have ac- not indifferent to the wants of His ber. . . . Let those who desire the
tual relationship with our heavenly children. “The Lord is very pitiful, blessing of God knock and wait at
Father. Our minds may be drawn and of tender mercy.” James 5:11. the door of mercy with firm assur-
out toward Him; we may meditate His heart of love is touched by our ance, saying, For Thou, O Lord,
upon His works, His mercies, His sorrows and even by our utterances hast said, “Everyone that asketh re-
blessings; but this is not, in the full- of them. Take to Him everything that ceiveth; and he that seeketh findeth;
est sense, communing with Him. perplexes the mind. Nothing is too and to him that knocketh it shall be
In order to commune with God, we great for Him to bear, for He holds opened.”7
must have something to say to Him up worlds, He rules over all the af- The Elder Brother of our race
concerning our actual life. fairs of the universe. Nothing that in is by the eternal throne. He looks
Prayer is the opening of the heart any way concerns our peace is too upon every soul who is turning his
to God as to a friend. Not that it is small for Him to notice. There is no face toward Him as the Saviour.
necessary in order to make known to chapter in our experience too dark He knows by experience what are
God what we are, but in order to en- for Him to read; there is no perplex- the weaknesses of humanity, what
able us to receive Him. Prayer does ity too difficult for Him to unravel.6 are our wants, and where lies the
not bring God down to us, but brings strength of our temptations; for He
us up to Him.3 was in all points tempted like as we
Our heavenly Father waits to ASK, SEEK, KNOCK are, yet without sin. He is watching
bestow upon us the fullness of His “Ask.” The asking, makes it over you, trembling child of God.
blessing. It is our privilege to drink manifest that you realize your neces- Are you tempted? He will deliver.
largely at the fountain of boundless sity; and if you ask in faith you will Are you weak? He will strengthen.
love. What a wonder it is that we receive. The Lord has pledged His Are you ignorant? He will enlighten.
pray so little! . . . word, and it cannot fail. If you come Are you wounded? He will heal. . . .
Why should the sons and daugh- with true contrition you need not Whatever your anxieties and tri-
ters of God be reluctant to pray, feel that you are presumptuous in als, spread out your case before the
when prayer is the key in the hand of asking for what the Lord has prom- Lord. Your spirit will be braced for
faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse, ised. When you ask for the blessings endurance. The way will be opened
where are treasured the boundless you need, that you may perfect a for you to disentangle yourself
resources of Omnipotence? Without character after Christ’s likeness, the from embarrassment and difficulty.
unceasing prayer and diligent watch- Lord assures you that you are asking The weaker and more helpless you
ing we are in danger of growing according to a promise that will be know yourself to be, the stronger
careless and of deviating from the verified. That you feel and know you will you become in His strength.
right path. . . . are a sinner is sufficient ground for The heavier your burdens, the more
If we regard iniquity in our asking for His mercy and compas- blessed the rest in casting them
hearts, if we cling to any known sin, sion. The condition upon which you upon the Burden Bearer.8
the Lord will not hear us; but the may come to God is not that you
prayer of the penitent, contrite soul shall be holy, but that you desire
is always accepted. When all known Him to cleanse you from all sin and UTMOST REVERENCE
wrongs are righted, we may believe purify you from all iniquity. The ar- Humility and reverence should
that God will answer our petitions.4 gument that we may plead now and characterize the deportment of all
ever is our great need, our utterly who come into the presence of God.
helpless state, that makes Him and In the name of Jesus we may come
CONSTANT CONTACT His redeeming power a necessity. before Him with confidence, but we
There is no time or place in which “Seek.” Desire not merely His must not approach Him with the
it is inappropriate to offer up a peti- blessing, but Himself. “Acquaint boldness of presumption, as though
tion to God. There is nothing that can now thyself with Him, and be at He were on a level with ourselves.
prevent us from lifting up our hearts peace.” Job 22:21. Seek, and you There are those who address the
in the spirit of earnest prayer. In the shall find. God is seeking you, and great and all-powerful and holy God,
crowds of the street, in the midst of a the very desire you feel to come who dwelleth in light unapproach-
business engagement, we may send to Him is but the drawing of His able, as they would address an equal,
up a petition to God and plead for Spirit. Yield to that drawing. Christ or even an inferior.9
divine guidance, as did Nehemiah is pleading the cause of the tempted, There is a growing lack of rev-
when he made his request before the erring, and the faithless. He is erence for our Maker, a growing
King Artaxerxes. A closet of commu- seeking to lift them into compan- disregard of His greatness and His
nion may be found wherever we are.5 ionship with Himself. “If thou seek majesty. But God is speaking to us in
Keep your wants, your joys, your Him, He will be found of thee.” these last days. . . .
sorrows, your cares, and your fears 1 Chronicles 28:9. When the still small voice which

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 5

succeeds the whirlwind and the tem- cret place, alone, the eye sees Jesus
pest that moves the rocks out of posi- and the ear is opened to Jesus. You
tion, is heard, let all cover their face, come forth from the secret place of Family or public prayer alone
for God is very near. Let them hide prayer to abide under the shadow is not sufficient. Secret prayer is
themselves in Jesus Christ; for He of the Almighty. Temptations come, very important; in solitude the
is their hiding place. The cleft in the but you press closer and still closer soul is laid bare to the inspecting
rock is hidden with His own pierced to the side of Jesus and place your eye of God, and every motive is
hand while the humble seeker waits hand in His hand. Then you gain a scrutinized. Secret prayer! How
in bowed attitude to hear what saith rich experience, resting in His love precious! The soul communing
the Lord unto His servant.10 and rejoicing in His mercy. The with God! Secret prayer is to be
worries and perplexities and cares heard only by the prayer-hearing
are gone, and you rejoice in Jesus God. No curious ear is to receive
A GREAT PRIVILEGE Christ. The soul is quick to hear the the burden of such petitions. In
It is a wonderful thing that we Father’s voice, and you will com- secret prayer the soul is free from
can pray effectually, that unworthy, mune with God. All criticism is surrounding influences, free from
erring mortals possess the power of banished, all judging of others has excitement. Calmly, yet fervently,
offering their requests to God. What been expelled from the soul.12 will it reach out after God. Secret
higher power can man desire than prayer is frequently perverted, and
this—to be linked with the infinite its sweet designs lost, by loud vo-
God? Feeble, sinful man has the PUBLIC PRAYER cal prayer. Instead of the calm, qui-
privilege of speaking to his Maker. All should feel it a Christian duty et trust and faith in God, the soul
We may utter words that reach the to pray short. Tell the Lord just what drawn out in low, humble tones,
throne of the Monarch of the uni- you want, without going all over the voice is raised to a loud pitch,
verse. We may speak with Jesus as the world. In private prayer all have and excitement is encouraged, and
we walk by the way, and He says, I the privilege of praying as long as secret prayer loses its softening, sa-
am at thy right hand. they desire and of being as explicit cred influence. There is a storm of
We may commune with God in as they please. They can pray for all feeling, a storm of words, making
our hearts; we may walk in compan- their relatives and friends. The closet it impossible to discern the still,
ionship with Christ. When engaged is the place to tell all their private small voice that speaks to the soul
in our daily labor, we may breathe difficulties, and trials, and tempta- while engaged in its secret, true,
out our heart’s desire, inaudible to tions. A common meeting to wor- heartfelt devotion. Secret prayer,
any human ear; but that word cannot ship God is not the place to open the properly carried out, is productive
die away into silence, nor can it be privacies of the heart. . . . of great good. But prayer which
lost. Nothing can drown the soul’s There are some, I fear, who do is made public to the entire fam-
desire. It rises above the din of the not take their troubles to God in ily and neighborhood is not secret
street, above the noise of machinery. private prayer, but reserve them for prayer, even though thought to be,
It is God to whom we are speaking, the prayer meeting, and there do and divine strength is not received
and our prayer is heard. up their praying for several days. from it. Sweet and abiding will be
Ask, then; ask, and ye shall re- Such may be named conference and the influence emanating from Him
ceive. Ask for humility, wisdom, prayer meeting killers. They emit who seeth in secret, whose ear is
courage, increase of faith. To every no light; they edify no one. Their open to answer the prayer arising
sincere prayer an answer will come. cold, frozen prayers and long, back- from the heart. By calm, simple
It may not come just as you desire, slidden testimonies cast a shadow. faith the soul holds communion
or at the time you look for it; but it All are glad when they get through, with God and gathers to itself
will come in the way and at the time and it is almost impossible to throw divine rays of light to strengthen
that will best meet your need. The off the chill and darkness which and sustain it to endure the con-
prayers you offer in loneliness, in their prayers and exhortations bring flicts of Satan. God is our tower of
weariness, in trial, God answers, not into the meeting. From the light strength.14
always according to your expecta- which I have received, our meet- In the secret place of prayer,
tions, but always for your good.11 ings should be spiritual and social, where no eye but God’s can see, no
The way to the throne of God is and not too long. Reserve, pride, ear but His can hear, we may pour
always open. You cannot always be vanity, and fear of man should be out our most hidden desires and
on your knees in prayer, but your si- left at home. Little differences and longings to the Father of infinite
lent petitions may constantly ascend prejudices should not be taken pity, and in the hush and silence of
to God for strength and guidance. with us to these meetings. As in a the soul that voice which never fails
When tempted, as you will be, you united family, simplicity, meekness, to answer the cry of human need
may flee to the secret place of the confidence, and love should exist will speak to our hearts. . . .
Most High. His everlasting arms will in the hearts of brethren and sisters Those who seek God in secret
be underneath you. . . . who meet to be refreshed and in- telling the Lord their needs and
Pray with humble hearts. Seek vigorated by bringing their lights pleading for help, will not plead in
the Lord often in prayer. In the se- together.13 vain.15

6 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

the truth of God to those of their Oh, my Father, my Father, I look
A SAMPLE PRAYER own nationality; and wilt Thou help right to Thee. Thou hast heard my
My heavenly Father, we come them, my Father? petition so many times. I believe in
to Thee at this time just as we are— I beseech Thee, Lord, to arouse Thee; I rejoice in Thee; and I know
poor and needy and helpless— the church as they never have that Thy word will be verified.
unless Thou wilt take hold of our been aroused before. Oh, stir up Bless the sinners here. Bless the
case. And Thou hast said, “Let him their hearts, Lord. Many of them youth here. As they go to our schools
take hold of My strength, and make are now in a paralyzed condition, to become educated, fit them up, that
peace with Me: and He shall make because they have done so little; they may become missionaries for
peace with Me.” but when they begin to use their God. Take them as they are. Encircle
May the petition of this con- capabilities for Thee, we know that them in the arms of thy mercy, and
gregation come up before Thee at Thou wilt give them Thy reviving love them freely, and Thy blessed
this time as a power before Thy power. Oh, my heavenly Father, I name shall have all the glory when
throne. We know that our Saviour is ask Thee that for the sake of Jesus the human family shall be gathered
presenting His hands before Thee, of Nazareth, Thou wouldst bless home by Thee—when we shall unite
saying, “I have graven them upon this entire congregation. Let the as members of the royal family, chil-
the palms of My hands.” Oh, God, sinners in Zion feel the convict- dren of the heavenly King.
I plead with Thee, for Christ’s sake, ing power of God upon them. Let Oh, I thank Thee that we have a
that Thou wilt accept our petitions them tremble before Thee, lest God who hears prayer; that we have
for these that are going away. They they neglect to seek thee until it is a Saviour who is touched with the
know not what is before them; but too late. I ask Thee, Lord, to open feeling of our infirmities; and that
they have Thy promise that Thy their hearts to receive the Saviour, we have the privilege of working for
righteousness shall go before them, who has been knocking, knocking, the salvation of souls. Bless our min-
and that the glory of the Lord shall knocking for entrance, until the isters; imbue them with Thy power.
be their rearward. hairs of His head are wet with the Let the Holy Ghost come upon
We love Thee, our Saviour; and dew of night. Oh, my Father, my them. Oh, let heaven be opened,
we desire to see gathered into Thy Father, wilt Thou, for the sake of and let the light of Thy glory be
fold every soul that it is possible Christ, move upon every heart in revealed, and let it be known that
to save. Imbue, we beseech Thee, this congregation! there is a God in Israel who hears
this whole congregation with Thy I ask Thee, Jesus, that the salva- and answers prayer.
holiness upon this Sabbath day. tion of God may be revealed, and And now we commit all to Thee.
Oh, may the light of heaven shine that those of our people who by We know that these missionar-
forth upon Thy people here. Let the their donations have helped so ies will be kept by Thy power; for
Holy Spirit rest upon those who nobly to carry the work, will not be- Thou alone canst keep them; and
shall leave us. We have told them, come weary in well doing. We know Thy blessed name shall have all the
Lord, that we would pray for them; that call after call comes to them; praise, all the glory, now and forev-
and we now present our petitions but O my Father, Thou art giving to ermore. Amen.16 ‰
in their behalf, praying that Thou them gift upon gift, and art letting
wouldst help them to put on the them have the blessings of the dew, 1 The Signs of the Times, August 26, 1897.
whole armor of God. Take them the sunshine, and the showers, mak- 2 Ibid., November 11, 1897.
3 Steps to Christ, p. 93.
in charge, Lord, and prepare them ing their fields fruitful. 4 Ibid, pp. 94, 95.
this day for service. Oh, my Lord, I I ask Thee, my heavenly Father, 5 Ibid., p. 99.
6 Ibid., p. 100.
beseech of Thee that Thou wouldst that the rich blessing of heaven may 7 Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, pp. 130, 131.
open doors where they can enter. fall upon this congregation when, 8 The Desire of Ages, p. 329.
9 Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 252.
Here are some who are preparing to after returning to their homes, they 10 Selected Messages, bk. 2, pp. 315, 316.

go to China in a little while. Fit them try in their humble way to visit their 11 Messages to Young People, p. 250.
12 In Heavenly Places, p. 86.
for service, Lord; give them courage; neighbors, to help those who are

13 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, p. 578.

prepare the way before them. They sick, and to do missionary work 14 Ibid., p. 189.
15 Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, pp. 84, 85.
have been learning how to present wherever they are. 16 Manuscript Releases, vol. 4, pp. 294–296.

He is watching over you, trembling child of God. Are you tempt-

ed? He will deliver. Are you weak? He will strengthen. Are you
ignorant? He will enlighten. Are you wounded? He will heal.
The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 7
1st Vice President, General Conference

THE CRISIS IN EDEN confiding in God, she basely dis- “After Adam’s transgression he
trusted His goodness, and cherished at first imagined that he felt the ris-
In the garden of Eden, there were the words of Satan.”1 ing to a new and higher existence.
two special trees, each planted by “Here the father of lies made his But soon the thought of his trans-
God for a distinct purpose. The first assertion in direct contradiction to gression terrified him. The air that
was the tree of life with healing the expressed word of God. Satan had been of a mild and even tem-
virtue—a fountain of youth and im- assured Eve that she was created perature, seemed to chill them. The
mortality, while the second was the immortal, and that there was no guilty pair had a sense of sin. They
tree that would give the knowledge possibility of her dying. He told felt a dread of the future, a sense
of good and evil. Eve ate of the fruit her that God knew that if she and of want, a nakedness of soul. The
of this second tree when she was her husband should eat of the tree sweet love, and peace, and happy,
“deceived by the serpent, to think of knowledge, their understanding contented bliss, seemed removed
that there was something withheld would be enlightened, expanded, from them, and in its place a want of
which would make them wise, even and ennobled, making them equal something came over them that they
as God. Instead of believing and with Himself.”2 never experienced before. They then

8 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

for the first turned their attention the works of their own hands, and the Lord said unto Noah, “The end
to the external. They had not been taught their children to bow down of all flesh is come before me; for the
clothed, but were draped in light as to graven images. . . . earth is filled with violence through
were the heavenly angels. This light “Men put God out of their knowl- them; and, behold, I will destroy
which had enshrouded them de- edge and worshiped the creatures them with the earth” (Genesis 6:13).
parted. To relieve the sense of lack of their own imagination; and as the None escaped the consequences of
and nakedness which they realized, result, they became more and more their wrong use of knowledge. All
their attention was directed to seek debased. . . . If the mind is never ex- died except Noah and his family.
a covering for their forms; for how alted above the level of humanity, if
could they meet the eye of God and it is not uplifted by faith to contem-
angels unclothed? plate infinite wisdom and love, the THE TOWER OF BABEL
“Their crime is now before them man will be constantly sinking lower After the flood waters had subsid-
in its true light. Their transgression and lower. . . . God had given men ed, “those who desired to forget their
of God’s express command assumes His commandments as a rule of life, Creator and to cast off the restraint
a clearer character. Adam censured but His law was transgressed, and of His law felt a constant annoyance
Eve’s folly in leaving his side, and every conceivable sin was the result. from the teaching and example of
being deceived by the serpent. They The wickedness of men was open their God-fearing associates, and
both flattered themselves that God, and daring, justice was trampled in after a time they decided to separate
who had given them everything to the dust, and the cries of the op- from the worshipers of God. . . .
make them happy, might yet excuse pressed reached unto heaven.”5 “They decided to build a city,
their disobedience, because of His Later on they explored the for- and in it a tower of such stupen-
great love to them, and that their bidden knowledge of wrong mar- dous height as should render it the
punishment would not be so dread- riage relationships: wonder of the world. These enter-
ful, after all.”3 “Polygamy had been early prises were designed to prevent the
Now a new inclination developed introduced, contrary to the divine people from scattering abroad in
in their being. A bent toward evil arrangement at the beginning. colonies. God had directed men to
was formed—a tendency that now The Lord gave to Adam one wife, disperse throughout the earth, to
enslaved them. They had experi- showing His order in that respect. replenish and subdue it; but these
mented with a new height of sinful- But after the Fall, men chose to fol- Babel builders determined to keep
ness. A new height of knowledge low their own sinful desires; and their community united in one
to do wrong. “Thus Adam and Eve as the result, crime and wretched- body, and to found a monarchy
were worked upon by Satan until ness rapidly increased. Neither the that should eventually embrace the
God’s restraint was snapped asun- marriage relation nor the rights of whole earth. . . .
der, and their education under the property were respected. Whoever “The dwellers on the plain of
teacher of lies began in order that coveted the wives or the possessions Shinar disbelieved God’s covenant
they might have the knowledge that of his neighbor, took them by force, that He would not again bring a
God had refused them—to know the and men exulted in their deeds of flood upon the earth. Many of them
consequence of transgression.”4 violence. They delighted in destroy- denied the existence of God, and
ing the life of animals; and the use attributed the Flood to the operation
of flesh for food rendered them still of natural causes. Others believed in
BEFORE THE FLOOD more cruel and bloodthirsty, until a Supreme being, and that it was He
“The human race yet retained they came to regard human life with who had destroyed the antediluvian
much of its early vigor. . . . There astonishing indifference.”6 world; and their hearts, like that of
were many giants, men of great The exploration of this forbidden Cain, rose up in rebellion against
stature and strength, renowned for knowledge of sexuality did not end Him. One object before them in the
wisdom, skillful in devising the with only polygamy. “If there was erection of the tower [of Babel] was
most cunning and wonderful works; one sin above another which called to secure their own safety in case
but their guilt in giving loose rein to for the destruction of the race by the of another deluge. By carrying the
iniquity was in proportion to their flood, it was the base crime of amal- structure to a much greater height
skill and mental ability. gamation of man and beast which than was reached by the waters of
“God bestowed upon these an- defaced the image of God and the Flood, they thought to place
tediluvians many and rich gifts; but caused confusion everywhere. God themselves beyond all possibility of
they used His bounties to glorify purposed to destroy by a flood that danger.”8
themselves, and turned them into a powerful, long-lived race that had New knowledge of architecture
curse by fixing their affections upon corrupted their ways before him.”7 and structural design was invented.
the gifts instead of the Giver. . . . The quest to find new and ad- Knowledge to organize and direct
Not desiring to retain God in their vancing knowledge continued. But vast multitudes of people to con-
knowledge, they soon came to deny the knowledge they were thirsting struct this massive tower was also
His existence. They adored nature for was invented by the father of developed. Soon a new style of
in place of the God of nature. They lies. Soon every imagination of their monarchial government was in-
glorified human genius, worshiped hearts was only evil continually, so troduced, making one person king

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 9

and their city the metropolis of the They were determined not go for- to accept the twisted idea that a
universe in defiance of God. ward to the promised land but to re- mute, immobile, molten-sculptured
“Suddenly the work that had treat back to Egypt and they finally Egyptian god could lead them back
been advancing so prosperously was decided to make a statue of a golden to Egypt. We can see here that such
checked. Angels were sent to bring calf as their god to lead them. Since knowledge ended up in destruc-
to naught the purpose of the build- Aaron was second in command, the tion.
ers. The tower had reached a lofty people demanded that he do it.
height, and it was impossible for the “Aaron feared for his own safety;
workmen at the top to communi- and instead of nobly standing up for AT THE MESSIAH’S COMING
cate directly with those at the base; the honor of God, he yielded to the “The Hebrews were the chosen
therefore, men were stationed at demands of the multitude. . . . He people of God. It was their com-
different points, each to receive and made a molten calf, in imitation of mon hope that the Messiah would
report to the one next below him the the gods of Egypt. The people pro- come to free them from bondage
orders for needed material or other claimed, ‘These be thy gods, O Isra- to the Roman power. However, the
directions concerning the work. As el, which brought thee up out of the true purpose of the Saviour’s mis-
messages were thus passing from land of Egypt.’ And Aaron basely sion was made known through the
one to another the language was con- permitted this insult to Jehovah. He sanctuary services. Every sacrificial
founded, so that material was called did more. Seeing with what satisfac- offering prefigured the coming
for which was not needed, and the tion the golden god was received, of the Saviour. The paschal lamb
directions delivered were often the he built an altar before it, and made and services pointed to Christ. In
reverse of those that had been given. proclamation, ‘Tomorrow is a feast beholding these services, those who
Confusion and dismay followed. to the Lord.’ . . . Under the pretense desired a true knowledge of God
All work came to a standstill. There of holding ‘a feast to the Lord,’ they would realize He came to save his
could be no further harmony or co- gave themselves up to gluttony and people from their sins.
operation. The builders were wholly licentious reveling.”10 The prophets revealed many
unable to account for the strange Instead of directing their faith to details about this over the centuries,
misunderstandings among them, the knowledge and allegiance to the and the Jewish leaders were not
and in their rage and disappoint- true God during this waiting time, ignorant of the miraculous birth of
ment they reproached one another. they turned on the acceptance of the Christ. They had heard the news of
Their confederacy ended in strife and knowledge of the false god. They the shepherds and special coming
bloodshed. Lightnings from heaven, made a feast which ended up in the of the Magi. They had met Jesus
as evidence of God’s displeasure, forbidden knowledge of gluttony, in the synagogue when He was
broke off the upper portion of the licentiousness, and revelry. The love twelve and were astonished to His
tower and cast it to the ground. Men of pleasure disguised by a “form of knowledge of the prophecy despite
were made to feel that there is a God godliness”! A religion that permits that He did not attend any rabbini-
who ruleth in the heavens.”9 men, while observing the rites of cal schools. They saw His ministry
worship, to devote themselves to marked with divine healing and su-
selfish or sensual gratification, was pernatural power. They heard Him
IN THE WILDERNESS pleasing to the multitudes in the claiming to be the great I AM and
When God delivered His people days of Israel. And there was pliant to cleanse the temple twice with
from Egypt, the Egyptians—includ- Aaron, who, while holding positions great authority. Truly the Messiah
ing Pharaoh—acknowledged that of authority in the church, yielded had come, but they failed to receive
the God of Israel is powerful and a to the desires of the unconsecrated, Him because they accepted the
living God. The Israelites had been thus encouraging them to sin. knowledge invented by the father
miraculously delivered from bond- At the height of their wild, riot- of lies. They maintained the idea
age to make them free, happy, and ous celebration, Moses arrived at the that the coming Messiah must come
healthy people that would serve encampment with the two tables of from a wealthy family and be of
only Him. He gave them laws to stone and saw Israel worshiping the royal lineage and highly educated.
govern them and statutes to guide golden calf. His anger was greatly In their minds, Jesus did not seem
their spiritual path. He directed kindled, and he threw down the to qualify in all these requirements.
them into the desert for forty years tables of stone, broke them, burned They despised Him, rejected Him,
instead of guiding them straight to the golden calf, ground it to pow- and hated Him to the core. That
Canaan for two weeks to try their der, strewed it upon a stream, and precipitated their decision to crucify
characters and to make them know made the people drink of it to show Him. “Their satanic shouts, ‘His
more about the character of God. the utter worthlessness of the false blood be upon us and to our chil-
Reaching Mount Sinai, the Lord god they had been worshiping. dren’, were echoed in the terrible
gave Moses the Ten Command- Again and again the tendency to calamity that came upon their city
ments. While waiting for Moses’ accept the knowledge given by the and temple four decades later—all
return from the Mount, the Israelites father of lies has been repeated. In because of the erroneous and fatal-
became restless and nervous as to this instance the people ignored the istically presumed knowledge of
why Moses coming was delayed. all-powerful God and chose instead misidentifying the Mes­siah!”

10 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

IN OUR DAYS faith, including many ministers and important. Men will then see that
teachers. the righteousness they despised is
The quest for destructive
Another school of thought in- alone of value. They will see that
knowledge has become even more
vented by Satan is the so-called they have fashioned their characters
widespread in our days. The Lord
Hyperianism. It teaches that “you under the deceptive allurements of
in His mercy sent the three angels
are divine. You are god becom- Satan. The garments they have cho-
messages to sound forth the ever-
ing. There is no creator god to bow sen are the badge of their allegiance
lasting gospel before the great day
down to. Beyond matter there exists to the first great apostate. Then
of the Lord will come. One of their
an immaterial domain: The source they will see the results of their
special messages is: “Fear God, and
reality. You can catch fractured choice. They will have a knowledge
give glory to him; for the hour of his
glimpses of this world in psyche- of what it means to transgress the
judgment is come: and worship him
delic states, frequency states, . . . commandments of God.”13
that made heaven, and earth, and
By loosening the reducing valve But instead, the Lord wants us to
the sea, and the fountains of water”
of the brain, you can explore the know Him personally. The psalmist
(Revelation 14:7).
inner realms of mind and the god says, O taste and see that the Lord
Shortly after the initial procla-
within.”11 is good” (Psalm 34:8). He wants us
mation of this message, Satan sent
Aside from paganism, Satan has to worship our Creator alone, who
an emissary to try to destroy the
invented many more subtle forms declares, “Thou shalt have no other
knowledge that God is the Creator
of religions to try to deceive the gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). By
of universe. In 1859, Charles Dar-
very elect. He knows that the final so doing we can have life eternal.
win, an English scientist, wrote a
remnant church is the only church Jesus explained that “this is life
book, On the Origin of Species by
of God in this planet earth. These eternal, that they might know thee
Means of Natural Selection, or the
believers he shakes to form distinct, the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
Preservation of Favoured Races in the
separate groups to confuse the hon- whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3).
Struggle for Life, which lay the foun-
est people of God. However, God As our knowledge of Him grows
dation of evolutionary theory as-
has given us a clear identification of deeper, we can appreciate His love
serting that all species have evolved
His church in the time of the end. towards us and render to Him our
rather than having been created.
“The different parties of pro- utmost service. One day He will in-
Tragically, most educational institu-
fessed Advent believers have each vite us to enter the gates of that city
tions today, from primary schools to
a little truth, but God has given all and offer us the fruit of the tree of
universities, adhere to this idea.
these truths to His children who are life and bestow upon us true knowl-
Satan also invented another
being prepared for the day of God. edge.
school of thought totally denying
He has also given them truths that “All the treasures of the universe
the existence of God: Atheism is
none of these parties know, neither will be open to the study of God’s
an absence of belief in any deity
will they understand.”12 redeemed. . . . Upon all things, from
or even that deities exist. This phi-
the least to the greatest, the Cre-
losophy was promoted in the 18th
ator’s name is written, and in all are
century during the so-called “Age of
CONCLUSION the riches of His power displayed.
Enlightenment.” The political move-
“And the years of eternity, as
ment that embraced this concept From the time of Adam until they roll, will bring richer and still
culminated in the lawlessness of the now, Satan has always been indoc- more glorious revelations of God
French Revolution. Yet an estimated trinating perverse types of knowl- and of Christ. As knowledge is pro-
450–500 million people still profess edge to humanity and saying that gressive, so will love, reverence, and
Atheism today. you will not die, you will become a happiness increase. The more men
Satan was still not content with god, you are a god, nature is God, learn of God, the greater will be
his inventions, so he also introduced and that the devil does not exist. It’s their admiration of His character.”14
Pantheism, the belief that reality, amazing to note that many learned May the Lord bless you wonder-
the universe and the cosmos are people actually accept this. Are fully during this Week of Prayer!
essentially divinity itself and that you liable to accept such a notion?
Amen. ‰
this, as a supreme supernatural Those who believe Satan’s lies will
being or entity is still expanding receive greater delusions—and if we References:
and creating, since the beginning choose the knowledge invented by 1 The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1, p. 40.
2 Confrontation, p. 13.
of time, or that all things compose Satan, then ultimately we will reap 3 The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1, p. 41.

an all-encompassing, immanent the sure result of destruction. (See 4 The SDA Bible Commentary [E. G. White Commentary],
vol. 1, p. 1083.
god or goddess with the universe Malachi 4:1.) 5 Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 90, 91.

itself as a manifestation of deity that “Sad will be the retrospect in

6 Ibid., pp. 91, 92.
7 The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1, p. 69.
includes all astronomical objects. that day when men stand face to 8 Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 118, 119.

This idea crept into the early Ad-

9 Ibid., pp. 119, 120.
face with eternity. The whole life 10 Conflict and Courage, p. 97.
ventist denomination through Dr. will present itself just as it has 11 https://www.iamhyperian.com/youaregod/
12 Early Writings, p. 124.
John Harvey Kellogg, causing over been. The world’s pleasures, riches, 13 Christ’s Object Lessons, pp. 318, 319.
4,000 church members to leave the and honors will not then seem so 14 God’s Amazing Grace, p. 368.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 11

Tamil language editor, India

GOD IS ALL KNOWING: image, so for sure He knows us. I ordained thee a prophet unto the
Inspiration tells us that God is all- God watches each one of us. “For he nations” (Jeremiah 1:5).
knowing or “omniscient.” “For looketh to the ends of the earth, and We read also in 1 Chronicles
if our heart condemn us, God is seeth under the whole heaven” (Job 22:9 that the life circumstances of
greater than our heart, and knoweth 28:24). Solomon the king were foreknown
all things” (1 John 3:20). This means of God.
that He has perfect knowledge GOD KNOWS US BEFORE The Lord gave Josiah his name
of all things. He does not have to WE ARE KNOWN: King David 32 years before his birth and proph-
learn anything and He does not said: “Your eyes saw my substance, esied of his life as to be one of the
have to reason things out. God being yet unformed. And in Your few kings who would obey God and
knows everything that will hap- book they all were written, the days do what was right in His sight (1
pen and that has happened. His fashioned for me, when as yet there Kings 13:2).
omniscience means that He has were none of them” (Psalm 139:16, Abraham was given the promise
perfect knowledge, perfect under- NKJV). by God that nations would come
standing, and perfect wisdom. God God said to Jeremiah: “Before I from him, yet at that time he had
being the source of all intelligibil- formed thee in the belly I knew thee; no children; his wife Sarai was bar-
ity of creation, by His nature is all and before thou camest forth out ren. They waited 25 years for the
knowledge. We are created in His of the womb I sanctified thee, and promised child Isaac to be born.

12 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

Sarah thought to “help” God’s God of knowledge, and by him ac- be Abraham; for a father of many
prophecy to be fulfilled by giving tions are weighed” (1 Samuel 2:3). nations have I made thee” (Genesis
her maidservant Hagar to Abraham King David said, “Thou hast be- 17:5).
to conceive a child. Although that set me behind and before, and laid
was not God’s plan, in His mercy, thine hand upon me. Such knowl- SARAH: Abraham was not only
He nonetheless comforted Hagar edge is too wonderful for me; it is the member of his family to receive
with a prophecy which was fulfilled high, I cannot attain unto it” (Psalm a name change from God. His wife
(Genesis 16:12). 139:5, 6). did, too. “And God said unto Abra-
When Abraham was 99 years ham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou
old, God promised His long-awaited GOD KNOWS THE FUTURE: shall not call her name Sarai, but
child. “And God said, Sarah thy wife God knows everything that will “Sarah shall be her name be” (Gen-
shall bear thee a son indeed; and happen. The Lord said, “Declaring esis 17:15). She would be a mother
thou shalt call his name Isaac; and the end from the beginning, and of nations and kings would be born
I will establish my covenant with from ancient times the things that of her.
him for an everlasting covenant, and are not yet done, saying, My coun-
with his seed after him” (Genesis sel shall stand, and I will do all my JACOB: Jacob also received a
17:19). pleasure” (Isaiah 46:10). new name from the Lord. The an-
The birth of John the Baptist was God prophesied about the fu- gel said, “Thy name shall be called
likewise prophesied (Luke 1:13). ture of Abraham in Genesis 18:18, no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a
Christ’s birth was announced about Benhadad, king of Syria (2 prince hast thou power with God
in advance when the angel of the Kings 8:9), Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:1), and with men, and hast prevailed”
Lord appeared unto Mary, “And the and Solomon (1 Kings 5:5). The (Genesis 32:28).
angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: Lord who knows the future of these
for thou hast found favour with people would also definitely know MAHERSHALALHASHBAZ:
God. And, behold, thou shalt con- our future too. So, let us submit to The prophet Isaiah had a son who
ceive in thy womb, and bring forth His wisdom. was named by God—a name that
a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. was also part of a prophecy. When
He shall be great, and shall be called GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS: Isaiah’s wife bore a son, “Then said
the Son of the Highest: and the Lord “And Moses cried unto the Lord, the Lord to me, Call his name Ma-
shall give unto him the throne of his saying Heal her now, O God, I be- hershalalhashbaz” (Isaiah 8:3).
father David” (Luke 1:30-32). The seech thee” (Numbers 12:13). The
Lord who knew all before they were Lord heard the prayer of Moses and JEZREEL: The prophet Hosea’s
born knows each of us, too. Miriam was healed from leprosy. first-born son was given a meaning-
When king Hezekiah was sick ful name by God: “And the Lord
GOD KNOWS OUR unto death, the prophet Isaiah con- said unto him, Call his name Jez-
THOUGHTS: God knows every- firmed that he would die, the king reel; for yet a little while, and I will
thing we have ever done, but He prayed unto the Lord, who had avenge the blood of Jezreel upon
also knows everything we have compassion on him and extended the house of Jehu, and will cause to
ever thought. God knows abso- his life (2 Kings 20:3–6). cease the kingdom of the house of
lutely everything about us. The The sun stood still and the moon Israel” (Hosea 1:4).
psalmist said, “Thou knowest my stayed (Joshua 10:12–14) in response
down-sitting and mine uprising, to Joshua’s prayer. The God who LORUHAMAH: The prophet
thou understandest my thought heard the prayers of these faithful Hosea’s daughter was another one
afar off” (Psalm 139:2). We can hide people will also hear our prayers. who received a symbolic name from
our thoughts from others, and even In a time of life-threatening cri- the Lord: “God said unto him, Call
deceive them about our thoughts sis, God heard the prayers of Esther her name Loruhamah: for I will no
by deliberately lying. But we cannot and delivered His people. more have mercy upon the house of
hide anything from God. The Bible Israel; but I will utterly take them
says, “Neither is there any creature GOD KNOWS US BY NAME: away” (Hosea 1:6).
that is not manifest in his sight: but God called people by name in the
all things are naked and opened Scriptures. There are examples LOAMMI: The prophet Hosea’s
unto the eyes of him with whom we when He spoke to Jacob, Moses, second son was named by God:
have to do” (Hebrews 4:13). Joshua, Samuel, and Saul of Tarsus “Then said God, Call his name
by name (Isaiah 43:1; Exodus 3:4; 1 Loammi: for ye are not my people,
GOD IS THE GOD OF Samuel 3:10; Acts 9:4). and I will not be your God” (Hosea
KNOWLEDGE: The prayer of 1:9). God has a purpose for each one
Hannah, the mother of Samuel, de- GOD GAVE NAMES TO PEO- of us by giving a name to us.
clared: “Talk no more so exceeding PLE: He told a famous patriarch,
proudly; let not arrogancy come “Neither shall thy name any more GOD SPEAKS TO US IN
out of your mouth: for the Lord is a be called Abram, but thy name shall MANY WAYS: God is all powerful.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 13

He is omnipresent. He is sovereign. fully through the person, character, from mine eyes” (Jeremiah 16:17).
The Bible is filled with the accounts words, behavior, and works of His “He that planted the ear, shall he
of God speaking to individuals, to Son. Jesus reveals God to man by not hear? he that formed the eye
families and to nations. In the past His whole person. He taught the shall he not see?” (Psalm 94:9).
He spoke in many different ways people in parables, stories, object
and that is true today as well. God lessons, and especially through His GOD KNOWS WHAT EVIL
speaks to all men through His cre- own example of how to live a Godly PEOPLE THINK: “Therefore he
ation. “For the invisible things . . . life. (Read Hebrews 1:1, 2; Mark knoweth their works, and he over-
that are made, even His eternal 4:34; Matthew 7:3–5; John 13:3–7.) turneth them in the night, so that
power and Godhead, so that they they are destroyed” (Job 34:25).
are without excuse” (Romans 1:20). GOD SPEAKS THROUGH King Nebuchadnezzar was proud
“The heavens declare the glory of THE HOLY SPIRIT: When Jesus of building the great city of Babylon
God; and the firmament sheweth was on this earth, God spoke to by his power. When the words were
his handywork. Day unto day ut- humanity through Him, and when still on the mouth, a voice from
tereth speech, and night unto night Jesus returned to the Father, the heaven said that he would not be
sheweth knowledge” (Psalm 19:1, Holy Spirit was sent to lead us into king for seven years and would live
2). God communicated with His all truth to be our Comforter from with wild animals and eat grass like
people in the past through angels, God (John 14:26). God’s Holy Spirit an ox. (Read Daniel 4:17–37.) Later
prophets, dreams, visions, miracles, is poured upon all who believe and he realized his sin and turned to-
and even through a donkey. The accept Jesus as personal Saviour and wards God.
donkey opened its mouth and spoke He will guide us into all the truth.
to Balaam (Numbers 22:28). Let us therefore submit ourselves to GOD KNOWS THE HAPPEN-
the will of the Father, the Son, and INGS ON THE EARTH: Lord God
GOD SPEAKS TO US the Holy Spirit. spoke to Moses from the burning
THROUGH HIS WORD: Jesus is bush and God asked him to lead
the Word of God (John 1:1). It is one GOD SEARCHES EVERY His people out of Egypt and rescue
way that God speaks to us person- HEART: David appealed to his son, from slavery. “And the Lord said
ally and powerfully even today. Not “And thou, Solomon my son, know I have surely seen the affliction of
only are we to have a relationship thou the God of thy father, and my people which are in Egypt, and
with God through His word, but serve him with a perfect heart and have heard their cry by reason of
we also should be ready to give an with a willing mind. For the Lord their taskmasters; for I know their
answer to others whenever neces- searcheth all hearts, and under- sorrows” (Exodus 3:7). God watches
sary, with meekness and fear (1 standeth all the imaginations of the each and every thing that happens
Peter 3:15). When the devil tempted thoughts: if thou seek him, he will on earth. Let us not grow weary,
Jesus in the wilderness, the Lord re- be found of thee; but if thou forsake and let us put our trust in the Lord.
sponded to the devil’s temptations him, he will cast thee off for ever”
by quoting truth from God’s word. (1 Chronicles 28:9). This advice to GOD KNOWS THE THINGS
(Matthew 4:1–11). We must learn the king Solomon clearly reveals to each OF THE PAST: The apostle affirms,
truth which is found in the word of and every one that God knows our “Known unto God are all his works
God, the sword of the Spirit with imaginations. Let us be very careful from the beginning of the world”
which we can defeat the enemy of in all our deeds and thoughts. (Acts 15:18).
our souls. As we put on the whole
armor of God, we can stand against THE LORD GOD LOOKS GOD IS PERFECT IN JUDG-
the wiles of the devil (Ephesians UPON THE HEART: God told the MENT: Only God who is perfect in
6:11). Honoring and obeying God’s prophet Samuel to anoint David as knowledge would be competent to
word is key to hearing God’s voice. a king, explaining that the outward judge humanity (2 Peter 3:7). When
(See John 14:21, 23.) appearance is not what matters people realize they will have to
most; it is the heart that only He stand one day before an all-knowing
GOD SPEAKS IN A STILL, sees (1 Samuel 16:7). God, this should cause them to eval-
SMALL VOICE: When the prophet uate the way they live their lives.
Elijah was discouraged and de- GOD’S EYES SEE ALL Jesus says, “by thy words thou shalt
pressed, God spoke to him in an THINGS: The Scripture speaks be justified, and by thy words thou
unexpected way. Sometimes God symbolically of the eyes of God see- shalt be condemned” (Matthew
will speak through the wind, an ing all things. “For the eyes of the 12:37).
earthquake or fire but most often Lord run to and fro throughout the
He speaks in a still small voice, so whole earth, to shew himself strong GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISE:
we have to be attentive. (See 1 Kings in the behalf of them whose heart is God made this promise to His
19:11–13.) perfect toward him” (2 Chronicles people. “And ye shall seek me, and
16:9). “For mine eyes are upon all find me, when ye shall search for
GOD SPOKE THROUGH HIS their ways: they are not hid from me with all your heart” (Jeremiah
SON JESUS: God revealed Himself my face, neither is there iniquity hid 29:13). If we seek Him with all our

14 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

heart, we will hear His voice. God This same God then covered up the heard his prayer in his affliction.
knows what exactly is in the heart enemy in the depth of the same sea The fish then vomited out Jonah,
of every man. If God knows us, and brought salvation to His people. who agreed to go to Nineveh and
then He knows what we are going He is the same God who works on convince the entire city to repent.
through in life. We are not alone and our behalf even today. He is the Although he had not obeyed at first,
we have not been forgotten. God same yesterday, today, and forever. he, too, repented for having avoided
knows the struggles we face in life. (Read Exodus chapter 14.) his duty. We need to obey God in all
He knows our temptations and our After the death of Moses, God circumstances whatever God asks
family situation, and He has prom- made the people to pass through us to do; we must not hesitate to
ised us that He will never leave us river Jordan on dry ground. The obey His voice.
nor forsake us. Deuteronomy 31:6; priests that bore the ark of the cov-
John 3:16. enant of the Lord stood firm on the GOD’S CALLING TO EACH
dry ground in the midst of Jordan. ONE OF US: The Lord God is not
GOD IS ALWAYS WITH HIS (Read Joshua chapter 3.) asking anything from us. He asks
CHILDREN IN NEED: King Darius God was with Noah and his fam- for our heart: “My son, give me
was the ruler over Babylon and had ily and preserved them from flood, thine heart, and let thine eyes ob-
placed Daniel as the first president. for they all obeyed God. “And the serve my ways” (Proverbs 23:26).
Daniel believed in God and followed Lord said unto Noah, Come thou And the Lord asks us to follow His
the Lord’s command. Jealous rivals and all thy house into the ark; for commandments and the words of
persuaded the king to make a law thee have I seen righteous before the scriptures in order to hear the
requiring all to only worship him, me in this generation” (Genesis 7:1). voice of God. We have to spend
and if any who would worship any The flood was forty days upon the time with Him. The more we are
other God would be thrown into the earth and all flesh died and every with Him, the better we will know
den of lions. Since Daniel prayed living substance destroyed, but God His voice. “Blessed are your eyes,
three times a day with his windows preserved Noah and his family. The for they see: and your ears, for
open to God, sure enough, he was Lord was with them. they hear” (Matthew 13:16). As we
thrown into the lions’ den. But the Abraham was called of God to grow in faith, we will learn to hear
Lord God was with him and He leave Ur of the Chaldees. He obeyed God’s voice. Jesus said, “My sheep
shut the lions’ mouths and protected unquestioningly the commands hear my voice, and I know them,
Daniel (Daniel 6:21, 22). of God and believed His covenant and they follow me” (John 10:27).
King Nebuchadnezzar made an promise that his seed would become We must ask God to reveal to us
image of gold in the province of a new nation. (See Genesis chapter anything that is hindering our rela-
Babylon and invited all in authority 12.) Just as God made and kept His tionship with Him, and then obey
to come for the dedication of the im- promises to Abraham, God has Him. For that we have to meditate
age. Whoever would not bow down made promises to us too. on the scriptures. We have to make
and worship the image would be In Genesis 39:1–6, Joseph was ourselves available to God through
thrown into a burning fiery furnace. sold into slavery by his own broth- prayer and worship. Let us be still
Three young Hebrews who did not ers. The Lord God was with Joseph in His presence. The Lord says, “Be
bow down and worship the image, in the unknown country, where still and know that I am God: I will
were thrown into the burning fiery he attained the favor of Potiphar, be exalted among the heathen, I
furnace. The Lord God was with who promoted him over his whole will be exalted in the earth” (Psalm
them in the fiery furnace and they household. Eventually God directed 46:10). Let us remain pure and true
were not burned; the fire had no circumstances to make Joseph and firm, remembering our char-
power over them (Daniel chapter 3). second-in-command of Egypt, espe- acter is being imprinted upon the
God was with Moses in leading cially to take charge of preparations books of heaven. Amen. ‰
the Israelites from Egyptian slav- for the coming famine. (Read Gen-
ery. He miraculously supplied the esis 41:37–45.) Joseph knew the Lord
people with water from the rock was with him.

and manna from heaven. The Lord God was with Jonah when he
God parted the sea and the people was in the belly of a gigantic fish.
crossed on dry land (Exodus 14:16). The Lord preserved him there and

God knows everything we have ever done, but

He also knows everything we have ever thought.
God knows absolutely everything about us.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 15

Minister, Moldova

“These things I have spoken intentionally or unintentionally.

unto you, that in me ye might have Their actions, due to sin being a con-
peace. In the world ye shall have trolling power in their lives, bring
tribulation: but be of good cheer; about much of the unhappiness in Most people seem to think that
I have overcome the world” (John our world. An inspired passage in God is responsible for the appear-
16:33). the book Thoughts from the Mount of ance of sin in the universe. The fol-
Can you imagine a life with- Blessing explains it well: lowing false ideas are given as argu-
out any troubles? Well, to imagine “By venturing to disregard the ments in this case:
something like this is difficult for will of God upon one point, our
us, born as we are into a world of first parents opened the floodgates Sin is law-breaking. God is the
sin. But for me, since the moment I of woe upon the world. And ev- Author of the law. So, if the law did
first began to know the God of love ery individual who follows their not exist, neither would sin.
more closely, I have been fascinated example will reap a similar result. God created Lucifer, who was
to discover that a world without The love of God underlies every the first one to sin. If Lucifer did not
troubles isn’t a fairy tale, but rather precept of His law, and he who exist, neither would sin.
is a project which is indeed being departs from the commandment is
realized by God. working his own unhappiness and Such ideas are false. Inspiration
ruin.”1 clearly reveals:
So, sin is not just a juridical term “God did not create evil. He
THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM which means law-breaking. It is also only made the good, which was like
When speaking about troubles, the beginning of a complex process Himself. . . . Evil, sin, and death . . .
we mean bitterness, sorrow, suffer- which causes numerous troubles not are the result of disobedience, which
ing, offense, displeasure, pain, etc. only for the person who has jump- originated in Satan.”2
These troubles are often caused by started it, but also for those who are Understanding it correctly, we
the sinful actions of people, whether linked with the action. can comprehend the real purpose

16 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

of God’s law and its value for us he is everything and everything is seen that God is love, and this love
because the law has been given to us just for him. As a result, this attitude is replaced with selfishness through
that we may be able to detect or rec- turns him into a consumer and an sin. So, knowing that God is also
ognize sin and address it. As men- oppressor. Carefully studying the life, we can see that life is replaced
tioned above, God’s law defines sin Bible record, we discover this course with death in this case. Life is a con-
as a term, but its process may also of action. After the transgression, scious choice, but the first sin that
exist beyond the law. Let’s just give Adam and Eve were disposed to was committed on earth included
an example. The 6th commandment accuse anyone else in order to try death in it.
says: “You shall not kill.” and the to escape their sure condemnation. “Wherefore, as by one man sin
7th commandment says: “You shall Cain killed Abel also for this reason. entered into the world, and death
not commit adultery.” If these two Judas made mischief among the by sin; and so death passed upon all
commandments were not included disciples and even betrayed the Sav- men, for that all have sinned” (Ro-
in the law, it would not mean that iour for selfish motives. Nowadays, mans 5:12).
it is good to kill and commit adul- selfishness is still the problem in the This happens with any sin. Evil
tery—so people would still not be world at large—and it is not limited multiplies against our will, without
happier if they did those things. only to there. Even the church is our desire. From the moment we
Thus we understand why God, paralyzed because of selfishness. have been infected with the illness
wanting to keep us from troubles, Whatever the position, background, of sin, we have become its bearers
proposes for us to live in accordance belief, or age, so much revolves and transmitters at the same time. It
with His holy law. We can see why around the gratification and de- is quite discouraging. But thanks be
the Holy Scriptures give us this sire of depraved hearts. Wherever to God that He hasn’t left us with-
guidance in order to break the chain selfishness dwells, love, peace, for- out hope! In God’s plan of salvation
of sin and avoid it. “Wherefore see- giveness, understanding, humility, there is the possibility to wake up
ing we also are compassed about and meekness disappear—and as from death’s lethargy.
with so great a cloud of witnesses, a result, love of pleasure, desire for
let us lay aside every weight, and gain, greediness, hate, misunder-
the sin which doth so easily be- standing, anxiety, and dissatisfac- TWO CATEGORIES
set us, and let us run with patience tion appear. Such a selfish course All people are sinful, but not ev-
the race that is set before us” (He- of action is predestinated to self- eryone wants to continue pursuing
brews 12:1). destruction. a course of sin. There is a difference
But the culmination of our hu- But in clear contrast, we can un- here. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 presents
man foolishness is that we avoid derstand how altruistic God is, and the expression “man of sin” in refer-
troubles at any cost and complain what a wonderful example He has ence to one who chooses to pursue
about the unpleasant situation we given to us through the personality a course of sin and make certain
have—while at the same time we of the Lord Jesus Christ! The para- demands—and one of the demands
continue to love sin and jump-start graph below describes it: is to force everyone to do what the
the very processes which cause “ ‘Christ pleased not Himself.’ “man of sin” considers to be a good
troubles for ourselves and those He did nothing for Himself; His thing to do. Whom does the “man
around us. work was in behalf of fallen man. of sin” want to force? Certainly
Selfishness stood abashed in His those who have been awakened by
presence. He assumed our nature the Holy Spirit, who have realized
SELFISHNESS that He might suffer in our stead. the cost the innocent Creator paid
God is love. This totally defines Selfishness, the sin of the world, for the consequences of sin. In this
our Creator. God isn’t selfish. Man has become the prevailing sin of the case, the activity of the “man of sin”
was created in God’s image, after church. In sacrificing Himself for the has been and will continue to be a
God’s likeness. But the very first good of men, Christ strikes at the source of troubles throughout the
change that occurred when sin en- root of all selfishness. He withheld ages. Here is what Inspiration tells
tered was the replacement of love nothing, not even His own honor us:
with selfishness: and heavenly glory. He expects cor- “The Roman Catholic Church,
“Man was originally endowed responding self-denial and sacrifice uniting the forms of paganism and
with noble powers and a well- on the part of those whom He came Christianity, and, like paganism,
balanced mind. He was perfect in to bless and save.”4 misrepresenting the character of
his being, and in harmony with God, has resorted to practices no
God. His thoughts were pure, his less cruel and revolting. In the days
aims holy. But through disobedi- EVIL IMPOSES ITSELF of Rome’s supremacy there were
ence, his powers were perverted, Another noticeable problem with instruments of torture to compel
and selfishness took the place of sin is how it manages to multiply assent to her doctrines. There was
love.”3 and spread without providing us the stake for those who would not
The basis of most troubles is self- with any advance notice. Having concede to her claims. There were
ishness. It causes a man to feel as if read the paragraphs above, we have massacres on a scale that will never

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 17

be known until revealed in the judg- sies, and surmisings. Much time and us to harbor ill feelings or seek
ment.”5 labor of the ambassadors of Christ revenge? Can we cast the first stone
The history is repeated. The are required to undo their work of in condemnation of a brother, when
“great tribulation” through which evil, and restore harmony and union God is extending His mercy toward
God’s people must pass, will be of in the church. This takes from the us, and forgiving our trespasses
the same nature because it will be courage and strength of God’s ser- against Him? Should God enter
conducted by the “man of sin.” vants and unfits them for the work into judgment with us, our debt
“The dignitaries of church and He has for them to do in saving would be found to be immense, yet
state will unite to bribe, persuade, perishing souls from ruin. God will our heavenly Father is willing to
or compel all classes to honor the reward these troublers of Zion ac- forgive. Men will be dealt with by
Sunday. The lack of divine author- cording to their works.”7 God, not according to their opinion
ity will be supplied by oppressive Here is a description of a cat- of themselves, not according to their
enactments. Political corruption is egory of people, to which any of self-confidence, but according to the
destroying love of justice and regard us, even I, the author of the article, spirit which they reveal toward their
for truth; and even in free America, could belong. These are people who erring brethren.
rulers and legislators, in order to have known God, devoted their life “A spirit of harshness and
secure public favor, will yield to the to Him, left the ranks of the evil one severity is the spirit of Satan. Pride
popular demand for a law enforc- and joined those who want noth- of heart, if cherished, creates envy,
ing Sunday observance. Liberty of ing to do with sin. But envy and evil surmising, and leads to revenge.
conscience, which has cost so great a suspicions nonetheless exist in their There is danger of our exaggerating
sacrifice, will no longer be respected. life. Actually, these things might not casual words or actions into
In the soon-coming conflict we shall typically be classified as sins against intentional offenses, and of thinking
see exemplified the prophet’s words: God’s law on a major scale, but they that some one has done us an
‘The dragon was wroth with the are still Satan’s weapons to discour- injustice that merits our coldness,
woman, and went to make war with age and destroy His church and hin- indifference, or contempt. Yet
the remnant of her seed, which keep der the work of the Holy Spirit. The the Lord has charge of these very
the commandments of God, and Testimonies tell us the following: persons whom we accuse; angels
have the testimony of Jesus Christ.’ ”6 “Envy, jealousy, evil surmising, of God minister unto them. He
The paragraphs above answer the and evilspeaking are of Satan, and who reads the heart may see more
question many people ask, “If I want they effectually bar the way against genuine goodness in them than in
nothing more to do with sin, won’t I the Holy Spirit’s working. Nothing him who harbors ill feelings against
have troubles? Sure, I will.” As long else in this world is so dear to God as them for a supposed wrong. ‘If thy
as sin exists, troubles will exist, too. His church. Nothing is guarded by brother trespass against thee, rebuke
That’s why many people are dis- Him with such jealous care. Nothing him; if he repent, forgive him. ’ Treat
couraged. But I prefer to be among so offends God as an act that injures him and his errors as you wish God
those few people mentioned above, the influence of those who are doing to treat you when you offend Him.
and I choose not to be a source of His service. He will call to account Charity does not rejoice in evil;
troubles for anyone else anymore. all who aid Satan in his work of criti- revenge does. Be careful to manifest
Neither for God, nor for people. cizing and discouraging.”8 zeal for yourselves that you may
I can claim that it is a sin. Maybe show out of a good conversation
it is not under directly expressed your meekness of wisdom. Avoid
TROUBLERS OF ZION, RE- jurisdiction of the Ten Command- every bitter word, every unkind
PENT! ments but, as we have said before, action. Love as brethren; be kind;
Let’s study an inspired passage even if there is no exact command- be courteous. Do not scandalize
written in the book Evangelism: ment about it, it leads to discourage- the truth by bitter envying and
“There are in our churches those ment and sin inevitably. Neither contention; for such is the spirit
who profess the truth who are only God nor we gain anything from of the world. Let not these unholy
hindrances to the work of reform. such action. traits once be named among you.”9
They are clogs to the wheels of the We call God our Father. “Will
car of salvation. This class are fre- those whose names are upon the
quently in trial. Doubts, jealousies, church books, who claim to be AIMING THE AXE AT THE
and suspicion are the fruits of self- the sons and daughters of God,
ishness, and seem to be interwoven consider their relation to God In preparation for the kingdom
with their very natures. I shall name and their fellowmen? We must of God, John the Baptist, the fore-
this class chronic church grumblers. depend entirely upon the mercy runner of Christ, explains a distinct
They do more harm in a church than of a sin-pardoning Saviour and reality: “And now also the axe is laid
two ministers can undo. They are a shall we allow our hearts remain unto the root of the trees: therefore
tax to the church and a great weight hard and unsympathizing? Can every tree which bringeth not forth
to the ministers of Christ. They live any provocation authorize us to good fruit is hewn down, and cast
in an atmosphere of doubts, jealou- charish unkind feelings, or cause into the fire” (Matthew 3:10).

18 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

Those who have cherished hatred in the heart until it has strengthened

and become part of their character, must have a different experience
if they would share in the latter rain. The Lord bids us empty our hearts
of the selfishness which is the root of alienation.

The apostle Paul further warns of courage and Christlike love, an tion clarifies the real problem. “The
the importance of targeting a dead- atmosphere invigorating to the strongest temptation is no excuse
ly, formidable root: “Follow peace spiritual life of all who inhale it.”11 for sin. No matter how severe the
with all men, and holiness, without “Christ says: All power is given pressure brought to bear upon you,
which no man shall see the Lord: unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go sin is your own act. The seat of the
looking diligently lest any man fail ye therefore, and teach all nations, difficulty is the unrenewed heart.” 13
of the grace of God; lest any root baptizing them in the name of God has done all He can do to make
of bitterness springing up trouble the Father, and of the Son, and of this matter clear, and through Jesus
you, and thereby many be defiled” the Holy Ghost; teaching them to He has made salvation from slav-
(Hebrews 12:14, 15). [Emphasis observe all things whatsoever I have ery to sin possible. He wants us to
added.] commanded you: and, lo, I am with take hold of this opportunity. Let’s
“The church will never as a you alway, even unto the end of the choose God’s side because very
whole receive the latter rain unless world.’ (Matthew 28:18–20). soon, after the great tribulation, the
they shall put away all envy, evil “Here is your commission. How initiator of sin and sin itself will be
surmising, and evil speaking. Those will you account to Christ for your eliminated, and those who have de-
who have cherished hatred in the course, if instead of laboring to save cided to remain sinners will be de-
heart until it has strengthened and your fellowmen, you have poured stroyed together with sin. Very soon
become part of their character, must into their ears your troubles, and the time will come when troubles
have a different experience if they perplexities, and even complaints are ended forever. We are looking
would share in the latter rain.”10 against your brethren? You may forward to the day as written in the
“The Lord bids us empty our often find relief from your troubles book The Great Controversy:
hearts of the selfishness which is if you will speak to others of Christ “The great controversy is ended.
the root of alienation. He longs to and talk to them about the precious Sin and sinners are no more. The
pour upon us His Holy Spirit in truth. But do not speak words that entire universe is clean. One pulse
rich measure, and He bids us clear are prompted by jealousy and evil of harmony and gladness beats
the way by self-renunciation. When surmising and suspicion. Do not through the vast creation. From
self is surrendered to God, our eyes circulate evil reports concerning Him who created all, flow life and
will be opened to see the stumbling your brethren. Because of such light and gladness, throughout the
stones which our un-Christlikeness things the Lord cannot come into realms of illimitable space. From the
has placed in the way of others. All the church as He desires. Will you minutest atom to the greatest world,
these God bids us remove. He says: not clear the King’s highway? Not all things, animate and inanimate, in
‘Confess your faults one to another, all have had a part in this evil work, their unshadowed beauty and per-
and pray one for another, that ye but let those who have now come fect joy, declare that God is love.”14
may be healed.’ James 5:16. Then we into line.”12 Amen! ‰
may have the assurance that David
had when, after confession of his References:
sin, he prayed: ‘Restore unto me the CONCLUSION 1 Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, p. 52.
2 The Review and Herald, August 4, 1910.

joy of Thy salvation; and uphold God wants us to be happy, and 3 Steps to Christ, p. 17.
4 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 204.
me with Thy free Spirit. Then will I He is still working for the resto- 5 The Great Controversy, p. 569.

teach transgressors Thy ways; and ration of happiness in us. While 6 Ibid., p. 592.
7 Evangelism, p. 370.
sinners shall be converted unto people may be an agent of our 8 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 42.

Thee.’ Psalm 51:12, 13. troubles, the root cause is the power
9 The Signs of the Times, February 14, 1895.
10 The Home Missionary, August 1, 1896.
“When the grace of God reigns of sin within people’s hearts. How- 11 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 43.
12 Letters and Manuscripts, vol. 22, Ms 71, 1907.
within, the soul will be surrounded ever, no one is compelled to yield 13 The Adventist Home, p. 331.
with an atmosphere of faith and to this power. The pen of inspira- 14 The Great Controversy, p. 678.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 19

Elder, U.S.A.

It was in the summer of 2021 that new and deeper understanding of tempted to put the people who can
I met the happiest person I have the scriptures. He had a constant have anything that money can buy,
ever seen in my life. I was visiting smile on his face and his joy when at the top of the list. Also, those who
a newly formed group in McAllen, talking about Jesus was contagious. have seemingly perfect lives with no
Texas, one of the southernmost cit- I never heard from him a word of illness to struggle with, and no fi-
ies in U.S., within minutes from the sadness or concern, and by all pos- nancial or family problems, or those
border with Mexico. A brother had sible measures he was a truly happy whose lives seem perfect in every
started a radio ministry, sharing the man. possible way.
Gospel at a local radio station, and Now, in our day-to-day encoun- However, Mr. Guadalupe’s hap-
many people called and asked to be ters, we see people who seem happy piness did not come from having
visited or asked for Bible studies. all the time, and we don’t think such a perfect life, but rather was
One of them was Mr. Guadalupe, a there is anything unusual about it. It happy in spite of his enormous tri-
man in his sixties of Mexican origin. is not necessarily a spectacular thing als and hardships. He was dying of
At the time of my visit, Mr. Guada- to be happy when we are in good cancer, and as the doctors had told
lupe had been attending our church health, or when we have loving him that he would be dead the year
services on a regular basis and had families, or when we make a com- before, he was now living on bor-
completely transformed his life. He fortable living. rowed time. He had a colostomy
had gladly accepted the Sabbath If we were to make a list of bag attached to his belly and a tu-
and his new lifestyle reflected his the happiest people, we might be mor the size of a grapefruit was pro-

20 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

truding from the side of his neck. all too often in so many youth who vice of Satan, we may be thinking
He was breathing through his tra- are tired of religion’s “restrictions.” of satanists, demoniacs and other
cheostomy, a tube in his neck, which Others, like the apostle Paul, may openly evil beings. But whenever
he had to cover with his finger in or- seek God in various doctrines and we act in opposition to the charac-
der to be able to talk. He was living belief systems, but may find them- ter of God, we are in the service of
by himself in a modest studio apart- selves just as far from God as the the enemy and are just as desper-
ment and had no family to visit him. man drinking in the tavern. Which- ately lost as was Judas through the
Unable to have a job, he depended ever way we choose apart from betrayal kiss. Before his conver-
on people’s generosity to have food God, in the end will have the same sion, the apostle Paul was working
on the table and to pay his rent. consequence. All the effort that we against the eternal Kingdom. More
From a human point of view, make in seeking earthly pleasures clearly yet, “in persecuting the fol-
he had absolutely nothing in this and satisfaction in self-designed lowers of Jesus he had in reality
world that could give him comfort ways will turn out to be nothing but been doing the work of Satan.”1
and security, and yet he was telling a two-fold tragedy: “For my people If we are not marching in God’s
everyone that he is not sad, but he is have committed two evils; they have ranks, we are not on neutral ground,
happy. But he didn’t have to men- forsaken me the fountain of living for there is no such thing in the
tion it for anyone to know that he waters, and hewed them out cis- spiritual kingdom. It is actually tan-
was a happy man. You could read terns, broken cisterns, that can hold tamount to fighting alongside the
it on his face, his conversations, his no water” (Jeremiah 2:13). great archenemy and being among
behavior. We were created to be filled with his subjects. After his conversion,
Most people may have some heavenly peace, as we live in perfect the apostle Paul wrote about our
kind of happiness when every- harmony with the Creator. When previous walks of life: “And you,
thing goes well in their life, but this connection is lost, nothing else that were sometime alienated and
Brother Guadalupe had a happiness in this world can satisfy the thirst of enemies in your mind by wicked
and peace which transcended his the soul. True peace and happiness works . . .” (Colossians 1:21). [Em-
physical and earthly trials. Having a cannot be obtained through any- phasis added.]
similar experience, the apostle Paul thing this world has to offer. On the Our condition is even more
said, “Therefore I take pleasure in other hand, when we have met our wretched if we, like Paul, do so
infirmities, in reproaches, in necessi- Saviour and our connection with the while thinking we are serving God,
ties, in persecutions, in distresses for Almighty is restored, nothing in this because “none are more hopelessly
Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, world can take away our heavenly enslaved than those who falsely
then am I strong” (2 Corinthians peace, which passes all understand- believe they are free,”2 and the
12:10). ing. “Who shall separate us from the wretchedness of Laodicea is ex-
love of Christ? shall tribulation, or ponentially amplified by thinking
distress, or persecution, or famine, that he is “rich, and increased with
HOW? or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” goods, and have need of nothing,”
How is it possible to have such (Romans 8:35). And this makes God and knows not that in reality he is
peace, in the midst of a storm of to be humanity’s greatest need. “wretched, and miserable, and poor,
tribulation? How is it possible to How badly do we need God, and and blind, and naked” (Revelation
“rejoice always” (1 Thessalonians what are we without Him? What 3:17).
5:16), even when apparently bad is the best we can do on our own, Without God, all our work is in
things come our way? Brother Gua- without God, and how far does He vain. Before meeting Jesus, Paul’s
dalupe had a secret, which he gladly have to stoop, to reach and restore best efforts in serving God was an
told everyone. Like the apostle Paul, us, and “establish our goings”? abomination of which he was re-
he had met the Saviour, and that (Psalm 40:2.) The life and experi- morseful for the rest of his life: “And
was a turning point in his life, as he ence of the apostle Paul is a great last of all he was seen of me also,
was never to be the same again. example of before-and-after meeting as of one born out of due time. For
the Saviour. I am the least of the apostles, that
am not meet to be called an apostle,
OUR GREATEST NEED because I persecuted the church of
Before the glorious meeting with WORKING FOR THE ENEMY God” (1 Corinthians 15:8, 9).
the Saviour, the apostle Paul had There are not many better ex- Paul was honestly mistaken. He
a journey of his own. The truth is, amples of abuse of trust. Countries did not intentionally or knowingly,
we all have our own journeys, and of this world have a severe punish- work against God; on the contrary,
we look for happiness and fulfill- ment for those who commit acts of he thought he was doing God a
ment in various places. Some will treason. The act of Judas in betray- service. But that did not change
turn to the world seeking worldly ing Jesus has made the traitor’s the fact that he was exactly where
pleasures and trying everything that name to be received with repulsion Satan wanted him to be and do. His
this world has to offer. The story everywhere in the world. When we zeal for his exacting and legalistic
of the prodigal son is being relived think of people who are in the ser- religion has led him to punish and

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 21

hurt people and to use force and “count all things but loss for the ex- until they reached the small puddle
intimidation as a supposed means cellency of the knowledge of Christ of mud that was in one corner of
of evangelism. Such methods come Jesus, my Lord” (Philippians 3:8). the yard. They started to lie in that
straight from Satan’s tool box, and “Counting all these things as puddle and turn all around in it
have no place in advancing God’s loss” was not considered a sacri- with an indescribable excitement
kingdom. fice by the apostle Paul. Once he and until they were full of mud all
had tasted and seen that the Lord over! All this didn’t take more than
is good, all his previous “gains” 20 seconds and when it was over,
GIVING UP OUR “GAINS” paled, in comparison; or to use fully satisfied with their achieve-
Saul of Tarsus was a devoted Paul’s words, they became to him as ment, they went to eat.
Jew who wanted to do that which is “dung” (Philippians 3:8). The man Sin is as deeply rooted in our
right. “Circumcised the eighth day, who found the treasure hidden in nature as was the desire for mud
of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of the field was not at all sorrowful in these two little piglets. The Bible
Benjamin, an Hebrew of the He- for having to sell “all that he had” invites us to ponder, “Can the Ethio-
brews; as touching the law, a Phari- to buy that field, because his joy pian change his skin, or the leopard
see. Concerning zeal, persecuting of finding the treasure was far too his spots? then may ye also do good,
the church; touching the righteous- great (Matthew 13:44). that are accustomed to do evil” (Jer-
ness which is in the law, blameless” What do we ever have to give emiah 13:23). Sin has so much in-
(Philippians 3:5, 6). In his own eyes, up for Christ? Only those things vaded our whole being, that escap-
he was in the right denomination, that make us “wretched, and mis- ing from its bounding chains takes
attending the right church, practic- erable, and poor, and blind, and much more than human strength—
ing the right rituals, having the naked” (Revelation 3:17), and our it takes the very power of God Him-
right doctrine and being full of zeal. own “righteousness,” as valuable as self. And this is what Paul found in
He had all the worldly reasons to “filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). the gospel: “I am not ashamed of the
be proud of his achievements, and gospel of Christ: for it is the power
yet relying on all these which were of God unto salvation to every one
“gain” to him (Philippians 3:7) was WANTING TO DO GOOD that believeth” (Romans 1:16). [Em-
incompatible with Christ. While Wanting to do good is important. phasis added.]
these “gains” would have made any But “wanting” is not enough, for
Jew to be proud, Paul understood there is a natural law within us that
later on that the only thing worthy keeps us slaves to sin just as the law THE MEETING
of being boastful about is the cross of gravitation keeps us down on The beauty of the gospel is that
of Jesus: “But God forbid that I earth: “I find then a law, that, when God knows our condition, and He
should glory, save in the cross of I would do good, evil is present still wants us. He sent His Son in
our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the with me” (Romans 7:21). this world so that both the drug ad-
world is crucified unto me, and I I vividly remember an experi- dict and the self-righteous church-
unto the world” (Galatians 6:14). ence I had as a teenager. I was visit- goer can be rescued from their dead-
While all those things were not ing my grandparents in northeast- ly entanglements and brought into
necessarily bad things, as long as he ern Romania, and I was sent to the the kingdom of grace, where God
trusted in them for his salvation, he neighbors to borrow a gardening “worketh all in all” (1 Corinthians
could not have Christ. God only ac- tool. When I arrived at the neigh- 12:6). Despite our enmity against
cepts service and obedience that is bor’s gate, it was morning, and the Him, and “when we were yet with-
motivated by love—everything else neighbor was just releasing their out strength, in due time Christ died
is just “sounding brass, or a tinkling two piglets from the stables and for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6). Je-
cymbal” (1 Corinthians 13:1). If into the big yard full of green grass. sus did not just die for us when we

those things are hindering us from As soon as they got out, the piglets started to get better, or at least when
fully accepting and trusting in the started to run in one direction, as He saw that we were making efforts
Saviour, then by all means, let us fast as they could, and didn’t stop to obey Him, but “when we were

God makes not just the good things to work together

for our good, but all things, and that includes the
“bad” things....While completely blind, [Paul] had
the best vision he had ever had in his life.
22 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4
enemies, we were reconciled to God is to thank Him for ALL things He serve Him will be renewed day
by the death of his Son, much more, allows to happen in our lives, and to by day. His understanding will be
being reconciled, we shall be saved trust that He has everything under placed at their service, that they
by his life” (Romans 5:10). control. “In every thing give thanks: may not err in the carrying out of
Meeting Jesus is more than a for this is the will of God in Christ His purposes.
simple random encounter. It is in- Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalo- “There is to be no despondency in
tentional on God’s part. He seeks us, nians 5:18). God’s service. Our faith is to endure
He finds us, and He knocks at the Meeting the Saviour is a process the pressure brought to bear upon
door of our heart, trying to get our of sanctification, performed by God, it. God is able and willing to bestow
attention. Sometimes He talks to us as we open our hearts to the warm- upon His servants all the strength
through a Bible verse, or a friend, ing rays of His love. “And the very they need. He will more than fulfill
or a pamphlet. Other times, maybe God of peace sanctify you wholly” the highest expectations of those
through an event, whether we per- (1 Thessalonians 5:23). It is a daily who put their trust in Him.”4
ceive it good or bad. He spoke to surrender and submission of our Whatever it is that we go
Saul of Tarsus in an audible voice on entire being to the sovereignty of through, we have His assurance: “I
the way to Damascus, and the Lord love. It is discovering every day will never leave thee, nor forsake
spoke to him through his blindness, more and more of the magnitude of thee” (Hebrews 13:5), and “the trial
and this is what he learned: God’s love, which is His very nature of [our] faith, being much more pre-
(1 John 4:7). It is learning to trust cious than of gold that perisheth,
in Him through our daily toils and though it be tried with fire, might
ALL THINGS WORK TOGETH- difficulties, knowing that if we have be found unto praise and honour
ER entrusted ourselves in His arms, He and glory at the appearing of Jesus
“And we know that all things has full control of all events in our Christ” (1 Peter 1:7).
work together for good to them lives. Meeting the Saviour is know- It is our privilege today to meet
that love God, to them who are the ing Him more and more to the point our Saviour. He is accessible to each
called according to his purpose” where we can receive peace and joy and every one of us, no matter how
(Romans 8:28). It is easy to under- even in difficulties. “Most gladly far we are from Him in our rebel-
stand and accept that good things therefore will I rather glory in my lion. Today He extends His hand to
work together for our good. But infirmities, that the power of Christ us, having already paid in full the
there is nothing extraordinary in may rest upon me. Therefore I take ransom for our iniquity. If we ac-
that, while our God is an extraor- pleasure in infirmities, in reproach- cept it, He will uproot every trace of
dinary God, who can do extraordi- es, in necessities, in persecutions, in sin from us, and replace our heart
nary things. The apostle Paul wrote distresses for Christ’s sake: for when of stone with a heart filled with His
here that God makes not just the I am weak, then am I strong” (2 Cor- love. Our lives will never be the
good things to work together for inthians 12:9, 10). same, and we will be every day of
our good, but all things, and that “For the disheartened there is a our saved life, happy in the service
includes the “bad” things. When sure remedy—faith, prayer, work. of the King.
he first met the Saviour, he became Faith and activity will impart assur- “It is peace that you need—Heav-
blind. What a tragedy—to have ance and satisfaction that will in- en’s forgiveness and peace and love
been able to see, and then to be in crease day by day. Are you tempted in the soul. Money cannot buy it,
complete darkness. And yet while to give way to feelings of anxious intellect cannot procure it, wisdom
completely blind, he had the best vi- foreboding or utter despondency? In cannot attain to it; you can never
sion he had ever had in his life. He the darkest days, when appearances hope, by your own efforts, to secure
saw that he was not self-sufficient, seem most forbidding, fear not. it. But God offers it to you as a gift,
he saw that he was “dead in tres- Have faith in God. He knows your “without money and without price”
passes and sins” (Ephesians 2:1). need. He has all power. His infinite (Isaiah 55:1). It is yours if you will
Despite his external “obedience,” he love and compassion never weary. but reach out your hand and grasp
saw that he was in desperate need Fear not that He will fail of fulfill- it. The Lord says, “Though your
of a Saviour. Notice the transforma- ing His promise. He is eternal truth. sins be as scarlet, they shall be as
tion this experience brought him. Never will He change the covenant white as snow; though they be red
He was not anymore that ferocious He has made with those who love like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
persecutor of the church, but a gen- Him. And He will bestow upon His Isaiah 1:18. ‘A new heart also will I
tle student, willing to learn and to faithful servants the measure of effi- give you, and a new spirit will I put
know God in His true magnificence. ciency that their need demands.”3 within you.’ Ezekiel 36:26.”5 ‰
Sometimes Christians will expe- “In the darkest days, when ap-
rience events perceived as “bad.” pearances seem so forbidding, fear References:
But from a simple flat tire to a life- not. Have faith in God. He is work- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: https://www.goodreads.
threatening disease, God can make ing out His will, doing all things 2 The Acts of the Apostles, p. 115.
3 Prophets and Kings, pp. 164, 165.
all things work together for our well in behalf of His people. The 4 Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, pp. 10, 11.
eternal good. What remains for us strength of those who love and 5 Steps to Christ, p. 49.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 23

President, General Conference

out the Almighty unto perfection?”

(Job 11:7).
It is part of human nature to Inspiration answers, “We cannot Through the prophet Jeremiah,
seek a deeper understanding and by searching find out God, but He God gives us the condition neces-
connection with a higher power. has revealed Himself in His Son, sary before we know Him here and
For Christians, this means seeking who is the brightness of the Father’s now: “And ye shall seek me, and
God. This craving isn’t new, some- glory and the express image of His find me, when ye shall search for
thing reserved for postmodern hu- person. If we desire a knowledge me with all your heart” (Jeremiah
manity. It is a desire that has been of God we must be Christlike. . . . 29:13).
present in us since Creation. Even Living a pure life through faith in Our search for God shouldn’t
as Christ walked the earth, those Christ as a personal Saviour will be limited to theory. We need to
around Him yearned to come closer bring to the believer a clearer, high- actively search for Him daily. In His
to God. er conception of God.”1 mercy God has provided means by
In his desire to know God more To Phillip, Jesus answered: which we can come closer to Him
intimately, Philip said to Jesus: “Have I been so long time with and know Him more intimately:
“Lord, shew us the Father, and it you, and yet hast thou not known
sufficeth us” (John 14:8). me, Philip? he that hath seen me
But how do we go about know- 1. THE BIBLE
hath seen the Father; and how say-
ing God, and is it even possible to est thou then, Shew us the Father?” If a person you’ve never heard of
know Him here and now, just as (John 14:8). before is mentioned in conversation
we are? Don’t we have to wait to be We could search our entire lives and your curiosity is piqued, you
changed from mortal to immortal and never find Him, but He has dis- will likely dedicate some time to re-
beings? closed Himself to us. God wants to searching that person to know more
One of Job’s friends, called Zo- be found. So much so, that He has about them. Unsatisfied with only
phar, asked: “Canst thou by search- provided numerous ways for us to the brief mention you heard, per-
ing find out God? canst thou find encounter Him. haps you will Google them to read

24 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

what others have said about them not a ‘Thus saith the Lord’ for their giving us a deeper understanding
or what they have said about them- authority. Though they professed to of our own needs and God’s will-
selves. You will ask those around know and to worship the true and ingness to bless us and give us the
you, what they have heard or what living God, they wholly misrepre- power to overcome.
they think. sented Him and His character as “The Bible shows us God in His
God has prepared a buffet of revealed in His Son. Christ labored high and holy place, not in a state
information for those who seek to constantly to sweep away those mis- of inactivity, not in silence and
know more about Him. We must not representations, that the confidence solitude, but surrounded by ten
be satisfied with superficial knowl- of men in the love of God might be thousand times ten thousand and
edge only. Christ has told us to restored. He taught man to address thousands of thousands of holy
“search the Scriptures” (John 5:39). the supreme Ruler by the new name intelligences, all waiting to do His
He wants us to know Him person- ‘Our Father.’ This name represents will. Through channels which we
ally; therefore, He has provided the our true relation to Him, and when cannot discern He is in active com-
Bible as a revelation of Himself: spoken sincerely by human lips, it munication with every part of His
“The blessed Bible gives us a is music in the ears of God. Christ dominion. But it is in this speck of a
knowledge of the great plan of sal- leads us to the throne of God by a world, in the souls that He gave His
vation and shows us how every in- new and living way.”3 only-begotten Son to save, that His
dividual may have eternal life. Who Are you willing to read and interest and the interest of all heav-
is the author of the Book?—Jesus study your Bible with an open heart, en is centered. God is bending from
Christ. He is the True Witness, and to learn, and to be transformed? His throne to hear the cry of the
He says to His own, ‘I give unto Then you will know God and ex- oppressed. To every sincere prayer
them eternal life; and they shall perience His power in your life as He answers, ‘Here am I.’ He uplifts
never perish, neither shall any man never before. You will see changes the distressed and downtrodden.
pluck them out of my hand.’ The Bi- in yourself as well as those around In all our afflictions He is afflicted.
ble shows us the way to Christ, and you. In every temptation and every trial
in Christ eternal life is revealed.”2 the angel of His presence is near to
Our attitude and intention when deliver.
we open the Bible determines what 2. PRAYER “Not even a sparrow falls to
we will glean from its pages. The If the person you were research- the ground without the Father’s
Word of God will lead us to know ing on Google is even mildly fa- notice. Satan’s hatred against God
Him more intimately if we study it mous, it is unlikely you will be able leads him to hate every object of
with an open heart. We can know to reach them via email or tele- the Saviour’s care. He seeks to mar
God more intimately if we allow the phone. Maybe there’s a number for the handiwork of God, and he de-
Holy Spirit to impress us with the their office, but you won’t be able to lights in destroying even the dumb
pure truths of the Holy Scriptures. reach them personally. creatures. It is only through God’s
“The Jews had the Scriptures But we can reach God by bowing protecting care that the birds are
which testified of Christ, but they our heads and folding our hands. preserved to gladden us with their
were not able to discern Christ in Prayer is a direct channel to God. songs of joy. But He does not for-
the Scriptures. The truths of the Old It deepens our relationship with get even the sparrows. ‘Fear ye not
Testament they had so mingled with Him, and thus we gain a greater therefore, ye are of more value than
human opinions that its teachings understanding of our heavenly Fa- many sparrows.’ ”4
were mystified, and the will of God ther. Prayer helps us become aware “Daily prayer is as essential to
to man covered up. Christ’s sermon of God’s presence in our lives and growth in grace, and even to spiri-
on the mount virtually contradicted strengthens our connection with tual life itself, as is temporal food
the doctrines of the self-righteous Him. to physical well-being. We should
scribes and Pharisees. They had so Through prayer, we can express accustom ourselves to often lift the
misrepresented God that He was gratitude, seek God’s guidance, con- thoughts to God in prayer. If the
looked upon as a stern judge, inca- fess sins, and ask for forgiveness. mind wanders, we must bring it
pable of compassion, mercy, or love. Prayer also provides an opportunity back; by persevering effort, habit
They presented to the people end- for quiet reflection, allowing us to will finally make it easy. We cannot
less maxims and traditions that had hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, for one moment separate ourselves

“Although there may be a tainted, corrupted atmosphere around us, we

need not breathe its miasma, but may live in the pure air of heaven.”

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 25

son you researched, you meet with
someone who has met them person-
ally. You hear their experience and
combine it with the experience that
someone else had, and soon you are
forming a fuller and richer picture
of that person’s character.  
Worshipping God in community
enriches our relationship with Him.
Through shared experiences, we
discover facets of God’s grace and
character that we can combine with
our own experiences for a more
complete picture of who God is.
Being part of the family of God
allows us opportunities to develop
traits of God’s character in our own
from Christ with safety. We may “We can talk with Jesus. We can lives, giving us deeper insight into
have His presence to attend us at ev- talk with Jesus as Enoch talked with His love and grace toward us:
ery step, but only by observing the God. He could tell his Lord all about Scripture explains that each of us
conditions which He has Himself his trials. Here was the way Enoch should use whatever gift we have
laid down.”5 walked with God, and when the received to serve others, as faithful
“Ask, and it shall be given you; light shone out upon his pathway, stewards of God’s grace in its vari-
seek, and ye shall find; knock, and he did not expect to say, ‘Why, what ous forms. We are to bear with one
it shall be opened unto you” (Mat- will my friends and relatives say of another and forgive if we have a
thew 7:7). me if I take this course?’ No, he did grievance against anyone, even as
“What can the angels of heaven that which was right whatever the the Lord has forgiven us. (1 Peter
think of poor helpless human be- consequence. 4:10; Colossians 3:13.)
ings, who are subject to temptation, “Now Enoch sought to have a “A machine may be perfect in all
when God’s heart of infinite love connection with God, and those its parts, and yet there be much fric-
yearns toward them, ready to give who do not have a connection tion and wear in its movements; but
them more than they can ask or with God have a connection with apply oil, and it performs its work
think, and yet they pray so little and someone else who will lead them quietly and well. So with us. It is
have so little faith? The angels love away from everything good. All of necessary to have the oil of grace in
to bow before God; they love to be us have a character to form. Enoch our hearts, in order to prevent the
near Him. They regard communion formed a righteous character and friction that may arise between us
with God as their highest joy; and the result was that he was translated and those for whom we labor. Then,
yet the children of earth, who need to heaven without seeing death. having not only the arguments of
so much the help that God only can When the Lord shall come the sec- truth but the oil of grace, we can
give, seem satisfied to walk without ond time there will be some who bear the message with power. Preju-
the light of His Spirit, the compan- will be translated without seeing dice will be broken down, and a
ionship of His presence.”6 death, and we want to know if we great work will be accomplished. . . .
“We should have the door of will be among that number. We “Those who are engaged in the
the heart open continually and our want to know if we are wholly on great and solemn work of warning
invitation going up that Jesus may the Lord’s side—partakers of the Di- the world, should not only have an
come and abide as a heavenly guest vine nature, having escaped the cor- individual experience in the things
in the soul. ruption that is in the world through of God, but they should cultivate
“Although there may be a tainted, lust—not by trying to make a clear love for one another, and should
corrupted atmosphere around us, path for our feet where we shall labor to be of one mind, of one judg-
we need not breathe its miasma, but have no trials or difficulties to meet, ment, to see eye to eye. The absence
may live in the pure air of heaven. but by placing ourselves in right re- of this love greatly pleases our wily
We may close every door to impure lation to God, and letting Him take foe. He is the author of envy, jeal-
imaginings and unholy thoughts by care of the consequences.”8 ousy, hatred, and dissension; and
lifting the soul into the presence of Will you pray more from now he rejoices to see these vile weeds
God through sincere prayer. Those on? choke out love, that tender plant of
whose hearts are open to receive the heavenly growth. . . .
support and blessing of God will “The reputation of a fellow-
walk in a holier atmosphere than 3. RELATIONSHIPS laborer is to be sacredly guarded.
that of earth and will have constant Maybe in your search to know If one sees faults in another, he is
communion with heaven.”7 more about the elusive famous per- not to magnify them before others,

26 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

and make them grievous sins. They and how He forgives and blesses us ing a set of beliefs or rules. It is
may be errors of judgment, that God without measure, despite our un- about understanding God’s great
will give divine grace to overcome. worthiness. This is a powerful way love revealed to us in Jesus Christ
If He had seen that angels, who are of truly knowing God in the here and thus developing a deeper con-
perfect, would have done the work and now. nection with Him through spiritual
for the fallen race better than men, practices. It is about keeping an
He would have committed it to open heart and mind to learn and
them. But instead of this He sent the WHY KNOW GOD? recognize God’s presence in our
needed assistance by poor, weak, One time a boy was playing with lives and the world around us.
erring mortals, who, having like in- his friends. They decided to play “The sum and substance of the
firmities as their fellowmen, are best in another field, and while walking whole matter of Christian grace and
prepared to help them.”9 there, they came to a stream and experience is contained in believing
“Beloved, let us love one an- had to cross it by going over a log. on Christ, in knowing God and His
other: for love is of God; and every- Everyone crossed to the other side Son whom He hath sent. But here
one that loveth is born of God, and except for that one boy. His friends is where many fail, for they lack
knoweth God. He that loveth not called to him: “Come on, cross it!” faith in God. Instead of desiring
knoweth not God; for God is love” But the boy refused to cross. to be brought into fellowship with
(1 John 4:7, 8). One of his friends came back Christ in His self-denial and humili-
over the log and offered his hand: ation, they are ever seeking for the
“Hold my hand. I won’t let you supremacy of self. . . . O if we did
4. RELIGION fall.” Still, the boy wouldn’t budge. but appreciate the love of God, how
The religion that Christ showed At that moment, the boy’s father our hearts would be expanded, our
us by example is a practical one. It arrived and asked: “Why don’t you limited sympathies would be en-
doesn’t reside in books and bylaws want to cross the river?” larged, and break away from the icy
so much as in active labor and ser- “I’m scared, Dad,” said the boy. barriers of selfishness, and our com-
vitude. The father held his hand and prehension would be deeper than it
“The apostle showed that religion said: “Let’s go!” Holding his father’s now is. . . .
does not consist in rites and ceremo- hand, the boy crossed the stream “It is because we do not know
nies, creeds and theories. If it did, without fear. God, we do not have faith in Christ,
the natural man could understand it At some point over the next year, that we are not deeply impressed
by investigation, as he understands you may have to cross over a stream with the humiliation He endured in
worldly things. Paul taught that re- on an unsteady log. My brothers our behalf, that His abasement does
ligion is a practical, saving energy, and sisters, knowing your heavenly not lead us to the humbling of self,
a principle wholly from God, a per- Father will enable you to trust in to the exalting of Jesus.”12
sonal experience of God’s renewing His providence and enjoy peace in Whether you are a seasoned spir-
power upon the soul.”10 His care, despite the difficulties and itual believer or just beginning your
Humans are naturally petty. We trials ahead. journey, my prayer is that you come
count how many deeds we have “Then let us not forget the mer- to know God here and now.
performed for others to know how cies of God but let us preserve them Following are some questions for
much they’re supposedly indebted as precious jewels. When the pow- interacting among the congregation
to us. We keep mental records of ers of darkness surround us, and during this Week of Prayer meeting:
the trespasses trespassed against us. whisper doubts as to God’s love and 1. Is it possible to find God?
Looking to ourselves, we spiral into care for us, let us take confidence 2. How does God reveal Himself
thoughts of “Look how much I’ve from the light that has been permit- to us?
done. Poor me. I have to do every- ted to shine upon us in our life ex- 3. What are some blessings God
thing for everyone.” These thoughts perience.”11 has bestowed upon you this year,
only draw us further from Christ. We don’t need to know all the whether you deserved them or not?
To truly know God, we must be details about the future; we only 4. How do relationships with
like Him. Through His grace and need to know God here and now. others help us to know God more
Holy Spirit, we must serve our fel- Then we, by faith, can hold His intimately? ‰
lowman without consideration of hand. He knows the future, and He
what they do or do not deserve. We won’t let us go. References:
1 That I May Know Him, p. 9.
are to forgive without limit and help “For I the Lord thy God will hold 2 The Atlantic Union Gleaner, June 9, 1909.
unwearyingly: “And let us not be thy right hand, saying unto thee, 3 Ibid.
4 The Desire of Ages, pp. 356, 357.
weary in well doing: for in due sea- Fear not; I will help thee” (Isaiah 5 Messages to Young People, p. 115.
son we shall reap, if we faint not” 41:13). 6 Steps to Christ, p. 94.
7 Ibid., p. 99.
(Galatians 6:9). 8 Manuscript Releases, vol. 9, pp. 256, 257.

When we do this, we begin to 9 Historical Sketches, pp. 119, 120.

understand God’s character. We CONCLUSION 10 The Acts of the Apostles, p. 451.

11 The Youth’s Instructor, July 15, 1897.

attain a glimpse of His love for us Knowing God is not about learn- 12 That I May Know Him, p. 104.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 27

Elder, South Pacific Union Mission, Fiji

Not long ago, there was a young young man’s life was exposed to It just so happened that he be-
man who grew up in a small is- sinister demonic influences. He came reacquainted with an old
land village surrounded by the would be continuously harassed associate whom he later knew as a
vast Pacific Ocean. He became a and haunted by a conspicuous church elder for one of the oldest
highly skilled carpenter and soon “man” dressed in dark clothes who Seventh-day Adventist churches
established his carpentry business, constantly followed him—day and in the main city. His friend shared
doing work ranging from crafting night. Simultaneously, a strange the Sabbath truth and other biblical
furniture to constructing modest disease began to afflict him which doctrines with the young man. The
houses. The young man also had a caused him to lose all vision in his Bible-based explanations of these
hardworking younger brother who left eye. Feeling justified by the pre- topics convicted him and led to
trained and later graduated as a dicament—that the young man’s deep soul-searching regarding the
school teacher. They both became suffering was an obvious punish- Christian beliefs he had previously
very successful in their professions ment from God (and because of an held. This led to his eventual bap-
and were a great source of pride and overflowing sense of prior jealousy, tism and regular attendance at his
joy to their family. Their success, bitterness and envy), the villagers friend’s church in the city.
however, became a source of envy mobbed them and burnt their fam- In what could only be attributed
in the hearts of their fellow villag- ily house to the ground. They lost to fury and deeply rooted antago-
ers. A jealous few propagated mali- everything and the young man was nism towards this development, the
cious rumors throughout the village banished from the village. Despite demonic spirit doubled its attacks
that the siblings’ source of success being exiled, he was followed by on the young man and now toward
allegedly stemmed from their fa- that baleful spirit wherever he went. his family, too. This persisted de-
ther’s involvement in some form of In his desperation to be free from spite his being a member of the
witchcraft. that satanic spirit, the young man church for 5 years and even becom-
During this conundrum, the cried to the Lord for deliverance. ing a deacon. His situation was so

28 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

dire that the demon would, at times, and as sinister as a murderous be- in a train of thought or a sentence
be sitting in the last church pew, ing, the young man turned to face to show or express the idea that
observing every single thing he did the source of this voice. It was that there is a certain idea or truth that
while he ministered from the front. sinister being. His words were cold; is highly applicable to a particular
No one could see the ominous visi- his words were simple. Standing situation. For instance, “to know”
tor except him. This draining experi- outside the gate like a restrained how to chop onions without crying
ence further deepened a heartfelt dog but with dark eyes that gave a is a handy skill to have—especially
desire for deliverance from these piercing glare into the young man’s if you don’t want a vegetable to be
demonic encounters and drove the soul, the evil spirit said, “This is a the reason for your tears. We see
young man deeper into a relation- true church. I will leave from here here that that particular knowledge
ship with God. His time was deeply and should you ever leave this is highly applicable to that particu-
spent in regular fasting, praying, church, I will meet you again.” Dis- lar situation.
and studying the Bible. regarding what that spirit said, the With this in mind, we can ask
As a result, he gradually started young man walked into the church. ourselves the following two-part
changing various habits in his life. The young man did not take this question: “What does Christ want
A notable one was changing his seriously as he was always followed us to know?” and “To what does it
typical diet to being fully plant- by that demonic spirit, even into apply?”
based after being instructed by a his previous church. A few minutes Based on John 17:3, the answer is
missionary in a dream. Crediting later, being curious as to where his quite simple.
nothing else but divine providence, unwelcome companion was, he Knowledge Aspect: Know God
the young man heard that there turned to view the back area of the and Jesus Christ.
happened to be a similar church small SDARM church. Sure enough, Result Aspect: Gain eternal life.
just a five-minute walk away from that spirit was nowhere to be found. Understanding now the result of
his house. The only catch was that From that day on, he decided to gaining that knowledge, i.e., know
they called themselves the “Seventh leave his previous congregation and God, we then must focus on the
Day Adventist Reform Movement” join the SDARM church. Even after commentary from the Bible and
(SDARM), and that some of their returning home after the Close of Spirit of Prophecy.
fundamental beliefs were not 100% Sabbath services, there was no sign
aligned to the current positions of of the demonic spirit. After so many
the church in which he was a dea- years, he was able to enjoy the most GOD ETERNAL
con. Yet he decided that he would refreshing sleep—free from demon- When we know someone, we are
try and visit it the next Sabbath. ic harassment. After further Bible expected to be familiar with every-
Sensing this decision, the de- study, acquainting himself with the thing possible regarding that person
monic attacks increased in severity fundamental beliefs of the church, apart from commonplace things. For
and regularity during Preparation he got baptized and is now a deacon example, what are their preferences,
Day (Friday) and Sabbath morning. in his local SDARM church. This life what are their stances regarding
What was supposed to be a mere experience, he says, has led him to particular issues; what are their “pet
five-minute walk to this church was appreciate a bit more the love and peeves” and what are their tempera-
one of the most trying times of this Providence of God and to know ments. Essentially, we are expected
man’s life as the demon did all in more of Him. It led him to see how to be more familiar with the heart is-
its finite power to drive him into a it is only through a closer relation- sues of that person compared to the
mental breakdown, to relinquish ship with Christ and a surrender superficial knowledge someone else
his purpose. However, the main to His Providence that one can may have.
gate of the church appeared in the overcome. That it is only through So many are the errors and mis-
young man’s impaired vision and Christ, that one can have life—both conceptions surrounding the correct
with Jacob-like prayer, he made it in this world and the world to understanding of God and Who He
through. . . . come. All this, he believes, is em- is that many have gone astray. Nev-
An unfamiliar feeling of freedom bodied into one particular verse: ertheless, disregarding the inunda-
flooded his heart as he saw the path “And this is life eternal, that they tion of error regarding this essential
leading to the open church door might know thee the only true God, knowledge, the Bible gives us the
with the Sabbath school class go- and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast “black and white” of the matter.
ing underway. The sight of the little sent” (John 17:3). What knowledge then can the
ones and the youth in their own This article will dive into the sig- Bible reveal to us regarding the inti-
separate classrooms and the familiar nificance of this verse to the believer mate affairs of God?
sing-along songs gave this particu- and what it means “To Know God One of the very first instances
lar Sabbath day a different experi- Eternal”: of the Bible making this plain to us
ence. As he walked forward, an comes from the very mouth of God
ever-so-familiar voice called his in Exodus Chapter 34. It tells us:
name. Hearing the words as cold as TO KNOW “And the Lord passed by before
a heart absent of the love of Christ The phrase “to know” is used [Moses], and proclaimed, The Lord,

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 29

The Lord God, merciful and gra- in the cleft of the rock that he be- Compared to other situations
cious, longsuffering, and abundant held the glory of God. It is when we where He encountered these defa-
in goodness and truth, keeping hide in the riven Rock that Christ mation attempts, the response of
mercy for thousands, forgiving will cover us with His own pierced Christ was rather telling.
iniquity and transgression and sin, hand, and we shall hear what the “This they said, tempting him,
and that will by no means clear the Lord saith unto His servants. To that they might have to accuse him.
guilty; visiting the iniquity of the us as to Moses, God will reveal But Jesus stooped down, and with
fathers upon the children, and upon Himself as ‘merciful and gracious, his finger wrote on the ground, as
the children’s children, unto the long-suffering, and abundant in though he heard them not” (John
third and to the fourth generation” goodness and truth, keeping mercy 8:6).
(Exodus 34:6, 7). for thousands, forgiving iniquity Possibly growing irate, the ac-
We see here the character traits and transgression and sin.’ Exodus cusers pressed Him again with
of God—the intimate aspects of 34:6, 7.”1 their line of questions until Christ
God’s life that sets Him apart from As mentioned before, obtaining responded with a simple, yet soul-
any other god. Come to think of it, it this knowledge of God is something searching question before stooping
is amazing and yet intellectually un- that truly would take eternity to down again to continue His mysteri-
fair that the Infinite, Eternal Creator unravel. Yet, God, in His mercy, ous writing.
of the universe summarizes all there gives us what we need right now “He that is without sin among
is to know about Him in a few lines for our salvation in His Word. He you, let him first cast a stone at her”
and yet He did this so that finite, plainly tells us: “The secret things (John 8:7). The effect of Christ’s
evil man could even come, at best, belong unto the Lord our God: but words and actions deeply convicted
to a superficial knowledge of Him. those things which are revealed be- and rebuked all those present as
It is also interesting that to gain long unto us and to our children for John writes that “they which heard
the proper knowledge of God and ever, that we may do all the words it, being convicted by their own
Who He is, we, like Moses, are to of this law” (Deuteronomy 29:29)— conscience, went out one by one, be-
be hidden in the “cleft of the Rock” most particularly in the example of ginning at the eldest, even unto the
(Exodus 34:5). Christ. last: and Jesus was left alone, and
It is said of Christ regarding that the woman standing in the midst”
specific imagery of the “Rock” in (John 8:9).
another experience of Moses that THE WRITING IN THE SAND At last, Christ, upon finishing
“that Rock was Christ” (1 Corin- A particular instance, I believe, His Masterful Authorship of sheets
thians 10:4). Thus we see here that that encapsulates this is the expe- of sand “lifted up himself, and saw
a “not-so-obvious” requirement to rience of Christ and the woman none but the woman, he said unto
knowing and appreciating God is to brought before Him by the Phari- her, Woman, where are those thine
first be led to Christ. It is only then sees for condemnation as found in accusers? hath no man condemned
that we can truly “see” God. John 8. thee?” (John 8:10).
Christ Himself comments on The chapter starts off by stating What must He have written?
this in John 14:6 where He plainly that Christ, after going to the Mount That we may never know until we
states: “I am the way, the truth, and of Olives, returned to the temple reach eternity with His grace. But
the life: no man cometh unto the Fa- only to be met by the scheming what we do know next summarizes
ther, but by me” (John 14:6). He also Pharisees with what they were hop- this whole experience for us.
plainly states while talking to the ing to be a “gotcha!” question. Responding to His question,
self-righteous Jews who were going “And the scribes and Pharisees “She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus
about trying to make their way to brought unto him a woman taken said unto her, Neither do I condemn
Heaven by their misguided interpre- in adultery; and when they had set thee: go, and sin no more” (John
tation of God’s Word: “Search the her in the midst, they say unto him, 8:11).
scriptures; for in them ye think ye Master, this woman was taken in I believe that this story is one
have eternal life: and they are they adultery, in the very act. Now Mo- of many that shows all we need to
which testify of me” (John 5:39). ses in the law commanded us, that know about God and Christ with re-
The Spirit of Prophecy tells us: such should be stoned: but what gard to life eternal (John 17:3).
“It was when Moses was hidden sayest thou?” (John 8:3–5).

“. . . as the crowning blessing of salvation,

‘the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus
Christ our Lord’ (Romans 6:23).”

30 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4

ness, in the earth: for in these things them to study the Bible. . . . Teach
LIFE ETERNAL I delight, saith the Lord’ (Jeremiah them to form characters that will
Ever since the fall of human- 9:23, 24). Scarcely can the human live through the eternal ages. We
ity, we have had a constant hope mind comprehend the breadth and must pray as we never have before
promised to us for our deliverance. depth and height of the spiritual that God will keep and bless our
The deception of the serpent was attainments of him who gains this children.”4
rebuked in the words, “I will put en- knowledge.”2
mity between thee and the woman, “In giving us His word, God
and between thy seed and her seed; has put us in possession of every CONCLUSION
it shall bruise thy head, and thou truth essential for our salvation. David considered the faithful-
shalt bruise his heel” (Genesis 3:15). Thousands have drawn water from ness of the Lord to all generation
This “seed” referred to here— these wells of life, yet there is no and exclaimed in Psalm 100:5, NIV:
Christ, carried out that work in His diminishing of the supply. Thou- “For the Lord is good and his love
earthly ministry and it is here that sands have set the Lord before endures forever; his faithfulness
we see the redeeming love that, as them, and by beholding have been continues through all generations.”
undeserving as we are, God freely changed into the same image. And again as last books in the Bible,
gave. Their spirit burns within them as Revelation we are reminded again
In a direct sense, all of humanity they speak of His character, telling of the eternity of God. “I am Alpha
is represented by the condemned what Christ is to them, and what and Omega,” says the Lord God,
woman of John 8. Accused of sin by they are to Christ. But these search- “which is, and which was, and
the devil of sin, we rightly deserve ers have not exhausted these grand which is to come, the Almighty”
to pay its penalty—death (Romans and holy themes. Thousands more (Revelation 1:8). Through Jesus, we
6:23), and yet, God made a way. It may engage in the work of search- are able to have eternal life. He died,
is only by obtaining a knowledge of ing out the mysteries of salva- His blood cleansed our sins and
His plan of redemption that one can tion. As the life of Christ and the through this gift by knowing Him
make the choice to either accept and character of His mission are dwelt we may have eternal life. “For the
be saved or reject and ultimately be upon, rays of light will shine forth wages of sin is death; but the gift
lost. more distinctly at every attempt to of God is eternal life through Jesus
However, knowing God’s ex- discover truth. Each fresh search Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
pressed will from His Word, He will reveal something more deeply “Had silver and gold been suf-
does not want anyone to be lost. interesting than has yet been un- ficient to purchase the salvation
Pleading with the Israelites, God folded. The subject is inexhaust- of men, how easily might it have
says, “Cast away all your transgres- ible. The study of the incarna- been accomplished by Him who
sions . . . for why will ye die, O tion of Christ, His atoning sacrifice says, ‘The silver is Mine, and the
house of Israel? For I have no plea- and mediatorial work, will employ gold is Mine’ (Haggai 2:8). But only
sure in the death of him that dieth, the mind of the diligent student as by the precious blood of the Son
saith the Lord God: wherefore turn long as time shall last; and look- of God could the transgressor be
yourselves, and live ye” (Ezekiel ing to heaven with its unnumbered redeemed. The plan of salvation was
18:31, 32). years he will exclaim, ‘Great is the laid in sacrifice. The apostle Paul
It was to give us a knowledge mystery of godliness.’ ”3 wrote, ‘Ye know the grace of our
of God and His infinite love for We note that we are to under- Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He
us that Christ came to this world, stand and know the Lord who exer- was rich, yet for your sakes He be-
died, and rose again. It is through cises loving-kindness, judgment and came poor, that ye through His pov-
the ministry of the Holy Spirit that righteousness, is eternal. In light of erty might be rich’ (2 Corinthians
we are equipped to be led into all this we must teach the knowledge 8:9). Christ gave Himself for us that
the truth—that we then may have a of God and His standard to our chil- He might redeem us from all iniq-
chance to make the choice to live. dren. As we compete with the cares uity. And as the crowning blessing
“ ‘This is life eternal,’ Christ said, of this life for time to teach our chil- of salvation, ‘the gift of God is eter-
‘that they might know Thee the only dren, we need to seek God’s guid- nal life through Jesus Christ our
true God, and Jesus Christ, whom ance to intervene in a divine manner Lord’ (Romans 6:23).”5
Thou hast sent’ (John 17:3). And the so we can duly carry out the task. “Now to the King eternal, im-
prophet Jeremiah declared: ‘Let not “Teach the Knowledge mortal, invisible, the only wise God,
the wise man glory in his wisdom, of God.—To know God is eter- be honour and glory for ever and
neither let the mighty man glory nal life. Are you teaching this to ever” (1 Timothy 1:17). Amen. ‰
in his might, let not the rich man your children, or are you teaching
glory in his riches: but let him that them to meet the world’s standard? References:
1 Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 162.
glorieth glory in this, that he under- Are you getting ready for the home 2 The Acts of the Apostles, p. 531.
standeth and knoweth Me, that I that God is preparing for you? . . . 3 Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 133.
4 Child Guidance, p. 494.
am the Lord which exercise loving- Teach your children of the Saviour’s 5 The Acts of the Apostles, p. 519.
kindness, judgment, and righteous- life, death, and resurrection. Teach

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 64, No. 4 31

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We have not known Thee as we ought,

Nor learned Thy wisdom, grace, and power;
The things of earth have filled our thought,
And trifles of the passing hour, We have not loved Thee as we ought,
Lord, give us light Thy truth to see, Nor cared that we are loved by Thee;
And make us wise in knowing Thee. Thy presence we have coldly sought,
And feebly longed Thy face to see,
We have not feared Thee as we ought, Lord, give a pure and loving heart
Nor bowed beneath Thine awful eye, To feel and own the love Thou art.
Nor guarded deed, and word, and thought,
Remembering that God was nigh. We have not served Thee as we ought,
Lord, give us faith to know Thee near, Alas! the duties left undone,
And grant the grace of holy fear. The work with little fervor wrought,
The battles lost, or scarcely won!
Lord, give the zeal, and give the might,
For Thee to toil, for Thee to fight.

— Thomas B. Pollack

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