Abstract: The design of the flexible pavement layers to be 4. Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE),
laid over the sub grade soil so the estimation of subgrade 5. Polypropylene (PP),
strength and traffic volume to be carried. The design of the 6. Polystyrene (PS), and
various layers of pavement are dependent on the sub grade 7. Others (like polyester, polyamides, and
soil strength over which they are going to be laid. Sub grade polycarbonate).
strength is expressed in the terms of CBR value. weaker sub various use of plastic are packaging, furniture, automotive,
grade causes high amount of failures on surface of Flexible agriculture, sport, electrical and electronics goods, health
Pavement like Pot holes, various types of cracks and rut and safety, building and construction, and consumer and
depth which is supposed to reduce ride quality of vehicles household appliances which Increase the uasge plastic
products which makes increase in plastic waste, It has
In this study, we are making the use of solid waste is used in became a challenge to waste management authorities.
the construction of pavements and reducing the waste for
land fill and making utilization of raw material in the 1.1 SUBGRADE
embankments of pavements and also making the soil
improvement by stabilisation process. Therefore, the present The crust of a pavement, whether flexible or rigid, rests on a
study will focus on literature work related to the field of soil foundation of the soil on an embankment or cutting,
improvement and solid waste related problems. Here an normally known as subgrade. Subgrade can be defined
attempt has been made to lime stabilisation of black cotton as a compacted layer, generally constructed with the
(BC) soil with various percentage i.e 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% of avalibility of local material near to the project, assumed to be
waste Plastic bottle strips and study the engineering 500 or 300 mm in thickness, just beneath the pavement
properties of soils MDD, OMC, Compaction, including CBR at crust, providing a suitable foundation for the pavement. The
different percentages plastic strips subgrade in embankment is compacted in two or more
layers based on the stability of foundation, usually to a
Keywords : Flexible Pavement, Sub Grade, Stabilisation, higher standard than the lower part of the embankment .The
BC Soil, Lime, Plastic Strips, CBR. soil in subgrade is normally stressed to certain minimum
level of stresses due to the traffic loads and the subgrade soil
1. INTRODUCTION should be of good quality and appropriately compacted so as
to utilize its full strength to withstand the stresses due to
waste management is still a challenge in Worldwide traffic loads. This leads to reduce of the overall pavement
which is brought about by urbanization, increase thickness. On the other hand the subgrade soil is
population and industrial growth. The methods of characterized for its strength for the purpose of analysis and
disposing of solid wastes are in landfill, recycling and design of pavement.
incineration. However, landfill spaces are reducing,
incineration process emits hazardous gases, and 1.3 SUBGRADE PERFORMANCE
recycling seem to be expensive and laborious.
Subgrade performance mainly depends on three of the basic
The current sustainable approach is to reduce, recycle characteristics, which are described as follows:
and reuse. where it does not address properly the 1. Load bearing capacity: The load carried by the surface of
total waste which pollutes the nature and the pavements which are supposed to transfer load to the
environment. lower subgrade foundation of the pavement
2. Moisture content: Moisture is supposed to affect
There are several products which are manufactured subgrade properties such as load bearing capacity,
from plastic according to growth of usage of plastic shrinkage and swelling. It also influence the drainage,
products these plastic products classifies in to plastic groundwater table elevation, rain water infiltration,
as follow: Generally, excessively wet subgrades will deform excessively
1. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), due to load.
2. High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), 3. Shrinkage and/or swelling: Some of the soils shrink or
3. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), swell depending up on their moisture content. Due to high
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1046
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Apr -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
amount fine content gets react with moisture content will functions. In addition, the properties of each resin can be
tend to deform and crack any pavement type constructed modified by additives (EPA 1990). Different combinations
over them. of resins and additives have allowed the creation of a wide
range of products meeting a wide variety of specifications
1.2 DESIRABLE PROPERTIES (Randall 1991; EPA 1990).
Polymers are chemically inert large molecules
The desirable properties of subgrade soil as a highway made up of repeating chemical units (monomers) that
material are bind together to form long chains or polymers (Crawford
• Stability 2007, EC 2011). Polymers are pure materials formed by
• Compaction the process of polymerisation, though cannot be used on
• Strength their own, but additives are added to form plastics
• Low change in volume during adverse conditions of (Crawford 2007). These additives include: antistatic
weather and ground water table agents, coupling agents, fillers, flame retardants,
• Proper drainage lubricants, pigments, plasticisers, reinforcements, and
• Incompressibility stabilisers (Harper 2006). Pure polymer may include silk,
The most common parameter used to evaluate pavement bitumen, wool, shellac, leather, rubber, wood, cotton and
layer strength is the California Bearing Ratio (CBR). The CBR cellulose (Crawford 2007, Stephen 2009).
value is influenced by the water content and the dry density
as well as the texture of the soil. Generally, the CBR test in
the laboratory is conducted on test samples prepared at the
dry density and water content likely to be achieved in the
field. Whereas the Field dry density can be fairly well
predicted the difficulty is to determine the stable moisture
content at which to conduct the test.
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1047
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Apr -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Plastics are durable, by withstand to varous test results showed that cut bottles placed at middle position
weather condition. were the most efficient in increasing strength of soil. The
Plastics are easy to install and move around. optimum percentage of plastic strips in soil was found out by
Plastics promote energy efficiency in buildings since California Bearing Ratio Test and using this percentage of
they are low conductors of heat, and can achieve a plastic, plate load test was also performed. The size and
tight seal. content of strips of waste plastic bottles have significant
Plastic products have low maintenance cost and do effect on the enhancement of strength of the soil.
not need painting. Brajesh Mishra has made his study on the basis of study and
Plastic building products can be recycled with low experimental investigations it was observed that the
energy input and can as well be turned into energy. property of black cotton soil effectively improved by use of
Constructing using plastic products is cost effective since different percentage of lime contents. In this research
plastic is durable, of good quality, have low maintenance cost varying percentage ( 3% and 5%) of lime was used to
and saves labour. stabilize the black cotton soil. Points which were drawn from
this study are listed below- It was observed that on addition
V. Mallikarjuna1, T. Bindu Mani2 has made the present of 3% of lime decreases the liquid limit by 2.70% while with
study, the improved CBR value of the soil is due to the 5% addition of lime reflects a decrease 15.27%. M.D.D. was
addition of plastic strips. Plastic can be utilized as one of the increased slightly by 6.29% and 5.59% at 3% and 5% lime
material that can be used as a soil stabilizing agent but the content respectively. It was observed that there was a
proper proportion of plastic must be there, which helps in decrease in O.M.C. of 3.4% and 10.7% at 3% and at 5% lime
increasing the CBR of the soil. It can be concluded that CBR content. respectively. The C.B.R. value of black cotton soil
percentage goes on increasing up to 4% plastic content in improve considerably to 3.25 times and 4.76 times with 3%
the soil and thereon it decreases with increase in plastic and 5% lime respectively.
content. Hence, we can say that 4% plastic content is the
optimum content of plastic waste in the soil. 3. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY
Maha Hatem Nsaif (2013) [10] This paper describes an A variety of materials are used in geotechnical
experimental study on mixing plastic waste pieces with two engineering field. Properties of these materials differ from place
types of soil (clayey soil and sandy soil) at different mixing to place. Complete categorization of these materials in terms of
ratios (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 )% by weight respectively. For the two their vital properties will be very much useful in understanding
types of soils, the shear strength parameters (cohesion value soil response to changes in stress levels and varying
and angle of internal friction) of reinforced and unreinforced environmental conditions. Furthermore, it is a thorough
samples were investigated by the direct shear test. In understanding of material properties which are extremely much
addition, a series of compaction tests were performed on essential for developing appropriate stabilization methods.
clayey soil mixed with different percentages of waste pieces. The engineering properties evaluated are:
It was found that, there is significant improvement in the compaction
strength of soils due to increase in internal friction. The CBR
percentage of increase in the angle of internal friction for
sandy soil is slightly more than that in clayey soil, but there 3.1 THE MATERIALS USED
is no significant increase in cohesion for the two types of B.C soil
soils. Also, it was concluded that the plastic pieces decreases Lime
the maximum dry density WASTE BOTTLE PLASTIC STRIPS
Amit Gawande et al., (2012) [11] in the present paper
developed techniques to use plastic waste for construction 3.1.1 Black Cotton Soil
purpose of roads and flexible pavements has reviewed. In
conventional road making process bitumen is used as binder. The tracks of expansive black cotton soil covers 20
Such bitumen can be modified with waste plastic pieces and percent of Land mass. India has large tracks of expansive soil
bitumen mix is made which can be used as a top layer coat of known as Black cotton soil. This soil contains predominant
flexible pavement. The waste plastic which is modified with montmorillonite clay mineral and lime segregation. The Black
bitumen mix shows better binding property, stability, cotton soil has a potential for shrinking or swelling under
density and more resistant to water. changing moisture conditions. The primary problem that
Mariamma Joseph et al., (2011) [12] this project involves arises with regard to expansive soils is swelling and
the detailed study on the possible use of waste plastic bottles compressibility and avaliblity of high amount fine material.
for soil stabilisation. The analysis was done by conducting The deformation usually is in an uneven pattern and of such a
plate load tests on soil reinforced with layers of plastic magnitude as to cause extensive damage to the structures
bottles filled with sand and bottles cut to halves placed at resting on them. The soils are usually found near surface,
middle and one third positions of tank. The comparison of with the layers thickness varying from 0.5mts to more than
10mts. These soils cover vast area of Maharashtra, Karnataka,
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1048
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Apr -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat making 20% of the total area of larger one and voids also become larger in size leading to the
the country. Similarly soils are also found in Burma, Australia, greater permeability of the lime stabilized expansive soil.
South Africa, Egypt and U.S. and Russia. Black cotton soils are
highly expansive, sticky, plastic clays formed from residual
weathering of deposits derived from volcanic rocks. Most 3.1.3 Waste Bottle Plastic Strips (PET)
expansive soils have residual origin while some are found
valleys and on river banks, apparently formed from fine
grained transported deposits.
Liquid limit % 67
Classification of soil CH
3.1.2 Lime
Lime in the form of quicklime (calcium oxide
Figure 3.3 Plastic strips
– CaO), hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide – Ca [OH]2), or lime
slurry can be used to treat soils. Quicklime is manufactured Table 3.3 Physical And Chemical Properties Of Plastic
through chemically transforming calcium carbonate Strips
(limestone – CaCO3) into calcium oxide. Hydrated lime is
formed when quicklime chemically reacts with water. It is Appearance Strip or fiber
hydrated lime that reacts with clay particles and permanently Odour Odorless to
transforms them into a strong cementitious matrix One of the mild
main properties of lime is its pozzolanic reactivity The
pozzolanic reactivity of lime is due to reactive silica content. Specific Gravity 1.25-1.55
The strength increase depends mainly on its reactive silica
content, and the adding of lime can improve this strength Vapor Pressure < 0.1
only up to a certain degree. The low permeability of the (mm of mercury)
expansive soil is mainly due to the finer particles. therefore pH Not
by the addition of lime the smaller soil particles grow to Applicable-Solid
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1049
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Apr -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
3.1.4 Water Table 4.2: CBR VALUE Of Black Cotton Soil WITH LIME AND
Purified tap Water which free acids and de-ionised water or CBR
portable water is used which is available in the laboratory Samples VALUES
3.2 TEST
The tests are conducted in the laboratory of various A BC Soil 1.19
experiments conducted as follows.
B BC Soil+5%Lime 9.11 %
CBR TEST C BC Soil+5%Lime+2%PLASTIC 11.58 %
Table 4.2: CBR Values of various types of various soil
D BC Soil+5%Lime+4%PLASTIC 16.44 %
Type of soil Plasticity Range of CBR STRIPS
(%) values
Clay CH 1.5 to 2.5 E BC Soil+5%Lime+6%PLASTIC 13.87 %
CI 1.5 TO 3.5
Silty clay CL 2.5 to 6
Sandy clay PI = 20 2.5 to 8
PI = 10 2.5 to 8 or more
Silt 1 to 2
Sand poorly graded 20
Sand well graded 40
Sandy gravel well graded 60
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1051