Balancing Hormones Naturally

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Other books by Patrick Holford

The Optimum Nutrition Bible

100% Health
The Optimum Nutrition Cookbook (with Judy Ridgway)
6 Weeks to Superhealth
Beat Stress and Fatigue
Boost Your Immune System (with Jennifer Meek)
Improve Your Digestion
Say No to Cancer
Say No to Heart Disease
Say No to Arthritis
The 30-Day Fat Burner Diet
The Whole Health Manual
Mental Health and Illness - The Nutrition Connection (ION Press)
Natural Highs (with Hyla Cass)
Supplements Jor Superhealth
The Little Book oj Optimum Nutrition
Solve Your Skin Problems (with Natalie Savona)


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© 1998 by Kate Neil and Patrick Holford

First published in 1998 by

Piatkus Books Ltd
5 Windmill Street, London WIT 2JA
email: [email protected]

Reprinted 1998, 1999 (twice), 2000, 2001, 2002 (twice), 2003 (twice), 2004

The moral rights of the authors have been asserted

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 0 7499 1863 2/

Designed by Paul Saunders

Illustrations by Jonathan Phillips and Christopher Quayle

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Acknowledgements vii
Guide to Abbreviations, Measures and References vii
Introduction ix
How to Use This Book xii


1. The Female Life Cycle 2


2. The Rise of Hormonal Health Problems 12

3. The Feminisation of Nature 18
4. The Sea of Oestrogens 22
5. The Stress Connection 29
6. The Way Back to Health 32


7. Optimum Nutrition - The Key to Hormone

Balance 36
8. Beating PMS with Diet 47

9. Fertility Rights and Wrongs 53

10. Making Healthy Babies 59
11. Secrets for a Trouble-free Menopause 72
12. Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis 79
13. How to Prevent Breast Disease 89
14. How to Prevent Womb and Cervical Disease 94
15. Beating the Sugar Blues 104
16. The Allergy Connection 111
17. Conquering Candida 115


18. Oestrogen and Progesterone Explained 122

19. The Pill and HRT - Exploding the Myths 127
20. The Progesterone Story 135
21. Natural Hormones — The Safe Alternative 143
22. Natural Hormones — How and When to
Use Them 148


23. Diet for the Good Life 154

24. Phytonutrients - The Hormone Helpers 163
25. Essential Supplements 167

References 170
Recommended Reading 173
Useful Addresses 174
Index 177

This book would not have been possible without the help of
many people. Our thanks go to Dr John Lee, Martin Neil, Jan
Shepheard, Natalie Savona and the team at Piatkus for their
guidance and support.

Guide to Abbreviations and Measures

1 gram (g) = 1000 milligrams (mg) = 1,000,000 micrograms (meg or pg).
Most vitamins are measured in milligrams or micrograms. Vitamins A, D
and E are also measured in International Units (iu), a measurement
designed to standardise the different forms of these vitamins that have
different potencies.
1 meg of retinol (meg RE) = 3.3iu of vitamin A
1 meg RE of beta-carotene = 6mcg of beta-carotene
10Oiu of vitamin D = 2.5mcg
10Oiu of vitamin E = 67mg
1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces (oz) 2.2 lb = 1 kilogram (kg)
1 pint = 0.6 litres 1.76 pints = 1 litre
In this book calories means kilocalories (kcal)

References and Further Sources of Information

Hundreds of references from respected scientific literature
have been used in writing this book. Details of specific studies

referred to are listed on pages 170—73. Other supporting

research for statements made are available from the Lamberts
Library at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION), the
Food for the Future Foundation (F4) and Nutrition Services
Supplies Support (NS3UK) (see page 175). Members are free
to visit and study at ION. Through prior arrangement with
F4 and NS-’UK both the public and professionals are able to
visit and access research. All three organisations offer informa¬
tion services, including literature search and library search
facilities, for those readers who want to access scientific
literature on specific subjects. F4 is becoming a major
resource centre for pre-conceptual care and children’s health.
NS3UK specifically focuses on research into hormonal health.
On page 173 you will find a list of the best books to read, to
enable you to dig deeper into the topics covered.

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F or the first time since the introduction of the contracep¬

tive pill, and the subsequent massive rise in synthetic hor¬
mone use, there are proven natural alternatives available to
help prevent and treat most female health problems.
It is only now, 40 years on, that the real long-term effects
of taking synthetic hormones are being fully realised. Even
though some medical researchers back in the 1960s were well
aware of the potential side-effects of taking synthetic hor¬
mones, those with the power to make final decisions consid¬
ered that the benefits far outweighed any risks.
Without any doubt, pharmaceutical companies had a lot to
gain financially from the widespread prescription of synthetic
hormones. Women of all ages were potential customers. Sex
hormones not only act as contraceptives, but are also widely
used in infertility programmes, and are regularly recom¬
mended in the form of Hormone Replacement Therapy
(HRT) to keep the menopause at bay. With the accepted use
of synthetic hormones as reliable contraceptives, research into
natural oestrogens and progesterone declined rapidly, as high
profits could not be made from the sale of natural,
unpatentable products.
For sex hormones - natural or synthetic — to be optimally
effective it is crucial that they are in balance. Today it is very
hard for our bodies, even under the best of circumstances, to

keep our sex hormones balanced. So what is happening to

women? We are currently living in a sea of oestrogenic com¬
pounds which are found in food, air and water, plastic
residues, exhaust fumes and pesticides. We eat, drink and
breathe them into our bodies.

The new problem of oestrogen

Many current female health problems are linked to having
too much oestrogen in the body. These include PMS,
endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids, breast cancer and
menopausal problems. Dr John Lee from Sebastopol,
California, has defined a new syndrome, ‘Oestrogen
Dominance’, to explain many of these common female con¬
ditions. Dr Lee has had two decades of clinical experience in
the field of female health, and his published research explains
clearly the background to his theory that many women are
suffering from the effects of too much oestrogen. He believes
that stress, nutritional deficiencies, oestrogenic substances
from the environment, and taking synthetic oestrogens, com¬
bined with a deficiency of progesterone, are all likely contrib¬
utory factors in the creation of oestrogen dominance.


Women play a very powerful, indeed pivotal, role in society,
of which they are largely unaware. The responsibility of
nourishing themselves and the family has traditionally always
been left to them but it is only in this last decade that the
importance of nutrition has been realised. So much so, that
the future health and survival of the whole human race
depends very much upon sound nutrition. Largely due to the
dominance of men in medicine, and the subordinate role
most women have historically played in society, women’s

understanding and acceptance of themselves has been greatly

influenced by the ideas of men. We believe that most women
have an inherent knowledge of their own natural way of
being, and are happiest when they are free to live according
to it.
It is time for women to become educated and clear about
what is happening to their own bodies, to take responsibility
for their health, and to live a life that is in harmony with their
natural design.
It is our experience, in both teaching and advising women
about hormones, that their overall understanding is very
sketchy. They are usually amazed at the marvellous synchrony
that regulates the peaks and troughs of the monthly cycle for
around 40 years of their life.
' Making simple and beneficial changes to your diet and
lifestyle are the first important steps towards balanced hor¬
mones and better health. To help you along the way, natural
hormonal preparations are now available. When combined
with adjustments in diet and lifestyle, these can help restore
the natural hormone balance in your body and return you to
a state of good, natural health.
How to Use This Book

Here is an outline of this book:

Part 1 Understanding Your Body gives you the basic

information you need to understand how hormones work, so
you can make informed health choices.

Part 2 Hormones in Havoc explains why hormonal health

problems are on the increase and what you can do to promote
your own hormonal health.

Part 3 Balancing Hormones Naturally gives you safe,

alternative, natural strategies for restoring, maintaining and
promoting your health, depending on your current circum¬
stances and the stage you are at in your life cycle.

Part 4 Natural Versus Synthetic Hormones explains the

problems associated with synthetic hormones used in the Pill
and HRT, and when and how natural hormone therapy is
worth considering.

Part 5 Action Plan for Hormonal Health tells you how

you can help promote your own hormonal health through
diet, supplements and simple lifestyle changes.


The Female Life Cycle

W omen are meant to be in harmony with their bodies —

they have developed a natural monthly rhythm in
which hormone levels ebb and flow. This is as nature
planned, and provided your diet, environment and lifestyle
confonn to your natural design, then no part of the female life
cycle need be thought of as an illness or a disabling condition.
There are three main hormonal phases in a woman’s life:
menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Understanding
each of these helps you take control and make clear decisions
about what you need.
The sex hormones, progesterone and oestrogens, play a key
role in all stages of the female health cycle. Knowing how
they work and what they do is vital for any woman who
wants to be sure of her hormonal health.
Until relatively recently, the bodies of men and women
were considered structurally similar. In the fourth century the
Bishop of Emesa in Syria wrote, ‘Women have the same gen¬
italia as men except that theirs are inside the body and not
outside it.’ It was not until 1890 that medical science began to
investigate the workings of the human menstrual cycle.
As medicine was, and still is, largely dominated by men, the
current understanding of the female cycle and female prob¬
lems is based on a male perspective. The language that med¬
ical and scientific men once used to describe the processes that

occur throughout the female life cycle still colours our under¬
standing and attitudes today.
In previous centuries it was extremely rare to find accounts
of women’s views on what they thought was happening'to
their bodies. Women have thereby come to understand the
workings of their bodies through men. However, by the
1950s, women started to question what was happening to
them; and, as a result, the natural childbirth and women’s
rights movements began to develop.
Attempts to control fertility must be as old as childbirth
itself. What is new, in the second half of this century, is the
method of control. For the first time in human history, drugs
have been widely used for the purpose of birth control.
„ Although it was known that these drugs would control fertil¬
ity, the full implications of their effects on health were not
fully realised. It is only now that we are beginning to have a
good understanding, not only of the effects of these drugs, but
of the intricate synchrony of events that control the monthly

Nature’s design
The female pelvis is truly a wonder to behold. It contains the
womb which, under the influence of a fine balance of hor¬
mones, prepares for itself every month a special lining in case
of pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, this lining is shed
and the process of building up a new one starts again. The
uterus is normally smaller than a fist but can accommodate a
baby larger than a football. It contains muscles like no others
found in the body: through regular uterine contraction and
retraction they can successfully deliver a baby and yet return
to normal size within only six weeks. The ovaries are respon¬
sible for producing eggs and are enclosed in sacs that are well
protected, deep within the pelvic cavity. Nature finds very
ingenious ways of ensuring the survival of the species.

The female life cycle

The sex hormones in girls remain dormant until about the age
of 12 or 13. Around then, the hypothalamus, a small gland at
the base of the brain, makes a master hormone. This instructs
the pituitary gland connected to it to release into the blood
two powerful hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
and luteinising hormone (LH). These two hormones are
responsible for the development and release of an egg from
the ovary. When a girl is approaching the onset of her men¬
strual cycle, the cells of the pituitary gland and ovary are laden
with receptors, which become super-sensitive to these stimu¬
lating hormones. It takes about three years for the menstrual
cycle to become fully established from the time of the first
period. Of the millions of potentially mature eggs that are
present before birth, only about 300,000 are left at puberty.

The Menstrual Cycle

It is worth remembering that the only purpose of the monthly
menstrual cycle is to ensure the survival of the species. In
regular, precisely synchronised order, the sex hormones are
released into the blood to bring about the release of a mature
healthy egg, in the hope that it will meet an equally healthy
sperm and become fertilised by it. The cycle repeats itself,
month after month, for around 40 years of a woman’s life, and
is normally interrupted only by pregnancy.
The master of this hormonal activity is the hypothalamus.
It acts like a control centre which shares and integrates many
biochemical, immunological and emotional conditions.
Menstruation can be affected by emotional states, stress, diet,
other hormones, illness and drugs. The average menstrual
cycle lasts for 28 days, although it is not uncommon for cycles
to vary between three to six weeks.

From Menstruation to Ovulation (Days 1-14)

At the beginning of a menstrual cycle the levels of the hor¬
mones oestrogen and progesterone are very low as a result of
the shedding of the specially prepared womb lining. This hap¬
pens when a fully mature egg is not fertilised by a sperm.
The hypothalamus gland senses that the levels of oestrogen
and progesterone are low and releases the first master hor¬
mone which causes the pituitary gland to release follicle stim¬
ulating hormone (FSH). As the name implies, FSH works on
the eggs within the ovary, ripening one for release and fertil¬
isation. FSH also stimulates the production of oestrogen by
the ovary; levels of this gradually nse over the first half of the
cycle, bringing about the growth of the lining of the womb
and breast tissue. This process lasts about ten days and is some¬
times known as the proliferative stage of the cycle. It sets the
scene for the reception of a fertilised egg.
Follicles are ripened and prepared in both ovaries.

Oestrogen levels peak around day 12 of the cycle, which gives

a signal to the hypothalamus gland to release luteinizing hor¬
mone (LH). On day 14 of a normal cycle, a surge of LH
brings about ovulation, the release of a mature egg from one
of the ovaries. The egg is now free to enter and move down
the fallopian tube attached to the uterus. Helped by spe¬
cialised hair-like tissue, the egg passes down the tube to meet
the sperm.

From Ovulation to Menstruation (Days 14-28)

The space that is left behind in the ovary after the egg has
been released fills with blood and specialised cells and builds
up into a dense mass known as the corpus luteum. The cor¬
pus luteum now becomes the manufacturing site for both
oestrogens and progesterone during the second half of the
cycle. High levels of both hormones are required to support
fertilisation should it occur.
The rise of progesterone just after ovulation increases body
temperature by at least 0.2° centigrade. Many women there¬
fore take their temperature in order to check whether they
have ovulated.
If the egg is not fertilised, the corpus luteum breaks down.
The blood vessels supplying the womb lining go into spasm
and the lining is shed, forming the menstrual flow. The loss of
the corpus luteum causes a rapid fall in the levels of oestrogens
and progesterone. This low level of oestrogens and proges¬
terone acts as a signal to the hypothalamus gland to release its
master hormone and the process starts all over again (see Fig.
2 on page 7).

If the egg does get fertilised, the corpus luteum continues to
produce oestrogens and progesterone in large quantities for
the next 12 to 14 weeks, and in small quantities throughout





DAYS 1 10 15 20 25 28


Figure 2 - Normal menstrual cycle

pregnancy. Once the fertilised egg has become embedded in

the womb, special cells made by the egg produce another
honnone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG).
This hormone stimulates the corpus luteum to continue
growing for the next 12 to 14 weeks. By this time, the pla¬
centa is sufficiently developed to take over the production of

both oestrogens and progesterone to support the rest of the

pregnancy. As levels of oestrogens and progesterone are so
high during pregnancy, the brain does not receive any
messages from the egg-stimulating hormone FSH, or the
ovulation hormone LH. Oestrogen and progesterone levels
do not fall again until the baby is due to be bom.
Hormonal signals, about nine months after the first day of
the last period, bring about labour (see Fig. 3 below).
Towards the time of labour, the womb becomes increas¬
ingly sensitive to oxytocin, a hormone whose action is stimu¬
lated by the pituitary gland. Oxytocin stimulates the uterus to

DAYS 1 5 10 15 20 25 28


Figure 3 - First stage of pregnancy


contract, and begins and maintains the process of the delivery

of the baby. Contractions increase under the influence of
oxytocin until the baby is bom.
After delivery, levels of oestrogen and progesterone fall
rapidly. Oestrogen remains low, and there is no rise in prog¬
esterone while a new mother is breastfeeding. Progesterone is
not produced in any significant amount, as the mother is not
ovulating. Breastfeeding is known to be a natural contracep¬
tive, but, as the months of feeding pass, it becomes an
unreliable form of birth control.

The menopause is a process that usually takes about ten years
to complete. Commonly called ‘the change of life’, it refers to
the phase which leads up to the last menstrual period and
more or less marks the end of reproductive life. The balance
of the sex hormones is affected: the ovaries stop producing
eggs and making oestrogens and progesterone. This process
normally starts around the age of 45 and is usually complete
by 55.
At the menopause, lower levels of oestrogens are made
because they are no longer needed to prepare the womb lin¬
ing for pregnancy. As oestrogen levels fall, the menstrual flow
becomes lighter and often quite irregular, until eventually it
stops altogether. As the menopause progresses, many cycles
occur in which an egg is not released. These are known as
anovulatory cycles. Hundreds of eggs vamsh each month, and
by the time of the menopause only about 1000 are left.
The change of life should occur gradually, allowing the
body to adapt to its new condition with ease. Because a
woman ceases to ovulate, she no longer produces proges¬
terone, so the body compensates by sending a message to the
pituitary gland to release increased quantities of FSH and LH.

The onset of the menopause is commonly confirmed by a rise

in the levels of these two hormones in the blood (see Fig. 4



Figure 4 - The menopause


The Rise of Hormonal

Health Problems

S omething is seriously amiss with our hormones. Over the

last 50 years there’s been an undeniable escalation in hor¬
mone-related health problems. The incidence of infertility,
fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic breasts, ovarian, cervical
and breast cancer have increased steadily and dramatically. As
nutrition consultants, we cannot help but notice the rise in
these problems. Even more worryingly, many hormone-
related diseases are occurring earlier in life. Complaints like
endometriosis, fibroids and ovarian cysts used to be extremely
rare in teenage girls but they are now quite common and
sometimes result in irreversible infertility.
The reality of the hormonal havoc we now face, especially in
the Western world, becomes vividly clear when we look at can¬
cer statistics. Cancer is a condition in which certain body cells
start to misbehave, growing and multiplying rapidly with com¬
plete disregard for the territory of neighbouring cells. Cancer
occurs in a variety oflocations and types of tissues. Some of these
tissues are known to be very hormone-sensitive. An example is
breast tissue. While some non-hormone related cancers are not
increasing greatly (lung cancer, for example, is on the decline),
hormone-related cancers are very much on the rise. The prob¬
ability of a person developing these hormone-related cancers
during their life is shown below, comparing actual figures in
1985 with predicted figures in the years 2000, and 2015.1

Hormone-related Cancer Incidence and Risk

Increase in risk from
1985 2000 2015 1985 to 2015

Breast (women) 8.6% 10.6% 13.1% 52%

Cervical (women) 1.5% 1.4% 1.6% 7%
Uterine (women) 1.2% 1.8% 2.2% 83%
Prostate (men) 7.1% 13.5% 23.7% 234%
Testicular (men) 0.4% 0.4% 0.6% 50%

The incidence of breast cancer, for example, has nearly tripled

in the last 30 years. It now affects one in eight women in
Britain at some time in their lives (compared with one in 22
in the 1940s), and rates are predicted to double again in the
'next 20 years.
The problems don’t just relate to women. Rates of testicu¬
lar and prostate cancer are shooting up, with prostate cancer
predicted to more than double in the next 20 years.

The early signs of hormonal havoc

While hormonal cancers may be seen as the end result of sub¬
stantial and probably long-term changes in hormonal health,
the early warning signs are undeniable. The number of boys
bom with genital defects or undescended testes has doubled.
More girls are now reaching maturity at mne. According to
Dr Marcia Herman-Giddens of the University of North
Carolina, whose research found that 48 per cent of black girls
and 15 per cent of white girls were developing breasts and
pubic hair before their tenth birthdays: ‘All of us in paediatric
practice had a sense that girls were developing earlier, but we
were still surprised at how young many of them were.’2
Puberty onset has dropped to an average of 11 years old,
compared with an average of 17 in Victorian girls and 13 in
the 1970s. These changes are particularly concerning since

early onset of puberty is associated with an increased risk of

breast cancer and menopausal problems.


Women’s suffering hasn’t always been taken that seriously in
medical history, and there is no better example of this than
premenstrual syndrome (PMS), the symptoms of which
include breast tenderness, fatigue, bloating, headaches, mood
swings, depression, irritability and fatigue. These are symp¬
toms of a hormonal imbalance now thought to affect 74 per
cent of women. Two surveys by the Women’s Nutritional
Advisory Service - one in 1985, the other in 1996 - show
that the severity of PMS is increasing.1 In the 1996 survey,
mood swings, depression, anxiety and aggressive feelings were
experienced by 80 per cent of sufferers premenstrually, and 52
per cent had contemplated suicide in their premenstrual
Yet some psychologists still argue that PMS doesn’t exist,
saying it’s all in the mind. According to Dr Marion Stewart
from the Women’s Nutritional Advisory Service, PMS (at
least on the scale that it is now experienced) is a twentieth-
century disease - the result of poor nutrition and increased
levels of stress due to the changing role of women in modem
society. These symptoms completely disappear in 90 per cent
of women within four months of changing their diet, doing
some exercise and finding effective ways of dealing with

Endometriosis - the hidden epidemic

Endometriosis — a condition in which cells like those lining
the womb begin to grow on other organs of the body where
they do not belong - is being diagnosed in more and more
women in their early teens and twenties. One in 10 women

in their reproductive years, from 11 to 60, is affected.4

Symptoms vary but may include severe period pain, heavy
bleeding, pain on menstruation or pain with intercourse. The
pain can be so severe as to be totally debilitating, affecting a
woman’s ability to lead a normal, fulfilling life. Loss of fertil¬
ity is investigated in at least half of those with endometriosis
as 30 to 40 per cent of sufferers cannot conceive; it is a major
cause of infertility and is present in up to 43 per cent of infer¬
tile women. Although endometriosis is not a new condition,
evidence suggests that it too is on the increase.

Beware those lumps

Much more common than breast cancer is breast lumps,
"known as polycystic or fibrocystic breast disease. These occur
in at least 25 per cent of women at some time in their lives.
More often than not, these lumps are not malignant (cancer-
producing). However the risk of developing breast cancer is
higher in those with a history of breast lumps.
Even more common are fibroids (growths in the womb).
They often grow to the size of a grapefruit and can cause
irregular, heavy and painful periods. The incidence of fibroids
and cysts on the ovaries, thought to result from disrupted
ovulation, have both increased, probably as a consequence of
hormonal imbalance.


In case you’re thinking women have a raw deal, men have
hormonal problems too. While they may not have to worry
about PMS or lumps, men do have a menopause with very
similar symptoms to women. According to male hormone
expert Dr Malcolm Carruthers, the symptoms of the male
menopause (known as the andropause) include fatigue,
depression, irritability, rapid aging, aches and pains, sweating

and flushing, and decreased sexual performance. Having

treated thousands of men. Dr Carruthers, author of The
Male Menopause, is convinced that the andropause is real and
rapidly on the increase.5 Those most at risk, according to his
research, are farmers, due to their frequent exposure to
organophosphate in sheep dip, pesticides and other agro¬
chemicals, including hormones used in intensive animal
However, according to Dr Niels Shakkebaek, a repro¬
ductive scientist for the World Health Organisation, many
symptom-free men are also showing signs of hormonal and
sexual imbalance. After analysing the data from over 60
scientific studies in the last 50 years, involving almost
15,000 men, he concluded that the average sperm count
had dropped by 50 per cent in five decades.6 However, it
wasn’t just the quantity but also the quality that had fallen,
with a lower percentage of healthy sperm able to fertilise an
Men are also facing a rapid escalation in the risk of testicu¬
lar and prostate cancer, as well as prostate disease. The
prostate is a ring-shaped gland, about the size of a chestnut,
that lies under the bladder and surrounds the top of the ure¬
thra (urine duct) in men. Its job is to secrete a slightly acidic
fluid that contributes to seminal fluid and improves the motil¬
ity and viability of speim. If it is enlarged (a condition known
as benign prostatic hyperplasia - BPH), or affected by benign
or malignant tumours, it can act like a clamp and impede the
flow of urine. BPH is unlikely to be a topic of conversation at
your next dinner party - indeed one in ten men with BPH
actively avoids consulting his doctor about the problem. It
develops after the age of 40 and affects about one-third of all
men over the age of 60 - that’s about two million men in the
UK, resulting in 40,000 prostate operations in the UK every
While there appears to be no direct correlation, both BPH

and prostate cancer are very much on the increase. Prostate

cancer is the fastest-growing cancer and is predicted to affect
one in four men within 20 years.

One in seven couples is infertile

While the average sperm count fell from 113 million per ml
in 1940 to 66 million in 1990, levels below 20 million per ml
are associated with infertility. Dr Skakkebaek and others have
found that an increasing number of men have these low levels
of viable sperm. Professor Louis Guillette, a respected repro¬
ductive expert, concluded, ‘Today’s man is half the man his
grandfather was.’ While men account for an estimated 40 per
cent of cases of infertility, it is likely that increasing hormonal
✓ problems in both men and women are responsible for the
gradual decline in overall fertility; so much so, that about one
in seven couples is currently infertile. If the fall in sperm
count continues, one might expect rates of infertility to
escalate rapidly when sperm counts reach half their current
average, posing a hitherto unthought of threat to the human

When we put all the pieces of the puzzle together it is hard to

deny that, as we approach the twenty-first century, we are
having trouble keeping our hormones balanced. The question
is why? Are these problems connected or not? And what are
the solutions? The next chapter follows some leads in one of
the most extraordinary detective stories of our time.

The Feminisation of

O ne big clue to the underlying causes of hormone imbal¬

ance was first brought to the public’s attention by Theo
Colbom, a scientist working for the World Wildlife Research
Fund in Washington. She had been recording bizarre changes
in health and behaviour in a wide variety of different species.
Disrupted mating, rearing behaviour and fertility were being
reported all around the world. Alligators in Lake Apopka in
Florida had all but stopped producing eggs during the 1980s,
threatening their survival. On investigation, 60 per cent of the
males had shrunken genitals. Herring gulls in Lake Ontario
were abandoning their nests, leaving unhatched eggs and
deformed chicks. Female gulls were setting up nests with other
female gulls. In 1988, off the coasts of Sweden, Denmark,
Scotland and Ireland, the seal population seemed to be dying
off. Aborted seals were being washed ashore. In 1990 a simi¬
lar problem affected dolphins in the Mediterranean. These last
two examples had the hallmarks of an infectious epidemic, but
what was making these animals so susceptible? Why were so
many species, including man, showing tell-tale signs of hor¬
mone disruption and fading fertility?


As these natural anomalies were investigated, a pattern started

to emerge. All the affected species contained high levels of

chemical contaminants, such as DDT, DDE or PCBs (poly¬
chlorinated biphenyls). These chemicals don’t biodegrade
and, although DDT has been banned in most countries for at
least 20 years, its concentration seems to have been accumu¬
lating along the food chain. Both Lake Apopka and Lake
Ontario had become contaminated. In Lake Ontario, plank¬
ton was found to contain 250 parts of PCBs; smelt, which fed
off this, had 835,000; lake trout had 2,800,000 parts; while
the herring gull, which fed off the lake trout, had 25,000,000
parts. Like seals and humans, the herring gull was at the end
of a polluted food chain.
While organochlorine pesticides, such as DDT, are rarely
used any more in the UK, an analysis of human fat (an indi¬
cator of our ability to accumulate less biodegradable pesti¬
cides), performed in 1995, found DDT in 99 per cent of fat
samples, with a quarter of samples contaimng amounts
between 1 and 9mg per kg.8
Conventional scientific wisdom would say that these levels
are very low and don’t represent a health hazard, yet three
pieces of research have radically changed the way we under¬
stand the power of these and other hormone-disrupting
chemicals. The first was the work of Frederick vom Saal, a
professor of biology at the University of Missouri." He knew
a lot about mice and had observed that about one in six
female mice behaved in a much more aggressive and mas¬
culinised’ way. He wondered why. His research proved that,
during foetal development, if a female pup lay between two
males in the womb, she developed these ‘male’ characteristics.
It seemed the tiny changes in exposure to the male hormones
of the pup’s neighbours had the power to program the female
mouse for her entire life.
Meanwhile, a number of independent researchers have
demonstrated that exposing animals during foetal develop¬
ment to tiny amounts of DDT or PCBs has significant effects

on their development, often stimulating genital defects, infer¬

tility, low sperm counts, early puberty, higher rates of certain
cancers, weakened immune systems and disrupted sexual
behaviour — a remarkably similar set of symptoms to those
being recorded in humans.

Other hormone-disrupting chemicals

As research continues, an increasingly wide variety of chemi¬
cals is being found to have hormone-disrupting properties.
Many of these are present in tiny amounts in all of us; you’d
probably find that your blood contained at least 250 identifi¬
able contaminants if you spent the money on tests. But the
levels are generally so low as to be of little concern on their
own. However, more and more studies are indicating that the
combination of tiny amounts of hormone-disrupting chemi¬
cals has an even more sinister effect that the sum of the effects
of the individual chemicals.
Maybe the rapid increase in hormone- and immune-
related health problems is the result of small, yet significant
changes in our exposure to these hormone-disrupting chem¬
icals, especially in the womb and early life. According to
Deborah Cadbury, author of The Feminisation of Nature, lead¬
ing scientists from many disciplines have come to the same
‘We’ve released chemicals throughout the world that are
having fundamental effects on the reproductive system and
immune system in wildlife and humans,’ says Professor Louis
Guillette from the University of Florida.
We have unwittingly entered the ultimate Faustian bargain
. .. In return for all the benefits of our modem society, and all
the amazing products of modem life, we have more testicular
cancer and more breast cancer. We may also affect the ability
of the species to reproduce,’ says Devra Lee Davis, former
deputy health policy advisor to the American government.

They, and countless other scientists, have come to the con¬

clusion that a growing number of commonly occurring
chemicals found in air, water and food are disrupting our hor¬
monal balance and altering the course of nature. What these
chemicals are, and what you can do to avoid them, is the sub¬
ject of the next chapter.

The Sea of Oestrogens

O ur modem chemical world is very different from that of

our ancestors. There are now 100,000 synthetic chemi¬
cals on the international market, including 15,000 chlorinated
compounds such as PCBs. Some of these are put directly into
food; others are added indirectly, in the form of pesticide
residues or accumulation up the food chain from non-
biodegradable industrial contaminants. Some creep into our
food from packaging and processing. Some we take as medi¬
These hormone-disrupting chemicals include:

• Pesticides — DDT, DDE, endosulfan, methoxychlor, hep-

tachlor, toxaphene, dieldrin, lindane

• Plastic compounds — alkyphenols, such as nonylphenol and

octylphenol; biphenolic compounds, such as bisphenol A;

• Industrial compounds — some PCBs, dioxin; plus those

listed for plastics

• Pharmaceutical drugs - synthetic oestrogens, such as DES

Most of these mimic the role of oestrogen in our bodies, stim¬

ulating the growth of hormone-sensitive tissue. When com¬
bined with the natural oestrogen produced by both men and

women, plus the added oestrogen taken in by women on the

Pill or HRT, these chemicals can ‘over-oestrogenise’ a per¬
son. Too much oestrogen stimulates the excessive prolifera¬
tion of hormone-sensitive tissue, thus increasing the risk of
hormone-related cancers. The effect of these chemicals is not,
however, quite so direct. Essentially they confuse the hor¬
monal messages the body sends out, changing our sexual and
reproductive development. They are best thought of as hor¬
mone-disrupters, interfering with the body’s ability to adapt
and respond to its environment.
Such worldwide increased exposure to these hormone-
disrupters is even more worrying in the light of the finding
that a very small change in hormone exposure during foetal
development can lead to infertility and increased cancer risk
in adulthood. In other words, these chemicals are program¬
ming us for extinction.
Another troubling development is that girls seem to be
reaching puberty earlier. The first signs of sexual maturity are
now frequendy appearing in younger children and, according
to Professor Richard Sharpe of the Medical Research
Council, ‘If you expose animals to low levels of extra oestro¬
gen neonatally, they will have advanced puberty.’

These chemicals, and the broad spectrum of ill-effects they
appear to be generating, can be seen as anti-adaptogens, inter¬
fering with our innate ability to adapt to our environment.
They are a spanner in the works of our endocrine and
immune systems whose job is to ensure that we adapt our
body systems to maintain good health. Coupled with a poor
intake of adaptogens - vitamins, minerals, essential fats and
phytonutrients — which help to balance our hormones and
increase our ability to adapt, these chemicals are leading us
towards disaster in terms of ever-decreasing hormonal health.

Such substances are thought to disrupt the body’s bio¬

chemistry because of their ability to lock on to honnone
receptor sites. This alters the ability of genes to communicate
with the body’s cells (gene expression), which is vital for the
orchestration of health. In some cases these chemicals block a
hormone receptor; in other cases they act as if they were the
hormone; and some simply disrupt the hormone message. If
you think of this ‘hormone—> hormone receptor—> gene
expression—» biochemical response’ sequence as ‘communi¬
cation’, what such chemicals do is turn the ‘sound’ up or
down and scramble the message. This is because they do not
fit the receptor site perfectly. Our body’s chemistry hasn’t
been exposed to them before and hasn’t managed to adapt its
response accordingly.

Right message Wrong message

Figure 5 - How hormones and chemicals affect genes


The trouble with synthetic hormones

The same is true of synthetic hormones. Take progesterone,
for example, which is a hormone that is naturally produced by
the body. It has a precise chemical structure: only this exact
molecule can trigger a particular set of instructions which
maintain pregnancy, bone density, normal menstruation and
other steps in the hormonal dance that occurs in every
woman. It has, even at levels considerably higher than those
produced by the human body, remarkably litde toxicity.
Yet, almost without exception, every contraceptive pill or
HRT prescription - pill, patch or depot (a deposition of
hormones under the skin which release over time) — contains
synthetic progestins, altered molecules that are similar to, but
different from, genuine progesterone. They are hke keys that
open the lock, but don’t fit exactly; consequently they
generate a wobble in the biochemistry of the body. Not
surprisingly, toxicity increases — so much so that the side-
effects include increased risk of diseases such as breast cancer,
against which the natural molecule actually protects us.
The same applies to oestrogen, or more correctly, oestro-
gens. I Inlike progesterone, there is a family of naturally
produced oestrogens - the main three are oestriol, oestrone
and oestradiol. During pregnancy, oestriol is produced in
significantly larger quantities than at other times, when
oestrone and oestradiol predominate. Many pharmaceutical
drugs, including contraceptive pills and HRT, use synthetic
oestrogens which mimic the effects of these naturally occur¬
ring molecules.
There could be no more dramatic example of the danger of
altering our exposure to these powerful hormone-mimickers
than DES, the first synthetic oestrogen, created by Dr Charles
Dodds in 1938. Within 20 years, DES was being given to
women and to animals. For the latter it improved growth
rates, while for women it apparently promised a trouble-free

pregnancy and healthier offspring. Eventually, up to six mil¬

lion mothers and babies were exposed to DES. It wasn’t until
1970 that the problems surfaced. Girls whose mothers had
been on DES during pregnancy started to show abnormal
genital development and a substantial increase in cancer rates,
especially vaginal cancer of a kind never seen before. It was
then discovered that boys of mothers who had taken DES also
had defects in the development of sexual organs. Many DES
children even died and many more were infertile.
The danger of synthetic hormones doesn’t just He in the
subtle differences in their chemical structure and effect, but
also in the amounts given and their relative balance with
other hormones. The level of hormones in a contraceptive
pill or HRT treatment may be many times higher than the
body would naturally produce. Oestrogen produced by the
body is balanced with progesterone but, if this balance is lost
(and oestrogen is no longer opposed by progesterone), health
problems arise.

Unopposed oestrogen linked to cancer

Excessive exposure to oestrogen and oestrogen-mimickers
may be a major factor in hormone-related cancers. If breast
epithelial cells are exposed to oestrogen, their rate of abnor¬
mal proliferation doubles. A study by Dr Bergkvist and col¬
leagues in Scandinavia showed that if a woman is on HRT for
longer than five years she doubles her risk of breast cancer.10
They also found that if the HRT included progestms (the
synthetic versions of natural progesterone) that risk was even
A large-scale study, published in the New England Journal of
Medicine in 1995, showed that post-menopausal women who
had been on HRT for five or more years had a 71 per cent
increased risk of breast cancer.'1 The risk was found to
increase with length of time on HRT. Overall, there was a 32

per cent increased risk among women using oestrogen HRT,

and a 41 per cent risk for those using oestrogen and synthetic
progestin HRT, compared to women who had never used
hormones. Another study in 1995 earned out by the Emery
University School for Public Health, followed 240,000
women for eight years; results showed that the risk of ovarian
cancer was 72 per cent higher in women given oestrogen.12
According to Dr John Lee, medical expert in female hor¬
mones and health, from California, ‘The major cause of breast
cancer is unopposed oestrogen and there are many factors that
would lead to this. Xenoestrogens [synthetic, oestrogen-like
compounds, found in plastics etc] have the ability to damage
tissue and lead to an increased risk of cancer later in life.
There are also clearly nutritional and genetic factors to con¬
sider. What is most concerning is that doctors continue to
prescribe unopposed oestrogen to women.’13

Dietary oestrogens
We also take in oestrogens from natural food. Meat contains
significant amounts of oestrogen, as does dairy produce.
However, the high levels in these foods may indicate that
they aren’t perhaps as natural as we like to think. Much of the
meat we eat comes from animals whose feed contains added
hormones. This, coupled with a high protem intake, forces
the growth of the animal, which means more profit. Changes
in farming practices now make it possible to milk cows con¬
tinuously, even while they are pregnant. Milk taken from a
pregnant cow contains substantially more oestrogen.
Meat and dairy products also store up non-degradable tox¬
ins which accumulate along the food chain. Millions of tons
of chemicals, like non-biodegradable PCBs and DDT, have
been released into the environment. Traces of these non-
degradable chemicals are found in meat, fish and fowl, which
have fed on other animals who have fed on contaminated

pastures or water; the chemicals accumulate in fat and, when

we eat animal fat, they accumulate in us.
Plants also contain oestrogen-like compounds, known as
phyto-oestrogens. These are found in a wide variety of foods
including soya, citrus fruits, wheat, licorice, alfalfa, celery and
fennel. The richest source is soya and soya products such as
tofu or soya milk. However, unlike oestrogenic chemicals
such as PCBs, these phyto-estrogens are associated with a
reduced risk of cancer. A high dietary intake of isoflavones,
the active ingredient in soya, is associated with a halving of
breast cancer in animals, and a substantial reduction in deaths
from prostate cancer in men. There is no clear explanation of
this anomaly, although two theories exist. One is that these
naturally occurring phyto-oestrogens may act as adaptogens.
That is, they help the body stabilise hormone levels. The
other is that they may block the action of other more toxic
environmental oestrogens, perhaps by occupying the receptor
sites. Even more encouraging are animal studies which show
that eating a small amount of isoflavones in early infancy
results in a 60 per cent reduced risk of breast cancer later in
While the effects of consuming phyto-oestrogens seem to
be all positive, there is some cause for concern over taking in
very large amounts during the critical early years of develop¬
ment, which is exactly what would occur if an infant were
bottle-fed using a soya-based formula. No one really knows if
this is potentially beneficial or detrimental for hormonal
health later in life because no research has yet been done.
What can be said is that it is no more natural for an infant to
be fed soya milk than it is to be fed cow’s milk There is no
substitute to good quality human breast milk for infants.

The Stress Connection

nother way to upset your hormone balance is by eating

XA.the wrong kind of food and being permanently stressed.
We produce many different hormones that keep the body in
balance. These include insuhn and glucagon to keep our
blood sugar level even; adrenaHn and cortisol to help us react
to stress; thyroxine which controls our rate of metabolism; the
sex hormones discussed in Part 1; and a whole host of hor¬
mones produced by the pituitary gland in the centre of the
head that effectively conducts the hormonal orchestra of our
Whenever you take in a stimulant such as coffee or a ciga¬
rette, or react stressfully to an event, the body produces the
adrenal hormone cortisol. This competes for receptor sites
with progesterone. So the net effect of being permanently in
a stressed or stimulated state is less active progesterone. Since
cortisol also increases the production of oestrogen, prolonged
stress can contribute to oestrogen dominance. Normally the
liver can easily deal with slight excesses of oestrogen; if, how¬
ever, a person’s diet is poor, or they have allergies, or take in
excessive toxins, the liver’s ability to detoxify and eliminate
oestrogen can be impaired.
Stress also upsets the balance of the ‘male hormone’, as
some testosterone is made by the adrenal glands in women as
well as men. A disturbance in the balance of male and female

hormones in women can lead to a lack of ovulation and the

development of excessive facial hair and other male charac¬

Stress and blood sugar control

The net result of stress, or a diet too high in sugar and refined
carbohydrates, is an inability to keep blood sugar levels stable,
known as dysglycemia. When blood sugar levels shoot up,
after sugar intake, a stimulant or a stressful reaction, the body
has to produce more insulin to get the sugar out of the blood
and into the body cells. When the blood sugar level is too low
this stimulates the adrenal hormone cortisol. This sort of dis¬
turbed hormone balance has many undesirable knock-on
effects on health, including a greater risk of PMS, polycystic
ovaries, and an under-active thyroid gland (leading to weight
gain, fatigue and sluggishness). Ninety per cent of those with
polycystic ovarian syndrome show this kind of hormone
imbalance. No doubt it also contributes to many other female
health problems.
This pattern of dysglycemia, with raised insulin and cortisol
levels is known as ‘syndrome X’ and increases the risk of
inflammatory health problems. While one might think of
arthritis, asthma and eczema as involving inflammation, so too
do atherosclerosis (disease of the arteries), diabetes and
Alzheimer’s. This may explain why post-menopausal women
(who still produce some oestrogen but no progesterone) have
a much greater risk of cardiovascular disease than pre¬
menopausal women.

Stress and weight gain

Syndrome X may also be the reason why some women expe¬
rience weight gain despite no apparent increase in calories
consumed. Dr Kate Steinbeck and colleagues at the Royal


Prince Albert Hospital in Sydney found that children who

have ‘syndrome X’ have, in later life, a greater propensity to
turn food into fat, as well as a greater risk of diabetes and heart
Hormone imbalances brought on by the wrong kind of
diet, lifestyle and exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals,
can also lead to either an androgen (masculinising hormones)
dominance or oestrogen dominance. Excessive androgen
levels are now being linked to upper body and waist weight
gain, while high oestrogen (feminising hormone) levels are
associated with lower body weight gain. For this reason,
‘apple-shaped’ people may be more likely to be androgen
dominant, a factor associated with blood sugar problems and
syndrome X, while ‘pear-shaped’ people may be more likely
to be oestrogen dominant. Either way, too much stress, sugar
and stimulants are likely to make matters worse.

The Way Back to Health

ou have probably reahsed by now that your diet, envi-

J- ronment and hfestyle are all factors that can rock the boat
of your hormonal health. If the load gets too great, the boat
tips over and hormone-related diseases may ensue. Once this
happens, ignorance is not bliss. Armed with a good under¬
standing of how to tip the odds in your favour, there is a lot
you can do to protect, maintain and improve your health.
The first step is to avoid the hormone-disrupters.

Avoiding the hormone-disrupters

Why, you may ask, don’t we just ban all these hormone-
disrupting chemicals? As Professor Louis Guillette, from the
University of Florida, says, ‘Should we change policy? Should
we be upset? I think we should be fundamentally upset. I
think we should be screaming in the streets.’ Yet, the reality,
until large-scale government action is taken, is that it isn’t easy
to eliminate all these substances because they are all around us
- in our food, water, air and household products. There are,
however, steps you can take to substantially reduce your own
and your family’s exposure.
First of all, you can buy organic produce wherever possible
and avoid using pesticides or herbicides in your own garden
or home. This immediately cuts down your exposure. It’s not

a bad idea to cut back on meat and dairy produce, or, at least,
choose organic meat when you do eat it.
Plastic is impossible and unnecessary to avoid. It is, how¬
ever, worth reducing your exposure to food in contact with
plastic, particularly if the food is hot, liquid or acidic. This is
because some soft plastics use plasticisers such as nonylphenol
or bisphenol A which do disrupt hormones and can pass into
the foods. Examples of this may include packaged TV dinners
destined for the microwave; and some tins of food or juice
cartons which are lined with plastic. Check the foods you
buy. Choose juice in glass bottles or unlined cans whenever
possible. Use cling-film sparingly, if at all. Put your sand¬
wiches in a brown bag rather than cling-film. Also, check
household and cosmetic products you buy for the following
chemicals: bisphenol-A, octoxynol, nonoxynol, noylphenol,
octylphenol and ethoxylate.
Think carefully before going on the Pill or taking HRT.
These are discussed fully in Part 4. Avoid excess sugar, stimu¬
lants and stress, as explained in the last chapter.
Some general guidelines are summarised below:

• Eat organic. This instantly minimises your exposure to pes¬

ticides and herbicides. When you are eating non-organic
produce wash it in an acidic medium, made by adding 1
tablespoon vinegar to a bowl of water. This will reduce
some, but not all, pesticides.

• Filter all drinking water. We recommend getting a water

filter installed under the sink, made from stainless steel, not
plastic or aluminium, and employing some kind of carbon-
filtration system. While not proven to remove all hormone-
disrupting chemicals, this should decrease your load. The
alternative is spring water, bottled in glass.

• Reduce your intake of fatty foods. Non-biodegradable

chemicals accumulate up the food chain in animal fat.

Minimising your intake of animal fat, (meat and dairy pro¬

duce) lessens your exposure. There is no need to limit
essential fats in nuts and seeds.

• Never heat food in plastic.* This means saying goodbye to

microwaved TV dinners. If you have to have them, transfer
the food into a glass container before heating.

• Minimise fatty foods in plastic.* Some chemicals that

keep plastics flexible easily pass out of the plastic into fatty
foods; including crisps, cheese, butter, chocolate and pies.

• Minimise liquid foods in plastic.* This not only includes

fruit juices in cardboard packs, which have a plastic inner
lining, but also some canned fruits and vegetables, which
may also have a plastic inner lining.

• Minimise exposure of food to plastic.* This means using

paper bags to put your vegetables in, as opposed to buying
everything in plastic trays, covered with cling-film.

• Switch to natural detergents. Use only ecological deter¬

gent products, for washing up, washing clothes and body
washing from companies who declare all their ingredients.
Also, rinse well after washing up.

• Don't use pesticides in your garden. Some pesticides are

hormone-disrupters. Unless you’re sure yours isn’t, it is bet¬
ter not to spray. Research is suggesting a link between
higher rates of childhood cancer and homes whose gardens
are sprayed with pesticides.

• Don't use the contraceptive pill or HRT. There are many

safer ways to avoid conception and restore hormonal health
(explained in detail in Part 4).

* Until the plastics industry either stops using all suspect chemicals, or dis¬
closes which chemicals are contained in their products, you have no way of
knowing if hormone-disrupting chemicals are present or not.

Optimum Nutrition-
The Key to Hormone

H ormones are made from the foods you eat. Eating the
right food is therefore essential for forming and balancing
your hormones. If you supply your body with second-rate
fuel then it will, over time, give you second-rate performance.
But it isn’t just what you eat that determines your health, it’s
also how well you digest it.
The digestive tract is in fact the largest endocrine gland in
the body, producing many hormones that work with the ner¬
vous system to control digestion and absorption. The diges¬
tive tract (which, if laid flat, would occupy an area the size of
a small football pitch) takes each morsel of ingested food
through three processes: the breakdown of food into simple
units - digestion; the transport of nutrients across the gut wall
into the blood - absorption; and the selective ejection of
waste — elimination.
Giving the digestive tract low-grade fuel puts undue strain
on the system; your body is geared for survival, not destruc¬
tion. The extra effort required to deal with inappropriate
foods is wasted energy and draws on your body’s reserves of
nutrients in an attempt to cope - valuable nutrients that
would be better spent balancing your energy, mood and

According to nutrition expert Dr Abram Hoffer, ‘Modem

diets are designed to appeal to the senses. Modem food bears
litde relationship to our physiological needs. Modem high
tech food processing has robbed us of the use of our senses in
determining whether a food is or is not good for us’.
It is only recendy that it has become necessary to educate
ourselves about the composition of food. Our ancestors learnt
very effectively which foods were safe to eat by trial and error.
Foods that were bland, salty or sweet were preferred, and, as
a rule, are not poisonous. These were balanced wholefoods
needed to maintain health. Today our food supplies have
been manipulated in such a way that we no longer recognise
what is and what is not a healthy food.
For example, many of us now consider that good-quality
fruit and vegetables will be uniform in shape and size and bear
no blemishes. We go into supermarkets and see rows and
rows of apples all looking the same (the average apple having
been sprayed with chemicals around 25 times). Nowhere in
nature do you fmd such uniformity, but we have grown
accustomed to it and see the rather misshapen, organically
grown alternative as unsavoury.

Detoxifying hormones
The body has to expend energy detoxifying every man-made
chemical, pollutant or inappropriate food that goes into it.
Yet every process in the body, especially detoxification,
depends on nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. The
problem with man-made chemicals, pollutants and inappro¬
priate foods is that they either do not supply any nutrients or
may require even more to detoxify them than they provide in
the first place. This leads to ever-increasing nutritional deple¬
tion and impaired detoxification potential.
Hormones have to be detoxified, as do the hormone-like
substances we inadvertently take in from pesticides, plastics

and detergent residues. If they are not, imbalances such as

oestrogen dominance, are created. Eating the wrong foods
and living in a state of stress can play havoc with the digestive
system. Sometimes, even after a long period on a good diet,
the long-term damaging effects of stress and poor diet on the
digestive tract are not entirely reversed. As nutrition consul¬
tants, we treat the digestive tract with a great deal of respect,
knowing that if it is not functioning well there is little chance
that the rest of the body will be able to perform well.

The problems of digestion

In order to deal with food, good or bad, the digestive
processes need to be in good working order. The first major
obstacle is when the food reaches the stomach. Here the body
starts to digest the complex proteins mainly found in animal
produce, nuts, seeds, pulses and grains. Conditions in the
stomach need to be very acid in order to break down the
complex proteins. Zinc is required to make the conditions in
the stomach sufficiently acid. In fact, the body has a high
demand for zinc, which is involved in over 200 reactions: it is
required at every step of the reproductive process and is used
in vast amounts when we are stressed. When the acid in the
stomach starts to work on the proteins, the minerals are freed
up, ready for absorption. A lack of acid can impair mineral
The symptoms of low acid are similar to having too much
acid, mainly indigestion and heartburn. Many women over
50 do not produce enough stomach acid and are commonly
prescribed antacids which further deplete production. Rarely
are they given any dietary advice: taking antacids and contin¬
uing to eat a high protein diet is only likely to compound the
Poor digestion leads to larger than expected particles of
food entering the bowels. The larger particles of food can act

as local irritants on the gut wall, contributing to increased

permeability, commonly called ‘leaky gut syndrome’. When
larger particles of food enter the large bowel, the home of the
microflora, the bacteria residing there feed off the unexpected
feast and create flatulence and bloating.

Leaky gut syndrome

If the gut wall becomes leakier than it should, three main
problems may arise. A healthy gut has a specific permeability
that allows for the transfer of nutrients - digested proteins, fats
and carbohydrates, and vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients
and water. Man-made chemicals, like pesticides, may also get
across a normal gut wall, as can heavy metals like lead and
cadmium, particularly if our intake of essential minerals like
calcium, magnesium and zinc is low or our consumption of
alcohol is high.

Problem 1 - Increased risk of food allergy: If larger

particles of food enter the small intestine and irritate the gut
wall, making it leakier, then they are able to cross over into
the bloodstream. The immune system sees larger particles of
food as foreign and tnggers an allergic reaction (see Chapter
16). Prolonged stress also suppresses proper immune system
function in the digestive tract.

Problem 2 - Decreased mineral absorption: Contrary to

what one may have thought, if the gut becomes more perme¬
able its ability to absorb minerals is reduced. This is because
minerals are normally picked up actively by a protein carrier
and taken across the gut wall into the blood. When the gut
wall is damaged the carrier proteins are also damaged. This,
combined with a low level of stomach acid, and high expo¬
sure to pollutants and alcohol, is especially bad news for
nutrient absorption. Alcohol can also destroy B vitamins in

the gut. On top of this, if your diet is high in wheat and soya,
two major sources of phytates in food, then the problem is
further compounded, as phytates are capable of binding with
minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc, preventing them
from being properly absorbed. Caffeine from coffee and
tannin from tea rob the body of the same minerals.

Problem 3 — Increased risk of absorbing toxins: If the gut

is of normal permeability then most toxins don’t get through.
Nature did not design the digestive tract to be permeable to
toxins, but when the gut becomes leakier than it should they
can be absorbed into the blood more readily.

The common causes, besides incompletely digested food

particles, of the gut becoming too ‘leaky’ are:

• prolonged stress
• excessive growth of candidiasis
• certain drugs, including synthetic hormones, chemo¬
therapeutic agents, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs which irritate the digestive tract
• surgery and radiotherapy
• infection, especially gut infections
• regular ingestion of alcohol
• nutritional deficiencies leading to a weakened gut wall
• inflammatory bowel disorders such as IBS or colitis
• impaired immune function

A simple unne test can identify whether your gut is of normal

permeability or not. Nutrition consultants can recommend
this test for you. In our practice we have picked up problems
with absorption time and time again, even among people
who are eating reasonably well. Some clients of ours who had
been following nutritional programmes for a year or more
had certainly got a lot better but were not always as well as
they hoped. After measuring acid production, digestive

enzyme production and gut permeability, we commonly

found either a problem with digestion, gut permeability or
both. When we treated these directly with specific agents,
their health took another quantum leap. We also found low
vitamin and mineral status, despite the fact that they were fol¬
lowing a good nutritional programme. After four to six
months on a digestive programme, not only were these levels
within a normal range, but their digestive profiles were also
normal. We have continued to have this success with hun¬
dreds of clients since.
So, if you suffer from heartburn, indigestion, flatulence,
bloating, diarrhoea or constipation or any other digestive
problems, it is well worth checking how well your digestive
processes are working, particularly if you believe that you
have been eating well and supplementing nutrients for some

Healthy digestion - the key to hormonal

We cannot emphasise enough how important the digestive
tract is in achieving hormonal balance and optimum health.
Many of the symptoms attributed to sex hormone imbalances,
such as irritability, anxiety, depression, lack of energy, joint
pains, water retention, weight gain and bloating, have their
origins in digestive problems.
Blood sugar imbalance, food allergies, candidiasis (the yeast
organism responsible for causing thrush) and stress can all give
rise to symptoms often associated with hormonal imbalances.
Unless you already know that you have a sex hormone imbal¬
ance, we recommend that you pay special attention to
Chapters 15, 16 and 17 before you assume that an imbalance
in your sex hormones is the cause of your symptoms. In so
many cases, when women address these issues, their health
problems clear up. Even those women with true sex hormone

imbalances do very much better when they take these factors

into account.
We only recommend the use of natural hormones when
there is already a diagnosed sex hormone imbalance that
would warrant this, after all dietary strategies have been fully
explored and hormone imbalances have been tested, as
described in Part 4.
The following Hormonal Health Questionnaire can help
you identify which underlying factors may be affecting your

Hormonal Health Questionnaire

For any question to which your answer is ‘yes’ highlight the
box to the right hand side.
• Do you use the contraceptive pill? C H
• In the last five years have you taken antibiotics
for one month, or longer or shorter courses
four or more times a year? C
• Do you ever experience joint pains? A C H
• Do you experience water retention? Ay
• Is it cyclical? H^
• Are your symptoms worse on damp or muggy
days or in mouldy places? C
• Do you ever suffer from headaches? A c 1
• Do they happen after eating? G
• Are they often cyclical? H.-'
• Do you have excess hair on your body or thinning
hair on your scalp? HU-'
• Have you gained weight on your upper body? G-
• Have you gained weight on your thighs and hips? H
• Do you often suffer from mood swings? A G c H

• Are they often cyclical?

• Do you suffer from fatigue or drowsiness during

the day? A G C H

• Are you slow to wake up in the morning? A G

• Do you suffer from insomnia? A G C H

• Do you easily become irritable? Ay G CS H

• Do you suffer from memory loss or poor

concentration? A G C H

• Do you suffer from depression? A c H

• Is it often cyclical? H

• Do you suffer from flatulence or bloating? A' C H

• Do you suffer from food cravings? A G C

• Do you especially crave foods premenstrually? H

• Are you addicted to sweet foods? G C

• Do you experience excessive thirst? A G"

• Do you become irritable without food? Ay Gy' C

• Have you at any time been bothered with

problems affecting your reproductive organs? c H

• Do you have trouble conceiving or a history of

miscarriage? H

• Do you suffer from breast tenderness? H

• Do you experience cramps or other menstrual

irregularities? C H

• Are your periods often irregular or heavy? H

• Do you suffer from lumpy breasts? H

• Do you suffer from reduced libido? A G C H

• Do you often suffer from thrush? c H

• Do you have any known allergies? A


• Does exposure to perfumes, odours or chemicals

affect you? c
• Do you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome? A c
• Do you suffer from constipation? A IT
• Do you have athlete's foot, anal irritation or any
other chronic fungal infections of the skin or nails? 1 eh
Count up the number of highlighted A's, G's, C's A G C H
and H's _JU_1^_ /

A for Allergies
0—5 It is unlikely that you have a major problem with aller¬
gies, unless you are already avoiding the substances to which
you might be allergic.

6—10 There is a good chance that allergy may be contribut¬

ing to your current health problems. Read Chapter 16 care¬
fully, and consider avoiding wheat and dairy produce for a
trial period of 14 days and seeking guidance from a nutrition
consultant (see Useful Addresses).

10 or more There is a strong probability that allergy is

contributing to your health problems. Read Chapter 16 care¬
fully, avoid wheat and dairy produce for a trial period of 14
days, and see a nutrition consultant (see Useful Addresses).

G for Glucose Imbalance

0-4 It is unlikely that you have a pronounced glucose

5-7 There is a possibility that glucose imbalance may be

contributing to your health problems. Read Chapter 15 care¬
fully, avoid all sugar and stimulants for a trial period of 30
days, and consider seeking guidance from a nutrition consul¬
tant (see Useful Addresses). Also, make sure your supplement
programme provides at least 50mg ofBl, B2, B5 (pantothemc

acid) and B6, lOOOmg of vitamin C, lOOmcg chromium,

600mg calcium and 400mg magnesium.

8 or more There is a strong probability that glucose imbal¬

ance is contributing to your health problems. Read Chapter
15 carefully, avoid all sugar and stimulants for a trial period of
30 days, and see a nutrition consultant (see Useful Addresses).
Also, make sure your supplement programme provides at least
50mg of Bl, B2, B5 (pantothenic acid) and B6, lOOOmg of
vitamin C, lOOmcg chromium, 600mg calcium and 400mg

C for Candida
0-5 It is unlikely that you have candidiasis.
6—14 There is a possibility that you have candidiasis. Read
Chapter 17 carefully. If it rings bells you should seek the guid¬
ance of a nutrition consultant (see Useful Addresses) who can
test whether or not you do have candidiasis and, if so, advise
you on what to do about it.

15 or more There is a strong probability you have can¬

didiasis. Read Chapter 17 carefully. The only way to confirm
candidiasis is by having a test. We recommend you do this by
seeing a nutrition consultant (see Useful Addresses).

H for Hormone Imbalance

0-5 It is unlikely that you have a major hormonal imbal¬

6-14 There is a possibility that you have a degree of hor¬

monal imbalance. You should benefit greatly from applying
the advice given throughout this book and by supplementing
the ‘correction’ levels of nutrients given in Chapter 25.

15 or more There is a strong probability that you have a

hormonal imbalance. You should benefit greatly from

applying the advice given throughout this book and by sup¬

plementing the ‘correction’ levels of nutrients given in
Chapter 25. We also recommend that you seek the guidance
of a nutrition consultant (see Useful Addresses) who can
advise you about the need to test for hormone imbalances
and, if there is an imbalance, whether you need to correct it
with natural hormone supplements. Natural hormones are
only available on prescription. Your nutrition consultant can
liaise with your GP or advise a doctor experienced in the use
of natural progesterone.

Chapters 8 to 17 deal with specific hormone-related health

problems and include advice on which vitamins and minerals
to take. In each case, you can find the appropriate ‘mainte¬
nance’ or ‘correction’ dosage in the chart in Chapter 25.

Beating PMS with Diet

O nly in the last two decades has PMS become recognised

as a genuine health problem. The symptoms begin during
the two weeks prior to a period and usually end an hour to
a few days after menstruation starts. Somewhere around half
of all menstruating women suffer from PMS, 10 per cent
severely. The specific combination of symptoms is very
individual, but common ones include anxiety, irritability,
fluid retention, mood swings, bloating, breast tenderness,
weight gain, acne, fatigue, sweet cravings and forgetfulness.

Different types of pms

There are several types of PMS that have different symptoms
but they often overlap.

PMS Associated with High Oestrogen and Low

Progesterone Levels
This is the category that 75 per cent of PMS sufferers are said
to fall into. A simple saliva test can help identify whether you
are oestrogen dominant. If you are, you should follow all the
recommendations in this book for reducing oestrogen levels,
including increasing your intake of fibre, ensuring a good
intake of phytosterols and B vitamins, eating organically

grown produce, limiting exposure to xenoestrogens and

reducing consumption of high-fat meat and dairy produce. In
a clinical trial, taking B6 in the range of 200—800mg reduced
blood oestrogen, increased progesterone and reduced symp¬
According to Dr John Lee, ‘A surplus of oestrogen or a
deficiency of progesterone during the two weeks before a
period allows an abnormal month-long exposure to oestrogen
dominance, setting the stage for the symptoms of oestrogens
side effects,’ described on page 139. Too much oestrogen also
increases copper levels; high copper can deplete the body of
zinc, and both high copper and low zinc are associated with
Dr John Lee also states that a low thyroid function may
simulate the symptoms of PMS. Thyroid hormone activity
can be impaired by too much oestrogen. Your doctor or
nutritionist can recommend and interpret a thyroid function
test for you to measure thyroid hormones. For a full screen of
thyroid hormones it is advisable to measure T3, T4, TSH and
thyroid antibodies.

PMS Associated with Food Cravings

This type of PMS affects about 30 per cent of sufferers. Such
women can tolerate increased amounts of carbohydrate foods
before symptoms become apparent. They usually have a low
level of magnesium in their red blood cells and essential
polyunsaturated oils are often deficient. Supplementing mag¬
nesium reduces cravings and other symptoms too. Too much
refined sugar causes a loss of magnesium and chromium in the
urine; supplementing chromium helps control blood glucose
levels. Reducing overall carbohydrate intake, particularly
refined carbohydrates, is desirable. And including protein
with each meal helps to modify the effects of carbohydrates
on blood glucose levels. This means eating fish, chicken, nuts,

seeds, yoghurt, cheese or pulses with each intake of food.

Rice cakes with nut butter would be a good snack.
One of the most potent determinants of appetite is the
presence of nutrients in the blood. High-calorie, low-nutrient
diets, high in biscuits, cakes and confectionery, may give rise
to cravings because the brain never receives the message that
the body is nutritionally satisfied despite more than adequate
calorific intake. Eating nutritious wholefoods, dense in nutri¬
ents, should help control cravings.

PMS Associated with Water Retention

This type of PMS affects between 65 and 75 per cent of suf¬
ferers. B6, magnesium and vitamin E have been shown to be
helpful. Reducing sodium (salt) intake is also beneficial.
Excess sodium increases the likelihood of developing water
retention. Many women are prescribed diuretics to help
remove the retained water. Diuretics are effective; however,
they can deplete the body of potassium and they do not tackle
the root cause of the problem.

PMS Associated with High Progesterone Levels

A small percentage of sufferers have higher progesterone
levels than normal in the second half of the cycle. They are
prone to depression. Vitamin B6, C and magnesium may

Factors contributing to pms

Too Much Stress

Stress is central to the PMS picture. Continued adrenal
stimulation often results in nervous tension and anxiety, as
described in Chapter 15. Stress depresses the neurotrans-

mitter dopamine involved in mood which may lead to

depression. Dopamine is a diuretic, so a deficiency may
lead to sodium and water retention. Stress can also raise
oestrogen levels.

Low Essential Fats

A good intake of essential fats is vital in controlling the symp¬
toms of PMS. It appears that women with PMS are low in
these. Eating too much saturated fat inhibits the production of
an important prostaglandin called PgEl (derived from essen¬
tial fats). Low levels of PgEl may lead to excessive release of
insulin after sugar intake, which decreases blood sugar levels,
leading to fatigue and irritability.
A deficiency of essential fats, either from a low intake, poor
absorption or impaired conversion to GLA (the essential fat
found in abundance in evening primrose, borage or starflower
oil), may lead to an apparent excess of the female hormone
prolactin, which is involved in mood and water balance.
Low production of PgEl may contribute to heavy periods.
Eating too much saturated fat also promotes the production of
less desirable prostaglandins called PgE2 which are involved
in inflammatory and clotting mechanisms in the body. (See
page 96 which describes more fully dealing with heavy
Headaches associated with PMS may be partly due to the
effect of PgE2 which brings about the clumping of cells
(clumping of platelet cells is associated with headaches and
migraines). Taking niacin, as described on page 74, when you
feel a headache coming on, may help to relieve this symptom.
Glucose imbalance, allergies and candidiasis may all give rise
to headaches. Check out the relevant chapters and follow the
guidelines as appropriate.
A deficiency of the nutrients involved in converting the
essential fats into PgEl may also contribute to the above

symptoms. These nutrients include vitamin B6, B3, biotin

and C, and the minerals magnesium, zinc and calcium.

Low Magnesium Levels

Low magnesium is associated with poor appetite, nausea, apa¬
thy, tiredness, mood changes and muscle cramps. Magnesium
is needed at the very first stage of the process in which glucose
is converted into energy. Most PMS sufferers have reduced
energy levels, and many are deficient in magnesium from
nuts, seeds and dark green leafy vegetables. In one study
involving 105 women with PMS, 45 per cent had low mag¬
nesium levels. PMS often starts after childbirth. Magnesium
requirements increase during pregnancy and the growing
baby will scavenge what is available, possibly leaving the
mother deficient. Low magnesium levels may decrease
dopamine levels, contributing to depression; they are also
associated with an increase in the hormone aldosterone which
can lead to water retention and excess weight gain.

Low B Vitamins
B vitamins are important for the production of energy and
stabilising mood. Low levels of vitamin B1 are associated with
a lack of energy, and with anxiety, depression, aggressiveness
and poor memory. Vitamin B3 is essential for energy produc¬
tion and sugar balance in the body. Vitamin B5 plays a key
role in the production of energy and in keeping the adrenal
glands functioning well. Vitamin B6 needs vitamin B2 and
the mineral magnesium to work properly. B6 is needed for
the production of insulin, so is vital for glucose balance. A
low level of vitamin B6 is associated with an excess of oestro¬
gen in relation to progesterone. Vitamin B6 was shown to
double the amount of magnesium in red blood cells after
lOOmg of B6 was given twice a day for four weeks. Vitamin

B6 is also needed for choline to function, and choline is

needed to clear oestrogens from the hver. A complex of B
vitamins have been used successfully in PMS, suggesting that
syndromes related to oestrogen excess are partly caused by the
hver fading to inactivate oestrogen because of a deficiency of
B vitamins.

Too Much Alcohol

Alcohol intake can contribute to the symptoms of PMS by
upsetting glucose balance, and by inhibiting the absorption
and/or use of essential nutrients like magnesium, zinc and
some B vitamins.

PMS is a complex syndrome and the approach to its manage¬

ment has to be multifaceted. If simple measures fad to bring
relief, working with a nutritionist is the best policy. Follow
the Diet for the Good Life (Chapter 23) as a starting point,
then the advice in Beating the Sugar Blues (Chapter 15), The
Allergy Connection (Chapter 16) and Conquering Candida
(Chapter 17). Supplementing a basic level of nutrients plus
essential ods should be part of the initial programme.

Fertility Rights and


I nfertility has been recorded since ancient times — the Bible

makes references to the ‘barren’ woman. Throughout his¬
tory, infertility has somehow been seen as a punishment and
the barren woman has often been portrayed as bitter and
somehow responsible for her own condition. It is only rela¬
tively recently that we have realised that up to 40 per cent of
infertility problems relate to the man and around 80 per cent
of birth defects are the result of damaged sperm. Around one
in four couples have fertility problems. Even for those who
don’t, it is not uncommon for successful conception to take
between six and 18 months.

The causes of infertility

In women, blocked fallopian tubes are a common cause of
infertility, most frequently arising after abdominal surgery
because of scarring and adhesions. Gynaecological problems,
such as pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and infec¬
tions, can also contribute to blocked fallopian tubes and infer¬
tility. Infections can contribute to this problem. Excess acidity
of the cervical mucus is also associated with infertility, as it
creates an environment that is hostile to sperm from the
moment they enter the vagina. Improving your diet, with
particular emphasis on increasing your intake of alkaline-

forming foods (see Chapter 23), helps normalise excess acid¬

ity in the body.
Being underweight is associated with difficulty in becom-
ing pregnant, with absence of periods or anovulatory cycles
being a major cause of infertility. In earlier centuries, when a
woman was producing offspring in times of fluctuating food
supplies, it was important for her to carry on her body all the
energy required - stored as fat - to complete the growth of
the developing baby, even if food supplies ran short. To
maintain regular periods and fertility, it appears that about 22
per cent body fat is required. Loss of periods is not uncom¬
mon in young women athletes who have a hard training
schedule. If trying to conceive it would be sensible to change
to a less demanding regime. Similarly, women with anorexia
nervosa often have no periods.
New research is also indicating that those women who do
not regularly ovulate and are also overweight are as much, if
not more, at risk of infertility as underweight women.
Maintaining an ideal body weight should increase the chances
of becoming pregnant.

Infertility programmes
In the twentieth century, we have discovered ingenious ways
of helping infertile couples have babies. The technique of in
vitro fertilisation (IVF) has already transformed the lives of
many childless couples. This is the technique whereby an
ovum is fertilised by a sperm outside the body and then
replaced in the womb. IVF pregnancies are usually supported
by heavy doses of synthetic hormones.
However, before embarking on complicated, potentially
toxic, hormonal programmes to increase fertility, you should
give your body the best chance to conceive naturally, partic¬
ularly when you have no known, specific condition that is
affecting your fertility. Even if you do have such a condition.

good nutrition should help support the success of an artifi¬

cially engineered pregnancy. If you are being advised to go on
a hormonal programme due to your partner’s low sperm
count, encourage your partner to seek a nutritionist to iden¬
tify nutritional deficiencies and to embark on an optimum
nutrition programme. Ideally, a preconceptual care pro¬
gramme would be for a minimum of three months, preferably
six, for both partners. The long-term health of babies bom
under the influence of high-level synthetic hormones has yet
to be fully researched. A nutritionist can work with you to
optimise your diet and help identify, through testing, any
nutritional imbalances or other factors that may be affecting
your ability to conceive. Several ION-trained nutritionists
specialise in preconceptual care and can be contacted through
Foresight, an organisation committed to helping couples
increase their chances of conception and having a healthy
baby (see Useful Addresses).

Fertility wrongs
As part of an overall programme to maximise your chances of
conception — good nutrition and little stress — there are also
several factors to avoid. Many are described in detail in the
next chapter, such as not conceiving if you have recently had
an infection or have candidiasis (see also Chapter 17), weight
loss and others. Obvious substances to avoid are alcohol, cig¬
arettes and non-prescription drugs. It is also wise to avoid
supplementing more than 7500iu of vitamin A daily in the
form of retinol (beta-carotene is not known to be toxic), as it
is associated with foetal abnormalities.

Synthetic hormones
Many women have spent years on the Pill, a method of con¬
traception that works by preventing ovulation. One in every

200 women’s periods will cease after stopping the Pill, but
fertility will return in most cases within two years.
As part of an infertility programme, many women are
treated with drugs to stimulate ovulation, even when they are
shown to be ovulating spontaneously. These are often the same
women who have previously taken the Pill. What is often not
considered as part of most infertility treatments is that natural
hormone production and hormone receptor sites within the
cells need a good supply of zinc and magnesium to work effec¬
tively, and these vital minerals are both depleted by the Pill.
The use of synthetic hormones before and during preg¬
nancy, and through lactation, exposes a baby at its most
critical stages of development. This is the time when sex,
intelligence and future health are being determined. It is
known that hormones taken by the mother in early preg¬
nancy can cause cancer and genital abnormalities in her chil¬
dren.' The results of a study involving 5700 pregnancies
showed a remarkably low incidence of congenital abnormali¬
ties in children bom to women who had never taken the Pill,
compared to women who had regularly taken it.2
Depo-provera and Noristerat are injectable progestogens
(synthetic forms of progesterone). Provera carries the warning
that its use in early pregnancy may increase the risk of early
abortion or congenital deformities of the foetus. In order to
give the body a chance to restore its natural hormone balance,
women are generally advised to wait at least three months
before attempting to get pregnant once they have stopped
using the contraceptive pill. We recommend that you wait at
least six months to allow the synthetic hormones to be fully
eliminated from the body.

Natural family planning

Pregnancy will occur only if a viable sperm meets an egg. The
egg only survives for up to 24 hours after release, whereas the

sperm can survive for three to six days. It is therefore impor¬

tant to capture this period of time to maximise the chances of
conception. Given that many cycles do not fit into the classic
28 days, it can be difficult to know when you have ovulated.
However, there is a simple method that can help you identify
this, and there are natural family planning teachers available to
help you understand what you need to do (see Useful
Addresses). Essentially, the method involves three steps:

• Checking cervical mucus: With increasing oestrogen levels,

the cervical mucus changes at ovulation from being cloudy,
thick and sticky to a more watery, clear and slippery fluid.
It also becomes alkaline, which sperm like.

• Checking the cervix: Changes occur in the cervix in syn-

' chrony with the changes in the cervical mucus. When the
egg is about to be fertilised, the mouth of the cervix opens,
to enable the sperm to meet the egg. Otherwise the mouth
of the cervix remains closed. These changes can be felt.

• Checking the temperature: The rise of progesterone just

after ovulation increases body temperature by at least 0.2
degrees centigrade. This is a simple test that many women
use to identify whether they have ovulated. In an average
four-week cycle, ovulation usually takes place on day 14.
By taking your temperature each day and recording it on a
graph, you can easily tell when you have ovulated because
your temperature will rise by at least 0.2 degrees centigrade.
For those with longer, shorter or irregular cycles, the graph
is a useful means of identifying when ovulation has

The success of this natural method depends on the motiva¬

tion of the woman wishing to become pregnant and how
well she has been taught. Some women do find it difficult
to identify the different states of the cervical mucus,
although one researcher found that 97 per cent of women

could do so,1 and others find the process of self-examination

Ovulation predictor kits, which are also useful, are now
available in large chemists. Both the natural method and pre¬
dictor kits can be used to avoid pregnancy, as well as to
enhance the chances of becoming pregnant.

The following chapter explains more fully how to use a nat¬

ural approach to maximise your chances of conceiving, main¬
taining a healthy pregnancy, and having a healthy baby.

Making Healthy Babies

hat a parent eats before and, in the case of the mother.

V V during, pregnancy is very significant for the health of a
baby. All nutrients are essential for fertility, and, by definition,
all are needed for proper development. Yet, even so-called
well-balanced diets fall short of recommended intakes of spe¬
cific nutrients. Whatever foods are chosen, the body will do
its utmost to perform optimally — that is the way it is designed.
Yet it is virtually impossible to achieve optimum nutrition from
low-quality foods. So there is no more important time to aim
for the best nutrition than when preparing for a pregnancy.
According to Professor Michael Crawford, Professor of
Nutrition and Biochemistry at Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital for
Children, nutrition not only determines individual health,
but has shaped the development of our species. In his co¬
authored book The Driving Force he describes nutrition as the
factor that has driven the evolutionary process. He reasons
that humans developed into such a highly complex species
because part of our evolution was at the seashore. The human
brain and nervous system are composed primarily of polyun¬
saturated oil (unlike most animals who contain largely saturated
fats). Polyunsaturated oils are liquid, which allows very rapid
nerve transmissions that enable humans to perform very
complex tasks. The sea is a rich source of polyunsaturated oils
from its vegetation and fish.

The fats of life

The human heart and blood vessels are also rich in polyunsat¬
urated oils. Both the nervous system and cardiovascular sys¬
tems form very early in embryonic life, the first three months
of pregnancy. They are both primitive systems from which
we have evolved. Many of the degenerative diseases we see
today attack the nerves and blood vessels. Polyunsaturated oils
have widespread effects in the body, including helping to reg¬
ulate immunity and hormones. Polyunsaturated oils are vital
for healthy sperm, and the control of the female reproductive
Ensuring a sufficient intake of polyunsaturated oil in a form
that is healthy for the body is crucial for human development.
Good sources are fresh nuts and seeds and their oils, whole¬
grains and fish. Polyunsaturated oils are very delicate and need
to be handled with care; they are easily damaged when
heated, making them harmful to the body. Nuts and seeds are
best eaten raw and oils are best used for salad dressings, in fruit
shakes or vegetable juices, and instead of butter on jacket
potatoes. Special oils, called Omega 3 oils, found in flax seed
(linseed), walnut and soya oils and fish, have been researched
and shown to have beneficial effects on reproduction. Omega
3 oils are deficient in the average British diet. Dr Udo
Erasmus, author of Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, has
researched this area very thoroughly. Based on his research,
he has designed a unique blend of beneficial polyunsaturated
oils for human health, called Udo’s Oil, which is now avail¬
able in Britain from Savant (see Useful Addresses).


The importance of this cannot be overstated. In the modem
world we are exposed to a plethora of previously unknown
harmful agents from our environment and our food, the

effects of which are only just beginning to be realised. With

knowledge, however, we can choose to avoid some of these,
and eat healthy, wholesome food. Boosting the body’s resis¬
tance to the environment is a strong and positive way of
increasing the chances of having a healthy baby who can
mature into a healthy adult.
The most serious threats to a potential new life arise during
the development of the egg and sperm, and then during the
first three months of development in the womb. Sperm take
about four months to mature and the egg about one month.
So prospective fathers need to be health-conscious for at least
four months before conception. For women, the most critical
time is one month before conception, and the first three
months of pregnancy, when the differentiation of organs and
✓ hmbs is determined.

Smoking and Alcohol

Many pregnancies are unplanned; many others happen under
the influence of alcohol, medications and nicotine. According
to the detailed research of Arthur and Margaret Wynne, pub¬
lished in their book, The Case for Preconception Care of Men and
Women, alcohol and nicotine are likely to have their most dam¬
aging effects at the time of conception and immediately fol¬
lowing conception. Whilst most of their evidence is based on
animal research, they propose that humans are likely to respond
similarly. Many women only make the decision to avoid alco¬
hol and smoking once they know they are pregnant, which is
usually around six to eight weeks after conception.
Around one in four pregnancies are estimated to end in a
miscarriage and the real figure is likely to be higher, as many
miscarriages go unreported. Some experts believe that miscar¬
riage is a sensitive indicator that the parents are exposed to
environmental hazards. One study found that the mother
drinking alcohol daily, even in moderation, increased the risk

of miscarriage4. There is no safe limit for smoking or alcohol

during pregnancy. The most dangerous time is soon after
conception when the cells are rapidly dividing. The worst-
case scenario of alcohol in pregnancy is a baby born with
foetal alcohol syndrome which is recognised by low birth
weight, mild facial deformities and a high predisposition
towards ear infections, squints, congenital hip deformities,
fused digits and deafness.

Nutritional and Other Factors

Deficiencies of essential polyunsaturated oils, zinc, manganese
and vitamin E are associated with recurrent miscarriages. Other
causes of miscarriage include diabetes and thyroid problems.
Caffeine has also been shown to adversely affect reproduc¬
tion in men and women.

Infections such as cytomegalovirus, chlamydia and herpes can
all cause miscarriages.
We recommend that you avoid conceiving at a point when
you know that you have an infection or have recently been
exposed to an infection. Infections from a variety of sources,
including rubella, mumps, chicken pox, cytomegalovirus, lyste-
ria and toxoplasmosis, have all been associated with fertility
problems and/or the baby being bom with abnormalities.
Candida albicans is a yeast organism which commonly becomes
fungal in nature (see Chapter 17). We recommend a full screen
for genito-urinary infections before you start trying to conceive.

It goes without saying that having a desire for sex will increase
the chances of pregnancy. Reduced libido affects both men

and women and can be worsened by a variety of factors,

including psychological, hormonal, disease, surgery, stress,
drugs, alcohol and high exposure to heavy metals. The
physiological and hormonal changes that accompany stress
and depression may contribute to low sexual interest by
affecting the central nervous system and creating a reduction
in testosterone, which is required for sexual desire. Several
studies show a significant and consistent depression of blood
testosterone levels in men under stress. Studies are also being
undertaken to evaluate the effects of smoking on testosterone
levels. One study showed reduced glucose tolerance in a
group of men who had become impotent, having previously
had normal sexual functioning.

Health of Sperm
The average sperm count has dropped by 50 per cent in the
last 50 years. Low sperm counts are associated with exposure
to hormone-disrupting chemicals, testosterone deficiency and
a poor diet. The head of the sperm is rich in the amino acid
arginine and the mineral zinc. Supplementing both zinc and
arginine has been shown to raise sperm count in infertile men.
Zinc and magnesium deficiency are associated with abnormal
sperm shape and motility. Zinc is needed at every stage of the
reproductive process in both men and women. In the devel¬
oping foetus, zinc is required to help trigger the gene that dif¬
ferentiates cells into the ‘right’ cells, such as skin, brain or
nerve cells. The average man takes in 7.6mg of zinc a day, and
up to 3mg can be lost per ejaculation. Infertile men tend to
have low zinc levels; and men given a zinc-deficient diet
show decreased sperm counts and testosterone levels.
In one study, 37 men with a history of infertility for seven
years or more were given the equivalent of 36mg of zinc.
Results showed that those with normal testosterone levels had
no significant changes in sperm count, but 22 of the men who

had low testosterone levels to start with, had increased sperm

counts and testosterone after zinc supplementation. Nine men
later went on to father a child.
Both high and low levels of the mineral selenium are likely
to be problematic. Too little is associated with a low sperm
count, abnormally shaped sperm and non-viable sperm. In
animal studies a lack of selenium induced damaged sperm.
Too much selenium can be toxic. Vitamin A, also, is needed
for normal sperm shape. One group of researchers found that
when 87 men were given 50,000iu of retinol (a form of vita¬
min A) a day, over half of them had increased sperm counts
and healthier sperm.5 Ideal intake is around 10,000iu. When
vitamin B12 was given to two infertile men over a period of
seven months their sperm count increased from three to 32
million per millilitre, and the mobility and health of their
sperm greatly improved.
Sometimes normal sperm count and sperm function may
not be enough for fertilisation. Fifteen male volunteers who
had low fertilisation rates in attempts at in vitro fertilisation
(IVF) were given 300iu of vitamin E per day.6 The success
rate increased from 10 to 29 per cent within one month of
treatment. The researchers suggest that the antioxidant activ¬
ity of vitamin E may enhance sperm’s fertilisation potential.
Although nutrient deficiencies are linked to reduced sperm
counts, the most potent factor is the toxic chemicals that end
up in our water supplies as end products of the chemical and
plastics industries. As described in Part 2, these chemicals and
pesticides have the ability to mimic oestrogen in the body.
Oestrogen is a female hormone, of which men have just a
little in their bodies naturally. This excessive exposure to
oestrogen has been shown to bring about reproductive
changes in fish. For this reason, although fish are a rich source
of polyunsaturated oils, we recommend that fish are avoided
at this critical time due to their high toxic exposure. Rely
instead on flax seed, walnut and soya oil for the Omega 3 oils

or a guaranteed PCB-free supplement of eicosapentaenoic

acid (EPA). Bags of crisps and similarly packaged fatty foods
are also best avoided because fatty foods can absorb oestro¬
genic-like chemicals from the plastic packaging. You can
greatly reduce your exposure to environmental oestrogens by
eating organic food and avoiding fatty foods packaged or
stored in plastic. Many foods, including soya, wheat, citrus,
fennel and alfalfa, contain natural oestrogen-like substances
which are thought to be beneficial.

Health of Eggs
Adequate protein intake is an absolute must for egg produc¬
tion. Animal studies show that insufficient protein results in a
„ reduced number of eggs, and if conception occurs it is associ¬
ated with a high number of embryonic deaths. Around 60g of
protein a day is recommended for conception by Margaret
and Arthur Wynne. Vegetable protein is a good source and
far less hazardous than animal protein. Animal proteins, when
cooked at temperatures above 150 degrees centigrade, can
damage the genetic material of the egg. These temperatures
are often exceeded in cooking, especially frying. The nitroso
compounds used to preserve ham, bacon, preserved meats,
some cheeses and smoked products are also capable of damag¬
ing the genetic material of the egg in animal studies.
B vitamins are crucial for fertility and the early develop¬
ment of the embryo. Animal studies have shown that a lack of
vitamin B1 can inhibit the release of the egg, impede the
implantation of the egg in the womb and bring about malfor¬
mations.7 Both vitamin B2 and B6 deficiency are associated
with sterility in animal studies. Vitamin B12 and folic acid
deficiency slows down the production of DNA, the blueprint
of our genetic material, and RNA, the messenger that tran¬
scribes the genetic code used to carry out the cell’s instruc¬
tion. B12 and folic acid deficiency have been shown to

damage chromosomes, the individual sections making up the

genetic codes. Folic acid deficiency is now unequivocally
linked to neural tube defects in humans.
B vitamins are vital for hormonal control. When they are
deficient the endocrine system recognises the inadequacy and
shuts down the reproductive process. This is considered to be
an evolutionary design to protect against abnormalities.
However, sub-optimum nutrition does not necessarily close
down the reproductive processes and may increase the
chances of a less than healthy pregnancy continuing.
Zinc, magnesium and vitamin A are vital for egg produc¬
tion, and zinc is vital for the growth and development of the
embryo. As many as 97 per cent of couples referred for pre-
conceptual care show evidence of zinc deficiency. Heavy
metals like lead and cadmium impair zinc use and can inter¬
fere with the development of the baby’s nervous system.

It is most important for the mother to keep healthy during
pregnancy. The hormone progesterone — a ‘quietening’ hor¬
mone — is produced in very large amounts during this time.
We are led to believe that pregnant women should be bor¬
dering on the bionic: coping with the stresses of pregnancy,
work and a family. But it is natural to slow down and feel
tired, particularly during the first few months. This may be
nature’s way of ensuring the survival of the young embryo.
Sometimes insufficient progesterone is produced to main¬
tain pregnancy, a known cause of early miscarriage. This can
be linked to stress, so resting in this early stage of pregnancy,
particularly if you have had a history of early miscarriage, is
essential. If you have a miscarriage, we recommend that you
have your saliva hormone levels tested by a nutritionist for
oestrogen and progesterone on day 21 of a normal 28-day
cycle. Supplementing a natural source of progesterone under

the guidance of your medical practitioner, as described in Part

4, is worth considering if progesterone production is found to
be low. A nutritionist would be able to work with you and
recommend appropriate tests.
A good wholefood diet appears to ease the minor ailments
associated with pregnancy. Drink at least 600ml (1 pint)
good-quality water daily, alongside a diet high in fruit and
vegetables, to help combat urine infections which are more
easily contracted during pregnancy. If you have (or suspect
you have) any allergies to food, then pregnancy is a good time
to identify them. There is accumulating data to show that
avoiding food allergens in pregnancy and during breastfeeding
can help prevent the baby developing these allergies too.
Common food allergens are to wheat and dairy produce.
Eating a wide and diverse diet on a daily basis maximises
potential for optimal nutrient intake from food. Ensure that
you have a range of grains in your diet, including rye, oats,
barley, rice, com, millet, buckwheat and quinoa. Most good
healthfood stores stock a variety of products using these
grains, including flakes which make good muesli, flours for
baking and pastas. Reduce dairy produce; nuts, seeds and
green leafy vegetables supply excellent levels of calcium and
magnesium (whereas dairy produce is only rich in calcium)
and both are needed. Selecting from beans, lentils, nuts, seeds,
wholegrains, a little fish if desired, chicken and free-range
eggs on a daily basis at each meal will ensure that you receive
enough protein.
A study involving 5000 Hungarian women taking a multi¬
vitamin and mineral containing 800mcg of folic acid, com¬
pared to a control group, showed fewer per cent congenital
malformations in the supplemented group.8 Studies also show
that most women are not consuming the recommended
intakes for specific vitamins and minerals. Food intake in
pregnancy increases by 15-20 per cent. The requirements for
fohc acid, vitamin B, C, calcium, zinc and magnesium

increase by 30—100 per cent. It is important that a mother

chooses foods that are rich in nutrients, and not simply high
in calories. Even the best of diets does not provide the correct
levels of all the nutrients needed for pregnancy. Folic acid has
now been confirmed as essential in preventing spina bifida. It
is therefore wise to take a specially prepared pregnancy for¬
mula that has been designed to meet both the needs of the
mother and her developing baby. Key nutrients to supple¬
ment during pregnancy are vitamin B12 and B6, folic acid,
zinc and iron.
However, care must be taken with supplements: we rec¬
ommend that you seek expert help to formulate your individ¬
ual supplementary needs preconceptually and during
pregnancy. The specially formulated supplements you find in
healthfood stores, including the Pregnancy Pack by Health
Plus (also available by mail order) and Foresight Pack, are
worth taking throughout pregnancy. (See Useful Addresses
for suppliers’ details.)

Recommended Safe Supplement Intake for Pregnancy

Supplement Quantity Supplier

Pregnancy Pack 1 sachet a day Health Plus

Calcium and magnesium 3 a day Solgar
Udo's Oil 2 tablespoons a day Savant
with food
or Essential Balance 2 tablespoons a day Higher Nature

Managing common ailments of pregnancy

Morning Sickness
In our experience, morning sickness is relieved by changing
to the Diet for the Good Life (see Chapter 23). Dealing

with stress and food cravings, and following a diet to bal¬

ance blood glucose levels, helps many women. Morning
sickness usually stops around the twelfth or fourteenth week
of pregnancy. If it persists beyond this, you should seek
medical advice. Morning sickness has been shown to
respond well to 50mg of vitamin B6 twice a day, and
200—500mg of magnesium once a day, plus sufficient B12
and folic acid.

Low zinc levels are associated with the abnormal cravings a
woman often experiences in early pregnancy. In addition,
replenishing low iron levels in the body has been successfully
used to control the abnormal cravings that some women
experience for strange, and sometimes harmful, substances,
such as chalk or coal.

Constipation and Varicose Veins

These often occur together and are common in pregnancy
due to changes in hormone levels, which make the muscles
more relaxed. A good wholefood diet, containing plenty of
fibre, is beneficial. Some women who develop varicose veins
have been shown to be low in vitamin B6.

Studies have shown that women who took a daily lOmg sup¬
plement of vitamin B6 had a significantly lower incidence of
pre-eclampsia (toxaemia of pregnancy), than those who did
not.9 Pre-eclampsia is recognised by water retention, weight
gain, increasing blood pressure, and the appearance of protein
in the urine. Low levels of zinc have also been found in
women with pre-eclampsia.

Blood Pressure
Raised blood pressure commonly occurs in pregnancy and
an optimum diet should help to control it. Evening primrose
oil and calcium have both been successfully used to reduce

Many antacids commonly taken for heartburn contain
aluminium which some evidence has shown to be toxic. A
quarter of a teaspoonful of sodium bicarbonate dissolved in
water and taken between meals can bring relief, but a change
of diet is a priority. Eating five times a day - three small meals
and two snacks, including plenty of wholefoods and fruits and
vegetables — should help alleviate heartburn.

Stock up on complex carbohydrates during the last two weeks
of pregnancy. This means eating plenty of wholegrains and
vegetables. Complex carbohydrates are the main energy
source for the body. It is still the practice in some hospitals to
starve women in labour just in case there is a need for an
anaesthetic. However, in terms of energy requirements,
labour can be compared to a marathon run. After all the good
work you have done to create a healthy baby, the last thing
you want is to run out of energy, have a prolonged labour
that may result in a caesarean section, deprive yourself of a
natural birth and increase your baby’s risks of birth-related
trauma. If your hospital allows you to eat and drink, we
recommend that you drink diluted grape juice, a very healthy
and readily available source of fruit sugar that should help
keep up your energy levels. Tea containing stimulants may
not give you stable energy levels.

Having put all your effort into achieving a healthy baby, you
now have an 18-year commitment to helping this new life
achieve optimum health. This means continuing your healthy
diet and lifestyle in the long term. The father’s responsibility
does not stop the moment he knows his partner is pregnant.
Raising a healthy family is a full-time, on-going commit¬
The wisest thing any unborn child can do is to choose
parents who took their health seriously before conception! In
this way, the human species can look forward to optimum
health, based on knowledge and responsibility, in the genera¬
tions to come.

Secrets fora
Trouble-free Menopause

he menopause should occur gradually, allowing the body

-L to adapt to the changes with ease. For many women, it
is not the fear of osteoporosis, breast cancer or heart disease
that most concerns them but how to cope with the debilitat¬
ing symptoms that affect their daily Eves - hot flushes, vagi¬
nal dryness, joint pains, insomnia, headaches and depression.
The usual remedy prescribed by doctors is HRT. Rarely are
women educated about how they can help themselves to
cope with the menopause naturally, so let’s take a look at a
natural approach to some of the most problematic

Hot Flushes
Three-quarters of all British menopausal women, particularly
those who are thin, experience some hot flushes. These are
not directly a sign of oestrogen deficiency, but a result of
increased activity of the hypothalamus gland in the brain to
bring about the production of follicle stimulating hormone
(FSH) and luteimsing hormone (LH). Extra-high levels of
these two hormones occur as the menopause approaches, in
an attempt to stimulate any remaining eggs to develop.
Meanwhile, oestrogen levels fall, ovulation becomes infre¬
quent and progesterone levels decline rapidly. Giving natural

progesterone, usually in the form of a cream rubbed on the

skin, reduces hot flushes, probably by increasing receptors in
hormone-sensitive cells.
Hot flushes may also be reduced by supplementing vitamin
E, vitamin C and bioflavonoids. When vitamin E levels are
low, there is a tendency for FSH and LH to increase. Vitamin
E also appears to stabibse hormone levels.

Sexual Problems
A lack of sex drive can result from a variety of reasons, not all
nutritional. Chapter 10 discusses some of the other possible
causes. Good nutrition may make you feel better, in turn
increasing your sexual desire. If not, you may wish to contact
a sex therapist or counsellor.
Vaginal dryness is another reason for declining interest in
sex. The vagina is kept moist because it produces vaginal
secretions but declining oestrogen levels tend to dry up
these secretions. However, the adrenal glands continue to
produce oestrogens, as do fat cells, during and after the
menopause. Vitamin E cream used locally has helped many
women with vaginitis. Supplementing vitamins A and C,
plus zinc, are also important for keeping vaginal membranes
Natural oestrogen creams, in the form of oestriol, have
been successful in treating vaginitis and can also reduce the
occurrence of urinary tract infections, restore normal vaginal
mucous membranes, and provide the right environment in
the vagina to inhibits the growth of unfriendly organisms. Dr
Lee found that, when these women used progesterone creams
rubbed into the skin to treat their vaginitis, they experienced
similar benefits to those using oestrogen cream. Progesterone
cream is preferable for women who are advised against using
oestrogen therapy because of a history of breast, ovarian or
uterine cancer.

Women the world over sleep less as they get older, which
may be a protective mechanism so that the young are pro¬
tected by their elders in the small hours. So long as the sleep
you experience is refreshing, it’s best to get up and do some¬
thing productive and enjoy the peace, rather than worry
about not sleeping. For those of you who like to meditate, the
early hours of the morning are reputed to be the best time and
meditation can compensate for sleep.
Stimulants, such as caffeine in tea and coffee and nicotine in
cigarettes, can disrupt sleeping patterns and are best avoided.
Caffeine also acts as a diuretic, causing frequent visits to the
bathroom during the night. Camomile or lime blossom tea
are relaxants. So too are the minerals calcium and magnesium,
plentiful in green, leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Some headaches are caused by blood vessels in the head nar¬
rowing, possibly as a result of declining oestrogen levels, since
oestrogen dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow.
Vitamin B3 (as niacin) helps widen blood vessels and can be
taken preventatively, in a lOOmg dose, if you feel a headache
coming on. This form of vitamin B3 can cause a temporary
hot flushing sensation as it widens blood vessels (in this way it
helps to alleviate headaches). Coffee, alcohol and red wine
frequently give rise to headaches, as can a food allergy,
candidiasis, or glucose imbalance.

Joint Pains
Vitamin B6 supplementation has been shown to help painful
nodules on finger joints if treated early. Vitamin B6, like all B
vitamins, is best taken as part of a B complex. Food intoler-

ance may manifest at the menopause and may contribute to

joint pains. Wheat and dairy produce are the common
offenders (see Chapter 16). The essential fats GLA and EPA
have potent anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce
the inflammation that contributes to joint pain. Vitamin B6,
B3, biotin and vitamin C, plus the minerals zinc, calcium and
magnesium, all play an important role in helping essential fats
create anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. Too much red meat
and full-fat dairy produce help to create a type of
prostaglandin that increases inflammation in the body.
Dr John Lee, and other doctors have found that many of
their patients have gained relief from chronic aches and pains
by using natural progesterone, which has anti-inflammatory
properties. You can rub progesterone cream or oil directly on
the joint or tissue that hurts.

Memory Loss
Research has shown that supplementing vitamin B5 and
choline is beneficial during the menopause for the production
of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter needed for memory.
Essential fats and phospholipids are vital for maintaining
memory. This means eating seeds and nuts or their oils on a
regular basis. If this is a problem area you could also consider
supplementing phosphatidyl serine 300mg, available in
healthfood stores.

The causes of depression are many, and some of them can be
helped by nutrition. Causes can include B vitamin deficiency,
stress, imbalance between calcium and magnesium, allergies,
candidiasis, or imbalance between oestrogens and proges¬
terone. Our mood is very dependent on the foods we eat.
Protein foods are broken down to make neurotransmitters,

the brain chemicals whose balance very much controls our

mood. And protein breaks down to form amino acids and
amines. Cheese, red wine and chocolate contain high levels of
amines which can exert a powerful, stimulating, and often
immediate effect on the brain. If high levels of amines are not
broken down, or if the amines are stimulated, depression can
follow. Enzymes that break amines down, require zinc, mag¬
nesium and B vitamins. When supplemented, these nutrients
can relieve depression.
Both zinc and copper play an important role in the brain
and their balance is crucial. Too much oestrogen can bind
copper in the blood and prevent it reaching the brain cells; it
also increases the tendency for the blood to clot, which can
reduce the oxygen supply to the brain. In addition, it can
interact with thyroid hormone by slowing down the metabo¬
lism of brain cells. Vitamin E and progesterone enhance cell
oxygenation. According to Dr John Lee, many elderly
women with signs of senility are likely to gain increased
mental acuity as a result of using progesterone. He finds
that, when anovulatory pre-menopausal or post-menopausal
women take progesterone supplements, their mental clarity
and concentration improve.

Heart Disease
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in post-menopausal
women. One of the most hailed benefits of taking HRT is
that it is said to reduce the risk of developing coronary artery
disease after the menopause. (Oestrogen levels decline after
the menopause, and oestrogens are thought to protect blood
vessels and blood fat levels.)
This supposed benefit is based on research which showed
that women taking HRT had half the risk of developing heart
disease, and were less likely to die from that cause than the
population as a whole. However, this claim does not stand up

to close examination. Research also indicates that women who

take oestrogens after the menopause are more likely to be upper-
middle-class, non-smokers, better educated and better fed - all
factors that automatically carry a lower risk for developing heart
disease. A UK review in 1991 concluded that evidence of HRT
protecting against heart disease is weak or non-existent.10 Some
studies conducted on women taking oestrogen-only HRT
even suggest that using HRT actually increases the risk of
developing heart disease. While oestrogens are understood to
be beneficial for the blood vessels, it remains unclear whether
the ability of oestrogens to relax arteries is particularly signifi¬
cant in treating coronary artery disease.
Progestogens were added to HRT preparations to min¬
imise the risk of developing cancer of the lining of the womb,
but these reduce some of the beneficial effects of oestrogens
x on blood fat levels. The potential protection from coronary
artery disease is therefore lost when progestogens are added to
the HRT. Natural progesterone is, however, beneficial to the
cardiovascular system. A study in 1989 found that, when
women were given a combination of oestrogens and proges¬
terone, their blood fat levels improved. More recently, in
1997, a study on rhesus monkeys, comparing a synthetic
progestogen with progesterone, found that the latter was
protective against coronary vasospasm.11

Raised Blood Pressure

The effect of synthetic oestrogens and progestogens on blood
pressure is not currently fully realised. These synthetic hor¬
mones can cause the body to retain salt and water in the cells,
which can ultimately raise blood pressure. When progesto¬
gens are combined with oestrogens there is an increased risk
of developing high blood pressure, whereas natural proges¬
terone helps rid the body of excess sodium (salt), thus lower¬
ing blood pressure and water retention.

Synthetic hormones potentially block the natural ability of

the body to use beneficial substances that help keep the blood
thin. Women taking oral contraceptives or HRT are more
likely to have ‘sticky’ blood and develop blood clots. Thick
blood is also a risk factor for high blood pressure and for
developing coronary artery disease.

Preventing and
Reversing Osteoporosis

O steoporosis is the silent thief that robs your skeleton of up

to 25 per cent of its bone mass by the time you reach 50.
It is now a serious epidemic in Britain. Bones become porous,
or ‘osteoporotic’, due to progressive loss of minerals, mass and
' density which can result in fractures. Every three minutes
someone in the UK has a fracture due to osteoporosis: one in
three women and one in 12 men have a fracture by the age of
70. Hip fractures ruin 60,000 lives each year, causing severe
pain and 15,000 deaths. As much as ^£750 million is spent
each year dealing with the problem and nearly one-third of
orthopaedic beds are filled by patients with the condition.
Yet skeletal material dating from between 1729 and 1852,
unearthed during the restoration of Christ Church,
Spitalfields, in London, showed significantly less bone loss in
women then than now, despite our supposedly better diet.
Investigators found no sign of menopausal change in the
unearthed bones. This suggests that some aspect of modern
living doesn’t suit our skeletons.

Feminine frailty
Women are more at risk than men of developing osteoporo¬
sis. The female hormones oestrogen and progesterone are
protective of women’s bones, just as the male hormone

testosterone is protective of men’s. But, from the age of 35,

women regularly fail to ovulate, minimising their production
of progesterone, the major hormone for bone strength.
Women at most risk of developing osteoporosis are those
who have had an early menopause (before the age of 45),
either naturally, or surgically, by removing the womb and
one or both ovaries.

Major Well-Known Risk Factors in Osteoporosis

• Early menopause • Previous fracture from slight injury
• Anorexia • Significant corticosteroid use
• Bulimia • Lost several inches in height
• Over-dieted • Close relatives with brittle bones
• Over/under-exercised • Heavy intake of alcohol
• Many missed periods • History of heavy cigarette smoking

The two most common treatments for osteoporosis are

honnone replacement therapy (HRT) and replenishing the
bones with calcium through supplementation. Both methods
of treatment have a sound basis. They are, however, simplis¬
tic approaches to a complex health problem.

The oestrogen myth

Oestrogen is, without doubt, important for bone health,
but its role has been exaggerated. Women are advised to
undergo HRT in the belief that oestrogen will protect them
from osteoporosis. (Women with a womb are given a syn¬
thetic progestogen to minimise the side-effects of oestrogen,
particularly the nsk of uterine and breast cancer.) Those with¬
out a womb are recommended oestrogen-only HRT, but this
does not protect their breasts. Oestrogen’s main role in pro-

tecting bones is to stimulate osteoclast cells to clear out old

bone, making spaces available for new bone to be laid down in.
It is not currendy thought to have a direct bone-building action.
However, raising their oestrogen levels causes other
problems, increasing the imbalance in their hormones. From
the age of 35 onwards, women are naturally exposed to
higher levels of oestrogen than progesterone, as they regularly
do not ovulate. Furthermore, progesterone, the bone¬
building hormone, is only produced in significant amounts
after ovulation, whereas oestrogen is produced in varying
amounts throughout the menstrual cycle.
Osteoporosis is a slow, progressive disease: bone loss starts
in most women in their mid-thirties. It does not happen
overnight with the last menstrual period; it develops alongside
high oestrogen levels. Specific bone cells, known as osteoblasts,
have receptor sites for progesterone, the main hormone that
ensures that new bone is built. Women taking combined HRT
do not experience much benefit from the synthetic form of
progesterone, as it has only a marginal effect on bone mineral
density. There is no conclusive evidence that HRT will pro¬
tect bones from the ravages of osteoporosis.

The drawbacks of hrt

The New England Journal of Medicine reported in October 1993
the latest results of an ongoing study of women in
Framingham, Massachusetts, USA,12 saying, ‘It shows that
HRT fails to protect women from osteoporosis - therefore
eliminating at a stroke one of the main reasons for its use.’
One study researching 670 women, of whom nearly a third
were taking oestrogen therapy, found that bone mass was
only preserved in those women who had taken the therapy
for seven years or more.13 As only 7 per cent of women take
HRT for more than eight years, it offers little protection
against osteoporosis.

More startling is the fact that even women who have taken
HRT for ten years are still not protected from fractures
caused by osteoporosis. When such women stopped taking
HRT, they had a rapid decline in bone mineral density. By
the age of 75, their bone mineral density was found to be only
just over 3 per cent higher than in women who had never
taken HRT. So, unless you are prepared to take HRT for life,
it is unlikely to protect you against osteoporosis, and the
longer you take HRT, the greater your risk of developing
breast and endometrial cancer.
Thick, ‘sticky’ blood may also complicate bone formation.
Dr Kitty Little, from Oxford, found masses of tiny clots in the
bones of rabbits treated with hormones. She is convinced that
HRT in the form of oestrogen and progestogens increases the
risk of osteoporosis. She believes that blood clots in the bones
can cause bone to break down, leading to osteoporosis.

On the other hand, natural progesterone has been shown to
improve bone mineral density in women, irrespective of age,
when applied topically as a cream - in the required amounts
and in a fonn identical to that produced in the body. Dr John
Lee reported in The Lancet in 1990 improvements of 15 per
cent on average over a three-year period.14 Dr Lee has been
using natural progesterone with his patients for the last 20
years with excellent results and no known serious side-effects.
As natural progesterone is a natural substance, it is not
patentable, which prevents vast profits being made through its
sale. Synthetic hormones, in contrast, are patentable, allowing
large profits to be made. Certain plant foods contain phyto¬
chemicals which act like hormones: cultures whose diets are
rich in soya and/or wild yam, which both contain such phy-
tochemicals, show little evidence of osteoporosis. (For more
on phytonutrients, see Chapter 24.)

The calcium question

A total of 99 per cent of all the calcium in the body should be
in the bones. Only 1 per cent is needed in the blood to ensure
that important physical reactions can occur. It may be very
convincing for the Milk Marketing Board to suggest that
osteoporosis is a calcium problem (as milk is a very rich source
of calcium) but your bones do not see it so simplistically.
Harvard Medical School researchers have reported that drink¬
ing lots of milk and eating calcium-rich dairy foods may not
help women avoid bone fractures in later life and may, in fact,
increase the risk. The 12-year study, which involved over
120,000 women throughout the United States, found that
women who drank two or more glasses of milk per day actu¬
ally had a 45 per cent higher risk of hip fractures and a 5 per
cent higher risk of forearm fractures than women who drank
less.15 The way the body absorbs and handles calcium in the
body is very complex. Let’s take a look at why just taking
additional calcium is only part of the answer.

Less Well-Known Risk Factors in Osteoporosis

• Too much protein • Too little stomach acid

• Inappropriate levels of stress • High use of stimulants
• Poor intake of specific nutrients • High intake of phytates
• Poor absorption and use of
specific nutrients

Too Much Protein

One of the most significant, yet less well-known risk factors
for osteoporosis, according to a World Health Organisation
research survey, is excessive protein consumption.16 This is for
two main reasons. Protein is digested in the presence of high

levels of acid (hydrochloric acid, or HCI) in the stbmach; and

women, particularly those over 50 years of age, often produce
insufficient levels of this. HCI is also vital for releasing miner¬
als from food, so low levels can lead to poor absorption of
minerals, including calcium, magnesium and zinc, all of
which are vital for bone health.
The second problem is that foods which are high in protein
create strong acids in the body which has to work very hard
to neutralise them. It does this by calling on its reserves of
what are known as alkalising minerals, most significantly cal¬
cium. To maintain life, the blood has to be kept very slightly
alkaline, and the body will do this at all costs, even if it means
calling on calcium in the bones.
Eskimos — who suffer the highest rates of osteoporosis —
have a classic high-protein diet: plenty of seal meat and fish,
with very few fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables con¬
tain acids, but they are weak and very easy for the body to dis¬
pose of. Red meat, chicken, fish, eggs and dairy produce are
all high-protein foods. The trend towards eating low-fat dairy
foods may be protective to your blood vessels, but not as kind
to your bones. As soon as the fat content of a food is lowered,
the percentage of protein increases. So high intakes of cottage
cheese and low-fat yoghurt may not be such a good idea after
all. Indeed, it is not vital for humans to eat animal produce at
all, though small quantities of a high quality are unlikely to do
any harm. Vegans — who do not eat any animal produce — are
amongst the healthiest people.

Poor Absorption

Many factors can contribute to poor absorption of minerals,

besides too little stomach acid. The small intestine is lined
with thousands of minute structures called villi, that waft
about, maximising the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.
Foods rich in gluten - wheat, rye, oats and barley - can

blunt the villi, decreasing the surface area available for

absorption. High intakes of dairy produce can also aggravate
the gut wall, leading to poor absorption. People in cultures
that do not consume dairy foods have little incidence of
osteoporosis. Another major factor known to interfere with
good absorption is an overgrowth in the gut of the yeast
organism Candida albicans that is responsible for causing
thrush (see Chapter 17). Diets rich in phytates, found in
wheat and soya products, can bind to important minerals in
the gut like calcium, magnesium and zinc, impairing their

Too Much Stress

Just like too much protein, too much stress makes the body
'leach calcium from the bones. Stressors include caffeine,
nicotine and physical or emotional pressure. Every time
your body is stressed, a red alert signal goes out in your
body. Whenever this happens calcium is called out of your
bones into your blood to help prepare the body for the per¬
ceived danger. A stressful job, relationships, and/or relying
on tea, coffee, chocolate and cigarettes to see you through
the day will almost certainly rob your bones of calcium. To
add insult to injury, the calcium is not adequately called
back into the bones, as the body hardly gets a chance over
the day to perceive that the emergency is truly over. As it
can’t keep the calcium in the blood, the body disposes of it
on artery walls, in joint tissue or as part of a painful gall or
kidney stone.

Sub-optimum Nutrition
For most people, sub-optimum nutrition is the rule not the
exception. It can occur simply through not eating enough
food; but in the modern world it is more likely to be

caused by eating foods that are high in calories but not

nutrients — predominandy refined foods, alcohol and con¬
fectionery. A limited diet that repetitively uses the same
foods is likely to be one that is unbalanced and unable to
provide all the nutrients needed for health, including bone
health. It is sometimes an excess of a particular nutrient that
causes the problem, in combination with low levels of other

Calcium in Balance
Calcium needs a balance of phosphorus and magnesium to
build bone effectively. Typical ‘junk food’ diets are rich in
phosphorus, which disrupts this. Dairy produce is rich in
calcium, but low in magnesium. Magnesium is needed to
absorb and use calcium properly in the body. Nuts, seeds
and green leafy vegetables are rich sources of both. Vitamin
D, the sunshine vitamin, is vital for the absorption of cal¬
cium and phosphorous and helps stop them being lost in the
urine. Good weight-bearing exercise, such as walking briskly
on a regular basis, is a fine way to help keep calcium in the

Other Important Bone Nutrients

Nutrient Best Food Sources

zinc nuts, seeds and wholegrains

manganese/boron unprocessed foods
silicon/copper unprocessed foods
vitamin A yellow and deep green vegetables
vitamin C berries, potatoes, most fruit and vegetables
vitamin K cauliflower and green vegetables
vitamin B6 fruits, vegetables, wholegrains

Osteoporosis prevention and reversal

Prevention is far better than looking for a cure and, according
to the work of Dr Lee, osteoporosis is a reversible disorder. It
appears that, even for someone in their seventies, the condi¬
tion can be reversed. The human body responds marvellously
to being provided with the right raw materials needed for
health. Here’s what to do:

• Take regular exercise.

• Eat plenty-of wholefoods.
• Eat plenty of nuts, seeds and yellow and green vegetables.
• Eat a varied diet that includes some soya milk, tofu and wild
' • Reduce animal protein to the minimum.
• Avoid ‘junk foods’ and stimulants.
• Limit alcohol.
• Seek advice from a professional nutrition consultant to
check out complicating factors like candidiasis, digestive
function and individual supplement requirements.

Tests for osteoporosis risk

To assess your risk of osteoporosis, your GP can recommend
a bone mineral density scan or a nutritionist can recommend
a simple urine test.

Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Scans

Two very good techniques are available that give reliable and
accurate readings. BMD scans can be requested through your
medical practitioner or paid for privately. Dual photon absorp¬
tiometry (DPA) is 96—98 per cent accurate for the hips and
spinal column. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is

also 96—98 per cent accurate but does use low-dose X-rays.
These detect osteoporosis at moderately advanced stages.

This is a unne test that measures deoxypyridinoline (Dpd), a
crosslink of collagen found in bone. This test enables your
medical practitioner or nutritionist to identify and monitor
your risk of bone loss. Dpd is a specific marker for bone
resorption, i.e. how quickly old bone is cleared. The test is
non-invasive and convenient and can demonstrate response
to therapy as early as one month in. Pyrilinks-D is said to
identify bone loss early in menopause. Results of a 22-month
study involvmg elderly and pre-menopausal women with ele¬
vated Pyrilinks-D values showed double the risk of hip frac¬
ture.17 Pyrilinks-D values combined with BMD scans predict
risk even more accurately.

It is important to remember that osteoporosis is a complex

condition - it is very much a case of detective work to iden¬
tify the underlying factors in each individual. For best results
we recommend that you work with a nutrition consultant
and your medical practitioner.

How to Prevent
Breast Disease

O f all cancers, that of the breast is the most prevalent and

the most common cause of death in women; throughout
the world, it is the third most common cancer and it is on the
' increase. One in eight women in the UK and one in 12 in the
USA develop breast cancer. Each year over 30,000 women in
Britain are diagnosed as having the disease and over 15,000
die of it. That is 300 deaths a week.
The fear of developing breast cancer is a reality for many
women, particularly if they have a family history of the con¬
dition. A lot of these women are aware that the chance of
developing breast cancer is more than slim but are unclear
about what factors are involved and how to minimise the risk.

What are the contributory factors?

With so many changes in our diet, environment and lifestyle
this century, it is difficult to pinpoint the factors that con¬
tribute to breast cancer. Women who have children later in
life are associated with a higher risk, as are women who do
not have children at all, possibly because of the lack of extra
progesterone that is present during pregnancy. More recently,
smoking has been linked to the development of breast cancer.
Other factors that have been shown to correlate with an
increased risk include rapid growth and greater adult height,

high body mass, adult weight gain, alcohol, total fat, meat,
animal protein intake, and consumption of DDT residues.
Increasing intake of fruits, vegetables, fibre and carotenoids is
considered to be protective, as is physical activity. Less con¬
clusive, though data is accumulating, is the evidence for the
protective role of vitamin C, isoflavones and complex carbo¬
hydrates (see Part 5).

Synthetic Hormones
Synthetic hormones are strongly linked to the development
of breast cancer: there is a 50 per cent greater risk in
women who took the Pill before the age of 20. The New
England Medical Journal reported that, ‘Studies over a six-
year period have shown that the longer HRT is taken there
is a fourfold increased risk for developing breast cancer.’
Progestogens (synthetic progesterone) also assist the devel¬
opment of blood vessels which may encourage the spread of

High Oestrogen Levels

About 80 per cent of breast cancers are termed ‘oestrogen
receptor positive’. Breast cancer tends to be most prevalent
when oestrogen dominance is likely, i.e. during the five to
ten years before menopause. It is more likely to occur when
oestrogen levels are high and progesterone levels low.
When women under 40 have their ovaries removed (the
ovaries being the primary site for the production of oestro¬
gen in pre-menopausal women) the incidence of breast can¬
cer is significantly reduced.18 Men treated with oestrogens
for cancer of the prostate also show an increased incidence
of breast cancer.19 Xenoestrogens are increasingly being
recognised as a likely link in the growing incidence of
breast cancer.

The Fat Factor

Several studies have confirmed the link between too much
dietary fat and breast cancer. It is a complex cycle, in that high
body mass is associated with an increased risk; large numbers
of fat cells produce more oestrogen which in turn increases
the person’s susceptibility to accumulating more fat. Fatty tis¬
sue is also an ideal storage site for toxins such as pesticides and
organochlonnes. The pesticide Lindane - which has been
banned in most countries, but not the UK - has been linked
with an increased risk of breast cancer in agricultural areas
where it is used. Cows’ milk and butter are the main sources
of Lindane: the cow eats grass, which has been contaminated
by Lindane, and stores it in its fatty tissue, which we then
consume in milk and butter.

What are the treatments?

Tamoxifen is an anti-oestrogen drug that is commonly pre¬
scribed to women with breast cancer, and to healthy women
at a high risk. It is a weak oestrogen that competes with the
natural oestrogens at the cell receptor sites. Tamoxifen is said
to be carcinogenic and to contribute to an early menopause,
osteoporosis, endometrial and liver cancer and clotting
diseases. In fact, the World Health Organisation officially
listed tamoxifen as a human carcinogen in 1996.20 Researcher
Dr Ellen Grant reported a meagre 0.7 per cent benefit for
women taking tamoxifen preventatively.21 Other researchers
conclude that tamoxifen fails to meet the safety standards
required for a primary prevention measure. Dr John Lee
believes that using natural progesterone helps counteract the
drug’s negative side-effects without interfering with the
clinical benefits.

Natural Progesterone
Oestrogen stimulates the proliferation and division of breast
cells (the greater the rate of growth, the greater die risk for
cancer); while progesterone inhibits proliferation of cells in
favour of the cells maturing. In January 1996 an 18-year
retrospective study at Guy’s, London, was reported
in the British Journal of Cancer as showing that a raised level of
progesterone at the time of tumour removal was associated
with an improvement in outcome for women with operable
breast cancer.”
Dr John Lee believes that natural progesterone is a viable
treatment in the management of cancer, as it helps moderate
the proliferative effect of oestrogen on breast cells. He says
that if the breast cancer is shown to be receptive to proges¬
terone it is likely to respond to its balancing and anti-cancer

Which nutrients help prevent breast

Dietary Fibre
Sufficient dietary fibre - i.e. 35g daily - helps to bind used-up
hormones and eliminate them, so they cannot be reactivated
and reabsorbed (see Chapter 23, which discusses this more
fully). Good sources of dietary fibre are wholegrains, pulses,
vegetables and fruit. Animal produce contains none.

B Vitamins
B vitamins are involved in breaking down oestrogen and
cleanng it from the liver. Ensuring your diet is rich in B
vitamins, as described in the Diet for the Good Life (see
Chapter 23), is critical to hormonal balance.

Antioxidant Nutrients

The activity of free oxidising radicals, which damage cells, is

a central factor in the development of cancer. Fat oxidises in
breast (and other) tissue, increasing susceptibility to cancer, so
it is advisable to take the full range of antioxidant nutrients.
These include vitamins A, C and E, and the minerals zinc,
selenium, iron and manganese (see the chart in Chapter 25 for
dosage levels).

Fibrocystic breast disease

Cysts, or lumps, in the breast occur in 20-50 per cent of
women. Symptoms are tender breasts and movable cysts
which are usually near the surface. The problem usually pro¬
gresses until the menopause and then subsides. It is associated
with too much oestrogen, particularly oestrone and oestradiol
which are extremely active stimulants of breast tissue.
Food and drinks containing the chemical methylxanthine
(found in tea, coffee, cola and chocolate) have been shown in
several studies to aggravate the problem. Although most cysts
are benign, they indicate an increased chance of developing
breast cancer. Vitamin A has been shown to help reduce
breast pain and one study reduced breast cysts masses by at
least 50 per cent in five patients out of ten. Several studies
supplementing vitamin E up to 600iu have shown objective
and subjective remissions.2' Evening primrose oil (1500mg
twice a day) has also been shown to reduce breast pain, ten¬
derness and cyst size. Ginseng - probably because it contains
small amounts of oestrone, oestradiol and oestriol - has in
some studies been linked to breast pain and tenderness. A
low-salt diet helps reduce breast tenderness and swelling. Dr
John Lee has found that supplementing natural progesterone,
600iu of vitamin E, 300mg of magnesium and 50mg of B6 a
day has always given positive results. Follow the Diet for the
Good Life as described in Chapter 23.

How to
Womb and Cervical

M any of the serious health problems that relate to the

female reproductive tract have been steadily increas¬
ing, though recent reports indicate that cancers of the
womb, ovaries and cervix are showing a decline in devel¬
oped countries.24 Cervical cancer is the second most com¬
mon cancer in women, while endometrial (the lining of
the womb) is the eighth most common, and ovarian is the
seventh most common. Taken together, these three can¬
cers result in over 8 per cent of all new cases of cancer in
a year. Any decline has been attributed to widespread
screemng programmes. Although scientific data has not
proved a conclusive link with diet, researchers have noted
that high intakes of vegetables and fruits possibly reduce
risk; and they have found a possible association with a
high intake of saturated fat in both ovarian and endome¬
trial cancer.25
Less serious but extremely debilitating problems — from
painful and heavy periods to endometriosis and pelvic inflam¬
matory disease — affect women on a daily or cyclical basis.
Endometriosis has been described as ‘the hidden epidemic’:
one in 10 women suffer from this condition during their
reproductive years. So let’s take a look at how optimising

your nutntional status can play a part in the management and

prevention of these problems.

Menstrual problems
Painful Periods
Painful periods are not uncommon, particularly in young
women before they have had a baby. Many women gain
relief from following a general optimum nutntion pro¬
gramme as outlined in the Diet for the Good Life (Chapter
23) and dealing with allergies and/or candidiasis (see
Chapters 16 and 17).
The muscles of the womb, like other muscles in the body,
” can become unbalanced in their ability to contract and relax.
During a period these muscles are working extra-hard to shed
the womb’s inner lining. Calcium and magnesium are the
two major nutrients needed to control this process. Eating
healthy foods rich in calcium and magnesium, and taking sup¬
plements, has helped many women. Essential polyunsaturated
oils, vitamin E and the mineral zinc may also help. It is worth
taking supplements to boost your intake of these nutrients.
Essential polyunsaturated oils are particularly likely to help if
the pam is associated with a heavy blood loss that has a ten¬
dency to clot. These oils make a type of prostaglandin that
controls blood thickness. Vitamin E can also help reduce
cramps. Cutting down on red meat and dairy produce should
help too, as these high-fat foods can interfere with
prostaglandin balance.
The contraceptive pill is often recommended for period
pains. However, nutritionally oriented doctors do not recom¬
mend this approach, as the Pill interferes with the working of
many essential nutrients. Many women recover from painful
periods naturally, with help from the same nutrients that are
depleted by the Pill.

The muscles of the womb, like other muscles in the body,

can become unbalanced in their ability to contract and
relax. During a period these muscles are working extra-
hard to shed the womb’s inner lining. Calcium and
magnesium are the two major nutrients needed to control
this process. Calcium helps the muscle to contract and
magnesium helps the muscle to relax. Many diets that rely
heavily on dairy produce are rich in calcium but relatively
poor in magnesium. Including nuts, seeds and dark green
leafy vegetables into your diet often helps as these foods
are rich in both calcium and magnesium.

Heavy Periods
Follow the Diet for the Good Life (Chapter 23) and, with the
help of a nutrition consultant, test for any food intolerances.
Some women find that their periods get heavier in the first
few months of an anti-candida diet (see Chapter 17), but it
usually settles down.
One study showed that heavy periods may be caused by a
deficiency of vitamin A.26 Vitamin A levels appear to fluctu¬
ate over the month, indicating a correlation with fluctuating
female hormones. Another study clearly indicated that
women with heavy periods had less than half the normal
levels of vitamin A in their bloodstream. Researchers found
that, when treating heavy periods with high levels of vitamin
A daily for 35 days, over half the participants’ heavy periods
were completely cured, and 14 more women showed a
marked improvement. In all, 93 per cent improved.
Sometimes it may not be that vitamin A is actually deficient.
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin which is stored in the
liver; zinc and vitamin E are needed to make use of reserves,
so a lack of these nutrients can lead to apparent vitamin A

The contraceptive pill often creates a high level of vitamin

A in the blood, and, while taking the Pill, a woman’s periods
are usually fine. The Pill creates this high level of vitamin A
in the blood by moving it from its store in the liver.
However, when a woman stops taking the Pill, the level of
vitamin A in the blood can fall dramatically, consequently
depleting stores in the liver. It is therefore common to
experience heavy periods after stopping the Pill.
Vitamin C and bioflavonoids have been shown to help
control heavy periods. Bioflavonoids are found mainly just
beneath the surface skin of fruit. It is unclear whether low
iron levels are an effect, as well as a cause, of heavy periods,
but correcting them is an essential part of any programme.
Taking vitamin C with iron-rich foods increases the absorp¬
tion of iron.

Irregular Periods
Depending on the cause, irregular periods can be perfectly
normal. Towards the menopause, it is to be expected that
periods will become irregular; and they stop altogether dunng
pregnancy. If your periods are either absent or irregular, and
you do not come into either of these categories, it is worth
checking out the cause. Absent or irregular periods are associ¬
ated with low weight, strenuous exercise, anorexia nervosa,
taking the contraceptive pill, or extreme stress. Extreme stress
can lead to either missed periods or more frequent periods.
Follow the Diet for the Good Life (see Chapter 23).

Other disorders affecting the


Fibroids are the most common growths in the female repro¬
ductive system. They are benign, firm, round lumps (usually

more than one) that attach themselves to the muscular wall of

the womb. They often grow to the size of a grapefruit and
routinely disappear after the menopause. They are, however,
one of the most common reasons why pre-menopausal
women have their wombs removed. Symptoms are irregular,
heavy and painful periods, while the weight of the fibroids
can weaken the pelvic floor muscles, leading to stress inconti¬
nence. The usual treatment is to remove them surgically.
Fibroids are a result of oestrogen dominance, so when levels
fall at the menopause the fibroids shrink. According to Dr
John Lee, when the oestrogen dominance is addressed by
using natural progesterone, the fibroid tumours normally
decrease in size and can usually be kept at a minimum until
the menopause when they will naturally shrivel up. Oestrogen
dominance can be easily detected by a simple saliva test to
measure oestrogen and progesterone levels. Follow the
recommendations for fibrocystic breasts on page 93.

Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian cysts result from an egg fading to develop and be
released normally. They can grow to the size of a golf ball and
create considerable pain but sometimes produce no symptoms
at all. After ovulation fails, the developing egg continues to
grow, under the influence of follicle stimulating hormone
(FSH). Each month, the rise of FSH is followed by a surge of
luteinising hormone (LH), which causes the site of the follicle
to swell, stretching the surface of the ovary, causing pain and
possibly bleeding at the site. Treatment may involve surgery.
It has been suggested that when zinc is in short supply cer¬
tain types of cysts can develop, possibly because zinc is
required for the growth of the egg. The use of infertility drugs
has also been implicated because some of these drugs block
oestrogen receptors and increase the output of FSF1 and LH
even though women are failing to ovulate.

Dr John Lee has found that supplementing natural proges¬

terone from day 10 to day 26 of the cycle for a few months is
often enough to shrink the cysts and no further treatment is
required. Taking progesterone from day 10 effectively sup¬
presses ovulation and gives the ovaries time to rest and repair.
Follow the Diet for the Good Life (see Chapter 23).

Endometriosis is a very common and painful disease which is
thought to affect one in 10 women. Its cause remains
unknown. Small fragments of endometrial tissue (womb lin¬
ing) migrate into the muscular wall of the womb and out
through the fallopian tubes. The fragments can be found on
the surface of the ovanes and in the pelvic organs, including
the bowel. Endometnal tissue has been found in many distant
sites of the body, well away from the womb.
In response to the natural fluctuations of oestrogens and
progesterone, the fragments swell up with blood during the
month and also bleed at the time of menstruation and at other
times during the cycle. This can cause considerable pain,
which often starts shortly before menstruation and does not
subside until it is finished. Some women find that their pain
increases at the time of ovulation. Sexual intercourse and
emptying the bowel are also commonly painful. Endo¬
metriosis is a frequent cause of infertility and heavy and
irregular bleeding. About 50 per cent of women investigated
for infertility are found to have endometriosis. One study
showed that women who had taken the Pill had nearly twice
the incidence of endometriosis as women who had never
taken it.27 Pregnancy often retards the progress of the disease
and sometimes cures it. The condition is usually treated by
synthetic progestogens to simulate a pregnant state.
Inflammation occurs around the sites of the endometrial
deposits and research using fish oils has been shown to shrink

the size of the deposits. Animal fats produce a substance in the

body that promotes inflammation and should be reduced in
the diet. Vitamin C also helps to reduce inflammation. As
well as having anti-inflammatory properties, vitamin E has
been shown in trials to reduce pain in the lower part of the
back. Vitamin B6, biotin and B3 have been seen to have anti¬
inflammatory effects which simultaneously help to reduce
Magnesium acts to relax muscles and can be helpful in
reducing the very painful cramps at the time of the period
(see also the nutrients recommended for painful periods on
page 96). DL Phenylalanine (DLPA) is an amino acid that has
been reported to help relieve pain in 60 per cent of those that
try it.28 DLPA is available on prescription.
Reducing exposure to xenoestrogens is advisable too, as
oestrogen dominance is also linked to endometriosis. Recent
research by the American Endometriosis Association has
associated the pesticide dioxin with the epidemic of
endometriosis. Pesticides interfere with the action of
choline, a B vitamin that helps the Ever break down oestro¬
gen. Food is the largest source of dioxin, animal fat being a
major contributor. The USA minimum risk is set at 0.0064
units a day, whereas the UK authorities accept a dioxin
intake of 10 units a day. Dioxins are also associated with an
increased risk of cancer.
Dr John Lee has had considerable success in treating
endometriosis with natural progesterone which helps to stop
further proliferation of the endometrial cells created by
oestrogen. Fie recommends that natural progesterone cream
is used from day 6 to day 26 of the cycle. Over four to six
months, the pains usually gradually subside (though they do
not always disappear entirely); as the monthly bleeding
becomes less, so the inflamed sites can heal. Endometriosis
usually subsides at the menopause.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

PID is a serious inflammation of the uterus and fallopian tubes
which can give rise to pelvic abscesses, pain and infertility. It
is usually treated with antibiotics and surgery is not uncom¬
mon. Infection first occurs in the vagina and cervix and can
ascend into the endometrium in the womb and along the fal¬
lopian tubes.
Prevention is better than cure. Increasing the body’s resis¬
tance to opportunistic infections like Candida and chlamydia is
a high priority. This involves boosting your immune system
and dealing with stress. Vital nutrients are vitamins C, E, A,
B6, and calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and essential
oils. Follow the Diet For the Good Life (see Chapter 23).
As a woman nears the menopause, her oestrogen levels
decline, increasing her susceptibility to vaginal infections as
her mucus production changes. Natural hormones may offer
some protection, although women on the Pill are more sus¬
ceptible. Beta-carotene and vitamins C and E are needed for
normal mucus production.

Cervical Erosions and/or Dysplasia (Abnormal Cervical

ITormone imbalance and folic acid deficiency have been
linked to both of these problems. A study showed success in
100 per cent of cases following treatment with lOmg of folic
acid daily.29 Another study involved 47 women with mild or
moderate dysplasia, who had been taking the combined pill
for at least six months, receiving either lOmg of folate daily or
a placebo. After three months, cervical biopsies showed sig¬
nificant improvement only in those women receiving folate.
In seven women the dysplasia disappeared. Four of the
women receiving the placebo showed progression to cancer.
Low levels of vitamin A, vitamin C and the mineral sele-

mum have been associated with cervical dysplasia. Women

consuming less than average vitamin A and beta-carotene
were three times as likely to develop severe dysplasia and
three to four times more likely to develop cancer. According
to Dr John Lee, when folic acid is given in doses of 3—5mg,
alongside 50mg of vitamin B6 and 300mg of magnesium,
recovery usually takes place in one to two cycles. If recovery
is delayed then using progesterone or oestriol intravaginally
during the month between periods should help restore
normal cervical tissue.
The cells of the cervix are extremely hormone-sensitive.
Levels of progestogen low enough not to alter the cells of the
lining of the womb, have been shown to change the cells
lining the cervix. Progestogens dry up cervical secretions, and
this may be part of the reason why cancer of the cervix
develops quickly in the presence of cervical infections.
Smoking is highly correlated with cervical cancer.

Endometrial Cancer
The first life-threatening health problem associated with tak¬
ing oestrogen-only HRT was the increased risk of developing
endometrial cancer. It is now also known that, if a woman
who has not had a hysterectomy is given only oestrogen, it
increases her chance of developing endometrial cancer up to
20 times - a risk that increases the longer she takes HRT.
Oestrogens cause rapid growth of endometrial cells, which
could encourage cancer growth. To limit this danger, it was
recommended that a progestogen be taken with the oestro¬
gen, and tests showed that this combined hormone therapy
could prevent endometrial cancer. One side-effect of taking
progestogen, however, is withdrawal bleeding, which is
treated by giving continuous progestogen, which in turn can
lead to breakthrough bleeding, ultimately negating its protec¬
tive effects against endometrial cancer.

The conclusion was that women who have not had a hys¬
terectomy should always receive oestrogens alongside proges¬
terone or a progestogen to prevent endometrial cancer. The
risk factors for developing endometrial cancer correlate well
with those of oestrogen dominance. Endometrial cancer only
tends to occur during the 5 to 10 years before menopause
when anovulatory cycles are common. Taking dietary phyto-
oestrogens (explained in Chapter 24) and natural proges¬
terone during these years before menopause can significantly
reduce the incidence of endometrial cancer, according to Dr
John Lee.
There is now clear evidence that an excess of calories -
particularly in fats — increases oestrogen levels and this helps to
explain why there is a higher incidence of these cancers in the
'West, due to our high-fat diet.

Ovarian Cancer
The incidence of ovarian cancer, which is thought to afflict 2
per cent of women, increases with age, and is most prevalent
amongst educated, higher social class, white women.
Research at the John Hopkins University School, USA,
involving 240,073 women, indicates that the long-term use
of oestrogen replacement therapy (in HRT) may increase the
risk of fatal ovarian cancer.30 Dr Ellison of Harvard University
suggests that the abnormal levels of oestrogen may be linked
to the current epidemic of breast and ovarian cancer. He also
goes on to propose that the high hormone levels are a reflec¬
tion of over-eating and under-exercising. Follow the Diet for
the Good Life as described in Chapter 23.

Beating the Sugar Blues

M ost of us like sweet foods — in nature they are usually safe

- and modem food processing has cashed in on our
inclination towards sweet foods. From early infancy, when
sugar is added to baby drinks and foods we become ‘hooked’
on the desire for something sweet.
In the 1820s the average daily intake of sugar amounted to
two teaspoons, which is the amount of glucose (sugar) that we
have in our blood at any one time. By the 1980s the average
intake of sugar had nsen to an amazing 38 teaspoons a day! When
you consider that a Mars Bar contains around 15 teaspoons of
sugar, and a cola drink around 7 teaspoons, and then what is
added to tea, coffee, cereals, biscuits and cakes, it soon adds up.
However, we do not need to eat sugar to increase the level of
glucose in our blood. Stress, in all its guises, does this very effi¬
ciently, without us ever having to put a teaspoon of sugar into
our mouths. A difficult day at work or at home with the chil¬
dren, having a cup of coffee and a cigarette, eating too much red
meat or salt, taking in foods that we react to allergically, or just
watching a horror movie all effectively raise our blood sugar level.

The stress connection

In modem times, it is difficult not to be stressed. Just living
‘shoulder to shoulder’ in suburbia and commuting to town

every day is stressful. We all experience stress differently:

some of us enjoy stress; others perform badly under it; and
there are some people who feel stressed because there isn’t
enough stress in their lives.
Whatever the stressor, the body will respond to it in the
same way: by releasing a variety of chemicals to deal with the
situation. The adrenal glands release adrenalin, which releases
the stores of sugar into the blood and cortisol (which is
needed to help regulate glucose and energy balance as well as
moderate any inflammatory reactions). The released sugar is
taken from the blood to the cells, to be burnt for energy to
deal with a perceived emergency. A substance called glucose
tolerance factor (GTF) helps the hormone insulin take the
Sugar into the cells.
As part of this reaction, calcium is released from its store in
the bones in preparation for an immediate ‘fight’ by increas¬
ing the heart rate and the ability of the muscles to contract.
Calcium is also involved in blood clotting which would be
necessary in the event of any injury in the ‘fight’.
The problem is that we are not in a real ‘fight’. More often
than not, we are just dealing with another work or family
pressure or another cup of coffee. If we were dealing with a
true emergency, like stopping a young child from running
across the road at the wrong time, then the chemicals released
to deal with the situation would be appropriate and the body
would use them up. After the emergency was over, the
chemistry would settle down and the body would regain its
Modern-day stressors are continually present in our fives.
Almost every hour of every day, we are likely to be stressing
our bodies for one reason or another. So, regaining our
chemical balance is difficult because our bodies do not receive
a clear message that the emergency is over.
It is important to consider the body as inherently wise, but
its wisdom is moment by moment, not long-term. It acts

according to the immediate priorities. So how do our bodies

react to these ‘fake emergencies’:

• If the sugar that is released is not used for energy it can be

converted to fat which may end up on artery walls, be con¬
verted to cholesterol (which may also stick to artery walls),
or it may be stored as body fat.

• If the calcium that is released is not properly instructed to

return to the bones after the perceived emergency then it,
too, may end up on artery walls (contributing to hardening
of the arteries), or be deposited into joint tissue (contribut¬
ing to arthritis).

• If the calcium is not returned to the bones efficiently then

the risk of osteoporosis is increased.

The body has to respond in this way. It has no other option,

because excess sugar in the blood would be life-threatening.
Similarly, the level of calcium circulating in the blood has to
be kept within strict limits to maintain life. The body is effec¬
tively ‘dumping’ dangerous material from circulation into
places where it can do no immediate harm. The fact that
coronary artery disease, obesity, arthritis or osteoporosis may
develop years hence, is not relevant at the time.

The symptoms of glucose imbalance

The problems are not all long-term ones. Many people expe¬
rience unpleasant symptoms on a daily basis for years as a
result of adrenal stress. When the body responds to an adrenal
stimulant with a surge of sugar entering the bloodstream it
makes us feel good. But what usually happens half an hour or
so later is that we experience the downside. Too much insulin
is released to bring the blood sugar level down. The symp¬
toms, such as irritability, anxiety, depression, mood swings
and poor concentration, mainly affect our mental well-being.

When we are not physically active, the majority of sugar in

the body feeds the brain, so mental well-being is affected first
when our blood sugar levels drop. Having relied on artificial
stimulation throughout the day, it is not uncommon to find it
difficult to sleep at night. The body may be tired, but the
mind is still racing. Equally, it can be difficult to get going in
the morning until we have had our first ‘fix’ of tea or coffee
or a cigarette.
Symptoms of glucose imbalance are irritability, anxiety,
insomnia, depression, dizziness, mood swings, poor concen¬
tration, food cravings, irritability after six hours without food,
excessive thirst, addiction to sweet food, cold hands, need for
excessive sleep during the day, drowsiness during the day,
Tack of energy, need for more than eight hours sleep at night,
rarely awake within 20 minutes of rising, need for something
to get going in the morning like tea, coffee or cigarette,
excessive sweating, avoidance of exercise due to tiredness.
As most of us do not like feeling this way, the tendency is
to turn to another cup of coffee or tea, a chocolate bar or cig¬
arette to pick us up again. This vicious cycle can keep us
addicted all our Eves unless we know better or choose to do
something about it.

The hormone factor

Adrenal stress is inextricably tied up with sex hormone imbal¬
ance. As described in Part 1, the stress hormone cortisol com¬
petes with the same receptor sites as progesterone, so the net
effect of being permanently stressed is less active proges¬
terone. Since cortisol can also increase the production of
oestrogen, prolonged stress can contribute to oestrogen dom¬
inance. Oestrogen also encourages the body to lay down fat.
In addition, high cortisol levels can reduce the production of
an immunoglobulin called secretory IgA that protects the
membranes of the gut, the airways and the urinary tract, and

increase the risk of having a ‘leaky’ gut as described on page

39. So it is clear that stress can wreak havoc in the body and
can be a significant contributory factor in the development of
degenerative diseases.
Given that most of our lives are stressful to varying degrees,
it is essential that this factor is addressed as part of any pro¬
gramme to manage sex hormone imbalances.

Breaking the sugar habit

This is easier said than done, as addressing this problem goes
to the heart of modern lifestyles and addictions. However, if
you can break the habit, the benefits to your health and qual¬
ity of life will far outweigh the supposed pleasure of the addic¬
tions. Like most other things in life, it is a matter of choice.

The Diet - Step 1

The easiest place to start is to pay attention to your general
diet. The essential first steps are regular meals (i.e. five a day -
three main and two snacks), and eating nutritious wholefoods
that release their natural sugar content slowly and good
quality protein. Having protein with each intake of food
helps the body to handle sugar more efficiently, as it stimu¬
lates the production of the hormone glucagon that helps to
keep blood sugar levels under control and also helps the body
bum fat for energy. Good quality types of protein to include
in the three main meals of the day are: free-range meat, free-
range eggs, organic dairy produce, a little fish, tofu and pulses.
Nuts and seeds are good as snacks. Ensure that you eat plenty
of vegetables with each intake, as they help to keep the body
in its natural alkaline state.
Although fruit is good, an excess can aggravate blood sugar
problems. Bananas, dates and grapes release their sugar con¬
tent rapidly, while a crunchy apple or pear are much more

slow-releasing. Two crisp apples or pears a day should be fine.

Avoid tinned, dried and overly ripe fruit. Dilute fruit juices
with an equal quantity of water. Wherever possible, replace
wheat with rye, oats or a high-protein grain called quinoa
(which cooks like rice).

The Diet - Step 2

Foods that you may be reacting to allergically can upset your
blood sugar levels. As described in Chapter 16, the common
offenders are wheat, dairy produce, citrus fruits and yeast. If
you think this applies to you then follow the guidelines in that
chapter. Be sure that you replace the offending foods with
suitable alternatives.

The Diet - Step 3

Now comes the crunch. Time to give up the caffeine.
Whether you are drinking two or 20 cups of tea and coffee a
day, and eating one or seven bars of chocolate a week, this is
the time to let go. The most effective way in our experience
is to just choose a day and stop. But if you do this, expect to
experience withdrawal symptoms for a few days. Taking the
supplements described below should help to modify the
effects of withdrawal symptoms like headaches, irritability and
muscle aches. Ensuring that you keep to Steps 1 and 2 whilst
withdrawing from caffeine should also make it easier. If you
are a smoker, then it is much more likely that you will suc¬
cessfully quit this habit, having improved your diet, made it
more alkaline and dealt with any other addictions.

Nutritional Supplements
We recommend that the following supplements are taken
from day one of starting a programme to address the sugar

blues. In our experience, clients do much better when sup¬

ported with extra nutrients that .ire known to assist in blood
sugar control.
Vitamins Bl. B2. B3. B5. vitamin C. and the minerals
magnesium, manganese, iron and copper, .ire needed to turn
glucose (sugar) into energy. Yitanun Bo and the mineral nnc
are required tor the production of adrenalin. Vitamin B3 and
the mineral chromiiun .ire part of GTF which helps the action
ot insulin. Vitamin B5 and vitamin C .ire needed to support
the glands. A balance of calcium and magnesium is
required so that each can be used effectively.
Supplementing a high-strength multivitamin and mineral
that gives 50mg ot the B vitamins w ould be a good w av to
start. In addition, lg ot vitamin f . lOOnicg ot chromium, and
600mg of calcium, with a balance of 400mg of magnesium,
would be a supportive programme.

The Allergy Connection

he classic definition of an allergy is ‘any idiosyncratic reac-

1 tion where the immune system is clearly involved’.
Classical allergies — commonly to foods like shellfish and
peanuts - are quite easily identified. They often present as
asthma, eczema, hayfever and hives and may even be life-
threatening by causing immediate reactions like swelling in
the throat. They are recognised by a marker in the blood
which is an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE).
Nutrition consultants have for many years helped certain
clients improve their health by recommending that they avoid
regular foods in the diet like wheat, dairy, citrus fruits, yeast and
caffeine, even though there is no evidence of a classical allergy.
Results have home out the value of recommending such avoid¬
ance. However, the emerging view now is that most allergies are
not IgE-based. There is a new school of thought and a new gen¬
eration of allergy tests has been designed to detect allergies. These
involve another marker known as immunoglobulin G (IgG).
According to Dr James Braly, a director of Immuno
Laboratories, which developed the IgG ELISA test (an allergy
test that determines to which foods a person produces abnor¬
mal amounts of IgG):

Food allergy is not rare, nor are the effects limited to the
air passages, the skin and digestive tract. Most food

allergies are delayed reactions, taking anywhere from an

hour to three days to show themselves, and are therefore
much harder to detect. Delayed food allergy appears to
be simply the inability of your digestive tract to prevent
large quantities of partially digested and undigested food
from entering the bloodstream.

Many food allergies are likely to occur when the lining of the
gut wall is leakier than it should be (see page 39). Foods can
act as a local irritant to the gut wall and make it more porous.
If larger particles of food escape into the bloodstream
through the gut wall, the immune system sees them as
‘foreign’ and sets up an inflammatory reaction. Headaches,
joint pains, flatulence, bloating, mood swings, water
retention and food cravings may result. Food allergens may
also give the body a stress signal, setting up an inappropriate
physical response.
It is now well established that many, if not the majority, of
food intolerances do not produce immediate symptoms, but
have a delayed, cumulative effect, often two or three days
after the food has been eaten. This, of course, makes them
hard to detect by observation. Because they do not present in
a classical way, in the form of asthma or hives, for example,
many people do not realise that their unpleasant symptoms
could be associated with a food that they are eating regularly.
IgG reactions are associated with overuse of particular foods
in the diet.

Wheat and dairy products

The two most common allergens in Britain are wheat and
dairy produce. As a result of busy lifestyles and dependence
on convenience foods, many people are completely unaware
of the origins of their food.
Wheat is the cheapest and easiest grain to grow, and its

flour is not only used to bake bread, cakes, biscuits, etc but
also as a filler in many processed foods. The quantity of wheat
in the average person’s diet is therefore much higher than it
was 50 years ago, particularly as so many of us are partial to a
quick pasta or pizza dish in front of the TV after a hard day’s
It is quite common now, not only because of convenience
foods, but also as part of an increasing emphasis on healthy
eating (even for vegetarians), to be very dependent on wheat
and dairy produce. For example, it is not untypical to have
bran flakes and skimmed milk for breakfast, a wholemeal low-
fat cheese sandwich for lunch, and a wholemeal pizza or pasta
dish for supper, interspersed with fruits and vegetables.
Effectively, the main food components are wheat and dairy
for breakfast, lunch and supper, just assembled in different
Strangely, it is quite usual for people to crave a food that
they are reacting to. If it is a slice of bread or a biscuit that you
crave, then consider that you may be reacting to wheat.
Similarly, if it is a glass of milk or a lump of cheese that gets
you raiding the fridge, consider a dairy allergy. Common
symptoms are mood swings, irritability, foggy brain, flatu¬
lence, bloating, water retention and joint pains.

Testing for allergies

If you suspect that you are reacting to a food, try avoiding all
wheat and dairy produce for two weeks. After a few days of
withdrawal symptoms, which may include headaches, muscle
aches and mood swings, you should start to feel better. After
two weeks, eat a large amount of wheat at one meal and
observe how you feel over the next three days. Five minutes
before you eat the food, take your pulse, having been at rest
for at least 15 minutes. Take your pulse again, five minutes,
15 minutes, 30 minutes and one hour after eating the wheat.

If your pulse increases by 10 over that period, that is an

indication that you have reacted to the food. Three days later,
follow the same procedure to test for dairy produce. If you
find your symptoms get worse, avoid the food for a further
three months and then try again. If there is no reaction, bring
small amounts slowly back into your diet. Any food that you
suspect may be a problem can be tested in this way.
It is very important that you replace these major foods with
suitable alternatives that will replace the nutrients lost by their
exclusion. Read labels on food to ensure that they are free
from wheat and dairy produce. Alternatives to wheat include
com pasta, rye pasta, rice pasta, rice cakes, rye bread, rye
crackers, oat cakes, brown rice, wholegrain cornflakes,
porridge oats and millet flakes. Alternatives to dairy produce
include soya milk, rice milk, oat milk, tofu, soya cheese, nuts,
seeds and green leafy vegetables. If you tell the assistant in a
healthfood shop that you are avoiding wheat and dairy
produce then they will be able to show you some alternatives.
It is possible to react to any food. A nutrition consultant
will be able to recommend a full allergy screen for you, if you
believe allergies are part of your health problem, and the
simple method described above proves inconclusive.

Conquering Candida

C andidiasis is the excessive growth of a yeast organism

called Candida albicans, which is a normal inhabitant of
the bowel. The large intestine is home to 1.3-1.8 kg (3—4 lb)
of organisms, most of which, in the right balance, are very
important to our health. However, given the nght condi¬
tions, opportunistic organisms like Candida albicans can take
over, leaving the sufferer feeling ‘ill all over’.

What causes candidiasis?

This yeast is not harmful unless it is encouraged to multiply.
It flourishes on a diet of sugars, yeasts and moulds, in foods
such as alcohol, confectionery, processed foods, dried fruits,
bread, mushrooms, Marmite, pickles, vinegar and anything
Indiscriminate use of antibiotics reduces the number of
friendly organisms in the gut, creating more room for the
unfriendly ones. Hormone treatments and other steroid med¬
ications can depress the immune system, enabling the
Candida organism to take a hold.
If this yeast organism is allowed to proliferate it develops a
root, becoming fungal in form; and the ecological function of
fungi is to recycle organic material. Erica White, author of
The Beat Candida Cookbook, writes that, for Candida, ‘The

human body is a pile of organic material and, given half the

chance, it will take advantage of a depressed immune system
or impoverished gut flora and start to recycle us’.

What are the effects of candidiasis?

In the fungal form the organism is able to penetrate the gut
wall, making it ‘leakier’ than it should be. This way, Candida
and the toxins it produces enter the bloodstream, along with
other unwanted substances, increasing the risk of food allergy,
hormonal dysfunction, bowel problems, skin problems, mus¬
cle pain, fatigue, thrush and emotional problems. Once in the
bloodstream, Candida tends to settle in weak spots, for
example in the joints where it can cause pain.
Many of the symptoms of candidiasis arise as a result of an
increased level of toxins in the blood and include: headaches,
irritability, anxiety, depression, joint aches, insomnia, anal
irritation, bloating, flatulence, mood swings, dizziness, and
oral and vaginal thrush.

What treatments are available?

The aim of any programme to treat candidiasis is to starve the
organism through dietary restriction, re-establish a healthy
gut flora, heal the gut and then target the organism directly
with an anti-fungal agent. Depending on the seventy of the
invasion, the process can be lengthy and expensive. Because
of its intensity and cost, we recommend that you take one of
two tests before you embark on the programme to find out
whether candidiasis is the problem. One is a stool test which
gives a quantative evaluation of the presence of the organism
in the gut. The second is an immunoglobulin test which
shows up any immune reaction to Candida albicans. We
believe that the second test is the most conclusive.
Apart from laboratory tests, the following questionnaire is

a good indicator of the problem. It’s important to note,

though, that similar symptoms can arise from other organisms
in the gut which will not be completely eliminated by an
anti-Candida programme. There are more comprehensive
stool tests that can detect some of the less common invaders
of the gut. A nutrition consultant can work with you and
recommend the appropriate tests to find out which particular
organisms are contributing to the problem.


1 Have you ever taken tetracycline or other antibiotics for a
month or longer?
2 Have you, at any time in your life, taken other ‘broad-
spectrum’ antibiotics for respiratory, urinary or other
infections (for two months or longer, or in shorter courses
four or more times in a one-year period)?
3 Have you, at any time in your life, been bothered by
persistent prostatitis, vaginitis or other problems affecting
your reproductive organs?
4 Have you taken birth control pills for more than two years?
5 Have you taken cortisone-type drugs for more than a
6 Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, cigarette smoke
and other chemicals provoke noticeable symptoms?
7 Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in
mouldy places?
8 Do you have athlete’s foot, ringworm, ‘jock itch’ or other
chronic fungal infections of the skin or nails?
9 Do you crave sugar, bread or alcoholic beverages?

Score 2 points for each ‘yes’ answer.


1 Do you often experience fatigue or lethargy?
2 Do you ever have the feeling of being ‘drained’?
3 Do you suffer from depression?
4 Do you have a poor memory?
5 Do you ever experience feeling ‘spacey’ or ‘unreal’?
6 Do you suffer from an inability to make decisions?
7 Do you experience numbness, burning or tingling?
8 Do you ever get headaches or migraines?
9 Do you suffer from muscle aches?
10 Do you have muscle weakness or paralysis?
11 Do you have pain and/or swelling in your joints?
12 Do you suffer from abdominal pain?
13 Do you get constipation and/or diarrhoea?
14 Do you suffer from bloating, belching or intestinal gas?
15 Do you have troublesome vaginal burning, itching or
16 Do you suffer from prostatitis or impotence?
17 Do you ever experience a loss of sexual desire or feeling?
18 Do you suffer from endometriosis or infertility?
19 Do you have cramps or other menstrual irregularities?
20 Do you get premenstrual tension?
21 Do you ever have attacks of anxiety or crying?
22 Do you suffer from cold hands or feet and/or chilliness?
23 Do you get shaky or irritable when hungry?

Score 1 point for each ‘yes’ answer.

Add up your total score.

If you score above 30 there’s a strong likelihood that you

have candidiasis. If you score above 20 there’s a possibility
that you have a degree of candidiasis. We recommend that
you see a nutrition consultant and have the appropriate tests
to find out if candidiasis is your problem.

Anti-Candida Diet
This involves avoiding sugars, yeasts and moulds (including
yeasted bread), alcohol, cheese, mushrooms, Marmite,
pickles, vinegar, dried fruits, over-npe fruits, and anything
fermented for three to six months, depending on the severity
of the problem. Some practitioners recommend a total avoid¬
ance of fruit but in our experience this has rarely been
necessary, and most of our clients tolerate two crisp green
apples a day. Starving the organism considerably reduces the
activity in the gut and, whilst awaiting test results, enables
some improvement to take place. For the first month we
recommend that you stick with the diet only.

Healing the Gut

If the gut is found to be ‘leaky’, it is necessary to use agents
like butyric acid and glutamine which are the two major
energy sources for the gut wall. Addressing the healing of the
gut before actively destroying the Candida organism itself
usually leads to fewer ‘die-off reactions (see below).

Re-establishing a Healthy Gut Flora

This is done at the same time as healing the gut. Prebiotics,
like fructo-oligosaccharides, are recommended first to
stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria rather than oppor¬
tunistic unwanted organisms. Prebiotics should be followed
by a course of probiotics, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus.
We recommend that prebiotics and probiotics are taken for
six months. These are available as nutritional supplements.

Anti-fungal Therapy
Three months into the programme we recommend that an
anti-fungal agent, such as caprylic acid, is introduced.

Waiting three months allows the dietary restrictions to

reduce the activity of the Candida, gives the gut wall time
to heal and generally brings about an improvement in
health. Caprylic acid targets the organism directly in a mass
‘slaughter’, which causes the release of toxins in what is
known as ‘die-off reaction. At this stage the sufferer is
more able to tolerate the ‘die-off without feeling too sick.
Although this may be slower than targeting the organism
with caprylic acid from the start, it usually gives the sufferer
a smoother ride.
It is worth retesting at the end of the programme for the
presence of Candida and the health of the gut wall. In our
experience, if the programme does not include nutrients to
heal the gut wall, the problem is likely to recur when a more
‘normal’ diet is resumed.

Points to remember

• Thrush is not necessarily an indicator of candidiasis.

• It is very difficult to treat candidiasis successfully if taking

the contraceptive pill.

• It is very difficult to treat candidiasis successfully if smoking.

• Seek expert advice if you are pregnant or considering

pregnancy and think that you may have candidiasis.

• Work with a nutrition consultant wherever possible if you

think you have candidiasis, as the symptoms are so diverse
that they can easily be mistaken for true hormone


Oestrogen and
Progesterone Explained

T hroughout a woman’s life there is a strong case for pre¬

scribing synthetic hormones to treat a variety of health
problems - from period pains and infertility to menopause
and for contraception. It is predicted that by the year 2000
three in four women will be taking HRT. This, and the use
of other synthetic hormones for the management of female
health problems, is the largest human experiment ever. It is
only now, several decades after their inception, that we are
beginning to understand how synthetic hormones can wreak
havoc with our hormone balance rather than promote it.
We need to understand how the two major female sex
hormones, oestrogen and progesterone, work, before we can
see why synthetic hormones may not be all they are claimed
to be. Hormones are messengers made m one part of the
body, and released into the blood to affect some distant organ.
To respond to the changing needs of the body, an intricate
system controls their continuous production, breakdown and
To maximise'reproductive ability, the body is designed to
produce a balance of the hormones oestrogen and proges¬
terone. Oestrogen is made from progesterone and the two are
very similar in structure. They are closely interrelated in many
ways, with generally opposite effects, and each helps the other
by increasing the sensitivity of target organs.

Understanding oestrogen
Oestrogen is primarily produced by the ovaries; however, fat
cells and the adrenal glands also make some and they become
the primary producers from menopause onwards. Keeping
the adrenal glands healthy, and not becoming too thin, helps
ease the transition to menopause. Oestrogen also helps lay
down fat, so that, during times of famine, pregnant women
can use their stores of fat as energy reserves.
During puberty in girls, oestrogen encourages the growth
and development of the breasts, uterus, underarm and pubic
hair, and the fat that contributes to the typical female body
shape. Oestrogen also stimulates the lining of the vagina and
jencourages the production of vaginal secretions, making sex¬
ual intercourse more comfortable and protecting and cleans¬
ing the vagina. Once menstruation has started, oestrogen is
responsible in the first two weeks of the cycle for the matura¬
tion of an egg. A peak in oestrogen levels around day 12 of
the cycle brings about ovulation by stimulating the release of
luteinising hormone (LH).

Understanding progesterone
Progesterone is made initially by the corpus luteum (the sac in
the ovary from which an egg has been released) during the
latter half of the menstrual cycle. Small amounts are also pro¬
duced in the adrenal glands. It is made from cholesterol,
which is produced from the carbohydrates and fats we eat.
Eating the right balance of these is therefore important. If a
woman becomes pregnant, the corpus luteum continues to
make progesterone to support the growing foetus until the
placenta is mature enough to take over production.
Progesterone helps maintain an even weight by assisting
the control of water retention and by promoting efficient thy¬
roid function. It also helps the body use fat for energy.

For progesterone to do its job as part of the monthly cycle

it has to get inside the cells of the womb. It travels from the
ovary in the blood; once inside the cell it is taken by a recep¬
tor to the nucleus which contains the instructions that enable
it to support the fertilised ovum. Progesterone makes the
womb lining secrete food for the developing embryo and
suppresses any immune rejection of the baby. If a proges¬
terone receptor is not available to bind to it, it simply leaves
the cell. As the menopause approaches, the number of prog¬
esterone receptors declines, reducing the chances of a success¬
ful pregnancy.

The fate of oestrogen and progesterone

After oestrogen and progesterone have completed their tasks,
they are taken in the blood to the liver, where they are
deactivated and passed to the digestive tract for elimination.
This constant production and breakdown, in response to the
body’s continual needs, is what controls the balance of
hormones. An optimum supply of nutrients, including some
B vitamins, helps ensure that the process runs smoothly.
Research back in 1942, and more recently in the 1980s, has
shown that low levels of magnesium may reduce the liver’s
ability to deactivate oestrogen;1 a deficiency of vitamin B6,
which works alongside magnesium, has the same effect. B
vitamin deficiencies were found as early as 1943 in women
suffering from heavy periods and cystic mastitis. Treatment
with less than lOOmg a day brought about a dramatic reduc¬
tion in symptoms.2
Adequate soluble fibre in the diet helps to bind sex
hormones excreted into the digestive tract, aiding their
elimination. Too little encourages their reactivation and
reabsorption into circulation. Soluble fibres, such as fructo-
oligosaccharides (FOS), selectively stimulate the beneficial

bacteria in the gut known as bifido bactena. A beneficial

balance of these inhibits an enzyme that is capable of reacti¬
vating oestrogen. FOS is present in small quantities in the diet
and is available as a supplement.
Researchers have also found a direct link between the
quantity of plant fibre eaten and the presence of a carrier mol¬
ecule for oestrogen in the blood called serum hormone bind¬
ing globulin (SHBG).3 Although still contested, there is now
sufficient data to suggest that a diet rich in dietary fibre corre¬
lates positively with a high SFFBG. The more SHBG is pro¬
duced, the less ‘free’ oestrogen there is available to the
oestrogen-sensitive tissues.

Synthetic hormones
We beheve that it is virtually impossible for synthetic hor¬
mones to restore the natural hormone balance in the body: at
best they can simulate the actions of natural hormones. In the
last 30 years, synthetic varieties have been promoted as the
answer to a whole spectrum of women’s health problems, but
there are more natural ways to balance hormones. We beheve
that women would not take the risk of using synthetic hor¬
mones if they knew the nnphcations for their own health, that
of their offspring, and ultimately for the future health of
humanity, especially alongside exposure to environmental
oestrogen-like substances.
Sex hormones, natural or synthetic, are potent substances
that have widespread effects. Synthetic forms of oestrogen
and progesterone (progestogens) are commonly prescribed.
They are very similar in structure to natural hormones: the
body accepts and uses them. However, although they bind
with the same receptor sites in target cells, they may convey
a different message. In addition, synthetic hormones are not
so easily adjusted or disposed of by the body (their

effectiveness is partly due to their ability to act in the body

for longer than natural hormones). The two most popular
forms of synthetic hormones are in the contraceptive pill
and HRT (used as a ‘cure’ for the menopause). However,
these uses are not without their problems, as the next
chapter explains.

The Pill and HRT -

Exploding the Myths

W ith hindsight, it is likely that history will record the

widespread prescribing of synthetic hormones to
' women as one of medicine’s biggest ever bungles. Many
women taking the contraceptive pill and HRT have little idea
what they contain or how they act. Whatever the purpose of
these treatments, their effect is to totally disrupt the natural
balance and interaction of oestrogen and progesterone in the

The contraceptive pill

Controlling fertility has been a major preoccupation for a
long time. Back in the 1960s the time was ripe for effective
contraception. Venereal diseases were being treated effec¬
tively, and constraining religious beliefs were being eroded.
There was no longer the same social pressure to regulate
women’s sexuality. The market expanded rapidly, filling the
coffers of the pharmaceutical industry.
One of the myths about the contraceptive pill is that it is a
problem-free form of contraception. However, one early
researcher, Dr Ellen Grant, author of The Bitter Pill, was
shocked when synthetic hormones were not withdrawn from
the market due to their known serious side-effects. The Pill is
certainly a highly effective contraceptive, but it also creates

problems, including: depletion of many vital nutrients; diffi¬

culty for some women in re-establishing a normal menstrual
cycle or conceiving after stopping the Pill; raised blood pres¬
sure; risk of fatal blood clots; and a higher risk of certain types
of cancer.

How the Pill Works

The Pill works by suppressing a woman’s natural hormones,
interfering with the natural balance of oestrogen and proges¬
terone. The production of luteinising hormone (LH) is inhib¬
ited, preventing ovulation; cervical mucus becomes hostile to
sperm; the lining of the womb is altered so an egg has diffi¬
culty embedding in it; and the hormonal state of pregnancy is
simulated. The Pill stops proper menstruation; bleeding -
better termed withdrawal bleeding — only occurs each month
when hormones are not taken for seven days.

How the Pill is Made

The hormones in contraceptive pills are made in pharmaceu¬
tical laboratories. Progestogens are most commonly manufac¬
tured from natural progesterone-like substances found in
foods like soya and wild yam.

Known Risks of the Pill

The risks are similar for both the ‘combined’ and the ‘mini’
Pill. The combined Pill — a combination of synthetic oestro¬
gen and progestogen - is considered to be more potent. It
should not be given to women who have ever suffered from
blood clots, liver disease, high blood pressure, obesity, known
or suspected breast or any other hormone-related cancers, or
vaginal bleeding of unknown cause. Taking the combined
Pill increases the risk of coronary artery disease, particularly in

women who smoke. Some women with a history of epilepsy,

migraine, asthma or heart disease find their symptoms get
worse whilst taking the Pill. Changes in brain wave patterns
(EEG) are seen in up to 60 per cent of women taking the
combined Pill.
A woman should stop the mini Pill (which only contains
progestogen) if she experiences any visual problems,
headaches or migraines, or if she has any serious unex¬
plained illness. Progestogen-only pills are sometimes recom¬
mended for women who have problems with the combined
It is advisable to contact your doctor immediately if any
of the following occur: blood in the urine, dizziness or nose
bleeds, fainting, migraines or unusually severe headaches,
numbness or tingling, pregnancy, severe or sudden chest
pain, coughing up blood, visual disturbance, yellowing of
the skm.

Side-effects of the Pill

nausea, vomiting, headache, breast tenderness, weight changes,
changes in sex drive, depression, blood clots, changes in skin
colour, high blood pressure, loss of periods, irregular bleeding

It should be understood that, although rarely, the Pill

(particularly the combined Pill) can be life-threatening. It
can lead to a fatal blood clot that ultimately blocks the
blood supply in the lungs. Studies in Britain indicate that a
woman who is on the Pill is twice as likely to experience a
fatal blood clot as a non-Pill user.4 The problem is so
worrying that the Family Planning Association launched a
public education campaign targeting Britain’s three million
Pill users.

Lesser Known Risks of the Pill

Synthetic hormones can affect the way the body uses many
nutrients. The balance of these in the body is essential to
ensure the precise synchrony of hormones as well as for
countless other functions.

Vitamin A
Excessive levels of vitamin A have been found in the blood
of women on the Pill. Supplementing vitamin A is not
advisable whilst taking the Pill but it is important to ensure a
good dietary intake. After stopping the Pill, however, sup¬
plementing vitamin A is important: the Pill elevates blood
levels of the vitamin by mobilising reserves in the Ever, so
stores need replenishing. The high level of vitamin A found
in the blood of Pill users may partly explain why it helps
skin problems like acne, and why stopping the Pill often
brings about skin problems even in women who had not
suffered from them before.

Vitamin C
Concern that vitamin C increases the ‘potency’ of oestrogen,
by raising oestradiol in the blood, led one group of
researchers to caution Pill users against taking vitamin C
supplements. A thorough investigation into such processes
showed, however, that taking Ig of vitamin C daily does not
raise oestrogen levels in women on the Pill.5 Even if vitamin
C did strengthen oestrogen, the body would compensate by
producing less.

B Vitamins
Synthetic hormones are harder for the body to break down
and eliminate. B vitamins - including choline and inositol -
are involved in these processes in the Ever, so it is wise to
supplement extra B complex.

Vitamin K
Whilst using the Pill, supplementing vitamin K (which is rarely
included in multivitamins) should be avoided, as it is involved
in blood clotting (and the risk of blood clots is increased by
synthetic hormones). Dietary intake of vitamin K from
green vegetables and cauliflower should not, however, be

Copper, Zinc, Manganese and Iron

Higher levels of copper are associated with Pill use. Since
copper increases the amount of oestrogen in the body, high
copper levels may increase the risks associated with oestrogen
dominance. Copper also competes with zinc, which is
„ required at every step of the reproductive process. It is best
not to supplement copper unless supplementing ten times
as much zinc. Too much zinc can also deplete iron and
manganese, but, as Pill-takers usually lose less blood at the
monthly bleed than in normal menstruation, extra iron
supplementation may not be needed. Unless tests show an
iron deficiency, taking more than the lOmg of iron found in
a good multivitamin should not be necessary. For manganese,
3—5mg is sufficient. So an ideal mineral supplement might
provide 15mg of zinc, lOmg of iron, 3mg of manganese and
1.5mg or less of copper.

Reduced Effectiveness
Some combined Pills are taken for 21 days, followed by a
seven-day break. Other preparations are taken every day, and
include a week’s ‘hormoneless’ pills. Daily use minimises the
risk of forgetting, thereby increasing reliability. Effectiveness
can, however, be reduced by diarrhoea and vomiting, and
some medications, including antibiotics, sedatives, anti-
arthritic drugs and anti-epileptic drugs.
The mini Pill must be taken every day, at the same time, to

maintain good contraceptive cover. A delay of only three

hours can result in a loss of protection. Its effectiveness is
high, but lower than that of the combined Pill.

Hormone replacement therapy (hrt)

Despite research showing the downside of HRT, it has been
described as the most important preventive medicine of the
century. Between 1963 and 1973 sales of oestrogen prepara¬
tions quadrupled and half the post-menopausal female popu¬
lation of Britain was using HRT.
According to the Amarant Trust, a charity that uncritically
promotes HRT, the menopause is a ‘deficiency disease’. By
definition, diseases need to be treated, which is where HRT
comes in. HRT has been recommended to prolong women’s
active sex lives after the menopause, and ever since its intro¬
duction figures have been manipulated to infer a variety of
benefits, including stronger bones and protection from heart
HRT is available in pills, patches and implants. Choosing
the most appropriate form — from around 50 preparations — is
not straightforward and is assessed largely according to risk
and convemence. Some women take several years to find one
that suits them. Some never find the right one. Surveys report
that 70 per cent of women discontinue HRT within a year
and only 7 per cent last eight years.6
The myth about HRT is that it is a ‘complete cure’ for the
menopause. It regularly relieves symptoms such as hot flushes,
vaginal dryness and loss of libido but is considered by many to
cause several other problems. HRT is said to prevent osteo¬
porosis, protect against the risk of heart disease and lower
blood pressure. But these claims have not been convincingly
proven. Many studies report that HRT increases the risk of
both breast and endometrial cancer;7 it has not been in use
long enough to determine its long-term effects on health.

How HRT Works

HRT — originally called ‘oestrogen replacement therapy’ —
works by replacing the depleted oestrogen levels that occur at
the menopause. It is thought that low levels are responsible
for the increased risk of heart disease and osteoporosis as well
as many of the symptoms of menopause, including hot
flushes, vaginal dryness and depression. The oestrogen-only
preparations were, however, soon linked to an increased risk
of endometrial cancer and are no longer recommended for
women who still have their wombs. Such women are pre¬
scribed a combination synthetic progestogen/oestrogen treat¬

How HRT is Made

Unlike the Pill which mainly uses the synthetic oestrogen,
ethynyloestradiol, most oestrogens used in HRT are so-called
‘natural’ i.e. taken from a pregnant mare’s urine or the ovaries
of pigs. Marilyn Glenville writes in her book Natural
Alternatives to HRT, ‘Not all the oestrogens in the mixture are
natural to humans and some can behave like ethynlyoestra-
diol, the synthetic hormone, which tends to affect liver
metabolism by producing changes in blood clotting and blood
fat levels’. An official investigation by a representative of the
World Society for the Protection of Animals reported that the
mares were not kept in acceptable conditions. The synthetic
progestogen used in HRT is the same as that in contraceptive

Known Risks of HRT

Generally, the side-effects of HRT are similar to those associ¬
ated with taking the Pill (see page 129). Taking oestrogens by
mouth is associated with nausea, vomiting, bloating and

abdominal cramps. Oral oestrogens go to the liver first to be

broken down, so it is difficult to know how much will end up
in the blood.
The skin patch bypasses the liver, giving a higher level of
oestrogen in the blood, and is associated with a localised dis¬
coloration of the skin.
Increasingly popular are oestrogen implants: pellets are
inserted under the skin in a small operation. They should last
six months but frequently women return three to nine weeks
later, complaining of recurring menopausal symptoms.8
Implants are associated with an addiction to oestrogen and it
has been suggested that women who gain such tolerance to
oestrogen have psychiatric problems and require larger than
normal amounts of oestrogen!
Professor Howard Jacobs, of the Middlesex Hospital in
London, suggests that it may be the continual saturation of the
oestrogen-sensitive cells that makes them lose the ability to
respond accordingly. It is also indicated that early use of
oestrogen, in the Pill, may set the stage for an increased need
for replacement therapy.
For two years after stopping oestrogen implants, there is
still a risk of developing endometrial cancer. To lower the
risk, a woman needs to take a progestogen for two years or
more after discontinuing an oestrogen implant.

The Progesterone Story

P rogesterone literally means necessary ‘for pregnancy’ (pro¬

gestation). In 1929, three years after oestrogen had been
identified in the urine of menstruating women, progesterone
was identified in the corpus luteum. Modem science now
enables us not only to identify hormones but to begin to
understand how they exert their influence in the body.

Where does progesterone come from?

Several years after progesterone was identified, it was reabsed
that large amounts were also produced in the placenta, and
human placentas were soon the major source of progesterone
used in experimental work. In 1939 it was found that
sapogenin, in the sarsaparilla plant, could be converted into a
progesterone-like compound. Soon afterwards diosgenin, a
substance in wild yam, was converted in the laboratory into
progesterone, in exactly the same form as the body produces.
By the early 1950s, thousands of plants were found to con¬
tain active oestrogen and progesterone-like substances called
phyto-oestrogens and phyto-progesterones. (see Chapter 24
for more information on phytonutrients/hormones). The
major modem source of diosgenin is the soya bean. The body
cannot convert diosgenin into progesterone itself.
It is possible to produce not only synthetic forms of

progesterone (progestogens) but also oestrogen and the male

hormone testosterone. The manufacture of altered forms is
easy and cheap and, because they are not natural, they can be
patented for great profit. Despite early and continued success
by some physicians using progesterone for PMS, threatened
miscarriage and ovarian cysts, research into natural hormones
declined, in the face of competition from synthetic forms.
Progesterone is the only hormone in the body produced in
milligrams. All others are produced in nanogram amounts. By
the last three months of pregnancy the body produces up to
30 times more than it does in the non-pregnant state.
Progesterone is not gender-specific: baby boys do not turn
into baby girls under the influence of progesterone.

What does progesterone do?

Progesterone maintains a lush endometrium, ensuring that
the developing baby is well nounshed throughout pregnancy.
When it is first produced, following ovulation, a woman’s sex
drive is at its height. Progesterone plays a pivotal role in the
synchrony of other steroid hormones: the body uses it to
make the three major oestrogens, testosterone, the stress hor¬
mone cortisol and other corticosteroids, plus aldosterone
(which helps control water balance in the body).
Progesterone’s production and conversion into other hor¬
mones is critical for hormone balance.
It has a variety of other important biological effects. It

• the body use fat for energy

• lift mood by acting as a natural anti-depressant
• the thyroid hormones work properly, assisting weight
• prevent the blood from clotting inappropriately
• keep the correct balance of zinc and copper in the body

• the cells in the body maintain proper oxygen levels (an

important factor in the prevention of cancer)
• protect against fibrocystic breast disease and breast cancer
• protect against endometrial cancer
• redress the harmful effects of too much oestrogen

Synthetic progesterone — progestogens — are not capable of

matching the full range of progesterone’s functions.
However, they fit the progesterone receptor sites, blocking
the ability of the natural hormone to carry out its functions.
Because progestogens are stronger and more potent, they are
also more difficult for the body to de-activate and break
So, even if the body is producing enough progesterone, it
may not be able to exert its influence if synthetic hormones
get in the way. Similarly, xenoestrogens (the oestrogen mim¬
ics used by the chemical and agricultural industries) can block
the action of the natural hormone and scramble the message.


For hormones to work well, they need to be in balance. In
modem times this appears to be a difficult condition to fulfil.
The insidious competition from synthetic hormones (mainly
oestrogens), xenoestrogens and those fed to animals to fatten
them up is often too much of a challenge for the body to deal
with by producing more progesterone. Exposure to xenoe¬
strogens can directly inhibit the body’s ability to produce
In addition to this, women become oestrogen dominant
from their mid-thirties onwards, as they increasingly do not
ovulate with every menstrual cycle. Some doctors believe
that anovulatory cycles are epidemic among women in indus¬
trialised countries.
The effect of not ovulating with each cycle is that no

progesterone is produced and the body is exposed to oestro¬

gen only throughout the month (see Fig. 6). Sub-optimum
nutrition, stress and too much exercise are believed to con¬
tribute to anovulatory cycles. However, it is xenoestrogen
exposure that is considered to be the most potent factor
involved. It is often possible to detect an anovulatory period
due to a change in pattern and heavier, longer or shorter
Due to the regular occurrence of anovulatory cycles before
the menopause, oestrogen levels become increasingly domi¬
nant. This can lead to the exaggerated symptoms of too much
oestrogen experienced before the menopause. This is com¬
pounded by the fact that the pituitary gland is instructed to
release high levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and
luteinising hormone (LH) in response to a low level of
progesterone, which can lead to an increased production of

Figure 6 - Oestrogen and progesterone ratios


Even ovulatory cycles can lead to oestrogen dominance if

they are either too short or too long; the first half of the cycle
is normally 14 days but can last up to six weeks or more. The
second half of the cycle is more constant — usually between 10
and 16 days. Oestrogen dominance is more likely to arise in
the second half of an ovulatory cycle as progesterone is
around for a shorter period of time in relation to oestrogen.

Problems associated with oestrogen

Breast cancer is strongly associated with too much oestrogen.
The most common time for breast cancer to develop is five
years before the menopause when oestrogen dominance is
likely to be highest due to anovulatory cycles.

Endometrial cancer of the lining of the womb has only one

known cause — unopposed oestrogen.

PMS is strongly associated with hormonal imbalance. It pro¬

duces a multitude of symptoms that often appear diverse and
unrelated but which are similar to those associated with too
much oestrogen.

An underactive thyroid gland can give rise to a similar set of

symptoms to oestrogen dominance and PMS. Too much
oestrogen affects the thyroid hormone.

Blood sugar levels are affected by the presence of too much

oestrogen. Symptoms are similar to oestrogen dominance,
PMS and thyroid problems. The hormones insulin and
glucagon and the stress hormone cortisol are all involved in
the control of blood sugar levels. Stress hormones are made
from progesterone in the body, so low levels can adversely
affect the way we cope with stress.

Other Health Problems Associated with

Oestrogen Dominance
rapid aging, allergies, breast tenderness, depression,
fatigue, fibrocystic breast disease, fibroids, headaches,
infertility,- irritability, memory loss, miscarriage, osteo¬
porosis, reduced sex drive, water retention

What happens when progesterone levels


Low progesterone levels can increase oestrogen through the

production of another hormone called androstenedione.
When progesterone levels fall, either as a result of anovulatory
cycles or post-menopausally, the body responds by increasing
the production of androstenedione, a masculinising hormone
which is one step in a pathway for making oestrogen. (Men
make most of their oestrogen from this hormone.) After the
menopause, androstenedione and a similar masculinising hor¬
mone called androstenediol become the major producers of
oestrogen in the body.
Cholesterol is converted to a hormone called pregnenolone
which is either made into progesterone or another hormone
called DHEA (dihydroepiandrosterone). From DHEA, the
body is able to make androstenedione or androstenediol,
either of which can be converted into testosterone or oestro-
gens (see Fig. 7). If oestrogen is made this way, there is a ten¬
dency (particularly if the receptor sites for oestrogen are filled
with synthetic or xenoestrogens) for testosterone to be
formed instead. This can lead to symptoms like hair loss on
the scalp and unwanted hair on the legs and face.
At menopause, the production of oestrogen in the body
only falls by half to one-third. Progesterone decreases to
120th of baseline levels, yet it is oestrogen that is widely




Figure 7 - How hormones are made from cholesterol


prescribed to treat menopausal symptoms and protect against

osteoporosis and heart disease. With environmental and
synthetic hormone exposure too, it is little wonder that
progesterone has a hard task keeping oestrogen in check.

Redressing the balance

It is important to realise that oestrogen is a vital hormone for
human survival. It is the imbalance of oestrogen to proges¬
terone, and not excess oestrogen per se, that is thought to be
responsible for many of today’s female health problems.
Fifty years ago, when man-made chemicals were first used
in industry, little thought was given to their potential effects
on reproduction. More concern at that time was focused on
whether they were likely to be carcinogenic (cancer-form¬
ing). Only now are we realising that the by-products of man¬
made, industrial chemicals are capable of wreaking havoc
with hormone balance in all species.
We are unlikely ever to understand the complexity of hor¬
monal interaction in its entirety but the measures for main¬
taining and improving health described in this book are sound
in regard to the perceived problem. In redressing the balance
between oestrogen and progesterone (for those that have
accepted that the problem exists), there are two possible

1 Ensure optimum nutrient intake and the healthiest possible

lifestyle, including reduced exposure to pollutants.

2 As 1, plus, where necessary, the use of progesterone

applied to the skin, derived from soya or wild yam, at
levels the body would produce for itself (see Chapter 21).

It is clear that optimum nutrition and a sensible lifestyle are

key components in addressing the problem of oestrogen
dominance. Part 5 gives a full account of how you can opti¬
mise your nutrient intake.

Natural Hormones -
The Safe Alternative

"VTatural hormones are essential substances that help to keep

TN us fit and healthy when they are in balance. Cells all over
the body recognise natural hormones — they fit like hand in
glove - and therefore respond to them appropriately.
Progesterone is a key hormone from which oestrogens are
made; and almost everything in the body is ultimately made
from the food we eat. To make nature’s hormones work best,
it is therefore sensible to provide your body with the best pos¬
sible raw materials. Part 5 of this book shows you how to do
Addressing the problem of oestrogen dominance through
an optimum diet and lifestyle alone may, however, not be
enough for some women. In certain instances, we believe it is
appropriate to replace a deficient hormone with one derived
from a natural source such as soya or wild yam, that has been
converted in the laboratory to exactly the same structure as
the body would have made for itself.
Where an actual disease associated with oestrogen domi¬
nance has already been diagnosed, such as fibroids, fibrocystic
breasts or osteoporosis, then the case for supplementing a nat¬
urally derived hormone is even stronger. Combining natural
hormone supplements with an optimised diet and lifestyle
should increase the chances of such health problems respond¬
ing well.

There is no conclusive evidence so far that shows that an

optimum diet alone will significantly reverse the process of
osteoporosis. However, Dr John Lee has demonstrated, over
two decades of clinical practice, an increase in bone density of
up to 15 per cent in three years, using a ‘natural’ transdermal
cream (applied to the skin) containing progesterone.

Supplementing natural progesterone

‘Natural’ progesterone, as found in transdermal creams such as
Progest, has minimal, transient side-effects if taken as recom¬
mended. Some women report temporary, incidental ‘spot¬
ting’ in the first three months of use. Any persistent spotting
or breakthrough bleeding should be reported to your doctor;
likewise, if you experience headaches or other progressive
During the first few months of use, symptoms of oestrogen
dominance, including breast tenderness, breast swelling and
weight gain, may be exaggerated. This is because oestrogen
and progesterone are closely interrelated, and, although they
generally oppose one other, each helps the other by making
target organ cells more sensitive. In time, however, when
sufficient progesterone has been absorbed through the fatty
layers of the skin, this effect should stop.
The ability of oestrogen and progesterone to make the cells
of a target organ more sensitive has given cause for concern
because, during the first three months of use, progesterone
could in fact promote a cancer by stimulating oestrogen-
sensitive target organs like the breast or uterus.
Indeed, several studies have indicated that progesterone is
carcinogenic, but under closer scrutiny they either refer to a
progestogen (synthetic progesterone) or the levels of proges¬
terone used have been well above any level that the body
would naturally produce. For example, in one study a strain
of rats known to be prone to developing cancer were given a

cancer-promoting agent and excessively high levels of prog¬

esterone to see if giving progesterone would speed up the
process, which it did. This study was mercilessly criticised for
its methodology at the time, but it is still used by some to sup¬
port a case for progesterone being carcinogenic.
Similarly, it has been claimed that progesterone suppresses
the immune system. Undoubtedly, progesterone has a
localised immuno-suppressive effect in the womb during
pregnancy to prevent any immune rejection of the baby
which contains its father’s ‘foreign’ proteins. However,
research generally indicates that, during pregnancy, the over¬
all effect of the increased production of progesterone is to
enhance the function of the immune system. "
Recent research (as described on page 92) indicates that
progesterone is protective to breast tissue. Dr John Lee’s

When oestrogen and progesterone receptor testing of

breast cancer cells is done, it is generally the rule that
progesterone receptors are not found unless plenty of
oestrogen receptors are present. Oestrogen stimulates
the emergence of progesterone receptors. Since oestro¬
gen stimulates cell proliferation (which is not desirable
in cancer cells) and progesterone inhibits proliferation in
favour of cell maturation, it would seem wise to supply
the needed progesterone.

It has been our experience that, in a minority of women,

symptoms of breast tenderness, breast swelling and weight
gain do not respond to progesterone creams well, even after
six months of use. Many more do, however, especially when
combined with optimum nutrition. The reasons for this are
unclear. One suggestion is that some women do not absorb
progesterone efficiently through the skin into the blood¬
stream, accumulating it in the skin instead.

If you take thyroid medication, consult your medical prac¬

titioner because progesterone increases thyroid activity, so
you may require a lower dose of medication.

Supplementing natural oestrogen

In some instances, Dr John Lee has found that supplementing
a natural source of oestrogen has been necessary to manage
resistant hot flushes and vaginal dryness. However, oestrogen
supplementation is not advisable for women with diabetes,
varicose veins, a liigh blood fat level, high blood pressure,
fibrocystic breasts, fibroids, obesity, a history of breast cancer,
endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer or any clotting disorders.

Testing your hormone levels

We believe that the best way to identify whether you would
benefit from progesterone is to have your hormone levels
checked, usually by a blood test. A more sensitive test
involves taking a simple saliva sample, this reveals the amount
of ‘free’ circulatmg hormone, which is the best indicator not
only of progesterone levels but also of other hormones
including the three mam oestrogens, testosterone and DHEA.
If you are using a natural hormone cream, it is wise to have
your levels tested annually.
Most ION-trained nutritionists (see Useful Addresses) or a
nutritionally orientated doctor could recommend saliva or
blood hormone tests.
Hormones, natural or otherwise, should be used with care
and are only available on prescription in Britain. Many natural
hormones are available over the counter m the USA and
some other countries but we do not recommend that you
self-prescribe them. A nutritionist can work with you to opti¬
mise your diet and lifestyle, and recommend appropriate tests.
If your own GP is unwilling to prescnbe a natural hormone

for you, a list of medically qualified practitioners who will is

available from Higher Nature (see Useful Addresses). By
calling the Natural Progesterone Information Line (see Useful
Addresses) you can request information on natural proges¬
terone to be sent to yourself and your GP.

Natural Hormones -
How and When to Use

T he subject of how and when to use natural oestrogen

cream and DHEA is too complex for the confines of this
book. However, natural oestrogen cream has been used suc¬
cessfully to help manage hot flushes and vaginal dryness in
some women where natural progesterone alone proved insuf¬
ficient. DHEA has been used to help manage weight prob¬
lems, immune problems and stress. We strongly recommend
that you only consider natural hormone supplementation
under the guidance of a medical practitioner familiar with
their use and a nutritionist who can optimise your diet and
lifestyle (see Useful Addresses).

Using natural progesterone

Massage progesterone cream into the skin until it becomes
well absorbed. The cream can be applied to any area of the
body, but is best absorbed where the skin Ls thinner - m places
such as the neck, chest, breast, lower abdomen, inner thighs,
wrists, palms and inner arms. Regularly rotate the application
of the cream to different parts of the body for maximum effect
and to reduce any localised reaction to the cream. A few
women have reacted to some added component to the cream.

Natural progesterone is available as a cream in a 50g (2 oz)

tube or in a 25ml (1 fl oz) bottle. The oil and the cream can
be used together for the management of persistent
menopausal problems like hot flushes. Natural progesterone
oil can be taken directly under the tongue or, if you don’t like
the taste, it can be rubbed into the soles of the feet. If you use
this method, apply the oil at night and wear old socks to
prevent staining the bed clothes.

Pre-menstrua! Syndrome (PMS)

Natural progesterone cream can help reduce symptoms asso¬
ciated with PMS. The cream is used in a way that would sim¬
ulate the natural menstrual cycle (see Fig. 8). Read Chapter 8
for further guidance on PMS.

Figure 8 - Pre-menstrual

Day 1 (Period Starts)

Women respond to the menopause differently, some with
mild and some with acute symptoms, so each one’s require¬
ments for progesterone will vary. Start with the guidelines
given here and adjust the level to meet your needs. If you
have stopped menstruating, use the same schedule but base it
on the calendar month (see Fig. 9).

Persistent Vaginal Dryness and Hot Flushes

Natural progesterone cream, used vaginally, has been very
successful in treating vaginal dryness — insert a quarter to half
a teaspoon daily in addition to your usual application.
For hot flushes use extra natural progesterone cream for
immediate relief of symptoms - a quarter to half a teaspoon
every 15 minutes for one hour following the hot flush.

For persistent menopausal symptoms, progesterone oil is

more effective. For hot flushes, place 2-5 drops of the oil
under the tongue and retain it for five minutes. Repeat the
dose every 10-15 minutes for the hour after the hot flush.
The oil may also be rubbed into the soles of your feet.
Chapter 11 gives more advice on dealing with menopause.


It is a good idea to determine the extent of your bone loss

before starting treatment with natural progesterone cream and
then check yearly whether the situation has improved. If you
have severe osteoporosis or have experienced fractures, then
double the dose of progesterone cream over the same time-
span (Fig. 10). Chapter 12 gives further guidance on treating

Natural progesterone can also be helpful for a range of other

health problems, some of which are discussed in Part 3.

Day 1 (Period Starts)

Figure 10 - Osteoporosis



Diet for the Good Life

he perfect diet is one that provides every single cell in the

X body with the best supply of nutrients — it is the founda¬
tion of health. If we examine the diets of other cultures
renowned for living to a ripe old age, it is clear such people
eat a varied and natural diet.
The Diet for the Good Life aims to give you maximum
hormonal health; when your hormones are balanced and
healthy then the rest of your body should be healthy too. The
basis of this diet is plenty of complex carbohydrates, moderate
amounts of protein, sufficient essential fats, a minimum of sat¬
urated fats and plenty of water. The foods recommended also
provide an alkahne-forming diet and give you good levels of
vitamins and minerals, both consistent with optimal health.
For more detailed advice on following a perfect diet, we
suggest you consult The Optimum Nutrition Bible (see
Recommended Reading).

There are two kinds of fat: saturated (hard) fat, and unsat¬
urated fat. It is not essential to eat saturated fat, nor is it
advisable to eat too much. The main sources are meat and
dairy products. There are also two kinds of unsaturated
fats: monounsaturated, of which olive oil is a rich source;

and polyunsaturated fats, found in nut and seed oils and

Certain polyunsaturated fats, called linoleic and linolenic
acid or Omega 6 and Omega 3 oils, are vital for the brain and
nervous system, immune system, cardiovascular system and
skin. A common sign of deficiency of these substances is dry
skin. The optimal diet provides a balance of these two essen¬
tial fats. Pumpkin and flax seeds are rich in linolenic acid
(Omega 3), while sesame and sunflower seeds are rich in
linoleic acid (Omega 6). Linolenic acid is converted in the
body into DHA and EPA, which are also found in mackerel,
herring, salmon and tuna. These essential fats are easily
destroyed by heating or exposure to oxygen, so it is important
to have a fresh daily source and not to use them for cooking.
The ideal mix is one half flax seed, the other half equal por¬
tions of pumpkin, sunflower and sesame, kept unground in the
fridge, in a sealed glass container, and ground on the day for use.
Processed foods often contain hardened or ‘hydrogenated’
polyunsaturated fats. These are worse for you than saturated
fat and are best avoided.

• Eat 1 tablespoon cold-pressed seed oil (sesame, sunflower,

pumpkin, flax seed, etc) or 1 heaped tablespoon mixed
ground seeds a day.

• Avoid fried food, burnt or browned fat, saturated and

‘hydrogenated’ fat.

The 25 amino acids (components of protein) are the building
blocks of the body. As well as being vital for growth and the
repair of body tissue, they are used to make hormones,
enzymes, antibodies and neurotransmitters, and help transport
substances around the body. Both the quality of the protein
you eat (determined by the balance of these amino acids), and
the quantity you eat, are important.

The government recommends that we obtain 15 per cent

of our total calorie intake from protein, but gives little guid¬
ance as to the kind of protein we should choose. This is in
sharp contrast to the average breast-fed baby who receives just
1 per cent of its total calories from protein and manages to
double its birth weight in six months. This is because the pro¬
tein from breast milk is very good quality and easily absorbed.
Assuming good-quality protein, 10 per cent of calorie intake,
or around 40g of protein a day, is an optimal intake for most
people, unless pregnant, recovering from surgery, or under¬
taking large amounts of exercise or heavy manual work.
The best-quality protein foods, in terms of amino acid bal¬
ance, include eggs, quinoa (a grain that cooks like rice), soya,
meat, fish, beans and lentils. Animal protein sources tend to
contain a lot of undesirable saturated fat, whereas vegetable
protein sources tend to contain additional beneficial complex
carbohydrates and are less acid-forming than meat. It is best to
limit meat to three meals a week. It is difficult not to take in
adequate protein from any diet that includes three meals a
day, whether you are vegan, vegetarian or meat-eating. Many
vegetables, especially ‘seed’ foods like runner beans, peas,
com or broccoli, contain good levels of protein and help to
neutralise excess acidity which can lead to loss of minerals
including calcium (hence the higher risk of osteoporosis
among frequent meat-eaters).

• Eat two servings of beans, lentils, quinoa, tofu (soya), ‘seed’

vegetables or other vegetable protein, or one small serving
of meat, fish, cheese, or a free-range egg.

• Avoid excess animal protein.

Carbohydrate is the main fuel for the body. It comes in two
forms: ‘fast-releasing’, as in sugar, honey, malt, sweets and

most refined foods; and ‘slow-releasing’, as in wholegrains,

vegetables and fresh fruit. The latter foods contain more com¬
plex carbohydrate and/or more fibre, both of which help to
slow down the release of sugar. Fast-releasing carbohydrates
tend to give a sudden burst of energy, followed by a slump,
while slow-releasing carbohydrates provide more sustained
energy and are therefore preferable. Refined foods, like sugar
or white flour, lack the vitamins and minerals needed for the
body to use them properly and are best avoided. The constant
use of fast-releasing carbohydrates can give rise to complex
symptoms and health problems. Some fruit, like bananas,
dates and raisins, contain faster-releasing sugars and are best
kept to a minimum by people with glucose-related health
problems. Slow-releasing carbohydrate foods — fresh fruit,
vegetables, pulses and wholegrains — should make up two-
thirds of what you eat, or around 70 per cent of your total
calorie intake.

• Eat five servings of raw or lightly cooked dark green, leafy

and root vegetables such as watercress, carrots, sweet pota-.
toes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, green beans or

• Eat three or more servings of fresh fruit such as apples,

pears, berries, melon or citrus fruit.

• Eat four or more servings of wholegrains such as brown

rice, millet, rye, oats, wholewheat, com, quinoa, breads,
pasta or pulses.

• Avoid any form of sugar, foods with added sugar, white or

refined foods.

Rural Africans eat about 55g of dietary fibre a day (compared
to the UK average intake of 22g and have among the lowest

incidence in the world of bowel diseases such as appendicitis,

diverticulitis, colitis and bowel cancer. The ideal intake is not
less than 35g a day. It is easy to get this amount of fibre -
which absorbs water in the digestive tract, making the food
contents bulkier and easier to pass through the body — by
eating wholegrains, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, lentils and
beans on a daily basis. Fruit and vegetable fibre slows down
the absorption of sugar into the blood, helping to maintain
good energy levels. Cereal fibre is particularly important in
preventing constipation and putrefaction of foods, which are
underlying causes of many digestive complaints. Refined diets
that include a lot of meat, eggs, fish and dairy produce will
undoubtedly lack fibre.

• Eat wholefoods — wholegrains, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds,

fresh fruit and vegetables.

• Avoid refined, white and overcooked foods.

Two-thirds of the body consists of water, which is therefore
our most important nutrient. The body loses about 1.5 litres
(2X pints) of water a day through the skin, lungs, gut and via
the kidneys as urine, ensuring that toxic substances are elimi¬
nated from the body. We also make about 300ml (X pint) of
water a day when glucose is ‘burnt’ for energy. Therefore, the
minimum water intake from food and drink is more than 1
litre (2 pints) a day, and the ideal intake is around 2 litres (4
pmts) a day.
Fruit and vegetables consist of around 90 per cent water.
They supply it in a form that is very easy for the body to use,
at the same time providing the body with a high percentage
of vitamins and minerals. Four pieces of fruit and four servings
of vegetables, amounting to about 1.1kg (2% lb) of these
foods, can provide 1 litre (2 pints) water, leaving a daily 1 litre

(2 pints) to be taken as water or in the form of diluted juices

or herb or fruit teas. Alcohol, tea and coffee cause the body to
lose water, so they are not recommended as sources of fluid
intake. They also rob the body of valuable minerals.

• Drink 1 litre (2 pints) water a day as water or in diluted

juices, herb or fruit teas

• Minimise your intake of alcohol, coffee and tea.

Although vitamins are needed in much smaller amounts than
fat, protein or carbohydrate, they are no less important. They
‘turn on’ enzymes, which in turn make all body processes
happen. Vitamins are needed to balance hormones, produce
energy, boost the immune system, make healthy skin and
protect the arteries; they are vital for the brain, nervous, sys¬
tem and just about every physical process. Vitamins A, C and
E are antioxidants — they slow down the aging process and
protect the body from cancer, heart disease and pollution. B
and C vitamins are vital for turning food into mental and
physical energy. Vitamin D, found in milk, eggs, fish and
meat, helps control calcium balance. It can also be made in
the skin in the presence of sunshine; B and C vitamins are
richest in living foods — fresh fruit and vegetables. Vitamin A
comes in two forms: retinol, the animal form found in meat,
fish, eggs and dairy produce; and beta-carotene, found in red,
yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. Vitamin E is found in
seeds, nuts and their oils and helps protect essential fats from
going rancid.

• Eat three or more servings of dark green, leafy and root

vegetables and three or more servings of fresh fruit, plus
some nuts or seeds, every day.

• Supplement a multivitamin containing at least the follow-


ing: 2250mcg vitamin A, lOmcg vitamin D, lOOmg vitamin

E, 25mg vitamin Bl, 25mg B2, 50mg B3 (niacin), 50mg B5
(pantothenic acid), 50mg B6, 5mcg B12, lOOmcg folic acid,
50mcg biotin. Also supplement lOOOmg vitamin C a day.

Like vitamins, minerals are essential for just about every
process in the body. Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus
help make up the bones and teeth. Nerve signals, vital for the
brain and muscles, depend on calcium, magnesium, sodium
and potassium. Oxygen is carried in the blood by an iron
compound. Chromium helps control blood sugar levels. Zinc
is vital for all body repair, renewal and development.
Selenium and zinc help boost the immune system. Brain
function depends on adequate magnesium, manganese, zinc
and other essential minerals. These are but a few out of the
thousands of key functions that minerals perform in human
We need large daily amounts of calcium and magnesium,
which are found in vegetables such as kale, cabbage and root
vegetables. They are also abundant in nuts and seeds. Calcium
alone is found in large quantities in dairy produce. Fruits and
vegetables also provide large amounts of potassium and small
amounts of sodium, which is the right balance. All ‘seed’
foods (which include seeds, nuts, lentils and beans, as well as
peas, broad beans, runner beans, wholegrains and even broc¬
coli (the heads are the seeds) are good sources of iron, zinc,
manganese and chromium. Selenium is abundant in nuts,
seafood, seaweed and seeds, especially sesame.

• Eat one serving of mineral-rich food such as kale, cabbage,

root vegetables, low-fat dairy such as yoghurt, seeds or nuts
such as almonds, as well as plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables
and wholefoods such as lentils, beans and wholegrains.

• Supplement a multimineral containing at least the follow¬

ing: 150mg calcium, 75mg magnesium, lOmg iron, lOmg
zinc, 2.5mg manganese, 50mcg chromium, 25mcg sele¬

Pure food
Organic, unadulterated wholefoods have formed the basis of
the human diet through the ages. Only now, in the twentieth
century, has the human race been subjected to countless man¬
made chemicals in our food and our environment.
One major requirement for health is to eat foods that pro¬
vide exactly the amount of energy required to keep the body
in perfect balance. However, we waste a good deal of energy
trying to disarm these alien and often toxic chemicals, some of
which cannot be eliminated and end up accumulating in body
tissue. It is now impossible to avoid all such substances, as
there is nowhere on this planet that is not contaminated in
some way by the products of our modern chemical age. So
choosing organic foods whenever possible is the nearest we
can get to eating a pure diet today. By supporting the move¬
ment back to producing these kinds of food we help to
minimise the damage from chemical pollution which poses a
real threat to the future of humanity.
Raw, organic food is the most natural and beneficial way to
take food into the body. Many foods contain enzymes that
help digest them once the food is chewed. Raw food is full of
vital phytochemicals whose effect on our health may prove as
important as vitamins and minerals. Cooking food destroys
enzymes and reduces the activity of phytochemicals.
• Eat organic as much as you can. Make sure at least half your
diet consists of raw fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, nuts and
• Avoid processed food containing lots of additives, and cook
foods as little as possible.

Diet for the good life

Follow these 10 top tips daily for better health:

1 heaped tablespoon of ground seeds or 1 tablespoon of

cold-pressed seed oil

2 servings of beans, lentils, quinoa, tofu (soya), or ‘seed’


3 pieces of fresh fruit such as apples, pears, berries, melon

or citrus fruit

4 servings of wholegrains such as brown rice, millet, rye,

oats, wholewheat, com, quinoa as cereal, bread or pasta

5 servings of dark green, leafy and root vegetables such as

watercress, carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach,
green beans, peas and peppers

6 glasses of water, diluted juices, herb or fruit teas

7 Eat whole, organic, raw food as much as possible

8 Supplement a high strength multivitamin and multi¬
mineral and lOOOmg of vitamin C a day

9 Avoid fried, burnt, or browned food, ‘hydrogenated’ fat

and excess animal fat

10 Avoid any form of sugar as well as white, refined or

processed food containing chemical additives, and mini¬
mise your intake of alcohol, coffee or tea — have no more
than 1 unit of alcohol a day (e.g. a glass of wine, 300ml
(K pint) beer or lager, or 1 measure of a spirit).

Phytonutrients -
the Hormone Helpers

H ormone-like substances abound in natural foods. This is

hardly surprising since hormones are, after all, made from
food components. However, we have only recently recog¬
nised the extent to which foods that are rich in certain phyto¬
nutrients influence our hormone balance and health.


Oestrogen-like plant compounds are often called phyto-
oestrogens (phyto = ‘plant’). At first glance, given the health
problems associated with oestrogen dominance, one might
think that eating foods rich in phyto-oestrogens might be bad
news. Yet the reverse seems to be true. Soya products, rich in
the isoflavones genistein and daidzein, are reputed to protect
against breast and prostate cancer, which are notably rare
among communities with a soya-based diet.
Two possible explanations may explain this apparent con¬
tradiction. The first is that phyto-oestrogens may lock onto
and block the body’s oestrogen receptors, thereby making it
harder for harmful chemicals to disrupt hormone signals. The
second is that these phytonutrients may act more like hor¬
mone regulators, rather than simply mimicking oestrogen or
progesterone. Since mankind has been exposed to these plant
chemicals for millennia, it is highly likely that our bodies have

adapted to deal with them in the kind of quantities we are

exposed to from eating natural foods.
While the general consensus is in favour of eating foods rich
in these phytonutrients in moderate amounts, there are also
grounds for caution, i.e. not giving vast amounts of phyto¬
oestrogen rich foods, especially at key phases of development,
such as during pregnancy or early infancy. (Some animals
exclusively fed on soya feed have shown toxic effects.)

Nature’s hormone helpers

Soya products and tofu are both excellent sources of
isoflavones, which are powerful phyto-oestrogens. Iso-
flavones are known to decrease the risk of hormone-related
cancers, including breast and prostate cancer.1 Two particular
isoflavones have been identified — genistein and daidzein. An
ideal intake is around 5mg a day, which is equivalent to a
350ml (12 fl oz) serving of soya milk or a 350g (12 oz) serving
of tofu. Tofu, a curd made from the soya bean, is the richest
source of isoflavones, while very processed soya products are
the poorest source.2
Citrus fruits, wheat, alfalfa, hops, oats, fennel, celery and
rhubarb all contain phyto-oestrogens. There is a small amount
of evidence that these foods may help to balance hormones
and could play a part in part in helping to reduce symptoms
associated with hormonal imbalance.3

Phytonutrient herbal remedies

Many herbal remedies are now available as supplements on
the basis of their beneficial effects on hormone balance.

Agnus Castus
The plant Vitex Agnus Castus has a long history as a medici-

nal herb for women. Traditionally it has been used to relieve

premenstrual and menopausal problems. One study of 1542
women using it found that 90 per cent reported a significant
reduction of PMS symptoms.4 Agnus Castus acts on the pitu¬
itary gland, mimicking the action of corpus luteum which
produces progesterone. By stimulating the release of luteinis-
ing hormone (LH), and inhibiting the release of follicle stim¬
ulating hormone (FSH), progesterone levels would tend to be
increased in relation to oestrogen.5

Black Cohosh, Dong Quai and Wild Yam

Jliese all have progesterone-favourable effects on the body.
Yams are especially rich in diosgenin, from which proges¬
terone can be made in the laboratory. We cannot, however,
turn these phytonutrients into progesterone itself. So, while
these plants may help to balance hormones, they do not
replace the need for progesterone in a person who is proges¬
terone-deficient. Fennel also has a progesterone-favourable
effect on hormone balance.

Ginseng and Licorice

These are considered to contain quite powerful adaptogens
(substances that help restore hormonal balance). For example,
licorice appears to strengthen oestrogen when levels are too
low and inhibit oestrogen when levels are too high. Both
licorice and ginseng influence adrenal hormones, responsible
for stress. Ginseng is a classic herbal remedy for increasing
one’s ability to deal with stress. Both have widespread uses for
a number of hormonal-related conditions probably because
adrenal hormones and sex hormones are very closely related,
with the adrenal glands producing small amounts of sex

Damiana and Saw Palmetto

These are probably the two most popular herbs for male hor¬
monal health. Saw palmetto is best known for the treatment
of prostatitis (enlargement of the prostate gland), a condition
ffequendy suffered by men over 40. Damiana, which has a
testosterone-like effect, has long been associated with increas¬
ing male potency.5 These herbs, together with ginseng, are
often included in male herbal tonics.

In summary, including the right phytonutrient foods and

herbs in your diet may help your body to adapt, thus restor¬
ing and maintaining hormonal balance. Many supplements
designed to support female or male health contain combina¬
tions of these herbs and are likely to be beneficial. However,
large amounts of these herbs should only be taken under the
guidance of a qualified nutrition consultant or herbalist (see
Useful Addresses).

Essential Supplements

T he wealth of evidence supporting the value of nutritional

supplements is substantial and we certainly recommend
anyone seeking optimal hormonal health to consider taking
them. The reason for supplementing is to guarantee that you
are achieving optimal levels of every single nutrient that your
body needs to maintain health and slow down the aging
process. Due to modem intensive fanning methods, food
processing, the length of time food is stored and our exposure
to toxins and pollutants a ‘well-balanced diet’ will not provide
optimum nutrition. We take supplements every day, and have
seen them reverse profound hormonal problems and literally
save people’s lives.
Ideal levels vary from person to person: for maximum hor¬
monal health we recommend you take the dosage levels
shown in the chart overleaf, in addition to eating as good a
diet as you can. We have listed the ideal levels for maintain¬
ing health and the levels required for therapeutic use for those
with specific hormonal health problems. These ‘correction’
levels are best taken under the advice and support of your
doctor or a nutrition consultant. We advise pregnant women,
and those women taking any form of regular medication to
seek expert help.
We recommend you take these correction levels if the
Hormonal Health Questionnaire on pages 42-44 indicated

that you have a high risk for hormonal imbalances or if you

suffer from PMS, menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis, fibro¬
cystic breast disease, breast cancer, cervical dysplasia, fibroids,
ovarian cysts or endometriosis. These levels are also appro¬
priate if you are pregnant; do, however, make sure you
don’t supplement more than 7500iu of retinol (the animal
form of vitamin A), as it has been shown to be toxic. Beta-
carotene, the vegetable fonn of vitamin A, has no risk of
If you are post-menopausal or have osteoporosis we
also recommend you increase your intake of certain ‘bone¬
building’ nutrients (If you are pregnant, breast-feeding or
considering becoming pregnant than see page 68).

Ideal Supplementary Nutrient Intake for Hormonal


For Extra
Nutrient For Maintenance For Correction Bone-Building

Vitamin A 17,500iu 22,500
as retinol 7500iu
as beta-carotene 10,000iu 15,000iu
Vitamin C lOOOmg 2000^1000mg
Vitamin D 400iu
Vitamin E 150mg (200iu) 500mg (600iu)
B1 (Thiamine) 25mg
B2 (Riboflavin) 25mg
B3 (Niacin) 25mg
B5 (Pantothenic acid) 25mg
B6 (Pyridoxine) 25mg 50—1 OOmg
B12 lOmcg 20mcg
Folic acid lOOmcg 400-1 OOOmcg
Biotin 50mcg

Calcium 350mg 500mg 600mg
Magnesium 200mg 300mg 400mg
Zinc 15mg 20mg 25mg
Iron lOmg
Manganese 5mg lOmg
Chromium 50mcg lOOmcg
Selenium lOOmcg
Boron Img 3mg
Copper 2mg

Beneficial Fats
GLA 150mg 250mg
EPA (fish oil) 200mg 300mg
Flax oil (vegans) lOOOmg 1500mg (instead1 of EPA)

In practical terms, the easiest way to achieve these levels is to

• A good, all-round multivitamin and multimineral plus extra
vitamin C
• Evening primrose oil or borage (starflower) oil for GLA

Plus, for those with special needs:

• extra vitamin E
• either a B complex or individual B6 and folic acid
• a bone mineral complex for extra calcium, magnesium,
zinc, etc
Good supplement companies provide preparations that can
meet these needs (see Useful Addresses). Take your supple¬
ments with food, unless otherwise stated. Many vitamins help
to boost your energy levels so they are best taken with break¬
fast or lunch. Calcium and magnesium have a calming effect
and are best taken with dinner, especially if you have difficulty
getting to sleep. Most important of all, stick to your supple¬
ment programme every day. It can take three months before
you notice the beneficial effects. They are worth waiting for.

Part 2
1. ‘Report of Cancer Incidence and Prevalence Projections,’ East
Anglian Cancer Intelligence Unit, Department of Community Medicine,
University of Cambndge, Macmillan Cancer Relief (June 1997)
2. Hennan-Giddens Dr M. University of North Carolina. Article in
Daily Mail by Gaby Hinscliff, medical reporter. Originally published
in Journal of Paediatrics (9 April 1997)
3. Women’s Nutritional Advisory Service, ‘Social implications of
premenstrual syndrome - 11 years on’ (1996)
4. Coutinho E. ‘Progress in management of endometriosis,’
Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress on Endometriosis 25—28 May
1994, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, Parthenon Publishing Press
5. Carruthers M. The Male Menopause, HarperCollins (1996)
6. Cadbury D. Tire Feminisation of Nature, Hamish Hamilton (1997)
7. Colbom T. Myers and Dumanoski, Our Stolen Future, Little,
Brown (1997).
8. ‘Annual Report of the Working Party on Pesticide Residues:
1996,’ MAFF Health and Safety Executive
9. Vom Saal F. ‘Sexual differentiation in mammals; in chemically
induced alterations in sexual and functional development: the
wildlife-human connection,’ T. Colbom and C. Clement (eds),
Princetown Scientific Publishing, pp 17-38 (1992)
10. Bergkvist L et al. ‘The risk of breast cancer after estrogen and
estrogen-progestin replacement,’ N Engl J Med 1989; 32: 293-297
11. Colditz G et al. ‘The use of estrogen and progestins and the risk
of breast cancer in postmenopausal women,’ N Engl J Med 1995; 332:

12. Rodriguez C et al. ‘Estrogen replacement therapy and fatal

ovarian cancer,’ Am J Epidemiology 1995; 141(9): 828—35
13. Lee J. Vieivpoint Optimum Nutrition, 1997; 10.1: 12—13

Part 3
1. Grant Dr E. Sexual Chemistry, Understanding our Hormones, the Pill
and HRT Cedar (1994)
2. Ibid.
3. Barnes B, and Bradley SG. Planning for a Healthy Baby, Vemihon,
second ed. (1992)
4. Lancet (26 July 1980) also in Good Health Guide, Bloomsbury
Health Pubhsher
5. Rushton A. ‘Fertility rites’. Optimum Nutrition, vol 7, no. 1
(Spring 1994)
' 6. Optimum Nutrition, vol 11, no. 1, p 15 (1998)
7. Wynne M. & Wynne A. The Case for Preconception Care of Men and
Women AB Academic Publishers (1991)
8. Czeizel et al. N Engl J Med 1992; 327
9. Wachstein M. and Graffeo L. ‘Influence of vitamin B6 on the
incidence of preclampsia.’ Obstet Gyn 1956; 8: 177
10. Baurdon F. ‘HRT: The Myth is Exploded’, What Doctors Don’t
Tell You, vol 4, no. 9
11. Aura M. et al. ‘Medroxyprogesterone interferes with ovarian
steroid protection against coronary vaso spasm’ Nature Medicine 1997;
12. N Engl J Med (1993)
,13. Bawdon F. (See Note 10 above).
14. Lee J. ‘Osteoporosis reversal with transdermal progesterone’ The
Lancet, 1990; 336: 1327
15. ‘Milk Increases Osteoporosis Risk’, Optimum Nutrition, vol 11,
no. 1, p 15 (1998)
16. Neil, Kate, ‘Osteoporosis’, Optimum Nutrition, vol 9, no. 1 (1996)
17. ‘A Significant Advance in Bone Disease Management’, Metra
Biosystems Inc. (1994)
18. LeeJ. with Virginia Hopkins, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You
About Menopause Warner Books (1996)
19. Ibid.

20. Sellman S. ‘Tamoxifen — A major medical mistake?’ Nexus

June-July 1998
21. Grant Dr E. Sexual Chemistry, Understanding our Hormones, the Pill
andHRT Cedar (1994)
22. British Journal of Cancer 1996; 73: 1552-1555
23. London R. Bloomsbury Health Publisher.
24. Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective
World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer
Research (1997)
25. Ibid.
26. Good Health Guide Bloomsbury Health Pubhsher (1987)
27. Vessey M. et al. ‘Epidemiology of endometriosis in women
attending family planning clinics.’ BMJ 1993; 306: 182-4
28. Mills D. ‘Endometriosis Epidemic’ Optimum Nutrition, vol 8,
no. 2 (1995)
29. Whitehead N. et al. ‘Megaloblastic changes in the cervical
epithelium. Association with oral contraceptive therapy and reversal
with fohc acid.’ JAMA 1973; 226: 1421-4
30. Rodriguez et al. ‘Oestrogen replacement therapy and fatal
ovarian cancer’ Am J Epidemiology 1995; 141(9)

Part 4
1. ‘Oestrogen and Progesterone Explained’ Nutrition Bites, Issue 3,
Female Hormone Imbalance Syndromes, Lamberts (1997)
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Carpenter L. ‘Heard the one about the Pill? It’s a killer!’ in Neil K.
Balancing Hormones Naturally, ION Press (1994)
5. Kuhnz et al. Influences of high doses of vitamin C on the bio availability
and the serum protein binding of levonorgestrel in women using a combination
oral contraceptive, Elsevier Science Inc., New York, USA (1995)
‘6. Grant Dr E. (see Note 1, Part 3 above)
7. Bawdon F. (see Note 10, Part 3 above)
8. McTaggart L. ‘HRT: More Bad News’ What Doctors Don’t Tell
You, vol 4, no. 10
9. ‘Immunomodulation of the Mother during Pregnancy’, Medical
Hypotheses, Institute for Research and Reproduction, Parel, Bombay,
India 1991; 35(2): 159-164

Part 5
1. Messina M and Messina V. ‘Increasing use of soyfoods and their
potential role in cancer prevention’ Perspectives in Practice 1991; 91(7):
2. Dwyer J et al. ‘Tofu and soy drinks contain phytoestrogens’, J Am
Diet Assoc 1994; 94(7): 739-43
3. Beckman N. ‘Phytoestrogens and compounds that affect estrogen
metabohsm — part 2’, Aust J Med Herbalism 1995; 7(2): 27—33
4. Dittmar F. et al. ‘Premenstrual syndrome: treatment with a phy-
topharmaceutical’, TW Gynakol, 1992; 5(1): 60—68
5. Mills S. Out of the Earth Viking, Penguin, London (1991)

Recommended Reading

Optimum Nutrition Bible, Patrick Holford, Piatkus (1997)

The Better Pregnancy Diet, Patrick Holford and Liz Lorente, ION Press
Manual of Natural Family Planning, Dr Anna M. Flynne and Melissa
Brooks, Thorsons 1996
Sexual Chemistry, Dr Ellen Grant, Cedar 1994
The Beat Candida Cookbook, Erica White, White’s Book Supplies,
(1993) (Available from ION)
No More PMS, Maryon and Dr Alan Stewart, Vermilion (1997)
Our Stolen Future, Theo Colbom, Myers and Dumanoski, Little,
Brown (1997)
The Feminisation of Nature, Deborah Cadbury, Hamish Hamilton
What Your Doctor Didn’t Tell You About Menopause, Dr John Lee,
Warner Books (1996)
Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, Udo Erasmus, Alive Books (1997)
The Case for Preconception Care for Men and Women, Arthur and
Margaret Wynne, AB Academic Publishers (1991)
Useful Addresses

Food for the Future Foundation (F4) is a non-profit

making company directed by Kate Neil whose mission is to
inspire and educate today’s young people, and those profes¬
sionals and parents responsible for young people, about food
and health through the provision of literature, information
services, consultations, research, courses and conferences. For
further information please send a stamped addressed envelope
to F4, 51 Trevelyan, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8YD.
Tel/fax: 01344 360033, E-mail: F4e.mail: enquiries@

Foresight provides information and personal advice on the

importance of preconceptual care and nutrition: Write to:
Foresight, 28 The Paddock, Godaiming, Surrey GU7 1XD.

Institute for Optimum Nutrition offers personal consulta¬

tions with qualified nutritionists courses including the one-
day Optimum Nutrition Workshop, the Homestudy Course
and the three-year Nutrition Consultants Diploma course.
They also have a directory of Nutrition Consultants (JT2) to
help you find a nutrition consultant in your area. For details
on courses, consultations and publications send a stamped
addressed envelope to: ION, Blades Court, Deodar Road,
London SW15 2NU, or visit Tel: 020 8877
9993 or Fax: 020 8877 9980.

McKeith Clinic
36 Mary on Mews, Hampstead, London NW3 2PU.
Tel: 0171 794 8580

Natural Family Planning Centre gives advice about how

to control fertility naturally. Write to: Birmingham Maternity
Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre, Birmingham
B15 2TG.

Natural Progesterone Information Service provides

details for prescribing and availability in the UK of natural
progesterone. Stocks full range of books, tapes and videos on
natural hormone balance, including all the works of Dr John
Lee. Send an SAE for details to: NPIS PO Box 131
Etchingham, TN19 7ZN.

51 Trevelyan, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8YD.
Tel: 01344 360033.
E-mail: NF3e.mail: [email protected].

Nutrition Consultations. For consultations with Kate Neil

please call or fax 01344 360033. For personal referral by
Patrick Holford to a chmcal nutntionist specialising in your
health concern in your area, please write to Holford &
Associates, 34 Wadham Road, London S W15 2LR. Enclose
your name, address, telephone number and brief details of
your health issue, or visit

Nutrition Services Supplies Support (NS3UK) directed

by Kate Neil offers consultations, short courses and educa¬
tional services to the public and health professionals. Contact
details as above for F4.

Supplement Companies

A number of reputable supplement companies produce sup¬

plements that help support the implementation of the advice
in this book. These include Health Plus Ltd, Dolphin House,
30 Lushington Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 4LL
(Tel: 01323 737374) who supply the Pregnancy Pack; Higher
Nature Ltd, The Nutrition Centre, Burwash Common, East
Sussex TNI9 7LX (Tel: 01435 882880) who supply Pro-Gest
cream and oil from Mexican Yam, and Es-Gen cream, an
extract of soy. These products are available through practi¬
tioners. They also supply a number of herbal preparations
such as Agnus Castus and Essential Balance, a blend of essen¬
tial seed oils. Another good essential oil blend is Udo’s
Choice, distributed by Savant and available in healthfood
shops. Other companies whose products are well worth
checking out are Solgar Vitamins, Lamberts Healthcare, and
Biocare. Ask in your local healthfood shop.

adrenalin, 29, 105 contraceptive pill, 25, 26, 55—6, 90, 95,
Agnus Castus, 164—5 97, 127-32
alcohol, 52, 61—2 copper, 131
alkalising minerals, 84 corpus luteum, 6, 7, 123
allergies, 39, 44, 67, 111—14 cortisol, 29, 30, 105, 107
andropause, 15—16 cravings, 48—9, 69
androstenedione, 140 cysts: breast, 93; ovarian, 98—9
anti-adaptogens, 23-4
antioxidants, 93 dairy produce, 84, 85, 91, 112—14
damiana, 166
bioflavonoids, 97 DDT, 19-20, 22, 27-8, 90
black cohosh, 165 depression, 75—6
blood pressure, 70, 77—8 DES, 25-6
blood sugar levels, 30, 104, 106—7, 139 detoxification, 37—8
bones: bone mineral density (BMD) DHEA, 140, 148
scans, 87—8; osteoporosis, 79-88, diet see food
106, 143-4, 151 digestive system, 36, 38—41, 84—5
breastfeeding, 8, 67 dong quai, 165
breasts: cancer, 12—13, 15, 26—7, 28,
89-93, 139; fibrocystic disease, 15, eggs, fertility, 65—6
93; progesterone and, 145 endometrial cancer, 91, 94, 102—3, 139
endometriosis, 12, 14—15, 94, 99-100
caffeine, 62, 74, 109 essential fats, 50-1
calcium, 67—8, 80, 83—6, 95, 105, 106
cancer, 12—13, 23; breast, 12—13, 15, family planning, natural methods, 56-8
26-7, 28, 89-93, 139; cervical, 13, fats, 33-4, 91, 154-5
94, 102; DES and, 26; fertihty drugs, 3
endometrial, 13, 91, 94, 102—3, fertihty problems, 15, 17, 53-6, 63, 99
139; oestrogen and, 26—7, 28; fibre, 92, 124-5, 157-8
ovarian, 27, 94, 103; prostate, 13, fibrocystic breast disease, 15, 93
16-17, 28, 90; testicular, 13, 16 fibroids, 12, 15, 97—8
Candida, 45, 62, 85, 115—20 fobc acid, 65—6, 67—8, 101—2
capryhc acid, 119 folhcle stimulating hormone (FSH), 4,
carbohydrates, 156-7 5, 8, 10, 72, 73, 98, 138
cervix: cancer, 13, 94, 102; erosions, food: allergies, 111-14; anti-candida
101—2; and ovulation, 57-8 diet, 118; avoiding hormone-
conception, 54—5, 61 disrupters, 32-4; and blood sugar
levels, 108-9; Diet for the Good
constipation, 69

Life, 154-62; digestive system, 36, manganese, 131

38—41; and fertility, 63—6; memory loss, 75
oestrogen in, 27—8; and menopause, 9-10, 72-8; blood
osteoporosis, 83—6; and PMS, pressure, 77—8; depression, 75—6;
47—52; in pregnancy, 59-62, 67-8 headaches, 74; heart disease, 76—7;
fractures, 79, 82, 83 hot flushes, 72—3, 150-1;
free radicals, 93 insomnia, 74; joint pains, 74—5;
fruit, 108-9, 158-9 memory loss, 75; and osteoporosis,
80; progesterone deficiency,
genes, 24, 65-6 140-1; progesterone supplements,
ginseng, 165 150-2; sexual problems, 73; see abo
glucagon, 29 andropause; hormone
glucose, 44-5, 104, 105, 106-7 replacement therapy
gluten, 85 menstrual cycle, 2—3, 4-6
menstrual problems, 95-7
headaches, 50, 74 menstruation, 5, 6, 9
heart disease, 76-7, 78 methylxanthine, 93
heartburn, 70 minerals, 39—40, 160—1, 169
herbal remedies, 164—6 miscarriage, 61—2, 66
hormone replacement therapy (HRT), morning sickness, 68-9
122, 132—4; cancer risk, 26—7,
102-3; and heart disease, 76-7, 78; oestradiol, 25, 93
and osteoporosis, 80, 81—2; oestriol, 25
side-effects, 133-4; synthetic oestrogen: and cancer, 26-7, 28, 90, 92,
hormones, 25, 26 102—3; contraceptive pill, 128; in
hot flushes, 72-3, 150-1 diet, 27-8; elimination of, 124;
human chorionic gonadotrophin fibrocystic breast disease, 93; and
(hCG), 7 fibroids, 98; functions, 122-3; and
hydrochloric acid, 84 heart disease, 77; hormone-
hypothalamus, 4, 5, 6, 72 disrupting chemicals, 22—3; HRT,
132-4; and infertility, 64—5;
immune system, 23, 39, 111, 112, 115, menopause, 9, 72, 73; menstrual
145 cycle, 5—6; natural supplements,
in vitro fertilisation (IVF), 54, 64 146-7, 148; oestrogen dominance,
infections, and pregnancy, 62 x, 139—40, 143; and osteoporosis,
infertility, 15, 17, 53-6, 63, 99 79—81; phyto-oestrogens, 28, 82,
insomnia, 74 163-4; and PMS, 47-8;
insulin, 29, 30, 106 pregnancy, 6-8; stress and, 29,
iron, 131 107; synthetic versions, 25—6,
irregular periods, 97 125-6; xenoestrogens, 27, 137, 138
isoflavones, 28, 164 oestrone, 25, 93
Omega 3 oils, 60, 64—5
joint pains, 74—5 organic food, 32, 33 •
osteoporosis, 79-88, 106, 143—4, 151
labour, 8, 70 ovaries, 3; cancer, 27, 94, 103; cysts,
leaky gut syndrome, 39-41, 112, 118 12, 15, 98—9; menopause, 9;
libido, 62-3, 73 menstrual cycle, 5-6; removal of,
Lindane, 91 90
liquorice, 165 ovulation, 6, 9-10, 54, 55-6, 57-8,
luteinising hormone (LH), 4, 6, 8, 10, 137-8
72, 73, 98, 128, 138 oxytocin, 8

magnesium, 51, 56, 63, 66, 67-8, 86, 95 painful periods, 95—6

PCBs, 19-20, 22, 27-8, 65 smoking, 61-2, 89, 102

pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 94, soya products, 163—4
101 sperm, 16, 17, 53, 55, 56-7, 61, 63-5
period problems, 95—7 stress, 29-31, 49-50, 85, 104-7
periods, 5, 6, 9 sugar, 104—10
pesticides, 19-20, 22, 32-3, 34, 91, 100 supplements, 167—9
phosphorus, 86 syndrome X, 30-1
phyto-oestrogens, 28, 82, 163—4 synthetic hormones, 25—6, 122, 125—6;
pituitary gland, 4, 8, 10, 29, 138 see also contraceptive pill;
plastics, 22, 33, 34 hormone replacement therapy
polycystic ovarian syndrome, 30
polyunsaturated oils, 59, 60, 64—5, 95, Tamoxifen, 91
155 testicular cancer, 13, 16
pre-eclampsia, 69 testosterone, 29—30, 63-4, 80, 140
prebiotics, 118—19 thyroid problems, 139, 146
pregnancy, 66—71; ailments, 68—70; thyroxine, 29
diet, 59-62, 67—8; hormones, 6—8;
labour, 8, 70; natural family underweight, 54
planning, 56—8
premenstrual syndrome (PMS), 14, vaginal dryness, 73, 150
47-52, 139, 149 varicose veins, 69
probiotics, 119 vegan diet, 84
progesterone, 135—42; and breast vegetables, 158-9
cancer, 90, 92; contraceptive pill, vitamins, 68, 159—60, 168
56, 128; and depression, 76; vitamin A, 55, 64, 66, 93, 96—7, 130
elimination of, 124; functions, vitamin B complex, 51—2, 64, 65—6,
122, 123-4, 136-7; and heart 67-8, 92, 130
disease, 77; menopause, 10, 72—3, vitamin C, 67—8, 93, 130
75; menstrual cycle, 5, 6, 57; vitamin D, 86
natural supplements, 144—7, vitamin E, 64, 93, 95
148-51; and osteoporosis, 79-80, vitamin K, 131
81, 82; and PMS, 47-8, 49;
pregnancy, 6—8, 66-7; shortage of, water, 33, 158—9
137-42; stress and, 29; synthetic water retention, 49
versions, 25, 125—6, 135—6 weight gain, 30-1
progestogens, 25, 90, 102—3, 128, 129, wheat, 112-14
137 wholefoods, 161
prostaglandins, 50—1, 75, 95 womb, 3, 94—103; cancer, 13, 91, 94,
prostate cancer, 13, 16—17, 28, 90 102-3, 139; endometriosis, 12,
protein, 65, 83—4, 108, 155—6 14-15, 94, 99-100; fibroids, 12,
puberty, 4, 13—14, 23 15, 97-8; menstrual problems,
pyrilinks—D test, 88 95—7; pregnancy, 3, 8

xenoestrogens, 27, 90, 137, 138

saliva tests, 146
saw palmetto, 166
selenium, 64 yam, wild, 165
sexual problems, 62—3, 73
zinc, 56, 63—4, 66, 67—8, 98, 131
sleep problems, 74
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Unbalanced hormones play havoc with women’s lives.
But the balance can be easily and naturally restored with
one simple medicine - food. Understanding nutrition and
correctly supplementing your diet is the key to balancing
hormones naturally. In this breakthrough book, you will
discover the surest ways to overcome the health issues
that all women face.

Experts Kate Neil and Patrick Holford show you how

to beat:

premenstrual tension and depression

irregular and heavy periods
weight gain and bloating
menopause problems
osteoporosis and endometriosis
breast lumps and cancer
ovarian cysts and fibroids
and other women’s problems

Nutritionists Kate Neil and Patrick Holford are two of Britain’s leading
authorities on nutrition. In 1984, Patrick Holford founded the Institute
for Optimum Nutrition, a non profit-making independent centre for the
research and practice of nutrition. He is the author of several books
including the bestselling Optimum Nutrition Bible, The Optimum
Nutrition Cookbook and Optimum Nutrition for the Mind.

Cover design by Button One to One

Printed in Great Britain


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