PHP Coding Standard Standards

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PHP Coding Standards

Code Source
Do not use any libraries or code from external sources without prior approval. 1) Similar code may already exist 2) Licensing may be an issue 3) Legibility and reusability can be issue 4) Performance concerns

Conventions h2.
Indenting: Use an indent of 4 spaces, with no tabs. Please indent your code.

Case Use "lowerCamelCase" style (lowercase lettering on initial

words and capitalization on subsequent words) to name functions, methods, and variables

Variables Case should never be used to differentiate between variable names. Every variable name in the current scope should be absolutely unique. Variable names should describe the content that they (will) contain, using either complete words or understandable abbreviations.

Functions No underscores except in the event handlers. Try to avoid abbreviations. Many programmers have a nasty habit of overly abbreviating everything. This should be discouraged. PHP functions are equivalent to a spoken language's verbs. Function

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PHP Coding Standards

names, therefore, should be action oriented. They should also be defined in the present tense.

Use "UpperCamelCase" style (capitalization on all words) to

name classes

Define constants with uppercase letters and underscores

Constants: SCREAMING_CAPS Ex: define ("GLOBAL_CONSTANT","1");

Function Calls Functions should be called with no spaces between the function name, the opening parenthesis, and the first parameter, spaces between commas and each parameter, and no space between the last parameter, the closing parenthesis, and the semicolon. Here's an example: $var = foo($bar, $baz, $quux);

Function Declarations Function declarations follow the "one true brace" convention: function fooFunction($arg1, $arg2 = '') { if (condition) { statement; } return $val; }

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PHP Coding Standards

PHP Code Tags Always use <?php ?> to delimit PHP code, not the <? ?> shorthand.

HTML HTML Code should not be found anywhere in our code, other than the smarty templates. Mark places where you find it with a TODO, as well as any plain text outputted to screen. We will convert these to a multiple language format in next version.

Control Structures Place a single space between the control keyword (if, for, while, switch, etc.) and

opening parenthesis to distinguish control statements from function calls Always use curly braceseven when technically optional (i.e., avoid PHP's

alternative syntax for control structures, except the ternary operator noted below) Include break; after all switch case statements Use the Allman/BSD style for indentation and layout (braces appear alone and

surrounding the indented code) Always use elseif (one word) in lieu of else if (two words)


if ((condition1) || (condition2)) { action1; } elseif ((condition3) && (condition4)) { action2; } else { defaultaction; }

Ternary Operators Can be used for simple true/false/action checks.

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PHP Coding Standards

($result)? echo "<result>success</result>":echo "<result>failure</result>" ;

Database Tables and Fields Plural, lowercase words separated by underscores: items item_specifications Do NOT make calls directly to native database functions (ie:

mysql_insert_id, mysql_result,etc). Use ONLY adodb functions.

Smarty plugins function.smarty_plugin.php

Directories, File Structure Do not create new directories or class, library files without first discussing

with team. Most functions,classes belong in existing files. New plugins, and files should follow existing layout and naming.

=h2. Security =h2. Passwords Never hardcode passwords into any script Never put live data passwords into SVN Always get your database passwords from included csp config.

Configuration Never hard code paths to any file use configuration files.

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PHP Coding Standards

Database Do not distribute database information. (via email, download or otherwise) Do not connect to production server from home (only dev). Do not run test or live queries on production data.

User Data All Credit Card information should be encrypted. User data should be obfuscated before being used in development


=h2. Code Documentation =h2. Follow documentation style.

Subversion Include comments for all commits to SVN. If you are fixing a bug, included the TICKET ID in the Subversion Comments

TODO Anytime you need to make comments regarding future modifications or requirement put a //TODO: comments. These will show up in PHPEclipse and give us an idea of things left unfinished (but functional). Example: // TODO: This code should be re-examined for increased performance

CODE CLEANUP Where you see standard rules broken -> MARK CODE WITH A TODO

PHP Comments Use C-style (/* */) comments for multi-line statements and C++ comments (//) for singleline statements

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PHP Coding Standards

Database conventions Tables will always be named singular names for most tables, except when dealing with a clear collection. Thus the foreign key relationship will hold true to table_id form.

Tables will be grouped by prefixes of primary related tables (itemProperties related to table item)

Additional prefix grouping will be used for tables related to a particular functionality - "workspace", "sys" this is only because there isn't a parent table, but the tables are in fact related, but by functionality.

Primary keys of all tables will be lowercase id, except in the case of composite keys (those will depend on the combination)

Foreign keys will be table_id (so if primary table is "site", and its primary key is "id", when "id" is referenced in other tables, they will reference "site_id".

With few exceptions, the standards we are following are documented here: Database Naming Conventions and DNC Deux

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