2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING - Probe facts and give Group work - Senior secondary school
information revised syllabus.
- Probing for factual - Question and answer -
information - Use the probable - English grade 11 pupil’s
- Giving verbal reports conditional sentences Teacher exposition book.
- correctly. -
STRUCTURE - Individual work - Achievers Senior
- Secondary English
- Condition (Probable) - Write autobiographical teacher’s guide grade 11
COMPOSITION material -
- - Achievers Senior
- Autobiography Writing - Locate specific Secondary English
READING AND SUMMARY information in the text or Learners’ Book grade 11
other print materials such
- Locating specific as maps, graphs, tables,
information in texts charts etc.
5. READING AND SUMMARY - Identify the sentence in Group work - Senior secondary school
the passage which revised syllabus.
-Identifying sentences that provides that/particular Question and answer - English grade 11 pupil’s
provide particular information. book.
information. - Use commoner idioms Teacher exposition - Achievers Senior
STRUCTURE correctly in spoken and Secondary English
written work. Individual work teacher’s guide grade 11
- Idioms - Locate details and - Achievers Senior
COMPREHENSION answer factual questions, Individual reading Secondary English
Identify and recall in Learners’ Book grade 11
- Sport Class discussion
chronological order
LISTENING AND SPEAKING series of events and
Identify and express
- Inquiring about feasibility.
main ideals of texts.
- Initiate and participate in
a conversation
effectively and
confidently using the
appropriate language.
6. SUMMARY - Change note summary to Group work
- Summary and note making Question and answer - English 11 p 17
7. STRUCTURE ; Plural forms - Change words ending in Group work - English 11 page 26
of Nouns ending in - sis – sis into plural
- Question and answer - MK 11 pg 46
COMPOSITION - Write and respond to - ZEPH Eng 11 pg 37
Letter writing (Formal) advanced formal letters. -
- - English grade 11 pupil’s
STRUCTURE: Direct Speech - Compose and punctuate Teacher exposition book.
correctly sentences
Individual work
containing Direct Speech
COMPREHENSION - Locate details and - Achievers Senior
answer factual questions, Secondary English
- Creative writing Identify and recall in teacher’s guide grade 11
chronological order - Achievers Senior
series of events and Individual reading Secondary English
Identify and express Learners’ Book grade 11
main ideals of texts. Class discussion - Senior English 11 page
- Change direct statements
STRUCTURE into Reported Speech, Group work - English 11 page 33
making the necessary - ZEPH pg 45
- Reported Speech changes in pronouns, Question and answer
- tenses and adverbs.
SUMMARY AND NOTE - Changing note summary Teacher exposition
TAKING to prose. - English grade 11 pupil’s
Individual work book.
Summary and note making - - Achievers Senior
- Locate details and Secondary English
READING answer factual questions, teacher’s guide grade 11
COPMREHENSION - Love Identify and recall in -
chronological order - Achievers Senior
series of events and Secondary English
Identify and express Learners’ Book grade 11
main ideals of texts.
4 COMPOSITION: letter to the Write letters to the editor Individual work English 11 page 60
Read and understand the Class discussion English 11 page 57
COMPREHENSION: Getting a text
Mk 11 page 16
1 Revision of term two end of term -Revise and correct previous Question and Answer Previous past paper
test terms test
Class Discussions Eng. MK 11 Pg. 55
STRUCTURE: Relative Clauses -Use which or that with subjects Tr’s Exposition Eng 10 bkII pg 113
that are things
-Defining and Non Defining Individual work
-Use who or that with subjects
that are people
LISTENING AND SPEAKING: -use polite language to get a -Dialogue Eng. MK 11 Pg. 27
Getting things done clarification, advise and warn
and carry out oral instructions
2 COMPOSITION: Narrative -Write advanced narrative Question and Answer Eng. MK 11 Pg. 150
Class Discussions
COMPREHENSION: Travel and -Read the passage and discuss Individual work Eng. 11 Pg. 116
Adventure ‘WH’ questions and answer the
-Class Discussion
VOCABULARY -Match the words with the Question and Answer Eng. MK 11 Pg. 151
appropriate definitions
Class Discussions
Abroad -Read the passage and discuss
‘WH’ questions and answer the Tr’s Exposition Eng. 11 Pg. 123
exercise Individual work
STRUCTURE:Rewrites on -Rewrites sentences using
relative clauses Eng. 11 Pg. 123
relative clauses correctly.
- Answer the given questions
with less challenges
5 Summary: Prose- Road Safety -Selecting relevant information Question and Answer Eng. MK 11 Pg. 81 – 84
from the text.
Class Discussions
- Write a connected text using
the selected information
6 COMPOSITION: Descriptive -Write an advanced descriptive Question and Answer Eng. MK 11 Pg. 153
STRUCTURE: Irregular Plurals -Formation of irregular plurals Tr’s Exposition Eng. 11 Pg. 137 and 148
7 SUMMARY: African Art -Selecting relevant information Question and Answer Eng. MK 11 Pg. 90 - 94
from the text. Class Discussions
Use socially acceptable language
LISTENING AND SPEAKING Individual work Eng. MK 11 Pg. 29
in different situations
-Use the words former and latter
STRUCTURE: Reference signals correctly Eng. 11 Pg. 137
8 COMPOSITION: Writing a report -Explain the features of a report Question and Answer Eng. MK 11 Pg. 154
and write a report
Display -Read the passage and discuss
‘WH’ questions and answer the Class Discussions Eng. 11 Pg. 141
VOCABULARY -Fill in the blank spaces with the Tr’s Exposition
correct word
Eng. 11 Pg. 145
STRUCTURE: Phrasal verbs -Define a phrasal verb
10 COMPOSITION – Descriptive - Describe feelings, Question and Answer - Teacher’s own resource
qualities and motives
- Class Discussions
12 - 13 TESTING