Reading Words Akın

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AHMET AKIN READING WORDS “YDS 13. BASKI Pie cae aon Bag nn READING WORDS “Vocabulary in Context” yazan ask Tar ck 2013, YarINLAYAN ve GENEL ORGITI AKN EGITIM HIZMETLERI YAVINCILIK TURIZM SANAVI VE TicARETLTD. tt ‘tank Bulvar No: 169 Kat 1 Kavaeere /ARKARA Tet:312. 4170720, axe: 312.437 07 22 @ Akinu pit eGiti Sasa Haar ‘ashe MERDIVEN REKLAWE- TANT PROMOSYON ‘OZrURT MATBAACILK (0312) 2323088 (o.312)3841536, ‘ubtabinhasranmsids ena geen Serta KES ve rT DL EITM ret adrosun ve Marden Rita Tanti ‘ej teen © Tey ton at i METER ‘Yan Tit saul Ye ARE TO STV ANMET Axo "orevinden vy yarrden oan cmadon kamen ey tamamen Gt ope, gahaneyylonmee ve ie ete op elmer. bn enn her tl sora yoann, 20 kno yore chr 0S OBS sora br bls OS eat Hog! amos ol tn team ve it ‘nem ony dines, eter eines hear ae oflinos yds halons, yaya OS ni yh ‘exommadanyopromaz Yanni aif ares aero an es wan inlining) www bu toby ‘raarlamamda bana yardimes olan ‘sim Duygu Akin’a Ithafediyorum. dTaBIN AMACL “ay cite anon hoo yarn ka sre og vableete helt eee pe ‘Sretmoy amar Bandon Slab elm stele ee, neil bi bine kale ren ‘Seong READING WORDS on eriande Katara ve etmisnra ese afore Kelme lee vb ‘ere veer tlle rancher gn ere cm oltre verimeee, TAP INDE AUISTIRNAALARIN AMACL “READING WORDS" det atgermoor roiinden oni geste eo oer bu ‘elmer etn nde alone aber do dt sine atmelan im adm levered HEDEF KELIMELER ve OGRETIM SEKUL Hedelene line, “oben roe ge” de, fase "nara gre beiienmt.Busoyede Jeti goon ai metering yarten ree blaine cern oe se er ante y ete i stone efron: Ay won Basi ve It lord hedefene tn eller refros bist le Sree REFERANS HEINE (itorimetede Usrest - - 5) ushzee inte ee kelneein opomaion ve antanian bee ile niece aorok souoke ‘eri Bu opame el flict cy nomi he rete in larch air ete esr ‘ede emery solar ve ntrtonn eben ve bs {atielrinaoponnebiinesi sofioyn kee teste meet 1] ORIMA PAREALAR (26a antedeckumo ve awana bce alpen TOEFL BT terando meter merit elie cin ne orebne fn Bu okra bora mut oko srr ceveployme 1 metic eee Sede sonoma el yn zane neler mein finde rs Terie ter eel ect test ee “Cone Text cba tm teed (uoze res ‘meet bu lyamalr abi on Gerke aermestar 5) PARAGRAFSORUAR: Heda onl ei aare sora er ntatrn snund buat, nent Hot Pargref algae “Uaperrcrmedte ay vest ‘irene ign ecient. Bu sare RPDS ve ODS aye de mike, (ameter. ‘gong ros ve Us Geis lar Kos ve 00s enaviand shn pero cer, koto goreoyire tbe en sound ons bine Opener ona SONCELLEMELER ve GALA KAYAK -eAOIG WORDS ist ONLINE kayak dare dizer me dnaiicysrncom’ lap edn otinde onnbnmote, Ep ANA GAUSAANI ANTI, "Ys, IELTS ve Toefl savior verien cimisiereaniom belamvndan en yok oon saenck dary cevap cloak verimekted Bu Uhr, luna ve bere or ter zr lgtn test niin on ee nam alsmay aun al getrmeta, [fr -Renng Word yo dae po "ocabulrynContes tam dab marta hawanm abn opr IE PARAGRAFSORUSU: KPOS KAS 2008 Ate fect gibolation bas oon he ‘nema! (Baca hey eit eeains darters mateo! acs ferme arenes nt ‘Siac never rep ot sc wn Warn eet Tbe Sicteerecaree conga once Pec eeaessny oot ee ‘owen nets fe oda bef tetera cepted wer ned Ses cae tr totes Sermemremepeacros ben! ‘Scum coe te ot ‘Cengage fed vy Ty wo Seer njenatece donee tence otaneuh gc prt ners Serra fen meg se od es eaapecenan el terete! cay a ont eo Son peers nev Garner ener ns erro werent poe etd oped pe ‘Planning and recover. lnsteod, they reed on S-——— 77, Asean sesedn he posoge iz aa eo A) anderen process offal ang ote 1970, wth markets uty nearing 15) has never eave fom the sve fet faton tno fly manage oy thereat Monty undo te Wal Bone 0} was efected by abblzeton forall short pared oer i870 consonance byte United tts on other sean Wester coutes ‘usr porgrfn ir lamances bipier srulors yl. unde dla gil Eoomande “he word ‘sonomy”fliinss erien anahtar itn tuto Sm. (rtd gi ices verlen dele cfr cee lon (al sseneindel foe bie eset (20, Ieesapgstedin the possoge ta alban) — Al spies the econo oes that hve ben prot by 4) sateen no refers ily eran mode of tert )horohwoy been siepose by Worl Bonk cons nd 1} pinay oncerned th fre movement of pepe ond gone ine word hasbeen are dominant inte United tres ton nary of the ther intr noon ‘uso poosrfnson| elgtrefi so-guorie ‘epmoedr Benda ceo son bate "helbeaon” rd verien ono einer lata rem. Gib i prez son cniesine ere fee dos cevop alan (a) sgoneginaes oder bre bir elymetest “Renin Writes lien lap ram tingle tse. "edn Wankel eit ‘Sui enomtanm del onlonea Br bn yon nian ve alabeclie a alo tpn. eb ce bala ine liek enter ve ort tree ou parlor, aseona tek ape hori yopnaloe oon salamat "aS havikgn bu ob yond nga Sn Tenis nim 5 clyana ose erm. w aU AITABA nasi cau ep rugunan eine, Resin Words ‘em olin anomsa teaver ade taplonngr Baradal mag, ome ve Ber || Sn srl selene age evel pene sim ” 2 5 cee etre ite eine yung. Ser haerk yenyesan, “sl Yr” dh ¢elymaio, utaplarcabur eter rab uveblecein in save yon BY trbe yan erate ging ersten pci lie eerne ate mean esse! ‘es ean {se extreme alymay ve heen este bsiop. ester cea hap bt ise eek salam by tear doa sono do defor talons. {elie rerrindn snr, “clare tester” area lunar et kur poral, elie cme gn prmenssalyrat bu ocean meni efiyeatr (Camara Sia ve Dine Prolene este aoe nie Dretmert CONTENTS ‘Metin inden Kelimenin Anlammy Bulmak Chapter A ESSENTIAL ADJECTIVES, VERBS and PHRASAL VERBS ‘Answer Keys Chapter 1 ‘RESEARCH Answer Keys chapter 2 SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY Answer Keys Chapter 3 ENVIRONMENT & NATURE ‘Answer Keys chapter 4 EXPRESSIONS OF QUANTITY Answer Keys Chapters TRAVEL & TRANSPORT Answer Keys chapter 6 ‘HISTORY ‘Answer Keys Chapter? HUMAN LIVING & SOCIETY Answer Keys Chapters WaR Answer Keys PEACE Answer Keys ak Sa aut 27 155 BS 191 199 amt 2 7 355 Chapter 9 ECONOMY & FINANCE Answer Keys Chapter 10 LITERATURE & ARTS Answer Keys‘ Chapter 21 HEALTH & MEDICINE Answer Keys Chapter 12 ‘ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY ‘Answer Keys GENERAL PROGRESS CHECK TESTS Answer Keys APPENDIX (OKUMA GELISTIRNME TEKNIKLERI IGIN eK BOLUM a1 385 389 415 419 aa 473 a7 497 01 | Tepes ve 05 vere tue pratan oko meter ou, he beets topland cae ‘nae Hoard bu meter color tarmlomalrt ve anode ger not ablece ‘ipa de, By teneiomaian Ao ora etlonmetede aed nomen neste mesnignse! | terior it yan eral garter bx | narra roorarak, bu tr fda eve | enamine tokmin eae Teklie Fer ada soca De elmer anomie, aos (i Torgeye pv. Bu ple alam at tt kay kemosin @arawat etna ‘Arid loon dlr, hye dnc ve ‘ana cao aniomeae. nea ine glace gromer tigi erepterdebeknonievecnomapopyuton | 4) "he Lrkonssrooned the Rakin ithe afl” Gime | tarts fis dnd ie belies utineae nuh ae ola Imukelen sre ee epuukeae The Smoson ‘at—| "seroaned odes! daneden sora ge ve onund simple pst tense etinilon “ee” | (in uncraagin ariennf Tweane | Rati” Ys de oh ne lk veri fen ayn site tymetade Sundar (hy blame tp cee Yer | “reps in etna veron tomo tiryeres ono undon diay bose see “unfl™uinin anar Goest | sea Tomi ser Lorton, ase Une on te. jen karla, 2) -etvoment neon ong” Yodesn ne ‘cgunu cok dada one onaye oan. eang Word tae pe olaraian { rere anda ve Anan Gil SAGLAVAN FADELERDEN YARARLANIAK /-Te-3+°BE FL ¥APWAN TAPIOLAR ULANEEAK Insitecce drum armen elonon bide sv irs nese] eps, dee ee Ss "Be jbo dard ot eget ore oie ir ‘at 01 Ate rod BETES) 1 Ao oor SRST} Soncenge SREaTE RETR ct te Engh county tei, 1 Stonshorge we eT RGR sey he 9 erate aE "Tes COMER APLAR TAMDALAR LAIMA for carecieragjcte/reaie ssn im ‘eyo tovromlan fon opon vet fae Ronco bere in lonon ypc. Buen dn TOER in eon eo cer ‘otinterne sora br rondo sme bi fot nlc talon ise bu torre laf, ye ened bate ecebi. ot. sin vy toniemande snr talon “Verena weet Vera fern, ‘odes fet cme jen ) Trorformotie, sn he ‘Des ove been gy contbutve tthe humo, 8 Sonfots win ort const absense becoming widespread minora, Snot Sf Cece Me Soghtry, 0 tehiqu zed sty cll ru, as been Ny conve a Meobiology, 4 The naboms, eng n Nea America, ware alae (rane secon Wort wor arte US orn ‘AW"OR BAGLACIUB ULLAL Inte bola sdec mle ibn glam gn kanes. Bonen blir, eye ewan ating aco aioma yopmek apa ey ed Sri ie nnlrin ie pri ‘a ol vaye kava tals den“ Blo, hnden Gre glen toro eno en tar vey eran {anit oiyeaya ont. onto ven sneer, “oben eyes Chat sovery ve eomplet slavery fase ot lo edna phair, ©) Catal saan, compet slaveny ote outright ‘nnerip of he ste by amar bt hr ae fr ‘fri vr wre an aia ao ond, farther person by lege blige es som ‘indented bur 5 necator hatter, etrlant contig of ‘slots onal and mvesergansns nan area {usctoning together wth a of he seal far of {he ensvonmer. “OTHER ~ANOTHERS— "THE OTHER” KUNA “other oder ao Goce veya sonra syn lon Br sorom ease ct ule aon Bu rater soya, nferons clon finn ya ‘lon vo arin esp eae 9) zantrx or tar see poets mo cost fortune for Spain 2015 0) Kea amp has me some rad hanes the at ode lang wth me theres sie 1 compared to oter severe ng problems, sta may rote eal, ut wublecome fr many, (CTU BAGLAGLARIIN KOLAR ‘Tam a otren bapa snyeinde olor Imeaigmveye hen trem ere Able eseaton oy nora the, whee road destin bee 6 The Trt hove neste in South Amer mae ten ‘ombmion da, entries ptm aru ree vromtr ated vem cali, ‘rami ara ig lane onion | neta set seni, i vgs eaend akon Poems otoma .) "1 hef eehome 5 Henny Ford ony designed he Ford Model oar exacted 190 10 1826 torn completely on bem ore of. 0) Angor so vero frm of he mad nor” whch ‘ome fom the Sanat word “nogarenpa)- contin artis one on str the cebote a er vee - cantor which Raabe og mba are nce cero one of he cee each cs. The rons of haber One ond Numer To, ome, or reserva fr ore ondMicelnge, token meter ore. hse two ae for abou al och ort Michlansl ity ng tenes fine eos rd was produce oe nd. Warnes {nate cre inne ort kno tease roms ose ssi ther cote Moan hve esa ‘ig ester giderini. doing so. ms “EIS HORTA RELEASE ARARLAAK ° tb ce she ien etme rerio ei ciicevere | ner: Seen “Te, he tht hse hse o v8 IBY anc vee ‘arrears bron Fee ‘ayesinge deb telne vey atari ai plonabie 0) The Tam hove vested South America mar thon ‘er An th natve Ameren ration ha cntates tothetertay aise 0) One of he test severe on Mar as se te ara Tis smu satan might bi ht 12 ‘hese of hon the lane SUOHASY AS, LE UNLIKE ULLAL 2 fot, earinden nce een ej endiden son gees rami Sr veel anon ‘ar. Brae slay bo oder de ts cera ‘ime aka blenete lu tla, 6 Une the ode ors af ecu sho monk ond rey arganted oct s nadern pram 0) modem eet ete nce exrzesery ‘ercenton ie woot adele ond havnt ‘cso people b @aravossen 4 METiN IGINDEN KELIME ANLAMINI CKARTMAK 1 “ial Sa ha arr nde ee ern aon bla ‘The fra of Sct genaraty open of rete Ercan porta te Pla cone, though sever of the county scther [Grae rommats are hart totinton ‘tore times and Rumen cy es a eo, ‘oro specs of wife eng Wee. “Tne four eafon — rope. Aeeien 1} buman cy Genie eee ngeoarapy, tomers ous oft lb le betucen tne rot andthe alr ie. The anges in tes repens been sone re ‘uncer oe general mi othe thn ene ot “Tamparetat tits ere — ‘Aietor of got empertre 8) eave eccinores regions inte works Dj acer theoes about cimete onset ‘Acesee ort. ia temparay stopoae of name confi ere each afte cnet ‘grees wth ee tere spend ogresive (edon Ceaser oy be cele pat 2 orale, but ey ave been ale 5 ‘artofonnfrmal understncing between ‘prsing forces rae" moons — Alecasete engrave ations a) Dyoncrmed confer ‘A pace ety agreement deween 0 hale ats wc ray eds on ome coc is, eran fom an amit, when opreant © ‘ote estes oro render nwhch on army “confetti meoing to —>, Alallonce Ivar any Dhoxeement a elu, a coos ders tasteless monatomic (es ta mater thr obunsort next) ‘betonce orate that ene, “orterecia robo meant —. Alobundoot 1) aes oecoce 0 ete sace Confit ecto pre pectin feed oles nd nee Acne eon be era! {ahr nese or exer ewan ewe or more mawavas) “tena” probed eens — A) outer 2) ecu} 6 comoee Dy nner ales acing devices such othe Hubble and tet scopes ore eset for conducting pete ace nontring = als vecing devices” Alar people who cor ovt observations oe stoes vein space emoaton lore eeusment uses to perform asentons 0) shoes condcting experiments on sace enor refers ote nt lnguoge of 2 oun aoc n general inguin fed debe ct enguoges 5 oppose othe "Ungue fona’ externa tects rlnguoge no county. “ngus france’ probably refer tthe =~. 1A) amie onguoges na soy 28 ferent dikes with nocomsmunty 6 careers ofa scety Dy rales ingenerat nuit Ute contemporary siento tecnico reser metodo nat ‘elven experiments ond appt. "ontemporay”iedosst in mening to reseed Bono Girton! Deen @axvowcenae ibe Rese ose {feveobnfteicintetnad eben r" 40)" the kaya crete ngs people resign the ran forest in South aera Beste, tere tre therntie tribes that bre the same ‘anigraue cscs a meaning to—. Aipave yeonpler ative DJasinee 11) fed, fous producer ane ecto, ts famous fori pela otegont nh ‘la thee main croc are so fret rm tho eonterpars tha, Het managed otra bslecesucesfaly and became a clety ‘rrtopon i prbably — Alte sene ete seeing honest 1) escenario ")Atcnderte Greco woud become the Conqueror fe coer was brn ot el Maceo in 36 ACE Hs other as King Pts ITondhis mother ws mpi «dep satue! oman whe tought he Son ht he posed [rok ith Ailes ond Here The ‘esha wth ees a Rees gare ‘auch orc a meaning 2 Alrlaonshe By hertoge cimaty Dyambtion Herne wing wasn se fem oun 3200 cnt he oe ean 26 wr id ‘cee with relay ie chan inform for rm 3000 yeas ot ony nex 060 troupe te eo Eat roa onder pin iftcnce carr. the ster ond Pecans asp structure of uring, man ethene to hve oot nance EP “Aplcogran sa — Ale sept bacon ieee Jo net onuage poten n Eat dat ered in he option istry fom of ting in wich mes tana for words Temeve ei per 14) Fomelimperalin cots, and it was ‘erred by he apes he ast ai by ‘ecru te clning nations mere lerovesavgieond xsd thr ue goverment supe ond oder the Props ofthese etre amtine fra Inge wes exci hough net rae: ‘Mecanqutng ations reaches earemetsh noveleases and greed her. “an inde kes to ——= 1 elerztion ve ihtng 8) Ise woyofcoonaticn tough agement 1 ester ite that postal colonies 1) ssn Fom colonized Format Ingenta 235) Unger oe ra, begnigoound 69.029 humors ego proc he os eet, aly cote ffs sch toss, ‘rowan ening wees mode rent ‘Srponematr senor wend ana Sane The xpreson “riots” festa —— A) fiers pesomed by he ely haan 5) hun edo inthe poe aoelti printers cfr deere ond xorg 1D) manmade or mangroced tos [Teoma Ara aro rnd een adele kemplonn Baus +? 4 a 3 METIN IGINDEN KELIME ANLAMINI CKARTMAK 2 Developing fbr wind pe cou prove stat profi eau sy es, onthe steno vl cretion enormous. Sat ond Sowwap Norey’s hang emery comoants, ‘coon hs plet ana Pve en) secigg 0 [yom m Geo ito, where the cevecament fain poner igh subse. The Nonweaion campus together withthe everay ‘Sonar Seth end outer nergy a WE ‘eower, ideal the Depp Bony ore (eget ts wi power rjc dete “te Dogger an 3) soninternotonl sumtin we be wet Companies erences ‘orepon in tain where hemi ery 1 opraeton ener production toners 2) he abt for govemental substation tect energy tung companies Most planetary bes uch as sera ond ‘nero norcring noe woe ih ineile ‘pec hs bee recon understate Sods wer onc part of mach recs, bat ove become por ave exploiters bodes The rae “str rar to — A he soe ht objets n pace tro 8) the route tht objects in sac fli ie es wondering in ce 1 ploneto ete snr to meters seechondti esc jit arden wih ‘steam inte orl caege ante ‘ereceasa scaring non 15030 peopl et 10000 te gnarl acpi each yer. OCD Is ‘aus by lod ception nthe sabconael bore. ‘sss eo flow ere te scree bone ‘edie ina proces cl tor ness ‘he pene “Octeocondit dsecone® refesto A) ones hts wisereed aang humans in 4) hele tet ac oro dese tot concn enor tht fen sujet to teses he ae trelssof bee fw to lea he death Immediocty 9 3 4 hen ting abou poet, one must mention ot, ‘ym and fr sire the poet ences tat make ‘tvetne to he steer Ore af he icons hot mot oe ferent frm sty ling re weath {ese poate aie suo hyper, atten, aigy and metahor Moreover, boty tas emotion image, nee, Deut, ‘ai, Sometines bye0iferent rangeen which on neers, ond onoetonet nts mege ‘We om from the passage tot tht “onalony”— A) isone ofthe pont ok thot often wed a poety 8) isoform ofthat ighiy resem to poetry ib or bee cribs th mos wey ved sen pony 0} ate magination and tyme in poem, which besos olnches acu when masse abs of ‘beak ar fom a mounts a hte Ie broken aa thy rove down There moving ssf sow can ren speeds of 0 ies pe ourwithin atau fue seeande etna cough in thes event stom escpe Avlonhes re most ‘Somon donna aninte eho ight oer Som tot ump 2 he or mare of fae ‘The prose “otnche refers to —> A) ereoninmountaineos oras 8) thesped tht iy pares oy reach nthe 1 meuing sown mos thot con reach vp to Ineabiespend 0) thew that have become exposed to hau sow ses For crchesegss,omtrarlosts and histori testy of pote can Peso roi an night Ino pst cares, Peters rl and fragments ‘fen survive tong ater afors made from ess ‘hoblemateras, or dese ones, ote decejed bas recgnton Combined with other evden, te Sud f pater rifts ease 3) logstng pote sompes 2) sephaoted sar ote king 2) eoctewtence of ery pote sampet @aravereanes 1 ese fate rin 27) The nd Revoaion ws ops fom he" {othe 10" cantar where malo charge pnts manufrs mii er ond ‘ecto had prefound eft onthe ‘Sclorcoomic ond ctrl condone onset of then Reoltion rer the srr onn human Airy. Mos neta, everoge Income on popuoton gon emi tprectete growth Sich eceptonl roth ‘nites in man remarabe ctargerin pols ond mon. ‘he pss "precedente refers to —— 4) ea a) wi ) exepiona! ol iuse 2) Eerani rout the nereaz of per canto oe Samest proc te markt ate of fil gate tnd series efely mde thin the bedes oe ‘ouneyina yer son mesured othe rae of ‘Bong m GO Eename growth eer onthe “query of gods on sees pocues namic ‘roi can be ee postive er nepate The prs “por coll ross domestic produ” teenie A) the economic rowenta oun achieve ne 8) esum ofa ee coptal which a couny te quant of geod ond sence provers in thew te commer vie othe pod ad sce: rodeedinaeaney, 9) Tefen evn wo prio of rool ac nd pti apheoval i Fee ond Eran story. With ptt eet he alte ‘menercy tot dae rnc for entare Colpsd vee aos rn oc onsrwant ‘nen oorfomelon seu) arcterese ond rigours eopeeted unser asst ‘rset fom era poticalaroups end he masses the streets seo aba hrorchy ond odin sccumted a new Enigtermen pices ‘fateh ond oleae gts he phos pote! upheav refers to —~ A) oraecton ote atl esronmentine fone 8) opal wer gent he French erat period ofthe french mney 2) eer crory iat that he French nity seed @axanvolcare mel Tint gir 10) The Venus prep, 2 wel town craeree pant Carre thot eatin dinar ete Drnany oracle orca nective whe {hose hat at fh armen oreo sled ‘Brvores Conboy that enn the contigo of members ofan epontns awn spc reer srcombat, ‘rom te poraoroph we am tht “Te nts" en — 9 ona 8) mame ©) poner Dyotone 11) The ponte our solar eta on b rey lose not rp he eel parts ‘hose that are miro rth an the van pets “those tht fs aster ery, Ve arth ond tars arte testa poets hee poets xb sia chratrists torn {ermsof se, mas dry composition an moses thes oe tele toe et the Simard ore sate ety lana thin mossheres The rere “eesti plonetrefereto > A) other strstr slay 8) planets ta share commen fatrr wth the ©) plonet tat are smart uptr by ny ‘pees 1) rocky plone hat oe mat seen rcs ste {2} Ona doyofte equinog, the cone of be Sun pends ‘rough eq omount ef tne aboveand bow he barton at erry ncton rte Eth ight ad oy ring of gh he some lrg The word eqinon eres om the etn wor eqs eg and nox Inga ety, ted orger tan he i ot ‘equinox Common, the days fined othe ‘ovo when sigh recces he rnd he ‘Breer focal bros Fm ts Ear he un snore rate tan aang a ht The tee “oaqus refers to — 9) ebove 8) equivolnt ©) omoste —_ehateing 13) company ein nda cfr te ne odin fine bh act nin orenyon he on eminent Thr vias token Fave ren 1757, fer the Bote of Pes, ‘ther the Nowa of Benge surendeed is ‘Company was grated the “won rhe right (lec revenue n772, when te Comeany SSenisedo canton ata epsied R fst ‘Sonernor Genera, Waren ests ond become rec mote i goveronc. ‘The phase “dominion” fers —> A) the cnr erence of Botan in to 2) sberigt ta calle te revenue bythe Bish in Ina on severe courres 6) te goverarceo the Sth ro ) the commerce of the Brisk wth eter omit 18) The Moyer wor the ez tat tonsprtd the noth Spores biter a he Pn, trom mouth engin Pymout, Iaestusts Rorser h 1620 The shi eft {England on September 2620 and after greg ty ose aed by dees wich cred twolncs se tronpednctorinace be ap of ope aden November i/Novembe 21. The Moyfower wo orghly destined forte mouth of {headin fur nar presence en Yor ot then edge of Egon’ vgn elo, which We understand from the pssage that “theta Power wae AL therame fo flower at funda Britin 28) escalate! hn te Erlsh seprotts the nme of therein tot tel ete ‘he eae ofp by ih teEgish sorts tated ough ere 15) 1) Actystat san ndeendet coun whos ‘erty canst of cy hiss a ominered {por of onoterloealguerment Ses Ince tects ef ancl ree ch 5 ‘erent, Spr, Thebes ond Cone We can deduce fom the passage tht “Athen end Sporty |) wore the on star maneged ol he eae lnepenay 8) wore twa ofthe ty ots ancient Greece 6) ere given ames formes of tec sate the 1) were we thc of ther oy atin Ath shy smal ton sigan reese Gigrotcore Acrocntosoris we {elope theropods asus evr oat. The lenges naw ie measured 15 meters rom [out ota tp and welted on xtncted 677 ‘grams shut tre woe nary 3 mtr lense The term “igontosous” refers to— 2} label tet trbund to can specs of 1) the far of teropods species sued etn on er the smencns ofthe Aeocanthasursondits the slo he erocoeboaures @aranvok.esiri emele Ttn iler | chapter Essential Adjectives, Verbs and Phrasal Verbs @arcinvol. iti | rope seni aectes, Vrs nd Phrasl verbs Thawaz ‘orn Abs -Fondamental Wvely | Primary | Aeparent vivid | vans | cence | rmtwont | Genane ceusiuzet fee. 4 oa ser oe eng merous Gafonting Igoe Pent Ganodcing este arte Contato | ener Certerable Canary stor Siete Opposing once sro coe eee eee sini! osesive Beigerre cant Creu ‘oma se Erne, orate sort Douay resto Sate ‘ptimiie Nope! | noromsen Bxvevogant | Negative | ovrmeneoes | Gaon | asia vans Moder | Diabet E Modest, : osonceste pn Trevgere ink ae Benet feu | ose Prat aie Woncertt Mogae Ereiraog veri & Onere enauene! sig. = | — eae one ‘ecto heart soz 8 80K Defent rag vent Somefet Voie oxic 15 Pevensie omer cmon ra 7 Tit ote toi reine Groce [fama | nrg tty psy Sore? a ios ean ato comeaty I =a eet ewe! iow Sete wore ‘we ra i md inant ee ie one hg eee | es Se hea te | ae ren tons | ay wnofeeftonny ogres rd ' Sewet com t Aj weird 8) veusut swunuae I Chowne ne oe i oman = | ' ae | lo | ¢ Movers 4, 3) Wihich of the following expressions refer to ‘erent t “required”? rte Ease! tonne cosh F Gamo Beet Sen I oun sien” $ | wnat ere t sen Mien coure t oe Deno 5) wich ofthe flowing erressions refer to altar? Aone syresreed versie Djenanaont averse 4) Which ofthe floungexpresins ferto “renin pe? Avis Bjempe cident Djecnstane sb 7) ier fe ftioningexressions refer to "bse"? Mente eat rn Owwomie oy 16 @areroasass avons a 9 1» a” 8) 4) hie of he flowing eoresine fet “inna”? ‘AYetleging 8) fering auton Junin Seorserate amin of he foaming errssions fer “iont"? Aliment ‘arcicl Chase oimuge eecare hic fe fling expresins feta “ode? 4 innovesve ‘s)stece sarge Dl pec are Lich fh flowing exrsions aferto “ern Alverios ajveanie gent Djmnoneour ——_E) compat hic fe floaing expressions have 0 Abani beef! ejaeanct, D)ntae sopping hic ofthe flewing eprason ave 2 “negating? Aaites teste betigernt teed anc fe flloing expressions fro ‘ebtigaton”? Aeonasory ‘sJeompukory caevorie ay soe lain "7 acureaue Fie 16) wich ofthe flowing eeresione feta "new"? Alabiclete ‘ied Creent o}ferte lates 70 fe fotoming expressions refer“? Alvad hvala mero! Olboren eorsous 1) hich offing errs refer 22 Avsone Szemanen Cequveert jentorm Simeon 13) hich of he flowing exgrssions fer to Alvesoie Df gmote 3) acesble permanent sitet 20) which of he following erressions fet “at dae” jenarm }crposne ‘okin aos 21) Which of he folowing erro efoto seuatieer? wiseed canbe ors stot sent) 18 22) Which ofthe folowing expression referto “enough? Aquat 2) stent ‘competent Dj adequoe Soroien 23) Wich of te floing xpresions fer to magnifica"? Aloe Sy turoe orposng Dhinmense Shigonse 24) Which ofthe owing exprenons fer to “pone vowve ype gles Dheomoetene sites 25) Whi ofthe following exresion refrto orci"? ees 8) eng weet Djper Eleespros L after si Felecia, 2) hen of eftoaing expressions fers “aeren? Al separte precios sy iotabe net qvetcur 2) hich fe following exressions fer to ‘prcbtie”? Aitey posible Dy invohabie wera seasble 3) hin fe foonng expressions re often wed a trode on economies? syaainee sjucetve — Cjeastie Dleemmereal Joa 4) hie of he flowing enresions reused oa Alpecaior )immense Clprecous Ohimotate prices 5) Which fe fotowng expressions refer ‘wea Diprspeous sy afent erate Favese 6) Which of the fling epresins fer to "apron pe? Aversa Borpk ——chdverse Dhecnastent erable 2) the ftowin exeesion may refer to "Jovoring pare? Aliniferne ‘syemprecl near O)inmeste ‘insone a 4) 4 15) Which fe folowing expressions refer to “vst”? Atny 8) ofone lovereinng yoo enormous Which ofthe following expressions cn be ttibted to personal crete"? fesse 8) mente) peste Dj meceius erent Leh ofthe towing exrssons oferta “iment i> aeray ype chsone D)monditoy ———Elobgtory {Which ofthe towing expression referto eat? Ale ) imported veers Pyatiuene erdogere nich ofthe flowing exressions oferta ost"? A promot Blincant Cine Dipmftcie foe Which ofthe flloing expressions havea “epatie meniog? Al hastie erable oer ype rong nich ofthe ftowing expressions refer to miu? Aleermerta! ——)insone varied Dy ite! horror hich ofthe flonng epresins hve pastive messing”? Nea a) benef Gpcwresve ———inpoverites ermoressve 19 16) Which of he flowing earessins oferto Aiferie feat Ciinderng ‘iia oosece 127) hc fhe flowing expressions refer to ieee? Aleonpotble Semen Joppa 5 inne wt 28) hier of flowing exresione fer to Alanis) Djeppaing steonvodry Cjmutuel resenting 19) Wie fhe flowing expressions fet “ior? Alresening ‘a)cove Seonfonrg ——_Ohearesponing er 20 hic of he lloning expressions refer to Dye! ejavere Sjeommen Gm 21) heb of fioningerresions refer to “proelne?| Ayeoque yap aves DJeompetert les 2 hic ofthe fotonng egress refer to ‘owing? Alirivone 5) mg yweothy Dinar rapes 20 23) Which ofthe folowing cxreson referto consderaie™? Ashen ston) wets ohmic ‘eompstent 28) hich fhe following expressions refer tonal”? ayes | Binet nme! Doren eeoniout 25) Wich of te folowing exeresons fer Airone Sperone Greases Ojunorm Steed @arawot.eiete ADJECTIVES TEST 3: 1) tsararde De Vind troup novation to plating nd thet’ wht moles hn from Bis ‘ontamporary eras. Aimetiaious Prinone varios precios astet 2) bang an of the mast wel noun paitings nthe ‘et Monta isconsered os phy nthe Wend off o- ovauabe Djpesiie 3) Though he West andthe East wore nflerce nfl ond war, they od ery dose ech (ean and doth rade Albaniupt eatierent ‘naperert Djconmercet enforced 4) Selants have een been focusing onthe ‘afc of lobe warnng ond howto stop te Al prosperous rinsne proud D)imatote ores 5) The ropecn Bonk bas recent nounced tht the fuctuotonr ithe sock mrt: are that they won lt foro Altemporety joven ois Dpasprous Eiporamoane 6) usta mel Aare ot nly sues ‘ltr commoner, but ok owas af pote gure o Wo. Alvecatie 8) opprent Clever jase esol ” a ” 2) 8) hen the vue of caren fl ou most ‘alone government tte precaution Avesidy 8)imeoreoly story Diath weit The Roman Ee wes powerlines of ‘mtr pales ond eninearing ntact Ai foursting 5) ooauet leverwheing ——_jeent, eat ows end enforcing thm are er therfors, tans ret bay them in cou. Aeasble 2) egimete Orenion Djmeveioes ‘arto Alert Eisen presented his theory of reoty Inte ote 180s, when the word war onder he ‘iret ofe Wo er Amierie metus imwovetie Djmandty rote se ho cele tht race of — le erytale ave ben dacovred nso part ef Mars Aerwe 5) haa nai! Dh ters Sate “Scntif communities hae proved that Esti’ arcusheoy oft ar ot ath ts Apomet a) ies ne Djprptcie fesbie “phess wos trivog centre of at and eater ie the Maenst ane tA el o> Abasie 1) ner ‘haierene Difeaie Baeuressie 24 ” 6) ” a” 2”) 2 Some chemicals by ate cones ae iawn tbe, ho why people ‘oul ope om suc pices. Aptis ‘ise heres lets ebenfol ‘As Vleaoee rt ariel othe ers ‘ioc, the nd around them ar bay ‘enh mate tem appeating or entre ae ‘fre Gpiceremue Dimov ingress eas fit considered thot he sol est abe ‘sos tomporry butt wes soon understood thet Fortee, Aleustoning moze, (6) mieloneur ymin Oj persion eno prsn becomes ict by ius he Decomer== tothe tare sice he mane sete say wt iting the es. Agecor Nerone otwer }souns awit ‘After te spine morgage inthe USA, ‘mony gente corporations wanton had to ‘nave towsnds of emoloyesreuncont. vbonise aching Claware yee 5 moder ‘es eome een oppren that — contain of fe ces not pss any heath ‘mod arth bod. Newreme Boone cottee hier. moderate 20) Ado iver ete a goneramen that tueminoted — propogonda tough move, ort ‘ther newspapers ech, schools youth programs and ota culture ond pti outlet Nowe 8) afene vine Bj prosperous £poremount 21) Brome isa metal oy produces by bendng copper ‘nd tinn-ameunts depending onthe apltion Alzeranent pane ueit json at 22), ins or profesional eh ore standard or ‘oes of ond se by people ne — profession. Alencuring 5) egimote specie 2) oct 6 mater 23) os ass re fest hough tse rom sorely — defences. Sinkee 8) modes vague Djaseres Sordnony 24) The sun that it apen hed — effects othe ervonmert, economy and population of oe couny. Alebsrucive 8) emtorassng Chew 2) been prefne 25)_snc tho planets noo slr stam oe ether ery {lee oto far fom the un they donot ort ‘ent enonmanand tas hey oe tok nye oom Al baren 8) impresive ae Phoigance feria @aravos esas | E Fesqaenees Alinpovesies By mserabie Cprespeus 0) unseruncee e)weatny 2) Which ofthe folowing exresion refer to amine? Alvesatie jastiee ease Dhaterous wer 3) Which of the fotloning exressions ane often ued trade end econ? A asnet ay fecabie rae Dheommerc! 00e 4) veh fe foowingexgrssine eferto veoh? Aipernrent ———Baient ipeuring Dhimpavested ing 5) Which of te folowing epresins eferto “ever iting”? Altenooray |) pemonene eer! 2) momentary imma) 5) nino te fotowing expesion refrto amblou? A) eppoent a) mee Dlimsoverihed| rater A: sen adetves, Yr and Peal Verbs 2) nich afte towing expresions referto ‘ate? Al ndeeratie woe Gough Dh eetcte eure 9) Which te fotowing xpresonreferto Alenporent yee ogee 2} inpcveried Semis 40) Which of he foowing expressions refer to “enforce? Alewy oy meices income hmandowory tigron 11) Which of folowing errestont refer to Sect? Nice impoverished presses Dhattene endangered £2) hich ofthe folowing exrsion refer to ‘impoversher”? 9) poor syoverave lansefndes ——_Dyatuone emcee 23) Which ofthe flowing earesins hovea “paste meaning? A eppetng By impresive Geawient Diet roi 44) Which ofthe falloningexressions refer to “harmpor? Aldecimentel insane vena 2) ee ‘i eroroue 23 15) hich of he flowing enresson refer t2 ce? Aleta aypogie genane Dif eis 16) ie ofthe ftowing exressons fet, “tonion"? Ajeeteate syandeundes Cocesenat Dhimpeneied aratary 47) whic of flowing enressios refer to atcha”? Aleompantle 8) manus ‘opposing Djeonrotary ince ws 18) hich ofthe following oxpreson refer to ‘age? A unveral s}conratcon ‘matt =) oppesng 1) vesetng 13) he fe following expression ero sia? Ajram ‘berate Geowieneng 0) coreanng atin 20) Wich ofthe folowing expressions referto matuar? ajeear syaverse ‘et Djrepract Sleammen 23) Whi of he folowing exprenson fro “ome”? Alireivont ‘jeontrasicary tet ojtash eyanteen 22) hich oft otowing expressions refer ne Alinbarmony 8) crpatie Cimetching Dims! ‘omosing Fa 23) Which ofthe folowing expresions refer to "al? Alvad| Blin hmmons! Djearen eens 24) Woh ofthe owing expresions eferto igemen!"? Asome 2) permanent Cheeuroent hunt Einmorat 25) Whi ofthe following expressions eferto Alvestie 8) ocesile lpemonent )tegtinate esting 26) nih ofthe folowing expressions refer to "ot oa"? Aleontocitary ——B)appaing Gonenst 2hangorm akin 27) Whi ofthe folowing expression refer to “imegnicee? aime s)herotbe lepposna Djimmense ‘gone 28) which of te following expressions refer to oeing”? Ayirteont jet Elpesperous 8 eng Dynan 23) ih ofthe olin exgressios rr to "nal"? Avod ‘) ims linet 2) ren eonsous 30) nih ofthe flowing erresons refer to “ave? astied aj eopabe weir yar 2 essnto! We of the flowing expeson refer to = Tambo”? Sa apport inp D) impoverished hope sentia Acecten,Vr and Peel Verse 8) Which of te otowingexresios refer to “everest”? Altemparoy permanent etna D)mamerary mera 9) uheh of he flowing expressions refer to “ait Alverele stetner Gyfeaebie Djeninent werd 40) Which of te folowing axressions refer to “poor? Ainooweited —B)mserble Clpromeraus Dlanserandes eyaecihy 1) Which ofthe flowing exoressins feo vetnucat? Acer ingoverset prosper )weskby endangered 22) wm fe fotowingexprsins fers "mioabe'? 4) pear a) oque Gundefinded ——_effent imported 13) Which of te folowingexgresins fea“? Actecte gue mgs Djs ambiguus 14) Wich of he folowing eressins feta Aldecinets! 8) contoversoh gue 2) ett einem! 15) ihe of he foowing expressions fet aie? Al ctgte syfosie ‘laenine Dim ae 25 a ” ™ » 2 2 26 mck fe flowing eorssins fete Asie underfunded Chesser impoverished mich ofthe flowing expressions refer to soso atdetcte a) nsec Gebosie D)sound reoonaie me of he fowingeoressins are agate smecning? Aieorost juncertanded cistamete) D)impoversne| Sates meh ofthe following expressions referto “ovina? Alinoesve al underinded lane Djgenue Seo) Lich of flowing serssions efor to Alambguous syerepton oustondng ———Oogve learn ic fhe following expressions fer to “niining”| siteseng cectning fenie ype 1 ingencus ich ofthe towing expression referto “over” A epporent )smene hsm hinge 2 oeene 2 ” 2 0) ie of he foowing expressions ne rote ith he mental ae"? Avisone herve fates Djeonseios swore Which ofthe lowing exresionreferto saben"? jeer syaverse ame Dhunfovease eibed nic ofthe flowing saressions refer to "Werte"? Airlevent )conarang aren hah unprodtve Which ofthe following expression refer to “relate”? Alcona inte remant Dhenua! Bore hich fe folowing exressons refer toa? Avoid ‘mais Ciara! } aren ‘Seonscous {nich of he folowing expression refer to Aleovese Ss) pomanent Glonfoorste DJ mementany Fimo} hich fe folowing expression refer to bette? Aivertie 9) acesible seman }egtimote ‘ising sjexendna ‘ng ‘evening Diiting naming @axinvol.ssirios — aa i ah tits re i be na foe Lo tom I [a eet mn fr 4 4 sear ‘ope ant Gene ona boos t 3) Which ofthe following expressions refer to masse Ai ne Sm agg tos 4 se og sre te rast een ae ee Stamnes came 1) wiht be et een rt Ament ee Some oem Same 4 wt ig rn ee smo Aoctrie te Gielen Shr ite oa egret py Newt ee Some oom ome @aravorserm (per: Ener Aoctes, Verb ard Phrases a » 2 ™ 4) hich fhe following expressions refer to “momentere? A temparay ‘lpemanent eta Jeane ere Who te lowing expressions refer to “nl? Alvertie ‘aie ‘eesti 1pm este hich fe folowing exrssions refer t“poor? Ainoowrited A) rirale prosperous 2) anced lweathy Lich ofthe folowing expressions refer to “effect? Ane 2) impovernes reser Dhue encongeres White folowing exreson refrto “impoverished”? poor heme Clondertnded Dyan Smieabe inch of he flowing emrssions refer to "lees"? Aminerabe eyvegve iis Difoate eJueak {ch of te lowing expressions ree to “arma? Aletimental J conrovensi eave 2) ete ‘sordoue hich ofthe following expressions refer to “arming? Ainge one vest ymuse Sing 27 eotng Wore hater enti Aaectves Yek ond Phos! Vere 16) whch te ftovng exes feta hop? | 24) Wiha te faoing eres fr to . son “en "wal? | fs Gaertn, Aerinaneg averse | Paewasiae roo Ansa ARTA ‘aio ngeneus jana! + [atin Undertond Search polis Bea | [se Comprhend ime fost 12) cf be ftovog presen eferte | | oem Fergie coer tre seer? |. |r come Seicover Seok fr — ae 251 icf efoto epresion feta bo | rate ‘eer Gonetorems soo piesble Ohi pls fee eames rareee ee Srl Arenas jusratg 1 | eon Sotout Seesone ©) fabulous Dhimpressive F ‘Reveat Sonsing 18) hich fe ftowing emressions ae agave oa = = — Samrat 28) Wel before eer bec ue es ane Gitonet 2) lige rece? E ro — so ne Sehomig Néiteafon ahs pS a ores ae oe Clremetesfom relevant with | aatove Nigote ua Commence Domage int with bl oxen Sin Conaete ate tne 19) Wichof he ftlowing expression ferto | serve ino gnat I Sovor Sor aoe aoe 27) Which of te folowing expressions refer to | eta Set seowne Si peronen a 2a) sh th loin pete Gdormie mame wes Ajombigvos: —_ Serena atsondeg Oa | aeianae porno conan a aaa enraeanory 25) Which te flowing execs refers a? Bunoumine ——KonUMAR ee pa onge sep fine Think tect 21) nko fooving expresso refer imo! ren = c= a ae — “magnificent? Ceomecions Transform ‘Halt Feel influence Aewerse 9 emaning + Mody Give up Suppose ‘inspire toren wonder tt eden stone Naat tee 25) wife oni eres fer to Telionze gh imopee one ening? twee Dacotine ae Semuioe 22) Whe of te folowing exeosfrto Aveaie 2 ecese ras soeote ine ‘owe ee eee eran ot ‘tse Troneot Ajamaoted 9) foes aerate I emi bod bingenious i ore 1 nncee po YW YN 30) wich ofthe ong presi fer to i 23) unto jotowing exes coatbevesto |” eveag? refer to “Famous and respected” people? ‘Al ascending BIrising i Adeinguved dotvene Gemponing 2) ning mis Olomarig A anating Seve! 28 @ararvos sear @aranvos. eens 29

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