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(Adopted from Retnawati et al. (2018)

Name : ……………………………

Day/date : ……………………………

A. Teachers’ knowledge about HOTS definition

1. To what extent do you understand about HOTS as EFL Teachers?
2. How do you improve your understanding of HOTS? By joining a
training HOTS program? Any other programs? How often?
B. Teachers’ knowledge about the importance of HOTS
1. How important of HOTS in English learning? Why?
C. Teachers’ problems about implementing HOTS in the learning
1. When did you start integrating HOTS in the learning process?
2. How do you integrate HOTS into your learning process?
3. What kind of problems do you face in integrating HOTS in the
learning process?
4. How do you solve the problems that you face?
D. Teachers problems about improving students’ HOTS
1. How do you improve your students HOTS in English learning?
2. What kind of problems do you face in improving students‟ HOTS?
3. How do you solve the problems that you face in improving
students‟ HOTS?
E. Teachers’ problems about assessing HOTS
1. When did you start integrating HOTS in your assessment process?
2. How do you assess the students‟ HOTS in your English learning?
3. What kind of problems do you face in assessing students‟ HOTS of
English learning?

4. How do you solve the problems that you face in assessing
students' HOTS in English learning?
5. In terms of students‟ skills of thinking in analysis, evaluate and
create knowledge, what are the problems do you face in assessing
them? If yes, how do you solve it?

Adopted from Retnawati et al. (2018)

(Adopted from Retnawati et al. (2018)

Name : ……………………………

Day/date : ……………………………

A. Teachers’ knowledge about HOTS definition

1. To what extent do the teachers understand HOTS?
2. How do the teachers improve their understanding of HOTS? By
joining a training HOTS program? Any other programs? How
B. Teachers’ knowledge about the importance of HOTS
1. How important of HOTS in English learning? Why?
C. Teachers’ problems about implementing HOTS in the learning
1. When do the teachers start integrating HOTS in the learning
2. How do the teachers integrate HOTS into the learning process?
3. What kind of problems do the teachers face in integrating HOTS in
the learning process?
4. How do the teachers solve the problems that they face?
D. Teachers problems about improving students’ HOTS
1. How do the teachers improve the students' HOTS in the learning
2. What kind of problems do the teachers face in improving students‟
3. How do the teachers solve the problems that they face in improving
students‟ HOTS?

E. Teachers’ problems about assessing HOTS
1. When do the teachers start integrating HOTS in the assessment
2. How do the teachers assess the students‟ HOTS in the learning
3. What kind of problems do the teachers face in assessing students‟
4. How do the teachers solve the problems that they face in
assessing students' HOTS?
5. In terms of students‟ skills of thinking in analysis, evaluate and
create knowledge, what are the problems that the teachers face in
assessing them? How do the teachers solve it?

Adopted from Retnawati et al. (2018)


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