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This document is the confidential property of Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Neither

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Rev Date Description Author Sponsor

A 10/07 General revision PHDJ GWBR
B 12/09 Technical content change made: page 27, MPME GWBR
changed Coating System 2.3 to Silicon Acrylic /
Silicone Acrylic and the Paint Primer type to
Silicone Alkyd. Also replaced the Carboline
primer to Thermaline 4900.
C 06/10 General revision MPME GWBR

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C


1.0 Scope ..........................................................................................................................4

2.0 References ..................................................................................................................4
2.1 ......Purchaser Documents ......................................................................................4
2.2 ......Industry Codes and Standards .........................................................................4
2.3 ......Conflict Resolution ...........................................................................................5
3.0 Acronyms ....................................................................................................................5
4.0 General ........................................................................................................................5
4.1 ......Accepted Brands ..............................................................................................6
4.2 ......Manufacturer’s Data Sheets .............................................................................6
4.3 ......Mixing of Coatings of Different Manufacturers .................................................6
4.4 ......Color .................................................................................................................6
4.5 ......Pre-Construction Primers .................................................................................6
4.6 ......Weld-Through Primers .....................................................................................7
4.7 ......Paint-Free Surfaces .........................................................................................7
4.8 ......Galvanizing .......................................................................................................7
4.9 ......Pipe Penetration Sleeves .................................................................................8
4.10 ....Flanges .............................................................................................................8
4.11 ....Tank Interiors ...................................................................................................8
4.12 ....Fireproofing ......................................................................................................8
4.13 ....Valves, Actuators, and Specialty Items ............................................................8
4.14 ....Vulcanized Rubber Coatings ............................................................................8
5.0 Surface Preparation ...................................................................................................9
5.1 ......Preparation for Abrasive Blasting .....................................................................9
5.2 ......Hand or Power Tool Cleaning ........................................................................10
5.3 ......Abrasive Blasting ............................................................................................10
5.4 ......Galvanized and Aluminum Surfaces ..............................................................12
6.0 Coating Application .................................................................................................12
6.1 ......General Application Requirements .................................................................12
6.2 ......Weather Conditions ........................................................................................13
6.3 ......Materials .........................................................................................................13
6.4 ......Mixing and Thinning .......................................................................................13
6.5 ......Shelf and Pot Life ...........................................................................................14
6.6 ......Spray Application ...........................................................................................14
6.7 ......Priming ...........................................................................................................14
6.8 ......Top-Coating ....................................................................................................15
6.9 ......Film Thickness ...............................................................................................15
6.10 ....Defects ...........................................................................................................15
6.11 ....Touch-Up ........................................................................................................15
6.12 ....Brush or Roller Application .............................................................................16

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

7.0 Inspection .................................................................................................................16

7.1 ......General ...........................................................................................................16
7.2 ......Compressed Air Cleanliness ..........................................................................17
7.3 ......Abrasive Material ............................................................................................17
7.4 ......Environmental Conditions ..............................................................................17
7.5 ......Surface Preparation (Including Touch-Up Preparation) .................................18
7.6 ......Coating Application ........................................................................................18
7.7 ......Inspection by Purchaser .................................................................................18
7.8 ......Coating Manufacturer’s Representatives .......................................................19
8.0 Coating Systems ......................................................................................................19
8.1 ......Coating Systems ............................................................................................19
8.2 ......Finish Color Schedule ....................................................................................19
Appendix A Coating Selection Guideline: Offshore Structures and Wharves ............22
Appendix B Coating System Data Sheets........................................................................25

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

This specification covers the surface preparation, materials, coating application, and inspection
requirements for coating the fabricated steel, equipment, and appurtenances of offshore structures.

1. The following documents are referenced herein and are considered part of this specification.
2. Use the latest edition of each document referenced below unless otherwise specified.

2.1 Purchaser Documents

COM-EF-844 Coatings Inspection Report Form
COM-SU-5191 Coating Systems

2.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
A 90/A 90M Standard Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on Iron and Steel
Articles with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy Coatings
A 123/A 123M Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and
Steel Products
A 143/A 143M Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot-Dip
Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting
A 153/A 153M Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel
A 385/A 385M Standard Practice for Providing High-Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip)
D 4285 Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air
D 4417 Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast
Cleaned Steel
E 337 Standard Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer (the
Measurement of Wet- and Dry-Bulb Temperatures)
International Standards Organization (ISO)
8501-1:2007 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products—Visual assessment of surface cleanliness—Part 1: Rust grades
and preparation grades of uncoated steal substrates and of steel substrates
after overall removal of previous coatings
SA 1—Surface Preparation Standard Bush-Off Blast Cleaning
SA 2—Surface Preparation Standard Commercial Blast Cleaning
SA 2.5—Surface Preparation Standard Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning
SA 3—Surface Preparation Standard White Metal Blast Cleaning
National Association of Corrosion Engineers International (NACE)
No. 1 (SSPC SP 5) Joint Surface Preparation Standard White Metal Blast Cleaning
No. 2 (SSPC SP 10) Joint Surface Preparation Standard Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

No. 3 (SSPC SP 6) Joint Surface Preparation Standard Commercial Blast Cleaning

No. 4 (SSPC SP 7) Brush-Off Blast Cleaning
SP0178 Design, Fabrication, and Surface Finish Practices for Tanks and Vessels to
be lined for Immersion Service
SP0188 Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on
Conductive Substrates
Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC)
PA 1 Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of Steel
PA 2 Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages
PA Guide 3 A Guide to Safety in Paint Application
SP 1 Solvent Cleaning
SP 2 Hand Tool Cleaning
SP 3 Power Tool Cleaning
SP 5 (NACE No. 1) White Metal Blast Cleaning
SP 6 (NACE No. 3) Commercial Blast Cleaning
SP 7 (NACE No. 4) Brush-off Blast Cleaning
SP 10 (NACE No. 2) Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning
SP 11 Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal
SP COM Surface Preparation Commentary for Steel and Concrete Substrates
VIS 1 Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by
Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning

2.3 Conflict Resolution

Discrepancies or conflicts among referenced documents shall be brought to the attention of
Purchaser for resolution.

DFT—Dry Film Thickness
ID—Inner Diameter
MSDS—Material Safety Data Sheet
OD—Outer Diameter
VOC—Volatile Organic Compound

Protective coatings shall comply with applicable federal, state, and local codes and regulations on
surface preparation, coating application, storage, handling, safety, and environmental
requirements, including the recommendations of SSPC PA Guide 3.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

4.1 Accepted Brands

1. Only specified coating systems from the coating system data sheets in Appendix B of this
document shall be used, unless alternates are reviewed and accepted by Purchaser in writing.
2. Supplier shall use only coatings that comply with federal, state, and local air pollution

4.2 Manufacturer’s Data Sheets

1. The latest edition of coating manufacturer’s product data sheets, application instructions, and
material safety data sheets shall be available at the painting site and complied with during
painting operations.
2. Inspection requirements shall be defined in Purchaser’s project specification.

4.3 Mixing of Coatings of Different Manufacturers

1. Multi-coat systems shall use materials from a single manufacturer unless reviewed and
accepted by Purchaser in writing.
2. Off-site equipment manufacturers shall use the same brand for a coating system as the prime
Supplier unless reviewed and accepted by Purchaser in writing.
3. In the prime Supplier’s fabrication yards and offshore, only one manufacturer shall be used for
each coating system.

4.4 Color
1. Finish coat color of external coating systems shall be per Section 8.2.
2. Contrasting colors shall be used for intermediate coats to allow inspection for full coverage.
3. Silver or aluminum color primer shall not be used over blast cleaned surfaces.
4. Finish colors for purchased equipment shall be specified on purchase orders.
5. For a gray finish color, color recommendations are as follows for four-coat systems:
a. Beige for the first intermediate coat
b. White for the second intermediate coat

4.5 Pre-Construction Primers

1. Inorganic zinc primers may be used as pre-construction primers; however, weld bevels shall be
free of primer before welding.
Note Bevels can be kept free of primer by masking prior to coating or by grinding or
sandblasting before welding.
2. Coating-free area shall extend a minimum of 2 inches (51 mm) from the weld bevel.
3. Inorganic zinc pre-construction primers shall be removed by blasting to bare metal before
application of the required paint system.
4. Supplier shall not apply successive coats over inorganic zinc pre-construction primers in order
to avoid undermining the protection provided by inorganic zinc primers.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

4.6 Weld-Through Primers

1. Weld-through primers shall not be used unless welding qualification tests show no detrimental
effects, such as unacceptable porosity or mechanical properties.
2. The use of weld-through primers shall be reviewed and accepted by Purchaser in writing prior
to use.
3. If primers are accepted, inspection for weld bevel cleanliness shall be performed on
production work prior to priming.

4.7 Paint-Free Surfaces

1. The following surfaces shall not be abrasive blasted or painted unless otherwise specified:
a. Concrete
b. Galvanized steel
c. Stainless steel
d. Monel®
e. Copper or copper alloys
f. Fiberglass reinforced plastic
g. Aluminum weather jacketing of insulation
h. Interior surfaces of piping and equipment
i. Instruments, gauge glasses, nameplates
j. Machined surfaces
2. The top surface of the drilling skid beam (also known as the drilling skid rail) near the top
surface of the drill deck shall not be painted.

4.8 Galvanizing
1. Gratings, ladders, cages, stairways, handrails, handrail sockets, helideck apron frames,
and miscellaneous hardware shall be prepared for hot-dip galvanizing in accordance
with ASTM A 385/A 385M. These items shall be galvanized in accordance with
ASTM A 123/A 123M.
2. The weight of the zinc coating shall be confirmed by testing to the requirements of
ASTM A 90/A 90M.
3. Hot-dip galvanizing of bolts, nuts, and washers shall conform to ASTM A 153/A 153M and
ASTM A 143/A 143M.
4. Handrails and stairways may be painted after galvanizing with Purchaser’s Coating
System 3.6 of Appendix A.
5. Maximum size limitations of the galvanizing process shall be considered in the design of items
requiring galvanizing.
6. Fabrication of items to be galvanized shall be completed (including cutting, welding, and
cleanup) prior to solvent cleaning, acid pretreatment, and galvanizing.
7. Steel grating shall be banded prior to galvanizing.
8. Banding shall be seal welded.
9. Whenever possible, items shall be galvanized in a single hot dip.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

10. The final surface shall be free of overlaps, spikes, teardrops, cracks, or flakes.
11. If weepholes are used to prevent overpressuring, they shall be sealed after galvanizing by a
Purchaser-reviewed method. Plastic and lead plugs shall not be acceptable.
12. Galvanized parts shall be repaired according to Coating System 1.8.1 of Appendix A.
a. Before applying repair coating, surfaces shall be washed with freshwater.
b. Rust and surface contaminants shall be removed in accordance with SSPC SP 3.
c. After removing contaminants, parts shall be solvent washed.

4.9 Pipe Penetration Sleeves

1. Pipe penetration sleeves shall be painted through the finishing coat prior to running pipe.
2. Penetration sleeves shall have a minimum 1-inch (25-mm) clearance on the radius between the
inner diameter (ID) of the reinforcement and the outer diameter (OD) of the pipe for coating

4.10 Flanges
1. Flange surfaces (excluding gasket surfaces) and bolt holes shall be coated with primer and
intermediate coats before assembly.
2. Supplier shall take all necessary precautions to protect the bore area, raised face, and ring
groove from over blast, over spray, and accumulation of blast media residue.

4.11 Tank Interiors

Inside surfaces of manways, nozzles, bosses, and other connections shall be blasted and coated
with the same system as the internal surfaces of the tank or vessel.

4.12 Fireproofing
1. Only Purchaser-specified proprietary fireproofing shall be used.
2. The primer specified in Coating System 4.4 of Appendix A shall be used.
3. Exceptions to Coating System 4.4 shall be reviewed by Purchaser.

4.13 Valves, Actuators, and Specialty Items

1. Valves, actuators, and specialty items provided by Supplier without a coating system that
conforms to this specification shall be blasted and recoated.
2. The internals of valves shall be protected from blasting, paint, and other contaminants prior to
blasting and painting.
3. In cases where removing the existing coating is not possible, Coating System 3.7 from
Appendix A shall be used.

4.14 Vulcanized Rubber Coatings

1. Vulcanized neoprene rubber shall be used on risers in splash zone areas.
a. These coatings shall be applied by the manufacturer and not on-site. (Manufacturers have
developed their own proprietary processes for the application and vulcanization of the
b. Properties of rubber shall be as shown in Table 1.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Table 1: Properties of Rubber

Shore® A Durometer 65 ±5
Tensile strength > 2,000 psi
Elongation > 400%
Tear strength > 40 N/mm

2. Coating System 4.3 in Appendix A of this specification shall be used for vulcanized rubber.


5.1 Preparation for Abrasive Blasting

1. Sharp edges, such as those in rolled structural members, as well as those resulting from flame
cutting, welding, etc., shall be removed and rounded off to 1/8 inch (3.3 mm) radius using a
suitable method (e.g., soft grinding wheel) before abrasive blasting and applying coats of
paint. (Refer to SSPC SP 5/NACE No. 1, NACE SP0178, or SSPC SP COM.)
2. Welding and grinding, including cosmetic grinding, shall not be permitted on
pressure-resisting components and welds of pressure vessels and piping after hydrostatic
testing, unless reviewed and accepted in writing by Purchaser.
3. Surfaces to be coated shall be clean of contaminants that could affect the integrity of the
coating system.
a. Prior to surface preparation, surfaces shall be cleaned as necessary to remove oil, grease,
dirt, salts, and other foreign material.
b. An appropriate detergent or solvent shall be used for cleaning.
c. Detergent or solvent cleaning shall be performed as outlined in SSPC SP 1.
d. Solvents used to clean stainless steel shall be free of substances such as chlorides, sulfur,
halogens, or metallic pigments.
4. The presence of oil shall be checked by shining a black light on the steel surface.
5. Surfaces to be coated prior to abrasive blasting or surface preparation for chloride, sulfate, and
nitrate salt contamination using the CHLOR*TEST™ test kit or equivalent shall be tested.
a. Test sites shall be selected to be representative of the surface as a whole.
b. Testing shall take place at the rate of three tests for the first 1,000 feet2 (93 m2) or part
thereof, and one test for each additional 3,000 feet2 (279 m2) or part thereof.
c. For immersion service, the following are maximum acceptable levels:
1) Chloride: 3 μg/cm2
2) Nitrate: 5 μg/cm2
3) Sulfate: 10 μg/cm2
d. For non-immersion service, the following are maximum acceptable levels:
1) Chloride: 5 μg/cm2
2) Nitrate: 10 μg/cm2
3) Sulfate: 15 μg/cm2

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

e. Salt-contaminated surfaces shall require high-pressure water washing (minimum 3,000 psi
[20.7 MPa]) using high purity water or a solution of water and CHLOR*RID® soluble salt
remover or equivalent.
f. Surface shall be tested and treated until test results are less than or equal to the limits listed
in Section 5.1, item 5c.
6. Areas that may become inaccessible after fabrication (e.g., areas to be covered by clamps)
shall be blast cleaned and painted with the entire system prior to installation.

5.2 Hand or Power Tool Cleaning

1. Hand or power tool cleaning shall be per SSPC SP 2, SSPC SP 3, and SSPC SP 11.
2. Purchaser acceptance shall be required on a case-by-case basis prior to substituting power tool
cleaning for abrasive blasting.
3. When hand or power tool cleaning is required on stainless steel, only stainless steel wire
brushes that have not been previously used on carbon steel surfaces shall be used.

5.3 Abrasive Blasting

5.3.1 General
1. Abrasive surfaces shall be blasted in accordance with the SSPC or NACE blasting
requirements, specified on the coating system data sheets found in Appendix B.
2. Anchor pattern shall be as specified in Appendix B.
3. Weld areas shall be ground, chipped, and wire-brushed as necessary prior to blasting
to remove rust, residual flux, and weld spatter.
4. Steel surface slivers, laminations, laps, scabs, and seams exposed by blasting shall be
reported to Purchaser, investigated, and repaired on portions of the steel to be painted
by Supplier, according to rules from the applicable code for repairs, prior to coating.
Repaired areas shall be re-blasted prior to coating.
5. Prior to abrasive blasting, valves, sight glasses, name tags, machinery, electrical
fixtures, stainless steel electrical control panels, etc., subject to damage from either the
blast or from the remaining abrasive material, shall be protected.
6. When possible, name tags shall be installed after painting is complete.
7. If coating under tags is not possible, tag edges shall be sealed with silicone to prevent
moisture accumulation.
8. Cadmium-plated, Teflon®-coated, electroplated, metallized, or other specially coated
items shall not be blasted unless otherwise directed by Purchaser.
9. Blasting shall be performed in dry weather. Dry blast cleaning operations shall not be
conducted on surfaces exposed to rain, water spray, or other moisture.
10. Abrasive blast cleaning shall not be performed when the ambient or substrate
temperature is less than 5°F (3°C) above the dew point temperature.
a. Dew point temperature shall be determined by a sling psychrometer in accordance
with ASTM E 337 or an equivalent electronic device at the location where the
work is being performed.
b. Substrate temperature shall be determined using a surface thermometer.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

11. Blasting shall be accomplished so that previously painted surfaces are not
contaminated by abrasive or blast wastes.
12. The rough edge of the blasted coating shall be feather edged by power or hand sanding
with a grit wheel or sandpaper.
13. When the coating is damaged down to the steel, spot cleaning shall be necessary.
14. Damaged areas shall be cleaned by blasting or power tool cleaning. Purchaser
acceptance shall be required on a case-by-case basis prior to substituting power tool
cleaning for abrasive cleaning.
15. After the metal surface has been cleaned, the edge of the surrounding coating shall be
feather edged to remove cracked, loose, or damaged coating.

5.3.2 Abrasives
1. Abrasive blast cleaning shall be performed with a clean, sharp grade of abrasive.
2. Only dry, grit-type abrasives shall be used.
3. Grain size shall be suitable for producing the specified anchor profile.
4. Abrasives shall be free of dust, dirt, and other foreign matter and shall be kept dry.
5. Silica and other abrasive substances containing more than 1 percent crystalline silica
shall not be used as abrasive blasting materials.
6. Abrasive blasting material and its handling/use shall comply with air quality
regulations and applicable federal/local government hazardous material/waste
handling requirements.
7. If automatic blasting equipment is used, the abrasive mix shall be maintained so that a
consistently sharp profile is produced. Mix shall be 75 percent grit, 25 percent shot.

5.3.3 Blast Air Pressure

1. Prior to the start of blasting, Supplier shall select an appropriate air pressure, abrasive,
and mesh size to attain the specified anchor pattern.
2. Supplier shall demonstrate to Purchaser that the selected nozzle pressures and
abrasive provide the specified anchor pattern by blasting a representative piece of
steel and measuring the anchor pattern using Testex Inc. Press-O-Film® tape or
Purchaser-reviewed equal as described in Method C of ASTM D 4417.
3. Changes in nozzle pressure, abrasive, or mesh size shall be qualified in the same way
prior to the change.
4. Blast air pressure shall be a minimum of 90 psig (6.2 barg) unless the demonstration
test proves otherwise.

5.3.4 Post Blasting

1. Blast-cleaned surfaces that show evidence of rust bloom or that have been left
uncoated for more than four hours shall be re-cleaned to the specified degree of
cleanliness prior to coating.
2. After blasting and immediately before spraying, dust and loose residues shall be
removed by brushing, blowing with clean dry air, or vacuum cleaning.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

3. Inhibitive washes or holding primers intended to prevent rusting shall not be used
after blasting.
4. A minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) around the edge of blasted areas shall be left
unprimed unless adjoining a coated surface.
5. Subsequent blasting shall continue a minimum of 1 inch (25 mm) into primed
6. Prepared surface shall be free of loose, burnt, or blistered coating.
7. Welding undercut and porosity shall be repaired prior to application of the coating.
8. Blast-cleaned surfaces shall be inspected for proper cleaning prior to painting.
SSPC VIS 1 shall be used as a visual standard for confirming the degree of surface
9. Anchor profile shall be verified in accordance with Method C of ASTM D 4417 using
either course or extra-course replica tape and a spring-loaded micrometer.
Note These requirements ensure that no coating is applied over unblasted steel.

5.4 Galvanized and Aluminum Surfaces

1. Aluminum surfaces to be painted shall be pretreated with an acid-wash base.
2. Galvanized surfaces that require painting shall be brush blasted with fine grit using a lower
nozzle pressure prior to painting. (See SSPC SP 7/NACE No. 4 and ISO SA 1.)
3. Galvanized pieces, such as gratings, that will be installed over steel surfaces to be painted, will
interfere with painting and shall not be installed prior to painting the underlying steel.
4. If galvanized pieces must be installed before final painting, they shall first be brush blasted per
item 2 above and coated with the same intermediate coating as the underlying steel.
5. Underlying steel shall be abrasive blasted and primed with the intermediate coat applied prior
to installing (clipping) galvanized pieces over the steel.
6. If the galvanized grating is welded to the underlying steel, welds shall be blasted with a
mini-blaster to prevent damage to nearby painted surfaces.


6.1 General Application Requirements

1. Application shall be in accordance with SSPC PA 1, the coating manufacturer’s published
application instructions, material safety data sheets (MSDSs), and the requirements specified
2. Application equipment shall be as recommended by the coating manufacturer (i.e., clean, in
good condition, and suitable for applying the coating as specified).
3. The number of coats to be applied shall never be fewer than the number of coats required by
this specification.
4. Individual dry film coating thicknesses shall not be less than the minimum thickness specified
in Appendix B.
5. Wet film thicknesses shall be verified at the start of work (until the painter is familiar with the
paint and work) with a wet film thickness gauge.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

6. Each coat shall meet thickness requirements. If one coat is too thin, it shall not be followed by
a second coat that is too thick.

6.2 Weather Conditions

1. Outdoor painting shall be done in daylight hours and completed at least one hour prior to
2. Indoor painting shall be allowed 24 hours a day if the specified metal and air temperatures and
relative humidity requirements are met inside the building or vessel during preparation,
painting, and curing.
3. Purchaser representative or inspector shall be present or available to perform required
inspections prior to painting.
4. Coatings shall be applied within the environmental conditions specified in the coating
manufacturer’s data sheets.
5. Coatings shall not be applied if any of the following conditions are present:
a. Ambient or surface temperatures are above or below manufacturer’s recommended
temperature limits.
b. Ambient or substrate temperature is less than 5°F (3°C) above dew point temperature.
1) Dew point temperature shall be determined by sling psychrometer in accordance with
ASTM E 337 (or equivalent electronic device) at the location where work is done.
2) Substrate temperature shall be determined using a surface thermometer.
c. Wind conditions are strong or gusty, particularly for spray application.
d. It is raining, snowing, or foggy, or surfaces are damp or frosty.
6. If rain falls on painted surfaces before paint becomes rainproof, surfaces shall be re-blasted
and repainted.

6.3 Materials
1. Coating materials shall be clearly identifiable in manufacturer’s unopened containers, and
shall be kept covered, clean, and protected.
2. Materials older than the manufacturer’s recommended shelf life shall not be used.
3. Solvents used for thinning shall be as recommended by coating manufacturer.
4. Materials shall be handled and stored in accordance with manufacturer’s latest published
instructions and Article 5.1 of SSPC PA 1.

6.4 Mixing and Thinning

1. Components shall be thoroughly mixed per recommendations noted in manufacturer’s data
2. Mixing shall be done in clean containers, free from traces of grease, other paints, and
3. Containers shall be kept covered to prevent contamination by dust, dirt, or stain.
4. Paint shall be mechanically mixed in full batches.
5. Components of multi-component coatings (such as inorganic zinc, epoxies, and urethanes)
shall be accurately measured according to manufacturer’s directions.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

6. Mixing of partial kits shall occur in the presence of Purchaser’s authorized inspector.
7. Thinning shall not exceed the allowable volatile organic compound (VOC) level for the
coating used.
8. The thinner used shall be that recommended by the manufacturer and shall not exceed the
quantity stated in the product data sheet.

6.5 Shelf and Pot Life

1. Materials that have exceeded the coating manufacturer’s recommended shelf life shall not be
2. Coating manufacturer’s recommended pot life shall not be exceeded. When this limit is
reached, the spray pot shall be emptied and cleaned, and new material shall be mixed.

6.6 Spray Application

1. Supplier’s applicators shall be skilled in the proper application technique for coatings.
a. Proper equipment, per coating manufacturer’s data sheets, shall be used.
b. Applicators or equipment that fail to meet the above requirements to Purchaser’s or
coating manufacturer’s satisfaction shall be removed from coating application.
2. Spray guns, lines, and pressure pots shall be cleaned prior to adding new material.
3. Air caps, nozzles, and needles shall be those recommended by coating manufacturer for the
material being sprayed.
4. Moisture traps, separators, driers, and after-coolers shall be installed between the air supply
and the equipment.
5. Drain valve shall be kept slightly open to permit continuous draining of condensate during
6. Operating pressures shall comply with recommendations of the coating manufacturer.
7. Spray equipment shall be equipped with pressure regulators and gauges.
8. Paint shall be applied in a uniform layer, with 50 percent overlapping the previous pass.
9. During application, the spray gun shall be held perpendicular to the surface being painted.

6.7 Priming
1. The specified coating system primer shall be applied within four hours from the time that
surfaces are cleaned and before rusting, discoloration, or surface contamination occurs.
2. Surfaces to be coated shall be clean, dust-free, and dry before the application of coatings and
shall meet applicable hand, power tool, and abrasive blasting surface preparation requirements
before priming.
3. Care shall be exercised to prevent overspray, spillage, and application of coatings to surfaces
for which they are not intended.
4. Skips, sags, and drips shall be repaired.
5. Inorganic zinc primer shall be applied using an agitated pot.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

6.8 Top-Coating
1. Coats of paint shall be contrasting colors to indicate the extent of coverage.
2. Coatings shall be allowed to dry for at least the minimum time recommended by the paint
manufacturer, considering temperature and humidity, before applying successive coats.
3. Maximum overcoat time shall be limited to the manufacturer’s recommendation.
4. When the maximum overcoat time has been exceeded, Supplier shall perform additional
surface preparation as agreed upon by Purchaser’s representative.
5. Additional surface preparation shall include, but not be limited to, hand sanding, pressure
washing, mist coat application, degreasing, and re-blasting.
6. Prior to top-coating an inorganic zinc primer, the cure of the primer shall be verified.
Note Inorganic primers that are properly cured will polish to bright metal without
powdering or loss of material when firmly scraped with the edge of a coin.
7. Inorganic zinc primers shall have overspray removed with a stiff bristle brush or wire screen
and shall be clean and thoroughly cured prior to top-coating.
8. When spraying over inorganic zinc primers, a mist coat shall be used to prevent pin-holing.
a. The mist coat should be a thinned coat or applied by a quick pass of the spray gun prior to
applying the full coat.
b. Sufficient time shall be allowed for solvent evaporation.

6.9 Film Thickness

1. Wet film thickness shall be checked during the application of each coat to ensure the specified
dry film thickness (DFT) will be met.
2. Wet film thickness measurements are not suitable for some materials such as inorganic zinc
primers or flake filled epoxies.
3. DFT of each coat shall be checked in accordance with procedures defined by SSPC PA 2,
latest edition, using a magnetic gauge that has been properly calibrated.
4. Coating thickness on stainless steel shall be checked using a Type 2 gauge suitable for use on
non-ferrous substrates. Measurements shall be taken after removal of dry spray and overspray.
5. Gauges shall be adjusted to compensate for the substrate effect prior to application of coatings.

6.10 Defects
1. Coatings shall be free of defects such as runs, sags, pin holes, voids, blisters, wrinkles, mud
cracking, and bubbles.
2. Dry spray and overspray shall be removed.
3. The DFT of each coat, as measured per SSPC PA2, shall not be outside the range specified in
the product data sheet unless authorized by the product’s manufacturer.

6.11 Touch-Up
1. Prior to the application of coats, defects and damage to previous coat(s) shall be repaired.
2. Damage to finished work shall be thoroughly cleaned and recoated.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

3. Damaged areas shall be spot-blast cleaned or power-tool cleaned as necessary to restore

exposed steel to its original degree of cleanliness.
4. Loose, cracked, and damaged coating shall be removed and the adjacent sound coating
feathered back approximately 2 inches (51 mm) to form a uniform and smooth surface.
5. Feathering shall be done by hand or by power sanding with a grit wheel or sandpaper.
6. Prepared surface shall be free of loose, burnt, or blistered coating.
7. Unless otherwise specified, the coating used for repair shall be the same as the original and
shall have the same DFT.

6.12 Brush or Roller Application

1. Written Purchaser acceptance shall be required before brush or roller application may be
substituted for spray application.
2. Inaccessible and restricted areas that prevent spray application of paint at the proper
inclination angles shall be boxed in and seal welded prior to paint application.
3. Welds, edges of angled beams, gussets, crevices, corners, I-beam flanges, valves, flanges,
nuts, bolts, and areas difficult to reach or see shall be given special attention by brushing on an
extra coat of contrasting color, following the application of the primers stated in SSPC PA 1.
Note Inorganic zinc does not adhere to itself so it cannot be brushed or “stripe coated”
prior to spray application.
4. Brushes shall be of a style and quality that enable proper application of the coating.
5. Brushing shall be done so that a smooth coat with uniform thickness is obtained.
6. When applying coatings with a brush, multiple coats may be required to achieve the specified


7.1 General
1. Supplier shall perform inspections to ensure that surface preparation and coating application
comply with requirements of this specification.
2. Inspection records shall be kept daily and shall be submitted to Purchaser at least weekly.
3. COM-EF-844 or a reviewed equivalent daily coatings inspection report shall be used to record
daily inspection data.
4. Purchaser’s authorized inspector(s) (NACE Certified Coating Inspector Level 3) shall be
given adequate notice prior to the start of surface preparation and coating application so that
they can witness the work.
5. Purchaser’s authorized inspector shall have the option to witness and perform testing on
surface preparation and coating application as necessary.
6. Materials, equipment, and work shall be available to Purchaser’s authorized inspector(s).
7. Purchaser’s authorized inspector(s) shall have access to the work site during work and shall
have the right to conduct inspections or testing deemed necessary to ensure that coatings are
properly applied.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

8. Instruments used in inspection activities (e.g., thermometer, pyrometers, hygrometers,

thickness gauges, profile gauges, and holiday detectors) shall be provided by Supplier in
proper working order and calibrated prior to use.

7.2 Compressed Air Cleanliness

1. Cleanliness of the compressed air supply used for blast cleaning, pneumatic tools, and spray
equipment shall be checked for oil and water contamination in accordance with
ASTM D 4285.
2. Lines shall be tested separately.
3. Testing shall be performed at the beginning and end of each work shift, and at least every four
4. In the event that contamination is discovered, corrective actions shall be taken and the air
supply re-tested.
5. Surfaces that are determined to have been blasted with contaminated air shall be cleaned with
solvent and re-blasted with clean air and abrasive.
6. Coatings determined to have been applied using contaminated air shall be removed and re-
applied using clean air.

7.3 Abrasive Material

1. Recirculated shot and grit used for abrasive cleaning shall be tested for the presence of oil by
immersion in water and checking for oil flotation.
2. Tests shall be done at the start of blasting, at four-hour intervals thereafter, and at the end of
3. If oil is found, contaminated abrasive shall be replaced with clean abrasive and re-tested
before proceeding.
4. Steel blasted after the last satisfactory test shall be re-blasted.

7.4 Environmental Conditions

1. The following shall be checked and recorded at the beginning of each day’s operation and
several times during the application process:
a. Ambient temperature
b. Relative humidity
c. Dew point
d. Moisture on surface
e. Temperature of surface to be coated
2. These recordings shall be compared with criteria stated in item 5 of Section 6.2 in this
specification and manufacturer’s data sheets.
3. If any criteria is exceeded, coating shall not be applied.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

7.5 Surface Preparation (Including Touch-Up Preparation)

Immediately prior to priming, blasted surfaces shall be inspected using the following methods to
verify that the specified surface preparation has been achieved:
1. Anchor pattern shall be verified using Press-O-Film tape as described in Method C of
ASTM D 4417. The measurements shall be recorded on COM-EF-844.
2. Degree of cleanliness shall be verified by comparison to SSPC VIS 1. Cleanliness shall be
recorded on COM-EF-844.

7.6 Coating Application

1. DFT shall be measured using a microtest magnetic film thickness gauge or a
Purchaser-accepted equivalent in accordance with SSPC PA 2.
2. DFT gauge shall be calibrated to Purchaser’s satisfaction at the beginning of coating work and
regularly thereafter at Purchaser’s request.
3. Calibration of the DFT gauge shall follow the procedures in SSPC PA 2.
4. The thickness of each coat as well as the total thickness of each finished coating system shall
be recorded on COM-EF-844.
5. Surface of internal linings shall be inspected for holidays per NACE SP0188 Section 3 or 4,
depending on final system DFT.
6. When testing hard-to-reach locations around appurtenances and nozzles, a small sponge
attachment shall be used.
7. Areas containing holidays shall be locally sandblasted to bare metal, recoated with the same
system, and re-tested for holidays. Detected holidays, correction, and final holiday-free
inspection shall be recorded on COM-EF-844.
8. Surface of splash-zone coatings shall be inspected for holidays using a Purchaser-reviewed
high-voltage spark-type detector. Voltage setting shall be determined based on Table 1 from
NACE SP0188.
9. Areas containing holidays shall be locally sandblasted to bare metal, re-coated, and
10. Areas found to contain runs, overspray, pinholes, sags, or other signs of improper application
shall be repaired in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations at Supplier’s expense.

7.7 Inspection by Purchaser

1. Work shall be subject to Purchaser inspection.
2. Purchaser’s inspectors shall be given at least two days notice before the start of surface
preparation or coating application so that they may witness the work.
3. Work shall not proceed past the inspection hold points defined below without authorization
from Purchaser’s inspectors.
a. Completion of surface preparation prior to primer application
b. Completion of application of primer, intermediate, and top coats
c. Holiday detection and repair (internal linings and splash zone coatings only)
d. Final acceptance of completed coating work
4. Purchaser’s inspectors shall ensure that inspections are carried out at hold points.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

5. Purchaser’s inspectors shall have the right to reject materials, equipment, or work not in
compliance with this specification.
6. Necessary corrective actions shall be performed by Supplier at Supplier’s expense.
7. Scaffolding, beam clamps, and other equipment that could interfere with or damage coating
shall not be used.
8. Supplier shall provide safe access to all areas for inspection by Purchaser.
9. Supplier shall maintain the area to prevent contamination of coatings (i.e., wetting of dusty
fabrication and painting areas including the surrounding grounds when dry conditions are
10. Prior to final coating acceptance, Supplier shall wash the platform with freshwater and apply a
finishing coat to areas stained and contaminated from grinding, weld spatter, general traffic,

7.8 Coating Manufacturer’s Representatives

Coating manufacturer’s representatives shall have access to the work site while work is being done
to perform inspections and testing to ensure that coatings are properly applied.


8.1 Coating Systems

Purchaser shall specify the coating systems to be used from Appendix A and Appendix B of this
document. Coating systems may also be chosen from COM-SU-5191.

8.2 Finish Color Schedule

1. Finish colors shall be as specified in Table 2.
2. Color cards shall be submitted for Purchaser representative’s acceptance prior to the start of
3. Table 3 shows the federal color numbers for the color schedule.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Table 2: Finish Colors

Splash zones (including steel grating at top of jacket and boat landings) Light silver grey
Jacket, structural steel Light silver grey
Deck surfaces Light silver grey
Underside of deck surfaces White
Vessels, tanks, and heat exchangers Light silver grey
Stacks Light silver grey
Pumps, compressors, mixers, and drivers Light silver grey
Piping—General, control valves, fuel gas Light silver grey
Firewater (including foam lines) Safety red
Uninsulated valves, flanges, and other items in insulated piping systems Light silver grey
Fire equipment Safety red
Safety barriers Safety yellow
Miscellaneous ungalvanized structural steel Light silver grey
Galvanized steel—Handrails, guardrails, sockets, stairways, railings, ladders, Safety yellow
cages, helideck apron framing
Electrical panels, equipment, housing, brackets, supports and other items Light silver grey
Helideck background Light silver grey
Helideck markings:
(Per API RP 2L as modified below) Background
Aiming circle letter “H” and boundary Black
Walkways Black
Logo and facility name Black (logo colors
per Purchaser
Helideck safety panels Safety yellow and
black stripes
Safety station locations Safety green
Platform identification signs Black letters on
white background
Potable water piping Safety green
Physical hazards (Including overhead obstructions, split-pipe deck curbing that Yellow and black
can be walked on) stripes or checks
Walkways on deck plate Black
Quarters building (exterior) White
Cranes Safety yellow
Subsea components—Drilling templates, jacket guides, bottom riser sections White
and flanges, J-tube guides

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Table 3: Federal Color Numbers for Color Schedule

16440 Light silver grey

11120 Safety red
13591 Safety yellow
17038 Black
12300 Safety orange
14120 Safety green
17925 White

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C


Uninsulated carbon steel, to 200°F (93°C). 3.1 Self-cured inorganic zinc epoxy/polyamide
Shop applied. Can also be used for field epoxy (high build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Uninsulated carbon steel, to 200°F (93°C). 3.2 Organic zinc-rich epoxy/polyamide epoxy
Field applied. (high build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Uninsulated 200°F–400°F (93°C–204°C) 2.5 Inorganic zinc/silicone acrylic.
(carbon steel).
Uninsulated 200°F–400°F (93°C–204°C) 2.3 Silicone acrylic/silicone acrylic.
(austenitic SS).
Uninsulated carbon steel, 400°F–1000°F 2.4 Self-cured inorganic zinc/silicone.
Uninsulated duplex and austenitic SS, to 200°F 2.1 Polyamide epoxy (high build)/aliphatic
(93°C). polyurethane.
Uninsulated duplex and austenitic SS 2.7 High temperature silicone.
400°F–1000°F (204°C–538°C).
Insulated, up to 425°F (218°C) 12.1 Epoxies under insulation.
(for carbon steel, duplex SS, and austenitic SS).
Insulated 425°F–1000°F (218°C to 538°C) 12.7 Thin film coating for use under insulation
(for carbon steel, duplex SS and austenitic SS). at high temperatures.
Uninsulated to 200°F (93°C). Shop applied. 3.1 Self-cured inorganic zinc/polyamide epoxy
Can also be used for field application. (high build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Uninsulated to 200°F (93°C). Field applied. 3.2 Organic zinc-rich epoxy/polyamide epoxy
(high build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Insulated, up to 425°F (218°C). 12.1 Epoxies under insulation.
Insulated, 425°F–1000°F (218°C–538°C) 12.7 Thin film coating for use under insulation
(for carbon steel, duplex SS and austenitic SS). at high temperatures.
Uninsulated, to 200°F (93°C). 3.7 Manufacturer’s standard/universal primer
epoxy (high build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Uninsulated, 200°F–1000°F (93°C–538°C). 2.4 Self-cured inorganic zinc/silicone.
Insulated pumps and turbines, to 425°F (218°C). 12.1 Epoxies under insulation.
Motors or engines. 3.7 Manufacturer’s standard/universal primer/
aliphatic polyurethane.
Externally insulated exhaust ducts to 425°F 12.1 Epoxies under insulation.
(218°C) (carbon steel type).

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Instrument supports (galvanized steel). 3.6 Polyamide epoxy (high build) aliphatic
Weatherproof housings (steel). Shop applied. 3.1 Self-cured inorganic zinc/epoxy (high
Can also be used for field application. build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Weatherproof housings (steel). Field applied. 3.2 Organic zinc-rich epoxy/polyamide epoxy
(high build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Instrument tubing (stainless). None
Instruments (galvanized or aluminum). None
Uninsulated carbon steel to 200°F (93°C). 3.1 Self-cured inorganic zinc/epoxy (high
Shop applied. Can also be used for field build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Uninsulated carbon steel to 200°F (93°C). 3.2 Organic zinc-rich epoxy/polyamide epoxy
Field applied. (high build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Uninsulated 200°F–400°F (93°C–204°C) 2.5 Inorganic zinc/silicone acrylic.
(carbon steel).
Uninsulated 200°F–400°F (93°C–204°C) 2.3 Silicone acrylic/silicone acrylic.
(austenitic SS).
Uninsulated carbon steel, 400°F–1000°F 2.4 Self-cured inorganic zinc/silicone.
Uninsulated duplex and austenitic SS, to 200°F 2.1 Polyamide epoxy (high build)/aliphatic
(93°C). polyurethane.
Uninsulated duplex and austenitic SS above 400°F 2.7 High temperature silicone.
Insulated, up to 425°F (218°C) (for carbon steel, 12.1 Epoxies under insulation.
duplex SS, and austenitic SS).
Insulated, 425°F–1000°F (218°C–538°C) 12.7 Thin film coating for use under insulation
(for carbon steel, duplex SS, and austenitic SS). at high temperatures.
Jacket above splash zone, deck, modules to 200°F 3.1 Self-cured inorganic zinc/epoxy (high
(93°C). Shop applied. Can also be used for field build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Jacket above splash zone, deck, modules to 200°F 3.2 Organic zinc-rich epoxy/polyamide epoxy
(93°C). Field applied. (high build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Jacket or deck above splash zone, uninsulated, 2.5 Inorganic zinc/silicone acrylic.
200°F–400°F (93°C–204°C).
Jacket or deck above splash zone, uninsulated, 2.4 Self-cured inorganic zinc/silicone.
400°F–1000°F (204°C–538°C).
Jacket splash zone: structural members, 4.1 Splash zone coatings.
conductors, J-tubes, barge bumpers, riser guards,
boat landings, pump casings (external), etc.
Jacket splash zone: appurtenances. 4.1 Splash zone coatings.

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Galvanized floor grating repair. 1.8.1 Aluminum mastic epoxy primer.
Fireproof steel. 4.4 Polyamide epoxy/fireproofing/polyamide
epoxy (high build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Risers. 4.3 Vulcanized neoprene for splash zone.
Riser clamps:
Exterior—in splash zone 4.1 Splash zone coatings.
Interior—vulcanized neoprene (all clamps) 4.3 Vulcanized neoprene for splash zones.
Hinges—(in splash zone) 1.8.1 Aluminum mastic epoxy primer.
Galvanized stairways, ladders, handrails, 3.6 Polyamide epoxy, aliphatic polyurethane.
helideck apron frame, etc.
Floor plate. 4.6 Epoxy non-skid.
Severe impact areas (Heliport, etc.) 4.7 Heavy duty epoxy non-skid.
Barge bumpers: 4.1
Exterior 1.4 Splash zone coatings.
Interior Polyamide epoxy.
Galvanized or aluminum equipment. None Purchaser recommends not coating.
Steel. 3.1 Self-cured inorganic zinc/polyamide epoxy
(high build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Electrical supports (galvanized steel). 3.5 Epoxy mastic/polyamide epoxy (high
build)/aliphatic polyurethane.
Subsea completion equipment:
to 200°F (93°C) 8.5 High temperature immersion coatings.
above 200°F (93°C) 8.5 High temperature immersion coatings.
Skim pile, pump caissons:
External 3.1 Above splash zone.
External 4.1 Splash zone coatings.
Internal 1.4 Polyamide epoxy (above and below
caisson bioshield coatings).
Pump column pipes: internal and external. 1.4 Polyamide epoxy.
Produced water and seawater to 180°F (82°C). 8.5 or High temperature immersion coatings.
9.1 to 9.5
Potable water service. 8.3 FDA approved epoxy.
Crude oil and produced water to 200°F (93°C). 8.5 High temperature immersion coatings.
Crude oil and produced water 200°F–249°F 8.5 High temperature immersion coatings.
(93°C–120°C) without cathodic protection.
Crude oil and produced water 200°F–249°F 8.5 High temperature immersion coatings.
(93°C–120°C) with cathodic protection.
Crude oil and produced water 250°F–300°F 8.5 High temperature immersion coatings.
Diesel storage. 8.7 or Epoxy phenolic.
9.6 to 9.9

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C


Coating System 1.4—Polyamide Epoxy (Primer Only)

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 10 (NACE No. 2, ISO SA 2.5) near-white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 1.5–2.5 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: Polyamide Epoxy - -

DFT (mils): 3.0–4.0 - -

Total DFT: 3.0–4.0 mils

Touch-Up: Use this system.


(a) Where moisture tends to collect (such as at insulation support rings) 2 coats of polyamide
epoxy shall be used.

(b) For duplex stainless steels, document/record the chloride content of the polyamide epoxy.
Polyamide epoxy shall not contain iron oxide pigment.

(c) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

PPG® Protective & Amercoat® 385 - -
Marine Coatings
Carboline® Carboguard® 890 - -
Hempel Hempadur® Mastic - -
International® Interseal® 670HS - -
Jotun Penguard Express - -
Sherwin Williams® Epoxy Primer - -
Sigma SigmaCover 280 - -

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 1.8.1—Epoxy Mastic Aluminum Filled Primer for Galvanizing Repair

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 6 (NACE No. 3, ISO SA 2) commercial blast finish.

SSPC-SP 3 power tool cleaning shall be acceptable on a case-by-case basis
with prior Purchaser review and acceptance.

Anchor Pattern: 1.5–2.5 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: Epoxy Mastic Aluminum - -
DFT (mils): 5.0–6.0 - -

Total DFT: 5.0–6.0 mils

Touch-Up: Use this system.


(a) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

PPG Protective & Amerlock® 400 AL - -
Marine Coatings
Carboline Carbomastic® 15 - -
Hempel 45880 ALU - -
International Interseal 670 HS AL - -
Jotun Primastic Universal - -
Sherwin Williams Epoxy Mastic Aluminum II - -
Sigma TCP Aluminum 7477 - -

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 2.1—Polyamide Epoxy (High Build)/Aliphatic Polyurethane

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 10 (NACE No. 2, ISO SA 2.5) near-white blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 2.0–3.0 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: Polyamide Epoxy - Aliphatic Polyurethane
(high build)
DFT (mils): 5.0–7.0 - 2.0–3.0

Total DFT: 7.0–10.0 mils

Touch-Up: Use this system.


(a) The polyamide epoxy coating is normally self-priming. However, if a primer is required, use the
manufacturer’s recommendation.

(b) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

PPG Protective & Amercoat 385 - Amercoat 450 H

Marine Coatings
Carboline Carboguard 893 Series - Carbothane® 134 HG
Hempel 45880 - 55210 (5595U)
International Interseal 670HS - Interthane® 990
Jotun Penguard Express - Hardtop XP
Sherwin Williams Epoxy Primer - Hi-Solids Polyurethane
B67R5/B67V5 B65-300 SeriesB65/V30
Sigma SigmaCover 435 - SigmaDur™ 500

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 2.3—Silicone Acrylic/Silicone Acrylic

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 10 (NACE No. 2, ISO SA 2.5) near-white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 1.5–2.5 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: Silicone Acrylic - Silicone Acrylic
DFT (mils): 1.0–1.5 - 1.5–2.0

Total DFT: 2.5–3.5 mils

Touch-Up: Use this system.


(a) Outside face of flanges shall be coated with system primer and finish coat in lieu of full system to
prevent shearing of coating when tightening bolts.

(b) Heat cure above 350°F (177°C) to achieve maximum properties.

(c) International’s Intertherm 875 does not need to be heat cured.

(c) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

PPG Protective & Amercoat 3279 - Amercoat 3279

Marine Coatings
Carboline Thermaline 4900 - Thermaline 4900
Dampney Thurmalox 260C - Thurmalox 260C
Hempel Silicone Acrylic 56940 - Silicone Acrylic 56940
International Intertherm 875 - Intertherm 875
Jotun Solvalitt Midtherm - Solvalitt Midtherm

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 2.4—Self-Cured Inorganic Zinc/High Temperature Silicone

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 10 (NACE No. 2, ISO SA 2.5) near-white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 1.5–2.5 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: Self-Cured Inorganic - High Temperature Silicone
(see note d)
DFT (mils): 2.0–3.0 - 1.0–1.5
(see note d)

Total DFT: 3.0–4.5 mils

Touch-Up: Use top-coat only, 2 coats.


(a) Inorganic zinc silicate shall be kept mixed, using agitated pot while applying.

(b) Non-catalyzed silicones remain tacky until exposed to heat above 400°F (204°C).

(c) For piping and structural members where baking to cure silicone is practical, an alternate
system such as pure silicone (System 2.7) may be submitted to Purchaser for review and

(d) Inorganic zinc shall not be used if material is to be insulated, or if operating temperature is over
750°F (399°C), or on duplex or stainless steel. For these situations, System 2.7 shall be used.

(e) Outside face of flanges shall be coated with system primer in lieu of full system to prevent
shearing of coating when tightening bolts.

(f) Standard practice requires use of same manufacturer for primer and top-coat.

(g) Product data sheet shall be checked for proper DFT.

(h) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

PPG Protective & Dimetcote® 9 - Amercoat 3279

Marine Coatings
Carboline Carbozinc® 11 - Thermaline® 4700
Dampney Thurmalox® 245C - Thurmalox 230C
Hempel Galvosil® 15700 - Silicone Aluminum 56910
International Interzinc® 22 - Intertherm® 50
Jotun Resist 86 - Solvalitt
Sherwin Williams Zinc Clad® II HS - Hi-Temp Aluminum
B69VZ1/B69VZ3/B69D11 100-A-518
Sigma SigmaZinc 158 SigmaTherm 540

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 2.5—Inorganic Zinc/Silicone Acrylic

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 10 (NACE No. 2, ISO SA 2.5) near-white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 1.5–2.5 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: Inorganic Zinc - Silicone Acrylic
DFT (mils): 2–3 - 1.5–2.0

Total DFT: 3.5–5.0 mils

Touch-Up: Use this system.


(a) Outside face of flanges shall be coated with system primer and finish coat in lieu of full system to
prevent shearing of coating when tightening bolts.

(b) Heat cure above 350°F (177°C) to achieve maximum properties.

(c) International’s Intertherm 875 does not need to be heat cured.

(d) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie-Coat Top-Coat

PPG Protective & Dimetcote 9 - Amercoat 3279

Marine Coatings
Carboline Carbozinc 11 - Thermaline 4900
Dampney Thurmalox 260C - Thurmalox 260C
Hempel Galvosil 15700 - Silicone Acrylic 56940
International Intertzinc 22 - Intertherm 875
Jotun Resist 86 - Solvalitt Midtherm
Sherwin Williams Zinc Clad II HS - Thermocure™ B59A380

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 2.7—High Temperature Silicone/High Temperature Silicone

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 7 (NACE No. 4, ISO SA 1) solvent wipe and brush blast.

Anchor Pattern: 3.0 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: High Temperature - High Temperature
Silicone Silicone
DFT (mils): 1.5–2.0 - 1.5–2.0
(see note b) (see note b)

Total DFT: 3.0–4.0 mils

Touch-Up: Use this system.


(a) Non-catalyzed silicones remain tacky until exposed to heat above 400°F (204°C).

(b) Refer to product data sheet for proper DFT.

(c) International’s Intertherm 50 does not need to be heat cured.

(d) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie-Coat Top-Coat

PPG Protective & PSX® 892HS - PSX 892HS

Marine Coatings
Carboline Thermaline 4700 - Thermaline 4700
Dampney Thurmalox 225HB - Thurmalox 230C
Hempel Silicone Aluminum 56910 - Silicone Aluminum 56910
International Intertherm 50 - Intertherm 50
Jotun Solvalitt - Solvalitt
Sherwin Williams Hi-Temp Aluminum - Hi-Temp Aluminum
100-A-518 100-A-518

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 3.1—Self-Cured Inorganic Zinc/Polyamide Epoxy (High Build)/

Aliphatic Polyurethane

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 10 (NACE No. 2, ISO SA 2.5) near-white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 1.5–2.5 mils

Primer Tie Coat Int Coat Top Coat

Paint: Self-Cured Inorganic Polyamide Epoxy Polyamide Epoxy Aliphatic Polyurethane
Zinc (High Build) (High Build)
DFT (mils): 2.5–3.0 5.0–7.0 5.0–7.0 2.0–3.0
(see note e) (see note d)

Total DFT: 9.5–13.0 mils

Touch-Up: Use system 3.5.


(a) After application of the intermediate coat, any damage exposing the bare metal shall be
repaired with Coating System 3.5. Damage to the inorganic zinc primer shall be repaired as
necessary with Coating System 3.5 to maintain specified film thickness. Inorganic zinc shall not
be applied on top of (or overlapping) the final two coats of Coating System 3.1.
(b) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.
(c) Inorganic zinc silicate primer shall be kept mixed, using agitated pot while applying.
(d) An intermediate coat shall be applied above the splash zone to +30 feet (+9.1 m) elevation for
structural and piping systems requiring Coating System 3.1.
(e) Where coating of stainless steel is required, System 3.5 shall be used instead of System 3.1.
(f) Outside face of flanges shall be coated with system primer and finish coat (polyurethane) in lieu
of full system to prevent shearing of coating when tightening bolts.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie Coat Intermediate Coat Top Coat

PPG Protective & Dimetcote 9 Amercoat 385 Amercoat 385 Amercoat 450 H
Marine Coatings
Carboline Carbozinc 11 Carboguard 893 Carboguard 893 Carbothane 134 HG
Series Series
Hempel Silicone Aluminum Hempadur Mastic Hempadur Mastic Hempathane 55210
15700 45880 45880
International Interzinc 22 Intergard® 475HS Intergard 475HS Interthane 990
Jotun Resist 78 Penguard Midcoat Penguard Midcoat Hardtop XP
Sherwin Williams Zinc Clad II HS Macropoxy® 646 Macropoxy 646 B58- Hi-Solids B65-300
B69VZ1/B69VZ3/ B58-600 600 Series/B68V600 SeriesB65/V30
B69D11 Series/B68V600

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 3.2—Zinc-Rich Epoxy/Polyamide Epoxy (High Build)/Aliphatic Polyurethane

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 5 (NACE No. 1, ISO SA 3) white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 1.5–2.5 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: Zinc-Rich Epoxy Polyamide Epoxy Aliphatic Polyurethane
(High Build)
DFT (mils): 3.0–4.0 5.0–7.0 2.0–3.0
(see note e)

Total DFT: 10.0–14.0 mils

Touch-Up: Use system 3.5.


(a) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

(b) Organic zinc-rich primer shall be kept mixed, using agitated pot while applying.

(c) Where coating of stainless steel is required, System 3.5 shall be used instead of System 3.2.

(d) Zinc-rich epoxy is easier to apply than inorganic zinc and is better for field application.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie-Coat Top-Coat

PPG Protective & Amercoat 68 HS Amercoat 385 Amercoat 450 Series

Marine Coatings
Carboline Carbozinc 859 Carboguard 893 Carbothane 134 H
International Interzinc 280 Intergard 401 Interthane 990 Series
International Interzinc 52 Intergard 475 HS Interthane 990 Series
Jotun Barrier Penguard HB Hardtop HB
Sherwin Williams Zinc Clad IV Macropoxy 646 Hi-Solids Polyurethane
B69A8/B69V8 B58-600 Series/ B65-300 Series B65

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 3.5—Epoxy Mastic/Polyamide Epoxy (High Build)/Aliphatic Polyurethane

Surface Preparation: SSPC–SP 6 (NACE No. 3, ISO SA 2) commercial blast finish. (SSPC-SP11
power tool clean for small areas with prior Purchaser review and acceptance.)

Anchor Pattern: 1.5–3.0 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: Aluminum Filled Polyamide Epoxy Aliphatic Polyurethane
Epoxy Mastic (High Build)
(see note c)
DFT (mils): 5.0–7.0 5.0–7.0 2.0–3.0

Total DFT: 12.0–17.0 mils

Touch-Up: Use this system.


(a) For duplex and austenitic stainless steels use a primer that is not aluminum pigmented. The
primers listed below are aluminum-pigmented epoxy mastics. The correct primers for stainless
steels are as follows:

Manufacturer Primer
Ameron Amerlock 400
Carboline Carboguard 893 Series
Hempel Hempadur Mastic 45880
International Interseal 670HS
Jotun Primastic
Sherwin Williams Dura-Plate 235 B67-235 Series B67/V235
Sigma SigmaCover 630

(b) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

(c) The tie coat shall not be applied to handrails and stairways.

(d) Aluminum filled epoxy mastic should be tinted a contrasting color such as red.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

PPG Protective & Amerlock 400 AL Amercoat 385 Amercoat 450 H

Marine Coatings
Carboline Carbomastic 15 Carboguard 893 Series Carbothane 134 HG
Hempel Hempadur Mastic Hempadur Mastic Hempathane
45880ALU 45880 55210 (5595U)
International Interseal 670HS Aluminum Interseal 475HS Interthane 990
Jotun Primastic Universal Penguard Express Hardtop XP
Sherwin Williams Epoxy Mastic Aluminum II Macropoxy 646 B58-600 Hi-Solids B65-300
B62S100/BV100 Series/B68V600 SeriesB65/V30

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 3.6—Galvanized Steel/Polyamide Epoxy (High Build)/Aliphatic Polyurethane

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 7 (NACE No. 4, ISO SA 1) brush blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 1.5–3.0 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: Galvanized Steel Polyamide Epoxy Aliphatic Polyurethance
(High Build)
DFT (mils): - 3.0–5.0 2.0–3.0

Total DFT: 5.0 – 8.0 mils

Touch-Up: Use this system.

Specific Notes:

(a) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie-Coat Top-Coat

PPG Protective & - Amercoat 385 Amercoat 450 H

Marine Coatings
Carboline - Carboguard 893 Series Carbothane 134 HG
Hempel - Hempadur Mastic Hempathane
45880 55210 (5595U)
International - Interseal 670HS Interthane 990 Series
Jotun - Penguard Express Hardtop XP
Sherwin Williams - Macropoxy 646 B58-600 Hi-Solids B65-300
Series/B68V600 Series/B65V30

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 3.7—Manufacturers Standard/Universal Primer/Polyamide Epoxy

(High Build)/Aliphatic Polyurethane

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 6 (NACE No. 3, ISO SA 2) commercial blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 1.5–3.0 mils

Supplied Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: Manufacturers Universal Primer Polyamide Epoxy Aliphatic Polyurethane
Standard (High Build)
DFT (mils): 2.0–3.0 2.0–3.0 5.0–7.0 2.0–3.0

Total DFT: 11.0–16.0 mils

Touch-Up: Use system without manufacturer’s standard primer.


(a) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Supplied Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

PPG Protective & Manufacturers std. Amercoat 185 H Amercoat 383 H Amercoat 450 H
Marine Coatings
Carboline Manufacturers std. Rustbond® Sealer Carboguard 893 Carbothane 134 HG
Hempel Manufacturers std. Hempadur Mastic Hempadur Mastic Hempathane
International Manufacturers std. 45880 45880 55210 (5595U)
Jotun Manufacturers std. Intergard 251 Interguard 475HS Interthane 990
Penguard Express Penguard Express Series Hardtop XP
Sherwin Williams Manufacturers std. Hi-Solids Alkyd Metal Macropoxy 646 B58- Hi-Solids B65-300
Primer B50NZ3 600 Series/B68V600 SeriesB65/V30

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 4.1—Splash Zone Coatings

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 5 (NACE No. 1, ISO SA 3) white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 3.0–4.0 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat (see note a)

Paint: - - Splash Zone Coating
DFT (mils): - - 100–200 mils

Total DFT: 100.mils

Touch-Up: Use this system.


(a) If choosing Ameron, 171X shall be used if available, otherwise 171A shall be used.
Tideguard 171 has application difficulties. Consult Ameron product representative before
deciding to use this product.

(b) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie Coat Splash Zone Compound

PPG Protective & - - Tideguard® 171A

Marine Coatings
Carboline - - Carboguard 1207
Hempel - - Spray-Guard 35490/35493
International - - Interzone® 485
Jotun - - Marathon

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 4.3—Vulcanized Neoprene for Splash Zones

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 5 (NACE No. 1, ISO SA 3) white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 3.0–4.0 mils

Thickness: 1/2–1 inch


(a) Sections to be coated shall be shipped to applicator’s facility for application of vulcanized
neoprene, unless otherwise accepted by Purchaser in writing.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer System

Mark Tool - Splashtron Neoprene (for temperatures < 160°F [71°C])

- Splashtron HT Neoprene (for temperatures < 300°F [149°C])

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 4.4—Polyamide Epoxy/Fireproofing/Polyamide Epoxy (High Build)/

Aliphatic Polyurethane

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 10 (NACE No. 2, ISO SA 2.5) near-white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 1.5–2.5 mils

Primer Fireproofing Weathercoat Top Coat

Polyamide Epoxy - Polyamide Epoxy Aliphatic
(High Build) Polyurethane
DFT (mils) 3.0 - 4.0 (see note a) 5.0–7.0 2.0–3.0

Total DFT: 10.0–14.0 mils plus fireproofing thickness

Touch-Up: If fireproofing is intact, weathercoat and top coat shall be used for touch-up. If fireproofing
is damaged, it shall be repaired and finished with weathercoat and top coat. If primer is
damaged, it shall be touched up with polyamide epoxy primer before remainder of system
is applied.


(a) Fireproofing type and thickness shall be specified by Purchaser.

(b) A tie coat between the fireproofing and the weathercoat is recommended by certain
manufacturers. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.

(c) Prior to sandblasting, 12-gauge steel studs shall be welded to the steel for support of mesh
reinforcement. After priming, attach 19-gauge galvanized chicken-wire reinforcement to the
studs. Other reinforcing details may be acceptable but shall receive Purchaser’s written
acceptance prior to use.

(d) Fireproofing shall be cured for 10 days at 70°F (21°C) before weathercoat is applied. Lower
temperatures require a longer cure. Weathercoat shall be applied in two coats with the first
thinned to penetrate, unless the manufacturer recommends a tie coat instead.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Fireproofing Weathercoat Top-Coat

PPG Protective & Amercoat 385 - Amercoat 385 Amercoat 450 H

Marine Coatings
Carboline Carboguard 893 Series- Carboguard 893 Series Carbothane 134 HG
Hempel Hempadur Mastic - Hempadur Mastic
45880 - 45880
International Intergard 251 - Intergard 475HS Interthane 990
Jotun Penguard Express Penguard Express Hardtop XP
Sherwin Williams Recoatable Epoxy - Macropoxy® 646 B58- Hi-Solids B65-300
Primer B67R5/B67V5 600 Series/B68V600 SeriesB65/V30

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 4.6—Epoxy Non-Skid

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 10 (NACE No. 2, ISO SA 2.5) near-white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 3.0–4.0 mils

Primer Tie Coat Non-Skid Coat Top Coat

Paint: (see note a) (see note c) Epoxy Non-Skid Aliphatic

(see note b) Polyurethane
DFT (mils): 4.0–6.0 4.0–6.0 40.0–60.0 mils 2.0–3.0
(see note d)

Total DFT: 50–70 mils

Touch-Up: Use this system.


(a) Primer selection (if required) should be as recommended by selected coating Supplier.

(b) Non-skid grit shall be supplied in coatings and sprayed unless authorized by Purchaser in
writing. Grit size shall be specified when ordering.

(c) Shall be applied only if primer is used as a holding coat during fabrication or if primer was

(d) Shall be applied in coats of 20.0 mils each.

(e) Standard practice requires use of same manufacturer for all coats in system.

(f) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie Coat Non-Skid Coat Top Coat

PPG Protective & - - Amerlock 2/400 GF Amercoat 450 H

Marine Coatings (with 888 Grit)
Carboline - - Carboguard 1209 w/#47 grit Carbothane 134 HG
Hempel - - Hempadur Multistrength 55210 (5595U)
- - 35870 with 67500
International - - Interzone 505 NS Interthane 990
Jotun - Primastic with 3883 Hardtop XP
- Non-Skid Aggregate
Sherwin Williams American Safety Hi-Solids B65-300
Technologies AS-550 SeriesB65/V30

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 4.7—Heavy Duty Epoxy Non-Skid

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 10 (NACE No. 2, ISO SA 2.5) near-white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 3.0–5.0 mils

Primer Primary Coat Top Coat

Paint: (see note a) Epoxy Non-Skid Aliphatic Polyurethane

DFT (mils): – 50.0–200.0 mils 2.0–3.0

Total DFT: 50–200 mils (see note b)

Touch-Up: Use this system.


(a) Primer selection (if required) shall be as recommended by selected coating Supplier.

(b) As per product data sheet.

(c) Non-skid grit shall be supplied in coatings and sprayed unless authorized by Purchaser in
writing. Grit size shall be specified when ordering.

(d) Applied to welds, edges, and irregular surfaces only. Flat surfaces need not be primed.

(e) Standard practice requires use of same manufacturer for all coats in system.

(f) It is highly recommended that a respirator be worn when applying coatings.

(g) Carboguard 893 SG may be substituted for 893 when a recoat window of up to 1 year is

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Primary Coat Top Coat

PPG Protective & None required. Sigmashield 1090 (Armor Amercoat 450 H
Marine Coatings (Americoat 385PA Compound)/Additive

Carboline Carboguard 893 Phenoline 1207 Carbothane 134HG

(see note d) (See note g)

International - Interzone 485 Interthane 990 Series

GF/485C Non-Skid

Hummervoll HI EP Sealer HI EP Deck Coat HI EP Deck Top Coat


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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 8.3—NSF Approved Epoxy-Approved for Use in Potable Water

(Polyamide or Amine Cured Epoxies)

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 5 (NACE No. 1, ISO SA 3) white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 2.0–3.0 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: (see note b) Epoxy Epoxy
Film Thickness (DFT) mils: 5.0–6.0 5.0–6.0

Total DFT: 10.0–12.0 mils


(a) The NSF-approved epoxies are not listed as polyamide or amine cured epoxies on the
approved brands list. If you wish to know the type, refer to the Supplier data sheet.

(b) These coatings are normally self-priming, but if one is required, the chosen manufacturer’s
recommendation shall be followed.

(c) Low voltage holiday test shall be performed.

(d) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

PPG Protective & - Amerlock 2 Amerlock 2

Marine Coatings
Carboline - Carboguard 891 Carboguard 891
Hempel - Hempadur 85671 Hempadur 85671
International - Interline 850 Interline 850
Jotun - Tankguard 412 Tankguard 412
Sherwin Williams - Tank Clad™ HS B62W80 Tank Clad HS B62W80

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 8.5—High Temperature Immersion Coatings

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 5 (NACE No. 1, ISO SA 3) white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 2.0–3.0 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint (Epoxy-Phenolic): (see note a) Epoxy-Phenolic Epoxy-Phenolic
Film Thickness (DFT) mils: 3.0 6.0–7.0 6.0–7.0
Paint (Silicon Carbide (see note a) Silicon Carbide Epoxy Silicon Carbide Epoxy
Film Thickness (DFT) mils: (see note a) (see note d) (see note d)

Epoxy- Phenolic Total DFT: 15–17 mils (if Amine Adduct Epoxy primer is used)
12–14 mils (if the epoxy is self-priming and Amine Adduct Epoxy
primer is not used)


(a) These coatings are normally self-priming, but if one is required, the chosen manufacturer's
recommendation shall be followed.

(b) No more than 72 hours shall be allowed between applying coats. More time between coats can
result in delamination.

(c) Manufacturer’s recommendations for surface preparation and total DFT shall be followed for
application of Belzona 1522. Belzona 1522 shall be applied directly onto the prepared surface
using plural component airless spray equipment (e.g., Hydra-Cat).
(d) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Temperature (F) Temperature (C) Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Carboline  200F < 93C - Plasite 7159 Plasite 7159

200F - 249F 93C - 121C - Plasite 7159 Plasite 7159
250F - 300F 121C - 149C - - -
Hempel  200F < 93C - Hempadur 85671 Hempadur 85671
International < 203F < 95C - Interline 399 Interline 399
PPG Protective &
 200F < 93C - Phenguard 930 Phenguard 940
Marine Coatings
200F - 249F 93C - 121C - - -
250F - 300F 121C - 149C - - -
Belzona®  200F < 93C - - -
200F - 249F 93C - 121C - Belzona 1522 Belzona 1522
250F - 300F 121C - 149C - Belzona 1522 Belzona 1522

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 8.7—Epoxy-Approved for Use in Diesel Storage

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 5 (NACE No. 1, ISO SA 3) white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 2.0–3.0 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: See Note (b) Epoxy Epoxy
Film Thickness (DFT) mils: 5.0–6.0 5.0–6.0

Total DFT: 10.0–12.0 mils


(a) These epoxies are not listed as polyamide or amine cured epoxies on the approved brands list.
If you wish to know the type, refer to the Supplier data sheet.

(b) These coatings are normally self-priming, but if one is required, the chosen manufacturer's
recommendation shall be followed.

(c) Low voltage holiday test shall be performed.

(d) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

PPG Protective & Amercoat 240 Amercoat 240

Marine Coatings
Carboline Phenoline® 187 - Phenoline 187
Hempel Hempadur 85671 - Hempadur 85671
International Interline 850 - Interline 850
Jotun Tankguard Storage - Tankguard Storage
Sherwin Williams Phenicon® HS 920-W-A11/ Phenicon HS 920-W-A11/
600-C-685 600-C-685

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 9.1–9.5—Reinforced Thick Film Coatings–Fresh/Salt Water/Brine Immersion


Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 5 (NACE No. 1, ISO SA 3) white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 3.0–4.0 mils

Coating: Reinforced Glass Flake

DFT (mils): 10.0–80.0 depending on manufacturer

Total DFT: See accepted brands below.

Touch-Up: Use this system.


(a) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Coating DFT Range Temperature

PPG Protective & Amercoat 351+880 Additive 1 coat 12–25 mils 49C (120F)
Marine Coatings
Carboline Plasite® 4550 1 coat 20–60 mils 83C (180F)
International Enviroline EC 376 F 1 coat 50–80 mils 83C (180F)

International Interzone 1000 1 coat 20–40 mils Call Manufacturer

Jotun Marathon IQ GF 1 coat 10–25 mils Call Manufacturer

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 9.6–9.9—Reinforced Thick Film Coatings–Crude Oil (Sweet/Sour), Fuel

(High/Low Aromatic) Immersion Service

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 5 (NACE No. 1, ISO SA 3) white metal blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 3.0–4.0 mils

Coating: Reinforced Glass Flake

DFT (mils): 16.0–80.0

Total DFT: See accepted brands below.

Touch-Up: Use this system.


(a) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Coating DFT Range Temperature

PPG Protective & Sigmashield 905 1 coat 16–20 mils Consult Manufacturer
Marine Coatings Representative
Carboline Plasite 4550 1 coat 20–60 mils 83C (180F)
International Enviroline EC 376 F 1 coat 50–80 mils 90C (194F)
International Enviroline 405 HT for 1 coat 20–40 mils Crude to 120C (248F)
Elevated Temp.
International Interline 984 1 coat 16–40 mils Call Manufacturer
Jotun Marathon IQ GF 1 coat 10–25 mils Call Manufacturer

Sigma SigmaShield 905 1 coat 16–20 mils Call Manufacturer

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Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 12.1—Epoxies Under Insulation Up To 425F (218C)

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 10 (NACE No.2, ISO SA 2.5) near-white blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 2.0–3.0 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: Epoxy Phenolic - Epoxy Phenolic
Film Thickness (DFT) mils: 5.0–7.0 - 5.0–7.0

Total DFT: 10.0–14 0 mils


(a) White metal blast shall not be required for duplex or austenitic stainless steel. Surface
preparation shall be SSPC-SP7 (NACE No. 4).

(b) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Top-Coat Maximum Temperature

PPG Protective & Amercoat 400GF Amercoat 400GF 425F

Marine Coatings
Carboline Thermaline 450 Thermaline 450 425F
Dampney Thurmalox 215 Thurmalox 216 450F
Hempel Hempadur 85671 Hempadur 85671 500F
International Intertherm 228 Intertherm 228 450F
Jotun Epoxy HR Epoxy HR 392F
Sherwin Williams Epo-Phen™ Epo-Phen 300F
B62A55/B62V55 B62A55/B62V55

June 2010 © 2005-2010 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. All rights reserved. Page 47 of 48
Materials and Application of Painting and Protective Coatings COM-SU-2.02-C

Coating System 12.7—Thin Film Coating for Use Under Insulation at High Temperatures

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 10 (NACE No.2, ISO SA 2.5) near white blast finish.

Anchor Pattern: 2.0–3.0 mils

Primer Tie Coat Top Coat

Paint: -
Film Thickness (DFT) mils: 5.0–7.0 - 5.0–7.0

Total DFT: 10.0–14.0 mils


(a) Ameron PSX 738 is known to crack in cyclic temperature service. If wide temperature swings
are expected the Thurmalox 225HB shall be used.

(b) White metal blast shall not be required for duplex or austenitic stainless steel. Surface
preparation shall be SSPC-SP7 (NACE No. 4).

(c) Intertherm 50 does not need to be heat cured.

(d) Respirators are strongly recommended when applying coatings.

Acceptable Brands:

Manufacturer Primer Top-Coat Maximum Temperature

Carboline Thermaline 4765 Thermaline 4700 1000F

Dampney Thurmalox 225HD Thurmalox 225HD 1000F
Hempel Silicone Aluminum Silicone Aluminum 1000F
56910 56910
International Intertherm 50 Intertherm 50 1000F

June 2010 © 2005-2010 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. All rights reserved. Page 48 of 48

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