Construction and Evaluation of Low-Volume Roads Incorporating Emulsion Treated Base Layers
Construction and Evaluation of Low-Volume Roads Incorporating Emulsion Treated Base Layers
Construction and Evaluation of Low-Volume Roads Incorporating Emulsion Treated Base Layers
Received: 22 August 2022 / Accepted: 7 March 2023 / Published online: 22 March 2023
The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Indian Geotechnical Society 2023
Abstract Emulsion treated base (ETB) is a cold mix base and evaluate the required pavement thicknesses. Based on
layer stabilization technique in which virgin aggregates or the calculated equivalent layer thickness of ETB, it was
recycled aggregates are treated with slow-setting bitumi- concluded that 1 unit of ETB layer was equivalent to
nous emulsion. ETB in low-volume roads (LVR) can act as 1.4–1.7 times the conventional granular base layer,
a stabilized base layer, which could replace the granular depending upon the mix constituents.
base layer. However, not many projects are coming up with
ETB due to the absence of appropriate construction Keywords Emulsion treated base Low-volume roads
guidelines and pavement design catalogues for LVR Back-calculated moduli Design catalogues
incorporating ETB. In the present study, test sections were
constructed on a LVR with six different combinations of
ETB, and moduli values were back-calculated from the
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and
deflection data collected using falling weight deflectome-
Transportation Officials
ter. Moduli of ETB layers were back-calculated using
CBR California bearing ratio
KGPBACK software, and the critical pavement responses
CTB Cement treated base
were evaluated using IITPAVE software. Design cata-
ETB Emulsion treated base
logues were developed based on mechanistic empirical
FWD Falling weight deflectometer
design principles, considering the back-calculated moduli
GSB Granular sub-base
of ETB, and was compared with the thicknesses required in
ITS Indirect tensile strength
case of pavements incorporating conventional granular
LEF Layer equivalency factor
base layers. It was observed that the application of ETB in
LVR Low-volume roads
LVR can reduce the need for virgin aggregates in base
Mr granular Resilient modulus of granular layer
layers by 35–40%. The study proposes relationship
Mr subgrade Resilient modulus of subgrade
between indirect tensile strength and back-calculated
N Number of standard axle load repetitions
moduli of ETB, so that the designer can appropriately
OEC Optimum emulsion content
select the moduli values corresponding to the design mix,
OFC Optimum fluid content
RAP Recycled asphalt pavement materials
& Jithin Kurian Andrews SG1 Subgrade with 5% CBR
[email protected] SG2 Subgrade with 10% CBR
TR1 Design traffic of 0.5 msa
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, TR2 Design traffic of 1 msa
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
TR3 Design traffic of 2 msa
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of WMM Wet mix macadam
Technology, Warangal, Telangana, India
ez Vertical compressive strain
Department of Civil Engineering, Saintgits College of
Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala, India
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Although few road agencies have recommended represen- was adopted in the present study. Mix design of ETB
tative moduli values for ETB, it is necessary to estimate the basically involves the determination of OFC using work-
moduli values that can be effectively achieved at the field. ability criteria and determination of OEC using strength
The fourth revision of IRC 37 proposed indicative moduli criteria. Marshall compactor is recommended by IRC 37
value of 600 MPa for bitumen-stabilized base layers using for preparing specimens for workability and strength cri-
bitumen emulsion (3% emulsion) or foam bitumen (2% teria. The properties of aggregate and emulsion used in the
residual binder). Fifth revision of IRC 37 proposed study are summarized in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
indicative moduli value of 800 MPa for bitumen-stabilized 1% ordinary Portland cement was used as the active
base layers using bitumen emulsion (4% emulsion) or foam filler in all the cases. A blend of fluid incorporating 50%
bitumen (2–2.5% residual binder) [1, 14]. South African water and 50% emulsion was used for the determination of
technical guidelines (TG2) recommend minimum moduli OFC. Corresponding to a maximum dry density (MDD) of
values of 500 MPa and 700 MPa for bitumen-stabilized 2.25 g/cc, 7% was obtained as the OFC, and corresponding
materials with granular supporting layer, for LVR and to the minimum strength criteria of 225 kPa, 3% emulsion
high-volume road applications, respectively. However, the content was obtained as the OEC. For ETB incorporating
guidelines recommend slightly higher moduli values for 50% RAP, OFC and OEC were found to be 6.5% and 3%,
bitumen-stabilized material with cemented supporting respectively. Since the ETB mixes were proposed to be
layer, indicating that the field moduli value of bitumen- used in a LVR with design traffic of 1 msa, design com-
stabilized material will depend on the composition of the paction effort of 50 Marshall blows on either side of the
pavement system and the position of the ETB layer within specimen was adopted for the sample preparation [16].
the pavement system. [10, 15]. Hence, the present study Before extraction, compacted specimens were cured in the
focusses on estimating the moduli values that the ETB mould for 24 h at room temperature. It was followed by
layer in LVR can effectively mobilize in the field. 72 h of oven curing at 40 C. Figure 1 presents the samples
Considering the above aspects, the specific objective of prepared for indirect tensile strength (ITS) test, and Fig. 2
the present study is to evaluate appropriate material layer shows the loading frame used in the study for the ITS test.
properties required for the design of low-volume roads The ITS of mixes was evaluated at 25 C, following the
incorporating ETB and propose design catalogues for testing procedure outlined in ASTM D 6931 [17]. The
various traffic and subgrade conditions. Material layer samples were found to satisfy the minimum tensile strength
properties were evaluated from test sections constructed in ratio requirement of 0.5 [15]. Tensile strength ratio is
a low-volume road incorporating ETB layers constructed considered as a measure of moisture resistance of the
with different emulsion contents, and with sections incor- mixes, and it is calculated as the ratio of wet ITS to dry
porating recycled asphalt pavement materials (RAP) along ITS. For wet ITS test, samples were conditioned for 24 h,
with virgin aggregates. Design templates have been pro- using a water bath maintained at 60 C.
posed for two different subgrade conditions (5% and 10%
CBR) and three different traffic categories (0.5, 1 and 2 Construction of Test Sections
msa). The pavement thicknesses proposed were compared
with pavement section incorporating granular materials, so During the laboratory research work of emulsified mixes
as to make a comparison of aggregate savings that would was in progress, the Local Self Government Department of
incur. Layer equivalency factors were also proposed for Kerala state, India, was approached to incorporate six test
ETB layer, so that the designers can compute the material sections of ETB mixes with varying emulsion content and
savings due to each combination of ETB. aggregate type (test sections of ETB prepared with virgin
aggregates alone and with ETB mixes incorporating 50%
RAP aggregates). Upon receiving permission from Local
Material and Methods Self Government Department of Kerala, six test sections
incorporating ETB mixes were constructed one after the
Mix Design of ETB other in the model test road project constructed in Kan-
nadikavala Kallapuram road in Muhama Grama Panchay-
Prior to the field application of ETB, it was necessary to ath of Alappuzha district in Kerala. The design traffic
formulate the mix design for ETB mixes. Corresponding to estimated for the road was 1 msa, and subgrade CBR was
the aggregate gradation adopted in the study, optimum fluid 7%. All the test sections constructed had 150-mm-thick
content (OFC) and optimum emulsion content (OEC) were granular sub-base and ETB layer of 150-mm thickness. The
determined corresponding to the mix design guidelines length of each test section was 50 m, and width was
given in IRC37 [14]. The aggregate gradation specified in 3.75 m. Out of the six ETB test sections, three of them
Annexure IX of IRC 37 for ETB mixes incorporating RAP were constructed with 100% virgin aggregates and another
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mixer of 2 m3 capacity, and hence production rate was Table 3 Recommended aggregate gradation for ETB and WMM
relatively higher. Figure 3 shows the ETB mixing process Sieve size Percentage passing— Percentage passing—
using concrete mixers of 0.5 m3 and 2 m3 capacity. (mm) ETB WMM
Alternatively, ETB can also be prepared in a WMM pro-
53 100 100
duction plant with suitable modifications. The advance-
ments in construction mechanism of ETB should be 45 100 95–100
seriously considered, since it would significantly help to 37.5 87–100 –
reduce the cost of ETB construction. 26.5 77–100 –
RAP used in the study was procured from a nearby 22.4 – 60–80
recycling project in National Highway (NH) 66. RAP 19 66–99 –
mostly consisted of materials in the range of 4.75–20 mm, 13.2 67–87 –
and residual binder content was found to be 4%. Since 11.2 – 40–60
dense aggregate gradation would require sufficient time for 4.75 33–50 25–40
mixing and coating, slow-setting emulsion procured from 2.36 25–47 15–30
Hindustan Colas Private Limited was used for the prepa- 0.6 12–27 8–22
ration of ETB [18, 19]. Table 3 shows the recommended 0.3 8–21 –
gradations for ETB and the conventional granular base 0.075 2–9 0–5
layers (WMM). It can be inferred that the gradation rec-
ommended for ETB is slightly denser than the gradation
recommended for WMM. Field aggregate gradations (dry surface course, field density of all the ETB sections was
blends) were ensured by sieve analysis before addition of evaluated using sand replacement method and was found to
active filler and emulsion. In the test section project, ETB have achieved a minimum of 97% of MDD. Following the
mixes were spread manually on compacted sub-base layer. guidelines recommended by the Ministry of Rural Devel-
Alternatively, asphalt/wet mix pavers can also be utilized opment (MoRD) [3], 20-mm-thick open-graded premix
to place ETB mixes. Utilizing paver can accelerate the carpet along with 6-mm seal coat was applied as the sur-
speed of construction. Figure 4 presents the laying of ETB face course in all the six test sections. Viscosity grade
mixes for the test section project as well as the project VG30 binder was used to prepare the bituminous mixes.
undertaken by Rebuild Kerala Initiative. Compaction of The construction of test sections was completed in October
ETB layers was carried in two lifts of 100-mm each (loose 2020.
thickness), compacted to 75 mm. Compaction was carried
by static steel wheel rollers of 8 T capacity. Density of Deflection Study Using FWD
ETB layers were evaluated by sand replacement method
after construction and was found to have achieved 94–95% In the present study, structural responses of the test sections
of maximum dry density [20]. Traffic was opened for light were evaluated using the falling weight deflectometer
commercial vehicles after 24 h of construction. Bituminous (FWD). FWD is one of the widely used non-destructive
surface layer of the test sections was constructed after testing equipment in which a standard load is dropped on to
7 days of ETB layer construction. This provided sufficient the pavement surface, and the corresponding pavement
time, for ETB mixes to undergo curing, and densification response measured in the form of deflections at radial
due to movement of vehicles. Prior to construction of distances is measured using geophones placed at
1046 Indian Geotech J (October 2023) 53(5):1041–1052
Fig. 5 FWD loading system software, for evaluating the properties of individual pave-
ment layers.
predetermined distances. In order to back-calculate the
pavement layer properties, deflection studies are to be Back-Calculation of ETB Layer Moduli Using
conducted ideally during the period following monsoon, KGPBACK Software
when the pavement is under the weakest condition.
Accordingly, it was decided to conduct deflection study The moduli of ETB layer in the six test sections were back-
using FWD during October 2021. During this one-year calculated using KGPBACK software. KGPBACK is a
service period, pavement was expected to complete the back-calculation software used in India, for evaluating the
initial curing phase and reached a stable state of densifi- individual layer properties, from the deflection bowl data
cation. Three sets of deflection data were taken from all the captured under a standard loading condition. KGPBACK
six test sections. Each set of data represents an average was developed by the Transportation Engineering Division
deflection value observed out of the three load drops of of IIT Kharagpur, under the Ministry’s Research
same magnitude on the same location. The test was carried Scheme R-81 [21]. KGPBACK is a genetic algorithm-
out following the procedure outlined in IRC 115 [21]. based model which requires a moduli range as input, rather
Figures 5 and 6, respectively, show the loading system and than a seed moduli. Software requires information’s such
the geophones attached to the FWD used in the study. A as the upper and lower limits of the moduli value, surface
200-kg load was dropped from a predetermined height, in deflections normalized to a standard load of 40 kN, radial
order to simulate a force of 40 kN on a loading plate of distances of geophones, applied peak load, contact pres-
300-mm diameter. The machine automatically adjusts the sure, layer thicknesses and Poisson’s ratio of different
height, in case if the impact force deviates from the layers, for back-calculating the layer properties. The soft-
required force of 40 kN. Geophones placed at different ware considers pavement as a three-layer system consisting
radial distances of 0, 200, 300, 450, 600, 900 and 1500 mm of a bound surface layer, unbound base layer and the
record the deflections produced at the respective locations. subgrade. For the present study, 20-mm-thick bituminous
This deflection bowl data were used in the back-calculation surface course and 150-mm base layer were combined
together as the top most layer, granular sub-base layer was
Indian Geotech J (October 2023) 53(5):1041–1052 1047
considered as the middle layer, and subgrade was consid- layer in MPa and h represents thickness of granular layer in
ered as the bottom most layer. A representative value of mm. Moduli of ETB was considered based on the values
0.35 was assumed as the Poisson’s ratio for the base layer, back-calculated from the test sections. Analysis was done
granular sub-base layer and subgrade. The range of moduli for two conditions: assuming ETB as the base layer and
value considered for the top layer was 600–1200 MPa, assuming WMM as the base layer. Considering the
middle layer was 400–1000 MPa, and bottom layer was minimum layer thickness requirement based on the
50–200 MPa, in most of the cases. However, suit- nominal maximum aggregate size, thickness of GSB
able changes were made in cases where it was expected layer was adopted as 150 mm. Similarly, the thickness of
that the moduli values may cross the specified limits. surface layer was fixed as 20 mm in all the cases. The 20-
mm surface layer was considered as part of the base layer,
Design Catalogues for LVR with ETB while the sub-base and subgrade layers were considered as
two separate layers of the three-layer system. Thickness of
In the present study, design catalogues were proposed for the base layer was then iterated until the calculated strain
two different subgrade conditions (5% and 10% CBR) and values were within the limiting strain values estimated for
three different traffic conditions (0.5, 1 and 2 msa). The the traffic condition selected.
two subgrade conditions are represented as SG1 and SG2, Mr subgrade ¼ 10 CBR; if CBR \5% ð3Þ
and the three traffic conditions are represented as TR1,
TR2 and TR3 in the present study. The methodology out- Mr subgrade ¼ 17:6 CBR0:64 ; if CBR [ 5% ð4Þ
lined in the present study, along with the appropriate 0:45
Mr granular ¼ 0:2 h Msubgrade ð5Þ
moduli values, can be used for developing design cata-
logues for any given subgrade and traffic conditions. Per- In order to simplify the pavement design procedure,
formance equation given in IRC 37 [1], corresponding to equivalent layer thicknesses for ETB layers with different
subgrade rutting criteria with 80% reliability (Eq. 1), was ITS values were also calculated using the Odemark
used in the present study for calculating the limiting strain principle [22].
corresponding to the given traffic condition. Equation 1
can be rearranged as shown in Eq. 2, for calculating the
limiting strain corresponding to the three traffic conditions Results
considered in the present study. In Eqs. 1 and 2, N repre-
sents number of standard axle load repetitions (expressed Observations from the ETB Construction Site
in terms of msa) and ez represents vertical compressive
strain coming over the subgrade. Accordingly, the limiting The construction procedure for ETB slightly differs from
strain for TR1, TR2 and TR3 was calculated as 1303, 1118 the construction practice of conventional base layers, as it
and 960 le, respectively. requires additional mechanism for the mixing of emulsion
4:5337 and active filler, along with the premixing water and
8 1
N ¼ 4:1656 10 ð1Þ blended aggregates. From the cost analysis done using
PRICE software (software used by the Government
ez ¼ 0:023557N 0:22057 ð2Þ Department of Kerala State for quantity estimation and
budget preparation), it was observed that the cost of one
The layer thickness required to limit the critical cubic metre of conventional base layer was Rs. 3500, while
compressive subgrade strain within the specified values the cost of one cubic metre of ETB (with 2% emulsion)
were evaluated using IITPAVE software. IITPAVE is a was Rs. 7000. However, modification in the production
software developed for the analysis of elastic layered mechanism and incorporation of recycled aggregates can
pavement system [1]. Software requires input information help to reduce the cost of ETB. The material laid on the
such as the layer thicknesses, moduli values, Poisson’s GSB surface was kept exposed for 5–10 min, so that the
ratio, wheel load, tyre pressure and type of wheel set. For emulsion undergoes breaking, and the colour changes from
the present analysis, dual wheel set with 40 kN load and brown to black. However, due to slight variations in the
0.56 MPa tyre pressure was selected. Poisson’s ratio was estimation of in situ water content within the aggregates,
assumed as 0.35 for all the layers. Moduli values for the the total fluid content slightly exceeded OFC, and hence
subgrade were calculated as the function of CBR (Eqs. 3 94–95% of MDD could only be achieved after compaction.
and 4), and moduli of granular layers (GSB and WMM) It is essential to evaluate the in situ water content precisely
were calculated using the shell equation (Eq. 5). In Eqs. 3 and adjust premixing water content during the time of
and 4, Mr subgrade represents modulus of subgrade layer in construction. Light commercial vehicles were permitted to
MPa. In Eq. 5, Mr granular represents modulus of granular
1048 Indian Geotech J (October 2023) 53(5):1041–1052
Indian Geotech J (October 2023) 53(5):1041–1052 1049
Fig. 9 would enable a designer to prepare ETB mixes based 225 kPa, moduli value calculated using Eq. 6 was
on the required composition, and select appropriate moduli 862 MPa. The obtained value was found to be close to the
values to be used in the mechanistic analysis. In Eq. 6, Mr moduli value of 800 MPa, recommended by IRC 37 [1] for
indicates back-calculated moduli of ETB layer in MPa and ETB incorporating 4% emulsion and 1% cement. To be on
ITS represent dry ITS of ETB in kPa. the conservative side, 800 MPa was chosen as the repre-
Mr ¼ 3:265ðITSÞ þ 127:72 ð6Þ sentative ETB moduli value for the present study. How-
ever, a designer has the freedom to proportion the ETB
Design Catalogues for LVR with ETB constituents and choose the moduli value corresponding to
the laboratory dry ITS value obtained for the mix. Fig-
In the present study, design catalogues were proposed for ures 10 and 11, respectively, show the design catalogues
LVR with ETB as well as for LVR with conventional for LVR with ETB and LVR with WMM. Templates have
unbound granular base layer (WMM). For the analysis of been proposed for two different subgrade conditions
pavement design catalogues, it was necessary to select a (indicated as SG1 and SG2) and three different traffic
moduli value for the ETB layer to be used in LVR. Cor- conditions (indicated as TR1, TR2 and TR3). SG1 repre-
responding to the minimum ITS strength requirement of sents subgrade with 5% CBR, and SG2 represents subgrade
with 10%CBR. Similarly, TR1, TR2 and TR3, respec-
tively, indicates 0.5, 1 and 2 msa design traffic. Table 6
Table 5 ITS and moduli of six ETB combinations shows a summary of thickness reduction that can be
Section Emulsion content RAP content ITS Back-calculated achieved by replacing the conventional unbound granular
(%) (%) moduli base layers with ETB. Compared to sections incorporating
conventional unbound base layers, use of ETB in LVR
S1 2 0 140 578
would help to reduce the need for virgin aggregates by
S2 3 0 200 745
S3 4 0 230 879
S4 2 50 190 783
S5 3 50 220 862
S6 4 50 245 919
1050 Indian Geotech J (October 2023) 53(5):1041–1052
Layer equivalency factor (LEF) is a concept used to From the field application of ETB in LVR, it was observed
quantify the relative structural capacity of a pavement layer that ETB has a huge potential in pavement construction, as
relative to another layer. For the present study, LEF of ETB it can effectively reduce the need for virgin aggregates.
layer is calculated relative to the thickness requirement of Lack of appropriate production equipment and construction
the conventional WMM layer. LEF provide easy access for guidelines continue to be the major factors which pull back
the field engineers to quantify the benefits due to each the field application of ETB. Following are some of the
combination of ETB, in terms of thickness reduction. LEF major findings from the present study:
was calculated using Odemark principle which assumes • Construction of ETB should be undertaken only when
that the stiffness of a layer is a function of elastic modulus, the climatic conditions favour curing of the mixes.
thickness of the layer and Poisson’s ratio. According to Surfacing of ETB layer ideally needs to be done after 7
Odemark principle, pavement layers with same stiffness to 14 days of construction. Light commercial vehicles
can be represented as shown in Eq. 7, provided that the can be permitted to travel over the ETB layer after 24 h
Poisson’s ratio remains same for both the layers [22]. of construction.
E1 h31 ¼ E2 h32 ð7Þ • Back-calculated moduli of ETB layers were found to
1=3 vary from 578 to 919 MPa, and the corresponding dry
h2 E1 ITS value varies from 140 to 245 kPa. The present
LEF ¼ ¼ ð8Þ
h1 E2 study recommends to adopt a conservative moduli value
In Eqs. 7 and 8, h1 and h2 represent the thicknesses of ETB of 800 MPa for ETB samples satisfying the minimum
layer and WMM layer, respectively. E1 is taken as the ITS requirement of 225 kPa.
back-calculated moduli of ETB layer, and E2 is the moduli
400 20 20
275 310
240 215 250
150 150 150 150 150 150
Indian Geotech J (October 2023) 53(5):1041–1052 1051
150 150 150 150 150 150
• The construction cost of ETB layer with 2% emulsion is
1.6 almost twice that of the conventional unbound granular
base layer. However, the application of ETB in LVR
can reduce the thickness requirement by 35–40%, and
1.5 hence the effective construction cost of ETB layer
becomes comparable with that of the conventional base
1.45 R² = 0.9588
1.4 • ETB acts as an improved granular layer and exhibits
120 140 160 180 200 220 240
moduli value equivalent to that of a binder course.
ITS (kPa
Hence, application of ETB in LVR would help to
Fig. 12 Layer equivalency factors for ETB replace WMM layer, and open up the possibility of
applying dense bituminous surface mixes of 30–40 mm,
• When compared with the conventional base layers, use without the application of a separate binder course.
of ETB as base layer in LVR could help to reduce the • Since the particles in conventional base layers are
need for virgin aggregates by 35–40%. ETB is highly unbound, there exits loss of particles due to construc-
recommended in regions with shortage of virgin tion traffic, which causes extra burden on the contrac-
aggregates. tors. Moreover, it causes undesirable dust generation
• From the back-calculated moduli values of six test and results in a condition where further profile correc-
section, it was evident that ETB with 50% RAP tion of base layer would be required. ETB, being a
incorporation exhibits improved performance than the partially bound layer, can hold particles together,
mixes prepared with 100% virgin aggregates. Hence, without loss of aggregates and undesirable dust
1052 Indian Geotech J (October 2023) 53(5):1041–1052
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based on the Odemark principle, it was observed that 1
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Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge the Local Self 11. AASHTO (1993) Guide for Design of Pavement Structures.
Government Department (LSGD), Government of Kerala, for pro- American Association of State Highways and Transportation
viding the financial assistance to construct test sections. Authors also Officials
wish to acknowledge the Science and Engineering Research Board 12. Sahoo UC, Reddy KS (2011) Performance criterion for thin-
(SERB) for providing the financial support for conducting the per- surface low volume roads. Transp Res Rec 1:178–185.
formance evaluation of test sections, and the Kerala Infrastructure
Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) for offering the technical support 13. IRC SP 20 (2002) Rural Roads Manual. Indian Road Congress,
necessary for the data collection using falling weight deflectometer New Delhi
(FWD). 14. IRC 37 (2012) Tentative guidelines for the design of flexible
pavements (3rd Revision). Indian Road Congress, New Delhi
Funding This project has been funded by the Local Self Government 15. Technical Guideline (TG 2) (2009) Bitumen stabilised materials.
Department (LSGD), Government of Kerala and the Science and Asphalt Academy, South Africa
Engineering Research Board (SERB). 16. Asphalt Mix Design Methods, MS 2 (2014) 7th Edition. Asphalt
Declarations 17. ASTM D 6931 (2017) Standard Test Method for Indirect Tensile
Strength of Asphalt Mixtures. ASTM International
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