MAN Bulletin Cus 190.02-02

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Supplementary information regarding checking and

replacing big-end bearings on medium-speed engines Cus 190 : 02/02

The following directions are, by all means, to be observed in connection

with checking and replacing big-end bearings on the basis of the work
cards 030.01 -- 030.06.

Operational wear on the crank Because of unfavourable operating conditions, wear may occur on the
pin crank pin of crankshafts of medium-speed engines. One type of wear is
the so-called ridge wear (please also refer to the publications of bearing
manufacturers, technical literature, etc. (1), (2), (3)).

Depending on the sense of rotation, an unevenness, the so-called ridge,

forms in the range between 15• and 60• after crank pin BDC. Reasons
for this are, e.g., an increased contamination of the lubricating oil or an
increased lubricating oil temperature. This ridge is harmless during nor-
mal engine operation. The actual material wear out in connection with
this type of wear is within the range of a few 1/1000 mm.

zone 15° to 60°
after crank pin

sense of rotation

Figure 1. Zone of the crank pin, in which the described wear may occur

In special cases, however, such as, e.g., after installation of a new big-
end bearing shell, this wear may lead to damage, as the existing uneven-
ness on the crank pin may considerably hinder running-in of the bearing

MAN B&W Diesel Aktiengesellschaft : 86224 Augsburg: Germany : Phone +49-821-322--0 : Telefax +49-821-322-3382
Diesel Customer Information Cus 190 : 02/02

In addition to the instructions given in our work cards 030.01 -- 030.06,

we therefore urgently recommend to entrust our qualified, specialised
personnel with the following procedure, which is to be carried out every
time a big-end bearing is checked or replaced, using the corresponding

Figure 2. Photo not showing any ridge wear

Figure 3. Photo with clearly visible ridge wear

Diesel Customer Information Cus 190 : 02/02

Check to determine possible Using a straight edge with a length of approx. 150 mm and a strong
ridge wear source of light, examine the crank pin in the range between 15• and 60•
after pin BDC for unevenness/ridge formation.

In order to improve the visibility of the ridge, a protection against light,

e.g., by means of a piece of card board, should be provided on the
straight edge.

Machining the ridge wear

Tools For refinishing, MAN B&W Diesel AG developed a slipring that can be
both borrowed or bought.

The slipring offers the possibility to restrict well-aimed refinishing work to

the affected zone of the crank pin instead of reworking the whole pin cir-

We recommend to entrust our qualified specialists with this refinishing


Alternatively, refinishing can be carried out by the operator’s trained,

qualified personnel.

We are, of course, prepared to train the customer’s personnel in using

the tool required for this work.

In principle, however, this tool is to be used for planned work on big-end

bearings and is therefore to be ordered in time.

Remachining 1. With an uneven light gap prevailing, close all lubricating oil bores.
Subsequently, mount the slipring in centred position on the big-end
bearing running surface of the pin (the lubricating oil bore represents
the centre of the running surface), in order to render reworking the
ridge possible (the actual wear can be seen in the light gap).
2. Use emery cloth with a grain size of 400 and clamp it to the spring-
loaded grinder clamp. Now, carry out approx. 10 double strokes in
the zone between 15• and 60• after crank pin BDC.
3. If necessary, renew the grinding material and carry out another 10
double strokes. Afterwards, fix 30 mm polishing cloth.
4. With the polishing cloth fixed, carry out another 20 double strokes in
the specified area and, if necessary, renew the grinding material.
5. After completion of the refinishing work, dismount the slipring and
check the result by means of a straight edge and a strong source of

Diesel Customer Information Cus 190 : 02/02

Figure 4. Successfully completed refinishing work on the crank pin

6. In case a continuous light gap does not yet prevail and/or uneven-
ness can still be recognised, the grinding process has to be conti-
nued using 30 mm polishing cloth, until a satisfactory result has been
7. Subsequently, smoothen the complete pin circumference over the
whole width using 15 mm polishing cloth.
8. Clean the pin and open the lubricating oil bores.
Should, during inspection, doubts arise as to whether or not refinishing
work is required and to what extent, please contact our Technical Service
in Augsburg or one of our Service Centres.


(1) Cimac Report 1995, Evaluation of Wear between Crankshaft and

Bearing Materials in Diesel Engines
(2) Miba Gleitlager AG, Engine Bearing Manual
(3) Greutner/Zima 1994, Motorschäden (Engine Damage)



As described in our Diesel Customer Information Cus 190  02/02, the

corresponding crank pins are to be checked for ridge wear whenever big-
end bearings are checked and/or replaced. If necessary, the crank pins
are to be refinished accordingly.

Nevertheless, we lately were informed that technical irregularities were

occasionally noted even though refinishing work had been carried out by
the customer’s skilled personnel.

In order to ensure safe running-in of the big-end bearing shells, we ur-

gently recommend to have the corresponding check and possibly re-
quired refinishing work carried out by qualified specialists of MAN B&W
Diesel only, by means of the corresponding tools, every time a big-end
bearing is replaced.

After refinishing a crank pin, it is absolutely necessary to install a new

big-end bearing (upper and lower shell).

In case you have any questions, please contact our Technical Service in

The relevant work can be carried out by:

MAN B&W Diesel AG Telephone 0821 3 22 – 0

Service Augburg Telefax 0821 3 22 33 82
Stadtbachstrasse 1
86153 Augsburg

MAN B&W Diesel AG Telephone 040 74 09 – 0

Service Center Werk Hamburg Telefax 040 74 09 104
Rossweg 6
20457 Hamburg

MAN B&W Diesel (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Telephone +65 63 49 16 00

MAN B&W Diesel Service Telefax + 65 68 62 14 09
29 Tuas Avenue 2


MAN B&W Diesel Aktiengesellschaft  86224 Augsburg  Germany  Phone +49-821-322–0  Telefax +49-821-322-3382

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