Ba 5 Sem History M Paper 5 3 2014

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3 (Sem-51 HIS M 3

2o L4

Paper : 5.3

I Htstory of EuroPe t1789-187O1 I

Fult Marks : 60

Time:3 hours
The ftgures in the margin indicate full tnarlcs
for the questions
Answer all questions

1. Answer the following questions in J word or

in I sentence each : lx7=7
(a.) Who constituted the Third Estate in
(b) What is tailld
(c) Who wrote a treatise on 'perpetual

(d) Which historical battle sealed' the fate of

Emperor Napoleon?

A15-1500 I L98 (Turn Ouer )

: 121 (3t
(e) Between whonn was the Battle of 4. Answer any three of the followino .
Magenta fought?

(a) To, what extent did the writings of

A When was tlre Congress of Vienna held? the intellectuals and philosophers
contribute to the French Revolution?
{gl Who doctored the EMS Telegram?
(b) What was the continental system? To
2. Answer the following in brieJ : 2x4=8 what extent did it contribute to . the
downfall of Napoleon?
(a) Who aonstituted the three estates in
pre-rev<rhltionar5r Fraace? ' (c) How far did the Revolution of 1830
create a liberal regime in France?
tb) What is ta.rhwlte nobiliaire(revolt of the
nobles!? (d) Review the foreign policy of Napoleon III
and its impact on contemporar5r
(c) \[rho called himself 'an honest broker, European politics.
and where?
(e) Compare and estimate the role of
(d.) What is Pact of Plombieres? Mazzini and Cavour in the process of
Italian unification"
any tlwee of the following : 5x3=15
a Do you think that Bismark's
(a) How did the urritings of Rousseau achievement in uniffing Germany was a
inlluence the French Revolution? result of his pursuits in the interest of
(b) Discuss the nature of the Code
(c) What was the Holy Alliance?
(d) What was ttre Concert of Europe?
(e) What was Bismark's aim in the Austro-
Prlssian War?

A15-15001198 ( Continued ) A15-15001L99 3 (Sem-S) HIS M 3

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