Supply Chain - Chili S - Equipo4
Supply Chain - Chili S - Equipo4
Supply Chain - Chili S - Equipo4
Production management
1.1 - Conceptual map of the elements of the supply chain of a selected organization.
Team 4
Roberto Israel Alanis Porras 2061122
David Orlando Blas Ortis 1959902
Ana Patricia Guerra Garza 2049044
Mia Berenice Jacobo Reyes 2050355
Nancy Sofia Jaramillo Aguilera 2056056
"To be recognized as a leader in
Connect the producers to the end the casual dining industry,
customers. They purchase the providing exceptional service and
goods from the wholesalers, creating memorable moments for
manufacturers, or distributors and our customers and teams around Mision
then sell them to the customers. the world."