Supply Chain - Chili S - Equipo4

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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Contaduría Publica y Administración

Production management

1.1 - Conceptual map of the elements of the supply chain of a selected organization.

Teacher: Jorge Alejandro Garza Guerrero

Team 4
Roberto Israel Alanis Porras 2061122
David Orlando Blas Ortis 1959902
Ana Patricia Guerra Garza 2049044
Mia Berenice Jacobo Reyes 2050355
Nancy Sofia Jaramillo Aguilera 2056056
"To be recognized as a leader in
Connect the producers to the end the casual dining industry,
customers. They purchase the providing exceptional service and
goods from the wholesalers, creating memorable moments for
manufacturers, or distributors and our customers and teams around Mision
then sell them to the customers. the world."

"To be the best place to eat and

drink, providing a spectacular
experience to each customer on
every visit."


In Chili's, we are committed to offering

our customers fresh and delicious dishes.
To achieve this, we carefully select our
suppliers, ensuring the quality, RISK
freshness, and sustainability of our
ingredients. Our supply chain is
designed to maintain the highest Competition: Chili's competes in a
standards at every stage. highly competitive market with
numerous casual dining restaurant
chains as well as independent
restaurants. Competition may affect
market share, profit margins and the
CUSTOMERS ability to raise prices.
Customers perform multiple activities
in Chili´s such as making reservations, Menu diversification: Chili's can
placing orders, dining at the diversify its menu to include
restaurant, and one of the most healthier, vegetarian or diet-
important one is providing feedback. friendly options, such as gluten-
Thus, letting the employees know what
free. This can appeal to a broader
they can improve.
customer base and adapt to
changing consumer trends.

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