Montacarga Eléctrico 25bt Hyundai
Montacarga Eléctrico 25bt Hyundai
Montacarga Eléctrico 25bt Hyundai
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""'c,,1 229 fRl ELECTRIC FORKUn CMSl'LAY ~ A10$M 12VPPOT A> f-'..
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22/258-9 30/32/358-~
As in the battery forklift, the battery is an
energy source, the handling of the battery
is very important.
The lite and performance of the battery
greatly depend on the ordinary handling
and maintenance. Therefore, be sure to
check and maintain the battery so that lt
may be kept best. 35878.04
Type - LeadAcid
Rated voltage V 48
Capacity AI-Vhr 660 715 1
Electrolyte - WET
Oimension 0N x Ox H) mm 1030 X 796x537 1
1030x 990x 537
'd contact wlth skin . .
(1) When sulturlc aci_ . e e or clothing, flush with water 1mmed1ately. lf swallowed, drink a
For acid contact with s~n, Y k medical attention immediately. When handling acid, alw large
amount of water or m1lk. 5ee ays Wear
eye goggles or a tace shield and rubber gloves.
. hibitl0 n of fire and ventilation
(2) Stnct pro . t xplosive hydrogen gas, no fire should be drawn near. Befare the b tt
Since battenes genera e e
. b tt
. • e .
over open and check the ventI1at1on status. harging in an enci
a ery
charging, keep the a ery e oseci
space can cause an explosion.
(3) Never place metallic articles on the ba~eries . . .
lf done so, it may cause "short circwt" acc1dents (dangerous espec1ally while charging)
(Especially dangerous while charging). .
Sparks will be generated which is equally dangerous as open fires.
(1) Avoid over-discharge
lf over-discharged, it will be difficult to restore the batteries to the original state by recharge. In
order to maintain the batteries in use for long period of time, it is recommended to use the
batteries with discharge amount not exceeding 80% of the rated capacity. Further care should be
taken for preventing the unit cell voltage from falling below 1.5V.
(2) Avoid over-charge
lf overcharged, the rise in battery temperatura will become excessive, resulting in deterioration of
plates and other parts and markedly shortening of battery life.
(3) Avoid excessive elevation of temperatura
Be sure to open the cover of battery housing tray befare charging. lf there is a possibility of
temperature to exceed 55ºC, discontinua the charge operation temporarily, or reduce the charge
(1) Unpacking
Electric traction storage batteries (herein after refer to as "batteries") are delivered to customers in
dry-charged condition. At unpacking, check whether the batteries and accessories have ooen
damaged. lf there are observed defects, you should notify the condition to our branch office or
agent. Never remove the sealing plug until the battery is put into service.
(2) performance and maintenance of batteries
(D lnltial charge
We~-~harg~d battery grad~al~y decreases its capacity during storage. In order to provide
suff1c1ent discharge capac,ty in the first discharge, the good initial charge is required. The
conditions of initial charging are seen as below at room temperature.
a. By modified constant voltage charger
Connect the battery to the charger and tum on the equalizing charge "ON." The battery will be
fully charged and terminated autornatically.
b. By constant voltage constant current charger (standard)
Connect the battery to the charger and tum on the equalizing charge "ON." Toe battery will be
fully charged and terminated automatically.
c. By constant current charger
Connect the cha rger to the battery and charge the battery by 0.1 e x 5 hour rate nominal
capacity current for 24 hours or more. The charge shall be terminated when one of the following
conditions is identified.
• When a constant value is indicated for more than 1 hour after the battery voltage has
reached the maximum value.
• When more than 1 hour of charge is continued after the electrolyte specific gravity has risen
fully and becornes constant.
® Discharge and capacity
The capacity of batteries is indicated at 5 hour rate capacity which means the battery can be
discharged for 5 hours with the discharge current calculated by dividing the capacity value by 5
until the unit cell mean voltage reaches down to 1.7V at the electrolyte temperature of 30ºC.
That is, the capacity is indicated by AH (ampere hour) being calculated as the product of ampere
(A) and time (H). However, even tt it is the same type of batteries, the capacity varies wlth the
discharge conditions (discharge current, battery temperature and specific gravity of electrolyte).
Even tt the batteries discharged its full capacity, tt immediately charged to full, there will be no
harmful effects remained. Ideal charging amount (AH) is 110-125% of the amount of previous
® Specific gravity of electrolyte
Specific gravity of electrolyte drops at discharge and rises at charge. When the batteries are fully
charged, it becomes almost constant and shows no further rise.The specific gravity value varies
with the change in temperature. Therefore specific gravity measurement should be made with
temperature of electrolyte at the same so the measured specific gravity value could be corrected
to that at the standard temperatura of 25ºC by the following formula.
S25 = St + 0.0007 (t-25)
© Normal char~e ed batteries as quickly as possible. The temperature of electrolyte
Cha~e the d1sch~rg o ration shall preferably be below 45ºC, and the temperature durtbefore
starting the chdargbing ·petained at no higher than 55ºC. (Under any unavoidable situat·ng lhe
charge shoul e ma1n . . 1ons it
should never be above 55ºC). Methods of ch~rging ~brydinhprec1sed me(aning Wlth the t}'J)es'of
rd charging method 1s descn e ereun er. lf a special meth .
chargers used. A standa 0d 1s
mentioned to be adopted, follow that instruction). .
a Charging by modified constant voltage automat1c charger . .
· Th . lmost automatic charger today which completes the charg,ng Just only connecting 1he
ere ,s a ti f But if h
plug between battery and charger without outer opera ng ,mer. y~r c arger has it, after
setting the timer for 3-4 hours and tum .ºn. the charger and the charger is left a_s lt is, then the
charge will be made autornatically. In pnnc1ple, regardless of the amount of previous diseharge,
tt is not required to alter the setting of timer time. The recomme~dable current value of this type
of charger is 115 hour rate current x 1.0-1.5" at the start of c~arg1ng,_and at th~ fi~al stage it is •5
hour rate current x o.15-0.25". Normally the charge rs termrnated w1thm 8-12 hours
b. Charging by constant current constant voltage automatic charger
After a lapse of specified charging time after the switch is turned on, the charge will be
completed by turning off the switch. The charging time can be calculated by the following
. . _ Amount of previous discharge(AH) + _ (H)
Charg,ng trme - Capacity of charger(A) 2 3
When the amount of previous discharge is not known, use the 5 hour rate rated capacity of the
batteries. At immediately after charging, the charge current is allowed up to 3 times 5 hour rate
current. For charger provided wtth a timer, the charge will termínate automatically ff the limer is
set at the specified time according to the operation manual.
c. Charging by constant current charger
Connect the charger to the battery and charge the battery by 0.1C x 5 hour rate nominal
capacity current for 24 hours or more. The charge shall be terminated when one of the following
condition is identffied.
@ Equalizing charge
When large number of cells are used in a set of battery, the voltage and specific gravity of
respective cells tend to become unequal, resulting in necessity of charging ali the cells at an
appropriate time in order to equalize them. This is called equalizing charge. Normally the
equalizing charge should be carried out once every month. The methods are in normal type
charger, extend the charge for 5 more hours after full charge at the final stage current, ancl in
automatic charger which is in most cases provided with timer, extend the time setting for 3-S
more hours.
® Replenishment of distilled water
Only the water content of electrolyte is decreased due to electrolysis of distilled water duríng
charge and natural evaporation. lf a battery used with the electrolyte decreased excessively,
plates will deteriorate resulting in markedly shortening of battery ltte. Be sure to check the
electrolyte level once every week. lf the electrolyte level is lowered, replenish distilled water up to
the specified level. In this case, never attempt to replenish sulfuric acid or tap water. Use only
distilled water for battery replenishment. lf the arnount of water required for weekly addttion to a
untt cell for 1OOAH of battery capacity is in excess of 45 ce, tt is assumed that the cell is receiving
overcharge. Accordingly, be sure to reduce slightly the daily charge amount. Under the normal
conditions, the addition of water per week is 45 ce or less. lncidentally, distilled water
replenishment should be made before charging to the content of mínimum level. (For the
purpose of uniform stirring of electrolyte by charging).
lf the electrolyte level is improper after completion of charging, you may topping up the
electrolyte level to the maximum level.
a. Oetermination of replenishment time and methods (cell with ONE TOUCH CAP)
Confirm the electrolyte level by looking at the float in the ONE TOUCH CAP. lf too low as shown
in figure, replenish distilled water. Replenishment shall be performed after opening the cover ~f
the plug using syringe and jug. When refilling is completed, close each cover completely untll
"click" sound is heard.
Cell cover
Cell cover
<Zl Cleanlng re polluted with dust or stains, lt will cause generar
lf electrolyte spills or thedcet ~ : wlth moist cloth and clean in such a manner that t~n of leal(
current Wipe off dust an s ain cens a
. · dn' 1 the case of plastic containers or covers, never use such organic SOi re
kept '~ dry_con ,ond. n rne lf used the plastic containers or covers may suffer Ctaekin Vents
as pa,nt th1nner an gaso 1 · ' 9- lf You
are torced to use them, be sure to use whlte kerosene.
@ Notice on charging ..
. must be well ventilated to fac1htate exhaust of gas generated from the batt
Toe eharging area . ki . ery
during charging. Charge the battery in a_n ar~a free from ,ron wor . ng, weldmg, etc. Further the
battery generates hydrogen, oxygen, ac1d m1st and on rare ~~1ons, hydrogen SUttide during
charging depending on the case. Special care may be requ1red ,n the case of equipment and
ob"ects near the battery that may contaminated or damaged. Do not pull out the charging plu
du~ng charging as lt will cause sparks. Since hydrogen gas generated during charging m
, . b . fi ay
remain in the area surrounding the battery after charg,ng, never nng re or flame close to this
area. In case of counter-balance type vehides, open the battery cover befare charging.
® summary of daily maintenance
a. Avoid overcharge. After discharge, charge the batteries immediately. Toe standard frequency of
equalizing charge is more than once every month.
b. Be sure to check the electrolyte level once ~ry week. lf found decreased, replenish distilled
water up to the specified level.
c. Toe top surface of battery cells should be kept clean and dry.
d. Be sure to keep open the cover of battery housing tray during charge.
e. Never draw near open fires such as lighted cigarettes or buming matches during charge.
(3) Others
(D Storage of batteries
When batteries are stored, keep them away from room heaters or other heat generating sources.
Clean, cool and dry place where no direct sunlight is sulted for battery storage. Befare putting
into storage, 1t is important to charge the batteries and keep the electrolyte leve! at the specified
When the temperature in storage location is higher than 20ºC, check the specific gravity once a
month, and when lower than 0ºC, check it once every two months. lf the measurements show
values lower than 1.230 (20ºC), it is required to charge the battery in accordance with the
method described in NORMAL CHARGE.
® Maintenance record
lt is recommended to keep maintenance record in order to know the operational condltions of
batteries. Daily charge and discharge, equalizing charge requirements, and distilled water
replenishment requirements can be clarified at a glance. Measurements of specific gravity and
temperaturas once f!Nery two to tour months after equalizing charge and maintenance thereof
will serve tor battery health diagnosis.
@ Electrolyte temperatura
The operating temperature range ot batteries is -10-45ºC (temperature ot electrolyte). lt the
batteries are exposed to cold atmosphere in discharged condition, the electrolyte may treeze, and
in extreme cases, the capacity will be decreased, but, tt not trozen, no adverse effects will be
Contrarily it the temperatura is high, especially it used at above 55ºC, the battery lite will be
considerably shortened. Care must be taken so that the temperatura during charge will be
maintained at 55ºCor lower. Even under unavoidable circumstances 1t should not exceed 55ºC.
Causes Corrective Acr
Symptoms IOn
Natura of trouble
. Excessive temperatura • Replace ~
. Deformation of container.
Deformation rising or external impact
Lid or one touch cap
. Externa! impact, improper · Replace or insta~
. Electrolyte leakage acco·
Breakage handling, excessive vibrat- one ew
rding to breakage of cont·
ainer, lid or one touch cap ion
. Excessive temperature · Replace
. Termination of connector
rising or externa! impact
or pole post etc.
. Specífic gravity drops and . When left in state of disch- · Need equalizing ; ; ; -
capacity is decreased. arge or left long without
equalizing charge.
. Charge voltage rises rapi· . lnsufficient charge. • Need equalizing charge
dly with immature gassing • When electrolyte is so de- · Need equalizing charge
in earlier stage but specific creased that plate is de-
gravity does not rise and posed.
charge can1 be carried • When concentration of · Adjust specific gravíty
out. electrolyte rises.
• When impurities are mixed · Replace electrolyte
in electrolyte.
Decrease and • May be easily detected by • Rise of temperature due to · Replace
falling of specific measurement of the spec- such trouble.
gravity ifíc gravity. • When left long period wlth- · Refill water in regular per-
out refilling of water. iod
· Short circult. · Replace
Rise of specmc · May be easily detected by · Diluted su~uric acid is · Adjust specific gravity alter
gravity measurement of the spec- used in refilling. full charge.
ific gravity. · When the electrolyte level • Refill distilled water.
excessively drops.
Mixing of · Decrease of capacity. · Metals such as iron, copper · Under a fully discharged
impurities nickel and manganese. condltion, pour out the
· Drop of charge and disch- · lmpurities such as sea electrolyte. Then pour in
arge voltage. water, chloric acid, nitric an acid of the specific
acid etc. gravity higher by 0.03~0.05
· Odor of generated gas and · Filling of impure water.
than that of the drained
coloring of the electrolyte.
acid. Charge fully and
adjust the specific gravity to
the specified value.
L 7-12
3 ~
=n=lt = = =¡•====-=S:-:
ltem._ _ __ =-=1•=-==-=--U pec
~ ifica
_ tio...;n_
Type AODG4001
Rated voltage Vac 30
Rated output kW 7.0x2
lnsulation ClassF
~ Before starting the maintenance please disconnect the power supply.
3 9
~- 2289a.08
Untt Specification ---
. AMDL4001 -
Rated voltage
Vac 30 -
kW 17 -
Rated output
. ClassF -
Noofteeth EA 11
* Before starting the maintenance please disconnect the power supply.
(1) Ball bearing
Both ball bearing are maintenance free. Should it be necessary to remove the bearings in case of
repair, they should be replaced. In any case the sealing parts (shaft sealing ring etc.) have to be
lf a bearing which is to be replaced has only one sealing lip, this should be greased with quality
bearing grease.
After approximately 10,000 operating hours the bearings have to be replaced.
(2) Dlsassembly and assembly
Toe motor is assembled and disassembled according to the relevant sectional drawing and part
list. (See page 7-14)
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(1) SpecWications
(1) Features
Th~ micr~ontrollers continually monitor the inverter and carry out a diagnostic procedure on the
main funct1ons. Toe diagnosis is made in 4 points.
<D Diagn~sis on key switch closing that checks: watchdog circult, current sensor, capacitor chargin~,
phase 5 volt~ges, contactor drivers, can-bus interface, if the switch sequence for operation 15
~rr~ ªnd if the output of accelerator unit is correct, correct synchronization of the two µ es,
integnty of safety related inputs hardware.
® Standby diagnosis in standby that checks: Watchdog circuit phase's voltages contactor driver,
current sensor, can-bus interface. ' '
@ Diagnosis during operation th t h
bus interface.
ª e ecks: Watchdog circuits, contactar driver, current sensors, can·
© Continuous diagnosis that ch k .11
. . . ec s. emperature of the inverter, motor temperature.
D1agnos1s 1s provided in two w . . . detailed
information about the failure· h a~s. The digital console can be used, which g1ves ª
't e failure code is also sent on the Can-Bus.
( ) rractlon controller
,) o
No. of Pin
High level CAN8US.
CAN8US termination output, 120 ohm internally connected to e ~
Connect to CAN_L OUT to insert the termination.
Positiva of CAN circuit; to be used in case of optoisolated CAN8U&
CAN_L_OUT Low level CAN8US: to be used as repetition for CAN_L line orto be -
connected to CANT H to insert termination resistance.
(1) Encadar installation
<D Traction controller card is fit for different types of encoder. To control AC motor with Zapi invert
· hift d f 9 • er,
it is necessary to install an incremental encoder with 2 phases s e O O· The encoder power
supply can be +12V. lt can have different electronic output.
14/ 23
A 4
13/ 22
@ The encoder power supply voltage and output electronic has to be communicated to ZAPI in
arder to correctly set the selection jumpers in the logic card.
(2) pump controller
o ® ® ® o
..... a;
. ...TU
EB o
No.of pin Function
High level CAN-BUS voltage 1/0.
A19 CANL Low level CAN-BUS voltage 1/0.
Free analog input.
Phase A inverted of encoder (encoder with differential output).
t>:22. ENCA*
Phase B inverted of encoder (encoder with differential output). -
A23 ENC B*
MOTTH Input for motor temperatura sensor.
A26 NLC Pump line contactor output.
A27 PLC Positiva of the line contactor output.
A28 NAUX Spare output.
A29 PAUX Positiva for output A28. Spare.
A30 CM Common of digital microswitches.
A31 MODE This input allows the customer to select the software for traction or lifting
application. To be connected with A35.
A32 PPOT-AUX Auxiliary potentiometer positiva: 10V output; keep load> 1k JJ .
A33 KEY Connected to the power supply through a microswitch(CH) with a 10A
fuse in series.
A34 -8ATT -Batt.
A35 -8ATT -8att.
81 PCLRXD Positiva serial reception.
82 NCLRXD Negativa serial reception.
B3 PCLTXD Positiva serial transmission.
84 NCLTXD Negativa serial transmission.
85 GND Negativa console supply.
B6 +12V Positiva console supply.
87 FLASH lt must be connected to 88 for the flash memory programming.
88 FLASH 1t must be connected to B7 for the flash memory programming.
Using the CONFIG MENU of the programming console or using a display the user can configure
the following functions. ' '
(1) Submenu "SET OPTIONS"
(D Hour counter
- RUNNING :Toe counter registers travel time only.
- KEY ON :Toe counter registers when the "key'' switch is closed.
® Battery check
- ON : Toe battery discharge level check is carried out; when the battery level reaches 10%, an
alarm is signalled and the maximum current is reduced to the half of the programmed
- OFF :Toe battery discharge level check is carried out but no alarm is signalled.
@Traction cutout
When the alarm "BATTERY LOW" appears, if this option is programmed to ON the traction
maximum speed is reduced to 60Hz.
© lift cutout
When the alarm ªBATTERY LOW" appears, nthis option is programmed to ON the lnt function is
lf this option is set to on the static return to off is requested for starting the truck. Toe required
sequence is :
• Seat-direction lever-accelerator pedal or :
• Seat-accelerator pedal-direction lever wtthin the seq. delay time
lf this option is set to off the required sequence to start the truck is :
• Direction lever-accelerator pedal or :
. Accelerator pedal-direction lever wtthin the seq. delay time
@Hydro key on
- ON / OFF : lf this option is programmed ON the traction inverter manages an hydraulic steering
function when the "key'' is switched ON.
(J) Stop on ramp
- ON : Toe stop on ramp feature (truck electrically hold on a ramp) is managed for a fixed time (6
- OFF: Toe stop on ramp feature is not performed.
@Aux input #1
- EXCLUSIVE HYDRO : Input C1 Oactivates hydraulic steering function, output A31 is activated.
- OPTION #1 : Input C10 is the input for an handbrake device, active low (open swttch).
- OPTION #2: Input C10 is the input for a speed reduction device, active low (open switch).
®Pedal braking
- DIGITAL :Toe truck does not have a potentiometer installed on the mechanical brake pedal, but
only a swttch; when the accelerator pedal is released and the brake pedal is pushed
(brake switch closed), the inverter performs an electrical braking following "Pedal
braking" parameter.