Oracle Form Builder

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Oracle Form Builder

Module Types
Modul .FMB .

Module .MMB .MMX .MMT

Library .PLL .PLX .PLD

Library .OLB .OLT
Window objects
Document Windows
MDI (Multiple Document Interface)

Dialog Windows
Modal, Modaless

Các property đáng chú ý

Horizontal toolbar Canvas

Primary Canvas
Các property đáng chú ý
A form module is made up of one or more blocks. A data block is based on a database
object, such as a table or a view. A data block can contain both data items and control
items. A frame can be created to arrange data block items. Each item in a block must
appear on a canvas, and each canvas must appear in a window. A form module can
have one or more canvases and windows.

Data block
From Clause Query ex: id >10

Relation Object
• New relation object created in Object Navigator under master data block node
• Default name assigned: MasterDataBlock_DetailDataBlock
• Triggers and program units generated automatically

New Relation
Once you create a master-detail form module, the Data Block Wizard automatically
creates a form object that handles the relationship between two associated data blocks.
This object is called a relation. The following tasks occur automatically:
• The new relation object is created under the master data block node in the Object
Navigator with default properties.
• The relation is given the following default name:
MasterDataBlock_DetailDataBlock, for example ORDER_ITEM
• Triggers and program units are generated to maintain coordination between the two data

Control block
Set_block_property(block_name, property, value1. value2);

Các property đáng chú ý

• Database Data Block
• Query Allowed
• Query Data Source Type
o Proceduce
o Table
o From Clause
• Insert/Update/Delete Allowed
Các loại canvas



Vertical Toolbar
Horizontal Toolbar

What Is a Toolbar Canvas?

A toolbar canvas is a special type of canvas that you can create to hold buttons and
other frequently used GUI elements.
The Three Toolbar Types
• Vertical toolbar: Use a vertical toolbar to position all your tool items
down the left or right hand side of your window.
• Horizontal toolbar: Use a horizontal toolbar to position all your tool
items and controls across the top or bottom of your window.
• MDI toolbar: Use an MDI toolbar to avoid creating more than one
toolbar for a Form Builder application that uses multiple windows.
Uses and Benefits of Toolbars
• Provide a standard look and feel across canvases displayed in the same
• Decrease form module maintenance time.
• Increase application usability.
• Create applications similar to others used in the same environment.
• Provide an alternative to menu or function-key driven applications.
Note: The MDI toolbar is only available for Microsoft Windows.

Canvas Property Function

Canvas Type Specifies the type of canvas; for a toolbar canvas,
set to Horizontal Toolbar or Vertical
Window Specifies which window the toolbar
displays in
Width Determines the width of the toolbar
Height Determines the height of the toolbar
Window Property Function
Horizontal Toolbar Canvas/
Vertical Toolbar Canvas
Identifies the horizontal/vertical toolbar to
display in this window
Form Module Property Function
Form Horizontal Toolbar Canvas/
Form Vertical Toolbar Canvas
Identifies the horizontal/vertical toolbar to
display in the MDI window

Tab Canvas Related Properties
Once you create a tab canvas and its tab pages, you must set the required properties for
both of these objects. Place items on a tab page by setting the required item properties.
Tab Canvas Property Function
Viewport X Position Specifies the X coordinate of the tab canvas upper-left corner
Viewport Y Position Specifies the Y coordinate of the tab canvas upper-left corner
Viewport Width Specifies the width of the view for the tab canvas
Viewport Height Specifies the height of the view for the tab canvas
Corner Style Specifies the shape of the labelled tabs on the tab canvas (Select
from Chamfered, Square, and Rounded)
Tab Attachment Edge Specifies the location where tabs are attached to the tab canvas
Tab Page Property Function
Label Specifies the text label that appears on the tab page’s tab at
run time
Item Property Function
Canvas Specifies the tab canvas on which the item will be displayed
Tab Page Specifies the tab page on which the item will be displayed

Text Item

Properties:Database Item(Yes or No)

Check Box
Radio Button
Combo Box
List of Value
Push Button
Có 4 công cụ chính trong Oracle FormBuilder là
Layout Editor F2
Object Navigator F3
Properties Pallete F4

Property Palette
Union/Intersection Mode
Copy/Paste Properties

Object Navigator
Hot key
Nhân bản một đối tượng Ctrl+D

Layout Editor

Run time
Các chế độ thực hiện
What You Can Do in Normal Mode
• Retrieve all records.
• Insert new records.
• Update records.
• Delete records.
• Commit (Save) records.
• Rollback (Clear) records.
• Navigate outside of the current data block.
• Exit the run-time session.
What You Cannot Do in Normal Mode
• Retrieve a restricted set of records.
• Invoke the Query/Where dialog box.


What You Can Do in Enter Query Mode

• Retrieve all records.
• Retrieve records by using selection criteria.
• Retrieve records by using the Query/Where dialog box.
• Obtain the number of records that will be retrieved before fetching them
from the database by using Query—>Count Hits.
What You Cannot Do in Enter Query Mode
• Navigate out of the current block.
• Exit from the run-time session.
• Use certain functions, such as Next Record.
• Insert new records.
• Update existing records.
• Delete records.

How to Use the Query/Where Dialog Box

1 Do one of the following:
- Select Query—>Enter.
- Click Enter Query.
- Press the appropriate function key.
2 Enter a colon (:) followed by a unique character variable name in one or
more items.
3 Do one of the following:
- Select Query—>Execute.
- Click Execute Query.
- Press the appropriate function key.
Note: Alternatively, you can select Query—>Count Hits if you simply want to
know how many records will match your criteria.
The Query/Where dialog box is displayed.
4 Enter the search criteria by using variables, SQL, and logical operators.
5 Click OK.


Các xác định form đang ở chế độ nào: SYSTEM.MODE = ‘ENTER-QUERY’ …

Trigger, PL/SQL

Trigger Scope
The scope of a trigger is determined by its position in the form object hierarchy, that is,
the type of object under which you create the trigger.
There are three possible levels:

Some triggers cannot be defined below a certain level. For example,

Post-Query triggers cannot be defined at item level, because they fire due to a global
or restricted query on a block.

Trigger Type
The trigger type determines which type of event fires it. There are more than 100 builtin
triggers, each identified by a specific name.
The name of a trigger identifies its type. All built-in trigger types are associated with
an event, and their names always contain a hyphen (-). For example:
• When-Validate-Item fires when Form Builder validates an item.
• Pre-Query fires before Form Builder issues a query for a block.
The first part of a trigger name (before the first hyphen) follows a standard
convention; this helps you to understand the general nature of the trigger type, and
plan the types to use.

Trigger Code
The code of the trigger defines the actions for the trigger to perform when it fires.
Write this code as an anonymous PL/SQL block by using the PL/SQL Editor.
Note: You only need to enter the BEGIN. . . END structure in your trigger text if you
start your block with a DECLARE statement or if you need to code subblocks for
other reasons.
Statements that you write in a trigger can be constructed as follows:
• Standard PL/SQL constructs (assignments, control statements, and so on).
• SQL statements that are legal in a PL/SQL block; these are passed to the server for
• Calls to user-named subprograms (procedures and functions) in the form, a library, or
the database.
• Calls to built-in subprograms and package subprograms; these are procedures and
functions that are part of Oracle Developer.
Although you can include SQL statements in a trigger, keep in mind the following
rules about their use:
• INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements must be placed only in
transactional triggers. These triggers fire during the commit process.
• Transaction control statements (COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT)
cannot be included directly as SQL trigger statements. These actions are
carried out by Form Builder as a result of either commands or built-in
procedures that you issue.

Some trigger

Enter Query Mode

Unrestricted and Retricted queries

Execute Query
Check whether query is allowed on data block
Prompt to commit unsaved changes
Fire PRE-QUERY trigger
Build select statement
Fire PRE-SELECT trigger
Execute select statement
Fire ON-SELECT trigger
Fire POST-SELECT trigger
Fetch Record
Check buffer already
Fire ON-FETCH trigger
POST-CHANGE Mark record and item as valid
POST-QUERY Loop to fetch next record

When-New-” object “-Instance Triggers

• When-New-Form-Instance: Khi startup form, Oracle Form tìm đến Item đầu tiên
trong block đầu tiên. Trigger này được gọi đầu tiên trong tất cả các trigger khi một
form được bật lên. Trigger này không chạy khi bạn gọi trở lại form đã được gọi
trước đó rồi. Trong ứng dụng có nhiều form thì việc chuyển focus qua lại giữa các
form cũng không làm kích hoạt trigger này.

• When-New-Block-Instance: Trigger này được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block.
Nó được gọi khi bạn chuyển từ item hiện tại tới một item của block khác.

• When-New-Record-Instance: Trigger này được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block.
Nó được gọi khi bạn chuyển từ item của record này sang item của record khác.

• When-New-Item-Instance: Trigger này được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block
hoặc item. Nó được gọi khi bạn chuyển focus tới một item.

The Pre- and Post- Triggers

• Pre-Form: Pre-Form trigger được định nghĩa trên form, Pre-Form được gọi trong
quá trình startup form.
• Post-Form: Pre-Form trigger được định nghĩa trên form, nó được gọi khi form đã
được bật lên và tiến tới thực thi việc thoát form. Nó thường được gọi để làm sạch
form (clean up form) trước khi thoát.

• Pre-Block: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block, được gọi trong quá trình mở
form lên, hoặc trong quá trình chuyển từ block này sang block khác. Nó được
dùng để:

Cho phép hay không cho phép access vào block ;

set variable values;

• Post-Block: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block, được gọi trong quá trình thoát
khỏi block. Use a Post-Block trigger to validate the block's current record; that is,
the record that had input focus when the Leave the Block event occurred. You
might also use this trigger to test a condition and prevent the user from leaving a
block based on that condition.

• Pre-Record: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block, được gọi trong quá trình vào
một record, hoặc khi chuyển tới một record khác. Use a Pre-Record trigger to
keep a running total.

• Post-Record: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block, được gọi trong quá trình
thoát khỏi record. Nó cũng được gọi khi ứng dụng chuyển focus nhập từ một
record sang một record khác. Việc thoát khỏi record có thể xảy ra như là kết quả
của một trong các toán tử sau: INSERT_RECORD, DELETE_RECORD,

Use a Post-Record trigger when you want to perform an action whenever the operator
or the application moves the input focus from one record to another. For example, if
you want to set a visual attribute for an item as the operator scrolls down through a
set of records, you can do so from within this trigger.

• Pre-Item: Không tìm thấy

• Post-Item: Không tìm thấy

Form trigger
• PRE—FORM: đã có ở trên rồi.
• WHEN-TIMER-EXPRIED: Fires when a timer expires. Timers are created
programmatically by calling the CREATE_TIMER built-in procedure.

• WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE: đã có ở trên rồi.

• WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE: đã có ở trên rồi.
• ON-POPULATE-DETAILS: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block, Oracle Forms
creates this trigger automatically when you define a master-detail relation. It fires
when Oracle Forms would normally need to populate the detail block in a master-
detail relation.

• ON-MESSAGE: Fires whenever Oracle Forms would normally cause a message

to display.
Use an On-Message trigger for the following purposes:

· to trap and respond to an informative message

· to replace a standard informative message with a custom message

· to exclude an inappropriate message

• ON-ERROR: An On-Error trigger fires whenever Oracle Forms would normally

cause an error message to display.
Use an On-Error trigger for the following purposes:

· to trap and recover from an error

· to replace a standard error message with a custom message

• ON-CLEAR-DETAIL: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block, Fires when a
coordination-causing event occurs in a block that is a master block in a master-
detail relation. A coordination-causing event is any event that makes a different
record the current record in the master block. Oracle Forms creates the On-Clear-
Details trigger automatically when you define a master-detail block relation.
Block trigger
• PRE-QUERY: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block, Fires during Execute Query
or Count Query processing, just before Oracle Forms constructs and issues the
SELECT statement to identify rows that match the query criteria.

• POST-QUERY: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block, When a query is open in
the block, the Post-Query trigger fires each time Oracle Forms fetches a record
into a block. The trigger fires once for each record placed on the block's list of

• ON-POPULATE-DETAILS: đã có ở trên rồi.

• ON-CHECK-DELETE-MASTER: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block, Oracle
Forms creates this trigger automatically when you define a master-detail relation
and set the Master Deletes property to Non-Isolated. It fires when there is an
attempt to delete a record in the master block of a master-detail relation.

• WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE: đã có ở trên rồi.

• WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE: đã có ở trên rồi.
• WHEN-CLEAR-BLOCK: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block, Fires just before
Oracle Forms clears the data from the current block. Note that the When-Clear-
Block trigger does not fire when Oracle Forms clears the current block during the
. Use a When-Clear-Block trigger to perform an action every time Oracle Forms
flushes the current block. For example, you might want to perform an automatic
commit whenever this condition occurs.

· In a When-Clear-Block trigger, the value of SYSTEM.RECORD_STATUS is

unreliable because there is no current record. An alternative is to use
GET_RECORD_PROPERTY to obtain the record status. Because
GET_RECORD_PROPERTY requires you to reference a specific record, its value
is always accurate.

• WHEN-BUTTON-PRESS: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block hoặc item, Fires
when an operator selects a button, either by way of a key, or by clicking with a

• WHEN-MOUSE-LEAVE: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block hoặc item, Fires
after the mouse leaves an item or canvas-view if one of the following events

· if attached to the form, when the mouse leaves any canvas-view or item in
the form
· if attached to a block, when the mouse leaves any item in the block
· if attached to an item, when the mouse leaves the item
• WHEN-MOUSE-ENTER: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block hoặc item, Fires
when the mouse enters an item or canvas-view if one of the following events
· If attached to the form, when the mouse enters any canvas-view or item in
the form
. if attached to a block, when the mouse enters any item in the block
· if attached to an item, when the mouse enters the item


Item trigger
Text item
WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM: được định nghĩa trên form hoặc block hoặc item, Fires
during the Validate the Item process. Specifically, it fires as the last part of item
validation for items with the New or Changed validation status.


• PL/SQL variables must be declared in a trigger or defined in a package
• Form Builder variables
– Are not formally declared in PL/SQL
– Need a colon prefix in reference
• Items For presentation and user interaction
• Global variables Session-wide character variable
• System variables Form status and control
• Parameters Passing values in and out of module

Form Builder Variables

The following variables are available for the storage and manipulation of values:
Initializing Global Variables with Default Value
You can use the DEFAULT_VALUE built-in to assign a value to a global variable.
Form Builder creates the global variable if it does not exist. If the value of the
indicated variable is not null, DEFAULT_VALUE does nothing. The following
example creates a global variable named country and initializes it with the value
System variable
:SYSTEM.variable_name (System)
1. Contains bind variables (ORD_ID = :1) before
2. Contains actual values (ORD_ID = 102) before
iii. SYSTEM.RECORD_STATUS (What is commit status?)
1. NEW
2. INSERT (also caused by control items)
1. NEW (may contain records with status INSERT)
2. INSERT (also possible for control block)
3. CHANGED (block will be committed
1. NEW
(Input Focus)
(Trigger Focus)
Form Buider Built-in Sub-Programs
The Form Builder built-in subprograms belong to one of the following:
• Standard Extensions packages: These built-ins are integrated into the
Standard PL/SQL command set in Form Builder. You can call them
directly, without any package prefix. You can use more than one hundred
standard built-ins.
• Other Form Builder packages: Subprograms in other built-in packages
provide functionality related to a particular supported feature. These
require the package name as a prefix when called.

Limits of Use
• Unrestricted built-ins are allowed in any trigger or subprogram.
• Restricted built-ins are allowed only in certain triggers and subprograms called from such

Example 1
EDIT_TEXTITEM : Invokes the Form Runtime item editor for the current text item
ENTER_QUERY: Clears the current block, and creates a sample record (Operators can then
specify query conditions before executing the query with a menu or button command. If there are
changes to commit, the Form Builder prompts the operator to commit them before continuing
ENTER_QUERY processing.)
EXECUTE_QUERY: Clears the current block, opens a query, and fetches a number of selected
records (If there are changes to commit, Form Builder prompts the operator to commit them
before continuing EXECUTE_QUERY processing.)
EXIT_FORM Exits current form (or cancels query, if in ENTER-QUERY mode)

GO_BLOCK Navigates to the specified block
GO_ITEM Navigates to the specified item

GET_ITEM_PROPERTY : Returns specified property values for the specified item

SET_ITEM_PROPERTY : Changes setting of specified property for an item












• Get and Set:
• Get only:

• Get and Set:
• Get only:

MESSAGE : Displays specified text on the message line

SHOW_ALERT Displays the given alert, and returns a numeric value when the operator selects
one of three alert buttons
SHOW_EDITOR Displays the specified editor at the given coordinates and passes a string to
the editor, or retrieves an existing string from the editor
SHOW_LOV Invokes a specified LOV and returns a Boolean value, indicating whether user
selected a value from the list
SHOW_VIEW : Displays the indicated canvas at the coordinates specified by the X Position
and Y Position of the canvas property settings (If the view is already displayed, SHOW_VIEW
raises it in front of any other views in the same window.)


Object IDs
Finding object id
Referencing object by id
Referencing object by name


DML Build-in

Validation Process
Form Builder performs a validation process at several levels to ensure that records and
individual values follow appropriate rules. If validation fails, then control is passed back
to the appropriate level, so that the operator can make corrections. Validation occurs at:
• Item level: Form Builder records a status for each item to determine whether it is
currently valid. If an item has been changed and is not yet marked as valid, then Form
Builder first performs standard validation checks to ensure that the value conforms to the
item’s properties. These checks are carried out before firing any When-Validate-Item
triggers that you have defined. Standard checks include the following:
- Format mask
- Required (if so, then is the item null?)
- Data type
- Range (Lowest-Highest Allowed Value)
- Validate from List (see later in this lesson)
• Record level: After leaving a record, Form Builder checks to see whether the record is
valid. If not, then the status of each item in the record is checked, and a When-Validate-
Record trigger is then fired, if present. When the record passes these checks, it is set to
• Block and form level: At block or form level, all records below that level are validated.
For example, if you commit (save) changes in the form, then all records in the form are
validated, unless you have suppressed this action.
Using Object Properties to Control Validation
You can control when and how validation occurs in a form, even without triggers. Do
this by setting properties for the form and for individual items within it.
The Validation Unit
The validation unit defines the maximum amount of data an operator can enter in the
form before Form Builder initiates validation. Validation unit is a property of the form
module, and it can be set in the Property Palette to any of the following:
• Default
• Item
• Record
• Block
• Form
The default setting is item level. The default setting is usually chosen.
In practice, an item-level validation unit means that Form Builder validates changes
when an operator navigates out of a changed item. This way, standard validation
checks and firing the When-Validate-Item trigger of that item can be done
immediately. As a result, operators are aware of validation failure as soon as they
attempt to leave the item.
At higher validation units (record, block, or form level), the above checks are
postponed until navigation moves out of that unit. All outstanding items and records
are validated together, including the firing of When-Validate-Item and
When-Validate-Record triggers.
You might set a validation unit above item level under one of the following conditions:
• Validation involves database references, and you want to postpone
traffic until the operator has completed a record (record level).
• The application runs in a block-mode environment (block level).
Using LOVs for Validation
When you attach an LOV to a text item by setting the LOV property of the item, you
can optionally use the LOV contents to validate data entered in the item.
Do this by setting the Validate from List property to Yes for the item. At validation
time, Form Builder then automatically uses the item value as a non case-sensitive
search string on the LOV contents. The following events then occur, depending on the
• If the value in the text item matches one of the values in the first column
of the LOV, validation succeeds, the LOV is not displayed, and
processing continues normally.
• If the item’s value causes a single record to be found in the LOV, but is a
partial value of the LOV value, then the full LOV column value is
returned to the item (providing that the item is defined as the return item
in the LOV). The item then passes this validation phase.
• If the item value causes multiple records to be found in the LOV, Form
Builder displays the LOV and uses the text item value as the search
criteria to automatically reduce the list, so that the operator must choose.
• If no match is found, then the full LOV contents are displayed to the
Note: Make sure that LOVs you create for validation purposes have the validation
column defined first, with a display width greater than 0. You also need to define the
Return Item for the LOV column as the item being validated.
For performance reasons, do not use the LOV for Validation property for large LOVs.

Còn tiếp….
19 Navigation

• What is the navigation unit?

– Outside the form
– Form
– Block
– Record
– Item
• Entering and leaving objects
• What happens if navigation fails?

• Form module
– Mouse navigation limit
– First navigation data block
• Block
– Navigation style
– Previous navigation data block
– Next navigation data block
• Item
– Enabled
– Keyboard navigable
– Mouse navigate
– Previous navigation item
– Next navigation item
Use default date format (DD-MON-YY) in Query Where

Hot key
File->Connect Ctrl+J
Program->Complile Module Ctrl+T
Run Ctrl+R

Các phím chức năng được sử dụng trong hệ này gồm:

F1 Xem hướng dẫn sử dụng
F3 Lấy dữ liệu tương ứng của truờng hiện tại trong bản ghi trước
F4 Lấy nội dung bản ghi trước gán cho bản ghi mới hiện tại
F6 Thêm một bản ghi
F7 Nhập điều kiện truy vấn
Ctrl+Q Cancel Query
F8 Thực hiện truy vấn dữ liệu
Shift+Down Next Record
F9 Hiển thị danh sách các giá trị có thể chọn cho một trường
(trong trường hợp trường đó chỉ được phép lấy giá trị từ một
danh sách nhất định)
F10 Ghi dữ liệu thay đổi vào cơ sở dữ liệu (Save)
Shift+F1 Hiển thị lỗI
Shift+F2 Trong chế độ Enter Query, trả về count hits
Shift+F6 Xoá bản ghi hiện tại
TAB Chuyển sang trường tiếp theo
Shift+ATB Chuyển về trường trước

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