Modern PID/FOPID Controllers For Frequency Regulation of Interconnected Power System by Considering Different Cost Functions

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OPEN Modern PID/FOPID controllers

for frequency regulation
of interconnected power system
by considering different cost
1* 2 3
Mohamed Ahmed Ebrahim Mohamed , K. Jagatheesan & B. Anand

This article presents frequency regulation of an interconnected three-area power system

(Thermal + Wind + Hydro). Fractional Order PID (FOPID) and Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID)
controllers are applied as subsidiary regulators to control the electrical power interconnected
system at the time of sudden load variation. To accomplish this study, Genetic Algorithm (GA), Grey
Wolf Optimizer (GWO), Sine Cosine Inspired Algorithm (SCIA) and Atom Search Inspired Algorithm
(ASIA) are implemented to optimize the secondary regulators’ gains (PID and FOPID) by considering
various cost functions such as Integral Absolute Error (IAE), Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE),
Integral Square Error (ISE), and Integral Time Square Error (ITSE). Performance analysis in this work
is conducted using various cost functions based on GA, GWO, SCIA and ASIA. The comparative
analysis of the attained results reveals that GWO-PID and ASIA–PID settle at (83.83 s) and (30.31 s),
respectively and ASIA-FOPID at (25.12 s). The controllers based on ITSE as a cost function outperform
the comptrollers with other cost functions (ISE, IAE and ITAE). In addition, the ISE-based GA–PID and
SCIA–PID settle at (113.92 s) and (35.1 s), respectively and SCIA-FOPID at (24.78 s). The ISE-based
regulators yield improved response equated to other cost functions (ITSE, IAE and ITAE) optimized
controllers. The robustness test also is carried out to validate the effectiveness of the proposed
optimization techniques by changing the system parameters within ± 25% and ± 50% from their
nominal values as well as changing the load pattern.

The primary aim of a power-generating system is to monitor and control the supply frequency, ensure stable
power flow in the tie line of interconnected systems, maintain voltage profile and ensure stability of load flow
conditions between areas within the desired value. The load-generation equilibrium ensures that customers are
always provided with reliable and secure power. During nominal loading conditions, each power plant has self-
control of stability and operating point. If sudden load demand arises, it will disturb the system supply frequency
and power flow in the tie-line between interconnected power ­systems1,2. Thus, the frequency response contains
oscillations that produce errors. To maintain the stability of the power generating system, a primary control loop
(speed governor) and secondary controller are also introduced to ensure that the system parameters are kept
within the specified l­imits1,2. The role of Automatic Generation Control (AGC) in a power system is to adjust
the generated power output of several generators at dissimilar power generating plants, in response to modifica-
tion in the load demand. In the AGC of the power system, area control error acts as the input for the controller
to generate the required control signal that complies with the desired output response during the sudden load
disturbance in the system.
Based on the literature review, it is found that many secondary controllers are introduced based on Bio- com-
putation Inspired Algorithms (BIA). The authors ­of3 investigated the optimal gain value of PID controller using
the Stochastic Particle Swarm Optimization technique for single-area AGC including Super Magnetic Energy
Storage (SMES) and Redox Flow Battery (RFB) units with Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE) and Integral

Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University, Cairo,
Egypt. 2Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal, Tamilnadu,
India. 3Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Hindusthan College of Engineering and
Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. *email: [email protected]

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Time Square Error (ITSE) cost functions. In addition, SPSO technique is proposed for tuning PID controller gain
values for load frequency control of a single area reheat thermal power ­system4. Also, the authors ­of5 implemented
SPSO algorithm for tuning the decentralized Load Frequency Control (LFC) of interconnected two-area thermal
power structures. Moreover, a new variant of PSO had been deployed for controlling the frequency and voltage
of multi-area power s­ ystems6. Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) had been deployed for tuning PID controller
of LFC p ­ roblem7. Moreover, reduced order HSA is presented i­ n8 to tune PID controllers for LFC of multi-area
interconnected power systems. In addition, the authors o ­ f9 had been employed HSA based PID regulator for
frequency control of multi-area systems including nonlinearities and boiler dynamics. Also, a Modified HSA
(MHSA) is considered to tune PID regulator gain values for LFC of interconnected nonlinear thermal-hydro
power ­networks10. ­In11, Bat Inspired Algorithm (BIA) is utilized to fine-tune the PI controller gain values for
LFC of two area interconnected power networks. Hybrid Firefly and Pattern Search algorithm is executed to
acquire optimal gain values of PI as well as PID regulators i­n12. Moreover, the performance of the proposed
technique is compared with Bacteria Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA), Genetic Algorithm (GA) and
Ziegler Nichols (ZN) technique. Firefly Algorithm (FA) is executed to obtain PI/PID regulator gain values in
multi-area LFC of grid-connected non-reheat electro-thermal power generating network and the performance
response is equated with BFOA, GA, ZN, Differential Evolution (DE) and Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO)
based optimization methods ­in13. Neuro-Fuzzy Hybrid intelligent based PI regulator was considered for LFC
of interconnected four-area power generating system i­ n14. An emotional learning-based intelligent controller is
proposed ­in15. Evolutionary computation techniques had been used for the control of single area power produc-
ing ­systems16. The design and modeling of various power system components with their behavior are given ­in17.
LFC of 3-area organized power producing unit (Thermal, wind and hydro unit) is investigated with artificial
intelligence technique tuned controller i­ n18. ­In19, the author designed PSO based PI controller for LFC of three
area interconnected systems to study AGC performance. The hydro-thermal interconnected nonlinear power
system is examined by applying a fuzzy logic c­ ontroller20 to improve the performance of the system. The LFC of
the interconnected power system is investigated by considering the non-linearity effect of the Generation Rate
Constraint (GRC) using the Hybrid Genetic-Firefly Algorithm (HGFA)21. Local Unimodal Sampling-TLBO
(LUS-TLBO) optimization technique-based fuzzy PID controller is implemented ­in22. Self-adaptive modified
bat algorithm has been implemented to acquire the proposed controller gain values of AGC controller for
the grid-connected (four area) power network ­in23. Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm-based classical
controllers are introduced i­n24 multi-area interconnected (solar & thermal system) power generating units.
The simulation behavior of the obtained results for GWO optimized controller is equated through GA, FA and
PSO-tuned regulators. Many LFC-based optimization techniques are introduced such as c­ lassical25, fuzzy l­ ogic26,
supervised artificial neural ­network27, ­GA28, ­PSO29, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC)30, ­FA31 and Cuckoo Search
(CS)32 are available for the investigation of literature survey in LFC of interconnected power system. Using hybrid
harmony search and cuckoo optimization, the Fuzzy PID controller is designed to resolve LFC problems in two
area connected thermal (non-reheat) ­systems33. Moreover, Interval type 2 fuzzy PID with Big Bang Big-Crush34,
fuzzy PID controller with fi ­ lter35, Quasi-oppositional based learning (Q-OBL)36, Craziness based PSO (CPSO)37
are introduced as solutions for LFC challenges. ­In38, the author proposes Moth Swarm Algorithm (MSA) based
PID controller for frequency stability of a hybrid power system with high wind power penetration in conjunction
with Super Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES). In addition, the interior-point a­ lgorithm39, aggression m ­ ethod40,
tracking ­approach , fixed mode evaluation a­ lgorithm , chaotic optimization a­ lgorithm , and DE a­ lgorithm44
41 42 43

are executed to overcome LFC emergency in power systems. Dual gain scheduling PI regulator is demonstrated
by applying a bat-inspired procedure for LFC of two area connected reheat thermal power n ­ etwork11. For LFC of
interlinked two region interconnected power grid, the BFOA-developed PID controller is implemented consid-
ering nonlinearity e­ ffects45. FA constructed PI controller is designed for two area interconnected power system
to solve LFC crisis which comprises Photovoltaic (PV) and thermal generation u ­ nits46. AGC of a power system
is investigated and rectified by applying multiple neural networks with an actor-critic s­ trategy47. A multi-agent
double deep Q network-action discovery (DDQN-AD) technique-based control strategy is applied for AGC
of the power network i­n48. AGC crisis of interlinked power grid is analyzed by utilizing a deep reinforcement
learning algorithm for overcoming crisis raised in the power g­ rid49. Virtual generation ecosystem-based control
strategy has been applied in the microgrid for solving AGC crisis and improving the superiority of produced
power supply under sudden load demand conditions in the ­grid50. AGC issues of islanding smart networks have
been overcome by implementing a wolf pack hunting strategy to solve AGC crisis of the grid ­understudy51. Multi-
agent reinforcement learning-based scheme is applied for getting a smart control scheme in the power system
­network52. AGC issues in multi-area interlinked power systems are examined by applying a multi-step unified
reinforcement learning s­ cheme53. ­In54, the authors proposed a multiple-step greedy attribute and multiple-level
allocation strategy for solving AGC issues in the power system.
The author proposes a novel hybridized harmony search algorithm designed fuzzy-3D controller in imple-
menting LFC of a hybrid system that includes diverse energy sources i­ n55, the power management of wind / solar
integrated system is discussed with 3DOF-FOPID controller based on AI ­in56. Similarly, AGC of power generating
unit is analyzed by designing and applying modified sine cosine algorithm-based fuzzy-aided PID c­ ontroller57,
deep Q-network-based type-II fuzzy ­controller58, hybridized GWO-SCA based type-II fuzzy ­controller59,
improved-salp swarm optimized type-II fuzzy c­ ontroller60 in LFC of AC microgrid system. By analyzing the
above-published literature review, it is clearly shown that in recent days optimization techniques are mainly
used for solving electric power system-related crises. Mainly applied for finding optimal values of parameters
during emergencies. The main research gap in the literature is found that the previous work is not investigated
with different controllers and various optimization techniques. Moreover, the authors of the presented article
investigated the robustness of the suggested control techniques by changing load patterns and system parameters
from their nominal values.

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The key contributions provided by the authors of the proposed work are as follows:

1. Two modern optimization techniques namely, the Sine Cosine Inspired algorithm (SCIA) and Atom Search
Inspired Algorithm (ASIA) are employed to design optimal LFC-based Proportional-Integral-Derivative
(PID) and Fractional Order PID (FOPID) controllers with four different cost functions to obtain the most
optimal controller gain values of the suggested interconnected power system.
2. Robustness test is carried out to validate the efficiency of the suggested optimization framework and the
developed controllers by changing the load pattern and system parameter values from their nominal values.
3. A comprehensive comparative study of the applicable cost functions is synthesized to validate the efficiency
of four different cost functions-based (GA-PID, GWO-PID, ASIA-PID and SCIA – PID, ASIA-FOPID and
SCIA – FOPID) controllers response during sudden load demand in the proposed system.

The paper’s organization is as follows: The introduction section gives crucial details about the present work
and a literature review of various related works to resolve LFC/AGC crisis in multi-area connected power sys-
tems. The Proposed Simulink model that investigates the power generating system is given in the “Investigated
power system model” section. The transfer function model and controller details and the objective function is
given in “Design of controller and cost function”. Comparisons of the simulated response of PID and FOPID
controllers tuned using different algorithms and cost functions are compared and discussed in “Simulation result
and discussion” section and at the end; the “Conclusion” section summarizes the planned work’s performance
in tuning controller gain values.

Investigated power system model

The proposed interconnected three-area power generating system is displayed in Fig. 1. It consists of thermal,
hydro and wind power systems. That All three power-generating areas are organized with the support of a tie-
line and are implemented as a subordinate controller to regulate power-generating system performance at the
time of the unexpected load-changing scenario. Nominal parameter values of each proposed power-generating
network are dispatched i­ n12–14 and relevant abbreviations are given as follow:
f = 60 Hz, ­Tt = 0.3 s, ­Tg = 0.08 s, ­Ptie max = 200 MW, ­Tr = 10 s, ­Kp = 120 Hz/puMW, ­T12 = 0.544, H = 5 s, ­Tp = 20 s,
­Pr = 2000 MW, R = 2.4 Hz/p.u.MW, D = 0.00833 p.u.MW/Hz Density of air = 1.25 kg/m3, ­Tpt = 10.55 , Gear
ratio = 70 , Radius of turbine blade = 45 m, Average wind velocity = 7 m/s, K ­ pt = 0.012, H = 5 s, ­Ti = 3 s, ­Tp = 20 s,
­Kr = 0.5.
The secondary PID controller input is Area Control Error (ACE) and it is defined as a linear grouping of
errors in system frequency & errors in tie-line power flow changes. The output of the controller is u1, u2 and u3
control signals. The expression of the input signal is given in Eq. (1)–(3)12,13.

Figure 1.  Three area interconnected power generating system Transfer function model with PID controller.

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ACE1 = B1 f 1+ Ptie12 (1)

ACE2 = B2 f 2+ Ptie13 (2)

ACE3 = B3 f 3+ Ptie23 (3)

where ­ACE1, ­ACE2, ­ACE3 represent ACE in areas 1, 2 and 3. ­B1, ­B2 and ­B3 represent frequency bias constant
in areas 1, 2 and 3 correspondingly. ∆f is denoted as frequency deviation in areas 1,2 and 3 respectively. ∆Ptie
represents the deviation of power flow in the tie-line between connected power system areas 1 to 2, area 2 to 3
and area 3 to1.

Design of controller and cost function

PID controller. The PID controller output is the combination of proportional, integral, and derivative con-
trol ­actions61. The proportional controller takes care of and reduces the steady state error in system ­response62–65.
The integral controller reduces the settling time and the derivative controller is responsible for the stability of the
entire system at the time of ­emergencies66–69. This combination reduces the consequence of a disturbance and
shortens the time it takes for the frequency level to return to its set point in all critical s­ ituations70. Moreover, PID
is the most simple industrial controller for solving critical i­ ssues6,71–75.
PID controller configuration is shown in Fig. 2. It contains three controllers namely, proportional, integral
and derivative. The input of the secondary controller is area control error (ACE) and based on the error signal
it generates the required control signal ­(delPref) to power generating system for frequency regulation. Therefore,
the controller design with suitable gain values plays a vital part to achieve a healthier controller response during
sudden load d ­ emand13,15.

FOPID controller. The main modification between PID controller and FOPID controller is that the order of
the FOPID controller is not an integer o­ ne76–78. Based on this characteristic, it provides an extra degree of free-
dom for tuning controller gain values and its performance is superior compared to conventional PID controller.
Regarding the above characteristics of FOPID controller over conventional PID controller, it receives a consider-
able amount of attention over fast few years. Podlubny introduces the concept of FOPID controller ­in76,77. The
transfer function of FOPID controller is given as follows:
G(s)FOPID = Kp + + Kd Sµ (4)
The gain values of proportional, integral and derivative controllers are represented as ­Kp, ­Ki and K
­ d. λ, µ rep-
resents the order of integral (I) and derivative (D) controller, respectively. Figure 3 demonstrates the structure
of the proposed FOPID controller.
The dynamic response of the controller should provide quick relaxation time with minimal values of peak
over and undershoot during sudden load demand. From the literature review, it is undoubtedly evident that
many nature-inspired algorithms are presented to obtain optimal gain values of the controller. In this work,
SCIA and ASIA optimization techniques are proposed to optimize controller gain values with four dissimilar
cost functions and are compared with well-mature optimizers namely GA and GWO. The cost functions used
are ISE, IAE, ITAE and ITSE. To design the regulator, the cost function is initially defined based on the essential
description and constraint.
Expression for each cost function is given in Eq. (5)–(8)13–15.
Integral squared error

Figure 2.  Arrangement of PID controller.

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Figure 3.  Arrangement of FOPID controller.

J = ∫(�fi,j + �Ptie⇄⇄⇄ i,j )2 dt (5)

Integral time squared error

J = ∫ t.(�fi,j + �Ptie⇄⇄⇄ i,j )2 dt (6)

Integral absolute error


J = ∫ fi,j + Ptie⇄⇄⇄ i,j dt

Integral time absolute error


J = ∫,j + Ptie⇄⇄⇄ i,j dt

where J = performance index, t = simulation time, ∆f = frequency deviations, ∆Ptie = tie-line power deviations.

Meta‑heuristic optimization techniques (MOTs)

In AGC of the power system, area control error acts as the input for the controller to generate the required
control signal that complies with the desired output response during the sudden load disturbance in the system.
The simulation process ended after reaching maximum iteration and the system yield a better response at the
time of sudden load demand situations in the power system. Different MOTs have been developed and applied
in recent years to address numerous dynamic computational issues and provide solutions for LFC ­problems79.
Moreover, MOTs have better flexibility compared to conventional optimization methods and it deals with vari-
ous complex optimization problems effectively such as blade pitch control problem in wind energy fi ­ eld71,80–84,
maximum power point tracking in photovoltaic-based energy fi ­ eld85–95 and energy management schemes in
renewable energy-based electrical power s­ ystems96–100.
Despite MOTs being utilized in various applications. However, there is no single MOT that can solve all
optimization ­problems24,25. A population-based meta-heuristic approach, which is the actual GWO value, is
suggested ­in101. It can be successfully extended to many functional implementations due to the GWO algorithm’s
simplicity, consistency, and ­efficiency101. Many improvements have subsequently been made to the original GWO
algorithm. These modifications, however, use binary or decimal encoders to place the GW; information on the
individual genes is also minimal. The simple GWO, therefore has recently been suggested as a modern MOT to
solve numerous optimization p ­ roblems102,103.
In the proposed research work, GWO technique is developed to obtain optimal controller gain values in
LFC of a multi-area power-generating system network. GWO technique is used to solve nonconvex engineering
optimization problems. In nature, it replicates the social stratum and chasing system of grey wolves. The grey
wolves are split into four primary levels. Leaders are the first-level wolves and their duty is decision-making.
Decisions or other actions are made by the second-tier wolves. Scouts, sentinels, elders, hunters, and caretakers
are the third-level wolves who perform orders but can direct other underlying entities and their duties. In all the
wolves, in the fourth stage wolves act as an executor.
Optimized gain values are collected by applying four types of cost functions which are IAE, ITAE, ISE and
ITSE. The performance of GWO-PID controller is verified by comparing it against GA-PID controller’s perfor-
mance based on the same ­system18. The details of the proposed algorithm and optimized gain values are given
in the following section.

Grey Wolf optimization. The Grey Wolf Optimization technique is a most recently developed MOTs based
on the hunting behavior and leadership hierarchy nature of grey wolves. GWO is the freshest metaheuristics

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swarm intelligence computational method. Due to its attractive characteristics over other swarm computational
intelligence techniques. In addition, it is simple to use, more flexible and scalable. Due to these reasons, GWO
has nowadays gained an enormous research interest with tremendous listeners from numerous domains in engi-
neering. There are a greater number of factors considered at the time of developing a genetic algorithm for
optimization. Many normal parameters value can be customized to affect the performance. Such as variable
specification, tight variable bounds, weighting strategies and constraints. which may slow down the optimiza-
tion process.
The major role of MOT algorithms is to find global optima while avoiding being stuck in local optima. The
proposed GWO technique is robust, simple and it has been developed to solve various complex optimization
­issues101–103. In GWO technique, the group of grey wolves is classified into four different groups such as alpha
(α), beta (β), omega (ω) and delta (δ).
The hunting manners are divided into the following three steps:
Step 1: Tracking, Hurtling and approaching the prey.
Step 2: Surrounding and distressing prey till it stops moving.
Step 3: Aggressive prey.
The surrounding behavior is represented by the following mathematical e­ xpression101:

→ − →− → −
D =  C .XP (t) − X (t) (9)

→ −
→ −
→− →
X (t + 1) = X p (t) − A . D (10)

→ −

In these above equations XP—indicates the prey position vector,— X signifies the grey wolf position vector,

→ −

A and C vectors are coefficients and t represents the current iteration.

A = 2−
→ r 1−−
a .−
→ →
a (11)

C = 2.−

r2 (12)

→α Value decreases linearly from 2 to 0 during iteration and r­ 1, and r­ 2 indicate the random numbers which
lie in the range of 0 to 1. During the optimization process, values of ω wolves revise their positions around α, β
and δ. Based on these values,ω wolves are repositioned.
The updated mathematical models of wolves’ positions are determined as per the ­following20–22:

→ −→ −→ −
D α =  C 1. X α − X  (13)

→ −→ − → −
D β =  C 2. X β − X  (14)

→ −→ − → −
D δ =  C 3. X δ − X  (15)

→ −
→ −
→ − →
X 1 = X α − A 1. D α (16)

→ −
→ −
→ − →
X 2 = X β − A 2. D β (17)

→ −
→ −
→ − →
X 3 = X δ − A 3. D δ (18)

→ −
→ −

→ X1+ X2+ X3
X (t + 1) = (19)

→ − → − → −
→− →− → −
→ − → − →
where→Xα, Xβ , Xδ are signifies the position of the, β, and δ respectively, C1, C2, C3 and A1, A2, A3 represent vec-

tors,(X) indicates the current solution position and the number of iterations is represented by (t). Then, based
on the position’s

→ values of α, β and δ the ω wolves update
→ their positions regularly.

The A which represents the random vector and C which represents the adaptive vector used to assist the
algorithm with the local optimization value (prey). The half of iterations are committed to investigation, if |A > 1|,
the value of A is decreased from A > 1 over the course of the iteration. The value of C is in the iteration value
range of 2 to 0. When the value of C is greater than 1, the vector C starts exploration. In between, the remaining
other half of the iterations are dedicated to exploitation when |A|< 1 exists. When the condition C < 1 occurs,
exploitation is c­ onfirmed101,102.
The steps followed by GWO algorithm during PID controller gain value optimization are as f­ ollows102–104.
Step 1: Start the process.
Step 2: Initialize GWO population.
Step 3: Calculate the fitness function of each search agent.
Step 4: Update the position of the current agent a, A and C.

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Step 5: All search agents’ fitness is calculated.

Step 6: Check if the satisfied condition is reached or not.
Step 7: Go to Step 4 if, No and repeat.
Step 8: Display optimal PID gain values, if Yes.
Step 9: Stop.

Sine cosine inspired algorithm. Mirjalili104 developed a sine cosine-inspired algorithm based on the sine
cosine laws. The random solutions are generated automatically in the first population (controller gain values in
the form of a variable vector) by the software. The best locations are defined based on the fitness function with
the help of search agents for the minimization of area control error. With the support of this new position P is
obtained by assessing the entire population in search agent.
The mathematical modeling of SCIA technique is developed based on search agent ­updating104, as depicted
in the below Eq. (20).

 Xit − (R1 sin(2πR2 )�2R3 Pit − Xit �k ≤ 0.5
� �
Xi = (20)
 t
Xi − (R1 cos(2πR2 )�2R3 Pit − Xit �k > 0.5
� �

In the above equation k,R2 & R3 are randomly generated random values, in addition R1 is calculated with the
support of Eq. (21).
R1 = S − t (21)
In the above t and tmax is pointing out the iterations number and maximum value, whereas S represents
constant value.
Figure 4 denotes SCIA technique and its methodology that depends on a circular pattern. In that center of
the circle, it is denoted that the best solution and remaining feasible solutions are available outside. The limita-
tions and constraints for operations are represented in the border of the circle. The variable vector upper and
lower limits are denoted in the borders of each segment. In addition, two sub-areas are divided and assumed to
discover potential areas of Xi solutions.
The motion direction of X_i^ ( P position is outward when R_1 value < 1 and inward when R_1 is > 1) is
defined using control factor R1. Based on the R1 and R2 values the inward and outward movements of Xi are
determined within the range of 0 to" 2π". Within those probabilistic weights, P is defined using R3. Also switching
factor k between two parts (sine and cosine) is determined randomly as per Eq. (20) and the random number
Ki is (0:1).
At the time of Xi movement, the boundaries are defined in the range of [-1, + 1] to achieve Pbest position
and each search space exploited by the algorithm. The search space is exploited using Pbest position. The steps
involved in SCIA methodology are clearly shown in the below flow chart Fig. 5.

Atom search inspired algorithm. Based on the behavior of atomic dynamics, the atom search-inspired
algorithm (ASIA) is developed in 2018 by Zhao et al.105. ASIA is developed to mimic the atomic motion model
because it follows certain molecular mechanics standards. In the atmosphere, all substances include atoms.
Atoms are bounded by bonds (covalent) and transformed into molecules. There are two types of forces gener-
ated within the atom, such as attractive and repulsive forces. The interactions and forces are developed because
of the gap between atoms. Whenever the gap between atoms decreases equally repulsive force increases between
them. The frequency of atoms increases when the gap between atoms ­increases105–108. By using the constraint
force (CF), the flow of motion of the atom is controlled and with the support of interactive forces (IF), the
motion action is induced in atoms. The value of acceleration is calculated by applying the second law of Newton
and it is given by:
αi = (Fi + Gi )/mi (22)

Figure 4.  SCIA Searching sub-areas.

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Figure 5.  SCIA Optimization Algorithm.

In the above equation αi signifies the acceleration of ith atom, Fi printouts the interaction force, Gi indicates
constraint force and mi represents the mass of the ith atom. The motion of the atom due to forces is shown in
Fig. 6108.
­ y105–108:
The velocity and position of ith atom at (t + 1) iteration are given b

Velocity i d(t+1) = rand d Velocity i d(t+1) + Ai d(t) (23)

atomi d(t+1) = atomi d(t) + velocity i d(t+1) (24)

The enhancement of exploration and exploitation at the time of the initial and final process of iterations had
been validated by the authors o­ f105–108.
The tuning of the controller gain values by applying ASIA techniques follows the following phases:
Phase 1: Start.
Phase 2: Initialize atoms’ position and velocity.
Phase 3: Check criterion is reached or not. If yes go to phase 9. Otherwise, go to the next phase.
Phase 4: Calculate atoms fitness and best atom.
Phase 5: Calculate the mass of the atom.

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Figure 6.  The motion of the atom due to CF and IF.

Phase 6: Find K neighbors for each atom.

Phase 7: Calculate the force (interaction and constraint).
Phase 8: Update the position of the atom.
Phase 9: Update the velocity of the atom.
Phase 10: Return to the best atom.
Phase 11: Stop.
Figure 7 shows the convergence curves for applying the optimization methodologies ASIA, SCIA, and GWO
in addition to GA with the pre-specified constraints on the interconnected power system using ITSE cost func-
tion. From this figure, it is noted that for the same number of iterations (300) and the same number of search
agents (100), ASIA converges faster than SCIA, GWO and GA methodologies in terms of minimum iterations
number and low computation time. Moreover, ASIA needs only 33 iterations, whereas SCIA, GWO and GA
require 41, 57 and 137 iterations to reach the optimal objective function value, respectively.
By applying ASIA technique, the controller gain values are optimized and the respective gain values are listed
in Tables 4 and 6. The GA-PID, GWO-PID, ASIA-PID and SCIA-PID controllers with various objective func-
tions are dispatched in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4. The gain parameters of ASIA-FOPID and SCIA-FOPID controllers
are given in Tables 5 and 6.

Simulation result and discussion

The model (Simulink) of the proposed power-generating network is designed and demonstrated by using MAT-
LAB/SIMULINK environment by considering PID and FOPID controllers as secondary controllers. The PID
controller’s gain values are optimized using SCIA, ASIA, GWO and GA algorithms with four different cost func-
tions by considering 1% sudden load pattern (SLP) in area 1 is given in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4. Similarly, FOPID
controller parameters (gain values) are optimized by applying SCIA, ASIA technique with four dissimilar cost
functions. The simulation results are compared and evaluated in the following sections:

Analysis of GA‑based PID controller behavior. Figure 8 illustrates the response of area 1 (thermal)
frequency deviations by considering GA-optimized gain values with four different cost functions. Based on the
comparison, it is undeniably observed that compared to other cost features, the PID controller with ISE provides
a quicker settled response.

Figure 7.  convergence curves of the applied optimization techniques for ITSE cost function.

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 9


Cost function/controller gain IAE ISE ITAE ITSE
Kp1 − 1.2077 − 0.3623 − 1.2639 − 0.6528
Ki1 − 0.1296 − 0.4369 − 0.2782 − 0.3828
Kd1 − 1.4253 − 1.0438 − 1.5719 − 1.6603
Kp2 − 0.8588 − 0.9991 − 1.6123 − 1.98
Ki2 − 0.3143 − 0.4292 − 0.3633 − 0.2841
Kd2 − 0.9982 − 1.0593 − 0.5691 − 0.0228
Kp3 − 0.5880 − 1.3855 − 1.0372 − 0.9267
Ki3 − 0.1848 − 0.0082 − 0.2240 − 0.1681
Kd3 − 0.8567 − 0.4770 − 0.5023 − 1.2302
Settling time (s) 153.1791 113.9218 130.1834 132.6339

Table 1.  Parameters of PID controller by applying GA method with various cost functions. Significant values
are in [bold].

Cost function/controller gain IAE ISE ITAE ITSE
Kp1 − 0.5074 − 1.6995 − 0.8044 − 0.8177
Ki1 − 0.0104 − 0.2139 − 0.1068 − 0.3081
Kd1 − 1.3125 − 1.7371 − 1.9677 − 0.2504
Kp2 − 1.1145 − 1.5442 − 1.9083 − 0.9705
Ki2 − 0.2475 − 0.2365 − 0.2388 − 0.1893
Kd2 − 1.7634 − 0.0026 − 1.5031 − 0.7088
Kp3 − 0.0551 − 1.5897 − 0.8096 − 1.2603
Ki3 − 0.0835 − 0.0775 − 0.2898 − 0.0676
Kd3 − 1.5751 − 0.6098 − 1.3102 − 0.9499
Settling time (s) 155.2114 133.7831 295.4874 83.7516

Table 2.  Parameters of PID controller by applying GWO method with various cost functions. Significant
values are in [bold].

Cost function/controller gain IAE ISE ITAE ITSE
Kp1 1.97 1.58 1.80 1.48
Ki1 0.42 0.19 0.48 0.45
Kd1 1.33 0.52 0.87 0.96
Kp2 1.29 1.28 0.37 0.95
Ki2 0.23 0.40 0.27 0.38
Kd2 1.88 1.48 1.55 1.43
Kp3 1.49 1.21 0.44 0.09
Ki3 0.08 0.08 0.03 0.03
Kd3 1.68 0.58 0.48 1.26
Settling time (s) 45.6 35.1 42.6 48.4

Table 3.  Parameters of PID controller by applying SCIA method with various cost functions. Significant
values are in [bold].

Further investigation shows that ISE cost function with GA-tuned controller response settles faster com-
pared to other cost functions. The system responses are yields minimum damping oscillation during sudden
load demand.
Figure 9 shows a relaxation time comparison. It is noted that the GA-PID controller response based on ISE
settles faster compared to the GA-PID controller response based on other cost functions.
Table 7 represents the percentage of improvement of ISE-based GA-PID controller over IAE, ITAE and ITSE-
based GA-PID controller at the time unexpected load demand conditions.

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 10


Cost function/controller gain IAE ISE ITAE ITSE
Kp1 0.95 1.40 1.70 1.34
Ki1 0.22 0.18 0.35 0.23
Kd1 1.02 0.48 0.55 1.24
Kp2 1.96 0.70 0.13 1.94
Ki2 0.34 0.45 0.17 0.06
Kd2 0.42 0.80 0.82 0.36
Kp3 0.51 0.16 0.25 0.40
Ki3 0.04 0.01 0.10 0.02
Kd3 1.59 0.28 0.89 1.72
Settling time (s) 65.1 64.1 42.8 30.31

Table 4.  Parameters of PID controller by applying ASIA method with various cost functions. Significant
values are in [bold].

Cost function/controller gain IAE ISE ITAE ITSE
Kp1 0.25 1.85 0.64 0.31
Ki1 0.21 0.48 0.47 0.10
Kd1 0.36 0.46 1.81 0.60
λ1 0.90 0.78 0.77 0.95
μ1 0.68 0.92 0.86 0.85
Kp2 0.19 0.16 0.58 0.53
Ki2 0.17 0.04 0.49 0.04
Kd2 0.21 0.29 1.23 0.05
Λ2 0.75 0.45 0.82 0.63
μ2 0.23 0.63 0.92 0.63
Kp3 0.87 0.13 0.19 0.72
Ki3 0.06 0.18 0.49 0.33
Kd3 1.79 1.28 1.96 0.16
λ3 0.40 0.54 0.41 0.36
μ3 0.42 0.77 0.70 0.30
Settling time (s) 25.69 24.78 25.30 25.05

Table 5.  Optimized gain values of FOPID controller by utilizing SCIA method with various cost functions.
Significant values are in [bold].

Based on the values tabulated in Table 7, it is evident that ISE constructed GA-PID controller improves system
performance during emergency load demand conditions.

Analysis of GWO‑tuned PID controller behavior. Figure 10 represents the deviations in frequency by
considering GWO algorithm-tuned PID controller with four cost functions. Based on the results, it is detected
that ISE—GWO-PID controller provides a fast response and settles with lesser peak overshoot and undershoot
value compared to ITSE, IAE, and ITAE-based PID controllers.
Figure 11 displays the relaxation time comparison plot and it is apparent that the ITSE-based GWO-PID
controller response settles faster than the ISE, IAE, and ITAE-PID-based controllers’ response.
Table 8 provides a performance analysis of ITSE cost function tuned GWO-PID controller over the other
three cost functions (ISE. IAE, ITAE) based GWO-PID controller response during unexpected load variation in
the grid-connected power system. The values tabulated in Table 8 justify that ITSE-based GWO-PID controller
gives superior results over ISE, IAE, ITAE based controllers.

Analysis of SCIA‑tuned PID and FOPID controller behavior. The behavior of SCIA technique tuned
PID and FOPID controller is analyzed in this section under 1% SLP in area 1 with four different cost functions.
Analyzing the response comparisons in Fig. 12 and bar chart comparisons in Fig. 13 effectively depicted that
ISE cost function utilized SCIA technique tuned controller provides better controller performance compared to
additional cost functions (IAE, ITSE and ITAE). Moreover, Table 9 validate the Percentage of improvement of
ISE-based SCIA-PID controller over other cost functions.

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 11


Cost function/controller gain IAE ISE ITAE ITSE
Kp1 1.28 0.52 1.39 1.34
Ki1 0.09 0.39 0.25 0.26
Kd1 1.98 0.15 0.62 0.74
λ1 0.94 0.8 0.94 0.83
μ1 1 0.84 0.63 0.73
Kp2 1.61 1.72 1.43 0.64
Ki2 0.04 0.31 0.32 0.38
Kd2 1.34 1.95 1.14 0.23
Λ2 0.95 0.1 0.95 0.99
μ2 0.39 0.48 0.11 0.82
Kp3 0.17 1.3 0.8 1.49
Ki3 0.3 0.38 0.13 0.11
Kd3 0.07 1.05 0.83 1.27
λ3 0.2 0.45 0.36 0.03
μ3 0.39 0.13 0.54 0.57
Settling time (s) 28.1 26.98 27.59 25.12

Table 6.  Optimized gain values of FOPID controller by utilizing ASIA method with various cost functions.
Significant values are in [bold].

Figure 8.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA PID controller response with dissimilar cost

Figure 9.  Settling time comparisons for GA PID controller with dissimilar cost functions.

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 12


Cost function Relaxation time (s) Percentage of improvement (%)

IAE 153.8 25.93
ITAE 130.18 12.49
ITSE 132.63 14.11

Table 7.  Percentage of improvement of ISE-based GA-PID controller over other cost functions.

Figure 10.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GWO-tuned PID controller response with different cost

Figure 11.  Settling time comparisons for GWO-PID (IAE, ISE, ITAE & ITSE) controller.

Cost function Relaxation time (s) Percentage of improvement (%)

IAE 155.2 46.01
ISE 133.8 37.37
ITAE 295.5 71.64

Table 8.  Enhancement of ITSE-based GWO-PID controller over other cost functions.

The different functions created FOPID controller behavior in Fig. 14 and numerical values comparisons in
bar chart Fig. 15 proved that ISE cost functions based FOPID controller get a more superior response over the
other cost functions utilized controller response. Also, the improvement of ISE cost function-based response in
terms of settling time is given in Table 10.

Analysis of ASIA‑tuned PID and FOPID controller behavior. ASIA optimization technique is applied
to tune the gain values of PID and FOPID controllers in frequency regulation of interconnected power systems

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 13





defF1 in Hz

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 12.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of SCIA-tuned PID controller response with different cost
Seling Time in seconds

60 48.4
45.6 42.6


Cost Funcon

Figure 13.  Settling time comparisons for SCIA-tuned PID controller with different cost functions.

Cost function Relaxation time (s) Percentage of improvement (%)

IAE 45.6 23.03
ITAE 42.6 17.61
ITSE 48.4 27.48

Table 9.  Percentage of improvement of ISE-based SCIA-PID controller over other cost functions.

with four different cost functions. The response comparisons of ASIA technique-tuned PID and FOPID control-
lers are investigated in this section.
The response assessments in Fig. 16 effectively show that ITSE-based ASIA PID controller provides more
enhanced response remaining functions (cost) employing minimal settling time. Also, respective numerical
values of improvement for ITSE-based ASIA-FOPID controller over other functions are highlighted in Fig. 17
and tabulated in Table 11.
The response comparisons of ASIA technique-tuned FOPID controller response with different cost func-
tion in area 1 is shown in Fig. 18. The numerical values of settling with different cost bar chart comparisons are
shown in Fig. 19.
By examining the response comparisons in Fig. 18 and bar chart comparisons in Fig. 19, ITSE cost function-
based ASIA FOPID controller provides better controller action over IAE, IAE and ITAE functions-based ASIA
FOPID controller. Also, the system performance is improved using ITSE cost function-based ASIA FOPID
controller by achieving minimal settling time during sudden load demand. Moreover, Table 12 validate the
Percentage of improvement of ITSE-based SCIA-PID controller over other cost functions.

Analysis of the proposed controllers’ robustness by changing system parameters and load pat-
tern. In this section, the robustness of the suggested optimization techniques and controllers are examined by

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 14






defF1 in Hz



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 14.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of SCIA-tuned FOPID controller response with different
cost functions.

Seling Time in seconds

25.5 25.05


Cost Funcon

Figure 15.  Settling time comparisons for SCIA-tuned FOPID controller with different cost functions.

Cost function Relaxation time (s) Percentage of improvement (%)

IAE 25.69 3.54
ITAE 25.3 2.06
ITSE 25.05 1.08

Table 10.  Percentage of improvement of ISE-based SCIA-FOPID controller over other cost functions.

changing system parameters ± 25% and ± 50% from its nominal value and the load pattern change by 1%, 2%, 5%
and 10%. The details are given in the following two sub-sections.
1. System parameter change
In this section governor and turbine time constants are changed from their nominal value. The behavior
comparisons are given in Figs. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27.
Figures 20, 21, 22, and 23 show response comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA and SCIA techniques tuned con-
troller performance when turbine time constant changes from its nominal value. It is effectively indicating that
the proposed optimization techniques are efficient under system parameter change scenarios.
Figures 24, 25, 26, and 27 show the response (are 1 frequency deviations) comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA
and SCIA techniques tuned PID controller performance when governor time constant values change in the
analyzed power system.
The performance comparisons of ASIA and SCIA techniques tuned FOPID controller subjected to turbine
and governor time constant values change ± 25% and ± 50% from its nominal values are given in Fig. 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, and 35.
Based on the above robustness test analysis (Figs. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
and 35), it is found that the analyzed optimization techniques (GA, GWO, ASIA and SCIA) and controller

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 15





defF1 in Hz


-0.015 ASIA-ISE - PID
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 16.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of ASIA-tuned PID controller response with different cost

Seling Time in seconds

80 64.1

60 42.8 30.31


Cost Funcon

Figure 17.  Settling time comparisons for ASIA-tuned PID controller with different cost functions.

Cost function Relaxation time (s) Percentage of improvement (%)

IAE 65.1 53.44
ISE 64.1 52.71
ITAE 42.8 29.18

Table 11.  Percentage of improvement of ISE-based GA-PID controller over other cost functions.

(PID and FOPID) provide better control action when system parameter changes occur from its nominal value
(± 25%, ± 50%). In this analysis turbine and governor time constants variations are considered for investigations.
2. Changing load pattern
The effectiveness of both proposed optimization techniques and controllers is examined by applying different
load patterns for both PID and FOPID controllers. The performance comparisons are depicted in Figures 36,
37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43. The response of the system equipped with PID controller tuned by the suggested
optimization techniques subjected to different load patterns is elaborated in figures 36, 37, 38, and 39.
Figures 40, 41, 42, and 43 indicate the response comparisons of ASIA and SCIA techniques-based FOPID
controllers under different loading patterns (1%, 2%, 5% and 10%).
The main observation of the above robustness analysis (Figs. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43) originates that
the analyzed ASIA and SCIA optimization techniques based on FOPID controllers provide better control action
under different load patterns situations. In this analysis, the suggested well tunned FOPID controllers provide
and yield better controller action in the investigated system.

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 16






defF1 in Hz



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 18.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of ASIA-tuned FOPID controller response with different
cost functions.

Seling Time in seconds

29 27.59
28 26.98
Cost Funcon

Figure 19.  Settling time comparisons for ASIA-tuned FOPID controller with different cost functions.

Cost function Relaxation time (s) Percentage of improvement (%)

IAE 28.1 10.60
ISE 26.98 6.89
ITAE 27.59 8.95

Table 12.  Percentage of improvement of ITSE-based ASIA-FOPID controller over other cost functions.

In this work, PID and FOPID controllers have been projected as secondary controllers for three area thermal-
hydro-wind interconnected power generating systems. The optimized gain values of PID controller are obtained
by implementing GA, GWO, SCIA and ASIA methods with four types of cost functions namely, IAE, ITAE, ISE
and ITSE.
Based on the simulation results, it is observed that ITSE cost function gives a fast settled response in GWO-
PID controller response and it improves the performance of the system by 46.01%, 37.37% and 71.64% over IAE,
ISE and ITAE cost functions based GWO-PID controllers, respectively.
Similarly, ISE-based GA-PID controller performance yields superior performance compared to other cost
functions tuned controllers by 25.93%, 12.49% and 14.11% over IAE, ITAE and ITSE-based GA-PID controller
performance, respectively.
The simulation results depict that ITSE cost function based ASIA optimized controller (PID) yields better
performance over the remaining cost functions employing better time domain parameters and also it improves
the response of the system by 53.44%, 52.71% and 29.18% over IAE, ISE and ITAE cost functions-based con-
trollers, respectively. Moreover, ITSE-based ASIA-FOPID controller provides superior response over other cost
functions (10.60%, 6.89% and 8.95% over IAE, ISE and ITAE).

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 17




delF1 in Hz

GA tuned PID
GWO tuned PID
-0.02 ASIA tuned PID
SCIA tuned PID

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 20.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA, SCIA tuned PID controller response
with turbine time constant changes (− 25%) from its nominal value.


delF1 in Hz


GA tuned PID
GWO tuned PID
-0.02 ASIA tuned PID
SCIA tuned PID

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 21.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA, SCIA tuned PID controller response
with turbine time constant changes (− 50%) from its nominal value.


delF1 in Hz


GA tuned PID
-0.02 GWO tuned PID
ASIA tuned PID
SCIA tuned PID

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 22.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA, SCIA tuned PID controller response
with turbine time constant changes (+ 25%) from its nominal value.

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 18




delF1 in Hz

GA tuned PID
GWO tuned PID
ASIA tuned PID
SCIA tuned PID

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 23.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA, SCIA tuned PID controller response
with turbine time constant changes (+ 50%) from its nominal value.


delF1 in Hz


GA tuned PID
-0.02 GWO tuned PID
ASIA tuned PID
SCIA tuned PID

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 24.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA, SCIA tuned PID controller response
with governor time constant changes (− 25%) from its nominal value.


delF1 in Hz


GA tuned PID
-0.02 GWO tuned PID
ASIA tuned PID
SCIA tuned PID

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 25.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA, SCIA tuned PID controller response
with governor time constant changes (− 50%) from its nominal value.

Likewise, the different cost functions-based SCIA technique tuned PID controller behavior demonstrates
that ISE cost function-based SCIA-PID controller is superior to other cost functions based controllers (23.03%,
17.61% and 27.48% over IAE, ITAE and ITSE). Correspondingly, ISE cost function-based FOPID controller
tuned by SCIA provides better control action over the remaining cost functions-based controller response (3.54%,
2.06% and 1.08% over IAE, ITSE and ITAE).
This proposed article indicates that the proposed ISE cost function-based GA- PID, SCIA – PID and FOPID
controllers in addition to ITSE-based GWO-PID, ASIA-PID and FOPID controllers outperformed well than
other cost functions based controllers for multi-area interlinked power system with renewable power plant even
in the case of system parameters change and different loading conditions.

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 19




delF1 in Hz

GA tuned PID
GWO tuned PID
ASIA tuned PID
SCIA tuned PID

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 26.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA, SCIA tuned PID controller response
with governor time constant changes (+ 25%) from its nominal value.


delF1 in Hz


GA tuned PID
GWO tuned PID
ASIA tuned PID
SCIA tuned PID

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 27.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA, SCIA tuned PID controller response
with governor time constant changes (+ 50%) from its nominal value.


delF1 in Hz




0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 28.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of ASIA, SCIA tuned FOPID controller response with
governor time constant changes (− 25%) from its nominal value.

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 20




delF1 in Hz



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 29.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of ASIA, SCIA tuned FOPID controller response with
governor time constant changes (− 50%) from its nominal value.


delF1 in Hz




0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 30.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons ASIA, SCIA tuned FOPID controller response with
governor time constant changes (+ 25%) from its nominal value.


delF1 in Hz




0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 31.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of ASIA, SCIA tuned FOPID controller response with
governor time constant changes (+ 50%) from its nominal value.

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 21




delF1 in Hz



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 32.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of ASIA, SCIA tuned FOPID controller response with
turbine time constant changes (− 25%) from its nominal value.


delF1 in Hz




0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 33.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of ASIA, SCIA tuned FOPID controller response with
turbine time constant changes (− 50%) from its nominal value.


delF1 in Hz



-0.020 ASIA tuned FOPID


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 34.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons ASIA, SCIA tuned FOPID controller response with
turbine time constant changes (+ 25%) from its nominal value.

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 22




delF1 in Hz



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 35.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of ASIA, SCIA tuned FOPID controller response with
turbine time constant changes (+ 50%) from its nominal value.



delF1 in Hz


GA tuned PID
-0.02 GWO tuned PID
ASIA tuned PID
SCIA tuned PID

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 36.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA, SCIA tuned PID controller response
with 1% SLP.




delF1 in Hz



GA tuned PID
-0.04 GWO tuned PID
ASIA tuned PID
-0.05 SCIA tuned PID

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 37.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA, SCIA tuned PID controller response
with 2% SLP.

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delF1 in Hz



-0.08 GA tuned PID

GWO tuned PID
-0.10 ASIA tuned PID
SCIA tuned PID

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 38.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA, SCIA tuned PID controller response
with 5% SLP.




delF1 in Hz




-0.16 GA tuned PID

GWO tuned PID
-0.20 ASIA tuned PID
SCIA tuned PID

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 39.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of GA, GWO, ASIA, SCIA tuned PID controller response
with 10% SLP.



delF1 in Hz


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 40.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of ASIA, SCIA tuned FOPID controller response with 1%

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 24




delF1 in Hz

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 41.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of ASIA, SCIA tuned FOPID controller response with 2%


delF1 in Hz



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 42.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of ASIA, SCIA tuned FOPID controller response with 5%


delF1 in Hz


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in sec

Figure 43.  Area 1 Frequency deviation comparisons of ASIA, SCIA tuned FOPID controller response with 10%

Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:14084 | 25


Data availability
The authors would like to confirm that all data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this
published article.

Received: 26 September 2022; Accepted: 21 August 2023

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ing the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (c) approval of the final version.

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