CV Terbaru - Tania Zahra Wahyu Salsabila - UNS 2

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Tania Zahra Wahyu Salsabila

Jakarta, Indonesia 13610 | | 085591201642

| [email protected]


I am an undergraduate communication student (periode semester 8) at

Sebelas Maret University. I'm a social media and content enthusiast. I
have several work experiences that recquire communication skills (verbal
& non-verbal), such as news writer, content creator, content writer,
public relations.


Humas Indonesia
Social Media (November 2023 - November 2023)

One of the 10 volunteers who were trusted to be part of the success of the Anugerah Humas Indonesia
(AHI) 2023 event. During these 3 days , I was in charge of handling and editing content for Humas
Indonesia’s Instagram account.

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR RI) x Kampus Merdeka

(August 2022 - December 2022)
Parliament Trainee

The Internship Program at the People's House 2022 aims to understand the duties and functions of
the DPR RI, furthermore students are expected to have a valuable opportunity to see and be
involved in the implementation of the three functions of the DPR RI, namely legislation, budgeting
and supervision.

Humas Sektretariat Jenderal Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR RI)

(November 2022 - December 2022)
Social Media Strategist (TikTok Division)

Editing and planning content for social media Humas DPR RI especially TikTok (@edukasiparlemen).
Make a report on the progress of the account and the content that has been uploaded on social
media public relations DPR RI.
Became a moderator in several DPR RI public relations activities.
Create a creative workshop event.
arrange the continuation of the public visit to the DPR RI.

G20 Parliamentary Speakers' Summit (P20)

(October 2022 - October 2022)
Personal In Charge (PIC) Billateral Meetings International on Parliamentary 20.
Set the schedule of bilateral meetings between countries.
Ensure that the room is tidy according to the request of the delegation.

Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi (HIMAKOM) UNS

Head Of Creative Writer (January 2022 - December 2022)
Leading many content for Himakom UNS platform such as Youtube, Instagram, Website, Twitter.
Staff Of media and creation division (January 2021 - December 2021)
Planning and creating content for Himakom UNS platform such as Youtube, Instagram, Website,
Writing an news article that are going viral, every month and upload them on the website.
Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus bagi Mahasiswa (May 2022 - July 2022)
Steering Committee
Make a PKKMB FISIP UNS event.
Manage Instagram @pkkmbsipuns.
Java Festival Production (May 2022 - May 2022)
Staff Promotion and Media Handling Java Jazz Festival 2022

Help run the Java Jazz Festival 2022 press conference.

Conducted interviews with several guest stars who lled event java jazz festival 2022.
Directing the audience of the java jazz festival regarding the information about the event.
Make reports and evaluate the running of the event. (October 2021 - December 2021)

Staff Of Tiktok Creator
Created content for Tiktok account
Managed and analysis Tiktok account
Make an evaluation of the tiktok account.

Malam Koneksi
(August 2021 - October 2021)
Staff Of Media Publication
Created TikTok and Instagram Content.
Managed Social Media of Malam Koneksi.
Created a caption for sounding the event and instagram post.

University of Sebelas Maret (September 2020 - July 2023)
Bachelors of Communication Science 3.74/4.00

Public Speaking
Copy Writer
Content Writer
Content Creator
Presentation (Presenting-Layouting)


MS Word
MS Excel
Google Docs
Miscrosoft Power Point

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