GN Times Newsletter

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Bi-Annual Newsletter

VOL-3 ISSUE-2: 2022

...Redefining Management Education

Chief Patron
Shri B. L. Gupta
(Chairman-GN Group of Institutes)

Ms. Sakshi Gupta
(Member Management-GN Group of Institutes)

Editor in Chief
Prof. (Dr.) Pankaj Kumar
Editorial Board
Prof. Deepshikha Sharma
Prof. (Dr.) Prachee Mittal Tandon
Prof. Vikas Nehra

Advisory Team
Prof. (Dr.) Sharad Chandra Agarwal
Prof. (Dr.) S.K.Sharma
Dr. Ruchi Jain
Prof. (Dr.) Bhawna Singh
Prof. Ankita Shukla

Student Coordinators
Vibhor Sharma (MBA 2nd Year)
Shailesh Kumar(MBA 1st Year)

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Message from Chief Patron

I believe that GN Times will serve as a window through which

the complete co-curricular activities, achievements and progress
made during the stipulated period can be viewed.
We at GNIT College of Management are committed to creating
an ambience for nurturing innovation, creativity and excellence
in our students. We aim to prepare the young professionals to
confidently and competently face the challenges of intensifying
competition by imparting high quality technical and managerial
education coupled with appropriate training and wide exposure
to the state-of-art practices. Our educational programs lay
emphasis on all round personality development and also in
inculcating human values and professional ethics which help
our students become more humane and socially alive to lead
a meaningful life.Best wishes for the success of “GN Times”.

Bishan Lal Gupta

(Chairman-GN Group of Institutes)

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Message from Patron

It is a matter of great pride and satisfaction for GNIT College of

Management to bring out its Newsletter “GN Times”. I am
confident that this issue will send a positive signal to the staff,
students and the aspirants who are interested in the professional
program at GNIT College of Management campus. A newsletter is
like a mirror which reflects the clear picture of all sorts of activities
undertaken by various Departments and develops writing skills
among students in particular and teaching faculty in general. I
congratulate the GN Times Team who have played wonderful role
in accomplishing this task.With Best Wishes.

Sakshi Gupta
(Member Management-GN Group of Institutes)

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Message from Group Director

I am delighted to bring greetings in this issue of GN Times. I want to

start by acknowledging the great team of professionals in our Group
of Institutions who are making a difference in the lives of our
students in the pursuit of excellence. I heartily congratulate the
GNIT College of Management team for coming up with this vibrant
newsletter-GN Times. I am extremely gratified that GNIT College
of Management is growing by leaps and bounds and is well
recognized for its high standards of education in the country. GNIT
College of Management is committed to provide a nurturing and
inspiring education for our valued students.

Prof. (Dr.) Sharad Chandra Agarwal

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Message from Editor in Chief

I am hopeful that this small piece of work shall not only develop the
taste for reading among students but also develop a sense of
belongingness to the institution as well.
GN Times captures the spirit of the student life at GNIT. This issue is
a toast to all the opportunities that the students got to learn from
domain experts and various academic and cultural activities that
were hosted in the campus. I thank the entire team of GNIT College
of Management for putting in their best efforts and bringing this
edition of GN Times.

GN Times will keep you connected with GNIT College of

Management ….

Prof. (Dr.) Pankaj Kumar

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Management Games
November 7, 2022

Management games were organized for the students of MBA and BBA .
Director Prof. (Dr.) Pankaj Kumar initiated this event to help the students
understand the management concepts. The objective was to make
learning interactive, enjoyable and realistic with key learning points that
happen in workplace. Two games were carried out .Game 1 was about
coordination and team building where there were 4 teams of 10 players
each and had to move with their leader placing the balloon between each
player and to walk
between 2 points without falling or bursting of balloon. The winning
team covered the distance in 1: 16 sec without any fall or bursting of
balloon. Game 2 was regarding the listening skills where the team is to
follow instructions of the speaker and run to the end point. Himanshi,
Adarsh and Rajat were winners in The MBA Group and Ms Tanushree
and Abhay in BBA. Overall it was an exciting experience for the students
and a study cum play exercise. The coordinator of the event was HOD of
MBA Dept. Prof. Deepshikha Sharma ,Dean Prof Dr. S.K Sharma
encouraged all the students and faculty for their contribution. Dr Jwala
devi HOD BBA Dept., Faculty members Prof. Ankita Shukla, Prof. Vikas
Nehra, Dr. Prachee Mittal Tandon, Prof. Manasvi Shukla, Prof. Neha
Jain, and Prof Neetu Mishra were present from both departments.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

National Education Day
November 11, 2022

The MBA Department celebrated the National Education Day on 11th

November 2022.Director Prof. (Dr.) Pankaj Kumar shared his thoughts
on the importance of education and how it’s different from knowledge.
He also emphasized on the gap existing between the students knowledge
and industry expectation. He enlightened the audience regarding our first
Education Minister Dr. Maulana Azad whose birthday is celebrated as the
National Education Day. Dean, Dr. S.K.Sharma, Prof. Deepshika
Sharma, Prof. Vikas Nehra, Prof. Ankita Shukla and Dr. Prachee Mittal
Tandon and Dr Bhawna shared their views on education with the
students. Students also shared their understanding of Education day .The
celebration concluded with a vote of thanks by the Head of the
Department, Prof. Deepshikha Sharma.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Workshop on Canva and Effective
November 15, 2022, PowerPoint presentation

Mr. Apoorva Shrivastav of ONLINE Technologies conducted a

workshop on Canva and Effective Power Point Presentation for the
students of MBA. They were taught basics of graphic design through the
canva application and how to create effective presentations for their
website and other social network. He was felicitated by Director General
Dr. Sharad Agarwal and Director Dr. Pankaj Kumar. Dean Dr. S.K
Sharma presented the vote of thanks. The co-ordinator of the event
was Dr. Prachee Mittal Tandon.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Debate on
“Is Corporate Governance the demand of the
hour for Business World”
November 16, 2022
Students of MBA of GNIT College of Management were given a topic
for debate ”Is Corporate Governance the demand of the hour for
Business World” to speak for and against the motion. Prof. Ankita
Shukla was the moderator and Dr. S.K Sharma was the Judge of the
event. The debate was highly intense and informative. The participants
presented their argument with lot of zeal and confidence. Team 1:
Deepali and Muskan of 2nd year MBA spoke for the motion. Saurabh
and Prince spoke against the motion from 1st Year MBA . Team 2:
Aniket and Vibhor of 2nd year spoke against the motion Sidra and Payal
of 1st year spoke for the motion .All the teams effectively put forth their
views and agrued for their points. It was an intense debate where all the
teams expressed their thoughts with a lot of confidence and affirmation.
The winners of the debate were Deepali and Muskan of 2nd year MBA
for Team 1 and Sidra and Payal of 1st year who spoke for the topic.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Workshop on Business Analytics by Ducat
November 17, 2022

Ducat conducted a workshop on Business Analytics for the students of

MBA. The resource person Mr. Rohit Pahwa was machine learning
expert having 9 years of experience in IT. The resource person Mr. Rohit
Pahwa from DUCAT explained Business Analytics and pointed out
several opportunities for experts in Business Analytics. He stated that
Datadriven companies treat their data as a business asset and actively
look for ways to turn it into a competitive advantage. Success with
business analytics depends on data quality, skilled analysts who
understand the technologies and the business. They were taught basics of
Business Analytics and made to understand the use of business analytics
in current business scenario and basic technical information required for
visuals in analysis. The coordinator for the event was Dr. Prachee Mittal

Blood Donation Camp

November 18, 2022

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Gn Group of Institutes in collaboration with Regional Blood
transfusion centre, GTB hospital, District hospital Noida and PGI
child health Noida Organised a Blood Donation Camp on 18th
November 2022 in their Campus. The College provided all facilities
like space, furniture, Blood group testing rooms, blood donating
room with good hygiene and sanitation as per the medical standard.
Prior to donation, the donor Students were screened to identify their
quality of blood to be collected. The underweight and the infected
persons were not allowed to provide donations as per medical advice.
Donors were informed that by each donation their blood cells will be
rejuvenated and hence youthfulness in the blood will be present on
every occasion. Social Worker Ashok K.Gupta coordinated for
collaboration with the hospitals. The GNIT College of Management
along with GNIT College of Pharmacy in coordination with other
colleges of GN Group to make this Blood Donation Camp a huge
success. Students of All streams like MBA, Law, BBA, BCA,
Pharmacy etc participated with lots of zeal and enthusiasm. Blood
Donors were given certificates and refreshments after donating their
blood for the cause.

Management Games
November 22, 2022

Management games were organized for the students of MBA.

Director Dr.Pankaj Kumar initiated this event to help the
students understand the Communication concepts .The objective
was to make learning interactive, enjoyable and realistic with
key learning points that happen in workplace.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

A story was given to a student who read the original story and narrated
the same to another student. The narration chain continued up to 7
students. The 7thstudent then narrated the story what he was conveyed
and distortion was found.The error was traced to the 4th narrator. This
activity depicted the grapevine communication and reflected the
communication gaps. The coordinator of the event was Dr. Prachee
Mittal Tandon .Dean- Prof. (Dr.) S.K. Sharma encouraged all the
students and faculty for their contribution. Faculty members Prof.
Deepshikha Sharma Prof.Ankita Shukla, Prof. Vikas Nehra, Dr. Prachee
Mittal Tandon and Dr. Shweta Pandey were present from the department.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Excursion Trip to

Pratapgarh Farms November 24, 2022

GNIT College of Management organized a one day excursion trip to

Pratapgarh Farms at Jhajjar for The MBA students. It was a full day
entertainment outing with lots of outdoor activities and games like
archery shooting, Zip line ,Zorbas ,pottery ,bullock cart ride. It was
a very fascinating rural experience full of fun and good traditional
food .The students played a lot of games like cricket ,football ,
basketball etc and also enjoyed the rides .The trip was Organized
by Director Prof. Dr.Pankaj Kumar .The students were assisted by
Director, Dean Prof Dr.S.K. Sharma, HOD Prof Deepshikha Sharma,
Dr.Prachee Mittal Tandon, Prof Ankita Shukla and Prof Vikas Nehra.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Mock Parliament
November 25, 2022

A Parliament debate competition was organized by GNIT COLLEGE

OF Management. The topic of debate was 21st century women still need
reservation? Students have participated in this event, students were
aware about the procedure of the parliament proceedings. The
performance of students was tremendous. The session was very
informative. On this occasion chairman of GN Group of Institutes Sh.
B.L. Gupta ji motivated all the students and he gave them blessings for
their better future. On this occasion speaker of the Mock Parliament Dr.
Suresh Kumar Sharma has handled the students very well. Dr. Sharad
Chandra Agarwal Group Director also gave blessings to the students for
their better future. Prof. (Dr.) Pankaj Kumar highlighted the importance
of Parliament in a Democratic Country and quoted the benefits of mock
Parliament for Management students.

1st Sessional Examinations

November 29, 2022

The Sessional Exaninations for MBA students commenced from 29th

November onwards. The purpose of these internal exams was to assess
the understanding of the students in classroom. The Internal Examina
-tions have been conducted as per the guideline of the university.
Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022
Education Fair
3rd, 10th & 17th December 2022
GNIT College of Management has been participating in the educational
fairs in several cities of North India like Agra, Kanpur and Kota .The
purpose of the fair is to provide career counselling to Undergraduate
Students as well as class 12th students and guide them to pursue
different courses based on their interests. Prof. Vikas Nehra, Mr. Manoj
and Mr. Manasvi Shukla represented GN Group of Institutes in
providing proper guidance to the students who attend the fairs.

Flying Secrets for Career Success

December 19, 2022

Mr. Deepanshu Bansal, Director at SIMPLILEARN educated the

students as to how they can get their dream jobs and what are the
skills that they need to develop and learn in order to get
industry ready.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Group Discussion: December 21, 2022

G20-India’s Presidency: Challenges and Road Ahead.

A group discussion on India’s G20 Presidency -
Challenges and a Road Ahead was held by GNIT
College of Management. The students of MBA 1st
year and 2nd year participated in the event.
Participants discussed the various pros and cons and
the impact that G20 presidency will have on India.
The students put forth their views with lots of
enthusiasm and vigor. Prof. Dr S.K.SHARMA was
the Moderator of the event and the event was
coordinated by Prof. Ankita Shukla. Prof. (Dr.)
S.K.Sharma summarized the event with his
observations and views on the discussion held.
Ms.Shehzadi and Mr.Saurabh were rated as the best
speakers of the discussion.

AD MAD SHOW- “Pitch Perfect” December 29, 2022

An advertisement competition ADMAD show “PitchPerfect” was organized by
GNIT College of Management .The students had to prepare an ad for any
product and show their creativity. The time given was 3 min in English or hindi
medium.14 teams participated from MBA, BBA and B.Com. The winners were
from BBA 2nd year and 1st and 2nd runner up were from B.Com. 1st year.
Ms.Krishna Priya –Head- training and placement and Ms.Tanu Vats –HOD CS
were the judges of the event. The students were made aware about promotional
strategies in marketing through advertisements. It comprised of humorous &
conceptual ad presentation by the students. Students acted out on various
advertisement script and ideas relevant for different sectors. All the teams were
given a time frame to showcase their talent. Dr.Prachee Mittal Tandon was the
coordinator of the event.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

New Year Celebration December 31st, 2022

GNIT College of Management organized a New Year Party all the faculty and
staff of GN Group on 31st Dec 2022. The Program was organized under the
leadership of Group Director Dr. Sharad Agarwal and Director Dr. Pankaj
Kumar. Prof. Deepshikha and Dr.Shalu were the coordinators of the event. The
event started by welcoming the Chairman of the Group Shri. B.L.Gupta by
presenting him a handmade sketch by Prof. (Dr.) Sharad Chandra Agarwal.
Shri B.L.Gupta, appreciated and thanked the staff and faculty and expressed
his gratitude towards his employees. There were games, music and dance
where the staff and faculty wholeheartedly participitated .The cake cutting
made this celebration grand and a memorable one.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Faculty Achievements

Prof. (Dr.) Pankaj Kumar

Book Publication:
“Customer Relationship Management”
by Thakur Publication PVT. LTD.

Prof. (Dr.) S. K. Sharma & Prof. Deepshikha Sharma

Paper Publication:
Journal: International Journal of Creative Research and Thoughts (IJCRT)
Paper Title: An Analysis of the RFID technique and also its uses.

Prof. Ankita Shukla

Paper Publication:
Journal: Journal of Positive School Psychology (Scopus Indexed)
Paper Title: Emotional Intelligence Potential Effect on I.T.
Employees in the Fifth Industrial Revolution.

Conference Details

1. International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in
Techno- Management for Socio-Economic Development, held on 11-13
November,2022 at MNNIT, Allahabad.
Topic: Emotion Recognition via Artificial Intelligence: Characteristics
and Applications.
2. RENVOI 2022- The International Case Study Conference, Held on
17-18 Nov, 2022 at Amity University, Noida.
Topic: A case Study on the Application of Initiatives for Emotional
Intelligence in Corporations.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Faculty Corner
Emotional Intelligence for Sustaining Competitiveness
Competitiveness in the global scenario is increasing the need to change the
practices that are carried out in the Indian organization. Especially as we
realize that though we have come a long way in terms of technology and
infrastructure, we still need to improvise on our human resources which
in Indian context are very cultural sensitive. Thus understanding the
employees and the problems that they face are a solution to bring out the
best productivity in the organization. Post liberalization resulted in the
sudden emergence of competition and bought Indian organizations face
to face with the global challenges of business. Thus we need to develop
our workforce such that they can consistently keep up to the force that is
thrown by the ever changing rapid business environment. Saying this one
should also realize that living up to this competitive scenario and the
continuous urge to keep pace with it ones emotional stability plays a very
important role in maintaining a quality work-life. Thus it is very important
that the qualitative and quantitative measurement of the work force is
appropriate enough to employ right kind of candidates for the right kind
of job. In order to compete in the global economy there is an urgent need
to fill the gap in the HR practices and work towards adopting the global
practices and standards for increased retention and productivity.

Sustainable Competitiveness

“Sustainable competitiveness reflects the ability to achieve and maintain

the (economic) competitiveness of industry in accordance with
sustainable development objectives.” Sustainable development reflects
the present living state and resources such that the needs of the future
generations are not compromised. Thus the technology and economic
development should be such that the present as well as the future needs
are met. Thus providing an opportunity to the countries to have more
resources and a healthy life style. The society, environment and the
economy have to collectively contribute for sustainable development.
Economic contribution comes from the industries and their ability to
maintain competitiveness.
Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022
Importance of EI for Sustainability Competitiveness.
Global competitiveness has made the work environment 24 x 7.This
means the timeline for work has been completely eliminated which
has paved way for stress. Stress caused by organizational stress has
different consequences on employee forcing emotional outburst and
anger, irritation and losing control over their emotions. These results
in wrong decision making and reduced efficiency in performance
which inturn effects profitability of an organization. Hence in addition
to IQ(Intelligence Quotient) there is an inherent need of EQ(emotional
quotient) in order to maintain balance and emerge as good leaders.
Leadership skills with high EQ display a high degree of commitment,
integrity and excellent communication. Good leaders encourage and
empower their employee .They are proactive to change and adapt
quickly to the changing environment. A socially sensitive leader
possessing empathy is a crucial characteristic of an emotionally
intelligent leader and makes him aware of the requirement s and
expectations of his employee ,customers and peers which helps him
build a sustainable relationship and strengthens his position.
The current generation of employees need a leader who can respect their
individuality and has flexible managerial approach and understands their
need in terms of work-life balance which only an emotionally intelligent
leader can recognize and initiate the appropriate changes to be met.
Similar besides leadership the intangible capabilities rising from the
internal environment of the organization which are unique to each
organization like teamwork, organizational culture tacit knowledge and
skills ,partnerships, workforce diversity etc all aim at sustainable
competitive advantage which can be enhanced by an emotionally
intelligent workforce projecting good social skills, empathy towards
peers, self regulation of emotions and motivation to improve productivity.
Prof. (Dr.) Prachee Mittal Tandon
(Associate Professor)

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Emotional Intelligence can be used to Energize Gen Z
Leadership today has enormous hurdles in motivating Generation Z.
Gen Zers grapple with independence, problem-solving, and stress
tolerance on top of the difficulties they have faced in the past year.
By 2025, Gen Z workers are expected to make up over 20% of the
world's workforce, prompting executives to work feverishly to
reduce the age divide in their workplaces. To create a culture of
inspiration again for Gen Z workforce, executives must go beyond
their own generational perspective. The fact that various generations
have distinct perceptions and, more crucially, different internal
motives must be acknowledged by leaders. Leveraging Gen Z's
special skills and capabilities requires knowledge to navigate and
comprehend the various motivating forces that drive this generation.
The finest efforts from others may be obtained, in the words of
Bob Nelson, "not by igniting a fire beneath them, but by kindling a
fire inside." A new approach than they are used to is needed for leaders
to make advantage of the Gen Z workforce.
Despite the fact that this is uncharted territory for all generations,
leaders may base their motivating strategies on one idea: emotional
intelligence. Great leaders understand how crucial emotional
intelligence is in the workplace. An organisation may develop a
bridge across the various generations and provide the groundwork for
recognising everyone's uniqueness by incorporating emotional
intelligence into its leadership practises. Positively, emotional
intelligence is a skill that can be acquired and continually improved.
There are numerous methods to include emotional intelligence across
your office, but we've highlighted the five best ways to inspire Gen
Zers, starting with the five fundamental EQ skills.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Emotional Self Awareness
Leaders must recognize that the majority of Gen Zers experience
unease and confusion when they first enter the workforce in order to
build a sense of significance and mission in the workplace. Since
many Gen Zers were encouraged to follow their hobbies, they tend to
hunt for meaning in every job they take. Gen Zers will view their
positions more as a staging post to their next professional adventure
if managers fail to instil a sense of fulfillment in their business,
increasing the likelihood that they will leave. But how can managers
assist Gen Z workers even understand their own motivations?
Creating an environment of emotional self-awareness is the solution.
The process of honestly examining oneself and discovering one's
motivation's feelings as well as its outward manifestation leads to
emotional self-awareness. Meaning and purpose are revealed when
leaders give their Gen Z workforce the space and time for frank, open
dialogue. Workers will feel heard and the leader will have a better idea
about how to engage and motivate them. Managers should ask their
team members what drives them.

Interpersonal Relationships

It's crucial to provide Gen Z employees the chance to develop deep

connections. Building connection and trust is necessary for having a good
interpersonal relationship. The Gen Z workforce is more inclined to be
transparent about their genuine motives at work when leaders communicate
with them on a deeper level. The establishment of a mentorship atmosphere,
the provision of time for teamwork, and regular one-on-one check-ins are a
few strategies for fostering these partnerships. A two-way street mentorship
should be established, according to How to Mentor in the Workplace. They
may focus on their unique requirements by being involved in mentorship,
teamwork, and one-on-one interactions. This will inspire them to
accomplish their objectives. Gen Zers flourish in a company that promotes a
coaching leadership style because it allows them to actively participate in the
transformation by actively sharing their thoughts and soliciting feedback.
Therefore, it's crucial to use your people skills and comprehend what drives
and inspires your Gen Z employees' desire.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022


Stability and fulfilling employment are what Gen Zers are motivated
by. A Gen Zer may not view a job as a long-term commitment if they
believe it is not sustainable for their lifestyle or does not satisfy their
enthusiasm. Following worthwhile goals that make life enjoyable is
the key to self actualization. Leaders may better understand what kind
of compensation and organisational activities are required to meet the
expectations of the growing workforce by considering that stability
and joyful work are the two key workplace objectives Gen Zers are
seeking. In order to guarantee that an appropriate trajectory to
advancement is defined from the first month of work, one in four Gen
Zers require managers to clearly describe the aims and expectations of
the organisation. Leaders may inspire Gen Z personnel by establishing
a vision for the future of the business and laying out a clear path for
their advancement. To further engage and encourage Gen Zers,
businesses must provide a fair compensation and real, clear strategic
objectives for how to advance inside the corporation.

Social Responsibility

In addition to pursuing their own distinctive goals, Gen Zers want to

help a worthy cause while doing so. The Gen Z cohort is more
politically and socially progressive than previous generations; as a
result, they want assistance from businesses for their social
responsibility initiatives, including giving back to their society and
exercising their right to free speech. Leaders must provide Gen Zers
the time and space to participate in community participation. Gen Zers
will be more motivated if they can contribute to a company-wide
cause, receive paid volunteer leave, or have a day off to vote.

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022


Leaders must adjust to this period of adjustment by coming up with a

solution that is in line with Gen Z's fundamental beliefs, despite data
suggesting that Gen Z may suffer with problem solving compared to
prior generations (thanks to Google). For example, Gen Zers respect
independence and creativity; they will enter the workforce with original
solutions to every problem. Flexibility is the ability to adjust to novel
situations and concepts, which will frustrate previous generations. Gen
Zers are strong in this area, therefore leaders should give them the
freedom to develop fresh, creative strategic perspectives. In order to
help with this, executives should actively listen to what Gen Zers have
to say and consider their innovative solutions with an open mind rather
than dismissing them right away. Reverse mentorship, a relatively
recent phenomena, can be useful in overcoming generational conflicts
and providing a secure environment for utilising one another's abilities.
Prof. Ankita Shukla
(Assistant Professor)

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Students Corner

जीवन की स ाई वह मेरा िह दु ान है हर यु तू ीकार कर

कभी इतना कठोर मत होना

िक तुम न सुन सको वीरो ं की गाथाओं से हर घाव का ितकार कर,
मा मां गते, ान की िवधाओं से ये जग तो है , िनमम बड़ा,
संताप म डूबे िहमालय की छावो ं म तू श ु का संहार कर ||
एक दय की पुकार; िह सागर िजन पां वो ं म
अंग अंग करता गुणगान संशय न कर, न संताप कर,
कभी इतना सरल भी मत हो जाना िजसका रा गान है यं को तू, ीकार कर,
िक हर बार सुन लो वह मेरा िह दु ान है ये जग तेरा अिधकार है ,
मा मां गते वह मेरा िह दु ान है ो ं को तू साकार कर ||
लोगो ं की पुकार;
शौय है िजसका अनमोल न शोक कर, न िवलाप कर,
असल म, दे ख अं ेज गए अलिवदा बोल जो गुजर गया उस काल पर,
म बताना चाहता ं िक सुनहरा है िजसका भूगोल अ तेरा है अनंत,
जब जीवन म फंसे सं ृ ित का नही ं कोई तोल न सू कर उसे मार कर ||
तब तुम िनयंि त कर लेना वसुधैव कुटु कम सदा
अपनी भावु ा को... रही िजसकी पहचान है
वह मेरा िह दु ान है साहस की गठरी बाँ ध कर,
वह मेरा िह दु ान है बढ़ चल तू, न इनकार कर,
--Shailesh- MBA-1 year तू िशव भी है , तू चंिडका,
--Vibhor Sharma-MBA 2 year
कना कभी न, तू हार कर ||

आघात पर, ितघात कर,

तू मा न संवाद कर,
श ो ं की भाषा न समझते,
उनसे तू सं ाम कर ||

आ सामने ललकार भर,

न छु प के तू कभी वार कर,
अपनी तं ता के िलए,
हर यु तू ीकार कर ||

हर यु तू ीकार कर ||

---Ritu Pandey-MBA 1st Year

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

Alumni Spot Light
Name: Aaditya Bhardwaj
Batch: MBA (2020-22)
Company Name: Larsen & Toubro Infotech (LTIMindtree)
Designation: Senior Engineer - Cloud Services & Software
“It’s a pleasure to be an alumnus of GNIT CM. The seriousness
towards academics and an equal enthusiasm towards cultural and
sports activities made life at GNIT CM worth a ride. The technical
expertise I gained there has shaped my corporate outlook and the
friends I made at GNIT CM have molded me as a person.”

Name: Priya Chawdhury

Batch: Post Graduate Diploma in Management 2015-17
Company Name: Webtel Electro soft Pvt Ltd
Designation: sales manager PSU (PAN India)
“I am really fortunate to get the guidance of such knowledgeable
faculties who have not only helped me with the studies but also
with the different phases of life.”

Name: Neharika Pandey

Batch: MBA (2020-22) Company Name: Capegimini
Designation: Business Analyst
“I feel grateful to be a part of this Institute; I would like to thank
my faculty members for supporting me and guiding me throughout.”


Batch: Post Graduate Diploma in Management 2017-2019
Company Name: RBL BANK
Designation: Deputy Manager
“Amazed to see the progress of the college both in terms of quality
of infrastructure and quality of students. My best wishes to the
college and waiting to see more students shining in their careers
and uplifting the Brand “GNIT CM”

Name: Ashray Sharma

Batch: Post Graduate Diploma in Management 2017-2019
Company Name: Genpact India Private Limited
Designation: Process Developer Underwriter
“A degree from GNIT CM teaches you to be independent and think
for yourself. Various workshops, discussions, healthy peer learning
and great faculty team grooms you into an adaptable professional.
That’s why I didn’t face any real challenges when I moved to
various cities with different jobs.”

Name: Rajnish Singh

Batch: Post Graduate Diploma in Management 2019-2021
Designation: HR Executive
“GNIT CM and its environment not only give a quality education
but also build a habit of determination and punctuality. My Post
Graduation years in GNIT CM are best transition phase of my life.
It brings me out of the comforts of sonders.”

Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

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Bi-Annual Newsletter Vol-3 Issue-2: 2022

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