This document lists authorized collection agencies for several credit card issuing banks, including their locations. It provides the names of 5 credit card issuing banks in India. It then lists over 80 collection agencies, along with the cities and states they operate in. The collection agencies are authorized to collect repayment on behalf of the listed credit card issuing banks.
This document lists authorized collection agencies for several credit card issuing banks, including their locations. It provides the names of 5 credit card issuing banks in India. It then lists over 80 collection agencies, along with the cities and states they operate in. The collection agencies are authorized to collect repayment on behalf of the listed credit card issuing banks.
This document lists authorized collection agencies for several credit card issuing banks, including their locations. It provides the names of 5 credit card issuing banks in India. It then lists over 80 collection agencies, along with the cities and states they operate in. The collection agencies are authorized to collect repayment on behalf of the listed credit card issuing banks.
This document lists authorized collection agencies for several credit card issuing banks, including their locations. It provides the names of 5 credit card issuing banks in India. It then lists over 80 collection agencies, along with the cities and states they operate in. The collection agencies are authorized to collect repayment on behalf of the listed credit card issuing banks.
List of NBFC - Non-Deposit Taking Systemically Important (NBFC-ND-SI) Companies Registered With RBI (As On July 16, 2020) S No Name of The Company Regional Office