TUBerlin DR en ReadingVersion Rev - Oct.2023

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Doctoral Regulations of the Technische Universität Berlin – Reading Version

Revision: Oct. 2023

This reading version of the TU Doctoral Regulations combines the version of November 18,
2020 and May 12, 2021 with the amendments of May 24, 2023.
The official version of the Doctoral Regulations is published in the Official Gazette No.
12/2021 (de). The amendments are published in the Official Gazette No. 22/2023 (de).
The archive of the official gazettes (de) of the TU Berlin can be found on the pages of the
Section on Matters of Academic Self-Administration
Doctoral Regulations – 24.05.2023
The Faculty Boards of Faculties I, IV, V, VI and VII adopted the following first amendment to
the doctoral regulations, after passing concurring resolutions on 24 May 2023 to amend the
doctoral regulations of Technische Universität Berlin (version of 18 November 2020 and 12
May 2021; AMBl. 12/2021, p. 132) and following the approval of the Academic Senate
pursuant to Section 74 (4) of the Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG) in the version of 26
July 2011 (GVBl. 378), last amended by Article 1 of the Act of 5 July 2022 (GVBl. p. 450) and
Section 18 (1) no. 1 of the Constitution of the Technische Universität Berlin of 13 December
2017 (AMBl. 19/2018 p. 182)*)

§ 1 - Scope and basics.............................................................................................................................. 2
§ 2 - Objective and content of the doctorate .......................................................................................... 2
§ 3 - Admission requirements ................................................................................................................. 3
§ 4 - Application as doctoral candidate ................................................................................................... 4
§ 5 - Admission to the doctoral procedure, doctoral application ............................................................ 5
§ 6 - Commencement of the doctoral procedure.................................................................................... 6
§ 7 - Evaluation of the dissertation.......................................................................................................... 7
§ 8 - Scientific defense ............................................................................................................................. 7
§ 8a - Inspection of files......................................................................................................................... 10
§ 8b - Reconsideration procedure ......................................................................................................... 10
§ 9 - Publication of the dissertation ...................................................................................................... 10
§ 10 - Awarding the doctorate............................................................................................................... 11
§ 11 - Withdrawal of the doctoral application, Suspension of the doctoral procedure ........................ 11
§ 12 - Joint doctoral procedure with foreign educational institutions .................................................. 12
§ 13 - Honorary doctorates.................................................................................................................... 12
§ 14 - Revocation of a doctorate ........................................................................................................... 13
§ 14a - Revocation of an honorary doctorate ........................................................................................ 13
§ 15 - Transitional arrangements ........................................................................................................... 14
§ 16 - Entry into force/expiration .......................................................................................................... 14
Appendix 1 to the Doctoral Regulations of Technische Universität Berlin ............................................ 14

Approved by the TU Berlin Executive Board on 1 August 2023.
§ 1 - Scope and basics
(1) 1 These regulations governing the conferral of doctorates apply to the following
university degrees: Dr.-Ing. (Doctor of Engineering Sciences), Dr. rer. nat. (Doctor of
Science), Dr. phil. (Doctor of Philosophy), and Dr. rer. oec. (Doctor of Economic
Sciences) at Technische Universität Berlin. 2The responsibilities of the faculties for the
awarding of these doctoral degrees are set out in Appendix 1.
(2) The faculties may present proposals to the Academic Senate for awarding one of the
doctoral degrees in subsection 1 honoris causa (h.c.) in recognition of outstanding
academic achievement.
(3) The doctoral degrees cited in subsection 1 may be awarded only once per academic
§ 2 - Objective and content of the doctorate
(1) 1The doctoral process establishes that the doctoral candidate has the capacity to
make an independent contribution to scientific research and development. 2This is
demonstrated through the acceptance of a written dissertation and a successful
scientific defense.
(2) 1The dissertation is a scientific treatise written by the doctoral candidate that
advances the scientific state of the art in a research area. 2The focus of the
dissertation depends on the doctoral degree: for Dr.-Ing., the focus is on an
engineering science, for Dr. rer. nat., it is on a mathematical or natural science, for Dr.
phil., the humanities or the social sciences, and for Dr. rer. oec., economics or
business administration. 3The dissertation shall be written in German or English.
4With the approval of the faculty board, it may also be written in another language.
5An abstract of the dissertation must be provided in both German and English,

irrespective of which language the dissertation is written in. 6The subject area must
be represented by a full professor, university lecturer, junior professor, junior research
group leader, or a full-time extraordinary professor within the faculty.
(3) 1 The dissertation as a scientific treatise can consist of separate published papers or
papers submitted for publication (kumulative Dissertation or dissertation by
publication). 2Such work must follow an internal logic which has to be coherently
demonstrated by an overall introduction and concluding discussion. 3Further details
regarding the type and number of contributions are determined by the faculties.
(4) 1 Prepublication of scientific findings which constitute part of the dissertation or a
cumulative dissertation is also possible on the basis of co-authorship. 2In cases of
co-authored work, the applicant has to demonstrate which substantial contribution to
the concept, content or methodology of the work they have made.
(5) In the scientific defense, the doctoral candidate should present the methodological
approach and the scientific conclusions of the dissertation and thereby demonstrate
their ability to assess the problems and findings of the dissertation and understand
their significance within the relevant discipline.
§ 3 - Admission requirements
(1) 1 In order to be admitted as doctoral candidate, an applicant must have successfully
completed an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree at a university or
university of applied sciences or a comparable degree (Diplom, Magister, or
Staatsexamen). The following degrees are generally required: a degree in an
engineering field for a Dr.-Ing., a degree in mathematics or a natural science for a Dr.
rer. nat., a degree in the fields of the humanities or social sciences for a Dr. phil., and
a degree in economics for a Dr. rer. oec. 2If a university degree was acquired in a
subject area which does not correspond to the doctoral degree, the faculty board
may require additional coursework and examinations.
(2) 1Academically outstanding candidates with a bachelor’s degree, or with a master’s
degree taken without first obtaining a bachelor’s, can be directly admitted to a
doctoral degree based on a qualification procedure. 2Academic aptitude is
determined by:
1. the successful completion of at least one and up to three admission exams in
the subject area of the proposed doctoral research and related fields and one
published work, generally as lead author, in a relevant publication with
academic quality assurance, or
2. the successful completion of the entry phase of a graduate school or a
comparable program. The entry phase must have a minimum duration of two
semesters, be recognized by the faculty and be completed by at least one
3At least one of the admission exams referred to in sentence 2, no. 1 may not be
conducted by the supervisor. 4The admission exam verifies that the applicant has the
required scientific and methodical abilities in the intended field of doctoral studies.
5The attendance of courses prior to the exam is not required. 6The faculty board may

determine specific rules for the content, form and conducting of the admission exam.
7A failed admission exam cannot be repeated at the same or another faculty of

Technische Universität Berlin.

(3) 1An applicant completing a Diplom degree at a university of applied sciences
(Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften) with an overall grade of “with
distinction,” “very good,” or “good,” is required to further demonstrate their
academic aptitude to pursue a doctorate. 2Such proof is provided by the applicant
passing at least one and up to three admission exams in the subject area of their
intended doctorate and related fields as per subsection 2. Admission exams are to be
taken after the candidate has applied for admission as doctoral candidate in
accordance with Section 4. The admission examination verifies that the applicant has
the required academic skills in the field of their intended doctorate.
(4) If the applicant has completed university studies abroad, the faculty board may
accept the equivalence of the university degree with a German university degree as
per subsection 1 under consideration of an expert evaluation to be obtained from the
relevant department at Technische Universität Berlin.
(5) The additional required qualifications referred to in subsections 1 to 4 must be
submitted prior to the application to commence the doctoral procedure.
(6) The faculty board must decline admission as doctoral candidate if the applicant’s
thesis or similar work has already been failed in the context of a doctoral procedure
at a research university.
(7) 1Upon application from suitable graduates, the doctoral procedure shall be
conducted with the participation of a university of applied sciences (cooperative
doctoral procedure). 2This applies in particular in the case of graduates whose degree
was obtained at a university of applied sciences and whose suitability for doctoral
studies has been determined by TU Berlin.
§ 4 - Application as doctoral candidate
(1) 1 The applicant must declare in writing their intent to pursue a doctorate at the
selected faculty at the earliest possible date. 2The application must contain a
description of the intended subject of the dissertation, a work plan, as well as the
documentation referred to in Section 5 (1), sentence 3, nos. 1-3; candidates that have
completed a Diplom degree at a university of applied sciences (Hochschule für
angewandte Wissenschaften) must attach their Diplom thesis, as well as any possible
additional scientific theses. 3The doctoral thesis must be supervised by a full-time
professor, lecturer, junior professor, junior research group leader with a doctorate, or
a permanent full-time associate Professor at the faculty, while doctorates as
described in Section 3 (7) require an additional supervisor who must be a professor at
the relevant university of applied sciences; agreements to supervise must be
submitted together with the candidate's declaration of intent to pursue a doctorate.
4The dean assesses the application and informs the applicant of either acceptance

and possible conditions, or a denial in writing in accordance with subsection 3.

5Furthermore, a supervision agreement (doctoral agreement) will be concluded

between the applicant and their supervisor or supervisors in accordance with the
current regulations of Technische Universität Berlin. 6The aforementioned provisions
are passed by the committee which oversees the doctoral regulations of Technische
University Berlin.
(2) 1In the case of acceptance, the applicant is entitled to reasonable support for
completing their thesis from the faculty, within the scope of the available materials
and personnel. 2There is no entitlement to a workplace at the University. 3Once the
supervisor has declared their consent, they are obliged to supervise the applicant
unless they can substantiate important reasons for terminating their supervisory role
to the faculty board.
(3) 1 The faculty board may reject the application only if:
1. The subject area of the dissertation is not represented by a full professor,
university lecturer, junior professor, junior research group leader with a
doctorate or full-time extraordinary professor;
2. the thesis seems not to be feasible within the scope of the materials and
personnel available or due to the subject;
3. the requirements stated in Section 3 are not met.
2This rejection must be substantiated in writing to the applicant. Section 11 (4)
sentence 1 BerlHG applies accordingly.
(4) 1With the acceptance of the application, the doctoral applicant becomes a doctoral
candidate. 2Unless employed by Technische Universität Berlin, the doctoral candidate
is required to register as a student at Technische Universität Berlin in accordance with
Section 25 (2) BerlHG.
(5) 1 The faculty board may, for good reason, decide to revoke its agreement to the
application of intent. 2A doctorate will be discontinued if no application to commence
a doctoral procedure has been submitted within 10 years of the declaration of intent
to pursue a doctorate or if the candidate and supervisor have not submitted a
notification / re-registration in order to uphold the intent to pursue a doctorate.
§ 5 - Admission to the doctoral procedure, doctoral application
(1) 1 The application for admission to the doctoral procedure must be directed in writing
to the proper faculty. 2Application for admission is also permissible if the intent to
pursue a doctorate has not been previously registered in accordance with Section 4
(1), or if the faculty board has rejected an applicant’s registration. 3The application for
admission to the doctoral procedure must include:
1. A declaration that the applicant is conversant with the current doctoral
regulations at Technische Universität Berlin;
2. Documentation as specified in Section 3;
3. A curriculum vitae;
4. Four printed copies of the dissertation and an electronic version as a pdf file; if
there are more than two reviewers, the corresponding number of copies must
be submitted;
5. Details as to what extent the dissertation or parts thereof have already been
published, plus a list of these publications and a copy of each; in the case of
co-authored publications, a list of the names of the co-authors and proof of
the applicant’s own contribution as per Section 2 (4);
6. A statutory declaration to the effect that the dissertation has been written
independently, that aids and sources have been cited and, in cases of co-
authored works, that the demonstration of the applicant’s own contribution is
correct in accordance with point 5;
7. A declaration as to whether earlier or concurrently an intent to pursue a
doctorate in accordance with Section 4 has been submitted or a doctoral
procedure applied for at another university or faculty. If applicable, complete
details should be provided concerning the outcome (see also Section 7 (4),
sentence 3).
(2) The doctoral applicant may propose the reviewer of the dissertation, whose selection
must be justified in writing and submitted together with the application to the
doctoral procedure.
(3) The application to the doctoral procedure and all submitted documents will remain
with the faculty for up to ten years; thereafter they will be stored in the University
§ 6 - Commencement of the doctoral procedure
(1) 1The dean of the faculty will examine the application for the doctoral procedure and
determine whether all required conditions are met. 2If so, the application to the
doctoral procedure will be presented immediately to the faculty board for
consultation and decision.
(2) The members of the faculty board as well as other professors and junior professors
who are members of the faculty are entitled to inspect the submitted documents.
(3) 1If the faculty board approves the application for admission to the doctoral
procedure, it will appoint a doctoral committee. 2This committee consists of a
chairperson and at least two reviewers, one of whom should not be a member of
Technische Universität Berlin. 3If one or more of the reviewers is also a co-author of
findings or publications of the doctoral candidate, at least the same number of
reviewers must participate who have not had or do not have a cooperative scientific
relationship with the doctoral candidate.
(4) 1The chair of the doctoral committee must be a full-time professor, university lecturer,
junior professor, or a junior research group leader with a doctorate in the faculty. 2At
least one reviewer must be a full-time professor, university lecturer, junior professor,
or a junior research group leader with a doctorate in the faculty. 3In duly justified
cases, the faculty may decide that extraordinary (außerplanmäßig) professors whose
main occupation and employment is at Technische Universität Berlin may be treated
as full professors regarding the evaluation of doctoral theses. 4A person appointed
from the group defined in sentence 2 as supervisor in accordance with Section 4 (1)
will also continue to fulfil the requirements stated in sentence 2 after retirement, as
an emeritus professor, or if they change to another university. In such cases, they will
continue to be one of the reviewers who is a member of TU Berlin. 5In accordance
with subsection 3 sentence 2 professors at another university or a comparable
academic institution from Germany or abroad may also be appointed as reviewers;
this includes professors at other universities who are retired or have been released
from their duties. 6Professors at the same or another faculty at Technische Universität
Berlin or another university or a comparable academic institution in Germany or
abroad may also be appointed as reviewers; this includes professors who are retired
or have been released from their duties. 7In duly justified cases, post-doctoral
scholars from Germany or abroad who are not professors may also serve as external
or additional reviewers. 8The faculty board can also appoint reviewers to only
evaluate the dissertation. 9These reviewers may not have a cooperative relationship
with the doctoral candidate or be members of the doctoral committee. 10Their
evaluation must be taken into consideration by the doctoral committee. 11Section 6
sentences 4 to 7 and Section 7 (1 and 2) apply accordingly.
(5) The dean of the faculty will issue the doctoral applicant a written notification
informing them of the commencement of the doctoral procedure as well as the
members of the doctoral committee and the names of any additional reviewers as
per Section 6 (4) sentence 8.
(6) 1The dean will immediately inform the applicant if the faculty board rejects their
application for admission to the doctoral procedure. 2The rejection must be
substantiated in writing and issued with an instruction concerning the right to appeal.
3Therejection must be issued by the dean. 4The dean is required to inform the
Executive Board.
§ 7 - Evaluation of the dissertation
(1) 1The reviewers will individually and independently judge whether the submitted
dissertation fulfils the requirements of a doctorate. 2In the case of pre-publications,
they must do so under consideration of the details regarding significant contributions
stated in Section 2 (4) sentence 2. 3They will produce written assessments with one of
the following classifications:
very good;
adequate or
(2) 1Assessments should not be submitted later than three months after the
commencement of the doctoral procedure or after submission of an amended
version to the dean of the faculty. 2Copies of the assessments will be submitted to the
chair of the doctoral committee by the dean. 3Any delays must be justified to the
chair of the doctoral committee.
(3) Should the majority of reviewers assess the dissertation positively, the chair of the
doctoral committee will propose the continuation of the doctoral procedure to the
(4) 1Should the majority of reviewers assess the dissertation negatively, the dissertation
is rejected and the doctoral procedure discontinued. 2The dean of the faculty will
issue the doctoral candidate a written notification informing them of the suspension
of the doctoral procedure (as per Section 11 (4) sentence 1). 3A rejected dissertation
may not be presented as a doctoral thesis at another faculty of Technische Universität
(5) 1In the event that exactly half of the reviewers assess the dissertation negatively, the
faculty board, in consultation with the doctoral committee and the doctoral
candidate, will nominate an additional reviewer, who should be a professor at
another university. 2The continuation or suspension of the doctoral procedure will
then be decided on majority basis.
§ 8 - Scientific defense
(1) 1If the doctoral procedure is continued, the dean will arrange with the doctoral
committee and the doctoral candidate a date for the scientific defense. 2The dean will
invite the following persons to attend at least 14 days prior to the scheduled date:
a) Members of the doctoral committee, additional reviewers and the doctoral
b) Members of the faculty board, other professors, junior professors, external
lecturers, extraordinary professors or honorary professors as well as teaching
and research associates with doctorates who are members of the faculty, and
the members of the Executive Board;
c) Upon receipt of a justified proposal by a reviewer, the doctoral candidate, or
members of the faculty board: additional scientists who do not have to be
members of Technische Universität Berlin.
3The dissertation is displayed for review by the persons referred to in sentence 2 for a
period of at least 14 days prior to the scientific defense. 4Members of the doctoral
committee, full professors, and members of the faculty board will have access to the
evaluations in accordance with Section 7. 5The dean may grant access to the
evaluations to the persons cited under sentence 2, letter c). 6The respective faculty
board may also grant access to the evaluations to the doctoral candidate before the
scientific defense.
(2) 1The scientific defense is open to the University public; the chair of the examination
board should, upon application from the candidate, admit non-members of
Technische Universität to the scientific defense. 2The scientific defense is usually held
in German or English; the chair of the doctoral committee may permit exceptions
provided that all members of the doctoral committee agree. 3The presence of the
doctoral candidate as well as all members of the doctoral committee is required
during the entire defense. 4In duly justified cases external reviewers may take part in
the defense via video and audio transmission with the agreement of the doctoral
candidate and other members of the doctoral committee as well as the dean. 5This
then counts as being present. 6If the candidate or a member of the doctoral
committee is unable to attend the scientific defense in person as a consequence of
circumstances beyond their control, the chair of the committee may, with the
agreement of the dean, agree to their participation via video and audio transmission.
7This then counts as the person being present. 8Should the entire doctoral committee

be unable to attend the scientific defense in person due to circumstances beyond

their control, the chair of the committee may, with the agreement of the candidate
and other members of the committee as well as the dean, agree to the scientific
defense being conducted by video and audio transmission in the form of an online
conference. 9If participants only attend via video and audio transmission or if the
entire defense is conducted in virtual format, this is only possible if the requisite
technical and data privacy requirements are provided and if the principle of oral
examination, the presence of the University public and the principle of collegiality
regarding the discussion and awarding of grades by the doctoral committee can be
(3) 1The scientific defense consists of a talk on the dissertation lasting normally 30
minutes given by the doctoral candidate and a subsequent discussion with the
reviewers regarding the subject area of the dissertation. 2Thereafter, with the consent
of the doctoral committee chair, the audience may direct questions to the doctoral
candidate on the subject of the dissertation. 3This discussion normally lasts one hour.
4The scientific defense lasts at least 90 minutes but should not exceed 120 minutes.

(4) 1 Immediately after the scientific defense, the doctoral committee will decide in a
non-public meeting whether the doctoral candidate has passed the scientific defense
with the classification:
very good;
satisfactory or
acceptable or if the candidate has failed the defense.
2Additionally, the doctoral committee aggregates the decisions of the reviewers into a
joint decision of very good, good, satisfactory, or acceptable. 3If the doctoral
candidate has passed the scientific defense, the doctoral committee will decide on
the basis of the joint decisions concerning the dissertation and scientific defense
whether the doctoral procedure has been passed overall with either:
distinction (or summa cum laude);
very good (or magna cum laude);
good (or cum laude) or
or passed (or rite).
4The overall decision “passed with distinction” may only be awarded if all reviewers
assessed the dissertation as “very good,” without qualification, and the scientific
defense has been assessed as “very good” without qualification by all members of the
doctoral committee.
(5) 1 A written record should be prepared regarding the scientific defense, containing (at
least) the following information:
- Place, date and duration of the scientific defense;
- Name of the doctoral candidate;
- Title of dissertation;
- Members of the doctoral committee;
- Assessment of the dissertation;
- The topics and the proceedings of the scientific defense;
- Assessment of the scientific defense;
- General evaluation;
- Remarks concerning the publication;
- Attendance list.
2 This record is to be signed by the members of the doctoral committee present.
(6) 1The chair of the doctoral committee immediately informs the doctoral candidate of
the result and issues a preliminary certificate. Minor or stylistic modifications to the
dissertation may be agreed between the doctoral candidate and the doctoral
committee. 2The dean will be informed of the overall result of the doctorate and will
advise the faculty board thereof.
(7) 1 If the candidate does not pass the scientific defense as per subsection 4, they may
within eight weeks of being informed thereof request a repeat of the defense. 2The
repeat of the scientific defense takes place within 12 months of the publication of the
assessment. 3The above subsections apply accordingly. 4If the doctoral candidate has
initiated the reconsideration procedure within this same period in accordance with
Section 8b, this suspends the deadline for requesting a repeat of the scientific
defense until the reconsideration procedure is concluded; in this case, the repeat of
the scientific defense must be requested no later than two weeks after the conclusion
of the reconsideration procedure. 5The doctoral procedure will be discontinued if the
doctoral candidate does not request a repeat of the scientific defense or if they do
not pass the repeated scientific defense. 6The doctoral candidate is to be informed of
the discontinuation of the doctoral procedure as per Section 11 (4).
§ 8a - Inspection of files
1Inaccordance with Section 29 of the Administrative Procedure Act
(Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz - VwVfg), inspection of files is possible during the
ongoing doctoral procedure. 2Furthermore, inspection of files is also possible within
one year following the end of the procedure. 3The doctoral candidate must submit a
request to the dean.
§ 8b - Reconsideration procedure
(1) 1The doctoral candidate may appeal against the evaluations of the individual
reviewers according to Section 7 (1), as well as against the evaluation of the scientific
defense by the doctoral committee according to Section 8 (4), after the overall
evaluation has been announced, to have the evaluations revised and amended. 2The
original evaluations may not be changed to the disadvantage of the doctoral
(2) 1The doctoral candidate must submit the request for the reconsideration procedure
to the dean within eight weeks of the announcement of the overall evaluation. 2The
request for reconsideration must include an explanation regarding which specific
evaluations the candidate is appealing.
(3) 1The dean forwards the appeal to the chair of the doctoral committee. 2The reviewers
affected by the appeal or - in the case of an appeal against the evaluation of the
scientific defense, the doctoral committee - reconsider their evaluation, taking into
account the arguments presented in the request for the appeal, and provide a
statement in writing. 3The doctoral committee re-evaluates the doctoral work while
considering this statement and documents the result of the reconsideration
procedure in writing. 4This summary must be presented to the dean within three
months of the start of the reconsideration procedure.
(4) The dean informs the doctoral candidate of the result of the reconsideration
procedure in writing.
§ 9 - Publication of the dissertation
(1) 1Before the doctorate can be awarded to the candidate after passing the scientific
defense, the dissertation must be made accessible to the scientific public in an
appropriate manner through duplication and dissemination within twelve months
following the scientific defense. 2This period may be extended in duly justified cases
and on application to the faculty.
(2) 1A dissertation is deemed to have been made accessible to the scientific public in an
appropriate manner if the author provides the University Library free of charge a
copy of the thesis in the version approved by the doctoral committee for the purpose
of dissemination. 2The University Library determines if the copy provided fulfils the
relevant requirements. 3The dissertation can be submitted in the following formats:
1. One bound and durable copy and an identical electronic version, whose data
format and data carrier must conform to the requirements of the University
Library, or
2. Fifteen bound and durable copies in letterpress, or
3. In the case of monographs and as long as a commercial publisher agrees to
distribute and commits by contract to make the work available on the market
for four years, three copies indicated as a dissertation on the copyright page
and stating Technische Universität Berlin as the place of dissertation.
(3) 1 The copies provided to the University Library must include a dissertation title page
according to the requirements of the University. 2A sample of the title page is
available at the University Library.
(4) Furthermore, the candidate has to transfer the abstract electronically as per Section 2
(2), sentence 5 to the University Library for the purpose of its dissemination via
bibliographic databases.
§ 10 - Awarding the doctorate
(1) The dean completes the doctorate procedure by presenting the doctoral certificate as
soon as the doctoral candidate has fulfilled the criteria specified in Section 9.
(2) The bilingual certificate (German/English) states the subject, the overall assessment
of the doctoral procedure, the date of the scientific defense, and bears the dated
signatures of the president and the dean, as well as the seal of Technische Universität
(3) The awarding of the doctoral certificate entitles the doctoral candidate to use the
respectively awarded title.
(4) The faculty administration maintains a file of submitted doctoral applications and
awarded doctorates.
§ 11 - Withdrawal of the doctoral application, Suspension of the doctoral procedure
(1) The faculty can only comply with a doctoral candidate’s request for withdrawal of the
doctoral application if no written evaluation has been submitted.
(2) 1Should the doctoral candidate fail or refuse to comply with a request from the dean
with respect to the doctoral procedure without providing acceptable reason to the
faculty board, or if the doctoral candidate fails to submit the revised version of a
dissertation in the prescribed format without providing good reason within a period
of twelve months after a positively assessed scientific defense, the doctoral
procedure will be discontinued by decision of the faculty board. 2The same also
applies if, after a written opinion from a reviewer has been submitted, the doctoral
candidate states that they do not wish to continue the doctoral procedure.
(3) 1If it is determined prior to awarding the doctoral certificate that the doctoral
candidate has deliberately made scientific misrepresentations, the faculty board will
decide, upon providing the doctoral candidate opportunity to comment on these
accusations, whether the doctoral procedure should be continued. 2If there are
doubts concerning the validity of the accusations, the procedure will be suspended
until clarification.
(4) 1 The dean must issue, substantiate and provide the notifications including an
instruction concerning the right to an appeal in writing. 2The Executive Board is to be
§ 12 - Joint doctoral procedure with foreign educational institutions
(1) In order to foster international cooperation, the faculty may conduct a joint doctoral
procedure with foreign universities or comparable educational institutions.
(2) 1 The framework for the joint doctoral procedure shall be established on an individual
basis in a contractual agreement stipulating that the provisions of these doctoral
regulations apply to the joint doctoral procedure. 2Any deviation from these doctoral
regulations may be incorporated within the contractual provision in accordance with
the following provisions.
(3) It must be ensured that the acquired degree can be held in the country where the
foreign university or comparable educational institution with which the contract is to
be concluded is located.
(4) 1The submission of a dissertation and a scientific defense is required for the joint
doctorate. 2In the event that the dissertation and/or the scientific defense are
completed in the national language of the foreign university/comparable educational
institution, or a language other than German, a written abstract and/or summary
must be provided in German. 3A significant part of the work on the dissertation must
be completed at Technische Universität Berlin.
(5) Apart from the chair of the doctoral committee, each university or comparable
educational institution should employ the same number of reviewers to assess the
joint doctorate.
(6) The doctoral documents are retained by the university or comparable educational
institution where the oral defense takes place; the other university or comparable
educational institution will also receive a copy.
(7) A bilingual doctoral certificate referring to the joint doctoral procedure and stating
the doctoral degree to be held in the respective country will be issued by the
university or comparable educational institution where the scientific defense took
place, and signed and sealed by both universities or comparable educational
§ 13 - Honorary doctorates
(1) 1At the request of a faculty, Technische Universität Berlin may award, by decision of
the Academic Senate, the following academic degrees in recognition of outstanding
academic merit pertaining to one of its functions: Dr.-Ing. E. h. (Honorary Doctor of
Engineering Sciences), Dr. rer. nat. h. c. (Honorary Doctor of Natural Sciences), Dr.
phil. h. c. (Honorary Doctor of Philosophy) and Dr. rer. oec. h. c. (Honorary Doctor of
Economics). 2The recipients may not be a member of Technische Universität Berlin.
(2) 1 The resolutions of the faculty board require two readings. 2Both ballots are secret.
(3) 1 The Academic Senate must also decide on the awarding of an honorary doctorate.
2Details regarding this are governed by the regulations of the Academic Senate.
(4) An additional conferral of an academic honorary degree according to subsection 1 is
only possible if a previous conferral was made by another university and for other
(5) The honorary doctorate is awarded by presenting the certificate, which is signed by
the president and the dean, bears the seal of Technische Universität Berlin and states
the merits of the doctorate holder.
(6) All German-speaking universities will be notified of the conferral of the degree by the
Executive Board of Technische Universität.
§ 14 - Revocation of a doctorate
(1) A doctoral degree awarded by TU Berlin will be revoked if
1. it is subsequently established that the holder acquired the degree by cheating,
threat, bribery or negotiation against payment, or did not meet essential
2. the holder has proven themselves unworthy of holding the doctoral degree
through subsequent serious scientific misconduct.
(2) 1If the faculty board determines that sufficient grounds for suspicion exist pursuant to
subsection 1, it shall appoint a doctoral committee in accordance with Section 6 (3)
and begin the revocation procedure. 2The doctoral supervisor cannot be a member of
this committee.
(3) 1The doctoral committee reviews whether the grounds for revocation of the doctoral
degree as stated in subsection 1 are met and submits a recommendation with a
detailed explanation to the TU Berlin Executive Board. 2The doctoral candidate is to
be given the opportunity to comment. 3A written record must be kept if this is done
(4) 1The TU Berlin Executive Board takes a decision based on the recommendation of the
doctoral committee. 2The holder of the doctorate is to be informed of this decision in
writing. 3The decision must be substantiated and issued with an instruction
concerning the right to appeal. 4The decision to revoke the doctoral degree includes
the requirement to return the doctoral certificate to TU Berlin and the withdrawal
and destruction of any copies as well as revocation of the right to use the title of
(5) 1 A revocation procedure is not initiated if the doctoral degree was awarded 20 years
or more prior. 2The initiation of a revocation procedure posthumously is excluded.
§ 14a - Revocation of an honorary doctorate
(1) An honorary doctorate awarded by TU Berlin will be revoked if
1. it is subsequently established that the holder acquired the degree by cheating,
threat, bribery or negotiation against payment, or did not meet essential
2. the holder has proven themselves unworthy of holding the doctoral degree
through subsequent scientific misconduct.
(2) 1If the faculty board determines that sufficient grounds for suspicion exist pursuant to
subsection 1, it advises in two readings whether the requirements for revocation of
the honorary doctorate as stated in subsection 1 have been met. 2The holder of the
honorary doctorate is to be given the opportunity to comment. 3A written record
must be kept if this is done orally. 4Voting on possible revocation is conducted in
secret. The result of the vote is sent to the Academic Senate for a final decision.
(3) 1The TU Berlin Executive Board takes a decision based on the recommendations of
the faculty board and Academic Senate. 2The holder of the honorary doctorate is to
be informed of this decision in writing. 3The decision must be substantiated and
issued with an instruction concerning the right to appeal. 4The decision to revoke the
honorary doctorate includes the requirement to return the certificate to TU Berlin
and the withdrawal and destruction of any copies as well as revocation of the right to
use the title of honorary doctor.
(4) All German-speaking universities will be notified of the revocation of the degree by
the Executive Board of Technische Universität Berlin.
(5) 1 A revocation procedure is not initiated if the honorary doctorate was awarded 20
years or more prior. 2The initiation of a revocation procedure posthumously is
§ 15 - Transitional arrangements
(1) 1Doctoral procedures that were commenced prior to the enactment of these
regulations will be concluded in accordance with the regulations that have thus far
been in effect. 2Applicants who had already applied for acceptance as doctoral
candidates at the time of the enactment of this regulation may, within a period of
two years after the enactment, complete their doctorate in accordance with the
regulations which were in effect at the time of their application. 3The choice should
be made irrevocably with the application when commencing the doctoral procedure.
§ 16 - Entry into force/expiration
(1) This bylaw takes effect the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of
Technische Universität Berlin.
(2) The doctoral regulations of 23 October 2006 (TU Official Gazette 6/2008, p.106 et
seqq.) last amended by the version of 15 January 2014 (TU Official Gazette 2/2014, p.
24 et seqq.) apply exclusively until completion of the procedure in accordance with
Section 15 (2) and no longer apply thereafter.
Appendix 1 to the Doctoral Regulations of Technische Universität Berlin
Responsibilities of the faculties for the awarding of doctoral degrees:
The degree Dr.-Ing. (Doctor of Engineering Sciences) is awarded by Faculties IV, V,
VI and VII.
The degree Dr. rer. nat. (Doctor of Natural Sciences) is awarded by Faculties I, IV,
V, VI and VII.
The degree Dr. phil. (Doctor of Philosophy) is awarded by Faculties I, V and VI.
The degree Dr. rer. oec. (Doctor of Economic Sciences) is awarded by Faculty VII.

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