580sk Turbo 1993 (dc5)
580sk Turbo 1993 (dc5)
580sk Turbo 1993 (dc5)
From the panoramic visibility to the specially o Easy-to-reach loader control lever has
deslgned suspension seat and easy-access convenient transmission disconnect feature to
controls, the 580SK turbo ls the load erlbackhoe maximize loader prod uctivity.
of cholce for operator comfort and control.
. Transmission control on the right side of the
o Window size, shape and location have been console is within easy reach. The T-handle
designed to provide maximum visibility for all shifter has a clutch drsconnect button located on
work and transport f unctions. the end of the handle to shift gears with ease,
increasing tractor response and productlvity.
o Easy-to-0perate, durable Suspension seat with . Long roof overhang plate acts aS a rain deflector
adjustable height and weight controls lessens when rear window is open. Work lights are
operator fattgue. located in steel brackets on the front and rear of
the cab for added protection.
. Ample legroom between the seat and ROPS
post permits unobstructed operator movement . There are two control patterns to choose from.
between loader and backhoe controls. A three-lever control pattern for the boom,
dipperstick and bucket includes a foot swing. The
. Powerful cooling and heating system ventilates swing and the three backhoe functions are
air through six louvers for a comfortable, year- combined in the two-lever wobblestick hand
round work environment. Maximum insulatton control pattern. The Extendahoe@ dippersttck is
for temperature and sound control. controlled by a fourth lever 0n the three-lever
pattern or by a foot control on the two-lever
Heavy-duty all steel cab roof for safety. Easy wobblestick pattern.
mounting antenna and beacon.
Utilizing the advanced engineering Model. . Case 4T-390
Whether you're roading, excavating or loading,
the 5B0SK turbo offers speed and eff ictency for
s m ooth o pe ratio n .
llJ F
0. 0
o & Ft. l-evel Bcttom
13'4" (4.06 m)
22 20 18 16 14 12 10 I 6 FEET
3210 1 METERS
Standard Backhoe Retracted Extended
Digging depth
SAE,24"(610 mm)flat ...... 14'3"(4.35 m).................14'B'(4-47 m) . .. 18',2', (5.54 m)
SAE, maximum................. 14'5"(4.39 m).........'..... 14'10"(4.51 m) . .. 18'3" (5.57 m)
Overall reach from
1 80"
1 60"
Stabilizer spread, SAE
Operating position 9'5" (2.87 m).. 9'5" (2.87 m) . 9'5" (2.87 m)
Transport position 7'2' (2.17 m) 7'2' (2.17 m) 7'2' (2.17 m)
Digging force, bucket cylinder, SAE
24' (61 0 mm)
Universal heavy-duty bucket w/coupler ... 10,760 lbl (47 863 N) .
10 ,760 hr (47 863 N) 10 ,760 tbt (47 863 N) .
Universal heavy-duty bucket w/links 12,150 lbf (54 058 N) . ... 12,150 tbf (54 058 N). ..12,150 rbf (54 058 N)
Diggrng force
Dipper cyllnder, SAE .... 6,521 lbf (29 010 N) ....... 6,185 tbf (27 51 0 N)
4,51 9 rbf (20 100 N)
Leveling angle
(maximum slope that backh oe
will make vertical cut) 12"
Lift capacity figures 0n these charts areBTo/o of the maximum lift force per
SAE Definition J31 and J49 at 2550 psi (17 582 kPa) system relief pressure
Figures stated apply within 45" either side of prime mover
Figures stated are determined by static tests and do not include dynamic factors
Machine is equipped with 24' (610 mm) heavy-duty trenching bucket
Boom is angled at 65" for dipper lift capacities
Loader bucket is on ground
Heioht Above & Below Extendahoe'
GroÛnd Level Standard Backhoe Retracted Extended
+16' (+4.88 m) e00 lb (408 ks)
+14' (+4 .27 m) 1,980 lb (B9B ks) 1 ,550 1 ,160 lb (526 ks)
+12' (+3 66 m) 4,130 lb (1 873 ks) 3,650 lb (1 2,350 lb (1066 kg)
+1 0' (+3.05 m) 3,91 0 lb (177 4 ks) 3,550 lb (1 2,3701b (1075 kg)
+B' (+2.44 m) 4,000 lb (1814 ks) 3,650 lb (1 2,4701b (1 120 kg)
+6' (+1 83 m) 4,440 lb (2014 ks) 4,080 lb (1 2,580 lb (1 170 kg)
You depend on the front end of your loader/
backhoe to perform a variety of tasks. The
580SK turbo assures you'll get the job done
quickly and efficiently.
o Dual parallel dump cylinders and reverse o Clutch cutout button on the loader control lever
linkage provide superior breakout force and disengages the transmission to give maximum
faster dump time. Reverse linkage allows loader engine horsepower to the loader hydraulics for
bucket rollover for dozing and added stability in fast cycle tlmes. Releasing the clutch cutout
backhoe applications. When bucket is in the button returns power to the drivetrain.
rollover position, cylinder rods are retracted for
protection against the twisting forces of dozing . The Case FACT System (Fast Attachment
with the loader and digging with the backhoe. Coupling Team) allows quick changing of
The cylinder design provldes exceptional attachments for increased machine utilization.
vrsibility to the bucket for grading, as well as
loading trucks.
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Standard Backhoe Retracted Extended
A- Overall length - transport
General purpose bucket............ 22'7' (6.88 m)............................22'7'(6.88 m) ..................NA
Height -
Ground clearance at -
Wheelbase -
\- llote: Specificationstaken with 111 x 16,1()PRîronttires (exceplthatdata marked 4WD istaken wifh 12 x 16.5 lronttires),19.51 x 24,8 PR reartires, RoPS cab
14'(4.27 m) backhoe with 24" (610 mm) heavy-duty trenching bucket, loader with 82" (2.08 m) general purpose bucket and standard equipment unless otherwise specified.
General Purpose 82 (2.08 m) 4-in-1@ Bucket
A- Overall operating height... . 13'1 1" (4.24 m) 14'1" (4.29 m)
B- Bucket rollback @ groundline . .......41"
C- Dump angle @ full height... ....45"
D- Digging depth below grade -
Bucket f|at....... 4.6" (117 mm) ............... 4.6' (117 mm) ..................... 4.8" (121 mm)
The 580SK turbo is an ideal carrier for a wide range Your Case Allied Equipment Manufacturer's
of attachments. Meet today's market demand with Attachment Directory lists a complete selection of
the versatility and productivity of the Case 580SK allled attachments for loader/backhoe applications.
turbo using these allied supplied attachments.
J lCase
A Tenneco Company
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