Code in C

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Code in C++

using namespace std;

class Product {
string name;
string description;
double price;
int stockLevel;

// constructor
Product(string name, string description, double price, int stockLevel) {
this->name = name;
this->description = description;
this->price = price;
this->stockLevel = stockLevel;

// getters and setters

const string& getName() const { return name; }
const string& getDescription() const { return description; }
double getPrice() const { return price; }
int getStockLevel() const { return stockLevel; }
void setName(string name) { this->name = name; }
void setDescription(string description) { this->description = description; }
void setPrice(double price) { this->price = price; }
void setStockLevel(int stockLevel) { this->stockLevel = stockLevel; }

// operator overloading
bool operator==(const Product& p) const {
return (getName() == p.getName() && getDescription() == p.getDescription() &&
getPrice() == p.getPrice() && getStockLevel() == p.getStockLevel());

namespace std {
struct hash<Product> {
size_t operator()(const Product& p) const {
size_t h1 = hash<string>()(p.getName());
size_t h2 = hash<string>()(p.getDescription());
size_t h3 = hash<double>()(p.getPrice());
size_t h4 = hash<int>()(p.getStockLevel());
return h1 ^ h2 ^ h3 ^ h4;

struct equal_to<Product> {
bool operator()(const Product& p1, const Product& p2) const {
return p1 == p2;

class ShoppingCart {
std::vector<Product> products;

// constructor
ShoppingCart() {}

// add product to cart

void addProduct(Product product) { products.push_back(product); }

// remove product from cart

void removeProduct(Product product) {
for (auto it = products.begin(); it != products.end(); it++) {
if (*it == product) {

// calculate total cost of

double totalCost(){
double total = 0;
for (const Product& p : products) {
total += p.getPrice();
return total;

class Customer {
std::string name;
std::string address;
std::string email;

Customer() : name(""), address(""), email("") { }
Customer(std::string name, std::string address, std::string email) :
name(name), address(address), email(email) { }

std::string getName() const { return name; }

std::string getAddress() const { return address; }
std::string getEmail() const { return email; }

void setName(std::string name) { this->name = name; }

void setAddress(std::string address) { this->address = address; }
void setEmail(std::string email) { this->email = email; }

bool operator==(const Customer& other) const {

return name == && address == other.address && email ==;

class Inventory {
std::unordered_map<Product, int> products;
// constructor
// method to add a product to the inventory
void addProduct(Product product, int stock) {
products[product] = stock;
// method to update the stock level of a product
void updateStock(Product product, int stock) {
products[product] = stock;
// method to check if a product is in stock
bool isInStock(Product product) {
return products[product] > 0;
// method to restock a product
void restock(Product product, int quantity) {
products[product] += quantity;

class Payment {
double amount;
string paymentMethod;

// constructor
Payment() : paymentMethod(""), amount(0) { }
Payment(double amount, string paymentMethod) {
this->amount = amount;
this->paymentMethod = paymentMethod;

// getters and setters

double getAmount() const { return amount; }
string getPaymentMethod() const { return paymentMethod; }
void setAmount(double amount) { this->amount = amount; }
void setPaymentMethod(string paymentMethod) { this->paymentMethod = paymentMethod; }
// payment method functions
void payWithCreditCard() { /* code to process credit card payment */ }
void payWithDebitCard() { /* code to process debit card payment */ }
void payWithNetBanking() { /* code to process net banking payment */ }

class Shipping {
string shippingMethod;
double shippingCost;

// constructor
Shipping() : shippingMethod(""), shippingCost(0.0) { }
Shipping(string shippingMethod, double shippingCost) {
this->shippingMethod = shippingMethod;
this->shippingCost = shippingCost;

// getters and setters

string getShippingMethod() { return shippingMethod; }
double getShippingCost() { return shippingCost; }
void setShippingMethod(string shippingMethod) { this->shippingMethod =
shippingMethod; }
void setShippingCost(double shippingCost) { this->shippingCost = shippingCost; }

class Order {
Customer customer;
vector<Product> products;
double totalCost;
Payment payment;
Shipping shipping;

// constructor
Order(Customer customer, vector<Product> products, double totalCost, Payment payment,
Shipping shipping) {
this->customer = customer;
this->products = products;
this->totalCost = totalCost;
this->payment = payment;
this->shipping = shipping;

// getters and setters

Customer getCustomer() { return customer; }
vector<Product> getProducts() { return products; }
double getTotalCost() { return totalCost; }
Payment getPayment() { return payment; }
Shipping getShipping() { return shipping; }
void setCustomer(Customer customer) { this->customer = customer; }
void setProducts(vector<Product> products) { this->products = products; }
void setTotalCost(double totalCost) { this->totalCost = totalCost; }
void setPayment(Payment payment) { this->payment = payment; }
void setShipping(Shipping shipping) { this->shipping = shipping; }

// operator overloading for comparing two orders

bool operator==(const Order& o) {
return (customer == o.customer && products == o.products && totalCost == o.totalCost);

class Admin {
Inventory inventory;
vector<Product> products;
vector<Customer> customers;
vector<Order> orders;

// constructor
Admin() {}
// methods for adding and updating products
void addProduct(Product product) { products.push_back(product); }
void updateProduct(Product product) {
for (int i = 0; i < products.size(); i++) {
if (products[i] == product) {
products[i] = product;

// methods for managing stock level

void updateStockLevel(Product product, int stockLevel) {
for (int i = 0; i < products.size(); i++) {
if (products[i] == product) {

// methods for managing orders

void addOrder(Order order) { orders.push_back(order); }
void updateOrder(Order order) {
for (int i = 0; i < orders.size(); i++) {
if (orders[i] == order) {
orders[i] = order;

// methods for managing customer data

void addCustomer(Customer customer) { customers.push_back(customer); }
void updateCustomer(Customer customer) {
for (int i = 0; i < customers.size(); i++) {
if (customers[i] == customer) {
customers[i] = customer;
int main() {
// Create a new product
Product p1("iPhone", "New iPhone", 999.99, 10);

// Create a new inventory

Inventory inventory;

// Add the product to the inventory

inventory.addProduct(p1, 10);

// Create a new customer

Customer c1("John Smith", "123 Main St", "[email protected]");

// Create a new shopping cart

ShoppingCart cart;

// Add the product to the cart


// Check if the product is in stock

if (inventory.isInStock(p1)) {
cout << "Product is in stock" << endl;
} else {
cout << "Product is out of stock" << endl;

// Print the total cost of items in the cart

cout << "Total cost: Rs" << cart.totalCost() << endl;

// Create a new payment

Payment payment(cart.totalCost(), "Credit Card");

// Print the payment details

cout << "Payment amount: Rs" << payment.getAmount() << endl;
cout << "Payment method: " << payment.getPaymentMethod() << endl;
return 0;

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