Service Instructions: MEAG Fieldbus

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Service instructions MEAG fieldbus

for electronics MEAG-MDDx


Standard Optional Optional

2 Feldbus-Protokoll

These Service instructions apply starting with the program version:

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1806  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Table of contents 3

Table of contents
1 Description ............................................................................................................. 11
1.1 Technical data Profibus DP ................................................................................................... 12
1.2 Device parameters Profibus DP ............................................................................................. 12
1.3 Device-specific operating manuals ........................................................................................ 14

2 Protocol structure ................................................................................................. 16

2.1 Depiction ............................................................................................................................... 16
2.2 Data records ......................................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Index of transmitted / received data record ............................................................................ 17

3 General data for all devices .................................................................................. 18

3.1 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 3) ................................................................................... 18
3.2 Status bits (received data bytes 3) ......................................................................................... 19
3.3 Received data record 5 (current temperatures) ...................................................................... 20
3.4 Received data record 99 test data for protocol test ................................................................ 20
3.5 Received data record 120 alarms .......................................................................................... 21
3.6 Received data record 121 alarms .......................................................................................... 21
3.7 Received data record 124 IO monitor analog signals (input) .................................................. 22
3.8 Received data record 125 IO monitor 24 V (input / output) ..................................................... 22
3.9 Received data record 127 (received data bytes 8…23) .......................................................... 24
3.10 Received data record 11, 12 parameter output ...................................................................... 27
3.11 Transmitted/received data record 126 date / time .................................................................. 28
3.12 Received data record 13 job data / calibration memory .......................................................... 29
3.13 Transmitted data record 200 free printer text ......................................................................... 30
3.14 Transmitted data record 201/202 display message ................................................................ 31
3.15 Transmitted data record 14 analog outputs ............................................................................ 32

4 DMS transmitter (DMS-T) ...................................................................................... 33

4.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 .............................................................................. 33
4.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) .............................................................................. 34
4.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................... 35
4.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ....................................................... 36
4.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................... 36
4.6 Compact protocol .................................................................................................................. 37

5 Hopper scale (DUMP, DUMP2).............................................................................. 38

5.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 .............................................................................. 38
5.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) .............................................................................. 39
5.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................... 40
5.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ....................................................... 41
5.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................... 42

6 Differential proportioning scale (DIFF, DIFFS) .................................................... 43

6.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 .............................................................................. 43
6.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) .............................................................................. 44
6.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................... 45
6.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ....................................................... 46
6.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................... 47

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1806

4 Table of contents Fieldbus protocol

7 Flow balancer MZAH (FBAL) .................................................................................49

7.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 .............................................................................. 49
7.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) .............................................................................. 50
7.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................... 51
7.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ....................................................... 52
7.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................... 52

8 Check weigher (CHECK) .......................................................................................54

8.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 .............................................................................. 54
8.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) .............................................................................. 55
8.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................... 56
8.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ....................................................... 57
8.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................... 58

9 Bagging scale (BAG) .............................................................................................60

9.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 .............................................................................. 60
9.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) .............................................................................. 62
9.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................... 63
9.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ....................................................... 64
9.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................... 66

10 Bagging scale (BAG2) ...........................................................................................67

10.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 .............................................................................. 67
10.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) .............................................................................. 69
10.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................... 70
10.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ....................................................... 72
10.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................... 73

11 Differential bagging scale (BAGD1, BAGD3) .......................................................75

11.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 .............................................................................. 75
11.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) .............................................................................. 76
11.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................... 78
11.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ....................................................... 79
11.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................... 81

12 Volumetric feed gate MZDE (SLIDE) .....................................................................83

12.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 .............................................................................. 83
12.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) .............................................................................. 84
12.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................... 84
12.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ....................................................... 85
12.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................... 85

13 Dosing control system (DCOS).............................................................................86

13.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 .............................................................................. 86
13.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) .............................................................................. 87
13.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................... 88
13.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ....................................................... 89
13.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................... 90

14 Device control (DEVICE) .......................................................................................91

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Table of contents 5

14.1 General information ............................................................................................................... 91

14.2 Summary of standard data records 128/1 (applies to all devices) ........................................... 91
14.3 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) .............................................................................. 92
14.4 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................... 93
14.5 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ....................................................... 94
14.5.1 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints) ................................................... 94
14.5.2 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoint kiln 4_LOOP) ................................ 95
14.6 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................... 96
14.6.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)..................................................... 96
14.6.2 Received data record 1 (standard actual values kiln 4_LOOP) ................................ 96

15 Vertical pearler (BSPB) ......................................................................................... 97

15.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 .............................................................................. 97
15.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) .............................................................................. 98
15.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................... 98
15.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ....................................................... 99
15.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................... 99

16 GRAVISCREW MSDR (GSCREW) ....................................................................... 101

16.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 101
16.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 102
16.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 103
16.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 104
16.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 105

17 Roller mill (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II, MDDY/Z)................................................ 107

17.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 107
17.2 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 108
17.3 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 109
17.3.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)................................................... 109
17.3.2 Received and transmitted data record 129 (advanced setpoints and actual
values for speed control)....................................................................................... 110
17.3.3 Received data record 2 (advanced actual values) ................................................. 111
17.3.4 Transmitted and received data record 5 (bearing temperature monitoring) ............ 111
17.3.5 Received data record 5 (grinding roller temperature monitoring) ........................... 112
17.3.6 Special case: Four-roller mill split longitudinally..................................................... 113
17.4 Automatic grinding gap adjuster (option) .............................................................................. 114
17.4.1 Transmitted data record 3 (standard setpoints for optional grinding gap adjuster) .. 114
17.4.2 Received data record 3 (standard actual values for optional grinding gap
adjuster) ............................................................................................................... 115

18 Hammer mill (DFCQ) ........................................................................................... 116

18.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 116
18.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 118
18.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 120
18.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 121
18.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 122
18.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)................................................... 122
18.5.2 Received data record 4 (advanced actual values) ................................................. 123
18.6 Compatibility with protocol DFCO ........................................................................................ 123
18.7 Received data record 125 IO monitor 24 V (input / output) ................................................... 124

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1806

6 Table of contents Fieldbus protocol

18.8 Starting/stopping main motors of the mill ............................................................................. 127

18.9 Throughput adjuster FCM (standard data records 128/1) ..................................................... 128

19 Pellet mill control (DFCI) ..................................................................................... 130

19.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 130
19.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 132
19.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 133
19.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 134
19.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 135
19.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values) .................................................. 135
19.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual values part 2) ....................................................... 136
19.5.3 Received data record 3 (actual values part 3) ....................................................... 137
19.5.4 Received data record 5 (current temperatures) ..................................................... 138
19.5.5 Received data record 6 (press motor frequency converter) ................................... 140
19.5.6 Received data record 7 (Optiflow feed roller frequency converter)......................... 141
19.5.7 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints) ..................................................... 141

20 Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus) ........................................... 142

20.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 142
20.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 144
20.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 146
20.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 148
20.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 149
20.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values) .................................................. 149
20.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual values part 2) ....................................................... 150
20.5.3 Received data record 5 (current temperatures) ..................................................... 151
20.5.4 Received data record 6 (frequency converter)....................................................... 152
20.5.5 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints) ..................................................... 152

21 Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) ........................................................................... 153

21.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 153
21.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 155
21.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 156
21.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 157
21.4.1 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints) ................................................. 157
21.4.2 Transmitted data record 129 (setpoints part 2) ...................................................... 158
21.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 159
21.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values) .................................................. 159
21.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual values part 2) ....................................................... 160
21.5.3 Received data record 3 (actual values part 3) ....................................................... 162
21.5.4 Received data record 4 (actual values part 4) ....................................................... 163
21.5.5 Received data record 5 (current temperatures) ..................................................... 164
21.5.6 Received data record 6 (actual values part 6) ....................................................... 166
21.5.7 Received data record 7 (frequency converter)....................................................... 167
21.5.8 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints) ..................................................... 168
21.5.9 Received data record 129 (setpoints part 2).......................................................... 168

22 Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA)......................................... 169

22.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 169
22.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 170
22.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 171

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Table of contents 7

22.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 172
22.4.1 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints) ................................................. 172
22.4.2 Transmitted data record 129 (advanced setpoints 1) ............................................. 173
22.4.3 Transmitted data record 130 (advanced setpoints 2) ............................................. 173
22.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 174
22.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)................................................... 174
22.5.2 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints) ..................................................... 174
22.5.3 Received data record 129 (advanced setpoints 1)................................................. 174
22.5.4 Received data record 130 (advanced setpoints 2)................................................. 174
22.5.5 Received data record 2 (actual values part 2) ....................................................... 175
22.5.6 Received data record 3 (actual values part 3) ....................................................... 177
22.5.7 Received data record 4 (actual values part 4) ....................................................... 178
22.5.8 Received data record 5 (current temperatures) ..................................................... 179
22.5.9 Received data record 6 (actual values part 6) ....................................................... 181
22.5.10 Received data record 7 (frequency converter)....................................................... 182
22.5.11 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints) ..................................................... 183
22.5.12 Received data record 129 (setpoints part 2) .......................................................... 183

23 Huller (MHSA) ...................................................................................................... 184

23.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 184
23.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 185
23.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 186
23.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 186
23.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 186
23.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)................................................... 186
23.5.2 Received data record 6 (rotor frequency converter)............................................... 187

24 Sifter frequency regulator (FC)........................................................................... 188

24.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 188
24.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 189
24.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 190
24.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 191
24.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 191
24.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)................................................... 191
24.5.2 Received data record 6 (frequency converter)....................................................... 192

25 Mixer control (MIX) .............................................................................................. 193

25.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 193
25.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 194
25.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 195
25.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 195
25.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 196
25.6 Received data record 125 IO monitor 24 V (input / output) ................................................... 197

26 Multi NIR (NIR) ..................................................................................................... 198

26.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 198
26.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 199
26.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 200
26.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 200
26.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 201
26.6 Received data record 125 IO monitor 24 V (input / output) ................................................... 202

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1806

8 Table of contents Fieldbus protocol

27 Particle size sensor (MYSA) ................................................................................ 203

27.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 203
27.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 205
27.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 205
27.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 207
27.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 208

28 Moisture measuring device MYFD (CONWD) .................................................... 211

28.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 211
28.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 212
28.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 212
28.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 213
28.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 214

29 Moisture measuring device MOZG (CONWD) .................................................... 215

29.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 215
29.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 216
29.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 216
29.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 216
29.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 217

30 Level regulation for SORTEX Z+ (SORT) ........................................................... 218

30.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 218
30.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 219
30.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 221
30.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 222
30.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 223

31 Flaking mill (OLFB) .............................................................................................. 225

31.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 225
31.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 226
31.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 228
31.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 230
31.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 231
31.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values) .................................................. 231
31.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual values part 2) ....................................................... 232
31.5.3 Received data record 5 (current temperatures) ..................................................... 233
31.5.4 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints) ..................................................... 233

32 Cracking mill (OLCC) ........................................................................................... 234

32.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 234
32.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 236
32.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 238
32.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 240
32.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 241
32.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values) .................................................. 241
32.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual values passages) ................................................. 242
32.5.3 Received data record 5 (current temperatures) ..................................................... 243
32.5.4 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints) ..................................................... 245
32.6 Electrical grinding gap adjuster ............................................................................................ 246

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Table of contents 9

32.6.1 Transmitted data record 3 (setpoints for electrical grinding gap adjuster)............... 246
32.6.2 Received data record 3 (actual values for grinding gap adjuster) ........................... 247
32.6.3 Received data record 4 (setpoints for electrical grinding gap adjuster) .................. 249

33 Sample collector MZET (SAM) ............................................................................ 250

33.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 250
33.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 251
33.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 252
33.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 252
33.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 254

34 Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) ............................................................................. 255

34.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 255
34.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 257
34.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 259
34.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 260
34.4.1 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints) ................................................. 260
34.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 261
34.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)................................................... 261
34.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual values for reduction passage) ............................... 262
34.6 Automatic grinding gap adjuster .......................................................................................... 263
34.6.1 Transmitted data record 3 (setpoints for grinding gap adjuster) ............................. 263
34.6.2 Received data record 3 (actual values for grinding gap adjuster) ........................... 264
34.7 SmartGap ........................................................................................................................... 265
34.7.1 Transmitted data record 6 (setpoints plant control SmartGap) ............................... 265
34.7.2 Transmitted data record 7 (setpoints WinPSM SmartGap) .................................... 266
34.7.3 Received data record 6 (Plant Control SmartGap)................................................. 267
34.7.4 Received data record 7 (WinPSM SmartGap) ....................................................... 267

35 CAN Bus IO Extender / RS485 transformer ....................................................... 269

35.1 General information ............................................................................................................. 269
35.2 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 270
35.3 Transmitted and received data 129 / 2 (setpoint serial MEAF communication) ..................... 271

36 Dryer (LEEA) ........................................................................................................ 272

36.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 272
36.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 273
36.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 275
36.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 276
36.4.1 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints) ................................................. 276
36.4.2 Transmitted data record 131 (Recipe setpoints Part 1) .......................................... 277
36.4.3 Transmitted data record 132 (Recipe setpoints Part 2) .......................................... 278
36.4.4 Transmitted data record 133 (Recipe setpoints Part 3) .......................................... 278
36.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 280
36.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)................................................... 280
36.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual temperature values) ............................................. 281
36.5.3 Received data record 3 (element status) ............................................................... 281
36.5.4 Received data record 131 (recipe setpoints part 1) ............................................... 283
36.5.5 Received data record 132 (recipe setpoints part 2) ............................................... 283
36.5.6 Received data record 133 (recipe setpoints part 3) ............................................... 283

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1806

10 Table of contents Fieldbus protocol

37 Flaking mill (MDFA) ............................................................................................. 284

37.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 284
37.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 286
37.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 287
37.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 288
37.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 288

38 Rubber-roller huller DRHE (RCHULL) ................................................................ 290

38.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 290
38.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 292
38.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 292
38.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 293
38.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 293

39 High-compression mill (MDGA) .......................................................................... 294

39.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 294
39.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 296
39.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 297
39.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 298
39.4.1 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints) ................................................. 298
39.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 299
39.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values) .................................................. 299
39.5.2 Received data record 2 (advanced actual values) ................................................. 300
39.5.3 Received data record 5 (current temperatures) ..................................................... 300

40 Vertical pearler MTPA .......................................................................................... 301

40.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 301
40.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 302
40.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 302
40.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 303
40.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 303

41 Sample collector MZET (SAM) ............................................................................ 305

41.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1 ............................................................................ 305
41.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3) ............................................................................ 306
41.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3) ................................................................................. 307
41.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23) ..................................................... 307
41.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23) ............................................................. 308

42 Examples .............................................................................................................. 309

42.1 Schematic design of data communication ............................................................................ 309
42.1.1 Simple example: Reading actual value ................................................................. 309
42.1.2 More complex example: Transmit setpoints and control signals, and query
actual values ........................................................................................................ 310
42.1.3 Complex example: Start the press and read the responses ................................... 312

43 Real-time Ethernet (ProfiNet / EtherNet/IP) ........................................................ 318

43.1 General information............................................................................................................. 318
43.2 EtherNet/IP configuration .................................................................................................... 319
43.3 ProfiNet configuration .......................................................................................................... 322

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Description 11

1 Description
These Service instructions are valid for MEAG controls with basic electronics.
In these devices, Profibus DP is integrated on the circuit board and is therefore
available at all times.

As a communication module, the SIEMENS SPC3 Profibus Controller is used ac-

cording to the standard EN 50170.
In the case of failure of the device (deadlock), the corresponding diagnostic flags
are automatically set in the protocol. These are evaluated by a master unit, which
then takes the appropriate action. Conversely, upon failure of the master or with
connection problems, the device can perform a control stop. This places the plant
in a secure state.

The following interfaces are also available as options:

EtherNet/IP or ProfiNet

The data content is identical for all protocols. This means that the following de-
scription is valid for all fieldbus interfaces.

Regarding the configuration, see

chapter 43 Real-time Ethernet (ProfiNet / EtherNet/IP)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

12 Description Fieldbus protocol

1.1 Technical data Profibus DP

Profibus Con- SIEMENS SPC3

Protocol Profibus DP according to EN 50170
The protocol is composed of 24 bytes each of consistent
transmitted and received data. (Standard protocol)
With the DMS transmitter, a compact protocol is also available.
Baud power A max. baud power of 12 MBaud is possible. The device au-
tomatically adjusts to the projected baud power; baud power
settings are therefore not necessary.
Connection See device operating manual
Bus termination If the device is at the end of the Profibus, then the plug with
the integrated terminating resistor must be used. An incorrect
bus termination can make communication impossible through-
out the entire Profibus.
Cable lengths The maximum cable lengths per bus segment are limited by
the baud power:
1.5 MBaud: 200 m per segment
12 MBaud: 100 m per segment
Repeaters must be used for longer lines.
Deadlock If the device is in an invalid state/deadlock, this is recognized
by the SPC3 Profibus module via a watchdog and stops the
data transmission. The corresponding diagnostics data is set
in the Profibus protocol and can be evaluated, for example, by
the master.
Identification AEE0 (registered by Profibus user organization)
Configuration The configuration takes place via the GSD file
BDC_AEE0.GSD; the BDC_AEE0.DIB file is used for the de-
vice symbol. Because the data format of the STANDARD pro-
tocol is identical to the MEAF electronics assembly, the GSD
file BUZ_AEE0.GSD can also be used.
Upon replacement of a MEAF by a MEAG, the device can
therefore be swapped without configuration.
Connection The connection check is active only if the parameter SYS.REM
check (Time- = REMP is set. The monitoring time is set at parameter
out) PBDP.TOUT. Upon timeout, an alarm is displayed on the de-
vice. Certain devices stop when there is a timeout in the inter-
ests of safety.

1.2 Device parameters Profibus DP

The following parameters are directly connected to the Profibus interface. See also
device operating manual.

SYS.TYP By selecting another scale type, the structure of the transmit-

ted and received data is also modified.
SYS.REM The transmitted data is accepted by the device only if the
parameter is set to REMP. The received data can be read for
every adjustment.
Menu PBDP See device operating manual.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Description 13

SERV.P-DP Profibus DP status indicator
See device operating manual

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

14 Description Fieldbus protocol

1.3 Device-specific operating manuals

See the following operating manual for a detailed description of the device:

Identification number Type Designation

MEAG-66698-x-1 DMS-T DMS transmitter
MEAG-66698-x-2 DCOS Dosing control system
MEAG-66698-x-3 DUMP Hopper scale
MEAG-66698-x-5 DIFF Differential proportioning scale
MEAG-66698-x-6 FBAL Flow balancer
MEAG-66698-x-7 SLIDE MSDE volumetric feed gate
MEAG-66698-x-8 BAG Bagging scale
MEAG-66698-x-9 BAGD1 MWBC differential bagging scale,
single scale system
MEAG-66698-x-10 CHECK MSDP check weigher
MEAG-66698-x-11 BAGD3 MWBC differential bagging scale,
triple scale system
MEAG-66698-x-12 MWEJ MWEJ Retrofit for MWBD/MWBF
MEAG-66698-x-13 DUMP2 Tandem hopper scale
MEAG-66698-x-14 DEVICE Temperature controller
MEAG-66698-x-15 BSPB BSPB vertical pearler
MEAG-66698-x-16 BAG2 Double bagging scale
MEAG-66698-x-17 GSCREW MSDR screw scale
MEAG-66698-x-18 SORT Level regulation for SORTEX Z+
CONWD-66698-x-19 CONWD Control for moisture controller MYFD /
MEAG-MDDx-66690-x MDDx Roller mill control MDDR-MDDT
DFCQ-66802-x-1 DFCQ Hammer mill control unit
MHSA-66996-x MHSA Control unit for huller
MRMA-66989-x-1 MIX Safety control for mixer MRMA
DFCI-67099-x DFCI Pellet mill control
MEAG-66586-x-1 OLFB Control for flaking mill OLFB
MEAG-OLCC-20296-x OLCC Control for OLCC cracking mill
MZET-67182-x-1 MZET Control for sample collector MZET
MEAG-MDBA-67209-x-1 MALT Grist mill MDBA
MEAG-LEEA-67221-x-1 LEEA Dryer control LEEA
MEAG-DRHE-51313-x-1 DRHE DRHE rubber-roller huller
MEAG-HYMIXP-20012-x HYMIXP Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and
DCHA Plus)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Description 15

Identification number Type Designation

MEAG-DFKM-67226-x DFKM Control for DFKM countercurrent cool-
MTPA-20273-x MTPA Universal control for vertical pearler
MEAG-MZED-20167-x MZED Universal control for sampler MEAG-
MEAG-MZET-xxxx-x MZET Universal control unit for sampler
x = Documentation version

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

16 Protocol structure Fieldbus protocol

2 Protocol structure
The STANDARD protocol consists of 12 words of consistent transmitted and re-
ceived data. These are symmetrically structured. They each contain 4-byte control
and state bits, which are always transmitted. 16 bytes contain variable data (data
records), which are defined by a number and an index (number/index transmitted
and received data record; one byte each). In these 16 bytes, 16-bit (WORD) or 32-
bit (DWORD) data can also be transmitted. The highest-order byte is transmitted
correspondingly to the lowest address.
Transmitted data labeled as n.u. = not used is ignored by the device. Received
data labeled as n.u. is set to the value 0 by the device.
The consistent data can only by read / written via special functions in the connect-
ed controls
(e.g. SIMATIC S5 = FB192, SIMATIC S7 = SFC14/SFC15).

2.1 Depiction

Transmitted data Received data

(Outputs for the control, (Inputs for the control,
inputs for the device) Byte outputs for the device)
Byte 0…3 Control bits 2) 0 Byte 0…3 Control bits
(according to type of device) 1 (according to type of device)
Byte 4 Number of transmitted data 4 Byte 4 Number of transmitted data rec-
record ord
0 = empty transmitted data record 1) (acknowledgment; see transmitted data)
128…255 = Transmitted data records
Byte 5 Index of transmitted data record 5 Byte 5 Index of transmitted data record
0…255 = e.g. Recipe number (acknowledgment; see transmitted data)
Byte 6 Number of received data record 6 Byte 6 Number of received data record
0 = Received data record empty 1) (acknowledgment; see transmitted data)
1…127 = Received data records
128…255 = Read back transmitted data rec-
Byte 7 Index of received data record 7 Byte 7 Index of received data record
0…255 = e.g. Recipe number (acknowledgment; see transmitted data)
Byte 8…23 Transmitted data record 2) 8 Byte 8…23 Received data record
(according to the number of the transmitted data 9 (according to the number of the received data
record and the type of device) 10 record and the type of device)


1) Only the control or status bits are transmitted.

2) The control bits and data in the transmitted data record are accepted only if
parameter SYS.REM = REMP.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Protocol structure 17

2.2 Data records

The data records are defined by numbers and indices.
A transmitted and received data record can be selected at the same time from a
master device. The transmitted data record numbers and indices are returned as a
type of acknowledgment.

2.3 Index of transmitted / received data record

The index enables multiple variants to be managed under the same data record
(e.g. various recipes).
In most cases, a data record does not contain an index. The value should then be
set to 0.
In describing the data records, the index is indicated only if it is needed.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

18 General data for all devices Fieldbus protocol

3 General data for all devices

3.1 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 3)
The bytes 0...2 are used in a device-specific manner. Byte 3 is identical for all de-

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0…7 See device
1 0…7 See device
2 0…7 See device
3 0 Control signals 1 = The control signals contain valid values;
valid the control signals are taken from the con-
trol. This does not apply to control bits 6
and 7 of byte 3.
1 Local mode 0 = Normal operation via fieldbus (control via
1 = Local control of device (only if
SYS.REM = REMP/REME and "control
signals valid" bit is set)
2…4 n.u.
5 Clearing the 1 = Acknowledgment of clearable alarms (ac-
alarm cording to alarm description)
6 Modification 1) 1 = New transmitted data record or the content
Transmitted has changed
data record
7 Acknowledg- 1 = Acknowledgment when
ment, Modifica- status bit "Modification to received data
tion 2) record" = 1
Received data

1) see next page

2) see next page

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol General data for all devices 19

3.2 Status bits (received data bytes 3)

The bytes 0...2 are used in a device-specific manner. Byte 3 is identical for all de-

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0…7 see device data
1 0…7 see device data
2 0…7 see device data
3 0 DI 0.0 State of input DI 0.0
1 DI 0.1 State of input DI 0.1
2 DI 0.2 State of input DI 0.2
3 Remote control 1 = The device works in remote Profibus
via fieldbus DP mode (SYS.REM =
REMP/REME). The edit box is locked
for setpoints.
4 Incorrect setpoint 1 = A setpoint in the transmitted data
record is outside the valid range or an
invalid transmitted / received data
record was selected.
5 Common alarm 1 = Serious alarm for device
6 Acknowledgment, 1 = Acknowledgment when control bit
Modification 1) "Modification to transmitted data rec-
Transmitted data ord" = 1
7 Modification 2) 1 = New received data record or the con-
Received data tent has changed

1) "Handshake bits" upon modification of transmitted data; these can be

used if necessary.
If the plant control system modifies the transmitted data, then it sets the control
bit "Modification to transmitted data record" at the end. After reading, the de-
vice sets the status bit "Acknowledgment modification to transmitted data rec-
The control recognizes herewith that the device has read the data and clears
the control bit "Modification to transmitted data record". The device then also
clears the status bit "Acknowledgment modification to transmitted data record".
2) "Handshake bits" upon modification of received data; these can be used if
necessary. If the received data is modified, then the device sets the status bit
"Modification to received data record". After reading, the plant control system
sets the control bit "Acknowledgment modification to received data record".
The control recognizes herewith that the control has read the data and clears
the status bit "Modification to received data record". The control system then
also clears the control bit "Acknowledgment modification to received data rec-

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

20 General data for all devices Fieldbus protocol

3.3 Received data record 5 (current temperatures)

Received data record 5 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures (n = received data record index = CAN module address)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature n.0 0.1°C current temperature
(-320.0…+320.0) n index (default setting 1)
10…11 Temperature n.1 0 = Basic printed board assembly
1…9 CAN analog module
12…13 Temperature n.2
14…15 Temperature n.3 Refer to wiring diagram for index n.
16…17 Temperature n.4
18…19 Temperature n.5
20…21 Temperature n.6
22…23 Temperature n.7

3.4 Received data record 99 test data for protocol test

The data record is used for testing. The programmed content of the bytes is fixed.
This means that the order of the bytes can be tested.
The record is available starting from SERV.V_BASE V15A.

Byte Name Description

8 Test 1 int8 0x01 1 Dec
9 Test 2 int8 0x02 2 Dec
10 Test 3 int8 0x03 3 Dec
11 Test 4 int8 0x04 4 Dec
12-13 Test 5 int16 0x1011 4113 Dec
14-15 Test 6 int16 0x8013 -32,749 Dec
16-19 Test 7 int32 0x20,212,223 539,042,339 Dec
20-23 Test 8 int32 0x90,919,293 -1,869,507,949 Dec

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol General data for all devices 21

3.5 Received data record 120 alarms

Index X 1 = Device 1 n = Device n

Byte Name Description
8…23 Summary of all The bit number corresponds to the alarm number.
active alarms 8.0 n.u.
8.1 Alarm 1
8.2 Alarm 2
23.7 Alarm 127

3.6 Received data record 121 alarms

Index X 1 = Device 1 n = Device n

Byte Name Description
8…23 Summary of all The bit number corresponds to the alarm number.
active alarms 8.0 Alarm 128
8.1 Alarm 129
8.2 Alarm 130
23.7 Alarm 255

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

22 General data for all devices Fieldbus protocol

3.7 Received data record 124 IO monitor analog signals (input)

Index X = Module number (0 = circuit board >0 = CAN module)

Byte Name Description
8…9 Analog input 0 Current measured value of the analog input X.0
10…11 Analog input 1 Current measured value of the analog input X.1
12…13 Analog input 2 Current measured value of the analog input X.2
14…15 Analog input 3 Current measured value of the analog input X.3
16…17 Analog input 4 Current measured value of the analog input X.4
18…19 Analog input 5 Current measured value of the analog input X.5
20…21 Analog input 6 Current measured value of the analog input X.6
22…23 Analog input 7 Current measured value of the analog input X.7

The current measured value is transmitted dependent on the setting of the

parameter 1317.AI

0 mA / 4 mA 0.00 mA
R / PT100 / PT1000 0.0 Ohm
5 V / 10 V 0.000 V
80 mV 0.000 mV

3.8 Received data record 125 IO monitor 24 V (input / output)

Index X = Module number (0 = circuit board >0 = CAN module)

Byte Name Description
8…11 24 V inputs Byte.Bit number / I. Input number
I.0.n Circuit board inputs
I.X.n Inputs CAN module index X

The description of the input function can be found in the

operating manual of the corresponding device.
8.0 I X.0 10.0 I X.16
8.1 I X.1 10.1 I X.17
8.2 I X.2 10.2 I X.18
8.3 I X.3 10.3 I X.19
8.4 I X.4 10.4 I X.20
8.5 I X.5 10.5 I X.21
8.6 I X.6 10.6 I X.22
8.7 I X.7 10.7 I X.23
9.0 I X.8 11.0 I X.24
9.1 I X.9 11.1 I X.25
9.2 I X.10 11.2 I X.26
9.3 I X.11 11.3 I X.27
9.4 I X.12 11.4 I X.28
9.5 I X.13 11.5 I X.29
9.6 I X.14 11.6 I X.30
9.7 I X.15 11.7 I X.31

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol General data for all devices 23

12…14 n.u.
15 24 V inputs 15.0 I1 Display 1 15.4 I1 Display 2
display print 15.1 I2 Display 1 15.5 I2 Display 2
card 15.2 I3 Display 1 15.6 I3 Display 2
15.3 n.u. 15.7 n.u.
16…20 24 V outputs Byte.Bit Number / I.Output number
I.0.n Outputs circuit board
I.X.n Outputs CAN module index X

The description of the output function can be found in the

operating manual of the corresponding device.
16.0 O X.0 17.0 O X.8
16.1 O X.1 17.1 O X.9
16.2 O X.2 17.2 O X.10
16.3 O X.3 17.3 O X.11
16.4 O X.4 17.4 O X.12
16.5 O X.5 17.5 O X.13
16.6 O X.6 17.6 O X.14
16.7 O X.7 17.7 O X.15
21…23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

24 General data for all devices Fieldbus protocol

3.9 Received data record 127 (received data bytes 8…23)

General device information

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Current scale 0…99,999 [DIV] Current weight of the scale content in the set resolution
weight 1) of the AD-converter (ADC.DIV)
12 Decimal places 0…3 Number of decimal places of weight values with the divi-
1) sion DIV according to the ADC.DIV setting
13 Type of device 0…255 0 = not defined
1 = DMS-T (DMS transmitter)
2 = DUMP (hopper scale)
3 = DIFFG (differential proportioning scale
with volumetric feed gate)
4 = DIFF (differential proportioning scale
with feed screw conveyor)
5 = DIFFM (Micro differential proportioning
6 = MZMN (Micro-ladling device; no scale)
7 = FBAL (automatic flow balancer and flow
8 = CHECK (check weigher)
9 = BAG (bagging scale)
10 = BAGD1 (differential bagging scale, single-
scale system)
11 = BAGD2 (differential bagging scale, double-
scale system)
12 = BAGD3 (differential bagging scale, triple-
scale system)
13 = MYFC (automatic moisture controller)
14 = MOZF (Liquids flow controller)
15 = SLIDE (Volumetric feed gate)
16 = DCOS (dosing control system)
17 = BSPB (Load-controlled contact regulati-
18 = DEVICE (DevCtrl temperature controller)
19 = MWEJ (MWEJ retrofit for MWBD/F)
20 = BAG2 (double bagging scale)
21 = GSCRE (Screw scale MSDR)
22 = MIX (Mixer MRMA)
23 = MYSA (Particle size sensor)
24 = NIR (Multi NIR system, MYRG)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol General data for all devices 25

25 = CONWD (Moisture measuring device

26 = DRY (automatic moisture control dryer)
27 = MZET (Sample collector 12 containers)
29 = CANIO (CAN-BUS IO extender)
30 = MTPA Vertical pearler
31 = MZET (Sample collector 1 containers)
100 = MDDR_T (Roller mill ANTARES MDDR/T)
(Roller mill DOLOMIT MDDP/Q)
(Roller mill DIORIT MDDY/Z)
101 = MDGA (high-compression mill)
102 = FLAKER (flaking mill)
103 = MALT (MDBA grist mill)
110 = DFCQ (hammer mill)
115 = HYMIXP (HYMIX Plus, feeder DDHA and
mixer DCHA Plus)
120 = DFCI (Pellet mill control)
125 = DFKM (countercurrent cooler)
130 = MHSA (DGA huller)
131 = RCHULL (Rice huller DRHE)
132 = TUBO (Tubular conveying system)
140 = FC (Sifter frequency regulator)
150 = SORT (Level regulation for
160 = OLFB (flaking mill)
162 = OLCC (cracking mill)
165 = DFZL (crumbler)
170 = LEEA (dryer)

14 Program version 0…99 Number of program version, e.g. V33A

15 Program version 'A'…'Z' Letter for program version, e.g. V33A
letter The letter is transmitted in ASCII code
16 Address 0…255 Profibus DP address of the device (parameter
17…19 n.u.
20…23 Identification coun- 0… Counter for clear identification of weights etc.
ter 2)

1) Only for the types BAG, BAG2, BAGD1, BAGD3, CHECK, DCOS, DIFF, DMS-T, DUMP, DUMP2,

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

26 General data for all devices Fieldbus protocol

2) Only for the types DCOS, DMS-T, DUMP, DUMP2, MIX

Device type < 100 Universal control dc_scale_EBD1312
Device type ≥ 100 Universal control dc_roller_EBD1311

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol General data for all devices 27

3.10 Received data record 11, 12 parameter output

Received data record 11 (parameter name)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
7 Index of received 0…255 The index has the special function in this data record of
data record controlling requests.
The parameter output is started or restarted with the
value 253.
The next parameter is selected with the value 254. For
this, however, the parameter value of the current param-
eter must also be previously requested with the received
data record 12.
No conventional acknowledgment of the index takes
place. Instead, a counter is returned that starts at one
and increases with each returned parameter by one.
Once all parameters are queried, 255 is returned.
8…15 Parameter group ASCII set of cha- Parameter group of the currently selected parameter.
16…23 Parameter name ASCII set of cha- Name of the currently selected parameter.

Received data record 12 (parameter value)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
7 Index of received 0…255 No conventional acknowledgment of the index takes
data record place. Instead, a counter is returned that starts at one
and increases with each returned parameter by one.
Once all parameters are queried, 255 is returned.
8…23 Parameter value ASCII set of cha- Value of the currently selected parameter

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

28 General data for all devices Fieldbus protocol

3.11 Transmitted/received data record 126 date / time

The transmitted data record 126 describes the time.
This enables a synchronization of the time.

Transmitted data record 126 (date/time)

Byte Name Range Description
8 Seconds 0…59 Setting seconds
9 Minutes 0…59 Setting minutes
10 Hours 0…23 Set hours
11 Day 1…31 Set day
12 Month 1…12 Set month
13 Year 0…63 Setting the year
14 Applying the 0…1 0 = Do not adopt time
time 1 = Adopt time
(Byte 8…13; once with positive
edge even if it is already 1, if
switched to transmitted data record
15… n.u.

The clock is read with the received data record 126.

This enables a synchronization of the time.

Received data record 126 (date/time)

Byte Name Range Description
8 Seconds 0…59 Read seconds
9 Minutes 0…59 Read minutes
10 Hours 0…23 Read hours
11 Day 1…31 Read day
12 Month 1…12 Read month
13 Year 0…63 Read year
14 Reserved 0 Reserved but not used
15… n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol General data for all devices 29

3.12 Received data record 13 job data / calibration memory

The last entry of the calibration memory is read with the received data record 13.
The identification number as well as the first 3 values are transferred with the index
0. The date and time as well as the last 2 values are transferred with index 1. The
number of values varies depending on the application (for values see application in
the following chapters)

Received data record 13 index = 0 (Job data / calibration memory)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Identification 0…4,294,967,295 Consecutive number, which increases by 1 each time a
number job is saved
12…15 Value 1 -2,147,483,648… Saved value 1 from previous job (for
2,147,483,647 value see application)
16…19 Value 2 -2,147,483,648… Saved value 2 from previous job (for
2,147,483,647 value see application)

20…23 Value 3 -2,147,483,648… Saved value 3 from previous job (for value
2,147,483,647 see application)

Received data record 13 index = 1 (Job data / calibration memory)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Seconds 0…59 Date and time from previous job were saved
9 Minutes 0…59
10 Hours 0…23
11 Day 1…31
12 Month 1…12
13 Year 0…63
14…15 n.u.
16…19 Value 4 -2,147,483,648… Saved value 4 from previous job (for val-
2,147,483,647 ue see application)

20…23 Value 5 -2,147,483,648… Saved value 5 from previous job (for

2,147,483,647 value see application)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

30 General data for all devices Fieldbus protocol

3.13 Transmitted data record 200 free printer text

Free texts are output directly to a printer with the transmitted data record 200.
Since the texts can be longer than 16 bytes, they are transmitted in various parts.
The index is used to differentiate the parts.
Index n = Part n (Index 1 is always used as the start)
The following must be considered for the texts:
- The print characters can be used freely (LF,FF) within the texts
A line feed LF (character LF 0Ah) causes a line break and a form feed FF
(character FF 0CH) causes a change to a new page.
- The texts are concluded with a termination character (0-Terminator 0T charac-
ter 00h) in the last part.
- The maximum total text length is 4080 characters (255 x 16)

Transmitted data record 200 (free printer text) Index = 1…255

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…23 Free printer text 1 to 16 characters ASCII text
part e.g. "Hello" is transmitted as follows with line feed and
termination characters:
Byte 8…14 = "HelloLF0T“ (48h,65h,6Ch,6Ch,6Fh,0Ah,00h)
e.g. the two lines:
"This is the printer line 1"
"This is the printer line 2"
are transmitted as follows:
Index 1: Byte 8…23 = "This is the prin"
Index 2: Byte 8…23 = "ter line 1LFThis "
Index 3: Byte 8…23 = "is the printer"
Index 4: Byte 8…16 = "line 2LF0T"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol General data for all devices 31

3.14 Transmitted data record 201/202 display message

A message is directly written on the display with the transmitted data record
201/202. The message display alternates with the normal parameter on the dis-
play. The message is switched off again after an empty message.
201 = Display 1 (MEAG display or MDDx page 1)
202 = Display 2 (MDDx page 2)
The following must be considered for the texts:
- The length of a message can have a maximum of 12 characters (12 display
digits on the display)
- The texts are concluded with a termination character (character 00h)
- If only one termination character is transmitted, then the message is switched
off (empty message). The message can also be acknowledged on-site on the
control with the Lamp test / Clear alarm key.
- Not all lower case letters can be displayed (Select capitalization)
- Decimal points (character 2Eh) do not require their own place on the display
and are displayed along with the previous character. (The maximum text length
increases by one per decimal point; a text can contain a maximum of 4 decimal
points, since this means that the maximum of 16 characters of the transmission
has been reached).

Transmitted data record 201/202 (display message) 201: Display 1; 202: Display 2
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…23 Message text 0 to 12 characters ASCII text with one termination character.
plus termination e.g. "HELLO" is transmitted as follows:
Byte 8…13 = 48h,45h,4Ch,4Ch,4Fh,00h
Empty message: Byte 8 = 00h

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

32 General data for all devices Fieldbus protocol

3.15 Transmitted data record 14 analog outputs

The analog outputs of the MEAG can be directly controlled via fieldbus with the
transmitted data record 14. For this, the function must first be released in the
transmitted data record.
This function may not be used with devices which use the analog outputs through
the application.

Transmitted data record 14 (analog outputs) Index = 0 (circuit board), Index 1…15 (EBD1317)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Activating outputs 0 = No release By setting the corresponding bit, the corresponding
1 = Output 1 output is released for use via fieldbus.
2 = Output 2
3 = Output 1, 2

9 n.u.
10…11 Setpoint output 1 0…1000 The value equals 0…20.00 mA. When the output type is
set as 4 mA, then 0 = 4 mA.
12…13 Setpoint output 2 0…1000 The value equals 0…20.00 mA. When the output type is
set as 4 mA, then 0 = 4 mA.

Example: In order to control output 5.1 (EBD1317 address 5, analog output 1), byte
8 must be set to 1 in transmitted data record 14, index 5.
Then the value of byte 10...11 is output directly at the output.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol DMS transmitter (DMS-T) 33

4 DMS transmitter (DMS-T)

For DMS-T, the compact protocol chapter 4.6 can also be used instead of the pro-
tocol described here.

4.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1

See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Zeroing 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Zeroing (± 4%) Bit 1: Weight sign
Bit 2: Taring Bit 2: Scales standstill
Bit 3: Gross value Bit 3: Data Ready
Bit 4: Net display Bit 4: n.u.
Bit 5: Clear tare (net = gross) Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: Print / save job Bit 6: Printout started / job saved
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values Bit 7: New values ready 1)
ready" 1)
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint 1)
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
n.u. 8 Current scale weight (gross) according to
TCON.DDIV setting
n.u. 9 (0…999,999 see status bit for algebraic sign)
n.u. 10 or consecutive number (0…999,999)
n.u. 11 According to parameter TCON.PBDAT
n.u. 12 Current scale weight in DIV (gross)
n.u. 13 (–99,999…99,999)
n.u. 14
n.u. 15
n.u. 16 Current scale weight in DIV (net)
n.u. 17 (–99,999…99,999)
n.u. 18
n.u. 19
n.u. 20 Number of decimal places (0…3)
n.u. 21 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

34 DMS transmitter (DMS-T) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

n.u. 22 Step number (0…1)
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)
1) Reserved but not used

4.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Zeroing 1 = Gross and net weights are set to 0.
1 Zeroing (± 4%) 1 = Gross and net weight are set to 0 if current scale weight is
<4% of max. scale weight TCON.MAXW.
2 Taring 1 = Net weight is set to 0 and remote display switches to net weight.
3 Gross display 1 = Remote display switches to gross weight.
4 Net display 1 = Remote display switches to net weight.
5 Clearing the tare 1 = Clear the tare weight (net weight = gross weight)
6 Print / save job 1 = Starts print job for net and gross weight (leave pending until
the status bit "Printout started / job saved" = 1).
7 Acknowledgment of Reserved for future applications.
"New values ready"
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol DMS transmitter (DMS-T) 35

4.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = Operation
0 = Alarm or calibration mode (calibration switch = CAL)
1 Weight sign 1 = Positive weight
0 = Negative weight
2 Scale standstill 1 = Scales at standstill
0 = No standstill
3 Data ready 1 = Weight valid
0 = Weight invalid
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6 Printout started / job 1 = The control bit "Print / save job" is pending and the printer ap-
saved plied the data or the job was saved.
Is set to 0 if the control bit "Print / save job" = 0.
7 New values ready Reserved for future applications.
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

36 DMS transmitter (DMS-T) Fieldbus protocol

4.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…23 n.u. Empty data record, since DMS-T does not contain any
setpoint specifications.

4.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Current gross 0…999,999 [DDIV] Current scale weight without algebraic sign, with resolu-
scale weight tion according to parameter TCON.DDIV.
The algebraic sign is a status bit
or (Transmitted if TCON.PBDAT=DOVAL)
consecutive 0…999,999 Consecutive number, which increases by 1 for each
number printout / save job
(Transmitted if TCON.PBDAT=JOBID)
12…15 Current gross –99,999…99,999 Current gross scale weight with algebraic sign, with reso-
scale weight [DIV] lution DIV. Equals parameter BRWT
16…19 Current net –99,999…99,999 Current net scale weight with algebraic sign, with resolu-
weight [DIV] tion DIV. Equals parameter NEWT
20 Decimal places 0…3 Number of decimal places DIV on the fieldbus interface
according to the ADC.DIV setting
21 n.u.
22 Step number 0 Calibrating
1 Operation
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66698-x-1

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol DMS transmitter (DMS-T) 37

Received data record 13, index = 0 (Job data / calibration memory)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Job ID For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
12…15 Gross weight –999,999…999,999 Saved gross scale weight of the previous job with alge-
[DIV] braic sign and the resolution DIV.
16…19 Net weight –999,999…999,999 Saved net scale weight of the previous job with algebraic
[DIV] sign and the resolution DIV.
20…23 Tare weight –999,999…999,999 Saved tare scale weight of the previous job with algebra-
[DIV] ic sign and the resolution DIV.
Received data record 13, index = 1
8…13 Date + Time For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
14…15 n.u.
16…19 n.u.
20…23 n.u.

4.6 Compact protocol

The compact protocol works with only one byte of transmitted data and 4 bytes of
received data. It is active when parameter PBDP.MPDP = SHORT/K.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Zeroing 0 Bit 0: Weight sign (see digital output)
Bit 1: Zeroing (± 4%) Bit 1: Scales standstill (see digital output)
Bit 2: Taring Bit 2: Operation (see digital output)
Bit 3: Gross value Bit 3: Data Ready (always 1, data always valid)
Bit 4: Net display Bit 4…7: Alarm number (only alarms 1…15)
Bit 5: Clear alarm
Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: Print / save job
1 Weight value (MSB)
… 24 bit binary with resolution according to parameter
TCON.DDIV. Limited according to TCON.LDOV.
If only a 16-bit resolution is used, then a data word can
be placed via byte 2 and 3.
3 Weight value (LSB)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

38 Hopper scale (DUMP, DUMP2) Fieldbus protocol

5 Hopper scale (DUMP, DUMP2)

5.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Clear total Bit 1: Total reached
Bit 2: Residual emptying Bit 2: Residual emptying completed
Bit 3: Residual feeding Bit 3: Cut-off point reached
Bit 4: Emptying release Bit 4: Total ready
Bit 5: Clear total (without printout) Bit 5: Conveying release
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: Weight pulse
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0: Outside of power tolerance
Bit 1…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Nominal power in kg/h (0…4,000,000) 8 Actual power in kg/h (0…4,000,000)
Setpoint total weight in kg / DIV 12 Total weight in kg / DIV (0…999,999,999)
Cut-off weight in kg (0…9999) 16 Total weight in kg / DIV (cannot be cleared)
17 (0…999,999,999)
n.u. 18
n.u. 19

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Hopper scale (DUMP, DUMP2) 39

Transmitted data Byte Received data

n.u. 20 Number of decimal places (0…3)
n.u. 21 n.u.
n.u. 22 Step number (0…8)
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)

5.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start/stop 1 = Release weighing cycle
0 = Weighing cycle stop after next emptying.
1 Clearing the total 1 = Clear the total weight which can be cleared when the status bit
"Total ready" = 1.
If a printer is present, a total print-out is carried out.
2 Residual emptying 1 = Emptying a residual amount from the scale (from steps 1 or 2).
Once emptying has ended, the status bit "Residual emptying
completed" is set.
0 = Status bit "Residual emptying completed" is cleared.
For the operating mode "Dosing from full" (TCON.IMOD=FULLR), the
upper surge hopper is also emptied with "Residual emptying" before
the scale is emptied.
3 Residual dosing 1 = Operating mode with setpoint total weight: Continue dosing
upon reaching the setpoint total weight (empty conveying of
Operating mode without setpoint total weight: Bypass of the
level probe in the upper surge hopper with the operating mode
"Dosing from full".
4 Emptying release The bit is considered only if the parameter TCON.DIPB = ON_P or if
TCON.DIPB = ON and a level probe is also used.
1 = Emptying the scale released.
Must normally be 1, even with residual emptying.
0 = Weighing cycle stop before emptying
(Scale blocked in step 4).
5 Clearing the total 1 = Clear the total weight which can be cleared when the status bit
without print-out "Total ready" = 1.
No total print-out is carried out, even if a printer is present.
6 n.u.
7 Acknowledgment of 1 = Clear status bit "New values ready".
"New values ready" (allow to remain in effect until "New values ready" = 0).

1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

40 Hopper scale (DUMP, DUMP2) Fieldbus protocol

5.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = The scale is started
0 = The scale is stopped
1 Total reached Only where setpoint total weight > 0
1 = Total weight  setpoint total weight
0 = if control bit "Clear total" = 1 or (total weight < setpoint total
2 Residual emptying 1 = Residual discharge was executed and is completed
completed 0 = Control bit "Residual emptying" = 0
3 Cut-off point Only where setpoint total weight > 0
reached 1 = Total weight  (setpoint total weight cut-off weight)
4 Total ready 1 = The total can be cleared with the control bit "Clear total"
5 Transport release 1 = The scale has been started and no alarms are pending. (Can
be used to switch on feed elements).
6 Weight pulse Pulses according to SYS.WIMP
7 New values ready 1 = New values are available (total weights, actual power).
0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready" = 1
1 0 Outside of power Only if the power tolerance limits are preselected
tolerance 1 = The actual power is outside the preselected tolerance limits.
1…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Hopper scale (DUMP, DUMP2) 41

5.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Nominal power 0…FMAX [kg/h] Only if with power specification maximum power
(max. 4,000,000) (TCON.FMAX > 0).
The setpoint power is displayed in the parameter FLOS.
12…15 Setpoint total 0 / MINT… 1) If the setpoint total weight = 0, endless dosing will take
weight 99,999,999 [kg] 2) place. If the total weight reaches the setpoint total
weight, then dosing is stopped. The value is accepted
only in step 1.
16…17 Cut-off weight 0…9999 [kg] Effective only where setpoint total weight > 0. The status
bit "Cut-off weight reached" is set when total weight 
(setpoint total weight - cut-off weight)
18…23 n.u.

1) Minimum feed volume according to parameter TCON.MINT

2) Decimal places according to DIV / PBDP.WFOR setting (no decimal places / fixed format is standard).

Transmitted data record 129 (setpoints part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Setpoint dump MINW…MAXW [kg] Setpoint weight of a dump in the range of min. dump size
(max. 99,999) (TCON.MINW) and max. dump size (TCON.MAXW).
The value is accepted only in step 1.
12…15 Upper power 0…999,999 [kg/h] If the actual power > upper power tolerance, then the
tolerance control bit "Outside power tolerance" = 1
Functions only if the value > 0
16…19 Lower power 0…999,999 [kg/h] If the actual power < lower power tolerance, then the
tolerance control bit "Outside power tolerance" = 1.
Functions only if the value > 0
20…23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

42 Hopper scale (DUMP, DUMP2) Fieldbus protocol

5.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Actual power 0…4,000,000 [kg/h] Current actual power
12…15 Total weight (can 0…999,999,999 Is set to 0 with the control bit "Clear total". If the value
be cleared) [kg] reaches the maximum value, then it will start again at 0.

16…19 Total weight 0…999,999,999 If the value reaches the maximum value, then counting
which cannot be [kg] will start over again at 0.
20 Decimal places 0…3 Number of decimal places DIV on the fieldbus interface
according to the PBDP.WFOR and ADC.DIV settings
21 n.u.
22 Step number 0…8 According to operating manual 66698-x-3
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66698-x-3

2) Decimal places according to DIV / PBDP.WFOR setting (no decimal places / fixed format is standard).

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

Received data record 129 (setpoints part 2)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 129

Received data record 13, index = 0 (Job data / calibration memory)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Job ID For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
12…15 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Saved total weight of the previous job with the resolution
16…19 n.u.
20…23 n.u.
Received data record 13, index = 1
8…13 Date + Time For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
14…15 n.u.
16…19 n.u.
20…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Differential proportioning scale (DIFF, DIFFS) 43

6 Differential proportioning scale (DIFF, DIFFS)

6.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Clear total Bit 1: Total reached
Bit 2: Emptying Bit 2: Emptying completed
Bit 3: Fill Bit 3: Ready for feeding
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Total ready
Bit 5: No alarm at low level Bit 5: Upper surge hopper is empty
Bit 6: Dose volumetrically Bit 6: Weight pulse
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 0: n.u. 1 Bit 0: Scale low level
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Dosing time exceeded
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: Level
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Product feed
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Weight tolerance alarm
Bit 5: FC Alarm Bit 5: Release FC
Bit 6…7: n.u. Bit 6…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Refilling On/Off (DIFFS) 2 Bit 0: Refilling status (DIFFS)
Bit 1: Start calibration (DIFFS) Bit 1: Calibration active (DIFFS)
Bit 2…7: n.u. Bit 2…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Nominal power in kg/h (0…999,999) 8 Actual power in kg/h (0…999,999)
Setpoint total weight in kg / DIV 12 Total weight in kg / DIV (0…999,999,999)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

44 Differential proportioning scale (DIFF, DIFFS) Fieldbus protocol

n.u. 16 Total weight in kg / DIV (cannot be cleared)

n.u. 17 (0…999,999,999)
n.u. 18
n.u. 19
n.u. 20 Number of decimal places (0…3)
Recipe number (load recipe) (0…50) 21 Recipe number (current recipe) (0…50)
n.u. 22 Step number (0…9)
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)

6.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start/stop 1 = Release weighing cycle (feeding Start)
0 = Weighing cycle stop (immediate feeding stop)
1 Clearing the total 1 = Clear the total weight which can be cleared when the status
bit "Total ready" = 1.
2 Emptying 1 = Emptying the weighing container (step 7). Possible only from
step 1; the Start signal may not be pending. Once emptying
has ended, the status bit "Emptying completed" is set. If the
scale cannot be emptied, the control bit "Dosing time ex-
ceeded" is set.
0 = Emptying stop. The control bit "Residual emptying complet-
ed" is cleared.
3 Filling 1 = Filling of the scale to upper quantity switching point (step 8).
If the scale is full, then the control bit "Ready for feeding" is
set. If the scale cannot be refilled, then the control bit "Upper
surge hopper is empty" is set.
4 n.u.
5 No alarm at low 1 = The status bit "Common alarm" is not set for when the scale
level is at a low level. This means that no alarm is generated if the
scale becomes empty during normal operation
(Control bit "Scale low level" = 1)
6 Volumetric 1 = Volumetric dosing with constant discharge power. No meas-
dosing urement of actual power and no control. (Required, e.g. for
manual filling during operation).
(Only with screw feeding).
7 Acknowledgment of 1 = Clear status bit "New values ready".
"New values ready" (allow to remain in effect until "New values ready" = 0).
1 0…4 n.u.
5 FC alarm 1 = Frequency converter feeder drive fault
(can be used instead of the digital input)
6...7 n.u.
2 0 Refilling On / Off 1 = Automatic refilling USER.FILLON is activated.
1-->0 = Automatic refilling is deactivated.
1 Start calibration 0-->1 = Calibration is started.
2...7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Differential proportioning scale (DIFF, DIFFS) 45

6.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = The scale is started
0 = The scale is stopped
1 Total reached Only where setpoint total weight > 0
1 = Total weight  setpoint total weight
0 = If control bit "Clear total" = 1
or (total weight < setpoint total weight)
2 Emptying com- 1 = Emptying was executed and is completed
pleted 0 = When control bit "Emptying" = 0
3 Ready for do- 1 = The scale is filled (weight > upper switching point)
4 Total ready 1 = The total can be cleared with the control bit "Clear total"
5 Upper surge 1 = The scale was unable to be filled within the max. refilling time
hopper empty (TCON.TFIL) (not on common alarm; warning NOPROD)
0 = When the scale is stopped with control bit "Start" = 0 in normal
operation or when the control bit "Fill" = 0 after filling
6 Weight pulse Pulses according to SYS.WIMP
7 New values 1 = New values are available (total weights, actual power)
ready 0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready" = 1
1 0 Scale low level 1 = The scale is completely empty (only in normal operation).
Also influences the status bit "Common alarm" unless control bit
"No alarm at low level" = 1st EMPTY alarm
0 = When the scale is stopped with control bit "Start" = 0.
1 Dosing time 1 = Max. dosing time was exceeded during emptying or in the oper-
exceeded ating mode "Small batch feeding"
(not on common alarm; warning PROPTIME).
0 = When the scale is stopped with control bit "Start" = 0 in normal
operation or small batch feeding or when the control bit "Empty-
ing" = 0 after emptying
2 Level 1 = Current scales weight  level weight (TCON.NLEV)
0 = Current scale weight < level weight
Enables early recognition of empty scale container.
3 Product feed 1 = Scale requests product (refilling weighing containers), this bit
can be used to control refilling elements (refill conveyor screw).
The signal for refilling of the upper surge hopper is used for
MSDF_R with upper surge hopper control TCON.FMOD=ON.
4 Weight tolerance 1 = A weight deviation occurred during feeding to a setpoint weight
alarm (see parameter TCON.WTTOL+ / WTTOL-).
5 FC release 1 = Frequency converter release
(instead of the digital output, the signal can be used to release
the dosing)
6…7 n.u.
2 0 Refilling status 1 = Automatic refilling is active.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

46 Differential proportioning scale (DIFF, DIFFS) Fieldbus protocol

Byte Bit Name Description

1 Calibration acti- 1 = Calibration is active
2...7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General
data for all de-

6.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Nominal power 0…FMAX [kg/h] The setpoint power is displayed in the parameter FLOS.
(max. 999,999) The value must be within the range 0...maximum power
Micro-feeding in (TCON.FMAX).
[10 g/h] When setpoint power < minimum power (TCON.FMIN),
0 is accepted.
In mixing-in mode in 0.0001 % as mixing-in percentage.
12…15 Setpoint total 0…99,999,999 [kg] 2) Dosing is stopped when the total weight reaches the
weight Micro-feeding in [g] setpoint total weight. If the setpoint total weight = 0,
endless dosing will take place. The value is adopted
only in step 1.
16…20 n.u.
21 Recipe number 0…50 1…50 = Load recipe into working recipe 0
0 = Do not load recipe
22…23 n.u.
2) Decimal places according to DIV / PBDP.WFOR setting (no decimal places / fixed format is standard).

Transmitted data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Specific weight 10…300 [0.01 kg/l] Specific weight of product (REC.DENS)
10…11 Gain factor 100…2000 [0.1] Gain factor of feeding power (REC.FACT)
12…13 Cut-off weight 0…9999 [DIV] Cut-off weight for small batch feeding (REC.CWT)
14…22 n.u.
23 Automatic cor- 0…1 Automatic correction of gain factor (REC.CFAC) (0 =
rection of gain OFF / 1 = ON)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Differential proportioning scale (DIFF, DIFFS) 47

6.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Actual power 0…999,999 [kg/h] Current actual power
Micro-feeding in
[10 g/h]
12…15 Total weight 0…999,999,999 [kg] Is set to 0 with the control bit "Clear total". If the value
(can be cleared) 2) reaches the maximum value, then it will start again at 0.
Micro-feeding in [g]
16…19 Total weight 0…999,999,999 [kg] If the value reaches the maximum value, then counting
which cannot be 2) will start over again at 0.
cleared Micro-feeding in [g]
20 Decimal places 0…3 Number of decimal p laces DIV on the fieldbus interface
according to the PBDP.WFOR and ADC.DIV settings
21 Recipe number 0…50 Currently loaded recipe
22 Step number 0…9 According to operating manual 66698-x-5
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66698-x-5

2) Decimal places according to DIV / PBDP.WFOR setting (no decimal places / fixed format is standard).

Received data record 4 (advanced actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Actual power 0…999,999 [kg/h] Current actual power
Micro-feeding in
[10 g/h]
12…13 Current scale -1000…32,768 [kg] Current scale weight in kg
weight -100.0…3276.8 kg
14…15 Actuating signal 0…10,000 [%] Current actuating signal for the frequency / servo con-
0…100.00 % verter
16…19 n.u.
20 Decimal places 0…3 Number of decimal p laces DIV on the fieldbus interface
according to the PBDP.WFOR and ADC.DIV settings
21 Recipe number 0…50 Currently loaded recipe
22 Step number 0…9 According to operating manual 66698-x-5
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66698-x-5

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

48 Differential proportioning scale (DIFF, DIFFS) Fieldbus protocol

Received data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
For data contents, see transmitted data record 136

Received data record 13, index = 0 (Job data / calibration memory)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Job ID For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
12…15 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Saved total weight of the previous job with the resolution
16…19 n.u.
20…23 n.u.
Received data record 13, index = 1
8…13 Date + Time For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
14…15 n.u.
16…19 n.u.
20…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Flow balancer MZAH (FBAL) 49

7 Flow balancer MZAH (FBAL)

7.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Clear total Bit 1: Total reached
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: n.u.
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: n.u.
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Total ready
Bit 5: No alarm when "Silo empty" Bit 5: Silo empty
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: Weight pulse
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Nominal power in kg/h (0…999,999) 8 Actual power in kg/h (0…999,999)
Setpoint total weight in kg (0…99,999) 12 Total weight in kg (0…999,999,999)
n.u. 16 Total weight in kg (cannot be cleared)
n.u. 17 (0…999,999,999)
n.u. 18
n.u. 19
n.u. 20 n.u.
Recipe number (load recipe) (0…50) 21 Recipe number (current recipe) (0…50)
n.u. 22 Step number (0…9)
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

50 Flow balancer MZAH (FBAL) Fieldbus protocol

7.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start/stop 1 = Release feeding cycle (feeding Start)
0 = Feeding cycle stop (immediate feeding stop)
1 Clearing the total 1 = Clear the total weight which can be cleared when the status bit
"Total ready" = 1.
2 n.u.
3 n.u.
4 n.u.
5 No alarm when silo 1 = The status bit "Common alarm" is not set for the "Silo empty"
empty alarm. This means no alarm is generated if the flow balancer is
emptied in normal operation (status bit "Silo empty" = 1).
6 n.u.
7 Acknowledgment of 1 = Clear status bit "New values ready"
"New values ready" (Leave applied until "New values ready" = 0)
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Flow balancer MZAH (FBAL) 51

7.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = Flow balancer is started
0 = Flow balancer stopped
1 Total reached Only where setpoint total weight > 0
1 = Total weight  setpoint total weight
0 = When control bit "Clear total" = 1
or (total weight < setpoint total weight)
2 n.u.
3 n.u.
4 Total ready 1 = The total can be cleared with the control bit "Clear total"
5 Silo empty 1 = The silo is empty (alarm EMPTY)
0 = When the scale is stopped with control bit "Start" = 0
See also alarm description in operating manual 66698-x-6
6 Weight pulse Pulses according to SYS.WIMP
7 New values ready 1 = New values are available (total weights, actual power)
0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready" = 1
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

52 Flow balancer MZAH (FBAL) Fieldbus protocol

7.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Nominal power 0…FMAX [kg/h] The setpoint power is displayed in the parameter FLOS.
(max. 999,999) When setpoint power < FMIN, 0 is accepted.
When setpoint rates > FMAX, FMAX is accepted.
12…15 Setpoint total 0…99,999 [kg] If the total weight reaches the setpoint total weight, then
weight dosing is stopped. If the setpoint total weight = 0, endless
dosing will take place.
The value is accepted only in steps 0 and 1.
16…20 n.u.
21 Recipe number 0…50 1…50 = Load recipe into working recipe 0
0 = Do not load recipe.
The value is accepted only in steps 0 and 1.
22…23 n.u.

7.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Actual power 0…999,999 [kg/h] Current actual power
12…15 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Is set to 0 with the control bit "Clear total". If the value
(can be cleared) [kg] reaches the maximum value, then it will start again at 0.
16…19 Total weight 0…999,999,999 If the value reaches the maximum value, then counting
which cannot be [kg] will start over again at 0.
20 n.u.
21 Recipe number 0…50 Currently loaded recipe
22 Step number 0…9 According to operating manual 66698-x-6
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66698-x-6

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Flow balancer MZAH (FBAL) 53

Received data record 13, index = 0 (Job data / calibration memory)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Job ID For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
12…15 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Saved total weight of the previous job with the resolution
[kg] kg.
16…19 n.u.
20…23 n.u.
Received data record 13, index = 1
8…13 Date + Time For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
14…15 n.u.
16…19 n.u.
20…23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

54 Check weigher (CHECK) Fieldbus protocol

8 Check weigher (CHECK)

8.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Release (Start / Stop) 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Clear bag counter / total Bit 1: n.u.
Bit 2: Weight check Start Bit 2: Weight checked
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Underweight
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Overweight
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 5: Weight in tolerance
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: Weight is outside tolerance
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
n.u. 8 Bag weight setpoint in DIV
n.u. 9
n.u. 10 Actual bag weight in DIV
n.u. 11
n.u. 12 Total weight of bags within tolerance in DIV
n.u. 13 (0…999,999,999)
n.u. 14
n.u. 15
n.u. 16 Bag counter of bags within tolerance
n.u. 17 (0…65,000)
n.u. 18 n.u.
n.u. 19 n.u.
n.u. 20 Number of decimal places (0…3)
Recipe number (0…50) 21 Recipe number (current recipe) (0…50)
n.u. 22 Step number (0…4)
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Check weigher (CHECK) 55

8.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Release 1 = General release (roll track running). Release of weight check
(Start / Stop) and of automatic zeroing.
1 Clearing the bag 1 = Bag counter is reset and the total weight is cleared
counter / total
2 Weight check Start 1 = Ready for Start (photoelectric sensor for bag detection cov-
Edge 1 -> 0 = Detection of end of bag when photoelectric sensor is no
longer covered. Starting of time TCON.TSTD. after which the weight is
3 n.u.
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6 n.u.
7 Acknowledgment of 1 = Clear status bit "New values ready"
"New values ready" (Leave applied until "New values ready" = 0)
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

56 Check weigher (CHECK) Fieldbus protocol

8.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = Weight check is released
(Control bit "Release" = 1)
1 n.u.
2 Weight checked 1 = Bag has been checked. The signal remains on TCON.TDO or,
if an alarm is pending, until the alarm is cleared.
3 Underweight 1 = Bag is underweight outside the tolerances REC.T1– or
REC.T2–. The signal remains on TCON.TDO or, if alarm is
pending, until the alarm is cleared.
4 Overweight 1 = Overweight bag outside the tolerances REC.T1+ or REC.T2+.
The signal remains on TCON.TDO or, if an alarm is pending,
until the alarm is cleared.
5 Weight in tolerance 1 = Bag is within the tolerances REC.T1 and REC.T2. The signal re-
mains in effect for TCON.TDO or, if an alarm is present, until
the alarm is cleared.
6 Weight is outside 1 = Bag is outside the tolerances REC.T1 and REC.T2. The signal
tolerance remains on TCON.TDO or, if an alarm is pending, until the
alarm is cleared.
7 New values ready 1 = New values are ready (bag weight, counter)
0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready" = 1
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Check weigher (CHECK) 57

8.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…20 n.u.
21 Recipe number 0…50 1…50 = corresponds to load recipe into working
recipe 0
0 = Do not load recipe
22…23 n.u.

Transmitted data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Bag weight set- MINB…MAXB [DIV] Bag weight setpoint (net weight) (REC.SIZE)
point The setpoint bag weight must be within the range of the
minimum (TCON.MINB) and maximum (TCON.MAXB)
setpoint bag weight.
10…11 Bag empty 0…MAXB [DIV] Weight of the empty bag (tare) (REC.EBAG)
12…13 Tolerance 1 posi- 0…999 [DIV] Bag overweight or outside tolerance when the bag
tive weight > setpoint bag weight + tolerance 1 positive
(REC.T1+). 0 = no monitoring
14…15 Tolerance 1 ne- 0…999 [DIV] Bag underweight or outside tolerance when the bag
gative weight < setpoint bag weight – tolerance 1 negative
(REC.T1–). 0 = no monitoring
16…17 Tolerance 2 posi- 0…SIZE [DIV] Bag overweight or outside tolerance when the bag
tive weight > setpoint bag weight + tolerance 2 positive
(REC.T2+). 0 = no monitoring (common alarm)
18…19 Tolerance 2 ne- 0…SIZE [DIV] Bag underweight or outside tolerance when the bag
gative weight < setpoint bag weight – tolerance 2 negative
(REC.T2–). 0 = no monitoring (common alarm)
20 Additional delay 0…10 [0.1 s] Delay time in addition to TCON.TSTD until weight is
time for weight (0.0…1.0 s) adopted (REC.TSD+)
21…23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

58 Check weigher (CHECK) Fieldbus protocol

8.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Bag weight set- 0…50,000 [DIV] Current setpoint bag weight
10…11 Actual bag 0…65,535 [DIV] Current actual bag weight
12…15 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Total weight of bags within tolerance
16…17 Bag counter 0…65,000 Bag counter of bags within tolerance
18…19 n.u.
20 Decimal places 0…3 Number of decimal places DIV on the fieldbus interface
according to the ADC.DIV setting.
21 Recipe number 0…50 Currently loaded recipe
22 Step number 0…4 According to operating manual 66698-x-10
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66698-x-10

Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Standard deviati- 0…999 [DIV] Standard deviation of bags within tolerance
10…11 Actual bag 0…65,535 [DIV] Average of actual bag weights based on number of bags
weight within tolerance
average value
12…15 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Total weight of all bags
16…17 Bag counter 0…65,000 Bag counter, all bags
18…23 n.u.

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

Received data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
For data contents, see transmitted data record 136

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Check weigher (CHECK) 59

Received data record 13, index = 0 (Job data / calibration memory)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Job ID For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
12…15 Bag counter 0…65,000 Saved bag counter of bags within tolerance of previous
within tolerance job.
16…19 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Saved total weight of bags within tolerance of the previ-
[DIV] ous job with the resolution DIV.
20…23 Average actual 0…999,999 Saved average of actual bag weights of previous job with
bag weight [DIVx10] resolution 10 x DIV.
Received data record 13, index = 1
8…13 Date + Time For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
14…15 n.u.
16…19 Standard deviati- 0…999 [DIVx10] Saved standard deviation of actual bag weights of previ-
on ous job with resolution 10 x DIV.
20…23 Bag counter 0…65,000 Saved bag counter of bags outside tolerance of previous
outside tolerance job.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

60 Bagging scale (BAG) Fieldbus protocol

9 Bagging scale (BAG)

9.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Clear bag counter / total Bit 1: Number of bags reached
Bit 2: Abort Bit 2: Weighing completed
Bit 3: FC Alarm Bit 3: Dosing completed
Bit 4: Emptying release Bit 4: Bagging release
Bit 5: Continue feeding Bit 5: Dump pulse
Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Tolerance Bit 6: Tolerance alarm
alarm" Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values
Bit 0: Low level, upper surge hopper 1 Bit 0: Dribble dosing
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Bulk dosing
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: Emptying
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Weight of checked bag
Bit 4: Release adj. to setpoint MWSK Bit 4: Slide gate opens MWSK
Bit 5: Release for closing MWSK Bit 5: Slide gate closes MWSK
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: Slide gate in position MWSK
Bit 7: n.u. Bit 7: Slide gate closed MWSK
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0: Emptying delayed
Bit 1: Filter cleaning
Bit 2…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5 Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
n.u. 8 Bag weight setpoint in DIV (0…50,000)
n.u. 9
n.u. 10 Actual bag weight in DIV (0…65,535)
n.u. 11
n.u. 12 Total weight in DIV (0…999,999,999)
n.u. 13
n.u. 14

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Bagging scale (BAG) 61

n.u. 15
Bag counter setpoint (0…99,999) 16 Bag counter (incremental)
17 (0…99,999)
n.u. 20 Number of decimal places (0…3)
Recipe number (0…50) 21 Recipe number (current recipe) (0…50)
n.u. 22 Step number (0…9)
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

62 Bagging scale (BAG) Fieldbus protocol

9.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start/stop 1 = Start feeding (filling of scales). Leave signal applied until status
bit "Dribble dosing" = 1.
1 Clearing the bag 1 = Bag counter is reset and total weight is cleared (possible only
counter / total in steps 1 or 9 and when TCON.CCLR=ON)
2 Cancel 1 = Switch to step 1
3 FC alarm 1 = Fault in frequency converter when TCON.FINV=ON
(generates alarm FINV)
4 Emptying release 1 = Emptying the scale released.
Leave signal applied until status bit "Emptying" = 1
5 Continue feeding 1 = Continue feeding without zeroing. The signal must be pending
together with "Start". This means it is also possible to complete
the dosing of a started bag after an interruption (e.g. bulk bag).
6 Acknowledgment of 1 = Acknowledgment of tolerance alarms.
"Tolerance alarm" Leave signal applied until status bit "Tolerance alarm" = 0
7 Acknowledgment of 1 = Clear status bit "New values ready"
"New values ready" (Leave applied until "New values ready" = 0).
1 0 Low level upper 1 = Level probe in upper surge hopper is not covered. Each bag
surge hopper weight is checked and corrected (always check cycle).
1…3 n.u.
4 Release adjustment 1 = The bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt feeder to the setpoint
to setpoint is released.
5 Release of closing 1 = Closing of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt feeder
is released.
6…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Bagging scale (BAG) 63

9.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = During dosing until emptying.
1 Number of bags Only with bag preselection.
reached 1 = The preselected number of bags is reached.
2 Weighing completed 1 = Weighing is completely finished (step 5).
0 = When switching to step 8.
3 Dosing completed 1 = Dosing is fully completed (step 4).
0 = When switching to step 8.
4 Bagging release 1 = Without bag preselection or if the setpoint has not yet been
reached with bag preselection.
0 = The preselected number of bags is reached.
5 Dump pulse 1 = Pulse beginning with emptying start (length 1 s).
6 Tolerance alarm 1 = The bag weight is outside the set tolerance limits REC.TOL+,
7 New values ready 1 = New values are available (total weights, actual power).
0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready" = 1.
1 0 Dribble dosing 1 = Filling of scales in dribble flow.
(also release of frequency converter).
Is also controlled during bulk dosing.
1 Bulk dosing 1 = Filling of scales with full flow.
2 Emptying 1 = Emptying the scale.
3 Weight of checked 1 = Current bag has been checked (check cycle).
4 Slide gate opens 1 = The slide gate of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt
feeder opens.
5 Slide gate closes 1 = The slide gate of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt
feeder closes.
6 Slide gate in positi- 1 = The slide gate of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt
on feeder is in setpoint position (open).
7 Slide gate is closed 1 = The slide gate of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt
feeder is closed.
2 0 Emptying delayed 1 = Dropout-delayed "Empty" signal according to REC.FDEL.
1 Filter cleaning 1 = 200 ms pulse for every nth bag for dedusting a filter in accord-
ance with TCON.CLN.
2…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

64 Bagging scale (BAG) Fieldbus protocol

9.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…15 n.u.
16…19 Bag counter set- 0…99,999 0 = Operation without bag preselection
20 n.u.
21 Recipe number 0…50 1…50 = corresponds to load recipe into working
recipe 0
0 = Do not load recipe
22…23 n.u.

Transmitted data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Bag weight set- MINB…MAXB [DIV] Bag weight setpoint (net weight) (REC.SIZE)
point The setpoint bag weight must be within the range of the
minimum (TCON.MINB) and maximum (TCON.MAXB)
setpoint bag weights
10…11 Empty weight 10…9999 [DIV] Discharge slide gate closing Start if the weight value falls
below this threshold (REC.EWT)
12…13 Tolerance positi- 0…999 [DIV] Tolerance alarm if the bag weight > setpoint bag weight
ve + tolerance positive (REC.TOL+)
0 = No monitoring
14…15 Tolerance nega- 0…999 [DIV] Tolerance alarm if the bag weight < setpoint bag weight –
tive tolerance negative (REC.TOL–)
0 = No monitoring
16…17 Bulk dosing star- 0…9999 [DIV or Bulk dosing cut-off point or time according to
tup value 0.01 s] REC.DOSW. (REC.STRT)
0 = No bulk dosing
18…19 Dribble flow cut- 0…2000 [DIV] Dribble flow cut-off weight for switching off dribble feed
off weight (REC.CUTW)
20…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Bagging scale (BAG) 65

Transmitted data record 137 (recipe part 2)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Control cycle 1…50 Check bag weight for only every nth bag (REC.CCYC)
1 = Each bag is checked
9 Bulk dosing by 0…1 1 = Bulk dosing by weight (REC.DOSW)
weight 0 = Bulk dosing by time
10 Setpoint dribble 10…200 [0.1 s] Setpoint dribble flow time for control (REC.TDRI)
flow time (1.0…20.0 s)
11 Bulk dosing 3…99 [%] Bulk dosing power (REC.FFLO)
12 Dribble flow 3…99 [%] Dribble flow power (REC.DFLO)
13 Setpoint position 5…100 [%] Setpoint position of bed depth MWSK (REC.HCSP)
of bed depth
14 Closing delay 0…99 [0.1 s] Close the closing flap of the MSDP double scale with
Closing cap delay (REC.FDEL)
15…23 n.u.

Received data record 13, index = 0 (Job data / calibration memory)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Job ID For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
12…15 Bag counter 0…99,999 Saved bag counter of all bags of previous job.
16…19 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Saved total weight of all bags of the previous job with the
[kg] resolution kg.
20…23 Average actual 0…999,999 Saved average of actual bag weights of previous job with
bag weight [DIVx10] resolution 10 x DIV.
Received data record 13, index = 1
8…13 Date + Time For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
14…15 n.u.
16…19 Standard deviati- 0…999 [DIVx10] Saved standard deviation of actual bag weights of previ-
on ous job with resolution 10 x DIV.
20…23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

66 Bagging scale (BAG) Fieldbus protocol

9.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Bag weight set- 0…50,000 [DIV] Current setpoint weight
10…11 Actual bag 0…65,535 [DIV] Current actual bag weight of checked bags.
weight For bags that are not checked, the setpoint weight is
12…15 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Corresponds with the bag counter
16…19 Bag counter 0…99,999 Bag counter (incremental) which can be cleared
20 Decimal places 0…3 Number of decimal places DIV on the fieldbus interface
according to the ADC.DIV setting
21 Recipe number 0…50 Currently loaded recipe
22 Step number 0…9 According to operating manual 66698-x-8
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66698-x-8

Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Bag counter, 0…99,999,999 Non-clearable bag counter
12…23 n.u.

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

Received data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
For data contents, see transmitted data record 136

Received data record 137 (recipe part 2)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
For data contents, see transmitted data record 137

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Bagging scale (BAG2) 67

10 Bagging scale (BAG2)

10.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Start / Stop 1 (for scale 1) 0 Bit 0: Operation 1
Bit 1: Clear bag counter / total Bit 1: Number of bags reached
Bit 2: Abort 1 Bit 2: Weighing completed 1
Bit 3: FC Alarm 1 Bit 3: Dosing completed 1
Bit 4: Emptying release 1 Bit 4: Bagging release
Bit 5: Continue feeding 1 Bit 5: Dump pulse
Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Tolerance Bit 6: Tolerance alarm 1
alarm" Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values
Bit 0: Low level, upper surge hopper 1 1 Bit 0: Dribble dosing 1
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Bulk dosing 1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: Emptying 1
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Weight of checked bag (according
Bit 4: Release adj. to setpoint MWSK 1 to index)
Bit 5: Release for closing MWSK 1 Bit 4: Slide gate opens MWSK 1
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 5: Slide gate closes MWSK 1
Bit 7: n.u. Bit 6: Slide gate in position MWSK 1
Bit 7: Slide gate closed MWSK 1
Bit 0: Start / Stop 2 (for scale 2) 2 Bit 0: Alarm 2
Bit 1: Low level, upper surge hopper 2 Bit 1: Emptying 2
Bit 2: Abort 2 Bit 2: Weighing completed 2
Bit 3: FC Alarm 2 Bit 3: Dosing completed 2
Bit 4: Emptying release 2 Bit 4: Dribble dosing 2
Bit 5: Continue feeding 2 Bit 5: Bulk dosing 2
Bit 6: Release adj. to setpoint MWSK 2 Bit 6: Tolerance alarm 2
Bit 7: Release for closing MWSK 2 Bit 7: Slide gate opens MWSK 2
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: Slide gate closes MWSK 2
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: Slide gate in position MWSK 2
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: Slide gate closed MWSK 2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5 Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm (alarm 1)
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = 1/2 7 Index of received data record = 1/2
1 = scale 1, 2 = scale 2 1 = scale 1, 2 = scale 2

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

68 Bagging scale (BAG2) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

n.u. 8 Bag weight setpoint in DIV (0…50,000)
n.u. 9
n.u. 10 Actual bag weight in DIV (0…65,535)
n.u. 11
n.u. 12 Total weight in DIV (0…999,999,999)
n.u. 13
n.u. 14
n.u. 15

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Bagging scale (BAG2) 69

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bag counter setpoint (0…99,999) 16 Bag counter (incremental)
17 (0…99,999)
n.u. 20 Number of decimal places (0…3)
Recipe number (0…50) 21 Recipe number (current recipe) (0…50)
n.u. 22 Step number (0…9)
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)

10.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start / Stop 1 1 = Start feeding (filling of scale 1). Leave signal applied until sta-
tus bit "Dribble dosing 1" = 1.
1 Clearing the bag 1 = Bag counter is reset and total weight is cleared (possible only
counter / total in steps 1 or 9 and when TCON.CCLR=ON)
2 Abort 1 1 = Switch to step 1 scale 1
3 FC alarm 1 1 = Fault in frequency converter scale 1 when TCON.FINV = ON
(generates alarm FINV)
4 Emptying release 1 1 = Emptying scale 1 released.
Leave signal applied until status bit "Emptying 1" = 1
5 Continue feeding 1 1 = Continue the feeding of scale 1 without zeroing. The signal
must be pending together with "Start 1". This means it is also
possible to complete the dosing of a started bag after an inter-
ruption (e.g. bulk bag).
6 Acknowledgment of 1 = Acknowledgment of tolerance alarms.
"Tolerance alarm" Leave signal applied until status bit "Tolerance alarm" = 0
7 Acknowledgment of 1 = Clear the status bit "New values ready"
"New values ready" (allow to remain in effect until "New values ready" = 0).
1 0 Low level upper 1 = Level probe in scale 1 upper surge hopper is not covered.
surge hopper 1 Each bag weight is checked and corrected (always check cy-
1…3 n.u.
4 Release adjustment 1 = The bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt feeder scale 1 to
to setpoint MWSK 1 the setpoint is released.
5 Release to close 1 = Closing of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt feeder
MWSK 1 scale 1 is released.
6…7 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

70 Bagging scale (BAG2) Fieldbus protocol

Byte Bit Name Description

2 0 Start / Stop 2 1 = Start feeding (filling of scale 2). Leave signal applied until sta-
tus bit "Dribble dosing 2" = 1.
1 Low level upper 1 = Level probe in scale 2 upper surge hopper is not covered.
surge hopper 2 Each bag weight is checked and corrected (always check cy-
2 Abort 2 1 = Switch to step 1 scale 2
3 FC alarm 2 1 = Scale 2 frequency converter fault if TCON.FINV = ON
(generates FINV alarm)
4 Emptying release 2 1 = Emptying scale 2 released.
Leave signal applied until status bit "Emptying 2" = 1
5 Continue feeding 2 1 = Continue the feeding of scale 2 without zeroing. The signal
must be pending together with "Start 2". This means it is also
possible to complete the dosing of a started bag after an inter-
ruption (e.g. bulk bag).
6 Release adjustment 1 = The bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt feeder scale 2 to
to setpoint MWSK 2 the setpoint is released.
7 Release to close 1 = Closing of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt feeder
MWSK 2 scale 2 is released.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

10.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 1 = During dosing until emptying of scale 1.
1 Number of bags Only with bag preselection.
reached 1 = The preselected number of bags is reached.
2 Weighing completed 1 = Weighing of scale 1 is completely finished (step 5).
1 0 = When switching to step 8.
3 Finished dosing 1 1 = Dosing of scale 1 is completely finished (step 4).
0 = When switching to step 8.
4 Bagging release 1 = Without bag preselection or if the setpoint has not yet been
reached with bag preselection.
0 = The preselected number of bags is reached.
5 Dump pulse 1 = Pulse beginning with emptying start (length 1 s).
6 Tolerance alarm 1 1 = The scale 1 bag weight is outside the set tolerance limits
7 New values ready 1 = New values are available (total weights, actual power).
0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready" = 1.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Bagging scale (BAG2) 71

Byte Bit Name Description

1 0 Dribble dosing 1 1 = Filling of scale 1 in dribble flow.
(also release of frequency converter).
Is also controlled during bulk dosing.
1 Bulk dosing 1 1 = Filling of scale 1 with full flow.
2 Empty 1 1 = Emptying scale 1.
3 Weight of checked 1 = Current bag has been checked (check cycle).
4 Slide gate opens 1 1 = The slide gate of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt
feeder, scale 1 opens.
5 Slide gate closes 1 1 = The slide gate of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt
feeder closes scale 1.
6 Slide gate in positi- 1 = The slide gate of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt
on 1 feeder, scale 1 is in setpoint position (open).
7 Slide gate is closed 1 = The slide gate of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt
1 feeder, scale 1 is closed.
2 0 Alarm 2 1 = Scale 2 alarm is pending.
1 Empty 2 1 = Emptying scale 2.
2 Weighing completed 1 = Weighing of scale 2 is completely finished (step 5).
2 0 = When switching to step 8.
3 Finished dosing 2 1 = Dosing of scale 2 is completely finished (step 4).
0 = When switching to step 8.
4 Dribble dosing 2 1 = Filling of scale 2 in dribble flow.
(also release of frequency converter).
Is also controlled during bulk dosing.
5 Bulk dosing 2 1 = Filling of scale 2 with full flow.
6 Tolerance alarm 2 1 = The scale 2 bag weight is outside the set tolerance limits
7 Slide gate opens 2 1 = The slide gate of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt
feeder, scale 2 opens.
3 0 Slide gate closes 1 1 = The slide gate of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt
feeder closes scale 1.
1 Slide gate in positi- 1 = The slide gate of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt
on 1 feeder, scale 1 is in setpoint position (open).
2 Slide gate is closed 1 = The slide gate of the bed depth adjustment of the MWSK belt
1 feeder, scale 1 is closed.
3…7 See "General data
for all devices"

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

72 Bagging scale (BAG2) Fieldbus protocol

10.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…15 n.u.
16…19 Bag counter set- 0…99,999 0 = Operation without bag preselection
20 n.u.
21 Recipe number 0…50 1…50 = corresponds to load recipe into working
recipe 0
0 = Do not load recipe
22…23 n.u.

Transmitted data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Bag weight set- MINB…MAXB [DIV] Bag weight setpoint (net weight) (REC.SIZE)
point The setpoint bag weight must be within the range of the
minimum (TCON.MINB) and maximum (TCON.MAXB)
setpoint bag weights
10…11 Empty weight 10…9999 [DIV] Discharge slide gate closing Start if the weight value falls
below this threshold (REC.EWT)
12…13 Tolerance positi- 0…999 [DIV] Tolerance alarm if the bag weight > setpoint bag weight
ve + tolerance positive (REC.TOL+)
0 = No monitoring
14…15 Tolerance nega- 0…999 [DIV] Tolerance alarm if the bag weight < setpoint bag weight –
tive tolerance negative (REC.TOL–)
0 = No monitoring
16…17 Bulk dosing star- 0…9999 [DIV or Bulk dosing cut-off point or time according to
tup value 0.01 s] REC.DOSW. (REC.STRT)
0 = No bulk dosing
18…19 Dribble flow cut- 0…2000 [DIV] Dribble flow cut-off weight for switching off dribble feed
off weight. (REC.CUTW)
20…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Bagging scale (BAG2) 73

Transmitted data record 137 (recipe part 2)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Control cycle 1…50 Check bag weight for only every nth bag (REC.CCYC)
1 = Each bag is checked
Bulk dosing by 0…1 1 = Bulk dosing by weight (REC.DOSW)
weight 0 = Bulk dosing by time
10 Setpoint dribble 10…200 [0.1 s] Setpoint dribble flow time for control (REC.TDRI)
flow time (1.0…20.0 s)
11 Bulk dosing 3…99 [%] Bulk dosing power (REC.FFLO)
12 Dribble flow 3…99 [%] Dribble flow power (REC.DFLO)
13 Setpoint position 5…100 [%] Setpoint position of bed depth MWSK (REC.HCSP)
of bed depth
14 Closing delay 0…99 [0.1 s] Close the closing flap of the MSDP double scale with
Closing cap delay (REC.FDEL)
15…23 n.u.

10.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Bag weight set- 0…50,000 [DIV] Current setpoint weight
10…11 Actual bag 0…65,535 [DIV] Current actual bag weight of checked bags.
weight For bags that are not checked, the setpoint weight is
transmitted. 1)
12…15 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Corresponds with the bag counter
16…19 Bag counter 0…99,999 Bag counter (incremental) which can be cleared
20 Decimal places 0…3 Number of decimal places DIV on the fieldbus interface
according to the ADC.DIV setting
21 Recipe number 0…50 Currently loaded recipe
22 Step number 0…9 According to operating manual 66698-x-16 1)
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66698-x-16

1) Scale 1: Index of received data record 1

Scale 2: Index of received data record 2

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

74 Bagging scale (BAG2) Fieldbus protocol

Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Bag counter, 0…99,999,999 Non-clearable bag counter
12…23 n.u.

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

Received data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
For data contents, see transmitted data record 136

Received data record 137 (recipe part 2)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
For data contents, see transmitted data record 137

Received data record 13, index = 0 (Job data / calibration memory)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Job ID For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
12…15 Bag counter 0…99,999 Saved bag counter of all bags of previous job.
16…19 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Saved total weight of all bags of the previous job with the
[kg] resolution kg.
20…23 Average actual 0…999,999 Saved average of actual bag weights of previous job with
bag weight [DIVx10] resolution 10 x DIV.
Received data record 13, index = 1
8…13 Date + Time For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
14…15 n.u.
16…19 Standard deviati- 0…999 [DIVx10] Saved standard deviation of actual bag weights of previ-
on ous job with resolution 10 x DIV.
20…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Differential bagging scale (BAGD1, BAGD3) 75

11 Differential bagging scale (BAGD1, BAGD3)

11.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Start 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Clear bag counter / total Bit 1: Number of bags reached
Bit 2: Abort Bit 2: Weighing completed 1)
Bit 3: FC Alarm 1 Bit 3: Dosing completed 1
Bit 4: Refill release Bit 4: Bagging release
Bit 5: Run scale(s) until empty Bit 5: Scale(s) empty
Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Tolerance Bit 6: Tolerance alarm
alarm" Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values
Bit 0: Run system until empty 1 Bit 0: Dosing 1
Bit 1: Cleaning operation Bit 1: Refilling 1
Bit 2: Continuous operation Bit 2: Filling time alarm
Bit 3: Release AO2 1) Bit 3: Weight of checked bag
Bit 4: FC Alarm 2/3 2) Bit 4: Recipe output A
Bit 5: Bag attached 2/3 2) Bit 5: Recipe output B
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: Alarm 2 2)
Bit 7: n.u. Bit 7: Operation 2 2)

Bit 0: Refilling active 1 2 Bit 0: Dosing completed 2 2)

Bit 1: Refilling active 2 2) Bit 1: Refilling 2 2)
Bit 2: Refilling active 3 2) Bit 2: Dosing 2 2)
Bit 3: Manual emptying 1 Bit 3: Alarm 3 2)
Bit 4: Manual emptying 2 2) Bit 4: Operation 3 2)
Bit 5: Manual emptying 3 2) Bit 5: Dosing completed 3 2)
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: Refilling 3 2)
Bit 7: n.u. Bit 7: Dosing 3 2)
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm (alarm 1)
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = 0 5 Index of transmitted data record = 0
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

76 Differential bagging scale (BAGD1, BAGD3) Fieldbus protocol

Index of received data record = 0 7 Index of received data record = 0

Nominal power in % (5…99) 3) 8…9 Bag weight setpoint in DIV (0…50,000)
n.u. 10…11 Actual bag weight in DIV (0…65,535)
Setpoint total weight in kg (0…99,999,999) 12…15 Total weight in kg (0…999,999,999)
Bag counter setpoint (0…99,999) 16…19 Bag counter (in ascending order)
n.u. 20 Number of decimal places (0…3)
Recipe number (0…50) 21 Recipe number (current recipe) (0…50)
n.u. 22 Step number (0…9)
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)
1) only BAGD1 2) only BAGD3 3) continuous operation only

11.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start 1 = Start dosing. Leave signal pending until one of the status
bits is "Dosing completed" = 0.
After each dosing, the signal must be set to zero before
(Continuous operation: Scale dosing when signal = 1).
1 Bag counter / 1 = Bag counter is reset and the total weight cleared. (possible
Clearing the total only in steps 1 or 9. Only if bag counter mode CCLR = ON
or with continuous operation).
2 Cancel 1 = Switch to step 1.
3 FC alarm 1 1 = Scale 1 frequency converter fault (generates alarm FINV).
4 Refilling release 1 = Release for refilling of all scales.
5 Running scale(s) until 1 = Refilling and the dosing time alarm are suppressed.
empty When all scales are empty, the status bit "Scale(s) empty"
is set.
6 Acknowledgment of 1 = Acknowledgment of tolerance alarms. Leave signal applied
"Tolerance alarm" until status bit "Tolerance alarm" = 0.
7 Acknowledgment of 1 = Clear the status bit "New values ready".
"New values ready" (Leave applied until "New values ready" = 0).
1 0 Run system until empty 1 = Run product feed and scales until empty. Normal refill until the
product feed is empty (filling time alarm suppressed). Af-
terwards, the refilling and the dosing time alarm are sup-
pressed. Once all scales are empty, the status bit
"Scale(s) empty" is set.
1 Cleaning 1 = One-time filling of empty scales with cleaning quantity.
Afterwards, the refilling and the dosing time alarm are
suppressed. The status bit "Scale(s) empty" is set once all
of the scales are empty.
2 Continuous operation 1 = Continuous operation
0 = Normal bagging mode.
(This setting can be modified only in the original position,
step 1).
3 Release AO2 1) 1 = The recipe-specific actuating signal is output at AO2.
4 FC alarm 2/3 2) 1 = Scales 2 and 3 frequency converter fault (generates alarm
5 Bag attached 2/3 2) 1 = Bag is attached to the bag spout of the bulk dosing.
Release of bulk dosing for this cycle (signal must be ac-
tive at Start).
6…7 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Differential bagging scale (BAGD1, BAGD3) 77

Byte Bit Name Description

2 0 Refilling active 1 1 = Refilling scale 1 is active, Weight adoption / Start is
blocked. Should be set if refilling 1 is pending and is
cleared with delay.

(If the signal is not used [unchanging 0], then Weight

adoption / Start is set with fixed delay of 1.8 s).
1 Refilling active 2 2) Corresponding to byte 2/0
2 Refilling active 3 2) Corresponding to byte 2/0
3 Manual emptying 1 1 = Manual emptying of scale 1. The 24 V output of dosing 1 is
set until the signal is at 1.
4 Manual emptying 2 2) 1 = Manual emptying of scale 2. The 24 V output of dosing 2 is
set until the signal is at 1.
5 Manual emptying 3 2) 1 = Manual emptying of scale 3. The 24 V output of dosing 3 is
set until the signal is at 1.
6…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data for all
1) only BAGD1
2) Only BAGD3

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

78 Differential bagging scale (BAGD1, BAGD3) Fieldbus protocol

11.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = Scale started (not in step 1 or 0).
1 Number of bags Only with bag preselection.
reached 1 = The preselected number of bags is reached.
2 Weighing 1) 1 = Weighing is completely finished (step 5)
completed 0 = When switching to step 8.
3 Finished dosing 1 1 = Dosing of scale 1 is fully completed.
0 = During dosing of scale 1.
4 Bagging release 1 = Without bag preselection or if the setpoint has not yet been
reached with bag preselection.
0 = The preselected number of bags is reached.
5 Scale(s) empty 1 = All scales are empty. In the case of "Running scale(s) until
empty", "Running system until empty" and "Cleaning opera-
tion", the signal switches to 0 at the time of function Start and
to 1 once the scales are completely empty.
6 Tolerance alarm 1 = The bag weight is outside the set tolerance limits REC.TOL+,
7 New values ready 1 = New values are ready (new bag weight, counter).
0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready" = 1.
1 0 Dosing 1 1 = Dosing scale 1 (also release of frequency converter).
1 Refilling 1 1 = Filling of scale 1.
2 Filling time alarm 1 = Filling time alarm for scales 1, 2 or 3. The scales were unable
to be refilled within the time TFIL. Is reset with the control bits
"Clear alarm" or "Empty scale(s)".
3 Weight of 1 = Current bag has been checked (check cycle)
checked bag (always 1 for BAGD2/3).
4 Recipe output A 1 = When REC.RDOA = ON.
5 Recipe output B 1 = When REC.RDOB = ON.
6 Alarm 2 2) 1 = Scale 2 alarm.
7 Operation 2 2) 1 = Scale 2 is in operation and can be used for dosing.
0 = In case of emergency mode, with scale 3.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Differential bagging scale (BAGD1, BAGD3) 79

Byte Bit Name Description

2 0 Dosing 2) 1 = Dosing of scale 2 is fully completed.
completed 2 0 = During dosing of scale 2.
1 Refilling 2 2) 1 = Filling of scale 2.
2 Dosing 2 2) 1 = Dosing scale 2 (also release of frequency converter).
3 Alarm 3 2) 1 = Scale 3 alarm.
4 Operation 3 2) 1 = Scale 3 is in operation and can be used for dosing.
0 = In case of emergency mode, with scale 2.
5 Dosing 2) 1 = Dosing of scale 3 is fully completed.
completed 3 0 = During dosing of scale 3.
6 Refilling 3 2) 1 = Filling of scale 3.
7 Dosing 3 2) 1 = Dosing scale 3 (also release of frequency converter).
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

1) only BAGD1
2) only BAGD3

11.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Nominal power 0…99 [%] Nominal power of scale 2 feed screw conveyor (in con-
tinuous operation only)
10…11 n.u.
12…15 Setpoint total 0…99,999,999 [kg] Setpoint total weight (in continuous operation only)
16…19 Bag counter set- 0…99,999 0 = Operation without bag preselection
20 n.u.
21 Recipe number 0…50 1…50 = corresponds to load recipe into working
recipe 0
0 = Do not load recipe
22…23 n.u.

Transmitted data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
Name Range [units] Description
Bag weight set- MINB…MAXB [DIV] Bag weight setpoint (REC.SIZE)
10…11 n.u.
12…13 Tolerance positi- 0…999 [DIV] Tolerance alarm if the bag weight > setpoint bag weight
ve + tolerance positive (REC.TOL+)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

80 Differential bagging scale (BAGD1, BAGD3) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
0 = No monitoring
14…15 Tolerance nega- 0…999 [DIV] Tolerance alarm if the bag weight < setpoint bag weight –
tive tolerance negative (REC.TOL–)
0 = No monitoring
16…17 Bulk dosing star- 0…9999 [DIV or Bulk dosing cut-off point or time according to
tup value 0.01 s] REC.DOSW. (REC.STRTW or REC.STRTT)
0 = No bulk dosing
(For bulk dosing by weight [REC.DOSW = 1], the value
must be less than the setpoint bag weight [REC.SIZE])
18…19 Dribble flow cut- 0…2000 [DIV] Dribble flow cut-off weight for switching off dribble feed
off weight. (REC.CUTW)
20…21 Specific weight 10…300 [0.01 kg/l] Specific weight of product (REC.DENS)
(0.10…3.00 kg/l)
22…23 n.u.

Transmitted data record 137 (recipe part 2)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Control cycle 1…50 Check bag weight for only every nth bag (REC.CCYC)
1 = Every bag is checked (with BAGD1 only)
9 Bulk dosing by 0…1 1 = Bulk dosing by weight (REC.DOSW)
weight 0 = Bulk dosing by time
10 Setpoint dribble 10…200 [0.1 s] Setpoint dribble flow time for control (REC.TDRI)
flow time (1.0…20.0 s)
11 Bulk dosing 3…99 [%] Bulk dosing power (REC.FFLO)
12 Dribble flow 3…99 [%] Dribble flow power (REC.DFLO)
13 Recipe output A 0…1 1 = Status bit "Recipe output A" = 1 (REC.RDOA)
14 Recipe output B 0…1 1 = Status bit "Recipe output B" = 1 (REC.RDOB)
(with BAGD1 only)
15 Actuating signal 0…99 [%] Actuating signal at analog output 2 (REC.RAO2)
at AO2 (with BAGD1 only)
16 Dribble flow VAP 0…20 [%] Dribble flow cut-off weight correction after filling
correction (REC.CWC) (with BAGD3 only)
17 Adjustment 0…70 [%] Adjustment range, dribble flow power (REC.DFR) (with
range, dribble BAGD3 only)
flow power
18…23 n.u.

Received data record 13, index = 0 (Job data / calibration memory)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Differential bagging scale (BAGD1, BAGD3) 81

8…11 Job ID For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
12…15 Bag counter 0…99,999 Saved bag counter of all bags of previous job.
16…19 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Saved total weight of all bags of the previous job with the
[kg] resolution kg.
20…23 Average actual 0…999,999 Saved average of actual bag weights of previous job with
bag weight [DIVx10] resolution 10 x DIV.
Received data record 13, index = 1
8…13 Date + Time For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
14…15 n.u.
16…19 Standard deviati- 0…999 [DIVx10] Saved standard deviation of actual bag weights of previ-
on ous job with resolution 10 x DIV.
20…23 n.u.

11.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Bag weight set- 0…50,000 [DIV] Current setpoint weight.
10…11 Actual bag 0…65,535 [DIV] Current actual bag weight of checked bags.
weight For bags that are not checked, the setpoint weight is
12…15 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Corresponds with the bag counter.
16…19 Bag counter 0…99,999 Bag counter (incremental) which can be cleared.
20 Decimal places 0…3 Number of decimal places DIV on the fieldbus interface
according to the ADC.DIV setting.
21 Recipe number 0…50 Currently loaded recipe.
22 Step number 0…9 According to operating manual 66698-x-9/11.
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66698-x-9/11.

Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Bag counter, 0…99,999,999 Bag counter (cannot be cleared).
12…15 Actual power 0…999,999 [kg/h] Actual power (in continuous operation only).
16…23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

82 Differential bagging scale (BAGD1, BAGD3) Fieldbus protocol

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128.

Received data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
For data contents, see transmitted data record 136.

Received data record 137 (recipe part 2)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
For data contents, see transmitted data record 137.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Volumetric feed gate MZDE (SLIDE) 83

12 Volumetric feed gate MZDE (SLIDE)

12.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Slide gate in position
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: n.u.
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: n.u.
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: n.u.
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2 n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Setpoint position in ‰ (0…1000) 8 Actual position in ‰ (0…1000)
n.u. 10 Maximum setpoint position in ‰ (200…1000)
n.u. 11
n.u. 12 Minimum setpoint position in ‰ (10…100)
n.u. 13
n.u. 14 n.u.
n.u. 15 n.u.
n.u. 16 n.u.
n.u. 17 n.u.
n.u. 18 n.u.
n.u. 19 n.u.
n.u. 20 n.u.
n.u. 21 n.u.
n.u. 22 Step number (0…9)
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

84 Volumetric feed gate MZDE (SLIDE) Fieldbus protocol

12.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start/stop 1 = Release feeding cycle (feeding Start).
0 = Feeding cycle stop (stop feeding immediately).
1 n.u.
2 n.u.
3 n.u.
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6 n.u.
7 Acknowledgment of 1 = Clear status bit "New values ready".
"New values ready" (allow to remain in effect until "New values ready" = 0).
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

12.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = The volumetric feed gate has been started (opening  PMIN).
0 = The volumetric feed gate has been stopped (opening < PMIN).
1 Slide gate in positi- 1 = The volumetric feed gate is at target position.
2 n.u.
3 n.u.
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6 n.u.
7 New values ready 1 = New values are available (total weights, actual power).
0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready" = 1.
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "Data for all

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Volumetric feed gate MZDE (SLIDE) 85

12.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Setpoint position 0…PMAX [‰] The setpoint position is displayed in the parameter POS.
(max. 1000) When setpoint position < PMIN, then 0 is accepted.
For MODE=SLDFLO, the value is in t/h.
10…23 n.u.

12.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual position 0…1000 [‰] Current actual position.
10…11 Maximum set- 200…1000 [‰] Limitation for maximum setpoint position.
point position
12…13 Minimum set- 10…100 [‰] Limitation for minimum setpoint position.
point position
14…21 n.u.
22 Step number 0…9 According to operating manual 66698-x-7.
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66698-x-7.

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

86 Dosing control system (DCOS) Fieldbus protocol

13 Dosing control system (DCOS)

13.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Abort Bit 1: n.u.
Bit 2: Operation via fieldbus Bit 2: Ready for feeding
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Bulk dosing
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Dribble dosing
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 5: Emptying active
Bit 6 Emptying / End batch Bit 6: Emptying completed
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values Bit 7: New values ready / final value
ready / final value reached" reached
Bit 0: Acknowledgment Start / Stop Sig- 1 Bit 0: Start / Stop Signal (carried out on-
nal site)
Bit 1: Acknowledgment Abort Signal Bit 1: Abort Signal (carried out on-site)
Bit 2…7: n.u. Bit 2…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Setpoint weight in kg / DIV (0…150,000) 8 Component weight in kg / DIV (0…999,999)
n.u. 12 Scale weight in kg / DIV (0…999,999)
n.u. 13
n.u. 14
n.u. 15
n.u. 16 n.u.
n.u. 17 n.u.
n.u. 18 n.u.
n.u. 19 n.u.
n.u. 20 Number of decimal places (0…3)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Dosing control system (DCOS) 87

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Recipe number (load recipe) (0…8) 21 Recipe number (current recipe) (1…8)
n.u. 22 Step number (0…8)
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)

13.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start/stop 1 = Release (dosing Start).
0 = Stop (immediate stop / interrupt dosing).
1 Cancel 1 = Current weighing is aborted.
2 Operation via field- 1 = The Start/Stop and Abort Signal are transmitted from the
bus fieldbus.
0 = The Start/Stop and Abort key are active on-site.
The Start/Stop and the Abort Signal are also switched on the
24 V inputs if the flag "Control signals valid", Byte 3 Bit 0 is not pend-
3…5 n.u. n.u.
6 Emptying / End 1 = Emptying is active. Once the scale is empty, "Emptying com-
batch pleted" is set.
A switch to the original position ensues and current component
weighing is ended (TCON.MODE = POS / POS2).
0 = Stops emptying.
7 Acknowledgment 1 = Clear the status bit "New values ready / final value reached".
"New values ready / (Leave applied until "New values ready" = 0).
final value reached"
1 0 Acknowledgment, 1 = Status bits Start/Stop Signal is cleared.
Start / Stop signal
1 Acknowledgment, 1 = Status bit Abort Signal is cleared.
Abort Signal
2…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

88 Dosing control system (DCOS) Fieldbus protocol

13.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = The scale is started.
0 = The scale is stopped.
1 n.u. n.u.
2 Ready for dosing 1 = All dosing conditions are present.
3 Bulk dosing 1 = Bulk dosing element is active.
4 Dribble dosing 1 = Dribble dosing element is active.
5 Emptying active 1 = Emptying is active, is set via the control flag "Emptying" or the
24 V input.
6 Emptying completed 1 = Emptying was executed and is completed.
0 = If control bit "Emptying" or after dosing start.
7 New values ready / 1 = New values are ready (component weight).
final value reached 0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready / final value
reached" = 1.
1 0 Start/Stop Signal 1 = On-site Start / Stop key was actuated. Applied until it is cleared
by the corresponding control flag.
1 Abort signal 1 = On-site abort key was actuated. Applied until it is cleared by
the corresponding control flag.
2…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Dosing control system (DCOS) 89

13.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Setpoint weight 0 / TCON.MINW… Setpoint for the component weight.
TCON.MAXW [kg] If the value is 0, then this value will not be accepted.
2) 3) This can, for example, be used if the recipe with the
setpoint weight is to be loaded.
12…20 n.u.
21 Recipe number 0…8 3) 1…8 = Load recipe / silo.
0 = Do not load recipe / silo.
22…23 n.u.

2) Decimal places according to DIV / PBDP.WFOR setting (no decimal places / fixed format is standard).
3) Setpoint is accepted only in step 1 or 8.

Transmitted data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 1...8 as recipe number
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Free silo number 3) Free silo number, which also appears on the printout
10…13 Setpoint weight MINW…MAXW Setpoint weight (REC.WTS).
in kg 2) 3)
14…15 Weight tolerance 2) 3) Weight tolerance positive in kg (REC.TOL+).
16…17 Weight tolerance 2) 3) Weight tolerance negative in kg (REC.TOL–).
18…19 Bulk dosing 2) 3) Bulk dosing startup value
startup value Switchover weight in kg (REC.STRT).
switchover value
0 = No bulk dosing.
20…21 Dribble flow cut- 2) 3) Dribble flow cut-off weight in kg (REC.CUTW).
off weight
22 Bulk dosing 3) Bulk dosing power in % (REC.FFLO).
23 Dribble flow 3) Dribble feed power in % (REC.DFLO).

2) Decimal places according to DIV / PBDP.WFOR setting (no decimal places / fixed format is standard).
3) Setpoint is accepted only in step 1 or 8.
In contrast to most Bühler scales with fieldbus connection, the most recently load-
ed recipe is edited for DCOS with index 0. If another index is selected, then this
recipe is loaded.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

90 Dosing control system (DCOS) Fieldbus protocol

13.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Component 0…999,999 [kg] 2) Current component weight.
12…15 Scale weight 0…999,999 [kg] 2) Current scale weight.

16…19 n.u. n.u. n.u.

20 Decimal places 0…3 Number of decimal places DIV on the fieldbus interface
according to the PBDP.WFOR and ADC.DIV settings.
21 Recipe number 1…8 Currently loaded recipe.
22 Step number 0…9 According to operating manual 66698-x-2.
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66698-x-2.

2) Decimal places according to DIV / PBDP.WFOR setting (no decimal places / fixed format is standard).

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128.

Received data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…8 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
For data contents, see transmitted data record 136.

Received data record 13, index = 0 (Job data / calibration memory)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Job ID For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
12…15 Component 0…999,999,999 Saved component weight of the previous job with the
weight [DIV] resolution DIV.
16…19 n.u.
20…23 n.u.
Received data record 13, index = 1
8…13 Date + Time For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
14…15 n.u.
16…19 n.u.
20…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Device control (DEVICE) 91

14 Device control (DEVICE)

14.1 General information
The following standard data records are valid for the following devices (DEVICE):

• Wheat heater MBHA

• Steamer MBDA
• Steamer DSDC
• Kiln Granotherm DNCB
• Fluid bed dryer OTW

For a description of the devices, see operating manual 66698-x-14.

14.2 Summary of standard data records 128/1 (applies to all devices)

Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Release (Start / Stop) 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Automatic / Manual Bit 1: n.u.
Bit 2: Restart with start value and start Bit 2: Restart was performed
time Bit 3: n.u.
Bit 3: Activate start value Bit 4: n.u.
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0: Steam valve activated
Bit 1 Limit switch 1 closed
Bit 2 Limit switch 2 closed
Bit 3…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Setpoint temperature in 0.1C 8 Temperature 1 in 0.1 C

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

92 Device control (DEVICE) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Index = channel number
Setpoint steam control in 0.1% 10 Temperature 2 in 0.1 C
for manual operating mode 11 (TCON.DTYP = 4_LOOP n.u.)
Setpoint steam quantity in kg/h 12 Temperature 3 in 0.1 C
0 = Temperature control, 13 (TCON.DTYP = 4_LOOP n.u.)
>0 Steam quantity control
n.u. 14-17 n.u.
Start value for steam control in 0.1% 18 Start value for steam control in 0.1%
(See parameter CTRL.START) (See parameter CTRL.START)
0 = On-site setting applies 19
Maximum dosing value TCON.QMAX in 20 n.u.
0 = On-site setting applies 21 n.u.
Index = channel numbers 1…4)
Minimum dosing value TCON.QMIN in 0.1% 22 n.u.
0 = On-site setting applies 23 Alarm number
Index = channel numbers 1…4)
n.u. = not used

14.3 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Release 1 = Release (dosing Start)
(Start / Stop) 0 = Stop (immediate stop / interrupt dosing)
1 Automatic / Manual 1 = Automatic (control is active)
0 = Manual (control is inactive)
2 Restart with start 1 = The controller is deactivated and restarted with the start value and
value and start time the start time. After the start time has elapsed, the controller is au-
tomatically activated. It can be set to 0 again once BIT2 = 1 (re-
start has been undertaken)
0 = The device operates in normal mode.
3 Activating start va- 1 = The Start value is output at the output and the controller is deac-
lue tivated. The controller is however activated once the control toler-
ance has been reached. This bit must be activated at the time of
Start. During operation the bit is ignored. If a restart must be per-
formed during operation, then set Bit2.
0 = The device operates in normal mode
4…6 n.u. n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Device control (DEVICE) 93

Byte Bit Name Description

7 Acknowledgment 1 = Clear the status bit "New values ready / final value reached"
"New values ready / (allow to remain in effect until "New values ready" = 0)
final value reached"
1 Acknowledgment, 1 = Status bit Abort Signal is cleared
Abort Signal
2…7 n.u.
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by DevCtrl)

14.4 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = Dosing/control is started
0 = Dosing/control is stopped
1 n.u. n.u.
2 Restart was undertaken 1 = Acknowledgment Bit2 restart.
Bit2 must be cleared again.
3…7 n.u.
7 New values ready 1 = New values are ready
0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values" = 1
1 0 Steam valve 1 = The steam valve has been activated
1 Limit switch 1 closed 1 = Limit switch 1 is closed
2 Limit switch 2 closed 1 = Limit switch 2 is closed
3…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data for all de-

n.u. = not used (the bits are set to 0 by DevCtrl)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

94 Device control (DEVICE) Fieldbus protocol

14.5 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

14.5.1 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

The description of the setpoints for the kiln (TCON.DYTP = 4_LOOP) can be found
in chapter 14.5.2!

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Setpoint temperature [0.1C] Setpoint temperature at which the control is carried
10…11 Steam control set- [0.1%] 0…100.0% Setpoint for the steam valve if working in manual
point operating mode.
12…13 Setpoint steam quan- [kg/h] Setpoint if a steam quantity gauging device is con-
tity controller nected (TCON.STEAM >0).
If a value > 0 is transmitted, then the temperature
control is deactivated. The control is carried out on
the steam quantity, which is measured by the steam
quantity gauging device. The setpoint temperature is
no longer relevant.
14…17 n.u.
18…19 Start value [0.1%] Start value for steam control.
(See parameter CTRL.START)
(0 = the on-site setting is adopted)
20…21 Maximum dosing [0.1%] Maximum dosing value TCON.DMAX
value (0 = the on-site setting is adopted)
22…23 Minimum feeder [0.1%] Minimum feeder speed value TCON.DMIN
speed value (0 = the on-site setting is adopted)

n.u. = not used (data is ignored by the DEVICE)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Device control (DEVICE) 95

14.5.2 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoint kiln 4_LOOP)

1-4 independent feedback loops can be connected for the kiln DCNB (TCON.DYTP
4_LOOP). This means that multiple setpoint and actual values are necessary,
which must then be selected via the index of the received data record. All channels
are started and stopped at the same time.

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

n = channel of received data record index 1…4 (channel 1…4)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Setpoint tempera- [0.1C] Channel setpoint temperature n
10…11 Setpoint steam [0.1%] 0…100.0% Setpoint for the steam valve of channel n if working
control.n in manual operating mode.
12…13 n.u.
14…17 n.u.
18…19 Start value [0.1%] Start value for steam control.
Present only once for all channels!
Adopted only for index = 1 for all channels.
(See parameter CTRL.START
(0 = the on-site setting is adopted)
20…21 Maximum [0.1%] Maximum dosing value TCON.DMAX.n
dosing valu- (0 = the on-site setting is adopted)
22…23 Minimum [0.1%] Minimum dosing value TCON.DMIN.n
feeder speed (0 = the on-site setting is adopted)
n.u. = not used (data is ignored by the DEVICE)

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96 Device control (DEVICE) Fieldbus protocol

14.6 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

14.6.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature 1 [0.1C] Temperature 1
10…11 Temperature 2 Temperature 2 (if present)
12…13 Temperature 3 Temperature 3 (if present)
14…17 Current steam [0.1%] Current position of control valve
18…19 Start value [0.1%] Start value of parameter CTRL.START
20…22 n.u.
23 Alarm number Alarm number
n.u. = not used (data is set to 0 by MEAG)

14.6.2 Received data record 1 (standard actual values kiln 4_LOOP)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values kiln 4_LOOP)

n = channel of received data record index (1…4)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature n [0.1C] Current temperature of channel n
10…11 n.u.
12…13 n.u.
14…17 Current steam [0.1%] Current position of control valve for channel n
throughput n
18…19 Start value [0.1%] Start value parameter CTRL.START
(identical for all channels)
20…22 n.u.
23 Alarm number Alarm number (identical for all channels)

n.u. = not used (data is set to 0 by MEAG)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Vertical pearler (BSPB) 97

15 Vertical pearler (BSPB)

15.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Start/Stop 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Bit 1: 0 = Start sequence completed
Bit 2: Bit 2: Current warning; A is greater than
Bit 3: HLC
Bit 4: Bit 3: Motor CUR within CRG±
Bit 5: Bit 4: Product level probe
Bit 6: Bit 5:
Bit 7: Acknowledgment new values Bit 6:
ready Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment of modification to
record transmitted data record
Bit 7: Acknowledgment modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = x 5 Index of transmitted data record = x
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = x 7 Index of received data record = x
Setpoint current in A (20…TCON.MOTI) 8 Setpoint current in A (20…TCON.MOTI)
Actual current in 0.1 A 10 Actual current in 0.1 A
12 Current pressure in 0.1%
14 Minimum contact pressure 0.1%
n.u. 16 Maximum motor current in 0.1 A
n.u. 17 (20.0…TCON.MOTI)
n.u. 18 n.u.
n.u. 19 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

98 Vertical pearler (BSPB) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

n.u. 20 n.u.
Recipe number 21 Recipe number
n.u. 22 Step number
n.u. 23 Alarm number

n.u. = not used

15.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start/stop 1 = Release of grinding cycle (vertical pearler Start)
0 = Grinding cycle stop (immediate vertical pearler stop)
1 n.u.
2 n.u.
3 n.u.
4…6 n.u. n.u.
7 Acknowledgment of 1 = Clear status bit "New values ready"
"New values ready" (Leave applied until "New values ready" = 0)
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by MEAG)

15.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = The vertical pearler has been started (retarding plate =
until product is flowing.
0 = The vertical pearler is stopped (retarding plate = PMIN)
1 Start sequence 0 = The start sequence is completed, i.e. it is ready for the
completed grinding process
1 = Original position or level probe is not covered
2 Current warning 1 = Warning; current motor electric current exceeds the set
electric current value of parameter REC.HLC in %
3 Retarding plate in 1 = Motor CUR within CRG+ -
4 Level probe 1 = Level probe covered, start release for retarding plate

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Vertical pearler (BSPB) 99

Byte Bit Name Description

5 n.u.
6 n.u.
7 New values ready 1 = New values are available (total weights, actual power)
0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready" = 1
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are set to 0 by MEAG)

15.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Setpoint current 20…MOTI [A] The setpoint current is indicated in parameter
in [A] (max. 200 A) CURS. For setpoint current <20 A, 20 A is accept-
10…11 Actual current in The actual current is shown on the display. For
[0.1A] actual current <CMIN % and Start, message
i.e. no release ensues.
16…20 n.u.
21 Recipe number 0…50 0 = Do not load recipe
1…50 = Load recipe into working recipe 0
22…23 n.u.

n.u. = not used (data are ignored by MEAG)

15.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Setpoint current 20…MOTI [A] The setpoint current is indicated in parameter CURS.
in [A] (max. 200 A) For setpoint current <20 A, 20 A is accepted.
10…11 Actual current in The actual current is indicated on the display.
[0.1 A] For actual current <CMIN % and Start, A flashes
i.e. there is no release.
12…13 Current PMIN…PMAX Limit for minimum contact pressure TCON.PMIN.
contact pressure [0.1%] Limit for maximum contact pressure TCON.PMAX.
Pressure range determined by the system.
14…15 Minimum PMIN…PMAX Limit for minimum contact pressure TCON.PMIN.
contact pres- [0.1%] Dependent on system stability (retarding plate aspi-
sure ration).

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

100 Vertical pearler (BSPB) Fieldbus protocol

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
16…17 Maximum MOTI.20.0…20 Nominal current of the corresponding drive motor
motor current 0.0 [0.1 A]
(max. 200.0 A)
18…20 n.u.
21 Recipe number 0…50 Currently loaded recipe
22 Step number 0…9 According to operating manual 66469
23 Alarm number 0…39 According to operating manual 66469

n.u. = not used (data is set to 0 by MEAG)

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol GRAVISCREW MSDR (GSCREW) 101


16.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Clear total Bit 1: Total reached
Bit 2: Zeroing Bit 2: Step 1
Bit 3: No start delay / zeroing Bit 3: Actual power > REC.LFLO
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Actual power > REC.HFLO
Bit 5: Running until empty Bit 5: Low level silo
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: Weight pulse
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0: Product feed
Bit 1: Graviscrew motor
Bit 2: Product outlet
Bit 3…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Nominal power in kg/h (0…999,999) 8 Actual power in kg/h (0…999,999)
Setpoint total weight in kg / DIV 12 Total weight in kg / DIV (0…999,999,999)
n.u. 16 Total weight in kg / DIV (cannot be cleared)
n.u. 17 (0…999,999,999)
n.u. 18
n.u. 19
n.u. 20 Number of decimal places (0…3)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

102 GRAVISCREW MSDR (GSCREW) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Recipe number (load recipe) (0…50) 21 Recipe number (current recipe) (0…50)
n.u. 22 Step number (0…9)
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)

16.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start/stop 1 = Release weighing (Graviscrew motor Start; delayed product
feed Start with TCON.TSTADL)
0 = Weighing stop (product feed stop; delayed stop of Graviscrew
motor with TCON.TSTODL)
1 Clearing the total 1 = Clear the total weight which can be cleared
2 Zeroing 1 = Weighing signal zeroing
To increase accuracy with small weight movements. May not
be performed unless the conveyor screw is definitely empty.
3 No start delay / ze- 1 = Direct-on-line starting upon start with Bit 0
roing Delayed product feed Start (TCON.TSTADL) and zeroing are
suppressed. GRAVISCREW conveyor screw and product feed
are both immediately started if Bit 0 Start is set.
4 n.u.
5 Running until empty 1 = Alarms are suppressed during running until empty. The alarms
A024 and A026 FLOWTOL are suppressed.
6 n.u.
7 Acknowledgment of 1 = Clear status bit "New values ready".
"New values ready" (allow to remain in effect until "New values ready" = 0).
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol GRAVISCREW MSDR (GSCREW) 103

16.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = The scale is started. The actual power is greater than 0.
0 = The scale is stopped or there is no product present.
1 Total reached Only where setpoint total weight > 0
1 = Total weight  setpoint total weight
0 = if control bit "Clear total" = 1 or (total
weight < setpoint total weight)
2 Step 1 1 = The control is in step 1 (stopped)
0 = The control is in step 0 or 2 (calibration or measurement)
3 Actual power > 1 = The actual power is greater than the power REC.LFLO.
4 Actual power > 1 = The actual power is greater than the power REC.HFLO. (Alarm
HFLO A066 DMAX is output)
5 Silo low level 1 = Actual power = 0 since the time TCON.TEMPTY for
6 Weight pulse Pulses according to SYS.WIMP
7 New values ready 1 = New values are available (total weights, actual power)
0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready" = 1
1 0 Product feed 1 = Release product feed on Graviscrew (switch on transport ele-
ments). This signal is switched on for the signal "Start / Stop"
with delay in the amount of the time TCON.TSTRDL.
1 Graviscrew motor 1 = Release Graviscrew motor. This signal is switched off for the
signal "Start / Stop" with delay in the amount of the time
2 Product discharge 1 = The Graviscrew motor is started and the product weight in the
Graviscrew is greater than the weight at half of the setpoint
3…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

104 GRAVISCREW MSDR (GSCREW) Fieldbus protocol

16.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Nominal power 0…FMAX [kg/h] The setpoint power is displayed in the parameter FLOS.
(max. 999,999) The value must be within the range 0...maximum power
(TCON.FMAX). When setpoint power < minimum power
(TCON.FMIN), 0 is accepted.
12…15 Setpoint total 0…99,999,999 [kg] 2) The "Total reached" output is set if the total weight
weight reaches the setpoint total weight. Dosing is also
stopped when mode = FLOCON. If the setpoint total
weight = 0, endless dosing will take place.
16…20 n.u.
21 Recipe number 0…50 1…50 = Load recipe into working recipe 0
0 = Do not load recipe
22…23 n.u.
2) Decimal places according to DIV / PBDP.WFOR setting (no decimal places / fixed format is standard).

Transmitted data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Specific weight 0…300 [0.01 kg/l] Specific product weight (REC.DENS) If 0 is specified
(0.00…3.00) (default), then the Graviscrew works with internal
typical values.
10…11 Gain factor 100…9999 [0.1] Gain factor of feeding power (REC.FACT)
12…13 n.u.
14…22 n.u.
23 Automatic cor- 0…1 Automatic correction of gain factor (REC.CFAC) (0 =
rection of gain OFF / 1 = ON)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol GRAVISCREW MSDR (GSCREW) 105

16.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Actual power 0…999,999 [kg/h] Current actual power
12…15 Total weight (can 0…999,999,999 [kg] Is set to 0 with the control bit "Clear total". If the value
be cleared) 2) reaches the maximum value, then it will start again at 0.
16…19 Total weight 0…999,999,999 [kg] If the value reaches the maximum value, then counting
which cannot be 2) will start over again at 0.
20 Decimal places 0…3 Number of decimal places DIV on the fieldbus interface
according to the PBDP.WFOR and ADC.DIV settings
21 Recipe number 0…50 Currently loaded recipe
22 Step number 0…9 According to operating manual 66698-x-17
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66698-x-17

2) Decimal places according to DIV / PBDP.WFOR setting (no decimal places / fixed format is standard).

Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Conveyor screw 0…10,000 Standardized actuating signal for the GRAVISCREW
speed conveyor screw frequency converter.
10,000 equals 100 Hz.
As standard, no frequency converter is used for the
measurement conveyor screw (direct connection) and
the value 5000 (50 Hz) is transmitted.
10…11 Supply element 0…10,000 Standardized actuating signal for the feeder screw fre-
speed quency converter to the GRAVISCREW.
10,000 equals 100 Hz.
Only used when operating mode = controller.
12…15 Current scale 0…99,999 [DIV] Current weight of the measurement conveyor screw in
weight the set resolution of the AD-converter (ADC.DIV)
16…23 n.u.

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

Received data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
For data contents, see transmitted data record 136.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

106 GRAVISCREW MSDR (GSCREW) Fieldbus protocol

Received data record 13, index = 0 (Job data / calibration memory)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Job ID For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
12…15 Total weight 0…999,999,999 Saved total weight of the previous job with the resolution
16…19 n.u.
20…23 n.u.
Received data record 13, index = 1
8…13 Date + Time For details see chapter "Received data record 13 job
data / calibration memory"
14…15 n.u.
16…19 n.u.
20…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Roller mill (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II, MDDY/Z) 107

17 Roller mill (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II, MDDY/Z)

17.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Disengaged
Bit 2: Residual emptying Bit 2: Residual emptying local
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Disengaged manually
Side 1

Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Release for grinding motor

Bit 5: n.u. Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 0: Start / Stop 1 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Disengaged
Bit 2: Residual emptying Bit 2: Residual emptying local
Side 2

Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Disengaged manually

Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Release for grinding motor
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u. Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: n.u. 2 FALSE = covered input = 0 V
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 0: Inlet probe DI 0.4 Side 1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 1: Outlet probe 1 DI 0.5 Side 1
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 2: Outlet probe 2 DI 0.6 Side 1
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 3: Outlet probe 3 DI 0.7 Side 1
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 4: Inlet probe DI 0.16 Side 2
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 5: Outlet probe 1 DI 0.17 Side 2
Bit 7: n.u. Bit 6: Outlet probe 2 DI 0.18 Side 2
Bit 7: Outlet probe 3 DI 0.19 Side 2
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

108 Roller mill (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II, MDDY/Z) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Index of transmitted data record = X Index of transmitted data record = X
Selection of roller mill side Selection of roller mill side
1 = Side 1 1 = Side 1
2 = Side 2 2 = Side 2
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = Index of received data record = X
X Selection of roller mill side Selection of roller mill side
1 = Side 1 7 1 = Side 1
2 = Side 2 2 = Side 2
3 = Roller mill split longitudinally 3 = Roller mill split longitudinally

17.2 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Index X = 1 Side 1 Index X = 2 Side 2
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Motor current, top 0.1 [A] Current consumption of electrical current by main 1)
motor 1.
10…11 Motor current, bottom 0.1 [A] Current consumption of electrical current by main 1)
motor 2.
12…13 Reserve
14…15 Reserve
16…17 Reserve
18…19 Reserve
20 Setpoint status bits Bit 0 Option MDDT engage, top. 3)
Bit 1 Option MDDT engage, bottom. 3)
Bit 2 n.u.
Bit 3 n.u.
Bit 4 n.u.
Bit 5 n.u.
Bit 6 n.u.
Bit 7 n.u.
21…23 Reserve
1) The parameter TCON.MOTOR must be switched to 1REMP or 2REMP so that the motor currents can
be shown on the display. The value is then converted with the nominal current of the motor to a per-
centage utilization (ADC.MOTI).
3) The roller mill must be equipped with 2 engaging valves. This is an option and is activated with the pa-
rameter TCON. AVALVE.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Roller mill (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II, MDDY/Z) 109

17.3 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

17.3.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Index X = 1 Side 1 Index X = 2 Side 2

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Utilization of grinding motor, 0…999 [%] Current utilization of grinding motor
top MDDR, MDDP, MDDY roller mill or
MDDT, MDDQ, MDDZ roller mill, top
10…11 Current consumption 0.0…999.9 [A] Current electric current consumption of grind-
grinding motor, top ing motor MDDR, MDDP, MDDY roller mill or
MDDT, MDDQ, MDDZ roller mill, top
12…13 Utilization of 0…999 [%] Current utilization of grinding motor for MDDT,
grinding motor, bottom MDDQ, MDDZ roller mill bottom only
14…15 Current consumption of 0.0…999.9 [A] Current electric current consumption of the
grinding motor, bottom grinding motor, for MDDT, MDDQ, MDDZ
roller mill bottom only
16…17 Setpoint frequency of fre- 0.0…100.0 [Hz] Current setpoint for the feed roller.
quency converter for feed If this signal is used to control the frequency
roller converter of the feed roller, then an update
power of <1 second must be observed!
18…19 Speed of 0…999 [RPM] Current speed of grinding roller MDDR,
grinding roller, top MDDP, MDDY roller mill or MDDT,
MDDQ, MDDZ roller mill, top
20…21 Speed of 0…999 [RPM] Current grinding roller speed for MDDT,
grinding roller, bottom MDDQ, MDDY roller mill bottom only
22 Current speed of the feed 0…100 [%] Current speed of feed roller in %, which is
roller shown on the display.
23 Alarm number 0…255 Alarm number

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

110 Roller mill (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II, MDDY/Z) Fieldbus protocol

17.3.2 Received and transmitted data record 129 (advanced setpoints and actual values for speed con-

Index X = 1 Side 1 Index X = 2 Side 2

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 USER.RPMMIN TCON.F_FMAX /16 Minimum speed of feed roller 1)

10…11 USER.RPMMAX USER.RPMMIN Maximum speed of feed roller 1)

12…13 USER.LEVEL USER.LEVMIN +10 Setpoint for level control 1)

14…15 USER.LEVMIN 2 Minimum value for level control 1)

16…17 USER.RPMMIN2 TCON.F_FMAX /16 Minimum speed of feed roller. Feed 1)
… roller2 left for roller mill split longitudinal-
18…19 USER.RPMMAX2 USER.RPMMIN2 Maximum speed of feed roller. Feed 1)
… roller2 left for roller mill split longitudinal-
20…21 USER.LEVEL2 USER.LEVMIN2 +10 Setpoint for level control. Feed 1)
… roller2 on left for roller mill split
22…23 USER.LEVMIN2 2 Minimum value for level control. Feed 1)
… roller2 left for roller mill split longitudinal-

1) 0 = Value is not adopted and the on-site setting remains valid

This record is available starting from software version V14G.

If the values are to be modified on-site, then this record may not be written cyclically.
The user is responsible for ensuring that meaningful values are transmitted. If the adjustments are
not ideal, this may result in regulation malfunctions.
In principle, the control only reads the values and then saves them in a recipe. These settings can be
transmitted again, depending on the recipe.
The system limits are therefore observed.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Roller mill (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II, MDDY/Z) 111

17.3.3 Received data record 2 (advanced actual values)

Index X = 1 Side 1 Index X = 2 Side 2

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Product level ±500 (INT)
10…11 Cover temperature -20…150 [C] Current temperature measured in the dis-
(INT) play module.
12…13 Operating hours 0…32,767 [hours] Operating hours in engaged state
engaged (INT)
14…15 Operating hours 0…32,767 [hours] Operating hours of grinding motor
grinding motor, top (INT) MDDR; MDDP, MDDY roller mill or
MDDT, MDDQ, MDDZ roller mill, top
16…17 Operating hours 0…32,767 [hours] Operating hours of grinding motor for
grinding motor, bottom (INT) MDDT roller mill bottom only
18…19 Number of engagements 0…32,767 Number of engagements/disengagements
(INT) of grinding rollers
20 Status signals FALSE = covered Input = 0 V
Bit 1: Blockage probe, left
Bit 2: Blockage probe, right
Bit 3: n.u
Bit 4: n.u
Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u.
21…23 n.u.

17.3.4 Transmitted and received data record 5 (bearing temperature monitoring)

The current temperatures can be read with the index 1...8.
See chapter 3.3 Received data record 5 (current temperatures).

Index 100
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 BEAR.BEARMAX +55…+95 [C] Alarm limit value for bearing temperature moni-
toring. There is only one alarm limit value for the
roller mill.
0 = Value is not adopted.
On-site setting BEAR.BEARMAX
>0 = Value is adopted.
10…23 Reserve

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

112 Roller mill (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II, MDDY/Z) Fieldbus protocol

17.3.5 Received data record 5 (grinding roller temperature monitoring)

The temperature profile of the grinding rollers can be read with this data record.
The temperatures T0 to T9 are numbered from left to right.

The number of present temperature sensors is dependent on the roller length.

Index 50 Side 1 top Four roller mill MDDR / MDDP / MDDY

Index 51 Side 2 top Four roller mill MDDR / MDDP / MDDY
Index 52 Side 1 bottom Eight roller mill MDDT / MDDQ / MDDZ
Index 53 Side 2 bottom Eight roller mill MDDT / MDDQ / MDDZ
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Number of tempera- 0…10 This value displays how many temperature
tures sensors are present
9 T0 ± 127 [C] 1st temperature from the left
10 T1 2nd temperature from the left
11 T2 3rd temperature from the left
12 T3 4th temperature from the left
13 T4 5th temperature from the left
14 T5 6th temperature from the left
15 T6 7th temperature from the left
16 T7 8th temperature from the left
17 T8 9th temperature from the left
18 T9 10th temperature from the left
19…21 Reserve
22 Maximum tempera- +40…+100 [C] Maximum temperature ROLT.ROLLMAX for
ture triggering the alarm (present for each side and
available starting with Version >V50A, Side 1:
Index 50/52, Side 2: Index 51/53).
23 Maximum tempera- +5…+50 [C] Maximum temperature difference
ture difference ROLT.ROLLDIF for triggering the alarm (present
for each side und available starting with Version
>V50A, Side 1: Index 50/52, Side 2: Index

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Roller mill (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II, MDDY/Z) 113

17.3.6 Special case: Four-roller mill split longitudinally

This 4-roller mill features two passages on one side.
Each of the passages has its own feed roller.
Only one main motor per side is present, however.
Engagement always takes place for the left and right sides.
It is possible that 3 or 4 passages are present.
The right side is called the standard passage.
The left side is called the additional passage.
No setpoints are present.

Received data record 1 (additional standard actual values)

Index X = 3 roller mill split longitudinally
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Product level ±500 (INT) Side 1, left
10…11 Setpoint frequency of fre- 0.0…100.0 [Hz] Side 1, left
quency converter for feed Current setpoint for the feed roller.
roller If this signal is used to control the frequency
converter of the feed roller, then an update
power of <1 second must be observed!
12 Current speed of the feed 0…100 [%] Side 1, left
roller Current speed of feed roller in %, which is
shown on the display.
13 Alarm number 0…255 Side 1, left
14…15 n.u.
16…17 Product level ±500 (INT) Side 2, left
18…19 Setpoint frequency of fre- 0.0…100.0 [Hz] Side 2, left
quency converter for feed Current setpoint for the feed roller.
roller If this signal is used to control the frequency
converter of the feed roller, then an update
power of <1 second must be observed!
20 Current speed of the feed 0…100 [%] Side 2, left
roller Current speed of feed roller in %, which is
shown on the display.
21 Alarm number 0…255 Side 2, left

22 n.u.
23 Probe signals FALSE = covered Input = 0 V
Bit 0: Inlet probe, Side 1, left
Bit 1: n.u.
Bit 2: n.u.
Bit 3: n.u
Bit 4: Inlet probe, Side 2, left
Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

114 Roller mill (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II, MDDY/Z) Fieldbus protocol

17.4 Automatic grinding gap adjuster (option)

17.4.1 Transmitted data record 3 (standard setpoints for optional grinding gap adjuster)

Index X = 1 Side 1 Index X = 2 Side 2

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Acknowledgment of Bit information Acknowledgment with TRUE in received data 1)
requests from roller record.
mill Requests from roller mill.
Bit 0 Save actual values in current recipe.
Save was triggered on-site.
Bit 1 Save actual values in recipe and
correct all recipes (roller change).
Bit 2 A 600 alignment was performed.
Bit 3…7 n.u.
9 Requests Requests from HOST 1)
from HOST Bit 0 New grinding gap data.
The data from the status and set-
points are adopted once for the
edge 0-1.
Bit 1…7 n.u.
10 Set status of grinding 0 Status and setpoints are not adopted. 1)
gap adjuster 11 AUT automatic
12 MAN manual
11 n.u.
12…13 Grinding gap setpoint 0000…2400 The values are limited on-site. 1)
top left [00:00…24:00] GAP.MIN and GAP.MAX.
14…15 Grinding gap setpoint 0000…2400 Setpoints = 0 are not adopted.
top right [00:00…24:00] Corresponds to the setting of the handwheels.
The handwheels are displayed like the clock
16…17 Grinding gap setpoint 0000…2400 time.
bottom left [00:00…24:00] The value is transmitted in decimals.
18…19 Grinding gap setpoint 0000…2400 600 Dec 6:00 hours:minutes.
bottom right [00:00…24:00] 650 Dec 6:30 hours:minutes.
675 Dec 6:45 hours:minutes.
On the display of the control, the value is visual-
ized in hours and minutes.
20…23 Reserve
1) The status and the setpoints can be set only if the status is AUT or MAN.
For other states, the status must first be set on-site.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Roller mill (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II, MDDY/Z) 115

17.4.2 Received data record 3 (standard actual values for optional grinding gap adjuster)

Index X = 1 Side 1 Index X = 2 Side 2

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Requests from roller Bit information Requests from roller mill.
mill Bit 0 Save actual values in current recipe.
Save was triggered on-site.
Bit 1 Save actual values in recipe and cor-
rect all recipes (roller change).
Bit 2 A 600 alignment was performed.
Bit 3…7 n.u.
9 Acknowledgment of Bit information Requests from HOST
requests from HOST Bit 0 New grinding gap data
(status und/or actual values).
Bit 1…7n.u.
10 Current status of 10 OFF deactivated
grinding gap adjuster 11 AUT automatic
12 MAN manual
13 LOC local
14 RCHG Roller change.
(status 0…8 was used by
11 n.u.
12…13 Grinding gap actual 0000…2400 Corresponds to the setting of the handwheels.
value [00:00…24:00] The handwheels are displayed like the clock time.
top left The value is transmitted in decimals.
14…15 Grinding gap actual 0000…2400 600 Dec 6:00 hours:minutes.
value [00:00…24:00] 650 Dec 6:30 hours:minutes.
top right 675 Dec 6:45 hours:minutes.
16…17 Grinding gap actual 0000…2400 On the control, the value is visualized in hours and
value [00:00…24:00] minutes.
bottom left
18…19 Grinding gap actual 0000…2400
value [00:00…24:00]
bottom right
20…23 Reserve

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116 Hammer mill (DFCQ) Fieldbus protocol

18 Hammer mill (DFCQ)

18.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: n.u. 0 Bit 0: n.u.
Bit 1: Acknowledgment main motors Bit 1: Start request main motors
start request Bit 2: Mill 1 is loaded
Bit 2: Request start left main motor Bit 3: Mill 2 is loaded
Bit 3: Request start right main motor Bit 4: Acknowledgment heavy particle flap
Bit 4: Open heavy particle flap Bit 5: Sieve change performed for mill 1
Bit 5: Sieve change request for mill 1 Bit 6: Sieve change performed for mill 2
Bit 6: Sieve change request for mill 2 Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: Release main motor Mill 1 1 Bit 0: DO 0.0 Alarm Mill 1
(Start / Stop) Bit 1: DO 0.4 Right main motor Start
Bit 1: Speed 2 (fast) Bit 2: n.u.
Bit 2: Mill 1 activated Bit 3: DO 0.5 Left main motor Start
Bit 3: Brake Mill 1 Bit 4: DO 0.6 Braking the main motor
Bit 4: Release, dosing Mill 1 Bit 5: DO 0.13 Start fan
Bit 5: Acknowledgment fan running Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: Release main motor Mill 2 2 Bit 0: DO 0.1 Alarm Mill 2
(Start / Stop) Bit 1: DO 0.8 Right main motor Start
Bit 1: Speed 2 (fast) Bit 2: n.u.
Bit 2: Mill 2 activated Bit 3: DO 0.9 Left main motor Start
Bit 3: Brake Mill 2 Bit 4: DO 0.10 Braking the main motor
Bit 4: Release, dosing Mill 2 Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment of "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data record
received data record"
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128

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Fieldbus protocol Hammer mill (DFCQ) 117

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Mill selection Mill selection
X = 1 = Mill 1 X = 1 = Mill 1
X = 2 = Mill 2 X = 2 = Mill 2
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Mill selection Mill selection
X = 1 = Mill 1 X = 1 = Mill 1
X = 2 = Mill 2 X = 2 = Mill 2
Setpoint main motor Mill X in % (0…100) 8 Actual value, main motor Mill X in % (0…100)
Sieve size Mill X in mm (0.0...999.9) 10 Actual value main motor Mill X in A
11 (0.0…999.9)
Maximum gate opening TCON.SMAX in % 12 Volumetric feed gate opening for mill X in %
(TCON.SMIN…100%) 1) (0...100)
Minimum gate opening TCON.SMIN in % 13
(5…TCON.SMAX) 1)
Current main motor X electric current in A 14 Current temperature for mill X in °C
(0…999.9 A) (-10.0…150.0)
n.u. 16 Status of gravity flow diverter
n.u. 17 Status of main motor for mill X
Maximum speed of feed roller 18 Current feed roller frequency in Hz (0…100)
(TCON.FMAX) in Hz (50…100) 1)
Setpoint frequency of main motor for mill X 19 Current frequency of main motor for mill X in
in Hz (30…60) (0…100)
Clearance time for mills 1 and 2 (TCON.T1) 20 Clearance time for mills 1 and 2 (TCON.T1) in
in s (0.1…999.9) 21 s
n.u. 22 n.u.
n.u. 23 Alarm number currently active (0…255)
1) If 0 is transmitted or index transmitted data record = 2, then no adaptation is made to the parameter.
n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by DFCQ)

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118 Hammer mill (DFCQ) Fieldbus protocol

18.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 n.u.
1 Acknowledgment of TRUE = The main motors start request (status bit 0.1) is acknowl-
main motors start edged with the transition from FALSE to TRUE
2 Request start left TRUE = The mill is forced to start in counterclockwise rotation.
main motor The operating hour meter is ignored.
3 Request start right TRUE = The mill is forced to start in clockwise rotation.
main motor The operating hour meter is ignored.
4 Opening the heavy TRUE = Heavy particle flap is opened. The dosing release may
particle flap not be active (control bit 1.4 and 2.4).
The control bit 0.4 can be reset if the status bit 0.4 is set.
5 Sieve change re- With TRUE, the performance of a sieve change is awaited (open and
quest for mill 1 close the cone of mill 1). This is then confirmed with "Sieve change
performed for mill 1" (status bit 0.5).
The control bit 0.5 can be reset if the status bit 0.5 is set.
6 Sieve change re- With TRUE, the performance of a sieve change is awaited (open and
quest for mill 2 then close the cone of mill 2 once again). This is then confirmed with
"Sieve change performed for mill 2" (status bit 0.6).
The control bit 0.6 can be reset if the status bit 0.6 is set.
7 n.u.
1 0 Release for main TRUE = Main motor for mill 1 is started
motor (Start/Stop)
1 Speed 2 (fast) not implemented, bit reserved only for function of speed 2.
2 Mill 1 activated TRUE = Mill 1 is used
If an automatic gravity flow diverter is present, it is moved
into the required position.
3 Braking Mill 1 TRUE = Main motor for mill 1 is braked at next stop
(Control bit 1.0 = FALSE)
4 Release dosing Mill 1 TRUE = Feeder unit Mill 1 is released
5 Acknowledgment, fan TRUE = Fan guard is drawn, which means that the fan is running
6…7 n.u.
2 0 Release for main TRUE = Main motor for mill 2 is started
motor (Start/Stop)
1 Speed 2 (fast) not implemented, bit reserved only for function of speed 2.
2 Mill 2 activated TRUE = Mill 2 is used
If an automatic gravity flow diverter is present, it is moved
into the required position.
3 Braking Mill 2 TRUE = Main motor for mill 2 is braked at next stop
(Control bit 2.0 = FALSE)
4 Release dosing Mill 2 TRUE = Feeder unit Mill 2 is released
5…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data for

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Hammer mill (DFCQ) 119

all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by DFCQ)

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120 Hammer mill (DFCQ) Fieldbus protocol

18.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 n.u.
1 Start request, main TRUE = A start request for the main motor is present (heavy start-
motors ing). In order for the motor to start, the acknowledgment
of the start request must indicate a change from FALSE
to TRUE (control bit 0.1). The status bit 0.1 is cleared
once the motor has been completely started.
2 Mill 1 is loaded The feeder unit is dosing or the clearance time is active.
3 Mill 2 is loaded The feeder unit is dosing or the clearance time is active.
4 Acknowledgment, TRUE = Heavy particle flap is opened
Heavy particle flap
5 Sieve change per- Is set when a sieve change has been detected (cone of mill 1 was
formed for mill 1 opened and closed again) and the "Sieve change request bit" (control
bit 0.5) was set.
The status bit 0.5 is reset if the control bit 0.5 is reset.
6 Sieve change per- Is set when a sieve change has been detected (cone of mill 2 was
formed for mill 2 opened and closed again) and the "Sieve change request bit" (control
bit 0.6) was set.
The status bit 0.6 is reset if the control bit 0.6 is reset.
7 n.u.
1 0 DO 0.0 Alarm 1 FALSE = Mill 1 reporting an alarm
1 DO 0.4 Main motor, TRUE = Main motor for mill 1 is started in clockwise rotation
2 n.u.
3 DO 0.5 Main motor, TRUE = Main motor for mill 1 is started in counterclockwise rota-
left tion
4 DO 0.6 Braking the TRUE = Main motor for mill 1 is braked
main motor
5 DO 0.13 Fan TRUE = Fan has been started
6…7 n.u.
2 0 DO 0.1 Alarm 2 FALSE = Mill 2 reporting an alarm
1 DO 0.8 Main motor, TRUE = Main motor for mill 2 is started in clockwise rotation
2 n.u.
3 DO 0.9 Main motor, TRUE = Main motor for mill 2 is started in counterclockwise rota-
left tion
4 DO 0.10 Braking the TRUE = Main motor for mill 2 is braked
main motor
5…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data for
all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are set to 0 by DFCQ)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Hammer mill (DFCQ) 121

18.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Index X = 1 Mill 1 Index X = 2 Mill 2
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Setpoint main motor 0…100 [%] Setpoint for load regulation of mill X.
Mill X For 2 mills, a setpoint (USER.SET.1) can be used for
USER.SET.X both mills (TCON.SETV = 1) or a setpoint can be used
for each mill (USER.SET.1 and USER.SET.2)
(TCON.SETV = 2).
10…11 Sieve size mill X 0…9999 [0.1 mm] A current sieve size of mill X is transmitted. This is
MAN.SCREEN.X (0.0…999.9 [mm]) displayed on-site.
12 Maximum gate open- TCON.SMIN… The value is adopted by the control only if the value is
ing TCON.SMAX 100 [%] within the range.
(0 = Value is not adopted.)
13 Minimum gate open- 5… The value is adopted by the control only if the value is
ing TCON.SMIN TCON.SMAX [%] within the range.
(0 = Value is not adopted.)
14…15 Current main motor 0…9999 [0.1 A] If TCON.MOTIN = REMP, the current electric current
X electrical current (0.0…999.9 [A]) value is transmitted via fieldbus. This can be useful if
Mill 1: ADC.I 1.1 the main motor is operated via a customer frequency
Mill 2: ADC.I 2.1 converter.
16…17 n.u.
18 Maximum speed of 50…100 [Hz] The value is adopted by the control only if the value is
feed roller within the range.
TCON.FMAX (0 = Value is not adopted.)
19 Setpoint frequency of 30…60 [Hz] The value is adopted by the control only if the value is
main motor for mill X within the range.
TCON.MOT_F1.X (0 = Value is not adopted.)
20…21 Clearance time for 1…9999 [0.1 s] Clearance time specification. Overwrites the parame-
mills 1 and 2 (0.1…999.9 [s]) ter TCON.T1 if the transmitted value > 0. The same
TCON.T1 value applies for both mills.
22…23 n.u.

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by DFCQ)

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122 Hammer mill (DFCQ) Fieldbus protocol

18.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

18.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Index X = 1 Mill 1 Index X = 2 Mill 2
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual value of main 0…100 [%] Utilization in percent of main motor mill X
motor Mill X
10…11 Actual value main 0…9999 [0.1 A] Utilization in amperes of main motor of mill X
motor mill X (0…999.9 A)
Mill 1: ADC.I 1.1
Mill 2: ADC.I 2.1
12…13 Volumetric feed gate 0…100 [%]
opening for mill X
14…15 Current temperature -100…1500 Current temperature of the hammer mill if the temper-
for mill X [0.1 °C] ature option is present.
USER.ACT.X (-10.0…150.0 [ºC])
16 Status of gravity flow 1 Flap is not in defined position
diverter 2 Flap is in mill 1 position
3 Flap is in the middle position
4 Flap is in mill 2 position
17 Status of main motor 1 Motor is stopping
for mill X 2 Motor is braking
3 Motor is stopped
4 Motor running in clockwise rotation
5 Motor running in counterclockwise rotation
6 Motor is starting
7 An error is present
18 Current feed roller 0…100 [Hz] Current frequency of feed roller frequency converter
19 Current frequency of 0…100 [Hz] Current frequency of main motor for mill X
main motor for mill X
20…21 Clearance time for 1…9999 [0.1 s] Clearance time of hammer mills 1 and 2.
mills 1 and 2 (0.1…999.9 [s]) Corresponds to parameter TCON.T1.
TCON.T1 The same value applies for both mills.
22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…255 Alarm number currently active

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by DFCQ)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Hammer mill (DFCQ) 123

18.5.2 Received data record 4 (advanced actual values)

Received data record 4 (advanced actual values)

Index X = 1 Mill 1 Index X = 2 Mill 2
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Vibration of mill X 0…200 [%] Current vibration value as percentage of the currently
USER.VIBR.X programmed alarm value. 100% equals the alarm
10…11 Vibration of mill X 0…640 [0.1 mm/s] Current vibration value in mm/s
(0.0…64.0 mm/s)
12…13 Actual value dis- 0…9999 [0.1 A] Utilization in amperes of the discharge of mill X.
charge of mill X (0…999.9 A)
Mill 1: ADC.I 1.2
Mill 2: ADC.I 2.2

18.6 Compatibility with protocol DFCO

The fieldbus protocol of DFCQ is generally compatible with the protocol of the pre-
decessor protocol DFCO. The only relevant modification relates to the status query
of the digital in/outputs. For DFCO, these were transmitted to the received data
record 2 and 3 in an application-specific manner. For DFCQ, these are on received
data record 125 as a standard.

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124 Hammer mill (DFCQ) Fieldbus protocol

18.7 Received data record 125 IO monitor 24 V (input / output)

Index 0 = Circuit board

Byte Name Description
8…12 24 V inputs
8.0 I 0.0 Plant, EMERGENCY OFF
8.1 I 0.1 Activate brake
8.2 I 0.2 Acknowledge alarm
8.3 I 0.3 n.u.
8.4 I 0.4 Release feeder device 1
8.5 I 0.5 Release main motor 1
8.6 I 0.6 n.u.
8.7 I 0.7 Safety switch
9.0 I 0.8 Pulse segment gate 1
9.1 I 0.9 Limit switch segment gate 1
9.2 I 0.10 n.u.
9.3 I 0.11 FC alarm feed roller
9.4 I 0.12 Fan running
9.5 I 0.13 n.u.
9.6 I 0.14 Discharge 1 running
9.7 I 0.15 n.u.
10.0 I 0.16 Release feeder unit 2
10.1 I 0.17 Release main motor 2
10.2 I 0.18 n.u.
10.3 I 0.19 n.u.
10.4 I 0.20 Pulse segment gate 2
10.5 I 0.21 Limit switch segment gate 2
10.6 I 0.22 n.u.
10.7 I 0.23 24 V OK
11.0 I 0.24 n.u.
11.1 I 0.25 n.u.
11.2 I 0.26 Discharge 1 running
11.3 I 0.27 n.u.

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Fieldbus protocol Hammer mill (DFCQ) 125

16…20 24 V outputs
16.0 O 0.0 Alarm mill 1
16.1 O 0.1 Alarm mill 2
16.2 O 0.2 Pulse signal setpoint feed roller
16.3 O 0.3 n.u.
16.4 O 0.4 Motor 1 clockwise rotation
16.5 O 0.5 Motor 1 counterclockwise rotation
16.6 O 0.6 Motor 1 braking
16.7 O 0.7 Start transport 1
17.0 O 0.8 Motor 2 clockwise rotation
17.1 O 0.9 Motor 2 counterclockwise rotation
17.2 O 0.10 Motor 2 braking
17.3 O 0.11 Start transport 2
17.4 O 0.12 Start fan
17.5 O 0.13 Mill 1 started
17.6 O 0.14 n.u.
17.7 O 0.15 Mill 2 started

21…23 n.u.

Index 1 = expansion module 1 (safety cabinet for mill 1)

Byte Name Description
8…12 24 V inputs
8.0 I 1.0 Close cone 1 key
8.1 I 1.1 Machine stop 1 key
8.2 I 1.2 Position pulse cone 1 right
8.3 I 1.3 Standstill 1
8.4 I 1.4 Cone 1 closed
8.5 I 1.5 Full level cone 1
8.6 I 1.6 Position pulse cone 1 left
8.7 I 1.7 Heavy particle flap key
9.0 I 1.8 Open cone 1 key
16…20 24 V outputs
16.1 O 1.9 Cone 1 right
16.2 O 1.10 Cone 1 left
16.3 O 1.11 Move lamp cone 1

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126 Hammer mill (DFCQ) Fieldbus protocol

Index 2 = expansion module 2 (safety cabinet for mill 2)

Byte Name Description
8…12 24 V inputs
8.0 I 2.0 Close Cone 2 key
8.1 I 2.1 Machine stop 2 key
8.2 I 2.2 Position pulse cone 2 right
8.3 I 2.3 Standstill 2
8.4 I 2.4 Cone 2 close
8.5 I 2.5 Full level cone 2
8.6 I 2.6 Position pulse cone 2 left
8.7 I 2.7 n.u.
9.0 I 2.8 Open cone 2 key
16…20 24 V outputs
16.1 O 1.9 Cone 2 move right
16.2 O 1.10 Cone 2 move left
16.3 O 1.11 Move lamp cone 2

Index 5 = expansion module 5 (DFAV-1/2)

Byte Name Description
8…12 24 V inputs
8.0 I 5.0 Low level upper surge hopper
8.1 I 5.1 Full level DFAV
8.2 I 5.2 Magnetic door
8.3 I 5.3 n.u.
8.4 I 5.4 Position pulse segment gate 1
8.5 I 5.5 Limit switch segment gate 1

9.0 I 5.8 Position pulse heavy particle flap

9.1 I 5.9 Limit switch heavy particle flap
16…20 24 V outputs
16.6 O 5.6 Open segment gate 1
16.7 O 5.7 Close segment gate 1

17.2 O 5.10 Open heavy particle flap

17.3 O 5.11 Close heavy particle flap

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Fieldbus protocol Hammer mill (DFCQ) 127

Index 6 = expansion module 6 (DFAV-2)

Byte Name Description
8…12 24 V inputs
8.0 I 6.0 n.u.
8.1 I 6.1 n.u.
8.2 I 6.2 n.u.
8.3 I 6.3 n.u.
8.4 I 6.4 Position pulse segment gate 2
8.5 I 6.5 Limit switch segment gate 2

9.0 I 6.8 Position pulse gravity flow diverter

9.1 I 6.9 Limit switch gravity flow diverter
16…20 24 V outputs
16.6 O 6.6 Open segment gate 2
16.7 O 6.7 Close segment gate 2

17.2 O 6.10 Open gravity flow diverter

17.3 O 6.11 Close gravity flow diverter

18.8 Starting/stopping main motors of the mill

1.2 Mill activated

1.2 Mühle aktiviert

1.0 Release
1.0 Freigabe

0.1 Motors start request

0.1 Startanforderung Motoren

0.1 Acknowledge start request

0.1 Quittierung Startanforderung

Main motor
Hauptmotor Stopped Starting Running Stopping

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128 Hammer mill (DFCQ) Fieldbus protocol

18.9 Throughput adjuster FCM (standard data records 128/1)

Only the following data is supported in FCM throughput adjuster operating mode

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0…7: n.u. 0 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: n.u. Mill 1 1 Bit 0: DO 0.0 AlarmMill 1
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1…7: n.u.
Bit 2: Mill 1 activated
Bit 3: n.u.
Bit 4: Release, dosing Mill 1
Bit 5…7: n.u.
Bit 0: n.u. Mill 2 2 Bit 0: DO 0.1 AlarmMill 2
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1…7: n.u.
Bit 2: Mill 2 activated
Bit 3: n.u.
Bit 4: Release, dosing Mill 2
Bit 5…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5 Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment of "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data record
received data record"
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Mill selection Mill selection
X = 1 = Mill 1 X = 1 = Mill 1
X = 2 = Mill 2 X = 2 = Mill 2
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Mill selection Mill selection
X = 1 = Mill 1 X = 1 = Mill 1
X = 2 = Mill 2 X = 2 = Mill 2
Setpoint main motor Mill X in % (0…100) 8 Actual value, main motor Mill X in % (0…100)
n.u. 10 Actual value main motor Mill X in A
11 (0.0…999.9)

Maximum slide gate opening TCON.SMAX 12 Volumetric feed gate opening for mill X in %
in (0…100)
% (TCON.SMIN…100) 1)
Minimum slide gate opening TCON.SMIN in 13

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Fieldbus protocol Hammer mill (DFCQ) 129

Transmitted data Byte Received data

(5…TCON.SMAX) 1)
Current main motor X electrical current in A 14 n.u.
(0.0…999.9) 15 n.u.
n.u. 16 n.u.
n.u. 17 n.u.
Maximum speed of feed roller 18 Current feed roller frequency in Hz (0…100)
(TCON.FMAX) in Hz (50…100) 1)
n.u. 19 n.u.
n.u. 20 n.u.
n.u. 21 n.u.
n.u. 22 n.u.
n.u. 23 Alarm number currently active (0…255)

1) If 0 is transmitted or index transmitted data record = 2, then no adaptation is made to the parameter
n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by DFCQ)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

130 Pellet mill control (DFCI) Fieldbus protocol

19 Pellet mill control (DFCI)

19.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Press Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Press operation
Bit 1: Press bypass flap (started) Bit 1: Press ready
Bit 2: Press bypass flap (stopped) Bit 2: Optiflow operation
Bit 3: Reset press energy consumption Bit 3: Optiflow ready
Bit 4: Reset press operating hours Bit 4: n.u.
Bit 5: Optiflow Start / Stop Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: Common warning
Bit 7: Approach idle gap Bit 7: Roll adjustment device for press
Bit 0: Activate automatic gap correction 1 Bit 0: Shear pin OK
for press roll adjustment device Bit 1: Press inlet blockage probe cov-
Bit 1: Deactivate automatic press roll ered
adjustment device Bit 2: Press door closed in front
Bit 2: Activate automatic press roll ad- Bit 3: Side press doors closed
justment device
Bit 4: Bypass flap in direction of press
Bit 3…7: n.u.
Bit 5: Bypass flap in direction of bypass
Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: Energy meter 1 kWh/pulse
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Setpoint temperature of the heating mats in 8 Actual temperature of the heating mats in the
the press in °C press in °C
(0.0…120.0) 9 (-100.0…850.0)
Press setpoint circumferential speed of die in 10 Actual die circumferential speed of the press
m/s (4.50…9.00) 11 in m/s (0.00…9.00)
Press setpoint working gap in mm 12 Actual press current in % (0…150)
(0.0…dynamic) 13
n.u. 14 Actual press torque in % (0…150)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Pellet mill control (DFCI) 131

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Setpoint Optiflow product level in % (0…100) 16 Actual press current in A (0…1500)
Manual setpoint speed, Optiflow 18 Actual press roll speed, right in % (0…110.0)
feed roller in % (0…100) 19
Manual setpoint position, 20 Actual press roll speed, left in % (0…110.0)
Optiflow feed gate in % (0…100) 21
n.u. 22 n.u.
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…255)

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132 Pellet mill control (DFCI) Fieldbus protocol

19.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Press Start / Stop 1 = Start press
0 = Stop press
1 Bypass flap of press 1 = Set press bypass flap in direction of press
(started) (Possible only if the press is starting or has been started).
0 = Set the press bypass flap in the direction of the bypass
2 Bypass flap of press 1 = Set press bypass flap in direction of press
(stopped) (Possible only if the press is stopped).
0 = Set the press bypass flap in the direction of the bypass
Movement command is executed only if the press door in
front is closed.
3 Reset, energy con- 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
sumption of press sent for 5 seconds.
(For energy consumption see received data record 2 / byte
10 and 11)
4 Reset of operating 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
hours of the press sent for 5 seconds.
(For operating hours see received data record 2 / byte
5 Optiflow 1 = Start Optiflow
Start / Stop 0 = Stop Optiflow
6 n.u.
7 Approaching idle 1 = Approach idle gap
gap "Approach idle gap" has priority over "Approach press work-
ing gap setpoint".
1 0 Automatic gap cor- 1 = Automatic gap correction; activate press roll adjustment de-
rection; activate roll vice
adjustment device 0 = Automatic gap correction; deactivate roll adjustment device
(Prerequisite: PM.GAP COR = ON)
1 Deactivating auto- 1 = Deactivates the automatic press roll adjustment device
matic press roll ad- (PM.GAP = OFF).
justment device The signal must be pending for 5 s, after which the automatic
press roll device is deactivated.

The on-site setting at the DFCI display is applied if the two

control bits 1.1 and 1.2 are either set or not set.
2 Activating automatic 1 = Automatic press roll adjustment device is activated
press roll adjust- (PM.GAP = ON).
ment device The signal must be present for 5 s, after which the automatic
press roll adjustment device is activated.

The on-site setting at the DFCI display is applied if the two

control bits 1.1 and 1.2 are either set or not set.
3…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Pellet mill control (DFCI) 133

19.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Press operation 1 = The press is started and running
0 = The press is stopping or has already stopped
1 Press ready 1 = The press is ready and can be started
0 = The press is not ready for Start
(e.g. press door open, alarm pending, etc.)
2 Optiflow operation 1 = Optiflow is started
0 = Optiflow is stopping or has already stopped
3 Optiflow ready 1 = Optiflow is ready and can be started
0 = Optiflow is not ready for Start
(e.g. press door open, alarm pending, etc.)
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6 Collective warning 1 = At least one warning is pending
7 Roll adjustment 1 = Press roll adjustment device is available
device for the press (PM.GAP = ON)
is available
1 0 Shear pin 1 = Press shear pin OK
1 Inlet blockage probe 1 = Press inlet blockage probe not covered
of the press
2 Press door, in front 1 = Press door closed in front
3 Lateral press doors 1 = Lateral press doors closed
4 Bypass flap in direc- 1 = Press bypass flap is in direction of press
tion of press
5 Bypass flap in direc- 1 = Press bypass flap in direction of bypass
tion of bypass
6 n.u.
7 Energy meter 0 => 1 For each edge change from 0 to 1, the press motor has con-
1 kWh/pulse sumed one kWh of energy.
The pulse is issued for approx. 3 seconds.
(Requirement: Frequency converter cutter Altivar 71 and
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

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134 Pellet mill control (DFCI) Fieldbus protocol

19.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Setpoint temper- 0…1200 [0.1°C] Setpoint temperature of the heating mats in the press
ature of heating (0.0…120.0°C) (MAIN.MATS PM).
mats in the press 1…1200 = The heating mats are permanently regulat-
ed to the preset temperature.
0 = Heating mats remain switched off.
10…11 Press setpoint 450…900 [0.01 m/s] Press setpoint circumferential speed of die (USER.VS
circumferential (4.50…9.00 m/s) PM).
speed of die
12…13 Setpoint working 0…x [0.1 mm] Setpoint working gap at the press between pelleting die
gap of the press (0.0…x.x mm) and press roll left or press roll right.
For range, see re- (USER.GAPS PM)
ceived data record 3
/ bytes 18 and 19.
14…15 n.u.
16…17 Setpoint, Op- 0…100 [%] Setpoint, Optiflow product level (USER.LEVS OF)
tiflow product
18…19 Manual setpoint 0…100 [%] Manual setpoint speed, Optiflow feed roller
speed of Optiflow (MAIN.NMAN OF)
feed roller The control of the feed roller and the feed gate is deac-
tivated if MAIN.NMAN OF is greater than 0.
20…21 Manual setpoint 0…100 [%] Manual setpoint position, Optiflow feed gate
position of Opti- (MAIN.SMAN OF)
flow feed gate The control of the feed roller and the feed gate is deac-
tivated if MAIN.SMAN OF is greater than 0.
22…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Pellet mill control (DFCI) 135

19.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

19.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual tempera- -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] Actual temperature of the heating mats in the press
ture of the heat- (-100.0…+850.0°C) (MAIN.MAT PM).
ing mats in the
10…11 Actual die cir- 0…900 [0.01 m/s] Actual die circumferential speed of the press
cumferential (0.00…9.00 m/s) (USER.V PM).
speed of the
12…13 Actual press 0…150 [%] Actual press current as percentage of maximum
current permitted current (nominal current or derating cur-
14…15 Actual press 0…150 [%] Actual press torque as percentage of maximum per-
torque mitted torque
(setpoint torque or derating torque)
16…17 Actual press 0…1500 [A] Actual press current in A (USER.I PM).
18…19 Actual press roll 0…2000 [‰] Actual speed of the right press roll as percentage of
speed, right (0.0…200.0 %) the calculated setpoint speed (MAIN.%RPM R).
For the present warning W141 RPM RT (invalid
speed value), the actual speed of the left roll in the
press is transmitted for as long as it has a valid value
(warning W140 RPM LT is not present).
20…21 Actual press roll 0…2000 [‰] Actual speed of the left press roll as percentage of
speed, left (0.0…200.0 %) the calculated setpoint speed (MAIN.%RPM L).
For the present warning W140 RPM LT (invalid
speed value), the actual speed of the right roll in the
press is transmitted for as long as it has a valid value
(warning W141 RPM RT is not present).
22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…255 In accordance with service instructions DFCI-67099
(corresponds to the alarm currently displayed in the
display module).

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136 Pellet mill control (DFCI) Fieldbus protocol

19.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual press 0…8000 [0.01 kNm] Actual press torque (USER.M PM)
torque (0.00…80.00 kNm)
10…11 Energy con- 0…65,535 [kWh] Energy consumption (MAIN.W PM)
sumption of (65,535 = Overflow) (for reset see control bit 0.3)
12…15 Press operating 0…2,147,483,647 [s] Main motor operating hours at the press (MAIN.HRS
hours PM)
(For reset, see control bit 0.4)
16…17 Actual value of 0…150 [0.1 mm] Actual value of position monitoring of press ring support
position monitor- (0.0…15.0 mm) (ADC.POS ACT)
ing of press ring
18 Press motor sta- 1 Stopped
tus 2 Starting
3 Start up speed clockwise rotation
4 Started
5 Start up speed counterclockwise rotation
7 Stopping
32 Error
19 Status of press 1 Is in direction of bypass
bypass flap 2 Traveling in direction of press
3 Is in direction of press
4 Traveling in direction of bypass
5 Undefined position
32 Error
20 Fan cooling sys- 1 Stopped
tem status at the 2 Star ting
press motor 4 Started
32 Error
21 Status of press 1 Stopped
motor cooling 2 Star ting
system water 4 Started
pump or external 32 Error
cooling unit
22 Status of press 1 Stopped
heating mats 2 Star ting
4 Started
32 Error
23 Optiflow feed 1 Stopped
roller status 2 Star ting
4 Started
32 Error

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Pellet mill control (DFCI) 137

19.5.3 Received data record 3 (actual values part 3)

Received data record 3 (actual values part 3)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual Optiflow -100…+300 [%] Actual Optiflow product level (USER.LEV OF)
product level
10 Actual speed of 0…100 [%] Actual speed of Optiflow feed roller (MAIN.N OF)
Optiflow feed
11 Actual position of 0…100 [%] Actual position of Optiflow feed gate (MAIN.S OF)
Optiflow feed
12 Hydraulic power 0…250 [bar] Hydraulic power unit actual pressure for automatic
unit actual pres- press roll adjustment device (ADC.PR ACT)
sure for automat-
ic press roll ad-
justment device
13 Hydraulic power 1 Stopped
unit status for 2 Star ting
automatic press 4 Started
roll adjustment 32 Error
14…15 Actual gap be- -200…+200 [0.1 mm] Actual working gap between the right press roll and
tween right roll (-20.0…+20.0 mm) pelleting die
and die (USER.GAPR PM)
16…17 Actual gap be- -200…+200 [0.1 mm] Actual working gap between left press roll and pellet-
tween left roll (-20.0…+20.0 mm) ing die
and die (USER.GAPL PM)
18…19 Working gap 0…200 [0.1 mm] Maximum possible press setpoint working gap
setpoint range for (0.0…20.0 mm) (Range between zero gap and idle gap)
20…21 Wear on right -200…+200 [0.1 mm] Wear on right roller and die (MAIN.WEAR R)
roller and die (-20.0…+20.0 mm) Difference between zero gap for a new roll of a new
die and the current zero gap.
22…23 Wear on left roll- -200…+200 [0.1 mm] Wear on left roller and die (MAIN.WEAR L)
er and die (-20.0…+20.0 mm) Difference between zero gap for a new roll of a new
die and the current zero gap.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

138 Pellet mill control (DFCI) Fieldbus protocol

19.5.4 Received data record 5 (current temperatures)

Received data record 5 / index 0 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 0 = received data record index = circuit board)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature n.0 -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] n.u.
10…11 Temperature n.1 n.u.
12…13 Temperature n.2 n.u.
14…15 Temperature n.3 n.u.
16…17 Temperature n.4 n.u.
18…19 Temperature n.5 n.u.
20…21 Temperature n.6 n.u.
22…23 Temperature n.7 n.u.

Received data record 5 / index 1 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 1 = received data record index = CAN module address)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] Press motor water cooling system inlet
n.0 (-100.0…+850.0°C)
10…11 Temperature Dew point in motor room
n.1 (Press motor water cooling system)
12…13 Temperature Press roll on right; eccentric shaft
14…15 Temperature Press roll on left; eccentric shaft
16…17 Temperature Press motor winding U-V
18…19 Temperature Main bearings in the die holder
20…21 Temperature Heating mats of the press
22…23 Temperature Fire monitoring in the pelleting chamber

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Pellet mill control (DFCI) 139

Received data record 5 / index 2 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 2 = received data record index = CAN module address)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] Press motor bearing A
n.0 (-100.0…+850.0°C)
10…11 Temperature Temperature of pellets at press outlet
12…13 Temperature Press motor winding V-W
14…15 Temperature n.u.
16…17 Temperature Press motor bearing B
18…19 Temperature n.u.
20…21 Temperature Freely available temperature 1
22…23 Temperature Freely available temperature 2

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

140 Pellet mill control (DFCI) Fieldbus protocol

19.5.5 Received data record 6 (press motor frequency converter)

Received data record 6 (press motor frequency converter)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 ERCO 0…5 CAN error code
0 = No error
1 = Bus Off
2 = Life Guarding
3 = CANoverrun
4 = Heartbeat
5 = NMT state chart fault
9 LFT 0…255 Altivar fault code (alarm number)
10…11 LCR 0…65,535 [0.1 A] Current motor current
(0.0…6553.5 A)
12…13 RFR -32,767…+32,767 [0.1 Hz] Current motor frequency
(-3276.7…+3276.7 Hz)
14…15 OTRN -32,767…+32,767 [0.01 kNm] Current motor torque
(-327.67…+327.67 kNm)
16…17 OTR -32,767…+32,767 [0.1%] Current motor torque
(-3276.7…+3276.7 %)
18…19 OPR -32,767…+32,767 [%] Current motor output
20…21 n.u.
22…23 ERRD 16#0000…16#FFFF CiA402 fault code (alarm number)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Pellet mill control (DFCI) 141

19.5.6 Received data record 7 (Optiflow feed roller frequency converter)

Received data record 7 (Optiflow feed roller frequency converter)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 ERCO 0…5 CAN error code
0 = No error
1 = Bus Off
2 = Life Guarding
3 = CANoverrun
4 = Heartbeat
5 = NMT state chart fault
9 LFT 0…255 Altivar fault code (alarm number)
10…11 LCR 0…65,535 [0.1 A] Current motor current
(0.0…6553.5 A)
12…13 RFR -32,767…+32,767 [0.1 Hz] Current motor frequency
(-3276.7…+3276.7 Hz)
14…15 n.u.
16…17 n.u.
18…19 n.u.
20…21 n.u.
22…23 ERRD 16#0000…16#FFFF CiA402 fault code (alarm number)

19.5.7 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

142 Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus) Fieldbus protocol

20 Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus)

20.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Conditioning Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Infeed hopper covered Bit 1: Ready
Bit 2: Fast stop conditioning Bit 2: Specified conditioning OK
Bit 3: Dosing interrupted Bit 3: "Start Plus" initial start active
Bit 4: Reset pressed raw material Bit 4: Thermal detector mixer outlet active
Bit 5: Reset feeder operating hours Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: Reset mixer operating hours Bit 6: Common warning
Bit 7: Deactivate "HYMIX Plus" Bit 7: "HYMIX Plus" deactivated
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0: Feeder started
Bit 1: Mixer started forward
Bit 2: Mixer started backwards
Bit 3: Mixer, retention doors closed
Bit 4: Mixer, retention doors closed
and locked
Bit 5: Steam quick-closing valve opened
Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: Manual Start / Stop feeder 2 Bit 0: n.u.
Bit 1: Manual Start / Stop mixer Bit 1: n.u.
Bit 2: Conveying direction of mixer back- Bit 2: n.u.
wards Bit 3: n.u.
Bit 3: Open quick-closing steam valve Bit 4: n.u.
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 7: Manual operating mode activated
Bit 7: Activation of manual operating mode
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data rec- Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
ord transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data record
received data record"
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Setpoint dosing speed for automatic mode in 8 Actual dosing speed in % (0…100)
% (0…100)
Setpoint feeder speed for manual mode in % 9 n.u.
Setpoint, conditioning temperature of mixer 10 Calculated steam quantity in kg/h
in °C (0…100) (0…10,000)
Actual temperature of raw material in °C 11

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus) 143

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bulk density of raw material in kg/m 3
12 Actual dosing power in kg/h (0…99,999)
(10…1000) 13
Correction factor XS for calculation of the 14
steam quantity (0.10…3.00) 15
Retention time for conditioning in s 16 Actual conditioning temperature at mixer
(0…400) 17 inlet in °C (-100…+850)
n.u. 18 Actual conditioning temperature at mixer
19 outlet in °C (-100…+850)
Setpoint position of EP steam valve in man- 20 Actual position of steam EP valve in %
ual operating mode in % (0.0…100.0) 21 (0.0…100.0)
n.u. 22 n.u.
23 Alarm number (0…255)

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144 Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus) Fieldbus protocol

20.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Conditioning Start / 1 = Start feeder and mixer sequentially in automatic mode
Stop 0 = Stop feeder and mixer sequentially in automatic mode
(Control bit 2.7, Activation of manual mode must not be set. Manual
mode has priority over automatic mode.)
1 Infeed hopper 1 = Infeed hopper above feeder covered
covered (start release for feeder, can also be used for residual empty-
0 = Infeed hopper above feeder not covered
2 Conditioning fast 1 = Stop feeder, mixer and direct steam injection immediately in
stop automatic mode
0 = No immediate stop
3 Dosing interruption 1 = Stop feeder and direct steam injection in automatic mode
0 = No dosing interruption
4 Pressed raw materi- 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
al reset sent for 5 seconds
(See received data record 2 / bytes 12…15 for pressed raw
5 Feeder operating 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
hours reset sent for 5 seconds
(See received data record 2 / bytes 16…19 for operating
6 Mixer operating 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
hours reset sent for 5 seconds
(See received data record 2 / bytes 20…23 for operating
7 Deactivating 1 = Deactivate "HYMIX Plus"
"HYMIX Plus" No "Start Plus" initial start in automatic mode
0 = Activate "HYMIX Plus"
With "Start Plus" initial start in automatic mode
(see status bit 0.7)
(HYMIX Plus can be activated and deactivated only in operating state 0
or in manual mode.
See received data record 2 / byte 10 for operating state.)
1 0...7 n.u.
2 0 Manual feeder Start 1 = Start feeder in manual operating mode
/ Stop 0 = Stop feeder in manual operating mode
1 Manual mixer Start / 1 = Start mixer in manual mode
Stop 0 = Stop mixer in manual mode
2 Backwards mixer 1 = Mixer conveying direction backwards in manual mode
conveying direction 0 = Mixer conveying direction forward in manual mode
3 Open the quick- 1 = Open quick-closing steam valve in manual mode
closing steam valve 0 = Close the quick-closing steam valve in manual mode
4 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus) 145

5 n.u.
6 n.u.
7 Manual mode acti- 1 = Activate manual operating mode
vation 0 = Activate automatic mode
(see status bit 2.7)
(Manual mode has priority over automatic mode. See control bit 0.0,
conditioning Start / Stop.)
3 0…7 See "Data for all

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

146 Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus) Fieldbus protocol

20.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = Conditioning is running in automatic mode
0 = Conditioning does not run in automatic mode
1 Ready 1 = Conditioning is ready and can be started in automatic mode
0 = The conditioning system is not ready for Start in automatic
mode (e.g. alarm pending, manual mode active, etc.)
2 Target specifications 1 = Setpoint specifications for conditioning in automatic mode
for conditioning OK achieved for the first time
(conditioning temperature and dosing speed)
0 = Target specifications for conditioning in automatic mode not
3 "Start Plus" initial 1 = "Start Plus" initial start is active
start is active 0 = Initial start "Start Plus" is not active
4 Thermal detector at 1 = The direct steam injection is controlled and regulated by the
mixer outlet active thermal detector at the mixer outlet
0 = The direct steam injection is controlled and regulated by the
thermal detector at the mixer inlet
5 n.u.
6 Collective warning 1 = At least one warning is pending
7 "HYMIX Plus" deac- 1 = "HYMIX Plus" is deactivated
tivated No "Start Plus" initial start in automatic mode
0 = "HYMIX Plus" is activated
With "Start Plus" initial start in automatic mode
(see control bit 0.7)
1 0 Feeder started 1 = Feeder started
1 Mixer started for- 1 = Mixer started, forward direction
2 Mixer started back- 1 = Mixer started, backwards direction
3 Mixer and retention 1 = Mixer and retention doors (optional) are closed
doors are closed
4 Mixer and retention 1 = Mixer and retention doors (optional) are closed and locked
doors are closed
and locked
5 Quick-closing steam 1 = Steam quick-closing valve is opened
valve opened
6 n.u.
7 n.u.
2 0…6 n.u.
7 Manual mode is 1 = Manual operating mode is activated
activated 0 = Automatic mode is activated
(see control bit 2.7)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus) 147

Byte Bit Name Description

3 0…7 See "Data for all

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

148 Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus) Fieldbus protocol

20.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Setpoint dosing 0…100 [%] Setpoint dosing speed in automatic mode
speed in auto- (USER.S FEED)
matic mode
9 Setpoint dosing 0…100 [%] Setpoint dosing speed in manual mode
speed in manual (MAN.S FEED)
mode (see control bit 2.7)
10 Setpoint, condi- 0...100 [°C] Setpoint, conditioning temperature for mixer in automat-
tioning tempera- ic mode (USER.S TEMP)
ture for mixer (when value is 0, the direct steam injection is deactivat-
ed and no "Start Plus" initial start is possible)
11 Actual tempera- 0...100 [°C] Actual temperature of raw material before mixer inlet
ture of raw mate- (USER.T RAW)
rial (when value is 0, the parameter TCON.T RAW parame-
ter is used)
12…13 Bulk density of 10…1000 [kg/m3] Bulk density of raw material before mixer inlet
raw material (USER.DENS)
14…15 Correction factor 10…300 [-] Correction factor XS for calculation of steam quantity
XS for calculation (0.10…3.00) (USER.CORR XS)
of steam quantity (0 = 1.00) (For steam quantity control, the calculated steam quan-
tity is multiplied by this correction factor)

(when value is 0, the correction factor 1.00 is used)

16…17 Retention time 0…400 [s] Retention time for conditioning and/or
for conditioning regulation cycle time from dosing regulator
in s (USER.S RET T)
The retention time should correspond to the product
throughput time through the conditioning system (e.g.
mixer and retentioner).
(when value is 0, the CTRL.FD TIME parameter is
18…19 n.u.
20…21 Setpoint position 0…1000 [0.1%] Setpoint position of EP steam valve in manual operating
of EP steam (0.0…100.0%) mode (MAN.S STEAM)
valve in manual (0.0% = closed; 100.0% = fully open)
operating mode
(see control bit 2.7)
22…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus) 149

20.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

20.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Actual dosing 0…100 [%] Actual value of dosing speed (USER.%FEED)
9 n.u.
10…11 Calculated steam 0…10,000 [kg/h] Calculated steam quantity including correction factor
quantity XS (transmitted data record 128 / bytes 14…15), cur-
rently being added (USER.STEAM)
12…15 Actual dosing 0…99,999 [kg/h] Actual value for dosing power (USER.FEED)
power Is calculated on the basis of USER.%FEED,
16…17 Actual condition- -100…+850 [°C] Actual conditioning temperature at mixer inlet
ing temperature (USER.T IN)
at mixer inlet
18…19 Actual condition- -100…+850 [°C] Actual conditioning temperature at mixer outlet
ing temperature (USER.T OUT)
at mixer outlet
20…21 Actual position of 0…1000 [0.1%] Actual position EP steam valve (MAIN.STEAM)
EP steam valve (0.0…100.0%) (0.0% = closed; 100.0% = fully open)
22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…255 In accordance with service instructions MEAG-
(corresponds to currently displayed alarm in the dis-
play module).

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

150 Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus) Fieldbus protocol

20.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Feeder status 1 Stopped
2 Starting
4 Started
7 Stopping
32 Error
9 Mixer status 1 Stopped
2 Starting
4 Started forwards
6 Started backwards
32 Error
10 Conditioning 0 Stopped
operating state 1 Start-up (mixer Start)
2 Feeding ready/feeding interrupted
3 Feeding start (feeder Start and direct steam injec-
4 Operation
5 Switch off
10 Manual mode
11 Stage in opera- 0 Operating state not equal to 3
ting state 3 1 Stage 1, increase dosing speed
ramp-wise, steam quantity control
2 Stage 2, controlled dosing speed,
temperature control
3 Stage 1, Start Plus initial start is active
12…15 Pressed raw 0…4,294,967,295 [kg] Pressed raw material (flour quantity) minus fine parti-
material cles TCON.FINES (only in automatic mode)
(For reset, see control bit 0.4)
16…19 Feeder opera- 0…2,147,483,647 [s] Total feeder operating hours (MAIN.FD HR)
ting hours (For reset, see control bit 0.5)
20…23 Mixer operating 0…2,147,483,647 [s] Total mixer operating hours (MAIN.MIX HR)
hours (For reset, see control bit 0.6)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus) 151

20.5.3 Received data record 5 (current temperatures)

Received data record 5 / index 0 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 0 = received data record index = circuit board)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature n.0 -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] n.u.
10…11 Temperature n.1 n.u.
12…13 Temperature n.2 n.u.
14…15 Temperature n.3 n.u.
16…17 Temperature n.4 n.u.
18…19 Temperature n.5 n.u.
20…21 Temperature n.6 n.u.
22…23 Temperature n.7 n.u.

Received data record 5 / index 1 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 1 = received data record index = CAN module address)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] Actual conditioning temperature at mixer inlet
n.0 (-100.0…+850.0°C) (ADCT.T.0)
10…11 Temperature Actual conditioning temperature at mixer outlet
n.1 (ADCT.T.1)
12…13 Temperature Temperature for mixer heating mats (ADCT.T.2)
14…15 Temperature n.u.
16…17 Temperature n.u.
18…19 Temperature n.u.
20…21 Temperature Freely available temperature 1 (ADCT.T.6)
22…23 Temperature Freely available temperature 2 (ADCT.T.7)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

152 Conditioning HYMIX Plus (DDHA and DCHA Plus) Fieldbus protocol

20.5.4 Received data record 6 (frequency converter)

The data from the frequency converter can be output via this data record.
Index 1: Feeder

Received data record 6 (frequency converter feeder)

Index x = 1
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 ERCO 0…5 CAN error code
0 = No error
1 = Bus Off
2 = Life Guarding
3 = CANoverrun
4 = Heartbeat
5 = NMT state chart fault
9 LFT 0 … 255 Altivar fault code (alarm number)
10…11 LCR 0…65,535 [0.1 A] Current motor current
(0.0…6553.5 A)
12…13 RFR -32,767…+32,767 [0.1 Hz] Current motor frequency
(-3276.7…+3276.7 Hz)
14…15 OTRN -32,767…+32,767 [0.01 kNm] Current motor torque
(-327.67…+327.67 kNm)
16…17 OTR -32,767…+32,767 [0.1%] Current motor torque
(-3276.7…+3276.7 %)
18…19 OPR -32,767…+32,767 [%] Current motor output
20…21 n.u.
22…23 ERRD 16#0000…16#FFFF CiA402 fault code (alarm number)

20.5.5 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) 153

21 Countercurrent cooler (DFKM)

21.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Start / Stop cooler 0 Bit 0: Cooler operation
Bit 1: Discharge started / Bit 1: Cooler ready
Release product outlet Bit 2: Release cooler filling process
Bit 2: Press pelletizing Bit 3: Discharging
Bit 3: Cooler emptying Bit 4: Cooler emptying
Bit 4…7: n.u. Bit 5: Request discharge
Bit 6: Cooler empty
Bit 7: Collective warning
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0: n.u.
Bit 1: Cooler outlet blockage probe
Bit 2…6: n.u.
Bit 7: Cooler emptying finished
Bit 0: Reset fan energy consumption 2 Bit 0: Base door 1 closed
Aspiration 1 Bit 1: Base door 2 closed
Bit 1: Reset fan energy consumption Bit 2: Base door 3 closed
Aspiration 2 Bit 3: Base door 4 closed
Bit 2: Reset fan energy consumption Bit 4: Wall door 1 closed
Supply air Bit 5: Wall door 2 closed
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 6: Wall door 3 closed
Bit 4: Reset fan operating hours Bit 7: Wall door 4 closed
Aspiration 1
Bit 5…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via Profibus-DP
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Process control operating mode 8 Actual discharge gap in mm (-10.0…100.0
n.u. 9 mm)
n.u. 10 Actual product weight in kg (-1000…20,000)
n.u. 12 Actual product throughput in t/h
13 (0.00…100.00)
n.u. 14 Actual pressure via product bed in kPa
15 (-10.00...10.00)
n.u. 16 n.u.
Actual pellet diameter in mm (2.0…15.0) 18 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

154 Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

n.u. 20 n.u.
Heating mats setpoint temperature in °C 22 n.u.
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…255)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) 155

21.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Cooler Start / Stop 1 = Start cooler in automatic mode
0 = Stop cooler in automatic mode
1 Discharge started / 1 = Discharge elements downstream from the cooler are started /
Release for product Release for cooler product outlet
outlet 0 = Discharge elements downstream from the cooler are stopped /
No release for cooler product outlet
2 Press currently pel- 1 = Press is pelletizing
letizing 0 = Press is not currently pelletizing
3 Cooler emptying 1 = Cooler emptying / Residual emptying
(Control bit 0.0, cooler Start / Stop, and Control bit 0.1, dis-
charge started, must be set)
4…7 n.u.
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0 Reset energy con- 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
sumption fan 1 aspi- sent for 5 seconds
ration (Parameter (For energy consumption see received data record 6 / bytes 14
APH in frequency and 15 / Index 1)
1 Reset energy con- 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
sumption fan 2 aspi- sent for 5 seconds
ration (Parameter (For energy consumption see received data record 6 / bytes 14
APH in frequency and 15 / Index 2)
2 Reset energy con- 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
sumption fan supply sent for 5 seconds
air (Parameter APH (For energy consumption see received data record 6 / bytes 14
in frequency con- and 15 / Index 3)
3 n.u.
4 Reset cooler operat- 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
ing hours (fan 1 sent for 5 seconds
aspiration) (See received data record 3 / bytes 20…23 for operating
5...7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "Data for all

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

156 Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) Fieldbus protocol

21.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Cooler operation 1 = Cooler is in operation
1 Cooler ready 1 = The cooler is ready and can be started
0 = The cooler is not ready for Start
(e.g. grille door open, alarm pending, etc.)
2 Release of cooler 1 = The cooler can be filled
filling process 0 = The cooler is not permitted to be filled
3 Discharging 1 = The cooler is discharging and does not report low level (status
bit 0.6, cooler empty)
4 Cooler emptying 1 = The cooler is at emptying / residual emptying
5 Request discharge 1 = Start discharge. The cooler is ready for discharging.
6 Cooler empty 1 = The cooler is empty (DFKM.WT EMPY)
7 Collective warning 1 = At least one warning is pending
1 0 n.u.
1 Cooler outlet blo- 1 = Cooler blockage probe outlet uncovered
ckage probe
2…6 n.u.
7 Cooler emptying 1 = Emptying of the cooler is completed.
finished The cooler can now be stopped (control bit 0.0, cooler Start /
Stop, and control bit 0.3, cooler emptying / residual emptying,
reset) or newly filled (control bit 0.3, cooler emptying / residual
emptying, reset).
2 0 Base door 1 1 = Base door 1 closed
1 Base door 2 1 = Base door 2 closed
2 Base door 3 1 = Base door 3 closed
3 Base door 4 1 = Base door 4 closed
4 Wall door 1 1 = Wall door 1 closed
5 Wall door 2 1 = Wall door 2 closed
6 Wall door 3 1 = Wall door 3 closed
7 Wall door 4 1 = Wall door 4 closed
3 0…7 See "Data for all

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) 157

21.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

21.4.1 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Process control 0 The on-site setting is adopted.
operating mode 1  BEDAIR Product bed and air control aspiration.
2  n.u. n.u.
3  n.u. n.u.
9 n.u.
10…11 n.u.
12…13 n.u.
14…15 n.u.
16…17 n.u.
18…19 Actual pellet 20…150 [0.1 mm] Actual pellet diameter (USER.PLT DIA).
diameter (2.0…15.0 mm) (0 = the on-site setting is adopted).
20…21 n.u.
22 Setpoint temper- 0…120 [°C] Heating mats setpoint temperature (MAIN.S HMATS).
ature of heating 1…120 = The heating mats are permanently regulat-
mats ed to the preset temperature.
0 = Heating mats remain switched off.
23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

158 Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) Fieldbus protocol

21.4.2 Transmitted data record 129 (setpoints part 2)

Transmitted data record 129 (setpoints part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Operating mode 0 The on-site setting is adopted.
product bed con- 1  GAP Discharge gap control.
trol 2  WT Product weight control.
(DFKM.CTRL B) 3  n.u. n.u.

Active only if DFKM.CTRL P = BEDAIR.

9 Operating mode 0 The on-site setting is adopted.
aspiration air 1  FREQ Specified fixed speed.
control 2  n.u. n.u.
(DFKM.CTRL A) 3  n.u.
Active only if DFKM.CTRL P = BEDAIR.
10…11 n.u.
12…13 Setpoint dischar- USER.PLT DIA… Setpoint discharge gap (USER.S GAP).
ge gap 700 [0.1 mm]
70.0 mm)
14…15 Setpoint product 30% of DFKM-x Setpoint product weight (USER.S WT).
weight …DFKM-x [kg]
DFKM-1: 2500
DFKM-2: 5000
DFKM-3: 10,000
DFKM-4: 15,000
16…17 n.u.
18 n.u.
19 Setpoint speed DFKM.AS FMIN… Setpoint speed fan 1 aspiration (USER.S ASP F).
for Fan 1 aspira- DFKM.AS FMAX
tion [Hz]
20…21 n.u.
22…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) 159

21.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

21.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual discharge -100…1000 [0.1 mm] Average actual discharge gap of the four legs
gap (-10.0…100.0 mm) (USER.GAP AVG)
10…11 Actual product -1000…20,000 [kg] Actual product weight (USER.WT).
12…13 Actual product 0…10,000 [0.01 t/h] Actual product throughput (USER.TP).
throughput (0.00…100.00 t/h)
14…15 Actual pressure -1000…1000 [0.01 kPa] Actual pressure via product bed (USER.BED P).
via product bed (-10.00…10.00 kPa)
16…17 n.u.
18…19 n.u.
20…21 n.u.
22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…255 In accordance with service instructions MEAG-
(corresponds to the alarm currently displayed in the
display unit).

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

160 Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) Fieldbus protocol

21.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 n.u.
10…11 n.u.
12…13 n.u.
14 n.u.
15 Status, fan 1 Stopped
1 aspiration 2 Starting
4 Started
7 Stopping
32 Error
16 Status, fan 1 Stopped
2 aspiration 2 Starting
4 Started
7 Stopping
32 Error
17 Status of fan 1 Stopped
supply air 2 Starting
4 Started
7 Stopping
32 Error
18 n.u.
19 Heating mats 1 Stopped
status 2 Star ting
4 Started
32 Error
20 Vibration motors 1 Stopped
status 2 Star ting
4 Started
32 Error
21 n.u.
22 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) 161

23 Cooler operating 0 Undefined, e.g. when starting the control

state 10 Cooler stopped including fans
20 Cooler stopped due to alarm, control bit 1.0
(cooler Start / Stop) is pending and
the fans are started
30 Cooler filling
40 Cooler in normal operation, discharge opened
50 Cooler in normal operation, discharge closed
60 n.u.
70 Cooler emptying / residual emptying,
discharge open
80 Cooler emptying / residual emptying,
discharge closed
90 Cooler emptying / residual emptying completed
100 n.u.
110 n.u.
120 Commissioning / maintenance mode is activated


 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

162 Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) Fieldbus protocol

21.5.3 Received data record 3 (actual values part 3)

Received data record 3 (actual values part 3)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Aspiration dew -99…100 [°C] Aspiration dew point temperature (USER.ASP DP).
point tempera- (-99 °C: Invalid dew point temperature)
9 Actual product -100…125 [°C] Actual product temperature at cooler outlet
temperature at (USER.TEMPOUT).
cooler outlet
10…11 Actual product 0…1000 [0.1%rH] Actual product moisture at cooler outlet
moisture at cool- (0.0…100.0%rH) (USER.MOIST).
er outlet
12 Actual air tempe- -30…100 [°C] Actual air temperature aspiration (USER.ASP T).
rature aspiration
13 Actual aspiration 0…100 [%rH] Actual humidity aspiration (USER.ASP M).
14 Actual supply air -30…100 [°C] Actual supply air temperature (MAIN.SU T)
15 Actual supply air 0…100 [%rH] Actual supply air humidity (MAIN.SU M)
16…17 Actual pneuma- -100…1000 [kPa] Actual pneumatics operating pressure (MAIN.SYS P)
tics operating
18…19 Actual supply-air -1000…1000 [0.01 kPa] Actual supply-air pressure at cooler (MAIN.SU P C)
pressure at cool- (-10.00…10.00 kPa)
20…23 Cooler operating 0…2,147,483,647 [s] Cooler operating hours (Fan 1 aspiration)
hours (MAIN.ASP HR)
(Fan 1 aspira- (For reset, see control bit 2.4)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) 163

21.5.4 Received data record 4 (actual values part 4)

The data from each leg can be output via this data record.
Index 1: Leg 1
Index 2: Leg 2
Index 3: Leg 3
Index 4: Leg 4

Received data record 4 (actual values part 4)

Index x = 1, 2, 3, 4
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual discharge -100…1000 [0.1 mm] Actual discharge gap leg x (USER.GAP.x)
gap leg x (-10.0…100.0 mm)
10…11 Setpoint pres- 5…900 [kPa] Setpoint pressure, single-convolution bellows leg x
sure, single- (MAIN.S SC P.x)
convolution bel-
lows leg x
12…13 Actual pressure, 0…1000 [kPa] Actual pressure, single-convolution bellows leg x
single- (MAIN SC P.x)
convolution bel-
lows leg x
14…15 Actual product -1000…20,000 [kg] Actual product weight leg x
weight leg x (MAIN.WT.x)
16…17 n.u.
18…19 n.u.
20…21 n.u.
22…23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

164 Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) Fieldbus protocol

21.5.5 Received data record 5 (current temperatures)

Received data record 5 / index 0 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 0 = received data record index = circuit board)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature n.0 -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] n.u.
10…11 Temperature n.1 n.u.
12…13 Temperature n.2 n.u.
14…15 Temperature n.3 n.u.
16…17 Temperature n.4 n.u.
18…19 Temperature n.5 n.u.
20…21 Temperature n.6 n.u.
22…23 Temperature n.7 n.u.

Received data record 5 / index 1 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 1 = received data record index = CAN module address)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] Temperature of heating mats (ADCT.T.0)
n.0 (-100.0…+850.0°C)
10…11 Temperature Product temperature cooler outlet (ADCT.T.1)
12…13 Temperature Aspiration air temperature building outlet (ADCT.T.2)
14…15 Temperature n.u.
16…17 Temperature Freely available temperature 1 (ADCT.T.4)
18…19 Temperature Freely available temperature 2 (ADCT.T.5)
20…21 Temperature n.u.
22…23 Temperature n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) 165

Received data record 5 / index 2 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 2 = received data record index = CAN module address)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] Aspiration air temperature (ADCT.T.8)
n.0 (-100.0…+850.0°C)
10…11 Temperature n.u.
12…13 Temperature Supply air temperature (ADCT.T.10)
14…15 Temperature n.u.
16…17 Temperature n.u.
18…19 Temperature n.u.
20…21 Temperature n.u.
22…23 Temperature n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

166 Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) Fieldbus protocol

21.5.6 Received data record 6 (actual values part 6)

The data from each fan can be output via this data record.
Index 1: Aspiration 1
Index 2: Aspiration 2
Index 3: Supply air

Received data record 6 (actual values part 6)

Index x = 1, 2, 3
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual pressure -1000…1000 [0.01 kPa] Actual pressure upstream from the fan (air flow direc-
upstream from (-10.00…10.00 kPa) tion)
the fan (MAIN.AS1 P1)
10…11 Actual pressure -1000…1000 [0.01 kPa] Actual pressure downstream from the fan (air flow
downstream from (-10.00…10.00 kPa) direction)
the fan (MAIN.AS1 P2)
12…13 Actual differential -1000…1000 [0.01 kPa] Actual differential pressure via fan
pressure via fan (-10.00…10.00 kPa) (USER.ASP1 P)
14…15 Fan energy con- 0…65,535 [kWh] Fan energy consumption
sumption (65,535 = Overflow) (MAIN.AS1 W)
(for reset see control bit 2.0)
(for reset, see control bit 2.1)
(for reset, see control bit 2.2)
16…17 n.u.
18…19 n.u.
20…21 n.u.
22…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) 167

21.5.7 Received data record 7 (frequency converter)

The data from each frequency converter can be output via this data record.
Index 1: Aspiration 1
Index 2: Aspiration 2
Index 3: Supply air

Received data record 7 (frequency converter)

Index x = 1, 2, 3
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 ERCO 0…5 CAN error code
0 = No error
1 = Bus Off
2 = Life Guarding
3 = CANoverrun
4 = Heartbeat
5 = NMT state chart fault
9 LFT 0 … 255 Altivar fault code (alarm number)
10…11 LCR 0…65,535 [0.1 A] Current motor current
(0.0…6553.5 A)
12…13 RFR -32,767…+32,767 [0.1 Hz] Current motor frequency
(-3276.7…+3276.7 Hz)
14…15 OTRN -32,767…+32,767 [0.01 kNm] Current motor torque
(-327.67…+327.67 kNm)
16…17 OTR -32,767…+32,767 [0.1%] Current motor torque
(-3276.7…+3276.7 %)
18…19 OPR -32,767…+32,767 [%] Current motor output
20…21 n.u.
22…23 ERRD 16#0000…16#FFFF CiA402 fault code (alarm number)

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168 Countercurrent cooler (DFKM) Fieldbus protocol

21.5.8 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

21.5.9 Received data record 129 (setpoints part 2)

Received data record 129 (setpoints part 2)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 129

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) 169

22 Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA)

22.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Sample Start 0 Bit 0: Sampler in operation
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Feed screw conveyor running
Bit 2: Restart PSM sensor Bit 2: Compressed air valve "Conveying
Bit 3…7: n.u. the
product“ switched on
Bit 3: PSM sensor switched on
Bit 4…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Switch on sampling valve 1 Bit 0: n.u.
Bit 1: Switch on cleaning valve Bit 1: n.u.
Bit 2: Confirmation of sampling Bit 2: Synchronization signal
synchronization signal for sampling
Bit 3…7: n.u. Bit 3…4: n.u.
Bit 5: Sampling piston closed
Bit 6: Sampling piston open
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via Profibus-DP
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
n.u. 8 n.u.
Maximum permissible motor current of the 10 n.u.
feed screw conveyor in % (0.0…100.0) 11
n.u. 12 n.u.
n.u. 14 n.u.
n.u. 16 n.u.
Setpoint speed of the feed screw conveyor in 18 n.u.
RPM (1.00…1000.00) 19
n.u. 20 n.u.
n.u. 22 Operating state of sampler (1...7)
23 Alarm number (0…255)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

170 Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) Fieldbus protocol

22.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Sampler Start 1 = Sampler Start
0 = Stop sampler
1 n.u.
2 Restarting PSM 0 => 1 When changing the edge from 0 to 1, the PSM sensor is
sensor switched off for 5 seconds and then switched back on. Only
possible when the sampler is stopped.
3…7 n.u.
1 0 Switching on the 0 => 1 When changing the edge from 0 to 1, the sampling valve (DO
sampling valve 0.6) is switched on for the pulse time TCON.TVAL.1
1 Switching on the 0 => 1 When changing the edge from 0 to 1, the cleaning valve
cleaning valve (DO 0.7) is switched on for the pulse time TCON.TVAL.2
2 Confirmation of the 0 => 1 When changing the edge from 0 to 1, the "Synchronization
sampling synchroni- signal sampling" is confirmed. Status bit 1.2 is reset (for level 1
zation signal application)
3...7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "Data for all

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) 171

22.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Sampler in operati- 1 = The sampler is in operation
1 Feed screw 1 = The feed screw conveyor is running
conveyor running
2 Compressed air 1 = The compressed air valve "Conveying product" is
valve "Conveying switched on (DO 0.2)
product" switched
3 PSM sensor swit- 1 = The PSM sensor is switched on (DO 0.1)
ched on
4…7 n.u.
1 0…1 n.u.
2 Synchronization 1 = Synchronization signal sampling received
signal sampling (Pulse to digital input DI 0.4, for level 1 application)
Is reset with control bit 1.2 (Ack synchronization signal sam-
3…4 n.u.
5 Sampling piston 1 = Sampling piston is closed (DI 0.1)

6 Sampling piston 1 = Sampling piston is open (DI 0.2)


7 n.u.
2 0...7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "Data for all

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

172 Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) Fieldbus protocol

22.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

22.4.1 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 n.u.
10…11 Maximum per- 0…1000 [0.1%] Maximum permissible motor current of the feed screw
missible motor (0.0…100.0%) conveyor (TCON.IDOS).
current of the (0 = the on-site setting is adopted).
feeder screw
12…13 n.u.
14…15 n.u.
16…17 n.u.
18…19 Setpoint speed of 1…100,000 [0.01 Setpoint speed of feed screw conveyor
feed screw con- RPM] (TCON.DOSRPM).
veyor (1.00…1000.00 (0 = the on-site setting is adopted).
20…21 n.u.
22…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) 173

22.4.2 Transmitted data record 129 (advanced setpoints 1)

Transmitted data record 129 (setpoints part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Switch-on delay 0…90 [s] Switch-on delay of compressed air valve "Conveying
of compressed the product" (DO 0.2) (TCON.TSU1).
air valve "Con-
veying the prod-
9 Switch-on delay 0…90 [s] Switch-on delay of feed screw conveyor (TCON.TSU2).
of feed screw
10…11 n.u.
12 Switch-off delay 0…90 [s] Switch-off delay of feed screw conveyor (TCON.TSD1).
of feed screw
13 Switch-off delay 0…90 [s] Switch-off delay of compressed air valve "Conveying
of compressed the product" (DO 0.2) (TCON.TSD2).
air valve "Con-
veying the prod-
14…15 n.u.
16…17 n.u.
18…19 n.u.
20…21 n.u.
22 n.u.
23 Applying times 0…1 0 => 1 Only when changing an edge from 0 to 1 are
the times applied and written to the correspond-
ing parameters.

22.4.3 Transmitted data record 130 (advanced setpoints 2)

Transmitted data record 130 (advanced setpoints 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Sampling valve 0…9999 [0.1s] Sampling valve pulse time (DO 0.6) (TCON.TVAL.1).
pulse time (0.0…999.9 s)
10…11 Cleaning valve 0…9999 [0.1s] Cleaning valve pulse time (DO 0.7) (TCON.TVAL.2).
pulse time (0.0…999.9 s)
12…13 n.u.
14…15 n.u.
16…17 n.u.
18…19 n.u.
20…21 n.u.
22…23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

174 Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) Fieldbus protocol

22.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

22.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 n.u.
10…11 n.u.
12…13 n.u.
14…15 n.u.
16…17 n.u.
18…19 n.u.
20…21 n.u.
22 Operating state 1…7 Display of operating state of sampler (USER.PSM)
of sampler 1 Stopped
2 Starting
3 Operation
4 n.u.
5 Shut down
6 n.u.
7 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…255 In accordance with operating manual MEAG-DYTA-
(corresponds to currently displayed alarm in the dis-
play module).

22.5.2 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

22.5.3 Received data record 129 (advanced setpoints 1)

Received data record 129 (advanced setpoints 1)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 129

22.5.4 Received data record 130 (advanced setpoints 2)

Received data record 130 (advanced setpoints 2)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 130

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) 175

22.5.5 Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 n.u.
10…11 n.u.
12…13 n.u.
14 n.u.
15 Status, fan 1 Stopped
1 aspiration 2 Starting
4 Started
7 Stopping
32 Error
16 Status, fan 1 Stopped
2 aspiration 2 Starting
4 Started
7 Stopping
32 Error
17 Status of fan 1 Stopped
supply air 2 Starting
4 Started
7 Stopping
32 Error
18 n.u.
19 Heating mats 1 Stopped
status 2 Star ting
4 Started
32 Error
20 Vibration motors 1 Stopped
status 2 Star ting
4 Started
32 Error
21 n.u.
22 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

176 Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) Fieldbus protocol

23 Cooler operating 0 Undefined, e.g. when starting the control

state 10 Cooler stopped including fans
20 Cooler stopped due to alarm, control bit 1.0
(cooler Start / Stop) is pending and
the fans are started
30 Cooler filling
40 Cooler in normal operation, discharge opened
50 Cooler in normal operation, discharge closed
60 n.u.
70 Cooler emptying / residual emptying,
discharge open
80 Cooler emptying / residual emptying,
discharge closed
90 Cooler emptying / residual emptying completed
100 n.u.
110 n.u.
120 Commissioning / maintenance mode is activated


MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) 177

22.5.6 Received data record 3 (actual values part 3)

Received data record 3 (actual values part 3)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Aspiration dew -99…100 [°C] Aspiration dew point temperature (USER.ASP DP).
point tempera- (-99 °C: Invalid dew point temperature)
9 Actual product -100…125 [°C] Actual product temperature at cooler outlet
temperature at (USER.TEMPOUT).
cooler outlet
10…11 Actual product 0…1000 [0.1%rH] Actual product moisture at cooler outlet
moisture at cool- (0.0…100.0%rH) (USER.MOIST).
er outlet
12 Actual air tempe- -30…100 [°C] Actual air temperature aspiration (USER.ASP T).
rature aspiration
13 Actual aspiration 0…100 [%rH] Actual humidity aspiration (USER.ASP M).
14 Actual supply air -30…100 [°C] Actual supply air temperature (MAIN.SU T)
15 Actual supply air 0…100 [%rH] Actual supply air humidity (MAIN.SU M)
16…17 Actual pneuma- -100…1000 [kPa] Actual pneumatics operating pressure (MAIN.SYS P)
tics operating
18…19 Actual supply-air -1000…1000 [0.01 kPa] Actual supply-air pressure at cooler (MAIN.SU P C)
pressure at cool- (-10.00…10.00 kPa)
20…23 Cooler operating 0…2,147,483,647 [s] Cooler operating hours (Fan 1 aspiration)
hours (MAIN.ASP HR)
(Fan 1 aspira- (For reset, see control bit 2.4)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

178 Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) Fieldbus protocol

22.5.7 Received data record 4 (actual values part 4)

The data from each leg can be output via this data record.
Index 1: Leg 1
Index 2: Leg 2
Index 3: Leg 3
Index 4: Leg 4

Received data record 4 (actual values part 4)

Index x = 1, 2, 3, 4
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual discharge -100…1000 [0.1 mm] Actual discharge gap leg x (USER.GAP.x)
gap leg x (-10.0…100.0 mm)
10…11 Setpoint pres- 5…900 [kPa] Setpoint pressure, single-convolution bellows leg x
sure, single- (MAIN.S SC P.x)
convolution bel-
lows leg x
12…13 Actual pressure, 0…1000 [kPa] Actual pressure, single-convolution bellows leg x
single- (MAIN SC P.x)
convolution bel-
lows leg x
14…15 Actual product -1000…20,000 [kg] Actual product weight leg x
weight leg x (MAIN.WT.x)
16…17 n.u.
18…19 n.u.
20…21 n.u.
22…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) 179

22.5.8 Received data record 5 (current temperatures)

Received data record 5 / index 0 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 0 = received data record index = circuit board)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature n.0 -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] n.u.
10…11 Temperature n.1 n.u.
12…13 Temperature n.2 n.u.
14…15 Temperature n.3 n.u.
16…17 Temperature n.4 n.u.
18…19 Temperature n.5 n.u.
20…21 Temperature n.6 n.u.
22…23 Temperature n.7 n.u.

Received data record 5 / index 1 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 1 = received data record index = CAN module address)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] Temperature of heating mats (ADCT.T.0)
n.0 (-100.0…+850.0°C)
10…11 Temperature Product temperature cooler outlet (ADCT.T.1)
12…13 Temperature Aspiration air temperature building outlet (ADCT.T.2)
14…15 Temperature n.u.
16…17 Temperature Freely available temperature 1 (ADCT.T.4)
18…19 Temperature Freely available temperature 2 (ADCT.T.5)
20…21 Temperature n.u.
22…23 Temperature n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

180 Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) Fieldbus protocol

Received data record 5 / index 2 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 2 = received data record index = CAN module address)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] Aspiration air temperature (ADCT.T.8)
n.0 (-100.0…+850.0°C)
10…11 Temperature n.u.
12…13 Temperature Supply air temperature (ADCT.T.10)
14…15 Temperature n.u.
16…17 Temperature n.u.
18…19 Temperature n.u.
20…21 Temperature n.u.
22…23 Temperature n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) 181

22.5.9 Received data record 6 (actual values part 6)

The data from each fan can be output via this data record.
Index 1: Aspiration 1
Index 2: Aspiration 2
Index 3: Supply air

Received data record 6 (actual values part 6)

Index x = 1, 2, 3
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual pressure -1000…1000 [0.01 kPa] Actual pressure upstream from the fan (air flow direc-
upstream from (-10.00…10.00 kPa) tion)
the fan (MAIN.AS1 P1)
10…11 Actual pressure -1000…1000 [0.01 kPa] Actual pressure downstream from the fan (air flow
downstream from (-10.00…10.00 kPa) direction)
the fan (MAIN.AS1 P2)
12…13 Actual differential -1000…1000 [0.01 kPa] Actual differential pressure via fan
pressure via fan (-10.00…10.00 kPa) (USER.ASP1 P)
14…15 Fan energy con- 0…65,535 [kWh] Fan energy consumption
sumption (65,535 = Overflow) (MAIN.AS1 W)
(for reset see control bit 2.0)
(for reset, see control bit 2.1)
(for reset, see control bit 2.2)
16…17 n.u.
18…19 n.u.
20…21 n.u.
22…23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

182 Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) Fieldbus protocol

22.5.10 Received data record 7 (frequency converter)

The data from each frequency converter can be output via this data record.
Index 1: Aspiration 1
Index 2: Aspiration 2
Index 3: Supply air

Received data record 7 (frequency converter)

Index x = 1, 2, 3
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 ERCO 0…5 CAN error code
0 = No error
1 = Bus Off
2 = Life Guarding
3 = CANoverrun
4 = Heartbeat
5 = NMT state chart fault
9 LFT 0 … 255 Altivar fault code (alarm number)
10…11 LCR 0…65,535 [0.1 A] Current motor current
(0.0…6553.5 A)
12…13 RFR -32,767…+32,767 [0.1 Hz] Current motor frequency
(-3276.7…+3276.7 Hz)
14…15 OTRN -32,767…+32,767 [0.01 kNm] Current motor torque
(-327.67…+327.67 kNm)
16…17 OTR -32,767…+32,767 [0.1%] Current motor torque
(-3276.7…+3276.7 %)
18…19 OPR -32,767…+32,767 [%] Current motor output
20…21 n.u.
22…23 ERRD 16#0000…16#FFFF CiA402 fault code (alarm number)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sampler for particle size measurement unit (DYTA) 183

22.5.11 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

22.5.12 Received data record 129 (setpoints part 2)

Received data record 129 (setpoints part 2)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 129

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

184 Huller (MHSA) Fieldbus protocol

23 Huller (MHSA)
23.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Rotor is turning clockwise
Bit 1: Right rotor request Bit 1: Rotor is turning counterclockwise
Bit 2: Left rotor request Bit 2…5: n.u.
Bit 3…7: n.u. Bit 6: Alarm output digital
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: n.u. 1 Bit 0: Blockage probes
Bit 1: Parking position request Bit 1: Parking position active
Bit 2…7: n.u. Bit 2…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data record
received data record"
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Setpoint speed of rotor (200 – 2000 rpm) 8 Actual speed of rotor (0 – 2000 rpm)
10 Actual position of impact ring (0 – 300 mm)
12 Operating hours direction of rotation to the
13 right (0 – 999,999 h)
14 Operating hours direction of rotation to the left
15 (0 – 999,999 h)
n.u. 16 n.u.
23 Currently active alarm

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Huller (MHSA) 185

23.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start/stop TRUE = Start huller
FALSE = Stop huller
1 Request start right TRUE = The huller is forced to start in clockwise rotation.
motor The operating hour meter is ignored.
- If Bits 1 and 2 are set, then start will be on the right.
- If Bits 1 and 2 are not set, then the direction of rotation
will be automatically selected based on the operating
hour meter.
2 Request start left TRUE = The huller is forced to start in counterclockwise rotation.
motor The operating hour meter is ignored.
3…5 n.u.
6 Alarm output State of the digital alarm output DO 0.1.
7 n.u.
1 0 n.u.
1 Parking position re- TRUE = Parking position of the ring is approached
quest FALSE = Parking position of the ring is exited
2…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data for
all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by MHSA)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

186 Huller (MHSA) Fieldbus protocol

23.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Rotor is turning clo- TRUE = The huller has been started and is running in clockwise
ckwise direction of rotation
1 Rotor is turning coun- TRUE = The huller has been started and is running in counter-
terclockwise clockwise direction of rotation
2 n.u.
3 n.u.
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6 Alarm output State of the digital alarm output DO 0.1
7 n.u.
1 0 Blockage probes TRUE = The blockage probes are not covered.
1 Parking position acti- TRUE = Ring is in the parking position or is approaching it.
2…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data for
all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are set to 0 by MHSA)

23.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Rotor setpoint speed 200…2000 rpm Setpoint for the rotor speed
10…23 n.u.

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by MHSA)

23.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

23.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual rotor speed 0…2000 rpm Current rotor speed
10…11 Actual position of 0…300 mm Current position of impact ring
impact ring
12…13 Operating hours, 0…999,999 h Current operating hours of the rotor with clockwise direc-
clockwise direction of tion of rotation

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Huller (MHSA) 187

14…15 Operating hours for 0…999,999 h Current operating hours of the rotor with counterclock-
counterclockwise wise direction of rotation
direction of rotation
16…22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…255 Alarm number

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by MHSA)

23.5.2 Received data record 6 (rotor frequency converter)

Received data record 6 (actual converter values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 ERCO 0…5 CAN error code
0 = No error
1 = Bus Off
2 = Life Guarding
3 = CANoverrun
4 = Heartbeat
5 = NMT state chart fault
10…11 LCR 0…65,535 [0.1 A] Current motor current
12…13 RFR -32,767…+32,767 [0.1 Actual rotor frequency
14…21 n.u.
22…23 Errd 16#0000…16#FFFF CiA402 fault code (FC alarm number)

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by MHSA)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

188 Sifter frequency regulator (FC) Fieldbus protocol

24 Sifter frequency regulator (FC)

24.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Sifter 1 Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Operation sifter 1
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Restart delay sifter 1
Bit 2: Outlet hose monitoring bypass Bit 2: Request for outlet hose monitoring
sifter 1 bypass, sifter 1
Bit 3…7: n.u. Bit 3…5: n.u.
Bit 6: Alarm pending, sifter 1
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: Sifter 2 Start / Stop 1 Bit 0: Operation sifter 2
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Restart delay sifter 2
Bit 2: Outlet hose monitoring bypass Bit 2: Request for outlet hose monitoring
sifter 2 bypass, sifter 2
Bit 3…7: n.u. Bit 3…5: n.u.
Bit 6: Alarm pending, sifter 2
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data record
received data record"
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Selection of sifter Selection of sifter
1 = Sifter 1 1 = Sifter 1
2 = Sifter 2 2 = Sifter 2
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Selection of sifter Selection of sifter
1 = Sifter 1 1 = Sifter 1
2 = Sifter 2 2 = Sifter 2
Setpoint speed (220 – 280 rpm) 8 Actual speed (0 – 400 rpm)
n.u. 10 Current temperature (-50 – +300 ºC)
n.u. 12 Current humidity (0 – 100%)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sifter frequency regulator (FC) 189

n.u. 14 Current time for restart delay.

16 Restart delay time
n.u. 23 Currently pending alarm

24.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Sifter 1 TRUE = Start sifter 1
Start / Stop FALSE = Stop sifter 2
1 Stocking monitoring TRUE = The stocking monitoring for sifter 1 is bypassed. The
bypass photoelectric sensors are not evaluated.
Can be activated for cleaning purposes.
2…7 n.u.
1 0 Sifter 2 TRUE = Start sifter 2
Start / Stop FALSE = Stop sifter 2
1 Stocking monitoring TRUE = The stocking monitoring for sifter 2 is bypassed. The
bypass photoelectric sensors are not evaluated.
Can be activated for cleaning purposes.
2…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data for
all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by FC)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

190 Sifter frequency regulator (FC) Fieldbus protocol

24.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation of sifter 1 TRUE = The sifter has been started and is running.
FALSE = The sifter was stopped.
1 Restart delay for TRUE = The restart delay is active. The sifter starts after expira-
sifter 1 tion of the delay.
2 Request stocking TRUE = The bypass of the stocking monitoring was requested at
monitoring the sifter control. For this request, the bypass can be ac-
bypass sifter 1 tivated from the plant control system.
3…5 n.u.
6 Alarm sifter 1 pen- TRUE = At least one alarm message is active.
7 n.u.
1 0 Operation of sifter 2 TRUE = The sifter has been started and is running.
FALSE = The sifter was stopped
1 Restart delay for TRUE = The restart delay is active. The sifter starts after expira-
sifter 2 tion of the delay.
2 Request stocking TRUE = The bypass of the stocking monitoring was requested at
monitoring bypass the sifter control. For this request, the bypass can be ac-
sifter 2 tivated from the plant control system.
3…5 n.u.
6 Alarm sifter 2 pen- TRUE = At least one alarm message is active.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data for
all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are set to 0 by FC)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sifter frequency regulator (FC) 191

24.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

index X = 1 sifter 1 index X = 2 sifter 2
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Sifter setpoint speed 220 – 280 rpm Specification setpoint speed
This value is considered only in manual operating
mode (TCON.MODE = MAN)
10…23 n.u.

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by FC)

24.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

24.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

index X = 1 sifter 1 index X = 2 sifter 2
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual speed 0 – 400 rpm Current sifter speed
10…11 Temperature -50ºC – 300ºC Currently measured temperature
12…13 Humidity 0 – 100 % Currently measured humidity
14…15 Current time for re- 0 – 999 s Counters, which count down to 0 from the restart de-
start delay lay time when the restart delay time is active. If the
restart delay time is inactive, the value remains at 0.
16…17 Restart delay time 0 – 999 s The predefined restart delay time transmitted to the
18…22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…255 Alarm number

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by FC)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

192 Sifter frequency regulator (FC) Fieldbus protocol

24.5.2 Received data record 6 (frequency converter)

Received data record 6 (converter actual values)

index X = 1 sifter 1 index X = 2 sifter 2
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 ERCO 0…5 CAN error code
0 = No error
1 = Bus Off
2 = Life Guarding
3 = CANoverrun
4 = Heartbeat
5 = NMT state chart fault
10…11 LCR 0…65,535 [0.1 A] Current motor current
12…13 RFR -32,767…+32,767 [0.1 Current frequency
14…21 n.u.
22…23 Errd 16#0000…16#FFFF CiA402 fault code (FC alarm number)

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by FC)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Mixer control (MIX) 193

25 Mixer control (MIX)

25.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Zeroing 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Zeroing (± 4%) Bit 1: Weight sign
Bit 2: Taring Bit 2: Scales standstill
Bit 3: Gross value Bit 3: Data Ready
Bit 4: Net display Bit 4: n.u.
Bit 5: Clear tare (net = gross) Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: Print / save job Bit 6: Printout started / job saved
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values Bit 7: New values ready 1)
ready" 1)
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Open the flap 2 Bit 0: Flap is open
Bit 1: Close flap Bit 1: Flap is closed
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: Maintenance door open
Bit 3: Flap shaft purging Bit 3…7: n.u.
Bit 4: Chopper shaft purging
Bit 5: Release
Bit 6: Release to unlock door
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint 1)
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data record
received data record"
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
n.u. 8 Current scale weight (gross) according to
TCON.DDIV setting
n.u. 9 (0…999,999 see status bit for algebraic sign)
n.u. 10 or consecutive number (0…999,999)
n.u. 11 According to parameter TCON.PBDAT
n.u. 12 Current scale weight in DIV (gross)
n.u. 13 (–99,999…99,999)
The mixer is a functionally expanded DMS-T. If the option TCON.DMST is released
for the mixer control, the control bits from byte 0 and the received data record 1

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

194 Mixer control (MIX) Fieldbus protocol

have the same function as with the DMS-T application. They are not evaluated

25.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Zeroing 1 = Gross and net weights are set to 0.
1 Zeroing (± 4%) 1 = Gross and net weight are set to 0 if current scale weight is
<4% of max. scale weight TCON.MAXW.
2 Taring 1 = Net weight is set to 0 and remote display switches to net weight.
3 Gross display 1 = Remote display switches to gross weight.
4 Net display 1 = Remote display switches to net weight.
5 Clearing the tare 1 = Clear the tare weight (net weight = gross weight)
6 Print / save job 1 = Starts print job for net and gross weight (leave pending until
the status bit "Printout started / job saved" = 1).
7 Acknowledgment of Reserved for future applications.
"New values ready"
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0 Opening the flap 1 = The emptying flap of the mixer is opened
1 Closing the flap 1 = The emptying flap of the mixer is being closed
2 n.u.
3 Flap shaft purging As long as the signal is active, the flap shaft purging is activated.
4 Chopper shaft pur- As long as the signal is active, the chopper shaft purging is activated.
5 Release 1 = Operation release for the mixer
All movements are executed only when the release is pre-
6 Release for unlo- 1 = The push-button switch for unlocking the maintenance door
cking door is released by the control system (only if the safety condi-
tions are also fulfilled).
7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Mixer control (MIX) 195

25.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = Operation
0 = Alarm or calibration mode (calibration switch = CAL)
1 Weight sign 1 = Positive weight
0 = Negative weight
2 Scale standstill 1 = Scales at standstill
0 = No standstill
3 Data ready 1 = Weight valid
0 = Weight invalid
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6 Printout started / job 1 = The control bit "Print / save job" is pending and the printer ap-
saved plied the data or the job was saved.
Is set to 0 if the control bit "Print / save job" = 0.
7 New values ready Reserved for future applications.
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0 Flap open 1 = The emptying flap of the mixer is open
1 Flap closed 1 = The emptying flap of the mixer is closed
2 Maintenance door 1 = The maintenance door is opened.
3…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

25.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…23 n.u. Empty data record, since DMS-T does not contain any
setpoint specifications.

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196 Mixer control (MIX) Fieldbus protocol

25.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values for scale,

present only if TCON.DMST is activated)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Current gross 0…999,999 [DDIV] Current scale weight without algebraic sign, with resolu-
scale weight tion according to parameter TCON.DDIV.
The sign is a status bit
or (transmitted if TCON.PBDAT=DOVAL)
consecutive 0…999,999 Consecutive number, which increases by 1 with each
number printout / save job
(is transmitted if TCON.PBDAT=JOBID)
12…15 Current gross –99,999…99,999 Current gross scale weight with algebraic sign, with reso-
scale weight [DIV] lution DIV. Equals parameter BRWT
16…19 Current net scale –99,999…99,999 Current net scale weight with algebraic sign, with resolu-
weight [DIV] tion DIV. Equals parameter NEWT
20 Decimal places 0…3 Number of decimal places DIV on the fieldbus interface
according to the ADC.DIV setting
21 n.u.
22 Step number 0 Calibrating
1 Operation
23 Alarm number 0…99 Currently pending alarm

Received data record 4 (actual values mixer)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Mixed material 0…999 [°C] Current temperature of the mixed material in the mixer.
temperature (optional if TCON.TEMP is activated)
10…11 Hydraulics oil 0…300 [bar] Current pressure of the hydraulic power unit
12…13 Hydraulic power 0…65,536 [h] Operating hours of hydraulic power unit
operating hours
14…15 Hydraulic power -50.0…850.0 [°C] Current temperature of the hydraulic oil.
unit (optional if TCON.TSENS = ANA)
oil temperature
16…19 Flap movement 0…999,999,999 Number of flap movements.
23 Alarm number 0…99 Currently pending alarm

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Mixer control (MIX) 197

25.6 Received data record 125 IO monitor 24 V (input / output)

Index 0 = Circuit board

Byte Name Description
8…12 24 V inputs
8.0 I 0.0 Release of mixer
8.1 I 0.1 Protective measures in working or-
8.2 I 0.2 Maintenance door opened
8.3 I 0.3 Release to unlock maintenance door
8.4 I 0.4 Close flap
8.5 I 0.5 Open flap
8.6 I 0.6 Scavenging air on
8.7 I 0.7 Key unlock maintenance door
16…20 24 V outputs
16.0 O 0.0 Alarm mixer
16.1 O 0.1 n.u.
16.2 O 0.2 Flap is closed
16.3 O 0.3 Flap is open
16.4 O 0.4 Hydraulics on
16.5 O 0.5 Close flap valve
16.6 O 0.6 Open flap valve
16.7 O 0.7 n.u.
17.0 O 0.8 n.u.
17.1 O 0.9 n.u.
17.2 O 0.10 Maintenance door key lamp
17.3 O 0.11 Unlock maintenance door

Index 1 = Expansion module 1 mixer terminal box

Byte Name Description
8…12 24 V inputs
8.0 I 1.0 Limit switch flap to the left
8.1 I 1.1 Limit switch flap open to the left
8.2 I 1.2 Limit switch flap to the right
8.3 I 1.3 Limit switch flap open to the right
8.4 I 1.4 Hydraulic pressure OK
8.5 I 1.5 Oil level OK
8.6 I 1.6 Oil temperature OK
8.7 I 1.7 Acknowledgment alarms
9.0 I 1.8 n.u.
9.1 I 1.9 n.u.
9.2 I 1.10 n.u.
9.3 I 1.11 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

198 Multi NIR (NIR) Fieldbus protocol

26 Multi NIR (NIR)

26.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Release mixer measurement 0 Bit 0: Mixer measurement Start.
Bit 1: Measurement of channel 1 active Bit 1: Sampling of channel 1 requested
Bit 2: Measurement of channel 2 active Bit 2: Sampling of channel 2 requested
Bit 3: Measurement of channel 3 active Bit 3: Sampling of channel 3 requested
Bit 4: Measurement of channel 4 active Bit 4: Sampling of channel 4 requested
Bit 5: Measurement of channel 5 active Bit 5: Sampling of channel 5 requested
Bit 6: Measurement of channel 6 active Bit 6: Sampling of channel 6 requested
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values Bit 7: New values ready 1)
ready" 1)
Bit 0: n.u. 1 Bit 0: Referencing request
Bit 1: Emptying buffer system 1 Bit 1: Level probe 1
Bit 2: Emptying buffer system 2 Bit 2: Level probe 2
Bit 3: Emptying buffer system 3 Bit 3: Level probe 3
Bit 4: Emptying buffer system 4 Bit 4: Level probe 4
Bit 5: Emptying buffer system 5 Bit 5: Level probe 5
Bit 6: Emptying buffer system 6 Bit 6: Level probe 6
Bit 7: Deactivate buffer system emer- Bit 7: Buffer system emergency mode
gency mode active
Bit 0: Reset spectrometer 2 Bit 0: n.u.
Bit 1: Release discharge 1 Bit 1: Discharge 1 running
Bit 2: Release discharge 2 Bit 2: Discharge 2 running
Bit 3: Release discharge 3 Bit 3: Discharge 3 running
Bit 4: Release discharge 4 Bit 4: Discharge 4 running
Bit 5: Release discharge 5 Bit 5: Discharge 5 running
Bit 6: Release discharge 6 Bit 6: Discharge 6 running
Bit 7: n.u. Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint 1)
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data record
received data record"
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Multi NIR (NIR) 199

Transmitted data Byte Received data

n.u. 8 Temperature of measurement point 1
n.u. 9
n.u. 10 Temperature of measurement point 2
n.u. 11
n.u. 12 Temperature of measurement point 3
n.u. 13
n.u. 14 Temperature of measurement point 4
n.u. 15
n.u. 16 Temperature of measurement point 5
n.u. 17
n.u. 18 Temperature of measurement point 6
n.u. 19
n.u. 20 Release status of measurement point 1...6
(bit 0...bit 5)
n.u. 21 Release status of motor for buffer system 1...6
(bit 0...bit 5)
n.u. 22 Emptying status of buffer system 1...6
(bit 0...bit 5)
n.u. 23 Current alarm number

26.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Mixer measurement TRUE  Same function as the digital input "Release mixer".
1…6 Measurement of TRUE  Measurement at the corresponding level probe is active.
level probe 1...6 The signal blocks the switching to another measurement
active point. The signal is necessary for mixer applications.
7 Acknowledgment of Reserved for future applications.
"New values ready"
1 0 n.u.
1…6 Emptying buffer TRUE  The discharge of the corresponding buffer system is acti-
system 1...6 vated with the higher speed for the emptying process. The
bit has only one function if the corresponding measure-
ment point type is configured as MYRB (see parameter
7 Deactivating buffer TRUE  The emergency mode is switched off and if the signal
system emergency remains pending, then switch on is prevented.
2 0 Spectrometer reset TRUE  The output for resetting the spectrometer is switched to
the positive edge of the signal for 5 seconds.
1…6 Release for dischar- TRUE  The discharge of the corresponding buffer system is start-
ge 1...6 ed when all conditions are fulfilled. The bit has only one
function if the corresponding measurement point type is
configured as MYRB (see parameter TCON.MPTYPE).

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

200 Multi NIR (NIR) Fieldbus protocol

Byte Bit Name Description

7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

26.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Mixer measurement TRUE  Measurement at mixer is released.
1…6 Sampling of channel TRUE  The sampling key at the on-site box was actuated. The
1...6 requested request from other measurement points is suppressed
by the bit "Acknowledgment sampling".
7 New values ready Reserved for future applications.
1 0 Referencing request TRUE  The temperature of the multiplexer has changed or the
maximum time until the next referencing has expired.
This signal is reset by setting the digital input "Referenc-
ing" through the multiplexer.
1…6 Level probe MYRB TRUE  The level probe MYRB has responded.
If the measurement point is not defined as MYRB, TRUE
is returned in a fixed manner, as this signal is used as a
release for recording in the NIR computer.
7 Buffer system TRUE  At the control, the emergency mode of the buffer sys-
emergency mode tems is active. These are controlled directly by the level
probe without release from the PC.
2 0 n.u.
1…6 Discharge 1...6 run- TRUE  The corresponding buffer system is running.
ning If the measurement point is not configured as MYRB,
FALSE will be permanently returned.
7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data for
all devices"

26.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…23 n.u. Empty data record

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Multi NIR (NIR) 201

26.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Temperature 1 0…100.0°C Currently measured temperature value at measurement
point 1
10…11 Temperature 2 0…100.0°C Currently measured temperature value at measurement
point 2
12…13 Temperature 3 0…100.0°C Currently measured temperature value at measurement
point 3
14…15 Temperature 4 0…100.0°C Currently measured temperature value at measurement
point 4
16…17 Temperature 5 0…100.0°C Currently measured temperature value at measurement
point 5
18…19 Temperature 6 0…100.0°C Currently measured temperature value at measurement
point 6
20 Release status of 0…63 Release measurement point 1 bit 20.0
measurement Release measurement point 2 bit 20.1
point 1...6 .
Release measurement point 6 bit 20.5
21 Release status of 0…63 Release of motor for buffer system 1 bit 21.0
motor for buffer Release of motor for buffer system 2 bit 21.1
system 1...6
Release of motor for buffer system 6 bit 21.6
22 Emptying status 0…63 Emptying buffer system 1 bit 22.0
of buffer system Emptying buffer system 2 bit 22.1
Emptying buffer system 6 bit 22.6
23 Alarm number 0…99 Currently pending alarm

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202 Multi NIR (NIR) Fieldbus protocol

26.6 Received data record 125 IO monitor 24 V (input / output)

Index 0 = Circuit board

Byte Name Description
8…12 24 V inputs
8.0 I 0.0 n.u.
8.1 I 0.1 n.u.
8.2 I 0.2 n.u.
8.3 I 0.3 n.u.
8.4 I 0.4 n.u.
8.5 I 0.5 n.u.
8.6 I 0.6 n.u.
8.7 I 0.7 n.u.
16…20 24 V outputs
16.0 O 0.0 n.u.
16.1 O 0.1 n.u.
16.2 O 0.2 n.u.
16.3 O 0.3 n.u.
16.4 O 0.4 n.u.
16.5 O 0.5 n.u.
16.6 O 0.6 n.u.
16.7 O 0.7 n.u.
17.0 O 0.8 n.u.
17.1 O 0.9 n.u.
17.2 O 0.10 n.u.
17.3 O 0.11 n.u.

Index 1 = expansion module 1

Byte Name Description
8…12 24 V inputs
8.0 I 1.0
8.1 I 1.1
8.2 I 1.2
8.3 I 1.3
8.4 I 1.4
8.5 I 1.5
8.6 I 1.6
8.7 I 1.7
9.0 I 1.8
9.1 I 1.9
9.2 I 1.10
9.3 I 1.11

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Particle size sensor (MYSA) 203

27 Particle size sensor (MYSA)

27.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Release 0 Bit 0: Sensor in operation
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Discharge screw switched on
Bit 2: Sensor reboot Bit 2: Compressed air switched on
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Sensor switched on
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Flap is open (sampling)
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values Bit 7: New values ready 1)
ready" 1)
Bit 0: Sampling valve 1 Bit 0: n.u.
Bit 1: Burst of compressed air Bit 1: n.u.
Bit 2: Ack Sync mixer Bit 2: Sync mixer
Bit 3: Filling Start Bit 3: Filling level sensor
Bit 4: Burst of compressed air 2 Bit 4: Release for measurement
Bit 5: Burst of compressed air 3 Bit 5: Sampling piston closed
Bit 6: Residual emptying Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: Storage output Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint 1)
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Dosing frequency of converter in 0.1 Hz 8
(only MYSA) 9
Maximum torque in 0.1% 10
Dosing time in s 12 Current dosing time in 0.1 s
(Only MYSA) 13
Sampling time in s 14 Current remaining time (not dosing) in 0.1 s

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

204 Particle size sensor (MYSA) Fieldbus protocol

Dispersion pressure for dosing in 0.01 bar 16

Dosing speed of stepper motor in 0.01 rpm 18
(only MYTA)
Dispersion pressure for sampling in 0.01 bar 20
n.u. 22 Step number of the program sequence.
n.u. 23 Alarm number.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Particle size sensor (MYSA) 205

27.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Release TRUE  Starting the device.
FALSE  Stopping the device.
1 n.u.
2 Sensor reboot On the positive edge of this signal, the sensor is switched off for 5 sec-
onds and then restarted. Possible only if the device is not started.
3…6 n.u.
7 Acknowledgment of Reserved for future applications.
"New values ready"
1 0 Sampling valve TRUE  Sampling valve is controlled
1 Burst of compressed TRUE  Valve for burst of compressed air is controlled
2 Ack Sync mixer TRUE  Acknowledgment Sync mixer
3 Filling Start TRUE  Start filling
4 Burst of compressed TRUE  Valve for burst of compressed air 2 is controlled
air 2
5 Burst of compressed TRUE  Valve for burst of compressed air 3 is controlled
air 3
6 Residual emptying TRUE  Valve for emptying is controlled
7 Storage output TRUE  Storage output is controlled
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

27.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Sensor in operation TRUE  Device is running.
1 Discharge screw TRUE  The motor of the discharge screw is running.
switched on
2 Compressed air TRUE  The compressed air valve is switched on.
switched on
3 Sensor switched on TRUE  The sensor is switched on.
4 Flap open TRUE  The flap for sampling is opened.
5…7 n.u.
1 0..1 n.u.
2 Sync. mixer TRUE  Synchronization with mixer activated
3 Level sensor TRUE  Sampling container is full
4 Measurement relea- TRUE  Measurement release via paddle

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

206 Particle size sensor (MYSA) Fieldbus protocol

5 Sampling piston TRUE  Sampling piston is closed

6..7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Particle size sensor (MYSA) 207

27.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 MYSA 0…1000 [0.1 Hz[ Setpoint frequency of the discharge screw.
Dosing frequency (0.0…100.0 Hz)
of converter
10…11 Maximum torque 0…1000 [0.1%] Maximum permissible torque of the discharge screw. The
/ current (0.0…100.0%) device switches off if this value is exceeded.
12…13 MYSA 5…1800 [s] Time in which the sampling flap is closed.
Dosing time Corresponds to TCON.TSFC.
14…15 Sampling time 2…300 [0.1 s] MYSA
(0.3…30.0 s) Time in which the sampling flap is open.
Corresponds to TCON.TSFO.
[0.2…30.0 s) Time in which the measurement window is open.
Corresponds to TCON.TSAMPL.
16…17 Dispersion pres- 0…60 [0.1 bar] Setpoint of dispersion pressure for dosing.
sure for dosing (0.0…6.0 bar)
18…19 MYTA dosing 1.00…50.00 Setpoint speed of the stepper motor during dosing.
speed [0.01 rpm]
20…21 Dispersion pres- 0…60 [0.1 bar] Setpoint dispersion pressure for sampling.
sure for sampling (0.0…6.0 bar)
22…23 n.u.

Transmitted data record 129 (advanced setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 TSU1 0…90 [s] Startup time for dispersion pressure. TCON.TSU1.
9 TSU2 0…90 [s] Startup time for discharge screw. TCON.TSU2.
10 TSU3 0…90 [s] Startup time for first sampling. TCON.TSU3.
11 n.u. 0…90 [s]
12 TSD1 0…90[s] Switch-off time for discharge screw. TCON.TSD1.
13 TSD2 0…90 [s] Switch-off time for dispersion pressure. TCON.TSD2.
14 TSD3 0…90 [s] Switch-off time for compressed air. TCON.TSD3.
15 n.u. 0…90 [s]
16 TES1 0…90 [s] Emergency stop switch-off time for flap. TCON.TES1.
17 TES2 0…90 [s] Emergency stop switch-off time for dispersion pressure
18 TES3 0…90 [s] Emergency stop switch-off time for sensor. TCON.TES3.
19 TES4 0…90 [s] Emergency stop switch-off time for compressed air.
20 n.u. 0…90 [s]
21…23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

208 Particle size sensor (MYSA) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data record 130 (advanced setpoints FUBU)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Sampling valve 0…9999 [0.1s]
pulse time (0.0…999.9 s)
10…11 Pulse time for 0…9999 [0.1s]
burst of com- (0.0…999.9 s)
pressed air 1
12…13 Pulse time for 0…9999 [0.1s]
burst of com- (0.0…999.9 s)
pressed air 2
14…15 Pulse time for 0…9999 [0.1s]
burst of com- (0.0…999.9 s)
pressed air 3
16…17 Pulse time for 0…9999 [0.1s]
storage 1 (0.0…999.9 s)
18…19 Pulse time for 0…9999 [0.1s]
storage 2 (0.0…999.9 s)
20..21 Tapping vibrator 0…300 [s] Time interval between two tapping pulses
interval (0..300 s) 0 = Function deactivated
22..23 Tapping vibrator 1…100 [0.1s] Duration of control of valve for tapping vibrator
pulse time (0.1…10s)

27.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 n.u.
12…13 Current dosing 0…999,999 [0.1 s] Time of the last dosing cycle.
time (0.0…9999.9 s)
14…15 Current remai- 0…999,999 [0.1 s] Remaining time of the last machine cycle (not dosing).
ning time (0.0…9999.9 s)
16…21 n.u.
22 Step number 0…7 Current program step in the process sequence
0 Not defined
1 Stopped
2 Start Up
3 Operate
4 Sampling
5 Shut off
6 Shut off, E-Stop
7 Compensation
23 Alarm number 0…99 Currently pending alarm

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Particle size sensor (MYSA) 209

Received data record 128 (query standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 MYSA 0…1000 [0.1 Hz[ Query of the setpoint frequency of the discharge screw.
Dosing frequency (0.0…100.0 Hz) MYSA
of converter Corresponds to TCON.FRQ.
Permanently set to 0.
10…11 Maximum motor 0…1000 [0.1%] Query of maximum permissible torque.
torque (0.0…100.0%) MYSA
Corresponds to TCON.MAXTQ.
Corresponds to TCON.IMAX.
12…13 Dosing time 5…1800 [s] Query of dosing time.
Corresponds to TCON.TSFC.
Corresponds to TCON.TDOS, this value is calculated by
14…15 Sampling time 2…300 [0.1 s] Sampling time query
(0.3…30.0 s) MYSA
Corresponds to TCON.TSFO.
(0.2…30.0 s) MYTA
Corresponds to TCON.TSAMPL.
16…17 Dispersion pres- 1…600 [0.01 bar] Query of dispersion pressure for dosing
sure for dosing (0.01…6.00 bar) Corresponds to TCON.PRDSP_1
18…19 MYTA 0…50 [0.01 rpm] Query of the dosing speed of the stepper motor
Dosing speed (0.00…50.00 rpm MYSA
Permanently set to 0.
Corresponds to TCON.DOSRPM.

20…21 Dispersion pres- 1…600 [0.01 bar] Dispersion pressure for sampling query
sure for sampling (0.01…6.00 bar) Corresponds to TCON.PRDSP_2
22…23 n.u.

Transmitted data record 129 (query of advanced setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 TSU1 0…90 [s] Startup time for dispersion pressure. TCON.TSU1.
9 TSU2 0…90 [s] Startup time for discharge screw. TCON.TSU2.
10 TSU3 0…90 [s] Startup time for first sampling. TCON.TSU3.
11 n.u. 0…90 [s]
12 TSD1 0…90[s] Switch-off time for discharge screw. TCON.TSD1.
13 TSD2 0…90 [s] Switch-off time for dispersion pressure. TCON.TSD2.
14 TSD3 0…90 [s] Switch-off time for compressed air. TCON.TSD3.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

210 Particle size sensor (MYSA) Fieldbus protocol

15 n.u. 0…90 [s]

16 TES1 0…90 [s] Emergency stop switch-off time for flap. TCON.TES1.
17 TES2 0…90 [s] Emergency stop switch-off time for dispersion pressure
18 TES3 0…90 [s] Emergency stop switch-off time for sensor. TCON.TES3.
19 TES4 0…90 [s] Emergency stop switch-off time for compressed air.
20 n.u. 0…90 [s]
21…23 n.u.

Received data record 130 (query advanced setpoints FUBU)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Sampling valve 0…9999 [0.1s]
pulse time (0.0…999.9 s)
10…11 Pulse time for 0…9999 [0.1s]
burst of com- (0.0…999.9 s)
pressed air 1
12…13 Pulse time for 0…9999 [0.1s]
burst of com- (0.0…999.9 s)
pressed air 2
14…15 Pulse time for 0…9999 [0.1s]
burst of com- (0.0…999.9 s)
pressed air 3
16…17 Pulse time for 0…9999 [0.1s]
storage 1 (0.0…999.9 s)
18…19 Pulse time for 0…9999 [0.1s]
storage 2 (0.0…999.9 s)
20..21 Tapping vibrator 0…300 [s] Time interval between two tapping pulses
interval (0..300 s) 0 = Function deactivated
22..23 Tapping vibrator 5…100 [0.1s] Duration of control of valve for tapping vibrator
pulse time (0.5…10s)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Moisture measuring device MYFD (CONWD) 211

28 Moisture measuring device MYFD (CONWD)

28.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Release water 0 Bit 0: 24 V release active
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Water dosing
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: Remote / Local (1 = Remote)
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Manual operating mode (switch on
Bit 4: n.u. manual)
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 4: Level probe of moistening device
(1 = covered)
Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 5: Ready
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint 1)
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Setpoint moisture in 0.1% 8 Averaged moisture in 0.1%
9 n.u.
Setpoint water quantity in 0.1 l/h 10 Water dosing power MOZx in 0.1 l/h
only for MOZG liter dosing 11
n.u. 12 Product throughput in kg/h
n.u. 13
n.u. 14
n.u. 15
n.u. 16 Water totalizer that cannot be cleared in 0.1 l
n.u. 17
n.u. 18
n.u. 19
n.u. 20 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

212 Moisture measuring device MYFD (CONWD) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Recipe number (load recipe) (0…50) 21 Recipe number (current recipe) (0…50)
n.u. 22 Alarm number MYFC
n.u. 23 Alarm number MOZF

28.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Release water Corresponds to the digital release signal to the MOZG.
If SYS.EIN is set to OFF at MOZG, then this signal is used as a release
signal. It has no meaning in other situations.
1…7 n.u.
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"
n.u. = not used (bits are ignored)

28.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 24 V release 1 = Release signal present
1 Water dosing 1 = Feeding
2 Remote / Local 1 = Remote control feeder
3 Manual mode 1 = Switch at MOZG/MOZF/MOZE on manual
4 Level probe of mois- 1 = Level probe covered
tening device
5 Ready 1 = CAL switch at RUN position
6 n.u.
7 n.u.
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"
n.u. = not used (bits are set to 0)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Moisture measuring device MYFD (CONWD) 213

28.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Setpoint 0…25.0 % (If recipe number > 0, then no setpoint is accepted, as
this is included in the recipe.)
10…20 n.u.
21 Recipe number 0…50 1…50 = Load recipe into working recipe 0
0 =Load no recipe
n.u. = not used (data is ignored)

Transmitted data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Setpoint 0…25.0 %
10…11 n.u.
12…13 Moisture offset -99.99…99.99 [%] Moisture offset in 0.01 %
(for adaptation to the laboratory)
14…15 Maximum dosing 0…6500.0 [l/h] Maximum dosing power in 1 l/h
16 Product group 0…9 Product group MYFD
17 n.u.
18…19 Power correction 0; 60.0…140.0 [%] Power correction for product throughput
20…23 n.u.
n.u. = not used (data is ignored)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

214 Moisture measuring device MYFD (CONWD) Fieldbus protocol

28.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Moisture 0…50.0 [%] Actual values of averaged moisture in 0.1%
9 n.u.
10…11 Water dosing 0…6500.0 [l/h] Current water dosing power in 0.1 l/h of MOZE/F.
12…15 Product through- 0…999,999 [kg/h] Current product throughput of the flow meter.
16…19 Water totalizator 0…99,999,999.9 l Water totalizer that cannot be cleared in MOZE/F/G (Σ4).
that cannot be
21 Recipe number 0…50 Currently loaded recipe
22 Alarm number 0…99 Current MYFD alarm number (including warnings)
23 Alarm number 0…99 Current MOZF/E alarm number
n.u. = not used (data is set to 0)

Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Product totaliza- 0…999,999,999 Product totalizer that cannot be cleared
tor that cannot be [kg]
12…23 n.u.
n.u. = not used (data is set to 0)

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

Transmitted data record 136 (recipe)

Index: 0…50 as recipe number (0 = working recipe)
For data contents, see transmitted data record 136

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Moisture measuring device MOZG (CONWD) 215

29 Moisture measuring device MOZG (CONWD)

29.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Release water 0 Bit 0: 24 V release active
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Water dosing
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: Remote / Local (1 = Remote)
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Manual operating mode (switch on
Bit 4: n.u. manual)
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 4: Level probe of moistening device
(1 = covered)
Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 5: Ready
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint 1)
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Percentage of water quantity 8 n.u.
only for MOZG percentage moistening 9 n.u.
Setpoint water quantity in 0.1 l/h 10 Water dosing power MOZG in 0.1 l/h
only for MOZG liter dosing. 11
n.u. 12 Product throughput of all dosing elements in
n.u. 13 [kg/h]
n.u. 14
n.u. 15
n.u. 16 Water totalizer that cannot be cleared in 0.1 l
n.u. 17
n.u. 18
n.u. 19
n.u. 20 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

216 Moisture measuring device MOZG (CONWD) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

n.u. 21 n.u.
n.u. 22 n.u.
n.u. 23 Alarm number MOZG

29.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Release water Corresponds to the digital release signal to the MOZG.
If SYS.EIN is set to OFF at MOZG, then this signal is used as a release
signal. It has no meaning in other situations.
1…7 n.u.
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"
n.u. = not used (bits are set to 0)

29.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 24 V release 1 = Release signal present
1 Water dosing 1 = Feeding
2 Remote / Local 1 = Remote control feeder
3 Manual mode 1 = Switch at MOZG/MOZF/MOZE on manual
4 Level probe of mois- 1 = Level probe covered
tening device
5 Ready 1 = CAL switch at RUN position
6 n.u.
7 n.u.
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"
n.u. = not used (bits are ignored)

29.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Percentage of 0…25.0 [%] Water quantity to be dosed in percentage of the meas-
water quantity ured product power.
Only in percentage moistening operating mode.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Moisture measuring device MOZG (CONWD) 217

10…11 Setpoint water 0, 20…350.0 l/h Specification for setpoint water quantity MOZG in liter-
quantity MOZG 0, 20…1100.0 l/h dosing operating mode. Limit dependent on overall size.
0, 20…3700.0 l/h
12…23 n.u.
n.u. = not used (data is ignored)

29.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 n.u.
10…11 Water dosing 0…6500.0 [l/h] Current water dosing power in 0.1 l/h of MOZE/F.
12…15 Product through- 0…999,999 [kg/h] Current product throughput of all dosing elements.
put Only in percentage moistening operating mode.
16…19 Water totalizator 0…99,999,999.9 [l] Water totalizer that cannot be cleared in MOZE/F/G (Σ4).
that cannot be
20…22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…99 Current MOZG alarm number
n.u. = not used (data is set to 0)

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

218 Level regulation for SORTEX Z+ (SORT) Fieldbus protocol

30 Level regulation for SORTEX Z+ (SORT)

30.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Residual emptying 0 Bit 0: Residual emptying is active
Bit 1: Release dosing for depot 1 Bit 1: Dosing operation for depot 1
Bit 2: Release dosing for depot 2 Bit 2: Dosing operation for depot 2
Bit 3: Release dosing for depot 3 Bit 3: Dosing operation for depot 3
Bit 4: Release dosing for depot 4 Bit 4: Dosing operation for depot 4
Bit 5…7: n.u. Bit 5: Ready (SORT)
Bit 6: Manual dosing stop
Bit 7: Common warning
Bit 0: Specification of setpoints for depot 1 Bit 0: Low level for depot 1
1, local Bit 1: Low level for depot 2
Bit 1: Specification of setpoints for depot Bit 2: Low level for depot 3
2, local
Bit 3: Low level for depot 4
Bit 2: Specification of setpoints for depot
Bit 4: Full level for depot 1
3, local
Bit 5: Full level for depot 2
Bit 3: Specification of setpoints for depot
4, local Bit 6: Full level for depot 3
Bit 4…7: n.u. Bit 7: Full level for depot 4

Interface for SORTEX machine 2 Interface for SORTEX machine

(DO 0.8) Bit 1: READY (DI 0.17)
Bit 1…7: n.u. Bit 2: FAULT (DI 0.18)
Bit 3: MAJOR ALARM (DI 0.19)
Bit 4: MINOR ALARM (DI 0.20)
Bit 5: Freely available 1 (DI 0.21)
Bit 6: Freely available 2 (DI 0.22)
Bit 7: Freely available 3 (DI 0.23)
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Setpoint product level for depot 1 8 Actual product level for depot 1

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Level regulation for SORTEX Z+ (SORT) 219

(BIN1.LEVMIN…BIN1.LEVCAL, max. 99) 9 (-999…999)

Setpoint product level for depot 2 10 Actual product level for depot 2
(BIN2.LEVMIN…BIN2.LEVCAL, max. 99) 11 (-999…999)
Setpoint product level for depot 3 12 Actual product level for depot 3
(BIN3.LEVMIN…BIN3.LEVCAL, max. 99) 13 (-999…999)
Setpoint product level for depot 4 14 Actual product level for depot 4
(BIN4.LEVMIN…BIN4.LEVCAL, max. 99) 15 (-999…999)
Manual setpoint dosing power for depot 1 in 16 Setpoint dosing power for depot 1 in %
% (0…100) (0…100)
Manual setpoint dosing power for depot 2 in 17 Setpoint dosing power for depot 2 in %
% (0…100) (0…100)
Manual setpoint dosing power for depot 3 in 18 Setpoint dosing power for depot 3 in %
% (0…100) (0…100)
Manual setpoint dosing power for depot 4 in 19 Setpoint dosing power for depot 4 in %
% (0…100) (0…100)
n.u. 20 n.u.
n.u. 22 n.u.
23 Alarm number (0…255)

30.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Residual emptying 1 = Start residual emptying
Feed power:
BINx.MANDOS, if BINx.MANDOS is greater than 0.
Active only if the corresponding control bit 0.1 to 0.4, release
dosing for depot 1 to 4, is set.
0 = Stop residual emptying
1 Release dosing for 1 = Release dosing for depot 1
depot 1 0 = Stop dosing for depot 1
2 Release dosing for 1 = Release dosing for depot 2
depot 2 0 = Stop dosing for depot 2
3 Release dosing for 1 = Release dosing for depot 3
depot 3 0 = Stop dosing for depot 3
4 Release dosing for 1 = Release dosing for depot 4
depot 4 0 = Stop dosing for depot 4
5 n.u.
6 n.u.
7 n.u.
1 0 Specification of set- 1 = Setpoints for depot 1 are entered on-site on the display
points for depot 1, 0 = Setpoints for depot 1 are transmitted via fieldbus
(Setpoint product level and manual setpoint dosing power,
transmitted data record 128 / byte 8…9 and byte 16)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

220 Level regulation for SORTEX Z+ (SORT) Fieldbus protocol

1 Specification of set- 1 = Setpoints for depot 2 are entered on-site on the display
points for depot 2, 0 = Setpoints for depot 2 are transmitted via fieldbus
(Setpoint product level and manual setpoint dosing power,
transmitted data record 128 / byte 10…11 and byte 17)
2 Specification of set- 1 = Setpoints for depot 3 are entered on-site on the display
points for depot 3, 0 = Setpoints for depot 3 are transmitted via fieldbus
(Setpoint product level and manual setpoint dosing power,
transmitted data record 128 / byte 12…13 and byte 18)
3 Specification of set- 1 = Setpoints for depot 4 are entered on-site on the display
points for depot 4, 0 = Setpoints for depot 4 are transmitted via fieldbus
(Setpoint product level and manual setpoint dosing power,
transmitted data record 128 / byte 14…15 and byte 19)
4…7 n.u.
1 n.u.
2 n.u.
3…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Level regulation for SORTEX Z+ (SORT) 221

30.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Residual emptying 1 = Residual emptying is active
1 Dosing operation for 1 = Dosing for depot 1 is in operation
depot 1 (control, residual emptying or manual setpoint dosing power)
2 Dosing operation for 1 = Dosing for depot 2 is in operation
depot 2 (control, residual emptying or manual setpoint dosing power)
3 Dosing operation for 1 = Dosing for depot 3 is in operation
depot 3 (control, residual emptying or manual setpoint dosing power)
4 Dosing operation for 1 = Dosing for depot 4 is in operation
depot 4 (control, residual emptying or manual setpoint dosing power)
5 Ready (MEAG) 1 = SORT control is ready
(no manual dosing stop triggered on the display, there is no
alarm pending)
6 Manual dosing stop 1 = Manual dosing stop triggered on the display.
Applies to all depots.
7 Collective warning 1 = At least one warning is pending
1 0 Low level for depot 1 = Depot 1 reports low level
1 (less than product level BIN1.LEVMIN)
1 Low level for depot 1 = Depot 2 reports low level
2 (less than product level BIN2.LEVMIN)
2 Low level for depot 1 = Depot 3 reports low level
3 (less than product level BIN3.LEVMIN)
3 Low level for depot 1 = Depot 4 reports low level
4 (less than product level BIN4.LEVMIN)
4 Full level for depot 1 0 = Depot 1 reports full level
5 Full level for depot 2 0 = Depot 2 reports full level
6 Full level for depot 3 0 = Depot 3 reports full level
7 Full level for depot 4 0 = Depot 4 reports full level
2 0 RUNNING / SORTEX machine reports RUNNING / FEEDING (DI 0.16)
1 READY SORTEX machine reports READY (DI 0.17)
2 FAULT SORTEX machine reports FAULT (DI 0.18)
3 MAJOR ALARM SORTEX machine reports MAJOR ALARM (DI 0.19)
4 MINOR ALARM SORTEX machine reports MINOR ALARM (DI 0.20)
5 Freely available 1 SORTEX machine freely available 1 (DI 0.21)
6 Freely available 2 SORTEX machine freely available 2 (DI 0.22)
7 Freely available 3 SORTEX machine freely available 3 (DI 0.23)
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

222 Level regulation for SORTEX Z+ (SORT) Fieldbus protocol

30.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Setpoint product BIN1.LEVMIN… Setpoint product level for depot 1 (BIN1.LEVSET)
level for depot 1 BIN1.LEVCAL (Control bit 1.0 may not be set)
(max. 99)
10…11 Setpoint product BIN2.LEVMIN… Setpoint product level for depot 2 (BIN2.LEVSET)
level for depot 2 BIN2.LEVCAL (Control bit 1.1 may not be set)
(max. 99)
12…13 Setpoint product BIN3.LEVMIN… Setpoint product level for depot 3 (BIN3.LEVSET)
level for depot 3 BIN3.LEVCAL (Control bit 1.2 may not be set)
(max. 99)
14…15 Setpoint product BIN4.LEVMIN… Setpoint product level for depot 4 (BIN4.LEVSET)
level for depot 4 BIN4.LEVCAL (Control bit 1.3 may not be set)
(max. 99)
16 Manual setpoint 0…100 [%] Manual setpoint dosing power for depot 1
dosing power for (BIN1.MANDOS)
depot 1 (Control bit 1.0 may not be set)
Control is deactivated if BIN1.MANDOS is greater than
The control bit 0.1, release dosing for depot 1, must be
set in any event.
If the control bit 0.0, residual emptying of all four de-
pots, is not set, then dosing is stopped upon falling be-
low the actual product level BIN1.LEVMIN.
If the control bit 0.0 is set, dosing will run independently
of the actual product level.
17 Manual setpoint 0…100 [%] Manual setpoint dosing power for depot 2
dosing power for (BIN2.MANDOS)
depot 2 (Control bit 1.1 may not be set)
Control is deactivated if BIN2.MANDOS is greater than
The control bit 0.2, release dosing for depot 2, must be
set in any event.
If the control bit 0.0, residual emptying of all four de-
pots, is not set, then dosing is stopped upon falling be-
low the actual product level BIN2.LEVMIN.
If the control bit 0.0 is set, dosing will run independently
of the actual product level.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Level regulation for SORTEX Z+ (SORT) 223

18 Manual setpoint 0…100 [%] Manual setpoint dosing power for depot 3
dosing power for (BIN3.MANDOS)
depot 3 (Control bit 1.2 may not be set)
Control is deactivated if BIN3.MANDOS is greater than
The control bit 0.3, release dosing for depot 3, must be
set in any event.
If the control bit 0.0, residual emptying of all four de-
pots, is not set, then dosing is stopped upon falling be-
low the actual product level BIN3.LEVMIN.
If the control bit 0.0 is set, dosing will run independently
of the actual product level.
19 Manual setpoint 0…100 [%] Manual setpoint dosing power for depot 4
dosing power for (BIN4.MANDOS)
depot 4 (Control bit 1.3 may not be set)
Control is deactivated if BIN4.MANDOS is greater than
The control bit 0.4, release dosing for depot 4, must be
set in any event.
If the control bit 0.0, residual emptying of all four de-
pots, is not set, then dosing is stopped upon falling be-
low the actual product level BIN4.LEVMIN.
If the control bit 0.0 is set, dosing will run independently
of the actual product level.
20…21 n.u.
22…23 n.u.

30.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual product -999…+999 Actual product level for depot 1 (USER.BIN1)
level for depot 1
10…11 Actual product -999…+999 Actual product level for depot 2 (USER.BIN2)
level for depot 2
12…13 Actual product -999…+999 Actual product level for depot 3 (USER.BIN3)
level for depot 3
14…15 Actual product -999…+999 Actual product level for depot 4 (USER.BIN4)
level for depot 4
16 Setpoint dosing 0…100 [%] Setpoint dosing power for depot 1 (USER.BIN1).
power for depot 1
17 Setpoint dosing 0…100 [%] Setpoint dosing power for depot 2 (USER.BIN2).
power for depot 2
18 Setpoint dosing 0…100 [%] Setpoint dosing power for depot 3 (USER.BIN3).
power for depot 3
19 Setpoint dosing 0…100 [%] Setpoint dosing power for depot 4 (USER.BIN4).
power for depot 4
20…21 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

224 Level regulation for SORTEX Z+ (SORT) Fieldbus protocol

22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…255 In accordance with the MEAG-66698-x-18 operating
(corresponds to currently displayed alarm in the dis-
play module).

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Flaking mill (OLFB) 225

31 Flaking mill (OLFB)

31.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Release hydraulics and main mo- 0 Bit 0: Operation
tor Bit 1: Ready
Bit 1: Release, feeder unit Bit 2…5: n.u.
Bit 2: Request Disengage rollers Bit 6: Common warning
Bit 3…7: n.u. Bit 7: Manual disengagement of the
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0: Scraper knife maintenance doors
Bit 1: Low level, upper surge hopper
Bit 2: Volumetric feed gate opened
Bit 3: Rollers engaged
Bit 4: Engaging rollers safety switch
Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: Pressure unit
Bit 0: DI 0.16 Hydraulics OK 2 Bit 0: DO 0.4 Start hydraulics
Bit 1: DI 0.17 Main motor running Bit 1: DO 0.5 Start main motor
Bit 2: DI 0.18 Feed roller running Bit 2: DO 0.6 Start feed roller
Bit 3: DI 0.19 Mixer running Bit 3: DO 0.7 Start mixer
Bit 4: DI 0.20 Upper surge hopper cov- Bit 4: DO 0.8 Engage rollers
ered Bit 5: DO 0.9 Disengage rollers
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 7: n.u
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Frequency converter setpoint for feed roller 8 Actual current of main motor in % (0…150)
in Hz (5…100) 9
Frequency converter setpoint for mixer in Hz 10 Actual current of main motor in A

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226 Flaking mill (OLFB) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

(5…100) 11 (0.0…999.9)
Actual current of main motor in A 12 Actual operating pressure of roller contact
(0.0…999.9) 13 pressure cylinder, left, in bar or psi
n.u. 14 Actual operating pressure of roller contact
15 pressure cylinder, right, in bar or psi
n.u. 16 Actual operating pressure of hydraulic power
unit in bar or psi (0…3000)
n.u. 18 AO 0.0 Feed roller frequency converter set-
19 point in % (0.0…100.0)
n.u. 20 AO 0.1 Mixer frequency converter setpoint in
% (0.0…100.0)
n.u. 22 n.u.
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…255)

31.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Release for hydrau- 1 = Start hydraulics and main motor 1)
lics and main motor 0 = Stop hydraulics and main motor
1 Feeder unit release 1 = Release feed roller, volumetric feed gate and mixer 1)
(Control bit 0.0, hydraulics and main motor Start, must be set)
2 Disengage rollers 1 = Rollers remain disengaged during operation 1)
request (main motor and feeder unit running)
0 = Rollers are engaged during operation
3…7 n.u.
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0 DI 0.16 1 = Hydraulics running / are OK 2)
Hydraulics OK
1 DI 0.17 1 = Main motor running 2)
Main motor running
2 DI 0.18 1 = Feed roller running 2)
Feed roller running
3 DI 0.19 1 = Mixer running 2)
Mixer running
4 DI 0.20 Upper surge 1 = Product detector in upper surge hopper covered 2)
hopper covered
5...7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"
1) The control bits are displayed in the USER.STEP parameter.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Flaking mill (OLFB) 227

2) "DI X.X" corresponds to the digital input in the circuit diagram. The response (e.g. main motor running)
can proceed via the digital input or via the fieldbus. The two signals are linked by an "or" function in the
OLFB control. The control bits are displayed in the USER.FB IN parameter.

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228 Flaking mill (OLFB) Fieldbus protocol

31.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = The flaking mill is flaking
(main motor and feeder unit are running, rollers are engaged.
0 = The flaking mill is not currently flaking.
1 Ready 1 = The flaking mill is ready and can be started.
0 = The flaking mill is not ready for Start
(e.g. alarm pending, etc.)
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6 Collective warning 1 = At least one warning is pending.
7 Manual disengage- 1 = Manual disengagement of rollers triggered on the display.
ment of rollers Feeder unit stops.
1 0 Scraper knife 1 = Scraper knife maintenance doors closed.
maintenance doors
1 Low level upper 1 = Low level, upper surge hopper.
surge hopper
2 Volumetric feed gate 1 = Volumetric feed gate opened.
3 Rollers engaged 1 = Rollers engaged.
4 Safety switch enga- 1 = Engage rollers safety switch OK.
ge rollers
5 n.u.
6 n.u.
7 Unit of pressure 0 = Pressure indication in bar.
1 = Pressure indication in psi.
(The values in the received data record 1 /
byte 12…13, byte 14…15, byte 16…17 are affected)
2 0 DO 0.4 1 = Start hydraulics. 3)
Starting the hydrau-
1 DO 0.5 1 = Start main motor. 3)
Starting the main
2 DO 0.6 1 = Start feed roller. 3)
Starting the feed
3 DO 0.7 1 = Start mixer. 3)
Starting the mixer
4 DO 0.8 Engaging 1 = Engage rollers. 3)
the rollers

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Flaking mill (OLFB) 229

Byte Bit Name Description

5 DO 0.9 Disengage 1 = Disengage rollers. 3)
6...7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"
3) "DO X.X" corresponds to the digital output in the circuit diagram. The control (e.g. start main motor) can
proceed via the digital output or via the fieldbus. The two signals are output in parallel by the OLFB con-

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

230 Flaking mill (OLFB) Fieldbus protocol

31.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Frequency con- 5…100 [Hz] Frequency converter setpoint for feed roller
verter setpoint for (USER.FEED)
feed roller (0 = the on-site setting is adopted).
10…11 Frequency con- 5…100 [Hz] Frequency converter setpoint for mixer (USER.MIXR)
verter setpoint for (0 = the on-site setting is adopted).
12…13 Actual current for 0…9999 [0.1 A] Actual current for main motor 4)
main motor (0.0…999.9 A)
14…15 n.u.
16…17 n.u.
18…19 n.u.
20…21 n.u.
22…23 n.u.

4) Parameter TCON.MOTOR must be set to REMP, so that the main motor current is read via fieldbus and
is shown on the display. The value is then converted with the nominal current of the motor to the per-
centage utilization (ADC.MOT I).

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Flaking mill (OLFB) 231

31.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

31.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual current for 0…150 [%] Actual current of main motor (MOT.MOT %I).
main motor
10…11 Actual current for 0…9999 [0.1 A] Actual current of main motor (MOT.MOT I).
main motor (0.0…999.9 A)
12…13 Actual operating 0…200 [bar] Actual operating pressure of roller contract pressure
pressure of roller or cylinder, left operating side (GAP.P)
contact pressure For unit switching; see TCON.UNIT
cylinder, left 0…3000 [psi]
(For current unit, see Control bit 1.7)
14…15 Actual operating 0…200 [bar] Actual operating pressure of roller contract pressure
pressure of roller cylinder, right operating side (GAP.P)
contract pressure For unit switching; see TCON.UNIT
cylinder, right 0…3000 [psi]
(For current unit, see Control bit 1.7)
16…17 Actual operating 0…200 [bar] Actual operating pressure of hydraulic power unit
pressure of hy- (GAP.P SYS)
draulic power For unit switching; see TCON.UNIT
0…3000 [psi]
unit (For current unit, see Control bit 1.7)
18…19 AO 0.0 Feed 0…1000 [0.1 %] AO 0.0 Setpoint for frequency converter 5)
roller frequency (0.0…100.0%) Feed roller
converter set- 0.0…100.0 % ≙ 0.0…100.0 Hz
20…21 AO 0.1 Mixer 0…1000 [0.1 %] AO 0.1 Setpoint for frequency converter 5)
frequency con- (0.0…100.0%) Mixer
verter setpoint 0.0…100.0% ≙ 0.0…100.0 Hz

22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…255 In accordance with the MEAG-OLFB-66586-x-1 op-
erating instructions
(corresponds to currently displayed alarm in the dis-
play module).
5) "AO X.X" corresponds to the analog output in the circuit diagram. The setpoint specification to the
frequency converter can be carried out via the analog output (0/4...20 mA) or via the fieldbus. The two
signals are output in parallel by the OLFB control.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

232 Flaking mill (OLFB) Fieldbus protocol

31.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Received data record 2 (actual values part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Hydraulic pump 1 Stopped
status 2 Star ting
4 Started
32 Error
9 Status of main 1 Stopped
motor 2 Star ting
4 Started
32 Error
10 Status of feed 1 Stopped
roller 2 Star ting
4 Started
32 Error
11 Mixer status 1 Stopped
2 Star ting
4 Started
32 Error
12…15 Rollers enga- 0…2,147,483,647 [s] Rollers engaged operating hours (USER.ENG HR)
ged operating
16…19 Main motor 0…2,147,483,647 [s] Operating hours, main motor (MOT.MOT HR)
operating hours
20…23 Operating 0…2,147,483,647 [s] Operating hours, hydraulic motor (GAP.HYD HR)
hours, hydraulic

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Flaking mill (OLFB) 233

31.5.3 Received data record 5 (current temperatures)

Received data record 5 / index 0 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 0 = received data record index = circuit board)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature n.0 -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] n.u.
10…11 Temperature n.1 n.u.
12…13 Temperature n.2 n.u.
14…15 Temperature n.3 n.u.
16…17 Temperature n.4 n.u.
18…19 Temperature n.5 n.u.
20…21 Temperature n.6 n.u.
22…23 Temperature n.7 n.u.

Received data record 5 / index 1 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 1 = received data record index = CAN module address)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] Bearing temperature, in front left (ADCT.T.0)
n.0 (-100.0…+850.0°C)
10…11 Temperature Bearing temperature, at the rear left (ADCT.T.1)
12…13 Temperature Bearing temperature, in front right (ADCT.T.2)
14…15 Temperature Bearing temperature, at the rear right (ADCT.T.3)
16…17 Temperature n.u.
18…19 Temperature n.u.
20…21 Temperature n.u.
22…23 Temperature n.u.

31.5.4 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

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234 Cracking mill (OLCC) Fieldbus protocol

32 Cracking mill (OLCC)

32.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Release passages of main motors 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Release, feeder unit Bit 1: Ready
Bit 2: Residual emptying Bit 2: Residual emptying is active
Bit 3: Bypass flap Bit 3: Bypass flap in direction of roller
Bit 4…7: n.u. mill
Bit 4: Bypass flap in direction of bypass
Bit 5: Feeder unit starting or started
Bit 6: Common warning
Bit 7: Manual disengagement of the
Bit 0: Reset operating hours feed roller 1 Bit 0: Low level, upper surge hopper
motor Bit 1: Feed gate opened
Bit 1: Reset operating hours, main motor Bit 2: Rollers engaged
passage 1
Bit 3: Feeder unit outlet blockage probe
Bit 2: Reset operating hours, main motor
Bit 4…7: n.u.
passage 2
Bit 3: Reset operating hours of main
motor passage 3
Bit 4: Reset main motor passage 4 op-
erating hours
Bit 5…7: n.u.
Bit 0: DI 0.14 Feed roller running 2 Bit 0: DO 0.4 Start feed roller
Bit 1: DI 0.16 Main motor passage 1 Bit 1: DO 0.5 Start main motor passage
running 1
Bit 2: DI 0.17 Main motor passage 2 Bit 2: DO 0.6 Start main motor passage
running 2
Bit 3: DI 0.18 Main motor passage 3 Bit 3: DO 0.8 Start main motor passage
running 3
Bit 4: DI 0.19 Main motor passage 4 Bit 4: DO 0.9 Start main motor passage
running 4
Bit 5: DI 0.7 Upper surge hopper cov- Bit 5: n.u.
ered Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u.

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Fieldbus protocol Cracking mill (OLCC) 235

Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0

Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Setpoint speed of feed roller in % (5…100) 8 Actual speed of feed roller in % (0…100)
Setpoint position of feed gate in % (5…100) 9 Actual position of feed gate in % (0…100)
Setpoint utilization of main motor in % 10 n.u.
n.u. 11
n.u. 12 Operating hours feed roller in s
13 (0…2,147,483,647)
n.u. 14
Actual current of main motor passage 1 in A 16 n.u.
(0.0…999.9) 17
Actual current of main motor passage 2 in A 18 AO 0.0 Feed roller frequency converter set-
(0.0…999.9) 19 point in % (0.0…100.0)
Actual current of main motor passage 3 in A 20 Status of feed roller
(0.0…999.9) 21 Status of bypass flap
Actual current of main motor passage 4 in A 22 n.u.
(0.0…999.9) 23 Alarm number (0…255)

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236 Cracking mill (OLCC) Fieldbus protocol

32.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Release main mo- 1 = Start main motors of passages. 1)
tors of passages 0 = Stop main motors of passages.
(1 to 4 passages, depending on design version of the ma-
1 Feeder unit release 1 = Release feeder unit. 1)
(Control bit 0.0, release main motors of passages, must be set)
2 Residual emptying 1 = Start residual emptying.
Active only if the control bit 0.0 and 0.1, Release main motors
of passages and Release feeder unit, are set.
0 = Stop residual emptying.
(The feeder unit can be started with the "Residual emptying"
control bit even with upper surge hopper at low-level)
3 Bypass flap 1 = Set bypass flap in direction of bypass. 1)
0 = Set the bypass flap in the direction of the roller mill.
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6 n.u.
7 n.u.
1 0 Reset operating 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
hours for feed roller sent for 5 s.
motor (For operating hours see received data record 1 / byte 12...15)
1 Reset operating 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
hours for main mo- sent for 5 s.
tor passage 1 (For operating hours see received data record 2 / index 1 / byte
2 Reset operating 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
hours for main mo- sent for 5 s.
tor passage 2 (For operating hours see received data record 2 / index 2 / byte
3 Reset operating 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
hours for main mo- sent for 5 s.
tor passage 3 (For operating hours see received data record 2 / index 3 / byte
4 Reset operating 0 => 1 Reset on edge transition from 0 to 1 and signal must be pre-
hours for main mo- sent for 5 s.
tor passage 4 (For operating hours see received data record 2 / index 4 / byte
5...7 n.u.
2 0 DI 0.14 1 = Feed roller running 2)
Feed roller running
1 DI 0.16 1 = Main motor passage 1 running 2)
Main motor passage
1 running

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Cracking mill (OLCC) 237

2 DI 0.17 1 = Main motor passage 2 running 2)

Main motor passage
2 running
3 DI 0.18 1 = Main motor passage 3 running 2)
Main motor passage
3 running
4 DI 0.19 1 = Main motor passage 4 running 2)
Main motor passage
4 running
5 DI 0.7 Upper surge 1 = Product detector in upper surge hopper covered 2)
hopper covered
6...7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"
1) The control bits are displayed in the USER.STEP parameter.
2) "DI X.X" corresponds to the digital input in the circuit diagram. The response (e.g. main motor passage 1
running) can proceed via the digital input or via the fieldbus. The two signals are linked by an "or" func-
tion in the OLCC control. The control bits are displayed in the USER.FB IN parameter.

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238 Cracking mill (OLCC) Fieldbus protocol

32.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = The roller mill is in operation.
(At least one main motor from all passages is starting or is
0 = The roller mill is not in operation.
(All main motors of the passages and the feeder unit are
1 Ready 1 = The roller mill is ready and can be started.
0 = The roller mill is not ready for Start.
(e.g. alarm pending, etc.)
2 Residual emptying 1 = Residual emptying is active
3 Bypass flap in direc- 1 = Bypass flap is in the direction of the roller mill inlet
tion of roller mill
4 Bypass flap in direc- 1 = Bypass flap is in the direction of roller mill bypass
tion of bypass
5 Feeder unit starting 1 = All main motors of the passages are started.
or started The rollers are engaging or are engaged.
The feeder unit is starting or has started.
6 Collective warning 1 = At least one warning is pending.
7 Manual disengage- 1 = Manual disengagement of rollers triggered on the display.
ment of rollers Feeder unit stops.
1 0 Low level upper 1 = Low level, upper surge hopper.
surge hopper
1 Feed gate opened 1 = Feed gate opened.
0 = Feed gate closed.
2 Rollers engaged 1 = Rollers engaged.
0 = Rollers disengaged.
3 Feeder unit outlet 1 = Feeder unit outlet blockage probe covered.
blockage probe
4 n.u. n.u.
5 n.u. n.u.
6 n.u. n.u.
7 n.u. n.u.
2 0 DO 0.4 1 = Start feed roller. 3)
Starting the feed
1 DO 0.5 1 = Start main motor passage 1. 3)
Starting the main
motor passage 1
2 DO 0.6 1 = Start main motor passage 2. 3)
Starting the main
motor passage 2

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Cracking mill (OLCC) 239

Byte Bit Name Description

3 DO 0.8 1 = Start main motor passage 3. 3)
Starting the main
motor passage 3
4 DO 0.9 1 = Start main motor passage 4. 3)
Starting the main
motor passage 4
5…7 n.u. n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"
3) "DO X.X" corresponds to the digital output in the circuit diagram. The control (e.g. start main motor pas-
sage 1) can proceed via the digital output or via the fieldbus. The two signals are output in parallel by the
OLCC control.

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240 Cracking mill (OLCC) Fieldbus protocol

32.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Setpoint speed of 5…100 [%] Setpoint speed of feed roller (USER.FEED)
feed roller (0 = the on-site setting is adopted).
If no current control is present (see byte 10), then the
speed of the feed roller can be specified with this value,
which is used during dosing operation.
(For the design version of the feeder unit, see
9 Setpoint position 5…100 [%] Setpoint position of feed gate (USER.SLIDE)
of feed gate (0 = the on-site setting is adopted).
If no current control is present (see byte 10), then the
position of the feed gate can be specified with this val-
ue, which is used during dosing operation.
(For the design version of the feeder unit, see
10 Setpoint utiliza- 10…100 [%] Setpoint utilization of main motor (MOT.S MOT%I)
tion of main mo- (0 = the on-site setting is adopted)
(For the design version of the feeder unit, see
11 n.u.
12…13 n.u.
14…15 n.u.
16…17 Actual current of 0…9999 [0.1 A] Actual current of main motor passage 1 (MOT.MOT I)
main motor pas- (0.0…999.9 A) 4)
sage 1
18…19 Actual current of 0…9999 [0.1 A] Actual current of main motor passage 2 (MOT.MOT I)
main motor pas- (0.0…999.9 A) 4)
sage 2
20…21 Actual current of 0…9999 [0.1 A] Actual current of main motor passage 3 (MOT.MOT I)
main motor pas- (0.0…999.9 A) 4)
sage 3
22…23 Actual current of 0…9999 [0.1 A] Actual current of main motor passage 4 (MOT.MOT I4)
main motor pas- (0.0…999.9 A) 4)
sage 4

4) Parameter TCON.MOT I must be set to REMOTE so that the current of the main motors is read via
fieldbus and shown on the display. The value is then converted with the nominal current of the main mo-
tor (ADC.MOT I.x) to a percentage utilization (MOT.MOT%I, MOT.MOT%I4).

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Cracking mill (OLCC) 241

32.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

32.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Actual speed of 0…100 [%] Actual speed of feed roller (USER.FEED)
feed roller
9 Actual position of 0…100 [%] Actual position of feed gate (USER.SLIDE)
feed gate
10…11 n.u.
12…15 Operating hours, 0…2,147,483,647 [s] Operating hours feed roller (USER.FEED HR)
feed roller (INT32) (For reset, see control bit 1.0)
16…17 n.u.
18…19 AO 0.0 Feed 0…1000 [0.1 %] AO 0.0 Setpoint for frequency converter 5)
roller frequency (0.0…100.0%) Feed roller
converter set- 0.0…100.0 % ≙ 0.0…100.0 Hz
20 Status of feed 1 Stopped
roller 2 Starting
4 Started
32 Error
21 Status of bypass 1 In direction of roller mill
flap 2 Moving in direction of bypass
3 In direction of bypass
4 Moving in direction of roller mill
5 Undefined position
32 Error
22 Operating state 0 Undefined (e.g. when starting the control)
of roller mill 10 Roller mill stopped
20 Main motors are starting
30 Feeder unit is stopping or is stopped
40 Feeder unit is starting
50 Residual emptying (feeder unit is starting)
60 Normal operation (feeder unit started up)
70 Residual emptying (feeder unit started up)
80 Main motors are stopping
90 Manual operating mode (MAN.MANMODE =
23 Alarm number 0…255 In accordance with operating manual MEAG-OLCC-
(corresponds to currently displayed alarm in the dis-
play module).
5) "AO X.X" corresponds to the analog output in the circuit diagram. The setpoint specification to the
frequency converter can be carried out via the analog output (0/4...20 mA) or via the fieldbus. The two
signals are output in parallel by the OLCC control.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

242 Cracking mill (OLCC) Fieldbus protocol

32.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual values passages)

The data from each passage can be output via this data record.
Passage number 1...4 indexes the passages from top to bottom.

Received data record 2 (actual values)

Index x = Passage number 1, 2, 3 or 4
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual utilization 0…150 [%] Actual utilization main motor
main motor (MOT.MOT%I, MOT.MOT%I4)
10…11 Actual current 0…9999 [0.1 A] Actual current main motor (MOT.MOT I, MOT.MOT I4)
main motor (0.0…999.9 A)
12…15 Main motor 0…2,147,483,647 [s] Operating hours, main motor (MOT.MOT HR.x)
operating hours (INT32) (For reset, see control bits 1.1 to 1.4)
16…17 Actual speed of 0…999 [RPM] Actual speed of roller, at the rear
roller, at the (MOT.RPMACT, MOT.RPMACT4)
18 Bearing tempe- -128…+127 [°C] Bearing temperature for roller, drive side in front
rature (ADCT.D#)
19 Bearing tempe- -128…+127 [°C] Bearing temperature for roller, drive side at the rear
rature (ADCT.D#)
20 Bearing tempe- -128…+127 [°C] Bearing temperature for roller, transmission side in
rature front
21 Bearing tempe- -128…+127 [°C] Bearing temperature for roller, transmission side at the
rature rear
22 Blockage probe Bit information Bit 0 1 = Blockage probe covered
Bit 1…7 n.u.
23 Status of main 1 Stopped
motor 2 Starting
4 Started
32 Error

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Cracking mill (OLCC) 243

32.5.3 Received data record 5 (current temperatures)

Received data record 5 / index 0 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 0 = received data record index = circuit board)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature n.0 -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] n.u.
10…11 Temperature n.1 n.u.
12…13 Temperature n.2 n.u.
14…15 Temperature n.3 n.u.
16…17 Temperature n.4 n.u.
18…19 Temperature n.5 n.u.
20…21 Temperature n.6 n.u.
22…23 Temperature n.7 n.u.

Received data record 5 / index 1 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 1 = received data record index = CAN module address)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] Bearing temperature for roller, drive side in front
n.0 (-100.0…+850.0°C) Passage 1 (ADCT.T.0)
10…11 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, drive side at the rear
n.1 Passage 1 (ADCT.T.1)
12…13 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, transmission side in
n.2 front
Passage 1 (ADCT.T.2)
14…15 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, transmission side at
n.3 the rear
Passage 1 (ADCT.T.3)
16…17 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, drive side in front
n.4 Passage 2 (ADCT.T.4)
18…19 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, drive side at the rear
n.5 Passage 2 (ADCT.T.5)
20…21 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, transmission side in
n.6 front
Passage 2 (ADCT.T.6)
22…23 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, transmission side at
n.7 the rear
Passage 2 (ADCT.T.7)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

244 Cracking mill (OLCC) Fieldbus protocol

Received data record 5 / index 3 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 3 = received data record index = CAN module address)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] Bearing temperature for roller, drive side in front
n.0 (-100.0…+850.0°C) Passage 3 (ADCT.T.16)
10…11 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, drive side at the rear
n.1 Passage 3 (ADCT.T.17)
12…13 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, transmission side in
n.2 front
Passage 3 (ADCT.T.18)
14…15 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, transmission side at
n.3 the rear
Passage 3 (ADCT.T.19)
16…17 Temperature n.u.
18…19 Temperature n.u.
20…21 Temperature n.u.
22…23 Temperature n.u.

Received data record 5 / index 4 (actual values with index)

Current temperatures
(n = 4 = received data record index = CAN module address)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature -1000…+8500 [0.1°C] Bearing temperature for roller, drive side in front
n.0 (-100.0…+850.0°C) Passage 4 (ADCT.T.24)
10…11 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, drive side at the rear
n.1 Passage 4 (ADCT.T.25)
12…13 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, transmission side in
n.2 front
Passage 4 (ADCT.T.26)
14…15 Temperature Bearing temperature for roller, transmission side at
n.3 the rear
Passage 4 (ADCT.T.27)
16…17 Temperature n.u.
18…19 Temperature n.u.
20…21 Temperature n.u.

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Fieldbus protocol Cracking mill (OLCC) 245

22…23 Temperature n.u.


32.5.4 Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

246 Cracking mill (OLCC) Fieldbus protocol

32.6 Electrical grinding gap adjuster

32.6.1 Transmitted data record 3 (setpoints for electrical grinding gap adjuster)

Transmitted data record 3 (setpoints for electrical grinding gap adjuster)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 n.u.
9 n.u.
10 Grinding gap setpoint 0…60 [0.1 mm] The setpoints (GAP.# SET) are automatically
passage 1 (0.0…6.0 mm) limited on-site for each passage
(GAP.# MIN to [GAP.# MIN + 3.5 mm]).
11 Grinding gap correc- 0…35 [0.1 mm] #: 1 to 4 = passage 1 to 4
tion value for passage (0.0…3.5 mm)
1, left (wear) The correction values (GAP.# COR.x) are limited
on-site for each passage automatically (0.0 to
12 Grinding gap correc- 0…35 [0.1 mm] 3.5 mm).
tion value for passage (0.0…3.5 mm) The control bit "3.4 Incorrect setpoint" is not set
1, right (wear) in cases of invalid setpoint and correction values.
The setpoint and correction values set on-site
13 Grinding gap setpoint 0…60 [0.1 mm]
can be returned via received data record 4.
passage 2 (0.0…6.0 mm)
14 Grinding gap correc- 0…35 [0.1 mm]
The setpoints and correction values are adopted
tion value for passage (0.0…3.5 mm)
only if the mode of the grinding gap adjuster is
2, left (wear)
15 Grinding gap correc- 0…35 [0.1 mm] (For the mode, also see received data record 3,
tion value for passage (0.0…3.5 mm) byte 9)
2, right (wear)
16 Grinding gap setpoint 0…60 [0.1 mm]
passage 3 (0.0…6.0 mm)
17 Grinding gap correc- 0…35 [0.1 mm]
tion value for passage (0.0…3.5 mm)
3, left (wear)
18 Grinding gap correc- 0…35 [0.1 mm]
tion value for passage (0.0…3.5 mm)
3, right (wear)
19 Grinding gap setpoint 0…60 [0.1 mm]
passage 4 (0.0…6.0 mm)
20 Grinding gap correc- 0…35 [0.1 mm]
tion value for passage (0.0…3.5 mm)
4, left (wear)
21 Grinding gap correc- 0…35 [0.1 mm]
tion value for passage (0.0…3.5 mm)
4, right (wear)
22...23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Cracking mill (OLCC) 247

32.6.2 Received data record 3 (actual values for grinding gap adjuster)

Received data record 3 (actual values for grinding gap adjuster)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Transmission of re- Bit information Requests from the local control OLCC.
quests from the Bit 0 Request "Transmit actual values to the
OLCC on-site control control system".
was pressed on the display for 5 s.
Bit 1…7 n.u.
9 Current mode of 0 OFF Grinding gap adjuster deactivated.
grinding gap adjuster 1 REM The grinding gap is specified via the
(see parameter fieldbus.
2 LOC The grinding gap is specified on-site on
the display.
3 MAN The grinding gap is specified on-site via
the handwheels.
4 MNT Maintenance operation on the display.
Each grinding gap adjustment motor, left
or right, can be controlled separately.
10 Grinding gap actual 0…60 [0.1 mm] Grinding gap actual values, left and right, for pas-
value (0.0…6.0 mm) sages 1 to 4 (GAP.# SET)
passage 1, left
11 Grinding gap actual
passage 1, right
12 Grinding gap actual
passage 2, left
13 Grinding gap actual
passage 2, right
14 Grinding gap actual
passage 3, left
15 Grinding gap actual
passage 3, right
16 Grinding gap actual
passage 4, left
17 Grinding gap actual
passage 4, right
18 Smallest possible 5…25 [0.1 mm] Smallest possible grinding gap for passages 1 to 4
grinding gap for pas- (0.5…2.5 mm) (GAP.# MIN)
sage 1
19 Smallest possible
grinding gap for pas-
sage 2

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248 Cracking mill (OLCC) Fieldbus protocol

20 Smallest possible
grinding gap for pas-
sage 3
21 Smallest possible
grinding gap for pas-
sage 4
22...23 n.u.

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Fieldbus protocol Cracking mill (OLCC) 249

32.6.3 Received data record 4 (setpoints for electrical grinding gap adjuster)

Received data record 4 (setpoints for electrical grinding gap adjuster)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 3

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

250 Sample collector MZET (SAM) Fieldbus protocol

33 Sample collector MZET (SAM)

33.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Release 0 Bit 0: No container in sampling position
Bit 1: Product present Bit 1: Container full in sampling position
Bit 2: Request change container Bit 2: Ack. request change container
Bit 3: Dump pulse Bit 3: Ack. Dump pulse
Bit 4: Request new job / reset Bit 4: Ack. new job / reset
Bit 5: Request sampling Bit 5: Ack. request to take sample
Bit 6: Job ID adopted Bit 6: Job ID valid
Bit 7: n.u. Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: n.u. 1 Bit 0: Bottle changed
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Taking sample
Bit 2…7: n.u. Bit 2: n.u.
Bit 3: n.u.
Bit 4: Number of samples reached
Bit 5: Container empty in sampling posi-
Bit 6…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7:n.u. 2 Bit 0…7:n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint 1)
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data record
received data record"
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Sampling time 0…9.9 [s] 8
Purge time 0…9.9 [s] 9
Operating mode 10
Container change 11
Number of samples 0…9999 [1] 12 Current number of samples [1]
Sample interval 0…99.99 [min] 14 Current time for sample interval 0…99.99
15 [min]

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sample collector MZET (SAM) 251

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Number of dump pulses 0…255 [1] 16 Current number of dump pulses [1]
Delay in dump pulses 0…255 [s] 17 Current delay in dump pulses [s]
Time until container change 0.0…999.9 18 Current time for container change [min]
Samples until container change 0…9999 [1] 20 Current number of samples until container
change [1]
Samples per dump 0, 1…99 22 Current container number
n.u. 23 Current alarm number

33.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Release TRUE  Sample collector is released.
1 Product present TRUE  Product present; sampler may take samples.
FALSE  No product present; interval counter stopped.
2 Change container Pos. edge  A change to the next container will be made. If execut-
request ed successfully, it will then be confirmed with the signal
"Container changed".
3 Dump pulse Pos. edge  Synchronization signal for dump-synchronized sam-
4 Request new job Pos. edge  All counters and timers are reset.
5 Request sampling Pos. edge  Sampling is started. Confirmation with status bit 1.5.
6 ID adopted TRUE  ID has been read. Control bit 0.6 is reset until the next
valid number is present.
7 n.u.
1 0
2 0
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

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252 Sample collector MZET (SAM) Fieldbus protocol

33.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 No container in positi- TRUE  There is no container in the sampling position.
1 Container full TRUE  The container in the sampling position is full.
2 Ack. request for con- TRUE  Request container change successful.
tainer change
3 Ack. new batch / TRUE  New batch / dump successful.
4 Ack. new job / reset TRUE  New job / reset successful.
5 Ack. request sample TRUE  Request for sample successful.
6 Job ID valid TRUE  Job ID of the current container is valid. Signal is set if
the new container was assigned to sampling position
and ID. Signal is cleared by command 0.6 or by contai-
ner change.
7 n.u.
1 0 Bottle is changed TRUE  Bottle change is active. Motor in motion.
1 Taking a sample TRUE  Sampling is active.
2 n.u.
3 n.u.
4 Number of samples TRUE  The preselected number of samples was reached.
reached End of job.
5 Container empty in TRUE  The container in the sampling position is empty.
sampling position
6…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data for
all devices"

33.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Sampling time 0.1…9.9 [s] Time in which the sampling valve is controlled during
(TCON.TSAMPL) sampling.
Value = 0, setting on control is not overwritten.
9 Purging time 0.1…9.9 [s] Time in which the scavenging air valve is activated after
(TCON.TFLUSH) sampling. Relevant only for sampler MZED.
Value = 0, setting on control is not overwritten.
10 Operating mode 0  MAN Manual mode.
(MAIN.MODE) 1  CONT Continuous operation.
2  DUMP Operation synchronized to dump pulse.
3  STEADY Continuous sampling.

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Fieldbus protocol Sample collector MZET (SAM) 253

11 Container chan- 0  OFF No automatic change, control system or manually.

ge 1  FULL Automatic if container is full
(MAIN.BINCHG) 2  TIME Automatic according to time.
3  SAMPLE Automatic according to number of samples.
12…13 Number of sam- 0….9999 Number of samplings.
14…15 Sample interval 0.1…99.99 [min] Sampling interval.
(MAIN.INTERV) Value = 0, setting on control is retained.
16 Dump pulses 0…99 Number of dump pulses until sampling.
17 Delay in dump 0…99 s Delay of dump pulses until sampling.
18…19 Time until con- 0.1…999.9 [min] Time until container is changed.
tainer change Value = 0, setting on control is retained.
20…21 Samples until 0.1….9999 Number of samples until container is changed.
container change Value = 0, setting on control is retained.
22 Number of sam- 0.1…99 Number of samples which are taken per dump after the
ples per dump delay.
(MAIN.S_DUMP) Value = 0; setting on control is retained.
23 n.u.

Transmitted data record 129 (setpoint 2 printer data)

Index x = 1…4  free text
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…22 Character 1 to 15 characters ASCII text
e. g.
Text 1 = "129156"
Text 2= "Sample 1"
Index 1: byte 8…23 = "129,156 00h"
Index 2: byte 8…23 = "Sample 1 00h"
Index 3: byte 8…23 = "00h"
Index 4: Byte 8…23 = "00h"
The printer data of the current batch is transmitted with the transmitted data record
129. These is printed on the container during bottle change. This character length
is limited to the maximum character length of a print element (15).
Identification String element 1 of the printer (specified by MEAG).
Index 1 free text string element 2 of printer
Index 2 free text string element 3
Index 3 free text string element 4
Index 4 free text string element 5
The texts are concluded with the zero terminator 00h, which means that shorter
texts can also be transmitted. The character length, however, may not vary, since
the length is specified on the printer in a fixed manner.

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254 Sample collector MZET (SAM) Fieldbus protocol

33.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 n.u. n.u.
12…13 Current number 0….9999 Current number of samples taken.
of samples
14…15 Time until next 0…99.99 [min] Time counted down until next sample is taken.
16 Current number 0…99 Counter counts down until the required number of dump
of dump pulses pulses has been received.
17 Delay in current 0…99 [s] Time counted down until sampling takes place when
dump pulse synchronization condition is fulfilled.
18…19 Time until next 0…999.9 [min] Time counts down until container is changed.
container change
20…21 Samples until 0…9999 Counter counts down until the container is changed.
container change
22 Container positi- 0…12 Current container position.
on 0 No valid position, not referenced.
1…12 Current position.
23 Alarm 0…255 Alarm number currently active.

Received data record 4 (advanced actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Container ID 1…32,768 Container ID specified by MEAG.
Value adopted with received data 1.6.
10 FIXID [0] 0…255 FIXID byte 0 read by RF reader
11 FIXID [1] 0…255 FIXID byte 1 read by RF reader
12 FIXID [2] 0…255 FIXID byte 2 read by RF reader
13 FIXID [3] 0…255 FIXID byte 3 read by RF reader
14…23 n.u. n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) 255

34 Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT)

34.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Start, electric motors of roller as- 0 Bit 0: Operation
semblies Bit 1: Ready (Suspend)
Bit 1: Release, feeder unit Bit 2: Residual emptying is active
Bit 2: Residual emptying Bit 3: Manual dosing interruption
Bit 3…7: n.u. Bit 4: Machine stopped
Bit 5: Force measurement warning
Bit 6: Alarm force measurement
Bit 7 SmartGap ready
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0: Inlet probe
Bit 1: Outlet probe 1 (DI 1.10)
Bit 2: Outlet probe 2 (DI 2.10)
Bit 3: Outlet probe 3 (DI 3.10)
Bit 4: Sieve box (DO 0.6)
Bit 5: Airlock (DI 0.10)
Bit 6: Bursting disk 1 (DI 0.13)
Bit 7: Bursting disk 2 (DI 0.14)
Bit 0: Write output DO 0.25 2 Bit 0: Read input DI 0.24
(e.g. conveyor screw BBFB) (e.g. conveyor screw BBFB)
Bit 1: Write output DO 0.27 Bit 1: Read input DI 0.26
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: Probe input 1 (DI 1.4)
Bit 3: Write output DO 2.8 Bit 3: Probe input 2 (DI 1.5)
Bit 4: Write output DO 3.8 Bit 4: n.u.
Bit 5…7: n.u. Bit 5: Depot outlet, probe 1
(DI 2.4 | 3.4)
Bit 6: Depot outlet, probe 2
(DI 2.5 | 3.5)
Bit 7: Depot outlet, probe 3
(DI 2.6 | 3.6)
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

256 Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Actual current for electric motor passage 1 in 8 Actual frequency for feed roller in Hz
A (0.0…999.9) 9 (0.1…100.0)
Actual current for electric motor passage 2 in 10 Actual position of feed gate in 0.1 mm
A (0.0…999.9) 11

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) 257

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Actual current of electric motor passage 3 in 12 Operating hours of feed roller motor
A (0.0…999.9) 13 0…2,147,483,647 [s]
Minimum gap for the feed gate. 14
Transmit 0 if the on-site setting 15
USER.SLDMIN is used.
Maximum gap for the feed gate 16 Current filling level in inlet 0...200
Transmit 0 if the local setting 17
USER.SLDMAX is used.
n.u. 18…
n.u. 22 Vibration measured value sieve module
0…100 [%] (USER.VIBR)
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…255)

34.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Electric motors of 1 = Start electric motors of roller assemblies.
roller assemblies 0 - Stop electric motors of roller assemblies.
Start (1 to 3 roller assemblies depending on design version of the
1 Feeder unit release 1 = Release feeder unit
(Control bit 0.0, release electric motor, must be set)
2 Residual emptying 1 = Start residual emptying
Active only if the control bits 0.0 and 0.1, Release electric
motor and Release feeder unit, are set.
0 = Stop residual emptying
3 n.u.
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6 n.u.
7 n.u.
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 Outputs to be used These outputs can be controlled directly via the fieldbus. If communica-
freely tion is interrupted, the outputs are set to 0.
Bit 0 byte 3 "Control signals valid" must be set so that the output is
carried out on the output.
Bit 0 Write output DO 0.25 (e.g. conveyor screw BBFB)
Bit 1 Write output DO 0.27
Bit 2 n.u.
Bit 3 Write output DO 2.8
Bit 4 Write output DO 3.8
Bit 5…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

258 Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) Fieldbus protocol

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) 259

34.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = The grist mill is in operation.
(Electric motors from the roller assembly and feeder unit are
0 = The grist mill is not in operation.
(Electric motors from the feeder unit and possibly the roller
assembly are stopped.)
1 Ready 1 = The grist mill is ready. Dosing can be be started (Suspend).
0 = The grist mill is not ready for Start.
(e.g. alarm pending, etc.)
2 Residual emptying 1 = Residual emptying is active
3 Manual dosing inter- 1 = Dosing was stopped on-site.
4 Machine stopped 1 = All motors have been stopped, no motor is now active
5 Force measurement 1 = Excessively high forces at sieve drive, machine continues
warning running
0 = Forces on sieve drive are normal
6 Force measurement 1 = Excessively high forces at sieve drive, machine is stopped
alarm 0 = Forces on sieve drive are normal
7 Smart Gap Ready 1 = The grist mill is ready for gap adjustment via SmartGap
1 0 Inlet probe Bit 0 Inlet probe
1 Outlet probe 1 Bit 1 Outlet probe 1 (DI 1.10)
2 Outlet probe 2 Bit 2 Outlet probe 2 (DI 2.10)
3 Outlet probe 3 Bit 3 Outlet probe 3 (DI 3.10)
4 Sieve box Bit 4 Sieve box 3 (DO 0.6)
5 Airlock Bit 5 Airlock 3 (DI 0.13)
6 Bursting disk 1 Bit 6 Bursting disk 1 (DI 0.13)
7 Bursting disk 2 Bit 7 Bursting disk 2 (DI 0.14)
2 0…7 Probe status for Bit 0: Read input DI 0.24 (e.g. conveyor screw BBFB)
optional additional Bit 1 Read input DI 0.26
Bit 2 Probe input 1 (DI 1.4) Module passage 1
Bit 3 Probe input 2 (DI 1.5) Module passage 1
Bit 4
Bit 5 Depot outlet, probe 1 (DI 2.4 | 3.4) 1)
Bit 6 Depot outlet, probe 2 (DI 2.5 | 3.5) 1)
Bit 7 Depot outlet, probe 3 (DI 2.6 | 3.6) 1)
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

1) Always connect the outlet probe to the last passage

If 2 passages are present, use DI 2.4…DI 2.6.
If 3 passages are present, use DI 3.4…DI 3.6.

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260 Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) Fieldbus protocol

34.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

34.4.1 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints optional)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual current of 0…9999 [0.1 A] Actual current of electric motor passage 1 2)
electric motor (0.0…999.9 A)
passage 1
10…11 Actual current of 0…9999 [0.1 A] Actual current of electric motor passage 2 2)
electric motor (0.0…999.9 A)
passage 2
12…13 Actual current of 0…9999 [0.1 A] Actual current of electric motor passage 3 2)
electric motor (0.0…999.9 A)
passage 3
14…15 Minimum position TCON.SLDZERO… Minimum gap for the feed gate
of feed gate USER.SLDMAX Transmit 0 if the on-site setting TCON.SLDMIN is used.
[0.1 mm]
16…17 Maximum posi- TCON.SLDMIN… Maximum gap for the feed gate
tion of feed gate 210 [0.1 mm] Transmit 0 if the on-site setting TCON.SLDMAX is

TCON.SLDMIN… If no level control is present in the inlet, this value can

TCON.SLDMAX be used to specify the feed gap USER.SLIDE, which is
[0.1 mm] used during dosing operation.
18…19 n.u.
20…21 n.u.
22…23 n.u.

2) Parameter TCON.MOTOR must be set to REMP so that the current of the electric motors for the roller
assemblies is uploaded via fieldbus and is shown on the display. The value is then converted with the
nominal current of the electric motor to a percentage utilization (ADC.MOT I).

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Fieldbus protocol Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) 261

34.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

34.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Setpoint fre- Hz (0.0…100.0) Current setpoint frequency of feed roller
quency of feed
10…11 Actual position of 0.1 mm Current position of feed gate in 0.1 mm
feed gate
12…15 Feed roller motor 0…2,147,483,647 [s] Operating hours of feed roller motor
operating hours (INT32)
16…17 Current filling 0…200 Product level in inlet
level in inlet
18…22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…255 In accordance with operating manual MEAG-MBDA-
(corresponds to currently displayed alarm in the dis-
play module).

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

262 Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) Fieldbus protocol

34.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual values for reduction passage)

The data from each electric motor of the passages can be output via this data rec-
Passage number 1...3 indexes the electric motors from top to bottom.

Received data record 2 (actual values)

Index x = Passage number 1, 2 or 3
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual power of 0…150 [%] Actual power of electric motor passage x
electric motor
10…11 Actual current 0…9999 [0.1 A] Actual current of electric motor passage x
of (0.0…999.9 A)
electric motor
12…15 Operating 0…2,147,483,647 [s] Operating hours for electric motor passage x
hours, electric (INT32)
16…17 Actual speed of 0…999 [RPM] Actual speed of secondary grinding roller passage x
grinding roller
18 Bearing tempe- ± 128 Degrees Celsius Bearing temperature, in front left, passage x
19 Bearing tempe- ± 128 Degrees Celsius Bearing temperature, at the rear left, passage x
20 Bearing tempe- ± 128 Degrees Celsius Bearing temperature, in front right, passage x
21 Bearing tempe- ± 128 Degrees Celsius Bearing temperature, at the rear right, passage x
22 Blockage probe Bit information Bit 0 TRUE = Blockage probe on the left is cov-
Bit 1 TRUE = Blockage probe on the right is cov-
23 Status of 1 Stopped
electric motor 2 Starting
4 Started
32 Error

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) 263

34.6 Automatic grinding gap adjuster

34.6.1 Transmitted data record 3 (setpoints for grinding gap adjuster)

The control checks the setpoints and transmits these to the grinding gap motors as
soon as bit 4 byte 0 "Adopt setpoints" indicates a 0-1 edge and the status AUT or
MAN is transmitted.
The operator can switch the grinding gap adjuster to MAN on-site and make ad-
justments. As soon as the operator would like to send the current settings to the
control system, this is signaled in bit 0 byte 8.
Before starting and stopping the grinding gap motors, the gap is automatically
opened to the maximum position, so that the motors can start up freely.

Transmitted data record 3 (setpoints for optional grinding gap adjuster)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Acknowledgment or Bit information Acknowledgment with TRUE in received data
transmission of re- record.
quests from control Requests from MDBA
Bit 0 Acknowledgment Save triggered on-
Bit 1 Acknowledgment Reference alignment
Bit 2…3 n.u.
Bit 4 Request Adopt setpoints and status for
edge 0-1
Bit 5…7 n.u.
9 Set status of grinding 0 OFF Status and setpoints are not adopted.
gap adjuster 1 AUT Status and setpoints are adopted.
2 MAN Status and setpoints are adopted.
10 Grinding gap setpoint 0…500 The values are limited on-site to TCON.GAPMIN
11 passage 1 [0.01 mm] and TCON.GAPMAX.
(left and right)
(0.00… There is only one setpoint each for left and right.
12 n.u.
5.00 mm)
In order for an adjustment to be performed, a 0-1
14 Grinding gap setpoint edge on Byte 8 Bit 4 must ensue while at the
15 passage 2 same time a status AUT or MAN must be trans-
(left and right) mitted.
16 n.u.
17 Setpoints = 0 are not adopted.
18 Grinding gap setpoint
19 passage 3 The setpoints are not approached until after the
(left and right) start sequence of the motors has been complet-
20 n.u.
(See received data record 3, byte 8 bit 7)

22 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

264 Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) Fieldbus protocol

34.6.2 Received data record 3 (actual values for grinding gap adjuster)

Received data record 3 (actual values for grinding gap adjuster)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Acknowledgment or Bit information Requests and acknowledgments from MDBA.
transmission of re- Bit 0 Request to save actual values in
quests from the on- current recipe.
site control MDBA Save was triggered on-site.
Bit 1 Request Reference alignment was per-
Bit 2…3 n.u.
Bit 4 Acknowledgment Adopt setpoint and sta-
Bit 5…6 n.u.
Bit 7 TRUE = Grinding gap motors are released
for remote adjustment
(start sequence of the main motors is
9 Current status of 0 OFF deactivated
grinding gap adjuster 1 AUT automatic
2 MAN manual
3 LOC local, no remote adjustment possible
4 CAL calibration is active
10 Grinding gap actual 0…500
11 value [0.01 mm]
passage 1, left (0.00…5.00 mm)
12 Grinding gap actual
13 value
passage 1, right
14 Grinding gap actual
15 value
passage 2, left
16 Grinding gap actual
17 value
passage 2, right
18 Grinding gap actual
19 value
passage 3, left
20 Grinding gap actual
21 value
passage 3, right
22…23 Reserve

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) 265

34.7 SmartGap
The additional printed board EBD1330 must be installed for grinding gap control via SmartGap. This enables
parallel communication to the customer's existing control system connection. Gap regulation mode and the
corresponding transmitted and received data records must be activated via the parameter TCON.GAPREG.
34.7.1 Transmitted data record 6 (setpoints plant control SmartGap)
Customer control system -> MEAG (communication via Profibus, ProfiNet, EthernetIP)

Transmitted data record 6 (setpoints plant control SmartGap)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Plant Ctrl Byte Bit field Bit 0: Release MYTA control
Bit 1:
Bit 2:
Bit 3:
Bit 4:
Bit 5:
Bit 6:
Bit 7:
9..11 n.u.
12..15 Recipe number 0..999,999,999 [1] Recipe number from customer control system
The values are limited on-site
16..19 Job number 0..999,999,999 [1] Job number from customer control system
The values are limited on-site
20…21 Setpoint granulation 0…9999 Setpoint granulation for control.
[0.1%] or [µm] 0 = Recipe template in WinPSM applies
(0.1…99.9%) or (Received data record 6 Byte 9, Bit 2 = TRUE)
(1...9999 µm)
The values are limited on-site
22…23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

266 Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) Fieldbus protocol

34.7.2 Transmitted data record 7 (setpoints WinPSM SmartGap)

Bühler WinPSM -> MEAG (communication via TCP/IP)

Transmitted data record 6 (setpoints WinPSM SmartGap)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 SmartGap Ctrl Byte Bit field Bit 0: Request Apply SmartGap grinding gap, edge 0-1
Bit 1: n.u.
Bit 2:
Bit 3:TRUE=Product error
Bit 4: TRUE=Product flow error
Bit 5: TRUE=Recipe/Job error
Bit 6: TRUE=Feedback loop error
Bit 7: TRUE=Sensor error
9…17 n.u.
18…19 Grinding gap set- 0…500 [0.01 mm] There is only one setpoint present for left and right.
point (0.00…5.00 mm) In order for an adjustment to be performed, a 0-1 edge
passage 1 on Byte 8 Bit 0 must be implemented.
(left and right) For a recipe or job change via the control system
20…21 Grinding gap set- 0…500 [0.01 mm] (switch to Byte 8 or 9), gap adjustment via SmartGap is
point (0.00…5.00 mm) deactivated for 20 s (status byte Bit 1=FALSE)
passage 2 Setpoints = 0 are not adopted.
(left and right) The values are limited on-site to TCON.GAPMIN and
22…23 Grinding gap set- 0…500 [0.01 mm] TCON.GAPMAX.
point (0.00…5.00 mm)
passage 3
(left and right)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) 267

34.7.3 Received data record 6 (Plant Control SmartGap)

MEAG -> Customer control system (communication via Profibus, ProfiNet, EthernetIP)
Received data record 6 (Plant Control SmartGap)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Status Byte for Bit field Bit 0: n.u.
plant Bit 1: n.u.
Bit 2: n.u.
Bit 3:TRUE=Product error
Bit 4: TRUE=Product flow error
Bit 5: TRUE=Recipe/Job error
Bit 6: TRUE=Feedback loop error
Bit 7: TRUE=Sensor error
9..11 n.u.
12..15 Recipe number 0..999,999,999 [1] >0
16..19 Job number 0..999,999,999 [1] >0
20…21 Setpoint granula- 0…9999 Setpoint granulation for control.
tion [0.1%] or [µm] 0 = Recipe template in WinPSM applies
(0.1…99.9%) or
(1...9999 µm)
22…23 n.u.

34.7.4 Received data record 7 (WinPSM SmartGap)

MEAG -> Bühler WinPSM (communication via TCP/IP)
Received data record 5 (actual values WinPSM SmartGap)
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Status Byte for Bit field Bit 0: Acknowledgment Apply grinding gap
Smart Gap Bit 1: Ready Bit
TRUE = MEAG ready to apply gap values from
FALSE = MEAG not ready (SmartGap control not
released from control system, Job change control
system active, gap adjustment active etc.).
Bit 2: n.u.
Bit 3: n.u.
Bit 4: n.u.
Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u.
9..11 n.u.
12..15 Recipe number 0..999,999,999 [1]
16..19 Job number 0..999,999,999 [1]
20…21 Setpoint granula- 0…9999 Setpoint granulation for control.
tion [0.1%] or [µm] 0 = Recipe template in WinPSM applies
(0.1…99.9%) or
(1...9999 µm)
22…23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

268 Grist mill Maltomat III (MALT) Fieldbus protocol

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol CAN Bus IO Extender / RS485 transformer 269

35 CAN Bus IO Extender / RS485 transformer

35.1 General information

IO extender for 24 V and 0…20 mA signals

The MEAG circuit board EBD1312 can be used as an IO extender. Input and out-
put signals of the circuit board and, if necessary, of 1...9 connected CAN modules
can be read.
Addressing of the CAN module is carried out via the index (transmission and re-
ceived data record).
See data records 128/1.

Board Index Digital Digital Analog in- Analog out-

inputs outputs puts puts
0/4…20 mA
Circuit board 0 8 12 4 2
EBD 1312
CAN module 1…9 - - 8 2
CAN module 1…9 8 8 - -

Bus converter for the serial control of scales

Up to 18 MEAF or MEAG scales can be serially connected to the RS485 interface.
See data records 129/2.

The following MEAF devices are supported: DIFF, DUMP, FBAL.

MEAG devices are connected in principle via TCP/IP.

DIFF, DUMP and FBAL can however also be triggered with this data record.

No water feeders are supported (MOZE, MOZF etc.)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

270 CAN Bus IO Extender / RS485 transformer Fieldbus protocol

35.2 Summary of standard data records 128/1

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Release 0 Bit 0: Operation
(outputs are activated) Bit 1…7: n.u.
Bit 1…7: n.u. Bit 7: New values ready.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint 1)
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = 5 Index of transmitted data record =
Module address 0...9 Module address 0...9
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = 7 Index of received data record =
Module address 0...9 Module address 0...9
Output data for digital outputs 8 Input data for digital inputs.
The input data of the analog inputs must be
read with the standard data record 124.
Output data for analog outputs 0 12 Module status for CAN module EBD1320 1)
0.00...20.00 mA 13
Output data for analog outputs 1 14 Module status for analog modules EBD1317
0.00…20.00 mA 15 1)
n.u. 16 n.u.
Watchdog counter 23 Alarm number (0…255)
This value must be increased for each write
cycle. An error message A100 WATCHDOG
responds if no change takes place longer
(All outputs are switched off.)
1) Module status, module alarm number (see module display)
0 = No alarm 5 = Digital outputs, incorrect state.
1 = Software error 6 = Feed X 105 not present
2 = EEPROM data loss (only for EBD1320, possible EMERGENCY
3 = Communication error
16 = Module does not respond; no communication.
4 = AD transformer error

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol CAN Bus IO Extender / RS485 transformer 271

35.3 Transmitted and received data 129 / 2 (setpoint serial MEAF communication)

Transmitted data record 129 (actual values serial MEAF communication data command 'A')
Index 1…18 = communication channel
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Nominal power in kg/h
12 Control flags Control flags command 'A'
Bit 0 Start
Bit 1 Stop
Bit 2 Clear total
Bit 3 Clear alarm
Bit 4 Setpoint power in percent
Bit 5 n.u.
Bit 6 n.u.
Bit 7 Data adopted (always set by CANIO!)
13…21 n.u.
22 Target address MEAF 1…255
23 Watchdog Counter 0…255 The data are transmitted to the MEAF as soon as
the number on the Watchdog Counter is increased.

Received data record 2 (actual values serial MEAF communication data command h)
Index 1…18 = communication channel
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 Actual power in kg/h
12…15 Total which cannot be
16 Status flags Status flag, command 'h'
Bit 0 Remote control
Bit 1 New values ready
Bit 2 Total reached
Bit 3 Low level (scale container empty)
Bit 4 Emptying completed
Bit 5 Upper surge hopper empty
Bit 6 Ready for feeding
Bit 7 Common alarm starting from V26A
17 Number of decimal Number of decimal places of the weight values
places (0…3), if HOST.WFOR = DIV
18 Step number Actual scales step number
19…20 n.u.
21 Alarm number MEAF See MEAF operating manual
22 Address MEAF Copy of transmitted data record target address
23 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

272 Dryer (LEEA) Fieldbus protocol

36 Dryer (LEEA)
36.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Start 0 Bit 0: Started
Bit 1: Stop Bit 1: Stopped
Bit 2: CTB supply running Bit 2: CTB request supply
Bit 3: CTB discharge running Bit 3: CTB Request discharge
Bit 4: Supply running Bit 4: Supply request
Bit 5: Discharge running Bit 5: Discharge request
Bit 6: Circulating conveyor running Bit 6: Circulating conveyor request
Bit 7: Dust discharge running Bit 7: Dust discharge request
Bit 0: Select "Filling" operating mode 1 Bit 0: "Filling" operating mode activated
Bit 1: Select "Empty" operating mode Bit 1: "Emptying" operating mode acti-
Bit 2: Select "Circulating drying" operat- vated
ing mode Bit 2: "Circulating drying" operating
Bit 3: Select "Continuous drying" operat- mode activated.
ing mode Bit 3: "Continuous drying" operating
Bit 4: Select "Preheating" mode activated.
Bit 5: Select operation with all tie bars Bit 4: "Preheating" activated.
Bit 6: Select detached operation with Bit 5: Operation with all tie bars activat-
part 1 ed.
Bit 7: Select detached operation with Bit 6: Detached operation with part 1
part 2 activated.
Bit 7: Detached operation with part 2
Bit 0: Load recipe 2 Bit 0: Full level probe covered
Bit 1: Stop cooldown Bit 1: Low-level probe covered
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: CTB full level probe covered
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: CTB low-level probe covered
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Run until empty
Bit 5: Select cooling operating mode Bit 5: Cooling operating mode selected
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: Full level probe part 1 covered
Bit 7: n.u. Bit 7: Low-level probe part 1 covered
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: Filling completed
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: n.u.
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: n.u.
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Dryer (LEEA) 273

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Setpoint for discharge pause time 8 Active setpoint for discharge pause time
(10…1200) 9 (10…1200)
10 Active setpoint for discharge time period
11 (1…40)
12 Active setpoint for warm-air temperature
13 (10…200)
14 Active setpoint for product moisture at outlet
15 (50…300)
16 Measured value for product moisture at out-
17 let (0…300)
18 Measured value for product moisture at inlet
19 (0…300)
Setpoint for recipe number (load recipe) 21 Recipe number (current recipe) (0…50)
22 Step number (0…99)
23 Alarm number (0…255)

36.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start 1 = Start dryer according to operating mode.
(Signal should be applied until the "Started" feedback signal
goes to 1.)
1 Stop 1 = Stop dryer.
(Signal should be applied until the "Started" feedback signal
goes to 0.)
2 CTB supply running 1 = Transport control signals that the supply to the CTB is running.
(Feedback signal to the "CTB supply request" signal.)
3 CTB discharge run- 1 = Transport control signals that the discharge from the CTB is
ning running.
(Feedback signal to the "CTB discharge request" signal.)
4 Supply running 1 = Transport control signals that supply is running.
(Feedback signal to the "Supply request" signal.)
5 Discharge is running 1 = Transport control signals that discharge is running.
(Feedback signal to the "Discharge request" signal.)
6 Circulating conveyor 1 = Transport control signals that the circulating conveyor is running.
running (Feedback signal to the "Request circulating conveyor" signal.)
7 Dust discharge run- 1 = Transport control signals that the dust discharge is running.
ning (Feedback signal to the "Dust discharge request" signal.)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

274 Dryer (LEEA) Fieldbus protocol

1 0 Select "Filling" ope- 1 = Select "Filling" operating mode.

rating mode (Signal should be applied until the feedback signal "Filling oper-
ating mode activated" goes to 1; possible only when dryer is
1 Select Emptying 1 = Select "Emptying" operating mode.
operating mode (Signal should be applied until the feedback signal "Emptying
operating mode activated" goes to 1; possible only when dryer is
2 Select "Circulating 1 = Select "Circulating drying" operating mode.
drying" operating (Signal should be applied until the feedback signal "Circulating
mode drying operating mode activated" goes to 1; possible only when
dryer is stopped.)
3 Select "Continuous 1 = Select "Continuous drying" operating mode.
drying" operating (Signal should be applied until the feedback signal "Continuous
mode drying operating mode activated" goes to 1; possible only when
dryer is stopped or following "Circulating drying" operating
4 Select Preheating 1 = Select "Preheating".
(Signal should be applied until the feedback signal "Continuous
drying operating mode activated" goes to 1; possible only when
dryer is stopped or following "Circulating drying" operating
5 Select operation 1 = Select operation with all tie bars (no detached operation).
with all tie bars (Signal should be applied until the feedback signal "Operation
with all columns" goes to 1; possible only when dryer is
6 Select detached 1 = Select detached operation with part 1.
operation with part 1 (Signal should be applied until the feedback signal "Detached
operation with part 1 activated" goes to 1; possible only when
dryer is stopped.)
7 Select detached 1 = Select detached operation with part 2.
operation with part 2 (Signal should be applied until the feedback signal "Detached
operation with part 2 activated" goes to 1; possible only when
dryer is stopped.)
2 0 Loading recipe 1 = Load recipe. The setpoint recipe number stored in data record
128 is activated.
(Signal should be applied until the recipe number in data record
1 is the same as the recipe number setpoint from data record
1 Cooldown stop 1 = Stop cooldown. Effective only for cooldown step 7 E-COOL.
(CAUTION: May be carried out only in exceptional circumstanc-
es, since the product can become damaged if cooldown is insuf-
2…4 n.u.
5 Select Cooling ope- 1 = Select cooling operating mode.
rating mode (Signal should be applied until the feedback signal "Cooling op-
erating mode activated" goes to 1; possible only when dryer is
6…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data Important note: The general signal "Control signals valid" bit 0 must
for all devices" be 1 in order for the control bits to be accepted!

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Dryer (LEEA) 275

36.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Started 1 = The dryer is started.
(Acknowledgment of control bits "Start" and "Stop")
1 Stopped 1 = The dryer is stopped.
(Cooldown and fan runout are completed.)
Operating modes can be switched.
2 CTB supply request 1 = Request supply to the CTB.
(Is set in the operating modes "Empty", "Circulating drying" and
"Continuous drying" if product is requested.)
3 CTB discharge re- 1 = Discharge request from the CTB.
quest (Is set in the operating modes Emptying, Circulating drying and
Continuous drying.)
4 Supply request 1 = Supply request to the dryer.
(Is set in the operating modes "Filling", "Circulating drying" and
"Continuous drying" if product is requested.)
5 Request for 1 = Discharge request from the dryer.
discharge (Is set in the operating modes Emptying, Circulating drying and
Continuous drying.)
6 Circulating conveyor 1 = Circulating conveyor request.
request (Is set in "Circulating drying" operating mode.)
7 Dust discharge re- 1 = Dust discharge request.
quest (Is set in the operating modes "Circulating drying" and "Contin-
uous drying".)
1 0 "Filling" operating 1 = The "Filling" operating mode is activated. Is used for the first-
mode activated time filling of the dryer with product. Filling takes place up to
the level probe in the upper surge hopper.
1 "Emptying" opera- 1 = "Emptying" operating mode is activated. Is used for the com-
ting mode activated plete emptying of the dryer. The Run until empty bit is set once
the emptying time has been reached.
2 "Circulating drying" 1 = Circulating drying operating mode is activated. The product is
operating mode dried in the circuit in circulating transport until the desired mois-
activated ture is reached.
3 "Continuous drying" 1 = The "Continuous drying" operating mode is activated. Normal
operating mode drying mode.
4 "Preheating" acti- 1 = "Preheating" is activated. During preheating, the product is first
vated of all dried during the preheating time prior to the start of dis-
charging. "Preheating" can be activated in addition to "Circulat-
ing drying" or "Continuous drying". "Preheating" is automatical-
ly deactivated after completion.
5 Operation with all tie 1 = Operation with all tie bars is activated.
bars activated (Possible only with a detachable dryer.)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

276 Dryer (LEEA) Fieldbus protocol

Byte Bit Name Description

6 Detached operation 1 = Detached operation with part 1 is activated. The dryer is oper-
with part 1 activated ated only with upper surge hopper 1.
(The first depot in the transport direction; possible only with a
detachable dryer.)
7 Detached operation 1 = Detached operation with part 2 is activated. The dryer is oper-
with part 2 activated ating only with upper surge hopper 2.
(The second depot in the transport direction; possible only with
a detachable dryer.)
2 0 Full level probe 1 = Full level probe is covered with product.
covered (Upper probe in the upper surge hopper; the status of the ac-
tive upper surge hopper is transmitted in the event of detached
1 Low-level probe 1 = Low-level probe is covered with product.
covered (Lower probe in the upper surge hopper; the status of the ac-
tive upper surge hopper is transmitted in the event of detached
2 CTB full level probe 1 = The full level probe in the CTB is covered with product.
3 CTB low-level probe 1 = The low-level probe in the CTB is covered with product.
4 Has been run until 1 = The dryer has run until empty in emptying operating mode.
empty The bit is deleted when a new operating mode is selected.
If a CTB is present, then the bit is not set until the CTB is emp-
5 Cooling operating 1 = Cooling operating mode is selected.
mode selected
6 Full level probe part 1 = Full level probe part 1 is covered with product.
1 covered (Upper probe in upper surge hopper part 1 with detached dry-
7 Low-level probe part 1 = Low-level probe part 1 is covered with product.
1 covered (Lower probe in upper surge hopper part 1 with detached dry-
3 0 Filling finished 1 = Filling of the dryer in "Filling" operating mode is completed.
(The flag is cleared for modifying the operating mode)
1…2 n.u.
3…7 See "General data
for all devices"

36.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

36.4.1 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Dryer (LEEA) 277

8…9 Setpoint for dis- 10…1200 s The pause time between two openings of the discharge
charge pause modules. The value may be adapted continuously. Dur-
time ing operation, this value, and not the recipe value,
should be adjusted REC.TDB.0.
21 Setpoint for re- 1…50 Setpoint recipe number for loading a recipe to working
cipe number recipe 0. In addition to this number, the control bit "Load
recipe“ must be set to 1.

36.4.2 Transmitted data record 131 (Recipe setpoints Part 1)

This transmitted data record is used to overwrite a part of the recipe data in work-
ing recipe 0. If a value outside the range is transmitted, then the value is not ac-
cepted and the parameter retains its value. (This can be used in order to modify a
specific part of the values).

Transmitted data record 131 (Recipe setpoints Part 1)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Discharge pause 10…1200 [s] The pause time between two openings of the discharge
modules. The dryer's throughput performance is de-
fined primarily by the setting of this parameter. This
parameter serves as a reference value for the control.
The value should be adjusted in the transmitted data
record during operation.
10…11 Discharge dura- 1…40 [0.1 s] The duration of the opening of the discharge modules.
tion (0.0…4.0 s) This time determines the amount of product which is
metered into the lower surge hopper for each dis-
charge. (REC.TDM.0)
12…13 Setpoint for hot 20…170 [°C] Warm-air temperature setpoint for controlling the heat-
air temperature ing system. (REC.THA.0)
14…15 Setpoint for 50…300 [0.1 %] Setpoint for final product moisture at the dryer outlet.
product moisture (5.0…30.0 %) Effective only with automatic moisture control system.
outlet (REC.MP.0)
16…17 Recirculated air 0…1 0 = Drying without recirculated air
1 = Drying with recirculated air
Effective only with recirculated air option. This parame-
ter may not be modified during operation. (RE
18…19 Automatic mo- 0…1 0 = Drying without automatic moisture control system
isture control 1 = Drying with automatic moisture control system
system Effective only with automatic moisture control system
option. (REC.MCTRL.0)
20…21 Maximum value 20…180 [°C] If the maximum value of warm air temperature is ex-
of hot air tem- ceeded, an alarm A185 TEHAIR will be issued. The
perature temperatures of the tie bars used are checked.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

278 Dryer (LEEA) Fieldbus protocol

22…23 Maximum value 20…110 [°C] If the maximum value of product temperature below is
of product tem- exceeded, an alarm A180 TPROD will be issued. The
perature temperatures of the tie bars used are checked.

36.4.3 Transmitted data record 132 (Recipe setpoints Part 2)

This transmitted data record is used to overwrite a part of the recipe data in work-
ing recipe 0. If a value outside the range is transmitted, then the value is not ac-
cepted and the parameter retains its value. (This can be used in order to modify a
specific part of the values).

Transmitted data record 132 (Recipe setpoints Part 2)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Maximum value 20…110 [°C] If the maximum value for the exhaust air temperature
of exhaust-air has been exceeded, an A179 TEHAIR alarm will be
temperature issued. The temperatures of the tie bars used are
checked. (REC.TEHMAX.0)
10…11 Start-up time for 1…20 [s] Switch the air valves start-up time to emptying position.
air valves Once the discharge pause is finished, the air valves are
switched back to emptying position. The discharge
modules do not open until the specified time has
elapsed. (REC.TFLDSC.0)
12…13 Overrun time for 1…20 [s] Switch the air valves overrun time to drying position.
air valves The delay time will be started once the discharge mod-
ules close. Once this time has elapsed, the air valves
will switch back to drying position. (REC.TFLDRY.0)
14…15 Offset of product -150…150 [0.1 %] Offset correction for product moisture at the dryer out-
moisture outlet (-15.0…15.0 %) let. Effective only with moisture measurement or auto-
matic moisture control. (REC.MOFFO.0)
16…17 Offset of product -150…150 [0.1 %] Offset correction for product moisture at inlet Part 1 of
moisture inlet (-15.0…15.0 %) the dryer. Effective only with moisture measurement or
Part 1 automatic moisture control. (REC.MOFFI1.0)
18…19 Offset of product -150…150 [0.1 %] Offset correction for product moisture at inlet Part 2 of
moisture inlet (-15.0…15.0 %) the dryer. Effective only with moisture measurement or
Part 2 automatic moisture control and with detachable dryer.
20…21 CTB discharge 30…300 [%] Discharge pause tempering bin. Discharge tempering
pause bin in relation to discharge time TDB of the dryer. Effec-
tive only with option CTB (REC.CTBDB.0)
22…23 CTB discharge 1…40 [0.1 s] Discharge duration for tempering bin. Opening period of
duration (0.0…4.0 s) the tempering bin discharge module. Effective only with
CTB option. (REC.CTBDM.0)

36.4.4 Transmitted data record 133 (Recipe setpoints Part 3)

This transmitted data record is used to overwrite a part of the recipe data in work-
ing recipe 0. If a value outside the range is transmitted, then the value is not ac-
cepted and the parameter retains its value. (This can be used in order to modify a
specific part of the values).

Transmitted data record 133 (Recipe setpoints Part 3)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Dryer (LEEA) 279

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Reference value 50…500 [0.1 %] The reference value for product moisture at the inlet of
for product mois- (5.0…50.0 %) the dryer for discharge pause REC.TDB. (REC.MPI.0)
ture at inlet
10…11 Total opening 10…1000 [s] Accumulated discharge duration that the product re-
time for product quires from the inlet to the outlet. (REC.TDSC.0)
12…13 Automatic mois- 0…100 [0.01] Closed-loop control of final product moisture using the
ture control sys- (0.00…1.00) moisture sensor at the inlet. The higher the value, the
tem input mois- greater and faster the degree of control. (REC.MCKI.0)
ture factor
14…15 Automatic mois- 0…100 [0.01] Closed-loop control of product moisture using the mois-
ture control, out- (0.00…1.00) ture sensor at the outlet. The higher the value, the
put moisture greater and faster the degree of control. (REC.MCKO.0)
16…17 Minimum value 10…1200 [s] The limit value of the discharge pause for automatic
of the discharge moisture control system. (REC.TDBMI.0)
18…19 Maximum value 10…1200 [s] The limit value of the discharge pause for automatic
of the discharge moisture control system. (REC.TDBMA.0)
20…21 Filling overrun 0…3600 [s] Filling overrun time after the low-level probe is covered
time during "Filling" operating mode and only if value > 0.
22…23 Circulating dry- 0…3600 [s] Filling overrun time after the low-level probe is covered
ing, refilling over- during Circulating drying operating mode and only if
run time value > 0. (REC.TCIDSD.0)
Value 0: Circulating drying without refilling
Value > 0: Circulating drying with refilling

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

280 Dryer (LEEA) Fieldbus protocol

36.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

36.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Active setpoint 10…1200 [s] Time between two product discharges.
for discharge (Active setpoint in the MEAG.)
pause time
10…11 Active setpoint 1…40 [0.1%] Discharge time open.
for discharge (0.1…4.0 s) (Active setpoint in the MEAG.)
time period
12…13 Active setpoint 10…200 [°C] Warm-air temperature setpoint.
for warm-air (Active setpoint in the MEAG.)
14…15 Active setpoint 50…300 [0.1 %] Product moisture setpoint at the dryer outlet.
for product mois- (5.0…30.0 %) (Active setpoint in the MEAG.)
16…17 Measured value 0…300 [0.1 %] Measured value for product moisture at the dryer
for product mois- (0.0…30.0%) outlet.
ture at outlet (Possible only if the dryer is equipped with automatic
moisture control/measurement system.)
18…19 Measured value 0…300 [0.1 %] Measured value for product moisture at the dryer
for product mois- (0.0…30.0%) inlet.
ture at inlet (Possible only if the dryer is equipped with moisture
control/measurement. The value of the active sensor
is transferred in the event of a detachable dryer.)
21 Recipe number 0…50 Current recipe number
22 Step number 0…99 Step number of the program steps (see MEAG-LEEA
operating manual).
23 Alarm number 0…255 Alarm number according to the alarm list (see
MEAG-LEEA operating manual).
0 = No alarm.
1…255 = active alarm with top priority.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Dryer (LEEA) 281

36.5.2 Received data record 2 (actual temperature values)

Index of received data record = 0: Average values over all tie bars
Index of received data record = 1: Values for tie bar 1
Index of received data record = 2: Values for tie bar 2
Index of received data record = n: Values for tie bar n

Received data record 2 (averages of actual temperature values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual value of -99…250 [°C] Averaged measured value of the warm-air tempera-
warm-air tem- ture.
10…11 Actual value of -99…250 [°C] Averaged measured value of the exhaust tempera-
exhaust tempera- ture.
12…13 Actual value of -99…250 [°C] Averaged measured value of the recirculating-air
recirculating-air temperature.
temperature (Possible only if the dryer is equipped with recirculat-
ed air.)
14…15 Actual value of -99…250 [°C] Averaged measured value of the product tempera-
product tempera- ture, top.
ture, top
16…17 Actual value of -99…250 [°C] Averaged measured value of the product tempera-
product tempera- ture, middle.
ture, middle
18…19 Actual value of -99…250 [°C] Averaged measured value of the product tempera-
product tempera- ture, bottom.
ture, bottom

36.5.3 Received data record 3 (element status)

Index of received data record = 0: Element status of elements 0…15
Index of received data record = 1: Element status of elements 16…31
Index of received data record = 2: Element status of elements 32…47
Index of received data record = 3: Element status of elements 48…63

Received data record 3 (element status)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Element status 0 0…255 Index 0: Element 0, exhaust-air fan 1
(or 16, 32, 48) Index 1: Element 16, air-circulating fan 5
Index 2: Element 32, rain louver 9
Index 3: Element 48, discharge module
9 Element status 1 0…255 Index 0: Element 1, exhaust-air fan 2
(or 17, 33, 49) Index 1: Element 17, air-circulating fan 6
Index 2: Element 33, rain louver 10
Index 3: Element 49, CTB discharge module

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

282 Dryer (LEEA) Fieldbus protocol

10 Element status 2 0…255 Index 0: Element 2, exhaust-air fan 3

Index 1: Element 18, dust airlock 1
Index 2: Element 34, rain louver 11
Index 3: Element 50
11 Element status 3 0…255 Index 0: Element 3, exhaust-air fan 4
Index 1: Element 19, dust channel 2
Index 2: Element 35, rain louver 12
Index 3: Element 51
12 Element status 4 0…255 Index 0: Element 4, exhaust-air fan 5
Index 1: Element 20, dust airlock 3
Index 2: Element 36, secondary air valve 1
Index 3: Element 52
13 Element status 5 0…255 Index 0: Element 5, exhaust-air fan 6
Index 1: Element 21, dust airlock 4
Index 2: Element 37, secondary air valve 2
Index 3: Element 53
14 Element status 6 0…255 Index 0: Element 6, exhaust-air fan 7
Index 1: Element 22, dust airlock 5
Index 2: Element 38, secondary air valve 3
Index 3: Element 54, warm air generator 1
15 Element status 7 0…255 Index 0: Element 7, exhaust-air fan 8
Index 1: Element 23, dust airlock 6
Index 2: Element 39, secondary air valve 4
Index 3: Element 55, warm air generator 2
16 Element status 8 0…255 Index 0: Element 8, exhaust-air fan 9
Index 1: Element 24, rain louver 1
Index 2: Element 40, secondary air valve 5
Index 3: Element 56, warm air generator 3
17 Element status 9 0…255 Index 0: Element 9, exhaust-air fan 10
Index 1: Element 25, rain louver 2
Index 2: Element 41, secondary air valve 6
Index 3: Element 57, warm air generator 4
18 Element status 0…255 Index 0: Element 10, exhaust-air fan 11
10 Index 1: Element 26, rain louver 3
Index 2: Element 42, circulating-air valve 1
Index 3: Element 58, warm air generator 5
19 Element status 0…255 Index 0: Element 11, exhaust-air fan 12
11 Index 1: Element 27, rain louver 4
Index 2: Element 43, circulating-air valve 2
Index 3: Element 59, warm air generator 6
20 Element status 0…255 Index 0: Element 12, air-circulating fan 1
12 Index 1: Element 28, rain louver 5
Index 2: Element 44, circulating-air valve 3
Index 3: Element 60
21 Element status 0…255 Index 0: Element 13, air-circulating fan 2
13 Index 1: Element 29, rain louver 6
Index 2: Element 45, circulating-air valve 4
Index 3: Element 61
22 Element status 0…255 Index 0: Element 14, air-circulating fan 3
14 Index 1: Element 30, rain louver 7
Index 2: Element 46, circulating-air valve 5
Index 3: Element 62

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Dryer (LEEA) 283

23 Element status 0…255 Index 0: Element 15, air-circulating fan 4

15 Index 1: Element 31, rain louver 8
Index 2: Element 47, circulating-air valve 6
Index 3: Element 63

36.5.4 Received data record 131 (recipe setpoints part 1)

This received data record is used to read a part of the active recipe data (working
recipe 0).

36.5.5 Received data record 132 (recipe setpoints part 2)

This received data record is used to read a part of the active recipe data (working
recipe 0).

36.5.6 Received data record 133 (recipe setpoints part 3)

This received data record is used to read a part of the active recipe data (working
recipe 0).

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

284 Flaking mill (MDFA) Fieldbus protocol

37 Flaking mill (MDFA)

37.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Machine release 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Sequential stop Bit 1: Start motors
Bit 2: Release, feeder unit Bit 2: Recycling
Bit 3: Switch from production to recycling Bit 3: Engage
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Stop stage
Bit 5: Engage Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: Initiating stop stage Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u. Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0: Main motor 1 running
Bit 1: Release, temperature control unit Bit 1: Main motor 2 running
Bit 2: Feeder unit running
Bit 2…7: n.u.
Bit 3: Roller temperature control running
Bit 4: Rollers engaged
Bit 5: Flap at production position
Bit 6: Product flow OK
Bit 7: Emptying steamer
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0: Unit motor in %
Bit 1: Steaming without flaking
Bit 2…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data rec- Bit 6: Acknowledgment of modification to
ord transmitted data record
Bit 7: Acknowledgment modification to re- Bit 7: Modification to received data record
ceived data record
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = x 5 Index of transmitted data record = x
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = x 7 Index of received data record = x
Gap at left (automatic) [1] 8 Gap left [1]
Gap, right (automatic) [1] 10 Gap right [1]
Setpoint temperature of temperature control 12 Actual temperature of temperature control
unit [0.1 C] unit [0.1 C]
Setpoint feeder unit [%] 14 Main motor 1 current/utilization [A] [%]
Standby gap [1] 16 Main motor 2 current/utilization [A] [%]

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Flaking mill (MDFA) 285

Production mode 18 Product temperature in steamer [0.1 C]
n.u. 19 n.u.
n.u. 20 Operating mode of machine
n.u. 21 Status of the machine in automatic mode
n.u. 22 n.u.
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)

n.u. = not used

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

286 Flaking mill (MDFA) Fieldbus protocol

37.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Machine release 1 The machine motors are started.
0 The machine is stopped immediately.
1 Sequential stop 1 Machine is stopped automatically. It is disengaged automati-
cally and then the motors are switched off. The release
must continue to be pending during this time. Stop stage
bit 6, "Initiate stop stage" is to be given priority over this
2 Feeder unit release 1 The feeder unit is released.
0 The feeder unit is stopped immediately.
3 Switch from produc- 1 The rollers disengage; distributing flap is at recycling position. The
tion to recycling feeder unit continues running.
4 n.u. n.u.
5 Engage 1 The rollers engage when the machine is in recycling state. Func-
tion is available only if the parameter CON.REMENG has been ac-
6 Initiate stop stage 1 The machine switches to the stop stage. In the stop stage, the
machine continues running in production until the temperature of
the steamer falls below the programmed limit value or the product
flow becomes too small or the gap monitoring responds. The ma-
chine then automatically switches off. During this time, the release
must remain pending.
7 n.u. n.u.
1 0 n.u. n.u.
1 Release of tempera- 1 The temperature control unit is released when the parameter
ture control unit PAR.TMPEN is at REMOTE.
0 The temperature control unit is stopped. If the machine release is
on (bit 0 = 1), then the temperature control unit will also be released.
2...7 n.u. n.u.
2 0…7 n.u. n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by MEAG)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Flaking mill (MDFA) 287

37.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 The machine is running and the rollers are engaged. Produc-
tion active
1 Start motors 1 Motors are starting
2 Recycling 1 The machine is running and the rollers are engaged.
Recycling active
3 Engage 1 The machine is engaging (change from recycling to produc-
4 Stop stage 1 The stop phase of the machine is active.

5…7 n.u. n.u.

1 0 Main motor 1 run- 1 = Main motor 1 started and running

1 Main motor 2 run- 1 = Main motor 2 started and running
2 Feeder unit running 1 = Feeder unit starting and running
3 Roller temperature 1 = Roller temperature control started and in operation
control running
4 Rollers engaged 1 = The rollers are engaged and in the measuring range of the
gap sensors
5 Flap at Production 1 = Flap is at production position
6 Product flow OK 1 = Product flow sensor reports product flow
7 Emptying the stea- 1 = Stop stage is active, rollers are disengaged, flap is in recy-
mer cling position, the steamer is being discharged of un-
steamed product.
2 0 Motor unit in % 1 = The utilization of the motors is transferred in %.
0 = The utilization of the motors is transferred in A
1 Steaming without 1 = "Steaming without flaking" mode is active. Rollers are not
flaking engaged for production mode
0 = Normal production mode, in which the rollers are engaged.
2…7 n.u. n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are set to 0 by MEAG)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

288 Flaking mill (MDFA) Fieldbus protocol

37.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Gap on left in 10…400 [1] Value is adopted at production Start and during produc-
automatic mode tion. If a new gap is specified at the display unit during
product, then this new gap is adopted. So that a new gap
can also be specified in the control system during pro-
duction, a value other than the previous one must be
transmitted (adoption of a new value in the event of mod-
0 = Value is not adopted
10…11 Gap on right in 10…400 [1] Value is adopted at production Start and during produc-
automatic mode tion. If a new gap is specified at the display unit during
product, then this new gap is adopted. So that a new gap
can also be specified in the control system during pro-
duction, a value other than the previous one must be
transmitted (adoption of a new value in the event of mod-
0 = Value is not adopted
12…13 Setpoint temper- 0…PAR.TMPMAX Setpoint temperature for the roller temperature control
ature of tempera- 0.0…100.0 [°C] unit. Value is limited at the control by PAR.TMPMAX.
ture control unit

14…15 Setpoint speed of 0, PAR.FMIN… Setpoint of feeder unit. Value is limited at the control by
feeder unit PAR.FMAX [%] PAR.FMIN and PAR.FMAX.

16…17 Standby gap 130…475 [1] 0 = Value is not adopted

18 Production mode 0, 1, 2 0 = Setting of display unit is retained
1 = "Normal flaking" mode is forced. The rollers are en-
gaged for production mode. (Setting at display unit is
2 = "Steaming without flaking" mode is forced. Rollers
are not engaged for production mode. (Setting at display
unit is overwritten).
19…23 n.u.

n.u. = not used (data are ignored by MEAG)

37.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Gap, left 0…500 [1]
10…11 Gap, right 0…500 [1]
12…13 Actual tempera- 0…100.0 [°C]
ture of tempera-
ture control unit
14…15 Actual value of 0…999.9 [A] The value depends on the configuration of the control.
main motor 1 0…200 [%] Present current or utilization in %.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Flaking mill (MDFA) 289

16…17 Actual value of 0…999.9 [A] The value depends on the configuration of the control.
main motor 2 0…200 [%] Present current or utilization in %.
18…19 Product tempera- 0…100.0 [°C]
ture in steamer
20 Operating mode 1 = Service
of machine 2 = Manual
3 = Automatic
21 Status of the 1 = Standstill
machine in au- 2 = Motor start
tomatic mode 3 = Recycling
4 = Production
5 = Stop stage
6 = Error
22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…99 According to operating manual 66469

n.u. = not used (data is set to 0 by MEAG)

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

290 Rubber-roller huller DRHE (RCHULL) Fieldbus protocol

38 Rubber-roller huller DRHE (RCHULL)

38.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Machine release 0 Bit 0: Machine is running (engaged)
Bit 1: Bit 1 Main motor running
Bit 2: Bit 2: Level probe
Bit 3: Bit 3: Pressure switch
Bit 4: Bit 4:
Bit 5: Bit 5:
Bit 6: Bit 6:
Bit 7: Acknowledgment new values ready Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data rec- Bit 6: Acknowledgment of modification to
ord transmitted data record
Bit 7: Acknowledgment modification to re- Bit 7: Modification to received data record
ceived data record
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = x 5 Index of transmitted data record = x
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = x 7 Index of received data record = x
Throughput setpoint [0.1%] 8 n.u.
Setpoint for motor current [0.1 A] 10 Actual value of motor current [0.1 A]
n.u. 12 n.u.
n.u. 13 n.u.
n.u. 14 n.u.
n.u. 15 n.u.
n.u. 16 n.u.
n.u. 17 n.u.
n.u. 18 n.u.
n.u. 19 n.u.
n.u. 20 n.u.
n.u. 21 n.u.
n.u. 22 n.u.
n.u. 23 Alarm number (0…99)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Rubber-roller huller DRHE (RCHULL) 291

n.u. = not used

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

292 Rubber-roller huller DRHE (RCHULL) Fieldbus protocol

38.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Machine release 1 The machine is released for operation
1...6 n.u.

7 Acknowledgment of 1 = Clear status bit "New values ready"

"New values ready" (Leave applied until "New values ready" = 0)
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by MEAG)

38.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Machine is running 1 Machine is in operation, rollers are engaged.
1 Main motor running 1 Main motors are running, a current is measured that is great-
er than TCON.IRUN.
2 Level probe 1 Level probe covered.
3 Pressure switch 1 Pressure present
4…6 n.u.
7 New values ready 1 = New values are available (total weights, actual power)
0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready" = 1
1 0…7 n.u.

2 0…7 n.u.

3 0…7 See "General data

for all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are set to 0 by MEAG)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Rubber-roller huller DRHE (RCHULL) 293

38.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Throughput, set- 0.0…100.0 [%] Throughput setpoint (USER.RATE)
10…11 Motor current 0.0…99.9 [A] Motor current setpoint (USER.AMPS)
12…23 n.u.

n.u. = not used (data are ignored by MEAG)

38.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 n.u.
10…11 Actual value of 0.0…99.9 [A] Active motor current measured
motor current
12 Machine status 1 = Machine stopped
2 = Manual dosing
3 = Dosing starts
4 = Rollers engage
5 = Machine running
6 = Rollers disengage
7 = Standby
13…22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…99 Alarm number currently active

n.u. = not used (data is set to 0 by MEAG)

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

294 High-compression mill (MDGA) Fieldbus protocol

39 High-compression mill (MDGA)

39.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Operation
Bit 1: Dosing Start Bit 1: Disengaged
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: n.u.
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Local Suspend
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: n.u.
Bit 5: n.u Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6: Mode ATTA Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "New values ready" Bit 7: New values ready
Bit 0: Acknowledgment Start grinding motor 1 Bit 0: Grinding motor 1 Start
1 Bit 1: Grinding motor 2 Start
Bit 1: Acknowledgment Start grinding motor Bit 2: Detacher Start
2 Bit 3: Hydraulic pump Start
Bit 2: Acknowledgment Start detacher Bit 4: n.u.
Bit 3: Acknowledgment Hydraulic pump Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: n.u. 2 TRUE= No product available
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 0: Inlet probe DI 0.4
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 1: Outlet probe DI 0.5
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.6
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 3: DI 0.7
Bit 5: n.u. Bit 4: n.u.
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u. Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data rec- Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
ord transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record" ord
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = 0 5 Index of transmitted data record = 0
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = 0 7 Index of received data record = 0
n.u. 8 n.u.
n.u. 10 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol High-compression mill (MDGA) 295

Transmitted data Byte Received data

n.u. 12 n.u.
n.u. 14 n.u.
Contact pressure [bar] 16 Converter grinding motor 1 [0.1 Hz]
Speed level of rollers [%] 18 Converter hydraulic pump [0.1 Hz]
Start time [s] 20 Nominal power of fresh product feed
n.u. 22 n.u.
n.u. 23 Alarm number [1]

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

296 High-compression mill (MDGA) Fieldbus protocol

39.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start/stop 1 = Machine Start
0 = Machine stop
1 Dosing Start 1 = Dosing Start
0 = Stop dosing
2 n.u.
3 n.u.
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6 ATTA mode 1 = Operating mode ATTA
0 = Operating mode Basic
For MDGA-A (just Atta), the bit on the control is always forced to 1.
7 Acknowledgment of 1 = Clear the status bit "New values ready".
"New values ready" (Leave applied until "New values ready" = 0).
1 0 Acknowledgment, Byte 1 Bit 0 Grinding motor 1 Start must be mirrored.
grinding motor 1
1 Acknowledgment, Byte 1 Bit 1 Grinding motor 2 Start must be mirrored.
grinding motor 2
2 Acknowledgment, Byte 1 Bit 2 Detacher Start must be mirrored.
detacher Start
3 Acknowledgment, Byte 1 Bit 3 Hydraulic pump 1 Start must be mirrored.
hydraulic pump
4...7 n.u.
2 0...7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol High-compression mill (MDGA) 297

39.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Operation 1 = The machine has started and is ready.
0 = Machine has been stopped or has an active alarm.
1 Disengaged 1 = The rollers are disengaged.
2 n.u. 1 = Residual emptying has been activated
3 Local Suspend 1 = The machine has been stopped on-site.
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6 n.u.
7 New values 1 = New values are available (total weights, actual power)
ready 0 = Control bit "Acknowledgment new values ready" = 1
1 0 Grinding motor 1 1 = Grinding motor 1 must be started.
Start 0 = Grinding motor 1 must be stopped.
1 Grinding motor 2 1 = Grinding motor 2 must be started.
Start 0 = Grinding motor 2 must be stopped.
2 Detacher 1 = The detacher must be started.
Start 0 = The detacher must be stopped.
3 Hydraulic pump 1 = The hydraulic pump must be started.
Start 0 = The hydraulic pump must be stopped.
4 n.u.
5 n.u.
6…7 n.u.
2 0 Inlet probe 1 = No product is present
DI 0.4 0 = Probe is covered
1 Outlet probe 1 = No product is present
DI 0.5 0 = Probe is covered
2 DI 0.6
3 DI 0.7
4…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General
data for all de-

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

298 High-compression mill (MDGA) Fieldbus protocol

39.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

39.4.1 Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…15 n.u.
16…17 Contact pressure 0...TCON.PMAX Setpoint for the current contract pressure 1)
[bar] 0 = On-site setting applies
18…19 Speed level of rollers 60…100 [%] Speed level for the two grinding motors. 2)
In startup operation, the speed of motor 1 is re-
duced in order to maintain a lower speed ratio.
100% = 50 Hz, 60% = 30 Hz
0 = On-site setting applies
20..21 Start time 1…1200 [s] Duration of startup operation. Defines how long 2)
the reduced speed ratio is maintained after dosing
release. After expiration of the start time, operation
begins with the specified speed ratio
0 = On-site setting is valid
22..23 n.u.

2) Only for MDGA-C, Combi (TCON.TYPE = MDGA-C)

3) Only for MDGA-A, just Atta (TCON.TYPE = MDGA-A)

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol High-compression mill (MDGA) 299

39.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

39.5.1 Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…15 n.u.
16…17 Setpoint frequency 0.0…100.0 [Hz] Current setpoint for grinding motor 1.
of frequency con- If this signal is used to control the frequency
verter grinding mo- converter of the main motor, an update
tor 1 power of <1 second must be maintained! 1)
18..19 Setpoint frequency 0.0…100.0 [Hz] Current setpoint for the hydraulic pump.
of frequency con- If this signal is used to control the frequency
verter for hydraulic converter of the hydraulic pump, an update
pump power of <1 second must be maintained! 1)
20..21 Nominal power of 0.0…100.0% Nominal power for the fresh product feed.
fresh product feed 2)
22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0...255 Alarm number

1) Only for MDGA-C, Combi (TCON.TYPE = MDGA-C)

2) Only for MDGA-A, just Atta (TCON.TYPE = MDGA-A)

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

300 High-compression mill (MDGA) Fieldbus protocol

39.5.2 Received data record 2 (advanced actual values)

Received data record 2
Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Product level +-500 (INT) MDGA-A Current product level in the inlet
0..100 (UINT) MDGA-C

10..11 Setpoint frequency of 0.0…100.0 [Hz] Current setpoint for grinding motor 2. If this
frequency converter signal is used to control the frequency con-
grinding motor 2 verter of the main motor, an update power of
<1 s must be maintained! 1)
12…13 Working hours 0…65,536 [hours] Operating hours of grinding motor 1
grinding motor 1 (UNIT)
14…15 Working hours 0…65,536 [hours] Operating hours of grinding motor 2
grinding motor 2 (UNIT)
16...17 Operation hours 0…65,536 [hours] Operation hours of the hydraulic pump
hydraulic pump (UNIT)
18...19 Operation hours 0…65,536 [hours] Operation hours
Motor detacher (UNIT) Motor detacher
20...21 Number of engage- 0…65,536 [hours] Number of engagements/disengagements of
ments (UNIT) grinding rollers
22..23 Current contact pres- 0...255 [bar] Current contact pressure of the grinding rollers
sure (UINT)
1) Only for MDGA-A, just Atta (TCON.TYPE = MDGA-A)

39.5.3 Received data record 5 (current temperatures)

Received data record 5
Bearing temperatures index = 1 (CAN module address 1)

Byte Name Range [units] Description

8…9 Temperature 0.1°C Current temperature
left bearing (-320.0…+320.0) n Index (standard setting 1)
in front 0 = Basic print
1…9 CAN analog module
10…11 Temperature
left bearing
Obtain index n from the connection diagram.
at the rear
12…13 Temperature
right bearing
in front
14…15 Temperature
right bearing
at the rear
16…17 n.u.
18…19 n.u.
20…21 n.u.
22…23 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Vertical pearler MTPA 301

40 Vertical pearler MTPA

40.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.
Transmitted data Byte Received data
Bit 0: Start / Stop 0 Bit 0: Control active
Bit 1: Emptying Bit 1: Ready
Bit 2…7: n.u. Bit 2: Emptying active
Bit 3: Waiting for product
Bit 4: Controller within tolerance
Bit 5…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 1 Bit 0 Main motor start
Bit 1 State of blockage probe
Bit 2…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7: n.u. 2 Bit 0…7: n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment of modification to
record transmitted data record
Bit 7: Acknowledgment modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data rec-
received data record ord
No. of transmitted data record = 128 4 No. of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = x 5 Index of transmitted data record = x
No. of received data record = 1 6 No. of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = x 7 Index of received data record = x
Setpoint current 8 Actual current
Aperture opening Start 10 Current aperture opening
Aperture opening stop 12 Motor state
n.u. 14 Step number
n.u. 15
n.u. 16 Operating hours
n.u. 17
n.u. 18 n.u.
n.u. 19 n.u.
n.u. 20 n.u.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

302 Vertical pearler MTPA Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

n.u. 21 n.u.
n.u. 22 n.u.
n.u. 23 Alarm number

n.u. = not used

40.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Start/stop 1 = Automatic control Start (transition to M_ON state)
0 = Automatic control stop (transition to STOP state)
1 Emptying 1 = Emptying the machine
0 = Stop machine emptying
2…7 n.u.
1 0…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are ignored by MEAG)

40.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Control active 1 = Automatic current control is running
1 Ready 1 = Machine ready for automatic current control
0 = Machine not ready for entry into automatic current control.
Initialization or positioning job is executed.
2 Emptying active 1 = Machine emptying active (state DISC)
3 Waiting for product 1 = Control started, waiting for product ("WAIT PRODUCT" is
shown on display)
4 Controller within 1 = Control is operating within tolerance (CTRL.REGTOL)
5..7 n.u.
1 0 Main motor Start 1 = The main motor must be started. The motor current is
evaluated as feedback to determine whether the motor is
0 = The main motor must be stopped.
1 State of blockage 1 = Blockage probe (High Level) covered
probe 0 = Blockage probe (High Level) not covered
2…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Vertical pearler MTPA 303

Byte Bit Name Description

3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

n.u. = not used (bits are set to 0 by MEAG)

40.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Setpoint current TCON.IMIN..TCON. The setpoint current at which controlling takes 1)
IMAX [A] (UINT) place. Corresponds to REC.ISET.0
10…11 Aperture opening 1..100 [%] (UINT) The aperture opening that is approached in the 1)
Start M_ON state. Corresponds to REC.PSTART.0
12...13 Aperture opening 1..100 [%] (UINT) The aperture opening that is approached in the 1)
stop STOP state. This position is updated continuously.
Corresponds to REC.PSTOP.0
14…15 Aperture control 1..100 [%] (UINT) The first aperture opening position which is as- 1)
initial value sumed upon entry into automatic control. Adjust-
ment of the position can improve the starting behav-
ior of the controller. Corresponds to REC.SVAL.0
16…23 n.u.
1) Value 0 is not adopted; the on-site setting remains valid.

40.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (standard actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…9 Actual current 0…250 [A] (UINT) The current electric current consumption of the main
10...11 Current aperture 0...100 [%] (UINT) The current aperture opening (0% = aperture completely
opening closed, 100% = aperture completely opened)
12…13 Motor state 0…3 (UINT) 0 = Motor OFF (switched off)
Current consumption < TCON.IRUN
1 = Motor IDLE (idling)
TCON.IRUN < current consumption < TCON.IMIN
2 = Motor OP (in grinding mode)
TCON.IMIN < current consumption < TCON.IMAX
3 = Motor OVLD (overload)
current consumption < TCON.IMAX
14…15 Step number 0…999 (UINT) According to operating manual
16…17 Operating hours 0…65,536 [hours] Grinding time during active control operation
18…22 n.u.
23 Alarm number 0…100 (UINT) According to operating manual

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

304 Vertical pearler MTPA Fieldbus protocol

Received data record 128 (standard setpoints)

For data contents, see transmitted data record 128

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sample collector MZET (SAM) 305

41 Sample collector MZET (SAM)

41.1 Summary of standard data records 128/1
See following pages for detailed description and other data records.

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Bit 0: Release 0 Bit 0: No container inserted
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Container full in sampling position
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: n.u.
Bit 3: Dump pulse Bit 3: Ack. Dump pulse
Bit 4: Request new job / reset Bit 4: Ack. new job / reset
Bit 5: Request sampling Bit 5: Ack. request to take sample
Bit 6: n.u. Bit 6: n.u.
Bit 7: n.u. Bit 7: n.u.
Bit 0: n.u. 1 Bit 0: n.u.
Bit 1: n.u. Bit 1: Taking sample
Bit 2…7: n.u. Bit 2: n.u.
Bit 3: n.u.
Bit 4: Number of samples reached
Bit 5: n.u.
Bit 6…7: n.u.
Bit 0…7:n.u. 2 Bit 0…7:n.u.
Bit 0: Control signals valid 3 Bit 0: DI 0.0
Bit 1: Local mode Bit 1: DI 0.1
Bit 2: n.u. Bit 2: DI 0.2
Bit 3: n.u. Bit 3: Remote control via fieldbus
Bit 4: n.u. Bit 4: Incorrect setpoint
Bit 5: Clear alarm Bit 5: Common alarm
Bit 6: Modification to transmitted data Bit 6: Acknowledgment "Modification to
record transmitted data record"
Bit 7: Acknowledgment "Modification to Bit 7: Modification to received data record
received data record"
Number of transmitted data record = 128 4 Number of transmitted data record = 128
Index of transmitted data record = X 5 Index of transmitted data record = X
Number of received data record = 1 6 Number of received data record = 1
Index of received data record = X 7 Index of received data record = X
Sampling time 0…9.9 [s] 8 n.u.
Purge time 0…9.9 [s] 9 n.u.
Operating mode 10 n.u.
n.u. 11 n.u.
Number of samples 0…9999 [1] 12 Current number of samples [1]
Sample interval 0…99.99 [min] 14 Current time for sample interval 0…99.99
15 [min]
Number of dump pulses 0…255 [1] 16 Current number of dump pulses [1]

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

306 Sample collector MZET (SAM) Fieldbus protocol

Transmitted data Byte Received data

Delay in dump pulses 0…255 [s] 17 Current delay in dump pulses [s]
n.u. 18 n.u.
Samples per dump 0, 1…99 22 n.u.
n.u. 23 Current alarm number

41.2 Control bits (transmitted data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 Release TRUE  Sample collector is released.
1 n.u.
2 n.u.
3 Dump pulse Pos. edge  Synchronization signal for dump-synchronized sam-
4 Request new job Pos. edge  All counters and timers are reset.
5 Request sampling Pos. edge  Sampling is started. Confirmation with status bit 1.5.
6 n.u.
1 0..7 n.u.
2 0..7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data
for all devices"

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Sample collector MZET (SAM) 307

41.3 Status bits (received data bytes 0…3)

Byte Bit Name Description

0 0 No container inserted TRUE  There is no container in the sample collector.
1 Container full TRUE  The container in the sampling position is full.
2 n.u.
3 Ack. new batch / TRUE  New batch / dump successful.
4 Ack. new job / reset TRUE  New job / reset successful.
5 Ack. request sample TRUE  Request for sample successful.
6 n.u.
1 0 n.u.
1 Taking a sample TRUE  Sampling is active.
2..3 n.u.
4 Number of samples TRUE  The preselected number of samples was reached.
reached End of job.
5…7 n.u.
2 0…7 n.u.
3 0…7 See "General data for
all devices"

41.4 Transmitted data records (transmitted data bytes 8…23)

Transmitted data record 128 (standard setpoints)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8 Sampling time 0.1…9.9 [s] Time in which the sampling valve is controlled during
(TCON.TSAMPL) sampling.
Value = 0, setting on control is not overwritten.
9 Purging time 0.1…9.9 [s] Time in which the scavenging air valve is activated after
(TCON.TFLUSH) sampling. Relevant only for sampler MZED.
Value = 0, setting on control is not overwritten.
10 Operating mode 0  MAN Manual operating mode.
(MAIN.MODE) 1  CONT Continuous operation.
2  DUMP Operation synchronized to dump pulse.
11 n.u.
12…13 Number of sam- 0….9999 Number of samplings.
14…15 Sample interval 0.1…99.99 [min] Sampling interval.
(MAIN.INTERV) Value = 0, setting on control is retained.
16 Dump pulses 0…99 Number of dump pulses until sampling.
17 Delay in dump 0…99 s Delay of dump pulses until sampling.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

308 Sample collector MZET (SAM) Fieldbus protocol

18…21 n.u.
22 Number of sam- 0.1…99 Number of samples which are taken per dump after the
ples per dump delay.
(MAIN.S_DUMP) Value = 0; setting on control is retained.
23 n.u.

41.5 Received data records (received data bytes 8…23)

Received data record 1 (actual values)

Byte Name Range [units] Description
8…11 n.u.
12…13 Current number 0….9999 Current number of samples taken.
of samples
14…15 Time until next 0…99.99 [min] Time counted down until next sample is taken.
16 Current number 0…99 Counter counts down until the required number of dump
of dump pulses pulses has been received.
17 Delay in current 0…99 [s] Time counted down until sampling takes place when
dump pulse synchronization condition is fulfilled.
18…22 n.u.
23 Alarm 0…255 Alarm number currently active.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Examples 309

42 Examples
42.1 Schematic design of data communication
42.1.1 Simple example: Reading actual value

For a hopper scale (dump), only the total amount that cannot be cleared should be
Also refer to chapter 5.

Query total that cannot be cleared

Transmitted data (output at host device).

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hex 0 – – 0 0 0 1 0 X X X –
xxxx xxx0

In order to ensure that the control bits (byte 0...3) have no impact, bit 0 / byte 3,
"Control signal valid" must be set to 0. Byte 4 = 0 means that the transmitted data
(byte 8...23) is ignored by the device. By setting byte 6 to 1, the received data rec-
ord 1 is requested.

Received data
(Input at host device)

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hex X – – X 0 0 1 0 X X X X – X X
Total which
cannot be

The data record numbers, which were previously requested in the transmitted data,
are acknowledged by bytes 4 and 6. The "Total which cannot be cleared" (32 bit
value) can be read at bytes 16...19.

X) Indeterminate value
-) Not used

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

310 Examples Fieldbus protocol

42.1.2 More complex example: Transmit setpoints and control signals, and query actual values
For a flow balancer (FBAL), a setpoint power of 10,000 kg/h is to be specified and
the actual power is to be read. The flow balancer should first be started and then
Also refer to chapter 7.

Step 1 Set setpoint power to 10,000 kg/h and request actual power
Transmitted data (output at host device)

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Hex 0 – – 0 80 0 1 0 2710 0 –


Transmitted data record 128 must be selected in order for a setpoint power to be
transmitted (byte 4).

Step 2 Start flow balancer (actual power remains requested)

Transmitted data (output at host device)
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hex 1 – – 1 0 0 1 0 X X –
0000 0001

0000 0001

Byte 0 / bit 0 = 1 : Starts dosing

Byte 3 / bit 0 = 1 : Control signals valid (byte 0…3)
Since there is no valid transmitted data (byte 8…23) present, byte 4 is set to 0 (no
transmitted data is accepted by the device).

Received data (input at host device)

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hex X – – X 0 0 1 0 X X X – X X

The actual power is output at bytes 8...11 (32 bit value).

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Examples 311

Step 3 Stop the flow balancer (actual power remains requested)

Transmitted data (output at host device)

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hex 0 – – 1 0 0 1 0 X X –
0000 0000

0000 0001

Byte 0 / bit 0 = 0 : Stop dosing

X) Indeterminate value
–) Not used

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

312 Examples Fieldbus protocol

42.1.3 Complex example: Start the press and read the responses
A press (DFCI) is to be started with a die circumferential speed of 7.0 m/s. The
heating mats are to be heated up to 85°C.
Also refer to chapter 19.
The current values for the heating mat temperature, die circumferential speed and
press current in [%] and in [A] as well as the press torque in [%] and [kNm] should
be read back so that they can be displayed in the visualization. Similarly, the last
alarm or warning that occurred should also be displayed. Finally, the temperature
of the cooling water and of the main bearing, as well as the of heating mats, should
also be queried.

Step 1 Request press start and transfer associated data

Transmitted data (output at host device)

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hex 1 – – 41 80 0 1 0 352 2BC X – X X X –
0000 0001

0100 0001



Byte 0 / bit 0 = 1 : Press Start

Byte 0 / bit 1 = 0 : Bypass flap in direction of bypass (if press is started)
Byte 0 / bit 2 = 0 : Bypass flap in direction of bypass (if press is stopped)
Byte 3 / bit 0 = 1 : Control signals valid (byte 0…3)
Byte 3 / bit 6 = 1 : "Modification to transmitted data record" (byte 8…23)  optional
Byte 3 / bit 7 = 0 : Acknowledgment "Modification to received data record"  op-

In order to be able to send the setpoints, transmitted data record 128 must be se-
lected (byte 4).
Bytes 8 und 9 transfer the heating mat temperature (850 x in [0.1°C]).
Bytes 10 and 11 transfer the die circumferential speed (700 x [0.01 m/s]).
The request for actual values is made by transferring received data record number
1 (byte 6).

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Examples 313

Received data (input at host device)

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hex 2 2F – C8 80 0 1 0 X X X X X X X – X

Current [%]

Torque [%]

Current [A]
Temp. HM
0000 0010
0010 1111

1100 1000

Alarm No.

Byte 0 / bit 0 = 0 : Press has not yet started up

Byte 0 / bit 1 = 1 : Press is ready for Start
Byte 1 / bit 0 = 1 : Press shear pin OK
Byte 1 / bit 1 = 1 : Press inlet blockage probe not covered
Byte 1 / bit 2 = 1 : Press door closed in front
Byte 1 / bit 3 = 1 : Lateral press doors closed
Byte 1 / bit 4 = 0 : Bypass flap is not in direction of press
Byte 1 / bit 5 = 1 : Bypass flap is in direction of bypass
Byte 3 / bit 3 = 1 : Remote control via fieldbus active
Byte 3 / bit 4 = 0 : Setpoints and received/transmitted data records are correctly se-
Byte 3 / bit 5 = 0 : No common alarm pending
Byte 3 / bit 6 = 1 : Acknowledgment of "Modification to transmitted data record"
(byte 8…23)  opt.
Byte 3 / bit 7 = 1 : "Modification to received data record" (byte 8…23)  optional

Byte 6 shows the received data record (bytes 8…23) that is involved as a result.
Bytes 8 und 9 receive the actual heating mat temperature (in [0.1°C]).
Bytes 10 and 11 receive the actual die circumferential speed (in [0.1 m/s]).
Bytes 12 and 13 receive the actual current of the press motor (in [%]). This takes
account of any derating through increased cooling water temperature.
Bytes 14 and 15 receive the actual torque of the press motor (in [%]). This takes
account of any derating through increased cooling water temperature.
Bytes 16 and 17 receive the actual current of the press motor (in [A]).
The last alarm or warning number is received in Byte 23. If no alarm and no warn-
ing is present, the value 0 is transferred here. Received data records 120 and 121
must be used in order to read out all alarms and warnings (see chapters 3.5 and

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

314 Examples Fieldbus protocol

Step 2 Request further information

Transmitted data (output at host device)

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hex 1 – – 81 0 0 2 0 – – – – – – – –
0000 0001

1000 0001

Byte 0 / bit 0 = 1 : Press Start

Byte 0 / bit 1 = 0 : Bypass flap in direction of bypass (if press is started)
Byte 0 / bit 2 = 0 : Bypass flap in direction of bypass (if press is stopped)
Byte 3 / bit 0 = 1 : Control signals valid (byte 0…3)
Byte 3 / bit 6 = 0 : No modification to transmitted data record (byte 8…23)  op-
Byte 3 / bit 7 = 1 : Acknowledgment "Modification to received data record"  op-

Since no setpoints are to be sent, transmitted data record 0 must be selected (byte
The request for further actual values is made by transferring received data record
number 2 (byte 6).

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Examples 315

Received data (input at host device)

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hex 2 2F – 88 0 0 2 0 X X X X X X X X X X
0000 0010
0010 1111

1000 1000


Byte 0 / bit 0 = 0 : Press has not yet started up

Byte 0 / bit 1 = 1 : Press is ready for Start
Byte 1 / bit 0 = 1 : Press shear pin OK
Byte 1 / bit 1 = 1 : Press inlet blockage probe not covered
Byte 1 / bit 2 = 1 : Press door closed in front
Byte 1 / bit 3 = 1 : Lateral press doors closed
Byte 1 / bit 4 = 0 : Bypass flap is not in direction of press
Byte 1 / bit 5 = 1 : Bypass flap is in direction of bypass
Byte 3 / bit 3 = 1 : Remote control via fieldbus active
Byte 3 / bit 4 = 0 : Setpoints and received/transmitted data records are correctly se-
Byte 3 / bit 5 = 0 : No common alarm pending
Byte 3 / bit 6 = 0 : Acknowledgment of "Modification to transmitted data record"
(byte 8…23)  opt.
Byte 3 / bit 7 = 1 : Modification to received data record (byte 8…23)  optional

Byte 6 shows the received data record (bytes 8…23) that is involved as a result.
Bytes 8 and 9 receive the actual torque of the press motor (in [0.01 kNm]). The
other actual values (byte 10...23) are also valid and can also be output.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

316 Examples Fieldbus protocol

Step 3 Read the current temperatures

Transmitted data (output at host device)

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hex 1 – – 1 0 0 5 1 – – – – – – – –
0000 0001

0000 0001


Byte 0 / bit 0 = 1 : Press Start

Byte 0 / bit 1 = 0 : Bypass flap in direction of bypass (if press is started)
Byte 0 / bit 2 = 0 : Bypass flap in direction of bypass (if press is stopped)
Byte 3 / bit 0 = 1 : Control signals valid (byte 0…3)
Byte 3 / bit 6 = 0 : No modification to transmitted data record (byte 8…23)  op-
Byte 3 / bit 7 = 0 : Acknowledgment "Modification to received data record"  op-

Since no setpoints are to be sent, transmitted data record 0 must be selected (byte
The request for the temperature actual values is made by transferring the received
data record number 5 (byte 6).
Since the temperature sensors that are of interest are connected to CAN module 1,
this module must also be selected with index 1 (byte 7).

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Examples 317

Received data (input at host device)

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hex 2 2F – 88 0 0 5 1 X – X X X X X X

Cooling wa-
0000 0010
0010 1111

1000 1000

Main bea-


Byte 0 / bit 0 = 0 : Press has not yet started up
Byte 0 / bit 1 = 1 : Press is ready for Start
Byte 1 / bit 0 = 1 : Press shear pin OK
Byte 1 / bit 1 = 1 : Press inlet blockage probe not covered
Byte 1 / bit 2 = 1 : Press door closed in front
Byte 1 / bit 3 = 1 : Lateral press doors closed
Byte 1 / bit 4 = 0 : Bypass flap is not in direction of press
Byte 1 / bit 5 = 1 : Bypass flap is in direction of bypass
Byte 3 / bit 3 = 1 : Remote control via fieldbus active
Byte 3 / bit 4 = 0 : Setpoints and received/transmitted data records are correctly se-
Byte 3 / bit 5 = 0 : No common alarm pending
Byte 3 / bit 6 = 0 : Acknowledgment of "Modification to transmitted data record"
(byte 8…23)
Byte 3 / bit 5 = 1 : Modification to received data record (byte 8…23)

Byte 6 shows the received data record (bytes 8…23) that is involved as a result.
Bytes 8 and 9 receive the actual temperature of the cooling water (in [0.1°C]).
Bytes 18 and 19 receive the actual temperature of the main bearing (in [0.1°C]).
Bytes 20 and 21 receive the actual temperature of the heating mats (in [0.1°C]).

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

318 Real-time Ethernet (ProfiNet / EtherNet/IP) Fieldbus protocol

43 Real-time Ethernet (ProfiNet / EtherNet/IP)

43.1 General information

As an option, it is possible to use the following real-time fieldbuses:

Communication takes place via the optional additional printed board assembly.
EtherNet IP EBD1325 EKP-85387-810
ProfiNet EBD1326 EKP-85388-810

The design of the protocol and of the data content is identical is identical with the Profibus DP communica-

The use of a managed switch with star topology is recommended for connecting the MEAG devices.

There is a switch available on the board. For error diagnostics and the operational reliability of the network, it
is however practical to use a star topology. In principle, the board also supports the ring topology.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Real-time Ethernet (ProfiNet / EtherNet/IP) 319

43.2 EtherNet/IP configuration

The devices are connected via a fixed IP address so that the devices can be identified at any time and so
that the connection can be readily restored after a hardware exchange.
(DHCP is not provided).

The following parameters must be set on the MEAG:

SYS.REM REME if control signals are transmitted or setpoints are written.
ENET.MPDP NORM current data length (12 words/24 bytes)
ENET.SNSET Subnet mask
ENET.GWSET Standard gateway

43.2.1 Generic module configuration with RSLogix 5000

A module must be created for each MEAG control.

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

320 Real-time Ethernet (ProfiNet / EtherNet/IP) Fieldbus protocol

43.2.2 Adding generic modules

The generic module is added in the hardware configuration.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

Fieldbus protocol Real-time Ethernet (ProfiNet / EtherNet/IP) 321

43.2.3 Connection parameters

Requested Packet Interval 20…100 ms, depending on the requests.

Use Unicast Connection The MEAG works only with Unicast=Yes

 Copyright 2018 Bühler AG MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808

322 Real-time Ethernet (ProfiNet / EtherNet/IP) Fieldbus protocol

43.3 ProfiNet configuration

ProfiNet is configured via the Bühler GSDML file. This file is identical for all MEAGs.

The MEAG logs onto the bus as meag-1 ( 1= address = ENET.ADR setting)
For the ProfiNet connection, no IP address is assigned on the MEAG and DHCP is not supported.

The following parameters must be set on the MEAG:

SYS.REM REME if control signals are sent or setpoints are written
ENET.ADR current address
ENET.MPDP NORM current data length (12 words/24 bytes)

43.3.1 Example of Simatic configuration.

MEAG-MDDx-21070-2-en-1808  Copyright 2018 Bühler AG

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