BB2020 Guide v01
BB2020 Guide v01
BB2020 Guide v01
This is the “how to” guide for the league management software described in this facebook group. Any questions,
just post there and I’ll answer! The software is produced in Google sheets, so is designed for people managing their
own teams and entering their own results. I’ll say at the beginning that it’s not as “bells and whistles” as OBBLM, but
it should allow people to run a league using BB2020.
The spreadsheet does contain the stats for each team and star player, but you will need your own copy of the game
to be able to use the spreadsheet effectively.
1. Step 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
2. League Setup ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
3. Results ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4. Table .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
5. Teams ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
a. SPP Earning Achievements.................................................................................................................................... 2
b. Skill Choices ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
c. Injuries................................................................................................................................................................... 2
d. Improvements ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
e. Advancement Choices ........................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Step 1
Save the spreadsheet to your own Google Drive, then allow people in your league to edit it!
2. League Setup
The first tab is the league set up. Fairly straightforward:
1. Enter the details for each team – set up for 20 teams in a league.
a. Enter Team name, over-writing A, B, C etc
b. Enter the Race for each team, this is a drop down
c. Enter the Coach, however you want to identify them
2. Choose the points for a win, draw or loss
3. Enter the order for tiebreakers – Points, Touchdown difference, Cas difference available at the moment
3. Results
As games are played, enter the results on this tab. Columns A and B are driven from the League Setup, so team
names need to be entered there first.
4. Table
This will be produced automatically as results are entered.
b. Skill Choices
These are in green. Enter their first gained skill in skill 1, then second in skill 2 etc.
c. Injuries
These are in red. Enter whether a player is MNG, how many niggles they have, and how many stat decreases,
entering stat injuries as negative numbers (e.g. an AG damage would be -1).
d. Improvements
These are in cyan. Enter any stat improvements as positive numbers.
e. Advancement Choices
These are in yellow. Put in here whether a skill choice was a random, chosen, or stat, as this will affect how many
SPPs it uses up.