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University of Dhaka

Final ProiessionaI MBBS Examination of .Tuly & November 2022

Sub: Surgery Paper-II (Otolaryngology)

Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)

Mark:4 Time:4 Mins

Station- 1

l. Identify the x-ray with its vier.v. 0.5

2. Describe the positive findings of the x-ray. 1.0

3. What is your radiological diagnosis and mention two differential diagnosis. 1.0

4. Mention treatment options of this conditions and four complications of the

treatment procedure. 1.5
University of Dhaka

Final Professional MBBS Examination of July & November2022

Sub: Surgery Paper-II (Otolaryngology)

Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)

Mark:4 Time:4 Mins


1. Identify the x-ray with its view. 0.5

2. Describe the positive findings of the x-ray and your radiological diagnosis. 1.0
3. Write down two differential diagnosis. 1.0
4. Mention treatment options of this conditions and four complications of the
treatment procedure. 1.5
University of Dhaka

Final Professional MBBS Examination of fuly & November 2022

Sub: Surgery Paper-II (Otolaryngology)

Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)

Mark:4 Time:4 Mins

1. Identify the Instrument. 0.5

2. Mention the name of the procedure done by this instrument. 0.5

3. What are the structures seen during this procedure? 2.0

4. Mention five causes of hoarse voice. 1.0

University of Dhaka

Professional MBBS Examination of July & November 2022

Sub: Surgery Paper-II (Otolaryngology)

Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)

Time:4 Mins


1. Describe the specimen. 0.5

2. What operation has been done here? 0.5

3. Mention blood supply and development of the specimen. 2.0

4. Mention five complications of the operative procedure. 1.0

University of Dhaka

Final ProfessionalMBBS Examination of July & November2022

Sub: Surgery Paper-II (Otolaryngology)

Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)

Time:4 Mins


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1. Describe the tracing. 0.5

2. Write your positive findings and diagnosis. 1.0
3. How do you treat this patient? 1.0
4. Mention five causes of conductive deafness. 1.5
University of Dhaka r+:

Final Profedsional MBBS Examination of July & November 2022

Sub: Surgery Paper-II (Otolaryngology)

Objeptive Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)

Mark:4 Time:4 Mins

Station- 1

Kelr Answer
1. Identify the x-ray with its view. 0.5
:Plain X-ray mastoid Town's view
2. Describe the positive findings of the x-ray. 1.0
:A circular radiolucent shadow in Ieft tympanomastoid area with sclerosed margin, right
tympanomastoid area shows multiple air cells like honeycomb
3. What is your radiological diagnosis and mention two differential diagnosis. 1.0
:Cholesteatoma in left middle ear cleft, D/D post mastoidectomy cavity,carcinoma left

middle ear.
4. Mention treatment options of this conditions and four complications of the
treatment procedure.
Modified radical mastoidectomy with tympanoplasty. Complications: Facial nerye palsy,
injury to labtrinth, dura matter, sigmoid sinus.

1. Identi$ the x-ray with its view.
Plain X-ray soft tissue nasopharynx lateral view

2. Describe the positive findings of the x-ray and your radiological diagnosis.
:Enlarged soft tissue shadow in nasopharynx, obstructing the nasopharyngeal air way,air

column is anterior to soft tissue shadow, diagnosis Enlarged adenoid 1.0

3. Write down two differential diagnosis.

:Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, antrochoanal polyp 1.0

4. Mention treatment options of this conditions and four complications of the

treatment procedure.
:Adenoidectomy. reactionary haemorrhage,injury to eustachian tubes,injury to soft
palate, posterior nasopharyngeal wall 1.5
University of Dhaka '",ip

Final Professional MBBS Examination of July & Novemb er 2022

Sub: Surgery Paper-II (Otolaryngology)

Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)

l. Identify the Instrument.
: Laryngeal mirror
2. Mention the name of the procedure done by this instrument.
:Indirect laryngoscopy
3. What are the structures seen during this procedure?
:Tongue base,valleculae,arytenoids,aryepiglottic
folds,vestibular folds,vocal
cords,pyriform fossae,tracheal rings. 2.0
4. Mention five causes of hoarse voice.
:vocal cord nodule,polyp,papilloma,carcinoma
Iarynx,vocal cord paralysis. 1.0

t. Describe the specimen.
:Resected specimen of thyroid gland
containing right lobe,left lobe, isthmuys and
pyramidal lobe.
2. What operation has been done here?
:Total thyroidectomy 0.5
Mention blood supply and development of the specimen.
:Superior thyroid from external carotid,inferior
thyroid from thyrocervical trunk, venous
drainage : superior an middle thyroid veins drain to internaljugular vein .inferior
vein drains to bracheocephalic vein. minor contribution from arteriathyrid imma.
from thyroglossal duct producing follicular cells and from ultimobranchial
producing parafollicular cells. 2.0
4. Mention five complications of the operative procedure.
:Reactionar haemorrhage,unilateral or
bilateral recurrent laryngeal nereve injury,superior
laryngeal nerve injury(external br), parathyroid insufficiency,oesophageal injury.
University of Dhaka

Final Professional MBBS Examination of July & November 2022

Sub: Surgery Paper-II (Otolaryngology)

Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSpE)

t. Describe the tracing.
:Pure to audiogram
Write your positive findings and diagnosis.
:Bilateral moderate sensorineural hearing loss,
more over higher frequencies, with no A-
B gap. Diagnosis Presbycusis 1.0
3. How do you treat this patient?
:Hearing Aids,,hearing aid with tinnitus masker
4. Mention five causes of conductive deafness.
:Impacted wax, FB ear, acute otitis media, chronic
otitis media, otosclerosis.l.5
llniversity of Dhaka
Final Professional MBBS Examination of July-202llJan-22
Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENT)
Objective structured Practical Examination(OsPE)
Time: 5 minutes Marks-4

Station : 07

Look at the picture carefully and answer the following

questi ons:

a. Describe the findings of neck on inspection. 1.0

b. Write down 2 differential diagnosis. 1.0
c. What are the surgical treatment options? 1.0
d. Write down 4 complications of surgery. 1.0
University of Dhaka
Final Professional MBBS Examination of MayNov-2l& July 202llJan-22
Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENT)
Obj ective structured Practical Examination(O SPE)

a. Tracheostomy tube with cuff

b. To bypass the upper airway obstruction.
To improve alveolar ventilation.
(By decreasing anatornical dead space by 30 -5A %)
For tracheobronchial toileting,
F or maintaining intermittent po sitive pressure ventilation.
c. lnfection
-Ludw-ig's angina
-Acute retropharyngeal abscess
-Laryngeal diphtheria
- Acute epiglottitis
- Acute laryngotrachiobronchitis
Trauma ( blunt trauma, bum, cut throat injury)
Foreign body larynx
-Respiratory papillomatosis
-Advanced carcinoma larynx
- Advanced carcinoma of oesophagus, thyroid
Congenital anomalies of larynx
Bilateral abductor paralysis
In ICU patients who needs prolong ventilation

d. Immediate:
Haemorrhage, apnoea, pneumothorax, injury to surrounding structures, air embolism
lntermediate: Bleeding, displacement/ dislodgement of tube, tube blockage, surgical
emphysema, wound infection, granulations
Late: subglottic stenosis, suprasternal collapse, tracheal stenosis, tracheo-esophageal
fi stula, diffi cult decannulation, keloid/ugly scar.
e. Ethylene Oxide, gamma radiation.

a. Tilley's Nasal Dressing forceps

b. Uses of Tilley's Nasal forcep

- ANS packing,
-Removal of Foreign body, ANS pack, nasal splint
-Removal of cartilage, bone and clot during nasal surgery
c. A-Autoclaving or boiling
[-Iniversity of Dh aka
Final Professional MBBS Examination of MayAIov-21 held
on January -2022
Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENT)
Obj e ctiv e structure d Prac trc al Ex amination ( O S PE)
Time: 5 minutes Marks-4
Station 06:

Look at the x-ray film carefully and answer the following

a. Describe the x-ray with 1.5
b. What is your diagnosis? 0.5
c. Write down the treatment. 1.0
d. Write down4 complications of surgi cal treatment. 1.0
IJniversity of Dhaka
Final Professional MBBS Examination of MayAtrov,2l held
on January -2022
Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENT)
Objective structured Practical Examination(OsPE)
Time: 5 minutes Marks-4

Station : 08
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Look at the tracing carefully and answer the following


a. Name the tracing. 0.s

b. What is the degree and type of hearing loss?
c. Write 3 differential diagnosis. I.s
d. Write 4 causes of tinnitus? 1
[Jniversity of Dhaka
Final Professional MBIIS Examination ofMayA.{ov,21 held on
January -2022
Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENT)
Obj e ctive structure d Pra cttcal Examinati on(O SP E)
Time: 5 minutes Marks-4

Station: 09

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Look at the instrument carefully and answer the following

a. Name the instrument. 0.5
b. Name 4 aims oftracheostomy. 1.0
c. Name 4 common indications of tracheostomy. 1.0
d. Write 4 common complications of tracheostomy. 1.0
e. How it issterilized? 0.5
IJniversity of Dh aka
Final Professional MBBS Examination of MayNov,2l held
on January -2022
Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENT)
Objective structured Practical Examination(OsPE)
Time: 5 minutes Marks-4
Station: 10

Look at the pictures carefully and answer the following


a. Name the instrument. 1.0

b. Write down the uses of this instrument. 2.5
c. How this two instrument are sterilized? 0.5
University of Dhaka
Final Professional MBBS Examination of MayAlov-zl & July
Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENT)
Obj ective structured Practical Examination(O SPE)

Station 06
Answer key :
Plain x-ray soft tissue nasopharynx with open mouth lateral view showing increase soft
tissue rnass in the nasopharynx errcroacliing 'rhe airway from behind.
a. Adenoids
b. Adenoidectomy
c. Excessive haemorrhage.
d. Injury to ET tube, posterior pharyngeal wall, atlantoaxial joint.
Velopharyngeal insuffi ciency

Station 07

a. Sweiling in front of the neck with bosseliated surface.

b. MNG, Thyroid malignancy
c. Subtotal thyroidectomy, Near total thyroidectomy, total thyroidectomy.
d. Haemorrhage, Haematomas, Respiratory distress, Injury to- recurrent laryngeal nerye,
superior laryngeal nerve, Parathyroid gland, Trachea, Oesophagus
Farzithyroid ins uffbncy, ThyrotoxiCs tonn, infection, ijgly scar.

Station 08
a. Pure tone audiogram.
b. Mild hearing loss at 500H2, lKLIz,2KHzl(3S dB)
Sensorineural hearing loss
c. Presbycusis, Noise induced hearing loss, Vestibular Schwannoma, Ototoxicity,
Meniere' s di sease s, Labyrinthitis, Viral disease.
d. Impacted wax, Foreign body, otosclerosis, oME, Glomus tumour, Presbycusis,
Noise induced hearing loss, Vestibular Schwannoma, ototoxicity, Meniere's diseases,
Labyrinthitis, ET dysfunction, ASOM, CSOM,TM rupture, Anaemia,
Hyper,/trypotension, Psychological
University of Dhaka
Final Prof. MBBS Examination November}0}} & January-2021
Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENT")
OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination)

Station: 6

Look at the x-ray film carefully and give the following answer.
a. Name the x-ray with view. 0.5
b. What are the radiological findings? I
c. What is your diagnosis? 0.5
d. Write down the treatment. 2
University of Dhaka c
Final Prof. MBBS Examination November2}2} & January-za2|
Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENT)
(Objective Structured Practical Examination)


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Frequency (Hz)

Look at the tracing carefully and give the following answer.


a. Name the tracing. 0.5

b. What is the degree and type of hq.aring loss? 1
c. What is the ryrost proQ&ladiagnosis? 0.5
d. '$/rite 2 differeirtiat diagno'sis. I
e. write the treatment options of most probable diagnosis. 1
University of Dhaka
Final Prof. MBBS Examination November-2}2} & January-2021
' Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENT) 6

OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination)

Station: 8

Look at the instrument carefully and give the following answers.

a. Name the instrument. 0.5
b. Write down 2 functions of the instruments. I{
c. Name 3 operations done by this instrument. I
d. How it is sterilized? 0.5
e. Write down 2 complications of mastoid surgery. 1
University of Dhaka
Final Prof. MBBS Exarnination November-z}2} & January-2}zr
Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENT) {
OSPE (Ohjective Structured Practical Examination)


Look at the picture carefu-lly and give the following answer. . ;u_.{
a. What is the surgical procedure done? *
b. Write down 3 aims of this procedure. 1.5
c. Write down 5 common indication of this procedure. 1
d. Write down 5 complications of this procedure I
University of Dhaka
Final Prof. MBBS Examination Novemb er202} & January -Z0Zl
Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENf)
OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination)

Station: 10

Perform tuning fork test. 4

University of Dhaka
Final Prof. MBBS Examination November-2}2} & January-2021
Sub: Surgery Paper-II (ENT)
OSPE (Oljective Structured Practical Examination)

Station: 6
Answer key
a. Plain x-ray of soft tissue neck lateral view.O.5
b. >Increased prevertebral soft tissue shadow. I
> air fluid level within the soft tissue shadow.
>Air column is pushed anteriorly.
>straightening of the cervical vertebral column.
> Intervertebral disc spaces are normal and no bony erosion
c. Acute retropharyngeal abscess. 0.5
d. >Incision and drainage 2
>injectable antibiotic
>Maintenance of fluid and nutrition.
>Antipyretic and analgesics.
> tracheostomy if necessary

Station: 7
Answer Kev

a. Pure Tone Audiogram. 0.5

b. Hearing loss is about32 dB (mild) and Conductive Type of Hearing loss. I
c. Otosclerosis. 0.5
d. ASOM, CSOM, OME, Impacted wax, Furuncle, Otomycosis. I
e. > Medical treatment 1

Sodium floride


Station: 8

Answer Key

a. Mollison's Self retaining mastoid haemostatic retractor.0.5

b. Tissue retraction,Haemostasis. 1

c. Mastoidectomy-Cortical, Modified radical, Radical,

Tympanoplastlz, Lateral rhinotomy 1

d. Autoclave 0.5
e. Bleeding I
Injury to dura or sigmoid sinus, ossicles, semicircular canal
Facial paralysis
Wound infection
Answer Key

a. Tracheostomy 0.5
L. To bypass the upper airway obstruction. 1.5
To improve alveolar ventilation.
(By decreasing anatomical dead space by 3A -50 %)
Tracheobronchial toileting
Intermittent positive pressure ventilation.
c- Infection I
-Ludwigs angina
-Acute retropharyn geal abscess
-Laryngeal diphtheria
- Acute epiglottitis
- Acute laryngotrachiobronchitis
Trauma ( blunt traum4 burn, eut throat injury)
Foreign body larynx
- Respiratorypapillomatosis
- Advanced carcinoma larynx
Advanced carcinoma of oesophagus, thyroid
Congenital anomalies of larynx
Bilateral abductor paralysis
In ICU patients who needs prolong ventilation

d. Immediate: Haemorrhage, apnoe4 pneumothorax, injrty to surrounding

structure, air embolism 1

Intermediate: Bleeding, displacemenV dislodgement of tube, tube blockage,

surgical emphysem4 wound infection, granulations
Late: subglottic stenosis, suprastemal collapse, tracheal stenosis, tracheo-
esophageal fistula, diffi cult decannulation, keloid/ugly scar.
University of Dhaka
Final Prof. MBBs ExaminationNovember}}Z0 & January-2021
Sub: Surgery PaPer-II (ENT)
, OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination)
Station: 10

Answer key

Check list
f }d
7 Permission, exposure, positioning, Assurance

J Ri*i t".tl-

Holding tuning fork appropriately dt StnKmg

of ot lunlng rorK 0.25

over bare elbow or pad ofthe heel

@inersl't A


Placing of tuning fork 2 cm away from pt's ear and axls or prong rs
horizontal to axis of EAC.
Weber test

Placement of fork over pt's vertex or tbrehead atter txlng pr s 0.25

head by examiner's hand

ABC test
Explanation of procedure to the patient
Placement of fork over patients mastoid *

Occlusion of pt's EAC by pressing the tragus


Placement of fork over same side of mastoid of examtner wltn 0.5

occlusion of EAC by tragal pressure

6 @ 0.s
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, July-2019
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time: 5 minutes Marks:4


a. ldentify the instrument L

b. What are the methods of sterilization? t
c. Mention 4 common use of this instrument. t
d. Common causes of Epistaxis in 55 years old man. L
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, July-2019
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time: 5 minutes Marks:4


a. Name the clinical condition of this picture. L

b. What is your diagnosis? L
c. Name 4 indications of surgery. L
d. What ,r" tfo .ommon complications of the surgical procedure? L
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, July-2019
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)


Please examine the supplied X-ray image & answer the following questions.

a. Describe the findings of the x-ray image. L

b. What is the radiological diagnosis? L
c. Mention the best possible treatment of this condition. L
d. Mention four possible complications of such treatment. L
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, July-2019
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time:5 minutes Marks:4


Please examine the supplied Photograph and answer the following questions.


i.. i;al

,*il rr r


a. Diagnose the case and mention tl to Ulpgrtant findings 1.5

b. Mention two important causes of this contllDfr. L
c. What type of hearing loss do you expect in this case. 0.5
d. What is the specific treatment is this case. L
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, July-2019
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Station : 10

Please examine the supplied X-ray & answer the following questions.


a. ldentify the x-ray film with view. L

b. Mention three findings of this x-ray film. 1.5
c. What is your Diagnosis? 0.5
d. Write down the treatment of your diagnosis. 1
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBB S Examination, July-20 I 9
Subject Otolaryngology & Hga&Neck Surgery @NT)
Station/: 06 I

a. Instrument: Tilley's Nasal Dressing Forcep

b. Method of sterilization: I
Autoclaving, -/
Chemical sterilization
c. Common use: I
For anterior nasal packing
Removal of foreign body
Removal of cartilage, bone during septal surgery (SMRJSP)
Removal of fish bone from the throat
4. Causes of Epistaxis:
Anti-coagulant therapy in MI (Aspirin)
Raised venous pressure in Congestive Cardiac Failure (CCF)
Carcinoma nose & Paranasal sinus
Station: 07

Picture shows Enlarged tonsils.
Diagnosis: Chronic tonsillitis
Indication of Surgery:
Chronic tonsillitis not responding to medical treatment
Second attack of peri-tonsillar abscess
Hugely enlarge tonsil causes sleep apnoea in chiidren
Unilateral enlmge tonsil suspected of malignancy
4. Common complication:
Haemorrhage: primary
Reactionary &
Idury to the teeth, Gum, tongue, Soft palate, Uvula ,?1
Statio# h8 )
a. Plain X-ray soft tissue of neck & upper part of chest A/p;ffi"wing a radio opaque shadow in the upper part of
oesophagus. I
b. F.B (Coin) in the esophagus.
c. Endoscopic removal under G/A. I
d' Esophageal perforation, Surgical emphysema,Mediastinitis, Injury to teeth,gums,posterior pharyngeal
wall, Injury to
arytenoid. I
Station - 09

Answer Key:
a- Perforated Tyrnpanic membrane.
1) Dry central perforation.
2) Intacl handle of malleus.
3 ) Tympanosclerotic plaque.

b. CSOM, ASOM( Post perforated state

c. Conductive type of hearing loss. 0.5

d. Mlringoplasty/ Tympanoplasty tlpe- I

Station -10
Answer Key;

a. X-ray soft tissue neck, Lateral view. 1

b. 1) Enlargement ofthe prevertebral soft tissue shadow extending from base ofthe
skull up to the root ofthe neck. -
2) Fluid gas level
University of Dhaka
Objective Structure Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination
May 2019
Subject: Surgery Paper - ll (ENT)

Station - 5

Please identify the supplied lnstrument & answer the following questions.


a. ldentify the lnstrument. L

b. Mention the name of the procedure done by this instrument. 7
c. What structures you can see with this instrument. L
d. Name 5 causes of hoarseness of voice. 1
UniversitY of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
F inal drofessional MBB S E xamination, January -20 t9
Subject: SurgerY -II (ENT)
Time: 5 minutes

please examine the X-ray and answer the following questions.

a. Identiff the x-raY film with view.
b. Describe the findings of the x-ray film'

c. What is the most probable radiological diagnosis?
d. Mention 05 important symptoms caused by this condition.
e. Mention the best possible treatment of this disease'
University of Dhaka
Ohjective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBB S Examination, January- 20 19
Subject: Surgery -II (ENT)

Time: 5 minutes Marks:4

Question: 7

a. IdentiSr the instrument I

b. What are the methods of sterilization? 1
c. Mention 4 common use of this instrument. I
d. Common causes of Epistaxis in 55 years old man. I
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBB S Examination, January -20 19
Subject: Surgery -II (ENT)

Time:5 minutes Marks:4

Station: 08

Please examine the supplied Tracing & answer the following questions.

,:3 tln s E I

a. Identiff the tracing 0.5
b. Mention the findings of the tracing. I
c. What is the most probable diagnosis? Mention fwo differential diagnosis 1.5
d. Mention important treatment option of the most provable diagnosis. I
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBB S Examination, January -20 19
Subject: Surgery -II (ENT)

Time: 5 minutes

Station: 09

Please examine the supplied photograph of the Patient & answer the following questions.

a. Diagnose the case.

b. What are the common investigations for diagnosis this case.

c. Mention the best possible treatment of this disease.

d. Mention complications of such treatment.

University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, January -2019
Subject: Surgery -II (ENT)

Time:5 minutes Marks:4

Station: 10

Please examine the supplied photograph & answer the following


a.Name the instrument. 1

b. Mention the use. 1
c. Name 5 indications for the use of this instrument. 1
d. Name 5 complications arising during the operation using this instrument.
University of Dhaka
Objective structural Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, January -2019
Subject: Surgery -II (ENT)
Station - 6
Answer Key:
a. X-ray nasopharynx lateral view.0.5
b. So_ft tissue opacity arising from the roof and posterior wall of nasopharynx and encroaching the air
column from behind. I
c. Enlarge adenoid/AdenoidsO. 5
d. Nasal obstruction , nasal discharge,snooring,mouth breathing,hearing impairment,epistaxis 1
e. Adenoid-ectorn5,/Adenotonsillectomy Mlringotomy and/or Grummet insertion. I

Station - 7

a. lnskument: Tilley's Nasal Dressing Forcep 1

b. Method of sterilization: 1
Autoclaving, Boiling, Chemical sterilization
c. Common use: I
For anterior nasal packing ,Removal of fofLign UoOy
Removal of cartilage, bone during septal surgery (SMR/Sp)
Removal of fish bone from the throat
4. Causes of Epistaxis: 1
Hypertension , Anti-coagulant therapy in MI (Aspirin)
Raised venous pressure in Congestive Cardiac Failure (CCF)
Trauma, Carcinoma nose & Paranasal sinus

Station: 08
It i; ij.;i'c tcnc li-iJicg;a;; {PTA).
a. n{
b. Air bone gap present. Bone conduction within normal limit but air conduction is reduced.
Moderate conductive hearing loss. Carhart's notch present at2l<hzin bone conduction. I

c. otosclerosis. D,/D-cSoM, oME,Impacted wax, ASOM, ossicular disruption. 1.5

d. Tablet Sodium fluoride, stapedectomy/ stapedotomy, Hearing aid. 1

Station: 09
a. Multinodular goiter. I
b. Ultrasonogram of thyroid gland. Estimation of serum Tt,T+,TSH. FNAC, X-ray neck, lateral
view. I
c. Sub total or near total thyroidectomy under G/A. 1
d. Haemorrhage, Injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve, Para thyroid insufficiency, thyroid
Haematoma, scar,wound infection,res piratory distress. I

Station - 10
a. Non-cuffed Tracheostomy tube. 1

b. Used in Tracheostomy Operation. 1

t. Carcincn:: i:-r,.,,tr:",1h;ptphrn/nx-, foi eigc br:d.", ia{ynx^- Clo-.ed iu-i,:ry of laq,,nx- Cr.,t throat iniurv"
Multiple papilloma of larynx. 1
d. Hemorrhage, Cardiac arrest, injury to surrounding structure (iike cricoid cartilage,
oesophagus, gtreat
vessels of neck, recurrent laryngeal nerve etc.), Surgical emphysema, Tracheal stenosis,
difficulty. 1
IJniversity of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, November-20l8
Subject: Surgery Paper - II (ENT)

Time: 5 minutes Marks: 4


Answer Key:

a. Ba-swallow x-ray of oesophagus. 0.5

b. Huge dilatation of the proximal part of oesophagus with smooth narrowing ltaperingof the lower
end /pencil tip deformity of the lower end. 0.5x2:1
c. Achalasia cardia. 0.75
d. Carcinoma oesophagus, benign stricture of oesophagus. (0.25x2:0.5)

e.Medical treatment - Calcium channel blockers , inhalation of amyl or octyl nitrates, Inj. of
Botullinum toxin.
Surgical treatment- repeated dilation of lower oesophageal sphincter by oesophageal bougi,
Heller' s operation/ cardio myotomy. (0.2 5x3 +0 .25x2:l .25)
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, November-20l8
Subject: Surgery Paper - II (ENT)

Time: 5 minutes Marks: 4

Station - 08

Please view the supplied X-ray & answer the following questions.

a. Identi$r the X-ray. 0.5
b. Describe the findings. 0.5x2:1
c. What is your radiological diagnosis? 0.7s
d. Mention two differential diagnosis. 0.25x2:0.5
e. Mention the different modalities of treatment of the patient. 0.25x3+0.25x2:1.25
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, November-20l8
Subject: Surgery Paper - II @NT)

Examiner should give only tick mark on the table of the check list.

Station-10 RollNumA"r, {Qf

Check list,
Done Partially Not
done done
01 Self introduction and greetings to the patient 0.25v 0.t25 0
a2 Verbal concent of the patient. 0.25 v 0.125 0
03 Explanation of the procedure of Rinne test to the a.5 \./ 0.25 0
04 Striking the tuning fork at its distal 3'd & hearing the 0.25 0.12s t? 0
lgqgd by self.
05 Holding the tuning fork lateral to the EAC & over the 4.25x2:0.5 0.25 v- 0
mastoid pJocess.
06 Interpretation of the result of Rinne test. 0.5 tl 0.25 0
07 Explanation of the procedure of Weber test to the
0.s w 0.25 0

08 Holding the base of the tuning fork over the forehead/vertex 0.25x2:0.5 0.25 0
& fixingthe head with the hand
09 Interprqtation of the result of Weber test. 0.5 0.2s 0
10 Ibqk* giving to the patient. 0.25 t-,- 0.125 0

Total marks obtained: 3 &S


University of Dhaka
Obj ective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBB S Examination, July-20 1 8
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head Neck Surgery @NT)

Time : 5 minutes Marks: 4

Question : 07 l,-/

See the picture and answer the following ?

./\ lyestions

a. What is your Diagnosis? 0.5

b. Name the common investigations for diagnosis. 1.5
c. If it is benign, mention the best possible treatment. 1
d. Name 4 common complications of thyroid surgery. 1
{Jrulvcrsity of Dhaka
Gbj se'aive Struetured Fraetieatr Exami&aticsl
Finar Fa'ofessiomax &dEB s Examination, .nutry-2O 1 E
sueb.ieet: ororaryngorogy & F{ead-}dcek surgcry (EIVfl)
Tiaaae: 5 nainutes
h,{arks; 04
.A:aswer Key: 7

&. Thyroid swenliag / Goiter

b. Seruaa T'SF{, Seruaea T3, Senma Ta
{Jtrtrasocrogrem of thyroid gnand
FNAC oftliyroid
furtithyroid a:atibody test
Ttayroid scala
R.adioactive iodine uptal<e test
CT sean ofneck
X-rayneck trateral view
c. Totalisubtotar thyroidectormy or F{eraithyroidectomry
d. Haemorrage
Recun-ent traryngeatr eervs injury
Iqjelry to superior lary,trgeai nerve
Thynoid iasufficiency
Farathyroid insuffi cieney
Thyrotoxic storng
Scar fomlatiom
Urriversity of Dhaka
Obj ective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, July-2018
Subject: Otolarytrgology & Head Neck Surgery (ENT)
Tirne : 5 minutes Marks: 4

Question :08

a- What type of X-Ray it is? 0.5

b. Write down the radiological findings. 1.5
c. What is your diagnosis. I
d. Name the treatment options I
{,Jmrversity of Dhaka
Obj eetive Stmretered Fraetieal Exarrdnation
Final Frofessional edEBS Exarminatiorq Jteny-20 tr E
Subjeeil Ototrary*gotrogy & F{ead4deek Surgery (ENf)
Time: 5 neinutes }v{arks: 04

Answer Key: E

a- Barium swaXtrow X.ray of esophagus

b. i. Snaootia dilatation of proximaaX part of esophagus
ii.SmootSr tapering ef distal part of the esoptrragus / bird beak or rat tail
iii. Undigested food particles present
c. Achalasia cardia
d. i. Medical treatrnent - Nifedipima / Ci* chaunel blocker
ii. Surgicai - esophageal bouggie ditratation
- modifiedHeller's myotonay operation

University of Dhaka
Objective Strucfured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, July-20 1 I
Subject: Otolaryngology &. HeadNeck Surgery GNT)

Time : 5 minutes Marks:4

Question : tr(}

I {q {$* Y

-t [^!


L;J r:" f:


I t 1t

1?* .1r1S# fi{:,{}rl

5;r,l.i) T {jil* ?*c){.}

f" ffif {}U[:NCY I !-t ? t J

a. Name the tracing. 0"5

b. Describe the tracing . 1.5
e . What is your diagnosis ? I
d. Name two dif[crential diagnosis I
Universi$r of Dhaka
F inal Profrssionat MBBS Examination, Jutry-Z$ tr
Suhjecil Ototraryngotrogy & Head-Nectr< Surgery (EI{f}
Time: 5 minutes Marks: 04

Answm Key: 10

a. Pwe to*e audiogram

b. Air conduction threstrrold 38-40 dB
Bone eoaduction threshoid 15dB
Air-bone gap 23-25 dB
Conductive ffie of hearing loss
Carhart's notch present at }A}AHa,
c. Otosctrerosis
Impaeted wax
trmpatecd foreign body

University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Fina I Professiona I M BBS Exa m ination, Ja n ua ry-2018
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time:5 minutes Marks:4

Please examine the supplied photograph and answer the following questions.

a. What the picture shows? 0.5

b. Name two possible common indication of this procedure? L
c. Name 4 complication of this procedure. 1_.5
d.Mention types of tracheostomy tube. L
University of Dhaka
Obiective Structured Practical Examination
Fi na I Professiona I M BBS Exa m i nation, Jan ua ry -20L8

Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time: 5 minutes Marks:4


a. Patient with tracheostomy tube in situ/ tracheostomized patient.

l. Advanced carcinoma of larynx with stridor.
ll. Cut throat injury
lll, Ludwig's angina with stridor
lV. Acute epiglottitis
V. Acute laryngotracheobronchitis
Vl. Foreign body in larynx.
c. Complication of Surgery:
l. Haemorrhage
ll. Apnoea/cardiac arrest.
lll. injury to surrounding structures
lV. Surgical emphysema
V. Stenosis
Vl. Tracheoesophageal fistula
Vll. Displacement of tube

l. Metalic tube
ll. Non-metalic tube
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, January-2018
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time:5 minutes Marks:4

Question: 9
Please examine the supplied photograph and answer the following question.

a. what is the clinical condition? L

b. Name two surgical procedure causing this complicalion? 1
c. what are the terminal branches of facial nerve. L
d. Mention two problems of this condition. 7

University of Dhaka
Objective $tructured Practical Exarnination
FinaI ProfesslonaI MBBS Exanrination, January-?018
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time:5 minutes Marks:4

Answer: 9

a. Left sided facial palsy.

b. Parotid surgery
Mastoid surgery
Cortical mastoidectomY
Modified radical mastoidectomY
Radical mastoidectomY

t. Temporal
lt. Zygomatic
ilr. BuccaL
lv. Marginal mandibular
V. cervical

t. Facialasymmetry
il. Exposure"keratltis
lll. Deviation of angle of mouth
University of Dhaka
Objective Structure Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, July 2017
Subject: Surgery Paper - fI @NT)

Time: 5 minutes Marks:4

Station -10


a. Identify the x-ray with its view. 0.5

b. Describe the positive findings of'the x-ray. 0.5
c. Mention three differential diagnosis of this film. 1.5
d. Mention treatment option of this conditions. 1.5
EJmiversrdy of tskaE<a
ohjective Fractiaar Exaxaeimatiom
F pmaE Frofessiona aE 1MtsBs Exaxq? i*a atioaa,
Suhjeet; Sungery Fapen. _ A-{ qmrogl "r*lyioe z

Time: 5 minutes
e{arks: 4
Sfatiora -t{}

lhmswep" Kev:

a. X-ray mastoid towne,s view

b' well cincumscribed radiolucent area in the right petromastoid
region" No
sclerosed margin and ns bony erosion.
e ' choleteatoma of the right ear, nniddle ear
malignancy, post mastoidectomy
e{. r-nodlfied radical mastoidectomy.
Green Life Medical CoIIege
Finai As se s sment Exa rninati on Nov"ern
b er -2017
Sub: Surgery paper_Il (ENT)
t rtnq o, J l,lOtVt&g
MavKS : 4 "0
5*a86oe? *7
F{ease examine the supptled lnstrusmerst & amswerthe follswing questions.

Question: :

a. ldentify the tnstrument and mention lts parts. 1

b. Mention three tests perform wlth thls instrument. t;"'
c. Mention'Acauses of sensorineural hearing loss 1
d" what inves-tigation would you pertorm to conflrrn findin8s dome
by above instrurnent .
. Urriversity of Dhaka
Objective sffuctured practical.Examination
Final Professional MBBS Exarnination, January ,ZO1i7
Subjec* Otorhinolaryngology & Head.Neck Surgery (ENT)

Tirne:5 rninutes

Station *7
Answer $(ey:

a. Tuning fork.
Parts-Prongs, shoulder or neck, stem, base orfoot ptate.

b. Rinne test, Weber test, ABC .

c Presbyacusis, Meniere's diseases, Noise induced
hearing loss, Drug indueed hearing
d. PTA.

Green Life Medical College
Final Assessment Examination htrovemb er-Z}]:7
Sub: Surgery Faper-II (ENT)

Time: 5 minutes Marks:4.0

Stm€Fsm *E
Please examine the supplied X-ray & answer the following questions.


a. Identify the x-rayfilm with view. 0.5

b. Mention three findings of this x-ray film. 1.5
c. What is your radiological diagnosis? 0.5
d. Mention two causative factors of this condition. 0.5
e. Write down the treatment of this condition. 1
UmtswerseEy off &haB<a
Ohjec-tlve stnuctq.rnal FnactieaI Examlmatlori
F0na0 Frofessiori afl [M BBS Exa rm floration, .!a n ua ny' 2AL7
Su bject: Otonhn im o$arymgo0ogy & H ead-N,l eck 5u a"geny ( E NT)

Time: 5 mlnutes $Marks:4"0

A6 'O
hEaEE#ffi : A

Amswer ffiey:

a" X-ray sofr tf,ssuee meaf,<, Latenal view. CI.5

b. 1) finflargennent of the pnevertebral soft tissue shadow extemding 'fnorm hase of the

s{<u{{ up to the rCIot @f the ramk.

2) F[uEd gas fleve[

3) Stnaightenimg of 'the eervfiea[ vertehra{ eo{urmn.

4)Air eoflumn pushed forwand.

e" Aeute retnophanyngean abseess. 0"s

e1.1) Aeulte sL{ppuratfiom of netnophaymgea$ fiymphnode fnorm fimfectBon of tonsi$, aolemof;d,

paranasatr sirauses.

2) Fenretnatimg forelgn hody CI"s

e" {neision amd dnainage of the ahsaess perora{{y undeneover of good ii{uminatson and
stnorrg sueken im supime head down positfion foBfloureol hy amtih[otie eovenage. I
Green n ife Medicatr CotrIege
Final Assessment Exarnination Novemb er-2017
Sub: Surgery Paper-Itr (ENT)

Tinae: 5 finisnutes ft/iarks:4"CI

Fiease exarnime the suppfiled Traelng Er answen the fo{lowimg questions.

ffiw $B

dI{, t@ trg ffi 14

r @*

ar, ffi
W &.F
q,ffi w
wg lul

a. ldentify tfr.le tnacing. CI.5

b. Mention the fla'rdings of the tnacing. 3.

e. W$rat is tl"re most pnobable dlagnosis? ft,frentlon two differential diagllosis 1"5
d. IMention irnpoffiant treatment CIptECIn of the rnost pno$ahfle diagnosis. L
Um6werssey oS ffiBaaka
Ohjeetlve stnuctuned Fraetieatr Examimat[on
Fima Fnofesslosla! flM B BS Exam6matlora, Ja n uany-Z0t7

Su bject; Gtorh fir.aof, ar-yngo[egy & Head-&t eck Su rge ry (E[UT]

llisne: 5 mimutes

SBatrfimm :9 j

Amswrer Key:

a. :fit is puune tone audfrognarm (pT'A},

h. Air boale gap pi"esemt. Eome eomduction wit&ril'r mcr:mal limit but aEn eomductiom Is g
e'edueed. NltrCIaienate cos-aduetive heanimg $oss. eanhart's mote&r pnesemt
at Z kfirz iia bome

c" otoscflcnosis. D/D:csolM, CIfvnE, $mpacted wax; ASCIflM, @ss[euflar disnuptgon. at

d" Tah{et sodiurm f$uronfide, stapedectomy/ stapedotomy, Hean[mg aid. 1

Universityof Dhaka
Obiecthre Structured Practical Examinatlon
Final Professional M 8BS Exarninatioo July-2016
Subjecu Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time:S minutes Marks:4

Question: 6

Please examinethe supplied lns$urnent & answer the following questions.

a. ldentifo tlrc lnstrument. 1

b. Name of 4 operations done by this instrument. '1

c. Mention 4 complications of ear surgery dsne by this instrument. 1

d. How do you sterilize this instrument, 1

University of Dhaka
Obiective Structured practical Examination
Final Professional M BBS Examination, July-2O1G
Subject Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time: 5 minutes Marks:4

Answer Key: 6
a. Mollisons self retaining haemostatic mastoid retractor.

b. Name of Operations:
i. Cortical Mastoidectomy
ii. Modified Radical Mastoidectomy
iii. Radical Mastoidectomy
iv. Tympanoplasty
v. Lateral rhinotomy.
c. Complications:
i. Haemorrhage
ii. lnjury to ossicles
iii. lnjury to facial nerve
iv. lnjury to sigmoid sinus
v. lnjury to inner ear
vi. lnjury to dura matter.

d. Sterilization:
i. Auto claving
ii. Boiling
- Ufiiversity of Dhaka
th Obiective Structured Practical Examination
Fina I Professional M B BS Examinati on, ) uly-2016
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time:.: {riinutes Mafks:4


Question: O7

Please identiff the supplied lnstrumeflt & answer the following questions.


a. ldentifo the lnstrument t

b. ln what procedure the instrument is used. 1

e. M€frfron 5 indice$onsof this Broeedure. t

d. Mention 5 complications of this procedure. 1
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional M B BS Exa mination, July-2016
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery {ENT}

Time:5 minutes Marks:4

Question: O7

Answer l(q:
a. Cuffed Tracheostomy tube.

b. Used in Tracheostomy Operation.

c. Advance stage of Carcinoma larynx/hypopharynx, foreign body larynx, Closed injury

of larynx, Cut throat injury Multiple papilloma of larynx.
d. Hemoffhage, Cardiac arrest, injury to surrounding structure {like cricoid cartilage,

oesophagus, great vessels of neck, recurrent laryngeal nerve etc.), Surgicat emphysema,

Tracheal stenosit Decannulation difficulty.

University of Dhaka
Obiective Structured Practical Examination
Fina I Professiona I M BBS Exa mination, July-2015
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time:5 minutes

Question: {Xl

Please examine the supplied X-ray & answer the following questions.


a. ldentify the x-ray with its view. .5

b. Describe the positive findings of the x-ray. .5

c. Mention three differential diagnosis of this film. 1.5

d. Mention three treatmentoptionsof thisconditions. 1.5

University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Fina I Professiona I M BBS Exam i nati o n, t uly-2116
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Tirne:5 minutes Marks:4

Question: tXl

Answer Key:

a. X-ray PNS O/M view

b. (i) Haziness / opacity of left maxillary sinus area with intact bony out line.
c. (i) Chronic maxillary sinusitis (ii) Antrochoanal polyp {iii} Hemoantram/pyoantram
(iv) Malignancy

d. {i) Antral washout {ii} Cald-welLluc operation {iii} FEss {iv) Conservative medical


please see the specimen & answer the following questions.

<r.ldentify the specimen with it's gross dexcription. 1

b. From where it arises & where it goes 1

c. Mention 02 important symtoms & 02 signs of disease caused 1

by specimen.
d. Mention o2 important treatment options of the condition
Umfiversfty of Dhaka
Ob,iective stnuctuna! Fracttcail Examination
F[na{ Fnofessisnat fu? BBS Exann{natisn, Jan uany,2O16

subjecn o&rhinoraryngoregy & Fread-f{mk sr.rrgery

Ttmne:S rmfim*ltes Ma6s:4.0
Statloru - I
{PXease examnlme the suppil$ed lnstnurnent & ans\ercr the folflowfing questions"


a. ldentify the nnstnlrmemt

b" il*arme 4 operatlon uslng tilafis imstrunnemt.
c" sp?emtiom foc;rn Impontamt per operat$ve cormpf[cation
of uslng this imstrurment"
d" [.lanre two rnethods of sterfillzation of the imstrunlent"
University of Dhaka
Objective structu ral Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, January'20L6
Subject: Otorhinolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time:5 minutes Marks:4.0

Station - 10
Please examine the supplied Specimen & answer the following questions.

a. ldentify the specimen. Give its gross description: .5+.5=1
b. From where it arises and where it 1
c. Mention two important symptoms and two important sign of disease caused by this
specimen. !
d. Mention two important treatment options of this conditions. 1
UniversiW qf Dhaka
Objective structural Practical Examination
January' }OLG
Final Professionat M BBS Examination'
surgery (ENT)
subject: otorhinolaryngology & Head-Neck
Time:5 minutes

Station - 10

Answer KeY:
a. This is the specimen of antrochoanal polyp' 1

goes in nasal cavity through natural osteum
b. lt arises from maxillary antrum and
goes posteriorly into nasopharynx through
posterior choana' 1

Nasal discharge, hyponasalvoice'

mouth breathing'
c. symptoms: Nasal obstruction,
polypoidal mass in the nasalcavity and
signs: Anterior rhinoscopy will reveal
pale' soft in
in the nasopharynx' The polyp is
rhinoscopy will reveal polypoidal mass
consistency and not sensitive in touch'
sinus surgery
d. Caldwelluc operation, Endoscopic
University of Dhaka
Objective Structure Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination
July 20L5
Subject: Surgery paper - ll (ENT)

Station -7
Please examine the supplied lnstrumentfracin g/X-raV/CT Scan/Specimen/patient
answer the following questions.


a. ldentify the lnstrument

b. ln what procedure the instrument is used.
c. Mention 5 indications of this procedure.
d. Mention 5 complications of this procedure.
University of Dhaka
Objective Structure Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination
Iuly 2015
Subiect Surgery paper [ - [ENT]

Station -7

a. Metallic Tracheostomy tube.

b. Used in Tracheostomy Operation.
c. carcino ma larynx/hypopharynx, foreign body larynx, closed inju of larynx,
ry cut
throat injury Multiple papilloma of larynx.
d' Hemorrhage, Cardiac arrest, injury to surrounding structure (like cricoid
oesophagus, great vessels of neck, recurrent laryngeal nerve etc.),
Surgical emphysema,
Tracheal stenosis, Decann ulation difficulty.
University of Dhaka
Objective Structure Practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination
July 2015
Subiect: Surgery Paper - ll (ENT)

Station - tA
Please examine the supplied instrument & answer the following questions.


a. ldentify the lnstrument. ln which operation it is used? 1

b. What are the uses of curette and cage 1
c. Enumerate four comptications of operations done by this instrument L
d. Name two methods of sterilazation of the instrument. 1
University of Dhaka
Obieetive Structu red Practical Exam i nation
Final Professional MBBS Examination, January-2015
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time:5 minutes Marks: 4

Question: 7

Please examine the supplied X-ray & answer the following questions.

a. Describe the findings of the x-ray film. 1

b. What is the most probable radiological diagnosis. 1

c. Mention the best possible treatment of this disease. t

d. Mention complications of such treatment. 1
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured practical Examination
Final Professional MBBS Examination, January _2015
Subject: Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time:5 minutes
Marks: 4


a. Name the clinical condition of this picture.

b. What is your diagnosis?
c. Name 4 indication of surgery.

d. what are the common comprications of this

surgicar procedure? 1
University of Dhaka
Objective Structured Practical Examination
Final Professional M BBS Exam ination, Jan uary-2015
Subject Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery (ENT)

Time:5 minutes Marks:4

Answer: 8

a. Picture shows Enlarged tonsils.

b. Diagnosis: Chronictonsillitis

c. lndication of Surgery:
1. Chronic tonsillitis not responding to medical treatment
2. Single attack of Peri-tonsillar abscess

3. Hugely enlarged tonsilcauses difficulty in swallowing, respiration &

speech in children

4. Unilateral enlarged tonsil suspected of malignanry

4. Common complication:

Haemorrhage: Primary
Reactionary &

lniury to the teeth, Gum, tongue, Soft palate, Uvula


Please see the audiological charts & answer the following questions.

Right Ear Right Ear


Tracing - A Tracing - B

a. ldentify the tracing A&B 0.5

b. Mention findings of the tracings. L
c. What is the most probable diagnosis ? Mentiisn 2 differential 1.5
d. Mention the surgicaltreatment of the disease. 1.

Mentions 2 complications of this operation

Please see the audiological charts & answer the following questions.

{''JlITDTT - ll|Grllrr- -

: AD:-..-_.** tDt-


r.aPt li*
l[t- Ltc
bltI.,atr$A-f,.rt r

:t. 5

: S
a.t'a'aa a I a{aitaf

+ Tracing - A Tracing - B

a. ldentifu the traelng A & B o.5

b. Mention findings of the tracings. t
c. What is the most probable diagnosis of the tracings ? 1
d. Mention 02 important treatment options of the condition. 1
4. a. TrapingA- Puretoneaudiogram
Tracing B- Tympanogram

b. Tracing A- Air bone gap with mild conductive hearing loss

Tracing B- Flat/ Type B curve

c. OME

Differential diagnosis - ASOM (early stage), CSOM

d. Myringotomy* Gromet insertisn

complications- ossicular injury chorda tympani nerue injury, lnner ear

injury Sensory neural deafness.
osPE qxAMrruATrotu

Please see the picture & answer the following questions.

a. Describe the picture I

b. What is your diagnosis 0.5
c. What is the treatment of this case 1
d, What are (name-6) complications of this disease 1.5
a. Pisture of Lt tympanic membrane with perforation in attic region with

whitsh plaque in the perforation

b. Cholestatoma in Lt. ear

c. Mastoid explorationlMRM/RM

d. Mastoidits/ Postorricular absces# Facial nerve palq/ Labyrinthiti#

men ingitis/ brain a bscess/ late ra I sinus th romboph le bitis/ extrad u ra I

'*4 St"&cm-*7

qsPE En-*frflfiATroN

Please ,"/,n" instrument & answer the fotlowing questions.

a. Mention the name of the instrument o.5

b. Mention 04 diagnostic uses of it 2
c. Mention O4 therapeutic uses of it 1
d. What is the contraindication of using it ? 0.5
Answer shit

a. Thudicum nasal speculam

b. Diagnosis of - DNg nasal polyp, rhinosporiadisis, foreign body of the

nose, nasai growth
c. Septoplasty/ SMR, Removal of nasalforeign body, antralwash out,

nasal packing, excision of the rhinosBoriadisis, nasal polypectomy

d. Vestibulitis of noseffurunculosis of nose

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