Health and Wellness Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle

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Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala

Group members:
Allison Argely Pivaral Sánchez
Grindi Siomara Fernando López
Daylin Alvira Donis De La Cruz
Keyla Melissa Castellanos Hernández

Intensive English Course

Manuel Estuardo Illescas de la Cruz

Health and wellness: Tips for a healthy lifestyle.
Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala
Health and wellness: Tips for a healthy lifestyle.
What is health?

Health is defined as the “state in which a living being or organism does not have any injury
or suffer from any disease and exercises all its functions normally.” In that sense, we can
say with certainty that the majority of people live in health if we compare them with sick
people or with others who suffer from some disease or condition. In fact, health is one of
the most precious goods along with love, family unity, work or professional success
(“health, money and love”: the trilogy of happiness).

However, there is something striking about this concept and the way we understand it, or
how we relate to it. And people tend to worry about their health in the presence of illness.
We live in a world where we only worry about our health when we see it at risk or in
danger. Thus, we have stuck in a reactive conception regarding this issue: we wait for the
illness or emergency to solve it. But is there another way to understand health?

What does the WHO tell us?

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers health as the state in which a person is
well in all aspects, both mentally, physically and socially - it is not just in the face of illness
and disease. In that sense, what is sought is for the person to feel healthy. That is why
the WHO recommends that people adopt a healthy lifestyle.

What is wellness?

Well-being is a word with a broader scope than health, as it covers several axes. Physical
health, obviously, is essential, but there is more. Wellbeing also includes mental and
emotional health, and is closely linked to quality of life. There is also economic and social
well-being, as well as professional or personal.

We can define well-being as the state in which the person is mentally and physically well,
but not only with respect to their health. It is a dynamic, progressive process that also
considers the education one receives and the possibility of accessing the best health and
food services. According to the WHO, well-being is the state in which “a person can
realize his or her own abilities and can cope with factors that may disturb him or her.” It
is a holistic, comprehensive concept.

Our health is an aspect of our lives that we must take care of not only in a pandemic
context, but in the actions we carry out every day in a routine and preventive manner. Our
physical and mental well-being is essential to be able to fully develop our activities, cope
with the stress of daily life, be productive in the work and personal spheres, and thereby
contribute positively to society.
Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala
In that sense, it is essential to prioritize our health and define actions that
contribute to staying healthy, both mentally and physically, in order to achieve a
balance that allows us to find comprehensive well-being.

Therefore, below, we give you some tips to promote positive habits for your overall health:

• Exercise regularly and control your weight.

• No Smoking.

• DO NOT drink a lot of alcohol and avoid it completely if you have a history of alcoholism.

• Use medications prescribed by your healthcare provider as directed.

• Eat a healthy and balanced diet.

• Taking care of teeth.

• Control high blood pressure.

• Follow good security practices.


Exercise is a key factor in staying healthy. Exercise strengthens bones, heart and lungs,
tones muscles, improves vitality, relieves depression and helps you sleep better.

Talk to your provider before starting an exercise program if you have health problems
such as obesity, hypertension, or diabetes. This helps ensure that exercise is safe and
that you get the most out of it.


Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. One in
5 deaths each year is the direct or indirect result of smoking.

Indirect exposure to cigarette smoke can cause lung cancer in people who do not smoke.
Indirect exposure to this smoke is also linked to heart disease.

It's never too late to quit smoking. Talk to your provider about medications and programs
that can help you quit smoking.


Alcohol consumption changes many brain functions. It primarily affects emotions, thinking
and judgment. With continuous ingestion of alcohol, motor control is affected, producing
Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala
poor pronunciation when speaking, slower reactions and loss of balance. Having
a higher amount of body fat and drinking on an empty stomach accelerate the
effects of alcohol.

Alcoholism can lead to diseases such as:

• Diseases of the liver and pancreas

• Cancer and other diseases of the esophagus and digestive tract

• Damage to the myocardium

• Brain damage

• DO NOT drink alcohol during pregnancy. Alcohol can cause serious harm to the fetus
and lead to fetal alcohol syndrome.

Parents should talk to their children about the dangerous effects of alcohol. Check with
your provider if you or someone close to you has a problem with alcohol. Many people
whose lives have been affected by alcohol benefit from joining an alcoholism support


Drugs and medications affect people in different ways. Always tell your provider about all
the drugs you are taking, including over-the-counter medications and vitamins.

• Drug interactions can be dangerous.

• Older people should be very careful about interactions when they are taking many

• All of your healthcare providers should know about all of the medications you are taking.
Take the list with you when you go for checkups and treatments.

• Avoid drinking alcohol while taking medication, as this can cause serious problems. The
combination of alcohol and tranquilizers or pain relievers can be fatal.

Pregnant women should not take any drugs or medications without consulting their
doctor, even over-the-counter medications. The fetus is most sensitive to drug damage
during the first 3 months. Tell your provider if you have been taking any drugs before you
became pregnant.

Always take medications as prescribed. Taking any drug other than as prescribed or
taking too much can cause serious health problems and is considered drug addiction.
Abuse and addiction are not only associated with "illicit" drugs.
Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala
Legal drugs such as laxatives, pain relievers, nasal sprays, diet pills, and cough
medicines can also be misused.

Addiction is defined as the continued use of a substance even though you are
experiencing problems related to its use. Simply needing a drug (such as a pain reliever
or antidepressant) and taking it as prescribed is not an addiction.


Stress is normal. It can be a great motivator and works in some cases. However, too
much stress can lead to health problems such as insomnia, upset stomach, anxiety, and
mood swings.

• Learn to recognize the factors that are most likely to cause stress in your life.

• You may not be able to avoid all stress, but knowing the source can help you feel in

• The more control you feel you have over your life, the less harmful stress will be in your


Obesity is a serious health concern. Excess body fat can overload the heart, bones and
muscles. It can also increase the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, varicose veins,
breast cancer, and gallbladder disease.

Obesity can be caused by overeating and consuming unhealthy foods. Lack of exercise
also plays a role. Family history can also be a risk for some people.


Following a balanced diet is important for good health.

• Choose foods that are low in saturated fat and trans fat, as well as low in cholesterol.

• Reduce your intake of sugar, salt (sodium) and alcohol.

• Eat more fiber, which can be found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain products,
and nuts.

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Good dental hygiene can help keep your teeth and gums healthy for a lifetime. It
is important that children acquire good dental habits from a young age. To have
proper dental hygiene:

• Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily.

• Use a toothpaste with fluoride.

• Get regular dental checkups.

• Limit your sugar intake.

• Use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Replace the toothbrush when the bristles begin to

• Ask the dentist to show you the proper ways to brush and floss your teeth.

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