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A simile is a figure of speech that makes a

comparison, showing similarities between
two different things. (o figura de stil care face
o comparatie, aratand asemanari intre doua
lucruri diferite)
as brave as a lion = curajos ca un leu

as cunning as a fox = siret ca o vulpe

as drunk as a lord = beat ca un lord

o All similes have a fix form and must be learned by heart. (toate comparatiile au o
forma fixa si trebuiesc invatate pe dianfara)
o There is no specific rule for similes. (nu exista o regula specifica pentru comparatii)

as similar/ like as two peas in a pod identical or nearly so

as bald as a coot completely bald
as big as a bus very big
as big as an elephant very big
as black as a sweep very black
as black as coal very black
as black as pitch/ night very black
as blind as a bat completely blind
as blind as a mole completely blind
as bold as brass very bold
as brave as a lion very brave
as bright as a button very bright
as bright as day obvious or easy to see
as bright as a new pin very bright and shiny
as brown as a berry very brown from the sun
as busy as a beaver very busy
as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof very busy
as calm as a millpond very calm and still
as clear as a bell very clear (of sound)
as clean as a whistle/ a new pin very clean
as clear as crystal very clear
as cold as ice very cold
as cool as a cucumber cool
as cunning/sly as a fox very cunning/sly
as daft as a brush foolish
as dead as a doornail dead

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